The outlines of rocks, indistinguishable to the eye. Sentences with the word “incessant. Spelling is neither

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Time is a ship that never (never) casts sail.

He was (not) happy to have any guest.

A new article about the work of this film director has not yet been published.

He ran (not) fast, but slowly.

A word that is (un)declinable in Russian.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:

Time is a ship that never leaves sail.

He was not happy with any guest.

A new article about the work of this film director has not yet been published.

He did not run fast, but slowly.

The word indeclinable in Russian. (In this context, the word “indeclinable” is an adjective, since it does not have a dependent word in the instrumental case).

The comma is appropriate, since adjectives also ask questions; they also have dependent words. And this is called a defining turnover.

Answer: inflexible

Answer: inflexible

Difficulty: hard

Rule: Task 13. Combined and separate spelling of NOT and NI with in different parts speeches

Right-in-pi-sa-nie NOT and NOR.

According to the specification in the given type, the following is verified:

− the ability to separate a part NOT from a part NOR;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In connection with this, we draw attention to the fact that the condition of the task, depending on its goals, can significantly -whether. At the same time, we also note that in the current editions of the Unified State Exam (authors Tsy-bul-ko I.P., Lvov, Ego-ra-e- va) I only test the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech, but in behind other authors, including Se-ni-noy, MMIO (Stat-Grad) are presented and for the choice of NOT or NOT. The edition of the RE-SHU-USE also considers it not-about-to-expand the types of data given in the specialties -fi-ka-tion of the same year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules, with the help of which we verify the writing, not studied in the school course. Such rules are from-me-che-ny sign-com *.

12.1 Merged and separate na-pi-sa-nie of particles NOT and NOR.

The part is not written separately:

1). cha-sti-i-mi.

It is necessary to distinguish the direct definition, in which one of the two signs, called -ga-tel-us-mi, from-ri-tsa-et-sya, and the second-approve-is-waiting, and pro-ti-to-put-on-the-ledge -tel-from-the-ten-com-meaning, with which both signs, called by-la-ga-tel-n-mi, with-pi-sy -there is a pre-me-tu, i.e. there is a pro-formation, but without a de-rivation.

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (from the sign "deep" and the sign "shallow" is established) ).-The lake is not deep, but wide (both signs are confirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow -something, but shi-ro-ko e").

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not pitchy, but a growing rumble.
2) *With pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, na-re-chi-i-mi on -o and with-cha-sti-i-mi, words on -my, if about -you-have-put-it-under-ra-zu-me-va-et-sya and from-ri-tsa-nie intensification of words:

a) not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all;

b) from the place-of-name words: not at all, not at all, not to anyone, not to anyone, not by anyone, not ever, not anywhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For the convenience of clarification, we call them about negativities and strengths.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She's not exactly brave; He's not the least bit stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more shaped than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; It's not a good project; He is not my friend at all; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, good for nothing, good for nothing not capable, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more handsome than his sister;

3) *With short descriptions that are not required in full form.3) not happy, not owed, wrong, not visible, not intended, not disposed, not ready, not obliged, not needed, not in agreement.
4). look-those) or about-by-sta-le-tion (according to the general rule)4) You haven’t seen fields of rye that haven’t been harvested yet. Not a laughing child, but a crying child.
4) *With from-gla-gol-ny-mi pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, ob-ra-zo-van-ny-mi from transitional verbs -with the help of suffix-sovs -I eat-, -im-only if there is a za-vi-si-my word in your -ri-tel-nom pas-de-je.4) I have to take a subject this year that I don’t like.

This case requires complete clarification. It is necessary to distinguish the letter not from the words on -my, but from the transitional verbs -fishing of a not-quite-seen kind: such words can be like stra-da-tel-us at-part-time -ni, so and with-la-ga-tel-ny-mi (in the first case, on-pi-sa-nie with not separate, in the second - merged). They appear to me if they use your word as a clear word. the positive case of the active person, less often the creative instrument (so-called instrumental); if there are other clear words, they become the same (lose the meaning of the - yes-tel-no-sti and the meaning of time and at-ob-re-ta-ut quality meaning). Wed: I don’t like ma-te-ryu re-be-nok - I don’t like games in childhood (in the second case, the word don’t like-my indicates calls for a permanent sign, denotes, for example, the same thing as “not-pleasant”, “not-same-la- tel-ny"); movement, not tor-mo-z-my air-spirit - not-vis-di-may from the Earth hundred of the Moon.

The adjectives of this type include: not-vis-di-my, not-in-mean-e-my, not-flame-me-e-my, not-ga-si-my, not-moving-my, not-de-my, not-for-you, not-visible, not-from-me- e-my, not-lov-my, not-thought-my, not-about-la-ga-e-my, not-from-alien-yes-my, not-per-re-vo- di-my, not-per-re-da-va-e-my, not-know-va-e-my, not-about-believe-e-my, not-hide-ha-e- my, intolerant, etc. Wed. their writing when there are clear words: isn’t my number on three, wouldn’t it be for us to meet -chi, through tears invisible to the world, not-thought-of in the recent past, re-cords, not-per-re-da-va-e-my pro-sts -my feelings, not-about-my accounts for a long time, not-about-ho-di-may in the springtime dirt, not-sklo -nya-e-mye are nouns in the Russian language, not-toler-pi-moe in our society, etc.

5) With gla-go-la-mi, de-e-pri-cha-sti-mi, short-ki-mi at-cha-sti-mi, with numbers , so-yu-behind-mi, cha-sti-tsa-mi, before-lo-ga-mi:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not well, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With na-re-chi-ya-mi and words-va-mi ka-te-go-rii so-st-ya-niya

a) in a comparative degree

b) in the role of sk-zu-e-mo-go without-personal sk-zu-e-mo-go

6) moved not loudly, spoke not faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in denotative places with a pre-log with an accent7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in demonstrative places with a pre-log without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Merged writing NOT and NOR.

The parts are not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: no-would-be, no-va-lyash-ka, no-knowledge, no-knowledge, no-fortune, no-see-distance, no-see-dim , not-free-nik, not-good-day, not-up-to-tro-ha, illness, not-for-bud-ka, not-for-visit, not-for-stiye, not-okay , not-for-se-da, not-rya-ha, not-smart, not-lucky-nick, not-Christ;

b) near-la-ga-tel-nye and on-river-chia, derived from them: non-careless, non-discreet, non-returnable, non-harmful, non-escapable, non-changeable, non-le -py, not-about-ho-di-my, not-for-be-di-my, not-stop-stan-ny, not-time-beam-ny, not-said, not-constant -cha-e-my, not-resin-ka-e-my, not-with-opinion, not-comparable, not-so-different, not-happy, not-uk -ly-ly, not-erased-my, not-to-le-bi-my, not-pre-re-ka-e-my, not-tamed; not-carelessly, not-le-po, not-about-ho-di-mo, not-with-myself;

V) Verbs: don’t-get-up, don’t-love-beat, don’t-go-to, can’t-do-it, don’t-cook-it, don’t-see, not-healthy - to wiggle, can’t, don’t know how, can’t go, numbs;

G) na-speech and other not-from-me words: I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand it, I can’t bear it, I can’t help it, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, no-ho-cha; in spite of, in spite of (pre-logi)

2) *NOT is part of the prefix NEDO, which gives the verbs the meaning of not-half-but-you, not-to-hundred “accurately compared to any norm.” This is also the right way to work in participles derived from verbs with the prefix NEDO. Pres-ka UNDO-often would-va-et an-to-n-mich-on pre-sta-ke OVER-: not-to-pour - re-pour, not-to- you-half-thread-per-re-you-half-thread, not-to-pour - re-pour, not-to-give-per-re-give.2) The child really DOESN’T care about being born. During the war, children DO NOT eat and DO NOT eat. Rozh-destvensky believed too much in his own strength, considering himself a genius, but did NOT UNDER-estimate the abilities of his own -Nika.
3) With beings, with-la-ga-tel-us, on-re-chi-I-mi on -o, -e, when about-ra-zu- There is a new word, a new concept, often with a distinctive quality.3) unhappiness (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, not beautiful, not-da-le-ko (close-to), not-yes-le-ku
4) *In conjunction with the pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi and na-re-chi-i-mi words, denoting the degree of ka-che -stva: very, extremely, completely, extremely, obviously, quite (quite a lot), up to a hundred, very , exceptionally, in the highest degree do not have any influence on the merged or divided writing, that is why it does NOT write together.

For the convenience of clarification, we call them at s i l i t e l m and degree.

4) A very unpleasant incident. It was a completely unin-the-res game. He spoke freely, but not in a clear way.
5) With complete presence of words in the absence of behind-the-words or *when behind-the-words appear la-yut-sya usi-li-te-li st-pe-ni5) We walked along the unlit streets of the city. I made a completely unthought-of decision.
6). popular verbs of the most perfect type with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with suf-fik-sa-mi, they should only be of a non-perfect type, they are for the hundredth time.6) un-faded, un-is-sya-ka-e-my, un-accepted, un-overcome, un-tamed washed, un-used, un-cru-shi-my.
7) in de-identified and unspecified places-names and on-re-chi-yahs in de-vis-si-mo-sti from shock-re- niya, E or I, but merged.7) NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING where-yes, not-for-anything, not-when-never-where.

