Beginning course in geography. Basic course in physical geography. Teaching methods in geography

The name of the science of geography is translated from ancient Greek language, as a land description. At this stage, geography is a science that studies the description of the Earth and identifies the main patterns in its development.

  • Schoolchildren begin studying geography in the 6th grade and continue to study it until the end of school.

In 6th grade Schoolchildren receive basic information and skills from the geography course, thereby laying a solid foundation for subsequent study of the subject. The most important thing in 6th grade is the ability to work with geographic maps and site plans.

7th grade devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the geography of continents and oceans. In addition, the main points learned in the initial geography course are repeated.

8th and 9th grades completely devoted to the geography of Russia. Moreover, in the 8th grade the nature of our country is studied, and in the 9th grade - social and economical geography our country. Thus, using the example of Russia, schoolchildren learn the basics of socio-economic geography.

In 10th and 11th grade The socio-economic geography of the world is considered. And if grade 10 is more devoted to studying the general picture of the world, then grade 11 examines in detail the socio-economic characteristics of individual continents and large countries. Separately, it is worth highlighting the study in 11th grade global problems humanity.

  • It is worth noting that geography is one of the elective exam subjects, in Unified State Exam format.

All materials are divided into classes:

Geography 6th grade
Geography 7th grade

Geography is a general education subject that begins to be studied in middle school. Geography program includes three blocks - general geography, physical geography and economic geography. All these sections are very important for those who want to discover a new world and understand the processes that take place in it. Moreover, many school subjects are in one way or another based on knowledge of geography.

Compact and clear

It is impossible to imagine studying this subject without visual materials - tables, diagrams, diagrams and, of course, geographical maps. is compiled in such a way that it provides time for self-education of schoolchildren. The necessary material for this can be found in textbooks, but often it is not enough to understand the topic well. The training also involves writing essays on various topics. Many schoolchildren study geography via the Internet, obtaining the missing information from various resources. To help schoolchildren study geography online, there are special websites with video lessons and text information generated in accordance with the geography program for secondary schools.

Such resources do not offer ready-made works on the subject - such sites are intended for distance learning. They give schoolchildren the opportunity to attend lessons and receive information on the subject that they missed or did not understand. This is a great help in self-education. The main advantage of video lessons is clarity. This is not dry textbook text or an article from a website. The material in the video lessons is given by the teacher exactly as it happens in classes at school. In a selection of video tutorials on geography online the entire program for the subject is reflected, which eliminates the need to move from resource to resource in search of material and saves students time.

Looking for information - on the Internet

The school curriculum in geography covers a huge layer of material that no student can master on his own. The hours allotted for studying a subject in class do not allow the teacher to fully cover all the topics; schoolchildren have to independently analyze misunderstood material. Just 10-15 years ago, the only help for children in studying geography were textbooks and encyclopedias.

In the modern world, you can acquire knowledge without leaving home by simply connecting to the Internet and typing search engine request " geography online" To write an essay, information still needs to be collected bit by bit from different resources, and to fill gaps in knowledge, you just need to attend video lessons. This training option is also suitable for those who cannot constantly go to school for some reason. Often these are health difficulties that serve as a prerequisite for studying only at home. Although many schoolchildren simply prefer to study remotely, without attending a classroom.

Geography learning objectives

The main goal of teaching geography follows from the main goal of training and education - the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. In this regard, geography stands out well among other subjects and is the only one whose scope includes natural, social, social facilities and phenomena. Based on this, the goals of geography are quite broad:

1. It is very important to reveal the geographical picture of the world, which includes nature, population and economy. It is important to reveal an understanding of the territorial differences in the world around us, the objectivity of its nature and significance for people’s lives; 2. Develop scientific views on the relationship between nature and objects, on the spatial features of this relationship; 3. Education of morality, the formation of a broad view of the world and love for one’s Great Motherland; 4. Reveal the basics of social production, nature conservation and rational environmental management from a socio-economic and natural science point of view.

Note 1

Famous Russian geographer V.P. Maksakovsky into such a concept as "geographical culture» introduces the following main components - a geographical picture of the world, geographical thinking, methods of geography, the language of geography. He believes that these components as signs are equally important for both special and mass geographical culture.

