Russian history in faces. Pros and cons of Stalin's rule Great Patriotic War

The reign of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin came at a very difficult time for our country. This is the time of post-war devastation of the First World War and decline in all industries, the period of the Great Patriotic War with its dire consequences. And also, importantly, this is a time of great post-revolutionary restructuring within the country, in the minds of its citizens, in people’s relationships.

Stalin had to put a lot of effort into solving all the problems of that period, which he did until his death. Therefore, no matter how many condemn his tyranny, the enormous contribution he made for our Motherland cannot be disputed. And, of course, there will be much more positive aspects than negative ones.


  • The Russian population has increased significantly. Every year the increase was approximately 1.5 million people of Russian nationality. During the years of Stalin's rule, the entire population of the country grew from 147 million to 208 million.
  • The average life expectancy among the population under 70 years of age has increased, the mortality rate has decreased significantly (by 60%), including a 3-fold decrease in child mortality.

  • Alcohol consumption has decreased by more than 2 times. The country has achieved a complete absence of drug addiction.
  • A major economic breakthrough in achieving income levels above the subsistence level for all citizens of the country. Labor productivity increased threefold. Complete eradication of unemployment and parasitism. Complete elimination of the organized form of prostitution, which also began to be considered parasitism.

  • The country's own resources and national benefits were the property of the people of the USSR. All this was either free or of little cost. Made available to people free education, medicine, recreation, travel. Even housing was provided free of charge for life, and with the right of inheritance. Cultural pastimes, such as visiting museums, theaters, and attractions, cost a penny.
  • It was produced under Stalin big educational reform. The number has increased many times educational institutions. Primary schools– 2 times, average – 16 times, highest and average professional institutions– more than 11 times. In this regard, the number of specialists in various fields and the number of scientists has increased. The number of students in higher educational institutions increased by 1.5 times.

  • A consequence of the educational reform was scientific breakthrough. In particular, in the nuclear and missile fields. In addition, the development of air defense, automation of technological processes, and large-scale targeted gasification of the country were expanded.
  • Unique economic recovery occurred with the participation of Joseph Vissarionovich. Despite all the obstacles coming from the West, in the form of creditor refusals of funds that were so necessary for the restoration of our country. Despite several major wars, which had a huge destructive impact. Stalin managed not only to return the previous level of well-being of citizens, but also to raise it several times and even overtake, in terms of economic growth, such an economically strong power, like the USA. The income of citizens was increased by 2.5 times.

  • Over the years there has been multiple production growth. There was a 4-fold increase in the volume of industrial products, and a 2-fold increase in agricultural products. The creation of powerful national production put our country on par with the United States, which occupied first place in terms of gross output. Developed at a rapid pace Agriculture, virgin lands continued to be developed, state farms and collective farms were built, the indicators of which in those years significantly exceeded previous ones.
  • The country's gold reserves have grown more than 6 times compared to 1920, which marked the country's “golden decline.”
  • Stalin played a huge role in World War II, both directly for our country and for the West. Contrary to existing propaganda theories that Joseph Vissarionovich did nothing to prepare the country for war and, supposedly, the enemy’s advances came as a surprise to him, the military forces of the USSR, according to historical data, were almost equal to the forces of Germany and its allies. Stalin managed to bring us out as winners, despite the enemy’s intentions to defeat the Great Power in a few months. During the war years, military production was increased many times over, and breakthroughs were made in air defense.


  • Happened birth rate reduction. To a greater extent, this is the influence of the consequences of the war, since the number of childbearing people has significantly decreased. But the growth of cities in those years, as well as the involvement of women in the industrial sphere, became significant here.
  • Along with the expansion of the working class, there was strengthening in the bureaucratic sphere, which subsequently gave only negative results for our country, completely displacing the working population.
  • An incorrect policy was pursued among the parties of the Comintern, with the subsequent dissolution of this body. This led to irreversible consequences in communist ideology, and, consequently, weakened the influence of the communist movement, which in general entailed a lot of negative consequences. A big blow to the country's ideology was Stalin's refusal to support its advancement in the West. Thus, communism flourished mainly only in the USSR, and, naturally, was defeated under the onslaught of the capitalist system of neighboring countries. This is what was observed in the late 80s and early 90s.

