Game techniques for developing attention in primary schoolchildren. A collection of exercises for developing attention in the process of teaching primary schoolchildren. What is important for parents to know about attention problems in young schoolchildren?

Quite often, parents are faced with the problem of insufficient attention of children, which makes it very difficult for the child to study at school, since he cannot concentrate on one lesson for a long time.

However, it is worth considering the fact that only with regular classes will it be possible to achieve the desired result and teach the child to concentrate his own attention on a particular activity. Today there are quite a large number of a wide variety of exercises.

Exercise No. 1

This exercise is very effective and makes it possible to get the desired result in a fairly short period of time. This exercise is called “Favorite Fruit”.

The presenter, in this case the parents, must create the right atmosphere and mood for the upcoming lesson. Thanks to this exercise, there is an excellent opportunity to develop not only attention, but also memory, to teach the child to concentrate for a long time on one activity.

It is advisable to carry out this exercise in a group, and for this you can gather all family members or friends of the child in the living room. So, after the group for classes has been completely formed, each of the participants must name out loud some of their favorite fruits, then the second participant says the name of the first and his favorite fruit, after which he says his name, and then his favorite fruit.

The third participant will have to repeat the name of the first and his favorite fruit, the name of the second and the fruit, and then his name and favorite fruit. The rest of the participants also work according to this scheme. The last participant will have to name the names and favorite fruits of all previous participants.

Exercise No. 2

This exercise promotes concentration and will also teach the child to properly distribute his own attention so as not to be distracted during classes. Professional psychologists recommend using the following exercise - you need to count out loud from 1 to 31. However, the child must skip numbers that contain three or are multiples of three, and instead of these numbers he says out loud “I won’t get it wrong” and so on.

Exercise No. 3

This exercise is aimed directly at developing a child’s visual attention, and it can be used not only with schoolchildren, but also with children older younger age. The main condition is that parents must regularly study with their children, because only in this case is it possible to teach the child to concentrate correctly and during classes at school it will be much easier for children to concentrate on the lesson and not be distracted during lessons by various trifles.

The child should be asked to reproduce from his own memory the courtyard of his own house or the playground in front of the school (if the exercise is used to develop attention in school-aged children), the road to school or home.

That is, the child must try to reproduce what he has seen many times, and he must clarify as many small details as possible. This activity will be very fun if done in a group, but at the same time the children should describe the same situations so that they can fill in the missing details - for example, the narrator missed some little thing, and a group member reminded it.

Children really like such attention exercises for schoolchildren and resemble a fun and exciting game.

Exercise #4

Thanks to regular use of this exercise, the child learns to concentrate his own attention. So, in order to carry out such an exercise, you need to take care of a special board, on which you need to draw a special playing field of nine cells in advance, before the start of classes, and each cell should be approximately 3x3 centimeters. You will also need a relatively small suction cup. If it is not possible to use such a suction cup, then you can replace it with simple plasticine; you need to take a very small piece.

Next, you need to take this board and place it strictly vertically, after which the leader of the lesson must explain to all participants that this suction cup (plasticine) will move from one square to another after receiving a command. You can give one of four commands - down, left, up, right. The suction cup moves after the received command to one of the neighboring cells.

The starting position of the suction cup (plasticine) is the central cell on the board. Commands must be given by one of the participants in the exercise; all commands are given in turn by each participant. Each player must carefully monitor how the suction cup (plasticine) moves across the board, and it is important not to allow it to go beyond the drawn playing field.

After all the rules of this educational game are clear to all participants, you can proceed directly to the game itself. You need to play on an imaginary field that each participant imagines for himself.

If one of the participants has missed the point of the game, and the suction cup goes beyond the edges of the playing floor, then he must give the command “stop”, after which the suction cup returns to the central square and the game starts over. This game requires constant attention and control of the game from all participants, thanks to which the child begins to learn to concentrate on one activity.

Exercise #5

This unique exercise contributes to the good development of concentration in the child, and also helps to develop attention and perseverance, which is often lacking in young children, because they cannot do one thing for a very long time and it is difficult for them to concentrate in school.

To do this exercise, you will need to gather a small group to practice (this could include school friends or family members). One of the participants should become the so-called “receiver”, and the remaining participants in the lesson will act as “transmitters”. It is the “transmitters” who must count out loud, starting from the most different numbers, and you can count in any direction.

The task of the “receiver” at the moment is that he must hold a kind of rod in his hands and at first just listen. Now he must try to tune in to each of the “transmitters” in turn. In the event that one of the “transmitters” is inaudible to him, then with the help of a gesture he can simply be forced to speak a little louder.

Also, if the sound of the “transmitter” is too loud, then you can use the same wand to turn down the sound a little. After the “receiver” has worked for some time, the rod is transferred to one of the “transmitters”, so during the game the rod will have to be visited by each participant in the game.

During the game, the child will have to concentrate on each of the “transmitters” and listen first to one participant, and then to the other - he will have to hear everyone.

Exercise #6

This exercise helps to perfectly develop the ability to develop switching of attention, as well as the arbitrariness of performing movements. Just like the previous exercises, this should be done in a group. So, the group becomes a semicircle or sits on the floor, after which the leader must name the objects. If the named object can fly, then the children should raise their hands up, and if the object does not fly, then the children’s hands should be down.

It is advisable that the presenter constantly makes mistakes, so that the children will listen more carefully to the information they hear. Many children simply raise their hands without listening to the presenter, for which they should receive penalty points.

Exercise No. 7

The following exercise provides an excellent opportunity for children to concentrate on specific work and also develop memory.

You need to gather a small group of children (family members are also great), after which each participant in the game takes turns saying their name, as well as their date of birth. The second participant in the exercises says the name and date of birth of the first, and then says his own name and date of birth.

All group members work according to this scheme. This exercise is similar to a game called “My Favorite Fruit.” The main thing is that the last participant pronounces correctly not only the names, but also the dates of birth of all previous participants, strictly in the order in which they were pronounced.

Exercise #8

This exercise helps the child develop stability of attention. So, while performing this exercise, all participants should sit in a circle, and hands should be placed on the neighbor’s knees - the right hand should be on the neighbor’s left leg, and the left palm on the right knee. The basis of such an educational game is that all participants must take turns raising their palms, therefore, a kind of wave should be created from children’s hands.

First, a short training session is carried out, during which each participant must carefully monitor the flow of the game and only raise their palms during their turn. After completing the training, you can proceed directly to the game process. If during the game the palm is raised at the wrong time, it means that one participant is eliminated from the game. Children really like this educational game, but it is best to play it in a large enough company so that the children are interested in following the development of the game.

Provided that all the previous exercises are regularly performed, children will develop the habit of concentrating on one activity or another, which will make studying at school much easier.

Bank of games for developing attention junior schoolchildren


In the mirror store

Goal: development of observation, attention, memory. Creating a positive emotional background. Forming a sense of confidence, as well as the ability to obey the requirements of another person. Description. The adult (and then the child) shows movements that all players must repeat exactly after him.

Instructions: “Now I will tell you a story about a monkey. Imagine that you are in a store where there are a lot of large mirrors. A man came in with a monkey on his shoulder. She saw herself in the mirrors and thought they were other monkeys and began making faces at them. The monkeys responded by making exactly the same faces at her. She shook her fist at them, and they threatened her from the mirrors. She stamped her foot and all the monkeys stamped. Whatever the monkey did, everyone else exactly repeated its movements. Let's start playing. I will be the monkey, and you will be the mirrors.”

Note . At the stage of mastering the game, the role of the monkey is played by an adult. Then the children take on the role of a monkey. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that over time each child can fulfill this role. It is necessary to stop the game at the peak of children’s interest, avoiding satiety and transition to self-indulgence. Those “mirrors” who often make mistakes may be eliminated from the game (this increases motivation for the game).


Goal: creating a cheerful and cheerful mood. Description. Couples standing behind each other with their hands raised and clasped form a long corridor. The player, walking under clasped hands, looks for a mate and takes the hand of the one he likes. The educated couple goes to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”. So the “stream” moves for a long time, continuously. Instructions: “Now we will play. To do this, you need to become couples - whoever wants to be with whom. Educated couples should join hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the beginning of the “stream” and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. The new couple, holding hands, makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream,” so the “stream” moves for a long time.”

Note . An odd number of children participate in the game.

Listen to the command

Goal: development of voluntary attention. Required material: tape or gramophone recording of R. Gazizov “March”.

Description. Each child must perform movements in accordance with the adult’s commands, spoken in a whisper. Commands are given only to perform calm movements. The game continues until the players listen well and complete the task accurately. Instructions: “We will play the game “Listen to the command.” To do this, you need to stand in a circle, one after another, and move in steps to the music. When the sounds of music

stop, you need to stop and listen to me carefully. At this time, I will whisper a command, for example, “raise your hands,” and all players must follow this command. Be careful!" Note. Examples of commands: sit down; lean forward and stretch your arms forward; bend your right leg at the knee, spread your arms to the sides; sit on the floor and clasp your knees with both hands, etc.

