Types of traffic Sources of air pollution. Standards of maximum permissible concentrations, maximum permissible concentrations. Calculation of permissible concentrations

Maximum permissible emission– standard for emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air, installed for the enterprise (site). Such standards should not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for air quality in the ground layer.

MPE standards are determined by the enterprise itself or a third-party organization under a contract and are drawn up in the form of draft MPE standards.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ On Protection environment
Federal Law No. 96-FZ On the protection of atmospheric air

MPE standards are established for a period for 7 years provided that the enterprise does not undergo significant changes in the production (technological) process, the emergence or elimination of sources of emissions of harmful substances into the air, new technologies, new raw materials or types of fuel, etc.

Who needs the draft MPE standards?

All legal entities that have sources of air pollution, are required to carry out inventory sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances and develop a draft MPE.

In this regard, a logical question arises - what is sources of air pollution? If the balance sheet contains objects or performs the work listed below, then you definitely need development of the MPE project:

  1. Boiler room or stoves (wood / gas / fuel oil / coal, etc.)
  2. Storage areas for bulk materials (sand / crushed stone / coal, etc.)
  3. Garages or parking lots for cars, road equipment, buses and others
  4. Operation of road equipment, loaders
  5. Forge and blacksmith work
  6. Charging batteries
  7. Metal surfacing and soldering
  8. Curing
  9. Glue works
  10. Vehicle maintenance
  11. Tanks/barrels for storing any fuel, oils, chemicals. substances, etc. Filling/overflow areas, etc.
  12. Metalworking machines
  13. Woodworking machinery
  14. Keeping any animals and birds
  15. Manure storage facilities
  16. Treatment facilities: receiving chamber, screen building, sand traps (horizontal / vertical), primary settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary settling tanks, biological ponds, sludge compactor, raw residue or activated sludge tanks, sludge platform, sand platform.
  17. Oil traps, sewerage pumping stations, chlorination stations
  18. Painting post or large volumes of painting work
  19. Laundry or dry cleaning, washing in washing machines
  20. Engine washing and running-in
  21. Waste storage site
  22. Welding station/machine
  23. Baking bakery products
  24. Laboratory
  25. Railway transport
  26. Gas station / CNG filling station
  27. Generators running on LPG, gasoline or diesel fuel
  28. Gas equipment with the ability to bleed
  29. Working with plastic (crushing, melting, casting, any processing)
  30. Compressor
  31. Working with chem. reagents

Almost all activities for which hoods or pipes are installed are sources of air pollution.

Why do we need draft MPE standards?

  1. To avoid fines during inspections by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation, which control environmental issues, and bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  2. Used when generating environmental reporting form 2-TP (air)
  3. Used when calculating environmental charges
  4. Used when registering existing objects with a negative impact on the environment
  5. Required when developing a project for a sanitary protection zone of an enterprise
  6. Required when obtaining a license for activities related to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste of hazard classes I–IV
  7. This is an important step towards increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and improving the environmental situation

What is needed to start developing a MPE project?

Determine the technological processes of the enterprise (main and auxiliary). In accordance with them, it is possible to determine a list of sources of release of pollutants into the atmospheric air.

Almost any technological process leads to the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere!

Having decided on the list of emission sources, it is necessary to combine them according to the sources of emission of pollutants into the atmospheric air. It is important not to confuse the sources of release and emissions! Emission sources may be:

  1. Stationary with organized emission into the atmosphere through hoods, pipes, ventilation systems (boiler rooms, furnaces, forges, torches, etc.)
  2. Stationary with unorganized emissions into the atmosphere through windows, doors, gates, open sources (parking lots, open storage of raw materials, gas stations, fuel tank parks, wastewater treatment plants, technological processes without a ventilation system and in the open air, etc.)
  3. Mobile sources of emissions (enterprise transport fleet, mobile welding stations, diesel and gasoline generators)

Get up-to-date cartographic material. The schematic map should clearly show the location of the territory of the enterprise and the area around it, which is affected by Negative influence- residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, stadiums, collective gardens, parks, beaches and other recreational places.

Collect quantity information technological equipment, the time of its operation during the year and shift, the amount of materials consumed per year and per shift, etc. Full list the required data is specified depending on the methods used in calculating emissions of pollutants from sources.


An important and difficult moment- this is to identify all sources of emission of pollutants into the atmospheric air (conduct an inventory of sources), at least those that the inspection authorities will definitely pay attention to ( so as not to receive fines).

Second important point- decide whether you need to involve an accredited laboratory to conduct research on industrial emissions into the atmosphere (since this requires time and money), or you can use approved methods used in calculating emissions of pollutants from various types production

If you want to independently develop a draft MPE, then follow the instructions at the link MAP project - do it yourself.

For all questions, including if you need help or want order a draft MPE write to us - our Contacts.

The activities of each organization, regardless of size, generate production and consumption waste. In law waste passports must be developed and approved for each waste, and the enterprise must also develop a waste management system or annually submit SMSP reports (waste reporting for small and medium-sized businesses).

Physical impacts on the environment established by state environmental protection authorities for each stationary or mobile source of pollution or other harmful effects in order to prevent environmental pollution, protect human health and life, flora and fauna, material assets

Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001.