To summarize, it is necessary to add to all of the above that many negative factors in the history of the USSR under the reign of I.V. Stalin were significantly exaggerated. Repressions, executions, and exiles actually did not present such terrible pictures and such a huge scale as is often presented in history lessons. Under Stalin, there were colossal advances in the development of the country in a positive direction, and the Great Soviet Power remained strong for a very long time even after his departure.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin to this day is considered an extremely contradictory person. Opinions about its significance for the country are divided into two camps. Someone is ready to put the leader on a pedestal again, saying: “Stalin is not enough for you,” and someone supports the words of M. S. Gorbachev: “Stalin is a man covered in blood.” However, no one is indifferent. So what did this man do and not do for Russia during the almost 30-year history of his leadership? We will consider the pros and cons of Stalin's reign in history in the most important events 1924-1953


“Land to the peasants, power to the people” is the main slogan of the communists. Everything should be common, and the earth is no exception. The kulaks as a class had to be liquidated and collective farms created that would provide Soviet citizens everything you need. Collectivization is one of the stages on the path to industrialization.

The civil war and revolution greatly undermined the work of the peasants. As a result, 1927 was a low harvest year. This outraged Stalin, because in the USSR there could be no shortage of anything. As a result, it was decided to begin mass collectivization, that is, to make all agriculture collective. What did this lead to?

Pros and cons of Stalin's rule during the years of collectivization 1928-1937.

  • Elimination of the kulaks as a class. About 15 million people were exiled to Siberia, shot and evicted from their homes.
  • The terrible famine of 1932-1933, the entire harvest of the peasants was taken by the cities, as a result, according to various estimates, from 5 to 10 million people, mostly children, died from hunger.
  • The private sector in agriculture was completely destroyed.
  • Collectivization created the conditions for industrialization. The state received funds for industrial development.
  • Livestock numbers fell by 50%.
  • Grain production fell by 3%.
  • 93% of peasant farms were transferred to collective farms.
  • Agricultural production is completely subordinated to the state.
  • Mass exodus of peasants to the city.

Constitution of 1936

The main idea of ​​the constitution is freedom. The adopted constitution stated that the state belonged to the workers and peasants. Councils and teams have been created. The united communist party must protect the worker. And everything would be fine, but now everything, absolutely everything within the state, belongs to the state, including people.


Speaking about Stalin's rule, one cannot help but talk about repressions. Many people still justify his actions. Political crimes are the main reason for repression, or rather the reason. A political crime was expressed not only in actions, but also in words, in a glance, in relatives abroad, in the expression of an opinion different from the ideology of communism. Fear acquired such proportions that for many years after Stalin’s death it was scary to pronounce his name.

We will consider the pros and cons of Stalin's rule below.

  • Formation of a cult of personality.
  • Manipulation of society through fear.
  • Formation of a certain social consciousness.
  • About 5 million people were convicted for political reasons.
  • About 800 thousand people were sentenced to capital punishment.
  • About 6.5 million people were expelled from Russia.
  • There was practically no corruption in Russia.

in 2007, President V.V. Putin will say about this:

We all know well that 1937 is considered the peak of repression, but it (this year 1937) was well prepared by the previous years of cruelty. Suffice it to recall the executions of hostages during Civil War, the destruction of entire classes, the clergy, the dispossession of the peasantry, the destruction of the Cossacks. Such tragedies have been repeated more than once in human history. And this always happened when ideals that were attractive at first glance, but empty in reality, were placed above the main value - the value of human life, above human rights and freedoms. This is a special tragedy for our country. Because the scale is colossal. After all, hundreds of thousands, millions of people were exterminated, exiled to camps, shot, tortured. Moreover, these are, as a rule, people with their own opinions. These are people who were not afraid to express it. These are the most effective people. This is the color of the nation. And, of course, we still feel this tragedy for many years. Much needs to be done to ensure that this is never forgotten.

