Rules for landscaping the territory of a municipality. Improvement of municipal territories

In order to improve quality design work, implementing the main directions of urban development, methodological recommendations have been created that establish general parameters and the recommended minimum combination of landscaping elements to create a safe, comfortable and attractive environment for the territories municipalities.

The recommendations can be used in whole or in part to develop norms and rules for the improvement of urban and rural settlements, municipal districts, urban districts or intracity territories of a city of federal significance for use in design, monitoring the implementation of measures for landscaping, and operation of landscaped areas.

It is recommended that the development of local norms and rules for landscaping be carried out taking into account the approved urban planning documentation.

A standardized set of landscaping elements is established as part of local norms and rules for landscaping the territory by the local government body.

Territory improvement objects - territories of the municipality where improvement activities are carried out: sites, courtyards, blocks, functional planning formations, territories administrative districts and districts of urban districts, as well as territories allocated on the basis of a unified urban planning regulation (protection zones) or visual-spatial perception (a square with buildings, a street with adjacent territory and buildings), other territories of the municipality.

Objects of rationing of territory improvement are the territories of a municipality, for which the norms and rules for territory improvement establish: a regulated set of improvement elements, norms and rules for their placement on a given territory. Such territories may be: sites for various functional purposes, pedestrian communications, driveways, public spaces, areas and zones of public, residential development, sanitary protection zones of industrial development, recreational facilities, road network settlement, technical (security-operational) zones of engineering communications.

Territory cleaning is a type of activity associated with the collection and removal to specially designated areas of production and consumption waste, other garbage, snow, as well as other activities aimed at ensuring the environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population, and the protection environment.

For landscape organization of improvement areas, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

Safety - the absence of any contact with vehicle driveways, utility sites, transit routes through the yard of strangers, which can be achieved by creating bulk hills, raising or lowering the ground level, creating ramps, emphasizing entrances and dangerous places;

Visibility - the ability to observe the entire territory, leaving the rear safe, the opportunity for a mother or grandmother to watch her child from the window of her apartment;

Scale - correspondence of the size and division of space to the size of the child: low steps, low borders, small-sized play devices intended for small children;

Active contact - the environment for children and the elderly should be designed to allow active contact with each other, allowing the choice of location.

The conditions for comfortable living in a residential community are determined by the possibility of parking and temporary storage of a personal car in the immediate vicinity of the apartment. This condition will create a rather complex problem, since the yard area must be a safe and environmentally friendly place that is incompatible with storing a car there. The comfort of living depends on what becomes a priority in resolving this issue.

The width of passages through the yard is strictly standardized and depends on the technical conditions of vehicles. But at what distance from the wall of a residential building to place it, how to properly think through the routing of the driveway, this will determine whether the car will become the owner of the courtyard area or whether it will give way to a resident.

“RULES FOR IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION OF THE CITY OF VLADIMIR 1. General provisions 1. Rules for the improvement and maintenance of the territory of the municipal..."

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to a decision

Council of People's Deputies

city ​​of Vladimir

dated July 23, 2014 No. 141




1. General Provisions

1. Rules for the improvement and maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation city

Vladimir (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed on the basis of Federal Laws of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in Russian Federation", dated November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", SNiP III-10-75 "Improvement of territories", SNiP 2.

07.01-89* “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”, Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 No. 613 “On approval of Methodological recommendations for the development of norms and rules for the improvement of territories of municipalities”, Resolution of the State Construction Committee dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock", SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of the Territory of Populated Areas", Instructions for the Organization and Technology of Mechanized Cleaning of Populated Areas, approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated July 12, 1978, Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 1999 No. 153 “On approval of the Rules for the creation, protection and maintenance of green spaces in the cities of the Russian Federation”, Charter of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir.

2. These Rules establish uniform requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings), structures and land plots on which they are located, to appearance facades and fences of relevant buildings and structures, determine the list of landscaping works and the frequency of their implementation, establish the procedure for the participation of owners of buildings (premises in them) and structures in the improvement of adjacent territories, establish requirements for the improvement and maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir (including street lighting , landscaping of the territory, installation of signs with street names and house numbers, placement and maintenance of small architectural forms).

3. The organization of work on the improvement and maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir is provided by the owners and (or) persons authorized by them who are users of land plots, buildings, structures and structures, unless otherwise established by law.

The procedure for the participation of owners of buildings (premises therein) and structures in the improvement of adjacent territories is established by a municipal legal act of the city administration.

2. Basic concepts.

The following concepts apply in these Rules:

A dry toilet is a portable, mobile or stationary chamber-type toilet that uses special bio-additives to eliminate odors and decompose liquid household waste, mobile toilet cabins.

A boulevard is a green area of ​​linear shape intended for transit pedestrian traffic, walks, and everyday recreation.

Improvement and maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir is a complex of measures provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir, as well as for the design and placement of improvement facilities aimed at ensuring and increasing the comfort of living of citizens, maintaining and improving the sanitary and aesthetic condition of the territory.

Abandoned and dismantled vehicles - a vehicle that is technically faulty, dismantled, unfit for use, which the owner abandoned in accordance with the procedure established by law, or does not have an owner, located in places not intended for these purposes.

Storage hopper is a non-standard metal container for collecting waste, including bulky waste, for short-term storage with a volume of about 8 cubic meters. meters.

Owner - an individual or legal entity, regardless of the organizational and legal form, an individual entrepreneur who owns property or has other property rights.

Visual information – information in the form of inscriptions, drawings, photographs, posters, announcements, posters, leaflets, printed on paper or made using synthetic materials, videos, etc.

The entrance group is a complex of devices and functional parts of the improvement at the entrance to the building.

Removal of solid household waste (bulk waste) is a system for removing waste from specially equipped waste collection sites using specialized and other specially equipped transport.

Lawn is an improvement object, an area with plant soil, having green spaces of natural or artificial origin.

Guest parking (drive-in pockets) - open areas intended for parking cars of visitors to residential buildings, service facilities, including shopping centers, complexes, shops, retail markets and fairs, public service facilities, pavilions, kiosks, etc. .

Waste removal schedule is a document defining the frequency of waste removal, indicating the address of the waste collection point, the volume of waste removal and the time of removal.

Waste disposal is the isolation of waste that is not subject to further use in special storage facilities in order to prevent the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Excavation work is work associated with the violation of elements of external improvement and the natural landscape of the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir.

Use of waste – use of waste for the production of goods (products), performance of work, provision of services or for energy production.

Container - standard capacity up to 1.5 cubic meters. m for collecting solid household waste.

Container site - a specially equipped site for installing container(s) or storage bunker(s).

Bulky waste (hereinafter - BGM) is waste from consumption and economic activities (household appliances, furniture, etc.), which has lost its consumer properties, does not fit into a container in size and nature, is collected in storage bins or placed in specially designated areas.

Comprehensive maintenance of a container site - maintenance of a container site by a legal entity, including the following types of work: emptying containers for collecting solid waste, cleaning inside the container site and the surrounding area within a radius of 5 meters from the edge of the site, complete removal of waste stored on the site, including waste generated during construction, repair, reconstruction of buildings (construction waste), wood cuttings, bulky waste.

