When might World War III start? Predictions about the Third World War began to come true The beginning of World War 3, expert opinion

Over the past few years, Russia's position in the international arena has worsened. Aggression on the part of the United States has become so pronounced that most experts and politicians do not rule out the outbreak of military action. Whether there will be war in Russia in 2020 is a pressing question, the answer to which is difficult to give. Specialists from the field of extrasensory perception are trying to open the curtain of the future. The strongest psychics, seers, clairvoyants make their predictions about future fate Russian Federation. Since the country was involved in the conflict in the East of Ukraine, the start of the war is also associated with these events. Such a scenario for resolving international relations should not be ruled out. Much depends on the positions of other countries, including the US and Europe. If America continues to support a hostile strategy, the chances of avoiding military action will become even less likely.

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the main question regarding the outbreak of war in Russia by 2020. Military experts evaluate it from the point of view of the “technical maturity” of the Russian Federation. The country's military potential is only growing. Due to this, the Russian Federation is ready not only to hold the defense, but also to carry out offensive operations.

In the event of a war, the government will be able to gather all its technical might and give a powerful rebuff to the enemy. The tank army, which now occupies a confident position, will be able to resist NATO. Even if the Third World War takes place in the history of the state, Russians can count on the army and military arsenals.

In addition to modernized tanks, there is a Soviet legacy in use. They are called “deadly” tanks, since their structure and power are difficult to overestimate. Such a base guarantees a high chance of victory for Russia in the event of a military conflict.

Russia's tactics will involve the concentration of overwhelming force. Western tank units are relatively small, so countering and outmaneuvering them will not be difficult. Europe simply will not be able to strike back after an attack by the powerful Russian army.

Peace or War: Latest News on World War III

If last year journalists were actively considering the prospects for military confrontation, the situation has changed a little this year. By 2020, most likely, there will be no war. Especially if we consider this issue from the perspective of resolving the conflict in the East of Ukraine.

According to the latest political forecasts, the presidential elections in Ukraine will be decisive. The replacement of the current head of state Petro Poroshenko could lead to the restoration of friendly relations between Ukraine and Russia.

If the global scandal gains momentum, Russia will not be able to completely occupy Europe. In the future, it will be able to capture only part of the territory. This will be a powerful blow to European countries, which will be left without global support as a result. NATO does not have sufficient resources to counter it, so all that remains is to come to terms with this scenario.

Latest predictions and prophecies about the war in Russia

Well-known visionaries who made statements regarding military conflicts in 2020 are more inclined to the development of a civil war on Russian territory. Few people talk about global uprisings against the Russian Federation, arguing that this is a powerful potential great country. More often they talk about civil confrontations. Some interesting predictions for 2020:

  • due to internal troubles, a large territory may be divided into several small autonomous states. The ruler’s task is to prevent such a development of events, maintaining territorial integrity;
  • difficult times may come due to a change in government. The new people's representatives will not be able to guarantee the unity of the state, which will become a serious threat;
  • repetition Chechen war. This will be its own version of Donbass, when the conflict is created artificially. A conflict with a clearly defined course of events, agitation and the introduction of aggression among the masses. Provocations will be the engine of progress, and stopping them will not be so easy. It is possible to get out of the situation with minimal losses only after suppressing the source of the conflict.

Prophecies of the strongest psychics: will it be possible to avoid war?

On the world stage, the military-political situation around the Russian Federation is only getting worse. The West is pulling its weight, trying to resolve two main issues – the conflict in Donbass and the Syrian one. Europe continues to make loud statements about illegal actions on the part of Russia. Based on speculation and unreasoned assumptions, the situation in the country is heating up. It is ordinary citizens who suffer first of all. Social difficulties and financial instability affect the assessment of what is happening.

As for Ukraine, Kyiv continues to pursue its policy, trying to evoke a negative attitude towards the Russian Federation in the United States and Europe. One of the latest cases is a maritime conflict when Ukrainian ships crossed the border of the Russian Federation without obtaining permission. Then the Ukrainian president decided to introduce martial law, blaming the government of a neighboring state for what was happening. Such incidents one after another lead to thoughts about the beginning of the third world war.

