Advances of modern natural science. The expediency and effectiveness of methods, techniques and teaching aids in achieving optimal educational results. Methods and techniques that improve quality

Factors and ways to improve the quality of education.

“Education is the greatest of earthly blessings,

if it is of the highest quality.

Otherwise it is completely useless."

R. Kipling

The struggle for the quality of education is put forward as a leading task in the activities of educational institutions. Everyone is looking for ways to solve it in their own way. Improving the quality of education– one of the main tasks, which includes the training and education of schoolchildren, is a system of indicators of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as norms of value-emotional attitude towards the world and each other. This approach focuses on evaluating the school’s activities based on final results, among which it should be noted

main indicators of school performance (slide)

    student level of learning;

    their readiness to continue education;

    level of education of students;

    children's health status;

    level of implementation of education standards.

All of the above parameters are interconnected and complement each other. But today, the indicator of the quality of student learning has been and remains the first and main indicator when assessing the effectiveness of a school.

In order to successfully resolve issues of managing the quality of education, it is necessary to remember that education is a process of holistic development of a growing person. It is necessary to take into account factors influencing personality development (slide)

    Genetic factors . Human genetic nature, being the most ancient and conservative, is least amenable to change and, as a rule, plays a dominant role.

    Socio-economic factors .

    Psychological and pedagogical factors , which create or do not create an environment for human development (prestige for high results).

    Personal and activity factors , which influence the socio-psychological new formations in the student’s personality, in the formation of the personal and spiritual maturity of a growing person.

Results that characterize all types of maturity of a growing person at each stage of education: training, motivation, creativity, health, spiritual and moral development. At all levels of schooling, there is a connection between students’ learning and interest in the subject.

Monitoring the quality of knowledge (monitoring learning outcomes) - performs three functions inherent in the learning process as a whole, and has a clearly defined educational, educational and developmental significance. Its educational value is expressed in the fact that it allows the student to correct his knowledge and skills. Constant testing teaches students to work systematically and report to the class for the quality of acquired knowledge and skills. Students develop a sense of responsibility and a desire to achieve better results. Learning outcomes must correspond to the general objectives of the subject and the requirements for its mastery.

The reasons for the decline in the quality of knowledge depend onstudent, teacher and parent control .(slide)

Weak control over attendance by both parents and the school;

Absence from classes, both due to illness and without good reason;

Lack of unity of requirements for student responses on the part of the teaching staff;

Poor knowledge of features developmental psychology child;

- lack of motivation to study The children also have too much care from their teachers;

Students do not see prospects for applying their knowledge;
- loss of contact with the parent community.

One of the ways to improve the quality of students’ knowledge is to organize educational process. High demands are placed on the modern lesson. But we will not be able to achieve them if we treat the lesson as a fragment of life and turn it into a spontaneous process. (slide) A lesson started on time, a clear organization of lesson stages,

various methods and forms of lessons, constant monitoring of knowledge, depth and consistency of teaching, information and communication technologies - all this affects educational result activities of students.

The lesson not only teaches, but also deeply educates. As soon as you don’t provide something in the lesson, miss the sequence in the presentation and lose control over the students’ attention, become distracted, this will inevitably affect the students’ work. That's why must be used in class best methods and teaching methods not for their own sake and not simply because they are advanced, and not in the name of striving for the external beauty of the lesson, but because they are needed to achieve the best effectiveness of the lesson. Every grain of knowledge sown in a lesson will sprout if it is nourished by the desire to develop it.

Already in primary school Most students take a passive role in the educational process and begin to lose interest in learning. Therefore, it is important to develop the abilities and support the student’s aspirations, not to teach him, but to help him learn and develop.

The use of ICT allows you to immerse yourself in another world and see it with your own eyes. According to research, a person retains in his memory 10% of what he read, 20% of what he heard, 30% of what he saw, 50% of what he heard and saw, 70% of what he said or wrote, 90% of what he said or wrote about his actions. The computer allows you to create conditions for enhancing the learning process: improving the content, methods and organizational forms. With the active use of ICT already in primary school, the general goals of education are more successfully achieved, competencies in the field of communication are more easily formed: the ability to collect facts, compare them, organize, express one’s thoughts on paper and orally, reason logically, listen and understand oral and written speech, discover something new, making choices and decisions.

The quality and level of training largely depends on the skill of the teacher and his preparation for each specific lesson.

The teacher’s task is always to find something new, unknown to children, in any educational material and in the organization of the educational process itself. Life often puts a person in a dead end, and knowledge helps to find a way out of it. The teacher must remember what is interesting, useful and relevant today, and from this point of view, prepare material for lessons.

One of the most important forms of moral relations in the teaching environment is the discipline of students in the classroom. Teachers maintain discipline in the classroom in different ways: some with strictness and merciless marking of failures, others with masterful construction of the lesson, others with caustic ridicule that is rude in nature, etc. What is the best way to educate students at school? I will answer this question with a parable, in which the edifying character is directly visible.

A young woman came to the sage for advice.

-How should I raise my child: in severity or in affection?

The sage took the woman and led her to the vine:

Look at this vine. If you don’t prune it, if, sparing the vine, you don’t tear off its extra shoots, then the vine will go wild. If you lose control over the growth of the vine, you will not get sweet, tasty berries. But if you protect the vine from the sun and its caress, if you do not carefully water the roots of the vine, then it will wither and you will not get sweet, tasty berries... Only with a reasonable combination of both can you grow amazing fruits and taste their sweetness!

How does a reasonable combination of affection and severity contribute to the education of a normally socialized personality?

The most important condition The positive impact of the teacher on the student is such an attitude towards the child’s personality, which combines reasonable demands and trust in him. A teacher who tolerates rudeness and arbitrariness in treating children, insulting their dignity, cannot have authority among students. Children, as a rule, resist the influence of such a teacher even when he is right.

