Peat. technique for solving any problem. Energy psychology: Review of techniques by Zivorad Slavinsky Peat we solve psychological problems on our own

Psychological technique,

which will solve your problems

All problems are within us
Their solution is right there

(Zivorad Slavinsky. Creator of the PEAT technique)

Created by a Serbian psychologist Zivorad Slavinsky. The full name of the technique is Primary Energy Activation and Transcendence, the predecessors of this technique are TAT, E.F.T. And BSFF, Slavinsky reworked, supplemented, and created his own technique.

Basic and Deep PEAT
divide by Basic PEAT And Deep PEAT. The difference between the techniques is in the duration and depth of development. Basic PEAT allows you to remove one negative emotion/state, good for independent work. This method is convenient if you need to get in shape quickly and don’t have time to work out. Disadvantage Basic PEAT its action is considered to be superficial, since it cannot completely solve the problem, and it often happens that having removed one layer of the problem, another layer comes to the surface, another emotion with which you need to continue working. Having mastered Basic PEAT you can quickly get in shape before an important meeting, a meeting, a speech, or simply when you don’t feel well. Unlike Basic, Deep PEAT allows you to dig deeper. Deep PEAT works through the problem like an onion, removing layers (emotions, pictures, bodily sensations, thoughts - everything that makes up the problem) going to its core. On one's own Deep It is quite difficult to do, since you need to be able to switch between 2 roles of processor (master) and client (slave). But if you have set such a goal for yourself, then I recommend taking 1-2 sessions in order to fully experience working as a client.

can be worked out emotional, somatic, spiritual problems, the time of their occurrence does not matter. Sometimes a problem, especially if it has been with you for a long time, has several roots, then it will take 3 or more sessions to eliminate it. But the result of the work should be felt already at the end of the first session.

Energy and PEAT
PEAT processing referred to as energy therapy, it works by unblocking your energy, so you gradually have more strength that previously went into maintaining the problem. PEAT processor(as the session leader is called) helps you clear your inner space from negativity, from past failures and defeats that you still carry with you in order not to make similar mistakes again. It’s illogical to do this, but our subconscious protects us in its own ways. It remembers negative experiences and tries to make sure that we do not repeat them, putting psychological barriers in the form of unpleasant feelings, beliefs, and illnesses.

PEAT book
Several books about PAET, here are some of them:
AND. Slavinsky: Return to Unity
AND. Slavinsky: We solve psychological problems ourselves
AND. Slavinsky: PEAT. New ways. Special course Alchemy of Abundance
Oleg Matveev: Upgrade your problems now

PEAT and neutralization of primary polarities
In his books Zivorad Slavinsky talks in detail about duality, about the polarity of our consciousness. According to J. Slavinsky, at the heart of any problem is a pair of primary polarities that supports its existence. (Example of polarities: I - not I; weakness - strength; freedom - lack of freedom). Primary polarities he names the primary human codes that determine human behavior in life. A person can switch between them: back and forth for several hours, days, months or years, playing an endless game. Deep PEAT allows you to neutralize primary polarities, that is, merge them, feel the unity between them. You will be in this state of unity for some time; this experience, if you use it correctly, will allow you to become a more harmonious and holistic person.

PEAT technique allowing you to solve psychological problems, increases a person’s awareness. Its internal boundaries expand, allowing a person to independently make choices in life, and not under the pressure of his “problems.”

PEAT download you can from my website below. This Slavinsky session with his wife Alda.
Can also be found on the Internet demo sessions with the host Oleg Matveev. (Oleg PEAT) If you wish, you can watch PEAT video, see how the process goes, but of course only yours personal experience will allow you to decide how much it helps Deep PEAT to you personally. At the moment, payment is made after the session, so you can evaluate my work and effectiveness without risk to yourself.

not the only technique Zivorada. GP 4 Slavinsky- another technique worthy of your attention. This technique works through problems by neutralizing two states.
By using GP 4 you will be able to merge (mix) two opposite states in order to remove automatic switching and have the opportunity to choose. This does not mean that there will be no difference for you, for example, being alone or with people, traveling by car/subway, etc., you will just make a choice consciously, based on your needs and requirements, and not under influence of emotions.

Examples of polarities:
I feel smart - I feel stupid
A lot of money - little money
I want to work, I don’t want to work
Etc. Accordingly, you will work through what is relevant to you.

GP 4 you can learn to do it yourself and after some practice you will be able to remove unnecessary conditions on your own. First, I also recommend going through 1 session with the processor for a better understanding of the process.

Having the opportunity to choose, you are not stuck in one state, you have inner freedom, you are growing internally in the direction you need. There are several more effective techniques for internal growth and problem solving, such as Symbolic Modeling, RPT, Spiritual Choice, ICAN. Spiritual Choice- by the way, this is a technique son Zivorada Slavinsky, Philip Mikhailovich For achieving goals in harmony with yourself and the world. Each of these techniques is suitable for its own purposes, each technique is unique and each has its own creator. They have one thing in common - they will all help solve your problems and achieve your goals. WITH

Start solving your problems today

Session with Slavinsky

The spiritual invades our lives. Once a person becomes free enough from getting food, he begins to want to improve his life. Someone begins to earn money for this and change the world, someone strives to change their reaction to the world and become happier and more balanced. The truth, as usual, is in the middle - in actively changing both yourself and your world in the direction of a better and harmonious life for yourself and your environment.

If you start working on yourself, it is very important to understand generic scenarios.

A free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov will help you do this “ How to stop walking in circles of generic scenarios and take life into your own hands«.

When you begin to understand new technologies of spiritual development, you find yourself in a world of new words, concepts, ideas, which are extremely difficult to understand at a glance. I decided to help and do short description Technician is a mini glossary.

Currently, the following systems have become widespread in Russia and are presented on this website:

PEAT | Deep PEAT— a system for resolving internal conflicts. Even very difficult situations are resolved in a short time. Sometimes very short. Regular use allows you to make your life free from negativity within about six months of hard work. (Author - Zivorad Slavinsky)

GP4 | DP4— Deep PEAT 4 variety. A technique for eliminating emotional charge between 2 points in time. Sounds clever. The list of applications is impressive:

  • elimination of phobias
  • change in attitude towards a person
  • shadow integration
  • return of the soul
  • installation of someone else's abilities

One of the most powerful modern techniques- metaphorical cards.

In our free webinar " How to Solve Problems Using Metaphorical Maps"Elmira Dovlatova will teach you how to use them.

Symbolic modeling (SIM) - spiritual technology based on the system of studying internal models that create your world and changing them. Allows you to build your world by combining conscious and subconscious efforts. Clean Language- the heart of symbolic modeling. (by David Grove)

Spiritual choice | Spiritual Option- a system for achieving goals. Eliminates internal obstacles on the path to the goal and adjusts the conscious and subconscious mind in unison with respect to the goal. Then all that remains is to honestly carry out the planned actions every day. Author - Philip Mikhailovich (Son of Zhivorad)

Achieving goals without struggle— my compilation of Spiritual Choice methods with Kundalini Yoga methods

Memento- technique for studying past lives. Past lives themselves do not have much influence on the current one. But posthumous decisions directly affect the current one. Memento allows you to eliminate the consequences of such decisions.

