Intolerant attitude towards bad deeds. Intolerable - intolerant. Limitation - limitation

Dictionaries of Russian language paronyms

1. Bar (English bar - counter) - a small eatery in which visitors are served at the counter.

2. Bar (French barre - bar, strip, fence, sandbank) - alluvial shoal sea ​​shores, often forming at river mouths.

3. Bar (English. bar) is the main cutting part of the cutter and mining machine.

4. Bar (Greek baros - heaviness, load) - 1. A unit of sound pressure equal to the pressure of 1 dyne per 1 cm 2.

5. Master(bar - gen. pl.) - 1. Nobleman, owner of lands and estates in Tsarist Russia. 2. A person who shirks work shifts his work to others.

At the end of the dictionary there is an “Index of Morphological Homonyms”, which includes the original forms of those words that form homonymous pairs with other words. For example:

* base (base);

* tanks (tank);

* bank (bank)...

Second edition"Dictionary of Homonyms" 1978 different, first of all, by the fact that the author excluded all morphological homonyms ( oblique, three etc.), as a result of which the dictionary remains 3 500 articles. The “Index of Morphological Homonyms” was also excluded. Secondly, the author introduced stylistic marks and thereby determined the scope of use of the homonym: specialist., official, linguistic, sport., and its quality: outdated, disdain, mind-caress. and etc.

In 1968 Yu.A. Belchikov and M.S. Panyusheva published a reference dictionary « Difficult cases the use of cognate words of the Russian language", which contains 180 dictionary entries. This reference book can be considered as an experiment in a paronym dictionary ( Greek para - near, nearby, near and onyma- Name).

In the reference dictionary under consideration, the dictionary entry, which is preceded by a title consisting of two or three paronyms, is divided into 4 parts.

1. Interpretation of the first word, illustrated by quotations from various works of print, as well as interpretation of the second (and third) word with corresponding illustrations of their use.

2. Section “Compare”, in which combinations characteristic of the first, second and subsequent paronyms are compared.

3. “Please note” section. It contains explanations regarding the features of the use of words in modern literary speech, as well as an analysis of the features of combining them with other words.

4. Section “Wrongly”, which presents examples of erroneous use of cognate words. These examples were taken from printed works, from radio and television broadcasts, and from recordings of live speech.

The dictionary entries are quite extensive.

Sample dictionary entry:

Intolerable. Such that it is difficult, impossible to endure, endure, unbearable; very strong in terms of its manifestation.

Unbearable torment. All he did was polish his boots to an unbearable shine several times a day. ( K. Paustovsky. The story of life). The backpack became heavy, like a weight; the straps, cutting into the shoulders, caused unbearable pain. ( I. Orlov. Hot summer). Grasshoppers chirp, unbearable heat hangs over the meadow. ( V. Peskov. Steps on dew).

Intolerant. 1. One that cannot be tolerated, cannot be tolerated, unacceptable.

An intolerable situation. Intolerable working conditions. The conference on Kara-Bugaz... resembled a meeting of the headquarters that was preparing a campaign in the desert, declaring an irreconcilable war on the gross and intolerant mistakes of nature. ( K. Paustovsky. Kara-Bugaz). In these conditions, any kind of disorganization or arrogance is especially intolerant. Commune. 18.9. 1964. Voronezh region.

2. One who, due to his character, cannot put up with anyone, anything, recognize anyone, anything; not taking into account other people's opinions.

An intolerant person. Intolerant of other people's success.

Compare. Intolerable. Unbearable shine, light, hunger, frost, cold, stuffiness, heat, heaviness, pain, torment, sadness, grief, torment, suffering, howling, etc.

Intolerant. 1. Intolerant ritual, custom, tradition, guardianship, behavior, inaction, attitude, treatment, lag, position, character, etc.

2. Intolerant person, employee, child, wife, woman, etc.

Note. Adj. unbearable is combined with abstract nouns, denoting a person’s feelings, his physical and mental state, as well as something that affects the senses and causes a corresponding reaction in the body (see the “Compare” section). Adj. intolerant is combined with animate nouns and those that denote concepts related to human activity (see the “Compare” section).

Wrong. An intolerable [need: intolerable] situation has been created. Recording oral speech. The life of the old collective farmer became intolerable [need: unbearable]. Maria shouted at her for any reason, and Nikolai even used his fists. Ukhtomsky worker. 23.3.1958<…> The following continues examples of the erroneous use of paronyms.

In 1971 it was published "Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language", including 1 432 nests of paronyms. Its author, N.P. Kolesnikov, paronyms include not only words with the same root, but also any others that sound similar to some extent ( paronomasia: geyser - kaiser, drill - trill, spring - mine and so on.). Dictionary entries are very brief, containing only an explanation of the meanings of the components of paronymic groups.


