Higher Military Border School of the FSB. Border Academy of the FSB of Russia. History of the academy's creation

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Federal state treasury educational institution higher education"Moscow Border Institute Federal service security Russian Federation»


No. 01872 valid indefinitely from 12/30/2015


No. 01795 is valid from 03/28/2016 to 04/15/2021

About MPI

MPI FSB of the Russian Federation is a state higher educational institution of federal significance, on the basis of which the professional training of highly qualified and diversified individuals who have an understanding of the border service and are patriots of their country takes place. Within the walls of the university, each cadet receives sufficient knowledge in order to continue practical activities in the chosen direction and be successful at the same time.

The founding of the university dates back to 1932; in 2012, it received a license to work in the field of education throughout the entire period of its existence, and at the same time received state accreditation.

All disciplines are taught by highly qualified teachers and specialists. More than half of the teaching staff consists of candidates, doctors, associate professors and professors of science.

Education at the MPI FSB of the Russian Federation

Applications for admission to the university are accepted by military commissariats and FSB bodies. Entrance exams take place during the first three weeks of July each year. For everyone, on the basis of the MPI of the FSB of the Russian Federation there are training courses duration 1 year. Young people enrolled in training are in a permanent barracks situation. Girls are outside the university, but they must be registered in Moscow or the Moscow region.

As the main requirements for an applicant, provided that he has not passed military service– he has reached the age of 16 years (but not older than 22 years), the presence of secondary (complete) education, the absence of any deviations in physical and mental development, good athletic shape. If the applicant has already completed military service, the age limit is increased to 24 years. At the same time, he must have a secondary (complete) education and a certificate of passing a medical examination.

For cadets who previously studied at cadet corps or military schools, the duration of full-time study is 5 years. Civilians have the right to study for correspondence department, while the period for obtaining higher education is 6 years. There is also an abbreviated training program(upon receiving a second higher education), which lasts 3.5 years. Part-time training is possible.

The institute actively conducts high-quality training for students and implements various educational programs.

Training at the institute is carried out in one single specialty - border activities. University graduate receives the rank of lieutenant border service FSB, a diploma of higher education and has the right to enter doctoral and postgraduate studies and study there under a postgraduate higher education program in the following areas:

  • military law, military problems of international law;
  • National history.

Students are assigned to specialties after successful completion of the 3rd year of the institute.

You can also receive secondary vocational education at the institute. Training is conducted full-time in the specialty Law enforcement. Upon completion, the graduate is awarded the rank of warrant officer and given a standard diploma with the appropriate state symbols.

Along with training sessions, cadets have the right to conduct research activities. They attend scientific circles created on the basis of the institute, participate in scientific conferences taking place at the interuniversity level.

During their studies, students attend annual practical internships. There they gain practical skills and hone their skills in performing their direct duties in accordance with their specialization.

Logistics support for MPI FSB of the Russian Federation

  • center for quality management of education provided at the institute;
  • lecture halls;
  • computer and specialized classes of educational groups;
  • multimedia audiences;
  • training complexes;
  • shooting range;
  • sports equipment;
  • club;
  • 3 libraries of various directions: educational and scientific, specialized and artistic;
  • printing base;
  • educational and methodological classes;
  • household premises.

All classrooms are equipped with the most modern technology and equipment.

Student life at the MPI FSB of the Russian Federation

Particular attention is paid to the sports training of cadets. They take part in competitions of all sizes (up to the Olympics). Sections on hand-to-hand combat, sambo, athletics, combined events, orienteering and many other sports.

The university's training facilities provide cadets with the opportunity to practice their practical aiming skills with the weapons issued to them. The most capable shooters improve their abilities on the shooting range.

On the basis of the institute there is a club that hosts amateur art concerts, patriotic events and musical programs.

A cultural and entertainment program is regularly held for students: field trips to museums, theaters and the most famous exhibition halls in Moscow and the Moscow region are organized.


Federal Security Service

Russian Federation

Dear graduates-young men!

If you have good health, are fond of sports and want to have a real man's job, higher education, stable income, career prospects and professional growth– this offer is for you!

The Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan announces the recruitment of candidates for admission to higher educational institutions of the border profile:

Border institutions of the FSB of Russia

Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia in the specialty:

– jurisprudence. Preparation (full-time). Qualification: lawyer. Specializations - management of service and combat activities of units of border agencies, border control, operational and investigative activities of operational units of border agencies, management of operational and combat activities of units special purpose bodies of the federal security service (distribution by specialization - after completion of the 3rd year of study). Based on average (full) general education. Duration of training – 5 years;

– jurisprudence. Preparation (full-time and part-time). Qualification: lawyer. Specializations - border control, operational search activities of operational units of border authorities. Based on secondary (complete) general education. Duration of study – 7 years (1 year – full-time study, 6 years – extramural training) (place of training – urban village Obolensk).

Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia in the specialty:

– psychology. Preparation (full-time). Qualification: psychologist. Specializations - management of moral and psychological support for service and combat activities of border guard units, management of moral and psychological support for service activities of special-purpose communications units. Based on secondary (complete) general education. Duration of training – 5 years;

– jurisprudence. Preparation (full-time). Qualification: lawyer. Specializations - operational and investigative activities of operational units of border authorities, management of service and combat activities of units of border authorities, border control (distribution by specialization - after completion of the 3rd year of training). Based on secondary (complete) general education. Duration of training – 5 years.

Branch of the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia ( Stavropol) for specialty

Technical profile - mathematics.

Contact number:

5-79 Pavel Vladimirovich

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, as well as persons who previously graduated from general educational institutions, graduates of primary and secondary educational institutions vocational education, apply for the Unified State Examination to educational institutions at the place of residence (service) until March 1 year of admission, indicating the list of general education subjects for which they plan to take the Unified State Exam this year. Passing the Unified State Exam for the specified category of candidates is carried out at the place of application.

Acceptance of applications: through military registration and enlistment offices and FSB agencies. Boys are in a barracks position, girls are outside the institute (girls must have Moscow or Moscow region registration).
The deadline for the arrival of candidates from among civilian youth at the institute to pass entrance examinations is determined in the calls. Calls are sent by the institute to the relevant security authorities by June 25 of the year of admission. Travel to the institutes is provided by security agencies, and accommodation during the period of passing entrance examinations is provided by the institutes.

Read the RULES for admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia at the link pogranichniki ru

Candidates sent to educational institutions to take entrance examinations must have with them: a prescription, birth certificate, passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription, a document on education (original), as well as sports uniforms and shoes .

Specialties - jurisprudence, psychology, jurisprudence, Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; Russian history; social science;
Specialty - radio engineering, marine engineering physics, specialized subject; mathematics;
Russian language (presentation with a creative part);
those entering the training streams of operational workers with knowledge of a foreign language: Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; foreign language; social science.

Level physical fitness candidates are determined based on the results of completing all exercises and are assessed according to a two-point grading system “passed” - “failed”.
A “pass” grade is given to a candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical fitness standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards. In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade.
Documents confirming the passing of each standard are attached to the candidate’s personal file.
Candidates who received a “failed” rating when passing physical fitness standards will be subject to further entrance examinations not allowed.
The level of physical fitness is checked during the following exercises:
- pull-ups on the horizontal bar (carried out at the gymnastics town). Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, each time from a stationary hanging position on straight arms (the hanging position is fixed, pause 1-2 seconds), without jerking or swinging movements of the legs; chin above the level of the crossbar;
- 100-meter run (carried out on the 100-meter track of the stadium or on the parade ground). Performed from a high start;
- 3 km run (held at the institute stadium). Performed from a high start.
One attempt is given to complete the exercise. Repeated performance of the exercise in order to improve the score is not allowed.

Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia - Federal state government educational institution of higher professional education. The Institute trains officers on the basis of a license and certificate of the right to conduct educational activities, obtained based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of the university by a commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Teachers and officers of departments and faculties pass on their rich service and combat experience to the cadets and students of the institute. More than 69% of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and academic titles.

To ensure the training of cadets and students in specialties in accordance with curricula, programs and teaching methods, as well as to carry out scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the institute has a modern educational material and technical base.

The institute’s 7 educational lecture halls, 22 display classrooms, language training rooms, and specialized classes allow for all types of academic work using computer technology across the entire range of disciplines taught.

Each training group has an assigned classroom equipped with the necessary equipment.

The Institute has its own printing facility, which allows it to produce educational, methodological and scientific products. The general fund of educational, scientific, special and art libraries contains over 110 thousand copies of educational and fiction literature.

In training classes, cadets practice driving and aiming skills with standard weapons, which they then improve on the racing track and at the institute’s shooting range.

The cadets spend a significant part of their training time in practical classes on tactical and training fields, specialized camps, and military shooting ranges, mastering the methods of using weapons and military equipment, directing the actions of units in various forms operational and service activities, organization and support of combat.

During the practices carried out annually in the units of the border authorities of the FSB of Russia and in special-purpose communications units of the FSO of Russia, cadets acquire and improve practical skills in performing the duties of their future job assignment.

