In the universe we are alone and it does not seem that somewhere they are waiting for us. "In the universe we are alone and it does not seem that somewhere we are waiting for" Works in Russian. Samples of essays. Compositions of the Unified State Exam, OGE

Only very recently did man learn that the Earth is a ball. They thought that the Earth is on three elephants, and at night the starry world shelters the Earth.

We live in a world where everything is interconnected, and our future depends on how we act today. In this text V.M. Peskov invites us to think about the problem of the relationship between man and nature.

Referring to the topic, the writer cites as an example the words of a scientist who has been studying space for a long time: “We must take care of our home - our native Earth”. The author, analyzing the harmful influence of man on the environment, emphasizes that it is we who are part of the "complex pattern of life on our planet", we are at the head of the animal world and the natural world, we depend on them as well as they depend on us, and therefore it is stupid and reckless to exterminate rare species of animals, pollute and destroy the environment, hoping to "move" to another planet.

The author believes that a person should take care of our planet and everything that inhabits it, because there will be no other chance to see rare natural phenomena or, for example, a “bald eagle” - we have only one planet that “feeds us, gives us breath, supplies water, warmth and joy of life. " If we do not allow all life on earth to exist, it will disappear, and together with it we will disappear.

I completely agree with the opinion of the writer and also believe that the world around us needs our care, just as we need warmth, air, food and beauty - in general, in everything that our planet gives us. It is necessary to protect the Earth, because we will not have another like this.

V.P. Astafyev in his work "The Tsar is a Fish" shows us that nature is alive and spiritualized, it is capable of both rewarding a person for his care and punishing him for arrogance and pain. The protagonist of the work imagines himself "the king of nature" and considers that he can dispose of it as he wishes. Once having caught the "king-fish", he, contrary to the orders of his grandfather, succumbing to greed, decided to cope with it on his own, for which he was punished by falling into the river. And, no matter how Ignatyich tried to blame everything around him for his, as it seemed to him then, inevitable death, he nevertheless repented of all his sins, for which he got the opportunity to live on.

In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" the author depicted an example of the correct attitude to nature. The main character all her life lived in unity with the world around her - she felt a subtle connection between herself and the forest and perceived it as something living, endowed with a soul. The girl is much closer to the natural world than to the urbanized world of people, and therefore she always stood up to protect all the inhabitants of the forest.

Thus, we can conclude that people need to value the Earth, take care of it and not forget that besides us, there are still many living creatures that need us as much as we need them. Only by realizing this can we save our planet.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature

Composition according to the text:

The problem of a barbaric, consumerist attitude to nature - this is what the writer, journalist and traveler Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov is talking about.

V.M. Peskov believes that man has a consumer attitude towards Nature, deciding who to live and who does not. He thoughtlessly destroys the habitat of many animals, although he himself is part of the same Nature.

Indeed, for many years man has thoughtlessly and consumingly treated Nature. I am glad that in modern times people have begun to realize the mistakes of their ancestors, they are trying to correct them. So, for example, now there are various organizations for the protection of the environment, the most famous is "Greenpeace".

But M. Yu. Lermontov in his work "Three Palms" tells a story that shows how not to do it: Travelers cut down three palm trees to warm up at night. In the morning the caravan left, but the palm trees were gone - only ash remained.

Very often people walking down the street will pick a leaf from a tree, a flower by the road. And for what, they themselves cannot answer. I really want the Earth to be "healthy", and for this it is necessary that everyone strives to make it better, show their care. And you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

V.M. Peskov's text:

(24) Between whales and mice is a huge number of animals to which the Earth has become a home. (25) And man is at the head of all that exists. (26) He often decides who is to live and who is denied in life.

(27) For millions of years Nature has selected animals, determining the places where they can live, what they can feed on. (28) Man has long studied these places and is the first to reach for prey, destroying the environment where animals, birds, fish habitually and safely live. (29) This is how the foundations of our common House are being destroyed.

(30) Many animals have disappeared or become extremely rare. (31) For a long time we have not seen flying cranes, few people hear the wood grouse leaking, the cry of quails. (32) And so everywhere on Earth. (33) Two hundred years ago, the Americans barbarously exterminated millions of bison, and in the middle of the last century, chemistry knocked down the iconic bird in America - the bald eagle. (34) In Africa, thousands of rhinos were destroyed over large areas: land was needed for sowing grain. (35) Areas of hot deserts and wastelands grow, fertile lands are depleted, lakes dry up, small rivers disappear on the plains.