Training is like treatment. There is no single ready-made recipe.

In learning, as in life, you can’t help but pay attention to the little things. It’s not in vain that they say:
“Life is a chain, and the little things in it are the links. You can’t ignore the link”.

A modern teacher must not only know and be able to do a lot, but also constantly improve his teaching skills, open up new horizons, master new directions and actively introduce new technologies into his work.

“For the quality of education to be high, there must be high quality teaching” - this is an indisputable conclusion with which I think each of us will agree.

I would like to address all teachers with the wonderful words of Sh. Amonashvili.

Teacher, be the sun, radiating human warmth, be the soil, rich in the enzymes of human feelings, and this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but also in the souls and hearts!







Russian language teacher and

Literature Novikova E.B.

GBOU Secondary School No. 810, Moscow


1. Society's need for quality education.

2. Determination of the quality of education. Components “ quality education”.

3. Distinctive features and methodological requirements to a modern lesson.

4. Determination of forms and methods of work in the lesson.

5. Non-standard forms of lessons.

The purpose of a child's education is
to make him able to develop
further without the help of a teacher.

Elbert Hubbard

1. Society's need for quality education.

Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes in national education policy. This is due to the acceptance State standard basic and primary education and with the transition to the position of personality-oriented pedagogy. One of the tasks of a modern school is to unlock the potential of all participants pedagogical process, providing them with opportunities for quality training, manifestation creativity. Modern school- this is the result of huge changes that have occurred in the domestic education system over the past last years. In this sense, education is not just a part of the social life of society, but its vanguard: it is unlikely that any other subsystem to the same extent can confirm the fact of its progressive development with such an abundance of innovations and experiments.The main and primary task is the need to increase the efficiency of assimilation educational material aimed at improving the modern quality of education. And this is the orientation of education not only on the student’s assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. A comprehensive school should form a holistic system of universal knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, which determines the modern quality of educational content.

Improving the quality of education should be carried out not through additional workload on students, but through improving the forms and methods of teaching, selecting the content of education, and introducing educational technologies, focused not so much on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the formation of a complex personal qualities trainees.

The system also helps teachers achieve quality teaching. effective planning educational material, clear organization educational process, control of all student activities.

By focusing efforts on improving the quality and efficiency of educational work, it is necessary to ensure that each lesson contributes to the development of students’ cognitive interests, activity and creative abilities.

The purpose of this report is to reveal the teacher’s work system to improve the quality of teaching through the use of modern methods, techniques and effective pedagogical technologies on lessons.

2. Quality of education. Components of quality education.

What is the concept of quality of education?

The main task of educational policy is to ensuremodern quality of education conservation based its fundamentality and compliance current and future needs of the individual, society and state.

The quality of education- this is a set of properties of education that determine its ability to satisfy certain needs of a citizen, society, state in accordance with the purpose of this education.This social category, which determines the state and effectiveness of the educational process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society in the development and formation of civil and everyday professional competencies of the individual.

The components of quality education are:

  1. Teacher activities aimed at improving the quality of knowledge.
  2. Rational organization of schoolchildren’s educational work as a means of improving the quality of knowledge.
  3. Use of information and new educational technologies.
  4. Using modern teaching methods and techniques.
  5. Formation of motivation.
  6. Person-centered approach.
  7. High level teacher professionalism.
  8. Creating comfortable learning conditions.
  9. Providing material and technical base.
  10. Stimulating teacher work.
  11. Carrying out work in society with the aim of respecting the work of a teacher.

3. Distinctive features and methodological requirements for a modern lesson.

Psychologists argue that a schoolchild’s cognitive activity is a non-innate and unstable quality; it develops dynamically, can progress and regress under the influence of family, school, work and other social factors. The actions of the teacher, which encourage students to study diligently, contribute to the creation positive attitude studies. The only form of education at school is the lesson.

Lesson - this is a form of organization of learning, a living and harmonious part of the pedagogical process. Any lesson should fit organically into the teacher’s work system. Each lesson should implement some specific part of the overall learning objectives. At the same time, the lesson must be holistic and complete, fulfill specific tasks and produce real results. Both traditional, classical, and non-traditional lessons must be specific embodiment and expression one or another methodological concept, a practical test that determines its legitimacy and effectiveness. And at the same time, a lesson is an indicator of the productivity of the teacher and students. Of course, the degree of activity in the lesson largely depends on the student himself.Searches for new methods and forms of training organization, which are determined by the requirements modern society to school, gave rise to a new term in teaching methods - “modern lesson”, which is contrasted with the traditional lesson.
Modern lesson- an integral part of the entire life activity of schoolchildren, since it is in the lesson that the student learns the most, in the lesson his education and development take place, his individuality is revealed,interests develop, personality is formed.
Lesson is not allowed be considered only as a form of transmission of the content of education, it must be assessed as a source development of schoolchildren, disclosure their cognitive powers and capabilities, which manifest themselves in the rational organization of joint activities of the teacher and students.

Level social development determines the assimilation of large amounts of knowledge, the complication of independent educational and cognitive activities of students, the revision of content, the enrichment of forms and methods of teaching.

Currently, teachers and scientists agree on the following: traditional forms of teaching are outdated, in order to capture the attention of modern students, they must first of all, surprise, interest. Modern education mustto make a conditions, when each student could receive the personally significant information he needs, it should help in revealing the inner potential of each student, in his movement along the path of self-realization.

The main thing in the lesson(and the most difficult thing) is to maintain a reasonable balance between “exciting elements” and painstaking work. Applying information Technology, we must not forget that they all must be together with the teacher, and not instead him. Because no modern electronic educational resources will replace living word of the teacher.