See what “PDV” is in other dictionaries:

    MPE- maximum permissible emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, many. h., eco. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. pdv parachute landing platoon aviation, military. PDV PDV IRI...

    MPE- See EdwART emission limit. Dictionary of environmental terms and definitions, 2010 ... Ecological dictionary

    MPE- abbreviation of tax on added vartіst unchangeable dictionary unit... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

    MPE- maximum permissible emission... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

    IRI MPA- PDV PDV Iran Revivalist Party Iran, political. MPE Source: http://www.regnum.ru/expnews/256652.html … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EMISSION (MPE)- a scientific and technical standard established with the condition that the content of pollutants in the ground layer of air (MPE in the atmosphere) does not exceed air quality standards for the population, as well as for plants and animals. Introduced into the USSR... ... Ecological dictionary

    Release of radionuclides maximum permissible (MPE)- 3.10. The release of radionuclides is the maximum permissible (MAP) standard for the release power, determined from the condition of compliance with sanitary standards for the dose limit, taking into account all routes of external and internal exposure. Source: MP 2.6 ...

    maximum permissible release (of gaseous radioactive waste); MPE- 13 maximum permissible release (of gaseous radioactive waste); MPE: Standard for the release rate of gaseous radioactive waste, determined by the radiation dose limit taking into account all paths of external and internal exposure Source: GOST R... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Maximum permissible emission (MPE)- Scientific and technical standard established from the conditions that the content of pollutants in the ground layer of air from a source or their combination does not exceed air quality standards for the population, animals and plant worlds… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Emission maximum permissible- (MPE) – volume (the amount of a pollutant per unit of time, the excess of which will lead to adverse consequences in the natural environment or is dangerous to human health (leads to exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations - MPC... ... Dictionary of Economic Theory


  • Atmospheric air protection. Calculation of the content of harmful substances and their distribution in the air. Directory, N. F. Tishchenko. Calculation methods are presented for determining harmful substances entering the environment through leaks in equipment, during sampling, open storage of raw materials, as well as from air...
  • Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in construction Educational and methodological complex, E. Niskovskaya. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Environmental protection and rational use natural resources in construction" contains a course of lectures, laboratory work,...

The MPE standard (also known as the maximum permissible emission) is an indicator of the permissible harmful substance in the atmospheric air. Defined as the maximum volume or mass of chemical and other substances and microorganisms that are permissible for release into the atmosphere by stationary sources so as not to violate environmental and hygienic air quality standards. If the value of the MPE standard is met, it means that the requirements in the field of atmospheric air protection are met. In a general sense, the concept of a standard means a series of actions that must be performed in order for them to lead to the expected result.

Let us recall that a stationary source of emissions is an emission source that can be moved from its place using a vehicle or its location is determined in the state coordinate system (currently the Local coordinate system, since 2017 the EGSC - Unified government system coordinates).

There is a completely comprehensive definition of environmental air quality standards. Environmental standard- this is an established amount of use of natural resources or the impact of machinery and equipment on a certain territory, at which the function and structure of this territory is within the framework of natural changes.

Standards, including environmental ones, are established at the level of the Government of the country.

Standardization of environmental quality

Regulations related to environmental quality natural environment, are divided into three areas:
  • sanitary and hygienic(expressed in values ​​such as MPC chemical substances, maximum permissible limits for physical impacts, general safety standards, norms of sanitary protection zones...)
  • environmental(expressed in emission and discharge standards, noise and vibration standards, biological pollution standards...),
  • auxiliary(expressed in terminology standards, organizational standards, legal standards). As you can see, MPE standards relate to environmental standards.

Rice. Environmental Quality Standards Scheme

Draft standards for maximum permissible emissions - a platform for developing standards

The establishment of standards is a legal precautionary administrative method of regulation environmental safety in the country. The purpose of using the method is to create environmental safety for citizens of their country and other living organisms.

The mass of harmful substances is measured in grams, the concentration of harmful substances is measured in milligrams per cubic meter, the concentration at the outlet of the source is in grams per cubic meter.

In addition to the preventive method of regulating environmental safety, two more are practiced in our country: informational and compulsory. The administrative method of regulation is divided into two more branches: legal methods and control methods.

As we can see, the establishment of MPE standards relates to the development of legal norms, standards and permits. The standards are calculated and proposed for establishment by an environmental engineer and are included in the draft standards for maximum permissible emissions.

Why is environmental safety required?

Failure to comply with environmental safety leads to excessive environmental pollution. Environmental pollution threatens:
  • destruction of the ozone layer;
  • climate change;
  • deterioration in product quality;
  • decreased yield;
  • death of flora and fauna;
  • acceleration of object resolution;
  • depletion and loss of natural resources;
  • destruction and modification of landscapes and landscapes.

All of these consequences lead to deterioration in the health and socio-economic well-being of the population. The most common air pollutants include:

  • Nitrogen oxides (sources: transport, energy production, industry);
  • Sulfur dioxide (coal power plants, industry);
  • Carbon dioxide ( carbon dioxide) (industry);
  • Iron oxide;
  • Copper oxide;
  • Petrol.

The purpose of establishing standards is to prevent negative impacts on the environment by legal entities and individuals. For exceeding standards, they bear administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability.

