Psychological barriers to professional development of personality Elvira Evaldovna Symanyuk. Exercise “Barriers to professional development of the individual Psychological barriers to professional development of the individual

A person’s relationship with the world is an active form of interaction with the surrounding reality, aimed, first of all, at overcoming various difficulties, obstacles, barriers, including psychological ones, that arise in the way of satisfying needs.

In professional self-determination of personality psychological barriers can be considered as a subjectively experienced state of “failure” in the implementation of the planned future, as well as in one’s own mental state. The emergence of psychological barriers during professional self-determination and their awareness is the most important condition for strengthening intellectual activity, the emergence of a problematic situation of choosing a profession, stimulating new means and ways of self-determination in the profession.

Professional self-determination- the basis of a person’s self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions of life.

There are various options for defining the concept of “choice of profession,” but they all contain the idea that professional self-determination is a choice made as a result of analyzing the internal resources of the subject and correlating them with the requirements of the profession. There is a duality in the content of this concept:

On the one hand, the one who chooses (the subject of choice);

On the other hand, what is chosen (the object of choice).

Both the subject and the object have a huge set of characteristics that explain the ambiguity of professional self-determination.

Choosing a profession is a process consisting of a number of stages, the duration of which depends on external conditions and individual characteristics subject of choosing a profession.

In psychology it is customary to consider choice of profession as a choice of activity. In this case, the subjects of research are, on the one hand, the characteristics of a person as a subject of activity, and on the other hand, the nature, content, types of activity and its object. Professional self-determination is understood here as a process of development of the subject of labor. The choice of profession is made correctly if the psychophysiological data of the individual meets the requirements of the profession.

In the context of understanding the choice of profession as a choice of activity, there is also a widespread opinion that the main condition for the correct choice is professional interest or professional orientation.

The choice of profession is very important in the overall life definition of a person. It is connected with the past experience of the individual, directed to the future - it participates in the formation of the self-concept. All this requires taking into account the individual’s life plans in other areas, for example, in his personal life.

The following can be distinguished indicators of professional self-determination:

Awareness of students about the essential aspects, circumstances, reasons for choosing a profession;

Formation of interests and inclinations;

The emergence of new high-quality combinations of abilities;

The emergence of specific relationships with parents, classmates, representatives of various professions;

Education of new qualitative factors in self-awareness;

Construction of personal professional plans.

Success and productivity of professional self-determination involves changes in those ideas about oneself that have become an obstacle to self-realization. Conservative self-sufficiency and rigidity (inflexibility) have a negative impact on this process. At the same time, the relative ease of changing self-images can lead to the inability to stabilize and maintain new self-images. This makes the self-image overly dynamic and highly susceptible to various situational factors.

Equilibrium inner world students may be violated by the need for self-determination. It is very difficult to take this important step, since any decision involves giving up other opportunities, i.e. with self-restraint, which in turn gives rise to internal tension. The period of adolescence is characterized by the desire of a teenager to prove to himself and others his ability to independent decisions and readiness for adult life. The problem of self-determination is often solved by two different ways:

Finding similarities between yourself and others ( identification);

Denial of similarities between oneself and others ( negativism).

The meaning of the Self is not a consequence of knowledge about oneself. Important terms The factors that determine the productivity of professional personal self-determination are, on the one hand, the presence of experience of real life achievements and their adequate self-esteem, and on the other hand, the ability to correctly understand the degree of specificity of one’s involvement in these achievements.

Thus, self-determination involves two processes:

Formation of a sufficiently high level of self-esteem;

Awareness and acceptance of personal qualities and characteristics, which are considered as one of the conditions for expected professional achievements.

Self-attitude is generated by the collision of the Self with motives that provide the need for self-realization, and is the result of self-esteem and a feeling of sympathy for oneself. The motive for choice is the state of tension in which a person is. It can be reduced by satisfying needs. A profession is chosen to satisfy certain human needs, which may be conscious or unconscious.

