Military awards of the Great Patriotic War (photo). Medal "xx years of the workers' and peasants' red army" Order of the Second World War

They were considered the highest state award. This position has been preserved in modern Russia. However, many are interested in the distribution of orders and medals of the USSR by importance. Let's present the list by adding to it interesting facts about the highest Soviet award.

What is this order?

In the USSR, an order was a state award that rewarded a citizen for special merits and achievements before society and the state: defense of the Fatherland, success in communist labor, etc.

When distributing the orders of the USSR by significance, it is important to remember that 20 such awards were approved. Only higher degrees differences:

  • Hero of the USSR.
  • Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • "Hero City" (for settlements).
  • "Hero-Fortress" (for defensive points).
  • “Heroine Mother” is a title given to women with many children.

In addition to all of the above, 55 significant medals were approved, as well as 19 honorary titles Soviet state.

Before sorting out the orders of the USSR by importance, let’s get acquainted with a number of important and interesting provisions about them:

  • Both orders and medals were approved only by
  • Requests for awards could only come from government agencies (departments, committees, ministries), public and party associations, commanders of military units and heads of enterprises.
  • The decision on the award was made only by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It itself was carried out on his instructions and on his (the Presidium’s) behalf. During the Great Patriotic War, such an honorable duty was delegated to officers - from the brigade commander to the front commander.
  • The regulations for wearing orders were established by Decrees of the Presidium.
  • For a number of acts, the Presidium could deprive a person of the state award assigned to him.
  • Orders were awarded not only to people, but also to republics, cities, and regions. But the medal could only be awarded to a person.
  • If the order had several degrees, then the awarding necessarily proceeded gradually - from the lowest to the more significant.
  • If the order was not divided into degrees, then it could mark the same person, city, military unit and so on. repeatedly.
  • Orders can be worn both on a block and without it. Also, instead of the award itself, only its bar was allowed to be attached.

Types of orders

In addition to dividing the orders of the USSR by importance, they were gradated into the following groups:

  • Awards for labor, revolutionary merits, defense of the Fatherland, development of international friendship, and other services to the Soviet country.
  • Orders of Military Merit.
  • Awards for heroine mothers - for giving birth and raising children.

Orders of the USSR by degree of importance

Let's look at the most current seniority scheme for these awards in history - given for 1988. So, the orders of the USSR in order of importance (photos on the topic are also given in this article) - from the most honorable to the more junior awards:

  • Them. Lenin.
  • Red October Revolution.
  • Suvorov 1st degree.
  • Ushakova 1st Art.
  • Kutuzov 1st Art.
  • Nakhimov 1st Art.
  • B. Khmelnitsky 1st Art.
  • Next - Suvorov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov, B. Khmelnitsky 2nd Art.
  • Then - Suvorov, Kutuzov, B. Khmelnitsky 3rd Art.
  • A. Nevsky.
  • Great Patriotic War 1st Art.
  • Great Patriotic War, 2nd Art.
  • Labor Red Banner.
  • Friendship between nations.
  • Red star.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces Soviet Union 1st Art.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 2nd Art.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 3rd Art.
  • Honor.
  • For personal courage.
  • Glory 1st Art.
  • Glory 2nd Art.
  • Glory 3rd Art.
  • Labor Glory 1st class.
  • Labor Glory 2nd Art.
  • Labor glory 3rd Art.

We now know the distribution of USSR orders by degree of importance. Next, we suggest you contact chronological order their institutions.


During this period the following awards were introduced:

  • Red Banner (1924) - more than 581 thousand awarded. The first of such Soviet awards. The order was awarded for special courage and bravery of a defender of the state.
  • Red Banner of Labor (1928) - more than 1,224 thousand awarded. Order for outstanding labor merits in production, agriculture, science, culture, etc.
  • Lenin (1930) - more than 431 thousand awarded. For revolutionary merits, defense of the Fatherland, development of international friendship, labor feats.
  • Red Star (1930) - more than 3,876 thousand awarded. Order for military merit, ensuring state security.
  • Honor (1935) - more than 1,580 awarded. For excellent achievements in production, sports, cultural and social activities.


USSR medals - catalog of medals of the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union with photographs, descriptions, history of their establishment and awards, prices.

Leave only WWII medals

After the revolution of 1917, and the formation of a new state, it was decided to abandon the award system Tsarist Russia, so all USSR combat medals were created from scratch.

Since 1924, rewards for special merits have been carried out with the only award established in the country - the Order of the Red Banner of Battle. By 1937, more than 32 thousand people had received it, and this led to the depreciation of the award. In order to maintain the value of the order at an appropriate level, it was decided to create junior awards - medals of the USSR.

Clause 9 of Article 121 of the USSR Constitution states that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR: “establishes orders and medals; establishes honorary titles; awards orders and medals; confers honorary titles; Thus, orders and medals established by individual republics, departments and divisions are not state awards of the USSR.

The first medal of the armed forces of the USSR in 1938 was the anniversary medal of the XX years of the Red Army, and ten months later the first military medals of the Soviet Union were established - “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”. Both of them became exclusively military, the first of them was awarded directly for courageous actions in battle, the second can be received in total for a number of less significant actions, as well as for success in military and political training. A month later, in December 1938, by analogy with them, labor medals of the USSR were established - “For Labor Valor” and “For Labor Distinction”, intended to reward people who have accomplished labor feats.