Emission standards are established for both stationary sources and mobile ones based on the permissible load on the environment, technological standards and environmental quality standards (maximum permissible concentrations, noise, etc.). Technological standards, in turn, are established based on the use of the best available technologies. When a resource user is unable to comply with emission standards in the course of its activities, permitted emission limits (temporarily agreed upon emissions) are established for it at the state level. Limits can be set only if the environmental organization has an emission reduction plan developed and approved by government agencies, which must be implemented. Emission limits apply only during the implementation of the emission reduction plan.

Limits and plans for reducing emissions and emissions permits in our country are issued by Rosprirodnadzor, which is vested with state executive power.

After implementing the plan, the environmental user must prove to Rosprirodnadzor that emissions have been reduced using air and noise measurements. If the targets are not achieved, the plan is revised and measures to reduce emissions continue to be introduced. The process continues until emissions reach standards.

Powers in the field of atmospheric air protection of Rosprirodnadzor

Area of ​​authority of Rosprirodnadzor ( Federal service in the field of environmental management) is quite wide - more than 30 functions. Let's highlight the main and most important:
  • adoption of laws and other normative legal acts, their adjustments and additions;
  • participation in the organization, financing and implementation of atmospheric air monitoring;
  • establishing a procedure for developing standards;
  • introduction of a procedure for issuing emission permits;
  • approval of MPE standards;
  • introduction of target indicators for the volume and mass of emissions in the country and deadlines for their reduction.

MPEs are established for each stationary emission source and for the organization as a whole. Emission standards and methods for determining them are revised and modernized as science and technology develop. In cases where emissions of pollutants comply with MPE standards, it is necessary to control them directly at the sources. The draft MPE standards include a developed section of the control schedule, which indicates all regulated sources of emissions from the enterprise, the frequency and methods of their measurements. There are two methods for measuring emission sources - instrumental (using a laboratory) and calculated (using software).

The draft MPE standards and standards are only checked by supervisory authorities, while the calculation itself and proposals for establishing standards are prepared by an environmental engineer within the framework of the project.

The rules for establishing permissible emission standards and methods for determining standards are described in “GOST Interstate standard. Rules for establishing permissible emissions by industrial enterprises.” The document was created for a unified approach and design of emissions projects at industrial enterprises.

Setting emission standards

GOST states that emissions regulation involves taking into account hygienic and environmental air quality standards.

It makes sense to standardize not all pollutants, because their contribution to the total volume of pollution is negligible. And even for determining those pollutants that are required to be regulated in Russian environmental legislation, there is a described methodology. It is described in Order No. 579 of December 31, 2010 “On the Procedure for identifying sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air, subject to state registration and regulation...”.

According to this Order, in addition to the presented list of pollutants subject to regulation, substances that meet two criteria are subject to it:

  1. The emissions hazard index is greater than or equal to 0.1.
  2. Ground-level emission concentrations exceed 5% of the environmental air quality standard.
In a general sense, the principle of establishing MPE standards at a specific enterprise is simple.
  1. An inventory is carried out to determine the sources of emissions and the ingredients of pollutants from them.
  2. The volume of emissions of pollutants is calculated using a calculation method (using a specialized program) or with the involvement of a laboratory.
  3. The maximum concentrations of each pollutant from each organization's emission source are calculated (dispersion calculations).
  4. The calculated concentration values ​​are compared with the hygienic standards for atmospheric air quality (AQUV, MAC) established by the Government.
  5. A conclusion is made about the excess/non-exceeding of the maximum concentrations of pollutants of the enterprise from the values ​​of the MPE and ULV standards.
  6. After ensuring that the actual hygiene standards in the organization are met, the environmental engineer proposes them as emission standards for the organization.

Rice. Mandatory supplement to standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances

    There are two methods for determining MPE standards:
  • Emission dispersion calculation method (most popular).
  • Method of summary calculations (based on the inventory of emissions and concentration quotas issued by territorial authorities).
According to the emission dispersion calculation method standards are determined taking into account the normal production activities of the enterprise, taking into account the prospects for its development.

The established standards are expressed in two quantities: the maximum one-time emission value and the gross (annual) emission value.

The maximum one-time value is the largest permissible mass of pollutant emission per second. To determine this value, the source of contamination is measured for 20 minutes. The indicator is expressed in grams per second. To determine the maximum one-time value for the entire enterprise, emissions are measured simultaneously from all sources for 20 minutes.

The gross (annual) value implies the largest permissible total annual emission mass from one source, taking into account compliance with all technological restrictions on emission sources (units, devices, etc.). Expressed in tons per year.

For the entire enterprise, the gross value of emissions from all sources that it has on its balance sheet is summed up.

Extremely permissible emissions for each specific stationary source, it is established by the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor. For example, in Moscow - the Central Office of Rosprirodnazor. In St. Petersburg - according to Rosprirodnadzor North-West federal district. Because background air pollution, emission sources and technical standards in each specific district should be taken into account separately. Organizations subject to regional control go through another stage of approval - in the Natural Resources Committee.

