Faculty of correspondence, part-time and correspondence (evening) education. Veterinarian Veterinary Academy distance learning

Veterinary surgeon performs surgical interventions, treating wild, domestic and farm animals. He not only performs operations, but also deals with rehabilitation, prevention of the development and spread of diseases, and routine vaccinations. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

More than 75% of Russians have pets, a large number of cattle, poultry and other types of animals live on farms and villages. Therefore, a veterinary surgeon is provided with work for many years, which allows us to consider this specialty highly paid and prestigious. Veterinary surgeons are often engaged not only in medical practice, but also social activities, working with animals affected by cruelty. They operate on stray dogs, look for new house kittens and perform other equally important work.

But the main area of ​​activity is radical treatment; the doctor performs the following types of operations:

  • sterilization and castration;
  • removal of malignant and benign formations;
  • C-section;
  • resection and others.

The type of surgical interventions depends on the area of ​​activity, because doctors working within the city often deal with domestic animals, specialists working in villages treat cattle, rabbits, goats, etc.

The work is difficult, because the doctor is often forced to stay late at work, he regularly faces force majeure, and is forced to make instant decisions on which the life of his four-legged patient depends. The animal cannot tell what and where it hurts, so the veterinarian must be an excellent diagnostician, otherwise his efforts will not be crowned with success. These specialists perform the same medical manipulations as doctors working with people.

Features of the profession

For radical treatment of animals, a higher education is required, after which the student must undergo retraining courses, mastering the field of “Surgery”. The specialization is narrow, strict requirements are put forward for the doctor, because he must love animals, not be afraid of the sight of blood, not suffer from tremors and other problems that may interfere with surgical intervention.

Responsibilities depend on the veterinarian’s field of activity, because he can be an oncologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, etc. Surgical veterinary medicine is a sought-after and very popular field; students choose it because surgical treatment of animals is very well paid. The responsibilities of a veterinary surgeon include the following:

  • early diagnosis of diseases;
  • drawing up a treatment plan, performing palliative, diagnostic and radical surgical interventions;
  • conducting receptions, working with social projects aimed at improving the quality of life of homeless animals;
  • consultations that help animal owners provide proper care, feeding, walking and treatment;
  • performing veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • therapeutic treatment and emergency assistance.

Over the past few decades, universities training veterinary surgeons have been more focused on the agricultural sector. Today the situation has changed, because a veterinarian with a higher education can obtain additional specialization through courses or undergo an internship, learning on-site in order to effectively treat domestic and ornamental animals.

The first requirement is love for animals, because the doctor must be able to relate to them “ mutual language" It should endear itself to pet owners, possessing the following positive features character:

  • fast reaction;
  • observation;
  • logical thinking;
  • calm;
  • concentration;
  • composure;
  • communication skills;
  • cleanliness;
  • excellent memory.

A veterinary surgeon must have well-developed motor skills, good vision and the absence of problems with the musculoskeletal system are important, because most Working hours have to be spent on your feet.

Veterinary surgeon training

An applicant can enter college after 9th grade to master the specialty “Veterinary Medicine”. Without higher education he will not be allowed to operate, so after college or school it is necessary to submit documents to an agricultural university or academy veterinary medicine, the Veterinary program is also available in multidisciplinary universities. The applicant will have to take an exam in biology and the Russian language, the third elective exam. This could be mathematics, chemistry or physics.

After receiving a diploma, a veterinarian is required to improve his qualifications; he can receive education through courses at a postgraduate school. Even while visiting a university, it is recommended to find a position as an assistant in a private or public veterinary clinic, because graduates without experience in the labor market are not highly valued.

School of Postgraduate Education named after Professor V.N. Mitina

A full-fledged advanced training course for veterinarians with completed specialized education. The duration is 14 days, the program is divided into 20 topics, after gaining knowledge the student must take a test and receive a certificate. The cost of the course is 50 thousand rubles, the school is located in Moscow, a hostel is provided for nonresident students (10 thousand rubles per stay).