12.3. The parts are NOT and NOR different in meaning:

To be right, you DO NOT and NEITHER should teach their meaningful differences. We summarize them in tables.

The main cases of the use of ri-tsa-tel-nyh particles

Parts are NOT usedParts of it are used
1) to select the basis:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a deceiver.

Not the moon, not the stars in-te-re-su-su-me, but only me-theo-ri-you.

1) to enhance the ri-tsa-nii, you do NOT

There were no letters, no telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joke.

Neither the stars nor the moon care for me.

2) to express the statement with the meaning of duty (double definition):

He couldn't help but ring.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to determine the quantity of information:

The sky is clear.

No ro-sin-ki in my mouth.

3) to identify the impossibility in non-personal proposals:

You won’t be able to catch up with the big three!

There won't be a war in the heat!


No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) if you are unsure, afraid or excited:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to determine the uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In fra-zeo-lo-giz-mah: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat.

5). expectations:

Who didn’t pro-kl-nal the stan-tsi-on-nyh look-ri-te-ley, who didn’t scold them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we're smart?

How can I not get along with your situation? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in pre-exact prepositions with a generalized-intensifying meaning (with associated words : whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child does, as long as it doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t go into his pocket for a word.

Complex cases of developing NEITHER and NOT

1.In pre-precise terms. Compare:
NOT vy-ra-zha-et from-ri-tsa-nie:

When my brother didn’t come, everyone felt bored.

There wouldn't be wars where the soldiers didn't fight.

You do not express a statement with a hint of generalization:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought revival and joy.

Wherever the soldier died, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
You don’t get the answer:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I came across a wild animal.

Neither you-ra-zha-et gain from-ri-tsa-nii:

None of us (that is, no one) was to the ascent.

Not once (that is, never) have I ever wanted to meet a wild animal.

3. In local names. Compare:
You do not contain the meaning of concealed pro-formation and usage -there are in affirmative prepositions (cf.: no one else, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These expressions are used in the negative prepositions and serve to enhance the positive effect. nia: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else would have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Composite amplifiers with part:

by all means, no matter what, no matter where, no matter what, no matter what, etc.

Is there any time on-pi-sa-nie Not with from-gla-gol-ny-mi at-la-ga-tel-ny-mi on -my and with pri-cha-sti-mi on -my; if there are clear words, the first ones are written together (as well as the original adjectives), the second ones - separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since a long time ago the island, un-created there are crystals in the water, don't you think in the dark the fi-gu-ry of people;

b) not currently hunting for knowledge, not wow non-special-tsi-a-li-sta-mi zhur-na-ly, I don't like you ma-te-ryu re-be-nok.

To the pri-la-ga-tel-nym -my from words derived from non-transferable verbs (for example: not-for-vi-si-my, not-about-my-ka-e-my, not-about-to-be-my) or from verbs of the most complete form (for example: not-is-right-vi-my, not-implemented, not-un-ru-shi-my). These words are explained by the general rules for na-pi-sa-niya Not with pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, i.e. they write-jokingly together and in the presence of clear words (for examples, see . above), as well as in short form (for example: island don't-obie-ta-eat, disease not-from-le-chi-ma, these countries are eco-no-mi-che-ski not-for-vi-si-we). However, the law of division of the pri-la-ga-tel-nyh remains in force Not, if, in terms of clear words, you use places of names and words, in -sya with neither, or co-che-ta-niya not at all, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. sub-paragraph 2), for example: with nothing don't compare mine impression, not from anyone, not from anyone, from no one not created cry-steel-ly; this is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art not ok. The exception is made up of words that are without Not not used, for example: by anyone not-by-be-di-may army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances not-re-second experiment.


It's necessary to understand the pi-sa-nie Not with words on -my. -mi at-cha-sti-mi-at-a-hundred-of-time, and at-la-ga-tel-ny-mi (in the first case in-pi -sa-nie with Not separate, in the second - merged). They appear to me if they use your word as a clear word. the positive case of the active person, less often the creative instrument (so-called instrumental); if there are other clear words, they become the same (lose the meaning of the - yes-tel-no-sti and the meaning of time and at-ob-re-ta-ut quality meaning). Wed: I don't like you ma-te-ryu re-be-nok - I don't like you in childhood games (in the second case, the word dislike indicates a permanent sign, signifies approximately the same as “not-pleasant”, “un-same”); movement, not tor-mo-zi-moe air-duh-hom - don't-see-di-may from the Earth to the Moon.

The adjectives of this type include: un-vis-di-my, out-of-mind, un-re-flame-me-e- my, not-ha-si-my, not-moving-my, not-de-my, not-for-you-e-my, not-visible, not-from-me- nya-e-my, don’t-love-my, not-thought-my, not-about-la-ga-e-my, not-from-someone else-yes-my, not-pe- re-in-di-my, not-re-da-va-e-my, not-know-you-e-my, not-about-believe-e-my, not-straight ha-e-my, not-toler-pi-my, etc. Wed. their writing when there are clear words: isn't it mine by three number, not-for-you for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, don't-my-thoughts in the recent past re-cords, not-re-da-va-e-my simple words of feelings, not-about-believe since a long time ago, accounts not-about-ho-di-may in the spring season there is dirt, not-inclined in the Russian language there are nouns, don't put up with me in our society the way things are, etc.

(not) distinguishable (A.N.T.). 13. In our great battles for

socialism there are no personal, (not) dependent on the Bolsheviks

skogo affairs of interests (Gladk.). 14. They [the boys] are pro-

presented to Arseny Romanovich something (incomparable)

children's participation (Fed.). 15. Heavy drowsy laziness, so-

Kaya, (not) overcome before dawn, pours more and more

got into the body (Leon.). 16. Anger at one’s own (is not) corrected by anything

The visible action was twisting the chest (Hyde.). 17. Much in

they were incomprehensible, closed by anyone (not) tangible,

by a (not) visible curtain to anyone (PGol.). 18. There was a forest too

almost (not) visible. But, (not) visible, it was felt

in everything and ruled over everything (Nikol.). 19. They pro-

had to dance, in no way (not) different from others

steam (Field). 20. Black, (not) surmountable by fire

elk separated the steppe from the fire (Sol.).

I. 1. (Not) inflected words in the Russian language; (Not)

mud passing through in the spring; (not) bearable for

child pain; (not) tolerant in a socialist society

real actions; (not) stress-dependent spelling;

(not) a number divisible by three; (not) decomposable

teli expression; (not) a winning team in the competition;

(un) extinguished love for the homeland; (not) silent during the day and

the sound of the sea at night; (not) permeable to either water or

air shell; (not) a voice imitated in beauty;

(not) outlines of rocks visible in the fog; (not) visible

microorganisms to the naked eye; almost (not) audible

quiet whisper; loss that is not (not) compensated by anything; (not) replace-

things taken on the road; (not) terms acceptable to us;

(not) subsoil resources that are depleted in their reserves; (not) overpowered

previous obstacles; (not) achievable with capital

the flowering of culture in the leafy system.

III. 1. Dubrovsky thanked him [Troekurov] and

was poor and (not) dependent (P.). 2. Honesty and integrity

His difficulties were (not) overcome (G.). 3. The ocean is vast,

gloomy, gloomy, boundless, (not) measurable and (not) tamed

tim (Goth.). 4. The loss of every trifle that I have

I doubt I will (not) be rewarded with anything (T.). 5. Yes, I’m all right

They say that I (not) tolerate (A. Ostr.). 6. Everything seems possible

possible, but complete happiness is (not) achievable (M. /.). 7. Creativity

Chekhov's quality is multifaceted, his lyrics are poetic, his humor

we will (not) exhaust it (Telesh.). 8. What do they [the bourgeois] do?

What they are and what they live with is (not) comprehensible to anyone (Kupr.).

9. Human truth and beauty are eternal and (not) fading

(Smooth). 10. The sickle and the hammer, the earth and the ear of corn are (not) separable

and star (Marsh.). 11. These forests were (not) separable from his

reflections (Paust.). 12. Extraordinary, distant, (not)

our forest and hunting resources are drying up (Sok.-

Mick.). 13. The logic of war is (not) implacable (Quiet). 14. There was a house

(not) replaceable for street battles (Cat.). 15. Ice

the width of the strait was now (not) distinguishable (Already).

For reference: Participles differ in -my (suffering-

nouns..participles of the present tense) and verbal participles-

adjectives in -my. The first ones are formed, as a rule, from re-

common verbs imperfect form(readable, favorite), second-

rye - from intransitive verbs (fireproof, incessant)

or from perfective verbs (unattainable, infallible

washed); many of them are not used without (unharmed, undamaged)

unsteady, unbearable, invincible, etc.).

Separately from non-forms to -my are written, if as

explanatory words are:

a) negative pronouns (incomparable beauty

that moonlit night", elements that are insoluble in any liquid);

b) nouns in the instrumental case indicating

on the producer of the action (the “child” not loved by the stepmother) or on

instrument of action (stars not visible to the naked eye).

