What is the essence of a lunar eclipse? Eclipses of the moon and sun, their influence on fate. Partial lunar eclipse

The moon does not have its own light, but its surface reflects the sun's rays, so it serves as our night luminary. During eclipses, our satellite turns red, which is why lunar eclipses are sometimes called “blood moons.”

Why do lunar eclipses occur?

These celestial phenomena occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up in a straight line. The Sun is behind the Earth, as a result the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, and a lunar eclipse occurs.

They always occur on a full moon, but we cannot observe a lunar eclipse on every full moon. This is because the Moon's orbit is inclined at an angle of 5 degrees to the Earth's orbital plane, also known as the ecliptic (Earth's path around the Sun). The points where the two orbits intersect are called the lunar nodes, and eclipses can only occur when the full moon occurs near the lunar node. In other cases, the Earth cannot cast a shadow on the surface of the Moon.

Thus, for a lunar eclipse to occur, two conditions must be met:

Full Moon in the heavens;

The proximity of the Earth to one of the lunar nodes.

Types of lunar eclipses

There are 3 types: full, partial and penumbra.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the central (dark) part of the Earth's shadow covers the entire visible side Moons. The Earth's shadow is about 1.4 million kilometers wide.

A partial lunar eclipse can be observed when only part of the visible surface of the Moon is covered by the Earth's shadow.

When the Sun, Earth and Moon are not in a perfectly level line, only the outer part of the Earth's shadow (penumbra) eclipses the Moon. Such an eclipse is called a penumbral eclipse.

Why does the moon turn red

Even if the Earth completely blocks sunlight from hitting the Moon's surface, our satellite is still visible in the skies. This occurs because the Earth's atmosphere refracts sunlight and indirectly illuminates the lunar surface. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon darkens and turns red because the Earth's atmosphere is most permeable to rays of the red color spectrum. However, the Moon can also appear yellow, orange or brown because clouds and dust particles are present in the Earth's atmosphere, allowing waves of different lengths to reach the surface of our satellite.

Where can you see lunar eclipses?

This celestial phenomenon can be seen by everyone who is on the night side of the Earth. It can be observed with the naked eye. The chance of seeing a lunar eclipse is much higher than a solar eclipse (it is visible only in a narrow band in certain areas of the Earth), although both occur at similar intervals. In one calendar year there can be two lunar eclipses (about six months apart), sometimes three, but in some years none occur.

Myths and beliefs about eclipses

The ancient Incas believed that lunar eclipses were caused by a jaguar trying to devour the moon. The red or blood-red color that the earth's satellite turns during a total lunar eclipse was explained by the attack of a big cat. The Incas were afraid that after attacking the Moon, a huge jaguar would crash to Earth and start eating people. They tried to drive him away with noise and screams, and teased the dogs to bark loudly.

However, jaguars were not the only predators in mythology that wanted to eat the heavenly body. The people of ancient Mesopotamia also saw eclipses as attacks on the moon, but in their story the attackers were seven demons. Other peoples had similar beliefs, which included bloodthirsty dragons and other mythical creatures.

The Hupa American Indians of Northern California believed that Luna had 20 wives and many animals, most of them mountain lions and snakes. If they did not bring enough food, they attacked and inflicted wounds, then the blood turned the Moon red. The eclipse ended when the wives came to protect them, drove away the predators and healed the Moon.

The Indians of Southern California believed that the eclipse signaled that the moon was ill, so they sang chants and prayed for her to return to health.

Not all ancient cultures attributed negative meanings to lunar eclipses. According to a myth from Benin, the Sun and Moon fight each other, and people come to their aid to judge them. The ancient inhabitants of Benin believed that on the days of lunar eclipses it was necessary to get together, resolve old feuds and restore good relations.

Eclipse- an astronomical situation in which one celestial body blocks the light from another celestial body.

Most famous lunar And solar eclipses. There are also such phenomena as the passage of planets (Mercury and Venus) across the disk of the Sun.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth. The diameter of the Earth's shadow spot at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon may be obscured.

Lunar eclipse diagram

At each moment of the eclipse, the degree of coverage of the Moon's disk by the earth's shadow is expressed by the eclipse phase F. The magnitude of the phase is determined by the distance 0 from the center of the Moon to the center of the shadow. Astronomical calendars give the values ​​of Ф and 0 for different moments of the eclipse.

When the Moon completely enters the Earth's shadow during an eclipse, it is said to be total lunar eclipse, when partially - about partial eclipse. Two necessary and sufficient conditions the onset of a lunar eclipse is the full moon and the proximity of the Earth to lunar node.