Aspectics spiritual technology of working with subpersonalities. Each subpersonality strives for its own goals in the process of life. Some goals are highly destructive for the person as a whole. Aspectics invites the subpersonality (aspect) to realize its goals in virtual space (the client’s mind) and integrate into the whole. (Slavinsky)

Great mind- a meditative technique that allows you to work with subpersonalities. Aspectics are simpler in some ways, more complex in others (genpo Merzel Dennis)

E.F.T.- Also known as EFT - emotional freedom technique. The idea of ​​meridian therapies is used. This is the idea that any problem is represented in the energy body, and focusing on the problem combined with tapping on acupuncture points relieves the problem. Helps with almost any problem, both mental and somatic. The good thing about EFT is that I have never seen a case where it didn't work. (Harry Craig)

TAT— spiritual technology of acupressure Tapas. Just as versatile as EFT, but focuses primarily on intention. There are examples of healing from cancer. (Tapas Fleming)

Sedona- The simplest and most effective Everyday life technique. Just let go of any thought, emotion, condition. That's all. Once you have mastered the skill, letting go is an exceptionally strong technique. It takes virtually no time and is done even in the background. (Lester Levinson)

Transcendence-Uses the alchemical power of the symbol to transform experience. At the Zivorad Slavinsky seminar, it is used as a life healing technique.

Gnostic intensive- a way to get a little local enlightenment. On the topic of experiencing your true essence. The seminar is short. Only 6 hours. (Slavinsky)

Shunyata- divine emptiness. The state of emptiness of mind is one of the correct states, which, in theory, any serious person should be able to enter. spiritual practitioner. (Slavinsky)

Spinner- a mega-simple technique for eliminating emotions from any past situations. In reality it takes 20-30 seconds. (Slavinsky)

Clean space— Development of symbolic modeling of relationships with space. Somewhat reminiscent of the Helinger arrangement. But the client himself interrogates all points in space, builds his own metaphors of these places and their interactions, and as a result, solves his problem. By-effect- if you spend it in your apartment, then some places acquire magical properties 🙂 (Grove)

Strength 6— A superbly simple, crystal clear technique that expands the consciousness of the participants. Suitable for any cognitive questions. (Grove)

Time rundown- a process that removes all conscious emotional charges from a person’s life. Then new ones emerge, but for a couple of weeks a person lives without the burden of the past. (Slavinsky)

Space rundown- a strange process. I saw a couple of descriptions of the results. I did it myself. Suitable for lovers of spiritual extremes. (Slavinsky)

Energy rundown- I did it for myself. I haven't tried it on others. The feeling of possibility or impossibility of some things was eliminated. “Chronic fatigue” has passed (Slavinsky)

Lucid dreaming - There’s nothing about it on my website, but spiritual technology is popular. Practices are divided into 2 large groups. Some say it’s cool and list hundreds of ways to use the OS in life. For example, you can take training from Socrates or Buddha in the OS. The second category of citizens assures that the OS has many pitfalls and ambushes. And they know how to avoid these ambushes.

Shavasana- the most difficult exercise in yoga. with outward simplicity. Lie like a corpse and that's it. Just don't sleep. Relax. Shavasana ends any yoga practice. Shavasana should be done an hour before bedtime - then the sleep will be sound and refreshing. Shavasana can be done instead of sleep. But I don’t recommend experimenting for a long time. A dream should be a dream :)

Vipassana - Buddhist technique of working with the mind, which has recently gained enormous popularity. In form, it is a 10-day meditation in a special retreat center.

Kundalini yoga- a system of practices that allows you to live in society and develop yourself physically, energetically, morally and spiritually. I am a Kundalini yoga instructor. I often use it in combination with other practices. The results are encouraging.

Yoga Nidra— advanced shavasana 🙂 Relieves deep tension, normalizes psychic, mental and emotional activity, adds strength, restores abilities, etc. According to the form, you lie on your back for 40-50 minutes, relax, remain conscious and imagine what the instructor is talking about.

Vivation- my favorite breathing technique. Eliminates problems at the level of their origin, clears old emotional baggage, transforming a problematic state into pure joy and ecstatic experiences. Can be practiced anytime, anywhere (but not during heavy physical activity). (Jim Leonard)

Turbo gopher- a brilliant marketing ploy that promises enlightenment and freedom from all restrictions on freebies. That is, without effort on the part of the practitioner. (Dmitry Leushkin)

What is PEAT?

Primary energy activation and transcendence. In a general sense, transcendence is going beyond boundaries, overcoming fundamental obstacles, boundaries, limits. Transcendence for a person is overcoming. Overcoming your own boundaries. More precisely, overcoming one’s own limitations. This is the path to harmonization. After all, by limiting ourselves to one thing, we deny the rest.

Why are these techniques classified as energy therapy methods?

The technique of energy therapies is that in these techniques we work with the invisible energetic basis of emotional and psychological disorders. All energy therapies aim to influence the universal life energy. By releasing blocked energy flows, PEAT makes conscious and neutralizes opposites within the boundaries of which the energy charge was preserved. These closed energy flows contain problems, destructive fantasies, obsessions, blockages and much more.

If PEAT is not psychotherapy, then what kind of procedure is it?

PEAT is both a therapeutic method and at the same time a system of spiritual development. Spiritual development undoubtedly has a therapeutic effect. And besides, PEAT is rather a technical procedure that allows a person to clarify (resolve) problems, which makes him freer. According to a certain technology, during the PEAT process, material (pictures, emotions, sensations in the body and thoughts) emerges from the subconscious and is discharged ( similar to that, like a drop falling into a larger body of water, it simply disappears in it), while several acupuncture points are used to neutralize the charge

Is PEAT suitable for everyone?

PEAT is not effective for people who do not feel emotions, or who try to control the process while working. There are health restrictions - heart disease, diabetes, asthma, depression and psychiatric illness.

Is it possible to solve any problem using PEAT?

If you realize that you have a problem and you are ready to solve it, then you can do it. As for PEAT, it can work with subjective (personal) problems. Let me give you an example: it’s raining outside. But is the problem really the rain itself? Rain is only a natural phenomenon, i.e. phenomenon. The problem is your attitude towards rain: “I hate rainy weather”, “Rain makes me deeply sad” and so on - a person does not like rain. He may not love him because various reasons, but the energetic essence of this dislike is simple - the presence of a charge on the “rain” phenomenon. After solving the subjective problem, you are freed from negative reactions to the rain and gain the freedom to respond to this phenomenon in a way that suits you: open a large umbrella, enjoy walking in the rain, stay at home, or not pay any attention to the rain. Of course, PEAT works with much more serious problems.

If you compare your problems, they will be united by one quality - what personally bothers you about this or that phenomenon or event, what you have defined as a problem, what you are “stressed about”, what causes your negative emotions. PEAT removes the charge and this transfers any problem being processed into the category of tasks that can now be solved purposefully, with a sober head, rather than wasting energy on useless negative emotions or regrets, which significantly reduces efficiency and overall quality of life. And this applies to any problem.

What is a processor?

A processor is a person who uses PEAT techniques for himself and with a client in order to eliminate a problem, demonstrate process technology in teaching the client to master the technique for independent work.

Solo processing?

PEAT can be used in solo mode, i.e. on oneself without the help of another person. Working in tandem with a processor is sometimes faster and more efficient - it all depends on specific individual preferences.

Is it possible to improve physical health with the help of PEAT?

PEAT effectively copes with emotional, psychological and spiritual problems and, as a result of processing, it is possible to get rid of negative experiences associated with health. Also, those health disorders that were associated with psychosomatics, with psychosomatic negative reasons, stop. There is no reason - the disease stops. And he never comes back. Neither in the same form, nor in a modified form. But it will be necessary to treat the symptoms and correct the body using traditional methods. Traditional methods are designed specifically for symptoms (not causes).

How do you set desired character traits?

The difference between your current state and your desired state is polarity. I am such and such, but I want to be like this. Once the charge between the two polarities is neutralized, the subjective difference between these states disappears and you can enter a new role or remain in an old one at will.

Is PEAT a “miracle technology”?

No, PEAT is not a “miracle technique” where you pressed a button and got what you wanted, and it is not a magic pill, and it is not a panacea - it is a tool with which you need to work. But it's modern and very effective tool, each session gives quick, tangible, immediately verifiable and stable results

Will the integration of “primary polarities” solve all my problems?