Info lesson plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms intolerable - intolerable

2.Examples of phrases with paronyms intolerable

3.Examples of sentences with a paronym intolerable

4.Examples of phrases with paronyms intolerant

5.Examples of sentences with a paronym intolerant


INTOLERABLE. Exceeding patience, difficult to bear; unbearable, intolerable.

INTOLERANT- 1. One that cannot be tolerated, unacceptable.

2. Not taking into account other people's opinions, devoid of tolerance.


1) unbearable sound

2) unbearable bad weather

3) unbearable frost

4) unbearable cold

5) unbearable heat

6) unbearable stuffiness

7) unbearable shine

8) unbearable light

9) unbearable radiance

10) unbearable darkness

11) unbearable whiteness

12)unbearable roar

13)unbearable scream

14)unbearable howl

15) unbearable squeal

16)unbearable noise

17) unbearable noise

18)unbearable hunger

19)unbearable pain

20) unbearable heaviness

21) unbearable torment

22) unbearable torment

23)unbearable suffering

24) unbearable hunger

25) unbearable shame

26) unbearable resentment

27) unbearable falsehood

28) unbearable melancholy

29) unbearable sadness

30) unbearable grief

31)unbearable suffering

32)unbearable desire

33) unbearable itch of curiosity

34)be unbearable

35) become unbearable

36)become unbearable

37)seem intolerable


1) At first there was pain in the legs unbearable, but fear is stronger than pain. (E. Shilgo. On the crust)

2) Wandering aimlessly through the streets, he experienced unbearable melancholy. (K.G. Paustovsky. Late spring)

3) All he did was clean it several times a day. unbearable shine your boots. (K.G.Paustovsky. A Tale of Life)

4) The thought of the possible loss of this image [of the revolution] ... was to him unbearable. (V. Khodasevich. Memories of Gorky)

5) Grasshoppers are chirping, intolerable the heat is over the meadow. (V.M. Peskov. Steps on the dew)

6) The pain was very strong at times unbearable, but the doctor sprinkled jokes and jokes, and I involuntarily listened to them and endured them. (V. Bondarets. Prisoners of war)

7) The princess is cold; that night

It was frosty intolerable,

Strength has fallen; she can't bear it

Fight him more. (N.A. Nekrasov. Russian women)

8) Heat intolerable: treeless plain,

Fields, mowing and the expanse of heaven -

The sun is beating down mercilessly. (N.A. Nekrasov. Village suffering is in full swing)

9) The thought that he could lose Anatoly was for Fyodor Vasilyevich unbearable. (A.B. Chakovsky. Blockade)

10) Inflicted on my father unbearable insult. (I.S. Turgenev)

11) It was unbearable hot and stuffy. (A.P. Chekhov)

12) Like this unbearable He had never yet experienced burning thirst. (K.F. Sedykh. Dauria)

13) There were in the room intolerable heat and stuffiness. (S.T. Aksakov. Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson)

14) Unbearable swollen legs hurt. (V. Andreev. The story of one journey)

15) Fire unbearable Korchagin’s right eye flared with pain, and the left one also caught fire. And for the first time in his life, Pavel understood what blindness was - everything around him was covered with dark muslin. (N.A. Ostrovsky. How steel was hardened)

16) Pushed intolerable Itching for curiosity, Pavka quietly climbed from the roof onto the cherry tree trunk and went down into the Leshchinskys’ garden. (N.A. Ostrovsky. How steel was hardened)

17) He was overwhelmed unbearable homesickness.

18) His whole appearance expressed genuineness, unbearable grief.

19) Was always at home intolerable heat from stoves.

20) Torment of Tantalus or Tantalus (book) - unbearable torment caused by contemplation of the proximity of the desired goal and the consciousness of powerlessness, the impossibility of achieving it. (Tantalus is a hero Greek mythology, condemned to eternally languish with hunger and thirst, despite the proximity of water and tree fruits, which elude him when approaching them.)

21) Vanity, this unbearable, the tormenting thirst for success, is a great torture for the mind and consists of envy, pride and greed. (R. Burton)


1) intolerant custom

2) intolerant ritual

3) intolerant tradition

4) intolerable conditions

5) intolerable situation

6) intolerant guardianship

7) intolerant treatment

8) intolerant attitude

9) intolerable error

10) intolerant behavior

11) intolerable inaction

12) intolerant act

13) intolerant demand

14) intolerant habit

15) intolerant character

16) intolerant temper

17) intolerant nature

18) intolerant person

19) intolerant employee

20) intolerant colleague

21) intolerant friend

22) intolerant teenager

23) intolerant wife

24) intolerant director

25) intolerant leader

26) intolerant subject

27) intolerant arguer

28) intolerant of friends

29) intolerant of employees

30) intolerant of quitters

31) intolerant of talkers

32) intolerant of other people's opinions

33) intolerant of any lies

34) intolerant of theft

35) intolerant of hack work

36) intolerant of lateness

37) intolerant of incompetence

38) intolerant of infidelity

39)be an intolerant person

40)become an intolerant person

41) be considered an intolerant person

42)seem to be an intolerant person

43)appear as an intolerant person


1) The atmosphere in the house has developed intolerant, and Nikolai Afanasyevich left for Moscow, leaving his family temporarily at the Linen Factory. (I. Obodovskaya, M. Dementyev. Around Pushkin)

