Gabrielyan, Oleg Sergeevich - Chemistry: a textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Chemistry. O. S. Gabrielyan, I. G. Ostroumov. for professions and technical specialties. Textbook. Professional education

The textbook presented to you, based on an integral course of chemistry, presents the main concepts, laws, theories, facts of chemical science in inextricable connection with other natural disciplines: physics, biology, geography, ecology. This will allow you to see the natural world in all its richness and diversity, and will help you form a unified natural science picture of the world.

We tried to show that without knowledge of chemistry, the perception of the world around us will be incomplete, and people who have not received such knowledge can unknowingly become dangerous for this world, since chemically illiterate handling of substances, materials and chemical processes threatens our common house- planet Earth.

We sought to reveal the role of chemistry in Everyday life, in the non-chemical sphere of human activity in full accordance with the statement of the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov: “Chemistry spreads its hands widely into human affairs.” After all, there is not a single area of ​​activity in which substances, materials or chemical processes do not involve. For example, ninety percent of the energy that humanity produces and consumes is the result of chemical reactions. Almost everything that modern industry produces and Agriculture, related to chemistry.

Caring for the environment, love for one's neighbor and basic chemical knowledge, without which no economist, lawyer, engineer, machine builder, or specialist of any other profession can do, is the key to competent and effective use of the achievements of chemical science.

Physical properties of metals. Metallic luster, ductility, high electrical and thermal conductivity, an increase in electrical resistance with increasing temperature, high values ​​of density, boiling point and melting point, hardness, magnetic characteristics - all these are practically important properties, common to all metals, are due to the metal crystal lattice and metal chemical bonding.

All metals - solids , except for liquid mercury, which at low temperatures becomes hard and malleable, like lead. Only brittle bismuth and manganese lack ductility.
All metals have a silvery-white or gray color (color insert, Fig. 30). Strontium, gold and copper absorb short wavelengths (close to violet) to a greater extent and reflect long wavelengths of the spectrum, and therefore have a light yellow, yellow and “copper” color, respectively. Very thin leaves of silver and gold have a completely unexpected appearance - they are a bluish-green foil, and fine metal powders appear dark gray, even black. And only magnesium and aluminum, as you know, retain a silvery-white color in powder.

Classification of metals. In technology, metals are usually classified according to various physical properties:
by density - light (p< 5 г/см3) и тяжелые (р >5 g/cm3) metals;
melting point - low-melting and refractory metals.
In technology, iron and its alloys are considered ferrous metals, and all others are considered non-ferrous.
There is a classification of metals according to their chemical properties.
Metals with low chemical activity are called noble: silver, gold, platinum and analogues of the latter - osmium, iridium, ruthenium, palladium, rhodium.
Based on the similarity of chemical properties, alkali (metals of group 1A), alkaline earth (metals of group IIA, starting with calcium), as well as rare earth (scandium, yttrium, lanthanum and lanthanides, actinium and actinides) metals are distinguished.

To the readers.
Chapter 1. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry.
1.1. Chemistry subject. Basic concepts. Allotropy.
1.2. Composition of the substance. Chemical formulas. Measuring matter.
1.3. Basic laws of chemistry.
1.4. The concept of "share" and its use in chemistry.
Chapter 2. Periodic law n The periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev in the light of the doctrine of the structure of the atom.
2.1. Basic information about the structure of the atom.
2.2. Discovery of the Periodic Law by D.I. Mendeleev.
2.3. The position of the element in the Periodic Table and the structure of the electron shell of the atom.
Chapter 3. Structure of matter. Chemical bond.
3.1. Ionic chemical bond.
3.2. Covalent chemical bond.
3.3. Metal chemical bond.
3.4. Hydrogen chemical bond.
3.5. Dispersed systems.
Chapter 4. Theory of electrolytic dissociation.
4.1. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
4.2. Acids.
4.3. Grounds.
4.4. Salt.
4.5. Oxides.
4.6. Hydrolysis of salts.
Chapter 5. Redox processes.
5.1. Redox reactions.
5.2. Electrolysis.
Chapter 6. Chemical kinetics
6.1. The rate of chemical reactions.
6.2. Reversibility of chemical reactions. Chemical balance.

Chapter 7. Nonmetals.
7.1. Hydrogen.
7.2. Water.
7.3. Nonmetals are simple substances.
7.4. Hydrogen compounds of nonmetals.
7.5. Non-metal oxides.
7.6. Non-metal hydroxides.
Chapter 8. Metals.
8.1. Metals are chemical elements.
8.2. Metals are simple substances.
8.3. Corrosion of metals.
8.4. Methods for obtaining metals.
8.5. Metal oxides.
8.6. Metal hydroxides.

Chapter 9. Theoretical foundations organic chemistry.
9.1. Subject of organic chemistry.
9.2. Theory chemical structure organic substances A. M. Butlerov.
9.3. Isomerism of organic compounds.
9.4. The nature of bonds in molecules of organic compounds.
Chapter 10. Saturated hydrocarbons.
10.1. Homologous series of alkanes. Isomerism and nomenclature.
10.2. Receipt, Chemical properties and the use of alkanes.
Chapter 11. Ethylene and diene hydrocarbons. Rubbers.
11.1. Homologous series of alkenes. Isomerism and nomenclature.
11.2. Preparation and chemical properties of alkenes.
11.3. Diene hydrocarbons.
11.4. Basic concepts of the chemistry of macromolecular compounds.
Chapter 12. Acetylene hydrocarbons.
12.1. Homologous series of alkynes. Isomerism and nomenclature.
12.2. Preparation and chemical properties of alkynes.
Chapter 13. Aromatic hydrocarbons.
13.1. Homologous series of arenas. Isomerism and nomenclature.
13.2. Preparation and chemical properties of arenes.
Chapter 14. Natural sources of hydrocarbons.
14.1. Natural and associated petroleum gases. Coal.
14.2. Oil and related products.
Chapter 15. Alcohols and phenols.
15.1. Homologous series of saturated monohydric alcohols. Isomerism and nomenclature.
15.2. Preparation and chemical properties of saturated monohydric alcohols.
15.3. Polyhydric alcohols.
15.4. Phenol and its properties.
Chapter 16. Aldehydes and ketones.
16.1. Homological series of saturated aldehydes and ketones. Isomerism and nomenclature.
16.2. Preparation and chemical properties of carbonyl compounds.
Chapter 17. Carboic acids and their derivatives.
17.1. Homologous series of saturated monobasic carboxylic acids. Isomerism and nomenclature.
17.2. Preparation and chemical properties of carboxylic acids.
17.3. Esters. Fats.
17.4. Salts of carboxylic acids. Soap.
Chapter 18. Carbohydrates.
18.1. Classification of carbohydrates. Monosaccharides.
18.2. Disaccharides.
18.3. Polysaccharides.
Chapter 19. Amines.
19.1. Homologous series of saturated amines. Isomerism and nomenclature.
19.2. Preparation and chemical properties of saturated amines.
19.3. Aromatic amines. Aniline.
Chapter 20. Amino acids. Squirrels.
20.1. Amino acids.
20.2. Peptides.
20.3. Squirrels.
Laboratory experiments.
Practical work.

