The garbage dump in Khimki on Likhachevskoye Highway has been reopened. They want to turn the largest landfill into a memorial park with a cemetery Left Bank Solid Waste Landfill on the map

We live in the most beautiful country in the world, and all other countries envy us! Only in our town near Moscow The residents of Khimki are so happy about the huge garbage dump on the outskirts that they ask them not to clean it up under any circumstances. After all, thanks to this landfill, they will be able to live forever! And they have no other choice. They want to abandon the cemetery.

I knew that many unique people live in our city. They were against the construction of a highway interchange and were happy about the traffic jam. They believed that the new M11 highway on the Left Bank would hang in the air and have no exits to the Moscow Ring Road. Now they are against funerals. Do they buy land for cemeteries in other cities?

I love my city. Every day I see its pros and cons. Every day I understand that our people are specific, and those who come to new buildings quickly begin to consider themselves masters of the city.

Today we will talk about a landfill familiar to all residents of Khimki, Dolgoprudny and the surrounding areas of Moscow. It rises tens of meters not far from the Moscow Ring Road in the Khimki region, which is called Levoberezhny. The toll road to St. Petersburg begins here. Every person passing by could not help but see this terrible mountain.

It is located on the map:

This is one of the largest landfills in the region. The entire territory of the facility occupies 37 hectares. It is covered with earth. There is no life around. They never decided to build a shopping center; the large left-bank interchange was also completely built. Near the landfill there is only the Southern Dolgoprudnenskoye cemetery and another waste landfill, this time Dolgoprudnenskoye.

This is what this left bank miracle looks like.

After the New Year in the city's largest online community "Typical Khimki" A post appeared on VKontakte about the dissatisfaction of residents of the Left Bank region with the future construction of a cemetery and crematorium. Nobody indicates exactly where or why. No one will say what kind of project it is. Just go and sign a petition against it without understanding what and how.

But here's the thing. If you look at the history of this project and all the news. The following picture emerges. A year ago, there were already discussions on this topic with the previous administration. It seems that they have reached a dead end or have moved to the stage of reworking the project. Unknown. New project looks something like this:

The entire facility offers the following:

In short: a memorial complex with a chapel, an eternal flame, a park, a children's playground, and a complex of office premises. All this, according to information from the network, should occupy about 6 hectares out of 37 occupied by the landfill. Everything else should become a cemetery and crematorium. What is important is that there is already a large, overcrowded cemetery nearby! The new, no matter how it is registered, will allow you not to look for a new site and create a new funeral place. The old one is just expanding.

But Baba Yaga, the residents of the Left Bank microdistrict are against it! From their houses to the edge of the landfill territory is at least 500 meters, no matter how you count. On these five hundred meters there is a multi-level interchange, in comparison with which some houses are dwarfs.

But it would be interesting if they were told: we are not building a cemetery, but there is nowhere else to bury people. What would they do? Maybe it's time to speak Japanese? Cremation, small rooms with a lot of places to store ashes...

What will you choose in your city/district?

P.S.: of course, I should mention the fact that there is news about the possible conversion of a landfill into a ski resort. But besides news, desires, beautiful words to the wind and it seemed like a decision had been made somewhere by someone - there was nothing.

Thank you for your attention! Stay in touch!

The authorities of the Moscow region have promised to close 24 solid waste disposal sites this year. How will these hectares of land be used in the future? It is assumed that they will definitely not be empty. After reclamation, they will be converted into football fields. At least this idea has already been voiced. What could the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill turn into over time and how realistic is it to implement sports projects on it?

The residents of our district are lucky. They have another reason to be proud. True, not a pleasant one. And yet. According to experts, in all of Europe it is hardly possible to find a garbage dump of such a height - 72 meters above the ground. In the soil itself, waste is located at a depth of up to 14 meters. Over the 38 years that the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill has been in operation, according to some estimates, about 100 million tons of waste have accumulated in its body.

Reducing risks

The primary task today is to minimize the impact of the landfill on the environment. To do this, it will be necessary to carry out its reclamation, including a whole range of special measures. One of them is degassing. The fact is that landfill gas (methane) accumulating inside the body of the landfill poses a certain threat. During reclamation it must be collected. And then it is either simply removed outside, that is, into the atmosphere (which is far from environmentally friendly), or used to generate heat and electricity. This option seems to be the most reasonable. How the landfill will actually be disposed of from landfill gas will become known after the project for its reclamation is approved.