(36) This is what the scientist had in mind when he answered the question about space. (37) We need to protect the planet Earth. (38) No one is waiting for our landing on other planets. (39) And the Earth still feeds us, gives us breathing, supplies water, warmth and the joy of life coming from our neighbors: animals, birds, fish, insects that form a complex pattern of life on our planet.

Compositions-reasoning in the Russian language (USE): Only recently did a person learn that the Earth is a ball. V.M. Sands (composition)

(1) Only very recently did man learn that the Earth is a ball. (2) They thought that the Earth is on three elephants, and at night the starry world shelters the Earth. (Z) Now a person flies around the ball in less than two hours. (4) The earth can be seen from the side. (5) Here is a picture taken from space. (6) Yes, the Earth is a ball, continents, seas, clouds, sunrises and sunsets are visible on it. (7) The details of earthly life are not visible from afar, but they are, there are many of them.

(8) Two decades ago, the Americans conducted a survey of scientists: what did space flights give mankind? (9) The answers were interesting. (10) I remember this one: “In the Universe we are alone, and it does not seem that they are waiting for us anywhere. (11) We must take care of our home - our native land ”. (12) Good answer.

(13) Today, from the height of his knowledge, a person can say: "We have got a wonderful planet." (14) Indeed, there is water on the planet, without which life would be impossible. (15) The proximity of the Sun gives warmth that does not dry out from time to time. (16) The rotation of the Earth ensures the alternation of days and nights on the planet, the change of seasons. (17) Green plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, accumulate carbon and release life-giving oxygen and ozone into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which shields all life from the destructive rays of the Sun.

(18) Of course, the emerging life for millions of years had to adapt to the original conditions on the planet. (19) Living organisms gave way to more perfect ones on Earth. (20) Of many animals, only bones survived. (21) But some have survived to our times. (22) Huge whales, the largest creatures that have ever lived on Earth, live in ocean water on the verge of extermination by man. (23) The smallest mammals are the tiny baby mouse and the shrew, weighing only two grams.

(40) This is what the Earth looks like if you look at it from the side. (41) Outlines of the continents. (42) Traces of volcanic activity. (43) Lights of big cities and small villages. (44) Lakes on land. (45) Islands in the ocean. (46) A land dug up by mines and fox holes. (47) A land covered with animal tracks, grain fields and forest curls. (48) Such is our common House.
(According to V. Peskov *)

* Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (1930-2018) - writer, journalist, traveler.

Zainutdinov Adel (group level 2)

Nature plays a very important role in the life of each of us. But, unfortunately, modern society, in the pursuit of profit, consumes irreplaceable resources without thinking about the consequences.
In the text given for analysis, the author raises the problems of the consumer attitude to nature.
V. Peskov, using the example of the protagonist's reasoning, is trying to show the deplorable state of the Earth. He is annoyed by the consequences of human activities, which led to the disappearance of many species of birds, fish, insects: "This is how the foundations of our house are destroyed."
The author believes that people should take good care of nature and value its beauty. Because the fate of our planet and its inhabitants largely depends on a person.
I completely agree with the author. Indeed, nature supplies us with everything we need, ensuring us a comfortable existence. That is why a person should strive to preserve it, since any change in its environment directly affects our health.
As an argument, I will cite the work of V. Rasputin "Farewell to Mother". To build the dam, people had to intervene in the normal course of processes in nature. Due to thoughtless transformative activities, Matera is threatened with flooding, its inhabitants cannot come to terms with it.
As one more argument, I will cite the work of A. Astafiev "Tsar-fish". In pursuit of satisfying personal needs, the main character, Ignatyich, is engaged in poaching. When a huge fish bite on his bait, he does not call anyone for help due to excessive greed. Subsequently, he will pay for his behavior and lose the fight "Tsar-fish".
Thus, nature is very valuable for every inhabitant. That is why a person should strive with all his might to preserve it in order to prevent an ecological catastrophe.

Dorofeev Igor, level 2.