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1 Professional education O. S. Gabrielyan, I. G. Ostroumov Chemistry for professions and technical specialties Textbook Recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution " Federal Institute development of education" (FSAU "FIRO") as a textbook for use in educational process educational institutions Open source software based on the main one general education with secondary general education Registration number of the review 403 dated August 19, 2015 FGAU "FIRO" 4th edition, stereotypical

2 UDC 54 (075.32) BBK 24ya723ya722 G121 Reviewer, teacher of the highest qualification category, KMPO RANH and GS under the President of the Russian Federation, candidate. chem. Sciences, Associate Professor E. R. Keharsaeva Gabrielyan O. S. G121 Chemistry for professions and technical specialties: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education / O. S. Gabriyelyan, I. G. Ostroumov. 4th ed., erased. M.: Publishing center "Academy", p., p. color ill. ISBN The textbook was developed taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education, as well as the profile of vocational education. At a basic level theoretical basis chemistry, questions of chemistry of the main classes are considered inorganic substances. Special attention devoted to the properties, industrial methods of production and application in technology of metals and non-metals. The properties, preparation and directions of use of organic compounds are described. Given Control questions, assignments and calculation problems. Recommendations are given for performing laboratory experiments and practical work in general, inorganic and organic chemistry. For students of professional educational organizations mastering professions and specialties of secondary vocational education. Legend: terms and definitions UDC 54(075.32) BBK 24я723я722 laws, rules, regulations historical information, Interesting Facts The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited ISBN Gabrielyan O. S., Ostroumov I. G., 2016 Educational and Publishing Center "Academy", 2016 Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2016

3 To the readers Dear friends! You opened a chemistry textbook intended for professions and technical specialties, and thought that this subject would not be the main one for you. And they were mistaken, because modern technology and technology are untenable without knowledge of chemistry. Suffice it to say that only listing the names of new materials widely used in modern technology, can take up an entire volume. And working with these materials, largely based on knowledge of chemistry and the use of chemical transformations (reactions), makes it possible to achieve economic, environmental, and aesthetic effects. You, as future highly qualified technical specialists, need to know that there is not a single area of ​​activity in which various substances, materials or chemical processes are not used. For example, 90% of the energy that humanity produces and consumes is the result of chemical reactions. Almost everything that modern industry and agriculture produces is related to chemistry. Without deep knowledge of chemistry, it is impossible to master the specialties that, according to the classifier, are included in such large groups as “Engineering and construction technologies”, “Informatics and Computer Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering", "Material Technologies", "Light Industry Technologies", etc. The textbook corresponds to the program of the general education discipline "Chemistry", approved by the scientific and methodological council of the Center for Vocational Education of the Federal State Institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development" on March 26, 2015 and recommended for implementation of basic professional educational program 3

4 To the readers 4 Secondary vocational education based on basic general education with secondary general education. In the process of studying our subject, you will not only have to acquire a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also, to a large extent, learn to obtain them from various sources, process them, draw conclusions and conclusions, i.e., form information competence. When designing your own information product, presenting it to classmates, teachers and the public, you need to learn to defend your point of view, while hearing and respecting other people’s opinions, and therefore adjusting your position. This will allow you to improve your own communicative competence. Mastering the discipline involves not only classroom lessons, but also independent work. In accordance with the course program, the same amount of time is allocated for classroom lessons and independent work. For the study of chemistry in the technical profile of secondary vocational education, 117 classroom hours are allocated for vocational education specialties and 171 classroom hours for vocational education professions. No more than 40% of the total classroom time is allocated for lectures, the rest of the time is occupied by practical and laboratory classes. In these classes, a significant place is given chemical experiment. It allows you to develop special subject skills: work with substances, perform simple chemical experiments, safely and environmentally competently handle substances, materials and processes in everyday life and at work. Independent work involves not only doing homework, working with a textbook and other printed publications included in the educational kit, but also using electronic textbook, as well as searching for information on the Internet. Let's name only such popular resources as ru;; etc. Caring attitude towards the environment, basic chemical knowledge, without which not a single specialist in the technical field of activity can do, is the key to competent and effective use of the achievements of chemical science. In addition, chemical literacy is also necessary in everyday life. Chemically respectful handling of substances, materials, preservatives

5 parathas of household chemicals, household appliances necessary condition safe and comfortable life. The content of the textbook corresponds to the federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education. In addition, our textbook presents material with specialized and professionally significant content, it is highlighted in color. At the end of each paragraph there are questions and exercises for mandatory completion. Core and professionally significant tasks are marked with an asterisk. We wish you success! To the readers

6 Section I General and inorganic chemistry

7 Chapter 1 Basic concepts and laws of chemistry After reading this chapter, you will learn: what is the subject of studying chemistry; what is a simple substance and what are the causes of the phenomenon of allotropy; how the chemical composition of a substance is displayed and what the chemical formula shows; how to find the relative molecular mass of a substance; what fundamental laws are applied in chemical practice Subject of chemistry. Basic concepts of chemistry. Allotropy Back in 1748, the founder of Russian chemistry M.V. Lomonosov wrote: “Chemical science examines the properties and changes of bodies, the composition of bodies, explains the causes 7