While creating conditions for each person to receive information, one must not allow the random absorption of information. It is necessary to develop in schoolchildren the ability to critically analyze and use this information productively, to teach them to understand what information enriches a person’s capabilities, and what information distracts from work more than helps.

Informatization of society and education, development of new information technologies is an objective and natural process. The concept of “new literacy” includes, among other things, the ability to navigate various information flows and independently create media objects for the Internet.

Consequently, it is necessary to rebuild the traditional lesson, focusing on the educational requirements of modern society and people.

What makes a modern lesson different??

1.Learning occurs through the discovery of new things.

2. The student self-determinates to perform one or another educational activities.

3. The presence of discussions, different points of view, the search for truth.

4. Democratic.

5. Personal development.

6. The student’s ability to design upcoming activities.

7. Students’ awareness of the activity, how and in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties there were, how they were eliminated.

8.Search for new solutions.

9. The teacher does not dominate, but manages problem-search activities and research.

10. Use of advanced techniques and technologies.

Methodological requirements for a modern lesson:

  • Reliance on interdisciplinary connections to form a holistic view of the knowledge system.
  • Ensuring the practical orientation of the educational process.
  • Inclusion of creative exercises.
  • Optimal combination and ratio of teaching methods.
  • Knowledge of various developmental learning technologies and their differentiated application.
  • Individual approach.
  • Motivation educational activities.
  • Creating conditions for independent work of schoolchildren.
  • Use of ICT.
  • Knowledge and use of the basic principles of health conservation.
  • Providing aesthetic and hygienic conditions.

4. Determination of forms and methods of work.

Conducting your own or attending open lessons, sometimes you have to catch yourself thinking: “Boring. Not interesting...” Five people work, the rest are passive and sit for 45 minutes. The lesson density is high. The content is educational. But who does it develop? These five people who, like robots, give out the correct answers? Form of workoften frontal. The teacher is in a hurry to present the material in order to get everything done.

What to teach? We know. Why teach? We know. How to teach effectively? We don't always know. Together the answer to this question found in pedagogy a long time ago - to teach using interactive forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Existing system education seems so clear to the teacher working in it that the discoveries or conclusions made by psychologists and sociologists in this area seem completely unexpected, lead to bewilderment and call into question all of his activities.

The research described in A. Zverev’s article “10 and 90 - new intelligence statistics” began with a regular experiment conducted by American sociologists. They addressed young people from different countries, recently graduated from school, with a number of questions from various training courses. And it turned out that only on average 10% of respondents answered all the questions correctly.

The result of this study prompted the Russian teacher M. Balaban to draw a conclusion that bewilders teachers: a school, regardless of what country it is located in, successfully teaches only one out of ten of its students.

K. Rogers, reflecting on the effectiveness of teaching at school, writes: “When I try to teach, I am horrified that the results achieved are so insignificant, although sometimes it seems that the teaching is going well.”

Efficiency pedagogical activity The secondary school teacher is characterized by the same 10% of students. The explanation is very simple: “only 10% of people are able to study with a book in their hands.” In other words, only 10% of students are comfortable with the methods used in a traditional school. The remaining 90% of students are also able to learn, but not with a book in their hands, but in a different way: “with their actions, real deeds, with all the senses.”

The results of this study led to the conclusion that learning must be designed differently, differently, so that all students can learn. One of the options for organizing the educational process is the use of interactive teaching methods by the teacher in his activities.

Teaching methods is a set of techniques and approaches that reflect the form of interaction between students and teachers in the learning process. IN modern understanding the learning process is considered as a process of interaction between the teacher and students (lesson) with the aim of introducing students to certain knowledge, skills, abilities and values.

Teaching methods can be divided into three general groups:passive methods, active methods, interactive methods. Each of them has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.

Passive method(diagram 1) is a form of interaction between students and teachers, in which the teacher is the main actor and controlling the course of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners, subject to the teacher’s directives. Communication between the teacher and students in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, independent, tests, tests, etc. From the point of view of modern pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of students’ assimilation of educational material, the passive method is consideredthe most ineffective,

Active method (diagram 2) is a form of interaction between students and teachers,in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson and the students here are not passive listeners, but active participants lesson. If in a passive lesson the main character and manager of the lesson was the teacher, then here the teacher and students areon equal terms. Many people put between active and interactive methods equal sign , however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form active methods.

Interactive method (Scheme 3). Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. In other words, unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused onwider interactionstudents not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The teacher's place in interactive lessons comes down to directing the students' activities to achieve the lesson's goals. The teacher also develops a lesson plan (usually This interactive exercises and assignments , during which the student studies the material).
Therefore, the main components interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that are completed by students. Important difference interactive exercises and assignments differ from ordinary ones in that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate already learned material, but learn new ones.

Scheme 3

From the above it follows that the use of interactive teaching methods makes it possible to make the student an active participant in the pedagogical process, to form and develop cognitive activity schoolboy. The use of interactive methods contributes to the formation of a creative, active personality.

To provide everyone with a full-fledged quality education in class and outside of school hours, students are provided withspace for their own mental initiative as a manifestation of the activity of the learning position and the expression of individual uniqueness, conditions are created for a trusting relationship between the teacher and students and changestudent’s position in educational and cognitive activity. Support not like the statistical average, butfor a specific student, careful selection work content focused onpersonal developmentevery child, makes the work of introducing innovative teaching at school successful. Using Interactive Methods relevant because they:

  • Promotes increased interest in the subject
  • Accelerate the learning process
  • Improves the quality of material absorption
  • Provides customization and differentiation
  • Promoting collaboration between teacher and student
  • Develop communicative competence

According to the results of diagnostic studies by American scientists R. Carnicau and F. McElroe, a person remembers 10% of what he read, 20% of what he heard, 30% of what he saw, 50% of what he saw and heard, 80% of what he says, and 90% of what he reached independently in your own practical activities.

