Human interaction with the technosphere can be positive or negative. On the problem of interaction between man and the technosphere. Classification of hazardous factors

IN life cycle a person and his surrounding environment form a constantly operating “man - environment” system. Acting in this system, a person continuously provides his needs for food, water and air and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and from his own kind. Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household, etc.) constantly interact with each other in the process of life. The human environment currently includes, in addition to the natural (common to all animals), the material environment created by man.

Man and his environment interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions where the flows of energy, matter and information are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts on humans and/or the natural environment. The human environment, in addition to the natural one (common to all animals), includes the material environment created by man.

And new conditions for the interaction of living and inanimate matter arose around man: interaction of man with the technosphere, interaction of the technosphere with the biosphere (nature), etc. Now it is legitimate to talk about the emergence of a new field of knowledge - “Ecology of the technosphere,” where the main “ actors"are man and the technosphere created by him. Life safety. Textbook for universities / S. V. Belov, I. V. Ilnitskaya and others; 7th edition; M.: graduate School, 2007. P. - 5. Over the course of many centuries, the human environment slowly changed its appearance, and with mid-19th century, an active increase in human impact on the environment began. In the 20th century, zones of increased biosphere pollution arose on Earth, which led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were influenced by:

  • * high rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization;
  • * growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources;
  • * intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;
  • * mass use of means of transport;
  • * increased costs for military purposes and a number of other processes.

A new environment is gradually being created, a symbiosis of technology and humanity is being formed in nature. Technology has literally surrounded man, pushing nature aside. As a result, new technospheric conditions for human habitation emerged. New, technospheric conditions include human living conditions in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions. Virtually the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from those in the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of man-made negative factors on humans.

However, the emergence of the technosphere led to the fact that the biosphere in many regions of our planet began to be actively replaced by the technosphere. There are few areas left on the planet with undisturbed ecosystems. Man began to perceive nature as a workshop. At the same time, nature was alienated into an object of knowledge, into raw materials, resources and construction material, and in man the qualities that were necessary for this developed. For a long time all removals from nature made by man did not destroy its integrity and ability to recover. The harmony between man and nature was broken.

The development of the technosphere in the twentieth century proceeded at a very high pace compared to previous centuries. This led to two diametrically opposed consequences. On the one hand, outstanding results were achieved in science and various industries, which had a positive impact on all spheres of human life. On the other hand, previously unprecedented potential and real threats were created to man, the objects he formed and the environment. By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the living environment and provide protection from natural negative influences. All this had a beneficial effect on living conditions and, together with other factors, affected the quality and length of life. However, the man-made technosphere has not lived up to people's hopes in many ways. Man began to transform too actively, to crush nature under himself.

Alas, humanity did not take into account the fact that negative factors in the technosphere also appeared at the same time. “By creating the technosphere, we receive not only comfort, but also create dangers” Belov S.V. Russian system education in the field of human life safety in the technosphere // Civil Security Technologies. 2004. - No. 3. - P. 26.

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Life safety as a system of legislative, socio-economic, organizational, technical and sanitary-hygienic measures aimed at preserving health, ensuring labor safety and human performance in the process of work is reflected in the relevant laws and regulations of the Russian Federation [federal law “On sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (1999)].

Life safety is a complex, multidimensional system that has its own specific goals, objectives and means of achieving them. One of the most important principles is the creation of safe and harmless working conditions at all stages of the production process. Therefore, the main goal of life safety management should be considered to be the improvement of the organization of work to ensure safety, reduce injuries and accidents based on solving a set of tasks to create safe and harmless working conditions, medical, preventive and sanitary services for people.

It is necessary to predict negative impacts and ensure the safety of decisions made at the stage of their development, and to protect against existing negative factors, create and actively use protective equipment and measures, limiting in every possible way the areas of action and levels of negative factors. Life safety problems must be solved on a scientific basis.

The main goal of life safety is to study the hazards operating in the human environment, to develop systems and methods for protecting people from hazards. Life safety studies the hazards as in conditions Everyday life, and in the event of emergency situations of man-made and natural origin.

The implementation of life safety goals and objectives includes the following main stages:

identification and description of zones affected by hazards of the technosphere and its individual elements (machines, instruments, etc.);

development and implementation of the most effective systems and methods of protection against hazards;

formation of systems for monitoring hazards and managing the safety state of the technosphere;

development and implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of hazards;

The main task of life safety science is to analyze the sources and causes of hazards, predict and assess their impact in space and time.

1. Relationships man and technosphere

1.1 Concept of the technosphere

Today, a huge number of anthropogenic sources determine flows of matter and energy that are not characteristic of nature. different power. Man is increasingly turning the planet into a geotechnical system, changing natural ecological systems, which leads to the loss of the ability to self-heal the vital functions of biosphere objects. The negative impact on the environment is caused not only by the irrational structure of production, but also by the imperfection of technological processes. Of the huge amount of substances removed by people from the natural environment for production purposes, the bulk goes into industrial and household waste.

A sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure on nature has led to a disruption of the ecological balance and caused degradation not only of the environment, but also of human health. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant significance and in populated regions began to turn into the technosphere.

