Typology mbti test online. The Myers-Briggs psychological testing system: test description, typology and recommendations. Diagnostic testing techniques are applied

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Test Myers-Briggs was created during the Second World War in order to help women find jobs and replace their husbands who had gone to the battlefield. After answering a number of questions, they received brief description, on the basis of which they could choose a job that best suits their abilities.

Some Western companies still use Myers-Briggs testing when selecting candidates for their vacancies.

site created a simplified, short version of this test. Only 4 questions with 2 answer options each, and voila! - a combination of letters will tell you about your personality type.

1. You are completely exhausted, the week has been long and not the best. How will you spend your weekend?

  • I'll recruit friends, find out what their plans are. I heard a new restaurant has opened / a hilarious comedy has been released / discounts in a paintball club. We all need to get out together. - E
  • I will put my phone in Do Not Disturb mode and stay at home. I will turn on a new episode of my favorite TV series, put together a puzzle, lie in the bathtub with a book. - I

2. Which of the two descriptions suits you best?

  • The most important thing for me is what is happening here and now. I start from the real state of affairs, I pay attention to the details. - S
  • Facts are boring. I love to dream and write scenarios for future events. I rely more on intuition than on any data. - N

3. A company - a competitor of your employer is trying to entice you. You doubt: they pay much more there, but there is a wonderful team, and the head of the department hinted that he would recommend you to the management before retiring. How will you make a decision?

  • I will study all the available information about the competing company, consult with an HR manager I know, and draw a table of pros and cons. In such matters, it is important to assess and weigh everything soberly. - T
  • I will listen to own feelings and feelings. I always try to follow my heart. - F

4. Before the wedding of your close friends 2 weeks. How are you doing with the preparations?

  • Already a month ago I chose a saxophonist who will perform a medley of songs from our school years / collected a presentation from the couple's photos from the moment they met / composed a poem / ironed the costume / signed up for makeup and styling. I prefer to be fully armed. - J
  • Why prepare? I will have fun and enjoy the holiday, and I will say the toast impromptu, from the bottom of my heart. The best things happen spontaneously. - P

Now look for your Myers-Briggs personality type!


Practical and consistent, he loves order in everything, planning and organizing. But most of all - to convince others that they are right and incline them to their own point of view. He looks at life soberly and trusts, first of all, facts.

Open for communication, new acquaintances and noisy companies. He does not forget to take care of loved ones and knows how to show his love.

11% men, 6% women


For him, life is a struggle and extreme. This is how he gets to know others and himself. Bold and adventurous, he is easily inspired and starts something new. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities - both strengths and weaknesses.

He has a keen sense of trends and is open to fresh ideas. Thinks positively. Loves sports and everything connected with it.

3% men, 1% women


He gets along well with people, the soul of any company. He is attentive and caring, always ready to help, even if he has to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of another person.

At the same time, he is very independent in his affairs and, as a rule, achieves everything without outside help. He expects only emotional support from loved ones.

17% women, 8% men


“The main thing is not victory, but participation” - this is not about him. He seeks to achieve his goal at any cost, even if he has to use physical strength. Adheres to a clear plan of action, does not tolerate subordination and compromises.

A born fighter, agile but collected. Is able to objectively assess even the most stressful situation and give a quick, accurate answer.

6% men, 3% women


Emotional, eloquent, with expressive facial expressions and developed gestures. He understands and transfers to himself the emotions of other people, catches even the slightest insincerity. In love, distrustful and jealous.

Often he is ready for certain events, having the ability to anticipate them in advance.

3% women, 2% men


The generator of ideas is in the constant creation of something new. He quickly adapts to unfamiliar conditions, easily masters different methods of work.

Often, due to his dislike of traditions and routine, he changes professional spheres and hobbies, becomes an innovator and pioneer. What is important, he is able not only to create an idea, but also to convey its essence to others, to make decisions and to bring what was conceived to life.

4% men, 2% women


He skillfully determines the capabilities of others and often uses this for the purpose of manipulation. In dealing with people, he is guided primarily by his own interests, but he seeks to impress them and create an image of an outstanding personality.