Games, tasks and exercises aimed at developing sensory


Find two identical objects

Goal: development of thinking, attention span, perception of shape, size, observation, development of the ability to compare and analyze. Equipment: a drawing depicting five or more objects, two of which are the same; sharpened simple pencils. Description. The child is offered:

a) a drawing depicting five objects, including two identical ones;
you need to find them, show them and explain the similarities between these two

b) a picture (card) depicting objects and a sample; necessary
find an object similar to the sample, show it and explain what the similarities are;

c) a drawing (card) depicting more than five objects; from
depicted objects must form identical pairs, show them or
connect with lines drawn in pencil and explain what
the similarity of each pair.


a) “Look carefully at this card and find two identical ones among all the drawn objects. Show these objects and explain how they are similar. Get to work."

b) “Look, this picture shows objects. Each of them
you can find a pair. Connect each resulting pair with lines (two

identical objects) and explain how they are similar. Get started with the task."

Laying out from sticks

Goal: development of voluntary attention, fine motor skills fingers. Equipment.; counting sticks (pieces of thick insulating wire, cocktail straws, etc.), sample pattern.

Description. The child is asked to lay out a pattern or silhouette using sticks.

a) 1st level of complexity - patterns in one line (cards);

b) 2nd level of complexity - simple silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 12 sticks

c) 3rd level of complexity - more complex silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 13
sticks (cards);

d) 4th level of complexity - complex silhouettes with a large number of
parts, consisting of 10 to 14 sticks (cards).

Instructions: “Look at what is shown in this picture (pattern, house and

etc.)? Take the sticks and make exactly the same pattern out of them (if

Be careful when posting. Get to work"

Eliminating unnecessary things

Goal: development of thinking and attention span.

Equipment: card with images of objects, one of which

different from the rest.

Description. The child is asked to find from the five shown in the picture

objects one, different from others, and explain your choice.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the objects depicted here and

Find among them one that is different from the rest. Show me

found object and explain why it is not like the others. Get started


Find differences

Goal: development of voluntary attention, switching and distribution of attention.

Equipment card showing two pictures that have differences. Description:

The child is offered:

a) a series of pictures, two pictures on each card; in every picture
you need to find five differences;

b) a card with two pictures) different from each other
details. It is necessary to find all existing differences.

Instructions; “Look carefully at this card. It depicts

two pictures that differ from each other in various details.

It is necessary to quickly find all the existing differences. Start looking."

Laying out a mosaic pattern

Goal: development of concentration and attention span, fine motor skills,

developing the ability to work according to a model.

Equipment: mosaic, sample.

Description: the child is asked to lay out the mosaic according to the model: numbers,

letter, simple pattern and silhouette.

Instructions: “Look, this picture shows a number (letter, pattern,

silhouette). From the mosaic you need to lay out exactly the same number (letter, pattern,

silhouette), as in the picture. Be careful. Get to work."

Stringing beads

Goal: development of concentration and attention span, inter-finger motor skills.

Equipment: sample for stringing beads; beads matching

sample, or equally cut pieces of thick colored insulation

wires; to complicate the task - large beads.

Description- The child is asked to string beads according to the pattern.

Instructions: “Look at these painted beads. Do you want to assemble it yourself?

beads? I will give you beads and wire on which you need to string each

other beads exactly as they look in the picture.”

Note: Working with large beads often causes difficulties for children. It is possible to use large beads only in case of well-developed hand motor skills and as a complicating element of the game. Mixed forest

Goal: development of observation, formation of the ability to distribute attention.

Equipment : A drawing depicting camouflaged trees. Description . The child is given a drawing depicting camouflaged trees, among which he must find a birch (pine, the smallest Christmas tree).

Instructions: “Look, this picture shows camouflaged

trees. Among them you need to find a birch (pine, the most

small Christmas tree). Start looking."

Drawing by cells

Goal: development of concentration and attention span, formation of skills

follow the pattern, develop intermediate motor skills of the hand.

Equipment: a blank sheet of paper in a large square (1x1 cm); sample for

drawing; sharpened pencils.

Description. The child is asked to draw a figure on the

a blank checkered sheet with a simple pencil. The task consists of two

difficulty level:

1st level of complexity - the sample consists of open figures;

2nd level of complexity - the sample consists of closed figures.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts

a figure made of lines. Draw exactly the same figure in cells

on a blank sheet of paper. Be careful!"

Note. Do not use a pen or felt-tip pen for drawing.

Who scored the goal?

Goal: development of observation skills.

Equipment: drawing depicting football players.

Description. The child is asked to find the player who scored the goal in the picture and

explain your choice.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this drawing. It depicts

football players. Find the player who scored the goal here, show him and explain,

why do you think it was he who scored the goal?

Who was the hunter afraid of?

Goal: development of volume and stability of attention. Equipment: drawing with

depicting a forest, animals and a hunter.

Description. The child is offered a drawing depicting a hunter in the forest.

It is necessary to find the one whom the hunter was afraid of.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts

hunter running through the forest. He was scared of someone. Who could be scared

hunter in this forest? Show and explain: - why?”

Cow Manya and her owner

Goal: development of stability of attention.

Equipment: drawing of a labyrinth, a simple pencil.

Description. In the proposed maze, the child must go through a

line, running along it with your finger or the back of a pencil, find

a short path along which the owner could move to her cow


Instructions: “Look carefully at this drawing. It depicts

a labyrinth through which you need to find a shortcut. One day a cow

Manya got lost - she wandered into a deep forest and didn’t know how to get back home.

She got hungry and started looking for juicy and tasty grass. For what

the hostess must move along the path in order to meet

a cow?


Goal: consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes, methods

modifying them by composing new geometric figures from two

three available according to the sample.

Equipment: cut out geometric shapes for laying out a whole

figures; samples of silhouette figures.

Description. The child is asked to independently lay out the model

silhouette figure from geometric shapes.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. Of all the geometric

figures, make exactly the same figure next to the sample.”

Note. Despite the instructions, some children try

lay out the parts on the sample. You need to stop the child and ask

Place the figure next to the sample. Samples of silhouette figures are obtained

by cutting a 7x7 cm square in a certain way. When composing

silhouette figures, use all parts, attaching one to another, do not

putting one on top of the other.

Find the shadow

Equipment: a drawing depicting a figurine and the shadow it casts.

Description. The child is offered a drawing depicting a snowman and four

his shadows; knight and his three shadows.

Instructions: “Look at this drawing carefully. It depicts

knight and his shadows. It is necessary to find his real one among these shadows.”

Compare, name, count

Goal: development of observation skills.

Equipment: drawing - fish in an aquarium.

Description. The child is offered a drawing that depicts an aquarium with

fish. You need to find two identical fish.

Instructions: “Look at this picture carefully. It depicts an aquarium with fish, two of which are identical. Find them, show them and give an explanation.”


Goal: development of observation, concentration and distribution of attention. Equipment: a form with four drawings, one of which is a sample, and the other three differ from the sample; missing parts; simple pencil.

Description. The child is offered a sheet with four drawings containing elements of the tower. The first drawing is a sample, the other three are different from each other and the sample. It is necessary to complete the missing elements so that all three drawings correspond to the sample.

Instructions: “Look carefully at these four pictures. The first of them shows the finished tower, while the other three show the details of the tower unfinished. You need to add the missing parts to each tower so that all four towers are the same. Get to work."

Find the heroes of the show

Goal: development of observation, distribution, switching and attention span.

Equipment: pictures depicting the heroes of the children's program - Piggy, Stepashka, Fili, disguised in the picture; simple pencil. Description. The child needs to find and trace with the back of a simple pencil each of the hero figures disguised in the drawing. Instructions: “Look carefully at this drawing. It contains camouflaged figures of familiar characters from the children's show: Piggy, Stepashka, Fili, Karkushi. You need to find and trace each of the characters with your finger or the back of a pencil.”

Find a path

Equipment: a form with a picture of a simple labyrinth, a pencil.
Description. The child must go through the winding line of the maze, drawing along
with your finger or the other end of a pencil. |

Instructions: “Look at this picture, it shows a labyrinth. You need to help the Bunny navigate this labyrinth and get to the carrot (the Christmas tree). It is necessary to go through the labyrinth without going beyond the contours of the line, without missing loops.”

Find two identical animals

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Equipment: drawing of animals (mice, roosters, giraffes, elephants).

Description. The child is asked to find two identical ones in the picture.


Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts

mice (roosters, giraffes, elephants). Must be found among all the mice


Reproduction of geometric shapes

Goal: development of voluntary attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: pencil, blank sheet of paper, appropriate size

sample (13x10 cm).

Description. The child is asked to look at different geometric shapes,

remember their location so that after 10 seconds from memory

reproduce them on a blank sheet of paper.

Instructions: “Look carefully at these geometric shapes and

try to remember their location. I'll remove it after a while

card, and you will have to draw the same on a sheet of paper from memory

geometric shapes, arranging and coloring them as they were on


Who is more attentive?

Goal: development of attention span, observation. : pictures depicting different numbers of stars. Description. The child is asked to look at pictures with drawn stars for a few seconds and answer (without counting) where the greatest (smallest) number of objects is.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the pictures. The stars are drawn here. Which picture contains the smallest (largest) number of objects? Explain your choice. Start playing."

Build a path

Goal: development of stability of attention: the ability to generalize objects based on shape, size; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

Equipment: table with different arrangements of geometric shapes

line by line, chips).

Description. The child is offered to help the hero of the fairy tale get to

specific location by building a path. To build a path

it is necessary to cover with chips certain

geometric figures.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this table. Help the hero of the fairy tale

get along the path to the place he needs. And for this, cover it with chips

from left to right:

a) all triangles (circles, squares);

b) only shaded triangles (circles, squares).
Note. If the child cannot cope independently

task, then look at the table with it. Particularly highlight those features of geometric shapes that he should focus on when completing the task. Analyze the mistakes with your child. When the task is mastered, you can offer a more complicated option: play the game “Who is faster” in the group.