Professional self-determination begins when a person first realizes that a given profession can satisfy his needs. This in turn depends on what a person knows about professions and about himself. This knowledge helps him understand what personal qualities and character traits can be realized in one or another professional activity. In fact, it expresses deep or superficial self-knowledge, one's openness or closedness towards oneself.

The success of a person’s professional activity is largely determined by the depth of self-knowledge, which in turn can cause the emergence of internal conflict and psychological barriers. They reflect the presence of doubts and disagreement with oneself. This manifests itself as a tendency to excessive self-examination, which is accompanied by anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, frustration leading needs (frustration - dissatisfaction), emphasizing difficulties.

Symanyuk Elvira Evaldovna

Barrier -

A barrier is a psychological phenomenon (introduced in
in the form of sensations, experiences, images, concepts
etc.), which reflects the properties of the object
limit manifestations of life activity
person, prevent his satisfaction

Barriers perform the following functions:

stabilization (stops movement, gives it static);
correction (when faced with an obstacle, the movement changes its
energization (energy of movement accumulates under the influence
barrier holding it);
dosing (obstacles dose movement, determine its measure);
mobilization (living organisms faced with an obstacle,
mobilize their energy and other resources to overcome
development (changes that occur in organisms during repeated
mobilizations, are consolidated, which increases functional
capabilities of a living system, gives it a new quality);
braking (the barrier slows down movement, inhibits activity);
suppression (constantly blocking the vital activity of the body, its
requests, the barrier weakens and undermines its functional

Types of psychological barriers to professional development:

crises professional development personalities;
professional destruction;
deterioration of psychological health.

Crises of professional personal development -

Crises of professional
Personal development is short periods of life,
accompanied by radical restructuring
subject of activity, changes in the
Signs of professional crises:
loss of meaning in the activity being performed;
loss of the sense of newness;
subjective feeling of arrested development;
predominance negative emotions in a relationship
irritability or apathy.

Types of professional crises:

Crisis of educational and professional guidance (14 15 or
16 17 years old) at the option stage;
Crisis of professional choice (16–18 years old or 19 21 years old)
at the stage of vocational education;
Crisis of professional expectations (18–20 years or 21 23
years) at the stage of professional adaptation;
Professional growth crisis (30-33 years old) at the stage
primary professionalization;
Professional career crisis (38-40 years old) at the stage
secondary professionalization;
Crisis of social and professional self-actualization
(48 50 years) at the mastery stage;
Crisis of loss of professional activity (55–60 years)
at the stage of loss of profession.

Crisis of educational and vocational guidance (14-15 or 16-17 years old) at the option stage

Crisis of educational and vocational guidance
(14 15 or 16 17 years old) at the option stage
Inability to implement professional
Choosing a profession without taking into account individual psychological characteristics and
psychophysiological properties.
Situational choice of professional educational
ways to overcome:
- Psychologically competent professional
- Correction of professional intentions.

Crisis of professional choice (16–18 years old or 19–21 years old) at the stage of vocational education

Crisis of professional choice (16–18 years old or
19 21 years old) at the professional stage
Dissatisfaction with professional
education and vocational training.
Changing socio-economic conditions
Restructuring of leading activities.
Ways to overcome:
- Activation of educational and cognitive activities.
- Change of educational and professional motives
- Correction of the choice of profession.

Crisis of professional expectations (18–20 years old or 21–23 years old) at the stage of professional adaptation

Crisis of professional expectations (18–20 years old)
or 21 23 years old) at the professional stage
Difficulties in professional adaptation.
Mastering new leading activities.
Mismatch between professional expectations and
real reality.
Ways to overcome:
- Intensification of professional efforts.
- Correction of labor motives and
- Change of specialty and profession

Crisis of professional growth (30–33 years) at the stage of primary professionalization

Crisis of professional growth (30-33 years old) at
stages of primary professionalization
Dissatisfaction with job opportunities
positions and their professional growth.
Need for professional
self-affirmation and the difficulty of satisfying it.
Ways to overcome:
- Improvement of social and professional
activity and qualifications.
- Change of place of work and type of activity.