As can be seen for an observer on Earth, on an imaginary celestial sphere The Moon crosses the ecliptic twice a month at positions called nodes. The full moon can fall on such a position, on a node, then a lunar eclipse can be observed. (Note: not to scale)

Full eclipse

A lunar eclipse can be observed over half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The appearance of the darkened Moon from any observation point differs negligibly from another point, and is the same. The maximum theoretically possible duration of the total phase of a lunar eclipse is 108 minutes; These were, for example, the lunar eclipses of July 26, 1953, and July 16, 2000. In this case, the Moon passes through the center of the earth's shadow; total lunar eclipses of this type are called central, they differ from the non-central ones in the longer duration and lower brightness of the Moon during the total phase of the eclipse.

During an eclipse (even a total one), the Moon does not disappear completely, but turns dark red. This fact is explained by the fact that the Moon continues to be illuminated even in the phase of total eclipse. The sun's rays passing tangentially to the earth's surface are scattered in the earth's atmosphere and due to this scattering they partially reach the moon. Since the earth's atmosphere is most transparent to rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, it is these rays that reach the surface of the Moon to a greater extent during an eclipse, which explains the color of the lunar disk. Essentially, this is the same effect as the orange-red glow of the sky near the horizon (dawn) before sunrise or just after sunset. To estimate the brightness of an eclipse it is used Danjon scale.

An observer located on the Moon, at the moment of a total (or partial, if he is on the shadowed part of the Moon) lunar eclipse sees a total solar eclipse (eclipse of the Sun by the Earth).

Danjon scale used to estimate the degree of darkening of the Moon during a total lunar eclipse. Proposed by astronomer Andre Danjon as a result of research into such a phenomenon as ashen moonlight when the Moon is illuminated by light passing through the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The brightness of the Moon during an eclipse also depends on how deeply the Moon entered the Earth's shadow.

Two total lunar eclipses. Corresponding to 2 (left) and 4 (right) on the Danjon scale

Ash Moonlight - a phenomenon when we see the entire Moon, although only part of it is illuminated by the Sun. At the same time, the part of the Moon’s surface not illuminated by direct sunlight has a characteristic ashen color.

Ash Moonlight

It is observed shortly before and shortly after the new moon (at the beginning of the first quarter and at the end of the last quarter of the moon phases).

The glow of the surface of the Moon, not illuminated by direct sunlight, is formed by sunlight scattered by the Earth, and then reflected again by the Moon to the Earth. Thus, the route of photons of the Moon's ashen light is as follows: Sun → Earth → Moon → observer on Earth.

Photon route when observing ashen light: Sun → Earth → Moon → Earth

The reason for this phenomenon has been well known since Leonardo da Vinci And Mikhail Mestlin,

Alleged Self-Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

Michael Möstlin

teachers Kepler, who for the first time gave the correct explanation for the ashen light.

Johannes Kepler

The crescent moon with ashen light, drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in the Codex Leicester

The first instrumental comparisons of the brightness of the ashen light and the crescent Moon were made in 1850 by French astronomers Arago And Lozhie.

Dominique Francois Jean Arago

The bright crescent is the part directly illuminated by the Sun. The rest of the Moon is illuminated by light reflected from the Earth

Photographic studies of the ashen light of the Moon at the Pulkovo Observatory, carried out G. A. Tikhov, led him to the conclusion that the Earth from the Moon should look like a bluish disk, which was confirmed in 1969, when man landed on the Moon.

Gabriel Adrianovich Tikhov

He considered it important to conduct systematic observations of the ashen light. Observations of the ashen light of the Moon allow us to judge the change in the Earth's climate. The intensity of the ashen color depends to some extent on the amount of cloud cover on the currently illuminated side of the Earth; For the European part of Russia, bright ashen light reflected from powerful cyclonic activity in the Atlantic predicts precipitation in 7-10 days.

Partial eclipse

If the Moon falls into the total shadow of the Earth only partially, it is observed partial eclipse. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in its maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.

View of the Moon during a lunar eclipse

Penumbral eclipse

Around the cone of the Earth's shadow there is a penumbra - a region of space in which the Earth only partially obscures the Sun. If the Moon passes through the penumbra region, but does not enter the shadow, it occurs penumbral eclipse. With it, the brightness of the Moon decreases, but only slightly: such a decrease is almost imperceptible to the naked eye and is recorded only by instruments. Only when the Moon in a penumbral eclipse passes near the cone of total shadow can a slight darkening at one edge of the lunar disk be noticed in a clear sky.


Due to the discrepancy between the planes of the lunar and earth's orbits, not every full moon is accompanied by a lunar eclipse, and not every lunar eclipse is a total one. The maximum number of lunar eclipses per year is 3, but in some years there is not a single lunar eclipse. Eclipses repeat in the same order every 6585⅓ days (or 18 years 11 days and ~8 hours - a period called Saros); Knowing where and when a total lunar eclipse was observed, you can accurately determine the time of subsequent and previous eclipses that are clearly visible in this area. This cyclicality often helps to accurately date events described in historical records.