Finished works on a similar topic

  • Coursework 460 rub.
  • Essay Beginning Course in Physical Geography 280 rub.
  • Test Beginning Course in Physical Geography 220 rub.

Geographical culture a modern person and, first of all, a schoolchild, in its broadest sense, is made up of the following components:

  1. Scientific perception of the surrounding world;
  2. Possession geographical language– geographical concepts, terms, names;
  3. Developed analytical (geographical) thinking with the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  4. Developed spatial concepts and the ability to “translate” geographical knowledge onto a map, the ability to use it;
  5. Mandatory geo-ecological education, environmental consciousness;
  6. The ability to use all geographical knowledge in practice, in everyday life.

What does physical geography study?

The study of geography begins with the initial course physical geography . In this initial course, the concepts of the natural complex, the relationship of its components and its integrity are revealed for the first time. The course provides an initial understanding of the largest natural complex of the Earth - the geographic envelope and its main components - lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

The development of the lithosphere occurs under the influence of external and internal processes. The most important regularity of the geographical envelope is the circulation of all substances. The small and large water cycle is associated with all shells, but the leading role belongs to the hydrosphere. A change in one component of the geographic shell leads to changes in all its components.

Note 2

The initial course in physical geography, considering general geographical concepts about the integrity of the geographical envelope, lays the foundation for further study of geography. The course contains rich opportunities for developing a scientific worldview. It is in this course that abstract thinking begins to develop, the foundations are laid environmental education, careful attitude towards nature, towards the environment in which people live. An initial course in physical geography develops many of the skills necessary not only for observing natural phenomena, but also for correct behavior in nature.

In physical geography there are three sections:

  1. General Geography, considering general patterns in the structure and development of the planet’s geographic envelope;
  2. Physical geography of continents and oceans, studying the features of the nature of the largest natural complexes the world - continents and oceans;
  3. Landscape science. The scope of his study includes geosystems at the regional or local level.

The initial course of this very interesting and important science is considered not only in schools as compulsory subject, but also in colleges and universities.

Teaching methods in geography

Any science, including geography (in this case - physical And economic), have their own research methods. We look at geography, which is studied in educational institutions of all types - schools, colleges, universities - we are talking about teaching this discipline, which also has its own methods. In this regard, by nature cognitive activity, we can highlight the following teaching methods :

  1. Explanatory and illustrative. The method allows the teacher, teacher to convey educational information using visual aids. Based on the stock of theoretical knowledge laid down, you can later organize independent work with the audience. The negative point is that perception, comprehension, memorization occurs passively on the part of students - schoolchildren, students;
  2. Reproductive method. When using this method, knowledge is consolidated and skills are formed most often. A specially organized system of tasks allows you to organize the activities of the audience during the educational process to repeatedly reproduce knowledge and skills. In this case, activity is organized and stimulated, the logic of action is determined by a plan or instruction. All actions are performed according to the model, i.e. reproduce;
  3. Method of problem presentation. The purpose of this method is to show that the path to knowledge, the movement towards truth, is a complex path and to demonstrate an example of an evidence-based solution. The problem is posed and clearly formulated, and also solved by the teacher himself. Students only follow the course of reasoning, comprehend and remember, thus receiving a sample of scientific reasoning;
  4. Partial search method. Its main goal is to teach how to find a solution to a problem or its individual stages. Teach how to independently apply knowledge and search for new ones. Of course, this method can be used based on existing knowledge, and a heuristic conversation plays a big role - a system of logically interrelated questions that are connected in such a way that each subsequent one follows from the content of the answer to the previous question;
  5. Research method. It's nothing more than self-study new material. The technology for applying the method is as follows:
  • Observation and study of facts;
  • Formulation of the problem;
  • Proposing a hypothesis;
  • Creating a solution plan;
  • Implementation of the planned plan;
  • Formulation of results;
  • Checking the results;
  • Conclusion about where the results of the research can be applied.

    This method is in real educational process used very rarely because it requires a lot of time and good preparation students to research work through completing increasingly complex tasks. In addition to good preparation for research work, it is also necessary to motivate students to engage in activities.