Answer me, don't yawn!The task of the game. Development of sustained focused attention in children. Description of the game. Children sit in two rows opposite each other. An adult gives children pictures of animals, children, birds, and children from one row should have the same pictures as children from the second row, i.e. Each picture must have a pair. The adult explains to the children that every animal, bird or person in the picture has a friend, i.e. exactly the same picture. Each character must call his friend in the appropriate voice (if the picture is a cow, then moo, if it is a dog, then bark, if it is a boy or girl, call him by name). All instructions are clearly explained. Everyone who is called must quickly respond to the call. Friends should approach an adult, show each other their pictures and make sure that they are the same. Then other children continue the game. Rules of the game

You need to be attentive and respond to the call of your mate in time. Name the item

Goal: development of integrity of perception, formation of the ability to classify, incorporate parts into the whole, and concentrate attention. Equipment: drawings with disguised images of objects (toys, fruits, dishes, vegetables).

Description. The child is offered a drawing with a disguised image of objects. It is necessary to see and show each of the items separately.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this unusual drawing. It depicts camouflaged objects. It is necessary to see and show each item separately. Get started with the task." Note. At the first stage of work, it is advisable to invite the child to follow the contour of each object with a pointer. In the future, when the child masters the task with a pointer, you can invite him to follow the outline of the object with his eyes.

Draw faster

Goal: developing the ability to switch attention.

Equipment: a simple well-sharpened pencil, a table with

depicting objects familiar to children line by line.

Description. The child is offered a table with a picture line by line

familiar objects and give the task to complete certain missing

details for each of the items shown.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this picture. Complete the drawing for everyone

an apple leaf, and each house has a window. Get started


Note. It is necessary to analyze the mistakes made along with

child to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Draw a circle and a triangle

Goal: training of attention distribution.

Equipment: two simple sharpened pencils (2M) and 1/2

landscape sheet (format A-4 size, 20x14.5 cm) for each child.

Description. The child must draw with both hands at the same time, on one

piece of paper: circle - with one hand, triangle - with the other hand (and start

and finish drawing both figures at the same time).

Instructions: “Now you will draw with both hands at once. Take two

pencil. Try drawing on a separate sheet of paper at the same time.

make a circle with one hand and a triangle with the other. It doesn't matter which hand, which one

you will draw the figure. Do as you please! But just remember that

you need to start and finish drawing both figures at the same time.”

Note. The exercise can be used both for individual

work, as well as in group work.

"Be careful!" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Stimulate attention; fast and accurate training

response to sound signals.

Game procedure Children stand in a group, freely. Every child is
at a distance from the other about 0.5 m. Marching music sounds
(performed on the piano or recorded, “March” by S. is recommended.
Prokofiev). Children label freely to the music, depending on how they do it.
During the marching, the game leader arbitrarily, with different
gives commands at intervals and mixed up. Children implement movement in
according to the command. Command-movement.
"Bunnies!" Children jump, imitating the movement of a hare.

"Horses!" Children kick the floor as if a horse were kicking.

"Crayfish!" Children back away like crayfish (with their backs).

"Birds!" Children run with their arms outstretched (imitating the flight of a bird).

"Stork!" Stand on one leg.

"Frog!" Sit down and jump in a squat.

"Doggies!" Children bend their arms (imitating the movement when the “dog”

serves") and bark.

“Chickens!” Children walk around, “look for grains” on the floor and say “ko-ko-ko.” “Cows!” Children stand on their hands and feet (4 legs for a cow) and say “moo-oo”.

Classes are held in a large room, on a carpet. You should definitely have an instrument (piano) and a music worker (taper) or a tape recorder with recordings. "Listen to the sounds!" (25 min.) Purpose of the game. Development of active attention.

Game procedure. The presenter agrees with the children that when he presses a certain key, they will take the corresponding pose. When the presenter plays music, the children move freely in the space of the room (you can ask them to walk in a circle).

“Listen to the clapping!”

Purpose of the game. Development of active attention. Game procedure. Children move freely in a line or walk in a circle. When the leader claps his hands a certain number of times, the children take the appropriate pose (for 10-20 seconds)

clap - stork pose (the child stands on one leg, tucking the other;

cotton - “frog” pose (sit down, heels together, toes apart and knees to the sides, hands between your legs on the floor).

cotton - children resume movement (walking). Notes:

Before starting the game, it is recommended to “learn” each pose and rehearse: clapping pose. It is desirable that children move freely in games, without regulation. To do this, play sessions should be carried out in a large room (hall) and on a carpet or rug. The distance between children should be approximately 0.5 m. If the room is small, “encourage the children to move in a circle.

Each proposed game is “scrolled” several times with different tasks and participants. The total duration of the game is 25 minutes.

"Canon" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of volitional (voluntary) attention. Game procedure. Music is playing. (“Cavalcade” by F. Burgmüller or any other, but with well-accented bars. It is necessary to choose music in which the emphasis is placed on the first percussion sound tact) Children stand one after another in a circle. On the first beat, the first child raises his hand. On the second - second, on the third - third, etc. When right hand all the children will lift, they also begin to lift in order left hand. After all the children raise their left hand, they begin to raise their right hand again, one after another.

"Gawkers" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game: Development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

Game procedure Children walk in a circle, one after another, holding hands. At the leader’s signal (“Stop!”), they stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and begin moving in the other direction. The direction changes after each signal.

If the child gets confused and makes a mistake, he leaves the game and sits on a chair. The game may end when 2-3 children remain in the game. They are solemnly declared the winners, everyone claps.

"Letters of the alphabet" ( 25 min for children who know letters)

Purpose of the game: Development of attention.

Game procedure. Each child is assigned a specific letter of the alphabet. The presenter names the letter, the child to whom the letter is assigned gives one clap.

"Four Elements" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analysis.

Game procedure. Children sit on chairs and, at the command of the leader, perform a certain movement with their hands. Command "Earth" - children lower their hands down.

“Water” - children stretch their arms forward. “Air” - children raise their hands up. “Fire” - children rotate their arms at the elbow and wrist joints.

Games aimed at developing auditory attention

What do you hear?

Equipment: objects that make sounds familiar to children; screen.

Description. The presenter invites the children to listen and remember what

happens behind a door or screen. Then he asks to tell what they

heard. The winner is the one who identifies the sound sources more and more accurately.

Goal: development of auditory attention, formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Equipment: scarf or blindfold.

Description. Standing in a circle, children choose a driver who, being in

in the center of the circle, blindfolded, tries to recognize the children by their voices.

Instructions: “Now we will play an interesting game “Find out by

voice." To do this, you need to stand in a circle and choose a driver who, blindfolded, will carefully listen to the voices of the players. The one to whom I give the sign will say any word in his own voice. The driver must guess the player by voice. If he guesses the player, he must change places with him: the player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he continues to be the driver until he recognizes the next player by the voice. Let's start the game."

Goal: development of auditory attention.

Equipment: a large circle drawn in advance on the floor, a scarf for


Description. Running in a circle, children follow the adult’s commands. The selected driver, standing with his back to the children, guesses by the voice of the one who called him by name. If you guess correctly, the driver changes places with the one who called him by name.

Instructions: “Now we will play an interesting game. We will choose one of the players as the driver. At my command “Run!” you will run around the site. To the words: “One, two, three, run in a circle!” - all the players gather in a circle, and the driver stands with his back to the circle, blindfolded, and listens carefully. The children standing in a circle say: “Guess the riddle: find out who called you.”

At the end of these words, the one of you to whom I give a sign will call the driver by name. The driver must guess who called him. If the driver guesses correctly, he changes places with the child who named him. If the driver does not recognize the voice, then I will suggest that he recognize it by the voice of another child.”

Be careful!

Goal: stimulation of attention, development of reaction speed. Equipment: tape or gramophone recording of S. Prokofiev’s “March”. Description. Each child must perform movements in accordance with the adult’s commands: “bunnies” - jump; “horses” - hit the “hoof on the floor”; “crayfish” - back away; “birds” - run with arms outstretched; “stork” - stand on one leg.

Instructions: “Now we will play. In this game you need to be careful. Stand in a circle, one behind the other. Listen carefully to my words of command. When I say "bunnies", everyone should jump in a circle like bunnies. When I say “horses,” everyone must show how the horses hit their hoofs. When I say “crayfish,” everyone should show the crayfish moving backwards. When I say “birds,” the players should turn into birds and run in a circle, spreading their arms to the sides like wings. When I say “stork”, everyone should instantly turn into storks and stand on one leg. Well, when I say “children,” everyone should become children. Let's start playing."Broken phone

Goal: development of auditory attention.

Description. Children sit in a row or in a circle. The presenter says a word quietly (in the ear) of the player sitting next to him, who passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach the last player. The presenter asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word suggested by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is wrong, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last) what word they heard. This is how they find out which player made a mistake, “damaged the phone.” The “offender” takes the place of the last player.

Instructions: “Now we will play “Broken Phone.” Sit down

circle on the carpet so that you are comfortable. The first player to report quietly

speak a word into the ear of the player sitting next to you. The player who learned from

leading the word, passes this heard word (quietly in the ear) to the next

to the player. The word, as if through a telephone wire, must reach the last

player. The presenter asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” That

calls him. If the word coincides with the one that was invented and named

presenter, it means the phone is working. If it doesn't match, then the phone is damaged.