Gutter zone is a part of the road or sidewalk 0.5 m wide, adjacent to the curb and designed to collect precipitation and pass surface water.

Small architectural forms are types of structures or other objects of different nature and purpose that complement and detail an architectural, urban planning or gardening composition, and are also elements of equipment and improvement of the urban environment.

Places of mass presence of people - areas where simultaneous accumulation of people is possible large quantity people: approaches to train stations, transport stops, areas of markets, fairs, shopping areas, shopping centers, cinemas, city squares, squares, parks, stadiums, etc.

Places (territories) of public use - territories that are freely used by an unlimited number of people (including parks, squares, groves, gardens, boulevards, squares, streets, embankments).

A metal awning of the “shell” or “pencil case” type is a non-stationary object of movable property, owned by a legal entity or individual, intended to cover a vehicle, placed on the territory of the city without carrying out capital preparatory work.

Garbage - small heterogeneous dry or wet waste.

Ice is a thin layer of ice formed as a result of snow melting due to temperature changes (formed on roofs, sidewalks, road surfaces, etc.).

Unauthorized waste dump - unauthorized (unauthorized) dumping (placement) or storage of solid household waste, bulky waste, production and construction waste, and other waste generated in the course of the activities of legal entities or individuals on the territory used, but not intended for waste disposal.

Waste disposal facility is a specially equipped structure designed for waste disposal (landfill, sludge storage facility, etc.).

Allotted territory is a plot of land owned by legal entities or individuals on the right of ownership or other proprietary right, lease or gratuitous fixed-term use.

A settling tank is a pool or reservoir designed to purify liquids while gradually separating impurities that fall into the residue.

Production and consumption waste (hereinafter referred to as waste) is the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other items or products that were generated in the process of production or consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties.

Basement - a floor where the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

Flooding is a rise in groundwater levels caused by rising water levels in rivers.

The entrance to a residential building is a non-residential common area intended for maintenance, use and access to residential and non-residential premises, which is in common ownership of the owners of an apartment building.

Adjacent territory is a land plot registered in accordance with the procedure established by law on which an apartment building with landscaping and landscaping elements is located, including territories intended for organizing recreation areas for adults, children’s games, for physical education, for economic purposes, parking for cars, green plantings, creating pedestrian paths, driveways.

Adjacent territory is an area 5 meters wide, directly adjacent to the boundaries of a land plot, building, structure, fence, construction site, retail facilities, consumer market facilities, advertising and other facilities owned or used by legal entities, individuals, individual entrepreneurs.

Waste disposal - storage and disposal of waste.

Sanitary cleaning of the territory is a set of organizational and technical measures for the collection, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste generated in populated areas.

Sanitary maintenance of territories is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the environmental, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Waste collection is the acceptance or receipt of waste from individuals and legal entities for the purpose of further use, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of such waste.

A landfill is an area where production and consumption waste, municipal solid waste and bulky waste are located, the use of which is not expected for the foreseeable future.

Waste storage is an activity related to the orderly placement of waste in premises, structures, and designated areas of the territory for the purpose of controlled storage for a certain period of time.

A snow dump is a plot of land specially designated for the removal of snow mass.

Icicles are icy liquid in the form of an elongated cone, formed during runoff from roofs, canopies, balconies, drainpipes, etc.

A specialized economic entity is a legal entity, regardless of its legal form, or an individual entrepreneur who has at his disposal specialized transport and equipment to perform a certain type of activity.

Outdoor advertising and information means - structures for placing advertising (advertising structures, advertising media) and (or) non-advertising (signs) information intended for an indefinite number of people. These include various carriers of advertising and information messages attached to buildings, structures, land plots, vehicles and other objects and designed for visual perception from urban space, namely:

roof installations, panels, panel installations, electronic displays, screens, brackets, awnings, pillars, banners, construction nets, projection and other materials intended for the projection of advertising onto any surfaces, equipment, balloons, aerostats, etc.

Failure to comply with the waste removal schedule is a failure of a specialized business entity to comply with the established waste removal schedule.

Sweep - small garbage collected from the roadway of the street or sidewalk into the tray area, consisting of soil and sand deposits, dust, fallen leaves, glass and paper.

Packaged waste removal is the removal by specialized vehicles of waste stored in containers or storage bins.

Transportation of waste is the movement of waste using vehicles outside the boundaries of a land plot owned by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, or provided to them on other rights.

Hard coating is a surface whose top layer is made of asphalt concrete and cement mixtures, concrete and tile (decorative) coating.

Solid household waste is waste generated as a result of the life of the population (food waste, containers and packaging, household and construction waste).

Restricted use territory - a land plot within a civil or industrial development, access to which for third parties is limited in accordance with the requirements of the law or the decision of its owner.

A typical fence is a strong, stable, continuous fence without visible damage that prevents people from accidentally entering objects that pose an increased danger.

Territory cleaning is a set of activities related to the regular cleaning of the territory from dirt, debris, snow, ice, waste, collection and removal of production and consumption waste and (or) other garbage to specially designated areas, as well as other activities aimed at ensuring environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population.

Waste disposal is an activity related to the use of waste at the stages of its technological cycle, and (or) ensuring the reuse or recycling of decommissioned products.

Street equipment is an integral part of the external improvement of urban areas (equipment for small retail trade and summer cafes, public transport stops, guest parking, parking lots, utility and sanitary equipment, advertising and information objects, public toilets, gazebos, garbage bins, etc.). P.).

Authorized persons - persons who have entered into a property agreement under which property is transferred for temporary possession, use or only temporary use; The object of a property contract is movable and immovable things, including: land, enterprises, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and other things that do not lose their natural properties during their use.

Management organization - an organization (or individual entrepreneur) that manages an apartment building and maintains it, regardless of its organizational and legal form (management organization, homeowners' association (HOA), housing construction cooperative (HBC).

Building facade - the outer side of a building or structure. There are main facade, street facade, courtyard facade, side facade.

Waste storage is the maintenance of waste in waste disposal facilities for the purpose of its subsequent disposal, neutralization or use.

Private homeownership is a set of residential buildings and ancillary buildings (garage, shed, greenhouses, etc.) owned by a citizen on the right of private ownership, located on a separate plot of land, owned and used by the relevant person on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds.

Improvement elements - improvement objects, which are decorative, technical, planning, structural devices, plant components, different kinds equipment and design, small architectural forms, non-permanent non-stationary structures, outdoor advertising and information, festive decorations used as components of landscaping.

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3.1 Basic provisions.

3.1.1. Comprehensive maintenance of container sites and (or) waste removal is carried out at the expense of their own funds by legal entities and individuals, including owners (owners) of private households, individual entrepreneurs on the basis of concluded agreements with specialized business entities.

Transfer of waste for disposal is permitted to specialized business entities that have a license for this type of activity, on the basis of an agreement for waste disposal with a specialized business entity.

Agreements must be concluded on the basis of quantitative indicators of organizations and enterprises characterizing the accumulation of waste (size of retail space, number of students, number of beds, etc.).

An order for services is made in writing by drawing up an agreement. A copy of this document must be issued to the consumer of services.

3.1.2. It is not allowed to throw out waste and (or) burn it in the city, including in waste collection containers and storage bins.

3.2. Organization of waste collection.

3.2.1. All legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs must have containers on container sites, placed in accordance with the technical passport for the structure, and (or) storage bins or agreements for storing waste on container sites with their owners.

