How many universities can you apply to at the same time? Rosobrnadzor explained how to check a university for admission. But this is not reliable. On a paid basis

All information about the acceptance of documents at the university, passing scores, benefits and advantages is of interest to any applicant.

Usually, before the start of a new academic year, a commission under the Ministry of Education changes or adjusts the rules for admission to universities.

According to the new rules, graduates can submit documents to the educational institution in the first week after receiving a certificate of completed secondary education. You can apply to 5 different universities, for 3 specialties in each.

Documents can be submitted electronically or sent to the educational institution. Or, directly, come to the university and submit the necessary documents.

Important. Each educational institution has its own requirements for admission, where an additional interview or exam may be included; you need to remember this and find out in advance.

In 2018, there are no plans to reduce the number of budget places, but in the areas of law and economics, places will still be reduced. This will happen due to the overcrowding of the market with a large number of specialists graduating specifically in these areas.

Priority will be given to full-time education rather than correspondence; it was revealed that with full-time education, students develop more knowledge and skills, therefore, for admission to full-time there will be more benefits.

To enter the most prestigious educational institutions in the country, you need a high Unified State Examination score, namely more than 80 in each subject. In addition, universities conduct their own certification of applicants, these are educational institutions such as MGIMO, Moscow State University, Baumanka. Less famous universities have lower requirements for Unified State Examination scores, but this does not mean that these universities produce bad specialists, so there is nothing wrong with studying at an ordinary university.

In 2018, funding for many educational institutions will be reduced, which will significantly affect their work, the teaching staff will be reduced, and many will close. educational programs. The quality of educational services may change significantly. Therefore, when choosing a university, you should carefully consider how its financing occurs; usually this information is provided on the official website of the educational institution.

So, how many universities can you apply to at once? In 2018, you can apply to 5 different educational institutions, for 3 specialties in each. It is better to enroll in full-time studies; choose areas of law and economics with caution. Carefully study the funding of the university, additional conditions for admission, and also do not be afraid to enroll in more modest institutions than, for example, Moscow State University. The main thing is to prepare well for passing the exams, then there will be no problems with admission.

Going to university is one of the the most important stages in the life of every person. At this moment, the future student chooses for himself not just a profession, but life path which he will have to walk.

A lot depends on the applicant’s decision: future professional achievements, area of ​​employment, opportunities personal growth, and, of course, the level of remuneration. Therefore, it is so important not to make a mistake in solving such a fateful task.

As a rule, long before last call» school graduates and their parents are beginning to study and analyze new trends related to passing unified exam and admission to higher education. The reason for this is the constant reformist spirit of education officials, who every year try to optimize the system with “effective” innovations.

In most cases, such innovations include: a change in the scoring scale, new requirements for registration documents, a reduction (increase) in the state order quota and the establishment of restrictions on the number of universities to which you can apply.

Thus, it is quite difficult for an unprepared person to understand all the intricacies of the admission procedure and it is better to know in advance your rights and responsibilities in this field.

What can applicants expect in 2018?

Traditionally, before the start of each academic year, a special commission under the Ministry of Education makes some changes to the basic rules for admission to higher education institutions. This is done in order to simplify bureaucratic red tape for applicants and effectively redistribute students between universities.

According to the new admission rules, all future students who have completed secondary school, can begin the application process from the first week of their graduation. Each applicant has the right to write an application for inclusion in the list of students at 5 different universities.

You can send copies of documents to all selected universities via the Internet at e-mail or through special feedback forms on their official websites. As a rule, almost all educational institutions have their own specific admission system, which may include an additional exam, interview, or simply a consultation, which you definitely need to pay attention to.

What will happen to the government order?

At a recent briefing on innovations in the process of admission of applicants, representatives of the relevant ministry made a statement that pleased most graduates. According to the state order program, the number of budget places will be maintained during the academic period.

In order to provide financial support to students, the central budget has already allocated an amount for 575 thousand places in residency, master's, postgraduate and bachelor's programs. The bulk of the funding is planned to be spent on training specialists from natural sciences, health care, pedagogy, mathematics and physics.

A reduction in government orders is expected in the areas of law and economics, whose representatives the labor market is literally overcrowded with.

Another feature of the budget distribution in 2018 will be the high priority of inpatient education. According to official statistics, students who have received a full-time diploma have knowledge that is an order of magnitude higher than their part-time counterparts.