Professional career crisis (38–40 years old) at the stage of secondary professionalization

Professional career crisis (38-40 years) at
stages of secondary professionalization
Dissatisfaction with one's social and professional
status, position.
New dominant professional values.
Crisis of age development.
Ways to overcome:
- Increasing social and professional activity.
- Development of an individual style of activity,
qualitative improvement of the methods performed
- Mastering a new specialty, advanced training.
- Go to new job

Crisis of socio-professional self-actualization (48–50 years old) at the stage of mastery

Crisis of social and professional
self-actualization (48-50 years old) at the mastery stage
Dissatisfaction with opportunities to realize oneself
in the current professional situation.
Dissatisfaction with one's social and professional

health status.
Ways to overcome:
- Transition to an innovative level of implementation
- Above-standard socio-professional

Crisis of loss of professional activity (55–60 years) at the stage of loss of profession

Crisis of loss of professional activity (55–
60 years old) at the stage of loss of profession
Retirement and a new social role.
Narrowing of the socio-professional field.
Psychophysiological changes and deterioration
health status.
Ways to overcome:
- Socio-psychological preparation for a new species
life activity.
- Organization of socio-economic
mutual assistance of pensioners.
- Involvement in socially useful activities.

Types of professional destruction

Learned helplessness.
Professional alienation.
Conservation of professional experience.
Professional deformations.
DESTRUCTION is destruction, change or
deformation of the existing psychological
personality structures in process
professional work (E.F. Zeer).

Learned helplessness

this is a decline in the level of professional
activity, lack of initiative, avoidance
situations involving failure. IN
professional activity this is manifested in
negative attitude towards innovation,
performing work only within the regulatory framework
assigned activity, refusal to perform
social work.

Professional alienation

This is a personal position of non-involvement and
mental non-belonging to society
acceptable for this professional profession
morality. The person does not identify with
activities performed, does not assume
responsibility for what is happening in the organization, not
shares organizational values.

Behavioral signs of alienation:

closedness in relationships with colleagues,
lies as unconscious distortion of facts,
deliberate lie,
exaggeration of one's merits,

Psychological mechanisms ensuring alienation:

substitution of concepts and assessments (for example, closing an environmentally harmful
production is identified with an attack on the country’s defense power);
self-deception: at the emotional level, a delusion that is more pleasant for self-esteem
is perceived as a valid fact;
self-hypnosis: purposeful mental embellishment
reality, leading to a perversion of consciousness, unable to accept
the truth, who considers it a lie, an attack on the most sacred;
no alternative: one-dimensionality, narrowness of thinking, straightforwardness
argumentation when proving one’s position, failure to take into account many others
elitism: elitist self-awareness developed in previous years (for example, in
defense industry, where they paid a lot and morally encouraged), enhanced
subsequently a feeling of injustice and preventing the acquisition of a new
professional identity;
closedness: deafness to opponents, rejection of criticism, uncritical consciousness,
inability to evaluate from other positions, discarding everything that does not coincide with
own point of view, as personally hostile.

Destruction of professional competence

conservation of professional experience,

Experience -

Experience a complex system, which includes methods
techniques and rules for solving labor problems. Experience,
purchased from a professional
activities, becomes system-forming in
personality structure and has a significant
influence on the manifestation of certain personal traits
qualities (E.Yu. Artemyeva, Yu.K. Strelkov).

Occupational deformities

distortion of expression level
professionally important qualities.
Types of professional deformations
Authoritarianism, demonstrativeness,
social hypocrisy, aggressiveness,
role expansionism,

Determinants of professional deformation:

specific factors
professional activity;
personal factors;
factors of a socio-psychological nature.

Professional deformations of a manager:

Authoritarianism. Dominance.
Role expansionism.
Social hypocrisy.

Psychological health -

Psychological health is a state of mental well-being,
characterized by the absence of painful
mental manifestations, providing
regulation adequate to the conditions of reality
behavior and activity (G.S. Nikiforov).