In other cases, the forms in -my are not written together.

Exercise 204. Write the words below in three

1) prichine

imperfect verbs);

2) adjectives in -my (formed from

intransitive verbs or from perfective verbs);

3) words that are not used without not.

If you have any difficulties, refer to the spelling vocabulary

Invisible, irresponsible, inexcitable, irrevocable

recoverable, non-flammable, irreplaceable, imperturbable

unrewarded, unrewarded, unimaginable, inflammable

irreplaceable, irreplaceable, irreversible, unharmed

unbearable, unbearable, impossible, inexpressible,

indestructible, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible,

unprovable, unacceptable, unattainable, unattainable

pressing, unattainable, unforgettable, independent,

irreplaceable, unknown, insignificant, invisible,

unshakable, indelible, incurable, unchangeable

immeasurable, immeasurable, indescribable, inexplicable,

inexhaustible, inscrutable, unfulfillable, un-

correctable, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, inexhaustible

inexhaustible, incurable, inexhaustible, innumerable,

unshakable, unloved, inevitable, unthinkable,

unpunished, inviolable, uninhabited, unregistered?

inevitable, boundless, irresistible, irreversible,

inexplicable, irresistible, unburnable, indescribable

indefinable, indefinable, irrefutable, undeniable,

impracticable, intangible, inevitable, inescapable

divisible, irresistible, inalienable, inalienable

mystical, invaluable, intangible, untranslatable,

indescribable, invincible, unique, incomprehensible

determined, inimitable, unknowable, undisturbed

beloved, irreparable, unvisited, incomprehensible

invincible, irresistible, irresistible, indisputable

unacceptable, unacceptable, inapplicable, irreconcilable,

impenetrable, impenetrable, impenetrable, non-

passable, inseparable, indistinguishable, indistinguishable

put down, insoluble, indestructible, insoluble

my, indissoluble, indestructible, irreducible, irreducible

bendable, fireproof, incompressible, inflexible

endless, never-ending, unchangeable, incessant,

inextricable, incorruptible, incommensurable, incompatible

contractible, indestructible, inconjugable, incomparable

unbearable, unbearable, unfading, unquenchable, unquenchable

simple, unbreakable, unstoppable, indigestible,

unreadable, unrecognizable, indomitable, unidentifiable

visible, inexorable, incessant, uncontrollable,

invincible, undaunted, insatiable, tireless

my, invulnerable, unexpected.

Exercise 205 (repetitive). Rewrite, revealing

brackets; explain the spellings.

I. 1. Birds (not) for nothing say that I am snatching from the sky

stars (Kr.). 2. People (not) dependent in their condition

went, prone to cheap hospitality (P.). 3.0 expulsion

ke people or about hiring workers to sweep away snow

(not) what to think: this (not) nonsense" (I.). 4. We have come

in a cemetery, a bare place, not fenced off by anything,

dotted with wooden crosses, (not) shaded by any

a single tree (P.). 5. Midday coast and Bakhchisa-

paradise has a charm that is (in)explicable for me (P.).

6. The rumor, perhaps, is (not) completely (not) right (P.). 1. Yes

who is (not) of average height, who has (not) brown hair,

(not) straight nose and (not) brown eyes! (P.). 8. In the sea

the ditch was steep, (not) a pier, (not) residential (P.).

9. The expression of this gaze was very (not) definite,

but (not) mockingly (L.): 10. From all sides I heard

(not) the chirping of little bustards conveyed in words (Ax.).

11. Acute vision is required to observe movements.

surfacing conditions, completely (not) understandable to (not) non-

sacred in the sacrament of fishing (Ax.). 12. If not for this

plate yes (not) leaning against the bed just you-

smoking pipe, then one would think that there

no one (not) lives (Gonch.). 13. A long (not) experienced appearance

The meeting of the guests in Vasilievsky both alarmed and delighted

old man (T.). 14. They ate bread (not) for nothing: from morning to evening

their backs (not) straightened over the work (T.). 15. Face

calm and important, but (not) strict; eyes (not) radiant

tye, but light; piercing gaze, but (not) evil (T.).

16. Anna never expected that completely (not)

the changed situation had such a strong impact on

her (L.T.). 17. He was still a young man, but already

(not) young diplomat (L. T.). 18. He felt pain-

extreme fatigue from being tense and not (re)compensated by anything

born attention (L.T.). 19. Above all this hubbub

reigned the (in)ceasing ringing of the bell, stunning

by the (not) tired hand of the chairman (Garsh.). 20. From

The (not) cooked chickens were oozing blood (Ch.) -.

21. (Not) plowed only here and there, the narrow ones were still green

stripes (Cor.). 22. I had new ones ahead, even bigger ones.

more (un) explored places - a remote forest corner (Kor.).

clearly (not) wanting to seem intrusive (Cor.).

24. At the suggestion of Mitya, (not) exhausted in invention-

ki, they explored the ruins of the palace (L. Andr.). 25. (Not)

sleeping people sit in the carriage and get stupefied

II. 1. Samghin (not) noticeably, (not) saying goodbye to anyone,

left (M.G.). 2. The whole house was filled with things (not) I had seen

people (M.G.). 3. I listened to him and thought: is this really

a person is true to himself, saying all these (improperly)

speeches for him? (M.G.). 4. (Not) externally expressible

anger raged in him (M.G.). 5. (Not) strong, but prr-

6. I came down from a huge elm tree, where I was climbing to get

for Nadenka, the (not) fledglings are still galking (Seraph.).

7. The sea along the horizon is not even (not) round, but (not) regular-

no stretched form (Seraph.). 8. He spoke to the weak and

massive figure (Kupr.). 9. (Not) defeated by anything

volume suddenly engulfed Arbuzov’s body (Kupr.). 10. Spoke

(not) drinking and (not) smoking (Nov.-Pr.). 11. Lena remember-

la and loved the mother, no longer (not) existing, passionately,

(not) fading love (Fad.). 12. Narrow-skinned steamer

the watering can turned out to be completely (not) adapted to the rails

new highways (Leon.). 13. Drive a six without a steering wheel

under two oars - it’s a very (not) simple matter (Ed.).

14. The moon began to become covered with thick, (impenetrable)

for blue light (Paust.). 15. Your poem (not)

has revealed this topic from any angle, to me so far

(not) famous (Isaak.). 16. And, (not) despite the fact that

each of them knew what the other was thinking, they did

the appearance that nothing (didn’t) happen yesterday and therefore can-

but to exchange trifling phrases, (not) have-

who had nothing to do with what worried them and

worried (Close). 17. General silence is almost only under-

emphasized and emphasized quite (not) many sounds in the steppe

(Closed). 18. Nearby is Sevastopol, the market (not) satisfying

in relation to the marketing of agricultural products

comrade (Serg.-Tsensk.\ 19. These were the lights of the city, not yet)

visible behind the hills (Hyd.). 20. (Not) experienced in fighting

and (not) having experienced all the intricacies of the enemy’s tactics

tics, they immediately found themselves captive of the conciliatory forces

illusions (Sim.). 21. It was the most ordinary, nothing

(not) wonderful fight (Kae.). 22. It smelled like burning (not) for-

a fire going out (not) in the distance (Cossack). 23. On the phone -

the chest tube rang, pleasant, but completely

down with (not) recklessness dashing. Look, they say, gar-

I’m still a monist (not) bad (Tward.). 25. These were bye

still completely (not) participating in the battles, (not) fired upon -

nal parts (G. Berezko).

Exercise 206. Rewrite by opening the brackets and inserting

missing letters (e or i).

1. The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. Rejoice -

(and...) will destroy (n...) their years, (and...) fashions, (n...) fires

(Gr.). 2. Description of your trip to Kaluga, how (n...)

funny, for me it’s not at all (n...) funny (P.). 3. (N...) one

(and...) a leaf (P.) sways on the white birch trees. 4. Let's go

wooden houses, fences; (n...) where (n...) souls (G.). 5: A

you - stand on the porch and (n...) move! And (n...) no one

let into the house (G.). 6. Who (“...) were you, sad

my neighbor, I love you (L.). 7. He was abandoned as

from a person (n...) for what job (n...) fit (T.).

8. (N.. f) knowing (“...) who is calling us, (n...) where we need to go,

both the old woman and I jumped up and rushed through the smoke after

sailor (T.). 9. (N...) who (n...) could say what the Wild

The master lives; he (n...) what trade (n...) occupied-

Xia, (n...) to whom (n...) went, (“...) knew almost (n...) with

who, but he had money. He lived as if (and...)

who around you (and...) noticed and (“...) who (n...) need-

given (T.). 10. For him (n...) there were (n...) some - (“...)

physical, (n...) moral shackles: he could do anything,

and (“...) what did he (n...) need, and (n...) what did he (n...)

connected. He (n...) what (n...) believed and (and...) what (n...)

admitted. But, (n...) admitting (n...) what, he (and...) only-

ko (“...) was gloomy, bored and resonant

young men, but, on the contrary, was constantly carried away (L., T.).