Human progress has now reached unprecedented heights, but as a result of this, irreparable damage was caused to nature, which was accompanied by the extinction of many animal species.
In the text given for analysis, Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov raises the problem of the consumer attitude of people to nature. This problem is especially relevant in the modern world.
Using the example of the protagonist's reasoning, V. Peskov shows what changes have occurred as a result of human activity: “in the ocean water, on the verge of extermination by man, huge whales, the largest creatures that have ever lived on Earth.” The author emphasizes how important our planet is: "The Earth still feeds us, gives us breathing, supplies water, warmth and the joy of life."
Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov believes that human behavior is unreasonable, destroying his own living conditions, he exposes all life on Earth to great danger, therefore it is so important to preserve our common home, to protect everything that gives people life.
I agree with the opinion of the author, indeed, in the modern world, the technogenic influence of man on the environment is very great. This leads to detrimental consequences for the habitats of various species of animals and plants, which negatively affects the state of nature, therefore it is so important to be able to preserve it before it is too late.
In support of the author's words and my position, I will cite as an example the work of M. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”. Professor Preobrazhensky turns a dog into a man. Scientists are driven by the thirst for knowledge, the desire to change nature. But sometimes progress turns into terrible consequences: a two-legged creature with a "dog's heart" is not yet a man, because there is no soul in him, no love, honor, nobility.
In the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" the actual theme of nature and man is raised. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic enjoyment of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. When he felt bad, he "went into the forest and broke branches." Nature does not give him the desired tranquility or peace of mind.
Thus, the environment as a result of human economic activity has undergone a number of serious changes, many of which are no longer reversible, so it is very important to do everything possible to preserve it. Man, because of his unreasonable attitude to nature, endangers all the inhabitants of our planet.

Compositions in Russian. Samples of essays. Compositions of the Unified State Exam, OGE

Composition based on the text of V. Peskov. The problem of respect for nature. Composition for the exam


(1) Shrub and woodland. (2) Eerie afternoon silence. (3) Silent thickets. (4) A large flock of magpies rose in one place, another. (5) At this feast, the magpies and the ravens found dead moose and birds in the forest. (6) What happened?

(7) Recently, an airplane flew over these places and sprayed the forest with a chemical liquid. (8) It was planned to expand the area of ​​meadows. (9) It was calculated that uprooting a living forest is more expensive than poisoning it from an airplane, and then uprooting it. (10) Business is not new, it is attractively cheap and therefore is considered progressive and profitable. (11) Undoubtedly, there are significant advantages in this matter. (12) But there are also very big disadvantages. (13) They are not always noticed. (14) But here twenty-seven elk died, the black grouse, small birds that saved the surrounding fields and forest from pests were ruined. (15) Insects are dying, many of which are our friends. (16) What accountant will now undertake to calculate the profit of the operation ?! (17) And that's not all. (18) Thousands of people in the big city go to the forest. (19) The singing of birds, every manifestation of life, constitutes the joy of these walks. (20) A meeting with a large beast is sometimes remembered by a person for a lifetime. (21) Consider how many people will not meet twenty-seven moose. (22) What accounting department is measuring this loss?

(23) Well, was not there a person who could foresee trouble? (24) Quite the opposite. (25) They bombarded the relevant institutions with letters. (26) And there is your judgment. “(27) We have a plan. (28) And why did they make a fuss? (29) The substance is quite safe. (30) Nothing will happen to your beast. "

(31) Responsible officials now look with holy eyes at those who sounded the alarm:

(32) - We? (33) The moose died from something else. (34) We have instructions. (35) Here, read: “This substance is toxic to humans and animals. (36) If you are not careful, there may be poisoning, and the quality of milk in cows also decreases ... "(37) You see, the quality of milk ... (38) Not a word about moose ...

(39) - But you could have guessed about it. (40) They warned ...

(41) - We are according to the instructions ...

(42) That's the whole conversation.

(43) ... In a matter where nature and chemistry converge, we should be guided by Caution, Wisdom, Love for our mother earth, the living, which adorns life and pleases a person. (44) We must not forget in any business about the most important thing - human health, we must not neglect the happiness of hearing birds singing, seeing flowers by the road, a butterfly on the windowsill and an animal in the forest ...

(According to V. Peskov)

Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (born in 1930) is a modern writer-essayist, journalist, traveler.