8 Basic concepts of what happens to substances during chemical transformations.” Compare the definition given by the great M.V. Lomonosov with the modern definition. Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, properties and transformations of substances. Based on the modern definition of chemical science, which is surprisingly close to Lomonosov’s, let’s consider some basic initial concepts: substance, atom, molecule, chemical element, etc. Substance is one of the types of matter, which is characterized by rest mass. It is a collection of atoms, ions or molecules consisting of one or more chemical elements. What type of matter cannot be called substance? What type of matter has no rest mass? From your physics course, you know that this type of matter includes various fields, including electromagnetic and gravitational fields. An atom is an electrically neutral particle consisting of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons. An atom is the smallest particle of a chemical element, the limit of chemical divisibility of matter. A molecule is a separate electrically neutral particle formed when covalent bonds between atoms of one or more elements, which determines the chemical properties of a substance. A chemical element is a collection of atoms with the same nuclear charge. 8 All elements (and simple substances) are usually divided into metals and non-metals. Nonmetals include 22 elements: hydrogen, boron, carbon, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, halogens and noble gases; to metals all other elements. A substance formed by one chemical element is called simple. Same chemical element

9 can form several simple substances. This phenomenon is called allotropy, and various simple substances formed by one element are allotropic modifications, or allotropic modifications (for example, diamond and graphite are simple substances formed by the same element carbon). It is very interesting, and currently practically significant, to transform one allotropic modification of carbon (graphite) into another (diamond): C (graphite) C (diamond) This process is used to produce artificial diamonds. In 1954, scientists from the laboratory of the famous American company General Electric obtained black crystals of artificial diamonds weighing 0.05 g under extreme conditions: atm pressure and temperature C. Such diamonds were hundreds of times more expensive than natural ones. But within 10 years, technologies have been developed that make it possible to obtain 20 or more grams of diamonds in one chamber in a few minutes. Modern production of artificial diamonds is based on their production from graphite not only at ultra-high, but also at low pressures. Such diamonds are relatively cheap, but are used primarily for technical purposes in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, radio electronics and instrument making, geological exploration and mining. The reason for the tragic outcome of some expeditions, conquerors of the polar (Arctic and Antarctic) “caps” of the Earth, was that the researchers did not take into account the interconversion of allotropic modifications of tin: Sn (white) Sn (gray) White tin is a soft ductile metal with which we most often and we collide. However, when the temperature drops, it can turn into gray tin powder, which has the properties of non-metals. This transformation is accelerated by gray tin itself: it is enough for just one speck of dust of gray tin to appear, and a process begins that can no longer be stopped. In this case, the product from white shiny metal turns into gray nondescript powder. This process is figuratively called the “tin plague.” It was he who caused the death of the expedition of R. Scott, who tried to conquer the South Pole in 1912. Scott's Expedition Used Key Concepts 9

10 Basic concepts 10 for storing food and kerosene, iron canisters sealed with tin. In severe frost, the tin solder of the canisters crumbled, and the expedition was left without fuel. Many other chemical elements are also characterized by the phenomenon of allotropy. Thus, oxygen forms two modifications: oxygen O 2 and ozone O 3 (Greek ozon smelling). Ozone is found in the upper layers of the atmosphere and intensively absorbs ultraviolet rays. In this way, the atmosphere protects life on Earth from short-wave radiation. At the same time, the atmosphere transmits the infrared radiation of the Sun, but due to the ozone, carbon dioxide and water vapor contained in the atmosphere, it is opaque to the infrared radiation of the Earth. If these gases were not contained in the atmosphere, the Earth would turn into a lifeless ball, the average temperature on the surface of which would be 23 C, while in fact it is +14.8 C. Humanity faces the urgent task of preserving this life-supporting screen from destruction , since alarming data is coming from space satellites about a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere of the so-called ozone holes(color insert, Fig. 1). Ozone and oxygen, being simple substances formed by one element, nevertheless have different properties. Oxygen is odorless, but ozone smells fresh. Ozone, unlike oxygen, is bactericidal; this property is used for disinfection drinking water(ozonation of water is much safer for human health than chlorination). Ozone is a much stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen, so it vigorously discolors paints, oxidizes silver, and destroys organic compounds. The latter property allows it to be used to eliminate unpleasant odors, i.e. deodorization. Allotropy is one of the factors determining the diversity of substances. It is caused by two main reasons: 1) the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, which is easy to see from the example of oxygen allotropy; 2) different crystal structure of allotropic modifications; for example, all modifications of carbon have an atomic crystal lattice, but for diamond it is voluminous tetrahedral, and for graphite it is layered, which is why the properties of diamond and graphite are so different.

11 Test questions and assignments 1. What is the subject of studying chemistry? Give a definition of the concept “substance”. How do the concepts “substance” and “matter” relate? 2. What particles are called atoms and molecules? 3. Define the concept of “chemical element”. 4. What substances are called simple? Give examples. 5. Describe the phenomenon of allotropy. What factors cause it? Give examples of allotropic modifications of oxygen. Compare them. Indicate the factor that causes the allotropy of this element. 6. Explain carbon allotropy. Compare allotropic modifications of carbon. Name the main areas of their application. *7. Describe the technical significance of tin and the areas of application of this metal. *8. Prepare a report on the history of producing artificial diamonds and name their areas of application. *9. Prepare a report on the topic “Disinfection of drinking water: ways and prospects.” Basic concepts 1.2. Composition of the substance. Measuring matter Simple substances These are substances formed by one chemical element. However, there are many more complex substances. Substances consisting of two or more chemical elements are called complex. There are qualitative and quantitative composition of substances. Qualitative composition is a set of chemical elements and (or) atomic groups that make up a given chemical substance. Quantitative composition is indicators characterizing the quantity or number of atoms of a particular chemical element and (or) atomic groups that form a given chemical substance. The composition of substances is displayed using chemical symbols. According to the proposal of J. Ya. Berzelius, elements are usually denoted by the first or the first and one of the subsequent letters of the Latin names of the elements. eleven