Both feet in the present moment, does not like to waste time. Expects quick results, does not tolerate bureaucracy and red tape.

10% women, 7% men


Energetic and inquisitive, with a pronounced creativity. Combines the features of both an extrovert and an introvert, and therefore not only knows how to find mutual language with people, but also feels them well. Able to empathize and give practical advice.

Perceives life in all the diversity of its possibilities, has a developed imagination and high level intelligence. A very harmonious personality, able to maintain balance even with a constant change of circumstances.

10% women, 6% men


Lyricist and dreamer, puts it first inner harmony, agreement with oneself. Most of his thoughts are directed deep into himself, but he is able to intuitively predict events and understand people well.

Likes to dress up, tries to look good in any circumstances. It does not differ in frugality and often loses its sense of time and reality of what is happening.

5% women, 4% men


He knows how to find joy in simple things, calmly endures routine and monotony. Likes to feel needed, and therefore always helps other people, but never violates their personal space. Does not tolerate conflict situations, knows how to make laugh and entertain.

A very down-to-earth, practical, caring, gentle, reliable and loyal companion. He accepts the world as it is, does not try to lead and manipulate.

10% women, 8% men


She is an erudite and philosopher, does not like violent manifestations of feelings, strives for an even emotional background and comfort. He is careful in making decisions, likes to analyze and look for connections between the past, present and future.

Very susceptible to changes and rather hard to endure them. Constantly trying to bring together all incoming facts, thoughts and ideas, which is why he is often in tension.

5% men, 2% women

Thinly feels people and the relationship between them. Easily identifies moods and hidden talents, he is often asked for advice. He himself is easily vulnerable and can hardly bear aggression and lack of love.

His driving force- intuition - is directed not outside, but inside. Such people do not stop learning throughout their lives, considering self-development as one of the main priorities. Knowing themselves, they help others.

2% women, 1% men


He has the richest inner world, from where he mainly draws his unusual ideas. Strives for perfection, wants to improve everyone and everything.

However, in relations with people she experiences difficulties, often deliberately alienates others, demonstrating independence. Knows how to prioritize, trusts his intuition.

3% men, 1% women


Does not tolerate falsehood and pretense in relationships, immediately distinguishes "strangers" and "friends." Keeps the first at a distance. For the second, he is ready for a lot, and he never asks for something in return.

Executive, accurate in words and deeds. Good-natured and caring, sees the highest goal in helping others and making them happier.

19% women, 8% men


As a rule, he has a technical mindset and likes to work with his hands. He is not in a hurry to make decisions, I am sure that it is better to measure it 7 times. However, he always meets deadlines and is punctual in nature.

He learns the world through sensations, his view of what is happening is extremely objective and concrete. By default, he is disposed towards other people, but refuses to communicate as soon as he feels insincerity.

9% men, 2% women


Thoughtful, deep, responsible. It inspires confidence, but he himself does not take anything for granted, carefully analyzing all incoming information. Not interested in long-term communication, prefers business contacts only for the duration of cooperation. Focused on the end result.

Loves strictness, order, is often pedantic. Does not hang in the clouds, is "here and now".

15% men, 7% women


With the right choice of further professional destiny, there must be a coincidence of the individual characteristics of a person with the requirements of the profession. The methods presented in the third part of the manual allow you to determine the psychological types that reflect the most pronounced business qualities, behavioral features, the style of the individual's activity and the most suitable professions.

The questionnaire on the types of intelligence allows you to identify a tendency to a particular type of activity, which can help in choosing a future profession.

In the United States, when building a person's career, determining his future professional fate, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is used, which is a convenient working classification of psychological types that allows you to quickly assess:

The most pronounced business qualities,

Features of behavior,

Activity style (leadership),

Optimal working environment (including preferred operating mode),

- "weak points" and possible ways of development.

In Russia, the questionnaire has been successfully used for more than 10 years in the work of personnel services of a number of organizations, as well as centers for vocational counseling and employment (professional re-profiling).