The main enemies of the Russian Federation: prophecies and visions of specialists

Clairvoyants and psychics have already made several statements regarding the political and economic fate of the Russian Federation:

  1. The country's main enemy will remain the United States. China will also join the list of enemies;
  2. American aggression will be pronounced and obvious using various methods of struggle;
  3. Chinese government for a long time will maintain intrigue, trying to disguise itself as a friendly country;
  4. By 2020, Russia will be able to maximally improve its technical power, leaving no chance for enemies to win;
  5. Russian scientists will be able to create a new format of technology that is not yet known in the world. This will be a kind of guarantee of a safe and quiet life for ordinary citizens;
  6. Vera Lyon stated that a military conflict could be avoided. However, Russians may find themselves in an economic trap, sacrificing their own resources;
  7. the seer Seraphim Vyritsky also bet on China, which would be able to conquer not most Russian territories. Information war will become decisive in the conflict between two strong countries.

What awaits Ukraine in 2020: expert prophecies

World-famous molfars and psychics spoke about what awaits Ukraine next year. The state's prospects are not so bright. Due to the position of the current government, it has not been possible to resolve the confrontation in Donbass for several years. According to experts in the field of extrasensory perception, it is possible to achieve success only after a change political structure. In 2020, Ukraine will be able to resolve all troubles and regain trust from neighboring countries.

Astrologers are confident that the coming year will bring a new wave of discontent, clashes and “Maidans” to Ukrainians. All this will affect the country's economy. Peace will come only at the moment when Jupiter ceases to rule the Earth. Vera Lyon believes that the situation in the East will resolve itself within the state without the involvement of representatives of other countries.

If Ukraine refuses to destabilize sentiment in society, provocations and other forms of aggressive policies, there will be a chance to save the economy. Vanga prophesied that 2019-2020 will not be calm for the whole world, so it is worth preparing for different scenarios.

Only if all countries of the world choose a peaceful path aimed at creating diplomatic relations will a third world war really be avoided. Current issues, because of which disagreements can be traced between the rulers of different states, must be resolved by 2020. Only drastic changes will help reach a compromise.

It turned out that according to Vedic prophecy, Russia will again become the USSR, and this awaits us not in 20-50 years, but by 2020 (2030 - Roman Kirill). By our time, everything that Hare Krishna Das predicted has already come true. Therefore, the news about a return to the USSR should not be questioned.

Of course, you should not take these words literally; the essence lies deeper. Democratic rule is what Russia will come to.

More specifically, by 2020 (2030 - Roman Cyril) we are predicted to have a prosperous state that has already coped with all the difficulties.

A new era will begin, which is already called the “Golden Age”. In fact a good life according to Haare's predictions, Krishna should begin throughout the entire earth, but the beginning will be in Russia.

According to the prediction, time will turn its course, but not in the opposite direction, but up.

People have been experiencing a gradual approach to a revolution, difficulties and trials for more than a decade, namely since 2004. The first changes should concern climate change on our planet.

The crisis that we are really observing was also predicted by the prophet, and the time of its peak was indicated - from 2014 to 2017, we can only wait for it to end, according to prophecies, in another 5-6 years.

There is no need to be afraid of change. There will be no serious disasters. The people will be able to go through and withstand all difficulties, gradually changing and getting used to the new time. Russia will come to rule democratically.

The age of spiritual Vedic civilization will come.

Back in April 2005, it was predicted that wars would begin, that wars would take place everywhere, brutal, open and closed, using a variety of new weapons.

It was said that there would be no war on the territory of the Russian Federation. But at the same time, the Russian people were predicted not to have an easy time, trials and serious spiritual testing.

Through such peculiar sufferings people will come to the beginning of a new time. And until 2020, if truces continue to occur, then you should not believe it, this is just a temporary lull, because real peacetime will gradually begin to arrive only after the above date.

Here is another confirmation of the words of the Vedic prophet; at the moment we are seeing the active emergence and strengthening of various cryptocurrencies, as well as a systematic decline in the dollar. And the soothsayer promised that our need for the dollar would disappear altogether.

