The Primorsky regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a mistake. Citizen, don’t you dare get sick! Don't you dare get sick

IN Once again our state, which has declared itself social, wants to save money on those who actually work and live, counting their labor rubles, from paycheck to paycheck. The Ministry of Health submitted to the State Duma a bill amending the law “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.”

If the bill is passed, 100% of the average sick leave salary will be paid only to people with more than 15 years of work experience. Those who have worked from 8 to 15 years will receive 80% of sick leave, and those who have worked for less than 8 years will receive only 60%. So far, all sick people with 8 years of experience receive their money in full. This threshold has not changed since Soviet times - since 1972.

Well, we are sending so many newsletters that the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) has a deficit of funds? It turns out that we take much fewer sick days than in Europe and than we ourselves took in Soviet times.

The Government has adopted the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020. The main goal outlined in this document is to increase average life expectancy to 73 years. So far it is 7 years less than in the “new” EU countries, and 12.5 years less than in the “old” ones.

Does the new bill help achieve this? We asked Guzel Ulumbekova, executive director of the Association of Medical Societies for Quality (ASMOK), which unites more than 20 professional medical societies.

— How often and for how long our citizens are on sick leave is directly related to the health status of the working-age population. Now, on average, per worker in our country there are 7-8 days of incapacity for work due to illness per year (according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development), confirmed by sick leave. Before 1990, in Russia, every working person reported on average 10 days a year. In the European Union countries (according to the World Health Organization), this figure is now from 12 to 20 days a year, for example, in Germany - 14 days, and in the Czech Republic - 20. But the fact that our employees take less sick leave does not mean that that we are healthier.

Our morbidity rate (it is counted not only based on sick leave) per 100 thousand population has increased by 46% compared to 1990, and the mortality rate of people of working age over the same period has increased by 40%. And there are fewer sick days. Russians are afraid of losing their jobs with private employers or losing a certain level of earnings, do not apply for sick leave and suffer from illness “on their feet.” Chronicity of diseases and complications are consequences.

And to achieve the goals of Concept 2020, it is necessary to improve health, reduce the mortality rate of the working-age population at least to the level of 1990 (respectively, from 6.9 to 4.9 people per 1 thousand working-age population per year), i.e. almost 1.5 times. It has been calculated: if we reduce the mortality rate of the working-age population from 2010 to 2020 by 1.5 times, i.e. to level Soviet Union in 1990, then the lives of almost 1.5 million people will be saved (who, even if we think only about the economy, will contribute an additional 1.2 trillion rubles to the country’s GDP during this period). This contribution is comparable to government spending on health care in 2009.

Foreign employers have calculated economic effect from additional (over government programs) investments in employee health - it is $4 for every $1 invested.

And in order for Russians to live longer and die less, a sick person must receive qualified help, if necessary, then with a break from work. There should be no obstacles to this. A reduction in sick leave payments will stop people from seeing a doctor: the income of 60% of the population is below 15 thousand rubles. per month. How can someone who is sick survive on 80 or 60% of that salary?

— How much should the state spend on medicine to improve the health of the population?

- At least 1.7 times more than now, if we want to achieve the indicators set by the government by 2020, namely, increase life expectancy to 73-74 years and reduce the overall mortality rate to 11.0 (this number deaths per year per 1000 population, today this figure is 14.2). Such indicators were in our country in the 80s. The indicators of the “old” EU countries, where the life expectancy of the population is 81 years and the mortality rate is 9.2, are, unfortunately, unattainable for us yet.

In 2009, the state spent almost 1.380 trillion rubles on medicine, or 3.5% of GDP (GDP 2009 - 39.06 trillion rubles). These are expenses from all sources: federal, regional and municipal budgets, as well as funds from compulsory health insurance. On average, developed countries spend more than 6% of GDP on medicine from government sources—1.7 times more even in relative terms. IN absolute values, i.e. per capita in dollars assessed at purchasing power parity (1 $PPP in 2008 = 15.5 rubles), about 635 $PPP is spent from government sources in our country, or 3.4 times less than the average in developed countries is $2,184 PPP.

There are calculations that show that health and mortality indicators of the population directly depend on government investments in healthcare in the zone up to $1,500 PPP (at higher costs such a direct dependence is no longer obtained). From these calculations it follows: in order to achieve the specified mortality rate of 11.0, per capita spending on health care in our country must be at least $1,100 PPP, i.e. grow 1.7 times.