Summary method

Activities of the teacher

Student activity

1. Explanatory and illustrative method (information and receptive).The main purpose of the method is to organize the assimilation of information by students by communicating educational material to them and ensuring its successful perception. Explanatory- the illustrative method is one of the most economical ways to convey to students the generalized and systematized experience of humanity

1. Message educational information using various didactic means: words, various aids, including films and filmstrips, etc. The teacher makes extensive use of conversation, demonstration of experiments, etc.

1. The activity of students is to perceive, comprehend and remember the information communicated

2. Reproductive method.The main purpose of the method is to develop skills and abilities to use and apply the acquired knowledge

2. Development and application of various exercises and tasks, the use of various instructions (algorithms) and programmed training

2. The activity of the students is to master the techniques of performing individual exercises in solving various types tasks, mastering the algorithm of practical actions

3. Problematic method (problematic presentation).The main purpose of the method is disclosure in the educational material being studied. various problems and showing ways to solve them

3. Identification and classification of problems that can be posed to the student, formulation of hypotheses and showing ways to test them. Statement of problems in the process of conducting experiments, observations in nature, logical inference. In this case, the learner can use the word logical reasoning, demonstration of experience, analysis of observations, etc.

3. The activity of students consists not only in perceiving, comprehending and memorizing ready-made scientific conclusions, but also in following the logic of evidence, the movement of the teacher’s thoughts (problem, hypothesis, proof of the reliability or falsity of the proposals put forward, etc.)

4. Partial search method, or heuristic method.The main purpose of the method is to gradually prepare students to independently pose and solve problems

4. Leading students to posing a problem, showing them how to find evidence, draw conclusions from the given facts, build a plan for checking facts, etc. The teacher widely uses heuristic conversation, during which he poses a system of interrelated questions, each of which is a step towards solving the problem

4. The learner’s activity consists of active participation in heuristic conversations, in mastering techniques for analyzing educational material in order to pose a problem and find ways to solve it, etc.

5. Research method.The main content of the method is to ensure mastery of the taught methods scientific knowledge, develop and form in them the traits of creative activity, provide conditions for the successful formation of motives for creative activity, and contribute to the formation of conscious, quickly and flexibly used knowledge. The essence of the method is to provide organizations with search creative activities for students to solve problems that are new to them.

5. Presenting students with problems that are new to them, setting and developing research tasks, etc.

5. The activity of students is to master the techniques of independently posing problems, finding ways to solve them, etc.

Yu. K. Babansky proposed an interesting model for choosing teaching methods, including six sequential steps of the teacher:

– decide whether the material will be studied independently or under the guidance of a teacher;

– determine the ratio of reproductive and productive methods. If conditions exist, preference should be given productive methods;

– determine the relationship between inductive and deductive logic, analytical and synthetic pathways knowledge, measure and methods of combining verbal, visual, practical methods;

– determine ways and means of stimulating students’ activities 5 ;

– determine “points”, intervals and methods of control and self-control;

– think over backup options in case the actual learning process deviates from the planned one.

Taking into account the complex of these circumstances and conditions, the teacher makes a decision on choosing a specific method or their combination for conducting a training session.

“Changing pedagogical guidelines is the most difficult and most necessary thing we have to do today.” V.A. Karakovsky .

The traveler saw three workers who

were pushing heavily loaded wheelbarrows, and asked

everyone that he does.

The first one answered: “I’m pushing this heavy car,

damn her."

The second said: “I earn bread for my


And the third proudly said: “I AM BUILDING


5. Non-standard forms of lessonsThere are two main approaches to understanding non-standard lesson forms. The first approach treats this type lesson, as a departure from the clear structure of a combined lesson and a combination of various methodological techniques. In the second approach, non-standard lesson forms meanlesson forms that appeared in Lately and gaining increasingly strong positions in the modern school.

Non-standard lessons are one of the important teaching tools, because... They form a stable interest in learning in students, relieve stress, help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge.

A modern lesson requires the use of new forms of conduct and organization. This is due to the development of society, wide access to various information, and a variety of information sources. The peculiarities of non-standard forms of lessons lie in the desire of teachers to diversify the life of a student: to arouse interest in cognitive communication, in the lesson, in school; satisfy the child’s need for the development of intellectual, motivational, emotional and other areas. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

The main distinguishing feature of non-standard tasks is their connection “with activities that in psychology are called productive”,creative. There are other signs:
students’ independent search for ways and options to solve the problem educational task(choosing one of the proposed options or finding your own option and justifying the decision);
unusual working conditions;

In non-standard lessons, students should receive non-standard tasks.Non-standard task- the concept is very broad. It includes a number of features that make it possible to distinguish tasks of this type from traditional (standard) ones. The main distinguishing feature of non-standard tasks- their connection “with activity, which in psychology is called productive,” creative.There are other signs:

Students’ independent search for ways and options for solving a given educational task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding their own option and justifying the solution); unusual working conditions; active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in unfamiliar conditions;

Non-standard tasks can be presented in the form of problem situations (difficult situations from which one must find a way out using acquired knowledge), role-playing and business games, contests and competitions (based on the principle “who is faster? Bigger? Better?”) and other tasks with entertaining elements (everyday and fantastic situations, dramatizations, linguistic tales, riddles, "investigations").

Of course, non-standard lessons, unusual in design, organization, and delivery methods, are more popular with students than traditional training sessions with a strict structure and established work schedule.But turn non-standard lessons into the main form of work, introduce them into the systeminappropriatedue to a large loss of time, lack of serious cognitive work, low productivity, etc.