MBTI compares favorably with many psychological tests, in the first place, the underlying theoretical basis. You can also list a number of other "pluses":

It is a complete system;

Contains accumulated practical experience, allowing you to make specific descriptions;

Convenient in work, constructive;

Technological (has technological ways of application to specific cases);

Does not appeal to "clinical experience";

Understandable to both a professional and an interested person;

Provides an understanding of the characteristics and capabilities of the individual in relation to a wide range of tasks.

The test is based on the typology of C. Jung's personalities. According to Jung, all the inclinations, likes and dislikes of a person are rooted in the difference between the basic (innate or formed in childhood) ways of receiving (perceiving), understanding (processing) and using information by different people. The methodology allows us to identify four basic preferences in everyone, the options for their combinations are 16 different personality types, each person corresponds to one of them. Despite the fact that the severity of the type may be different, the technique allows you to establish individual characteristics accurate enough.

The structure and principle of the test.

Test questions allow you to identify people's preferences by choosing each time from two equivalent alternatives (these are options for a person's behavior in different situations or a pair of concepts), each of which is not "right" or "wrong" - just different people in similar situations lead differently themselves, are interested in different things, gravitate towards different spheres and sometimes hardly understand each other (from the series “to taste, there is no comrade for the color,” just one loves apples, and the other loves semolina ...). Making a choice, a person gains points on one of 4 bipolar scales (3 main scales are indicators of basic preferences, the 4th scale is a style of behavior in conditions of uncertainty).

Comparison of indicators obtained for two poles of one scale shows how much a person prefers (more often uses) one way of working with information over another, but not about how well developed the function is. To understand what is meant by preference, the metaphor "right-handed-left-handed" helps - the use of the dominant, preferred hand is natural and does not require additional effort (for example, when writing), and, on the contrary, using a non-dominant hand, a person experiences inconvenience, he needs more time to complete the same task.

The personality type is revealed on the basis of obtaining indicators of the sum of points scored for each pole. As a result, we get a four-letter designation, for example, ESTJ, INFP, etc.

Scales (factors).

The scales of the questionnaire make it possible to assess the individual severity of the four main aspects (functions) of interaction with information, corresponding to the scales of the method:

How does a person replenish and where he directs his energy (on what he focuses his attention) - outside or inside himself - scale Extraversion - Introversion (E-I);

What kind of information and in what way does it perceive first and most easily - scale Sensory (sensation) - Intuition (S-N);

How does he make decisions (what is primarily guided by) - Thinking - Feeling scale (T-F);

What lifestyle prefers (to live in an ordered, definite world or in a freer, unstructured world, studying, considering various options) - scale Judgment - Perception (J-P).

Instructions: There are no “right” or “wrong” answers to these questions. Your answers will help you see how you usually look at things and what you do when you need to make a decision. Knowing your preferences, knowing the preferences of other people, you can identify your strengths, understand what kind of work gives you pleasure and how people with different preferences can interact with each other. Carefully read each question and mark your answer on the special form, circling the letter of the chosen one. Your answer options.

Do not make any marks in the text of the questionnaire! Do not think for a long time on the questions, give the first answer that comes to your mind.

The questionnaire contains two types of questions. In the first type, you need to choose which of the answer options more closely matches what you usually feel or do. In the second type, you need to determine which word in the pair you like best. Focus on the purpose of the word, not how it looks.

Questionnaire text:

1. Usually you:

a) sociable; b) are rather restrained and calm.

2. If you were a teacher, which course would you prefer:

a) built on the statement of facts;

b) including the presentation of theories.

3. You often allow:

a) control your mind with your heart; b) control your heart with your mind.

4. When you go out for the whole day, you:

a) plan what you will do and when;

b) leave without a definite plan.

5. When you are with a company, you usually:

a) join the general conversation;

b) talk from time to time with one person.

6. It is easier for you to get along with people:

a) have a rich imagination; b) realistic.

7. You consider the words as higher praise:

a) a sincere person; b) a consistently reasoning person.