Biosphere - the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere 12-15 km high, the entire aquatic environment of the planet (hydrosphere) and the upper part earth's crust(lithosphere 2-3 km deep). The upper boundary of the biosphere is located at an altitude of 15-20 km from the Earth's surface in the stratosphere. Active technogenic human activity has led to the destruction of the biosphere in many regions of the planet and the creation of a new type of habitat - the technosphere.

Technosphere is an object of planetary ecology, consisting of elements of the biosphere, hydrosphere, etc. (ecosphere) that have undergone anthropogenic changes or were created as a result of conscious human activity.

The technosphere is a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people into technical and man-made objects, i.e., the environment of populated areas.

Figure 1.1 - Interaction between man, technosphere and biosphere

In the process of his life, man has created conditions that will ensure his further existence, with current methods of exploitation natural resources, are at risk of exposure to pollutants. The previously existing state characterizing the biosphere turned into a special, artificial habitat - the technosphere: to protect themselves from bad weather, they built houses, sewed clothes and shoes; protecting themselves from hunger, they developed Agriculture and its basis is agricultural machinery; protecting themselves from diseases - they were looking for new, more effective medicines and treatment methods; protecting themselves from the effects of electric current - they came up with electrical safety; to protect themselves from devastating fires, they developed a fire safety system.

From his very appearance on earth, man was forced to fight external natural hazards, creating his own technosphere for this: industry, transport, energy, communications, etc. But the technosphere has its own laws of development, the action of which more and more often leads to undesirable results - to the defeat of people and material losses. The technosphere, originally created to protect people from external dangers, is itself becoming more and more a source of danger. To successfully combat various dangers, the technosphere was created modern theory, presented in the scientific discipline “Life Safety” (LS).

1.2 Classification of hazards

Danger is a central concept in the science of BJJ. This is a phenomenon, processes, objects that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to human health directly or indirectly. All systems containing energy, chemically or biologically active components, etc. are dangerous.

This definition of hazard in the BJD is the most general and includes such concepts as dangerous, harmful production factors, damaging factors, etc.

There are several ways to classify hazards:

By nature of origin:

a) natural;

b) technical;

c) anthropogenic;

d) environmental;

d) mixed.

By localization:

a) associated with the lithosphere;

b) related to the hydrosphere;

c) related to the atmosphere;

d) related to space.

According to the consequences caused:

a) fatigue;

b) disease;

c) injury;

d) death, etc.

According to the official standard, hazards are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical.

Rice. 1.2 Major physical hazards

2. Theoretical and practical foundations of security in the human system-habitat - cars - emergency situations"

At a certain stage of his development, in order to satisfy his ever-increasing material and spiritual needs, man begins to create artificial tools - “machines”. Having received energy reserves, new equipment and technologies at his disposal, he changed his life beyond recognition, but at the same time he faced the most difficult task - to ensure effective, sustainable and safe management of this equipment.

The “man-machine-environment” (MHMS) system is a complex multifunctional system, including inanimate, living matter and society.

The structure of the SCMS consists of:

1) machines (M) - everything that is artificially created by human hands to satisfy their needs (technical devices, Information Support etc.);

2) human (H) - a human operator who, when interacting with a machine, performs certain control functions to achieve the goal;

3) the environment, which can be conditionally divided into two types - the environment (ES) and the social environment (SS).

The environment is characterized by such basic parameters as microclimate, noise, vibration, illumination, dust, gas pollution, etc.

The social environment is characterized by socio-economic and political relations in society.

A person and a machine, in their interaction, constitute a subsystem within the framework of the human-machine system, which is called the “man-machine” system - the human-machine system.

The classification of SFM is based on four groups of characteristics:

1. Purpose of the system.

2. Characteristics of the human link.

3. Type of machine link.

4. Type of interaction between system components.

According to their intended purpose, MSM are divided into:

Managers, in which the main task of a person is to control the machine;

Maintenance, in which the human task is to monitor the condition of the machine;

Educational - development of certain skills in a person;

Informational - searching, accumulating or obtaining the necessary information;

Research - analysis of certain phenomena.

According to the characteristics of the human link, HMS are divided into:

Monosystems, which include one person;

Polysystems, which include an entire team and a complex of technical devices interacting with it.

The activity of a human operator is a process of achieving the goals set for the human operator, consisting of an ordered set of actions performed by him.

There are several types of operator activities:

Operator-technologist - a person directly involved in the technological process;

Operator-manipulator - the main role of human activity is sensorimotor regulation (control of manipulators, trains, etc.);

Observer operator - a classic type of operator (transport system dispatcher, radar station operator, etc.);

Operator-researcher - researchers of any profile;

Operator-manager - organizers, managers at various levels, responsible decision makers.

Based on the type of machine link, two types of characteristics can be distinguished:

Information - machines that provide information processing and problem solving spiritual plan;

Material - machines that process material media.

Based on the type of interaction between system components in the MCS, there are two types:

Informational - interaction caused by the transfer of information from machine to person;

Sensorimotor - interaction directed from a person to a machine to accomplish a given goal.

2.1 Man as a link in the social management system

Man is dual by nature, just like the world, it consists of two components: material (physiology) and spiritual (psychology).

Man is a very complex information-energy system, which consists of only a few percent of the physical body and 95% of the information-energy layers of the subconscious.