Geography is one of the sciences about planet Earth - ours. common house, the only planet solar system, where a representative of the species Homo sapiens lives - Homo sapiens. Numerous representatives of the animal and flora. There are continents, oceans and air, without which life is impossible. Unfortunately, inhabited worlds, galaxies and universes conquered by man, remain a reality only in the world of science fiction.

Earth from space (view from the surface of the Moon) ()

The limits of the inhabited Ecumene are what geography studies. The boundaries of the known world expanded significantly when man first flew around the planet, entered outer space, and was able to live and work for months and years in conditions of weightlessness at stations placed in planetary orbit. And yet, despite the active development of science and technology, the only space surface on which man has set foot remains our satellite, the Moon.

The Moon is the Earth's satellite ()

The struggle for primacy in space has lost its relevance, but the role of geography in the modern world has increased. Today, not a single country in the world, no matter how developed it is, can extend space travel beyond the Earth-Moon system only with the help of its economic potential. Therefore, the question of why it is necessary to study geography is relevant right now, because the future lies in joint global projects. It is the collective cooperation of many countries involved in the construction, development, allocation of financial resources and intellectual resources that can help humanity rise to another level in space exploration.

Today, a similar project already exists - this is the International Space Station (ISS), built by several states (construction began in 1998), initially leading in the space industry. Russia is also a leader because it was the first in the world to launch the domestic space station Salyut into Earth orbit.

International Space Station)

The next station after the Moon is clear for the younger generation - this is Mars. And now is the time to meet new science, which will help to understand the meaning of geography in general, to find out how unique and inimitable our planet is not only in the Solar System, but also in itself, bearing life in all its diversity of species.

The planet Mars ()

The Earth is not only one of the planets in the solar system, it is lucky to be inhabited. Therefore, the role of geography in solving global problems of humanity is great and truly immense. Man is surrounded by an amazingly beautiful, diverse and unique world. It has its own laws and certain things happen every second. natural processes and phenomena that affect a person positively or negatively.

View of Mount Fuji, Japan ()

Northern Lights, Finland ()

People see the changing seasons of the year, how sunrises give way to sunsets, and clouds and thunderclouds rush across the sky. They witness devastating earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis. They read news about new species of animals and plants, changes in borders and names of states, and much more. “What,” “where,” and “why” are the main questions that have worried people since ancient times. The role of geography in human life is to explain the nature of processes and phenomena occurring around us.

Tornado, USA ()

Eruption of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, Russia ()

Tsunami wave, 1.5 meters high, Japan ()

The theme of geography and geographical facts is widely represented in world cinema. A rich heritage of artistic and documentaries about the role of geography in the world. Poets and writers of the golden and silver age: I. Lando, F. Tyutchev, etc.

Schoolchildren of the 21st century do not lag behind the recognized masters of the pen. Having turned the first page of the textbook, they quietly immerse themselves in the world of an interesting subject, learning the true role of geography in modern society. They try to transfer their emotions from regular geographical discoveries to paper.

One of the main meanings of geography in a person’s life is to broaden his horizons. Throughout their lives, people see with their own eyes how the world in which they live is changing. Changes in river beds and climate, the appearance and disappearance of lakes, new species of animals and plants, states, and the like do not happen somewhere on Mars or Venus, but next to us every day. To be part of these changes, understand their causes, be able to predict the future and strive to make life on the planet better - this is what the amazing geographical discipline teaches.

Southern part of Russia (view from space) ()

What does geography study and who invented it?

In general, geography is the science of the earth. The term is formed from two Greek words “geo” (earth) and “grapho” (writing, describing). Literally translated as “description of the earth” or “land description”. Therefore, geography natural Science, the purpose of which is to describe the processes occurring in the surrounding space. Why did Greek words become the basis for introducing a new term into life?

Associated with this geographical moment most interesting story, whose age is more than 2000 years.

It is believed that the name of the scientist who gave the name to the science of “geography” is Eratosthenes of Cyrene, the greatest ancient Greek philosopher. He lived at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Today we can say with confidence how powerful the breakthrough that Eratosthenes gave a light hand to the development of science was; the contribution to the development of geography of this man turned out to be truly great.