How often do you think about the well-being of the environment? Every day more and more forests are cut down, huge amounts of waste are dumped into rivers, factories smoke and pollute the atmosphere more, but no one cares. Therefore, the problem of respect for nature is undoubtedly relevant today.
The author of the text, V.M. Peskov, is very worried about the current state of the environment. His extreme concern about this problem is manifested in such questions as "What accounting department is measuring this loss?" People who decide to spray the forest with a chemical liquid are well aware of how destructive it is for the ecosystem. Because of the carelessness of man, innocent living beings die. If we continue to destroy nature in the same spirit, then soon there will be not a single green corner on our planet.
We must learn to respect nature, live in peace and harmony with all life on Earth. This is what V.M. Peskov calls us to.
I share the feelings and thoughts of the author, because in today's world we must be more careful about the problems of the environment, because we are completely dependent on it and are inextricably linked with it.
A good example of a correct attitude to nature is the heroine of A. Kuprin's story "Olesya". Olesya spent her whole life in unity with nature. She, like no one else, feels a subtle connection between herself and the forest, she understands that it is alive. That is why she takes the side of nature and protects every inhabitant of the forest, from a small blade of grass to a tall spruce. For this love and care for all living things, she was awarded supernatural abilities that help her survive in the wilderness.
Also, confirmation that people have forgotten that nature is their native and only home can be found in the novel by Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic enjoyment of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. His friend, Arkady, on the contrary, communication with the world around him gives pleasure and helps to heal mental wounds. For him, this unity is natural and pleasant.

The problem of irresponsible / consumer attitude to nature (according to the text of V.M. Peskov) (USE in Russian)

Since ancient times, man has used natural resources to meet his needs. But if initially his attitude to nature, its power and unpredictability was respectful, then in the era of industrialization, use became truly large-scale and uncontrollable. People stopped thinking about the consequences of their actions, and this gave rise to many global environmental problems of our time.

It is the problem of irresponsible, consumerist attitude to nature that the writer-essayist V.M. Sands.

To draw the attention of readers to this issue, the author tells how the authorities decided to spray the forest with chemicals in order to expand the area of ​​meadows, as a result of which many animals and birds died. Because of this incident, the interests of two groups of people clashed. Some are “responsible” officials who are indifferent to the harm caused to nature. They are guided only by such concepts as "benefit", "plan", "instruction", "cheapness", and without the slightest remorse they justify their act. Others are people who are concerned about the fate of the forest and the animals in it, who tried to prevent the tragedy, people who “bombarded the relevant institutions with letters” in the hope that they would be heard.

But their expectations were not met.

The author of the text is extremely worried about this problem, it is noticeable in the emotionality of his reasoning. V.M. Peskov does not directly express his point of view, but leads the reader to the idea of ​​the need for a careful and careful attitude to nature, the need to think about what effect this or that action can have on living beings.

The point of view of the writer is close to me. Indeed, in our time, when many species of animals and birds have already disappeared, hectares of forests have been cut down, rivers and air are polluted, it is necessary to move away from global and uncontrolled consumption and go to the preservation and augmentation of natural resources. It must be remembered that we are not alone on this planet, and many thousands of our descendants will live here after us.

In my opinion, the duty of people is to try to bring their activities in accordance with the laws of nature.

Russian writers have repeatedly spoken about this problem in their works. Let us recall the novel by Ch. Aitmatov "Plakha". To fulfill the plan for the delivery of meat, the authorities give the order to shoot saigas in the Moyunkum reserve. During the hunt, not only the herd perishes, but also the little wolf cubs. The exhausted wolves fled from the Moyunkum savanna and settled in the Aldash reeds. But soon they began to build a road to the mining development here, and the ancient reeds were set on fire. The wolves had to leave again. Their last attempt to settle in the Issykul basin ended in failure. The cubs were kidnapped and sold. On the example of this novel, we see that irresponsible human actions force animals to leave their habitats and wander in search of a new home, but not always and not everyone succeeds in finding it.

The same problem is raised by V. Rasputin in the story "Farewell to Matera". The village of Matera stood on the banks of the Angara for many years. A leisurely and measured way of life, in harmony with nature, has long been formed in it. But one day, the construction of a new dam for the power plant begins, and it becomes known that Matera and many surrounding villages should be flooded. People were taken to a new place of residence, and their houses were burned and razed to the ground. But the residents of Matera were not used to the new places. With the help of this work, the writer demonstrated to the readers how man, in order to satisfy his ever-growing needs, disturbed the balance of nature and deprived many people who had to leave their past and everything that they loved and got used to.