8. Do you prefer:

a) make an appointment in advance, parties, etc .;

b) be able to decide at the last moment how to have fun.

9. In a large company, more often:

a) you introduce people to each other; b) You are introduced to others.

10. You can rather be called:

a) a practical person; b) an inventor.

11. Usually you:

a) value feelings more than logic; b) value logic more than feelings.

12. You are more likely to be successful:

a) acting in an unpredictable situation when you need to make decisions quickly;

b) following a carefully designed plan.

13. Do you prefer:

a) have several close, faithful friends;

b) have friendly relations with a variety of people.

14. You like people more who:

a) follow generally accepted norms and do not attract attention;

b) so original that they do not care if they pay attention to them or

15. In your opinion, the biggest drawback is to be:

a) insensitive; b) unreasonable.

16. Following any schedule:

a) attracts you; b) fetters you.

17. Among your friends, you:

a) later than others you will learn about the events in their life;

b) usually you know a lot of news about them.

18. Would you rather have someone among your friends who:

a) always full of new ideas; b) looks at the world soberly and realistically.

19. Would you rather work under the supervision of someone who:

a) always kind; b) is always fair.

20. Thought about making a to-do list for the weekend:

a) attracts you; b) leaves you indifferent; c) depresses you.

21. You usually:

a) you can easily talk with almost any person at any time;

b) you can find a topic for conversation with only a few people and only in certain situations.

22. When you read for your pleasure, you like:

a) an unusual, original manner of presentation;

b) when writers express their thoughts clearly.

23. You consider that a more serious deficiency:

a) be too cordial; b) not being heartfelt enough.

24. In their daily work:

a) you like critical situations when you have to work under time pressure conditions;

b) hate working on tight timelines;

c) usually plan your work so that you have enough time.

25. People can define your area of ​​interest:

a) at the first meeting with you; b) only when they get to know you better.

26. Doing the same work as many other people, you prefer:

a) do it in the traditional way;

b) invent your own way.

27. You are more worried about:

a) people's feelings; b) their rights.

28. When you have a specific job to do, you usually:

a) carefully organize everything before starting work;

b) you prefer to find out everything you need in the process of work.

29. Usually you:

a) freely express your feelings; b) keep your feelings to yourself.

30. Do you prefer:

a) be original; b) follow generally accepted norms.

31. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) meek; b) persistent.

32. When you need to do something at a certain time, you think that:

a) it is better to plan everything in advance;

b) it is somewhat unpleasant to be bound by these plans.

33. We can say that you:

a) are more enthusiastic compared to other people;

b) less enthusiastic than most people.

34. A higher praise for a person will be recognition:

a) his ability to foresight; b) his common sense.

35. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) thoughts; b) feelings.

36. Usually:

a) you prefer to do everything at the last minute;

b) postponing everything until the last minute is too much hassle for you.

37. At parties you:

a) sometimes it gets boring; b) always fun.

38. Do you think it is more important:

a) see various possibilities in any situation;

b) perceive the facts as they are.

39. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) convincing; b) touching.

40. Do you think that having a stable daily routine:

a) very convenient for doing many things;

b) painful, even when necessary.

41. When something comes into fashion, you usually:

a) be one of the first to try it; b) have little interest in this.

42. You are more likely to:

a) adhere to generally accepted working methods;

b) look for what is still wrong and tackle unresolved problems.

43. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) analyze; b) empathize.

44. When you think that you need to do some not very important business or buy some small thing, you:

a) often forget about it and remember it too late;

b) write it down on paper so as not to forget;

c) always do this without additional reminders.

45. Find out what kind of person you are:

a) pretty easy; b) rather difficult.

46. ​​Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) facts; b) ideas.

47. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) justice; b) sympathy.

48. It is more difficult for you to adjust:

a) to monotony; b) to constant change.

49. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, you usually:

a) transfer the conversation to something else; b) turn everything into a joke;

c) after a few days, think about what you should have said.

50. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) approval; b) idea.

51. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) sympathy; b) prudence.

