French lessons the problem of vocation. Arguments for the essay on the problem of the teacher's influence on the student. Life stories

Acquaintance with the profession of a teacher in a literature lesson. Valentin Rasputin "Lessons of French" Teacher of Russian language and literature Likhobabenko Natalya Nikolaevna Topic of the lesson V.Rasputin "Lessons of French". How I see a modern teacher Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught to me in due time will fall on the soul of both a small and an adult reader! The objectives of the lesson are to reveal the spiritual values, moral laws by which the heroes of V. Rasputin live  To create the image of a modern teacher  Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin Born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk Region. After graduating from Ust-Uda secondary school, he enters the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk State University. While still a student, he collaborates in the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin After university he worked as a correspondent for "Soviet Youth", editor at the Irkutsk television studio, in Krasnoyarsk newspapers. The birthplace of the writer is a small village on the banks of the famous Angara River. From the history of the creation of the story ... The story, whose heroine Lydia Mikhailovna became, I dedicated to another teacher, Anastasia Prokopyevna ... The story "French Lessons" was first published in 1973 in the Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper "Soviet Youth" in an issue dedicated to the memory of Alexander Vampilov. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking into the face of this amazing woman, more than once I remembered my teacher and knew that the children were good with both. Lidia Mikhailovna "There was no cruelty in her face ..." All neat, smart, beautiful both in clothes and in appearance. The scent of her perfume reached me, which I took for the very breath; besides, she was not a teacher of some kind of arithmetic or history, but of the French language, from which there was also something special, fabulous, beyond the control of. The main character An eleven-year-old boy for the first time, by the will of circumstances, is torn away from his family, torn out of his usual environment. However, the little hero realizes that the hopes of not only his relatives, but also the entire village are pinned on him: after all, according to the unanimous opinion of his fellow villagers, he is called to be a “learned man”. The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his fellow countrymen down. Mark Sergeev   "What do you want?" - life asked me. And I answered her: "I want everything: heights that are not easy, like kindness, forests that surround, like doubts, roads, sometimes leading nowhere, palms that, when meeting, give a heart." Life in the regional center The mother of the protagonist sent him food and money. But the boy was still starving due to the fact that the master's children carried from him everything that was sent to him from the village. Lesson questions   What feelings does the hero feel when he is in the regional center? Why didn't he come home? Because of hunger, he got involved in a gambling game. He was invited by the son of the owner of the apartment. At first he just watched, and then, having delved into the game, he began to play. He won and lost. If he won 1 ruble, he immediately ran home. The authoritative Vadik did not like this and the boys decided to beat the main character. Waking up, the boy saw in the mirror that his nose was swollen, there were many abrasions and a black eye. He did not want to go to school, but the boy did not dare to miss classes. The first was a French lesson. Before the lesson, Lydia Mikhailovna carefully examined all the students, and immediately noticed the boy's bruises. He did not tell what happened to him, and lied that he fell. But Tishkin (classmate of the protagonist), told about the fight Lydia Mikhailovna. After school, the teacher talked to the boy and found out that he was starving and was playing to buy himself milk. First, she sent him a parcel containing pasta, sugar, hematogen. The boy decided that his mother had sent the package, but later realized that it was Lydia Mikhailovna, and went to her. She tried to help the boy, but he stubbornly refused to accept any help. Then Lydia Mikhailovna decided to help the boy in another way. Lydia Mikhailovna plays for money with the main character to help him survive. Once, immersed in the game, they did not hear a knock on the door. It was the headmaster of the school. Soon Lydia Mikhailovna left. And in the middle of winter, after the January holidays, the boy received a package. There were pasta and 3 red apples. Before he had seen apples only in pictures ... Lesson questions     Having exhausted the opportunity to help the hero legally, Lydia Mikhailovna decides on a desperate act. What rules does she break? Is she doing the right thing? Did the director behave fairly in this situation? What lessons did Lydia Mikhailovna teach the hero? Kindness Lessons Lydia Mikhailovna is an unusually kind and sympathetic person. the teacher deliberately, sacrificing her reputation, violated all school, traditional rules - she began to play with her student for money. Lessons of Kindness The boy combines the light, cheerful carelessness characteristic of childhood, faith in the kindness of people and childish serious reflections on the troubles brought by the war. Lessons of Kindness The story helped Rasputin find the very teacher. She read the story and recognized herself in it; I just didn’t remember sending him a parcel of pasta. True goodness on the part of the one who creates it has less memory than on the part of the one who accepts. Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin “The reader learns from books not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is, first of all, the education of feelings. And above all, kindness, purity, nobility ”What should be a good teacher? 1. Kind 2. Responsive 3. Attentive 4. Fair 5. Wise Excerpts from the essays of 6b grade students “I will try to be like Lydia Mikhailovna, because in our time there are very few such amazing people” “I think that the director did the right thing with Lydia Mikhailovna. There must be order in the school "