Saros or draconian period, consisting of 223 synodic months(an average of approximately 6585.3213 days or 18.03 tropical years), after which the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun approximately repeat in the same order.

Synodic(from ancient Greek σύνοδος “connection, rapprochement”) month- the period of time between two successive identical phases of the Moon (for example, new moons). Duration is variable; the average value is 29.53058812 average solar days (29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.8 seconds), the actual duration of the synodic month differs from the average within 13 hours.

Anomalistic month- the period of time between two successive passages of the Moon through perigee in its movement around the Earth. The duration at the beginning of 1900 was 27.554551 average solar days (27 days 13 hours 18 minutes 33.16 seconds), decreasing by 0.095 seconds per 100 years.

This period is a consequence of the fact that the 223 synodic months of the Moon (18 calendar years and 10⅓ or 11⅓ days, depending on the number of leap years in a given period) are almost equal to 242 draconic months (6585.36 days), that is, after 6585⅓ days the Moon returns to the same syzygy and to the orbital node. The second luminary important for the onset of the eclipse - the Sun - returns to the same node, since almost an integer number of draconic years (19, or 6585.78 days) pass - the periods of the Sun's passage through the same node of the Moon's orbit. In addition, 239 anomalistic months The Moons are 6585.54 days long, so the corresponding eclipses in each Saros occur at the same distance of the Moon from the Earth and have the same duration. During one Saros, on average, 41 solar eclipses occur (of which approximately 10 are total) and 29 lunar eclipses. They first learned to predict lunar eclipses using saros in ancient Babylon. The best opportunities for predicting eclipses are provided by a period equal to triple Saros - exeligmos, containing an integer number of days, which was used in the Antikythera Mechanism.

Berosus calls a calendar period of 3600 years a saros; smaller periods were called: neros at 600 years and sosos at 60 years.

Solar eclipse

The longest solar eclipse occurred on January 15, 2010 in Southeast Asia and lasted more than 11 minutes.

A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon covers (eclipses) all or part of the Sun from an observer on Earth. A solar eclipse is only possible during a new moon, when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated and the Moon itself is not visible. Eclipses are only possible if the new moon occurs near one of the two lunar nodes (the point where the visible orbits of the Moon and the Sun intersect), no more than about 12 degrees from one of them.

The Moon's shadow on the earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, so a solar eclipse is observed only in a narrow strip along the path of the shadow. Since the Moon revolves in an elliptical orbit, the distance between the Earth and the Moon at the time of an eclipse can be different; accordingly, the diameter of the lunar shadow spot on the Earth’s surface can vary widely from maximum to zero (when the top of the lunar shadow cone does not reach the Earth’s surface). If the observer is in the shadow band, he sees total solar eclipse in which the Moon completely hides the Sun, the sky darkens, and planets and bright stars. Around the solar disk hidden by the Moon you can observe solar corona, which is not visible in the normal bright light of the Sun.

Elongated corona shape during the total solar eclipse of August 1, 2008 (close to the minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24)

When an eclipse is observed by a stationary ground-based observer, the total phase lasts no more than a few minutes. The minimum speed of movement of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is just over 1 km/s. During a total solar eclipse, astronauts in orbit can observe the running shadow of the Moon on the Earth's surface.

Observers close to the total eclipse can see it as partial solar eclipse. During a partial eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun not exactly in the center, hiding only part of it. At the same time, the sky darkens much less than during a total eclipse, and the stars do not appear. A partial eclipse can be observed at a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the total eclipse zone.

The totality of a solar eclipse is also expressed by the phase Φ . The maximum phase of a partial eclipse is usually expressed in hundredths of unity, where 1 is the total phase of the eclipse. The total phase can be greater than unity, for example 1.01, if the diameter of the visible lunar disk is greater than the diameter of the visible solar disk. Partial phases have a value less than 1. At the edge of the lunar penumbra, the phase is 0.

The moment when the leading/rear edge of the Moon's disk touches the edge of the Sun is called touch. The first touch is the moment when the Moon enters the disk of the Sun (the beginning of an eclipse, its partial phase). The last touch (the fourth in the case of a total eclipse) is the last moment of the eclipse, when the Moon leaves the disk of the Sun. In the case of a total eclipse, the second touch is the moment when the front of the Moon, having passed across the entire Sun, begins to emerge from the disk. A total solar eclipse occurs between the second and third touches. In 600 million years, tidal braking will move the Moon so far away from the Earth that a total solar eclipse will become impossible.

Astronomical classification of solar eclipses

According to astronomical classification, if an eclipse at least somewhere on the Earth's surface can be observed as total, it is called full.