The last awards established in the pre-war period were signs of special distinction for citizens awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star medal for the military and the Hammer and Sickle medal for civilians.

Medals of the Great Patriotic War of the USSR

With the German attack on the USSR in June 1941, a period of difficult battles began, feats and other heroic deeds were performed en masse, and there was a need to expand the award system.

The initial period of the Great Patriotic War was characterized by a number of heroic defensive battles. To honor all participants in those events, Soviet medals were established in December 1942 for the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol, Leningrad and Stalingrad. By that time, the first two cities after heroic defense were abandoned by order of the headquarters; battles continued for the second two.

By February 1943 the enemy had been stopped and the partisan movement in the occupied territories of the USSR, operating in the rear and undermining enemy communications and military warehouses. In 1943, more than a million took part in the partisan movement. Soviet citizens, and to commemorate their contribution to the victory, a medal was created for the Partisan of the Patriotic War.

By the summer of 1943, the Soviet award system already included 15 awards given for military merit, which forced a change in the rules for wearing them. Since the summer of 1943, all round awards were worn on the left side of the chest; in addition, the same was worn on the left side of the chest special sign distinctions “Golden Star” and “Hammer and Sickle”, and instead of medals, it was allowed to wear award ribbons on rectangular strips.

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, a number of new awards were established, these were the Soviet medals for liberation European capitals: Belgrade, Prague, Warsaw. WWII medals also appeared for the capture of the strongholds of Nazi Germany: Vienna, Koenigsberg, Budapest, Berlin, in addition to them, special commemorative medals of the USSR were created: “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” and "For victory over Japan."

After the end of the Second World War, the question arose of restoring the destroyed economic and industrial potential of the Soviet Union. Millions of people took part in large-scale construction projects, and memorial signs were created for participation in these events, such as medals for the Restoration of ferrous metallurgy enterprises, Donbass mines, and the construction of the BAM.

Subsequently, the USSR award system was expanded by establishing Soviet medals in honor of anniversaries largest cities countries, the 800th anniversary of Moscow, the 250th anniversary of Leningrad and the 1500th anniversary of Kyiv.

In 1979, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union decided to restore order in the award system, and approved “ General position about orders, medals and honorary titles of the USSR." According to this document, all USSR medals were collected into eight groups:

  • Medals are signs of special distinction;
  • Medals for awarding labor merits;
  • Medals for awarding for services in the defense of the socialist Fatherland and other military merits;
  • Medals for awarding for services in solving the most important national economic problems of the USSR;
  • Medals for awarding mothers for having many children and raising children;
  • Medals for awarding merit in the performance of civil and official duties;
  • Medals for awarding for merits and distinctions during the Great Patriotic War, in the defense, capture and liberation of cities and territories;
  • Medals for awarding in connection with the most important anniversaries in the history of the Soviet people.

On our website we have created a catalog of USSR medals with prices, their descriptions, photographs, history of the institution and awards. The indicated cost of USSR medals is approximate, and to a large extent the price may fluctuate depending on the condition, availability of documents and the fame of the recipient.

Everyone who is interested in, and even more so, seriously involved in phaleristics, is well aware that among the awards as Russian Empire, and the USSR ( modern Russia too) there is a certain hierarchy, that is, some awards are considered more important (“senior”), others less (“junior”).
But if in relation to orders such a hierarchy is understandable and to a certain extent logical, then as regards medals, everything is much more confusing. This is especially true for Soviet medals associated with specific events of the Great Patriotic War - the defense of Soviet cities or territories, as well as the liberation of the capitals of occupied states from the Germans or the capture of enemy cities.

In this regard, several questions arise, some of which I have my own answers, or rather, assumptions that may seem controversial to some. But some questions still remain unanswered for me.

I would be very grateful if you, my dear readers, could tell me the answers to these questions.

To begin with, I give full list these medals (in hierarchical order - from the oldest to the youngest). In parentheses after the name of the medal: the date of its establishment and the number of recipients.

2. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOSCOW" (1 May 1944; 1,028,000)
3. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF ODESSA" (December 12, 1942; 30,000)
4. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF SEVASTOPOL" (22 December 1942; 52.540)
5. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF STALINGRAD" (22 December 1942, 759.560)
6. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF Kyiv" (June 21, 1961; 107.540)
7. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE CAUCASUS" (May 1, 1944; 870,000)
8. Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE SOVIET POLAR REGION" (December 5, 1944; 353.240)
9. Medal "FOR VICTORY OVER GERMANY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR 1941 - 1945"(9 May 1945; 14,933,000)
10. Medal "FOR VICTORY OVER JAPAN" (September 30, 1945; 1,800,000)
11. Medal "FOR THE CAPTURE OF BUDAPEST" (9 June 1945; 362.050)
12. Medal "FOR THE CAPTURE OF KONIGSBERG" (9 June 1945; 760,000)
13. Medal "FOR THE CAPTURE OF VIENNA" (9 June 1945; 277.380)
14. Medal "FOR THE CAPTURE OF BERLIN" (9 June 1945; 1,100,000)
15. Medal "FOR THE LIBERATION OF BELGRADE" (9 June 1945; 70,000)
16. Medal "FOR THE LIBERATION OF WARSAW" (9 June 1945; 701.700)
17. Medal "FOR THE LIBERATION OF PRAGUE" (9 June 1945; 375,000)

Some logic in the hierarchy of these medals is quite clear to me.