Primary polarities, or “Primes” for short, are polarities that everyone has and that most strongly influence our behavior from birth. Their integration does not solve all problems, but usually a significant part of them ceases to exist and turns into a meaningless (“uncharged”) set of words.

Could my problem return in the future? Can the integrated polarities separate again?

Theoretically yes. Nothing in a person lasts forever and a person changes over time. The mechanism that allows you to change attitudes towards problems and remove the charge between polarities leaves the opportunity to change in any direction. However, this usually does not happen: PEAT solves problems at the deepest level and eliminates their energetic roots, which gives confidence in stable and long-term results.

What is polarity?

Life is made of energy, and energy exists only between two poles. We naturally perceive the difference between the “negative” and “positive” poles. In our inner universe we also operate with polarities.

Do we need these polarities to guide our lives?

Yes, sure. In life, we use these polarities as guidelines, such as good-bad, right-wrong, love-hate, etc. There are a huge number of such polarities, and we use them all the time without even realizing it. And that's okay.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that we unconsciously use mostly only one pair of polarities all the time. And this is what we constantly do until we find these polarities and “merge” them - i.e. Let's balance these two energies. There are two options for how this can manifest itself: either one polarity pole is in constant restimulation, or we periodically switch from one pole to the other.

How does this manifest itself in practice?

Let's take the Freedom-Love polarity as an example. Freedom and Love are polarities. "Free love" doesn't work as we know it. The moment you are in love with someone, you are no longer free. Of course, if you are in love, you won't even notice it at first.

Now, let's look at the example of a man who has a basic polarity of Freedom-Love - the polarity that is most “charged”, which has for his unconscious highest value. Now let’s assume that “Freedom” is the desired pole for him. Will he be able to get married and start a family? No. And if he tries, everything will go wrong. However, we often switch from one pole to the other. A man falls in love and is happy for the first year, two, three. And then suddenly he discovers: “She is a wonderful woman, but somehow I have lost my freedom. I really miss that feeling of being able to do whatever I wanted.” And, as a result, he gets divorced. For some time - a year, two, three - he is very happy. But then suddenly he begins to think: “Being free is very good, I like it. But lately I've been feeling lonely. If only I could find the right woman and build the right relationship with her, then she could share all this with me.” And so again he finds himself a new woman, gets married and is happy. And after a year, two, three...

There are even men who have married and divorced the same woman several times! And it's not as funny as it sounds. This is real drama, and it happens because of the reversal of the poles of the basic polarity. Polarity, which in this case seems to be the prime (primary polarity).

What exactly is the process?

This process is a small simple procedure. No too personal questions. No storytelling. The questions will only be about how you feel in your body, what emotions you experience, what thoughts or images arise in your head. It is an orderly procedure in which actions are carried out to bring you into contact with your primal polarities. This can happen very quickly, or it can be a long laborious process in which several polarities will emerge and change. Once your base polarity emerges, there are two stages of the process you will go through to merge these two different types of energies.

Can I learn this and do it myself?

Yes, sure. You should even learn how to do it! There is some difficulty in merging primes yourself: this part of your consciousness is very highly charged (contains very a large number of compressed energy). Keep this in mind when working independently.

How does this “merging” or integration of polarities occur? What are they experiencing at this time?

The merging of polarities gives a feeling of deepest relief. This is finding the answer to the main “Why?” regarding most problems in your life. And the problems immediately either disappear or become manageable. This process answers the question of why you have acted the way you have all your life. And it not only explains many things, but also harmonizes (merges) the polarity itself (for example, as in the example above: Love-Freedom). Brings it to the point where it is no longer charged and has no subconscious power over you. The “merging of polarities” itself can be felt. You'll know when you've leaked them. But this is something that can only be felt, but cannot be explained. You will feel this relief even if you have had a good life, in which there seemed to be no special problems. And now, for the first time in your life, you will have the freedom to change, as you will have the awareness of what you have been doing all this time before that you didn’t even know about.

What are Primes?

Primes are the two poles (desired and feared) of the most charged polarity that you use as the main reference point in your life on a subconscious level. This is what you use to determine the meaning of life for you. It's like a lighthouse in the night for a ship on the ocean. These poles are your main guidelines in life. The problem is that you don't even know the right words for your primes. You don’t have an “access code” to them, and that’s why they run your life, not you. And this will happen until you integrate them. Those. until you balance the energy between them.

What if I have a specific problem in my life that is physically unable to disappear even if I harmonize my primary polarities?

Yes, indeed, if, for example, your husband cheats on you, he is unlikely to stop doing it just because you leaked your primes. But now it will be much easier for you to cope with this situation in a way that suits you. Before the drain, the problem might have looked insurmountable to you. It weighed heavily on your shoulders and could even make you feel depressed. But after you have merged your primes, you will see for the first time the essence of the situation, what you want to do with it, and how you can deal with it in the best way. You will no longer be influenced by the situation, which is already the first step towards changing it.

How complex is the process?

Not complicated at all. It's quite simple and can even be funny at times. If you are very immersed in your head (i.e. accustomed to analyzing, categorizing, etc.), then the process may take longer, but rest assured that you will still achieve the goal.

Does this process interfere with my personal life?

Not at all. You are not asked any overly personal questions when working in pairs. There is nothing that you need to necessarily disclose. The process works without this.

Is this process connected with any faith?

Not at all. The process is in no way connected with any faith or religion. It is also not part of any known practice such as yoga, qigong or the like. It itself is a tool for working with diseases of the body and mind.

Do I need to trust that the process will work?

Could there be any negative consequences due to the drain of primes?

No, no way. Draining primes does not in any way change your awareness of any unpleasant events in your life. You don't become less smart, rather, on the contrary, more. The mind requires freedom to see. Before the Primes drained, you were used to seeing things through their filter without even realizing it. After draining, you will get rid of this filter and begin to see clearly.

How long does it take to drain primes?

The session can last from 15 minutes to two hours. For most people, the draining of polarities takes from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. If the session lasts longer, then it ends on some positive point and continues after a day or two. Most people manage to merge their primes in the first session. Some require 2 sessions.

How do I know if this is really right for me?

Most likely, you already have a feeling that all of the above is true for you, and in some way it is interesting to you and may even be useful. Some immediately spontaneously feel the truth of the above and decide to merge their polarities. But there are few of them. Only those who are fit enough to see it and act immediately. But you will have to make this decision yourself. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this. We can only say that every time we see how people change when they manage to merge their polarities, how their face changes, how inspired and happy they are.

Slavinsky answers:

Are there times or situations in which solo processing is more effective?

Experience shows that, indeed, there are periods when a person working solo achieves greater success and the results are more stable. So far I have observed the following situations.
The hypnagogic state is a borderline state that is experienced at the moment when you are falling asleep or just waking up, when it is easy to experience rare illusions or hallucinations. If PEAT is performed at this point, it is usually very deep and works faster, giving more consistent results.

Another suitable time is when both hemispheres of the brain are equally active. Usually one of the hemispheres is dominant. This activity can be checked by the work of the nostrils - which of them is more open or easier to blow through. Usually one of the nostrils is the leading one. The more active hemisphere of the brain (at this moment) is on the opposite side of the head from the open nostril. If the left nostril is more open, the right side of the brain is more active, and vice versa. About every two hours, the nostrils switch and the dominant hemisphere changes. At this moment, for several minutes, the same state of the nostrils and the same activity of both hemispheres are observed. This period is extremely favorable for processing, although it is short-lived.

Any form of meditation brings a person into a more relaxed state in which processing works more effectively. Finally, I have noticed that results are achieved much more quickly in a group atmosphere - during PEAT workshops, PEAT training courses or in the days following these meetings. A possible explanation for this may be that balance between hemispheric functions, deeper restimulation, or both help achieve greater success.

Is it possible to achieve recall of past lives through PEAT processing?