What score is required for admission?

As we have long been accustomed to, the best universities in our country require the highest grades to enroll a former school student. The doors of such prestigious educational institutions open to applicants who score at least 80 points on the Unified State Exam.

Moreover, as practice has shown recent years, such universities as, for example, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University or Baumanka, in addition to the requirement high results of the Unified State Exam, they also conduct their own individual testing to better determine the applicant’s level of knowledge.

But don't be afraid of additional obstacles. There is a chance to get into your “dream” university, and it is especially great for those who have a decent knowledge base.

Higher educational institutions with a lower status are satisfied with lower Unified State Exam scores, and there you can also avoid taking additional exams or pass a simple interview instead. For many applicants, they are a kind of insurance in case more prestigious university You will not be able to qualify for the competition.

Negative trends in the education system in 2018

The economic crisis advancing on all “fronts” could not but affect the education system in our country. Even though the government is trying with all its might to maintain the existing number of budget places, negative trends are making themselves felt.

Now it has become much more difficult to become part of the state order for a profession than it was a few years ago, especially for those who chose correspondence courses.

But not only applicants felt all the “delights”. In 2018, there may be a significant reduction in funding for universities themselves, which will invariably lead to mass layoffs and the closure of many costly educational programs.

Thus, universities will lose a significant part of the human resources that have been formed over the years, and, consequently, the system of knowledge delivery may be shaken.

One of the main steps that almost every school graduate must go through is admission to a higher educational institution. It is necessary to choose an educational institution where young people will receive further education. Applicants applying for admission to the chosen university need to find out whether they have benefits when enrolling.

The last year of school is a difficult and exciting period for eleventh-graders, because what lies ahead is not just obtaining a certificate of secondary education, but also choosing exams that will allow them to enter the desired university. On the one hand, becoming a student these days is much easier than it was before. There are much more institutes, academies and universities today than there were during the USSR, and the contract form of education allows even those who received low scores on the Unified State Exam to become a student.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is constantly developing and implementing initiatives that radically affect the procedure for submitting documents, the speed of enrollment of applicants, the scoring system, and also determine quotas for places financed from budgetary allocations. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes changes to the admission conditions, and sometimes higher educational institutions change some admission rules

Features of admission and submission of documents to the university in 2019

In 2019, as in the previous year 2018, you can apply for admission to 5 universities for three specialties in each. The difference will affect the winners of the Olympiads; they can submit a certificate of victory to only one university. To the remaining 4 universities they can bring Unified State Examination certificate and act on a general basis. Considering the fact that winning the Olympiad is equivalent to 100 Unified State Examination points, the winners can easily enter universities in one attempt.

To participate in the competition for admission to a university, you need to prepare a package of documents and submit them to the admissions committees of those universities that the applicant has chosen. You can submit documents in person, through a post office or online (by email or personal account University) if provided for in the admission rules. The address and contacts of the admissions committee are posted on the official websites in the Admissions committee/Applicants/Applicants section.

What documents and to how many universities in Russia can an applicant apply in 2019?

In accordance with the admission rules, an applicant can apply to 5 universities for 3 areas of training/specialty in each.

In this case, you can submit 1 application at the same time (that is, 1 set of documents out of a possible 15):
— on admission to the university itself and/or its branches;
- on various shapes training (full-time, evening, correspondence);
— for various undergraduate programs within the field of study (specialty programs within the specialty);
- for paid and budgetary forms of education (if they are provided).

List necessary documents usually includes:

    • statement;
    • document on complete general education(original or copy);
    • original or photocopy of identification documents, citizenship;
    • 4-6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black and white or color photograph on matte paper, taken this year);
    • applicants who have special rights for admission to higher education institutions established by law Russian Federation, provide at their discretion the original or photocopy of the relevant documents;
    • medical certificate in form 086-U or 026-U upon admission to specialties and areas of training that require preliminary medical training. inspection.

The list of documents at different universities may vary slightly, so it is better to check it on the website or with the admissions office.