Waste should be stored only in these containers. It is prohibited to store waste in other places.

It is prohibited to throw carcasses of animals, birds, other biological waste, bulky waste and construction waste into waste collection containers.

To collect bulky waste at container sites, special places designated for these purposes must be equipped, indicated by an appropriate sign.

When storing waste temporarily, the possibility of rotting and decomposition must be excluded. The storage period should not exceed one day from the date of last export.

3.2.2. Containers and storage bins must be in good technical condition and painted.

3.2.3. Containers, storage bunkers and areas under them must be treated with disinfectant compounds at least once every 10 days (except in winter).

Responsibility for processing lies with the organizations responsible for the maintenance of container sites.

3.2.4. Containers and storage bins are placed (installed) on specially equipped container sites.

It is prohibited to install containers and storage bins on the roadway, sidewalks, lawns and in the passage arches of houses in newly built facilities. Where the territory and the possibility of passage of special equipment allow, container sites should be moved from lawns, sidewalks and roadways.

3.2.5. Container sites for waste collection must have a hard surface, convenient access for specialized vehicles, and have a fence on three sides with a height of at least 1.5 m to prevent waste from entering the adjacent territory.

The fencing of container sites must be made of dense (reinforced concrete, brick, metal) material; fencing made of lattice, mesh or wooden material is not allowed.

3.2.6. Container sites must be located at a distance of no less than 20 m and no more than 100 m from residential buildings, children's institutions, children's playgrounds and sports grounds. The size of the sites must be designed to accommodate the installation of the required number of containers, but not more than 5.

In the territories of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, sites for installing containers and storage bunkers must be located at a distance of no less than 20 and no more than 500 m from the boundaries of the plots.

In areas of existing development, where it is not possible to comply with the established gaps, these distances are established by a commission organized upon application interested person(with the participation of the district administration, the management organization (or HOA, housing cooperative), the department of architecture, urban planning and land resources of the Vladimir city administration, the housing and communal services department of the Vladimir city administration, the environmental protection department of the Vladimir city administration. The commission’s act is approved by the district administration.

3.2.7. Container sites must be equipped with special means to accommodate the following information:

Date and time of waste removal;

Telephone number of the organization carrying out waste removal;

Name of the organization carrying out waste removal;

– name and telephone number of the person responsible for maintaining the container site.

3.2.8. Container sites and storage bin installation sites must be cleared of waste and kept clean and tidy.

3.2.9. Legal entities and their officials, individuals, individual entrepreneurs, to whom the relevant housing facilities, non-residential buildings and structures belong by right of ownership, lease or other property right, or under the management and (or) maintenance of which they are located, must ensure free access to containers, storage bunkers, timely bringing of access roads into normal operational condition, including in cases of snow drifts, ice, etc.

3.2.10. The collection and temporary storage of production waste from industrial enterprises generated as a result of economic activities is carried out by these enterprises in places specially equipped for these purposes in accordance with sanitary standards and rules.

Storage of waste on the territory of the enterprise outside of specially designated areas is prohibited.

3.2.11. In the territories of garage-building cooperatives (GSK, PGK and other forms of entities), areas for storing cars, gardening, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, separate collection is organized car tires, scrap metal, etc. on areas with a hard surface, under a canopy.

3.2.12. Overfilling containers and storage bins with waste is not allowed.

Overflow refers to the filling of a container or storage bin with waste above the level of the container.

3.2.13. Waste spilled during unloading from containers into specialized transport or loading a storage bin within a radius of 2 meters is cleaned up by employees of the waste removal organization.

3.2.14. At the entrance to service sector enterprises, in the territories of markets and fairs, in parks, squares, boulevards, recreation areas, at the entrance to educational institutions, health care and other places of mass visiting of the population, on the streets, near apartment buildings (if the decision to install trash bins has been made general meeting of owners of premises in this building), stationary trash cans should be installed at passenger transport stops.

The installation of ballot boxes is carried out by a legal entity or individual, individual entrepreneur, who owns, leases or has other property rights, or who manages these objects.

The trash bins are cleaned by the organization responsible for maintaining the area as they are filled, but at least once a day. The bins are washed as they become dirty, but at least once a week. Bins located at passenger transport stops are cleaned and disinfected by organizations that clean the stops, and bins installed at retail facilities are cleaned and disinfected by the owners of retail facilities.

Painting and sanitization bins are carried out by the organization responsible for the maintenance of this territory, as necessary.

Overfilling waste collection bins above the capacity level is not permitted.

3.2.15. The garbage chute must be equipped with devices that allow it to be cleaned, disinfected and disinfested.

3.2.16. Storage (including temporary) of plant soil, as well as soil not contaminated with hazardous substances and garbage on municipal territory, as well as lands belonging to state undelimited property, is permitted on free plots, with the obligatory approval of its storage with the district administration and the environmental protection department environment of the Vladimir city administration.

3.3. Organization of comprehensive maintenance of container sites:

3.3.1. Comprehensive maintenance of container sites is carried out by specialized business entities on the basis of contracts.

Comprehensive services are provided in accordance with a schedule that specifies the addresses of waste collection points, the volume of waste removal and the time of removal.

In case of non-compliance with the schedule for more than 3 hours, deterioration of the sanitary situation or damage to the environment, specialized business entities are liable in accordance with current legislation.

3.3.2. Specialized business entities engaged in comprehensive maintenance of container sites in the city are recommended to submit the following information to the housing and communal services department and district administrations of the city of Vladimir on a quarterly basis no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period:

– schedules for comprehensive maintenance of container sites, indicating the address, volume, time and frequency of removal, including for private households;

– information on private households;

– a list of enterprises and organizations that have entered into contracts for comprehensive maintenance of container sites;

– volumes of quarterly waste removal;

– a list of enterprises and organizations that have terminated contracts for comprehensive maintenance of container sites.

3.3.3. Comprehensive maintenance of container sites should be carried out no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 10:00 p.m.

3.4. Organization of collection and removal of waste from private households.

3.4.1. Owners of private households are required to store waste in specially designated places, which are determined and organized by district administrations, with the participation of the department of architecture, urban planning and land resources and the environmental protection department of the Vladimir city administration, and the waste collection company. Waste collection sites must have clear access roads.

3.4.2. Waste removal from private households is carried out using containers.

3.4.3. Owners of private households are obliged to prevent the formation of landfills and pollution of their own and adjacent territories.

3.4.4. Removal of waste from private households is carried out on the basis of a written agreement concluded by the owner of a private household with a specialized business entity.

3.4.5. Waste removal from private households is carried out based on the waste removal schedule.

Waste removal is carried out no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 10:00 p.m.

Copies of schedules for waste removal from private households are provided to district administrations in order to monitor its compliance. In the event of a delay in schedule for more than 3 hours, the district administration notifies the specialized business entity about this fact during the current working day. The specialized business entity is obliged to eliminate the consequences of the schedule failure within the next working day.

3.4.6. The placement (storage and disposal) of waste is carried out by a specialized business entity that has a license to carry out this type of activity, on the basis of a placement agreement with a specialized business entity.