The catastrophic nature of the path of human life is in itself a consequence, not a cause. This is only a consequence of breaking laws through ignorance or false interpretation.

The outside world is passive in relation to man. The person himself acts on him with his will. Therefore, the hostility or favorability of any factor outside world depends on the person himself. He can make contact with this factor harmonious or inharmonious.

The main physiological characteristics of a person are considered: his sensations, which transform environmental signals into quantitative and qualitative indicators of the process of receiving and partially processing information by a person, as well as control movements that ensure human interaction with the environment.

To the group psychological characteristics, the two most important ones are memory and thinking.

A very important element that shapes the direction of a person’s activity is goal.

A goal is a regulator of human activity - it is something that does not really exist yet, but that should be obtained as a result of activity. The goal acts as a proactive reflection of the future result of this activity. To transform an object of labor into a product, a person must not only imagine the future state of this object, but also receive information about its changes during the transformation process.

Receiving information is a process that has two levels:

The first (material) is the level of perception physical phenomena, acting as material carriers of information (instrument readings, etc.).

The second (ideal) is the level that ensures the decoding of received signals and the formation on this basis of an information model of the controlled process and the conditions in which this process occurs. The information model is a synthesis of perceived information and information retrieved from memory.

3. Protection of the population and territories in emergencies

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies,” an emergency situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of a dangerous natural phenomenon, a man-made incident that has resulted or may result in human casualties, extensive material damage, or disruption of living conditions.

To the main damaging factors Emergency situations include:

1) Aerodynamic impact

2) Temperature effect

3) Chemical exposure

4) Biological effects

3.1 Sources of emergency situations

safety life technosphere dangerous

The sources of emergencies are:

1) Dangerous man-made incident

2) Natural phenomena

3) Epidemic

4) The use of destructive weapons during military operations

Security is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, and state.

3.2 Phases of emergency development

The phases of emergency development are presented in the form of a graph, where the vertical coordinate axis is the value of the danger, the horizontal coordinate axis is the time from the moment the danger occurs until its complete elimination.

Rice. 3.1 Phases of emergency development. (1 - actual scenario of emergency development; 2 - predicted scenario of emergency development; 3 - difference)

Phase I is the phase of accumulation of residual risks. The occurrence of any emergency is due to the presence of residual risks.

Phase II is the phase of increasing emergency risk.

Phase III is the phase of maximum development of danger.

Phase IV - phase of decline in danger.

Phase V - liquidation of consequences.

3.3 Emergency classification

Emergencies can be classified according to two variables - the number of victims and the material damage caused - table. 3.1:

Table 3.1 - Emergency classification

Assessment of the situation during an emergency:

1) Determination of the number of victims and their location.

2) Establishing the boundaries of the emergency zone.

3) Determination of levels of negative development.

4) Determination of sources of secondary damaging factors.

5) Determination of approaches and routes for evacuation of the population.

6) Chemical reconnaissance.

7) Radiation and radiological reconnaissance

8) Biological prospecting.

9) Engineering reconnaissance.

10) Search for victims.

3.4 Types of emergency situations

3. 4 .1 Chemical accident

A chemical accident is a disruption of technological processes in production, damage to pipelines, tanks, storage facilities, vehicles, leading to the release of emergency chemically hazardous substances (HAS) into the atmosphere in quantities that pose a danger to the life and health of people and the functioning of the biosphere.

The development of emergencies is facilitated by the volume of matter released into the environment, wind speed, the degree of vertical stability of the atmosphere (inversion, isotherm, conversion), terrain, and air temperature.

The control method is degassing - a method of removing chemical factors from environmental objects.

3. 4 .2 Radiation accident

Radiation accident - loss of control of an object using sources of ionizing radiation.

The control method is decontamination - removal of sources of ionizing radiation from environmental objects with their subsequent transportation to safe storage places. If transportation is impossible, avoid contact of sources of ionizing radiation with the environment and humans.

3. 4 .3 Epidemic

Epidemic - widespread infectious disease, exceeding the average morbidity threshold typical for a given region. The causative agents of the epidemic are viruses, bacteria, fungi, and rickettsia.

The development of emergencies is facilitated by the time of year, sanitary conditions, level of sanitary culture, and disinfection.

Control methods - disinfection, disinsection, immunization, deratization, quarantine.

3. 4 .4 Flood

Flood is the flooding of an area, causing material damage, disruption of living conditions, resulting from a sharp rise in water level.

The development of emergencies is facilitated by floods, floods, congestion, tsunamis, and accidents of hydraulic structures.

Methods of combating - increasing the accuracy of weather forecasting systems and warning systems. Explosion of ice on rivers in the spring.

3. 4 .5 Pfires

Fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

Hazardous factors of fire - fire, ignition, flash, explosion.

Control methods include isolation of reacting substances, chemical inhibition of the combustion reaction, lowering the concentration of reacting substances, cooling of reacting substances.

4. Environmental safety

Environmental legislation is represented by federal laws, as well as other legal acts of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities adopted in accordance with them. The main laws on regulation and environmental protection are the federal laws: “On Environmental Protection” (2002), “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (1999), “On the Protection atmospheric air"(1999), Water Code of the Russian Federation (1995), Land Code of the Russian Federation (2001), "On production and consumption waste" (1998), "On environmental assessment" (1995), etc.