The use of non-traditional forms of lessons, in particularlesson-game, lesson-discussion– this is a powerful stimulus in learning, it is a varied and strong motivation. Through such lessons, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and quickly, partly because a person by nature likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary educational activities. Many students participate with interest in games in order to realize their abilities and potential opportunities that do not find outlets in other types of educational activities, others - to get a high grade, others - to show themselves in front of the team, others solve their communication problems, etc.

Non-traditional forms of lessons emotional p about their nature and therefore are capable of even the driest information revive and make it bright and memorable. In such lessons it is possibleeveryone's involvementinto active work, these lessons are opposed to passive listening or reading.

Analysis pedagogical literature allowed us to identify several dozen types of non-standard lessons. Their names give some idea of ​​the goals, objectives, and methods of conducting such classes. We list the most common types of non-standard lessons.

Teachers have developed many methodological techniques, innovations, and innovative approaches to conducting various forms classes.

According to the formThe following groups of non-standard lessons can be distinguished:

1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword, quiz, etc.

2. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, comments, brainstorming, interviews, reportage, review.

3. Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: lesson of wisdom, revelation, lesson - block, lesson - “understudy” begins to act.”

4. Lessons reminiscent of public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”, oral journal.

5. Lessons based on fantasy: fairy tale lesson, surprise lesson.

6.Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, tribunal, circus, patent office, academic council.

7. Traditional forms transferred within the lesson extracurricular activities: KVN, “the investigation is conducted by experts,” matinee, performance, concert, staging of a work of art, debate, “gatherings,” “club of experts.”

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Transformation of traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, paired survey, express survey, lesson-test (assessment defense), lesson-consultation, reader’s form protection, TV lesson without television.

  • Non-traditional lesson forms:

role-playing games;

travel lesson;


round table or conference;

execution of a fairy tale plot;


review of knowledge;

press conference;

fantasy lesson;

peer learning lesson;


open mind lesson;

business game;

climbing lesson;

test lesson;


peer learning lesson;



brain attack;


briefing lesson;

game “The investigation is conducted by experts”;

current interview;

knowledge auction;

imitation role modeling;


modeling students' thinking;


role-playing business game;

eureka lesson;


game "Magic envelope";

interdisciplinary integrated lesson;


lecture for two;

creativity lesson;

math hockey;

provocative lecture;



Using the video tutorial

Master communicative competence in English language, without being in the country of the language being studied, the matter is very difficult. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to create real and imaginary communication situations in the classroom. foreign language using various working methods.

Equally important is the introduction of schoolchildren to the cultural values ​​of native speakers. For these purposes great importance have authentic materials, including videos.

Their use contributes to the implementation of the most important requirement communicative methodology- present the process of language acquisition as comprehension of a living foreign language culture; individualization of training and development and motivation of speech activity of students.

Another advantage of the video is its emotional impact on students. Therefore, attention should be directed to developing in schoolchildren a personal attitude towards what they see. The use of video also helps to develop various aspects of students’ mental activity, primarily attention and memory. While watching, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises in the class. Under these conditions, even an inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, schoolchildren need to make some effort. Thus, involuntary attention turns into voluntary, its intensity affects the process of memorization. The use of various channels of information (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of capturing regional and linguistic material.
Thus, psychological characteristics The impact of educational videos on students contributes to the intensification of the educational process and creates favorable conditions for the formation of communicative competence of students.
Practice shows that video lessons are an effective form of training.
Application of the lesson-play.

An effective and productive form of teaching is a lesson-performance. Use of artistic works foreign literature in foreign language lessons, improves students' pronunciation skills, ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Preparation of the performance - creative work, which contributes to the development of children’s language communication skills and the discovery of their individual creative abilities.

This type of work activates the mental and speech activity of students, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the culture of the country of the language being studied, and also deepens knowledge of the language, since the process of memorizing vocabulary occurs. Along with the formation of the active vocabulary of schoolchildren, the so-called passive-potential vocabulary is being formed. And it is important that students receive satisfaction from this type of work.

Information and communication technologies.

A modern lesson cannot be taught without the use of information and communication technologies. One of the advantages of non-traditional lessons using IT tools is its emotional impact on students, which is aimed at forming in students a personal attitude towards what they have learned, at developing various aspects of students’ mental activity. In such lessons, younger children school age skills and desire to learn are formed, an algorithmic style of thinking is formed, knowledge and skills are laid not only in a specific academic subject, but also in mastery of IT tools, without which further successful learning is impossible.

Presentation – a powerful means of visualization, development of cognitive interest. The use of multimedia presentations makes lessons more interesting; it includes not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, and imagination in the perception process; it helps children dive deeper into the material being studied and makes the learning process less tiring.One type of non-traditional form of work can be called- method of creating a situation of success– a method of stimulating interest in learning and students experiencing learning difficulties. Without experiencing the joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on success in overcoming educational difficulties. That is why it is necessary to select tasks that are accessible to students, and then move on to more complex ones. A situation of success is created through differentiated assistance to students when completing a task of the same complexity. Students with low learning abilities are given a task that allows them to cope with it at a given level, and then complete it independently. The situation of success is already organized by encouraging the student’s intermediate actions. The state of anxiety is replaced by a state of self-confidence, without which further educational success is impossible. languid.The purpose of non-traditional (non-standard) lessons: development of new methods, techniques, forms and means of teaching to implement the basic law of pedagogy - the law of learning activity.

Turning to non-traditional forms of lessons presupposes that the teacher has professional pedagogical literacy, the ability for creative activity, and also the teacher’s knowledge of the laws of developmental psychology. Otherwise, non-traditional lessons can become an end in themselves, a useless form of creativity.In the teaching and educational process, school teachers widely and effectively usemodern educational technologies,which most fully embodied the ideology of student-centered education and are a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing student workload, and more efficient use of educational time: research and project-based teaching methods, information, communication and health-saving technologies, modular learning technology, organizational and activity-based and gaming technology, collective learning system, collaborative learning, innovative assessment system “portfolio”, multi-level learning, etc.