— How should this money be spent?

— The first and main step that must be taken is to increase the salaries of medical workers. Today it is 21% lower than the national average (in Germany - 3 times higher, in the USA - 5 times, in the “new” EU countries - 1.5-2 times). This means that in Russia, thinking, young, mobile personnel prefer to go to other sectors of the economy. In the very near future, especially taking into account the demographic failure (decrease in the number of school graduates), we will inevitably face a shortage of admission medical personnel to the industry. No doctor - no physical availability medical care.

— Some experts believe that the number of doctors per capita in our country is still high.

- It is a myth. We should take into account that in our country more than 50% of doctors are of retirement or pre-retirement age, which means that in the next 3-4 years they will retire, and in the absence of sufficient replenishment, we will face a serious shortage of personnel. Morbidity and mortality of the population, respectively, and the need for medical care in our country are 40% higher than in the developed countries with which these comparisons are made. Accordingly, the number of doctors should be higher. Today there is already a catastrophic shortage of doctors in rural areas, an acute shortage of doctors in a number of specialties: phthisiatricians, oncologists, radiologists, radiologists, pathologists, anesthesiologists and resuscitators.

The second area that requires investment is improving the qualifications of doctors.

The third thing you need to spend money on is free medications on an outpatient basis. People should not hesitate: buy medicine or, better yet, apples for their child. The patient should receive the medicine prescribed by the doctor mainly free of charge. This guarantees the success of treatment, reducing disability and the risk of death in working age.

Over the next two years, medicine will receive an additional 460 billion rubles, and this is very important for our healthcare system. But most of These funds will be spent on material and technical base. And only about 26% will go to treatment standards, of which doctors’ salaries will be slightly increased. It is necessary to renovate buildings and equip hospitals with equipment, but only after competent doctors are available to our population. Otherwise, it may turn out that there will be no one to work in the repaired walls.

— Managers say that our patients spend longer in hospitals than in developed countries, and this is very expensive.

— The reasons for this imbalance are clear. In the hospital, the patient receives free medications, and there is someone there to look after him. For outpatient treatment, a person must buy medications himself, and we do not have proper patronage at home. Therefore, our patients have only one chance - to get necessary help in the hospital. In the world, unlike Russia, there are different hospital beds. Intensive care is the most expensive, and this is where the patient really should be a short time. As soon as he is removed from his threatening condition, he can be transferred to a rehabilitation bed, which costs less, or undergo further treatment on an outpatient basis. There are also long-term care beds for elderly people in need of medical and social care, or, for example, for disabled people who are not capable of self-care. In our country, such patients often lie in therapeutic departments for a long time simply because there is nowhere to discharge them, there is no one to care for them, and they have nothing to buy medicine with. Therefore, we can talk about reducing the patient’s stay in an intensive care bed only when the availability of other types of medical care is increased.

- IN last years, albeit not as radically as required, but medical costs were rising. Did it give results?

— Yes, an annual increase in healthcare funding by 10% thanks to the priority project “Health” made it possible from 2006 to 2008 to reduce mortality by 10%, increase life expectancy by 2.6 years and save 500 thousand lives of our citizens. But I would like to emphasize that in order to achieve the goals set by the government to improve the health of the population by 2020, it is necessary to increase funding by at least 1.7 times.

— Where can I get money if medicine, education, science, and the army need it?

— In medicine in developed countries, the principle of solidarity works: the rich pay for the poor, the healthy pay for the sick. This is ensured by a progressive tax scale, and Western Europe taxes for wealthy people reach 50-60% of their income, and the rich pay not only from earnings, but also from dividends and property. But our income tax scale is flat - 13%, and the collection of insurance premiums is not just regressive, but even of a landslide nature, that is, if a person earned more than 415 thousand rubles a year, then insurance premiums above this amount are not charged at all. This means that our poor and middle class pay for health care for everyone, including the rich.

And while our rich have such tax benefits, it is difficult to talk about the availability of medical care for the majority of the population. By the way, increasing the tax burden on the super-rich would make it possible to cover the Social Insurance Fund deficit from the budget. Then it would be possible to avoid such an unpopular measure as shifting the financial burden of paying sick leave onto the shoulders of the workers themselves and businesses, especially since this could lead to a deterioration in the health of workers.