The founder of the science of “geography” first used the term in his philosophical works. Mentions of Eratosthenes’ book “geography” have survived to this day. Although there is nothing surprising in this - he was the second main custodian of the famous Egyptian Library of Alexandria (after the Greek Zenodotus of Ephesus, philologist and poet, commentator on Homer), which existed in ancient Alexandria. Naturally, he had access to the works of his compatriots and those who lived before them.

It was access to numerous materials that prompted the ancient scientist to create a generalized geographical treatise. The question of what Eratosthenes did for geography can be briefly answered as follows: he rewrote the data on all the inhabited lands of his era. At the same time, Eratosthenes relied only on factual material confirmed by papyri and other sources of knowledge.

Eratosthenes of Cyrene ()

Thanks to his work for many centuries, Eratosthenes became the one who discovered geography as a science. The reason is not only that he came up with a new name for his brainchild. The lively mind of the scientist snatched important facts from the studied descriptions and for the first time formulated cause-and-effect relationships that are still relevant. Therefore, it is not without reason that Eratosthenes is considered the “father” of geography.

First of all, we need to understand what contribution Eratosthenes made to geography, why he was remembered most of all by his contemporaries, and how it happened that it was his conclusions that have reached our time almost unchanged.

  • Eratosthenes is credited with the "birth" of the concept " climatic zones Earth." He was able to mathematically accurately explain the boundaries between them, which are still similar today modern views to the equator, tropics and polar circles, but he called it a little differently.
  • He is also a pioneer in map making. His cartographic work, which has survived to this day, is a map of the Ecumene. He transferred to it all the relevant information about the new lands, obtained thanks to the military expeditions of Alexander the Great and his followers. Its main advantages: completely predictable contours of land and seas over a significant portion of the earth's surface, with the ability to actually calculate distances. In search of his “paradise” - amazing India - Columbus considered the map of Eratosthenes as a standard. He planned his journey along it, proving the relative proximity of the search object if we move from the European shores in a westerly direction.
  • Eratosthenes calculated the earth's circumference along the equator (40 thousand km), “missing” by only 200 km. And this is such a trifle, considering what the great Greek scientist who lived 22 centuries ago, far from calculators and modern smartphones, used for his measurements and conclusions.

Map of Eratosthenes - Inhabited Ecumene ()

Eratosthenes' conclusions helped to further formulate the criteria by which the main subject of close study of the new discipline was determined. In this case, the “earth’s surface” is what physical geography has studied from ancient times to the present day. Eratosthenes turned out to be not only an outstanding analyst of antiquity, but also a real scientist who influenced the development of the science of geography for the next millennia.

The role, significance and place of geography in the economic activities of mankind

Speaking about the role of geography in general, we must remember that its essence has not changed much. It’s not without reason that the question: “Why is geography called an ancient science?” - is still considered appropriate. Modern man, armed with knowledge and the latest technologies, does the same thing as ancient man: he describes and studies the surface of the earth and its changes, displaying it in a form accessible to him. Unlike our distant ancestors, who left their knowledge about the world around us in the form of primitive charcoal drawings on the walls of their native cave, humans have a wider range of tools and devices at their disposal. With their help, he describes a new phenomenon and records it using various methods: graphic, in the form of a text file, 3D format, telemetry, etc.

Weather station Vladivostok, Russia)

Primitive accumulation geographical knowledge, oddly enough, contributed to internecine and aggressive wars. From here begins the countdown of how old the science of geography is. Since ancient times, the conquered lands were populated by the families of the winners, peoples mixed, trade grew, and with it the demand for exotic goods and spices.

Ancient Egypt, as the most prosperous and powerful region, equipped military companies in the central part African continent, along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Accordingly, people's horizons expanded. Knowledge about the surrounding spaces was accumulated and increased, skills in the field of use progressed heavenly bodies as the main landmarks that made the path easier for ancient travelers. Therefore, the role of geography in the life of society grew, since the success of farming and cattle breeding, for example, depended on correct knowledge. If people did not observe river floods and other periodic events every year natural phenomena, ancient sectors of the economy would not have been able to develop successfully. Thus, geography contributed to the emergence of ancient calendars and laid the foundations to explain the changing seasons.