This project will be released in October. The competition for its creation was won by a Ryazan company that offered the smallest amount for the development of a document in which all measures for reclamation of the landfill will be displayed. This pleasure, by the way, is not cheap. If the initial reclamation project (from 2008) estimated the cost of this work at approximately 150 million rubles, now the costs will be many times higher.

Over the past few years of active operation, the landfill has doubled in size compared to what was indicated. In addition, due to non-compliance with burial technology, another threat arose - landslides. According to the head of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the District Administration, Leonid Berezin, the body of the landfill needs to be flattened. This means that the pile of garbage must be pulled apart in such a way as to reduce its height and thereby eliminate the danger. Project developers must calculate the possibilities available for this. The main question is: will the thirty hectares on which the landfill is located be enough to carry out this reclamation project?

We are waiting for the results

“Currently, the landfill is “resting,” says Leonid Berezin. A year ago, the famous garbage dump on the Left Bank was closed. Waste collected in the district began to be transported to other solid waste landfills. One of them is “Khmetyevo” in the Solnechnogorsk region. But this site is also expected to be taken into account in the near future.

However, there is no need to fear a garbage collapse. The main bet in the matter of waste disposal, as required by the Government of the Moscow Region, the district leadership has placed on the construction of a waste processing complex. This point is indicated in the draft General Development Plan for the District until 2035.

But as for the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill, it is possible that after reclamation it will benefit the residents of the district. Of course, it will not be possible to organize a ski slope. Where will skiers go down if everything around is built up and the Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway passes nearby? Although, to be honest, it's a pity. A beautiful mountain has grown!

What will be placed on it? “We can fantasize about this as much as we want, but a concrete decision will be made only after we receive data on the results of the study. It is now being carried out by specialists developing a reclamation project. They study the movement of the soil, its composition,” comments CEO JSC "Polygon MSW" Tatyana Kuzmina.

Perhaps it will be possible to make some sports dream come true at the training ground. Time and research results will tell.

Yulia Borodina

This material published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

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The landfill in Khimki near Moscow, which was closed five years ago, will be reclaimed. The investor promises to dismantle the landfill and create a memorial complex in its place where the remains of the heroes will be reburied Patriotic War 1812

Photo: Danila Vasiliev / Lori Photobank

The administration of Khimki near Moscow and JSC Industrial Company Eco signed an agreement on the implementation of a large-scale investment project for the reclamation of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill with the subsequent creation of a memorial complex. It will consist of a cemetery for 80 thousand graves, a chapel with funeral halls, a park, and a Walk of Fame with an Eternal Flame.

The agreement (available to RBC) was signed based on the results of a competition of investment projects, organized by the Ministry of Competition Policy of the Moscow Region. JSC Industrial Company Eco (hereinafter referred to as Eco) was the only participant in the competition.

According to SPARK, this company was registered in Vladimir in 2011 (the founders are Alexander Valov and Sergey Gerasimov), the authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles, there is no data on revenue and profit, it has a perpetual license from Rosprirodnadzor for waste disposal and disposal activities I —IV hazard classes. In 2016, the company was re-registered in Khimki specifically for this project, Eco director Maxim Biryukov told RBC.

Biryukov estimates the project implementation period to be three to four years, and the amount of required investment to be 5.5 billion rubles, including 2 billion for reclamation. One of the investors may be PJSC CB Vostochny; the bank’s letter of intent to take part in the implementation of the memorial complex project and arranging financing is attached to the package of documents submitted by Eco to the competition commission. A representative of Vostochny Design Bureau refused to answer questions from RBC about the expected volume of investments and the profitability of the project.

Executive Director of the Union of Funeral Organizations and Crematoriums (SPOK) Elena Andreeva considers it a misconception that the funeral business associated with the construction and operation of funeral facilities is very profitable.

Photo: JSC Industrial Company Eco

“At the first stage, an investor needs to invest a lot of money in infrastructure - paths, paths, landscaping. Then all this needs to be supported, that is, you also have to bear the costs,” Andreeva told RBC.