2) But he immediately reined himself in: “What kind of person am I? intolerant". (I. Grekov. Department)

3) The conference on Kara-Bugaz... resembled a meeting of the headquarters preparing a campaign in the desert, declaring an irreconcilable war on the rude and intolerant mistakes of nature. (K.G. Paustovsky. Kara-Bugaz)

4) Our dogmas intolerant to independent, original, independent, free judgment of others. (From periodicals)

5) This proximity [of the plant and the lake], which was not taken into account by designers at the time, is becoming more and more intolerant. (From periodicals)

6) When it comes to serious matters, he becomes tough, demanding, intolerant.

7) Marshak was partial to gifted people and intolerant to hackwork. (V. Smirnova. Books and destinies)

8) Tolerant of on-screen lies, we are absolutely intolerant to the screen truth, immediately calling it slander and malice. (From periodicals)

9) Created intolerant position.

10) Fanatic - a man passionately devoted to his faith and intolerant to other beliefs, to other believers .

11) Being a leader in the family, he intolerant regarding any attempts to deprive him of this role.

12) With age, she became categorical in her reasoning, intolerant to the opinions of others.

13) Intolerant The attitude towards sin among the people is revealed when it comes to direct violation of the commandments.

14) The narrowness of his thoughts made him unusually callous and callous in matters of politics intolerant.

15) The December logging plan is in jeopardy. Especially intolerant a situation was created in a number of collective farms in the region, where demobilization sentiments overwhelmed the chairmen themselves. (F.A. Abramov. Spills)

16) If the socio-political system of the empire dictated the fight against the new large landed hereditary aristocracy, then it also did intolerant infringement of the interests of the trade elite - the “untitled nobility,” as sources invariably call them.

17) Genocide - the extermination of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups of the population, the creation intolerant conditions for their life, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed for the complete or partial physical destruction of these groups, as well as measures to prevent births in their midst (biological genocide), the forcible transfer of children from one group to another.

18) Not too much good character the one who intolerant to the bad character of a neighbor. (Jean de La Bruyère)

19) He showed clearly biased and intolerant attitude towards the accused.

20) We are never more dissatisfied with others than when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. The consciousness of guilt makes us intolerant

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct lexical error, choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Forestry staff and firefighters worked together to extinguish a large natural fire that broke out in a swampy area.

The famous director made a film inspired by AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL motives - a group portrait of his generation.

The famous director felt an IMPORTANT need to pass on experience to young actors and therefore created his own theater.

Prolonged exposure to air has a beneficial effect on humans

Explanation (see also Rule below).

The word INTOLERANT means “unacceptable” (an intolerant situation) or “not willing to take into account the opinions of others” (an intolerant person). The context implies INTOOLERABLE.

Answer: unbearable.

Answer: unbearable

Rule: Task 5. Using paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that sound similar, but have different shades of meaning or are completely different in semantics. Among lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of a word, the most common are errors associated with non-delimitation or confusion of paronyms.

Greek in origin linguistic term"paronym" literally means "same name": Greek. para- identical, onyma- Name.

Paronyms can be called both words of the same root and similar in sound, which, despite all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

“Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of examinees is not only recognizing an error made when using paronyms, but also selecting a paronym appropriate to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals the narrowness of the examinees’ vocabulary.” To help students select paronym words, a “Dictionary of Paronyms” is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called a “dictionary”, since “Dictionaries” contain thousands of paronymous words. Minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CMMs, but learning paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will allow you to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEGE assignments contain assignments from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out forms indicate: if the short answer should be a word missing in a certain sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Dictionary of Unified State Examination paronyms. Russian language. 2019 FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - artistic

Poor - distressed

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful - grateful

Charitable - beneficial

Former - former

Inhale - sigh

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

replenish - replenish - fill - fill - overfill - replenish

Hostile - hostile

Choosing - choosing

Benefit - profitability

Issue - release - transfer - distribution

Payment - payment - payment - payment

Pay - pay - pay - repay - pay

Grow - grow - grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Guaranteed - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

Annual - annual - annual

Pride - pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - dual - double - doubled - doubled