12 Basic concepts A chemical sign (symbol) carries significant information. It denotes the name of an element, one atom of it, one mole of atoms of this element. Using the symbol of a chemical element, you can determine its atomic number and relative atomic mass. Chemical formula is a way of displaying chemical composition substances. Like chemical sign, the chemical formula carries a lot of information. It denotes the name of a substance, one molecule of it, one mole of this substance. Using a chemical formula, you can determine the qualitative composition of a substance, the number of atoms and the amount of substance of each element in one mole of a substance, its relative molecular and molar mass. Formulas of substances are drawn up on the basis of another important concept of chemistry: valence. Valence is the ability of atoms of one chemical element to combine with a strictly defined number of atoms of another chemical element. For example, the hydrogen atom is monovalent, therefore in the hydrogen molecule H2 it combines with only one of the same hydrogen atom. The oxygen atom is divalent, so in the H2O water molecule it combines with two hydrogen atoms. The tetravalent carbon in the CH 4 methane molecule combines with four hydrogen atoms, and in the molecule carbon dioxide CO 2 with two divalent oxygen atoms. Several types of chemical formulas are widely used. 1. The simplest (empirical) formula shows the qualitative composition and relationships in which the particles are found: atoms, ions, groups of atoms that form a given substance. For example, the simplest formula for ethane ( organic matter) CH The molecular (true) formula reflects the qualitative composition and number of particles that make up the substance (for example, for ethane C 2 H 6), but does not show the order of bonds of the particles in the substance, i.e. its structure. 3. The graphic formula reflects the order of connection of atoms, i.e., the connections between them; for example for ethane: 12

13 In addition to formulas, models of atoms and molecules of simple and complex substances are often used for clarity. The masses of atoms and molecules from which substances are built are extremely small. However modern methods research allows us to determine them with great accuracy. Thus, the mass of a carbon atom 12 C is equal to 1. kg, the mass of an oxygen atom of the isotope 16 O is 2. kg, and the mass of the lightest hydrogen atom 1 H is equal to 1. kg. Expressing the masses of atoms using the generally accepted mass units of kilograms, grams or even milligrams is inconvenient due to their very small values. Therefore, in chemistry they traditionally use relative rather than absolute mass values. In 1961, a single carbon atomic mass unit (amu) was adopted in chemistry and physics, representing 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C: 1 a. e.m. = 1 / 12 m(12 C) = 1, kg. Basic concepts Relative atomic mass(A r) of a chemical element is a value showing the ratio of the average mass of an atom of a natural isotope mixture of an element to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C. Relative atomic mass is one of the main characteristics of a chemical element (Fig. 1.1). The relative atomic mass of the lightest chemical element, hydrogen, is 1. Therefore, the relative atomic masses of other elements can be compared with the relative atomic mass of hydrogen (Fig. 1.2). Relative molecular mass(Mr) is equal to the sum of the relative atomic masses of all atoms forming a molecule of a substance. Rice. 1.1 Each chemical element has its own relative atomic mass Fig. 1.2 The carbon atom is 12 times heavier than the hydrogen atom 1 H 13

14 Basic concepts Fig. 1.3 This is how the relative molecular mass of carbon dioxide is calculated. Fig. 1.4 A molecule of carbon dioxide CO 2 is 44 times heavier than a hydrogen atom 1 H If a substance is not of molecular, but, for example, ionic structure, then for such a substance the concept of relative molecular mass is used, but it is calculated using the formula units of the substance (Fig. 1.3, 1.4 ). The amount of a substance (n or ν) is characterized by the number of atoms, molecules or other formula units of a given substance. Since a substance consists of a huge number of particles, it is convenient to measure the amount of substance in large units containing big number particles. IN International system units (SI) The unit of quantity of a substance is taken to be a mole. A mole is an amount of a substance containing the same number of formula units as there are atoms contained in 0.012 kg of the carbon isotope 12 C. 14 To find one mole of a substance, you can be guided by the following simple rule: a mole is an amount of a substance whose mass, expressed in grams, is numerically equal to the relative molecular mass . The mass of one mole is called molar mass and is denoted by the letter M: M = M r 1 g/mol. The units of molar mass are g/mol, kg/kmol, or mg/mmol. Molar mass can be expressed in terms of the number of molecules (or atoms) in one mole of a substance (N A) and the mass (m 0) of an individual molecule (or atom): M = m 0 N A. The mass of a molecule (atom) in kilograms can be calculated using the equation m 0 = M r 1 a. e.m. = M r 1, kg,

15 therefore M 10 3 (kg/mol) = N A M r 1, (kg/mol). From this expression you can determine the number of molecules or atoms contained in one mole of any substance, which is called Avogadro's constant. Basic concepts Avogadro's constant (N A) the number of atoms or molecules (or other formula units) contained in one mole of a substance; it is always equal to N A = 6, mol 1. The amount of a substance is measured in moles, kilomoles or millimoles. The amount of a substance is calculated as the ratio of: the mass m of the substance to its molar mass; the number N of molecules, atoms or formula units to Avogadro's constant; gas volume V under normal conditions (norm) to molar volume V m: m N V n = = =. M N V A m Test questions and tasks 1. Which substance is called complex? 2. What information can be obtained by analyzing the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance? 3. What does the chemical formula show? 4. Describe the concepts of “relative atomic mass of a chemical element” and “relative molecular mass of a substance”. How are these characteristics calculated? 5. What types of chemical formulas do you know? 6. Find the relative molecular weights of substances whose composition is described by the formulas: O 3, H 2 SO 4, Ca 3 (PO 4) 2, Cu(OH) 2. *7. Calculate the relative molecular masses of copper sulfate CuSO 4 5H 2 O and crystalline soda Na 2 CO 3 10H 2 O. 8. Define the concept of “amount of substance”. Name the units for measuring the amount of a substance. 9. How does the relative molecular mass of a substance differ from the molar mass? Find molar mass nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, aluminum sulfate. 10. How many molecules are contained in 32 g of sulfur dioxide SO 2? 11. What is the mass of 1 molecules of ammonia NH 3? 15

Composition of the substance. Chemical formulas. Measuring a substance Simple substances are substances formed by one chemical element. However, there are many more complex substances. * Substances built by two or more

Chemistry subject. Basic concepts. Allotropy Back in 1748, the founder of Russian chemistry, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, wrote: “Chemical science examines the properties and changes of bodies..., the composition of bodies...,

Professional education Chemistry for professions and specialties of natural science Edited by O. S. Gabrielyan Textbook Recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal

PRIMARY AND SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Y.M. EROKHIN COLLECTION OF TEST TASKS IN CHEMISTRY Recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development"