This field of research is just beginning, but I already have some encouraging results. There is one occult theory that there is an energetic point (more precisely, a small area, not a point) through which it is easiest to restimulate past life memories. This point is located on the back of the head. If you want to do research in this area, you need to keep two fingers on the back of your head as you work with past life memories. The question must be specific, and in such work you need to be persistent. First, get acquainted with my Memento system, which will help in the process of remembering past lives and times.

Another way is to carry out the process of small PEAT, after saying the FAM (Formula of Antagonistic Motivation): “Even though I cannot remember events from the periods of my past lives, I accept and love... and so on.” Then work through the first to last points, focusing on your inability to remember past lives. When some vague fragments appear, change the FAM to “Even though I do not clearly see what happened in that event from my past, I... etc.” Once you have removed the obstacles to remembering, you need to create positive situations. Moving in the opposite order, begin to touch acupuncture points 13 to 1 with your fingers, establishing the affirmation: “I can remember my significant past lives.” With practice, pieces of experience will fall into place in the overall picture. Again, this work cannot be done without persistence.

Who actually does the healing in energy processing?

Since PEAT is an energy therapy, this issue is the same for all of these systems. At first, after the advent of energy therapy, the credit for solving problems was attributed to the therapist or, even more so, to the effectiveness of the technique itself. However, quite soon, spiritually oriented practitioners began to ask the question: who is actually carrying out the purpose of therapy? Larry Nims recently came up with an interesting and intriguing hypothesis as to why energy therapies are effective. Completely disregarding physical explanations, he claims that the subconscious mind does the healing. The therapist and client, as conscious beings, can bring themselves into alignment with the unconscious mind through muscle testing and elimination of AM, that is, psychological reversal.

Recently, Asha Naoma Clinton offered a mystical explanation that through such a process you receive contact and result from the Higher Consciousness, Atman or personal God. In 1999, Asha Clinton conducted research with a large number of people, using muscle testing to get accurate answers to the questions she was asked. She found that most subjects exhibited a strong muscular reaction to the claim that the healing was being performed by a "True Being" or "Atman." Since the Atman, being part of the Supreme Consciousness or Brahman, carries out this healing, she definitely concluded that God carries out this healing through an intermediate mechanism, be it the body or the unconscious mind of the client.

No doubt many skeptical researchers will reject this explanation and will seek and perhaps even find physical explanations such as the influence of energy fields and so on.

Kinesiologists insist that the human body “never lies” and gives answers to the questions that are put to it, and that it is through its innate wisdom that healing is achieved. This attitude stems from the incorrect belief that the physical body is something separate from the mind and the True Being. This tripartite division (body, mind and soul, or True Being) is a cultural construct that originated in the West and is the antithesis of traditional Eastern teachings, representing a type of psychological disassociation.

How to discover the emotional factors that underlie the disorder?

Very often, the emotional factors that underlie a physical disorder or pain are not easy to detect. To find them, we use the following procedure: “If there was an important emotional factor in this problem, what might it be?” If the client answers “I don’t know,” then the next question is: “If you knew what it could be?”

The answers to these questions often point you in the right direction for further action.

Is it possible to combine PEAT with other techniques?

Certainly! PEAT is an extremely tolerant system that allows it to be combined with a wide variety of other approaches. Some specialists with whom I keep in contact combine it with other systems known to them. Some begin the process with a differently formulated formula for AM, others combine it with Reiki, others with massage or chakra clearing. Some specialists use points that I have not described. I myself am experimenting with some other points that are not part of the algorithm described in this book. You can change a lot in this process, except for two things: intention and full experience of the problem. The content we are looking for in PEAT is in the mind or body of a person. The client must set his intention so that the content can manifest itself for immediate full re-experience. Without these two elements, it is impossible to reproduce the content, and it will continue to exist (see details about reproduction in the Integral Excalibur system).

Can using PEAT make the condition worse?

This happens very, very rarely. This “result” is usually associated with an inaccurate assessment of processing. Although the result may appear to be part of a previously unsolved problem, it may in fact be a new and opportune opportunity for the processor and client to deepen and stabilize success. Let's consider this example. The client identified “general anxiety” as a problem. Such a condition always has more components, such as worries, traumas and stresses.

The use of fine PEAT removes this state of anxiety that was on the surface, and within a short time the client feels better. But as soon as the lid is removed, more powerful content begins to rise. When the state of anxiety returns, it is not due to a lack of PEAT, but to this new, deeper content that was previously hidden and has now surfaced. Misinterpretation Cases like this with this newfound anxiety are quite common. An experienced practitioner views such situations not as problems, but as opportunities for further, more advanced work.

When the client has a problem again, he almost always describes it in different words or attributes it to different causes, which is an obvious indicator that new content or a new aspect has been activated.

To ensure cooperation on the part of the client, the processor must inform the client that this undesirable state is not caused by any one cause, but by a long chain of causes, all of which must be brought to the surface and sorted out in order. Therefore, there is a simple default rule: If you are using Shallow PEAT and new content arises, immediately move to using the Deep PEAT process.

In some cases, PEAT is not successful. What is the reason?

Most meridian therapists admit that they do not know the reasons for the failures that sometimes occur. These systems are much more successful than formal therapy methods, but none of them are 100% successful. The reasons for failure are the subject of many hypotheses and experiments. In reports from practitioners, we can find five possible reasons for the lack of positive change.

The influence of toxins in the client's environment. If mercury has entered the body, which can sometimes be found in food or water, then no therapeutic system will eliminate the disorder created by this.
Allergies can slow or stop energetic work by creating blockages in the meridians. Eliminating allergies will help you speed up your work with energies.
Chronic AM (antagonistic motivation), the roots of which are not reached during the process.
The definition of the problem is too broad; it needs to be redefined more specifically.
The deepest cause of the disorder was not found and removed.
What to do when a person “cannot” feel his problems?

Sooner or later, all the processors that I have studied with are faced with clients who “can’t feel anything.” Practitioners of other therapeutic systems also face this problem. The inability to perceive a problem means that the person is not experiencing his problems and, therefore, cannot do the PEAT process. To be honest, such clients are " difficult cases" They will tell you that they have had many traumas, but that they cannot feel or remember them, and that they do not feel the problem at all, although they constantly think or talk about it.

The following approach often gives good results. Ask such a client to simply recognize his problem, and then ask the question:

“In connection with (...this problem of his), what would you rather not remember?”

“If you could feel one thing about this issue, what would it be?”

The client can almost always identify some unpleasant parts of his experiences. Take that part of a given unwanted condition and work through it through a deep process. When you're done, ask for a confrontation, but give it more attention than you normally would. If there is opposition, work through it through a deep process. If there is no confrontation, repeat the question from the beginning of this process: “With regard to the problem (...his/her problem), what would you rather not remember?” Very often the client will give you another component of his unwanted experience or state. Work it through a deep process and repeat the same procedure until the client gets tired. Then end the process and at the beginning of the next session give it the same process and continue processing. So you are relatively a short time remove his defense mechanism against unpleasant memories or states, and he will be able to express feelings and comfortably perceive the deeper layers of his unwanted state.

Processors who have a working knowledge of mindful breathing (such as rebirthing and the like) can try it for half an hour before starting a PEAT session. Such breathing triggers the movement of energy along the meridians and the associated emotions.

What is oscillatory energy and how does it affect human health?

Scientific research carried out by Dr. William Tiller using precision instruments has shown that energy flows into and out of the body from the environment. He also established that the body contains positively and negatively polarized, as well as neutral currents. Energy that moves clockwise has a positive charge, energy that moves counterclockwise has a negative charge, energy that moves vertically (up and down) is neutral (perhaps this corresponds to the well-known practice in magic that the white magician moves clockwise arrow in the magic circle, and black in the opposite direction).