Small group work- This is one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in work, practice collaboration skills, interpersonal communication(in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, and resolve disagreements). All this is often impossible in a large team. Small group work is an integral part of many interactive methods, such as mosaics, debates, public hearings, almost all types Role-playing game - this is the performance by group members of a skit with pre-assigned roles in the interests of mastering a certain behavioral or emotional side of life situations.
Role-playing is carried out in small groups (3-5 participants). Participants receive a task on cards (on a board, sheets of paper, etc.), assign roles, play out the situation and present (show) it to the whole group. The teacher can assign roles himself, taking into account the characters of the children.
The advantage of this method is that each of the participants can imagine themselves in the proposed situation, feel certain states more realistically, feel the consequences of certain actions and make a decision.
This form of work is used to model the behavior and emotional reactions of people in certain situations by constructing a game situation in which such behavior is predetermined by given conditions.
Warm-ups with the purpose of relieving psychological and physical stress. Warm-ups also help develop communication skills. They must be appropriate in content, form of activity and duration. For example, before exercises that require concentrated attention, you should not play too active warm-up games.
"Brainstorm ", Brainstorming (Delphi method) is a method in which any student answer to a given question is accepted. It is important not to immediately evaluate the points of view expressed, but to accept everything and write down everyone’s opinion on the board or piece of paper. Participants should be aware that they are not required to provide reasons or explanations for their answers.
Brainstorming is used when you need to find out the awareness of an issue. You can use this form of work to obtain feedback and/or the attitude of participants towards a certain connection.

Methods of motivating educational activities
Creating a problematic situation (surprise, doubt, difficulty in performing actions, difficulty interpreting facts), creating entertaining situations, creating a situation of uncertainty, etc.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities
Story, heuristic conversation, lecture (informational and problem-solving), text study, demonstration, illustration, educational (role-playing and simulation) game, research, discussion, etc.

Methods for developing new skills
Exercises, laboratory work, workshop, game (didactic, business, role-playing, simulation), project method, case method (solving situational problems), brainstorming (solving non-standard problems), etc.

Methods of generalization and systematization of what has been studied
Encoding information: creating diagrams, tables, graphs, supporting notes, filling contour maps; Methods for stimulating learning activities
Presentation of demands, encouragement and punishment: verbal (praise, recognition, gratitude, blame), visual (token, conventional sign or symbol), formal assessment (points, mark); creating a situation of success, creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort, etc. Teaching techniques in the technology of developing critical thinking

Motivational and goal-setting techniques at the challenge stage:

Making assumptions about the topic of the lesson and predicting its content:
Forecast by title (by illustrations, diagrams, text keywords)
Tree of predictions
Mixed up logical chains
True and false statements
Introductory question

Asking questions as a result of realizing incomplete knowledge:
Question words
Thin and thick questions
I know - I want to know - I found out (ZHU)
RISK (a problematic phrase and questions for it)
Creating a Cluster
Basket of facts

Techniques for working with text at the Content stage

Reading with notes in the margins of the book and in workbook:
INSERT (“V” - knew before, “+” - new, “?” - there is a question, it’s unclear, “!” - this is interesting, “-“ - contradicts what I thought before)
Question-answer (the number of the question that is answered in the text; an oval around the question number in the individual list of questions)

Organizing information using diagrams:
Concept wheel
Denotation graph

Organizing and understanding information using tables:
Pivot table
T - table
Plot table
Cross-discussion table
PMI (Plus – Minus – Interesting)
Table "Synthesis"
Thinking at the Right Angle

Stops in reading a text or in an oral story to comprehend what was read (heard) and predict the further content of the text:
Reading with stops (with prediction)
Advanced lecture

Techniques for organizing reflection at the Reflection stage

Oral forms of reflection:
Conversation based on notes
Conversation on issues
Interview with an event participant

Written forms of reflection(creating reflective text):



A modern lesson can be distinguished by any features, the main thing is that both teachers and students come to it with a great desire to work. To summarize the above, it should be noted that the use of modern means, methods and forms of teaching is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education.


In terms of implementation national projects“Education”, “Health”, system improvement medical education the problem of using methods, modern techniques learning and their relationship is becoming increasingly important. The labor market requirements for the quality of training of medical specialists are increasing. Therefore, educational institutions, when analyzing the training process as a whole, propose to take into account the following aspects:

  • a student, acquiring knowledge and skills, must process them into own method mastering a new area professional activity and formulate future techniques appropriate to this area medical activities. Then he develops not only new knowledge and skills, but also personal qualities and the need for self-learning;
  • an integrated approach to the learning process of an individual determines the relationship between the content and methods of a student’s educational activity. It is necessary to search for logical combinations of teaching methods and techniques that ensure high-quality performance by the student of the necessary manipulations. The structure of natural combinations of methods and techniques can be determined by constructing a model of the learning process and establishing criteria for its improvement;
  • consideration of the teaching methods and techniques themselves must be correlated with a certain level methodological support educational process. Since each teaching method performs the functions of organization and self-organization; stimulation and motivation; control and self-control.

Each method can act in a perceptual, logical, gnostic and managerial aspect. And, according to many teachers, researchers, scientists, the method can be represented as a structure consisting of two parts. Its basis is a kind of core - a constant combination of techniques united by the activities of the teacher and the student. The second part of the method is its content, which, by changing the composition of techniques and the sequence of their application, makes any method dynamic, ensuring the inclusion of the student in the learning process.