The fortuneteller also gave advice to get closer to the East and not to be equal to the West. There will be nothing interesting for us in the West, but unity with the East will bring the good results we need.

Actually, more than 13 years have passed since this prediction. And we can really see that everything that the sage said happened and is happening before our eyes. All that remains is to wait out the remaining part of the time with dignity, until we approach the “Golden Age”.

For: Secretary of State Pompeo
Mr. Secretary of State!

I am writing to you after the fact of what happened to provide an overview of events over the past few months about the course of the war, which none of us expected two years ago.

History of the issue. As you remember, after the departure of your predecessor, Mr. Tillerson, we had a little confusion, and you asked all of us to give our assessment of the situation in Korea, especially since Mr. Bolton's appointment coincided with your appointment and the President's initiative to meet with Mr. Kim.

As we all know, in May of that year, Kim met with President Chairman Xi, and there were very different rumors about what they discussed. This became clear only after the president held a historic meeting in Seoul with Kim and South Korean President Moon. Soon after, the Pyongyang Protocol was signed in August, under which the three leaders announced the demilitarization of the peninsula, the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and the establishment of a mission of UN inspectors to conduct inspections to further Kim's program to eliminate North Korean nuclear weapons.

Naturally, this stunned everyone, as did the award ceremony the following year. Nobel Prize Kim, Trump and Moon. But how do you know when all these things happened? important events, China did not sit idly by. We now know from various sources, including from your former management colleagues, that China has long been dissatisfied with Kim. But we did not know that Kim refused to fulfill a top secret agreement with his other handler, Russian leader Putin.

Before traveling to Beijing, Kim held a secret meeting, unbeknownst even to his own government, with Russian agents and assured them that he would in no way reveal ongoing Russian assistance to its vicious programs, including the nuclear weapons program that Russia was covertly funding and supporting.

It is now clear that Kim was being a huge hypocrite. Without such a conclusion it is impossible to understand and explain what happened. He turned 180 degrees and made a secret deal with China.


This is the end of the American approach to warfare

InoSMI 03/30/2018

Russia showed how it will fight in the future

The National Interest 03/30/2018

How to defeat Russia and China on the battlefield

The National Interest 03/22/2018
So when he announced his resignation as leader on CNN in November 2019 and asked China to enter his country to protect it from the Russians, it shocked everyone. Russians? We all shook our heads, not knowing how this could happen. We didn't even think about them.

When the National Aerospace Reconnaissance Agency notified us in the summer of 2019 of a Russian military buildup in the Far Eastern Military District, we began to wonder what was going on. Maybe Russia wants to help the North carry out an attack on the South, as it did in 1950? But this time he intends to do it in winter? Of course, thanks global warming It’s easier to do this now, but the weather at this time is still disgusting.

How shocked we all were, and you too, when Kim fled to Harbin on a special train, and the PLA sent large military forces to the North. We have completely lost sight of this Chinese buildup that they have been doing all this time. It seems to us now that they began doing this back in mid-2015, slowly increasing the number of troops on the border and introducing PLA agents into the cities and factories of Manchuria. The landing of three Chinese marine divisions (which we also knew absolutely nothing about) south of the river Imjingan on North Korean soil was an equally shocking event.

But the biggest surprise for everyone was the Russian invasion across the border with North Korea, as well as the use of the Russian submarine fleet in the pirate war against Chinese shipping. Who knew that the Chinese Navy would be so ineffective in the fight against submarine fleet Russia? In addition, the Russians, with their cyber attacks, paralyzed Chinese control, communications, intelligence and surveillance systems, creating a kind of “cybernetic Pearl Harbor.” This was exactly what worried us all greatly. Thus ended the clumsy Chinese attempts to use its troops in the northeast to repel the Russian invasion. By chance, we evacuated most of the American troops from the peninsula even before the outbreak of hostilities, and when the Russian intentions became obvious, we were able to quickly organize the evacuation of American civilians, although, according to our estimates, at least 30 thousand still remain on the territory of South Korea American citizens. From our point of view, and also from the point of view of our Japanese allies, who are helping us closely monitor developments, the Russian-Chinese war will continue for quite a long time. It remains very dangerous for the American merchant marine to sail in Russian-declared exclusion zones in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Tsushima Strait, and the Yellow Sea. In fact, the Russians appear to be intent on expanding the war effort with limited incursions into Manchuria and Mongolia, as they did before World War II, as historians on our staff have told me. The head of our department's station told me that the Russians are most likely transferring their battle-tested troops from the Baltic states and Ukraine to the Far Eastern theater. Apparently, this explains the fact that a truce agreement was concluded between the Ukrainian government and Putin’s representatives in Kharkov.