He also discovered a previously unknown fourth type of energy, which he called oscillatory. He found it in pigs, rodents, and in poisoned or diseased tissue. Dr. Wayne Cook continued Tiller's research with oscillatory energy in animals, and found that all animals that are called "unclean" in the Bible have oscillatory energy as their dominant energy.

Zivorad Slavinsky, "PEAT"

Brief overview of Slavinsky technologies

Technologies of Zivorad Slavinsky are included in the group of so-called “energy therapy”. The predecessors of these technologies are, perhaps, TAT, EFT and BSFF known to you. However, Slavinsky took only the essence from them - as a result, his techniques turned out to be little similar to their predecessors. They use multiple acupuncture points and work on energy and charge levels, but that's where the similarities end.
Zivorad Slavinsky has developed more than a dozen effective techniques. Today, there are three of the most effective of them, which, with targeted work, show incredible, but absolutely real results - Deep Peat, DP4 and “Krutilka”.
Deep Peat solves emotional, psychological and spiritual problems by finding and integrating the polarities that underlie them. Deep Peat successfully removes resistance to solving a problem, the possibility of its return in the future, and neutralizes the contribution of other people to its existence. Deep Peat can also be done from other people's perspectives.
Deep Peat is the main technique in the arsenal of Zivorad Slavinsky, as it allows you to solve emotional, psychological and spiritual problems at the deepest level: it finds and neutralizes the pair of polarities that underlie it.
The main principle of Deep PEAT is that in the process of work it does not dwell on the material found from the subconscious (as classical psychotherapy does), but digs “deeper” and draws out a charge that is even deeper. And so on - until we find the deepest roots of the problem - a pair of polarities.
One Deep Peat session lasts from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
DP4 (Deep PEAT 4) - Unlike previous technology, DP4 allows you to integrate any two polarities of your choice. DP4 has a huge range of applications - integration of current polarities according to the list, improvement of relationships with other people, liberation from the past and future, integration of positive character traits.
DP4 removes all the charge that is between polarities in the subconscious. Any charge consists of only four elements: pictures, emotions, sensations in the body and thoughts (in the subconscious there is really nothing else other than these four). As a result of the DP4 process, between polarities on subjective level there is no difference left. At all.
Probably DP4 is the most effective technology for independent work.
One DP-4 session lasts from 10 to 60 minutes, the time decreases in proportion to your experience.

Method of instant neutralization of injuries ("twist") -
neutralization of any negative episode from the past within 1-2 minutes. Used for the initial cleansing of the past from negativity, shocks and traumas, as well as for liberation from “stuck” negative states.
It takes no more than 3 minutes to process each episode from the past using this method.
Please note that Slavinsky's technologies are not medical procedures, and they are also completely different from psychotherapy or Scientology. The work does not use the mind at all with its associations, reasoning, assumptions and desire to understand. These are rather technical procedures for removing charge from the subconscious, which, when applied correctly, show the expected results.
All three techniques work ideally in pairs (client-processor), but you can also work with them in SOLO mode (which I have been doing successfully for quite some time now). for a long time). I would like to point out that the most difficult technique to do on your own is the Deep Peat technique, as it requires a certain level of concentration and self-awareness. On the other hand, DP4 and the spinner (with enough practice) work even faster in SOLO mode than in pairs.

Energy therapy has another important benefit. If the client does not want to tell the processor about his problem or an unpleasant episode from the past, the process can be carried out “blindly”. Because these techniques do not work with historical causes and events; all that is needed for work is an energy charge in the present, consisting of pictures, emotions, sensations in the body and thoughts.
The main part of the book is devoted to the possibilities and practical work with these three techniques.

Part 2. Possibilities of energy therapy
This is the theoretical section of the book, and in it I described the main ideas, principles and techniques that are used in the energy therapy of Zivorad Slavinsky.

1. Polarities

If you look around carefully, you can see that we live in a dual world. Almost everything around has its opposite. But we must face the truth: opposites exist ONLY in the head. Moreover, the same pair of opposites may be relevant for one person and irrelevant for another.
I am like this - I want to be different
I have little money ($X) - I want a lot ($Y)
So bad - but so good
I'm sad but I want joy
From the point of view of energy therapy, polarities exist as long as there is a “charge” in the human subconscious that separates them. If you remove the charge, the polarities automatically “collapse” (like magnets between which a barrier has been removed).
After integrating any pair of polarities:
At the subjective level, the difference between them disappears. ABOUT
the difference can be remembered using memory and mind, but
in essence they become one;
Some part of the “stuck” in the subconscious is released
Personal problems are solved, and the person gets rid of a number of
internal restrictions.

All three techniques use the concept of polarity: a pair of opposing concepts, emotions or states that creates problems.
Deep Peat solves the problem by integrating the basic pair of polarities that underlie it. (See the next chapter - “Integration of Primary Polarities” - about the most charged pair of polarities in human life)
DP4 removes charge between two polarities to choose from. The Practice section has several chapters on how to choose polarities to solve specific problems.
Method of instant neutralization of injuries (Twister) -
integrates any negative with a neutral state (with “oneself, here and now”). This technique also has a number of interesting ideas for work in the "Practice" section.
I repeat that polarities exist only in the human mind. And a person can evaluate any two phenomena as opposite only on a subjective level. There (in your head) you can remove this difference.
The main part of the book is devoted to how to integrate polarities, collect your subjective world into one whole, eliminate personal limitations and solve your problems.

Review of Slavinsky techniques. What can they give you?
3. Integration of Primary Polarities

At the core of any problem is a charge between two different concepts. Usually problems are created by pairs of polarities such as “good” - “bad”, “want” - “need”, “like” - “don’t like” and so on. If you look carefully at any problem, it can be broken down into one or more of these pairs.
However, according to Zivorad Slavinsky (and before him, some ancient philosophers, mystics and alchemists) - in the life of every person there is one pair of polarities, which leaves the greatest imprint on the course of his entire life. Such a pair is called Primary Polarities (Primes for short).
Primary Polarities govern the unconscious and obsessive play of a person. First, one polarity becomes the biggest and most desirable goal, and the second, on the contrary, becomes a negative goal that should be avoided. After some time, these polarities change places like an hourglass. The first polarity turns from positive to negative, and vice versa. As a result, a person is unconsciously pulled in the opposite direction. Until some time later the polarities switch places again.
Common situation? If such polarity stands in the way of your goal, the goal is unlikely to come true.
Let me give you a few examples. Let’s say the girl’s primary polarities are “love” and “freedom”. At first, she makes every effort to find her love. However, finding herself next to her loved one, the girl realizes that she is not free. From this moment on, her most important goal is freedom at any cost, even to the detriment of personal relationships. Some time later, the girl gains freedom, but realizes that happiness does not lie in freedom. And from that moment on, he is looking for love, again to the detriment of his freedom. After integrating her primary polarities, the girl gains freedom from unconsciously tossing between them and is free to experience love and freedom at the same time.

I’ll give another example of the influence of polarities from my own life. For a very long time I was worried about the pair “comfort” and “discomfort.” At one point in time, comfort seemed to me something desirable, and I tried to avoid discomfort. After reaching a certain level of comfort, they switched places. I understood that comfort was not at all what I needed, and in every possible way I brought myself into a state of discomfort (in order to force me to do something). Finding myself in an uncomfortable state, my polarities changed their sign again, and I again sought comfort. After integrating these polarities, the question “am I comfortable or uncomfortable” simply no longer made sense to me. I felt that comfort and discomfort are the same state, the only difference being what label my mind puts on it. Now I don’t have an unconscious need to evaluate my condition using these words, and the problem of comfort and discomfort has ceased to exist for me.
Other polarities influence a person in approximately the same way, for example:
I - Others
Strength is powerlessness
Creation - Destruction
Material - Divine
and others
Of course, you should not expect that the integration of primary polarities will solve all your problems. Any “normal” person is polarized in many directions, and the elimination of one pair of polarities will not return to him all the freedom from internal limitations. However, neutralization of the strongest (primary) polarities allows you to gain personal freedom in many life issues.