Of course, the nature of the method is determined primarily by its core, and its specific variations in manifestation depend on the content and structure of its second part. Therefore, the same method can be applied through the appropriate composition and structure of techniques to include the student in the process of learning and self-learning.

In this regard, the technique reflects the peculiarity of the method as a method and as an execution plan educational activities, activities in the learning process. It is obvious that it is necessary to take into account this relationship and pay attention to the combination of teaching methods and techniques in the process of training future medical workers.

In Omsk medical college The Roszdrav methodological service pays attention to the issue of using teaching methods and techniques with an emphasis on strengthening the independent work of students and increasing professional interests. Teachers in the classroom use a heuristic method ( problem-based learning) with the implementation of such techniques as heuristic conversation, tasks for independent work in class and at home, a system of questions and problem tasks. Special attention attention is paid to the variability of the methods and techniques used.

At the same time, when choosing methods, the team strives for a productive result, i.e. Students need not only to understand, remember and reproduce the acquired knowledge (reproductive result), but also the ability to operate with it, apply it in practical activities, develop it, and also have a creative approach to solving various production problems.

Taking into account the specifics of the medical focus of college education, as well as the characteristics of the regional component associated with unfavorable environmental situation in the Omsk region, an increase in allergic and oncological diseases, increased infant mortality - the team is looking for ways to improve medical education, i.e. bringing the education system to a level that can provide each student with stable, maximum results of training and education.

This is facilitated by active learning methods with the analysis of specific situations, solving practical problems, dramatization, analysis of incidents, study of correspondence using business games. Active methods allow students to obtain the necessary knowledge by studying various sources of information characterizing practical activities.

Future specialists acquire the ability to search, the ability to effectively implement assigned tasks, work in a group, going through the stages of creativity step by step.

The college has accumulated a variety of experience in the use of game-based learning, so business games are held very successfully at the Department of Nursing:

"Lucky case"

"Intelligent Metro"

“Trial of Tuberculosis Crimes” and many others.

The interrelation of the teaching methods and techniques used, aimed at mastering subject-specific sociocultural experience as the basis and condition for the development of students, makes it possible to increase the productivity of teaching activities. A variety of teaching methods (explanation, demonstration-illustration, joint work, training) can also form the individual experience of students, which they need in their future medical activities.

The construction of pedagogical techniques is at the same time a condition for optimizing the educational process. At the same time, indicators of optimality at the methodological level can be: an increase in elements of creativity, search in work, the absence of overload of students when studying new material, rhythm in educational activities.

Thus, with the appropriate use of teaching methods and techniques and their interrelation, it is possible to develop in a student the ability to transform knowledge into a way of acquiring new knowledge, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

Bibliographic link

Shabarova M.N. RELATIONSHIP OF TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES IN THE SYSTEM OF SECONDARY MEDICAL EDUCATION // Advances modern natural science. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 79-80;
URL: (access date: 06/09/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

“The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn. The more difficult it is for the teacher, the easier it is for the student.”

L.N. Tolstoy

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Modernization concept Russian education puts forward new social demands on the system school education. The main and primary task is the need to increase the efficiency of mastering educational material, aimed at improving the modern quality of education. And this is the orientation of education not only on the student’s assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.

Improving the quality of education should be carried out not through additional workload on students, but through improving the forms and methods of teaching, selecting the content of education, and through the introduction of educational technologies focused not so much on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the formation of a set of personal qualities of students.

A system of effective planning of educational material, clear organization of the educational process, and control of all student activities also helps teachers achieve quality teaching.

By focusing efforts on improving the quality and efficiency of educational work, it is necessary to ensure that each lesson contributes to the development of students’ cognitive interests, activity and creative abilities.

The quality of education. Components of quality education.

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What is the concept of quality of education?

The quality of education is a set of properties of education that determine its ability to satisfy certain needs of a citizen, society, and state in accordance with the purpose of this education.

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The components of quality education are:

1. Teacher activities aimed at improving the quality of knowledge.

2. Rational organization of schoolchildren’s educational work as a means of improving the quality of knowledge.

3. Use of information and new educational technologies.

4. Use of modern teaching methods and techniques.

5. Formation of motivation.

6. Personality-oriented approach.

7. High level of professionalism of the teacher.

8. Creating comfortable learning conditions.

9. Providing material and technical base.

10. Stimulating the work of teachers.

11. Carrying out work in society with the aim of respecting the work of a teacher.

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Distinctive features and methodological requirements for a modern lesson.

Psychologists argue that a schoolchild’s cognitive activity is a non-innate and unstable quality; it develops dynamically, can progress and regress under the influence of family, school, work and other social factors. Teachers' actions that encourage students to study diligently help create a positive attitude toward learning. The only form of education at school is the lesson. A lesson is a form of organization of learning, a living and harmonious part of the pedagogical process. Any lesson should fit organically into the teacher’s work system. Each lesson should implement some specific part of the overall learning objectives. At the same time, the lesson must be holistic and complete, fulfill specific tasks and produce real results. Both traditional, classical, and non-traditional lessons should be a concrete embodiment and expression of one or another methodological concept, a practical test that determines its legitimacy and effectiveness. And at the same time lesson is an indicator of the productivity of the teacher and students . Of course, the degree of activity in the lesson largely depends on the student himself. The search for new methods and forms of organizing teaching, which are determined by the requirements of modern society for school, has given rise to a new term in teaching methods - “modern lesson”. Modern education should create conditions where every student could receive the personally significant information he needs, and should help in revealing the inner potential of each student, in his movement along the path of self-realization. The main thing in the lesson (and the most difficult thing) is to maintain a reasonable balance between “fascinating elements” and painstaking work. When using information technologies, we must not forget that they should all be with the teacher, and not instead of him. Because no modern electronic educational resources can replace the living word of a teacher. The concept of “new literacy” includes, among other things, the ability to navigate various information flows. Consequently, it is necessary to rebuild the traditional lesson, focusing on the educational requirements of modern society and people.