Colleges of Veterinary Surgeons

  1. MarSU. Mari agricultural college.
  2. Volokolamsk Agrarian College "Kholmogorka".
  3. Sergiev Posad Agrarian College.
  4. Amur Agrarian College.
  5. Krasnogvardeisky Agricultural College.
  6. Perm Agro-Industrial College.
  7. Agrarian-Economic College of the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatova.
  8. Velikoluksk State Agricultural Academy.
  9. Agricultural College "Bogoroditsky" named after. I. A. Stebut.
  10. Ryazan State agrotechnological university them. P. A. Kostycheva.

Moscow 60000—80000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Anatomy and physiology of animals.
  2. Animal diseases (clinical picture, symptoms).
  3. Different diagnostic methods: OKA of blood and urine, biochemical analysis blood, x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy and others.
  4. Rules for performing surgical interventions: working with tools, equipment, anesthesia and others.
  5. Asepsis and antiseptics.
  6. Rules for animal vaccination.
  7. Conservative treatment methods.
  8. Work with veterinary documentation.

Vet - a specialist in veterinary medicine who treats and prevents diseases of agricultural, domestic or exotic animals and birds. His work functions also include surgery, medical and cosmetic procedures, vaccinations, childbirth, consultations for owners of sick pets, monitoring animal hygiene and living conditions for animals in enterprises, as well as veterinary and sanitary control over the quality of livestock products.

Personal qualities:

  • Love all animals and want to help them
  • Have the necessary knowledge about physiology, pharmaceuticals, methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases
  • Possess intellectual, logical abilities and good memory
  • Be responsible and attentive
  • Demonstrate quick reactions and psychological stability
  • Have golden hands (for operating doctors)

Where to study to become a veterinarian:

To become a veterinarian, you must obtain a higher education in the relevant field: veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination. After graduating from college or technical school, you can only count on the position of paramedic.

All faculties of veterinary medicine offer universal training without specific specialization. Disciplines studied include biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmaceuticals and animal husbandry. An important aspect of training is that training is usually focused on working with farm livestock; additional courses and electives may be required for working with domestic animals. Students in this area undergo mandatory practice during their studies, and upon completion of higher education they receive the right to practice medicine. You will be given this right:

  • (metro station Petrovsko-Razumovskaya)
  • (m. Vykhino)
  • (metro station Belyaevo)

Wider specialization:

  • - Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology
    (m. University)

Pros and cons of professions:

Career, places of employment:

Although higher education in this field does not imply an internship, the graduate will still have to undergo postgraduate practice as a veterinary assistant. Only with this condition will he be allowed to undergo certification and become a full-fledged doctor himself. To improve your professional qualifications, a postgraduate diploma, internships, and participation in medical seminars and lectures will also be useful.

Specialists in veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination will be required at all enterprises and in all organizations where animals are involved in work:

  • in veterinary clinics, pharmacies, pet stores
  • on farms
  • in laboratories and research institutes
  • at agricultural enterprises (meat processing plants, poultry farms)
  • in nurseries
  • in zoos
  • at the circus
  • at sanitary and epidemiological stations or food control stations
  • in service dog breeding clubs
  • at stud farms, hippodromes
  • in feed companies

Those who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian should be realistic about their future earnings. A beginning veterinarian receives no more than 25-30 thousand rubles, a specialist with experience - about 40-50 thousand rubles, and a professional of the highest category - 70-80 thousand rubles.

According to statistics, 76% of Russian residents have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each pet owner, if not regularly, then at least once in his life, seeks help from a veterinarian. After all, for most of us, our little brothers are not just animals that brighten up our leisure time, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need the help of a doctor.

According to statistics, 76% of Russian residents have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each of the pet owners, if not regularly, then at least once in their life, turns to veterinarian. After all, for most of us, our little brothers are not just animals that brighten up our leisure time, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need the help of a doctor.

All this suggests that “Aibolit” are no less (if not more) in demand among the residents of our country than “human” doctors. This fact, coupled with the widespread belief that a veterinarian has less responsibility than human doctors, is causing many young people to storm agricultural and agricultural academies. But at the same time, many do not even suspect that a diploma veterinarian, does not guarantee that the specialist will be popular among animal owners. And all because in this profession it is not so much knowledge and experience that are very important, but the presence of certain personal qualities, which you can learn about from this article.

Who is a veterinarian?