Help "Novaya"

Calculate your sick leave

The Soviet “lafa” has been gone for a long time: back then, it was even profitable for everyone who worked for 8 years or more to take sick leave - there were no deductions from sick leave payments, like from wages. Until now, the service thresholds have remained the same, but 100% payments were not the same for everyone. No matter how much you receive and no matter how hard and long you work, the amount of sick leave benefits depends on the basic average daily earnings... In 2010 it was 1,136.99 rubles. in a day. If your NON-basic average daily earnings exceeds this amount, then you are still walking past the checkout.

So, the amount of sick leave is calculated as follows:

1136.99 x X x Y%

X - number of days on sick leave;

Y% - percentage depending on length of service (while the insurance period is 8 years or more - 100%; insurance period from 5 to 8 years - 80%; insurance period from six months to 5 years - 60%). 13% must be subtracted from the resulting amount. In a word, getting sick is expensive. It will be especially difficult for mothers who also have little experience and whose children are sick.

The Russian AIDS vaccine, which has been developed for 15 years and whose trials, in principle, have already reached the finish line, will now be ready unknown when, or maybe not at all. The money, they say, has run out. Where did they end up, I wonder? It doesn’t happen that yesterday you had money, but today you look and it’s not there. Unless, of course, you were robbed. After all, we all somehow calculate our budget, think through our expenses, assume what we can spend our money on and what we can’t. That is why most still somehow make ends meet. Although there are exceptions. You succumbed to courage and drank away your money. Or lost in an underground casino. Then we can really say that the money was taken and ran out. But in this case, you are just a fool and you can only blame yourself. There are, of course, other situations. When something suddenly breaks down - a car, a refrigerator, a washing machine. Or when, God forbid, someone gets sick. In these cases, money can also suddenly run out contrary to your calculations. But you can’t call yourself a fool - fate itself played against you.

Anyone can get sick. Including AIDS. Well, what happened to our country, which was developing a vaccine against this terrible disease? 650 thousand Russian citizens are carriers of the virus - but the money for medicine for them was taken and ran out! And if only for them.

Just the day before, I learned how cancer patients were informed that the tests they did in the hospital for free, they would now have to do for money. Or stand in an endless queue for weeks, or even months. And in this queue, these studies lose all meaning, because the most valuable thing here is time. If you waste time, there will be nothing left to treat. Well, if for money, then a couple of procedures will cost an amount exceeding the disabled person’s pension and all his benefits and allowances.

What happened? Imagine, they also said that the money had run out! Maybe a natural disaster happened to our country, and all this money was spent on eliminating its consequences? Hurricanes, floods, fires? Or all of this at the same time? What happened? Has the ruble fallen? Fell from the sky like the Chelyabinsk meteorite? There is nothing - no elements, no war.

As you know, we fight for free, on vacation and at the call of our hearts. Therefore, the explanation for suddenly running out of money is different. This is a story about a fool who decided to get drunk with his last money or lost everything at cards. We consciously made this choice. This is neither Obama nor Merkel - we ourselves “torn to shreds” our economy and our country. They themselves wrote a budget with their own hands, where they cut all expenses except for the army. There could not be enough money for all these vaccines. They didn’t end - they simply didn’t exist. There is money to kill. But there is no money for treatment. Therefore, my only advice to you is: don’t even think about getting sick!

© Photo by Marina Boytsova

The Russian AIDS vaccine, which has been developed for 15 years and whose trials, in principle, have already reached the finish line, will now be ready no one knows when, or perhaps it will not be ready at all. The money, they say, has run out.

Where did they end up, I wonder? It doesn’t happen that yesterday you had money, but today you look and it’s not there. Unless, of course, you were robbed. After all, we all somehow calculate our budget, think through our expenses, assume what we can spend our money on and what we can’t. That is why most still somehow make ends meet.

Although there are exceptions. You succumbed to courage and drank away your money. Or lost in an underground casino. Then we can really say that the money was taken and ran out. But in this case, you are just a fool and you can only blame yourself. There are, of course, other situations. When something suddenly breaks down - a car, a refrigerator, a washing machine. Or when, God forbid, someone gets sick. In these cases, money can also suddenly run out contrary to your calculations. But you can’t call yourself a fool - fate itself played against you.

Anyone can get sick. Including AIDS. Well, what happened to our country, which was developing a vaccine against this terrible disease? 650 thousand Russian citizens are carriers of the virus - but the money for medicine for them was taken and ran out! And if only for them.