  • The prisoners made up the free labor force; with the help of victims of repressed labor, such facilities were created as: the White Sea-Baltic Canal, the Volga-Don Canal, the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Enterprise, about ten hydroelectric power stations, the Kola Railway, Northern Railway, car roads, and etc.
  • A number of Russian cities were built by Gulag prisoners: Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vorkuta, Ukhta, Pechora, Nakhodka, Volzhsky, etc.
  • Prisoners also contributed to agriculture.
  • Migration of a thousand Russian citizens, the best minds, intelligentsia, creative elite.

The Great Patriotic War

The pros and cons of Stalin's rule during the Second World War are very blurred. On the one hand, Stalin won the war, but on the other hand, the people under the leadership of great commanders won the war. You can argue endlessly. The whole country worked for the benefit of the front. Russia began to breathe as one large organism. Economy, industry, agriculture, transport, factories, culture - everything worked together with the goal of winning the war. People united in one common grief. All these structures worked very clearly and harmoniously, and there is no doubt about this: Russia entered the war, being “backward” in industrial terms in relation to Germany, and emerged from the war as a strong military power.

Russia lost 27 million people in the war, Germany - 7 million people. It turns out that for everyone German soldier, there were 4 killed Soviets. This is the price of victory. Russia was not ready for war, and this is a fact. Repression of generals and officers, Stalin ignoring warnings of an attack from both intelligence officers and Churchill. As a result, in the first days of the war, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were captured and all Soviet aviation was destroyed! Can we consider that Russia won the war thanks to Stalin? Or despite his mistakes?

In the post-war period, totalitarianism reached its apogee. Control was established over all spheres of society. Repressions also continued after the war. Fear shrouded the country until the death of the leader.


Already in 1947, industry was completely restored, and 10 years later economic well-being almost doubled. None of the countries affected by the war had by this time reached even the pre-war level. Russia has become a great military power.

Pros and cons of the reign of Joseph Stalin:

  • Under Stalin, more than 1,500 major industrial facilities, plants and factories were built. These are DneproGES, Uralmash, KhTZ, GAZ, ZIS, factories in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Norilsk and Stalingrad.
  • Nuclear missile weapons were created. Although there is still debate about Stalin's role in this area.
  • A lot of agricultural resources were used for the benefit of industrialization, which significantly made the life of the peasants more difficult.

After Stalin

Joseph Stalin died at the age of 73. The cause of death still remains a mystery. Some say that he was poisoned by Khrushchev and like-minded people, others are inclined to believe that it was a heart attack. In any case, it was Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev who became the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Over the 11 years of his leadership, Russia has already had other ups and downs.

Pros and cons of the reign of Stalin and Khrushchev in comparison:

  • Stalin built socialism, Khrushchev destroyed it.
  • Stalin relied on industrialization, Khrushchev on agriculture.
  • Khrushchev destroyed Stalin's personality cult, freed many innocent citizens from exile, but did not stop the repressions.

The pros and cons of Stalin's rule are still disputed by historians, society and witnesses of those years. The leader's contradictory personality makes his achievements contradictory. Nowadays a lot of literature has been written and a lot of films have been filmed. documentaries, but this is all theoretical debate. It is impossible to prove that either side is right.


The era of Stalin is unique. For 30 years, the country experienced civil war, famine, repression, the terrible Great Patriotic War, post-war reconstruction. It’s not for nothing that people say “Khrushchev’s thaw,” and under Stalin they said “Hammer and sickle, death and famine.” After Stalin's death, people's fear slowly began to disappear. It is impossible to briefly summarize the pros and cons of Stalin's rule. Joseph Dzhugashvili played too big a role in history.

Results of Stalin's reign, pros and cons:

  • The country's resources were national: free medicine, education, recreation, housing, cultural entertainment (theaters, museums).
  • Great educational reform, many schools and institutes have been built.
  • Scientific progress, nuclear and missile development areas.
  • Victory in the Second World War and the rapid economic recovery of the country.
  • Industrial development, industrialization.
  • The population decreased during the years of civil war, revolution, famine, repression and the Second World War.
  • The blind, undeniable ideology is still alive in the minds of the Soviet generation, so great was its scale.