In this case, in turn, starting from the end of the row, everyone must name

the word he heard. This is how they find out which player messed up - “messed up”

telephone". The “offending” player takes the place of the last one. Let's

Let's play."

An alternative could be a “Before” and “After” game. The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says: “Until five.” The child must name the numbers that go up to five. If the teacher says: “After five,” the children should say: six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The game is played at a fast pace.

Listen to the claps

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Description. Children moving in a circle take poses depending on

leader commands: one clap - take the “stork” pose (stand on one

leg, arms to the sides); two claps - “frog” pose (sit down, heels

together, toes to the sides, hands between legs on the floor); three claps -

resume walking.

Instructions: “Now we will play an interesting game “Listen to the claps!” All players will have to walk in a circle one after another and listen carefully to my commands. When I clap my hands once, everyone must stop and take the “stork” pose (demonstration of the pose). If I clap my hands twice, everyone must stop and take the frog pose (demonstration). When

I will clap my hands three times, you need to resume walking one after another in a circle. Let's start playing."

Games aimed at developing the motor-skeletal system

Who's flying?

Goal: formation of attention, development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects. Equipment: list of item names.

Description. The child must respond and perform movements in accordance with the words of the adult.

Instructions: “Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly and who (what) cannot. I will ask, and you answer immediately. If I name something or someone capable of flying, for example a dragonfly, answer: “It flies” - and show how it does it - spread your arms to the sides, like wings. If I ask you: “Does the pig fly?”, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Note. List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, chafer, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter, carpet...

The game can be played with one child or with a group of children. Do as I do

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Game description: Children stand behind each other. Hands lie on the shoulders of the person in front. At the first signal from the leader, the first child raises his right hand, at the second signal, the second child, etc. When all the children raise their right hand, at the signal they begin to raise their left hand. Then, at a signal, first the raised right hand is lowered, then the left. The game is repeated with acceleration. Those who made mistakes are eliminated.

To new places

Goal: formation of motor attention, development of movement speed.

Equipment: Pre-designated activities for each child.

Description. Each child, at the command of an adult, changes his circle, his

place - scatters “to new places”, ending up in a new circle.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “To New Places.” Each of

you should stand in a circle-house. When I say: “Go for a walk!”, everyone is in favor

They will start “walking” with me one after another. But when I say: “On the new

places!”, everyone must find a new circle-house. Who will take over the new

the house last is considered the loser. Let's start the game."

Note. You can go for a walk accompanied by music

or a song.


Goal: formation of attention, cultivation of endurance.

Equipment: pre-designated circle “nest”, cap or mask


Description. In accordance with the commands of an adult, children must either

move or freeze. A player who fails to carry out commands on time

removed from the game (the owl takes it to the “nest”).

Instructions: “Now we will play an interesting game. Who will we choose

owl-owl, he will live in a “nest” - in a circle. The rest will

be called bugs, frogs, butterflies and fly or jump like them.

At my signal “Night is coming!” everyone stops and freezes. In it

time the owl flies out to hunt. Noticing the player moving, the owl

takes him by the hand and leads him to the “nest”. When you hear the “Day!” signal, then

start moving again. This game has rules that must be


1) the owl does not have the right to watch the same player for a long time;

2) you can’t escape from the owl;

3) if the owl does not notice the players moving, and the signal “Day!” sounds, then it flies to the nest without prey.”

Note. An adult can take on the role of the “owl” at the beginning of the game. To increase interest in the game, you can use an owl mask and costume.

Whoever is named, catch it!

Goal: formation of attention, development of reaction speed. Equipment: large ball.

Description. Each child, moving freely around the playground and hearing his name, must run up, catch the ball, throw it up, while calling the name of one of the players.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “Whoever is named, catch it!” I have a big beautiful ball in my hands. As long as I hold it in my hands, I can run, jump, and walk around the playground. As soon as I throw the ball up and call the name of one of you, the one whose name I call must run up to the ball as quickly as possible, catch it and throw it up again, while calling the name of the other player. So the game goes on for a long time. Let's start playing."

Sparrows and crows

Goal: formation of attention, development of reaction speed. Equipment: cubes, balls (half the number of participants in the game). Description.

a) The players are divided into two teams. Each child as directed
an adult performs various movements in place (sit down, arms up, to the sides, arms pressed to the chest...). Depending on the adult’s command - “vo-ro-ny” or “vo-ro-by” - all players rush to the corresponding objects (cubes, balls). Items are obtained attentively and quickly. At the end of 2-3 such games, points are counted and the winning team is announced.

b) Children are not divided into teams; everyone plays for themselves. Child,
Those left without an item are eliminated from the game. Instructions: “Do you want to know which of you is dexterous and attentive? Then we’ll play a game called “Sparrows and Crows.” A) Now we will divide into two teams and each of you will remember which team he was on. To your right are cubes (“crows”), to your left are small balls (“sparrows”). According to my instructions, you will perform various movements in place (sit down, arms to the sides, up, etc.). When you hear the word “vo-ro-ny”, then on the syllable “ny” you should all have time to grab a cube, and when I pronounce the last syllable of the word “vo-ro-by” you will all have to run to the balls, trying to grab a cube one subject. At the end of several such games, we will count the winning points for each item and announce the winning team, b) Stand in a column one at a time. To your right are cubes (“crows”), to your left are small balls (“sparrows”). At my command, you will perform various movements on the spot (sit down, arms to the sides, up, etc.). When I say the last syllable of the word “vo-ro-ny,” each of you must have time to grab the cube, and when I pronounce the last syllable of the word “vo-ro-by,” each of you must grab the ball. Whoever does not receive the item leaves the game. Let's start playing."

Note. To play, you can use sandbags, rattles, flags, etc.

Ocean is shaking

Goal: formation of attention, development of reaction speed. Equipment: circles are pre-drawn on the floor according to the number of players. Description. Following the driver's commands, the children, holding hands, walk one after another and then scatter, trying to occupy empty circles. Whoever is left without a circle becomes the driver.

Instructions: “Do you want to play an interesting game? I'll be the driver. Each of you will take a circle and listen to me carefully. I will walk between you like a snake. I will give the command to some players: “The sea is rough!” All,

To whomever I give such a command, they line up in a chain and, holding hands, follow me along the remaining children. As soon as I give the command: “The sea is calm!”, you must run and occupy a circle. I will also try to take one of the circles. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver, and the game is repeated. Are you ready to play?..” Note. Circles for playing in a group can be cut out of felt. If the game is played outdoors, circles can be drawn with chalk on the asphalt.

Find a toy

Goal: development of stability and attention span.

Equipment: toys or objects placed around the room in advance. Description. An adult describes a toy in the room without naming it. Children can ask clarifying questions. They are then asked to find the item in question.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “Find the Toy.” Be careful. I will describe some object. You can ask me clarifying questions about appearance an object, its location, its qualities, its meaning. For example, I say: “This round-shaped object, red, lies on the shelf.” Petya asks the question: “Is he big or small?” I answer: “He’s small.” Lena asks the question: “Can I eat it?” I answer: “It’s inedible, but you can play with it.” Olya answers: “Ball”; I say: "That's right." Let's start playing."


Example descriptions:

1. This toy sits on the middle shelf next to a large item. It consists of six parts: one part is round, four parts are elongated, and the largest part of all the rest is also

elongated shape.

Child: “Is the toy big?” Adult: “Yes, big.” Child: “Does she have clothes on?” Adult: “She’s wearing a colorful outfit.” Child: “Doll?” Adult: “That’s right!”

2.This toy is located next to the small object on the second shelf. She
gray color.

Child: “Is she big?”

Adult: “No, she’s medium size.”

Child: “Is it soft?”

Adult: “Yes, soft and fluffy.”

Child: “Cat!”

Adult: “That’s right, cat!”

3. This item is elongated, medium in size, on one side with
pointed end. Stands near a large toy.

Child: “Is this object orange?”

Adult: “No, it’s white.” Child: “Is it on the shelf?”

Adult: “He’s standing on the floor.” Child: “Steamboat?” Adult: “That’s right,

steamer! The last one is out.


Goal: formation of attention, familiarization with the properties of objects.

Equipment: ball, chalk.

Description. Depending on the named item (is it edible or not)

the child must catch or return a ball thrown to him by an adult.

Instructions: “Now we will play. I will name objects (for example,

apple, chair, etc.). If the named item is edible, then you must

catch the thrown ball and move forward one square,

drawn with chalk. If the named item is inedible, then you must

hit the thrown ball, and then move forward one square. If

an incorrect answer was given (the ball was not caught, although the object is edible, or

caught, although the object is inedible), then the player remains the same

class. The child who comes first to the last class

becomes the leader."

Note. If you play with two or three children, then up to 10 classes can be drawn, and if you play with four or five children, then you need to draw 5 classes.

Examples of names of objects for the game: ball, orange, window, cheese, doll, onion, book, pie, cutlet, house, soap, cake, bun, tomato, cucumber, scissors, etc.

Games for developing attention, used in Russian language lessons,

Math, reading, geometry

Study of voluntary attention processes

The student is asked to rewrite the following lines without errors:














Correct mistakes

The bumblebee flies and buzzes.

The children got lost in the thicket of the forest.

Mom has a beautiful brooch.

The children agreed with the teacher and nodded their hands.

There were textbooks on the side.

In May the grass is bright yellow.

The sun was hovering behind the treetops.

In August, apple and cherry trees bloomed in the garden.

There was a lock and a key on the shelf.