But this is far from a traditional conflict, and it is the greatest threat to world peace. It appears that the South Koreans have now brought their troops into the Chinese “coalition” that is fighting against Russian “aggression.” Naturally, South Korea is helping the coalition with logistics support and intelligence.

Recommendations. You asked to evaluate our Japanese allies from the point of view of their intentions and views. Japanese intelligence informed our military attaché that Tokyo intended to remain cautiously neutral. I'm sure Secretary Gates is being told the same thing through his channels. I recommend doing the same, remaining neutral and inviting mediation to all parties. In the meantime, we should continue our efforts at the United Nations. I think this is the best course of action.

John Quen is engaged historical research at the Command and General Staff College ground forces USA. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 2004 as a Captain 2nd Class after serving 23 years in Naval Aviation flying both land-based and carrier-based aircraft. He has been teaching at the college since 2000, teaching a range of subjects, including military history. Kuehn has written several books, including The Powers of Innovation and military history Japan from the Age of the Samurai to the 21st Century" (Agents of Innovation and A Military History of Japan: From the Age of the Samurai to the 21st Century).

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Socio-political tension is constantly growing in the world. And some experts predict that everything could result in... global conflict. How realistic is it in the near future?

Risk remains

It is unlikely that anyone today is pursuing the goal of starting a world war. Previously, if a large-scale conflict was brewing, the instigator always expected to end it as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. However, as history shows, almost all “blitzkriegs” resulted in a protracted confrontation involving a huge amount of human and material resources. Such wars caused damage to both the loser and the winner.

Nevertheless, wars have always existed and, unfortunately, will arise, because someone wants to have more resources, and someone protects their borders, including from mass illegal migration, fights terrorism or demands the restoration of their rights in accordance with with previously concluded agreements.

If countries still decide to get involved in a global war, then, according to many experts, they will certainly be divided into different camps, which will be approximately equal in strength. The combined military, primarily nuclear, potential of the powers that will hypothetically take part in the clash is capable of destroying all life on the planet dozens of times. How likely is it that the coalitions will start this suicidal war? Analysts say that it is not great, but the danger remains.

Political poles

The modern world order is far from what it was after the Second World War. However, formally it continues to exist on the basis of the Yalta and Bretton Woods agreements of states anti-Hitler coalition. The only thing that has changed is the balance of power that was formed during the period cold war. The two poles of world geopolitics today, as half a century ago, are determined by Russia and the United States.

Russia crossed the Rubicon, and it did not pass without a trace and painlessly for it: it temporarily lost its superpower status and lost its traditional allies. However, our country managed to maintain its integrity, maintain influence in the post-Soviet space, revive the military-industrial complex and acquire new strategic partners.

The financial and political elite of the United States, as in the good old days, under democratic slogans continues to carry out military expansion far from its borders, while at the same time successfully imposing beneficial “anti-crisis” and “anti-terrorism” policies on the leading countries.

In recent years, China has been persistently wedging itself into the confrontation between Russia and the United States. The Eastern Dragon, while maintaining good relations with Russia, nevertheless does not take sides. Possessing the largest army and carrying out rearmament on an unprecedented scale, he has every reason to do so.

A united Europe also remains an influential player on the world stage. Despite the dependence on the North Atlantic Alliance, certain forces in the Old World advocate an independent political course. Reconstruction is just around the corner armed forces European Union, which will be held by Germany and France. In the face of energy shortages, Europe will act decisively, analysts say.

One cannot but pay attention to the growing threat posed by radical Islam in the Middle East. This is not only the increasing extremist nature of the actions of Islamic groups in the region every year, but also the expansion of the geography and tools of terrorism.