Thus, this problem is extremely relevant in modern society. Do not forget that all people are responsible for what happens to our planet. But it should be noted that humanity has finally realized the negative impact of its activities on the world around it and is taking measures to improve the situation. I would like to believe that through joint efforts our society will be able to correct the consequences of its consumer attitude towards nature.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Help find the problem, comment and position of the author.

only recently has man learned that the earth is a ball. they thought the earth was on three elephants, and at night the starry world shelters the earth. now a man orbits the ball in less than two hours. the earth can be seen from the side. here is a picture from space. yes the earth is a ball on it the continents of the sea clouds sunrises and sunsets are visible The details of earthly life are not visible from afar, but there are many of them. two decades ago, the Americans conducted a survey of scientists that gave mankind space flights? the answers were interesting. I remember this: "in the universe we are alone and it does not seem that somewhere we are waiting. we must take care of our home-native land." a good answer. Today, from the height of his knowledge, a person can say: "We have got a wonderful planet." .Green plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, accumulate carbon and release animal oxygen and ozone into the upper atmosphere, which protects all living things from the destructive rays of the sun. of course, the emerging life for millions of years had to adapt to their significant conditions on the planet. Living organisms gave way to more perfect ones on earth. from many animals only bones survived, but some have survived to our times. live in ocean water on the verge of extermination by humans huge whales are the largest creatures ever to live on earth. The smallest mammals are a tiny baby mouse and a shrew weighing only 2 grams. between whales and mice is a huge number of animals to which the earth has become their home. and at the head of everything is man. he often decides who to live and who is denied in life. For millions of years, the nature of animals has selected the places where they can live what they can eat. Man dan studied these places and was the first to reach for prey destroying the environment where animals, birds, fish, habitually and safely live. This is how the foundations of our common home are destroyed. Many animals have disappeared and become extremely rare. For a long time we have not seen flying cranes, few people hear the crying of quails, and so everywhere on earth. Two hundred years ago, the Americans barbarously exterminated millions of bison, and in the middle of the last century, chemistry knocked down the iconic bird-bald eagle in America. in Africa, thousands of rhinos were destroyed over large areas - land was needed for sowing grain. areas of hot deserts and wastelands grow; fertile lands dry up; lakes disappear on the plains; small rivers. this is what the scientist had in mind when he answered the question about space. we need to protect the planet earth. no one is waiting for our landing on other planets. and the earth still feeds us, gives us to breathe, supplies water with warmth and the joy of life coming from our neighbors: beasts, birds, fish, insects that form a complex pattern of life on our planet. this is what the earth looks like if you look at it from the side. outlines of the continents. traces of volcanic activity. lights of big cities and small villages. lakes on land. islands in the ocean. land dug up by mines and fox minks. land covered with traces of animals with grain fields and curls of forests. such a common home.

OPTION 14 USE-2015

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, word, phrase or sequence of words, numbers ... Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM №1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3.

(1) The geological processes that shape the appearance and internal structure of our planet are extremely slow and not amenable to direct observation. (2) The only exception is volcanic activity - a grandiose and impressive phenomenon: during volcanic eruptions, the appearance of individual parts of the Earth can change beyond recognition in a matter of days (and sometimes hours or even minutes). (3) that this alone and the possibility of direct contact with the "inner content" of the planet makes scientists with special interest in the process of volcanism.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveyedHOME information contained in the text?

1) Volcanic activity is a grand and impressive phenomenon.

2) None of the slow geological processes lend themselves to direct observation.

3) The eruption of volcanoes can change certain parts of the Earth beyond recognition in a matter of days.

4) The process of volcanism - the only geological process that quickly forms the appearance of the Earth and allows you to see its structure - is of particular interest to scientists.

5) The process of volcanism is the only geological process that quickly shapes the appearance of the Earth and allows you to see its structure, which is of interest to scientists.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Even Naturally In spite of the fact that First of all


3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word LAND. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PLOT , -tka, husband.

1) A small part of the surface area of ​​something.Plots of the Moon, u. craters.

2) Part of the land area occupied by something. or intended for something. Sadovy (in a horticultural partnership).He has a dacha outside the city, u.