The main act of environmental legislation is the federal law “On Environmental Protection”, which came into force on January 12, 2002. (EP Law). This law defines the legal basis of state policy in the field of environmental protection. The Environmental Protection Law provides for ensuring the constitutional right of citizens to a favorable environment.

Sanitary legislation for regulating environmental quality consists of the main federal law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, other federal laws, as well as other legal acts of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities adopted in accordance with them. The Basic Law is aimed at ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, protecting the health of citizens and a favorable environment.

The main law on regulating the quality and protection of atmospheric air in the city is the Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”. Quality regulation air environment is carried out by standardization (Articles 11, 12), monitoring (Article 23), state, industrial and public control over the protection of atmospheric air (Articles 24...27), and carrying out measures to protect atmospheric air (Articles 9, 30).

The Water Code of the Russian Federation ensures the rights of citizens to clean water and a favorable water environment. This is the basic law for the protection of surface and ground waters. In accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the quality of surface and groundwater must meet sanitary and environmental requirements (Article 3), that is, requirements for water purity according to standardized chemical, physical and biological indicators, which are given in the relevant documents.

In the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the regulation of relations regarding the use and protection of land is carried out on the basis of ideas about land as a natural object, the most important component of the environment.

The Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” defines the legal basis for waste management in order to prevent harmful effects waste on human health and the environment.


The level of solving problems of ensuring human life safety in any modern state can serve as the most reliable and comprehensive criterion for assessing how the degree economic development and the stability of this state, and to assess the moral state of society.

This is because deep and comprehensive solutions to complex problems generated by scientific and technological progress, requires huge capital investments and high culture production, and, therefore, only within the power of an economically highly developed, stable state with powerful scientific, technical and intellectual potential.

On the other hand, solving security problems requires active participation all members of a society organized on the principles of high morality and culture. The implementation of these principles can be achieved on the basis of a carefully designed and organized continuous system of education and upbringing, covering all levels of education from preschool education to a system of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Particularly acute are the problems of ensuring human safety directly at enterprises, where zones of formation of various dangerous and harmful factors practically permeate the entire production environment in which personnel work.

During the report, I relied on some premises that helped structure the knowledge gained during the preparation of the report.

The most important of them are the following:

First, all problems arise in the “man-machine-environment” system; therefore, to understand them, it is necessary to study all links of this system, bearing in mind that each can be a source of danger.

The second - the sequence of solutions to industrial safety problems consists of the implementation of three groups of tasks: analysis, forecasting, modeling of sources of hazards, development of methods and means of protection, elimination of the consequences of its manifestation.

The third is to ensure high level for the safety of technological processes and favorable working conditions in production, it is necessary to use all methods and means, including technical, organizational, legal and economic.

Taking into account these prerequisites helped to facilitate the selection of information material, and it was methodically justified to present it to study the entire range of issues that provide an effective solution to problems of safety and labor protection.


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (2002).

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (1999).

3. PPB 01-03. Fire safety rules in Russian Federation.

4. Life safety. Textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, I.V. Ilnitskaya and others; 7th edition; M.: Higher School, 2007. - 616s.

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Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household, etc.) constantly interact with each other in the process of life, and they interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions when the flows of energy, matter and information are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts on humans and/or the natural environment. Under natural conditions, such impacts are observed during climate change and natural phenomena.

In the technosphere, negative impacts are caused by elements of the technosphere (machines, structures, etc.) and human actions. By changing the value of any flow from the minimally significant to the maximum possible, you can go through a number of characteristic states of interaction in the “person – environment” system:

· comfortable;

· acceptable;

· dangerous;

· extremely dangerous.

Human interaction with the environment can be positive or negative; the nature of the interaction is determined by the flow of substances, energies and information.

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Life safety
“Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities for Education in the Field of Automated Mechanical Engineering (UMO AM) as teaching aid for students higher institutions, students

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According to the “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE), all industrial premises are divided into three categories based on the danger of electric shock. 1. Premises with

Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with isolated neutral
The wires of electrical networks in relation to the ground have capacitance and active resistance - leakage resistance, equal to the sum of the insulation resistance by current to the ground (Fig. 3). For y

The danger of three-phase electrical networks with a grounded neutral
Rice. 4. Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with a grounded neutral. Three-phase networks with a grounded neutral have low resistance.

Danger of single-phase current networks
Rice. 5. Danger of single-phase current networks When one-pole touches the wire of an insulated network, a person becomes “connected” to another

Current spreading in the ground
The current flow diagram in the ground is shown in Fig. 6, a. A current short circuit occurs when the insulation is damaged and a phase breakdown occurs on the equipment housing, when a power supply wire falls to the ground

Prevention of adverse effects of microclimate
The leading role in preventing the harmful effects of high temperatures and infrared radiation belongs to technological measures - replacement of old ones and introduction of new technological ones

Types of ventilation. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for ventilation systems
Types of ventilation: 1.By the method of air stimulation: · artificial; · natural; · mixed. 2.According to the method of air exchange

Determining the required air exchange
Air exchange, m3/h, in a normal microclimate and the absence of harmful substances or their content within normal limits can be determined by the formula L=nL

Calculation of natural general ventilation
Natural ventilation of buildings and premises is determined by thermal pressure (the difference in the densities of indoor and outdoor air) and wind pressure. According to Gay-Lussac's law, when