Effective - valid - effective

Busy - businesslike - efficient - efficient

Democratic - democratic

Dictation - dictate

Diplomat - diplomat

Diplomatic - diplomatic

Long - long

Kind - kind

Confidential - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic - dramatic

Friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

Desired - desirable

Cruel - tough

Life - worldly

Housing - residential

fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off

Lower - lower - lower

Pay - pay

Fill - fill - overfill

Filled - filled - overflowing

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Ironic - ironic

Artificial - artificial

Executive - performing

Outgoing - outgoing

Rocky - stony

Comfortable - comfortable

Equestrian - horse

Chunky - root - root

Bone - bone

Colorful - dyeing - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - icy

Wooded - forest

Personal - personal

Microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezing - frosty

put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - mention

Ignorant - ignorant

Intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Unsuccessful - unlucky

Accused - Accused

Snippet - excerpt

To embrace - to embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deviation - evasion

deviate - evade

Distinguish - differentiate

Difference - difference

Memorable - memorable

Endure - endure

Buying - buying - buying

Populist - popular

Honorable - respectful - honorable

Practical - practical

Provide - submit

Representative - representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - production - productivity

Enlightening - enlightened

Journalistic - journalistic

Shy - scared

Irritability - irritability

Rhythmic - rhythmic

Romantic - romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - resistance

Neighboring - neighborly

Comparable - comparative

Stage - scenic

Technical - technical

Lucky - lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory - predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole - whole - whole

Economic - economical - economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - spectacular

Efficiency - effectiveness

Egoraeva G. T. Unified State Exam 2017. 1000 tasks with answers in the Russian language


One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The ARTISTIC restroom is a room intended for rest and preparation of artists for a performance.

He was an ignoramus, he was not interested in anything, he didn’t read anything.

UNRETURNED love will bring neither inspiration nor joy.

The Bolotnikov uprising, which COVERED a vast territory, is the first peasant war in Russia.

The teacher took a liking to a smart, MEMORABLE student.

Answer: ___________________________

Mehmed II Fatih was one of the most outstanding rulers of the Ottoman state, combining an unyielding will and insightful mind with cunning, CRUELTY and unbridled lust for power.

Olga Nikolaevna fell silent in confusion, catching the IRRITATE glance of a random fellow traveler.

Famous psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev argued: “A skillfully selected range of colors can have a BENEFICIAL effect on nervous system than other medicines."

Amazing tales of G.Kh. Andersen evokes a living CALL in the souls of children different countries.

WORD games will help develop memory, speech, and imagination.

Answer: ___________________________

On the obverse of the COMMEMORATIVE series of coins dedicated to the Olympic Games in Sochi, for the first time not a double-headed eagle appeared, but National emblem Russian Federation.

The famous director PROVIDED the audience with his vision of Russian history during the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Savely Parfenovich was known as a LUCKY hunter and fisherman.

Historical documentary“The Romanovs” is dedicated to the ROYAL dynasty of the Romanovs, who ruled Russian Empire from 1613 to 1917.

Everyone knows that one word can hurt, offend and even HUMILIATE a person.

Answer: ___________________________

Many objects of the cultural and historical heritage of our country are in disastrous condition.

The scarlet poppies looked especially EFFECTIVE on the bright green lawns of the park.

Being a man of GREAT age, Yegor Petrovich still felt young and energetic.

The air traffic controller monitors the aircraft's deviation from the course.

Our school was REPRESENTED at the Olympiad by two students.
Answer: ___________________________

They just GREW up the children, and then came the grandchildren.

Anton was their ONLY son.

Anya IMAGINED herself in a new dress and involuntarily smiled with joy.

There are certain technologies for GROWING nails.

The young leader believed that subordinates should be kept at a RESPECTIVE distance.

Answer: ___________________________

Since childhood, I dreamed of going on a LONG trip.

Teaching schoolchildren to independently analyze a literary text is the main goal of PRACTICAL classes in literature.

In beauty salons, clients are offered CLAY wraps.

DESIRED peace reigned in her home.

A Russian fighter aircraft RECOGNIZED as one of the best combat aircraft has been awarded at an international air show.

Answer: ___________________________

Sleeps well in RAINY weather.

Personal growth- This is the process of human self-improvement.

The opponent was given the floor.

Scammers various kinds often take advantage of people's trust.

In the accounting department of the plant, Sergei Ivanovich was PAID for his business trip expenses.

Answer: ___________________________

Parents always try to PROTECT their children from dubious friends and activities.

The flames blazed with DOUBLE intensity and spread to residential buildings.

It is necessary to create in schoolchildren the experience of PRODUCTIVE educational activities.

Many merchants considered honor more valuable than BENEFIT.
FRIENDLY messages are a very common genre in Russian poetry.

Answer: ___________________________

An intolerant attitude towards bad deeds must be developed from childhood.

CLAY soil becomes as strong as concrete in hot weather.

During Pushkin’s lifetime, two EXTRACTS from his novel “The Arab of Peter the Great” were published.

The merchant of the city of Slobodskoye, Ksenophon Anfilatov, is the PICKER of trade between Russia and the USA.

PREDATORY attitude towards natural resources countries.

Answer: ___________________________

Two STOCKY wrestlers entered the arena.