There are many professions in the world that can be mastered by learning and gaining experience. But there are those in which perfection can be achieved only with a special calling. One of them is the teaching profession. You can learn the program, read the outstanding works of famous teachers and educators, work at school for many years, but you cannot learn love and respect for a person, the ability to see in little boys and girls self-valuable and unique personalities, learn to carefully and carefully penetrate the vulnerable and bright world of the nursery. souls. Lidia Mikhailovna, a young, not very beautiful teacher of the French language, was just such a teacher, a teacher from God. She faces a difficult choice: to punish a student addicted to the forbidden gambling, or to help a capable and purposeful, but poor boy continue his studies and not die of hunger. The first way is easy and simple, it will seem to many for granted. However, for Lydia Mikhailovna there is no such choice at all. She objectively assesses the abilities and inclinations of all her students, penetrates deeply into their souls and therefore perfectly understands that this boy, emaciated from hunger, did not play for money for the sake of profit: “How many well-fed loafers in our school who do not understand anything and they will probably never think, but you are a talented boy, you can’t drop out of school ”.

The unconventional act of the teacher remains incomprehensible to everyone who finds out about it. "It is a crime. Deposition. Seduction ... "- says the angry director, having learned that the French teacher is playing" wall "with his student. Can you prove to him that for an anemic boy this is the only way to get money for bread and saving milk ?!

It is not so important that the teacher had to leave the school. Much more important is the fact that she left a bright, unforgettable trace in the student's soul, faith in herself and in people, helped him in the bitter moments of loneliness and longing for his home, supported him in the hungry post-war time. The image of a teacher has forever remained in the soul of a modest, patient, kind and purposeful boy and, probably, more than once helped him in achieving his bright and lofty goals.

Option 2

Everyone knows how important the work of teachers is. They open the doors for us to a wonderful and fascinating world of knowledge, instill in us the most important human qualities - kindness, hard work, dedication, mercy. It is difficult to overestimate their role in the life of every child.

VG Rasputin tells about all this in the story "French Lessons". The French language teacher Lidia Mikhailovna is a wonderful, attentive teacher, a sensitive woman. She respects children, tries to understand them, knows how to value honesty, pride, perseverance. She tries "not to take herself seriously, to understand that ... there is very little she can teach." Lydia Mikhailovna played a huge role in the life of one of her students - an eleven-year-old boy who came to the city to study. She managed not only to instill in him a love for her subject, a thirst for learning everything new, but also made every effort to help the boy survive in the hungry post-war years. Learning that the constant feeling of hunger pushed him to play for money, the teacher did not scold him and drag him to the director, but began to act in a different way: she collected the parcel for the boy, and then even decided to play "wall" with him, so that honestly won penny he was able to buy himself milk.

I was delighted with the dedication, sensitivity and kindness of Lydia Mikhailovna, who sacrificed her reputation and a profitable place of work for the sake of a student's life. I am sure that the boy was able to appreciate the teacher's deed and draw the correct conclusion as to what are the highest values ​​in life and what we should strive for.