3.5. Collection of liquid household waste (LMW) in unsewered housing stock and private households.

3.5.1. To collect liquid household waste in unsewered housing stock and private households, settling tanks are installed, which must have a waterproof cesspool, an above-ground part with a lid and a grate to separate solid fractions. For easy cleaning of the grate, the front wall of the settling tanks should be removable or opening.

3.5.2. A latrine must have an above-ground part and a cesspool. The cesspool must be waterproof, the volume of which is calculated based on the population using the latrine. The depth of the cesspool depends on the groundwater level and should not be more than 3 m. It is not allowed to fill the cesspool with sewage higher than 0.35 m from the surface of the earth. The cesspool should be cleaned as it fills, but at least once every six months.

Unsewered latrines and settling tanks are disinfected with solutions of the following composition:

bleach - 10%;

sodium hypochloride-3 - 5%;




sodium metasilicate-10%.

Do not use dry bleach.

3.5.3. Reinforced waste is removed as it accumulates in settling tanks. Overfilling of settling tanks (cesspools) beyond the capacity for which they are designed is not allowed.

Removal of reinforced waste from unsewered latrines and settling tanks (cesspools) filled in accordance with the capacity must be carried out within 24 hours.

3.5.4. Control over the sanitary maintenance of non-sewered latrines, garbage disposals and sedimentation tanks is carried out by district administrations.

3.5.5. The construction and operation of drainage stations for reinforced waste and waste disposal points is entrusted to the organization under whose economic control or operational management these facilities are located.

3.6. Procedure for handling production waste and construction waste.

3.6.1. Storage and disposal of industrial waste is carried out by waste owners at waste disposal sites in the manner prescribed by law.

3.6.2. Removal of industrial waste to its destination can be carried out by the owner of the waste independently or on the basis of an agreement on the provision of waste removal services.

3.6.3. When carrying out construction work, major repairs, reconstruction of facilities, dismantling of buildings, construction waste is collected until the volume of transport shipments accumulates in the manner determined by the section of the project documentation “Construction Organization”.

Construction waste is removed to authorized waste disposal, use and recycling facilities. Responsibility for the removal of generated waste, compliance with environmental requirements and the established procedure for their handling rests with the person acting as a contractor during the execution of work, unless otherwise provided by the contract with the customer.

3.6.4. When carrying out routine repairs of buildings without allocating a construction site, temporary storage of construction waste is carried out in storage bins installed near the construction site without blocking the passage of vehicles and the passage of people.

Placing waste on lawns and littering the surrounding area is not permitted.

Responsibility for the removal of generated waste, compliance with environmental requirements and the established waste management procedure rests with the owners and tenants of buildings and structures (waste owners), unless otherwise provided in the work contract.

3.6.5. Neutralization of hazardous chemical substances is carried out by specialized organizations at contractual basis. The costs of neutralizing chemically hazardous substances are borne by the owners of these substances or the owners of buildings and territories where they are found.

3.7. Organization of collection, removal and disposal of mercury-containing waste.

3.7.1. Mercury-containing waste of hazard class 1, which poses a threat of persistent environmental pollution and harm to human health, is subject to neutralization at specialized facilities for the demercurization of mercury-containing waste. Mercury-containing waste includes products, devices and instruments containing mercury that have lost their consumer properties: spent mercury lamps, mercury-containing tubes, mercury valves and thermometers, devices and waste.

3.7.2. The neutralization of mercury-containing waste at demercurization facilities, as well as the delivery of metallic mercury to specialized enterprises that collect, store and dispose of these types of waste, are carried out under agreements concluded between the supplier of mercury-containing waste, mercury and the receiver.

3.7.3. The costs of neutralizing mercury-containing products and demercurization of mercury-contaminated areas are borne by waste owners and owners of mercury-contaminated objects and territories.

Legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs are equally obliged to comply with the established procedure for neutralization, to prevent the presence of mercury-containing waste and metallic mercury in the total mass of waste sent for disposal.

3.7.4. Keeping records of mercury-containing waste. At all sites of economic and other activities carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir, the presence and movement of mercury-containing waste is recorded. At all facilities of economic activity related to the management of mercury-containing waste in the municipality of the city of Vladimir, persons responsible for accounting and handling of mercury-containing waste are appointed by order of the head. Accounting for mercury-containing waste is carried out using a special log.

3.7.5. Procedure for collection, accumulation and storage of mercury-containing waste. All mercury-containing waste generated as a result of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and the population are subject to mandatory collection, removal, and disposal by specialized organizations. It is strictly prohibited to bury or destroy mercury-containing waste outside designated areas, or to load it into containers and storage bins designated for the collection of solid household waste and industrial and consumer waste. Accumulation and temporary storage of mercury-containing waste must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of State Standard 12.3.031-83 “System of Occupational Safety Standards. Works with mercury. Safety requirements", approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard of October 10, 1983 No. 4833, SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the disposal and disposal of production and consumption waste", Sanitary rules for working with mercury, its compounds and devices with mercury filling, approved Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR dated April 4, 1988 No. 4607-88. Organization of collection and temporary storage of mercury-containing waste by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities consists of the following stages: Development of a procedure for collection, accumulation and transfer for further disposal of used mercury-containing lamps. Appointment by order of the manager of persons responsible for the management of mercury-containing waste for the purpose of industrial environmental control. Identification and equipment of temporary storage points for mercury-containing waste. Concluding an agreement with specialized organizations for the transfer of mercury-containing waste for disposal. Acceptance of mercury-containing waste from the population is carried out free of charge by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that manage apartment buildings on the basis of a concluded agreement or who have entered into an agreement with the owners of the premises of an apartment building for the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of common property in such a building. Mercury-containing waste is stored strictly in returnable (replaceable) containers, ensuring their safety. Containers for mercury-containing waste are stored strictly in places designated for these purposes, inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Special premises for temporary storage (until the moment of transfer) of mercury-containing waste must be protected from precipitation and groundwater, must be ventilated, have smooth internal surfaces of the ceiling, walls and floor without cracks, painted with PVC enamels. After filling the container, the person responsible for handling mercury-containing waste submits an application to a specialized organization engaged in the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste of hazard classes I-IV, for the collection and transportation of mercury-containing waste from the collection point. Temporary storage of damaged mercury-containing products together with undamaged ones is not allowed. The damaged product must be sealed and delivered immediately to a specialized organization.

3.7.6. Transportation of mercury-containing waste. Mercury-containing waste is transported by special transport in special containers in compliance with established regulations. state standards, rules and regulations of requirements for loading and unloading operations, ensuring environmental, sanitary, epidemiological and fire safety. It is prohibited to transport mercury-containing waste in open form without special containers.

3.7.7. Organization of neutralization of mercury-containing waste. A specialized organization carrying out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste of classes I-IV, after receiving an application for the neutralization of mercury-containing waste, collects and transports it from a temporary storage point with the execution of a transfer and acceptance certificate. The Agreement and the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of mercury-containing waste are documents confirming the fact of transfer of mercury-containing waste for neutralization to a specialized organization that has the appropriate license, and are drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties.