Diagram of a total solar eclipse

If an eclipse can only be observed as a partial eclipse (this happens when the cone of the Moon's shadow passes close to the Earth's surface, but does not touch it), the eclipse is classified as private. When an observer is in the shadow of the Moon, he is observing a total solar eclipse. When he is in the penumbra region, he can observe a partial solar eclipse. In addition to total and partial solar eclipses, there are annular eclipses.

Animated annular eclipse

Diagram of an annular solar eclipse

An annular eclipse occurs when, at the time of the eclipse, the Moon is further away from the Earth than during a total eclipse, and the cone of the shadow passes over the Earth's surface without reaching it. Visually, during an annular eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun, but it turns out to be smaller in diameter than the Sun, and cannot hide it completely. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Sun is covered by the Moon, but around the Moon a bright ring of the uncovered part of the solar disk is visible. During an annular eclipse, the sky remains bright, stars do not appear, and it is impossible to observe the solar corona. The same eclipse can be seen in different parts eclipse bands as total or annular. This type of eclipse is sometimes called a total annular (or hybrid) eclipse.

The shadow of the Moon on Earth during an eclipse, photograph from the ISS. The photo shows Cyprus and Türkiye

Frequency of solar eclipses

From 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth per year, of which no more than two are total or annular. On average, 237 solar eclipses occur per hundred years, of which 160 are partial, 63 are total, 14 are annular. At a certain point on the earth's surface, eclipses in a large phase occur quite rarely, and total solar eclipses are observed even more rarely. Thus, on the territory of Moscow from the 11th to the 18th centuries, 159 solar eclipses with a phase greater than 0.5 could be observed, of which only 3 were total (August 11, 1124, March 20, 1140, and June 7, 1415). Another total solar eclipse occurred on August 19, 1887. An annular eclipse could be observed in Moscow on April 26, 1827. A very strong eclipse with a phase of 0.96 occurred on July 9, 1945. The next total solar eclipse is expected in Moscow only on October 16, 2126.

Mention of eclipses in historical documents

Solar eclipses are often mentioned in ancient sources. An even greater number of dated descriptions are contained in Western European medieval chronicles and annals. For example, a solar eclipse is mentioned in the Annals of St. Maximin of Trier: “538 February 16, from the first to the third hour there was a solar eclipse.” Big number descriptions of solar eclipses from ancient times are also contained in the chronicles of East Asia, primarily in the Dynastic histories of China, in Arab chronicles and Russian chronicles.

Mentions of solar eclipses in historical sources usually provides the opportunity for independent verification or clarification of the chronological relationship of the events described in them. If the eclipse is described in the source in insufficient detail, without indicating the location of observation, calendar date, time and phase, such identification is often ambiguous. In such cases, when ignoring the timing of the source over the entire historical interval, it is often possible to select several possible “candidates” for the role of a historical eclipse, which is actively used by some authors of pseudo-historical theories.

Discoveries made thanks to solar eclipses

Total solar eclipses make it possible to observe the corona and the immediate surroundings of the Sun, which is extremely difficult under normal conditions (although since 1996, astronomers have been able to constantly observe the surroundings of our star thanks to the work SOHO satellite(English) SolarandHeliosphericObservatory- solar and heliospheric observatory).

SOHO - solar observation spacecraft

French scientist Pierre Jansen During a total solar eclipse in India on August 18, 1868, he first explored the chromosphere of the Sun and obtained the spectrum of a new chemical element

Pierre Jules César Jansen

(although, as it turned out later, this spectrum could be obtained without waiting for a solar eclipse, which was done two months later by the English astronomer Norman Lockyer). This element was named after the Sun - helium.

In 1882, on May 17, during a solar eclipse, observers from Egypt noticed a comet flying near the Sun. She got the name Eclipse comets, although it has another name - comet Tewfik(in honor of Khedive Egypt at that time).

1882 Eclipse Comet(modern official designation: X/1882 K1) is a comet that was discovered by observers in Egypt during a solar eclipse of 1882.Her appearance was a complete surprise, and she was observed during an eclipse for the first and last time. She is a member of the familycircumsolar comets Kreutz Sungrazers, and was 4 months ahead of the appearance of another member of this family - the large September comet of 1882. Sometimes she is called comet Tewfik in honor of the Khedive of Egypt at that time Tevfika.

Khedive(khedive, khedif) (Persian - lord, sovereign) - the title of the Vice-Sultan of Egypt, which existed during the period of Egypt's dependence on Turkey (1867-1914). This title was held by Ismail, Tawfik and Abbas II.