The great era of Stalin has ended, and everyone perceives the results of his leadership differently.

The key figure for understanding the Soviet period of history is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili). There is perhaps no other person in the history of the 20th century around whom such heated debate would rage. Many still believe that Coco Dzhugashvili was born on December 21, 1879. In fact, according to the entry in the parish register, the future head of the USSR was born on December 6 (18), 1878.

Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, Molotov, Kirov - sitting, Voroshilov, Kalganovich, Kuibyshev - standing

Coco's father, an artisanal shoemaker, suffered from heavy drinking, beat his son and his wife, who did housework, and died early. The mother was from a peasant family and tried to raise her son well. Dzhugashvili graduated from theological school in hometown Gori (90 km from Tiflis), but did not graduate from the Tiflis Theological Seminary, as he was engaged in professional revolutionary activities. In 1898 he became a member of the RSDLP, and in 1912 he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b).

Being a professional revolutionary, Stalin was repeatedly imprisoned and exiled, from which he escaped several times. Even before 1917, he was considered an expert on the national question. He was a member of the governing bodies of the RSDLP(b). Always supported V.I. Lenin. In October 1917 he was a member of the Military Revolutionary Center. In the first Soviet government he became People's Commissar for Nationalities. He was a military commissar on the fronts of the Civil War, was considered a tough leader, and opposed the involvement of former tsarist officers in the cause.

In 1922, Stalin became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Over time, it was the person who held this post who was the highest de facto leader of the country. During the course of his illness and after Lenin's death, Stalin defeated all contenders for power. “Stalin owed everything he achieved to himself, his talent and work on himself. But he was lucky in that the post-October situation in the country was favorable to the manifestation of his abilities. If a specific situation had not developed in Russia caused by the war and the October Revolution, perhaps the world would never have known anything about Stalin, as well as about many other potentially outstanding people who did not become such in reality,” wrote the author of one of the few works devoted to the psychological appearance of Stalin.

After the death of V.I. Lenin, holding various positions, Joseph Vissarionovich was the de facto ruler of the country; dealt with numerous political opponents, led the implementation of industrialization, collectivization, and mass repressions. “In essence, Stalin had only three significant negative traits: suspicion, ruthlessness, and rancor. But all three are in superlatives: extreme suspicion, emergency rancor, absolute ruthlessness. In addition, tirelessness in the manifestation of these qualities. Over time, they only worsened, and did not soften, as happens with some (for example, Kaganovich). The combination of these qualities is also unique: suspicion makes the space unlimited, and rancor is the time for manifestations of ruthlessness; rancor combined with ruthlessness gives rise to vindictiveness.” The question cannot help but arise: do these three not outweigh negative traits all the positive components of Stalin's personality?

The topic of Stalinist repressions was once used by Khrushchev, then by Gorbachev, and is intensively discussed before each election to discredit the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which seems to be the most dangerous force for the modern political elite. Sometimes the question is posed more broadly - about the “price” of the experiment in building socialism in the USSR.

For 1930-1953 About 4 million people passed through the Stalinist repressive machine, of whom about a million were destroyed, mainly during the Yezhovshchina. To date, over 2 million of those who suffered during the years of Stalinist repression have been completely rehabilitated.

The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs was a powerful system that became the main instrument of Stalin's personal power. By 1940, up to 4 million people in the country were deprived of their freedom, including 2.5 million prisoners in camps. "Population"

The Main Directorate of Camps (GULAG) in the second five-year plan absorbed 6-10% of all capital investments in National economy. Up to 500 thousand were in prisons. About a million people lived in special settlements of former kulaks and correctional labor bureaus.