Thus, it is quite natural that the defense of one’s cities and territories from the aggressor should be regarded (although this word is hardly appropriate in this case) higher than the capture of enemy cities. This was fully consistent with the official Soviet ideology, reflected, among other things, in poems and songs (remember: “We don’t need an inch of someone else’s land, but we won’t give up even an inch of our own!”; “We are peaceful people, but our armored train is on a siding. .."?)
Therefore the medals "For defense..." in the hierarchy of military medals are higher than decorations "For taking..." . And I think that's right.

But here too there are a number of questions.

So, I understand why the medal "For the defense of Leningrad" occupies the highest place in the hierarchy. The 900 days of blockade of the city that never surrendered to the enemy speaks for itself. Therefore, I, a Muscovite, am not at all offended that the medal "For the defense of Moscow" is located one step lower (although the significance of the battle of Moscow in the period from October 1941 to March 1942 for the entire course of not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the entire Second World War is objectively higher). Moreover, most likely, the date of establishment of the award is also important here: 1942 and 1944. respectively.

But I don’t understand at all why the medals "For the defense of Odessa" And "For the defense of Sevastopol" (certainly heroic, I have no thoughts of questioning this) are considered more significant than a medal "For the defense of Stalingrad" ? And the point is not even that the Battle of Stalingrad became a turning point in the entire Second World War, but that, unlike Odessa and Sevastopol, Stalingrad was never surrendered to the enemy.

By the way, the defense of Odessa lasted a little more than two months (5.08.41 - 16.10.41), while the defense of Sevastopol lasted almost 10 months (12.09.41 - 10.07.42). But at the same time, the significance of medals for the heroic defense of these three cities (including Stalingrad) is for some reason located in reverse order: Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad , despite the fact that they were established at the same time - December 22, 1942 , when both Odessa and Sevastopol had already been surrendered, and Stalingrad continued to defend itself, and even moreover, the first successes of Operation Uranus were obvious, which resulted in the complete defeat of the 6th Army of Field Marshal Paulus and its encirclement, which included more than a million soldiers, enemy officers and generals.

The most paradoxical fact in the hierarchy of Soviet medals is that the medal "For the defense of Kyiv" is above all other medals "For Defense...".
During the defense of Kyiv in July-September 1941, about 700 thousand Soviet soldiers died, the defeat of the Red Army near Kiev led to catastrophic consequences (including for Odessa and Sevastopol), not to mention the fact that the defeat of Kirponos and Budyonny as a result of the failed Kiev War operation (“keep Kyiv at any cost”) ended with the encirclement of a huge number of Soviet troops and the accelerated German offensive on Moscow.
At the time when the Soviet medals in question were established (1942 - 1945), the defense of Kyiv was not perceived as even equal in importance to the same Battle of Stalingrad (especially judging by the results).
But everything was decided by N. S. Khrushchev, who established this medal June 21, 1961 , and put her above all the others (probably everyone understands why). It is strange, in this regard, that the main “collector” of orders and medals throughout the USSR, L. I. Brezhnev, did not establish a special medal “For the Defense of Malaya Zemlya” and did not place it even higher.

Not everything is clear regarding medals "For taking..." .

For example, I don’t understand why the medal "For the capture of Berlin" is located in the Soviet award hierarchy lower than medals "For the capture of Budapest" , "For the capture of Koenigsberg" And "For the capture of Vienna" . Moreover, all these medals were established at the same time - on June 9, 1945.
In my opinion, it would be logical to arrange these medals in the following order: “For the capture of Berlin”, “For the capture of Koenigsberg”, “For the capture of Vienna”, “For the capture of Budapest”.

I'll explain why.

Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, has always been the main goal of all Soviet soldiers as the “lair of the beast,” which is why they wrote “To Berlin!” on the shells. Kenegsberg turned out to be a very tough nut to crack; the Nazis resisted there so fiercely that they managed to take this city only on April 9, a month before the complete surrender of Germany. Vienna, as one of the capitals of the Reich, was also perceived as an enemy city, but still surrendered later than Budapest (April 15 and February 13, 1945, respectively).

With medals "For liberation..." everything is now much clearer, including the fact that the medal "For the liberation of Prague" takes last place in the hierarchy. Despite the fact that in Soviet times It was not customary to mention the role of Bunyachenko’s “Vlasov” division in the liberation of Prague from the Nazis; the founders of this medal simply could not ignore this, since the role of the Red Army in the liberation of Prague (and not Czechoslovakia!) was not very significant.

But here are the medals "For the liberation of Belgrade" And "For the liberation of Warsaw" I would switch places, although I’m not completely sure about this, it’s possible that in this case I have sympathy for the Serbs and antipathy for the Poles (there is such a thing, I confess!).