Recently, we are increasingly observing the consolidation of various union associations. This is evidenced, on the one hand, by the summits of Donald Trump and the leaders of Israel, South Korea, Japan, Britain and other leading European countries, and on the other, by the meetings of heads of state within the framework of the activities of the BRICS bloc, which attracts new international partners. During the negotiations, not only trade, economic and political issues are discussed, but also all kinds of aspects of military cooperation.

The famous military analyst Joachim Hagopian emphasized back in 2015 that the “recruitment of friends” by America and Russia is not accidental. China and India, in his opinion, will be drawn into Russia's orbit, and the European Union will inevitably follow the United States. This is supported by the intensified exercises of NATO countries in Eastern Europe and a military parade with the participation of Indian and Chinese units on Red Square.

Advisor to the President of Russia Sergei Glazyev states that it will be beneficial and even fundamentally important for our country to create a coalition of any countries that do not support bellicose rhetoric directed against the Russian state. Then, according to him, the United States will be forced to moderate its ardor.

Wherein great importance will depend on the position taken by Turkey, which is perhaps the key figure capable of acting as a catalyst for relations between Europe and the Middle East, and, more broadly, between the West and the countries of the Asian region. What we are seeing now is Istanbul’s cunning play on the differences between the United States and Russia.


Foreign and domestic analysts are inclined to conclude that a global war could be provoked by the global financial crisis. The most serious problem of the leading countries of the world lies in the close intertwining of their economies: the collapse of one of them will entail severe consequences For others.

The war that may follow a devastating crisis will be fought not so much over territory as over resources. For example, analysts Alexander Sobyanin and Marat Shibutov build the following hierarchy of resources that the beneficiary will receive: people, uranium, gas, oil, coal, mining raw materials, drinking water, agricultural land.

It is curious that, from the point of view of some experts, the status of a generally recognized world leader does not guarantee the United States victory in such a war. In the past, the commander-in-chief of NATO forces, Richard Schieffer, in his book “2017: War with Russia” predicted defeat for the United States, which would be caused by financial collapse and collapse American army.

Who is first?

Today, the trigger that could launch the mechanism, if not a world war, then a global collision, could be the crisis on the Korean Peninsula. Joachim Hagopian, however, predicts that it is fraught with the use of nuclear charges and at first Russia and the United States will not get involved in it.

Glazyev sees no serious reasons for global war, but notes that its risk will persist until the United States abandons its claims to world dominance. The most dangerous period, according to Glazyev, is the beginning of the 2020s, when the West will emerge from depression, and developed countries, including China and the United States, will begin the next round of rearmament. At the peak of a new technological leap, there will be a threat of global conflict.

It is characteristic that the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga did not dare to predict the start date of the Third World War, indicating only that its cause would most likely be religious strife around the world.

"Hybrid Wars"

Not everyone believes in the reality of World War III. Why commit mass casualties and destruction if there is something that has been tested for a long time and more? effective remedy- “hybrid war”. In the “White Book”, intended for commanders of special forces of the American army, in the section “Win ​​in complex world» contains all the comprehensive information on this matter.

It says that any military operations against the authorities primarily involve covert and secret actions. Their essence is an attack by rebel forces or terrorist organizations (which are supplied with money and weapons from abroad) on government structures. Sooner or later, the existing regime loses control over the situation and hands over its country to the sponsors of the coup.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, General Valery Gerasimov, believes: hybrid war“a means that is many times superior in results to any open military clashes.

Capital can do anything

Nowadays, not only conspiracy theorists are confident that both world wars were largely provoked by Anglo-American financial corporations, which made fabulous profits from militarization. And their ultimate goal is the establishment of the so-called “American peace.”

“Today we stand on the threshold of a grandiose reformatting of the world order, the instrument of which will again be war,” says writer Alexei Kungurov. This will be a financial war of world capitalism, directed mainly against developing countries.

The goal of such a war is to not give the periphery any chance of any independence. In underdeveloped or dependent countries, a system of external exchange control is established, which forces them to exchange their output, resources and other material assets for dollars. The more transactions there are, the more American machines will print currencies.