Taufik Pasha

The role of eclipses in the culture and science of mankind

Since ancient times, solar and lunar eclipses, like other rare astronomical phenomena such as the appearance of comets, have been perceived as negative events. People were very afraid of eclipses, since they occur rarely and are unusual and frightening natural phenomena. In many cultures, eclipses were considered harbingers of misfortune and disaster (especially lunar eclipses, apparently due to the red color of the shadowed Moon, which was associated with blood). In mythology, eclipses were associated with the struggle of higher powers, one of which wants to disrupt the established order in the world (“extinguish” or “eat” the Sun, “kill” or “drench” the Moon with blood), and the other wants to preserve it. The beliefs of some peoples required complete silence and inaction during eclipses, while others, on the contrary, required active witchcraft to help the “light forces”. To some extent, this attitude towards eclipses persisted until modern times, despite the fact that the mechanism of eclipses had long been studied and generally known.

Eclipses have provided rich material for science. In ancient times, observations of eclipses helped to study celestial mechanics and understand the structure of solar system. The observation of the Earth's shadow on the Moon provided the first “cosmic” evidence of the fact that our planet is spherical. Aristotle was the first to point out that the shape of the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses is always round, which proves the sphericity of the Earth. Solar eclipses made it possible to begin studying the corona of the Sun, which cannot be observed during normal times. Phenomena were recorded for the first time during solar eclipses. gravitational curvature the path of light rays near a significant mass, which became one of the first experimental proofs of the conclusions of the general theory of relativity. Observations of their passages across the solar disk played a major role in the study of the inner planets of the solar system. Thus, Lomonosov, observing the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun in 1761, for the first time (30 years before Schröter and Herschel) discovered the Venusian atmosphere, discovering the refraction of solar rays when Venus enters and exits the solar disk.

Solar eclipse with the help of Moscow State University

Eclipse of the Sun by Saturn on September 15, 2006. Photo of the Cassini interplanetary station from a distance of 2.2 million km

On Friday, July 27, a unique event will take place - the longest lunar eclipse of the century, which can be observed in almost all corners of the globe. The Earth will completely eclipse the Moon for one hour and 43 minutes, Day.Az reports with reference to Today.

At this time, people will be able to observe the “blood moon” - the Earth’s satellite will turn red.

What is a lunar eclipse and blood moon?

The "Blood" Moon is called during an eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on its satellite. Unlike a solar eclipse, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight, the moon does not "darken" during an eclipse, but instead turns blood red.

This effect occurs due to the fact that the sun's rays, passing through the Earth's atmosphere, reach the Moon. Because blue and violet waves are scattered more than red and orange waves, more red waves reach the Moon, making it "bloody".

How often does a lunar eclipse occur?

Lunar eclipses are less common than solar eclipses - no more than three per year, which can be observed in any particular place, although in some years they may not occur at all. However, each lunar eclipse can be seen from more than half the globe.

The excitement surrounding the July 27 eclipse is because it will last a long time. The Moon will be in Earth's shadow for four hours and will be completely eclipsed for one hour and 43 minutes. This falls just short of the theoretical limit of a lunar eclipse (one hour and 47 minutes). The eclipse will last so long Friday night because the moon will pass through the center of Earth's shadow.

Where and when can you see a lunar eclipse?

The eclipse will be best visible in the Middle East, eastern Africa, India and western China. The eclipse will also be visible from the rest of Africa, Europe, other parts of Asia, Australia, and eastern South America.

In Ukraine, the phase of a total lunar eclipse will occur on July 27 at 23:21 (20:21 GMT).
In India full eclipse will begin at 1 a.m. on July 28 and end at 2:43 a.m.
In Australia, the moon will begin to turn red at 4:30am on Saturday morning, with total eclipse occurring between 5:30 and 6:30am.

In the UK, the partial eclipse will begin at 8:30 p.m. general eclipse will occur between 21:20 and 22:13.

In East Africa, the partial eclipse will begin at 21:30, the blood moon will be visible between 22:30 pm and 00:13. This region will best view for an eclipse.

What's the best way to view the blood moon?

It is best to get out of the city, away from light and lights. In the city, the contrast between the moon and the sky will not be so bright. Unlike a solar eclipse, a blood moon is completely safe to look at. You won't need a telescope for observations, but it's a good idea to stock up on binoculars.

> Lunar eclipse

What's happened moon eclipse: characteristics of the phenomenon and its essence, formation scheme, calendar of lunar eclipses, total, partial, penumbral with photos, how to observe.

In essence, an eclipse is the complete or partial darkening of one object in the sky by another. Thus, moon eclipse- This is the immersion of the Moon in the cone of the earth's shadow. In this case, our planet is located on the line between the center of the Moon and the center of the Sun. The phenomenon occurs when the brightness of the Moon's disk decreases significantly.