According to Biryukov, the territory for the cemetery will be transferred to municipal ownership - this is required by law; Eco and the administration of Khimki will create a management company to provide burial services. The investor also intends to make a profit from the sale of related goods and services, and from the rental of real estate built on the territory of the memorial complex. In addition, the agreement signed by the parties allows for the creation of a crematorium, on the income from the services of which Eco also relies.

“We want to make an iconic and status object, and the higher the status, the more expensive the services,” the director of Eco told RBC.

According to the authors of the project, all major regional patriotic events will take place on the territory of the memorial complex. In addition, it is proposed to bury and rebury the remains of Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, found by search teams.

Biryukov believes that the future facility in Khimki will be given a serious status by the burials of the remains of participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, which are now located in the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery. This issue is still in the development stage, but the director of Eco has no doubts about its success.

"The cemetery is an object cultural heritage and according to the law they have no right to move it,” a representative of the monastery, who asked for anonymity, told RBC. “The burial place and monuments remain immovable. In order to give status to a garbage dump, there is no need to destroy cultural monuments. We have signed a security obligation for the necropolis with the monument protection authorities, they did not contact us,” he said.

The Khimki administration fears that replacing the landfill with a cemetery with a crematorium may cause objections among the population, since the territory is located in close proximity to residential buildings. Complaints from residents of Khimki have already been received by the All-Russian Popular Front, ONF environmental expert Anton Khlynov told RBC. He sent a request to the Moscow Region Ministry of Ecology, from where the answer came: “The participation of relevant ministries in agreeing on the main terms of the investment agreement ensures that the documentation complies with the norms of current legislation, including moral and ethical requirements that must be taken into account when implementing the project.”

Andreeva from SPOK believes that from an environmental point of view, citizens have no reason to fear the construction of crematoria. “Modern cremation ovens are environmentally friendly,” she says.

The Levoberezhny solid waste landfill with a total area of ​​about 37 hectares is located in the city of Khimki, 750 m northeast of the Levoberezhny residential district. It was formed in the mid-1970s on the site of a former clay quarry near the village of Novo-Kireevo, and since July 2012 after numerous protests local residents closed for waste collection.

As a representative of the Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region told RBC, 40 million tons of waste have accumulated at Levoberezhny. The landfill is not equipped with a leachate collection and degassing system; there are numerous complaints from the population about the pungent odor.

The interlocutor noted that there are no funds in the budget of the Moscow region to carry out work on the reclamation of the landfill and the Ministry of Ecology supports the investment project, especially since it is the only one in the Moscow region that involves the reclamation of solid waste landfills at the expense of the investor. In addition to reclamation, the purpose of the agreement is to resolve the issue of an acute shortage of burial places in Khimki and the Moscow region.

The city administration did not respond to RBC's request about how pressing the problem of lack of burial places is for Khimki. A representative of one of the Khimki ritual agencies confirmed to RBC that there was a problem. “In Khimki, all cemeteries are overcrowded and are actually closed for new burials; people are mostly buried in Lobnya,” the source said.

It is planned to dismantle the landfill, and process metal, rubber, polymers and other useful fractions at a waste processing plant, which is supposed to be located nearby, Biryukov told RBC. According to him, such a reclamation project has not yet been implemented in the region. The head of Eco also believes that the company’s revenue from the sale of recyclable materials could amount to several billion rubles.

At the same time, the general director of the Spetsgeology company, which carried out the project for the reclamation of the Kuchino landfill, Viktor Trushin, doubts that all the waste can be recycled. “Many fractions have decomposed during this time, they will have to be transported somewhere, and there is now a shortage of testing capacity in the region,” he told RBC.

Office of the President of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin; All-Russian Popular Front; Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Timofeeva O.; Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport S. B. Ivanov

; Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, Donskoy S. E.; Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Skvortsova V.I.; Commissioner for the President of Russia for Children's Rights Kuznetsova A.

YU.; Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov A.Yu.; Head of the Khimki city district Voloshin D.V.

From residents of the Levoberezhny district of O. Khimki, Moscow region. APPEAL We, residents of the Levoberezhny district of O.

Khimki, Moscow region, we would like to draw attention to the attempt of the city and regional authorities to solve the problem of the failed program for reclamation of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill and the lack of funds in the budget of the city and region due to the deterioration of the environmental condition of our region and the Moscow region and the near Moscow region as a whole. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (Minprirody) recently published a state report on the state of the environment in Russia in 2015, from which it follows that 17.1 million Russians, or 17% of the country's urban population, live in cities with high and very high pollution atmospheric air. In August, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, said that the worst situation with the environment is in Moscow. G.