NATURAL SCIENCE. CHEMISTRY. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. Structure of matter. Types chemical bonds. Chemistry subject. Its connection with other sciences. Knowledge of the properties of matter, structure,

EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY The study of chemistry in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals: mastering the most important knowledge about chemical symbols, chemical concepts,

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school 16" as amended from December 16, 2016. WORK PROGRAM in the subject "chemistry" grades 8-9 (FK GOS) 1. Level requirements

Chemistry for professions and technical specialties GDZ >>> Chemistry for professions and technical specialties gdz chemistry for professions and specialties of a technical profile GDZ Control tests are given

WORK PROGRAM IN CHEMISTRY ABSTRACT CLASS: 8-9 1. Regulatory documents: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Primary and secondary vocational education Yu.M. Erokhin chemistry Tasks and exercises Recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development" for use

STANDARD OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY The study of chemistry at the level of basic general education is aimed at achieving the following goals: mastering the most important knowledge about basic concepts and laws


In the system of natural science education, chemistry as an academic subject occupies an important place in the knowledge of the laws of nature, the formation of a scientific picture of the world, the creation of the basis of chemical knowledge necessary for

WORK PROGRAM in chemistry Grade 9 Serdyukova Galina Maksimovna chemistry teacher of the highest qualification category Textbook O.S. Gabrielyan Chemistry 9th grade (M. Bustard 2015) Ruza 2018 Working programm By

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Abstract to work programs in chemistry for grades 8, 9. The work program in chemistry is compiled in accordance with the federal component of the state standard of general education, as the basis of the work program

I. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in chemistry. The graduate will learn: characterize the basic methods of cognition: observation, measurement,

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Northern (Arctic) federal university

Lecture 1 Basic concepts and laws of chemistry Matter is one of two (matter and field) forms of existence of matter, manifesting itself in the form of particles that have their own non-zero rest mass. Atom is the smallest,

Chemistry Explanatory note Goals and objectives academic subject“Chemistry” at the level of basic general education In the system of natural science education, chemistry as an academic subject occupies an important place in knowledge

Explanatory note The work program of the academic subject "chemistry" for grades 8-9 was developed in accordance with the Basic educational program of basic general education of the MBOU of Murmansk "Secondary

1. Planned results The graduate will learn to: characterize the basic methods of cognition: observation, measurement, experiment; describe the properties of solid, liquid, gaseous substances, highlighting their essential

The work program in chemistry is developed on the basis of the chemistry course program for 8-9 grades. educational institutions. Author O.S. Gabrielyan (FKGSOO). M., Bustard, 2010. Textbooks: Chemistry. 8th grade: textbook. for general education

Thematic planning in chemistry (externship) for 2016-2017 academic year in 11th grade Textbook: O.S. GABRIELYAN. CHEMISTRY. GRADE 11. A BASIC LEVEL OF. M., "DROFA", 2007-2015. Half-year Contents educational material

Planned results of mastering the academic subject "Chemistry" Requirements for the level of training of graduates As a result of studying chemistry, the student must: know/understand: - chemical symbols: chemical signs

Municipal budgetary educational institution " high school 2 Navashino" APPROVED by the order of the director of the MBOU "Secondary school 2 Navashino" dated September 208 363 WORK PROGRAM IN CHEMISTRY 9

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 11" Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council Minutes from Agreed by Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management M.N. Shaburov

1 This work program is aimed at 9th grade students in the basic general education program ( a basic level of) according to FKGOS. The work program is designed for 68 hours per year, 2 hours per week. basic

I approve the Director of the school S.I. Chernenko. Chemistry for 8th grade. (according to the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan) 1 1. Subject of chemistry. Substances. Simple and complex substances. 2. Reactions of decomposition and combination. Thermal effect

Appendix 11 to the main educational program of basic general education WORK PROGRAM Chemistry (name of the training course) for grade 8 Planned results of mastering the academic subject "Chemistry"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 61" Considered at the meeting methodological unification teachers of polytechnic and natural science cycle. Protocol 1 of 08/26/2016

EXPLANATORY NOTE Status of the document The work program in chemistry is compiled for grade 9 based on the Model program of basic general education in chemistry. The work program defines a list of demonstrations,

The approximate program of the academic subject "Chemistry" at the level of basic general education is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the results of basic general education, approved by the Federal State

Explanatory note. The work program in chemistry is compiled on the basis of: the Federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education; sample program of basic general

Chemistry Explanatory note The sample program of the academic subject "Chemistry" at the level of basic general education is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the results of basic general education, approved

MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Kezhem SECONDARY SCHOOL" Work program of the subject "Chemistry" for students in grades 8-9 Educational area: "natural science"

1.PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT. As a result of studying the subject in 9th grade, the student must know/understand: chemical symbolism: signs of chemical elements, formulas chemical substances and equations

Explanatory note Basic general education, second stage of general education. One of the most important tasks of this stage is to prepare students for a conscious and responsible choice of life.

Abstract to the work program in chemistry grades 8-9 The program material is designed for 102 hours (3 hours per week in accordance with the school curriculum), of these hours account for: practical work


As a result of studying chemistry, the student must EXPLANATORY NOTE Know/understand - chemical symbols: signs of chemical elements, formulas of chemical substances and equations of chemical reactions; - the most important

1. Passport of the work program of the general education discipline OD.06 CHEMISTRY 1.1. Scope of application of the program Implementation of secondary (complete) general education within the framework of the OPOP by profession 140446.03 Electrician

Planned results Subject results Topic Will learn Will have the opportunity to learn Initial chemical concepts to characterize the basic methods of cognition: observation, measurement, experiment;


EXAMINATION TICKETS FOR THE STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN CHEMISTRY FOR BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Ticket 1 1. Periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev and the structure of atoms:

Work program in chemistry grade 9 “a” (basic level) Work program in chemistry for grade 9 is compiled in accordance with the Federal component State standard basic general education,

Work program in chemistry 9th grade (basic level) The work program in chemistry for grade 9 is compiled in accordance with the Federal component of the State Standard of Basic General Education,

Work program in chemistry 9 “b” grade (basic level) Work program in chemistry for grade 9 is compiled in accordance with the Federal component of the State Standard of Basic General Education,