The maximum and gross values ​​of emissions from each emission source are determined in the “Ecologist” program. Depending on the type of emission source, its variations are used, such as “ATP-Ecologist” (calculation of emissions from vehicles), “Boiler rooms”, “Battery work”, “Welding” and many others. The programs were developed on the basis of a number of existing methodological documents:

  1. Methodology for conducting an emission inventory for motor transport enterprises (calculation method).
  2. Methodology for conducting an emission inventory for car repair enterprises (calculation method).
  3. Methodology for conducting an emission inventory for road equipment (calculation method).
  4. Additions to the above methods.
  5. Methodological manual for calculation, regulation and control of emissions.
  6. OND-86 Methodology for calculating concentrations in atmospheric air of maximum emissions for enterprises.
The method for calculating the dispersion of emissions these days is carried out by an ecologist using the specialized program “UPZRA-Ecologist” (developed by NPO “Integral”). The program was created on the basis of the document “OND-86: Methodology for calculating concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air... in emissions from enterprises.”

Summary calculation methodemissions It is used extremely rarely; city administrations usually turn to it to assess air pollution in a number of enterprises and urban transport.

IN general outline The method of summary calculations of emissions occurs as follows: 1) an inventory of emissions is carried out; 2) for each of them, volumes of MPE projects are designed; 3) vehicle emission parameters are calculated; 4) general (summary) calculations of the highest ground-level concentrations of harmful substances in the city from certain enterprises are performed; the results are analyzed; 5) the degree of significance of the influence of previously identified harmful substances on urban air pollution is assessed; release of significant harmful pollutants; 5) the maximum permissible fields of pollutants from the operation of enterprises are determined; 6) during the discussion, enterprises distribute quotas of pollutants among themselves; 7) measures and recommendations are developed to reduce the level of air pollution in the city; 8) environmental supervisory authorities agree on the standards for calculated emissions, documenting this fact.

A detailed methodology for using the method of summary calculations of emissions is set out in the “Methodological manual for performing summary calculations of atmospheric air pollution by emissions from industrial enterprises...” (1999).

It is easy to understand that the entire cycle of determining aggregate emission estimates for a city requires high vocational training performers and will take several years.

Ways to reduce air pollution to the required standards include:

  • landscaping of the site;
  • construction of underground parking;
  • changing the fuel composition of vehicles;
  • transfer of transport to power supply;
  • installation of filters and hoods on equipment;
  • redevelopment of the enterprise territory;
  • increasing the rate of emissions from organized sources;
  • other.
November 2016

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Why and who needs the MPE Project, what will happen in its absence, all this is described in the appropriate section, MPE Project - what is it? Here we will focus on its development.

Develop a draft MPE standards for IZA(sources of air pollution) on your own from scratch- long and difficult, but still Maybe. You will need to be attentive, patient, have calculation methods, MS Excel or an equivalent, and UPRZA (unified program for calculating air pollution). In addition, it is necessary to read and use the regulatory and methodological literature, because: the volumes of reference data are enormous and it is impossible to write instructions that are completely suitable for each specific enterprise.

Creating instructions, we meant that it would be used mainly by environmentalists of enterprises, so we skip questions about obtaining initial data (equipment characteristics, pipe heights, amount of fuel, etc.), all this can be requested or found in the documents.

Step 1. Inventory of sources of air pollution (IPA)

To start it is necessary to determine the list of pollutant emission sources(pollutants) into the atmospheric air. Decide on the type of sources: organized, unorganized, etc. Important to remember, that almost any technological process leads to the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere! The list of sources in the Project must be exhaustive. In order not to miss anything, you can walk throughout the entire territory of the enterprise. In the section Project MPE - what is it? given list of possible sources air pollution, if you have any, then include them in your calculations.

For organized sources, you will also need to know the height of the IZA, the diameter of the outlet, the exit speed, the temperature of the gas-air mixture (DHW) and the productivity of the exhaust system (m3/sec).

All organized sources of emissions are assigned numbers from 1 to 5999, and all unorganized sources - from 6001. Accepted numbering cannot be changed during the next inventory.

When a new source appears, it is assigned a number that has not previously been used in reporting. When a source is liquidated (conserved), its number is not used in the future. It should be taken into account that the Draft MPE standards for IZA are being developed on 7 years(with some exceptions), so it should include even those sources that are not functioning for you this year, but next year, for example, will be.

For construction sites, the development of a draft maximum permissible limit is also required, but the permit for the emission of pollutants is issued for the period of validity of the construction permit.

If you plan to introduce a new production facility or equipment will appear on your balance sheet after the approval of the Project, then it is best to have them immediately take into account when developing, otherwise a recalculation and new approval may be required.

Inventory of sources air pollution (AIP) can conduct the enterprise itself, or involve third-party development organizations.

Step 2. Working with sources of air pollution (IPA)

After conducting an inventory of IZA, the information obtained on the amount of technological equipment, the time of its operation during the year and shift, the amount of materials consumed per year and per shift, the amount of burned fuel used at thermal emission sources, etc., will allow pollutant emission calculations according to calculation methods.

Every year, JSC Research Institute Atmosfera publishes a “List of methods used for calculating, regulating and monitoring emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air.” There is an industry list of calculation methods and software products on their basis, calculations for which are accepted by supervisory authorities.

Basically, calculation methods can be downloaded for free on the Internet and used special programs It’s convenient for calculations, but it’s a paid pleasure.