What are primary polarities and how to find them?
Primary polarities are the most charged pair of polarities in humans. Primary polarities can be found and neutralized using the Deep Peat process.
Between the primary polarities is where the greatest charge is found, which is why it is the primary polarities that pop up during the first Deep Peat session. But since the charge between them is maximum, it turns out to be more difficult to neutralize them than all subsequent pairs. There is no need to guess or make assumptions about primary polarities - they will appear on their own.
As Zivorad Slavinsky argues, primary polarities cannot be integrated independently. While Deep Peat can be done SOLO (alone), I agree with it. The fact is that between the Primes there is indeed a very large charge, therefore during their integration the mind loses orientation and the person “floats away”. This requires an experienced processor to bring the human back into the process and bring the integration to completion. Another reason is for successful work SOLO mode requires some experience, and this is best gained while working with the processor. It is likely that someone was able to find and truly integrate their Primes on their own, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

3. Quickly resolve personal problems

With Deep Peat technology, you can effectively solve personal problems that stand in the way of your ideal life, and gain confidence that they will not return. Deep Peat successfully works with emotional, psychological and spiritual problems and addresses their deepest roots. In this chapter, I described a short algorithm for solving problems using this technique.
The vast majority of techniques do not solve the problem at the deepest level and do not neutralize the pair of opposites that lie at its core. Therefore, “solved” problems often come back. Classical psychotherapy studies the historical causes of a problem and tries to solve it by finding events from the past. Energy therapy is not interested in the historical causes of the problem, no matter what events preceded it. If the problem exists here and now, it means that in the subconscious there is already some energy charge that feeds it. Deep Peat works with problems for more high level and eliminates the charge, no matter how it was created. Finding and neutralizing a pair of polarities, which are the energetic roots of the problem, in 90% of cases eliminates the problem entirely. If something remains of the problem, then you can achieve its final elimination using the algorithm described at the end of this chapter.

Subjective problems
Please note the following. Deep Peat works with personal and subjective problems, not with phenomena outside world. These are the same subjective problems that are in the head and force one to react to inherently neutral phenomena with the help of negativity.
Let me give you an example: “It’s raining” is a phenomenon. The problem may be my attitude towards rain: “Rain makes me sad,” “I hate cloudy weather,” “Puddles around me irritate me.”
Another example: “Not enough money.” Again, this is not a problem, it is a phenomenon. The same amount of money can be valued different people differently. While some people live comfortably on $200 a month, others experience stress when receiving less than $100,000 a month. Several problems may revolve around this phenomenon: “I’m afraid of being left without money,” “Money doesn’t love me,” “I don’t like that my relatives criticize me because of my money,” “I don’t feel safe,” etc.
After eliminating problems with money (see the chapter in the “Practice” section), money as such ceases to be a problem. After which a person, of his own free will, can continue to work on their quantity without stress, nerves and worries.
Correctly identifying and naming a subjective problem does require some level of awareness, but it is usually not difficult. Alas, PEAT is powerless in the face of problems that you are not aware of. But if you can name your problem (even if not very accurately), then you can work with it.

Physical problems
Another note concerns physical problems. On the one hand, any disease or problem of the physical body is a phenomenon, and the problem will be the attitude towards this disease. But on the other hand, most health problems have emotional, psychological and energetic roots. Thus, physical problems can be solved with the help of Deep Peat, as confirmed by Slavinsky himself, periodic messages on forums and in mailing lists. The most common reports are improved vision and relief from allergies. However, physical problems usually have a whole list of emotional roots, so finding and eliminating them can be a non-trivial task. There is no clear algorithm yet for solving problems with the physical body using Slavinsky’s technologies, but apparently it’s a matter of time. In the meantime, it is possible to independently find the emotional aspects of physical problems and eliminate them using available techniques.
Algorithm for solving any emotional, psychological or spiritual problem:
1) Problem
You need to take a problem and apply the Deep Peat process to it. The process can end in two ways: neutralization of a pair of polarities or Pleroma. Pleroma is a powerful positive state during which polarities are not neutralized, but it signifies a solution to the problem.
At the end of the process, in the vast majority of cases the problem is completely resolved, and the formulation of the problem becomes a meaningless set of words and often causes laughter. However, sometimes the problem remains. In this case, you need to move on to the next step:
2) Resistance
If the problem is not solved, it means that there is some resistance to solving the problem. In this case, it is necessary to take this resistance as a new problem and eliminate it with the help of Deep Peat.
3) Future
Is there a fear (fear, anxiety, ...) that the problem will return in the future? Usually it does not remain, but if there is such a concern, it should also be eliminated with the help of Deep Peat. I would like to point out that if you conduct several sessions in a row, then all subsequent sessions usually take much less time.
4) "Circular" processing
Finally, it is necessary to see if there are any people or creatures that are contributing to this problem? If there is, you need to imagine yourself as this person or creature and work through the problem on his behalf.
Let me give you a simple example. Imagine that you are now not you but money. And feel how money feels towards you? The same question can be asked in relation to people from your immediate environment. Sometimes the solution to a problem may be resisted by a domestic cat or even the entire universe. Removing such charges will ensure that the problem will not return in the future. Although I repeat - sometimes after the first process there are no charges left on other creatures.
5) Forgiveness
After solving the problem, forgiveness is usually carried out: of oneself, other people and the universe (God). This is not a mandatory procedure, but it greatly helps the “mind” to stop clinging to the problem and let it go with a clear conscience.
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4. Elimination of shocks and unpleasant episodes

Every “normal” person stores in his memory many negative episodes (and sometimes even strong emotional traumas or shocks) that are unpleasant or painful to remember. Often such episodes slowly but surely affect life, and the person may not be fully aware of the impact.
Remembering a car accident can cause stress while driving. An unfortunate episode in personal relationships in the past can affect relationships in the present. Conflict at school may cause or contribute to low self-esteem.
Some episodes resolve themselves over time (time heals), but this does not always happen. Even if a person has not remembered an unpleasant episode for ten years, returning to this episode can bring a sea of ​​negative emotions. And if such an “undischarged” episode is in the subconscious, it negatively affects a person and, with the help of its charge, quietly creates personal problems.
Zivorad Slavinsky developed it to the point of disgrace simple technique(“twist”), which allows you to get rid of the negative charge in one specific negative episode within one minute. The technique is so simple that I usually give it to clients at the very end - so that the mind does not resist too much and does not say that “this is impossible.” With the help of the “twist” you can defuse not just unpleasant episodes, but also truly shocking situations associated with death, rape or injury.
“Krutilka” is based on two principles:
1) The principle of the hologram.
This property of a hologram is widely known: any part of the film contains the entire image. If, for example, you take a hologram of an apple, cut the film into 20 unequal parts and illuminate any of these 20 pieces, then on each part you will be able to see the entire apple.
In the same way, the “twist” works with time: if you take a situation that lasts 15 minutes, select the most charged frame from this situation and make it motionless, then you can then work with this frame as successfully as with the entire situation.
2) Principle of polarity
A situation contains negative emotions only when it is separated from the person by a negative charge. After integrating the most important frame with yourself “here and now”, the charge goes away, the polarities are integrated and the negative disappears.
In order to feel the result of the “twist”, you need to rate the negative from the episode on a 10-point scale. For example: “Resentment, 9 out of 10”, “Hatred, 10 out of 10”, “Injustice, 7 out of
If the procedure is performed correctly and without errors, a minute later the negative will remain a solid zero, and you will be able to calmly talk about the unpleasant episode without emotions and unpleasant experiences.
The "Practice" section describes a number of useful tasks that can be solved with a twist.
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5. Rundown of negative states