O. Khimki, as directly territorially connected to Moscow and divided only administratively - among the data environmental problems. The Levoberezhny district of O. Khimki, Moscow region, is densely populated, the number of new houses exceeds the original development plan.

Our area is located in the area of ​​the thermal power plant, the Moscow Ring Road, and the M11 federal highway. Worsens environmental situation two solid waste landfills (“Levoberezhny” and “Dolgoprudnensky”), one of which is closed, but there is a waste processing plant on its territory, and the other is operational. Such a neighborhood poses a real threat to the health of thousands of people. According to the World Health Organization, today environmental factors form up to 25% of human pathologies. Children are the first to react to environmental pollution.

The residents of our area are mainly young families of reproductive age. The environmental situation in the area today is not conducive to the birth of a healthy generation. We perfectly understand the difficult economic situation in the country and the lack of budgetary funds for the immediate reclamation of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill, but at the same time we absolutely do not understand the complete inaction of the Moscow region authorities in solving this issue. At the same time, we would like to remind you that this landfill was previously included in the federal target program “Elimination of Accumulated Environmental Damage”, but no funds have yet been allocated for this. Instead of solving the problem with the specified solid waste landfill by federal programs, as reported by a number of federal and regional media, the authorities are trying to shift this problem to any extra-budgetary investors who are ready to carry out reclamation of the landfill, while promising to give permission for any buildings and structures that generate profit to cover investment costs.

On December 14, 2016, the website “Moscow Region Today” published the words of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, that “... the Levoberezhny landfill in Khimki will be reclaimed for extra-budgetary funds. The investor plans to provide funeral services and build a crematorium near the reclaimed landfill.” On December 21, 2016, the Head of the Khimki city district of the Moscow region signs Resolution No. 90 “On the appointment of public hearings on the issue of inclusion land plot into the borders settlement the city of Khimki, Moscow Region and on changing the type of permitted use of a land plot in the territory of the urban district of Khimki, Moscow Region.” This Resolution is published on the official website of the Khimki city district only on December 26, 2016 at 17.00.

44, despite the fact that the public hearings themselves are scheduled for December 27, 2016 at 15:00! That is, the city authorities deliberately violate the legislation of the Russian Federation and their own Regulations on the procedure for holding public hearings on the issue of changes

type of permitted use of the land plot (land plots), where it is indicated that the period for holding public hearings from the date of publication of the notice of their holding until the day of the public hearing must be at least 3 (three) days. Such a rush, according to residents of our area, is necessary for city authorities for several reasons. First, public hearings are scheduled in advance of holidays, on weekdays, the day after the publication of this decision, so that the smallest possible number interested parties was able to attend these hearings to express its position. Secondly, representatives of the Administration of the city of O.

Khimki does not hide the fact that the issue of building a crematorium with an investor has already been resolved, although there is no reclamation project or development project yet. However, the Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region did not even carry out any preparatory design and survey work in order to at least estimate the necessary investments in the reclamation and repurposing of this facility. Knowledge of the real state of the landfill and the required amount of investment would make it possible to put the redevelopment of this site up for open competitive bidding for the placement of other objects on its territory, the purpose of which could improve the infrastructure of the area. Instead, an investor was found who was ready, in addition to the existing environmentally dangerous objects for residents of nearby areas, to build an additional crematorium with several ovens and a columbarium for the subsequent burial of ashes, for which they are currently trying to change the type of permitted use of the land next to the solid waste landfill. Left Bank". Thirdly, according to the authorities, the investor promises to build a huge pyramid - a memorial on the site of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill (a mountain of household waste covered with earth). to the fallen heroes with possible burials of those killed in combat, military personnel, and on the rest of the territory to build columbariums for the cremated, and burial places for residents of the Moscow region.