Those who are just starting to do their first project at this stage may have many questions about emission calculations and the methods themselves. If something is not clear or you can’t find something, write to email. mail or Vkontekte, us - Contacts, we will try to help you.

Step 3. Calculation of pollutant dispersion. Source data option

Based on the obtained characteristics of pollutant emissions, it is necessary to calculate the dispersion of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air, taking into account background and climatic parameters. It becomes incredibly difficult to carry out this work manually, and it is simply impossible for an untrained person.

The only one approved legally, a methodological document for carrying out such calculations was created back in Soviet times- This OND-86“Methodology for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises.”

OND-86- the technique is very voluminous and complex, and it does not contain a clear algorithm for calculating dispersion, but only provides recommendations for its implementation. This is why so-called UPRZA- unified program for calculating air pollution. Today, environmental developers use a number of existing UPRZA, based on the provisions of OND-86 and recommended (mandatorily!) by the State Geographical State University named after. A.I. Voeikova and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

Where to start working at UPRZA? First, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary information. In addition to data about the enterprise, you need to order reference data from Roshydromet on the climatic characteristics of the area (information on prevailing wind speeds and directions, average temperatures in summer and winter periods, information on the coefficient of temperature stratification of the atmosphere).

Climate data can be found independently in reference books, but not all supervisory authorities agree with this.

Creating a variant of the source data. The data on the environmental enterprise and the sources obtained during the inventory of emission sources must be entered into the program. This data includes the name, district, city and location of the enterprise. After entering information about the enterprise, we proceed to adding emission sources: enter the name of the source and select its type (organized, unorganized, etc.), set the height, temperature and diameter of the source outlet, if the source is organized, enter the parameters of the gas-air mixture, if unorganized – width of the source.

Make sure that all substances emitted by the enterprise are present in the directory of substances and summation groups of the software package. If there are new substances in emissions, use List and codes of pollutants and enter them into the program.

Enter information about the radius of the regulatory sanitary protection zone (this is necessary if the construction of the sanitary protection zone will be carried out not from the boundaries of the industrial site, but from emission sources). When introducing substances and their concentrations, pay attention to recording all characteristics of gas treatment plants, if any.

Scheme map. When entering the coordinates of sources, you will need a map-scheme of an industrial site with sources on an integer scale, preferably already digitized and linked to the desired coordinate system. You can use maps created in AutoCAD for this, or draw a map based on a raster background directly in the built-in graphics module. In general, there are many ways to connect cartographic material with a database (but you need to consider which formats your program supports); you can use the one that is most convenient for you.

Step 4. Calculation of pollutant dispersion. Calculation option

The next operation is to create a variant. In the new version, several tabs appear. Let's take a closer look at them.

First tab - Sources, substances, background. Having checked the presence of all the substances we previously introduced in the emission sources, we enter information about the posts for monitoring background concentrations.

When should you consider background? In accordance with the Methodological Manual for Calculation, Standardization and Control of Emissions of Pollutants into the Atmospheric Air. St. Petersburg, 2012, if the surface concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air, formed by emissions of this substance by a given economic entity, does not exceed 0.1 MPC at the border of the nearest residential development in the zone of influence of emissions of a given subject, then the accounting of background air pollution for this substance is not carried out.

At the same time, in some regions (including in Perm) When conducting a sanitary and epidemiological examination, they are guided by clause 4.2.2. SanPiN, according to which accounting of background concentrations is required for those substances whose surface concentration in the atmospheric air exceeds 0.1 MPC at the border of the production site.

Please pay close attention to the background certificate issued. It is possible that the obtained background pollution concentrations already include emissions from your enterprise - then they will be taken into account in the calculation at double the rate. It is necessary to exclude the contribution of your enterprise to background pollution before entering information about the observation post.

Second tab - Constants and meteorological parameters. You can create your own set in the meteorological parameters, but it is best to use the predefined refined set. E1 and E2 are constants, according to which sources are divided into determining and non-determining. By default, their values ​​are set to 0.01, and there is no point in changing these values. But the E3 constant, which is responsible for the feasibility of calculations for each of the substances, is a rather controversial value.

  1. By default it is set to size 0,01 according to the recommendations of the State Geographical State University named after. A.I. Voeykova
  2. However, the developers Methodical manual believe that it is better to use the coefficient 0,1 .
  3. At the same time, Rosprirodnadzor, in its Information Letter on the application of a number of sections of the Methodological Manual for the calculation, regulation and control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, St. Petersburg, 2012, recommends taking E3 in the amount 0,05 .

Third tab - Points, sites, investors, first you need to decide on the number and coordinates of the design points. Points must be created on the borders of residential zones and sanitary protection zones, as well as in areas with increased environmental requirements.

In areas of zones with increased environmental requirements, the upper limit of maximum surface concentrations should not exceed 0.8 MPC(according to SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas).

It is best to set the calculation points manually, carefully selecting the necessary points on the schematic map. When specifying the parameters of the calculation site, it is recommended to select not automatic, but Full description sites. This will take some work, but the scatter maps will be excellent.

Select the calculation site so that all calculation points are visible. For “hot” springs, the area is taken in size 40 pipe heights in all directions from the source. Inspectors recommend setting the grid spacing no larger than the size of the approximate sanitary protection zone.