After the trial, the plaintiff was given a Writ of EXECUTION.
The walls of the temple were completely covered with ARTIFICIAL carvings.

Even a SINGLE case of this viral disease requires sanitary measures.

A BONE Marrow transplant is a serious operation.

Answer: ___________________________

Figures from ARTIFICIAL ice amazingly transparent and beautiful.

The main characteristic feature of this master was his amazing PRACTICAL ingenuity.

IRRITABILITY may be caused by for various reasons.

The monument was carved from a SINGLE block of marble.
The old man raised his oars - and the ROOMING river carried us along.

Answer: ___________________________

12. Representatives of literary circles and professions related to public activities often use SONIC pseudonyms instead of their real names.

An economical housewife knows how to spend money.

The cost of a SUBSCRIPTION to the pool depends on the number of visits.

In the world market, India, Ceylon and China are the main producers and suppliers of SELECTED black tea.

COMPARABLE are concepts whose content has at least one common feature.

Answer: ___________________________

The parents of the dance group participants were awarded Thanksgiving letters.

SPEED LIMIT is one of the safety measures traffic.

It is impossible to describe in words the beauty of the STONEY banks of the Lena River.

Galileo's observations provided a WHOLE series of evidence of the incorrectness of the ideas about the Universe that were defended by the church in the Middle Ages.

The heat is a GOOD excuse to go to the river.

Answer: ___________________________

14. ONE-YEAR-OLD foals are called trimmers because their manes are trimmed so that they grow smoother and better.

The faces of saints were often depicted on ROYAL flags.

An earthworm's burrow is a long, narrow channel that can reach a depth of 1.5 meters in hot summers.

The tragedy in the metro evoked a sympathetic response in the souls of millions of people both in our country and abroad.

The FROZEN blueberries we were treated to were very tasty.

Answer: ___________________________

COMFORTABLE temperature sea ​​water for swimming - not lower than 24 degrees.

BUSINESS etiquette is a set of rules that define the culture of relationships between those who are engaged or intend to engage in joint activities.

One of the most original congratulations for the birthday boy were wonderful poems MENTIONING his name.

THE INDIGENOUS population of Australia never engaged in cattle breeding, since the only large mammals on the mainland were kangaroos.


Answer: ___________________________

There are universal Life values, which are equally important for all people.

The VOCABULARY of the great William Shakespeare, according to contemporaries, amounted to more than 15,000 words.

Everyone is well aware of the EXECUTIVE talent of Fyodor Chaliapin.

IN THE IRONIC stories of A.P. In Chekhov, artistic details play a huge role.

During the operation, his OPTIC nerve was damaged.

Answer: ___________________________

THE EFFECTIVE performance of the illusionists was enhanced by mesmerizing music and a mystical atmosphere.

Financial relations are an integral part of PRODUCTION relations.

The policy of DICTATE is characteristic of imperialist states.

Fires in HIGH-RISE city buildings are extremely dangerous.
Answer: ___________________________

COMPARATIVE characteristics of heroes - one of the types creative works students for educational or control purposes literary theme.

RESISTANCE to the fascists and the traitors who collaborated with them began to take shape in Belarus from the first days of the occupation.

Clothes for every day should be beautiful and PRACTICAL.

This collection contains a lot of FACTUAL material about animals.

Predatory animals live in all countries of the world.

Answer: ___________________________

The word in an artistic context performs an AESTHETIC function.

The chairman of the collective farm was CHOSEN by the whole world.

Soon a YEAR-LONG subscription to the monthly publication was issued.

Stepan Petrovich led a team that built SOLID brick houses.

When solving equations and inequalities, the property of LIMITEDNESS of functions often plays a decisive role.

Answer: ___________________________

Hospitality has long been part of the ETHICAL code of the Georgian people.

A LUCKY purchase is the acquisition of an item of good quality and at an affordable price.

During the lesson we conducted a MICROSCOPIC study of the structure of the leaves of some indoor plants.

Bright ribbons were woven into the horse's mane.

The rocky bottom of the river was clearly visible through the thickness of the water.

Answer: ___________________________

In some cases, IRRITABILITY may be caused by side effect medicines.

Volunteers began distributing things and food to the poor.

Instant PAYMENT for any services when purchasing online can be made using a bank card.

The next “Total DICTANT” will soon take place - an annual educational event aimed at popularizing literacy and increasing interest in the Russian language.

A deep BREATH of fresh air helped me return to normal.

Answer: ___________________________

A multi-seat horse-drawn carriage is called a stagecoach.

A lot of food products were transported across the lake along the ICE road. besieged Leningrad.

The formation of a HUMANITARIAN attitude towards people and nature begins from an early age.

The brutal murder of a war veteran has shocked residents of the city.

The women put the collected mushrooms and berries in a FREEZER chest.

Answer: ___________________________

If you go for a walk, WEAR a hat and a warm jacket.

Naturalists stood frozen and watched as an INTENTIVE lynx used its claws to catch fish in the stream.