11. A person must work, work by the sweat of his brow, who

if he (n...) was (Ch.). 12. Klim (n...) when else (n...) with

with whom (“...) spoke as he did with Marina (M. G.). 13. And also

Here's what, Loiko: it doesn't matter how you (“...-) turn around, I

I will overcome (M.G.). 14. Klim pushed these thoughts away,

semolina (“...) one dozen times (M.G.). 15. The night became

is becoming more and more mysterious, and I feel it, although (and...)

I know (n...) time, (“...) place (Bun.). 16. Like in the forest

(n...) whatever (and...) happened, spring life continued

(Priv.). 17. (N...) after a little (n...) hesitation, we collected our

knapsacks and left the bivouac (Are.). 8. Should I beat the drum?

no, shoot from a musket, chop a twig with a saber -

him (n...) why (A.N.T.). 19. Let the instigators know

war, that they (n...) will be helped by (n...) threats, (n...) whether-

Ceremony! Let the supporters of peace know, wherever (n...)

lived, no matter what views (n...) they held, that

Soviet people, together with other nations, stands

world! (Erenb.). 20. Boy (“...) than (n...) when (n...)

was sick and (and...) when (n...) caught a cold (V. Inb.). 21. Ki-

Selev took part in the wars with Napoleon, but (n...) never

(n...) was (I...) only wounded, but even scratched (Pa-

oral). 22. Sergei Tyulenin was born when (n...) (for) what

was to go underground. He (n...) (from) where (n...) he was running,

and he had (n...) where to run (Fad.). 23. Who just (n...)

visited Gorky's house, who just (n...) wrote to him,

what kind of affairs (n...) was he interested in! (Paul.).

24. The guy told me (n...) times about you (N.O.). 25. Where

(n...) throw - all wedge (linear).


1. The particle ni (unstressed) is part of the negative

pronouns (nobody, with nothing) and adverbs (never, from nowhere).

2. A repeating particle does not acquire the meaning of Union:

I don’t want to judge or forgive you (Ah, Ostr.)."

3. Single or double neither enters stable speed:

as if nothing had happened, come what may, neither alive nor dead,

neither stand nor sit.

4. It is necessary to distinguish between combinations: none (no one) - not one

(a lot of); not once (never) - more than once (often).

5. In exclamatory and interrogative independent clauses

in clauses (often with words only, really) the particle not is written, in

subordinate clauses to strengthen the affirmative meaning -

la - particle ni. Wed: Wherever he turned! - Wherever

No matter what he asked, he received assistance everywhere.

See also the explanation for exercise 191.

6. In negative pronouns (without a preposition) and adverbs

neither is written together, in other cases - separately.

Exercise 207. Explain the use and spelling of not and neither.

No matter how much I travel across our steppes, no matter how dark

There are sometimes moonless nights, I have never

happened to get lost on the road and experience the situation of the

a man who was cheating, but once I experienced a friend

This misfortune: I was caught in a snowstorm in the steppe, and I met

had mercy with all its horrors.

There is nothing more terrible than this steppe monster, from

which not everyone can escape unharmed, since he

strangles everything he comes across. My heart drops

a timid person, accustomed to all kinds of adversity,

the blood involuntarily stops in the veins, and not frost, but

fear causes this state because the cold is

The time of blizzards is never very long.

Indeed, no matter how brave the traveler, he is afraid

becomes when it begins to go on a rampage

the singing, uncontrollable wind, when the snow blinds the eyes,

when everything around in the vast expanse is dressed in white

deep darkness, through which nothing is visible, and when

there is no way forward or back, because everything is

but snow powder. And there’s not a soul around, not a sound of a person

Exercise 208 (repetitive). Rewrite, revealing

brackets and inserting missing letters (e or “).

I. 1. (Do not) need a different sample when in the eyes

father's measures (//>.). 2. And all night long the poor madman

feet (“...) turned, behind him everywhere is the Horseman Med-

he galloped with a heavy stomp (77.). 3. (//...) what else

(not) touched him (P.). 4. (N...) one hour (not) come

he wanted to stay at home (G.). 5. (Not) silent n... on

for a minute the peals of thunder pinned us down and kept us in

nii (not) ceased fear (Ax.). 6. It is impossible (not)

to love the fatherland, no matter what it (n...) is (Bel.). 7. I

(n...) hinted... once... about a drunken gentleman, but...

my previous behavior, but... about Grushnitsky (L.). 8. Those

who knew him assured him that he was a natural (not)

angry, (not) stupid "(V. Dahl). 9. Our circle then consisted of

(not) finished boys (T.). 10. If a person is stupid, then

trouble (not) curable (Black). 11. This is universal animation

sparkle, shine, noise - all this, hitherto (n...) seen and

(n...) what I heard amazed me so much that I first-

these days I was completely at a loss (Ven.). 12. From indifference

(not) far from vice (A. Ost.). 13. Natasha was like that

sensitive and dexterous, that as she (n...) grabbed her mother, she

always knew how to do it so that the mother (n...) was

n... painful, n... (not) pleasant, n... (not) clever (L.T.).

14. The old man never... once in his life (n...) scolded and (...) orders-

shaft of children (U.). 15. His oddities represent (not) that

exclusive and (not) safe for his friends (Ch.).

II. 1. People (not) dependent on history are a fantasy

(M.G.). 2. The little woman cried out joyfully, but

(not) loudly (M.G.). 3. Who is in a hurry to squeeze yet (not) yet

the one who mows what has not yet been mowed (Prishv.). 4. What

only thoughts (n...) came into my head! (New.-Pr.).

5. The enemy was probably four times stronger, if you count

accumulation of its reserves, almost (in)visible in bi-

nocle (A.N.T.). 6. How to explain to him [Kirill] that she’s married?

a thing (in)explainable for Lisa herself (Fed.). 7. Here it is already

the trembling of the iron stairs was (not) audible,

which Seryozhka rose (Fad.). 8. Oleg is like n... (c)

whatever happened, I stayed to help Volodya and Tolya (Fad.).

9. How (n...) a bird’s wing is perfect, but it (not) could

would-lift it up, (not) relying on the air (acad.

I. P. Pavlov). 10. Zvonarev looked at

far away (not) the heroic figure of Blokhin (Step.). 11. I

I decided to get this hare at any cost... and that’s it

find out its secrets (V. Bianchi). 12. Almost n... (with) whom (n...)

saying goodbye, in order (n...) to kindle grief, Pavel went to

mother (N.O.). 13. (Neither) how (cannot) come to terms with

the fact that people do not die in bed, that they die suddenly

(not) having completed the poems, (not) completing the treatment, (not) reaching the goal

(Sim.). 14. From this window he, (not) vulnerable to the enemy,

will beat the Germans (A. Beck). 15. The Chairman himself

an elderly and (not) prominent person: narrow boned, small

sprout (bend.).

Exercise 209 (repetitive). Rewrite, revealing

brackets and inserting missing letters; explain the spellings.

History knows that Russian people were traveling

truly (not) weary and (not) afraid. Tested

travelers believe that the globe is not at all (not)

spacious and not at all big. Our contemporaries

travel around the globe (n...) more than (not) how much

days and, hoping to penetrate completely (not)

explored places, tirelessly plow (n...) to whom

(un)familiar seas and (n...) whom (n...) seen continents

nents, fearlessly sweep over (not) when (not) applied

foot ice cap of the Arctic.

(Not) to which people begin to feel that (n...)

poles, (n...) in the depths of the burnt (n...) imploring

the sun of Africa, (n...) in the virgin forests of Brazil,

(n..,) in some mountain gorge in Tibet, not yet (not)

long (not) known - (n...) where science (will not) be able to find-

ty (n...) what special secrets. Of course, such views

y (n...) to what extent (n...) convincing^ since co-

completely (n...) justified.

How much (n...) people have already learned about outside world, A

still (and...) explored and (not) accessible surrounds

them from all sides. How high (n...) did the man rise

up, how low (n...) he sank into the depths of the earth, and

there are spaces where a person has (and...) been,

they spread both above us and below us.

What we know relatively (not) poorly is (n...)

nothing more than the surface of a solid layer of earth. Above us

gaseous exchange (not) visible to our eyes extends

different ocean, not yet (not) studied, and below us -

the region of the depths of the earth (not) known to man.

What (n...) will you do to dispel this

double white spot surrounding us? It is clear that

(and...) nothing else but science can help us here.

The distance that separates us from the center of the Earth is

quite reasonably calculated at 6350 kilometers. But

(and...) fly, (n...) rush by express, (n...)

go down on a high-speed elevator, (n...) some other

the best way to rush through this space (not)


Modern science it is still far (not) known that

located inside the globe, and our knowledge of gas

figurative layer surrounding us and rising on

hundreds of kilometers up, as (not) perfect as

and about the deep layers of the earth. But for human thought

there is no (“...) something (and...) available: she is able to overcome

all the obstacles on the way to mastering nature.

Undoubtedly, we have to do (n...) little important

new discoveries, and (n...) how (not) to say that on

the earth will soon (n...) discover something.