3) In a number of services, in special areas of activity: administrative-territorial subdivision of something.Electoral y. W. service path. Medical doctor.

4) The area of ​​action of some n. military unit, military unit.W. Defense. W. breakthrough. W. forcing. At the division site.

5) Region, industry. social activities.Important y. work.

6) In tsarist Russia: subdivision, city police department.


4. One of the words below contains a mistake in the stress setting:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.



5. In one of the sentences belowWRONG used the highlighted word.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

A participant in a business or leisure trip to the United States must SUBMIT a package of relevant documents to apply for a visa.

Calcium deficiency in the body will help to replenish primarily such foods as milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

Participation in team games and other interesting sporting events gives us a VIVING boost of vivacity.

When rolling out the dough, periodically SHAKE the excess flour off the rolling pin.

A KIND home was purchased at the expense of my father.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

a pair of APPLE about FIVE HUNDRED kilometers


Go faster


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Listening to the opera "The Snow Maiden" by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov, excitement envelopes.

B) The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said that "I know that I know nothing."

C) Those who, with the help of facts, can prove the correctness of their own decisions, should not put up with the incompetence of others.

D) I read this work of Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

E) Thanks to the best specialists, I was able to make the correct diagnosis.



8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

publ..leck choose..choose to..habits to..sleep op..general


9. Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

not .. cook, n .. the most capable of .. return (fate), prepare ..

be .. useful, to .. to cheer up before .. going, to .. play

pr ... acute, pr ... city


10. E .

little add up ..


11. Write out a word in which a letter is written at the place of the passAND .

independent..myth washing..myth flow..mye


12. Define a sentence in whichNOT spelled with the wordLITTLE ... Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

(DO NOT) UNDERSTAND people how Beam found healing herbs.

The artist was considering the idea of ​​a (NOT) CREATED canvas.

The girl walked down the street, (NOT) LOOKING around.

The friends had a (NOT) HURRY conversation.

(NOT) ONLY theater, but also cinema interested old friends.


13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelledLITTLE ... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

The village of Ozertso is changing, but in a shallow river, the month is sinking in the SAME (SAME), and the keys give it the SAME strength, and the boys drink from the ladle of their palms, like a century ago.

My companions TO (SAME) examined the coast (B) FOR a whole hour and found a bizarre shape of amber.

The sounds faint little by little, (ON) they freeze a little, and soon they (CO) are no longer heard by EVERYONE.

AND (NOT) LOOKING at what the travelers knew about the fast approaching twilight, the darkness of EVERYTHING (SO) took them by surprise.

(DURING) WHILE driving by car, be careful AS (AS) the traffic on this street is one-way.


14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is writtenone letterN.

Old (1) lamps, fabric (2) wallets, silver (3) knives and forks, old, dull Venetian glass - everything was thrown away (4) about the surf of time on this square, like waves throw algae and shells on the shore and other marine litter.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the offers in which you want to putONE comma.

1) The artist traveled to the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea and reflected his impressions in many canvases.

2) Every aspen in the forest or on the border in the fall seems to me some kind of fantastic plant.

3) In the eyes of the author of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign," we guess both the admiration of the endless expanses and the authentic knowledge of the world around us.

4) Neither field nor telegraph poles are visible behind the snow fog.

5) Lilies and gladioli have bloomed at the same time this year.


16. Arrange punctuation marks:

A periphery is a turn of speech, which consists in replacing a word with a descriptive combination (1) containing (2) an element of the characteristics of the described object or person (3) and helping (4) to avoid unjustified repetitions in the text.


17. Arrange the punctuation marks: specify all numbers, in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

A compliment (1) as you know (2) is a flattering, kind remark or short praise, and the ability to say compliments is a real art that requires tact, wit and (3) of course (4) an attentive warm attitude towards the interlocutor.


18. Arrange the punctuation marks : Specify the digit (s) followed by the comma (s) in the sentence.

Lena is the main navigable East Siberian artery (1), the value (2) of which (3) for an intensively developing economy (4) is enormous.


19. Arrange punctuation marks : List all numbers that must be followed by commas in the sentence.

After a couple of hours (1) when it got quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.


Read the text and complete assignments 20 - 25.