Objects in space move, so the movement of the shadow across the lunar surface creates the phases of the moon during an eclipse. It is customary to distinguish between penumbral (the Moon is immersed only in the Earth's penumbra), partial (at the peak of the eclipse only part of the lunar disk is immersed in the Earth's shadow) and total (the lunar disk completely enters the Earth's shadow) lunar eclipses. That is, by understanding the level of the Moon’s immersion in the Earth’s shadow, you can understand what kind of lunar eclipse you are looking at. Observations of such phenomena can be carried out in any corner of the world where the Moon is located above the horizon. The average duration of an eclipse is several hours.

As stated above, lunar eclipses only occur during the full moon. If we imagine that the Moon revolves around our planet in the same plane in which the Earth revolves around the Sun, then observers could admire lunar eclipses at every full moon. However, the plane of the lunar orbit is at an angle of 5˚ to the plane of the ecliptic, therefore moon eclipse occurs only if the Moon approaches the nodes of its orbit. When the full moon and new moon fall into the zone of the Lunar nodes, lunar and solar eclipses are related.

Lunar eclipse calendar

Lunar eclipse calendar indicates the dates and year of future lunar eclipse events. You can see what the best visibility area on Earth will be, indicating the maximum phase point and area of ​​the lunar eclipse. In addition, you can see the dates of past and future lunar eclipses, where the frequency and interval between eclipses are noticeable.

Lunar eclipses of 2014


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2014

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Australia, Pacific Ocean, America
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 35 minutes


Lunar eclipses of 2015


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2015

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific, America
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 29 minutes


Eastern Pacific, America, Europe, Africa, Western Asia
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 20 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2016


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2016

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific, Western America


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Western Pacific

Lunar eclipses 2017


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2017

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


America, Europe, Africa, Asia


Partial lunar eclipse

Eclipse duration: 1 hour 55 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2018


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2018

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific, Northwestern America
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 16 minutes


South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 43 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2019


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2019

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Pacific Ocean, America, Europe, Africa
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 02 minutes


Partial lunar eclipse

South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
Eclipse duration: 2 hours 58 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2020


Peak of the eclipse


Type of lunar eclipse 2020

Best area
visibility of the eclipse.


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


America, south-eastern Europe, Africa


Asia, Australia, Pacific, America

Lunar eclipse: basic concepts

Incredibly beautiful cosmic phenomenon that is being observed a large number of people, but the description may contain not entirely clear terms and phases familiar to astronomy. Let's study them carefully. Also remember what conditions are needed for a lunar eclipse to occur, when the Blood Moon appears, and how this is affected by the distance of the satellite from the Earth.

Occurs at the moment when the Moon is completely immersed in the shadow space. The total phase of the eclipse lasts up to 1.5 hours, then the edge of the Moon again appears in the field of view.

An eclipse occurs at the moment when the Moon plunges into shadow with only one edge, and part of its surface remains illuminated.

Around the cone of the Earth's shadow there is a space where the Earth only partially obscures the Sun. In the event that the Moon crosses the penumbral region, but does not plunge into the shadow, a penumbral eclipse is observed. At this moment, the Moon's brilliance weakens slightly. It is almost impossible to notice this with the naked eye. And only during the period when the Moon approaches the cone of complete shadow in clear sky conditions can you see a slight darkening from one edge of the Moon.

The moment of greatest eclipse is an event that is characterized by the smallest distance between the axis of the Moon's shadow cone and the center of our planet. The point of greatest eclipse is the area of ​​the earth's surface where the maximum phase of the eclipse can be observed at the moment of greatest eclipse.

The essence of a lunar eclipse

The minimum distance from the surface of our planet to the Moon is about 363 thousand kilometers. Moreover, the size of the shadow that the Earth is capable of creating at such a distance is approximately 2.5 times greater than the diameter of the Moon itself. Therefore, it is capable of completely covering the Moon. An eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the Earth's shadow. If the shadow completely covers the lunar disk, a total lunar eclipse occurs. This process is clearly demonstrated by the diagram of a lunar eclipse.

In that part of the earth's surface where the Moon is above the horizon, it is possible to observe a lunar eclipse, and from any point its appearance will be the same. The eclipse is not visible from the rest of the globe. Scientists have calculated that the maximum duration of one total lunar eclipse can be 108 minutes. Eclipses like this don't happen very often. The last long eclipses were observed on August 13, 1859 and July 16, 2000.

The degree of shadow coverage of the lunar surface at each moment in time is called the phase of the lunar eclipse. The zero phase is calculated as the ratio from the center of the Moon to the center of the shadow cast by the Earth. Astronomical values ​​of zero and phase are calculated for each moment of a lunar eclipse.

Cases when the Earth's shadow partially covers the Moon are called partial eclipses. In this case, part of the lunar surface is covered with shadow, and part is illuminated by the sun's rays or remains in partial shade.