A rundown of negative states frees a person from unpleasant emotions that are repeated with noticeable frequency.
This technique does not work with abstract negativity, but with some specific negative emotion that is “stuck” and does not want to let go of a person for a long time. The word “rundown” can be translated as deliverance, a return to a state when there was no “stuck” negativity.
Here are a few classic examples of “stuck” emotions: Anxiety about being without money. Many people experience this anxiety, and the presence of anxiety does not depend on the amount of money they have. These may be people from different backgrounds and have different incomes. They just experienced this particular anxiety one day, didn’t deal with it, and the emotion stuck in the subconscious. After which, day after day, a person worries about this topic.
Another example of a stuck emotion is fear of people in power. (In particular, fear of your boss). Many people, when they see a person endowed with power, cease to be themselves, become mute, slow down, lose their words, and cannot react or speak adequately. The reason for this problem is the same: once a person experienced fear, he did not deal with it. And now the fear is stuck in the subconscious and returns every time an opportunity arises.
Another example is irritation at loved one. It is often seen (especially in parent-child relationships) that one person loves the other, but there is irritation in the background that frankly interferes with the relationship. The irritation is stuck and, unfortunately, does not go away. The rundown of negative states allows you to quickly remove this particular irritation.
I would like to point out that rundown, like other Slavinsky techniques, does not work with the historical causes of problems, as classical psychotherapy does. We are absolutely not interested in the incident in childhood when a person first experienced a negative state, when it “stuck.” Rundown works with a charge in the subconscious that has already formed in the present, and simply removes it on an energetic level.
A few words about negative emotions in general. It is incorrect to evaluate negative emotions in themselves as good or bad. Negative emotions are simply a signal that a person’s ego gives on some occasion. And then the person decides for himself whether to respond to this signal or not. Perhaps we can say that emotions are the language in which the Ego, as an adviser, advises a person and expresses its point of view. But for such an ideal situation, a person requires a great level of awareness. In the same case, when the Ego “beats” a person with the same negative thing day after day (and this frankly interferes with life), it’s time to have a rundown and get rid of the constant presence of this negative emotion in your life.
As another example (attention “pick-up artists”), we can cite the rundown of fear of meeting girls. If a young man, for example, is afraid to talk to a girl, it is this particular fear that can be removed with the help of a rundown. And it is this particular fear that will never appear again. Of course, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the problem with girls cannot be solved by one rundown of one specific fear. But, nevertheless, if you take a few specific problems that are constantly present when communicating with girls and process them, they will simply cease to have an impact and will significantly free your life from the complexes and restrictions that prevented you from doing what you like. Whatever you enjoy doing.

Rundown algorithm for negative states
Rundown of negative states in its essence is the integration of some episodes from your past from the future with your essence. If we remember about polarities, there are two polar concepts of “I” (object) and something towards which I feel negative (subject). After the charge between them is removed, the integration of subject and object occurs, they become one. As soon as they become one, the process between them (negativity) disappears. The emotion is freed, which means the person is freed from this emotion.
If you dive into the technical details, integration can be carried out either using the DP4 method or using the “twist”. “Twister” works faster and allows you to carry out a rundown within literally ten minutes.
I will demonstrate its algorithm using the following example. Let's say you feel irritated (instead of irritation, you can take any other stuck emotion).
First you need to remember an episode from the past where you experienced exactly this irritation. (The earlier that episode occurred, the faster the rundown will pass, but by and large this is not significant). After that, integrate the episode with yourself (using DP4 or the “twist”). After integration, you need to remember any other episode where you experienced the same irritation. And also discharge it (integrate with yourself). After this, remember another episode from the past where you experienced that same irritation, and again integrate it with yourself. After that, remember another episode from the past... and so on.
Sooner or later, a moment comes when you will not be able to find a single episode from the past where you experienced that very negative (in our case, irritation). Sometimes it is necessary to discharge 5-6 episodes, but, as practice shows, on average, after the integration of three episodes, nothing remains in the past.
Now we move on to the future. You need to imagine a situation in the future where you might be able to experience that same irritation. Just imagine this episode and discharge it again (integrate it with yourself). After this, you need to imagine another episode in the future, where you can experience the same irritation - and again defuse it. After a few times, you will not be able to imagine a single situation in the future where irritation is possible.
I have had cases when, after processing the past, clients could not imagine a single episode in the future with their stuck emotion. As statistics show, on average there are 3x episodes from the past and 2x from the future.
A few words about the results. After the rundown negative emotions, it usually does not return to a person’s life at all. This does not mean that a person will no longer be irritated by anything (for example, if you have processed irritation towards a child, this will not remove irritation towards people on public transport). It's the same with anxiety - if you
If you have processed the anxiety of running out of money, then it is quite possible that you will experience anxiety on a different topic. Or you may experience a similar emotion related to money (such as fear). Fear is a different emotion, and on the scale of emotions it ranks slightly higher than anxiety, but it can also be removed using a rundown.
Some people are afraid to stop feeling emotions altogether and therefore avoid everything a mile away. emotional techniques. I want to reassure you that the “rundown of negative states” does not impose a limit on the emotional scale. On the contrary, it removes unconscious attachment to negativity and gives freedom to experience it at will. And since a free person usually chooses the positive, he leaves the negative and rises up the scale of emotions.
In fact, the rundown of negative states is not Slavinsky’s technique in its pure form; it was invented by a person perhaps known to you with the virtual name “tapakah2001”. Zivorad Slavinsky prefers to process similar situations using Deep Peat technology. This makes some sense, because... Deep Peat solves problems at the deepest level. On the other hand, one Deep Peat session requires much more time than a rundown, and with the help of a rundown you can significantly free your emotional state from various stuck emotions in a fairly quick time.

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6. Setting desirable character traits

Perhaps every person can say to himself: I am like this, but I want to be different (I want to be better, stronger, more confident, calmer, happier, more successful, etc.). In fact, “I am like this, but I want to be different” is the real polarity. These are two polar concepts that cause tension in a person. In other words, a person is “stuck” in one state and cannot voluntarily move to another. Stuck in one role and cannot voluntarily play another role. If you remove the charge that stands between these two roles, then the person gains the freedom to switch between them at his own will.
Imagine what your life will be like when you can voluntarily enter the state you desire: a successful person, a productive person, a confident person during negotiations, and so on. I repeat - this can be any image that you like, but which you cannot enter of your own free will right now.
Setting desired character traits is not a setting in the classical sense of hypnosis or NLP. Hypnosis introduces attitudes: “now I’m super-rich and super-successful, now I can do everything, I’m cheerful, joyful and positive.” It's completely different here. If there some kind of belief is imposed on a person, even if it brings results, then here a person receives another degree of freedom between his current state and the state that he wants to experience. After which he can switch between two states at will.
In fact, with the help of this technique, a person can remove internal restrictions that prevented him from entering a certain role, and continue to play this role of his own free will at any convenient time.
I would like to dwell in more detail on the roles in a person’s life. A common person can freely switch between his usual roles. At work he is an employee, at the wheel he is a driver, in the store he is a customer, he can also freely be a friend, a child, a parent, and so on. Nothing prevents him from switching between these roles in a split second. For example, switch between the role of driver and employee. If a person gets stuck in one role, then he can no longer be called mentally healthy. For example, it is known that every hospital has its own Napoleon. He is “stuck” in the role of Napoleon and cannot voluntarily enter another role.
But if you look at the roles more broadly, then, perhaps, every person in life has roles that he cannot freely play at any given time: the role of a millionaire, the role of a successful person, the role of a confident businessman, lover, or whatever he wants to become . So desirable character traits can be thought of as roles - like a suit or clothing that a person wants to wear but cannot. Now you can expand your wardrobe.
Setting desirable character traits does not automatically make you a superman. But, I repeat once again, it makes it possible to switch between different roles, even those that are not available to you right now.