52. When you start a big business that will take you a week, you:

a) first make a list of what needs to be done and in what order;

b) immediately get to work.

53. Do you think that your loved ones know your thoughts:

a) good enough; b) only when you deliberately report them.

54. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) theory; b) fact.

55. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) benefit; b) a good deed.

56. When performing any work, you usually:

a) plan the work in such a way as to finish with a margin of time;

b) at the last moment, you work with the highest productivity.

57. When you are at a party, you prefer:

a) actively participate in the development of events;

b) allow others to entertain as they want.

58. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) literal; b) figurative.

59. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) decisive; b) devotee.

60. If on a weekend morning you are asked what you are going to do during the day, you:

a) you can answer quite accurately;

b) list twice as many things as you can do;

c) you prefer not to think in advance.

61. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) energetic; b) calm.

62. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) figurative; b) prosaic.

63. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) uncompromising; b) kind-hearted.

64. The monotony of everyday affairs seems to you:

a) calm; b) tiresome.

65. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) restrained; b) talkative.

66. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) produce; b) create.

67. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) peacemaker; b) judge.

68. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) planned; b) unscheduled.

69. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) calm; b) lively.

70. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) prudent; b) charming.

71. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) soft; b) solid.

72. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) methodical; b) spontaneous.

73. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) speak; b) write.

74. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) production; b) planning.

75. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) forgive; b) allow.

76. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) systematic; b) random.

77. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) sociable; b) closed.

78. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) specific; b) abstract.

79. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

who; b) what.

80. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) impulse; b) solution.

81. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) party; b) theater.

82. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) construct; b) invent.

83. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) non-critical; b) critical.

84. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) punctual; b) free.

85. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) the base; b) the top.

86. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) careful; b) gullible.

87. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) changeable; b) unchanged.

88. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) theory; b) practice.

89. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) agree; b) to discuss.

90. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) disciplined; b) careless.

91. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) sign; b) symbol.

92. Which word from the pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) impetuous; b) thorough.

93. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) accept; b) change.

94. Which word from a pair (A or B) do you like best:

a) famous; b) unknown.

Processing of results:

After answering all 4 blocks of questions, separately sum up the number of points for each block. The property from the column in the block where the sum of the points is higher corresponds to you. As a result of filling out the entire questionnaire, you will be able to describe your own psychological type with four properties.

MBTI typology questionnaire answer form:

a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a B C
a b a b a b a B C
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a B C
a b a b a b a b
a B C a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a B C
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b a b
a b a b a b
a b a b a b
a b a b
a b
a b
Total Total Total Total

Key to the MBTI questionnaire:

a b - - a b - - a b - 1(2) 2(1) - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - 2(2) 1(1) - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - 2(1) - a B C - - -
a b - - a b - - - a b - - - a B C - - - -
a b - - a b - - a b - 2(1) - - a b - -
a b - - - a b - - - a b - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b 2(2) - - 1(2) a b - -
a b - - a b - - - a b - - 1(2) a b - -
a b - - - a b - - - a b 1(2) - - a B C - - - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - a b - -
a B C - - - - a b - - a b - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - a b - - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - 2(1) a B C - - - -
a b - - a b - - - a b - - - a b - - -
a b - - a b - - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - - a b - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - a b - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - - a b - - a b - - a b - -
a b - - - a b - - - a b - - -
a b - - - a b - - - a b - -
a b - - - a b - - -
a b - - -
a b - -
Total Total Total Total

Interpretation of results:

First and foremost, these descriptions will help you firmly establish your psychological type. Whether you've used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or just roughly established your preferences, these descriptions will support your research and demonstrate how the four preferences interact with each other to create a unique personality type. If, reading the description of your type, you see that you agree with most of its provisions, then you most likely set your type correctly. As you read the description, it can be helpful to underline or highlight points with which you particularly agree or disagree.

Then you can read your description to someone you know well - this could be your colleague, boss, or subordinate. Ask the person to say which elements of your characterization they particularly agree or disagree with. His response will be extremely useful to you: with his help you will understand how much the perception of you by others is close to your self-esteem.