Exercise 210 (repetitive). Rewrite, revealing

brackets and inserted missing letters.

(Hard) the wounded man opened his eyes and groaned from (not)

unbearable pain in the shot in the shoulder. Feeling the pain

She (not), will fall asleep, he turned on his (not) beautiful,..oh

beds, and, gloomy thoughts, these (un)invited companions

dry... nights began to rush by in a long line...

in his head, (not) refreshed by sleep. He remembered

patriotic frenzy, (not) caused by common understanding

events, but art... created by newspapermen,

sang (n...) to whom, except the oppressors, (not) need-

massacre, and his youthful ardor with which he waited

(not) experienced combat sensations. In his feverish brain

pictures of the outcome flashed by: sadly blackened (not) for-

the gray... fields, desolate... looked (not) plowed... living

bodies and fields trampled by troops.

. (N...) successful orders from above, (n...) rendered

timely support for combat units, shame of betrayal,

speech of defeat - all these (not) integral companions

the first world war were the cause of the death of milli- masses of soldiers. Early thought with bitterness that

his eyes opened too late: he is now (n...).

a person capable of living and fighting, but (n...) what (“...)

fit cripple.

Exercise 211 (repetitive). Write the text under the dik-

Against the background of the sky, not yet illuminated from this side

rays of the rising sun, Andrei saw above-

a waving line of grenadier shakos, decorated

tassels, and a forest of peaks over dragoons that do not stand still -

what kind of horses? Through this forest one could see, it seemed,

human heads and shoulders, and vague outlines

some fabulous, unprecedented giants.

The convicts, sitting on a narrow, unplaned

on the bench, their backs were turned to Andrey. By no-

due to the understandable forgetfulness of the executor, they are not tied

straps to the bench and hold each other’s hands, without over-

starting to talk all the time.

Boris's face breathes the anger of a fighter overpowered

in number, fettered, but not completely subdued.

Vasily excitedly shook hands with

Bocharov, placed by the warden at the very edge

benches and motionless. At the same time he speaks loudly

something encouraging.

Zina with her beautiful, inspired face, surrounded

feminine halo of flowing hair, attracted

general attention. Jl

Without taking her eyes off the road, she saw for a long time

Andrey appeared. At times wandering non-

with a seeing gaze she looked at the crowd crowding around her

feet of the crowd.

But then her eyes met the indignant eyes -

Mi Andrei, no longer hiding from the gaze of the crowd. All

it turned upside down. He began to make his way to Zina, but

paying no attention to those who did not want to give in

he makes way for onlookers and pushes them aside.

What he suddenly decided to do was not something he had anticipated.

neither thought out nor balanced: it came from a non-

mediocre feeling. To be there, close to friends, to be

tied to this wooden bench - that's what he

now you need it.

According to Zina's eyes fixed on him, glowing

unprecedented light and instilling in him some thought,

Andrey sees that she understands his intention and wants

to keep him from taking an ill-considered step for the common cause.

So Vasily noticed Andrey’s distorted face

and looked sternly into his sparkling eyes.

(According to S. M. Stepnyak-Kr a v c h i n s k o m)

Exercise 212 (repetitive). Write the text under the dik-

text, then check what is written with what is printed.

Levinson could not imagine Metelitsa

motionless and generally non-living. He is always testing

developed a vague attraction to this man and asked more than once

dreamed that it was pleasant for him to ride next to him, since

talk or even just look at him.

He liked Metelitsa not for some

existing socially useful qualities that he has

there were not so many and which were much larger

degrees were characteristic of Levinson himself, and for that

extraordinary physical tenacity, animal vitality

inexhaustible force that beat in him with an inexhaustible beak

something that Levinson himself so lacked. When-

yes, he saw in front of him his fast, always ready

action figure or knew that Metelitsa was located somewhere

then here nearby, he involuntarily forgot about his own weakness

bosti and it seemed to him that he could be just as un-

as tired as Snowstorm. Without realizing it, he secretly

I was even proud to manage such a person.

The idea that Metelitsa could fall into the hands of enemies

ha, - despite the fact that Levinson himself is increasingly

strengthened in it - it was poorly instilled in people. Whatever

the partisans were tired, they all fearfully drove away

this thought, which promised nothing but misfortune and suffering, and

therefore, obviously, completely impossible. On the contrary

mouth, the orderly’s assumption that the platoon “on-

he was eating and sleeping somewhere in a hut,” - no matter how unlike

it was on the fast and efficient Metelitsa, -

Exercise 34. Open the brackets.

1) Moving forward is as necessary as breathing. 2) There was little snow, and there were also snowstorms. 3) Different flowers open exactly at different times in the morning and close in exactly the same way in the evening. 4) What special thing can you come up with? 5) What(would) you wish? 6) I drew strength from Russia in order to give it to Russia. 7) The girl works and (at the same time) studies. 8) (At) that house there is a large garden. 9) (And) so, everything is clear. 10) They did this and that. 11) He lived for the present moment, for which he lived completely. 12) Always hold on to what is dear to you. 13) Just like me, he lived alone. 14) The sky above us was also dark. 15) The same word, but I shouldn’t say it that way. 16) The work needs to be completed (in) (whatever) (then) (or) (become). 17) In order to be heroes, humanity must be loved. 18) In order to love music, you must first listen to it. 19) Whatever happens, don’t lose your courage. 20) Yesterday it was snowy, today it’s snowing the same way.

Spelling particles



That, - either, - something, something; - ka,

Taki (after verbs, adverbs, particles):

someone, some, etc.

But: from someone, about something.

Persuaded, again, after all, quite, really, really

But: he managed to overcome you

1. would (b), whether (l), same (g):

I would read it if only, here, nevertheless, hardly, hardly, all the same;

2. as if, after all, they say, there, even:

brought, they say; that's right; over there

Exercise 35. Open the brackets.

1) What would you do if you could? 2) “Has the head of the expedition arrived?” - "Hardly)". 3) “So what should we do, who should we turn to?” 4) And tomorrow is the same as yesterday. 5) We had a chance to meet again. 6) Do something. 7) Peter didn’t wait for me. 8) Haven’t you heard about this? 9) Take my documents. 10) Exactly (that) exactly, but that’s not the point. 11) And yet I saw this city. 12) Why did your heart go bad? 13) Tie the cross crosswise. 14) (In some) places voices were still heard.

Test yourself on the topic “Spelling prepositions, conjunctions, particles” by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.

(B) as a result of... heavy snowfall; to do (against) desire; find out about your subscription account; transfer money (to) the company’s account; (c) the flow... of a stormy river; (despite) failure; something like a ball; ran behind (that) building; left to rest; say the same thing; writes quickly, and beautifully; no matter what happens; somewhere); anyone; some day); something; how(that); from (somewhere); some(who); ever(ever); when(s).




1. If the word is without Not not used: fury, necessary, indignant, impossible.

2. If the word is with Not can be replaced with a synonym without Not: untruth (lie), immodest (boastful), low (low).

3. With indefinite and negative pronouns without a preposition: no one, no one, several, something.

4. In the presence of adverbs of measure and degree (absolutely, so much, very, almost, too, very, extremely, extremely, completely), reinforcing the affirmative meaning: his merits are very small (very small).

5. With negative adverbs: nowhere, no time, nowhere.

6. Verbal adjectives on -my (if there is no dependent word in T. p. or dependent word with neither): invisible tears, tears invisible to the world.

But: Tears that are not visible to me, tears that are not visible to anyone.

7. Verbs with a prefix

under-, denoting non-compliance with the required standard or meaning “not enough, not enough”: not enough money, not looking after your brother.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Homogeneous definitions characterize an object on one side (by color, shape, size), and are interconnected by a coordinative connection (allow the insertion And), pronounced with enumerative intonation; letters are separated by commas.

A rainy, dirty, dark autumn has arrived.

Heterogeneous definitions characterize objects from different sides; comma between heterogeneous definitions not installed.

The large glass doors were wide open.

The following definitions are considered homogeneous:

1) adj. + proverb revolution (if the adverbial revolution comes after the adj.): His black, bare head just flashed through the bushes.

2) agree. definition + disagree definition (if the disagreeing definition comes after the agreed upon): She took it off the table fat, with velvet tablecloth and laid another one.

3) Definitions that appear after the word being defined: The word pompous, false, bookish had a sharp effect on him.

But: Early terry aster (terminological combination).

Exercise 40. Place missing commas where necessary in sentences with homogeneous members offers.