After going to the “Depositors” tab and selecting the necessary parameters, do not forget to click on the depositor line to make a task for deposits.

Fourth tab - Calculation. Choose the calculation for the summer season as the most dangerous from the point of view of dissipation, unless your enterprise belongs to the heat and power category. So, the preparatory work is completed and by clicking the treasured “Calculate” button, we can see the scatter maps. Open a graphical representation of the results and use the “Print” button to save the resulting maps. By clicking the “Print tables” button in the “Results” tab, you will receive a ready-made dispersion calculation in tabular form.

We hope that the ground-level concentrations of substances at your enterprise did not violate the established standards!

Step 5. Explanatory note

After all the calculations from the programs, upload the results and create an explanatory note; the following sections must be included in it:

Annotation. The annotation to the draft MPE standards reflects the main results of the work carried out, indicating:

  1. Total number pollutants emitted by the enterprise into the atmosphere;
  2. The number of types of substances that have the effect of summation of harmful effects, for which emission standards have been developed;
  3. Number of sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere for the enterprise as a whole;
  4. Comparative analysis, in the presence of a previous volume of MDV;
  5. The value of the enterprise's gross emissions.

Introduction. The introduction provides a list of the main documents on the basis of which the MAP volume was developed.

General information about the enterprise. This section provides:

  1. The postal address of the enterprise, the number of industrial sites, the relative location of the enterprise and the characteristic objects bordering it - residential areas, industrial zones, forests, agricultural lands, highways, etc.
  2. A schematic map of the enterprise with sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere marked on it.
  3. Situational map-scheme of the area where the enterprise is located, indicating on it the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, residential area, recreation areas, air pollution monitoring posts.

Characteristics of the enterprise as a source of atmosphere. The section includes:

  1. Brief description of production technology and technological equipment (description of manufactured products, main raw materials, consumption of main and backup fuel) from the point of view of air pollution. This takes into account the presence in emissions of all pollutants generated in the technological process, as well as all chemical transformations of emitted substances.
  2. A brief description of existing gas purification installations, an enlarged analysis of their technical condition and operational efficiency.
  3. Prospects for the development or technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
  4. List of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere in the form of a table.
  5. Characteristics of emergency emissions (if any) in the form of a table. Also provided a brief description of conditions under which emergency and salvo releases are possible.
  6. Parameters of pollutant emissions for calculating MPE from organized and unorganized sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere.

Carrying out calculations and determining proposals for MPE standards. The section includes:

  1. Name of the air pollution calculation program used.
  2. Meteorological characteristics and coefficients that determine the conditions for the dispersion of pollutants.
  3. Results of calculations of the level of air pollution for the current situation and taking into account development prospects, carried out in accordance with OND-86; maximum ground concentrations in the residential area and on the border of the sanitary protection zone; a list of sources that make the largest contributions to the level of air pollution, in the form of a table.
  4. Proposals for MPE standards for each source and ingredient listed in the table. If in the air settlement concentrations of pollutants exceed the maximum permissible concentration, an action plan is being developed to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
  5. Indication of the size of the sanitary protection zone in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.”

Measures to regulate emissions under adverse meteorological conditions (AMC). This section should contain:

  1. Action plan to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions.
  2. General characteristics emissions of harmful substances during the NMU period.

Monitoring compliance with standards at the enterprise. Enterprises for which maximum permissible limits (VSV) have been established must organize a system for monitoring compliance with the maximum permissible limit (VSV). Control over compliance with MPE standards at an enterprise is divided into the following types:

  1. Control directly at emission sources.
  2. Control of atmospheric air pollution at the border of the sanitary protection zone or in the residential zone of a populated area.

When monitoring compliance with MPE standards at direct sources of pollution, a list of substances subject to control is included. A list of techniques that are used or will be used to monitor compliance with established emission standards is provided. The schedule for monitoring compliance with MPE standards at emission sources is drawn up in the form of a table.

Control over compliance with MPE standards for actual air pollution at specially selected control points is carried out only for large enterprises with a large number of sources of fugitive emissions. Control values ​​of ground-level concentrations of pollutants are presented in the form of a table.

Step 6. Submit the Project for approval

Generate, print out the Draft MPE standards for IZA and save a copy to electronic media.

We prepare in paper form:

  1. Explanatory note (from Step 5);
  2. IZA inventory;
  3. Justification of the completeness and reliability of the initial data accepted for calculating the maximum permissible limit;
  4. Results of dispersion calculations together with dispersion fields of pollutants, with isolines of calculated concentrations plotted on them;
  5. Protocols of instrumental measurements at sources (if available);
  6. Letter on background concentrations from Roshydromet;
  7. Fuel passports, boiler room boiler certificates, etc.

Depending on whether the enterprise is subject to federal or regional environmental control, it changes government agency, which issues permission to release pollutants into the air. But in any case, the object undergoes a sanitary and epidemiological examination, is examined by Rospotrebnadzor and receives approved standards from the bodies of Rosprirodnadzor.

If the enterprise belongs to the objects of federal environmental supervision, then it is necessary agree separately measures to regulate emissions under adverse meteorological conditions ( NMU) in the regional environmental supervision authority.