Just the day before, I learned how cancer patients were informed that the tests they did in the hospital for free, they would now have to do for money. Or stand in an endless queue for weeks, or even months. And in this queue, these studies lose all meaning, because the most valuable thing here is time. If you waste time, there will be nothing left to treat. Well, if for money, then a couple of procedures will cost an amount exceeding the disabled person’s pension and all his benefits and allowances.

What happened? Imagine, they also said that the money had run out! Maybe a natural disaster happened to our country, and all this money was spent on eliminating its consequences? Hurricanes, floods, fires? Or all of this at the same time? What happened? Has the ruble fallen? Fell from the sky like the Chelyabinsk meteorite? There is nothing - no elements, no war.

As you know, we fight for free, on vacation and at the call of our hearts. Therefore, the explanation for suddenly running out of money is different. This is a story about a fool who decided to get drunk with his last money or lost everything at cards. We consciously made this choice. This is not Obama or Merkel - we ourselves “torn to shreds” our economy and our country. They themselves wrote a budget with their own hands, where they cut all expenses except for the army. There could not be enough money for all these vaccines. They didn't end - they simply didn't exist. There is money to kill. But there is no money for treatment. Therefore, my only advice to you is: don’t even think about getting sick!

Stop getting sick and get better.
Stop wasting your hopes.
It's easy to admit via SMS,
What we strive for is the best.

We often wish our friends good health.
Let illnesses go by.
Let the colors of life become more joyful.
May heaps of good luck await us.

Get well soon,
And don't joke with me like that.
Drive away your illnesses
Don't meet them on the way.

Now promise me
Never be sick again in your life.
Toughen up, smile,
To have immunity!

Stop being sick, get well soon,
Adventures, happiness, things await,
Drink vitamins, tea with honey, lemon,
I'm tired of being without you!

Let's get rid of the temperature,
If you want, I’ll come and help in any way I can,
This cold has lasted a little,
I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Come on, get well
I wish you not to get sick.
Your illness is not long,
Don't forget.

Let's better remember
About your past,
There were funny cases
I still remember.

There's plenty of time left
You and I have
The two of us will talk,
Great together here.

Today you are sick - so be it,
Sadness knocks on your heart.
I don't want to see no one
And you just look out the window.

This condition will pass,
And soon everything will be the other way around.
Health will return to you again,
You will rush across the earth with joy!

You are sick again, and there is pain in your eyes,
You are suffering greatly from illness.
What to do with yourself, how to regain your health?
You don't know at the moment.

But you don’t have to exhaust yourself so much,
Charge yourself with positivity.
Okay, heal yourself, give yourself time,
You will soon live happily again!

It is necessary to be healthy!
May spiritual strength be with you,
Energy, good mood,
Let your surroundings be kind.

Let love accompany you
Luck opens its doors,
And your life will be happy,
Rich, unique!

You've been sick for a week now.
It’s very sad, it’s hard for you.
But believe me, health will return again,
You will smile at me again.

I wish you positivity
Quickly perk up your spirit.
And pass by from the thoughts of the oppressed,
You will find health along the way!

The body often gets sick.
My soul hurts more.
And it’s true, it’s not in vain
Rest is prescribed for everyone.

After all, the body, like the heart,
Needs warmth.
Don't forget to warm up
In loving ourselves.

If you are sick
In the middle of the way.
Don't think, it's necessary -
Know exactly what's ahead.

Don't refuse treatment
To your body:
After all, even birds get sick,
The main thing is a healthy mind!

The disease will not overcome you, -
Don't you dare let her in!
Let the body hurt a little -
Let your body sleep.
Sleep heals everything, don't think
That spring is to blame for everything.
The day after tomorrow will be morning,
And you will be full of strength, Hurray!

Once again, our state, which has declared itself social, wants to save on those who actually work and live, counting their labor rubles, from paycheck to paycheck. The Ministry of Health submitted to the State Duma a bill amending the law “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.”

If the bill is passed, 100% of average sick leave earnings will be paid only to people with more than 15 years of work experience. Those who have worked from 8 to 15 years will receive 80% of sick leave, and those who have worked for less than 8 years will receive only 60%. So far, all sick people with 8 years of experience receive their money in full. This threshold has not changed since Soviet times - since 1972.

Well, we are sending so many newsletters that the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) has a deficit of funds? It turns out that we take much fewer sick days than in Europe and than we ourselves took in Soviet times.