But the main goal of world capital is the “Heartland”: the territory of the Eurasian continent, most of which is controlled by Russia. Whoever owns the Heartland with its colossal resource base will own the world - this is what the English geopolitician Halford Mackinder said.

Economic instability in the world and political confrontations between the United States, Russia and Europe could lead to irreversible consequences. In Russia there are endless conversations about the irreversibility of the Third World War. These thoughts are fueled by daily news from the main hot spots: there are more bombings in Syria, and military confrontation has escalated in Ukraine. What awaits us in the future, will there be a war in Russia in 2019: the opinion of experts, clairvoyants, psychics - this is the topic of our material today.

Not only political scientists, economists and analysts can answer this question. Psychics, fortune tellers and clairvoyants also do not remain aloof from future events. Every person has a choice whether or not to believe in the supernatural, but there is no such thing as too much information, especially in such a matter.

Opinion of experts, clairvoyants and predictors: Will there be a war in Russia in 2019?

First of all, with all the love for the sacred world, when analyzing the future, it is worth turning to professionals. Experts: historians, economists, analysts, military officers, politicians give official explanations without leaning towards mysticism. They rely on “hard” facts and issue a forecast by extrapolating the current situation into the future. At the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, most experts expressed the opinion that passions in the world were heating up, and three scenarios awaited us:

  1. First scenario. Disagreements between Russia and the European Union, fueled by the United States, will lead to a military clash in one of the republics former USSR.
  2. Second scenario. Tough and aggressive US policies will provoke north korea to launch nuclear missiles.
  3. Third scenario. The next targeted US strike in Syria will hit the Russian group of troops, to which there will be an immediate response.
  4. Fourth scenario. Cyber ​​troops of one of the special services will seize top-secret data of the enemy state.

Fact. All experts are inclined to believe that in 2019 the most realistic scenario is the first outbreak of war in Russia. Any former republic is suitable as a stumbling block Soviet Union: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and even Belarus.

The balance in the world has long been disrupted; each side will not tolerate even the slightest infringement of its rights. All versions may have their continuation, but no one can say for sure what could cause the military confrontation. The established bipolar world is coming to its logical end, and the precarious balance depends only on how much patience and wisdom the leaders of Russia and the United States have.

New scenario for the beginning of World War 3 December 2018! It is possible to send troops and start a war with Russia under the pretext of our country’s inability to control nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons. This version is supported by the fact that recently the United States has made a claim against the Russian Federation under the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty, INF Treaty). The claims are completely unfounded, but this is an excellent reason to say that we are not able to control our own strategic weapons, and the entire “progressive world community” will simply have to protect itself.

Predictions of astrologers and clairvoyants

In 2019, Russia has a significant influence on world politics in matters of peaceful cooperation. But whether this will help prevent a tragedy is difficult to answer unequivocally. Do Russians want war? No. Since ancient times, our ancestors, in order to avoid ambiguity, turned not to experts but to knowledgeable shamans, sages who could foresee the future. However, with the development of civilization, the traditions of our ancestors have become a thing of the past.

Will war start in Russia in 2019, expert opinion.

Vanga's prophecies

The name of the seer Vanga is widely known both in the territory of the former Soviet Union and beyond its borders. Her predictions very accurately reflected many events of the 21st century. Vanga also gave a lot of information on the state of affairs in Russia:

  • Starting in 2019, Russia will influence all other states;
  • By the middle of the 21st century, all Slavic lands will unite;
  • After complete unification, Russia will have a leader who will raise the country to a new level of development.

Fact. Note that Vanga did not predict the outbreak of war in Russia at least in 2019 - 2050, that is, until the unification of all Slavic Orthodox states.

This is not the entire list of Vanga’s predictions, but even these three inspire and inspire confidence. The seer constantly pointed out to people that the planet itself would destroy the world order: there would be many earthquakes, floods, fires and other disasters. Such forecasts are not encouraging, but, as Vangelia argued, only through suffering will people be able to come to mutual understanding and cooperation. And only after this will the spiritual uplift and prosperity of all humanity begin.