However, at present, the type of permitted use of only the land plot with cadastral number 50: 10: 0010405: 55, with a total area of ​​about 3 hectares, is being changed, while the purpose of the main site of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill with cadastral number 50: 10: 0010405: 28, with a total area of ​​20 hectares – remains unchanged: “For the operation of the existing solid waste landfill.” That is, it seems that the local population is being deliberately deceived about the planned and begun implementation of the reclamation of the solid waste landfill, while the solid waste landfill itself will be left unchanged, and part of this landfill will be repurposed for funeral services and the construction of a crematorium. The intention of these actions is justified only by an attempt to evade control over the fact that in the process of building a crematorium in an already environmentally unfavorable area, the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation will be violated. Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30.

1999 N 52-FZ establishes a special territory with a special regime of use around objects and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health. The size of the sanitary gap from the populated area to the crematorium must be at least 1,000 meters. At the same time, from the nearest houses to the land plot on which they are trying to change the type of permitted use for the possible construction of a crematorium - no more than 600 meters, not to mention the borders of the settlement itself, which is categorically contrary to the existing standards for the placement of such objects. In addition to obvious violations of the current legislation, according to residents of our area, there is also an attempt at blasphemous attitude towards burial sites. As mentioned above, the investor promises to build a memorial to fallen heroes on the site of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill with possible burial places for those killed in combat and military personnel, and on the rest of the territory to build columbariums for the cremated and burial places for residents of the Moscow region, which, according to residents, It would be absolute blasphemy to bury fallen soldiers and residents in the remains of a garbage heap!

As far as we know, reclamation of closed solid waste landfills throughout the country is currently underway with the construction of parks in their place. For example, the solid waste landfill in Vladivostok, which will become a park, or the Lyubertsy solid waste landfill "Nekrasovka", which has become a recreational park, or the solid waste landfill "Salaryevo", which should become a park area with ski slopes. These are wonderful examples of restoring natural balance and caring for the residents of nearby areas! And in contrast to this, at the entrance to the heart of our country - Moscow - it is planned to install a crematorium, in violation of environmental standards, and in attempts by city and regional authorities to solve the problem of the failed program for the reclamation of the Levoberezhny solid waste landfill and the lack of funds in the budget of the city and region for due to the deterioration of the ecological condition of our area. Residents of the young and developing Levoberezhny district of the city.

The Khimki landfill on Likhachevskoye Highway, closed four years ago, continues to operate. We were convinced of this on Friday, April 20, by visiting the site and talking with representatives of the operator company. They argued that only a waste sorting point now operates on the territory of the landfill, and waste that cannot be recycled is transported to the Klinsky district. However, we were not given the opportunity to verify this - we only saw loaded garbage trucks entering the landfill; not a single vehicle with waste left the gate in front of us. They didn’t show us how the sorting took place; they refused to let us into the territory, citing instructions from management.

A column of garbage trucks lined up along Likhachevskoye Highway in front of the gates of the solid waste landfill.

The government of the Moscow region emphasizes the importance of measures to solve problems associated with the disposal of household waste. This issue is now particularly acute due to the ongoing protests in municipalities near Moscow, on the territory of which large landfills are located (Volokolamsk, Kolomna, etc.). Officials talk a lot about separate waste collection (SSR) as a sure way to cope with the garbage crisis in the Moscow region. In Khimki, containers for RSO recently appeared in the courtyards of the MP “DEZ ZHKU”, but this good initiative in our city was turned into another window dressing.

Garbage from RSO containers, gray and blue, is dumped together into a garbage truck. In the car, the waste sorted by residents is mixed again.

The actions of the Moscow region authorities, looking for ways out of the garbage crisis, seem absurd and completely devoid of logic. Official sources report processing plants allegedly operating in the region, for example, in Balashikha. But, according to activists of the protest movement, in reality we can only talk about waste incinerators, which cause serious damage to the environment. It is obvious that it is impossible to create a new waste processing and disposal infrastructure from scratch in such a short period of time. The Moscow region authorities again used good old PR instead of real work.

The garbage crisis is not only a problem for Governor Vorobyov. The threat of fatal communal collapse looms over Moscow, which is the main supplier of waste to landfills near Moscow. To say that the crisis arose unexpectedly would be completely wrong. Its reason is that a vicious system has been developing in the capital region for decades, in which the Moscow region was assigned the role of a big garbage dump. For the time being, this suited everyone. Until it smells like an environmental disaster on a regional scale and the end of a career for officials who have been pretending for years that the problem of waste disposal does not exist.