The art of Ural VARNISH painting, which originated in the 40s XVIII century, enriched artistic culture Russia.

You will have the opportunity to indicate the DESIRED age of applicants for a vacant position in your store.

A herbal decoction made from chamomile, oak bark, calendula or other herbs relieves IRRITABILITY on the skin.

Answer: ___________________________

Becoming a BONE Marrow donor is more difficult than becoming a blood donor.

He was always attracted by FOREST paths leading into the thicket of the forest.

COLOR pigment for concrete has high degree wear resistance.

ROOT system This plant is very tender and fragile.

The right bank of the river is always higher and steeper, and the left bank is flat and low.

Answer: ___________________________

Exchange and return of goods is made subject to the presence of a receipt and passport.

WOODEST strawberries are especially tasty and fragrant.
A ONE-YEAR-OLD foal is called a yearling.

The prosecutor's office opened a case of DOUBLE murder.

To catch the thief, a HIDDEN video camera was installed in the office.

Answer: ___________________________

His contemporaries tried to unravel the mystery of Vertinsky’s STAGE talent.

Sometimes schoolchildren come up with HUMILIATING nicknames for their classmates.

They say the most shy animal in the world is the okapi, or pygmy forest giraffe.

A referee from Brazil will officiate at a SELECTIVE World Cup match.

There are two internationally RECOGNIZED inventors of the automobile - Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz.

Answer: ___________________________

Over the past two years, this actor has become very POPULAR.

One of the causes of PRODUCTIVE injuries is non-compliance with safety regulations.

The features of ENLIGHTENED absolutism in our country were embodied in the policy of Catherine II.

MEMORABLE elders of the family knew many legends about ancient times.

Samba is an active and RHYTHMIC dance that came to us from Brazil.

Answer: ___________________________

Dream books claim that if you made a profitable exchange in a dream, then in reality this promises you a SUCCESSFUL acquisition.

With the DEMOCRATIC style of education, the most harmonious and versatile development of the child’s personality occurs.

VERBAL work in kindergarten It has great importance For general development child.

Homemade bread baked in a Russian oven is tastier and more aromatic than store-bought bread.

Almost all genres of literature of the 16th century are imbued with PUBLICISTIC pathos: words, teachings, legends, stories.

Answer: ___________________________

In an essay, an inaccurate quotation is a FACTUAL error.

The interior of the cathedral amazes with its beauty and GREAT vaults.

He was ready to throw the WHOLE world at the feet of his beloved.
Red, white and black are one of the most EFFECTIVE color combinations in clothing.

Predatory animals are found all over the globe, not counting Antarctica and small oceanic islands.

Answer: ___________________________

We wanted to ADD the teacher’s story with our own observations.

During the negotiations, a TRUSTING atmosphere developed.
Music has a beneficial effect on the human soul.

RAIN water, passing through the atmosphere, dissolves the oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

The instigator of the fight that occurred on board the plane turned out to be a drunken passenger from Saratov.

Answer: ___________________________

Through the DOUBLE frames one could hear the rooks rustling in the garden and the starlings singing.

In pre-Petrine times in Rus', GROWING a beard was treated with great respect.

The GUARANTEED shelf life of milk powder does not exceed six months.

Francis Bacon is called the last major philosopher of the Renaissance and the FOUNDER of modern philosophy.

The UN International Panel on Climate Change has recognized that it is man's IRRESPONSIBLE attitude towards nature that has caused rapid climate change over the past fifty years.

Answer: ___________________________

CLAY toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times.

2011 in the USA is considered a DISASTER year: it was marked by many different hurricanes, floods, and fires.

The astronomer clung to the telescope, observing the rare celestial phenomenon with DOUBLE attention.

IN modern world It’s not so easy to GROW and raise a worthy person.

Residents of damp SWAMPY places can sometimes see an amazing sight: on dark autumn nights, somewhere in a swamp or in an old forgotten cemetery, many lights are dancing.

Answer: ___________________________

During the years of studying at the conservatory, my friend more than once became a laureate and DIPLOMAT of major international music competitions.

HORSE hair in Indian culture has long been used in black and white magic both to protect against evil forces and to attract them.

When processing BONE crafts, craftsmen use special small iron files.

Tell me, what underlies the COMPARATIVE characteristics of two literary heroes?

An international team of scientists found a tooth in one of the caves, which is evidence that dentistry already existed in the STONE AGE.

Answer: ___________________________

From many ports around the world to circumnavigation COMFORTABLE, handsome liners are coming out.

My daughter is already married, and she has a DUAL surname.

In the taiga, a MICROSCOPIC midge - midge - gets into your eyes, ears, mouth, gets into the folds of clothes, and there is no escape from these blood-sucking insects.

Some scientists have developed the belief that with modern AWARENESS about the state of nature and humanity, it is possible to foresee the future.