Rules for admission to universities in 2019

The latest orders issued by the Ministry of Education and Science allow us to conclude that when applying for admission in 2019, you will need to be guided by the following rules:

    • In 2019, students of Crimean schools are no longer entitled to have the right to choose whether to enroll through the Unified State Exam or intra-university exams. Now they will have to take a national examination and become university applicants on the basis of general rules reception;
    • The lists of mandatory certificates for some specialties have been revised. Thus, the direction of intelligent systems in the humanitarian field will now require a certificate in mathematics;
    • benefits continue to apply to those students who became laureates or prize-winners All-Russian Olympiads. Previously, the amount of incentive points could reach 20, but now you can only count on 10 additional points, and even then not in all universities. For example, MGIMO awards 3 points to Olympiad winners, 1 point to holders of a GTO badge, and 4 points to holders of a certificate with honors. At Moscow State University they award 2, 2 and 5 points, respectively, and also provide 3 additional points for the essay, at St. Petersburg State University - 10, 1 and 3 points, at the Foreign School of Economics - 5, 3 and 3 points, and the essay is also assessed additionally (up to 10 points). This information needs to be clarified at the university itself;
    • Olympiad diplomas are now valid for 4 years, so you can take care of additional points in advance by taking part and taking a prize in the subject required for admission in the 9th or 10th grade;
    • in 2019, a two-stage system for accepting documents is in effect - in the first stage, 80% of places financed from the state budget are filled, and in the second - all remaining places;
    • the minimum points that need to be obtained on the Unified State Exam will be determined by Rosobrnadzor a little later. For now, you can rely on the 2018 rules;
    • students can use certificates for the last 5 years, so you can bring documents received during passing the Unified State Exam in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015.

It is no secret that all future school graduates, and their parents too, are concerned about the best possible choice of university for further study. In 2019, all applicants had the opportunity, after passing the test, to submit documents to 5 universities at the same time, and thus significantly reduce the risk of not entering the chosen universities. What will change in the new year and how many universities can you apply to in 2020?

In 2020, the number of universities to which you can apply will not decrease

In the new year, 2020, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decided not to reduce the number of universities to which applicants can apply. Although there were intentions to reduce the number of universities, due to a sharp shortage of applicants in some universities this year, the rating and prestige of which forces applicants to apply there last, thus distorting their real competition.

Read also: Ranking of Russian universities in 2014 - 2015

In addition, at one university you can apply for three specialties (faculties) at once. Thus total number There are no more than 15 applications that an applicant can submit (to five institutes).

At the same time, the number of universities themselves will be significantly reduced, which, neither in terms of material and technical condition, nor in terms of teaching staff, in fact, do not reach the status of a higher educational institution.

As for the procedure for submitting documents to universities, it will not change significantly, and as in 2018, documents will be allowed to be submitted either in person or by mail, or electronically via the Internet.

Is it possible to go to college with unsatisfactory OGE results? This is not possible, but if you received negative marks on the exam, you have the opportunity to re-take the certification within a certain time frame. If you fail to retake the exams, you will be asked to retake the test only for next year. Some colleges may require additional entrance tests on the basis of the educational institution. Therefore, when choosing a future place of study, be sure to check all the information on exams. What documents are needed? Any applicant must take a responsible approach to preparing the basic documentation for submitting an application, since failure to submit documents on time admissions committee may ruin any chance of admission.

How many colleges can I apply to after finishing 9th grade?

For example, if an applicant chose a construction college, the admissions committee has the right to ask for a series of drawings and offer to take additional exams (usually drawing). Without additional training, it is almost impossible to pass such tests.
It is recommended to hire a tutor a few months before the exams, enroll in graphics and drawing courses, and also try to spend more free time drawing at home to improve your skills. Certificate competition Almost the last stage introductory campaign is to compile ratings of applicants.
Of course, applicants, first of all, want to enroll in budget places, and in most cases they succeed. There are quite a lot of places in the secondary school, but the college is still not able to accept all applicants.

Rules for admission to college: list of documents and deadlines for their submission 2018

To decide which colleges you can enroll in after 9th grade, you need to look at the diary of the student’s current progress:

  • if a child is interested in natural sciences, then perhaps he should think about a medical or pedagogical college;
  • It is worth focusing on a polytechnic or construction profile if you have an inclination towards exact disciplines;
  • Humanities students, as a rule, choose a pedagogical or legal college;
  • girls often pay attention to colleges where they can get a profession as an accountant, hairdresser, or makeup artist.

List of entrance documents When enrolling in a college, there are no special differences from submitting documents to a university. You just need to have necessary documents, bring them to the admissions office and fill out an application for admission there.