1) He grumbled but did not dare to disobey. 2) The song was heard from the right, then from the left, from above, or from under the ground. 3) Yegorushka saw the plain, hills and purple distance. 4) The stars fade and go out. 5) It’s crowded here, but it’s fun. 6) The coastal strip went in both directions. 7) I’ll come in and check on you. 8) Those boys are not afraid of the dark. 9) The old people sang along with everyone else. 10) Think first and then do. 11) The professor showed tools both for catching butterflies and for laying them out. 12) The grass lay not only on the window sills but also on the clay floor. 13) I thank you not so much for the parcel as for the memory and attention. 14) Their faces expressed, if not fear, then concern. 15) Alexander’s apartment, although simple, is elegant. 16) Now you can’t hear knocking and screaming and bells. 17) The cast iron wheel spins and hums and is blown by the wind. 18) Among the rivers there are large and small, calm and violent, fast and slow. 19) Both young and old stood up to defend the Motherland. 20) Everyone was ready to work day and night. 21) Yegorushka sees the same sky, plain and hills. 22) Hope and the swimmer were swallowed up by the entire sea. 23) Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul and thoughts. 24) A number of new works, namely novels, stories, and stories will be published in the May issues of magazines. 25) Children, old people, women, in a word, all mixed up in a living stream. 26) This can end well or badly. plus 40 plus 60 equals 1. I wasn't in a hurry, but I was in a bit of a hurry. 29) Previously he lived not in Moscow but in St. Petersburg and studied at the university there. 30) I can’t wait to leave.

Exercise 41. Place punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

1) The sun acquires a dim, somewhat silvery trail. 2) Bliss was cool, fresh, delicious water gently rolling off your shoulders. 3) There was a long freight train. 4) It was a boring, tiring day. 5) A thick rough notebook was placed at the bottom of the suitcase. 6) Three greyhounds are running along the boring winter road. 7) Yellow blue purple sheets of paper lay on the store counter. 8) The strong, incessant, harsh noise of the sea became louder. 9) The children went to summer pioneer camp. 10) For repairs, thin-walled electric-welded stainless steel pipes were required.

Test yourself on the topic “Sentences with homogeneous members” by inserting the necessary punctuation marks.

1) The Russian people are smart and understanding, diligent and ardent for all that is good. 2) Let him serve in the army, pull the strap and smell gunpowder. 3) He saw not only vegetable gardens but also beautiful gardens. 4) The sounds grew stronger and became more and more powerful, capturing the hearts of the united and dying crowd. 5) Among the dishes, they bring a lot of clay and glass toys, such as ducks, geese, pipes and sprinklers. 6) The stones either stuck into the sole or parted underfoot. 7) Tatyana believed the legends of the common people of old times and dreams and card fortune-telling and predictions of the moon. 8) Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead. 9) Sleepy and lazy are siblings. 10) In some places, a small river that dries up in summer has overflowed widely. 11) A shallow clayey pond glistened in the sun. 12) The room was covered with old striped wallpaper.



The secondary members of a sentence, distinguished by meaning and intonation, are called isolated. Definitions may be separate; applications; circumstances expressed by single participles, participial phrases or nouns with prepositions; clarifying circumstances (usually place and time); additions.

Isolated minor members of a sentence are highlighted in writing with commas (less commonly, dashes).

Separation of definitions

Definition- this is a minor member of a sentence that is subject to a subject or object expressed by nouns (or its equivalents), denotes a feature of an object and answers the question what? whose? which?

Agreed definitions are separated in the following cases:

1. They stand after the word being defined: The horses raced across the ground, forged from silver. Sun, magnificent and bright, rose.

But: All appeared for the exam the students were well prepared. Need to learn these written on the blackboard words.

2. Refer to the personal pronoun: Thrilled by memories, I forgot.

3. Have additional circumstantial meaning (reasons, concessions, conditions or time): Replenished with people and weapons, the division launched a counteroffensive . Hardy birds, seagulls are at the same time very fragile.

4. Torn off from the defined noun by other members of the sentence (distant location): Not far from home, surrounded by a fence there is an ancient park.

Separating inconsistent definitions

An inconsistent definition, expressed by the indirect case of a noun with a preposition, is isolated if:

1. Refers to a proper name: Ivanov, with a hat on his head, stood nearby.

2. Refers to the personal pronoun: All of him, with broad dry shoulders and arms, was full of hidden fire.

3. Stands next to a separate agreed definition: Barak, high, with pitched roof, turned black in front of them.

4. Expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective, especially if the word being defined is preceded by an agreed definition: Another house, much more, was built nearby. One of the waves bolder, crawled towards us.

Segregation of applications

Application - this is a definition that is in the same case as the word being defined: Here is our Zoechka , waitress in the dining room .


1) a common application relating to a common noun (Fighter, blond boy, quietly touches the accordion);

2) a single application relating to a common noun, if the latter has dependent words (My master, doctor, was an always busy, silent person);

3) any application relating to a personal pronoun ( Lucky, he visited Moscow. We, artillerymen, were busy around the guns);

4) any application, if it has circumstantial significance (Father, native of Ufa, knows his hometown well);

5) any application after a proper name (Zhukhrai, sailor, didn't talk to us. But: A fanatic of his business, Nikolai always thought about business - the application has an additional circumstantial meaning);

6) an application expressed by a proper name, if it is of a clarifying nature (Second Son, Yakov, looked like his mother);

7) annex attached by the union How, with the meaning of the reason: Pierre, like a legitimate son, got everything. But: He began his path to science as a member of the expedition(as = “as”, “in role”) ;

8) application joined by unions that is, or, and also in words by name, by last name, by nickname, originally from, especially, including etc.: Our history teacher, originally from Kyiv, currently works in a rural school.

Exercise 42. Add punctuation where necessary.

1) Completely killed, he was forced to interrupt his visits and return home. 2) The travelers, exhausted by the cold, reached some wooden building. 3) Trees shrouded in fog were barely visible in the distance. 4) She walked along a path hidden by tall grass. 5) The surroundings disappeared into a cloudy and yellowish haze. 6) My father considered everything related to work to be the most important. 7) For centuries the desert lay untouched. 8) Several times a mysterious and lonely light flashed in the distance. 9) Tired from the day's march, Semyonov soon fell asleep. 10) Quiet, they stood separately on the bank of the stream. 11) The old grandmother is busy around the house. 12) Tickets for the evening were distributed to everyone who wanted to go. 13) At the end of January, the cherry orchards, covered in the first thaw, smell good.

Exercise 43. Place punctuation marks where necessary in sentences with inconsistent definitions.

1) Another room almost twice as large was called a hall. 2) Sasha in a coat and hat goes down the stairs. 3) The steamer arrived, illuminated by the morning dawn, already without lights. 4) Immediately, covered in the transparent summer sun, Maria Shcherbatova bent over them. 5) A boy with a short hair in a gray blouse handed Laptev a glass of tea without a saucer. 6) Today she was especially young and impressively beautiful in her new blue hood. 7) At this time, Katya and Sonya, cheerful and wet, went out onto the terrace with loud talking and laughter.

Exercise 44. Place punctuation marks where necessary in sentences with separate applications.

1) A passionate hunter, the writer deeply felt nature. 2) Natasha, a thin and graceful girl, behaved simply and naturally. 3) For the first time, the Russian pilot Nesterov performed a loop. 4) They are a mother and both daughters were at home. 5) My good friend Onegin was born on the banks of the Neva. 6) He knew his job perfectly as an engineer. 7) Mont Blanc is the highest mountain Western Europe attracts many tourists. 8) In the corner there was a bookcase, a gift from my father. 9) As a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic objects for his works, but for him all objects were equally filled with poetry. 10) The response received is considered as consent.

Isolating circumstances

Circumstances are separated by commas:

1. expressed by single participles, participial and comparative phrases: Grinding, the doors closed. Afraid of falling while descending, we decided to walk further along the stream;

2. expressed by nouns with a preposition despite, which has a concessive meaning: Despite difficult weather conditions, rescuers were already on site by evening;

3. expressed by a noun with other derived prepositions ( thanks to, according to, contrary to, in view of, due to etc.): I went by postal service, and he, due to heavy luggage, couldn't follow me.

Not separated:

1. gerunds that have turned into adverbs (standing, sitting, lying down), and stable phrases of an adverbial nature (headlong, carelessly): Gromov always read at home lying down. He spoke and they listened to him holding breath.

2. single gerunds, standing after the predicate and closely merging with it in meaning: She entered smiling and sat down at the table. He was walking limping on the left leg.

3. a homogeneous series consisting of an adverb and a gerund: He spoke in a whisper and without looking at anyone.

Exercise 45. Place punctuation marks where necessary in sentences with isolated circumstances.

1) Without putting on his cap, he went out onto the porch. 2) Only the moon peered curiously through the window. 3) Sergei lay motionless for a long time. 4) At the edge of the forest, with one ear attached and the other raised, a hare jumped over. 5) Klim Samghin walked along the street cheerfully and without giving way to people he met. 6) The batteries gallop and rattle in copper formation, smoking like wicks burning before a battle. 7) “Eagle” finally set off and, having caught up with the squadron, took its place in the ranks. 8) This exercise is done while sitting on a chair. 9) Rare clouds slowly stretched across the high sky. 10) He stood leaning against the wall and smiled aimlessly looking around him. 11) Although he worked carelessly, no one reproached him for this. 12) Despite the pallor of her face, Valeria was in bloom with health. 13) Contrary to orders, the Cossack slept soundly. 14) In case of attack, lock the gate. 15) Due to the lack of a room for travelers at the station, we were given overnight accommodation in a smoky hut.