In conclusion, I would like to note that real front-line soldiers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, were not too interested in the topic of the significance of medals. They thought primarily about how to defeat the enemy and still survive, and not about which medal ranks higher.

In addition, as far as I know from numerous conversations with veterans (as the head of the military history museum, I constantly communicate with them), the most valuable medal for them was Medal of Honor" , founded back in 1938 year,

since it was awarded for personal courage, and not for general participation in certain operations.
However, this medal occupied the highest place in the entire hierarchy of Soviet medals, which, from my point of view, is quite fair.

Separately for Svidomo : pay attention to the medal pads "For victory over Germany" And "For the capture of Berlin" before you blather something about the “Colorados”!

I borrowed the images of the awards from Wikipedia, which I honestly admit.

Sergey Vorobiev.

The ranking of orders and medals of the Patriotic War includes more than 40 items. For their exploits at the fronts, behind enemy lines, in the partisan underground and in the navy, millions of soldiers, sailors, officers, admirals and marshals became their cavaliers.

The status of the order is higher than the status of the medal - it was awarded exclusively by decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and on the basis of a decree of its presidium. The presentation of medals was allowed on the basis of orders from the ministries of defense, internal affairs, and the State Security Committee of the Soviet Union.

Another difference is that the orders were awarded to people, groups, cities, regions, and military formations. Only people received medals.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, there were only two military medals in the USSR - “For Courage” and “For Military Merit,” established in the fall of 1938. They were awarded to privates and sergeants, less often to junior officers.

With the outbreak of hostilities, the medal “For Courage” began to be awarded for successful battles, and the “For Military Merit” medal for successful reconnaissance. During the Second World War, 4.2 million people received the first, and more than 5 million received the second.

Hero of the Soviet Union and a gold star were the highest state awards. The gold star was awarded for outstanding achievements and exploits in battle - for this it was necessary to distinguish yourself more than once. The title of hero was approved before the war - on April 16, 1934, and the golden five-pointed star on the block appeared 5 years later - on August 5, 1939.

For exploits on the fronts of World War II, 11,603 people were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

The hero's star is followed by WWII orders in order of importance:

  • Victory;
  • Red Star;
  • Red Banner;
  • Lenin;
  • Glory;
  • Nakhimov;
  • Kutuzova;
  • Patriotic War;
  • Bohdan Khmelnytsky;
  • Alexander Nevsky;
  • Suvorov;
  • Ushakova.


The highest military badge, established on November 8, 1943, was intended to be a military badge. It was awarded to command staff for successful operations across the front.

The names of the gentlemen were recorded on a memorial plaque installed in the Grand Kremlin Palace. There have only been 20 awards in history.

“Victory” is the only award-winning piece made by specialists from the Moscow Jewelry and Watch Factory. All other awards of the war period were minted at the Moscow Mint. The product is made of pure platinum - about 300 g for each piece, and diamonds were used as decoration.

The order is worn separately on the left chest: 12-14 cm above the belt.

Red Star

The Red Star appeared on April 6, 1930 and was awarded for special merits in the defense industry. Members of the army, navy, border detachments, internal troops, and foreign countries were represented.

The grounds for the award were demonstrated courage in battles, skillful leadership of military operations, and other feats and merits.

Red Banner

One of the first Soviet orders, which until 1930 was considered the highest in the USSR award system. It was established on September 16, 1918 and was awarded to soldiers who showed special bravery and courage in defending the Fatherland.

Warships and units also received an honorary accessory - after the award they were called Red Banner.

Among the cavaliers is Marshal of the USSR Klim Voroshilov, who received the 5th Order of the Red Banner on November 3, 1944. But this is not a record either. Air Marshal, Hero of the USSR Ivan Pstygo was awarded it 8 times.


The Order of the Red Banner lost its status as the highest award after the establishment of the Order of Lenin on April 6, 1930. The first samples were manufactured at Goznak.

The dark gray medallion is made of platinum and features a profile portrait of Vladimir Lenin in a circle. The portrait is framed by a golden wheat wreath. It bears the symbols of the Union: a red five-pointed star, a red banner, a sickle and a hammer.

The Presidium of the USSR Supreme Court amended the statute several times. During the Second World War it was June 19, 1943. Military officers who accomplished feats and army units were nominated for a high state award. In total, almost 41 thousand people and 207 units were awarded the highest state badge for the war.


This award has three degrees, the 1st being considered the highest. It was established on November 8, 1943 simultaneously with the Order of Victory to encourage privates, sergeants and junior lieutenants of aviation. The badge was awarded only to people for personal merits at the fronts - Red Army and naval units were not awarded.

The presentation was carried out in strict sequence: from lowest to highest degree. To make the 3rd degree badge, silver was used, and the 2nd degree - gilding. The highest 1st degree was minted from gold.

Simultaneously with the presentation of the badge of “Glory,” the cavaliers were awarded the next military rank.


The Nakhimov badge has two degrees, established on March 3, 1944. It was awarded to naval officers for the successful development and implementation of defensive and offensive operations at sea, as a result of which serious damage was inflicted on the enemy.

This award is more of a defensive nature; in status and significance it corresponds to the “land” Order of Kutuzov. The idea of ​​​​creating maritime state incentives belonged to Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov - he addressed it directly to Stalin in the summer of 1943. Stalin supported the initiative.