Calendar concept)

At the same time, through the efforts and observations of the ancestors of modern Pakistanis, monsoon winds were discovered, affecting the agriculture and livestock farming of Southeast Asia. Geographical components are also present in ancient Indian treatises. For example, in the Vedas there is a whole chapter about the cosmology of that time, and in the Mahabharata there is a list of oceans, mountain systems and sacred rivers.

Summing up summary, we can say with confidence that at the beginning of its development, geography had a descriptive meaning. Wherever a person lived, he was always engaged in the accumulation of knowledge, which was passed on from generation to generation not only by exchange personal experience, but also through the composition of poems, verses, philosophical works, etc.

Transfer and exchange of knowledge ()

The answer to the question “what objects does geography study?” many-sided and multifaceted. A few words cannot cover it. Because the geographical environment in which a person lives is a complex structure in which all natural elements are closely interconnected. Breaking the connections between them is easy, understanding and keeping them unchanged is much more difficult.

However, the specificity and multiplicity of research objects led to the fact that a single geographical discipline was divided into a number of narrowly focused industry branches. And now geography is a system of sciences!

System of Geographical Sciences ()

The main division concerned nature and economics. Therefore, geography in the system of geographical sciences is divided into two parts: physical and economic, studying the nature and laws of development of the world economy, respectively.

Recently, a third one has been identified - social, since the era of global geographical discoveries has already ended, and the study of the living conditions and activities of the planet's population as part of nature is still going on.

There is also an unofficial division in which geographic cartography is separated from these three branches.

However, this is not the limit of separation. The questions in each part of geography are so voluminous that each industry group is further divided, resembling a tree with branches. For example, physical geography is divided into three subgroups that analyze various items research.

  • Geography—monitors the features of the geographic envelope.
  • Landscape science - examines the diversity of natural territorial complexes.
  • Paleogeography - talks about the physical and geographical conditions of the earth's geological past.

These scientific disciplines are also voluminous, and therefore have their own hierarchy according to the types of objects studied. They can unite into a common alliance, studying one element of the geographical shell, but from different angles. Thus, in particular, the alliance for the study of water bodies is divided into the following science categories:

  • about climate (climatology);
  • about weather conditions (meteorology);
  • about relief (geomorphology);
  • about the oceans (oceanology);
  • about ice (glaciology);
  • O natural waters(hydrology).

Tree of Geography ()

Depending on the depth of research and the number of subjects of study, these sciences are further divided. For example, hydrology studies water in all its diversity, but water is not only rain and snow. There are many water bodies on the planet that require more detailed study. This is how limnology arose, studying the lakes of the planet and their features, swamp science, where the name already makes clear the subject of close attention of geographers, etc. Such fragmentation is necessary to successfully solve problems modern science geography.

Various types of soils and living organisms are “laid out on the shelves”:

  • Soil geography.
  • Biogeography.

Development technical progress during the 20th century showed how geography is related to other sciences. New geographical teachings began to appear, emerging at the intersection of contact with other independent non-geographical disciplines. So, for example, geography appeared:

  • medical;
  • environmental;
  • engineering;
  • socio-economic;
  • cartographic, etc.

Having studied the geographical tree, rich in branches, we can summarize why study geography: the subject is so multifaceted that dozens of other disciplines are needed to understand what, how and why is happening on the planet in general and around humans in particular.

Diverse humanity ()

How the specifics of the subject of studying geography have changed from ancient times to the present day

Today it is amazing to think that the history of the development of geography as a science began in ancient times. To accumulate knowledge about the earth's surface and display it on geographical maps and in the descriptions, it took humanity thousands of years. Moreover, geography is a living science, and the cumulative process of knowledge continues to this day. Modern schoolchildren and students just need to open the atlas - and the whole world is before their eyes. While their contemporaries, who lived more than two thousand years ago, were puzzled by the question: how far is the end of the earth from them?

For a long time, while geography was “maturing” until it received a full-fledged “certificate” - the title of an independent science, the main forms of organizing research were formed and improved. Initially these were walking and horse-drawn travel and expeditions. Then they were replaced by complex observations at specially equipped stations (Antarctic, Arctic, high-mountain, deep-sea, mines). And the technical apogee of the 21st century is multi-complex research from space orbital stations that solves the problems of modern geography.