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What makes a modern lesson different?

1.Learning occurs through the discovery of new things.

2. Self-determination of the student to perform one or another educational activity occurs.

3. The presence of discussions, different points of view, the search for truth.

4. Democratic.

5. Personal development.

6. The student’s ability to design upcoming activities.

7. Students’ awareness of the activity, how and in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties there were, how they were eliminated.

8.Search for new solutions.

9. The teacher does not dominate, but manages problem-search activities and research.

10. Use of advanced techniques and technologies.

Determination of forms and methods of work.

What to teach? We know. Why teach? We know. How to teach effectively? We don't always know. The existing education system seems so clear to the teacher working in it that the discoveries or conclusions made by psychologists and sociologists in this area seem completely unexpected, lead to bewilderment and call into question all of his activities. The research described in A. Zverev’s article “10 and 90 - new intelligence statistics” began with a regular experiment conducted by American sociologists. They approached young people from different countries who had recently graduated from school with a series of questions from various training courses. And it turned out that only on average 10% of respondents answered all the questions correctly. A conclusion that bewilders teachers: a school, regardless of what country it is located in, successfully teaches only one out of ten of its students. The effectiveness of the teaching activity of a school teacher is characterized by the same 10% of students. The explanation is very simple: “only 10% of people are able to study with a book in their hands.” In other words, only 10% of students are comfortable with the methods used in a traditional school. The remaining 90% of students are also able to learn, but not with a book in their hands, but in a different way: “with their actions, real deeds, with all their senses.” The results of this study led to the conclusion that learning must be designed differently, differently, so that all students can learn. One of the options for organizing the educational process is the use of interactive teaching methods by the teacher in his activities.

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Teaching methods are a set of techniques and approaches that reflect the form of interaction between students and teachers in the learning process. Teaching methods can be divided into three general groups: passive methods, active methods, interactive methods. Each of them has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.

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Passive method (Scheme 1) - this is a form of interaction between students and the teacher, in which the teacher is the main actor and manager of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners, subject to the teacher’s directives. Communication between the teacher and students in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, independent work, tests, tests, etc. From the point of view of modern pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of students’ assimilation of educational material, the passive method is considered the most ineffective.

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Active method (scheme 2) - this is a form of interaction between students and the teacher, in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson and students here are not passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson. Many equate active and interactive methods; however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.

From the above it follows that the use of interactive teaching methods makes it possible to make the student an active participant in the pedagogical process, to form and develop the student’s cognitive activity.

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According to the results of diagnostic studies by American scientists, a person remembers 10% of what he read, 20% of what he heard, 30% of what he saw, 50% of what he saw and heard, 80% of what he said himself, and 90% of what he reached independently in his practical activities.

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Non-standard lesson forms

Non-standard lessons are one of the important teaching tools, because... They form a stable interest in learning in students, relieve stress, help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact, which results in the formation of stronger, deeper knowledge.

But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

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In non-standard lessons, students should receive non-standard tasks that involve

Students’ independent search for ways and options for solving a given educational task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding their own option and justifying the solution);

Unusual working conditions;

Active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in unfamiliar conditions;

Non-traditional forms of lessons emotional p about their nature and therefore are capable of even the driest information revive and make it bright and memorable. In such lessons it is possible everyone's involvement into active work, these lessons are opposed to passive listening or reading.

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We list the most common types of non-standard lessons.

Using the video tutorial

While watching, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises in the class. Under these conditions, even an inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, schoolchildren need to make some effort. The use of various channels of information (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of the imprinting of the material.
Thus, the psychological characteristics of the impact of educational videos on students contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create favorable conditions for the formation of students’ communicative competence.
Practice shows that video lessons are an effective form of training.

Information and communication technologies .

A modern lesson cannot be taught without the use of information and communication technologies.

Presentation – a powerful means of visualization, development of cognitive interest. The use of multimedia presentations makes lessons more interesting; it includes not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, and imagination in the perception process; it helps to dive deeper into the material being studied and makes the learning process less tiring.

One type of non-traditional form of work can be called- method of creating a situation of success – a method of stimulating interest in learning and students experiencing learning difficulties. Without experiencing the joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on success in overcoming educational difficulties. That is why it is necessary to select tasks thataccessible to students, and then move on to more complex ones.A situation of success is created through differentiated assistance to students when completing a task of the same complexity. Students with low learning abilities are given a task that allows them to cope with it at a given level, and then complete it independently. The situation of success is already organized by encouraging the student’s intermediate actions. The state of anxiety is replaced by a state of self-confidence, without which further educational success is impossible.

Small group work - This is one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in work, practice cooperation and interpersonal communication skills (in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, resolve disagreements). All this is often impossible in a large team.

"Brainstorm », Brainstorming (Delphi method) is a method in which any student answer to a given question is accepted. It is important not to immediately evaluate the points of view expressed, but to accept everything and write down everyone’s opinion on the board or piece of paper. Participants should be aware that they are not required to provide reasons or explanations for their answers.
Brainstorming is used when you need to find out awareness on a given issue.

The purpose of non-traditional (non-standard) lessons: development of new methods, techniques, forms and means of teaching to implement the basic law of pedagogy - the law of learning activity .

Turning to non-traditional lesson forms presupposes that the teacher has professional pedagogical literacy and the ability to be creative.

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A modern lesson can be distinguished by any features, the main thing is that both teachers and students come to it with a great desire to work . To summarize the above, it should be noted that the use of modern means, methods and forms of teaching is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education .