The Government has adopted the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020. The main goal outlined in this document is to increase average life expectancy to 73 years. So far it is 7 years less than in the “new” EU countries, and 12.5 years less than in the “old” ones.

Does the new bill help achieve this? We asked Guzel Ulumbekova, executive director of the Association of Medical Societies for Quality (ASMOK), which unites more than 20 professional medical societies.

How often and for how long our citizens are on sick leave is directly related to the health status of the working-age population. Now, on average, per worker in our country there are 7-8 days of incapacity for work due to illness per year (according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development), confirmed by sick leave. Before 1990, in Russia, every working person reported on average 10 days a year. In the countries of the European Union (according to the World Health Organization), this figure is now from 12 to 20 days a year, for example, in Germany - 14 days, and in the Czech Republic - 20. But the fact that our employees take less sick leave does not mean that that we are healthier.

Our morbidity rate (it is counted not only based on sick leave) per 100 thousand population has increased by 46% compared to 1990, and the mortality rate of people of working age over the same period has increased by 40%. And there are fewer sick days. Russians are afraid of losing their jobs with private employers or losing a certain level of earnings, do not apply for sick leave and suffer from illness “on their feet.” Chronication of diseases and complications are consequences.

And to achieve the goals of Concept 2020, it is necessary to improve health, reduce the mortality rate of the working-age population at least to the level of 1990 (respectively, from 6.9 to 4.9 people per 1 thousand working-age population per year), i.e. almost 1.5 times. It has been calculated: if we reduce the mortality rate of the working-age population from 2010 to 2020 by 1.5 times, i.e. to the level of the Soviet Union in 1990, then the lives of almost 1.5 million people will be saved (who, even if we think only about the economy, will contribute an additional 1.2 trillion rubles to the country’s GDP over this period). This contribution is comparable to government spending on health care in 2009.

Foreign employers have calculated the economic effect of additional (over and above government programs) investments in employee health - it amounts to $4 for every $1 invested.

And in order for Russians to live longer and die less, a sick person must receive qualified help, if necessary, then with a break from work. There should be no obstacles to this. A reduction in sick leave payments will stop people from seeing a doctor: the income of 60% of the population is below 15 thousand rubles. per month. How can someone who is sick survive on 80 or 60% of that salary?

- How much should the state spend on medicine to improve the health of the population?

At least 1.7 times more than now, if we want to achieve the indicators set by the government by 2020, namely, increase life expectancy to 73-74 years and reduce the overall mortality rate to 11.0 (this is the number of deaths per year per 1000 population, today this figure is 14.2). Such indicators were in our country in the 80s. The indicators of the “old” EU countries, where the life expectancy of the population is 81 years and the mortality rate is 9.2, are, unfortunately, still unattainable for us.

In 2009, the state spent almost 1.380 trillion rubles on medicine, or 3.5% of GDP (GDP 2009 - 39.06 trillion rubles). These are expenses from all sources: federal, regional and municipal budgets, as well as funds from compulsory health insurance. On average, developed countries spend more than 6% of GDP on medicine from government sources - 1.7 times more even in relative terms. In absolute terms, i.e. per capita in dollars assessed at purchasing power parity (1 $PPP in 2008 = 15.5 rubles), about 635 $PPP is spent from government sources in our country, or 3.4 times less than the average in developed countries is $2,184 PPP.

There are calculations that show that health and mortality indicators of the population directly depend on government investments in healthcare in the zone up to $1,500 PPP (at higher costs such a direct dependence is no longer obtained). From these calculations it follows: in order to achieve the specified mortality rate of 11.0, per capita spending on health care in our country must be at least $1,100 PPP, i.e. grow 1.7 times.

- How should this money be spent?

The first and main step that must be taken is to increase the salaries of medical workers. Today it is 21% lower than the national average (in Germany - 3 times higher, in the USA - 5 times, in the “new” EU countries - 1.5-2 times). This means that in Russia, thinking, young, mobile personnel prefer to go to other sectors of the economy. In the very near future, especially taking into account the demographic failure (decrease in the number of school graduates), we will inevitably face a shortage of medical personnel entering the industry. No doctor means no physical access to medical care.

- Some experts believe that the number of doctors per capita in our country is still high.