In election speeches by political figures and propaganda materials in the media, ever-increasing numbers appear, designed to frighten the voter. In this auction, bids reached “100 million victims of the Soviet regime.” However, no one mentions that detailed, documentary information about the functioning of Stalin's repressive machine published since the second half of the 1980s. in mass media (“Arguments and Facts”) and historical periodicals (magazines “News of the CPSU Central Committee”, “Source”, “Soviet (Russian) Archives”, etc.), and are also cited and commented on in the works of a number of authors. It also seems significant that without a correct, clearly modeled comparison of the “Stalin era” with the “Yeltsin era” or the “Peter the Great era,” we are unlikely to get any objective idea of ​​what was happening in the country.

In 1941-1945. Stalin was the chairman of the State Defense Committee, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the leader of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), and held other posts. He undoubtedly made a miscalculation in assessing the timing of the start of the war, but proved himself to be an organizer, diplomat, and leader of the Soviet people in the defeat of German fascism and Japanese militarism. After 1945, J.V. Stalin’s personal regime of power reached its apogee, and repressions resumed (“the second personnel revolution”). He created a “socialist camp” from countries that had embarked on the socialist path of development, and was an authoritative leader of the international revolutionary communist movement. It began under Stalin cold war", the problem of creating atomic weapons was solved.

He is the author of a number of ideas, theoretical works, and was considered a successor of Lenin's work. In the conditions of Stalin’s cult of personality, cities, objects, etc. were named after him. Stalin himself created his own cult of personality, because he considered this a necessary element of governance in a country like Russia. Was there any basis for the cult? Later, attempts were made to create a personality cult of Khrushchev and Brezhnev. But they still said about them - “cult of personality.” Can there be a cult of personality if there is no personality itself?

Let’s give the floor to a psychologist: “We have before us a very integral personality, the qualities of which mutually complement one another and determine the success of the activity. Exceptional observation and a wide range of perception + the ability to see and take into account both the general and the individual + attention even to small things and the ability to evaluate the systemic significance of any of them + the system-forming, ordering nature of creativity + anxiety, which forced one not to lose one’s head in the face of success + the ability to develop a firm decision combined with the ability to continue to search for the best ways to implement it<…>

Stalin gradually developed ambitions of such a scale that in reality, Everyday life they really had no adequate expression. It was the ultimate pure embodiment of power: no corruption, protectionism, favoritism, or creation of special conditions for the family.

Being at the helm of power, Stalin did not sleep, standing at its top. Didn't engage in clan mastery. He didn’t keep people around him, even if they were very loyal, but they were useless. I didn’t put relatives in warm places. Possessing absolute power, he did not have any dividends from this and did not look for it.”

After Lenin's death, Stalin became the new charismatic leader and retained his charisma until his death.

Stalin's death gave rise to many rumors. His daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva also drew attention to a female doctor who was giving her father some injections. They also talked about the poisoning of Stalin. The decisive stroke could, as some argue, begin right at the Politburo meeting, during which Stalin received swipe on the back of the head, either from the guard, or from Beria himself. There was even a version about Stalin’s suicide, the author of which later admitted that he simply invented this version in order to earn some money.

The following sequence of events seems more plausible. At the 19th Congress of the CPSU, Stalin sharply criticized his closest associates: Molotov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich. “Loyal Stalinists” sensed the approach of another “personnel revolution.” Stalin, like Ivan the Terrible, “sorted little people” from time to time. It is not surprising that, in fact, at the same time, the “Doctors’ Plot” began, and the suspicious Stalin deprived himself of qualified medical care. For some reason, he also got rid of the long-time head of his security, General Vlasik.

In addition, the regime of stay and rest at the so-called Near Dacha, established by Stalin himself, was such that the attack that began at night did not allow Stalin himself to immediately call for help. When the guards dared to enter the room where Stalin was, it was already too late.

After his death on March 5, 1953, by decision of the country's top leadership, Stalin's embalmed body was in the Mausoleum along with the body of V.I. Lenin until 1961, when Stalin's body, by decision of the Soviet leadership, which had somewhat changed in composition, was interred at the Kremlin wall, behind the Mausoleum . Another wave of renaming swept across the country. Almost all the monuments to the “leader of all times and peoples” were demolished. A monument to Stalin has been preserved in Gori (Georgia), where he was born.