Factors determining psychological health:

drastic socio-economic changes (exacerbate social
insecurity, depress the feeling of security);
features of the organization;
working conditions;
job satisfaction;
satisfaction with interpersonal relationships;
content of the activity (simultaneous observation of several
time-varying processes or understanding of activities
several people; frequent and fast information switching
directing attention to multiple objects; perception and
processing of diverse and numerous information, often
having an emotional nature; acute lack of time; feeling
increased responsibility for decisions made);
leadership style;
amount and nature of professional stress;
individual psychological characteristics of the personality.

Signs of psychological ill health:

negative subjective status (well-being,
activity, mood);
presence of pain syndrome (including
psycho-emotional – “the soul hurts”);
reduction or complete loss of ability to work;
reduction in the volume and degree of mobilization
functional reserves;
deterioration of adaptive capabilities (decrease
interest in innovation, resistance to it).

Psychological health indicators:

prevailing good health;
deep understanding and acceptance of oneself;
high satisfaction with life - the nature of one’s communication,
progress of affairs, your health, lifestyle, process
high level self-regulation (but not too high!)
your desires, emotions and actions, your
habits, development process, etc.;
optimal process and level of self-realization; harmonious combination of the number of successes and failures);
desires and aspirations with your mental, physical,
material opportunities;
real sustainable development.

agreement with yourself and the world around you;
adaptively useful, sustainable, long-lasting, creative and
economical functioning and personal development in
diverse living environments;
predominantly positive and calm emotional
tone of life;
good physical health, absence of serious bodily
and mental illness;
generally positive self-concept, quite high
self-acceptance, fairly high self-confidence (but not
very high!);
optimally organized life process
(predominance of internal locus of control over external,
sufficient awareness, flexibility and breadth of life

Signs of psychological harmony of the individual:

- harmonious
lifestyle (manifested in daily life activities in
in the form of a sufficient number of naturally necessary lines of activity,
their sufficient variety and regularity of implementation);
- moderation of passions and conflicting desires, expressed by folk
formula “the best is the enemy of the good”, optimal balance
positive and negative basic aspirations,
optimal level of self-realization - a harmonious combination of the number of successes
and failures, lack of orientation towards maximum achievements;
proportionality of desires and aspirations with one’s mental, physical,
material opportunities and with social and natural
features of the life situation;
real sustainable development, unhurried movement forward - life as
consistent implementation of a number of interesting and useful in a wide
sense creative projects, affairs, your game, your mission;
openness, willingness to respond and help, to participate in a common cause,
orientation towards cooperation and dialogue;
a sense of beauty and miracle of Nature, unity with it; respect for her creations,
ecological culture, regular communication with nature.

Life loses its meaning in two cases: when obstacles are insurmountable and when they are absent.

Psychological barriers can be attributed to stages when there is a transition in the functioning of the psychological system from a lower to a higher level of development. On the one hand, “barriers” can have a destructive function, reducing activity and leading to depression, on the other hand, psychological barriers have an activating, creative function, when difficulties are experienced as something positive and stimulating to action. Modern development trends psychological science raise the problem of studying the creative role of psychological barriers for the individual, which manifests itself in the design and dynamization of activity, mobilization of energy and other resources, increasing the functional capabilities of a living system, indicating a transition to a new quality.

Considering the concept of “barrier” K.D. Ushinsky noted that “the existence of obstacles is necessary condition the existence of an activity is a condition without which the activity itself is impossible...” In the work of N.A. Podymov considers the psychological barrier as an internal obstacle reflected in a person’s consciousness, expressed in a violation of the semantic correspondence between consciousness and objective conditions and methods of activity. According to E.E. Symanyuk, a psychological barrier is a subjectively colored experience of difficulties caused by objective limitations in the manifestations of a person’s life activity and preventing the satisfaction of his needs.

The constructive role of psychological barriers is considered in the works of R.Kh. Shakurov, he understands by a psychological barrier external and internal obstacles that resist the manifestations of the subject’s life and activity. “Speaking of barriers, we mean such influences on a person (exogenous and endogenous) that limit the freedom of manifestation of his activity, first of all, freedom in meeting the needs of aspirations, in the implementation of attitudes.” “A barrier is a universal and permanent attribute of life, its obligatory and necessary companion.” The barrier in the understanding of R.H. Shakurova is, first of all, a subjective-objective category. This means that barriers can be created both by the activity itself and “by the individual due to the inability or impossibility of finding the resources necessary to achieve the goal.”