In addition, the descriptions can be used as a support for collective activities. Sharing each other's characteristics and keeping them on hand for important moments (before meetings, during urgent work, in crisis situations) will foster open communication and allow each employee to reach out to their strengths and remember their own weaknesses.

Here's another use case for psychological characteristics: they can help you deal with the person who gives you special problems at work. If you know all four of this person's preferences (or at least guess what they are), then by reading the description of their type, you will understand where the problem lies. And this can give you the opportunity to establish communication and cope with the given problem.

Last updated: 20/12/2014

Have you ever heard someone describe themselves as an INTJ or ESTP? Have you wondered what these cryptic letters might mean? So, these people mean their personality type according to the Myers-Briggs typology. System psychological testing Myers-Briggs is a self-contained questionnaire designed to determine a person's personality type, strengths and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabella Myers in collaboration with Katherine Briggs, her mother, based on their work on Carl Jung's theory of personality types.

Today, this questionnaire is considered one of the most widely used psychological tools in the world.

Working on the Myers-Briggs test

Both Isabella Myers and her mother, Catherine, were fascinated by Jung's theory of psychological types; they came to the conclusion that the theory can have real applied value. During World War II, Myers and Briggs began research and began developing a scale that could be used to measure individual differences. By helping people understand themselves, Myers and Briggs decided that they could also help people choose a career that best suits their personality type and leads to healthier and happier lives.

Myers created the first handwritten test in the 1940s, and women began testing it on friends and family. Over the next two decades, they continued to hone the wording and improve the content of the test.

Myers-Briggs System Overview

Based on the answers to the questions, people are classified into 16 personality types. The goal of MBTI is to enable respondents to further study and learn to understand themselves correctly: their preferences, strengths and weaknesses, possible options careers and compatibility with other people. None of the personality types below can be considered the best or the worst. This system is not a tool designed to find dysfunction or abnormality. The goal of its developers was simply to help you learn more about yourself.

The questionnaire itself consists of four different scales:

  • Extroversion(E) - introversion(I). This scale was first studied by Jung in his theory of personality types, and was presented as a way of describing the reaction of people to phenomena and interaction with the outside world. While these terms are familiar to most people, the way they are used here is somewhat different from what is commonly used. Extroverts are oriented towards the world around them and, as a rule, prefer activities that involve social interaction, they feel in good shape while spending time with other people. Introverts focus on their own the inner world and tend to seek reflection and introspection. Alone, they find what they need to feel great. To some extent, we can exhibit the traits of both an extrovert and an introvert, but most of us are still inclined towards one of these "poles."
  • Common sense(S) - Intuition(N). This scale directs our attention to how we collect information from the world around us. Just as with extraversion and introversion, all people from time to time resort to both common sense and intuitive search for a solution, depending on the situation. But, according to the MBTI, one thing still dominates in a person. People who prefer common sense tend to pay a lot of attention to reality, especially what they can get with their own senses. They tend to focus on facts and details and enjoy hands-on experience. Those who prefer intuition tend to pay more attention to things like diagrams and impressions. They love to think about the possible, imagining the future and formulating abstract theories.
  • Thinking(T) - Feeling(F). This scale focuses on how people use the information they have collected when making decisions. People who prefer to think focus their attention on facts and objective data. When making a decision, they are usually consistent, logical and objective. Those who prefer feeling, most likely, only reckon with their emotions.
  • Judgment(J) - Perception(P). The last scale shows on the basis of which people build their interaction with the outside world. Those who are prone to judgment prefer balanced and firm decisions. People who lean toward perception are more open, flexible, and adaptable.

Each type of personality corresponds to a four-letter code, there are 16 of them in total:

The Myers-Briggs System helps you see yourself with interesting point vision; that is why it is still very popular today. Without even completing a formal survey, you can probably already recognize some of the trends described above in yourself.