Made according to the sketch of the architect Shepilevsky. A total of 551 awards were made.


This Soviet award appeared on July 29, 1942 (3rd degree - February 8, 1943) and is named after the great Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the degrees were established in different time– this has never happened before in the USSR.

This award has a staff nature - it was most often awarded to army commanders, chiefs and deputy staffs. It was made according to the design of the artist Moskalev, and is one of the few insignia that have been preserved in the modern Russian award system.

Patriotic War

The award consists of two degrees, the 1st degree being considered the highest. It was awarded to privates and commanders of Red Army units, the Navy, partisans who showed courage and courage in battle, as well as military personnel who contributed to the success of operations and brought victory closer.

The Patriotic War Badge could be awarded again if there were grounds for it. For almost four decades, it remained the only one in the Soviet award system that was transferred to the family after the death of the recipient.

The design was based on the design of the artist Kuznetsov, and the inscription: “Patriotic War” was taken from the design of the artist Dmitriev. In 1985, the badge was revived and presented to veterans on the 40th anniversary of the victory.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Another Soviet sign with three degrees, introduced by decree of November 10, 1943. It was awarded to soldiers and commanders of the army and navy, partisan detachments who participated in the destruction of German troops and the liberation of Soviet lands from the Nazis.

The initiative to establish the order belonged to Lieutenant General Khrushchev, who was a member of the military council of the First Ukrainian Front. It is not in vain that he bears the name of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, because he is a hero of the Ukrainian liberation movement.

Alexander Nevsky

This WWII badge appeared on July 29, 1942 and was awarded to commanders of military units for personal courage and skillful command in battle. It was created according to the sketch of the architect Telyatnikov.

In total, it was awarded 42,165 times during the Second World War.


The Suvorov Order was established by decree of July 29, 1942, simultaneously with Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky. They were awarded to outstanding army commanders and units that distinguished themselves at the front.

The sign was made according to the sketch of Petr Skokan, who at that time worked as an architect at the Central Military Institute. Over 5 war years, 7146 awards were given.


On March 3, 1944, the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union established a naval award badge in honor of Admiral Ushakov. It was awarded to particularly distinguished naval officers who organized and brilliantly carried out operations to destroy enemy forces and military equipment.

The sign has two degrees. The first is platinum, in the shape of a five-pointed star. The second is silver, of the same shape, but the design does not have a border of branches. The order ribbon is made in the colors of the St. Andrew's flag.


In total, over 7 million people became holders of orders and medals during the Great Patriotic War. Almost 11 thousand awards were received by army and naval units, and tens of millions more personnel and command personnel.

Medal of Honor

One of the first decrees of the Soviet government was “On the Abolition of Estates.” This document of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, issued in early November 1917, in particular, abolished all insignia that existed at that time. At the beginning of 1919, the Order Chapter also ceased to exist.

But the war that soon began against the interventionists and White Guard troops showed the need to establish awards to reward the soldiers who most distinguished themselves in battles, who showed personal courage and outstanding abilities in battles with the enemies of the country. As a result, in the fall of 1918, the first Soviet order, the “Red Banner,” appeared. It became the first distinction in the RSFSR award system. After the advent of the USSR, the order became all-Union.

Pre-war medals

In the 30s, several more orders were established, as well as the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”. As a result, by the beginning of 1936, there were 5 orders and the golden star of the Hero in the country. The first medal appeared only at the beginning of 1938. Its establishment was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the spacecraft, it was called. A little later the following appeared USSR medals.

The decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union on the foundation of the award was signed on January 24, 1938. It encouraged military personnel belonging to the command staff of the spacecraft and the Navy,

have served in them for at least 20 years. Also awarded were persons who civil war became owners of the Order of the Red Banner.

The medal was minted from silver. By the end of 1940, it had been awarded to more than 32 thousand people.

The second medal in the USSR, established on October 17, 1938, was “For Courage”. It marked people for their personal courage in the performance of military duty. She was considered highest medal in the award system of the Soviet Union.

The medal was minted from silver. Before the start of the Second World War, approximately 26,000 people became its owners. From 1941 to 1945 Over 4 million military personnel were awarded. Front-line soldiers valued “For Courage” more than other awards, since it could only be received for personal qualities.

There was a man who received the medal 6 times - S.V. Gretsov. The winners of 5 medals were 4 people, including one woman - Guard Sergeant V.S. Potapova.

The medal was established at the same time as “For Courage” - 10/17/1938. The award was awarded to military personnel of the SA, Navy, Border Troops and Internal Troops, as well as to other persons who skillfully acted in battle and other merits. From 1944 to 1957 The medal was awarded to persons who had served for at least 10 years.

The medal was minted from silver. Until the beginning of 1995, it was awarded to more than 5.2 million people. The reputation of this award was controversial, so many women did not advertise it.

At the end of the same year, 1938, the medal “For Labor Valor” was introduced, which was intended to reward people for selfless work. The award was given to citizens of the Soviet Union, as well as foreigners. In 1980, the Regulations underwent changes.