Mitrofan is a pupil of several teachers. But the influence of Tsifirkin, the only teacher who is trying to give some kind of knowledge, is completely imperceptible, because he is overridden by mother's concern for her son. Therefore, Vralman's influence, which coincides with mother's, turns out to be stronger than the rest. As a result, "malice" bears worthy results in the person of this ignoramus, who has learned the lesson well: stick only to those in power.

2. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Monsieur l "Abbé, a wretched Frenchman,
So that the child is not exhausted,
I taught him everything in jest,
I did not bother with strict morality,
Slightly scolded for pranks
And he took him for a walk to the Summer Garden.

One way or another, Onegin took from his teacher a superficial attitude to life, the European mentality that contributed to the consumer concept of the hero's behavior. That, in fact, constituted the tragedy of the life of Eugene, who was used to enjoying everything without wasting his own mental strength to comprehend the world and his place in it.

3. B. Vasiliev "Tomorrow was the war"

Valendra was the name of the ninth grade pupils of the school's head teacher Valentina Andronovna, a flint woman. It was she who played the main role in the life of the students of this class, the release of which fell on June 21, 1941. It was she who demanded to hold a Komsomol meeting on the issue of excluding Vika Lyuberetskaya from the Komsomol, if she does not abandon her father, who was arrested on false denunciation, as an enemy of the people. Children who went through the harsh school of Stalin's upbringing, won a victory over the regime with their resistance. They had to face the war first. Few survived, but they defended their homeland.

4. V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

The main character Volodya finds himself in a difficult life situation. A young French teacher, sincerely striving to help the boy, plays with him for money, because the child, due to his pride and independence, does not accept all legal ways to help. For Lydia Mikhailovna, this help turns into a professional crime, for which she is fired from school. But for the boy, it was very important support. Having become an adult writer, the boy dedicated his story to his courageous teacher.

5. F. Iskander "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules"

A smart and competent teacher has a huge impact on the formation of a child's character. Demanding and strict Kharlampy Diogenovich easily bites into the petty crime of the boy - the main character of the story, who, fearing to be in a hopeless situation, agrees to anything, even a vaccination, just not to answer at the blackboard. Since then, the boy has become more serious about his homework. After what happened, he came to the conclusion that the worst thing is when a person ceases to be afraid to be funny. And takes the path of lies and deceit.

Composition of the Unified State Exam according to the text:"It seems that I was in the fifth grade, when we had several new young teachers who had just graduated from the university. One of the first appeared Vladimir Vasilievich Ignatovich - a chemistry teacher ..."(after V.G. Korolenko).
(I.P. Tsybulko, option 36, task 25)

We all study at school, go through this important life period. What influence does the teacher have on us, on the formation of our characters? How are conflicts between teacher and students resolved? This is the problem that the Russian writer V.G. Korolenko raises in his article. There was a conflict in the class between teacher and student. The teacher was able to put himself in this situation in such a way that the student Zarutsky realized his mistake and asked for an apology from the teacher.

The position of the author is clearly expressed in the article. A respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students: the ability to perform an honest act not under external pressure, but at the behest of their own conscience. The teacher influences the formation of the character of students by his behavior, personal example, manner of speech, attitude towards children.

I completely agree with the author of the article. Teachers must be respectful of students in order to build self-esteem in their characters. The disrespectful attitude of the teacher leads to conflict situations that can be very difficult to resolve.

You can recall works from fiction, where this problem is revealed. M. Kazakova in her book "It's Difficult with You, Andrey" tells about a boy who was uncontrollable. He was rude to teachers, often ran away from lessons, did not give in to upbringing at all. But the young teacher of the Russian language and literature could see in this boy a kind and sympathetic young man who is capable of a heroic deed. The main thing is to see in a person his good qualities, to reveal them, not to let the door slam shut, which is often knocked on.