APPROXIMATE CALENDAR PLANNING OF TEACHING MATERIAL CHEMISTRY-8 2014/2015 academic year Compiled on the basis of the state program E.E. Minchenkova at 2 hours per week (70 hours per year) Works I half of the year

Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary school 29 Work program for the subject “Chemistry” level of basic general education Compiled by: Anastasina T.V. Teacher

Chemistry tickets for 8th grade. (according to the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan) Table of contents Ticket 1... 3 Ticket 2... 3 Ticket 3... 3 Ticket 4... 3 Ticket 5... 3 Ticket 6... 3 Ticket 7.. 3 Ticket 8... 3 Ticket 9... 3 Ticket 10... 4

Gdz in chemistry Gabrielyan Ostroumov secondary vocational education >>>

GDz on chemistry Gabrielyan Ostroumov secondary vocational education >>> GDz on chemistry Gabrielyan Ostroumov secondary vocational education GDz on chemistry Gabrielyan Ostroumov secondary vocational education

2 Planned results of mastering the academic subject As a result of studying chemistry, the student should know/understand: chemical symbols: signs of chemical elements, formulas of chemical substances and chemical equations

WORK PROGRAM in chemistry, class MBOU "Secondary school 69" of the Volga region of Kazan Sharafieva Liliya Magsumovna, teacher of the highest qualification category Considered at the meeting

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is an appendix of the Basic educational program of basic general education MBOU Secondary School 21. The work program in chemistry for grades 8-9, basic level, has been developed

general characteristics programs. The work program in chemistry for basic school is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education and the Requirements for the Results of Basic General Education,

The work program of the subject “Chemistry” for grades 7-9 was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated 29.2202 273-FZ); Federal State Educational Standard LLC (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science

Tickets for the transfer exam in chemistry in grade 8 Ticket 1 1. Subject of chemistry. Substances. Substances are simple and complex. Properties of substances. 2. Acids. Their classification and properties. Ticket 2 1. Transformations of substances.

ANNOTATION to the WORK PROGRAM for UD ODP.03 “Chemistry” The work program of the academic discipline is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education,

Thematic planning Chemistry 8th grade. 68h. Textbook O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry 8. lesson Topic of the lesson Questions of the program studied Requirements for the level of training of students Meters Experiment D/Z 1 Subject

Requirements for the level of graduate training: The student must know: the most important chemical concepts: substance, chemical element, atom, molecule, atomic and molecular mass, ion, allotropy, isotopes,


Chemistry 8th grade

Gabrielyan, Ostroumov, Sladkov


Studying chemistry in tenth grade opens up previously unexplored spaces for schoolchildren, they move from inorganic chemistry to organic compounds. And here it is important not to miss the essence, to immerse yourself in the material from the beginning, and try to understand the theory and practice.

The textbook's workbook may be useful for this. "Chemistry 8th grade Textbook Gabrielyan, Ostroumov, Sladkov Enlightenment".

How is a workbook useful for students?

Ready homework will not only help you avoid negative grades and get a positive grade in the subject, but will also provide the following opportunities:

  • Support in analyzing unclear topics.
  • Assess your understanding of the material.
  • Improve your grades in chemistry.

Of course, it is not a solution to all problems and a panacea. However, in practice it has been verified that it is better with solver than without it.

Who uses the book

As a rule, not only schoolchildren use solvers, it can also be useful for teachers and adults who want, for example, to test their knowledge or lessons with children. The main advantage of any option here is the significant time savings, which allows you not to get stuck on complex tasks and get to the heart of the matter from the very beginning.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

"Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry: textbook. for students institutions Prof. education / O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov. – 10th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 336 p. On the..."

Gabrielyan O.S.

Chemistry: textbook. for students institutions Prof. education

/ O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov. – 10th ed., erased. – M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2012. – 336 p.

The theoretical foundations are presented at the modern level

chemistry, issues of chemistry of elements (non-metals and

metals), structure and properties of different classes of organic

connections. Test questions and tasks are given,

laboratory experiments and practical work in all areas of inorganic and organic chemistry.

Vazhenin A.G.

Social studies: textbook. aid for students institutions

Prof. education / A.G. Vazhenin. – 11th ed., erased. – M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2012. – 368 p.

IN textbook issues of the formation and development of human society, state and law are considered;

characterized by cultural, economic, political and social sphere society; illuminated global problems modernity.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Vereina L.I.

Technical mechanics: a textbook for environments. Prof.

education L.I. Vereina, M.M. Krasnov. – 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 352 p.

The textbook is intended for studying the subject “Technical Mechanics” and is part of the educational and methodological set for disciplines of the general professional cycle for technical specialties.

The fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, parts and machine mechanisms are outlined; Examples of calculations are given. Information is provided on the main methods of changing the mechanical properties of materials and trends in the development of machine and mechanism designs.

The textbook can be used in the study of the general professional discipline OP.02 “Technical Mechanics” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in technical specialties.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Pevtsova E.A.

Law for professions and specialties of socio-economic profile: textbook for institutions beginning. and Wednesday Prof. education / E.A. Pevtsova. – 4th ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 432 p.

The textbook is written in accordance with the approximate program of the academic discipline “Law”. It presents complex issues in an accessible manner legal science, practical material is presented that will allow young people to acquire the necessary legal skills and abilities to ensure legal protection in real life.

The book also contains additional material, reflecting modern approaches of lawyers to scientific problems, diagrams, legal documents, extracts from regulatory legal acts.

For students in professions and specialties of socio-economic profile in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

Averin V.N.

Computer engineering graphics: textbook. aid for students

secondary professional institutions education / V.N. Averin. – 4th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 224 p.

The basics of computer-based creation of design documentation based on the professional version of the KOMPAS system are outlined. The interface of this system is described, examples of constructing images of protozoa are considered. geometric shapes and the ability to edit them.

Examples of creating various drawings in the KOMPAS system using libraries of this system, specifications of assembly units and tables are given. The features and basic operations of creating three-dimensional models of parts using the KOMPAS-3D system are considered, examples of creating three-dimensional assemblies and constructing assembly drawings based on them are given. The ability to export drawings to the AutoCAD system and import drawings from this system is shown.

The textbook can be used when studying the general professional discipline OP.02 " Computer graphics» in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for specialty 151901 “Mechanical Engineering Technology”.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Belik V.V., Kienskaya K.I.