Find the words and underline them






Don't miss the plant

Goal: development of the ability to switch attention.

Description of the game: children sit in a circle and listen to the words spoken

leading. If the name of a plant is found, the children should stand up and then

sit down. Whoever made a mistake is eliminated.

For example, the following words: road, tiger, birch, airplane, wheat, rose, snake,

oak, doll, mushroom, school, rose hip, chamomile, diesel locomotive, ant, decanter,

carnation, nail, museum, theater, game, willow, oriole, sparrow, kiwi, hockey,

city, dog, banana, cornflower, jug, milk, tulip, pumpkin, tower, forest,

spruce, pine, road, book, art, music, aspen, ticket, slippers, parquet,

ivy, dandelion, mimosa.

Ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear

No. 1. Clap your hands if the sound “w” is heard in the word: beetle, fire,

plate, giraffe, cat, lamp, toad, puddle, book, pie, paper, skis, etc.

No. 2. Sound “z”: bell, eyes, house, fish, fence, goat, forget-me-not, moon. Umbrella, notebook.

Who will see and remember more?

Goal: development of voluntary attention, phonemic hearing.

The presenter counts to 30, and at this time the children find in the room and remember

all objects whose names have 2 syllables are named after these objects.

Attentive hands

Goal: development of voluntary attention, phonemic hearing.

If the word contains “and”, raise your right hand, “th” - raise your left hand. There is neither one nor

the other - hands on knees.

For example, the following words: elevator, batting, iodine, engineer, sparrow, game, pencil,

feather, diamond, buffalo, carriage, golden-maned, climate, walk, dawn, alley,

kayak, scientist, dictation, palm, small, neighboring, first, quince,

straw, flexible, egg, muddy, etc.

Finish the word

Goal: development of speech attention, memory, ability to work in a group.

6-10 children stand in two lines facing each other. Last in line

names the syllable opposite - ends with a word and names its own syllable and


Ability to distinguish sounds by ear

If you hear the sound “z” or “zh” in a word, show the desired letter:

lark, leather, teeth, fat, knitting, hairpin, spotlight, field, etc.

Roll call is confusing

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

The presenter calls the children's surnames and first names, confusing first and last names. Children

They respond only when both the first and last names are correctly named. Who

makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game.

Don't miss a profession

Goal: development of the ability to switch attention, expand


Children stand in a circle, the leader reads the words, when professions meet, the children jump in place.

For example: lamp, driver, scissors, linden, turner, steelmaker, apple, talker, architect, pencil, builder, thunderstorm, hoop, carpenter, mill, weaver, parrot, baker, miner, leaf, guide, teacher, hay, patience, pastry chef, glasses, river, seller, notebook, law, hairdresser, fantasy, tractor driver, veterinarian, spoon, bird, florist, fire, economics, dragonfly, typist, machine gun, jumper, kettle, photographer, butterfly, musician, pie, artist, candle, newspaper, joke.

Multi-colored balls

Goal: development of attention, speed of thinking. Children sit in a circle.

The leader throws a red or blue ball. If it flies red, the one who caught it calls out a vowel sound, if blue, a consonant sound. Name your neighbors

Goal: development of attention, memory, speed of thought processes. Children sit in a circle, the leader names the letters of the alphabet. The person who caught it names the “neighbors” of this letter. If he makes a mistake, he is eliminated.


Goal: development of voluntary attention, hearing, concentration,

phonemic hearing.

The presenter reads a series of words with a consonant at the end. Children raise their right hand if the ending is hard; left - if the ending is soft. For example: brother, knife, was, stranded, take, ate, swamp, choir, coal, chalk, steel, spruce, top, reality, steel, weight, fry, dust, ferret, heat, manhole, cape, sing, sadness, growth, feast, soloist, coward. Lose weight, sadness, weight, step, shawl, poison, south, amber, shield, storm.

Softener ball

Goal: development of attention, speech, pace of thinking.

Children sit in a circle. The leader throws the ball, pronounces a word with a hard ending, and the catcher says the same word, but with a soft ending. For example: corner - coal, brother - take, ate-spruce, tramp - swamp, chalk -, chorus, steel, dust, heat, was, flail, loves, walks, wears, wets, cooks, builds, boots, gives water, appreciates , frowns, nags, jokes, gave, steam, ball, right.

Find yourself a match

Goal: development of attention, observation, thinking. Assignment: find a partner and stand next to them to form a word. Children are given cards with syllables written on them: NA, SOS, KA, MOUSE, TO, MAT, ZHI, VOT, PAR, TA, VO, YES - How many syllables are there in a word? Goal: development of attention, quick thinking Children sit in a circle. The presenter, throwing the ball, calls the word. The child names the number of syllables in this word.

For example: oak, goat, brother, water, noise, field, winter, chest, giraffe, cat, fur coat, skating rink, ball, clock, hand, cup, world, forest, boy, head, bread, cow, snake, flour, cinema, fish, butterfly, barrel.

Blue red

Children sit in a circle. The presenter, throwing the ball, pronounces the word. The child who caught the ball names how many there are in this word: Vowels, if the ball is red; Consonants if the ball is blue.

For example: window, ice, frame, book, noise, crowbar, water, feather, hat, cow, cat, floor, ox, cape, hand, face, table, chair, cabinet, shelf, bread, forest, tree, leaf, cup, bow, movie, rocket, bouquet, bag, umbrella, belly, compote, doll.

Fish, bird, animal

Goal: development of the ability to switch attention, memory, and thinking.
Children sit in a circle. The leader points to each player in turn and
says: “Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast, fish” The player on

where the counting stopped, I must quickly name the right word. If the answer is incorrect, then the child is eliminated from the game.


Goal: development of phonemic hearing, attention, thinking.

One child is asked to go out the door, and the rest are given cards with

words (from one sentence). On signal, children simultaneously

pronounce their word, and the “guesser” must understand and pronounce

entire proposal.









Many - one

Goal: development of attention, speed of thinking.

Children sit in a circle. The presenter throws the ball and calls the word

plural, and the child returns the ball and says it to


For example: rooks, forests, rows, bridges, hills, tracks, moles, braids, eyes,

cabinets, elephants. Bushes, noses, pancakes, leaves, mushrooms, gnomes, umbrellas.

Games for developing attention, proposed by the author

Game "The most attentive"

Goal: to achieve automatic memorization of the addition table within 10, development of memory and attention. Equipment: cards with written examples of addition and subtraction in

within 10.

Progress of the game: 1. The teacher mixes all the cards and distributes them to the children. Depending on the number of children, the number of cards on the tables may be different.

2. Children place cards with examples in a column in front of them.

3+3, etc.

The teacher is playing at the blackboard. He points with a pointer at each number in the number series in turn.

Children look for an example of addition or subtraction on their desks with the indicated answer and put it aside.

When the teacher reaches the number 10, the children should not have a single example card left open.

Game "Yes-no" (in geometry lesson)

Teacher: I thought of a figure (cone).

Students: Is this a three-dimensional figure?

Teacher: Yes.

Students: Does it have a top?

Teacher: Yes.

Students: Does it have edges?

Teacher: No.

Students: Is this a cone?

Teacher: Yes.

Game "Guess the word" (using the alphabet)

Children must guess three-letter words.

1. The first letter is after the letter L, the second is the first in the alphabet,

the third is immediately after Y (MAK).

Game "Guess the letter" (using the alphabet)

The teacher thinks of a letter, for example, the letter Z.

Students use leading questions to find out what the letter is. Children: Is this letter at the beginning of the alphabet? Teacher: Yes. Children: Is this letter a vowel? Teacher: No.

Children: Is this letter before Y? Teacher: Yes.

Children: Is this letter before the letter E? Teacher: No.

Children: Is this the second letter after E? Teacher: No. Children: Is this the letter Z? Teacher: Yes.

Also, to develop attention, the “Corrective Test” technique (Appendix 3), Schulte tables (Appendix 4), the “Correct Errors” technique (Appendix 5), the Münsterberg test (Appendix 6), a modified technique of R.S. Nemov on switching and distribution of attention (Appendix 6).

Methodological development

A set of tasks to develop attention
junior schoolchildren

Borodina Svetlana Anatolevna,
teacher primary classes
GBOU secondary school No. 121 of St. Petersburg

This complex is intended for conducting developmental activities with children of primary school age and is presented in the form of 4 blocks.

Organization of classes: special exercises can be included in educational process, where during lessons children are offered activities and games aimed at developing the basic properties of attention. Also, some exercises can be used during breaks.

The material was selected taking into account the age capabilities of students.

Classes can be held at study desks and, if possible, in a circle of 10-15 people.

The purpose of the classes: to develop in schoolchildren the basic properties of attention through game and educational activities.

1. Create classes aimed at developing volume, switching, concentration and stability of attention.

2.Develop cognitive interest.

There are certain types of activities that place high demands on both individual properties of attention and the level of voluntary attention in general. These include exercises, games, special tasks, the systematic use of which helps to increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of attention in children of primary school age.

Block 1. Tasks that can be proposed for work in a Russian language lesson.

Task No. 1.

"Make a word."

Lead time: 5 minutes.

Instructions: Children in their workbooks must make as many words as possible from the given set of letters.

Option 1: a, k, s, o, i, m, r, t.

Option 2: m, w, a, n, i, s, g, r.

Task No. 2.

Game "Alphabet".

Lead time: 10 minutes.