It is a myth. We should take into account that in our country more than 50% of doctors are of retirement or pre-retirement age, which means that in the next 3-4 years they will retire, and in the absence of sufficient replenishment, we will face a serious shortage of personnel. Morbidity and mortality of the population, respectively, and the need for medical care in our country are 40% higher than in the developed countries with which these comparisons are made. Accordingly, the number of doctors should be higher. Today there is already a catastrophic shortage of doctors in rural areas, an acute shortage of doctors in a number of specialties: phthisiatricians, oncologists, radiologists, radiologists, pathologists, anesthesiologists and resuscitators.

The second area that requires investment is improving the qualifications of doctors.

The third thing you need to spend money on is free medications on an outpatient basis. People should not hesitate: buy medicine or, better yet, apples for their child. The patient should receive the medicine prescribed by the doctor mainly free of charge. This guarantees the success of treatment, reducing disability and the risk of death in working age.

Over the next two years, medicine will receive an additional 460 billion rubles, and this is very important for our healthcare system. But most of these funds will be spent on the material and technical base. And only about 26% will go to treatment standards, of which doctors’ salaries will be slightly increased. It is necessary to repair buildings and equip hospitals with equipment, but only after competent doctors are available to our population. Otherwise, it may turn out that there will be no one to work in the repaired walls.

Managers say that our patients spend longer in hospitals than in developed countries, and this is very expensive.

The reasons for this imbalance are clear. In the hospital, the patient receives free medications, and there is someone there to look after him. For outpatient treatment, a person must buy medications himself, and we do not have proper patronage at home. Therefore, our patients have only one chance - to receive the necessary care in a hospital. In the world, unlike Russia, there are different hospital beds. Intensive therapy is the most expensive, and here, indeed, the patient must stay for a short time. As soon as he is removed from his threatening condition, he can be transferred to a rehabilitation bed, which costs less, or undergo further treatment on an outpatient basis. There are also long-term care beds for elderly people in need of medical and social care, or, for example, for disabled people who are not capable of self-care. In our country, such patients often lie in therapeutic departments for a long time simply because there is nowhere to discharge them, there is no one to care for them, and they have nothing to buy medicine with. Therefore, we can talk about reducing the patient’s stay in an intensive care bed only when the availability of other types of medical care is increased.

In recent years, although not as radically as required, medical costs have increased. Did it give results?

Yes, an annual increase in healthcare funding by 10% thanks to the priority project “Health” made it possible from 2006 to 2008 to reduce mortality by 10%, increase life expectancy by 2.6 years and save 500 thousand lives of our citizens. But I would like to emphasize that in order to achieve the goals set by the government to improve the health of the population by 2020, it is necessary to increase funding by at least 1.7 times.

- Where to get money if medicine, education, science, and the army need it?

In medicine in developed countries, the principle of solidarity works: the rich pay for the poor, the healthy pay for the sick. This is ensured by a progressive tax scale, and in Western Europe taxes for wealthy people reach 50-60% of their income, and the rich pay not only from earnings, but also from dividends and property. But our income tax scale is flat - 13%, and the collection of insurance premiums is not just regressive, but even of a landslide nature, that is, if a person earned more than 415 thousand rubles a year, then insurance premiums above this amount are not charged at all. This means that our poor and middle class pay for health care for everyone, including the rich.

And while our rich have such tax benefits, it is difficult to talk about the availability of medical care for the majority of the population. By the way, increasing the tax burden on the super-rich would make it possible to cover the Social Insurance Fund deficit from the budget. Then it would be possible to avoid such an unpopular measure as shifting the financial burden of paying sick leave onto the shoulders of the workers themselves and businesses, especially since this could lead to a deterioration in the health of workers.

Help "Novaya"

Calculate your sick leave

The Soviet “lafa” has been gone for a long time: back then, it was even profitable for everyone who worked 8 years or more to go on sick leave - there were no deductions from sick leave payments, like from wages. Until now, the service thresholds have remained the same, but 100% payments were not the same for everyone. No matter how much you receive and no matter how hard and long you work, the amount of sick leave benefits depends on the basic average daily earnings... In 2010 it was 1,136.99 rubles. in a day. If your NON-basic average daily earnings exceeds this amount, then you are still walking past the checkout.

So, the amount of sick leave is calculated as follows:

1136.99 x X x Y%

X - number of days on sick leave;

Y% - percentage depending on length of service (while the insurance period is 8 years or more - 100%; insurance period from 5 to 8 years - 80%; insurance period from six months to 5 years - 60%). 13% must be subtracted from the resulting amount. In a word, getting sick is expensive. It will be especially difficult for mothers who also have little experience and whose children are sick.