Indiana Jones method
To gain the freedom to step into a new role, you can choose the role of another person. If there is a person in your environment whose quality you would like to adopt, calmly experience and manifest at your own will, you can do this using this approach.
Zivorad Slavinsky called setting desirable character traits the “Indiana Jones method.” Several years ago, Zivorad had a client who asked: “I want to feel the way Indiana Jones feels in such and such a movie. I want to be as confident, courageous, strong, successful, and so on.” And, as the client said: “I have my favorite episode in the film, when at sunset Indiana Jones rides up a hill on a horse, the whole world is at his feet, he radiates this feeling from himself... - I want to feel like that.” he! But I can’t.”
Slavinsky suggested that he integrate two states: on the one hand, the image of Indiana Jones from the film, on the other hand, the neutral state of the client here and now. Before the start of the process, the client could not freely switch from the state of here and now to the image of Indiana Jones. However, he gained this freedom immediately after they used DP4 to remove all the charge between the two images. Over the course of a year, the client wrote letters to Slavinsky: “how cool this is, I can enter this state at any time, and nothing bothers me.”

Expansion instead of movement
People constantly change throughout their lives. Lack of change is death, existence, it is not life in the grand scheme of things. But I'm talking about something else now. There are two main approaches to changing a personality for its growth.
The first is movement. There was one person who worked on himself for a long time - he became a different person. For example, a poor student worked on his personality for a long time and became a successful businessman.
In fact, there is a sea of ​​possibilities in our world. They can be imagined as a large sheet of paper with everything on it. This sheet initially contained a small frame that captured a small area representing the poor student. And this “poor student” slowly moved the frame to another area of ​​the sheet of paper, where it was written “successful businessman.” Surely many of you know that such advancement is quite painful, because the person’s ego resists any changes. In fact, the poor student is dead at this particular moment, he is no more. Another personality has appeared. The death of the Ego, even such a small one (a person simply left one square for another), was a painful process.
But, besides movement, there is another principle of the approach to development - expansion. Imagine that the frame has expanded several times and now it captures both the “poor student” and the “successful businessman” at once. Now a person can freely switch between two roles within this frame. Nothing prevents him from playing one role at one point in time, and switching to another at another point in time. By his free will.
So, setting desirable character traits is an expansion. Expansion of consciousness, expansion of human capabilities and boundaries. A behavior model is not imposed on him; he has the freedom to switch between all the models available to him. In fact, you can add any role to your arsenal and enter it at any time.

Technical side of the process
DP4 removes charge between two polar states: either desirable and neutral, or desirable and negative. Moreover, the desired state (desirable character trait) can be taken from another person. In fact, this is your state, it is in your consciousness, but you project it onto another person. If you dive a little into the DP4 technique, the subconscious charge that separates these two states consists of only four elements: a picture, an emotion, sensations in the body and thoughts. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is nothing else in the human subconscious at all. The energy charge that separates the two polarities consists of only these four elements. After these 4 elements are removed with the help of DP4, a person is left with no subjective difference between the two roles and has the freedom to switch between them at will.
Review of Slavinsky techniques. What can they give you?
7. Circular and substitution processing

Energy therapy looks at any problem from the point of view of a charge in the subconscious. Moreover, a person usually places the main charge on himself - this is his personal attitude to the problem. But very often people place part of the charge outside themselves: on other people or creatures. For example: “I think my friend thinks badly of me,” and I can’t do anything about this feeling, even if I feel great about myself. Another example: I feel that my mother does not like my job, although there is no negativity in my attitude towards work.
To remove such a charge, it is possible to carry out the process from the point of view of another person, group of people or beings. For example, I can associate with my friend (imagine that I am him) and conduct the Deep Peat process on his behalf. After such a process, the negative charge (the belief or feeling that a friend thinks badly of me) disappears.
Interestingly, doing the Deep Peat process on behalf of other people usually changes their behavior! Here you can go deep into theory and find many explanations for why people begin to behave differently. Either Deep Peat makes changes at the global level of awareness in the general information field... Or I stop reacting to the person’s previous behavior, the vicious circle is broken, he stops receiving feedback on his previous behavior, and begins to behave more freely... Whichever The explanation you didn't choose is not very important. The main thing is that circular processing works, it removes the charge from the other person's point of view and this makes a significant contribution to solving problems both on the subjective level and in the objective world.
By and large, in order to solve a personal problem completely and irrevocably, after the Deep Peat process it is necessary to see if there are other people or beings who contribute to its existence. Very often these people may be relatives (who always have their own opinion) or friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and so on.
My fellow processors have had some funny experiences. A colleague worked with a client who, after the Deep Peat process, replied: “Yes, I have a beloved cat, and I feel that she is resisting solving my problem.” That's the charge she had in her head. And they did the Deep Peat process from the cat's point of view, and thus removed the charge from the cat's point of view. This may sound crazy, but nevertheless, the girl was putting a real emotional charge on the cat and was afraid of the cat's reaction to the fact that the problem would go away.
Another case - a colleague told me - a girl had a fear of the dead. And after the fear subsided, it turned out that the dead were categorically against solving her problem. She associated herself with the “dead” and conducted the trial on their behalf. It turned out that they were not scary at all, but simply lonely, and did not wish her any harm. After which the problem completely and irrevocably disappeared.

Substitute Processing
Circular and displacement processing are very similar, and both remove energetic charge from the perspective of another person (or being). While circular processing is used to clear out all perspectives on my personal problem, replacement processing is simply working with another person to solve their personal problems. Without his participation. If I know someone with a personal problem, I can do the Deep Peat process on their behalf without them even knowing about it. And in the vast majority of cases, his problem is reduced, and most likely, completely solved. This is such a powerful thing... Now I’m not going to try to prove why this happens - I’m just talking about the facts.
Perhaps some readers have a question of ethics - how ethical it is to solve a person’s personal problems for a person. How ethical is it to spend an hour of your time in order to deprive another person of his favorite cockroaches? And after all, maybe this was his most important karmic problem, which he had to go through on his own, and then suddenly, without making any effort, it disappears... Here's what I think on this topic. When medicine (conventional medicine that worked with the physical body) appeared several centuries ago, similar questions also appeared in people’s minds. “If God created a person and gives him a disease, does the doctor have the right to deprive the patient of this disease? In the end, society came to this answer: “if God created a disease, he also created medicine so that this disease could be treated.” (Now I am not saying about God as such, I describe the public point of view on medicine).

From approximately this point of view, I approach the issue of energy therapy and replacement processing: it’s just that here we work not with the physical, but with the human energy body. If energy therapy has appeared, it means it is needed for some reason. And if I don’t have the opportunity to conduct the process in person for loved ones, I can reduce or remove the energy charge from their subconscious with the help of replacement processing.
To give you an idea of ​​how circular and substitutional processing works, I suggest doing a little experiment. Imagine that you are not you, but money. Associate with Money and (let’s say your name is Petya) and ask yourself: how do you (Money) feel towards Petya? And here many surprises may appear. Someone may feel fear (we are afraid of Petya, or Petya is afraid of us), someone may feel contempt, someone - love, and someone - apathy or boredom, and so on. So there is some entity (Money) on which you have placed a charge. And if you remove it, it will cease to influence your relationship with money or with another person who is involved in this process.
Finally, I want to pay attention to one more thing interesting question: During circular or substitutional processing, polarities are integrated. Whose polarities are these? Mine or the person from whose point of view I was working? Although such processes remove the energetic charge from another person or entity, they integrate the polarities of the client - that is, the person who is performing the process. Therefore, doing circular/replacement processing from a different perspective is just as beneficial for the client as doing the regular Deep Peat process.
If it is tempting to claim that circular processing is integrating the other person's polarities, then one might ask: What if I was doing Deep Peat from the perspective of my car and in the process finding and integrating two polarities? Whose polarities are these, mine or my favorite car? Of course, these will be my polarities, but during such a process the emotional charge that I placed on my car also disappears.
To be continued (practice) - http://www.