Stalin, like Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Lenin, is one of the most controversial figures in our history. He understood people well and knew how to manipulate them. He understood the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people, tried to secure support from the majority, and maneuvered if necessary. He wrote his works himself and skillfully selected assistants and referents. “Stalin’s entourage” consisted of people who were personally devoted to him almost until the leader’s death, who depended on him, were ready to carry out any assignment, and at the same time were distinguished by their ability to work, organizational talent, energy and cruelty. In fact, Stalin became the last Russian Tsar, an absolute autocrat. No one could shake his power until his death.

Much has been written about Stalin. The outstanding Soviet writer K. M. Simonov in his book “Through the Eyes of a Man of My Generation” said this about Stalin: great and terrible. Some focus on the first adjective, others only on the second. For understanding historical process a panoramic, dialectical approach is needed, which is developed by society with great difficulty.

Stalin's usual rate of reading literature was about 300 pages a day. He constantly educated himself. For example, while undergoing treatment in the Caucasus, in 1931, in a letter to Nadezhda Aliluyeva, having forgotten to inform about his health, he asks to send him textbooks on electrical engineering and ferrous metallurgy.

Stalin's level of education can be assessed by the number of books he read and studied. It is apparently impossible to establish how much he read in his life. He was not a collector of books - he did not collect them, but selected them, i.e. in his library there were only those books that he intended to somehow use in the future. But even those books that he selected are difficult to take into account. In his Kremlin apartment, the library contained, according to witnesses, several tens of thousands of volumes, but in 1941 this library was evacuated, and how many books were returned from it is unknown, since the library in the Kremlin did not recover. Subsequently, his books were in the dachas, and an outbuilding was built in Nizhnyaya for a library. Stalin collected 20 thousand volumes for this library.

The range of education can be assessed from the following data: After his death, books with his notes were transferred from the library at the Blizhnaya Dacha to the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. There were 5.5 thousand of them! In addition to dictionaries and several geography courses, this list included books by both ancient and modern historians: Herodotus, Xenophon, P. Vinogradov, R. Winner, I. Velyaminov, D. Ilovaisky, K.A. Ivanova, Herero, N. Kareeva, 12 volumes of “History of the Russian State” by Karamzin and the second edition of the six-volume “History of Russia from Ancient Times” by S.M. Solovyov (St. Petersburg, 1896). And also: the fifth volume of “History of the Russian Army and Navy” (St. Petersburg, 1912). “Essays on the history of natural science in excerpts from the original works of Dr. F. Dannsman” (St. Petersburg, 1897), “Memoirs of Prince Bismarck. (Thoughts and memories)"(SPb., 1899). A dozen issues of “Bulletin of Foreign Literature” for 1894, “Literary Notes” for 1892, “Scientific Review” for 1894, “Proceedings of the USSR Public Library named after. Lenin", vol. 3 (M., 1934) with materials about Pushkin, P.V. Annenkov, I.S. Turgenev and A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylina, two pre-revolutionary editions of A. Bogdanov’s book “ Short course economic science", novel IN AND. Kryzhanovskaya(Rochester) “The Web” (St. Petersburg, 1908), book by G. Leonidze “Stalin. Childhood and adolescence" (Tbilisi, 1939. in Georgian), etc.

According to the currently existing criteria, Stalin, according to what has been achieved scientific results was a Doctor of Philosophy back in 1920. His achievements in economics are even more brilliant and have not yet been surpassed by anyone.

Personal archive Stalin was destroyed shortly after his death.

Stalin always worked ahead of time, sometimes several decades ahead. His effectiveness as a leader was that he set very distant goals, and the decisions of today became part of large-scale plans.

Under Stalin, the country was in difficult conditions, but in the shortest possible time it sharply rushed forward, and this means that at that time there were a lot of smart people in the country. And this is true, since Stalin attached great importance to the minds of the citizens of the USSR. He was the smartest man, and he was sick of being surrounded by fools; he strove for the whole country to be smart. The basis for the mind, for creativity is knowledge. Knowledge about everything. And never so much has been done to provide people with knowledge, to develop their minds, as under Stalin.