The medal was minted from silver. The design was developed by artist I.I. Dubasov. The first award took place on January 15, 1939. Until 1941, 8 thousand people became holders of the badge. Until the beginning of 1995, over 1.8 million people received the medal. All awards were carried out exclusively by Decrees of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces.

It was established simultaneously with the previous award - December 27, 1938. It was awarded for impact work. The award was given to citizens of the Soviet Union, as well as foreigners. She was considered the youngest among the medals awarded for labor merits. In 1980, the regulations on the medal were changed.

The medal was minted from silver. The design was developed by artist I.I. Dubasov. The first award took place on January 15, 1939. The award was received by 19 employees of the plant named after. Kalinina. In total, at the beginning of the war, over 11 thousand people became medal winners. Until the beginning of 1995, more than 2.1 million people received the medal.

Date of establishment - 08/01/1939. Awarded to people who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. At first, the award was also called “Hero of the SS”, but after changes in the Charter it became the “Gold Star”. The design was developed by artist I.I. Dubasov.

The medal was made in the form of a 5-pointed star. For its minting, 950 gold was used. The first award ceremony took place on November 4, 1939. The award was presented to pilot A.V. Lyapidevsky. He became a hero of the SS 5 years earlier. Before the start of the Second World War, 626 people became medal winners.

A total of 12,776 medals were awarded. 156 people received the medal 2 times, 3 times - 3. These are A. Pokryshkin, I. Kozhedub and S. Budyonny. The recipient of 4 medals was L.I. Brezhnev.

The medal, founded on May 22, 1940, was intended to reward people who received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The design was developed by architect M.I. Merkanov. The medallion was made of gold.

A total of 20,605 medals were awarded. 205 people received it 2 times, 16 3 times. This medal was the last one founded in the pre-war period.

Medals during the Second World War

The war showed that the medals that were provided in the country’s award system at that time were not enough. Therefore, new ones were established USSR medals.

In December 1942, several medals appeared that were awarded to participants in the heroic defense of cities. Among them was “For the Defense of Leningrad.” It was awarded to people who participated in the defense of this city, both military and civilian. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev. The material from which the sign was minted was brass.

Before the end of the Second World War, approximately 600 thousand people received the award. In total, until 1985, it was awarded to 1.47 million people. Among them are 15,000 children who survived the siege. The first gentleman was A.A. Zhdanov.

It was also founded on December 22, 1942. It was intended to encourage military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense of Odessa from August 5, 1941 to October 16, 1941. The metal from which the signs were minted was stainless steel until 1943, later - brass. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev.

In total, 30 thousand awards were given. Among them is N.Ya. Gordienko, Ya.Ya. Gordienko, who fought in a partisan detachment.

It was founded on December 22, 1942. It was intended to encourage military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense of Sevastopol from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942. The sign was made of brass. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev. A total of 52.54 thousand people were tagged.

It was founded on December 22, 1942. It was intended to encourage military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense of Stalingrad from July 12, 1942 to November 19, 1942. The sign was made of brass. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev.

A total of 759,560 individuals were tagged. Medal No. 1 belonged to General M. Shumilov, who commanded the 64th Army.

At the beginning of 1943, another medal appeared, which was awarded to partisans and commanders of partisan detachments. Their organizers were also awarded. There were 2 degrees of sign. 1 tbsp. minted from silver, 2 tbsp. - made of brass.

In total, about 57 thousand 1st class awards were made. and almost 71 thousand 2 tbsp. The winners of the award were not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners. Badge No. 1 was received by E.I. in the summer of 1943. Osipenko.

To reward privates and lower officers of the Navy, the Ushakov Medal was established on 03/03/1944. The design was developed by the architect M. Shepilevsky. The basis for the award was courage in defending the country during war or peacetime. The material for it was silver.

Appeared simultaneously with the previous reward. She was awarded to privates and the lowest officers Navy The design was developed by the architect M. Shepilevsky. The basis for the award was merit in the performance of combat missions. The medal was made of bronze. At the moment, 14 thousand people have been awarded.

It was founded on May 1, 19424. Intended to encourage military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense from 07/01/1942 to 10/31/1943. The sign was made of brass. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev. In total, 870 thousand distinguished people were recognized.

Appeared simultaneously with the previous one. It was intended to encourage military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense of Moscow from the Nazis from 10/19/1941 to 01/25/1942. The sign was made of brass. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev. In total, more than 1 million signs were awarded. The winner of medal No. 1 was I.V. Stalin.

This award was established in mid-1944. It was divided into two degrees. 1 tbsp. awarded to women who gave birth and raised 6 children, 2 tbsp. - 5. By the beginning of 1995, over 13 million women had been awarded medals. 1 tbsp. was silver, 2 - bronze.

This award badge appeared on December 5, 1944. It was intended to reward military and civilian people who personally participated in the defense of the Arctic from June 22, 1941 to November 30, 1944. The product was made of brass. More than 350 thousand people became its owners.

The establishment took place on a memorable day - 05/09/1945. The design was developed by 2 artists - E. Romanov and I. Andrianov. Its owners were spacecraft servicemen. Manufacturing material - brass. 14 million 933 thousand copies of the award were presented, it became the most widespread. All holders of the badge were then entitled to apply for awards issued for the 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 50th, and 70th anniversary of the Victory.