Instructions: Children can sit in a circle (or remain at their desks). The letters of the alphabet from A to Z are distributed among the children. The fewer participants, the more letters There is an alphabet for everyone. Next, the teacher (leader) dictates a phrase or word. And the guys, like on a typewriter, must “print out” this phrase. Typing the required letter is indicated by clapping the hands of the participant in the game to whom this letter is assigned.

The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader.

Thus, you can “print out” several very different phrases or words. The one of the guys who has never been a leader is the most attentive.

This task can be completed within school year 10 minutes per lesson (2-3 times a week).

Task No. 3.

"Corrective exercises."

Goal: development of concentration and self-control when performing written works.

lead time: 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 4 months.

Materials: texts in workbooks or printed (letter) texts, pens and pencils.

Instructions: Within 5 minutes you need;

Ver.1. Cross out all the letters “A” that you encounter (or circle them): both small and capital ones, both in the title of the text and in the author’s surname;

Var.2. “I” is underlined, “L” is crossed out;

Var.3.”E” circled, “D” crossed out;

Ver.4. “O” is underlined, “K” is crossed out;

Var.5. On one side the letters are circled, on the other they are marked with a tick, etc.

The students themselves check each other's completion of the task (they look for mistakes and correct them).

Task No. 4.

Game "Inverted words".

Goal: to develop children's ability to concentrate.

lead time: 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Students are offered a set of words in which the letters are reversed. It is necessary to restore normal word order.







The task can be used when studying the topic: “Noun”, where it is additionally given to determine gender and declension. noun.

Task No. 5.

Game "Typewriter".

Goal: development of concentration; developing the ability to work in a group.

Lead time: 10 minutes (oral work).

Instructions: The teacher asks students to “print” a sentence.

For example: “The ocean is great, but even a drop is a profit for it.”

Participants in the game must take turns calling out the letters. When the word ends, you must stand up, and when you need to put a punctuation mark, everyone stamps their feet, at the end of the sentence everyone must clap their hands.

Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

Task No. 6.

“Correct errors in the text.”

Purpose: to establish the level of stability of students’ attention when performing and checking written work; attention distribution training.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes, during the school year.

Instructions: “The text is written on the board. Please read carefully. Find the mistakes made.

Option 1 . Along a steep mountain path

The black lamb was walking home

And to the bridge hunchbacked

Met a white brother

He shook one of his horns,

I rested my feet on each other...

No matter how hard you turn your horns,

But two people can't get through.

(S. Mikhalkov).

Option 2.


Everyone knows these simple flowers. They look like a small sun with golden rays. Dandelion seeds ripen quickly and become a fluffy ball. You blow on the ball and light fluff floats in the air. That is why people called this flower dandelion.


A smart little boy is running around. The winter liege has opened.

A huge eagle is lit. White lilac is blooming.

It's pouring rain. Get out the dinnerware.

A glass vase stands. A thin needle has disappeared.

New Year's Eve is coming soon. The pot-bellied samovr is boiling.

This task must be carried out 3-5 times a week. First, students find errors orally, correct them with an explanation, and then everyone independently writes the text into their own workbook.

They exchange notebooks and check again. New texts (sentences) are selected each time. Practice with this task has shown that errors in written tasks have been significantly reduced. This affected the overall performance of the class.

Task No. 7.

“Connect halves of words.”

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instructions: Words are divided into two parts. Then, the first halves are written in discord in the left column, and the second halves - in the right. You need to connect these halves together so that you get whole words.

Option 1. Option 2.










Children write down the words they make up in their workbooks and then check them. You can give additional tasks not only on the topic of the lesson, but also as material for repetition.

Task No. 8.

"Find the words."

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it and underline it.

Laughter, wolf, pillar, scythe, bison, regiment, fishing rod, stranded, set, injection, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Task No. 9.

Game "Writing a proposal."

Goal: development of concentration, consolidation of knowledge about the members of a sentence.

Lead time: 15 minutes.

Instructions: The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. In each team, one of the players will play the role of the subject, someone will play the role of the predicate, complement, definition, circumstance, someone will be the preposition, comma, period, etc. The role being performed is written down on a card and attached to the clothing.

Then the teacher (leader) dictates the sentence. Whichever team does it faster and more correctly wins.

Task No. 10.

Game "Many - One".

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instructions: Children sit in a circle (you can remain at their study desks).

The teacher, throwing the ball, names the word in the plural. The child, returning the ball, calls it in the singular (or vice versa, the teacher calls the word in the singular, the child in the plural).

Cats, rooks, forests, rows, bridges, pillars, hills, footprints, houses, moles, eyes, cabinets, elephants, gardens, bushes, noses, pancakes, sheets, mushrooms, tables, knives, rolls, bows, forfeits, floors, brothers, gnomes, mouths, watches, bolts, ladle, rubles, umbrellas.

The task is given when studying the topic “Noun” singular. and many more h. (nouns change) orally. Additionally, the task is given to determine the units of nouns. including gender and declension.

Task No. 11.

Exercise “Munsterberg Method”.

Goal: to develop concentration and stability of attention in children; development of selective attention.

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instructions: Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (usually nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors. The child is given a form with printed lines of randomly typed letters, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, students must find words and underline them. Then the students exchange the notebook with their deskmate and check the assignment (correcting mistakes, underlining unfound words).

The number of correctly found words can serve as an indicator of success.

Task No. 12.

Exercise “Come up with a word.”

Goal: training attention span.

Time spending: 3-5 minutes.

Instructions: The teacher throws a ball to each of the students, asking them to name as many words as possible based on the sound suggested to them. For example: “M” - car, furniture, sink, matryoshka, etc. (you can use not only nouns, but also adjectives and verbs).

Task No. 13.

Exercise “Make words.”

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

Instructions: Compose and write down in your workbook as many words as possible from the letters that form a word (nouns).

Example: PHOTOGRAPHY - reef, shooting range, mountain, bargaining, grotto, draft, count, etc.

Adding other letters is prohibited. The words used are different.

Task No. 14.

Exercise “Invisible words”.

Goal: to develop children's concentration, using the example of composing a word from individual letters.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instructions: The teacher (student) writes a word on the board (or in the air) with his finger, one letter at a time. Children write down the letters as they are depicted on paper or try to remember them (depending on their level of preparedness). Then they discuss what word each person came up with. The teacher can involve one of the students in depicting the word. In this case, he shows cards one after another with letters written on them to the child, which he reproduces with his finger on the board (you can gradually increase the pace of the exercise).

The resulting words can be written down in workbooks (additional tasks are given).

Task No. 15.

Exercise “Find related words.”

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

lead time: 5-10 minutes.

Instructions: Different words (word roots) are offered.

For example: house, forest, cat, table, etc. Necessary in possible a short time find as many related (same-root) words as possible.

For example: HOUSE - house, house, house, house, brownie, housewife, housewife, housewife, brownie, etc. This task can be used when studying the topic: “Word composition and word formation.”

Task No. 16.

Game "Fourth wheel".

Goal: development of concentration.

Lead time: 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Children sit in a circle (or at their desks). The teacher throws the ball to the student and names 4 objects, 3 of which belong to the same general concept. The child must identify the extra object, i.e. does not fit with the others, name it and return the ball to the teacher (work is carried out in a “chain”).

Option 1.

1) table, chair, bed, kettle;

2) horse, cat, dog, pike;

3) fir tree, birch, oak, strawberry;

4) cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare;

5) notebook, newspaper, notebook, briefcase;

6) cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball;

7) wolf, fox, bear, cat;

8) doll, car, jump rope, book;

9) train, plane, scooter, ship;

10) skis, skates, boat, sled.

Option 2.

1) snow, frost, heat, ice;

2) bus, tram, plane, trolleybus;

3) river, forest, asphalt, field;

4) fireman, astronaut, ballerina, policeman;

5) desk, board, student, hedgehog;

6) snake, snail, butterfly, turtle;

7) brushes, paints, teapot, canvas;

8) hat, roof, door, window;

9) milk, tea, lemonade, bread;

10) leg, arm, head, shoe.

Task No. 17.

Game "Funny Horse".

Goal: formation of concentration and stability of attention.

Lead time: 10 minutes.

Instructions: Without rearranging the letters, write 7 sentences from this letter combination (team work).


1) Raise those feathers, and those too. 2) Those feathers are under him, and those too. 3) Raise those feathers too. 4) Now I, lift those too. 5) Now I, lift it too. 6) Now I, those under them too. 7) Those feathers under them, those too.

The task is given when studying the topic “Proposal”.

Task No. 18.

Exercise “School essays”.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Be careful. Why these lines school essays considered humorous? How should I write it? Correct it.

  1. 1. A flock of ducks and hares appeared in the distance.
  2. 2. Puppy Baikal has cheerful ears and a fluffy tail sticking out on the top of his head.
  3. 3. A heavy hand lay on my shoulder and said...
  4. 4. He stood and blinked his eyes.
  5. 5. In winter, many animals hibernate.

The above tasks help children not only become more attentive, but also make Russian language lessons more varied and exciting. It is also necessary to include riddles, charades, crosswords and puzzles in lessons.

Block 2. In a mathematics lesson, you can use tasks to train stability of attention, ability to switch and distribute attention.

Task No. 1.

Exercise “Each hand has its own job.”

Goal: formation of attention distribution in children and at the same time processing of memorization skills.

Instructions: Children are asked to slowly move a book with illustrations with their left hand for 1 minute (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or solve simple examples.

Task No. 2.

Goal: formation of attention switching in children.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Students work in a workbook.