Calculation of artificial general ventilation
The ventilation system includes: air intakes in the form of holes in the structures of fences or shafts, equipped with louvered grilles; devices for adjusting the number of positions

Calculation of local ventilation
· Calculation of the performance of the exhaust hood; · Calculation of local ventilation of surfacing installations; · Calculation of local ventilation of welding installations; · Calculation

Air conditioning
Air conditioning is the process of maintaining temperature, humidity and air purity in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises

Monitoring the performance of ventilation systems
The efficiency of the ventilation system is monitored in practice by two methods: direct and indirect. The direct method involves checking ventilation performance by

Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)
Heating is designed to maintain normal air temperature in production premises during the cold season. In addition, it contributes to better preservation of buildings and

Standardization and calculation of natural lighting
Natural lighting is created by direct sunlight or diffused light from the sky. It should be provided for all production, warehouse, sanitary and administrative

Artificial lighting, rationing and calculation
For artificial lighting of premises, incandescent lamps and gas-discharge lamps are used. Standardization of artificial illumination Norm

Incandescent lamps are simple to install, cheap and easy to use. However, they convert only 2.5...3% of consumed energy into luminous flux and are sensitive to voltage fluctuations

Methods and means of reducing the negative impact of noise
To reduce noise in industrial premises, various methods are used: · reducing the noise level at the source of its occurrence; sound absorption and sound

Determining the effectiveness of some alternative noise reduction methods
Usually there are several noise sources with different intensity levels installed in the premises. In this case, the total sound pressure level (L, dB) in frequency bands or average

Methods and means of reducing the harmful effects of vibration
To combat vibration of machines and equipment and protect workers from vibration, various methods are used. The fight against vibration at its source is associated with eliminating the causes

Means and methods of protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies
Protection of personnel from the effects of electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (RF EMR) is carried out through organizational, engineering, technical, treatment and preventive measures

Means of protection against exposure to infrared and ultraviolet radiation
Measures to protect against the effects of infrared radiation The main way to improve labor health in hot shops, where infrared radiation is the main component of the microclimate, is

Laser protection
Work with optical quantum generators (OQGs) - lasers - should be carried out in separate, specially designated rooms or fenced off parts of the premises. The room itself

Protective grounding
Protective grounding is the intentional electrical connection to the ground or its equivalent of metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical installations that may be under ground.

Grounding is a deliberate connection to the neutral protective conductor of metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment that may be energized. Zeroing pr

Safety shutdown
Protective shutdown is a fast-acting protection that provides automatic shutdown of an electrical installation with a voltage of up to 1000 V when there is a danger of electrical damage in it.

Use of personal electrical protective equipment
They are divided into basic and additional insulating protective equipment, as well as auxiliary devices. Basic insulating protective equipment has insulation

Design and rules for using PPE for respiratory organs, protection of the head, eyes, face, hearing organs, hands, special protective clothing and footwear
Workwear and safety footwear are designed to reliably protect the human body from hazardous production factors while maintaining normal functional state and performance.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for master plans of industrial enterprises
The main condition for maintaining safety when designing an enterprise, technology and equipment is to prevent the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors on work

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial buildings and premises
At the design and construction stages, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary class of the room, the norms of usable space for workers and for equipment, and also observe the width of the passages

Organization of certification of workplaces for working conditions
Certification of workplaces according to working conditions is an important component of the organization of labor protection at an enterprise. The tasks of workplace certification are: 1. Definition

Goals of occupational safety management at an enterprise
Occupational safety management is understood as a systematic process of influencing the system “man - machine - production environment” to obtain specified values ​​for the totality of indicators.

Tasks, functions and objects of occupational safety management
The main tasks of the labor protection service are: 1. Organization and coordination of labor protection work at the enterprise. 2. Monitoring compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements

Information in occupational safety management
All information necessary for managing occupational safety and health can be divided into normative and informative. Regulatory information contains information characterizing

Constitution of the Russian Federation
Constitution of the Russian Federation on labor protection. It defines the basic rights and freedoms of citizens in the political and socio-economic life of society, serves as the basis for the development

Labor Code of the Russian Federation
It came into force on February 1, 2002 and regulates labor relations of people. The code contains enough detailed interpretation labor protection legislation. In Section I

Regulatory legal acts on labor protection
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 937 “On state regulatory requirements for labor protection in the Russian Federation.” Legal acts on labor protection. T

System of occupational safety standards. (SSBT)
The structure of the SSBT includes five subsystems of standards (12.0-12.4). 12.0. Organizational and methodological standards for the fundamentals of building a system establish the structure, tasks, goals and

1. Life safety: textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, A.V. Ilnitskaya, A.F. Kozyakov, etc.; edited by S.V. Belova. - M.: Higher School, 2001. - 448 p. 2. Kukin P.P. Without


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Production

1.1 Fundamentals of life safety. Basic concepts, terms and definitions

Life safety is the sphere of scientific knowledge about comfortable and safe human interaction with the technosphere. The main goal of life safety as a science is to protect people in the technosphere from the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions. In the life cycle, a person and the surrounding environment form a constantly operating “person-environment” system.