This badge, intended to be presented to people who worked in the rear, was introduced on 06/06/1945. The design was developed by 2 artists - E. Romanov and I. Andrianov. Manufacturing material - copper. In total, over 16 million copies of the award were presented.

The award was made on 06/09/1945. Its owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the fighting during the capture of the German capital. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. 1.1 million awards were given out.

The founding date of the sign is the same - 06/09/1945. Its owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the fighting during the capture of the capital of Hungary from 12/20/1944 to 02/15/1945. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 360 thousand copies of the award were presented.

The date of establishment is the same - 06/09/1945. Its owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the fighting during the capture of the capital of Austria from 03/16/1945 to 04/13/1945. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 277 thousand copies of the award were presented.

Date of establishment - 06/09/1945. Its owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the fighting during the capture of Koenigsberg from 01/23/1945 to 04/10/1945. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 760 thousand copies of the award were presented.

The day of its establishment was 06/09/1945. Its owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the hostilities during the assault and capture of the capital of Yugoslavia from 09/29/1944 to 10/22/1944. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 70 thousand copies of the award were presented.

Date of establishment - 06/09/1945. The owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the hostilities during the assault and capture of the capital of Poland from 01/14/1945 to 01/17/1945. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 700 thousand copies of the award were presented.

Establishment day - 06/09/1945. The owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in the hostilities during the assault and capture of the city of Prague from 05/03/1945 to 05/09/1945. The design was developed by the artist A. Kuznetsov. Manufacturing material - brass. Approximately 395 thousand copies of the award were presented, among them 40,000 Czechs and Slovaks.

Establishment date: September 30, 1945. The owners were military personnel serving in the spacecraft. Navy and NKVD troops who personally participated in hostilities against Japanese army. The design was developed by the artist M. Lukina. Material - brass. Approximately 1.8 million awards were issued. Holders of the badge were further entitled to apply for awards issued for the 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 50th, and 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Post-war time

The main task of the country after the end of the Second World War was the restoration of the destroyed economy. And the first post-war USSR medals were appropriate.

Date of appearance - 09/10/1947. The owners were people who had significant achievements in the revival of the Donbass coal industry. The design was developed by the artist I. Dubasov. Material - brass. Over 36 thousand copies of the award were presented.

Date of appearance: 09/20/1947 in memory of the anniversary of the capital. Contenders for the medal were wide sections of Muscovites who had lived in the capital or its suburbs for at least 5 years. The design was developed by artists I. Dubasov and S. Tulchinsky. Manufacturing material - copper. Over 1.7 million copies were awarded.

USSR Medal "30 Years of the Soviet Army and Navy"

Founded on February 22, 1948 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the SA. Candidates for the medal were all SA and Navy personnel in service on February 23, 1948. The design was developed by the artist N. Moskalev. Material - brass. Over 3.7 million copies were awarded.

Founded on May 18, 1948. The medal holders were people who had significant achievements in restoring the coal industry in the southern regions of the country. The design was developed by the artist I. Dubasov. Manufacturing material - brass. Over 68 thousand copies were awarded.

Date of appearance: 07/13/1950, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the SA. The recipients of the medal were military personnel serving in the border troops of various departments, as well as civilians. The design was developed by the artist P. Veremenko. Material of manufacture: silver. The status of the award changed several times. Over 67 thousand copies were awarded.

Date of appearance - November 1, 1950. The medal holders were the personnel of the Internal Affairs bodies, as well as members of the people's squads who took an active part in maintaining law and order. Until 1960, the sign was minted from silver, later from nickel silver. About 47 thousand copies of the medal were awarded.

Establishment date: October 20, 1956. The design was developed by the artist N. Filippov. The medal winners were employees Agriculture for services to the development of virgin lands in the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the North Caucasus. The applicant must have worked in the development of virgin lands for at least 2 years. More than 1.3 million copies of the medal were issued.

Date of establishment - 02/16/1957. The design was developed by the artist A. Shebalkov. The medal winners were employees of rescue services, as well as other citizens of the country and foreigners for their courage in saving people on the water. Manufacturing material - brass. About 24 thousand copies of the medal were issued.

Date of establishment - 05/16/1957. The design was developed by the artist N. Sokolov. This anniversary badge was awarded to Leningrad residents for their significant contribution to the revival of the city. The condition was that people had to live in Leningrad or its suburbs for at least 5 years. Approximately 1.5 million copies of the medal were issued.

The award was founded on October 31, 1957. The winners of the medal were fire department employees, members of fire brigades, as well as other citizens of the country and foreigners for courage in firefighting and rescuing people from fire. At first the sign was minted from silver, then from nickel silver. About 32.7 thousand copies of the medal were issued.

The award badge was founded on December 18, 1957. The establishment took place in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. The design was developed by the artist V. Gogolin. Candidates for the medal were all Armed Forces personnel in service on February 23, 1958. Material: brass. 820 thousand copies were awarded.

Date of establishment - 06/21/1961. The owners were military personnel serving in the USSR Armed Forces, as well as militias, partisans, underground fighters who personally participated in the hostilities during the defense of Kyiv from July to September 1941. The design was developed by the artist V. Atlantov. Material - brass. Approximately 107.5 thousand copies of the award were presented.