The region of space where our planet does not completely block the sun's rays, located along the perimeter of the cone of the cast shadow, is called penumbra. If the Moon does not enter the shadow, but only falls into the penumbra region, then this phenomenon is called a penumbral eclipse. At the same time, the brightness of the Moon decreases slightly, which is almost invisible to the naked eye. Only when the Moon passes near the main cone of total shadow does a slight darkening occur on one side of the lunar disk. You can observe a penumbral eclipse using special devices.

Since at the moment of a total eclipse the Moon is illuminated exclusively by rays passing through the upper layer of the atmosphere, depending on its condition, the lunar disk becomes reddish or brownish in color. The difference in color can be seen by comparing photographs of lunar eclipses from different years.

For example, during the eclipse of July 6, 1982, the Moon had a reddish tint, and during the eclipse of January 06, 2000, it was slightly brownish. There are no blue or green solar eclipses because the Earth's atmosphere tends to scatter red rays to a greater extent.

Total lunar eclipses can differ in both color and brightness. To determine it, a special scale was developed, which was named after the famous French astronomer Andre Danjon. The gradation of this scale has 5 divisions:

  • zero division means most dark eclipse when the Moon is barely visible in the sky;
  • one means a dark gray eclipse, when some details become visible on the lunar surface;
  • a two denotes a grayish eclipse with a brownish tint;
  • a light reddish-brown eclipse is indicated by a three;
  • during the last, brightest fourth type of eclipse, the moon becomes copper-red in color, during which all the main details on the surface of the lunar disk can be seen with the naked eye.

If the Moon’s orbit were in the ecliptic plane, then lunar and solar eclipses would be observed monthly. But, due to the fact that the Moon spends more time above or below the plane of the Earth's orbit, it falls into shadow only twice a year. The angle of inclination of the plane of the lunar orbit relative to the orbit of our planet is 5 degrees. Therefore, at moments when the Moon is located in a straight line between the Earth and the Sun, an eclipse occurs. During the new moon, the Moon blocks the sunlight, and during the full moon, it falls into the shadow of the Earth.

It happens that the gap between solar and lunar eclipses is small. There can be at least 2 lunar eclipses every year. Due to the fact that the lunar and earth's orbits are in different planes, the phases of eclipses may differ. Moreover, eclipses of the same phase are repeated with a certain periodicity. This period is called saros and is 6585⅓ days (18 years 11 days and 8 hours). Thus, knowing the time of the previous eclipse, you can determine with an accuracy of up to a minute when exactly the same next eclipse will occur in a particular area.

Such cyclicity is often used when determining the date and time of certain historical events described in old sources. The first total eclipse was described in ancient Chinese chronicles. After making certain calculations, scientists were able to find out that it dates back to January 29, 1136 BC. Information about three more eclipses is contained in the Almagest of Claudius Ptolemy and dates back to 04/19/721 BC, 04/08/720 AD. and 01.09.720 BC.

Lunar eclipses are mentioned quite often in historical chronicles. For example, the famous Athenian military leader Nicias was frightened by a lunar eclipse, panic began in his army, because of which the Athenians were defeated. After carrying out certain calculations, it was possible to establish the exact date of this event (08/27/413 BC).

Quite famous historical fact is the total lunar eclipse of 1504, which came to the aid of the expedition of Christopher Columbus. At that time they were in Jamaica and were experiencing difficulties with food and drinking water. Attempts to obtain provisions from the local Indians were unsuccessful. But Columbus knew for sure that a lunar eclipse would occur on the night of March 1st. He warned the leaders that if they did not deign to deliver travelers to the ship drinking water and food, then he will steal the Moon from the sky. With the onset of darkness, when the Moon disappeared, the poorly educated Indians were very frightened and supplied the travelers with everything they needed. They begged for the heavenly body to be returned to them, to which Columbus agreed. Thus, the expedition managed to avoid starvation.

How to watch a lunar eclipse

The characteristics of lunar eclipses have already become available to you, but why are they so interesting to researchers? There are some scientific benefits to be gained from observing lunar eclipses. Scientists collect and record materials about the state of the structure of the Earth's shadow and the upper layers of the atmosphere. Amateur astronomers often photograph eclipses and make sketches of them, describing changes in the brightness of objects located on the lunar surface. The moments of the Moon touching the shadow and those when it leaves its limits are accurately recorded. The moments of contact of the shadow with the most large objects on the lunar surface. Observations can be made with the naked eye, using binoculars or a telescope. It is clear that the technique helps to more accurately record the results of observations.

In order to make observations most accurately, you need to set your telescope to maximum magnification, pointing it directly at the points of contact between the shadow and the lunar surface. This must be done in advance, a few minutes before the expected eclipse. Usually all results are recorded in a special journal of lunar eclipse observations.