3.7.8. Elimination of emergency situations related to the handling of mercury-containing waste. The elimination of mercury pollution is carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate training and equipment to carry out these works. Assessment of the risk to public health in areas of mercury contamination in residential and public buildings and the environment after demercurization is carried out with the assistance of an accredited laboratory. Work to examine and eliminate hotbeds of mercury contamination is carried out at the expense of the perpetrators, and in cases where it is not possible to identify the perpetrators, at the expense of the owners of buildings and territories. Legal entities, their officials, individuals and individual entrepreneurs guilty of mercury contamination of public areas, environmental objects, residential, public and industrial buildings bear responsibility established by law.

3.8. Requirements for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions.

3.8.1. Collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions must be carried out in accordance with SanPiN, approved and put into effect by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 163 dated 09.12.2010 and in accordance with the Federal Laws “On Industrial Waste” and consumption" dated June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ and "On environmental protection" dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ.

4. General requirements for landscaping and maintenance of the territory.

4.1 Administrative and industrial buildings, residential buildings must be accessible to people with disabilities and other groups of the population with disabilities disabilities movement, equipped with convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, have the necessary information signs, and are equipped with address signs illuminated at night.

4.2. The construction of ramps is carried out on the basis of a project completed by a specialized design organization taking into account the requirements of SP 35-101-2001 and agreed with the department of architecture, urban planning and land resources of the Vladimir city administration.

There should be turning areas at staircases for the free movement of people with limited mobility. On both sides of the stairs or ramp there are round handrails that are easy to grasp with your hand.

4.3. Outdoor advertising and information media must be in full working order, in proper aesthetic and sanitary condition, and must not contain rust, traces of sticking on supports, damaged or faded images, glazing, etc.

4.4. After installation (dismantling) of the advertising structure, the owner of the advertising structure is obliged to carry out work to restore the landscaping of the territory. Dismantling of an advertising structure includes work on dismantling the underground concrete base of the structure and restoring damaged landscaping and landscaping.

4.5. Metal supports, brackets and other elements of external lighting devices, contact networks of electric transport and communications, traffic lights must be kept clean, free from corrosion and painted as necessary.

4.6. Road network facilities must be equipped road signs. The surface of the signs must be clean and undamaged.

4.7. When carrying out emergency recovery or repair work by the person carrying out such work, in order to ensure safety traffic Measures must be taken to install temporary road signs, unless otherwise provided by law. Temporarily installed road signs must be removed by the work contractor within 24 hours after the reasons that necessitated their installation have been eliminated.

4.8. Fences must be installed on sections of streets that are dangerous for traffic, including those passing over bridges and overpasses. In case of damage to the fences, the area must be marked with temporary fences. Damaged elements of enclosing structures must be restored or replaced within five days after detection of defects.

4.9. Cleaning and cleaning of drainage ditches, overflow pipes, storm sewer networks intended for drainage of surface and ground water from streets is provided by the owner of such objects or a person authorized by him.

4.10. Cleaning and cleaning of drainage systems designed to drain surface and ground water from courtyard areas is provided by the owner of such systems or a person authorized by him.

4.11. In order to preserve the objects of the road network and man-made structures on them (bridges, overpasses), carriers of dangerous, heavy and (or) large-sized cargo are required to register with the MKU "Improvement" in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ " On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" special permits for the movement of vehicles transporting dangerous, heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on public roads of local importance.

4.12. Owners of engineering communications and (or) persons authorized by them who are owners and (or) users of such communications are obliged to:

4.12.1 Carry out maintenance and repair of underground communications, as well as timely cleaning of wells and sewers with mandatory removal of garbage and dirt to places of authorized waste disposal.

4.12.2. Ensure that wells and manholes are maintained in good condition, that manholes are placed at the same level with the road surface, sidewalk or lawn (the manhole cover is not allowed to deviate relative to the coating level by more than 2 cm, and the storm inlet grate is not allowed to deviate relative to the tray level by more than 3 cm). Elimination of deficiencies should be carried out within 24 hours from the moment they are discovered.

4.12.3. Monitor the presence and maintenance of hatches on wells and replace them within 24 hours from the moment the cover is missing or the hatch is malfunctioning.

4.12.4. Immediately fence off damaged covers and grilles and mark them with appropriate road signs (they must be replaced within 24 hours).

4.12.5. Eliminate the consequences of accidents on communications (snow banks, ice, dirt, liquids) within 24 hours from the moment the accident is detected.

4.12.6. Ensure the safety of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians during the period of repair (liquidation of the consequences of accidents) of underground communications, wells, installation of hatches, including the installation of fences and appropriate road signs.

4.12.7. Provide lighting for accident sites at night and notify the population about the accident through the media.

4.12.8. Do not allow water to drain onto roadways and sidewalks.

4.12.9. Ensure the maintenance of passages through overhead communications.

4.12.10. Do not allow the operation of networks insulated with fibrous materials or polyurethane foam coating without a protective covering layer.

4.12.11. Clean the area adjacent to heating mains, remove and remove overgrowth, self-seeding, and garbage.

4.13. Maintenance and cleaning of roadways of public roads of local importance, streets, driveways, including the adjacent zone and landing areas of urban passenger transport, located at the same level as the roadway, bridges, overpasses, overpasses are provided by the owners of highways, as well as persons in charge of maintenance and (or) the contents of which these objects are located.

4.14. Cleaning of roofs, eaves, drainpipes from snow, ice build-up and icicles is carried out regularly, during daylight hours, with mandatory observance of measures to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles. Snow removal from sloping reinforced concrete roofs with internal drainage should only be done in cases of leaks in certain areas.

4.15. In the places where work is carried out specified in paragraph 4.14 of these Rules, temporary fences are installed and temporary walks are arranged along lawns using flooring. Snow and ice are stored in places that do not interfere with the free passage of vehicles, the movement of pedestrians and people with limited mobility, for further removal. Removal of snow and ice is provided by persons responsible for the maintenance of the relevant territory.

4.16. When throwing snow from roofs, measures must be taken to ensure the complete safety of trees, shrubs, overhead utilities, overhead lines, signs, traffic lights, road signs, decorative elements of facades, canopies, awnings, advertising structures and signs.

4.17. Removal of chipped asphalt during road repair work is carried out by the organizations carrying out the work - immediately (during the work).

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By decision of the Ryazan City Duma



municipal formation - the city of Ryazan

I. General provisions

1. The rules for landscaping the territory of the municipal formation - the city of Ryazan (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws dated 10/06/2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, dated 03/30/1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, dated 01/10/2002 No. 7-FZ “On environmental protection”, regulatory legal acts on the sections of sanitary cleaning, improvement and landscaping of populated areas.

2. The rules establish uniform and binding norms and requirements in the field of improvement of the territory of the city of Ryazan for all legal entities, regardless of their legal status and forms of economic activity, individuals, individual entrepreneurs, as well as officials responsible for the improvement of territories, including including requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings), structures and land plots on which they are located, the appearance of the facades and fences of the relevant buildings and structures, a list of landscaping works and the frequency of their implementation; as well as basic standards for organizing the improvement of the territory of the city of Ryazan (including street lighting, landscaping, installation of signs with street names and house numbers, placement and maintenance of small architectural forms).