In his psychological theory of coping, R.H. Shakurov reveals the mechanisms of development of the creative forces of the individual in overcoming various barriers. In his opinion, barriers are a necessary and constructive factor, since they stimulate and ensure the development of activity and, consequently, personality.

V.G. Maralov notes, “overcoming difficulties and obstacles, a person develops and, at the same time, acquires the very ability for self-development.”

Psychological barriers that generate mental tension and impart instability and imbalance to the development process are the main construct that determines the dynamics of development. Obstacles that accompany personality development perform a creative function provided that they contribute to rapid adaptation to various changes.

E.E. Symanyuk, I.V. Devyatovskaya note that “overcoming behavior is an individual way of interacting with a difficult external or internal situation, determined, on the one hand, by its logic and significance for a person, and on the other, by his psychological capabilities. The range of both constructive and destructive coping strategies is quite large - from unconscious psychological defenses to the purposeful overcoming of crisis situations."

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the following constructive functions of barriers are distinguished:

– indicator (shows feedback on the quality of impact);

– stimulating, mobilizing;

– creative function – aimed at overcoming obstacles;

– developing – promoting the development and formation of a person’s personality and individuality;

– educational – formative system value orientations, developing spiritual and moral, intellectual and physical qualities of the individual, the ability to self-organize;

– protective – aimed at stabilizing the personality, protecting consciousness from unpleasant, traumatic experiences associated with internal and external conflicts, states of anxiety and discomfort;

– training – forming the ability to overcome obstacles;

– emotional – forming the ability to understand one’s mental states and the causes that cause them;

– regulatory – regulating the development of relationships in situations of various nature;

– adaptive – establishing correspondence between the needs of the individual and his capabilities, taking into account specific conditions;

– correction functions – changing the direction of movement of the system;

– energization – the energy of movement accumulates under the influence of the barrier that holds it;

– development – ​​changes that occur in organisms during repeated mobilizations are consolidated, which increases the functionality of a living system and gives it a new quality.

An analysis of the literature has shown that psychological barriers play a constructive role in human life, they mobilize the body’s resources, activate creative activity, contribute to personal development. A psychological barrier, first of all, is a subjective-objective category, therefore one person will perceive the difficulty on the way to achieving a goal as an insurmountable obstacle, while another will perceive it as an insignificant obstacle.


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5. Osipova A.A., Prokopenko M.V. On the issue of functional analysis of the psychological barrier // Russian psychological journal. 2014. No. 2. Volume 11. P. 9-16.

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8. Redkina L.V. Psychological barriers: structure and content // Bulletin of TSU. 2010. No. 10 (90). pp. 102-105.

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10. Symanyuk E.E. Psychological barriers to professional development of the individual. Practice-oriented monograph / Ed. E. F. Zeera. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. 252 p.

11. Symanyuk E.E., Devyatovskaya I.V. Continuing Education as a resource for overcoming psychological barriers in the process of professional development // Education and Science. 2015. No. 1 (120). pp. 80-92.

12. Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical anthropology: Man as a subject of education. Experience of educational anthropology. Part 2. M.: Publishing house URAO, 2002. – P.421.

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Collection output:


Simonova Evgenia Gennadievna

graduate student of the Urals State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg

AND ABOUT. deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of the State Educational Institution of Educational Institution "Antonovsky Orphanage", Nizhny Tagil

Email: danilka2709@ mail. ru

The relevance of studying the problem of psychological barriers to professional development of an individual is determined, first of all, by the modernization processes taking place in the country's economy and Russian society as a whole. In the context of the introduction of new technologies, the development of production, changing requirements for professional qualities of an individual, effective implementation of activities requires active interaction with the outside world, continuous self-improvement, and the acquisition of new knowledge to overcome obstacles standing in the way of achieving the goal.