During their studies, cadets have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities, working in scientific circles of the institute and participating in scientific and practical conferences held by leading universities in the country. The scientific works of the institute's cadets have repeatedly become winners of open competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The best cadets are encouraged by scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, a personal scholarship named after Yu.V. Andropov, a personal scholarship “Moscow Region”, an incentive scholarship from the Head of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, scholarships from the International Public Foundation “Law and Order-Center”, Interregional public organization military-patriotic club "Rus", the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Anyone who has decided to devote their life to working in the authorities must have three qualities: true patriotism, respect for the rank of officer and readiness for difficulties.

TOP 10

Talking about the TOP-10 (or any other leading number of universities) in this structure will not be entirely correct for two reasons. Firstly, there are only 14 such educational institutions in the Russian Federation (including the First Cadet Border Corps of the FSB, which only prepares young cadets for higher education). And, secondly, in this structure, for clear and obvious reasons, there are no shortcomings in financial or material support, nor the problem of poor teaching. The only institution that can be given some preference is the Moscow FSB Academy, which trains specialists (of course, narrowly specialized ones) of a simply fantastic level.

In addition, metropolitan universities in general are traditionally considered more prestigious. In this regard, it would be correct to list all higher educational institutions that are part of the Russian FSB system.

  1. (Odintsovo district, Moscow region).
  2. (Anapa, Krasnodar region).

Features of training

The specificity of training in universities of this type is not just special - it is unique. Due to the closed nature of most curricula, especially concerning vocational training, the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in academies and institutes of the FSB regulates the content of only the first two basic cycles, which include subjects in the humanities/social/economic and mathematical/natural sciences. Accordingly, their selection is the same in all universities. The disciplines that future officers will need to master do not vary depending on professional specialization educational institution- be it the training of border guards, cryptographers or counterintelligence officers.

The first of the cycles necessarily includes studying the basics management activities, jurisprudence, economics, foreign language and philosophy. The program of the second contains information theory, computer science, physics, discrete mathematics, math statistics, probability theory, analytic geometry and mathematical analysis.

The professional part includes disciplines from the field of information security. These are programming languages, hardware and software and cryptographic methods of information security, electrical engineering and circuitry, document management, information security management and others.

In addition, serious attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation. Even if admitted without passing high sports standards, passing an internal medical examination and an interview using a polygraph (“lie detector”), the candidate is not allowed to entrance exams. Only 1 person out of 8 manages to pass this initial “sieve” of selection.

When training employees in the structure of the FSB, more than anywhere else, the principle of continuity operates, so the chances of getting into the number of students without being “one of our own” are frankly meager. Nevertheless, they exist: for example, for applicants to ICSI, a huge advantage will be knowledge of one of the rare languages ​​(Hindi, Chinese) or perfect knowledge of one of the European languages ​​(Spanish, French, etc.).

Quality of training

That rare case, when you can honestly say: the quality of education is at the highest world level. The teachers are legendary personalities, many of whom are Heroes of Russia and Heroes Soviet Union. According to reviews of current FSB officers, in different time who have completed school at departmental universities, the level of legal, physical, mathematical and language training in them is higher than in Moscow State University and MGIMO.

In addition, the program includes such secret disciplines that they are taught in special classrooms, from which it is forbidden to take notes, not even pens. In lectures on other subjects, 35-40 pages covered in a couple of pages are considered the norm.

The most popular specialties (bachelor's degree)

  • In the FSB system, it is more correct to talk not about the bachelor’s specialties, but rather about the military specializations of newly minted lieutenants (this rank is mandatory for graduates). But even in this case, it is difficult to determine the greater or lesser popularity of one direction or another - in this structure there are simply no unpopular ones. Nevertheless, we can note the officer professions that are in high demand among applicants:
  • operational specialist;
  • counterintelligence officer; operational employee with knowledge;
  • foreign languages
  • information security specialist;

FSB institutes do not accept girls for all specialties. Most often, “female persons” (nothing personal - this is what they say in the official admission rules) can enroll in foreign language faculties. In the capital's Academy of the Federal Security Service, in addition to foreign language, the faculty of IPOS (Institute for Training of Operational Personnel) is open for beautiful (and, of course, smart) ladies, but only for distance learning.


The prospects of studying at FSB universities are evidenced by the fact that serious companies do not hesitate to hire graduates who have not chosen departmental service for the highest positions.

After graduating from an academy or institute, you can work in your specialty within the FSB structures or move to other, no less authoritative organizations, for example, Alpha.