3. Basic concepts used for the purposes of the Rules:

1) improvement of urban territory - a set of measures provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of the territory, as well as for the design and placement of improvement facilities, aimed at ensuring and improving the comfort of living conditions for citizens, maintaining and improving the sanitary and aesthetic condition of the territory;

      1. elements of territory improvement - decorative, technical, planning, structural devices, plant components, various types of equipment and design, small architectural forms, non-permanent non-stationary structures, outdoor advertising and information used as components of landscaping;

      2. a standardized set of improvement elements - the necessary minimum combination of improvement elements to create a safe, comfortable and attractive environment in the city of Ryazan;

      3. territory improvement objects - territories of the city of Ryazan on which improvement activities are carried out: sites, courtyards, blocks, functional planning formations, territories of city districts, as well as territories allocated according to the principle of a unified urban planning regulation (protection zones) or visual-spatial perception ( area with buildings, street with adjacent territory and buildings), other territories of the municipality;

      4. objects of rationing of improvement of territory - the territory of the city of Ryazan, for which these Rules establish: a regulated set of elements of improvement, norms and rules for their placement on this territory. Such territories may be: sites for various functional purposes, pedestrian communications, driveways, public spaces, areas and zones of public, residential development, sanitary protection zones of industrial development, recreational facilities, the road network of a populated area, technical (security and operational) zones engineering communications;

      5. business entities - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

      6. cleaning of territories is a type of activity associated with the collection and removal of production and consumption waste, snow, to specially designated areas, as well as other activities aimed at ensuring the environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population and environmental protection;

      7. public areas - areas of the city that are freely used by an unlimited number of people (including squares, streets, passages, embankments, boulevards);

      8. garbage - any production and consumption waste, except for radioactive, mercury-containing and hazardous industrial waste, as well as deteriorated and prohibited pesticides and mineral fertilizers;

      9. estimates - garbage, dust, leaves, sand and other contaminants collected by mechanized sweeping with special vehicles or manually;

      10. production and consumption waste (PPW) - remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other items or products that were formed in the process of production and consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties;

      11. bulky waste (BW) - large household items that have lost their consumer properties, belonging to the class of solid household waste, the formation of which is not related to business activities and major repairs of residential and non-residential premises;

      12. liquid household waste - liquid waste generated as a result of the life of the population, including fecal waste from non-centralized sewerage;

      13. solid household waste (MSW) - waste generated as a result of the life of the population, not related to business activities: cooking, packaging of goods, cleaning and maintenance of premises, large household items;

      14. container - a standard container for collecting solid waste in volume in accordance with the standards;

      15. storage bin - a standard container for collecting bulky waste and other production and consumption waste in volume in accordance with the standards;

      16. container site - a specially equipped site for the collection and temporary storage of solid waste with the installation of the required number of containers and (or) storage bins;

      17. solid waste collection - a set of activities related to filling containers, storage bins and cleaning container sites;

      18. removal of hazardous waste (KGO) - unloading of hazardous waste from containers (loading storage bins with heavy equipment and industrial waste) into special vehicles, clearing container sites and entrances to them from spilled garbage, and transportation of hazardous waste (KGO) from the collection site to the disposal site;

      19. stopping point - a place where vehicles stop along the route of regular transportation, equipped for boarding, disembarking passengers and waiting for vehicles;

      20. final stopping point - the point of departure and destination along the route of a vehicle carrying out regular transportation in urban traffic;

      21. green spaces - trees, trees and shrubs, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation;

      22. area with green plantings - an area of ​​public territory with trees, trees and shrubs, herbaceous vegetation or turf cover, including those not separated from the artificial surface by a curb, fence or other means;

      23. landscaping is an element of improvement and landscape organization of the territory, ensuring the formation of the environment of the municipality with the active use of plant components, as well as the maintenance of previously created or originally existing natural environment on the territory of the municipality;

      24. lawn - an element of landscaping (a plot of land), including grass and other plants, fenced off from the sidewalk, parking pockets, parking lots and other road elements by curbstones and (or) decorative fencing;

      25. flower garden - a geometric or free-form area with planted one-, two-, or perennial plants;

      26. small architectural form - elements of monumental and decorative design, devices for designing mobile and vertical gardening, water devices, urban furniture, household and technical equipment, as well as gaming, sports, lighting equipment, outdoor advertising and information means, including a fountain , decorative pool, waterfall, gazebo, shady canopy, pergola, retaining wall, staircase, parapet, equipment for children's games and adult recreation, fencing, urban gardening furniture;

      27. recreation areas - territories intended and equipped for organizing active mass recreation, swimming and recreation;

      28. street - a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped and used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, located within the city, including a road for controlled traffic of vehicles and a sidewalk;

      29. road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles;

      30. sidewalk - a street element intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the road or separated from it by a lawn;

      31. the adjacent part of the road is the territory of the highway along the curbstone of the sidewalk or lawn one meter wide;

      32. adjacent territory - the territory on which a multi-apartment residential building is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping, other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of this house and located on the specified territory;

      33. facade of a building, structure - the outer side of a building or structure (main, street, courtyard and other facades differ);

      34. decorative panel - a structure made on a fabric or banner basis, placed on the plane of building facades, fences;

      35. earthworks - a complex of construction works, including excavation (development) of soil, its movement, laying with leveling and compaction of soil, as well as preparatory work associated with clearing the territory, related work (including planning of areas, slopes, excavation and embankment beds, finishing of the canvas, arrangement of ledges along the slopes (at the base) of embankments, drilling of holes with drilling and crane machines, backfilling of pit cavities);

      36. emergency excavation work - repair and restoration work on utilities and other objects when they are damaged, requiring immediate excavation work to eliminate the danger that directly threatens the safety of people, their rights, as well as interests protected by law;

      37. lawn lattice - a rigid, three-dimensional, water-permeable honeycomb structure, combined into modules that are assembled at the installation site using locks located along the edges of the lattice, forming a single canvas, and intended for parking vehicles and protecting natural vegetation from other mechanical influences;

      38. lattice tiles - tiles with holes for sowing herbs;

      39. adjacent territory - part of the public territory in the improvement of which individuals and business entities participate in accordance with the procedure for the participation of owners of buildings (premises in them) and structures in the improvement of adjacent territories, established by the Ryazan City Duma. The boundaries of adjacent territories are determined in agreement with the owners of buildings (premises in them) and structures involved in the improvement of these territories. The boundary and content of the territories adjacent to an apartment building are determined by the decision of the owners of the premises of this building.
4. The norms of the Rules established in relation to land plots in municipal ownership also apply to land plots for which state ownership is not demarcated.

    1. General requirements for landscaping and distribution of responsibilities
on the maintenance of the territory of the city of Ryazan

5. Improvement and cleaning of urban areas is carried out by the owners of land plots, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement, or by specialized organizations on the basis of agreements with business entities and individuals.

6. Authorized structural subdivision The administration of the city of Ryazan, carrying out the organization of improvement, in accordance with the plans for carrying out improvement work, carries out improvement and cleaning of the city's territories, with the exception of land plots owned by individuals and business entities under the right of ownership or other property rights, and also organizes the cleaning of adjacent territories.

7. Improvement of the urban area is ensured by:

1) a structural unit of the Ryazan city administration that organizes improvement;

2) specialized organizations;

3) business entities and individuals carrying out improvement of territories that they own and participating in the improvement of adjacent territories, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement.