Physical and colloidal chemistry: Textbook for students.

institutions prof. education. – 7th ed., erased. – M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2012. – 288 p.

The fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemical and phase equilibrium, the theory of chemical kinetics and catalysis, elements of electrochemistry, thermodynamics of surface phenomena, properties and methods of dispersed systems are outlined.

Processes and operations of shaping: A textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / Ed. ON THE.

Chemborisova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 320 p. – (Baccalaureate Series).

Set out physical basis cutting materials.

Modern tool materials, lubricating and cooling technological means are considered. The designs of the most common tools are given general purpose. The theoretical foundations for the formation of computer-aided design systems for cutting tools are given.

Tsvetkova M.S., Velikovich L.S.

Computer science and ICT: A textbook for beginners. and Wednesday prof.

education. – 4th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 352 p.

The concept is given information processes. Information models, number systems, programming technologies, principles of coding, storage, retrieval and processing of information are considered. The basics of algorithmization are given and examples of information processing algorithms are given. The means of information and telecommunication technologies are described. The technology for creating and transforming information objects (processing text, graphic and tabular material, audio information, creating a multimedia presentation) is described in detail.

Dracheva E.L., Yulikov L.I.

Management: Textbook for students. institutions prof.

education. – 13th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 304 p.

The history of formation, essence, basic concepts and functions of modern management are outlined.

The internal and external environment of the organization, the management cycle, strategic and tactical plans in the management system and control over their implementation are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to decision-making methods, motivation and delegation of authority, communications, conflict management, power and partnership in the system of management methods.

Grebenyuk E.I., Grebenyuk N.A.

Technical means of informatization: Textbook for students.

institutions prof. education. – 7th ed., rev. – M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2012. – 352 p.

The physical foundations, hardware, design features, technical characteristics and operating features of modern technical means informatization: computers, devices for preparing, inputting and displaying information, systems for processing and reproducing audio and video information, telecommunications, devices for working with information on solid media. Attention is paid to the organization of workplaces during the operation of technical means of informatization.

Information is provided on processor production technology, the main characteristics of multi-core processors, modern and future storage media, digital sound systems, 3D sound technology, web cameras, three-dimensional printers and scanners, electronic tablets, touch input devices, wireless communication technologies Bluetooth and WiFi, smartphones and communicators.

Semenov A.L.

Modern information technologies and translation:

textbook aid for students translation. Fak. Higher textbook establishments / A.L. Semenov. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 224 p.

The textbook presents the main theoretical principles of translation activity as an analytical and synthetic process. The principles of computerization of text activity are outlined. The theoretical foundations of the practice of using modern information technologies written translation. Along with linguistic problems, the most pressing organizational issues of translation activity are touched upon.

Kushner V.S.

Technological processes in mechanical engineering: a textbook for students. higher textbook establishments/ V.S. Kushner, A.S. Vereshchak, A.G.

Skhirtladze. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 416 p.

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training “Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production”

(qualification “bachelor”).

The main metallurgical and mechanical engineering technological methods for producing metals and alloys, shaping blanks and machine parts by casting, cutting, pressure treatment, and welding are considered.

The description of technological processes is based on a consideration of their physical essence and is preceded by theoretical information about thermal, mechanical and thermomechanical laws.

Grammatical aspects of translation: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / O.A.

Suleymanova, N.N. Beklemesheva, K.S. Kardanova and others - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2012. - 240 p. – (Ser. Bachelor's degree) The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in the field of study 035700 – Linguistics (profile “translation and translation studies”, qualification “specialist”).

The textbook examines the grammatical aspects of translation related to the structural and functional features of the Russian and English languages, which are determined by the nature of the relationship between the grammatical, logical and informational structures of the utterance. A translation strategy is proposed, based on the analysis of metonymic connections within the structures of the languages ​​under consideration and in their correlation.

Klunova S.M.

Biotechnology: a textbook for higher education. ped. prof. education / S.M. Klunova, T.A. Egorova, E.A. Zhivukhina.

– M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2010. – 256 p.

The textbook outlines and summarizes traditional and latest technologies based on the achievements of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, socio-economic problems and prospects for the development of biotechnology in the third millennium are considered.

Borytko N.M.

Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N.M. Borytko, A.V. Molozhavenko, I.A. Solovtsova; edited by

N.M. Borytko. – 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - 320 p.

The manual reveals methodological basis and the logic of psychological and pedagogical research from the standpoint of a humanitarian holistic approach to the study educational process, a system of scientific concepts is presented, theoretical and empirical methods work; A series of special exercises and tests is proposed to facilitate the assimilation of the material being studied.

Dracheva E.L.

Management: workshop: textbook. aid for students

institutions Prof. education / E.L. Dracheva, L.I.

Yulikov. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2012. - 304 p.

The textbook can be used when studying the general professional discipline “Management” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the majors of the enlarged group “Economics and Management”.

Practical tasks characterizing various aspects of management are proposed. The tasks are given in the form of real situations based on the experience of Russian and foreign companies, in the form of business games, tests, etc.

A dictionary of terms used is provided. The workshop compiles a training package with the textbook “Management”.

Grigoriev V.P.

Elements higher mathematics: textbook for students.

institutions Prof. education / V.P. Grigoriev, Yu.A.

Dubinsky. – 8th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013.

The textbook presents all the main sections of higher mathematics: elements of set theory, linear algebra, analytical geometry, differential and integral calculus; number sequences;

ordinary differential equations.

The theoretical part of the textbook is supplemented a large number of practical problems; given in the appendix short description package of applied programs for mathematics MAPLE.

Averbukh K.Ya.

Lexical and phraseological aspects of translation: textbook.

aid for students higher textbook institutions / K.Ya. Averbukh, O.M.

Karpova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - 176 p.

The book examines a number of translation problems in lexical and phraseological aspects. Describes the modern phenomenon of stratification national languages into general literary language and languages ​​for special purposes.

Their stylistic differentiation is discussed and it is noted that the main emphasis in describing the features of translation is focused on the so-called scientific and technical translation. The lexical composition of special texts and the problem of their division are considered in order to highlight the most information-intensive units and their variants. The minimum information necessary for a translator about terminology and terminography is provided.

Krupnov V.N.

Humanitarian translation: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook

establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2009. – 160 p.