Draft MPE standards for IZA and approved standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere valid for 7 years.

For all questions, including if you need help or want to order the development of draft MPE standards or calculations of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, write to us, our Contacts.

The activities of each organization, regardless of size, generate production and consumption waste. In law waste passports must be developed and approved for each waste, and the enterprise must also develop a waste management system or annually submit SMSP reports (waste reporting for small and medium-sized businesses).

A distinction is made between the maximum permissible limits of the emission source itself and the maximum permissible limits of the enterprise (or facility). The MPE standard (in g/s) is established from the condition that the content of the pollutant in the ground layer of air (at a height of 1.5-2.5 m from the surface of the earth) from sources or their combination does not exceed air quality standards for the population, animals and plants peace (i.e. MPC) at the border of the sanitary protection zone; it represents the maximum amount of a pollutant allowed to be released into the atmosphere by a specific source per unit of time.

There are organized and unorganized sources, which are divided into stationary and mobile (transport and other mobile vehicles and installations). An example of an organized emission source is any pipe (stationary or mobile), and an unorganized source is tailings ponds and rock dumps. In addition, the classification distinguishes small single sources (ventilation lamps, etc.).

For each organized stationary emission source, as well as for each model of transport and other mobile vehicles and installations, an individual maximum permissible limit is established. For unorganized sources of emissions and for a set of small single sources, the total MPE is established.

Sources of harmful emissions are identified by supervisory and control authorities through an inventory, which is carried out at least once a year. In accordance with GOST under Emission inventory refers to the systematization of information about the distribution of sources in the territory, the quantity and composition of emissions. This data is necessary for drawing up statistical reporting in the 2-TP air form, developing draft MPE standards, and drawing up an action plan to improve the air environment.

The inventory of emissions is regulated by the “Guidelines for the control of sources of atmospheric pollution” OND-90 and other guidelines and methodological instructions. Inventory is carried out, as a rule, by the technological services of the enterprise together with specialized scientific or commissioning organizations. The main ultimate goal of conducting an inventory is to determine mass emission of harmful substances from each source (g/s).

Mass emissions of harmful substances can be determined with greater or less accuracy using the following methods: instrumental, instrumental-laboratory, indicator and calculation. Most often, due to the lack of instrumental measurements, calculation methods are used. They are based on the use of data on the composition of feedstock and fuel, technological modes, the degree of gas purification by gas and dust cleaning equipment, etc., on empirical dependencies or on specific emissions of harmful substances per unit of manufactured products, raw materials used, fuel, generated energy.

By summing up the maximum permissible limits for individual pollution sources, the maximum permissible limit for an enterprise (facility) is established. Theoretical basis calculation of the maximum permissible concentration is the solution of the differential equation of atmospheric turbulent diffusion of the impurity, as a result of which the field of surface concentrations created by the emission source is determined. Other methods are also used in world practice.

The regulatory “Methodology for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises” (OND-86) allows you to calculate the field of single concentrations of impurities near the ground during emissions from a single and group of sources: with heated and cold emissions, from point, linear and area sources, makes it possible to take into account the effect of heterogeneous sources, summing up the effect of pollutants. This takes into account the number of sources of pollution, the distribution of emissions in time and space, and other factors.

The ultimate goal of calculating maximum permissible concentrations is to ensure concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air that do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration. Specifically, this means that the value of the highest concentration of each pollutant in the surface layer of the atmosphere () should not exceed the maximum one-time
of a given pollutant, i.e. the following condition must be met:


When several substances with additive properties are simultaneously present in the atmospheric air, it is necessary to take into account background concentration of pollutant (those. ) created by other sources of pollution.

, (3.12)

, (3.13)


To meet this condition, dust and gas emissions must be purified or dispersed into the atmosphere using tall pipes. The worst option is the dispersion of the pollutant (after all, the pollutants still end up in the OPS). Therefore, it is for this case that the maximum permissible limit is established.

The methodology for calculating the maximum permissible limit allows you to solve two problems:

At the same time, the technique allows calculations for pipes that emit cold dust-air mixtures (
), and heated (

Solution of a direct problem. Initial data for calculating PDS:

When solving the direct problem, developing MPE standards for stationary sources (with
) is carried out according to the following algorithm (the case of a single pipe with a round mouth emitting heated gases).

1. Determination of background concentrations ( ) pollutants, i.e. concentrations due to a complex of other sources, minus the standardized ones.

2. Calculation of actual ground-level concentrations from the emission source of the regulated object using the following methodology:

, (3.15)

– maximum surface impurity concentration;

– coefficient that determines the conditions for mixing impurities;

– emission power, g/s or t/year;

– coefficient taking into account the rate of sedimentation of substances from the atmosphere;

And – coefficients taking into account the conditions for the mixture to leave the source;

– roughness coefficient, depends on the terrain;

– pipe height, m;

– the temperature difference between the gas-air mixture and the air of the hottest month;

– volume of gas-air mixture, m 3 /s.

, (3.16)

– diameter of the source mouth, m;

– the rate of release of the mixture from the mouth of the source, m 3 /s.