Habitat is the environment surrounding a person, currently determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) capable of having a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, his health and offspring.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its needs for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and from its own kind.

Over the course of many centuries, the human environment has slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts have changed little. This continued until the middle of the 19th century. – the beginning of an active increase in human impact on the environment. In the 20th century Zones of increased pollution of the biosphere have emerged on Earth, which has led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were facilitated by:

High rates of population growth on Earth and its urbanization;

Increased consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Massive use of means of transport;

Increased costs for military purposes and a number of other processes.

At the same time, until the middle of the 20th century. man did not have the ability to initiate large-scale accidents and disasters and thereby cause changes on a regional and global scale commensurate with a natural disaster.

An incident is an event consisting of a negative impact causing damage to human, natural or material resources.

Accident is an incident in a technical system that is not accompanied by loss of life, in which recovery technical means impossible or economically infeasible.

A disaster is an incident in a technical system, accompanied by the death of people or their disappearance.

A natural disaster is an incident associated with natural phenomena on Earth and leading to the destruction of the biosphere, death or loss of health of people.

However, as a result of active man-made activity in many regions of our planet, the biosphere has been destroyed and a new type of habitat has been created - the technosphere.

The biosphere is the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper layer of the lithosphere, which have not experienced anthropogenic impact.

Technosphere is a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs (technosphere is a region of a city or industrial zone, industrial or domestic environment).

1.2 Hazards, harmful and hazardous production factors

Human interaction with the environment must be positive or negative; the nature of the interaction is determined by the flow of substances, energies and information.

They determine the negative result of the interaction of hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly act in the system “person - environment”.

Danger is a negative impact of the properties of living and negative matter that can cause damage to the matter itself: people, the natural environment, and material values.

Danger is a central concept in life safety. A person is exposed to hazards in his work activities. This activity takes place in a space called the work environment.

In production conditions, humans are mainly affected by man-made, ᴛ.ᴇ. associated with technology, hazards that are commonly called hazardous and harmful production factors.

A harmful factor is a negative impact on a person, which leads to deterioration of health or illness.

A dangerous (traumatic, traumatic) factor is a negative impact on a person that leads to injury or death.

Hazardous production factors include, for example:

Electric current of a certain strength;

Hot bodies;

The possibility of the worker himself or various parts and objects falling from a height;

Equipment operating under pressure above atmospheric, etc.

Harmful production factors include, for example:

Adverse weather conditions;

Dust and gas contamination of the air;

Exposure to noise, infra- and ultrasound, vibration;

The presence of electromagnetic fields, laser radiation, etc.

All dangerous and harmful production factors are divided into chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Physical factors include electricity, increased pressure of vapors and gases in vessels, unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, infra- and ultrasound, insufficient illumination, etc.

Chemical factors are substances harmful to the human body in various states.

Biological factors- ϶ᴛᴏ exposure to various microorganisms, as well as plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors - physical and emotional overload, mental overstrain, monotony of work.

There is often no clear boundary between dangerous and harmful production factors. For example, exposure to molten metal at work. If a person falls under its direct influence (thermal burn), this leads to severe injury and may result in the death of the victim. In this case, the impact of molten metal on a worker is, by definition, considered a hazardous production factor. If a person constantly works with molten metal and is under the influence of radiant heat, then under the influence of radiation biochemical changes occur in the body, disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Prolonged exposure to infrared rays leads to clouding of the lens. However, in the second case, the effect of radiant heat from molten metal on the worker’s body is a harmful production factor.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, paraphrasing the axiom about potential danger formulated by O.N. Rusak, it can be argued: human life is potentially dangerous.

The axiom predetermines that human actions and all components of the living environment, all technical devices and technologies, in addition to positive properties and results, have the ability to generate traumatic and harmful factors. Moreover, any new positive action is inevitably accompanied by the emergence of new negative factors.

The main desired state of objects of protection is safe, it differs in the complete absence of dangers.

Security is the state of the object of protection in which the impact on it of all flows of matter, energy and information does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

The state of working conditions under which workers are not exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors is usually called labor safety.

Life safety in production conditions has another name – labor protection.

Labor protection is a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures and means that ensure safety, preservation of health and performance during the work process.

However, the main task of the science of life safety is the preventive analysis of the sources and causes of hazards, forecasting and assessing their impact in space and time.

The main directions of the practical activities of the BZD are the prevention of causes and conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations.

1.3. Criteria for comfort and safety of the technosphere

A comfortable state of living space in terms of microclimate and lighting is achieved by complying with regulatory requirements. Comfort is determined by the value of indoor air temperature, humidity and mobility (GOST 12.1.005-88 “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for working area air”). Comfort conditions are also achieved by complying with regulatory requirements for natural and artificial lighting of premises and territories (for example, SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”). The safety criteria of the technosphere are restrictions imposed on the concentrations of substances and energy flows in the living space.

Safety criteria – maximum permissible physical and chemical pollution working area established by regulatory documents in the form of maximum permissible concentrations r.z. (maximum permissible concentration of the working area) and MPL (maximum permissible level of exposure to the working area). The concentrations of substances and energy flows must satisfy following conditions :

where Ci is the concentration of the i-th substance in the living space;

MPCi-maximum permissible concentration i-th substance in living space;

For energy flows, permissible values ​​are established by the relations:

Ji<ПДУ (1.2)

where Ji is the intensity of the i-th energy flow;

MPL is the maximum permissible intensity of the i-th flow.