(1) Only very recently did man learn that the Earth is a ball. (2) They thought that the Earth is on three elephants, and at night the starry world shelters the Earth. (3) A man can now fly around the ball in less than two hours. (4) The earth can be seen from the side. (5) Here is a picture taken from space. (6) Yes, the Earth is a ball, continents, seas, clouds, sunrises and sunsets are visible on it. (7) The details of earthly life are not visible from afar, but they are, there are many of them ...

(8) Two decades ago, the Americans conducted a survey of scientists: what did space flights give mankind? (9) The answers were interesting. (10) I remember this one: “In the Universe we are alone, and it does not seem that they are waiting for us anywhere. (11) We must take care of our home - our native land ”. (12) Good answer.

(13) Today, from the height of his knowledge, a person can say: "We have got a wonderful planet." (14) Indeed, there is water on the planet, without which life would be impossible. (15) The proximity of the Sun gives warmth that does not dry out from time to time. (16) The rotation of the Earth ensures the alternation of days and nights on the planet, the change of seasons. (17) Green plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, accumulate carbon and release life-giving oxygen and ozone into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which shields all life from the destructive rays of the Sun.

(18) Of course, the emerging life for millions of years had to adapt to the original conditions on the planet. (19) Living organisms gave way to more perfect ones on Earth. (20) Of many animals, only bones survived. (21) But some have survived to our times. (22) Huge whales, the largest creatures that have ever lived on Earth, live in ocean water on the verge of extermination by man. (23) The smallest mammals are the tiny baby mouse and the shrew, weighing only two grams.

(24) Between whales and mice is a huge number of animals to which the Earth has become a home. (25) And man is at the head of all that exists. (26) He often decides who is to live and who is denied in life.

(27) For millions of years Nature has selected animals, determining the places where they can live, what they can feed on. (28) Man has long studied these places and is the first to reach for prey, destroying the environment where animals, birds, fish habitually and safely live. (29) This is how the foundations of our common House are being destroyed.

(30) Many animals have disappeared or become extremely rare. (31) For a long time we have not seen flying cranes, few people hear the wood grouse leaking, the cry of quails. (32) And so everywhere on Earth. (33) Two hundred years ago, the Americans barbarously exterminated millions of bison, and in the middle of the last century, chemistry knocked down the iconic bird in America - the bald eagle. (34) In Africa, thousands of rhinos were destroyed over large areas: land was needed for sowing grain. (35) Areas of hot deserts and wastelands grow, fertile lands are depleted, lakes dry up, small rivers disappear on the plains.

(36) This is what the scientist had in mind when he answered the question about space. (37) We need to protect the planet Earth. (38) No one is waiting for our landing on other planets. (39) And the Earth still feeds us, gives us breathing, supplies water, warmth and the joy of life coming from our neighbors: animals, birds, fish, insects that form a complex pattern of life on our planet.

(40) This is what the Earth looks like if you look at it from the side. (41) Outlines of the continents. (42) Traces of volcanic activity. (43) Lights of big cities and small villages. (44) Lakes on land. (45) Islands in the ocean. (46) A land dug up by mines and fox holes. (47) The land, covered with traces of animals, grain fields and curls of forests ... (48) Such is our common House.

(According to V. Peskov *)

* Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (1930-2018) - writer, journalist, traveler.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) By their actions, people often damage nature.

2) A man today can fly around the globe.

3) In the Universe, besides ours, there are other civilizations.

4) Our planet has everything you need for life.

5) Huge whales live in the ocean, this species is not exterminated by humans.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Proposals 14-17 confirm the content of proposal 13.

2) Propositions 10-11 contain reasoning.

3) Sentences 36-39 are narrative.

4) Sentences 40-45 contain a description.

5) Proposals 46-47 present the reasoning.


22. Write out the antonyms (antonymic pair) from sentences 40-48.


23. Among sentences 18-26, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.


Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “Describing the diversity of life on Earth, V. Peskov uses various means of expression, including syntactic ones: (A) ___________ (sentences 6, 39) and (B) ___________ (sentences 41-43); lexical, for example, (B) ___________ ("large" - "small" in sentences 22-23). The author provides confirmation of his ideas about how to relate to nature, using the method (D) ___________ (sentences 10-11) ".

List of terms:

1) litota

2) phraseological unit

3) nominative sentences

4) anaphora

5) quoting

6) epithet

7) metaphor

8) antonyms

9) rows of homogeneous members



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


OPTION 14 USE-2015

to the tasks of part 1




Approximate range of problems

Composition according to the text:

The problem of a barbaric, consumerist attitude to nature - this is what the writer, journalist and traveler Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov is talking about.