Option 1. Fill in the blanks to make a sentence. To do this, solve examples. Replace number answers with words. Insert the first letters of these words instead of dashes. The number 1 can be replaced with the word “one” (0) and “one” (E). The number of the example block corresponds to the number of the word in the sentence.

Example: ---AND

Answer: CHILDREN, since 18-8=10 (D); 22:22=1(E); 18:6=3(T).

IR - - - I - - LV - - - - - -U - I - b - I - - - I - U -.

1. 10:5= 2. 7+8= 4. 25:5=

9-8= 3. 24:2= 12:4=

9-5= 21-10= 10x5=

10-10= 15-14= 6x5=

6. 1-1= 9+8= 27:9= 10x3= 20-7=

Option 2. Insert the missing letters instead of the dashes to form words. But first solve the examples, and in the answer, instead of the number, write down the first letter of the word denoting this number. Keep in mind that 1 is both “one” and “one” and “one”.

Example: - - - UH

We insert the resulting letters instead of the gaps and get the word COCK.

64:8= - - - - 8+8=


b 4x4= - - A - - b - 49:7=

The task is carried out at the beginning of the lesson in the form of mental calculation. The task is gradually becoming more difficult.

Task No. 3.

Exercise “Counting with interference.”

Goal: formation of attention switching in children.

Time spending: 3 minutes.

Instructions: Children name numbers from 1 to 20 (can be from 1 to 30, from 1 to 40, etc.), while simultaneously writing them on a piece of paper or on the board in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The number of errors is counted.

Task No. 4.

“Name your neighbors.”

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: Work is carried out orally. Children sit in a circle (or at desks). The teacher throws the ball to the students one by one, calling out numbers from 0 to 30 (the numbers and pace of work gradually increase). The person who catches the ball must name the “neighbors” of the given number, i.e. numbers are 1 less and 1 more than the named number, or previous and subsequent. After this, the student returns the ball to the teacher. If the child who caught the ball makes a mistake in naming the “neighbors” twice, he is eliminated and carefully watches the game from the sidelines. The last of the children is considered the most attentive. The task is used in mental calculation.

Task No. 5.

"Score by team."

Goal: to develop children's concentration using the example of arithmetic exercises and operations.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instructions: The class is divided into two teams. The order of numbers (within 10, 20, etc.) and the arithmetic operations used (+; -; x; :) are specified in advance. Then the children of the first team call numbers in turn, the teacher or one of the children calls arithmetic operations. The children of the second team watch this nearby and perform operations in their minds. Then the teams change rows. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Task No. 6.

"Guess the word".

Goal: development of concentration and switching of attention.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instructions: Columns of examples are written on the board. If you count correctly, you will get a word that is “coded” with letters.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

122 7112 8679 777

334 + 1136 - 7141 -326

456 8248 1538 451


The task gradually becomes more difficult. This task helps children not only become more attentive, but also quickly and effectively master the rules of adding and subtracting numbers in a column, as well as multiplication and division multi-digit numbers within a million.

The work can be done both at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. Observation showed that the guys performed this task with great interest and desire. Errors in calculations have been significantly reduced.

Task No. 7.

Game "Clock".

Goal: formation of concentration.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: 13 people can take part in the game (one of them is the leader). Children stand in a circle. The presenter invites them to depict the dial of a large clock; each child stands at a certain number. They agree on where 12 o'clock will be. One of the participants in the game stands in the center, he must call the time. The presenter explains to the game participants that a child standing where he should be hour hand at this time, should make one clap, and the child who stands where the minute hand will be should make two claps. The one who makes a mistake stands in the center of the circle and calls the time.

The game is played while studying the topic “Time and its measurement.”

Task No. 8.

"We're playing counting rhymes."

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Time spending: 10 minutes.

Instructions: Participants work in pairs (desk neighbors). They stand (or sit) opposite each other. At the teacher’s command, each pair begins to count from 1 to 100, with one partner saying odd numbers, and the other - even. The same participants in the game are nearby, and they also count. It is difficult to count in such a situation. But the participants in the game must try not to get lost. The pair that can count to 100 the fastest wins.

Task No. 9.

“Each hand has its own job.”

Goal: formation of attention distribution.

Behavior time: 5 minutes.

Instructions: Draw with one hand and the other

one hand, the other, etc.

Used as a geometric material.

Task No. 10.

Game "Counting together".

Goal: development of concentration.

Time spending: 5-7 minutes.

Instructions: “Now we will count with you, just count: 1,2, 3, etc. One of us will start counting, and the person sitting next to us will continue, and so on. Let's try to count as quickly as possible. During the counting process, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that includes the number 6 (for example: 16), then, while pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with a clap without saying the number ).

If one of us makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, but at the same time watches the progress of the game. We all have to be very careful and remember who is out and who is still playing."

The game is played at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up.

Block 3. Tasks that can be used in reading lessons.

Task No. 1.“Time is stretchable...”

Goal: training attention span and concentration.

Instructions: “Now I will read you a poem by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “We know: time is stretchable,” and you will try to listen carefully in order to answer my questions after reading.”

We know: time is stretchable,

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

There are times when he has stagnation,

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Let the intervals be uniform,

What separates our days,

But, putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

What is this poem talking about?

What time periods are mentioned?

What is the name of the poem?

What central, most important thought did S.Ya. want to express? Marshak?

This kind of work is carried out constantly in every lesson. Works may vary.

Task No. 2.

"Read the poem."

Goal: development of stability and concentration.

Instructions: “In front of you are forms with printed lines of letters. They contain “secret” lines of the poem by A.S. Pushkin. Try to read them."

Correct answer.

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

They fled through muddy streams...

Task No. 3.

Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts.

1. Reading words and phrases for a certain time (raising attention to the ending of a word, reading words with common root: water, aquatic, white, linen, native, Motherland; combination of a noun with an adjective: clean shore, near a distant forest) to the root of the word, (with different roots, but with the same endings: purity-frequency, girl-grandfather, bun-squirrel). Usage different parts speech.

Purposeful installation reading.

Using the technique of mutual checking: a student reads a text of 1-2 paragraphs to his neighbor, who monitors the correctness and notes errors. Then the roles change - the other reads the next two paragraphs.

Collective books are used in the work.

Task No. 4.

"Reading with interference."

Goal: training of attention distribution.

Instructions: Work is carried out with books - collectives (or a reading textbook). Children read the text while tapping a rhythm with a pencil. Further work is carried out on textual issues.

Task No. 5.

A game. “Convey the meaning of the poem.”

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Instructions: All students are divided into three teams (three columns). The presenter and his two assistants each read a quatrain, but in the following way: first, everyone takes turns reading the first line of each quatrain, then they take turns reading the second line, then the third and fourth in the same way.

With this reading, it is difficult to immediately grasp the content of each quatrain, so the reading can be repeated.

The task of the 1st team is to convey the meaning of the first poem, the task of the 2nd team is to convey the meaning of the second poem, the task of the 3rd team is to convey the meaning of the third poem. Poems must be complex.

Block 4. Let's look at some tasks that are recommended to be carried out during after school hours (during breaks).

Task No. 1.

“Listen to silence” (change).

Goal: to develop children’s perseverance and ability to concentrate.

Instructions: Everyone listens to silence for 3 minutes. This is followed by a discussion about who heard what and in what order.

Task No. 2.

Game “Four Elements” (used as a physical break).

Goal: development of attention associated with the coordination of the hearing aid and the motor analyzer.

Instructions: Children perform near their desks (during a physical break). On the command “earth” - children should lower their arms down, “water” - they stretch forward and make a swimming movement, “air” - they raise their arms up, and on the command “fire” - they rotate their arms at the elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Task No. 3.

Exercise "Tangled Lines".

Goal: development of concentration.

Material: cards with drawn, tangled lines of the same color and for each child.

Time spending: 5 minutes.

Instructions: “The form shows mixed up lines. Trace the line

from left to right to determine where it ends. You need to start with line 1. You must write down the number with which this line ends. When completing a task, you need to follow the line with your gaze, without using your finger or pencil.”

Task No. 4.

Game "Remember the sounds."

Goal: development of concentration and auditory memory.

Instructions: “Sit comfortably and close your eyes. I will now walk around the room and make various sounds. Perhaps I'll open and close the door, shake the wastepaper basket, or knock on the radiator. I would like you to listen carefully and guess what I am doing. Listen carefully so that later you can describe these sounds. Try to remember the sequence of these sounds.”

Children will then have to describe what they heard and compare their results with those of others.

After the teacher has played this game a couple of times, the children themselves will be able to play this role.

Task No. 5.

Exercise "Minute".

Goal: to develop children's ability to concentrate. This exercise is also a good diagnostic method for studying a child’s internal tempo.

Instructions: The teacher asks students to internally measure a time equal to 1 minute (60 seconds). When the inner minute has passed, everyone raises their hand. The teacher uses a stopwatch to measure real time and record the degree of discrepancy for each answer.

Task No. 6.

Game "Rock, paper, scissors."

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions: Participants in the game are divided into groups. On the count of “Three”, each participant throws out one of three figures on his fingers: a stone - a fist, scissors - two fingers, paper - an open palm. Moreover, there is a rule: scissors cut paper, a stone dulls scissors, paper can wrap itself around a stone. Accordingly, the player who has thrown out a piece on his fingers that will “defeat” the opponent (for example, a stone will defeat scissors) remains, and the losing player leaves the game. Now this game is considered popular among students. They constantly play it at all breaks, using chips and cards.