Very popular in films, especially in last years, topic of ARTIFICIAL intelligence.

Answer: ___________________________

Loan words in Russian literary language A DOUBLE fate awaited.

A doctor is perhaps the most HUMANE profession.

In Tsarskoe Selo, a ceremony was held for Germany to GIVE AWAY a painting stolen by the Nazis from Catherine Palace during the Great Patriotic War.

The NEIGHBOR'S dog, seeing us, happily wagged his tail.
A SCARED bear often rears up to inspect the area.

Answer: ___________________________

Over the decades of its development, the architecture of classicism has undergone significant changes and how art system, and as a reflection of changing preferences.

Measures to protect consumer rights were discussed by participants at the CONSUMER conference, which was held in a large metropolitan store.

A rich harvest of wheat was harvested in the NEIGHBORING region.

The DIFFERENCE between a novel and a story is that it is characterized by a large-scale depiction of the events described, a multifaceted plot, and a wide time frame.

A giant deposit of iron ore caused a sharp DEVIATION of the magnetic compass needle.

Answer: ___________________________

This first meeting gave me a DUAL impression: I was proud to have seen Tolstoy, but his conversation with me was reminiscent of an exam.

A RIGID training schedule helped the athlete regain his previous physical shape.

Nastya’s unbearable joyful anticipation gave way to anxiety, despair, and shame.

A skier's UNSUCCESSFUL jump caused a serious leg injury.

A SLIP of rope dangled around the neck of an emaciated, exhausted dog.

Answer: ___________________________

38. Olga put on her coat and ran out into the street.

Forecasters predict a RAINY summer.

Zinnia and salvia, sage and marigolds, impatiens and begonias growing side by side look ideal in COLORFUL flower beds.

RAIN clouds sometimes have strange shapes.
Then I did not yet know, of course, the DOUBLE meaning of Andersen’s fairy tales.

Answer: ___________________________

Actress Chulpan Khamatova is a co-founder of the Gift of Life CHARITY Foundation.

Government employees must SUBMIT income information.

The topic of the conversation seemed unfamiliar to the journalist, and he chose to remain silent so as not to be branded an IGNORANT.

Our ancestors in Rus' gave their children SOUNDING names.

The auditorium could not accommodate everyone who wanted to see the performance of the famous dance group.

Answer: ___________________________

I am a MTS cellular SUBSCRIBER.
OUTGOING correspondence must be recorded in special journals.

The speed of propagation of SOUND waves depends on the elasticity and density of the medium.

THE MENTION of this man's name made a huge impression on the listeners.

In the exquisite beauty of the jewelry, the ARTIFICIAL work of a great master was visible.

Answer: ___________________________

Intolerable - difficult to bear.
Examples of use: unbearable stuffiness, pain, heat, thirst.

Impatient - 1) having difficulty enduring something, 2) expressing impatience.
Examples of use: impatient person, look; impatient movement, tapping, impatient posture.

Intolerant - one that is impossible to put up with.
Examples of use: intolerant attitude, intolerant act, intolerant behavior, intolerant behavior.

Accused - Accused

Accused - participle from ch. accuse, one who is found guilty.
Examples of use: accused of theft, accused of lying, accused of embezzling funds, accused of a crime, innocently accused, accused of murder.

Accusatory - containing an accusation.
Examples of use: indictment, indictment, indictment, indictment.

To become weak - to become weak

Exhaust- exhaust, deprive, weaken, exhaust, bleed Dictionary of Russian synonyms. to weaken see to exhaust

Exhaust -Become powerless. The patient became weak.

Snippet - excerpt

Scrap - 1) a torn piece, 2) a part.
Examples of use: a piece of paper, a piece of newspaper, scraps of thread, fragments of phrases, fragments of conversation.

Paronym word

Excerpt - a small part of a work, a fragment.
Examples of use: an excerpt of a poem, an excerpt of a story, an excerpt of music, an excerpt of a play.

To embrace - to embrace

Grasp - embrace from different sides, hug.
Examples of use: clasp your head in your hands, sit with your hands clasped around your knees.

Cover - 1) to embrace, embrace, 2) to position themselves around, nearby, to encircle, 3) to spread over the entire surface, throughout the entire space, 4) to outflank the enemy, 5) to involve someone in some activity, 6) to take complete possession .
Examples of use: my grandmother engulfed (synonymously: clasped) my head with her hands, the forest engulfed the dacha on three sides, the steppe engulfed the village on all sides, the fire engulfed the entire building, I was seized with trembling, she was seized with fear, the election campaign covered the entire region, the population census covered the entire country , we surrounded the Germans from three sides.

Limitation - limitation

Limitation - boundaries, boundaries in any activity.
Examples of use: job restrictions, limited capabilities, limited rights, seasonal restrictions, age restrictions.