Or take Rasputin's short story "French Lessons." The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student is in poverty, tries to help him. The boy is very proud and cannot accept help from the teacher. Then the teacher turns study into a game, moreover, a game of chance. The headmaster decides it is a crime and the teacher loses her job. She leaves for the Kuban to her native village. And even from there he sends parcels with fruit, tries to support him.

Yes, the teacher-student relationship is often dangerous. But the most important thing here is a sensitive attitude towards children. Only then will the child open up and not withdraw into himself.

Reason and guide you on the right path ?! The teacher is also, in his own way, a hero, on whom the future of the country depends. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which will be presented in the article, will show how much the teacher's work is capable of changing people's lives.

In a distant village

Speaking about such a concept as the problem of the teacher's influence on the student, arguments that it will be well described can be found in literary works. For example, in the story "The First Teacher" Chingiz Aitmatov tells about a man who, having no education and having difficulty reading syllables, decides to go against the system and creates a school in the village. One of his students was a girl named Altynai. After the death of her parents, she lived with relatives from whom it was rare to hear a kind word that would be addressed to her. From her teacher, she first learned what kindness is. Later, a former student said that he did the impossible - he opened the whole world in front of children who had not seen anything in life. Thanks to this person, Altynai was able to study at a boarding school, enter the university and become a doctor of philosophical sciences.

Everything for the good of the children

In this example, the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student is indicated quite accurately. Literary arguments often focus on the fact that teachers change children's lives for the better. Contrary to the rules, they are allowed to play for money so that the child has something to live on (Valentin Rasputin "French Lessons"). They sacrifice their lives for the sake of their students (Vasily Bykov "Obelisk"). In simple words, praises instill confidence in their own strengths, which opens up a great future for the students (AI Kuprin "Taper").

It is not easy to consider such an issue as the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students. Arguments on this issue always look like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, the teacher gives knowledge and opens the door to a bright future, but on the other hand, he can bring up negative character traits in the student.

Recall at least Pushkin's lines from Eugene Onegin, which tells about the protagonist's French teacher. He was not particularly strict, he gave only superficial knowledge so that the child did not bother too much, took the boy for a walk in the garden and from time to time said what was good and what was bad. As a result, he taught to treat life carelessly and consumerist, take everything from the world, but not strain to find your place in life.

You can find many examples in novels and books, but stories are just as likely to be heard from real life.

Life stories

In reality, especially today, teachers, in particular strict ones, are often hated and criticized by children rather than listening to their advice. Of course, examples of teachers who are dismissive of their responsibilities can be cited. But still, good teachers are in the majority.

So, the problem of the teacher's influence on the student. Arguments from life can be represented by a story once told by Viktor Astafiev. In one of his publications, he wrote about his Russian language teacher, Rozhdestvensky Ignat Dmitrievich.

Viktor Astafiev recalls how the teacher introduced them to a tour of the Russian language, telling funny and memorable stories. But he was very strict in everything related to assessments. Victor says that the first time a teacher praised him for an essay, he had a desire to create and write even better. The praise from such a strict to graded person meant a lot to the students. If someone, instead of the usual, teacher's "Minor" heard "Well done!", It said that he really did his best and all his efforts were not in vain.

Relationship problem

When considering the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student, arguments can tell a lot. However, they do not always reflect the difficulty of the relationship. It is often possible to face a situation where some teachers are forgotten immediately after leaving school, while others are remembered all their lives. It all depends on the teacher's dedication to his work. If he loves his subject, tells not only the meager school curriculum, but also many other interesting facts from real life, encourages students and tries to convey his knowledge to everyone, regardless of personal preferences and prejudices, then the students will respect him and the lessons will be remembered for a long time.

But in a situation where a teacher is a profession, and not a vocation and passion, then the students will neglect his lessons. And the mentor himself will become for them just another faceless shadow of the school past.

The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which are presented in the publication, will be relevant at any time. After all, a teacher is one who, by the hand, introduces a new person into the world where he is to live. And it depends only on his influence and upbringing what this new person will subsequently turn out to be: he will become the next Onegin or will turn into an outstanding scientist. It all depends on the teacher's work.