8. Business entities and individuals carrying out landscaping are obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the norms provided for by the Rules. Individuals carrying out landscaping, if it is impossible to eliminate violations that pose a threat to the life or health of citizens on their own, must take measures to fencing hazardous areas or objects and notify about this the authorized structural unit of the Ryazan city administration that organizes the improvement.

9. Coordination of the activities of business entities and individuals on issues of improvement and organization of cleaning of urban areas is carried out by the administration of the city of Ryazan.

10. In order to improve public areas, business entities and individuals have the right to enter into an agreement with the administration of the city of Ryazan on the improvement (cleaning) of public areas. An integral part of the agreement is a diagram of the territory to be improved (cleaned).

Agreements are concluded in accordance with the rules established by civil law for concluding contracts.

11. On the territory of the city of Ryazan it is prohibited:

1) litter on streets, squares, areas with green spaces, squares, parks, lawns, beaches and other public areas;

2) install memorial burial structures (memorial structures) in public areas outside the burial places designated in accordance with current legislation;

3) drain used oils and fuels onto the terrain.

12. For walking pets in the city of Ryazan, special areas must be designated, marked with signs. In the territories it is necessary to install special containers for collecting animal excrement.

Pet owners are required to dispose of pet excrement in special containers for collecting animal excrement.

13. It is prohibited to walk horses, dogs and other domestic animals on playgrounds and sports grounds, on the territories of preschool institutions, schools and other educational institutions, in the territories of healthcare facilities and administrative institutions, on lawns, in public recreation areas, as well as to allow horses, dogs and other domestic animals into reservoirs in places designated for mass bathing of the population.

14. Business entities operating on the territory of the city of Ryazan economic activity related to the organization of markets (warehouses), the organization of funerals (in cemeteries), construction (at construction sites during the construction period); associated with holding public events, with the population visiting stationary retail facilities, stationary public catering facilities and seasonal cafes, social and public utility facilities, gas stations, parking lots, car washes, car service stations, temporary attractions, mobile zoos, parks culture and recreation, recreation areas and beaches, route transportation at the end points of regular transportation routes in urban traffic, as well as garage cooperatives, places of religious significance are required to ensure the availability of stationary toilets (in the absence of sewerage - mobile toilet cabins or autonomous toilet modules) both for employees , and for visitors. The construction and use of cesspools at these facilities is prohibited.

15. The procedure for placing and maintaining toilets (mobile toilet cabins, autonomous toilet modules) is determined by the administration of the city of Ryazan in accordance with current legislation, sanitary rules and regulations.

16. Public stationary toilets and dry closets must be kept in proper condition, they must be cleaned at least twice a day with mandatory disinfection. Responsibility for the sanitary and technical condition of toilets lies with their owners, owners, tenants or specialized organizations that service them.

17. In all squares and streets, in squares and parks, stadiums, train stations, markets, bus stops, enterprises, retail facilities, cinemas, kiosks and other facilities, trash cans must be installed in accordance with current sanitary rules and regulations.

18. The trash cans should be cleaned as they are filled, and in places of mass movement and large concentrations of citizens - at least once a day.

Urns are repaired as needed, painting at least once a year.

Urns must be in good condition and painted. Overflowing of ballot boxes is not allowed.

19. When holding mass events, their organizers are obliged to ensure the cleaning of the event site, the surrounding areas and the restoration of damaged amenities. The procedure for cleaning the venue of the event, adjacent territories and restoring damaged amenities is determined at the stage of obtaining, in the prescribed manner, the appropriate permission to hold the event.

20. The frequency of improvement work is established by the customer of the work, taking into account ensuring the proper sanitary and technical condition of the facilities.

III. Requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings),

Structures and land plots on which they are located, roads, outdoor lighting objects (means), storm sewer networks, inspection and storm wells, drainage structures, garden furniture, garden equipment and sculptures, places of construction work, to the external type of facades and fences of relevant buildings and structures

1) daily cleaning of debris, leaves, snow and ice (ice);

2) treatment of road surfaces, bridges, streets, sidewalks, driveways, and pedestrian areas with anti-icing materials;

3) raking and sweeping snow;

4) removal of snow and ice (snow-ice formations);

6) installation and maintenance of container platforms, containers for all types of waste, trash cans, benches, small architectural forms and other things in a clean and technically sound condition;

7) cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage collection chambers, containers, storage bins and container sites;

8) installation and maintenance of stationary toilets and dry closets in clean and technically good condition;

9) drainage of rain and melt water;

10) collection and removal of garbage and solid waste;

11) removal of animal carcasses from the territory of roads and other road network objects;

12) watering the area to reduce dust formation and air humidification;

13) ensuring the safety of green spaces and caring for them;

14) restoration of territories after construction, repair, excavation and other work;

15) restoration of damaged landscaping elements after construction, reconstruction and repair of public utilities, communications (structures), roads, railways, bridges, pedestrian crossings, carrying out restoration and archaeological work and other earthworks;

17) cleaning drainage ditches in adjacent areas of private households;

22. Maintenance of streets and roads, intra-block driveways, sidewalks (pedestrian areas), bridges and overpasses includes a set of seasonal works (events) that ensure the cleanliness of the roadways of streets and roads, sidewalks and other road structures, as well as safe traffic conditions and pedestrians. In addition, road maintenance includes a set of works, as a result of which the transport and operational condition of the road, road structures, right-of-way, road arrangement elements, organization and safety of road traffic are maintained, meeting the requirements of GOST R 50597-93 " Car roads and streets. Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety.”

23. Maintenance of road areas includes current repairs of roads, sidewalks, artificial structures; daily removal of dirt, debris, snow and ice (frost) from sidewalks (pedestrian areas) and roadways, roads, streets and bridges; washing and watering road surfaces; care of lawns and green spaces; current repairs of street lighting poles and contact networks; repair and painting of small architectural forms; repair and cleaning of inspection wells and storm water inlets, upland ditches and open chutes that are part of artificial structures.

24. Inspection and rainwater wells, underground utility wells, hatches (grids) must be kept closed and in good condition, ensuring the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of receiving, dead-end, inspection and other wells and chambers in good technical condition is ensured by their owners, owners, and users in accordance with the requirements of state standards.

Destroyed covers and gratings of wells, open wells must be fenced within one hour by the owners of utility networks, unless otherwise established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, fenced with appropriate warning signs and replaced within no more than three hours. The presence of open hatches, as well as potholes, subsidence and dips in the road surface along the outer edge of the well within a radius of 1 m from the outer edge of the well cover (grid) is not allowed.

25. Traffic management facilities, street equipment, street furniture, outdoor lighting and illumination devices, small architectural forms and other landscaping elements must be kept clean and in good condition.

26. Copyright holders of buildings and structures are obliged to ensure their proper maintenance, including timely repair and painting of buildings, structures, their facades, as well as to maintain memorial plaques located on the facades and street signs (including lanes, squares), license plates, signs and information plates.

27. Buildings and structures whose facades determine the architectural appearance of the existing city development include all those located on the territory of the city (operating, under construction, reconstructed or overhauled):

1) buildings for administrative and social and cultural purposes;

2) residential buildings;

3) buildings and structures for production and other purposes;

4) lightweight buildings (trade pavilions, kiosks, garages and other similar objects);

5) fences and other stationary architectural forms located on land plots adjacent to buildings.