Limitation- 1) small opportunities, 2) a property of a person, group of people, society.
Examples of use: limited in money, limited in opportunities, limited in time, limited in mind, limited in possessive psychology, limited in authority; her, his, their limitations.

limit - limit - limit

Limit. Put in some borders, frames; embarrass smb. conditions. Restrict movement around the country.

Delimit . 1) Having drawn and established a boundary, separate one from the other. Bound with a ditch. 2) Having established differences between something, separate, isolate.

Delimit. Divide, define, set boundaries; demarcate. Delimit areas. Delimit lands.

2. transfer Having defined, isolated, separated from each other. Distinguish between concepts. Separate responsibilities.

Single – single – single

Single - consisting of one part, not double.
Examples of use: single door, frame; single thread.

Lonely - 1) existing separately from others, 2) having no family or relatives, 3) occurring alone.
Examples of use: lonely pine, lonely house, lonely person, lonely life, lonely old age, lonely walk, lonely thinking.

Single - 1) alone, 2) without the help of anyone.
Examples of use: single shot, leopards are characterized by a solitary lifestyle, solitary hunting.

Call - response

Hail - exclamation, shout.
Examples of use: a quiet call, an unexpected call, a sharp call, a call “Stop!” Who goes?"

Response - 1) a response to an appeal, 2) a state of mind that appears as a result of some influence, 3) a review, article, letter.
Examples of use: there was no response, a quiet response, no response came, I heard an inaudible response, evoke a response in the soul, awaken a response, responses in the newspaper, responses on the Internet, responses to the film.

Wary - dangerous

Cautious - fearful, fearful, cautious.
Examples of use: apprehensive thought, apprehensive reaction, apprehensive old lady.

Paronym word

Dangerous - representing a danger.
Examples of use: dangerous area, dangerous criminal, dangerous situation case, dangerous situation.

Organic – organic

Organic - 1) adj. to noun organism; characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms.
Examples of use: organic world, organic nature, organic matter, organic life; organic residues.

2) adj. to noun limited; touching internal structure; relating to the foundations, the very essence of something.
Examples of use: organic heart damage; organic unity of theory and practice, organic aversion to lies.

Organic - conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something.
Examples of use: organic fusion of the best human qualities, strong and organic relationships, organic process, a single organic ensemble, organic actor, organic performance on stage; truthful, reliable, organic transmission of the most subtle movements of the soul.

Selective – qualifying

Selected - 1) selected from others as the best, 2) obscene.
Examples of use: selected grain, selected cast, selected berries; selective swearing, selective swearing.

Paronym word

Qualifying - for selection purposes.
Examples of use: qualifying competitions, selection committee

Deviation - evasion

Deviation move to the side

Evasion- 1) deviation 2) abstaining from something, 3) change from the original direction.

deviate - evade

Deviate - move to the side.
Examples of use: The compass needle deviates for a split second and again takes the correct position, the speedometer needle deviates to the right, we deviate from our goal, you are deviating from the topic.

Dodge - 1) deviate, move away, 2) refrain from doing something, 3) change the original direction.
Examples of use: avoid blows, shirk responsibilities, avoid conversation, deviate from the original course.

Distinguish (s) – distinguish (s)

Differ - 1) to recognize something among other things, 2) to reward, to highlight (obsolete).
Examples of use: he doesn’t know rye from wheat, he was distinguished by a promotion.

Distinguish - 1) to recognize by sight or other senses, 2) to distinguish.
Examples of use: it is difficult to distinguish in the dark, to distinguish her voice, to distinguish shades of color, to distinguish the manner of performance.

Difference - difference

Difference - 1) a sign that creates a difference, 2) merit (obsolete), 3) sign, title, diploma, etc. indicators of recognition of someone's merits.
Examples of use: understand the difference, grasp the difference, combat differences, graduate from the university with honors.

Difference - 1) difference, dissimilarity.
Examples of use: the difference between us, the difference between the lyrical hero and the author, the difference between a photograph and a painting.

Shake off - Shake off

Shake off - shake off (remove something by moving your hand or using something).
Examples of use: shake off crumbs, dust, shake off snow from your feet, shake off your feet with a broom, shake off a dusty magazine.

Shake off - 1) remove something with a characteristic movement, 2) get rid of something.
Examples of use: shake off the snow from your hat, shake off drops of water from your umbrella, shake off fear, shake off unpleasant memories.

Memorable – memorable

Retentive. Having a good memory, being able to remember easily, having a special tendency to remember. Memorable person, student, interlocutor, storyteller.

Memorable. 1. Preserved in memory, unforgettable. Memorable day

2. only full. f. Serving for references, records, for storing something in memory. Commemorative list

Endure - endure

Endure it - to survive, to endure something unpleasant, difficult.
Examples of use: endure difficulties, endure cold, thirst, heat.

Endure - 1) experience, endure something unpleasant, difficult, 2) undergo a change.
Examples of use: endure all difficulties and hardships, endure punishment; undergo change, undergo deformation, undergo transformation.