Task No. 7.

"Be careful".

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Material: each student has a printed text.

Instructions: “Read the text carefully and only once. And then try to answer the question accurately.”

Task No. 8.

Game "Search non-stop".

Goal: increasing attention span.

Instructions: Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.) as possible. At the teacher’s signal, one child begins the list, the others complement it.

Task No. 9.

Exercise "Living Picture".

Goal: formation and development of attention span in children.

Instructions: The teacher (or one of the children) organizes the participants (from 2 to all) into any group. Participants freeze in a given position. The driver examines this sculptural group for 30 seconds, then turns away. A strictly specified number of changes are made to the picture. (For example: 2 participants change places, the 3rd lowers his raised hand, the 4th turns in the other direction - 3 changes in total). The driver's task is to restore the original picture.

Task No. 10.

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instructions: The exercise is performed sitting in a circle or the group stands in a circle. “Let each of you come up with a movement and demonstrate it to everyone in turn. At the same time, we will be attentive and try to remember everyone’s movements.” The group completes this part of the task.

“Now that we have all memorized each other’s movements, let’s proceed to the exercise itself. The one who starts first performs his own movement, and then the movement of one of us to whom he wants to pass the move. You all need to be very careful so as not to miss the moment when your own movement is completed and the right to move passes to you. The one to whom the move is passed will have to make his own movement and pass the move on.

Please note one limitation: you cannot pass the move back, i.e. to the one who just handed it to you."

During the exercise, the teacher encourages participants to act faster. At the end of the exercise, you can ask the question: “What difficulties did you have?”, “What is your mood?”

Task No. 11.

Goal: development of attention switching.

Instructions: The exercise is performed sitting or all participants stand in a circle.

“Let one of you go out the door. We (those who remain) will choose one

the person who will initiate the movement. He will perform some movements, changing them from time to time, and we will all repeat them. The participant who was behind the door will return to the room, stand in the center of the circle and, carefully watching us, try to understand who is the initiator of the movement.” When one of the participants walks out the door, the group decides who will initiate the movement.

Task No. 12.

Exercise: “Shadow”.

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instructions: “Before you is a form with figurines of the depicted gnomes. Find out which gnome the shadow belongs to." (Application).

Task No. 13.

Game "Let's sing together."

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions: The teacher suggests singing a song together, for example, “Blue Car” or “Smile”. Moreover, if the teacher claps his hands once, everyone begins to sing out loud together. If he claps twice, everyone continues to sing, but only mentally to themselves. If he claps once again, everyone continues to sing out loud again. And so on several times until one of the participants makes a mistake. The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader himself.

Task No. 14.

Exercise "Hide and Seek".

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instructions: Find the objects that are hidden in the picture.

Task No. 15.

Game "Roll call - confused."

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Instructions: The presenter calls the last names and first names of the children present, confusing first and last names (the first name is called correctly, the last name is not; the last name is correct, the first name is wrong). Children listen carefully and call only when both the first and last names are correctly named. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Task No. 16.

Exercise “Primitive schoolchildren”.

Goal: development of concentration and stability of attention.

Instructions: Find a pair of the same: from eight boys.

Task No. 17.

Game "Fish, Bird, Beast".

Goal: development of the ability to switch attention.

Instructions: Children sit in a circle. The presenter points to each player in turn and says: “Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast, fish...”. The player on whom the counting stops must quickly (while the leader counts to three) name, in this case, the fish. Moreover, the names should not be repeated. If the answer is correct, the host continues the game. If the answer is incorrect or the name is repeated (a delay in answer is also considered an error), then the child drops out of the game, leaving his “forfeit” to the presenter. The game continues until one player remains. He and the host role-play what each “forfeit” should do.

Task No. 18.

Game "Choir".

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions: 3-4 children take part in the game. The rest are closely watching the game.

One of the playing children is asked to go out the door for a while (or turn their back to the players), the rest receive cards with words from one sentence, which they must pronounce at the presenter’s signal simultaneously - each their own word. The task of the “guesser” is to understand and pronounce the entire sentence. The game is played several times so that all children take part in it. If the “guesser” does not cope with the task immediately, you can repeat it. The one for whom fewer offers were made wins:

A squad was walking down the street.

The goat went for nuts.

The toad began to croak importantly.

The magpie was flying high.

The fly found the money.

A cuckoo walked past the garden.

The cook was preparing lunch.

The poor cat cut her paw.

There is a stump in the swamp.

There lived an old man in the world.

An elephant walks along the path.

Practice shows that primary school students treat with great interest and diligence such classes in which the formation of attention is set as a special educational task.

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Updated: 02/14/2020 02:50

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Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

A question from life. Your child comes home from school, does his homework, and brings it to you for inspection. And then you discover that:

  1. The solved problem is missing something - two actions, three numbers and one answer. You look at the draft, you see an exemplary correct solution, everything seems to be in place;
  2. The grades in the notebook have a certain geometric pattern: after a three comes a five, after a five comes a three (as an option: after a two comes a five, and so on).

Is the situation familiar? Those who said “no” can only be envied. We'll discuss it with the others today effective method combating the problem: exercises for developing the attention of younger schoolchildren.

In the first grade, our fidget still cannot gather his will into a fist and work.

Well, how can you get ready if a fat fly is crawling along the windowsill, and the neighbor in front of you has a big white bow that you just want to pull! But you have to work: if you don’t understand the material, you’ll get a bad grade in your diary, or a “cloud with rain.”

A 7-8 year old child is characterized by instability of attention and rapid fatigue. He is not able to do one thing for more than 30-35 minutes, and is often distracted by trifles. The more monotonous the activity, the more difficult it is for a first-grader. It’s easier to solve the problem with an asterisk, but it’s an interesting one. It is also difficult to switch from one type of activity to another. Let's say, solve a problem and say its solution out loud.

By the end of the study period primary school voluntary attention and the habit of working for a long time and with full dedication must be developed, that is, stability of attention. I foresee someone’s sigh of relief: well, the child will grow up and come to his senses, he will get straight A’s. Don’t hope that everything will come “on its own.” He won’t come, and there will be no freebies! No teacher will do your job!

Everything comes with practice

Using the tasks given in this article to develop attention in primary schoolchildren, you will achieve visible results after just a month of systematic training. Practice for half an hour a day, sticking to a specific schedule, be demanding but patient.

  1. Conduct the lesson in a playful way;
  2. Praise your child, notice his every achievement;
  3. Alternate tasks, thereby stimulating interest;
  4. Set a specific task and achieve it.

Exercises for training attention are divided into 3 sections.

Concentration of attention

Concentration is the ability of a student to fully concentrate on solving a problem.

  • "Aboriginal Letter" A card with a set of letters of the Russian alphabet is laid out in front of the child. This set contains encrypted words. The child must find them.


  • Cross out all the "B"s and circle all the "E's"

  • Walking through labyrinths(lay a path from one point to another). This developmental task has two difficulty options.

Easy (no intersections)

Increased complexity (with intersections)

  • “Complete the drawing”. This task develops perseverance

  • Game "Piano". Number of people: 3 or more (the more, the more interesting). Children really like this game. Everyone sits on chairs in one row. Hands are placed on each other's knees. You need to take turns clapping your neighbor’s knee, maintaining a given pace. The last person in the row claps 2 times and the game goes in the opposite direction. The one who gets confused or misses the clap is out of the game.

Distribution of attention

This is the ability to engage in 2-3 types of activities at the same time.

  • "Julius Caesar". Do one action with one hand, and another with the other at the same time and without losing your way:
    a) draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other;
    b) transfer peas from plate to plate with one hand, and leaf through a book with the other hand, etc.;
  • "Pairs account". We count 1, 30, 2, 29, 3, 28 and so on;

"Counting Elements".The child is offered a card. You need to count in this order: first square, first circle, first triangle, second circle, second triangle, etc.

  • One by one we show the student 4 cards with geometric shapes, each time calling out a number from 1 to 9. Then, from memory, have him draw all the numbers and figures, observing the same order.

Attention span

  • Game "Cities". An adult says the name of the city, for example, PENZA. The child repeats and adds another city: PENZA-MINSK. Adult PENZA-MINSK-MOSCOW and so on until someone gets lost;
  • "Detectives". Game task, very exciting and useful. In a group of 3-6 children, a driver (Detective) is selected, who carefully examines everyone and remembers the details. Then he leaves the room, and the rest try to change 5 details in their appearance. The detective comes in, his task is to find all the changes.

Vikium simulator for primary schoolchildren

One of the reasons for the sharp deterioration in attention in the lower grades is the craze computer games. This leads to absent-mindedness and a transition to clip consciousness. The brain stops remembering and analyzing - it simply “stupidly” accepts pictures in order to immediately forget them. Try asking your child to learn a poem or a rule after playing on a tablet for two hours - it will take a lot of time.

What should I do? Of course, you can ban people from playing, but I will say that there is a better option. You will kill two birds with one stone! Offer it to your son or daughter instead of another shooting game simulator for brain development and attention correction Vikium. The child will definitely get carried away, the toy is very interesting, and also educational.

Vikium methods were developed by Russian scientists to act on a subconscious level, activating the functioning of the brain. And the longer a child plays, the more his brain will work and develop. The results are noticeable within a week. blog is already dedicated to the Vikium service. Everything is described in detail. I recommend.

With this, let me take my leave. If the article was useful, recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. Subscribe to blog news. I'm waiting for your comments. Bye!
Yours, Yuri Okunev.