From equation (3.16) it is clear that the mass of the emission and the height of the pipe have a significant impact on the surface concentration, therefore it is recommended to regulate air quality through measures to reduce the emission power. Increasing the height of the pipe is allowed only in cases where it is impossible to implement active measures.

, (3.17)

Where – coefficient, determined additionally for heated and cold gas-dust mixtures;


    determine the maximum permissible concentration (g/s) for each substance and each source.

    determine the MPE (t/year) for the enterprise as a whole as the sum of MPE from single sources or groups of sources:


Note: the maximum permissible mass of burned fuel during the release of its combustion products is calculated using the formula:


3. Analysis of the resulting concentration field, taking into account background concentrations ( ) and comparing them with the required standard using formula (3.14).

In accordance with the given expressions (3.18, 3.19), it is possible to determine:

a) permissible daily (or annual, etc.) emission of pollutants, g/day; kg/day;

b) maximum concentration (
) pollutants at the mouth of the pipe, g/m 3 ; kg/m 3 ; (Here

is a parameter controlled during the operation of the object.

4. Identification of substances for which there are zones in which MPCs are exceeded and sources that cause the formation of increased concentrations.

5. Conclusions:

When using the third option, at each stage of emission reduction, a temporarily agreed emission (TCE) is established, taking into account the reduction experience at progressive enterprises with the best achieved technology.

In order not to stop economic activities, enterprises often use the third (compromise) way, i.e. establish WES and develop a long-term program to reduce emissions through environmental measures (Fig. 3.2).

Figure 3.2 – Step-by-step process of reducing VSV to MPE value

It depends on whether or not an enterprise complies with the standards established for it and which ones - MPE or only VSV. size and sources of environmental pollution fees.

In the case of a release of a cold gas-air mixture from a single source, the maximum permissible limit is determined by the formula:


The organizational aspects of establishing maximum permissible limits are as follows. Work to establish the maximum permissible limit is carried out under the general guidance of the parent organization appointed for each locality. It performs the following functions:

If it turns out to be impossible to eliminate or significantly reduce emissions of harmful substances from individual enterprises or facilities, then the territorial and departmental plans should provide for:

    the timing of the withdrawal of these enterprises or objects from residential areas and lands;

    changing the production profile of these enterprises and facilities;

    organization of sanitary protection zones.

Solution of the inverse problem. From equation (3.15) it is clear that the most significant influence on the surface concentration is exerted by the mass of the pollutant emission and the height of the pipe (
). Therefore, forced regulation of air quality in residential areas can be carried out in two ways:

Increasing the height of the pipe is allowed only in cases where it is impossible to implement active environmental protection measures. In this case, the inverse problem is solved, i.e. calculation of the minimum pipe height,
, which follows from the equation for solving the direct problem (3.18). Further (to simplify), the equation for solving the inverse problem is given without taking into account the background concentration of the pollutant, and the MPE symbol is replaced by the symbol


It should be borne in mind that the determined minimum pipe height (
) for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere must be above the aerodynamic zone shadows buildings (Fig. 3.3a), otherwise emissions will not be dissipated, but falling into the aerodynamic zone shadows, will pollute the ground layer of the atmosphere above the site and the site itself (Fig. 3.3b). Currently, pipes reach in some cases
≥ 350 m.

Figure 3.3 – Diagram of the relationship between the heights of the pipe for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and the aerodynamic shadow of the building:

a) favorable case (pipe height above the aerodynamic shadow zone); b) unfavorable case (pipe height below the aerodynamic shadow zone); 1 – industrial building; 2 – pipe.

The dispersion of emissions obeys the law of turbulent diffusion and depends on many factors: the state of the atmosphere, the nature of the terrain, the physical properties of the emissions, the height of the pipe, the diameter of its mouth, etc.

There are two directions of movement of impurities: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal movement of impurities is determined mainly by wind speed, and the vertical movement by the distribution of air temperatures in the vertical direction. In Fig. Figure 3.4 shows the distribution of the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere from an organized high source (pipe) of emissions.

When calculating the MPE indicator, the zone of influence of the emission source and the entire enterprise for each pollutant is also established. The zone of influence is understood as the earth's surface with a radius where the sum of the maximum surface concentration , determined for unfavorable meteorological conditions, and background concentration does not exceed
(see equation 3.12 and 3.17):


It can be seen that as you move away from the pipe, the concentration of harmful substances in the ground layer first increases, reaches a maximum, and then slowly kills. This allows us to talk about the presence of three zones of different air pollution:

1) zone of emission plume transfer ( small);

2) deceleration zone (here

3) zone of gradual reduction of pollution levels.

Figure 3.4 – Distribution of concentrations of harmful substances ( ) in the atmosphere from an organized high source (pipe)

ejection at a distance (

Thus, the main factor influencing the concentration of pollutants in the ground layer is the height of the pipe. The concentration of the harmful substance at the outlet of the pipe is equal to
(Fig. 3.5).


Figure 3.5 – Dependence of emission dispersion on pipe height

She is with a high pipe ( ) at the level of the ground layer can decrease to , and with a low pipe (
) – only up to . Hence the difference in prescribed maximum permissible limits. The distance from the pipe at which the concentration of the harmful substance is maximum can only be obtained using special calculations. Approximately this value is taken equal to (10 – 50) .