A veterinarian is a qualified specialist involved in the treatment of animals (domestic pets, zoo pets, birds and farm animals, circus “artists”, etc.), as well as disease prevention and other related duties related to veterinary medicine.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin veterinarius (relating to draft animals). This suggests that the first veterinarians cared exclusively for farm animals. By the way, despite the fact that veterinary medicine as such appeared in ancient times(presumably contemporaneous with the practice of domesticating wild animals), the official date of origin veterinary profession It is generally accepted that the year 1761 was the year when the first veterinary school was opened in Lyon.

It is not difficult to guess that a universal veterinarian, like a universal “human” doctor, does not exist, since each type of animal has its own characteristics. And one person is simply not able to study them all. Therefore, modern veterinary medicine includes a huge number of narrow specializations, which depend not only on what animals the specialist works with, but also on the field of activity (for example, veterinary surgeon, veterinary herpetologist, veterinary oncologist or veterinary ornithologist).

Professional duties of a veterinarian largely depend on specialization. However, in general, any specialist is obliged to: monitor the correct maintenance and care of the animal, provide medical and preventive care (including sterilization/castration, insemination/delivery), provide the necessary medications, vitamins or disinfectants, provide special care for animals quarantined animals, as well as advise animal owners on treatment and prevention of the disease.

What personal qualities should a veterinarian have?

Because the veterinarian job is inextricably linked with the daily care and treatment of animals, the fundamental factor in choosing this profession is the love for animals and the ability to “understand” them. In addition, a veterinarian, like any other medical professional, must have the following personal qualities, How:

Of course, a veterinarian cannot cure an animal with love and understanding alone, so to maintain a successful professional activity he will need a whole set of skills and knowledge, including special attention deserve: knowledge of the basics of medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, biology, zoology and chemistry, knowledge of methods and methods of interaction with animals, extensive knowledge in the field of biological characteristics various types animals and physical and chemical features of the composition of medical preparations.

Benefits of being a veterinarian

As mentioned above, Aibolit today is in demand no less than “human” doctors, and this is one of the main benefits of being a veterinarian. At the same time, the income of some veterinarians far exceeds their salaries, even very good doctors involved in treating people. This is especially true for veterinarians who specialize in treating exotic and expensive animals (for example, purebred horses).

Speaking about the income of veterinarians, one cannot fail to mention the fact that these specialists have great opportunities for managing own business. And for this it is not at all necessary to make large investments in opening a private veterinary clinic. Grateful animal owners pass on a good specialist to each other “from hand to hand,” so the specialist can simply provide services privately on a home call. The main thing is to prove yourself well and truly love your job.

The benefits also include a wide range of veterinarian acquaintances. After all, today animals are not only pets, but also a kind of fashion brand - almost all the “rich and famous” have already managed to “feature” themselves in photo shoots with their four-legged friends (for example, photos of the Russian President with his dogs regularly appear in the media). Therefore, among the clients of a good veterinarian there may be both the most ordinary, but very interesting Russians, and " the mighty of the world this”, which can be useful to a specialist in everyday life.

Disadvantages of being a veterinarian

The main difficulty of any veterinarian’s work is that his patients cannot tell or show what, where and how they are worried. Therefore, a specialist must make diagnoses based on symptoms, test results and his own intuition. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correctly diagnose an animal, which sometimes leads to irreversible consequences. Of course, no one in Russia will hold a veterinarian legally liable for the death of an animal. However, no one has canceled moral responsibility, and every failure leaves a dark spot on the specialist’s reputation (which directly affects the number of clients and the amount of earnings).

Undoubtedly disadvantage of being a veterinarian there is a high risk of specialist injury. Animals do not always understand that the doctor wants to help them, so bites and scratches almost constantly “decorate” the veterinarian’s hands and feet. This does not exclude the possibility of contracting serious diseases that can be transmitted to a veterinarian from a sick animal.

Speaking about the profession of a veterinarian, one cannot help but say that the work schedule of these specialists is irregular (especially if the doctor is faced with severe cases), and due to high physical and emotional stress for a long time Only true enthusiasts can remain in the profession.

Where can you become a veterinarian?