There have been no blank spots on the world map for a long time, but there are enough places in the world where a “white” man has not yet set foot, and there are enough such areas:

  • parts of inland Antarctica;
  • the wilds of the Amazon;
  • highland region of Tibet;
  • mountainous regions of the Cordillera, Andes and the great Himalayas;
  • Russian vast Siberia and the Far East;
  • central regions of Australia;
  • areas of the Great Deserts - Sahara, Gobi, etc.

Wilds of the Amazon ()

Himalayas, panorama ()

Antarctica, bird's eye view ()

Basic physical geography is the basis of all subsequent knowledge about the earth's surface. The structure of the course is presented in 4 sections, after studying which it will become clear what modern geography studies:

  1. The earth's surface in a planar outline.
  2. Shells of the planet: litho, atmosphere, hydro, bio.
  3. Humanity as an object of study.
  4. Interaction between nature and man.

The results of studying these topics will be new knowledge about:

  • how to use the image of the Earth on plans and maps and determine the “addresses” of geographical objects;
  • how to summarize the acquired “baggage of knowledge”;
  • how to correctly describe the processes occurring in the 4 main geographical areas of the plan.

The process of studying primary physical geography gives rise to the development of a geographical culture, an understanding of the specific language of science, and the ability to independently seek answers to questions using numerous geographically oriented resources.

Children with globe ()


Horse-drawn transport is a type of transport in which carts are driven by animals (horses, oxen, etc.). Derived from the word “tug” - a leather or rope loop in a harness.

I work with the Classical line in geography. It is convenient to work with the textbook by Barinova I.I. at the lesson. The text of the paragraph contains everything you need - tasks and questions for students to ask during the lesson, questions for review after each topic, colorful pictures and diagrams, workshops that students do at home or in class, there are various reminders, geographical nomenclature.

Somova S., teacher, MBOU secondary school in Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region

The strengths of the 7th grade geography textbook from the “Classical Line” include clarity, structured material, a reasonable combination of scientific content and accessibility for students.

Egorkina G.K., geography teacher, MBOUSOSH No. 4 named after Nisanov Kh.D. Proletarsk, Rostov region Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

I work with the "Classical Line" in geography. A colorful textbook, interesting, accessible text of paragraphs, there are maps of Russia and the world. Another advantage is the presence of an electronic application for textbooks.

Smazhenko Z., geography teacher, MBOU "Novobezginskaya Secondary School", Belgorod region

I work with atlases and contour maps in geography from the Bustard-Dick publishing house, I teach along the Classical line.

Separately, I would like to note the geography atlas for grade 7 - it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is useful reference information, good quality print. The atlas helps schoolchildren to learn information about continents and oceans, and the features of nature. Thanks to the publisher!

Nikonorova L.R., geography teacher, St. Petersburg

I often watch webinars on geography, they help a lot and develop the professional competence of the teacher. Thanks for organizing them.

Emelyanova O.V., geography teacher, MBOU "Chernobor Secondary School"

I work with the Classic line of teaching materials in geography. Among the advantages, I would like to note the material available for study; visual material is available in sufficient quantity, the textbook contains very good questions to review the topics studied after the sections.

Kostochkina Yu.V., geography teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 34, Moscow region

Textbooks for grades 5-7 form a holistic view of diversity modern world, knowledge about nature, population and its economic activity, the complex relationships between society and environment. In textbooks for grades 8-9, the educational material is presented compactly; a variety of diagrams and drawings make the material easier to understand. Tasks of varying levels of complexity, creative and problematic in nature are presented.

T. M. Fominykh, geography teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 34, Tyumen

All textbooks are well illustrated - contain a huge number of photographs, diagrams and maps. The material is presented in accessible language, which corresponds age characteristics students. The logic of presentation of the material allows you to effectively teach schoolchildren of different levels of preparedness.

N. M. Kiryanova, teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 102, Moscow

Generally speaking, I really like UMK. Satisfied with the presentation educational material, enough drawings with maps.

S.R. Alikeeva, geography teacher, Tyumen region, Setovo village