The phenomenon of psychological barriers, their essence and influence on individual behavior was considered in their works by foreign researchers - S. Freud (psychoanalytic theory) and his followers K. Horney, K. Jung; A. Maslow and K. Rogers (humanistic concept of personality); K. Lewin (personality theory); J. Kelly (cognitive theory of personality).

The problem of psychological barriers in the context of the activity approach is presented by modern domestic scientists - L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, B.F. Lomov, B.D. Parygin, S.L. Rubinstein, R.H. Shakurov. Researchers attach no small importance to the types of barriers, considering them depending on their essence, research methods, nature, methods of analysis: in pedagogical activity- A.K. Markova, N.A. Podymov; in communication - V.A. Kan-Kalik, B.D. Parygin; when introducing innovations - A.I. Prigozhy, A.V. Filippov, A.M. Hon; semantic - L.I. Bozhovich, M.S. Neumark; emotional - L.B. Filonov.

There are different approaches to identifying psychological barriers.

In the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud, a barrier is considered as an obstacle that stands in the way of human development, associated with a threat to the individual, causing one of the types of anxiety: realistic, neurotic or moral. Overcoming anxiety is possible in two ways - to interact with the problem and reduce its negative impact, or to use a defense consisting of denial or distortion of the situation.

Followers of Z. Freud - the authors of psychoanalytic concepts of personality (A. Adler, K. Horney, K. Jung) characterize psychological barriers as protective mechanisms that arise in the process of overcoming the conflict between consciousness and the unconscious. According to A. Adler, psychological barriers hinder the achievement of success and are associated with an inferiority complex.

A representative of the humanistic concept of personality, A. Maslow, believes that “Ego Defense” can be an internal obstacle to personality development. A busy, active life seems unbearably difficult to many. In moments of great happiness and joy, people often say: “This is too much for me” or “I can’t stand it.” In order to resolve problems with “defenses,” it is first necessary to understand their essence, what they are directed against, and the mechanism of their action. The individual must then try to minimize the distortions created by the “defenses” in his own psyche.

Maslow adds two more to the traditional psychoanalytic list of defenses (projection, suppression, denial, etc.) - desacralization and the Jonah complex.

The term desacralization characterizes the act of impoverishment of mental life due to the individual's refusal to take it seriously and with interest. A. Maslow calls the Jonah complex the reluctance of an individual to realize his natural abilities. Just as Jonah tried to avoid the responsibility of being a prophet, many people also avoid responsibility because they are afraid to use their full potential. They prefer to set insignificant goals for themselves and do not strive to achieve career success and prove themselves.

The roots of the Jonah complex can be seen in the fact that people are afraid to change their uninteresting, limited, but well-established existence, they are afraid to break away from everything familiar, to lose control over what they already have. Group pressure and social propaganda can also limit individual development opportunities. They prevent an individual from exercising independence, stifling the ability to make independent judgments, forcing a person to replace his own judgments and tastes with generally accepted standards.

A.L. Svenitsky defines a psychological barrier as “an obstacle imagined by an individual on his way to achieving a goal,” which often causes intrapersonal conflicts and can contribute to a state of frustration.

L.A. Karpenko characterizes a psychological barrier (French barriére - barrier, obstacle) as “a mental state that manifests itself in the inadequate passivity of the subject, preventing him from performing certain actions. The emotional mechanism of psychological barriers is the strengthening of negative experiences and attitudes - shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem associated with the task."

At the same time, many researchers consider psychological barriers as the most important components of the holistic structure of a subject’s activity, which have a significant impact on its development and formation.

R.H. Shakurov considers the psychological barrier to be a universal category on a cosmic scale “...and a constant attribute of life, existing wherever any forces or movements interact, regardless of their nature,” he also notes the positive influence of obstacles on the formation of character and the strengthening of personality.

Speaking about the role of barriers in social life, R.H. Shakurov notes their stabilizing and regulating function in the process of life (prohibitions, requirements, norms, laws, customs, traditions), and the essence of the barrier lies in the impact they have - resistance, inhibition, containment, opposition, blocking, etc.