Predictions of Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa is one of the most popular astrologers, whose opinion is listened to by both esotericists and ordinary people. His forecast for 2019 also contains an optimistic scenario for Russia. Globa claims that there will be no war, and Russians will begin a period of prosperity in all spheres of life, in his opinion what awaits us:

  • Growth of all economic indicators;
  • There will be new discoveries in science and medicine;
  • Space will be successfully developed;
  • Finally they will get it practical use notorious nanotechnologies;
  • The well-being of people, first of all, will be associated with the modernization of industry, which will give impetus to the development of production;
  • The loyal policy of the country's government will attract many friendly states to Russia;

Against the backdrop of the collapse of the United States and the European Union, a new powerful economic alliance will emerge. This forecast is confirmed by other famous soothsayers. Also, most psychics agree that 2019 is a very important year for Russia. After him, a new head of state will appear who will not allow the start of a big war. He was called the "Great Potter". He will be able to agree with neighboring countries on long-term friendship and cooperation, and joint development.

Putin's assassination

When will Putin be killed and who will do it, what predictions did clairvoyants, prophets and psychics give about this? It is obvious to many opponents of our state that most of the achievements recent years directly or indirectly related directly to the efforts of the current president of our country - V.V. Putin. The return of Crimea, the construction of the Crimean Bridge, the Olympics, the gradual abandonment of the dollar, the strengthening of the army - Russia’s enemies do not like all this. Naturally, many dream of killing him. For example, in neighboring Ukraine this is openly stated on central television channels.

We did not find any predictions of the violent death (murder) of President Putin either from Vanga, or from Nostradamus, or from any of the modern prophets.

Conclusion. Putin is a former officer of the KGB and FSB intelligence services (although “former” is probably not entirely the right word). He probably perfectly understands and takes into account the risks of his murder, understands who can do it and how. Most likely, he is one of the most protected persons on our planet; it is unlikely that anyone will be able to kill him without first seizing power in the country.

Predictions of the holy elders

These are the predictions about the war in 2019 given by the holy elders who lived in different time in Russia:

  • Archbishop Theophan of Poltava. A ruler erected by God will appear on Russian territory. He will be distinguished by his unbending faith, strong will and bright mind. This knowledge is revealed by God. All that remains is to wait for the fulfillment of the prophecy. Everything confirms his imminent arrival, unless our sinfulness leads to a change in what the Lord has promised.
  • Archimandrite Seraphim. Everything is God’s will, and much in life depends on the actions of the Russian Church, on the strength of our people’s belief in divine justice, on the fervent prayer of the Orthodox.
  • St. John of Kronstadt. Rus' will be reborn into a powerful and great power. She will go through all the torment in order to rise renewed, believing according to the old covenants in Christ and the Holy Trinity. It will follow unity, as the founder of Russian Christianity, Prince Vladimir, bequeathed. Because now the people have forgotten that Russia is under the protection of God. A Russian person should be grateful to God for being Russian.
  • Seraphim Vyritsky. The world will lose stability when a strong state appears in the East. They will take it in quantity and because their people are very hardworking and don’t drink, unlike us. ...But there will be a time of discord and turmoil, when Russia will fall apart. It will be divided to be completely plundered. Western world will participate in the plunder of Rus' and will lead to the fact that the eastern part of Russia will be under China. He will insidiously occupy the vast territory of Siberia all the way to the Urals. The Chinese will marry Russian women in order to gain a foothold on our land. And on Far East The Japanese will appear. The Chinese will want to continue to conquer Russia, but the West will interfere with their plans. The territory of Russia will be the same as during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
  • Grigory Rasputin. St. Petersburg is the place where the meeting of the three kings will take place. Europe will be well-fed. The last time will be filled with great signs and suffering. People will be plunged into darkness. But all attention will turn to the East, to Russia. Exactly, there are new prophets there. They will glorify the Lord who will appear in Russia...
  • Jonah of Odessa. In a neighboring and friendly country for Russia there will be serious unrest, lasting 2 years, and then a long bloody war will begin. And after the war a great Russian ruler will appear.

Possible opponents in the war with Russia

There are many countries suitable for the role of opponents in a hypothetical war with the Russian Federation, but if you look at things realistically, the circle narrows down to only three options: the USA, Ukraine and the internal conflict, that is Civil War.