USSR Medal "20 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"

Founded on 05/07/1965 in honor of the significant date - 20 years since the Victory Day. The design was developed by V. Ermakov and Y. Lukyanov. All owners of the badge “For victory over Germany in the Second World War 1941-1945” were entitled to receive it. Material - brass. Approximately 16.4 million awards have been given out.

Date of foundation - November 20, 1967. The introduction of the award is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the appearance of the police in the country. It was awarded to persons who were members of the police, had good characteristics and were in service on November 21, 1967. People who were transferred to the reserve and served in the police for 25 years were also encouraged. Material - copper-nickel alloy. Almost 410 thousand copies of the award were presented.

The badge appeared a little later, on December 26, 1967. The introduction of the award was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces. It was awarded to persons included in the personnel of the Armed Forces, on the day of February 23, 1968, in service, and to some other people. Made from brass. More than 9.5 million awards were given out.

The release of this award took place on the eve of the celebration of the centenary anniversary of V.I. Lenin, 05.11.1969. The design was developed by artists N. Sokolov and A. Kozlov. There were 2 versions of the sign:

  • For valiant work.
  • For military valor.

The owners of the badge were people for excellent performance in work, persons serving in the Armed Forces, and some others. Made from brass. More than 11 million copies of the award were presented.

It was introduced on January 18, 1974. The design was developed by the artist S. Pomansky. The medal awarded people for many years of conscientious work in a wide variety of industries. The product is made of tombak. This badge was awarded to over 39 million workers.

The date of foundation of the award sign is October 28, 1974. The design was developed by the artist A. Zhuk. Candidates for the award were military personnel of the Armed Forces who had good political training and distinguished themselves in exercises or while on duty. There were 2 degrees of award. 1 tbsp. was brass, 2 tbsp. cupronickel 20 thousand copies of Article 1 were handed over. and 120 thousand 2 tbsp.

USSR Medal "30 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"

The award badge was founded on April 25, 1975. The design was developed by artists V. Ermakov, V. Zaitsev, G. Miroshnikov. Established in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory Day. All owners of the badge “For Victory over Germany in the Second World War 1941-1945”, as well as some other awards, were entitled to receive it. Material - brass. Over 14.2 million awards were given out.

Founded on May 20, 1976. Designed by artist R. Pylypiv. Awarded to military personnel of the USSR Armed Forces who served for at least 25 years without penalties. Material - tombak. Approximately 800 thousand copies of the award were issued.

The issue of this badge took place on October 8, 1976. Candidates for the award were active builders of several railway lines. Among them are BAM, the BAM – Tynda – Berkakit railway line, and other objects. The medal was most often awarded to workers, engineering and technical personnel who had worked for at least 3 years. The sign is made of brass. More than 170 thousand copies of the award were presented.

The medal was introduced on September 30, 1977. The design was developed by the artist Yu. Lukyanov. The medal was awarded to agricultural workers in the Non-Black Earth Zone of the RSFSR. To receive the award, they had to work there for at least 3 years. Minted from tombac. The number of awardees is approximately 25 thousand people.

USSR Medal "60 Years of the USSR Armed Forces"

The badge appeared on January 28, 1978. The introduction of the award was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces. The design was developed by the artist L. Pipetko. It was awarded to persons included in the personnel of the Armed Forces, on the day of February 23, 1978, in service, and to some other people. Made from brass. More than 10.7 million awards were given out.

USSR Medal "For the development of subsoil resources and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia"

The badge was issued on July 28, 1978. Candidates for it were people who actively participated in the development of the oil and gas industry in the Western Siberian regions. The medal was awarded to workers and employees who worked in this region for at least 3 years. The sign is made of brass.

USSR Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth"

Established a year later - 05/26/1979. It was intended to encourage military personnel, employees of state security agencies, internal affairs bodies, as well as citizens of countries that are members of the Warsaw Pact. The basis is a contribution to strengthening the military community. Made from tombac. 20 thousand medals were issued.

USSR Medal "In memory of the 1500th anniversary of Kyiv"

Date of appearance - 05/10/1982. The design belongs to the artist E. Kud. This sign appeared in honor of the sesquicentennial anniversary of the capital of Ukraine. It was awarded to people who worked in a variety of industries and who lived in Kyiv or the Kyiv suburbs for at least a decade. The award was also given to individuals who personally participated in the defense. It was minted from brass. Approximately 780 thousand copies were issued.

USSR Medal "Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

The founding day of the award sign is 04/12/1985. The design was developed by artists V. Ermakov and A. Miroshnikov. Established in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory Day. All participants in battles during the Second World War, as well as other persons, holders of the badge “For victory over Germany in the Second World War of 1941-1945” were entitled to receive a medal. Made from brass. Over 11.2 million awards were given out.

USSR Medal "70 Years of the USSR Armed Forces"

The last of the medals of the Soviet Union, was founded on January 28, 1988. The institution was associated with the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces. The design was developed by the artist A. Zhuk. It was awarded to persons included in the personnel of the Armed Forces, on the day of February 23, 1988, in service, and to some other people. Made from brass. More than 9.8 million awards were given out.