The Moon, which means “Light” or “Light-Eyed”, is the only satellite of the Earth. Since ancient times, a lunar eclipse has worried the minds of our ancestors. Looking into the sky, ancient people were afraid and at the same time mesmerized by the unusual celestial spectacle.

Attributing magical effects to this natural phenomenon, people endowed the color of the Moon with mystical omens. If the color was bloody, there would be war, they believed. If the Moon remained bright, then everything will be fine.

IN modern world, thanks to research by scientists, this is becoming increasingly clear a natural phenomenon, lunar eclipse. An eclipse is only possible when there is a full moon in the sky. And, at the moment when the Moon is in the opposite direction from the Sun, it takes its place between the Earth and the Sun. Or, to put it another way, all three celestial objects, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, line up in one line.

Then the inhabitants of our planet have the opportunity to observe this extraordinary and very beautiful phenomenon. Unlike a solar eclipse that disappears completely, this does not happen during a lunar eclipse. The moon does not completely disappear, it remains barely visible.

This can be explained by the fact that the rays of the Sun, passing through the Earth's atmosphere, are refracted. When the Earth's shadow falls into the cone, the sun's rays fall directly on the Moon. In this case, one part of the Moon remains in the shadow, while the other is illuminated by the sun's rays.

Although the Moon is the second brightest celestial body, by itself it does not emit light, it just absorbs the sun's rays and is a night luminary for the Earth. Surface of the Moon shines with the sun's rays at night, and we are able to see at night, although not as clearly as during the day.

During a lunar eclipse, the disk of the Moon darkens, and the surface of the Moon, visible from Earth, is absorbed in darkness.

The color of our planet's satellite is gradually absorbed by darkness and begins to change from a pale yellow hue to red or dark brown. Such a spectrum of colors depends on weather conditions, from the presence of clouds, nebula, and dust particles.

Since the Earth's atmosphere can transmit rays of the red spectrum, which have the longest wavelength, the sun's rays, passing through its thickness, also have a red tint, which is what we see when watching a lunar eclipse. Sometimes the Moon takes on a copper-red, bloody, burgundy or dark brown color.

We see a similar effect in the sky. every day before sunrise and sunset. In addition to the beauty and variety of shades of colors in which the Moon turns during eclipses, scientists receive information that allows them to determine the state of the Earth's atmosphere.

Varieties of eclipse

In addition to a partial lunar eclipse, a total eclipse also occurs. This is due to different sizes heavenly bodies. The diameter of the Sun is four hundred times greater than the diameter of the Moon. And the distance between the Sun and the Earth is again four hundred times greater than from the Moon to the Earth.

Thus, it becomes possible to determine with mathematical accuracy the clarity of the overlap of shadows one on another. Earth four times the size of the Moon, and the shadow of the Earth, for example, is two and a half times larger than the shadow of the Moon. And in this case, the Moon can completely fall under the shadow of the Earth, thereby representing a total lunar eclipse.

Eclipses are distinguished according to the following types: full, partial and penumbra.

  1. A total eclipse can only occur during a full moon, or full moon, and occurs at the moment when the Moon passes through the center of the Earth's shadow.
  2. Partial eclipse - The Moon is obscured by only a portion of the Earth's shadow.
  3. Penumbral eclipse - The full or partially eclipsed Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow.

Scientists astronomers, having conducted research, have calculated that total Lunar eclipses, in contrast to total Solar eclipses, are longer in time, lasting more than one hour and forty minutes! And the longest eclipse was recorded at not much less, but at one hundred and eight minutes. In many ways, the duration of the Lunar Eclipse depends on the location of all three luminaries, Sun, Earth and Moon, from each other.

Maximum total lunar eclipse possible three times within one year. And repetition full cycle Lunar eclipses occur every eighteen years.

There are many myths associated with such a natural phenomenon as a Lunar Eclipse. For example, doctors urge hypertensive patients to exclude, if possible, all physical activity, to take care of themselves in order to avoid the risks associated with cardiovascular disease. People who have once been hypnotized may feel Negative influence from the lunar eclipse on your well-being.

And Special attention should be given to those people who have any mental disabilities or illnesses. People who are particularly sensitive to changes in weather conditions may experience severe anxiety and anxiety during this natural phenomenon.

Some more interesting facts about the Lunar Eclipse

Did you know that the Earth is the only place in the solar system from where it is possible to observe a Lunar Eclipse?

Studies by Western scientists have shown that in six hundred million years, the Earth’s satellite may seriously move away from it and will stop casting a shadow on the Sun. So see this natural phenomenon again will never succeed again.

The Moon's shadow moves at a speed of more than two thousand kilometers per second!
Although a Lunar Eclipse is not such a rare phenomenon, many people have never been able to observe it due to unfavorable weather conditions.