Textbook for the course “Humanitarian Translation”

represents a critical reflection on the translation activity of an experienced professional translator.

Sokolova E.N.

Materials Science: Laboratory Workshop: Proc.

aid for students institutions prof. education / E.N.

Sokolova, A.O. Borisova, L.V. Davydenko. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 128 p.

The methodology and practice of conducting laboratory work and practical classes in materials science, work was proposed on testing samples for hardness and tensile strength, as well as studying the structure of steel, including after heat treatment.

Metrology, standardization and certification in mechanical engineering: Textbook for students. institutions

prof. education. – 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 288 p.

The main provisions of standardization and certification of products, the legal framework, functions and methods of standardization, certification systems and confirmation of conformity are considered. The basics of the interchangeability of parts are outlined, the system of tolerances and fits of frequently encountered connections is described. Classifications and schematic diagrams of modern measuring and control instruments used in mechanical engineering are presented.

Chapaev N.K., Vereshchagina I.P.

Philosophy and history of education: Textbook for students.

institutions of higher education prof. education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 288 p. – (Series “Bachelor’s Degree”).

The textbook presents the foundations of the philosophy of education - an integrative body of knowledge of a philosophical and pedagogical nature, which has as its subject the most general patterns the development of education, pedagogy and man as a “subject of education” (K.D. Ushinsky), as well as the intellectual and spiritual foundations of such development. The process of formation and development is characterized: pedagogy as a system of scientific knowledge; the educational process itself; educational institutions.

Kholodkova A.G.

Technological equipment: Textbook for students. higher textbook

establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 368 p.

The issues of designing technological equipment for mechanical assembly production are outlined, taking into account its purpose, design features and production features. Methods for calculating the accuracy of devices, their parameters, power characteristics and economic efficiency are presented. The features of the use of universal prefabricated equipment, devices for assembly and control, including flexible automated production, are considered.

Mkhitaryan V.S.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics: Textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / V.S.

Mkhitaryan, V.F. Shishov, A.Yu. Kozlov. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 416 p. – (Series “Bachelor’s Degree”).

All main sections of the course in probability theory and mathematical statistics are covered. The basic information related to the study of random events, random variables and the laws of their distribution, systems of random variables, limit theorems probability theory, as well as basic concepts of theory random functions. The requirements for statistical estimates, exact and interval estimation of distribution parameters, parametric and nonparametric methods for testing statistical hypotheses, dispersion, correlation and regression analysis are considered in detail.

Each section outlines the main theoretical principles, explains the prerequisites for the use of probabilistic and statistical methods, and provides detailed solutions typical problems (the numerical data given in some examples are conditional), problems are proposed for independent work students.

Shows the use of MS Excel add-ins ( statistical functions and analysis package) for solving problems in probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Selevtsov L.I., Selevtsov A.L.

Automation of technological processes: Textbook for students. institutions prof. education. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 352 p.

Methods for monitoring technological parameters, the design of instrumentation, the properties of control objects and elements of automatic control of technological processes in food production, the design and operating principle of technical means of automatic control systems, as well as their installation are considered. The rules for implementing automation schemes for auxiliary and main technological production in the food industry are given.

Information management: Textbook / Sub scientific. ed.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.M. Abdikeeva. – M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 400 p.

The book is devoted to a new approach to information management, aimed at providing information services to businesses.


strategy and architecture of company informatization, IT project management, information service management, information resources, IT efficiency, information security.

The book is intended for managers, business analysts, IT specialists, students of MBA programs, university students and masters, graduate students and teachers in the field of corporate management and corporate information systems.

Bondarenko G.G.

Materials science: textbook for bachelors / G.G.

Bondarenko, T.A. Kabanova, V.V. Rybalko; edited by G.G.

Bondarenko. – 2nd ed. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013. – 359 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

The textbook examines the characteristics of metal, semiconductor and dielectric materials, which are basic for the development of quality management systems for industrial products. Information about the structure, properties and methods of obtaining materials is provided.

Aspects related to the influence of the modes of their production, storage and operation (temperature, mechanical, radiation and other types of influences) on the performance characteristics of materials are considered in detail.

Complies with Federal State educational standard Third generation software.

Ivanova E.V.

Lexicology and phraseology of modern in English= Lexicology and Phraseology of Modern English: textbook.

aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / E.V.

Ivanova. – St. Petersburg: Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University; M.:

Publishing center "Academy", 2011. – 352 p.

The textbook examines the main issues of lexicology and phraseology of modern English. In addition to detailed analysis basic concepts of these disciplines, it covers controversial issues of theory, and also describes the most relevant approaches to the study of the semantics of linguistic units.

For students of linguistic, pedagogical and translation faculties of higher education institutions.

Orlova I.V., Polovnikov V.A.

Economic and mathematical methods and models: computer modeling: Proc. allowance. 0 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: University textbook: INFRA-M, 2013. – 389 p.

The problems of mathematical modeling of economic processes based on computer technologies for preparation and decision-making are considered. The standard office program Excel is used as a modeling tool. The basic mathematical concepts and methods used in economics are outlined: matrix algebra; optimization methods and solving optimization problems; basics of correlation and regression analysis; mathematical modeling and analysis of economic processes represented by time series.

Biology: textbook. manual for bachelors / V.N. Yarygin, ed. V.N. Yarygina. – 2nd ed. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House; Publishing House Jurayt, 2012. – 453 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

The textbook reflects the modern approach to understanding the basic properties of life, the tasks and place of biology in the system of medical and biological disciplines. The characteristics of man as an object of biological research are given, the mechanisms of heredity and variability are considered, and attention is paid to human genetics. The organic connection between biology and medicine is shown.

Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the third generation.

Zaitsev V.A.

Industrial ecology: textbook / V.A. Zaitsev. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. – 382 p.

The textbook discusses the definitions and basic principles of industrial ecology, waste-free (clean) production, methods of their organization and development.

Much attention is paid rational use air and water, processing, neutralization and disposal of household and hazardous waste, organization of non-waste production complexes and eco-industrial parks.

Stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in mathematics In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2016 No. 1440 "On the establishment of..." representatives of humanity who illuminate the 19th century with light, the name of the chemist who... "QUESTIONS OF RADIO METEOROLOGY AND PHYSICS OF CLOUDS r e d a c t i e d r...”