The medical university invites doctors and nursing staff for professional retraining. Training takes place in part-time using remote educational technologies, which allows you to combine study with work. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

Become a veterinarian possible at any agricultural or agricultural university. True, the future specialist needs to be prepared for the fact that he will first have to spend 6 years studying, and then work for some more time as an assistant to a practicing veterinarian. The fact is that Russian universities They basically train specialists to work with farm animals, so young veterinarians can become familiar with the peculiarities of treating pets under the guidance of more experienced colleagues. And only after acquiring practical skills can a novice veterinarian begin independent practice.


Everyone knows who a veterinarian is. But not everyone knows where they study to become a veterinarian, whether it is worth studying and where to apply to become a veterinarian if the decision has been made. Let's try to figure it out.

Even if you don’t have a pet, then you probably read a fairy tale as a child about the good doctor Aibolit, who could sew new legs on a bunny or cure hippos’ sore tummies.

A veterinarian is a doctor whose patients include a variety of animals, from cows to parrots. If you're so impressed good doctor that you have decided to devote your life to saving the lives and health of animals, the question immediately arises: where do they study to become a veterinarian? The answer to this question will depend on what you want to achieve in the end. Do you want to study to become a veterinarian, work independently, make a career in veterinary medicine, and perhaps, in the future, open your own clinic? Or the question of where you can study to become a veterinarian is not very important for you; you just need to provide simple help and work in your place, accurately fulfilling your official duties.

In the first case, it is best to choose higher education. To become a veterinarian, you will need to enroll in a university and complete a course in veterinary medicine. Only in this case will you receive the qualification of a Veterinarian. In the second case, the Veterinary Assistant qualification may be sufficient for you. You can get it by completing secondary special education educational institution.

Where to go to study to become a veterinarian?

Where to apply to become a veterinarian? First, you need to decide whether your choice is really correct. To do this, you can try to work in some veterinary clinic in unskilled “give-and-fetch” positions. If nothing scares you away and you remain firm in your decision, then you can safely enter the university. You can study to become a veterinarian in Moscow, for example, in one of state universities. The most famous of them is the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin. A very popular university where you can go to study to become a veterinarian.

The Academy also conducts scientific work, conducts seminars and master classes on current scientific and practical topics, has a solid scientific foundation and a good basis for practice.

Another large Moscow university where studying to become a veterinarian is prestigious is the Agrarian Faculty Russian University Friendship between nations. Professors with rich scientific and practical experience teach at RUDN, they know how to combine theoretical and applied sciences, and practice new technologies in teaching. It is possible to supplement your diploma and work abroad.

One of the oldest universities where they study to become a veterinarian is the Russian State Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education agricultural university– Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazeva, Faculty of Animal Science and Biology, Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise. The Academy also has a veterinary clinic where students have the opportunity to practice.

To enter the university you need to take Unified State Exam results in biology, mathematics and Russian language.

Where else can you study to become a veterinarian in Moscow?

A university is not the only option where you can study to become a veterinarian. You can choose a college where you can qualify as a Veterinary Paramedic. Unfortunately, studying to become a veterinarian in college in Moscow is not so easy - there are no veterinary colleges in the capital, but there are some in the Moscow region. In this case, you will have to travel.

One of the most famous agricultural colleges, where there is a specialty in Veterinary Medicine, is Kolomna Agrarian College. The college has a modern, extensive scientific and technical base, which allows students to be given the most advanced education. Secondary college cooperates with leading universities, for example, Moscow State Academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin, RUDN, Moscow State University environmental management. This gives graduates a good opportunity to enter a university immediately after graduating from college.

Also, in the Moscow region there is the Volokolamsk Agrarian College Kholmogorka. There you can get veterinary and canine education. The technical school is one of the oldest and most respected colleges in the region.

Where can a veterinarian go to study if he has already graduated from college and wants to improve his qualifications? There are many opportunities to do this by taking short-term topical lectures or seminars. It is even possible to do this remotely, via the web.

So, is it worth studying to become a veterinarian? Of course, everyone must find the answer to this question themselves. Like any profession, this one also has a number of disadvantages, and before going to study, you need to decide for yourself whether the disadvantages are worth the advantages, which will outweigh. Experienced veterinarians say that the main disadvantage of the profession is that it is impossible to help absolutely everyone and there are cases when it is no longer possible to help. This is very difficult psychologically not only for the owner, but also for the veterinarian. But then they also mention the main advantage - to see the joyful eyes of their cured “patient” and his happy owner.