V.M. Peskov believes that man has a consumer attitude towards Nature, deciding who to live and who does not. He thoughtlessly destroys the habitat of many animals, although he himself is part of the same Nature.

Indeed, for many years man has thoughtlessly and consumingly treated Nature. I am glad that in modern times people have begun to realize the mistakes of their ancestors, they are trying to correct them. So, for example, now there are various organizations for the protection of the environment, the most famous is "Greenpeace".

But M. Yu. Lermontov in his work "Three Palms" tells a story that shows how not to do it: Travelers cut down three palm trees to warm up at night. In the morning the caravan left, but the palm trees were gone - only ash remained.

Very often people walking down the street will pick a leaf from a tree, a flower by the road. And for what, they themselves cannot answer. I really want the Earth to be "healthy", and for this it is necessary that everyone strives to make it better, show their care. And you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

V.M. Peskov's text:

(1) Only very recently did man learn that the Earth is a ball. (2) They thought that the Earth is on three elephants, and at night the starry world shelters the Earth. (Z) Now a person flies around the ball in less than two hours. (4) The earth can be seen from the side. (5) Here is a picture taken from space. (6) Yes, the Earth is a ball, continents, seas, clouds, sunrises and sunsets are visible on it. (7) The details of earthly life are not visible from afar, but they are, there are many of them ...

(8) Two decades ago, the Americans conducted a survey of scientists: what did space flights give mankind? (9) The answers were interesting. (10) I remember this one: “In the Universe we are alone, and it does not seem that they are waiting for us anywhere. (11) We must take care of our home - our native land ”. (12) Good answer.

(13) Today, from the height of his knowledge, a person can say: "We have got a wonderful planet." (14) Indeed, there is water on the planet, without which life would be impossible. (15) The proximity of the Sun gives warmth that does not dry out from time to time. (16) The rotation of the Earth ensures the alternation of days and nights on the planet, the change of seasons. (17) Green plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, accumulate carbon and release life-giving oxygen and ozone into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which shields all life from the destructive rays of the Sun.

(18) Of course, the emerging life for millions of years had to adapt to the original conditions on the planet. (19) Living organisms gave way to more perfect ones on Earth. (20) Of many animals, only bones survived. (21) But some have survived to our times. (22) Huge whales, the largest creatures that have ever lived on Earth, live in ocean water on the verge of extermination by man. (23) The smallest mammals are the tiny baby mouse and the shrew, weighing only two grams.

(24) Between whales and mice is a huge number of animals to which the Earth has become a home. (25) And man is at the head of all that exists. (26) He often decides who is to live and who is denied in life.

(27) For millions of years Nature has selected animals, determining the places where they can live, what they can feed on. (28) Man has long studied these places and is the first to reach for prey, destroying the environment where animals, birds, fish habitually and safely live. (29) This is how the foundations of our common House are being destroyed.

(30) Many animals have disappeared or become extremely rare. (31) For a long time we have not seen flying cranes, few people hear the wood grouse leaking, the cry of quails. (32) And so everywhere on Earth. (33) Two hundred years ago, the Americans barbarously exterminated millions of bison, and in the middle of the last century, chemistry knocked down the iconic bird in America - the bald eagle. (34) In Africa, thousands of rhinos were destroyed over large areas: land was needed for sowing grain. (35) Areas of hot deserts and wastelands grow, fertile lands are depleted, lakes dry up, small rivers disappear on the plains.

(36) This is what the scientist had in mind when he answered the question about space. (37) We need to protect the planet Earth. (38) No one is waiting for our landing on other planets. (39) And the Earth still feeds us, gives us breathing, supplies water, warmth and the joy of life coming from our neighbors: animals, birds, fish, insects that form a complex pattern of life on our planet.

(40) This is what the Earth looks like if you look at it from the side. (41) Outlines of the continents. (42) Traces of volcanic activity. (43) Lights of big cities and small villages. (44) Lakes on land. (45) Islands in the ocean. (46) A land dug up by mines and fox holes. (47) The land, covered with traces of animals, grain fields and curls of forests ... (48) Such is our common House.

(According to V. Peskov *)