If several harmful substances with a unidirectional effect are simultaneously present in the atmospheric air, their concentrations must satisfy condition (3):


Specific values ​​of MAC and MPL are established by regulations of the State System of Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards of the Russian Federation. So, for example, in relation to conditions of industrial and environmental pollution by electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range, Sanitary rules and regulations Sqn P and N 2.2.4/ apply.

The concentration of each harmful substance in the ground layer should not exceed the maximum single maximum permissible concentration, ᴛ.ᴇ.

SPDmax, with exposure no more than 20 minutes. If the time of exposure to a harmful substance exceeds 20 minutes, then the maximum permissible concentration is the average daily concentration.

In cases where flows of mass and/or energy from a source of negative impact into the environment can increase rapidly and reach excessively high values ​​(for example, during accidents), the acceptable probability (risk) of the occurrence of such an event is taken as a safety criterion.

Risk is the probability of a negative impact occurring in the area where a person is present.

The likelihood of emergency situations occurring in relation to technical objects and technologies is assessed on the basis of statistical data, the magnitude of the risk is determined by the formula:

where R-risk;

Nch.s. - number of emergency events per year;

No - total number of events per year;

Radd. - acceptable risk.

Today there are ideas about the values ​​of acceptable (tolerable) and unacceptable risk. An unacceptable risk has a probability of negative impact of more than 10-3, an acceptable risk - less than 10-6. With risk values ​​from 10-3 to 10-6, it is customary to distinguish a transition region of risk values.

For example: cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors have a probability of occurrence R=10-2, ᴛ.ᴇ. R>10-3 is an area of ​​unacceptable risk.

Transition zone of risk values ​​10-6

Acceptable risk zone R<10-6: проживание вблизи АЭС (при нормальном режиме работы)

1.4 Classification of working conditions.

Working conditions are a set of factors in the working environment and the labor process that influence human health and performance during the work process

In accordance with the hygienic classification of labor (R.2.2.013-94), working conditions are divided into four classes:





Optimal working conditions ensure maximum productivity and minimal stress on the human body. Optimal standards are established only for microclimate parameters and labor process factors.

Acceptable working conditions are characterized by levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed established hygienic standards. Changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or at the beginning of the next shift, and do not have an adverse effect in the immediate and long-term period on the health of the employee and his offspring.

Harmful working conditions are characterized by the level of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and his offspring.

Harmful working conditions (class 3) are divided into four degrees of harmfulness. The first degree (3.1) is characterized by such deviations from hygienic standards, which, as a rule, cause reversible functional changes and determine the risk of developing the disease.

The second degree (3.2) is determined by such levels of production factors that can cause persistent functional disorders, which lead to an increase in the frequency of general morbidity and the appearance of initial signs of occupational pathology.

In the third degree (3.3), exposure to levels of harmful factors leads to the development of occupational pathology in mild forms and to an increase in chronic general somatic pathology

In working conditions of the fourth degree (3.4), pronounced forms of occupational diseases arise, and there is a high level of morbidity with temporary disability.

Hazardous (extreme) working conditions are characterized by such levels of production factors, the impact of which during a work shift poses a threat to life.

1.5 Methods for assessing the severity and intensity of work.

The variety of forms of labor activity is divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical labor is characterized primarily by an increased load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, etc.)

Mental work combines work related to the reception and processing of information, which requires predominantly straining the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, as well as the activation of thinking processes and the emotional sphere. This type of work is characterized by hypokinesia. a significant decrease in a person’s motor activity, leading to a deterioration in the body’s reactivity.

The physical severity of labor is the load on the body during work, requiring predominantly muscular effort.

Classification of work by severity is based on the category of work severity.

Moderate physical work is divided into category 2a - energy consumption from 151 to 200 cal/h and category 2b - energy consumption from 201 to 250 kcal/h.

Category 2a includes work associated with constant walking, moving weights up to 1 kg, and requiring a certain amount of physical stress (a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops, spinning and weaving, etc.)

Category 2b includes work associated with walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical stress (a number of professions in mechanized, foundry, forge, thermal welding shops, etc.).

Category 3 includes work associated with constant movement, moving and carrying significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort (loaders, masons, a number of professions in blacksmith shops with hand forging, etc.)

Labor intensity is characterized by the emotional load on the body during work that requires predominantly intensive brain work to receive and process information. At the same time, when assessing the degree of tension, ergonomic indicators are taken into account: work shifts, posture, number of movements, etc.

Mental work is considered the easiest, where there is no need to make decisions - optimal working conditions (when assessing tension)

If the operator works and makes decisions within the framework of one instruction, these are acceptable working conditions.

Stressful hazardous conditions of the 1st degree include work that involves solving complex problems using known algorithms or working using several instructions. Creative activity refers to hard work of the 2nd degree.

The intensity depends on the duration of concentrated observation and the number of simultaneously observed objects. With an observation duration of up to 25% of the duration of the work shift, working conditions are optimal, 26-50% are acceptable, 51-75% are hard work of the 1st degree, more than 75% are of the 2nd degree.