Isolation of clarifying and explanatory members of the sentence

Exercise 46. ​​Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

Rule: members of a sentence that clarify or explain the meaning of the previous member are usually separated and highlighted in writing with commas: In the living room, on the middle sofa, the old lady was sitting.

1) The master's house stood on the south, that is, on a hill open to all the winds. 2) Sometimes on stuffy nights these people crossed the Kazanka River. 3) Yermolai had a pointer dog named Valetka. 4) More than once I have heard rumors about Yashka the Turk as the best singer in the area. 5) From there, screaming and running could be heard from the street. 6) A small queue of several dozen people stood at the entrance to the building.

Separating add-ons

Exercise 47. Place punctuation marks, taking into account that objects with derived prepositions except, besides, instead of, with the exception of, above etc., indicating the inclusion or exclusion of an item from a given series or its replacement, are usually distinguished: Except for Valya and Styopa, in the kindergarten there was a boy unfamiliar to Oleg (inclusion).

1) In addition to Sadovaya Street, Seryozhka saw other streets. 2) In addition to the military train, two more trains were awaiting departure at the station. 3) Besides Alexey and me, there were girls from the neighboring brigade at the evening. 4) Instead of printing ink, Zhora’s father prepared an original mixture. 5) It seems no one except Andrey knew his name. 6) He sat in the cab of the car behind the driver.

Test yourself on the topic “Isolating minor members of a sentence” by inserting the necessary punctuation marks.

1) A stream of smoke curled in the night air full of moisture and freshness of the sea. 2) The sun, magnificent and bright, rose over the sea. 3) The second boy, Pavlusha, had disheveled hair. 4) The father rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands thoroughly. 5) Having made some noise, the river calmed down and lay back on the banks. 6) Holding the jug over her head, the Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore. 7) Our stay in Kamrang Bay, contrary to the expectations of many, was delayed. 8) Who other than the hunter has experienced how joyful it is to wander through the bushes at dawn? 9) The train, leaving smoke in the distant edges, disappeared. 10) The miser loses everything in his desire to get everything. 11) Yakov walked slowly. 12) Combining almost half the world in itself, our native Rus' stretches widely. 13) The rooks screamed noisily as they laid down for the night. 14) The ships stood slowly and evenly in the harbor. 15) The boy ran headlong.


Types of offers

Parts communication means

punctuation mark



Coordinating conjunctions:

1) Connective: and, yes (= and), neither...nor, too, also;

2) Adversatives: a, but, yes (= but), however, but)

3) Dividing: or, either, then...that, not that...not that

Comma, dash

The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy. The world is concluded, but we are in captivity. Will I fall, pierced by an arrow, or will it fly by? He gives a sign and everyone gets busy.

Complex subordinates


Subordinating conjunctions or allied words: who, what, which, which, where, how, when, so that, since, if, because, etc.

This was when only the dead smiled. Let's figure out everything we saw, what happened, what happened in the country, and forgive where we were bitterly offended.



Comma, colon, dash, semicolon

The moon breaks through the wavy fogs, its sad light pours onto the sad meadows. All three generations of jurors decided: she was guilty. The trees, covered with frost, were white; the roofs of houses buried in snow also turned white.

Complex sentences

A comma is placed

There is no comma

1. if the parts are connected by unions:

a) connective: and, yes, neither...nor, too, also: The air breathes the aroma of spring, and all nature is revived;

a) general minor member of the sentence: In such a storm, the wolf does not prowl and the bear does not crawl out of the den.

b) adversative: a, yes (= but), but, however, on the other hand: Zakhar ordered Dick to wait, and he himself followed the voices and noise.

b) general subordinate clause: When the thunderstorm began, the game stopped and the children rushed to run home.

c) dividing: or, or, not that...not that, that...that, either...either: Either it is the horn of a boat approaching the pier, or the horn of a towing steamer with a barge.

at two nominative sentences: Walking in the forest and boating.

d) connecting: yes and, too, also: There was little snow, there were also snowstorms.

d) two interrogative, exclamatory or incentive sentences: What time is it now and how much time is left before the train leaves?

2. if there is a common secondary member of the sentence or a common clause with a repeating conjunction: Heavy trucks moved along the streets, and cars rushed, and pedestrians hurriedly walked.

e) two impersonal sentences of the same composition: It is necessary to rewrite the work and it is necessary to explain the mistakes made.

Exercise 48. Place the missing punctuation marks. Indicate simple sentences, complicated by homogeneous parts of the sentence, and complex ones.

1) The frost has died and we are glad about the pranks of Mother Winter. 2) And the air became sweeter and the distance was friendlier and the people were nicer and life was easier. 3) He (Pugachev) was about forty years old, of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. 4) I read strangely and reading has a strange effect on me. 5) Man has always been and will be the most curious phenomenon for man. 6) Here railway built and it became convenient. 7) I began to read and a desire for literature awakened in me. 8) We walked towards the sea and soon found ourselves on a stone ledge hanging over an abyss. 9) In the east, the stars became rarer and seemed to blur in the increasing light. 10) You don’t need to know the reasons and I won’t tell them. 11) Lightning flashed and illuminated the surroundings. 12) And the forest still sang its gloomy song and thunder rumbled and rain poured down. 13) The guys cheered up and nothing remained of yesterday’s doubts. 14) I need a passing car and I keep my eyes on the highway. 15) Geraniums bloomed on the windowsill and lemons turned green. 16) I looked at the water meadows and remembered our trips at night. 17) When we arrived at the station, the train was standing at the platform and boarding was announced. 18) In a word, the time had already expired and it was time to leave. 19) My narration turned out to be strictly documentary and then I must follow the chosen path. 20) We must live honestly, work hard and deeply love and take care of this huge and happy land.

Complex sentences

Subordinate clause

Separated from the main

Not separated from the main thing

In the presence of subordinating conjunction, (as if...): The sea is all covered in living white spots, as if countless flocks of birds have descended onto its plain.

But: He is irritable And when you're sick And when healthy

(And When…), ( And When…)

If subordinate clauses are homogeneous

[so], (to ─ ═) and (─ ═): Try to live so that your hands are clean and your conscience is clear.

But: He complained that his health was not the same, and that work had lost its former interest, and that people treated him badly.

, (what ─ ═), and (what ─ ═), and (what ─ ═).

When attached to a verb using a compound conjunction ( due to the fact that, since, after, because, thanks to, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because of, instead of, in order to, so as to, while etc.), the comma is placed once before the entire combination or before it, depending on the meaning of the statement: As the sun rose, the day became warmer and cheerful.

(As...), .

But: He didn’t answer her only because there were too many people on the embankment.

[ only because…)

I slept for a long time because when I woke up, it was already night. He was counting what if the bombs will explode That they will not catch it with fragments.

Exercise 49. Replace the adverbial clause with a subordinate clause.

1) Having made a difficult journey, he was tired and dreamed of quickly getting to his accommodation for the night. 2) They didn’t sleep all night waiting for the train to arrive. 3) Having lied once, he could no longer hope that they would believe him.

Exercise 50. Add punctuation where necessary.

1) However, Olga again asked if I intended to go to Oblomovka. 2) We didn’t know which way to go and stopped indecision. 3) There is no truth where there is no love. 4) Where there is greatness there is simplicity. 5) Everywhere you look, the forest is burning easily, fearlessly and quietly. 6) Lenya and I enter a room from where strange sounds are heard. 7) On the second floor of the hospital, where the long corridor of the old house ends in a dead end, there are tubs standing close to each other. 8) The village where they were going was not far from the city. 9) I said this, but I don’t remember when. 10) Where the wind blew freely between the courtyards there was little snow. 11) I want to know not how it is done, but why it is done. 12) Golitsyno, where we spent the summer, greeted us with a diverse children’s choir. 13) Whales, after taking in water, throw it upward in a fountain. 14) The work was done properly. 15) When the coolness of the night and the mountain air refreshed my head and my thoughts returned to normal order, I realized that chasing after lost happiness was useless and reckless. 16) He didn’t fulfill his promise only because he didn’t have time. 17) His appearance was one of those that at first glance strikes unpleasantly, but which you later like when the eye learns to read in the irregular features the imprint of a proven and lofty soul. 18) Anton shed tears when he saw Dubrovsky, bowed to the ground and said that the master was still alive. 19) An optimist is not one who has never suffered, but one who has experienced despair and overcome it. 20) The wise man is not the one who loves to teach, but the one who never tires of learning. 21) Young people are good because they have a future. 22) The man went to open the doors, but they were boarded up, although the shutters were open and the house seemed inhabited. 23) The boy ran after them and when he was already close, he heard another shot. 24) Now, when people were talking nearby and the window was shining, he was no longer afraid, although thunder still crackled and lightning streaked the sky. 25) He didn’t understand why he was so sad and why everyone was so worried. 26) Friends spent the whole day preparing for the hunt and when the sun set they set off.

Exercise 51. Explain why there is no comma before the sentences And.

1) When Anya was escorted home, it was already dawn and the cooks were going to the market. 2) When winter came and the house was covered with snow, a wolf howl was heard at night. 3) There was a buffet in the theater and an orchestra was playing. 4) It's time to get up and get to work. 5) In the life of every person there are such cases that are never forgotten and which determine his behavior for a long time.