28. The elements of building facades subject to maintenance include:

1) pits, entrances to basements and garbage chambers;

2) entrance units (including steps, platforms, railings, canopies over the entrance, fences, walls, doors);

3) base and blind area;

4) planes of the walls;

5) protruding elements of facades (including balconies, loggias, bay windows, cornices);

6) roofs, including ventilation and chimneys, including enclosing grilles, exits to the roof;

7) architectural details and cladding (including columns, pilasters, rosettes, capitals, sandriks, friezes, belts);

8) drainpipes, including marks and funnels;

9) fencing of balconies, loggias;

10) parapet and window railings, grilles;

11) metal finishing of windows, balconies, belts, plinth projections, overhangs;

12) hanging metal structures (including flag holders, anchors, fire escapes, ventilation equipment);

13) horizontal and vertical seams between panels and blocks (facades of large-panel and large-block buildings);

14) glass, frames, balcony doors;

15) stationary fences adjacent to buildings.

Special attention is paid to the condition of the fastenings of architectural details and cladding, the stability of parapet and balcony railings, the condition of the plinth, walls, especially in the locations of drainpipes, near balconies and in other places exposed to heavy exposure to storm, melt and rain water, as well as around metal fastenings to walls structures (including flag holders, anchors, fire escapes).

1) damage (contamination) to the surface of the walls of the facades of buildings and structures, including smudges, peeling paint, the presence of cracks, peeling plaster, cladding, damage to brickwork, peeling of the protective layer of reinforced concrete structures;

2) damage (absence) of architectural and artistic and sculptural details of buildings and structures, including columns, pilasters, capitals, friezes, drafts, bas-reliefs, stucco decorations, ornaments, mosaics, artistic paintings;

3) violation of the sealing of interpanel joints;

4) damage (peeling, contamination) of plaster, cladding, paint layer of the base part of facades, buildings or structures, including malfunction of the design of window and entrance pits;

5) damage (contamination) of protruding elements of the facades of buildings and structures, including balconies, loggias, bay windows, vestibules, cornices, canopies, entrance lobbies, steps;

6) destruction (absence, contamination) of balcony fences, including loggias, parapets.

30. Violations identified during the operation of the facades of buildings and structures must be eliminated in accordance with established norms and rules for the technical operation of buildings and structures.

31. If signs of damage to protruding structures of facades are detected, owners and other rights holders must take urgent measures to ensure the safety of people and prevent further development deformation. In the event of an emergency condition of protruding facade structures (including balconies, loggias, bay windows), close and seal entrances and access to them, carry out security work and take measures to restore them. Repair work must be carried out in accordance with current legislation.

32. Facades, fences, entrance doors, screens of balconies and loggias, drainpipes of buildings must be repaired and painted, and glass of shop windows, windows of commercial, administrative, industrial buildings, structures, entrances in residential buildings must be washed, and broken and cracked ones - replaced.

33. On all residential, administrative, industrial and public buildings, in accordance with the established order of numbering of houses in the city of Ryazan, signs and house numbers of established standards must be posted, they must be kept clean and in good condition.

Responsibility for fulfilling these requirements rests with the owners, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

Owners of information signs, signboards, advertising structures, decorative panels, entrance groups that are not part of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building, take the necessary measures to preserve the above structures when cleaning the roof of the house in the winter.

35. Monuments and objects of monumental art, buildings that are monuments of architecture, history and culture must be maintained in proper condition.

36. On the territory of the city of Ryazan it is prohibited:

1) break and damage elements of the arrangement of buildings and structures, monuments, memorial plaques, trees, shrubs, small architectural forms and other elements of external improvement in public areas, as well as carry out their unauthorized alteration, reconstruction and rearrangement;

2) apply inscriptions, drawings, paste and hang up any advertisements and other information messages at stopping points, walls, pillars, fences (fences) and other objects not intended for these purposes. The organization of work to remove inscriptions, drawings, advertisements and other information messages is entrusted to the owners, owners, users of these objects;

      1. warehouse and store movable property outside the boundaries and fences of their land plots owned, possessed, used;

      2. place and store containers, industrial goods and other trade items or objects not provided for by current legislation and municipal legal acts on sidewalks, lawns, roads, container sites and adjacent territories;

      3. construction, including temporary, economic, household buildings and structures, changing the facades of buildings, reconstruction, as well as the construction of extensions in violation of the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, regulations of local governments.

37. Owners of private residential buildings, unless otherwise provided by law or contract, are obliged to:

1) ensure the proper condition of building facades, fences and fences, as well as other structures within the land allotment. Carry out maintenance repairs and painting in a timely manner;

2) have a license plate on the residential building and maintain it in good condition;

5) equip, in accordance with sanitary standards, within the land allotment in the absence of a centralized sewerage system, a local sewerage system, a cesspool, a toilet, keep them clean and tidy, regularly clean and disinfect them;

6) prevent littering of the surrounding area with production and consumption waste.

38. Owners of private residential buildings are prohibited from storing building materials, fuel, fertilizers and other movable things in the adjacent territory outside the land allotment.

Basics of landscaping

One of the most painful areas of modern cities is the problem of improving and preserving the environment. The latter directly affects the psychophysical state of city residents. The strategic direction for solving this problem is to organize the improvement of the territory of the municipality with the help of green spaces.

There are two main aspects of protecting green spaces:

  • protection of green spaces from anthropogenic impact;
  • protection of plantings during urban planning activities.

Today, the second aspect is much more relevant for most cities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for improvement of the territory of a municipality includes many points, united by such a concept as “urban planning”.

The main tasks of municipalities include cleaning of territories. The current requirements for cleanliness are very high. To implement them, projects for the improvement of municipal territories are being developed, where all points are clearly specified. For example, it describes the frequency of cleaning the territory by janitors in the spring, summer and winter. Today, municipalities have the most modern equipment for high-quality cleaning of territories, so the problem in this area lies in the low qualifications of the workforce.

The next strategic issue in the improvement of the municipality is the procedure for waste disposal. Disposal rules must be followed by both specialized institutions and residents themselves. houses.

Maintaining roads in proper condition deserves special attention. This most obvious problem must be solved at all levels, and the funds allocated for the repair of existing roads and the construction of new ones must be used for their intended purpose. In addition, managers must take the utmost responsibility in selecting contractors.

Organization of territory improvement

All powers necessary for the development of territories are vested in local governments. IN last years the rights of municipalities that develop guidelines for improvement of municipal territories.

Today, the powers and responsibilities of local governments in the field of improvement include:

  • development and approval of rules for landscaping;
  • organizing the work of commissions to draw up protocols regarding administrative offenses in this area;
  • assignment of objects to unitary municipal enterprises or specialized organizations with which an agreement is concluded;
  • selection of specialized enterprises for the collection and removal of household waste and conclusion of contracts with them;
  • organizing strict control over compliance with the timely restoration of the roadway, rules for excavation work and implementation of other aspects of improvement;
  • drawing up annual work plans based on legislative documents approving the rules for landscaping the territory of the municipality.

Taking into account all the available powers in matters of economic management, urban development, and the formation of economic and financial resources, we can say that local governments have serious opportunities to create comfortable conditions for the population of a city, district, town, or microdistrict. Therefore, at the moment, responsibility for the improvement of the territory of municipalities lies largely with local governments.