By the number of objects: up to 5 objects are optimal, 6-10 objects are acceptable working conditions, more than 10 are tense 2nd degree.

Working with video play terminals for up to 2 hours per shift is considered optimal, up to 3 hours is acceptable, over 3 hours intense work is 3 - 4 hours (1st degree intense), more than 4 hours (2nd degree intense).

When the working day lasts up to 7 hours – optimal working conditions, up to 9 hours – acceptable, more than 9 hours – stressful.

LECTURE 1. MAN AND TECHNOSPHERE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "LECTURE 1. MAN AND TECHNOSPHERE" 2017, 2018.

The purpose of studying life safety

Purpose of study life safety - the formation and promotion of knowledge aimed at reducing mortality and loss of human health from external factors and causes. Creation of human protection in the technosphere from external negative impacts of anthropogenic, technogenic and natural origin. Object of protection is a person.

Subject of study life safety - hazards and their totality, as well as means and systems of protection against hazards.

The reasons for the emergence of the BJJ discipline in Russia:

· High mortality (especially among men of reproductive age)

· Low life expectancy (characteristics for the male part of the population)

·Annual decline in average total population

The significance and solution of these problems is very important for our country, since according to forecasts, Russia is facing extinction in the foreseeable future. The most important task facing the state is to stabilize the population.

Principles of BJD- these are the main areas of activity, ensuring safety; with their help, the level of knowledge about the danger is determined, and then requirements for carrying out protective measures and measures are formed.

Based on implementation, i.e. according to how they are carried out principles of BJD are divided into the following groups:

orienting, i.e. giving a general direction for the search for security solutions; The guiding principles include the principle of a systematic approach, professional selection, the principle of normalizing negative impacts, etc.

managerial; These include the principle of control, the principle of stimulating activities aimed at increasing safety, the principles of responsibility, feedback, etc.

organizational ; Among these principles one can name the so-called protection by time, when the time during which exposure to negative factors is allowed on a person is regulated, the principle of rational organization of labor, rational operating modes, organization of sanitary protection zones, etc.

technical; this group of principles involves the use of specific technical solutions to improve safety.

Biosphere as a human habitat. Structure and composition of the biosphere.

Biosphere – This is a set of parts of the earth’s shells (litho-, hydro- and atmosphere), which is populated by living organisms, is under their influence and is occupied by the products of their vital activity.

Composition of the biosphere:

· Living matter is the entire sum of living organisms present on the planet in a given historical period.

· Biogenic substance is an organic or organomineral substance created by organisms of the distant past and presented in the form of coal, oil shale, combustible gases, peat, sapropel, oil.

· Inert substance - products formed without the participation of living organisms.

· Bioinert substance - inorganic substances transformed by the activity of organisms (water, air, iron and manganese ores)

· A substance undergoing radioactive decay.

· Scattered atoms, continuously created from all kinds of terrestrial matter under the influence of cosmic radiation.

· Substance of cosmic origin.

Structure of the biosphere:

Atmosphere up to a height of 25 km (ozone layer)

Hydrosphere throughout its entire thickness (11 km)

Lithosphere to a depth of 5 km (temperature barrier +105ºС)

The role of the biosphere:

- Capturing and creating reserves of solar energy through the process of photosynthesis

Creation of organic matter and its transport around the planet

Concentration of chemical elements

Deposition of organic matter for a long period (limestones, chalk, coal, oil, etc.)

Redox activity (anaerobic and aerobic organisms)

Creation of soil and its fertile layer

Sanitary cleaning function (decomposition of dead organic residues)

Characteristics of the systems “man-environment”, “man-technosphere”, “technosphere-nature”, “man-nature”

Habitat- this is the environment surrounding a person, which through a combination of factors (physical, biological, chemical and social) has a direct or indirect impact on a person’s life, his health, ability to work and offspring.

The environment includes:

· Natural environment (Biosphere)- the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth that has not experienced technogenic impact (atmosphere, hydrosphere, upper part of the lithosphere). It has both protective properties (protecting a person from negative factors - temperature differences, precipitation) and a number of negative factors. Therefore, to protect against them, man was forced to create the technosphere.

· Technogenic environment (Technosphere)- a habitat created through the influence of people and technical means on the natural environment in order to best suit the environment to social and economic needs.

Classification of conditions for humans in the “person - environment” system:

· Comfortable (optimal) conditions for activity and rest. A person is better adapted to these conditions. The highest performance is demonstrated, the health and integrity of the components of the living environment are guaranteed.

· Acceptable. They are characterized by a deviation of the levels of flows of substances, energy and information from nominal values ​​within acceptable limits. These working conditions do not have a negative impact on health, but lead to discomfort and decreased performance and productivity. Irreversible processes in humans and the environment are not caused. Permissible exposure standards are set forth in sanitary standards.

· Dangerous. Flows of substances, energy and information exceed permissible exposure levels. Have a negative impact on human health. Long-term exposure causes diseases and leads to degradation of the natural environment.

· Extremely dangerous. Flows can cause injury or death in a short period of time, causing irreversible damage to the natural environment.

Human interaction with the environment can be positive (in a comfortable and acceptable state) and negative (in a dangerous and extremely dangerous state). Many factors that constantly influence a person are unfavorable for his health and activity.