It is only important to remember that all types are equal and that each type has a special meaning. By studying or working in a group, you can benefit from being aware of your own strengths and understanding others' strengths. For example, working on a project with other team members, you might understand what each of them is strong at, what each really has talent for. By recognizing these differences among the team members, you can better assign tasks and achieve your goals faster.

How is the Myers-Briggs system different from other tools?

First, MBTI is not really a test per se. There are no right or wrong answers in this questionnaire, and no type can be considered superior to the rest. The purpose of the questionnaire is not to assess mental health or identify diagnostic tools.

Second, unlike many other types of psychological tools, your results are not benchmarked against any norm. Instead of comparing your results to those of other people, the system simply offers additional information about your unique personality.

Reliability and validity of the questionnaire

According to Myers and Briggs, MBTI meets accepted standards for reliability and validity. However, some studies have shown that the reliability and duration of test results have not been adequately demonstrated.

Studies have shown that 40% to 75% of respondents received completely different results when taking the test a second time. A 1992 book by the Committee on Human Performance Enhancement and the National Council for Scientific Research argues that “… there has been no research to justify the use of MBTI in career guidance programs. Most of the evidence is based on unapproved techniques. "

MBTI today

Because the Myers-Briggs questionnaire is relatively easy to use, it has become one of the most popular and most commonly used psychological tools today. Approximately two million adults pass it annually in the United States.

There are many versions of MBTI available on the Internet today, but it should be noted that none of the unofficial questionnaires that are freely available can be considered even as close as possible to the real one. A real MBTI questionnaire should be completed under the guidance of a qualified and experienced professional who will be able to correctly interpret its results in the future.

The current version of the Myers-Briggs questionnaire includes 93 questions in the North American version and 88 in the European version. For each question, there are two answer options, of which the respondent must choose only one.

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V Everyday life quite often one hears how this or that person calls himself. Many questions arise, what does this mean, and how did he know it? It turns out that such people determine their personality type according to the Myers-Briggs system of psychological testing. Such tests are a questionnaire with which you can objectively and accurately assess personality.

The tests used include instruments that make it possible to measure basic mental functions (motor skills, memory, attention). First of all, such tests are used to obtain an objective description of functional disorders. The test results will help to make the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate method of treatment or therapy, if necessary.

Testing history

The Myers-Briggs psychological testing system was developed by American women Catherine Briggs and her daughter Isabelle Myers-Briggs. The typology was based on the work of the psychiatrist Jung "Psychological Types". Mother and daughter have developed a unique psychological system, supplementing the existing tests with a new scale.

The Myers-Briggs typology is very popular in the West, but in Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania, Jung's ideas found themselves on the socionic path. This path and the Myers-Briggs system have much in common, although there are some disagreements. These differences are mainly related to type questions.

What are psychological tests for?

Nowadays, psychological tests have become widely used when applying for a job. help the HR manager to identify the critical moments of non-compliance with the requirements, assess the mental and physiological characteristics of the applicant, correlate the type features with the requirements of the position and the work performed, and, if necessary, send an already working employee to professional trainings.

For example, a human resources director at a large company uses a psychological test in an interview. They are of a different nature, but quite often they ask to portray something. After analyzing the drawing, you can determine the problems, life contradictions and the idea of ​​the applicant as a whole. When using the Myers-Briggs typology, the candidate's temperament, performance and stress resistance are revealed.

In the West, about 70% of school graduates use the Mayer-Briggs identifier for an objective choice of a future profession.

Working on the test

Fascinated by Jung's psychological theory of types, Catherine and her daughter Isabella came to the conclusion that this theory can indeed be applied in an applied sense. They began to study and began to develop a scale, the purpose of which was to identify individual differences. During that period, there was the Second World War... American women decided to help people understand not only their own "I", but also to determine which profession is more suitable for their type of personality and will contribute to a healthy and happy life.

Catherine and Isabella used the handwritten version of the test on their friends and acquaintances. Over the next several decades, they improved it - changed the wording and content. Subsequently, the Myers-Briggs test has become one of the most widely used psychological tests in the world. It really brings out the strengths and preferences of a person.