The concepts of “barrier” and “overcoming” by R.Kh. Shakurov compares it with systemic concepts that allow one to take a fresh look at the subject under study, in the “process of changing scientific thought.”

Among the functions of psychological barriers, R.H. Shakurov distinguishes developmental, since “the changes that occur in organisms when they encounter an obstacle, contributing to the mobilization of energy and other resources, are consolidated with repeated mobilizations, which increases the functionality of the living system, giving it a new quality”

Considering psychological barriers as " mental processes, properties or even the state of a person as a whole, which preserve the hidden emotional and intellectual potential of his activity,” B.D. Parygin connects the relevance of the problem, “on the one hand, with the expansion of the socio-psychological bridgehead, which constantly generates and multiplies psychological barriers, and on the other, with the increasingly tangible need to overcome them,” which contributes to the mobilization of the internal reserves of the socio-psychological activity of the individual

ON THE. Podymov defines two modalities of psychological barriers: positive and negative, associated with “individual style of professional activity, methods of emotional response to changes in life and professional circumstances and difficulties”

Thus, the barriers that accompany the professional development of an individual are barriers that perform a creative function, provided that they contribute to rapid adaptation to various changes. The destructive function of barriers, if they are large enough, entails the formation of blockers that suppress activity, deform and destroy the personality.


  1. Parygin B.D. Psychological barrier and its nature // Social Psychology and philosophy. - 1975. - No. 3. - P. 3 - 13
  2. Podymov N.A. Psychological barriers in the professional activity of a teacher: dis. Doctor of Psychology Sci. - M., 1999. - pp. 13-14
  3. Svenitsky A.L., Brief psychological dictionary. - M.: Prospekt, 2009. - P. 42
  4. Dictionary / Ed. M.Yu. Kondratieva // Psychological Lexicon. encyclopedic Dictionary in six volumes. / Ed. - comp. L.A. Karpenko. Under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M.: PER SE, 2006. - P. 176
  5. Frager R., Fadiman D. Theories of personality and personal growth[Electronic resource] // Library Gumer-Psychology: website URL: (access date: 10/17/11)
  6. Shakurov R.Kh. Barrier as a category and its role in activity // Questions of psychology. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 3-18.

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    CHAPTER 1. Psychological aspects of professional personal development…………………………………………………………………………………5
    1.1. Essence and stages of professional development……………………….....5
    1.2. Components and factors of professional development……………11
    1.3. Concepts of professional development……………………………..13
    CHAPTER 2. Barriers in the professional activity of a teacher and ways to overcome them………………………………………………………………………………….19
    2.1. Types of barriers in the professional activity of a teacher………….19
    2.2. Ways to overcome psychological barriers…………………………27

    Excerpt from the work:

    Some abstracts from the work on the topic Psychological barriers to professional personal development

    The current socio-economic situation is characterized by high dynamism and tension. The main requirement that it places on a person is the need for constant self-determination and building oneself as a professional, which is impossible without a developed ability to design new trajectories of professional development and overcome the difficulties of this process. Professional development should be understood as an uneven, nonlinear process of personality change (progressive and regressive) in the course of mastering and performing professional activities. As an individual enters a professional environment and masters the standards and values ​​of the professional community, personality changes occur. The genesis of the human personality in professional activity can be considered both as development, enrichment, and as degradation, deformed existence.
    CHAPTER 1. Psychological aspects of professional development of the individual
    1.1. The essence and stages of professional development

    Professional development of a specialist is understood as the process of progressive change in his personality due to social impacts, professional activity and personal activity aimed at self-improvement and self-realization. Formation necessarily presupposes the need for development and self-development, the possibility and reality of its satisfaction, as well as the need for professional self-preservation.
    Professional development is the formation of professional orientation, competence, socially significant and professionally important qualities and their integrations, readiness for constant professional growth, search for optimal methods for high-quality and creative performance of activities in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of a person.
    Worthy of attention are those highlighted by E.F. Zeer main approaches to understanding professional formation (development) by Western and Russian scientists (Tables 1.1. and 1.2.)

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