How to go to college after 9th grade

In addition, there is another positive point - graduates of incomplete high school If they fail the college entrance exams, they do not miss the season, but can return back to school. In two years, there is a real chance to improve your level and try to get a job at your chosen university again.


How to determine where to study? Which college should I go to after 9th grade? IN modern Russia There are many colleges, and you can get a diploma in almost every profession. A high school student needs to correctly determine his own abilities and decide how to go to college after 9th grade.

Schools often offer psychological and career guidance tests to detect a child’s attraction to a certain profession.

Is it worth going to college after 9th grade?

This burning issue for students and their parents is being vigorously discussed in the media. mass media and, naturally, directly opposite opinions are expressed. Let's try to summarize the disadvantages and advantages of each of the alternatives.

Our beloved child remained in his native school. Are there any advantages? Certainly! There is no problem of adapting to a new teaching and children's team. All our own, familiar. Negative sides? And you can’t do without them.

Lots of items that take a lot of time and effort and may not be found practical application. One can argue that all subjects develop a person, and knowledge is never superfluous.

And it is true. However, our children are not made of iron, their brains are not rubber, but nervous system not steel. Maybe leave school and go to college after 9th grade? But even here everything is not certain.

Everything is alien and everyone is strangers.


This date will be the same in all educational institutions, so you need to decide. Most often, this date falls in the month of August, so in June - July you should decide what you want: continue studying at school or go to college.


Advantages and Disadvantages of College It is worth mentioning the advantages that studying in college provides. In one academic year you will master the program for grades 10 and 11, this will happen in an accelerated manner.

The main question is whether this is good or bad. In this case, it all depends on the student’s abilities: for some it will suit, but for others it will not be possible. After college you can continue your studies at higher education educational institution, in this case, you will already have completed your education and you will be able to engage in work full-time or part-time.

How to go to college after 9th grade on a budget basis?

After 9th grade, every student is faced with a choice: continue studying at school or go to college. Most people hesitate for a long time to make a decision, since it directly determines them future fate. However, today many graduates prefer college, since this form of education provides an opportunity to get a secondary education professional education in just three years. In addition, college graduates can enter universities and study there under an accelerated program.

So how to go to college after 9th grade and what is needed for this? Exams for admission Admission to college after 9th grade requires passing certain exams. Since 2004, new examination tests have been introduced in all schools in the form of the State Final Attestation (SFA).

To college after 9th grade

However, then, upon completion of college, it is necessary to work for a certain period of time in order to return to the company the funds invested in the student during his studies. Most often, village applicants go to a pedagogical or medical college under a target contract.
Receive similar administration agreements settlement or area. Medical College You can enter medical college after 9th grade. Admission is subject to the same conditions as in other colleges and universities. First, documents are submitted and an application is written. In the event that an applicant has health problems or grades do not reach minimum score, college specialists may not accept him for training. There are several entrance tests for applicants after 9th grade. For example, some colleges require you to take a math exam. For the rest of the 9th grade graduates, enrollment in colleges is based on the results of the State Examination.
It is quite difficult to say on what basis, budgetary or commercial, you will be able to enroll, what course you will be enrolled in. All these questions are individual and must be resolved as they arise; In addition, it is worth remembering that the rules are constantly changing, so what is relevant now may change dramatically in 1 - 2 years.

It makes sense to study the admission rules six months before submitting documents, that is, before the New Year. You may have to take some admissions tests when entering college after 9th grade, so it makes sense to clarify all the admission rules initially in order to have time to fully prepare.

Your main task is to understand what kind of specialist you want to become, and after that decide where to get this profession. Decide and learn! I wish you good studies.
Moreover, the duration of training often depends on the training levels you choose. If you decide to gain basic knowledge in your specialty, then the duration of training will not be more than 2-3 years.

If you intend to undergo a more in-depth program, then the period of study is increased by at least a year. A clear advantage of studying in college is the opportunity to subsequently enter a university in your specialty.

At the same time, you do not have to go through the first year: having assessed your knowledge and experience, the commission may enroll you directly in the second or even third year of the university. Thus, when you graduate from university, you will have two diplomas at once, and this is a very worthy advantage that will allow you to find a more prestigious job. Admission to technical school and vocational school Educational institutions such as technical school and vocational school can be a good alternative to college.