Test scaling

The Myers-Briggs typology is unique, with none of the types being called the best or the worst. The proposed system is not designed to detect dysfunctions and abnormalities. The goal of the developers is to help with self-discovery.

The Myers-Briggs questionnaire is a kind of interconnected scales:

  • Extraversion (E) -introversion (I). Jung introduced this scale by describing the reaction of people to processes and interaction with the outside world. Extroverts constantly interact with other people, they spend with them most of their time and feel toned. Others, introverts, on the contrary, are fixated on their inner world, constantly reflecting and analyzing themselves. Such people feel as comfortable as possible alone. You can show the properties of both an extrovert and an introvert, but you will still belong to one of these sides.
  • Common Sense (S) -intuition (N). This scale focuses on the collection of information from the outside world. All people (extroverts and introverts) use common sense and make decisions based on intuition. Despite this, based on the Myers-Briggs system, only one side can be related. People who are more guided by common sense try to use what can be obtained from their own senses, and in general pay attention to reality. They enjoy practical experience and focus on details and facts. People who are intuitive pay the most attention to impressions and schemes. Usually they formulate abstract theories, think about the future and the possible.

  • Thinking (T) -feeling (F). The scale stops at those points at which people make decisions and dispose of the information they collect. Anyone who prefers to reason focuses on objective data. When making decisions, such people are consistent, objective and logical. Those who rely on feelings, all actions are performed on the basis of their emotions.
  • Judgment (J) -perception (P). This scale reveals the basis of human interaction with the outside world. Strong and well-considered decisions are made by people who are accustomed to thinking. Perceptive people are very open-minded, flexible and capable of accelerated adaptation.

Myers-Briggs types

Personality is classified into 16 types depending on the results of the questionnaire answers: ISTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, INFP, INTJ, INTP, ESTP, ESTJ, ESFP, ESFJ, ENFP, ENFJ, ENTP, ENTJ. Each type reveals personality traits, tastes, needs, abilities, positive and negative qualities.

How is the Myers-Briggs system different from other instruments?

The main difference is that the system developed by the Americans is, in principle, not a test. A questionnaire is not a collection of answers that are correct or incorrect. All types are absolutely equal, none is superior to the other.

The second difference from other psychological tools is that the results cannot be compared with any norms. Instead, the system offers information about the uniqueness of the individual.

Psychological testing questions

The questions are primarily determined by the test used. The testing procedure itself must meet strict requirements. The first of these involves the availability of hardware, an example of which is a test program or a computer. Another requirement is a preliminary instruction in the execution of the test. And finally, the time frame for passing the test.

In addition to these requirements, the test must be performed by a specialist for the results to be valid. For this reason, this method is mainly used by large companies that are able to pay the costs of specialized institutions dealing with similar issues. In small firms, the Myers-Briggs test can be performed by an HR manager who has a degree in psychology.

System reliability and acceptability

The Myers-Briggs system meets all the basic parameters of reliability and acceptability. However, it can be determined from the results of some studies that this has not been adequately demonstrated and proven.

Research has also shown that about half of the respondents who took the test a second time got completely different results. The National Council for Scientific Research argues that no Myers-Briggs research has been carried out in professional orientation programs, that is, almost all of their typology is based on unapproved methodologies.

Test criticism

The accumulated empirical data of professional psychologists have shown that some of the Myers-Briggs type scales do not function at the clinical diagnostic level. The author of the latest adapted version of the psychological testing system, E. F. Abelskaya, believed that the results obtained were acceptable for sociological research, but not for an individual one. She justified this by the fact that such inaccuracies can fail in determining a specific type of person.

The Myers-Briggs type indicator has also been criticized for the reason normal distribution answers, that is, with this approach, many people will be classified as different types with a slight difference in measurements. This situation also increases the occurrence of measurement errors.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that, despite all the criticism and possible errors, it is still recommended to pass the test for objective knowledge of your individual qualities, temperament, characteristics, motives, talent, strengths and weaknesses. The information received will greatly facilitate life and interaction with other people.