War with the USA

Will there be a war between the US and Russia in 2019? The first thing that catches your eye is that the rhetoric of the current leadership of the United States of America is quite belligerent, and many actions in the political arena are aimed at dragging the Russian Federation into a large-scale military conflict. It is obvious that the main goal of the United States is not to lose leadership under any circumstances and to prevent the emergence of a bipolar world structure. But how ready are Americans for a real war?

  1. Nobody needs a nuclear war. Russia is a nuclear power and it is pointless to fight “at full strength” with us - we will simply destroy the planet.
  2. America cannot fight on its own. The last time America and the Americans fought a serious war was in Vietnam, after which such a howl arose in society that they never conducted real military operations with mobilization again. Real combat operations mean conflicts involving mobilized civilians, and not mercenaries from PMCs.
  3. But what about anti-Russian hysteria? This is an excellent reason to resolve contradictions between the ruling parties. By accusing each other of having connections with Putin and blaming all problems on him, the US ruling elite solves many internal issues. The Red Scare is a traditional scarecrow that has just been pulled out of the closet where it has been collecting dust for the last 30 years.

Conclusion. Will there be a war between Russia and the USA? Hardly. Why fight on your own? It’s much more profitable to print dollars and distribute them to everyone who wants to undermine the order and economic growth of the Russian Federation. Actually, this is what the states are doing, buying up the extreme opposition on the vine and buying out the leadership of the countries of the former USSR: Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia.

War with Ukraine

Will there be a war between Russia and Ukraine in 2019? But this is more likely, unfortunately. The puppet regime of Ukraine is capable of any suicidal actions in order to drag Russia into a full-scale war.

  • Is there no war now? At the moment, it is impossible to call the confrontation between the DPR and LPR with Ukraine a full-scale war - the parties have entrenched themselves on occupied lines and are holding their positions. Russia supports the DPR, the USA supports Ukraine. Both support them very modestly; if more resources are poured into the conflict, the war can reach a new level. For example, the United States can sponsor increased salaries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and help with weapons, and Russia, in turn, can also help with ammunition and money. But this doesn't happen.
  • So what happens next? Most likely, the conflict will be taken to a fundamentally different level. At the moment, the message is being introduced into Ukrainian society that not only Putin is the enemy, but all Russians in general. Plus the religious card with Thomas is played. Either one or the other will definitely work - and then help will come from overseas, and the war will flare up with renewed vigor
  • Events in the Kerch Strait on November 25. Could this provocation serve as a reason for the outbreak of military action? Most likely no. The seizure of several Ukrainian ships illegally crossing the border of the Russian Federation is too small a reason. It is obvious that this farce was organized by the current President of Ukraine, P. Poroshenko, with the sole purpose of introducing martial law and preventing another election. It’s just not yet clear how the curators from Washington will look at this.

Conclusion. Will there be a war between Ukraine and Russia? Most likely, the leadership of our country understands this issue much more than you and I, and is unlikely to want real hostilities to begin. Most likely, we will not react in any way to provocations and will maintain the “status quo” until the last possible opportunity.

Civil War

Will there be a civil war in Russia in 2019? At the moment there are no prerequisites for its start. Yes, society is dissatisfied with the state of affairs in domestic policy: pension reform, corruption, lack of production - all this worries our citizens. However, the real level of discontent is very far from the boiling point.

  • There is no real alternative. At present, there is no real alternative: a party, a force, or at least an ideological leader who could proclaim some clear goal and lead the masses of people. The entire opposition is guided by the same principle as everyone else, “get rich,” and does not offer any ideas or clear plans. Apart from the slogan “Putin must go,” there is nothing in the bottom line.
  • Everyone knows what the revolution leads to. The older generation remembers the results of the revolution of the 90s, and is well educated enough to know the results of a dozen different revolutions and civil wars, both in our country and in others. None of them brought anything good.

Conclusion. Will there be a civil war in the Russian Federation? No, it will not. There is not a single real prerequisite for its start; no one needs it, including those who are now campaigning for it.

Published: 2018-10-24, Modified: 2018-12-08,