Non-union complex sentences

Punctuation marks

If sentences are closely related in meaning

The deep darkness in the sky was thinning, day was falling on the dark valley, and dawn was rising.


If parts non-union proposal are distant from each other in meaning or are significantly widespread and have commas inside them

At the gate I saw an old cast-iron cannon; the fences were cramped and crooked; the huts are low and for the most part covered with straw.





d) if the meaning can be substituted with the words: and I saw that; and heard that; and felt that;

Here a rather interesting picture opened up: a wide hut, the roof of which rested on two completed pillars, was full of people.

I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

They were silent the whole way to the farm: the bumpy ride made it difficult to talk.

I looked out the window: the stars were shining in the cloudless sky.

a) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction But or And(quick change of events);

b) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction A(opposition);

c) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction That's why(consequence, conclusion);

d) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction When(time);

e) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction If(condition);

f) if in meaning you can substitute a conjunction How(comparison)

Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired.

The oak tree is holding on - the reed has fallen to the ground.

Praise is tempting - how could you not wish for it?

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.

Says a word - the nightingale sings.

Exercise 52. Place punctuation marks.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) The Sea of ​​Azov is located in the north of the Black Sea and is connected to it by the Kerch Strait; it is fresher than the Black Sea, colder and very shallow. (2) Such conditions made this sea unsuitable for the habitat of a number of animals, ____ content organic matter in Azov water is 5-6 times more than in any other sea in the world. (3) Such conditions are a paradise for fish, which is why the Sea of ​​Azov is called “fish soup”.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The increased content of organic substances in the Sea of ​​Azov creates heavenly conditions for fish and turns the sea into a “fish soup”.

2. Since the Azov Sea is fresher than the Black Sea, colder and very shallow, it is very suitable for fish.

3. The Sea of ​​Azov is called “fish soup” because the high content of organic substances in the water creates very favorable conditions for fish.

4. The Azov Sea is not suitable for the habitat of a number of animals, because the content of organic substances in the Azov water is 5-6 times higher than in any other sea in the world.

5. The Azov Sea is located in the north of the Black Sea, which is why it is called “fish soup”.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

3. since

4. perhaps

5. therefore


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word CONDITION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CONDITION, -i, cf.

1. Circumstance from which something. depends. Demanding on oneself - y. success.

2. A demand made by one of the contracting parties. State your conditions. Truce conditions.

3. Oral or written agreement about something, agreement (obsolete). Conclude, violate

4. Pl., what. Rules established in some. areas of life and activity. On preferential terms. Living conditions in the hostel.

5. Ml. A situation in which something happens, something happens. Good working conditions. Natural conditions. Living conditions. Operate in favorable conditions.

6. Usually plural. Data, requirements, from which one should proceed. Conditions of the problem.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Arbatov proved himself to be a persistent, DISCIPLINED, smart commander.

2. A HORSE fire started in the neighboring forest, and a hurricane wind carried the fire towards the village.

3. It fits perfectly into the EXOTIC atmosphere of the city by the sea.

4. Such cases are of a ONLY, exceptional nature.

5. More than two hundred years ago French revolution DECLARED the rights of citizens: freedom, equality, fraternity.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


BEING a director

THE BIGGEST challenge

kilogram of CHERRY

SIX cyclists


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and those admitted in them grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) A. Dumas left us a very vivid description of the optical telegraph in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”. 1) misuse case form noun with preposition
B) You can admire and talk about Italy endlessly. 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Blinking the lights that were fading at dawn, I wanted to admire the approaching steamer. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) According to the decree of Peter I, all those who dumped garbage into the Neva were punished. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) Thanks various types art, a person can convey the most complex feelings. 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


set set fire




Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter., pr...neglect

in...anxious, n...thrown

pre...premise, oh...guess

priceless, neither...send, pr...rotation


Write down the word in which the letter O is written in the blank.


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

opening... May

you're worried


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. The (not) bright light from the fireplace softly illuminated the small cozy attic.

2. Lomonosov arrived in Moscow, (not) having a single acquaintance in the city.

3. The waters of the ponds, which had become frozen but not yet captured by ice, shrank.

4. A (not) large, but tiny lake can be seen near a high hill.

5. He wrote at night to the sound of the sea that did not stop for a minute.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. (BY) THIS sign and (BY) THE way the lower part of the trunk was burnt, I unraveled the origin of the pit.

2. At the foot of the spruce tree, translucent (ON) THROUGH, fragile, tender lilies of the valley (FROM) INSIDE will glow.

3. The girls also unceremoniously looked at him (B) FOR some time.

4. (From) THE TOP of the mountains it was clearly visible where they were (STILL) green coniferous forests.

5. A barely perceptible, (IN) EVENING fragrant smoke wafted from SOMEWHERE in the cooling air.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which NN is written.

The old (1) city of Tana was small, the streets in it were dusty (2), narrow, the houses were not only wooden (3), but also clay (4) and white stone (5).


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. We rested more, paid more attention to the sun, to the forest, to the pale blue sky.

2. At a great distance, the city lay out and quietly sparkled with white and yellow lights.

3. Green was not only a magnificent landscape painter and master of plot, but also a very subtle psychologist.

4. Landscapes can be beautiful without any admixture of vegetation and animal figures.

5. A dry path has melted near the forest and a stream is noisy and sparkling next to it.


The fog (1) at first curled into small clouds (2) then curled into strands and (3) rising (4) slowly melted in the spring coolness.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

1) The sounds of a small, weak instrument rushing from the outbuilding reigned over everything, and these sounds (1) seemed (2) to thunder over the ground like peals of thunder.

2) The world seems unusually beautiful (3) (4) when it accordingly continues and endlessly expands and strengthens the inner world.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

No matter what stupidity you come up with (1) there will always be a person (2) who will do this stupidity.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Urov returned to Moscow on a nice frosty day (1) and (2) when he put on a fur coat (3) and warm gloves (4) and on Saturday evening heard the ringing of bells (5), then the recent trip lost all its charm for him.


Edit sentence: correct lexical error, replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

The factory club hosts crowded evenings.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.


(1) I woke up late at night from frantic running, the rumble of wheels, the creaking of shelves, the rattling of a half-open compartment door - piercing drafts were flying overhead.

(2) It was dark in the corridor and compartment: I lay for a long time with my eyes open, guessing in the darkness the black square of the window, behind which everything was impenetrable, dark as at night, and it was impossible to understand whether it was the steppe or the forests that walked in this endless, secret, incomprehensible, like darkness, Universe.

(3) Then, in the abyss of the sky beyond the window, a solitary blue star flashed with a transcendental fire.

(4) The train was still rushing, without slowing down its speed, lost in the dark autumn spaces, without earthly lights, invisible from the unimaginable height of this star, burning among the icy cosmic deserts, separated from the Earth by multimillion-dollar distances.

(5) In its arrogant inaccessibility, the star floated next to the carriage, brightly, shaggyly moving its tentacles of rays in the darkness of the universe, penetrating through its coldness, and I incessantly looked at it with a feeling of delight and fear of the unsolved nature of some laws existing outside the mind, which For some reason, they mercilessly condensed eternity into a moment and stretched the moment into eternity. (6) “So, eternity is life, a moment is destruction?..”

(7) And I became scared because everything is powerless before these laws: life, love, art, the Earth itself, this lived-in cozy island in the boundless threatening ocean of the unknown.

(8) And I imagined our Earth as it might be seen from the height of this indifferent autumn star, a small, bluish speck of dust, this airship rushing through the thickness of violet cold, starlight, through meteorite, sparkling fogs, I imagined its fragility, its weakness , his limited supplies of water and food - and was horrified at the thought of his helplessness in the Universe.

(9) If each of the crew on this boat realized that there was a deadly reef ahead and in a collision with it would disappear without a trace, his beautiful flesh, consisting of forests, rivers, oceans, rains, sunsets, green grass, beautiful cities, would crumble into nothingness, monuments, cathedrals, cars, books, paintings by painters, everything that was created by the geniuses of human thought and human hands, if everyone thought for a minute about the fleeting age of the Earth, people would not shake their ship from side to side, they would not punch holes in its bottom, the devilish forces of split nature would not slash the inflated sails with knives of anger and hatred with the obsession of suicides, spattering them with their own blood.

(10) Will people never understand that the Earth should be their clean, bright, white-sailed ship, the path of which, unfortunately, is not endless?

(11) But is it worth thinking about this? (12) After all, a person rarely thinks about his death, but when thinking about it, he reassures himself that this will happen to him someday later, later...

(13) Then is a form of self-defense, but in this “later” there is also a shade of strange and almost inexplicable hope: maybe it won’t happen to me? (14) Mentally putting death off or having difficulty believing in the possibility of death, people sometimes lose the main thing - the meaning of the uniqueness of life, and here comes a ruthless alienation of the Earth and man. (15) Then our tiny planet becomes only a means for achieving modern conveniences and pleasures, which develop into a cruel and disgusting pathology.