Stalin did not fight with vodka, he fought for people’s free time. Amateur sports have been extremely developed, and specifically amateur sports. Each enterprise and institution had sports teams and athletes from among its employees. More or less large enterprises were required to have and maintain stadiums. Everyone played everything.

Stalin preferred only Tsinandali and Teliani wines. It happened that I drank cognac, but just vodka wasn't interested. From 1930 to 1953, the guards saw him “in zero gravity” only twice: at S.M.’s birthday. Shtemenko and at the funeral of A.A. Zhdanova.

In all cities of the USSR, parks remained from Stalin's time. They were originally intended for mass recreation of people. They had to have a reading room and game rooms (chess, billiards), a beer hall and ice cream parlours, a dance floor and summer theaters.

Under Stalin, discussions were freely held on all fundamental issues of existence: on the fundamentals of economics, social life, science. Weismann's genetics, Einstein's theory of relativity, cybernetics, the structure of collective farms were criticized, and any leadership of the country was severely criticized. It is enough to compare what satirists wrote about then and what they began to write about after the 20th Congress.

If the Stalinist planning system had been preserved and further rationally improved, and I.V. Stalin understood the need to improve the socialist economy (after all, it was not for nothing that his work “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR” appeared in 1952), if the task of further improving the standard of living of the people was put in first place (and in 1953 there were no obstacles to this ), by 1970 we would have been in the top three countries with the most high level life.

The economic backlog that Stalin created, his plans, the people he prepared (both technically and morally) were so outstanding that neither Khrushchev’s foolishness nor Brezhnev’s apathy could waste this resource.

During the first 10 years of being in the first echelons of power in the USSR, Stalin submitted his resignation three times.

Stalin was similar to Lenin, but his fanaticism extended not to Marx, but to a specific Soviet people- Stalin served him fanatically.

In the ideological struggle against Stalin, the Trotskyists simply had no chance. When Stalin proposed to Trotsky in 1927 to hold an all-party discussion, the results of the final all-party referendum were stunning for the Trotskyists. Of the 854 thousand party members, 730 thousand voted, of which 724 thousand voted for Stalin’s position and 6 thousand for Trotsky.

Not the least role in the creation of the State of Israel was played by Stalin’s support in the vote on the resolution at the UN.

Stalin broke off diplomatic relations with Israel only because something like a grenade was exploded on the territory of the USSR mission in Israel. Mission personnel were injured by this explosion. The Israeli government rushed to the USSR with an apology, but the Stalinist USSR did not forgive anyone for such an attitude towards itself.

Despite the severance of diplomatic relations, national mourning was declared in Israel on the day of Stalin's death.

In 1927, Stalin passed a decree that the dachas of party workers could not be larger than 3-4 rooms.

Stalin was very good about both security and to the attendant to the staff. Quite often he invited them to the table, and one day when he saw that the sentry at his post was getting wet in the rain, he ordered to immediately build a mushroom at this post. But this had nothing to do with their service. Here Stalin did not tolerate any concessions.

Stalin was very thrifty with himself - he did not have anything superfluous in clothes, but he wore out what he had.

During the war, Stalin, as expected, sent his sons to the front.

IN Battle of Kursk Stalin found a way out of a hopeless situation: the Germans were going to use a “technical novelty” - the Tiger and Panther tanks, against which our artillery was powerless. Stalin remembered his support for the development of the A-IX-2 explosive and the new experimental PTAB aerial bombs, and gave the task: by May 15, i.e. by the time the roads dry out, produce 800 thousand of these bombs. 150 factories Soviet Union rushed to fulfill this order and completed it. As a result, near Kursk, the German army was deprived of striking power by Stalin’s tactical innovation - the PTAB-2.5–1.5 bomb.

After the war, Stalin gradually reduced the role of the Politburo to a body for the leadership of the party. And at the 19th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), this abolition of the Politburo was recorded in the new charter.

Stalin said that he saw the party as an order of sword-bearers, numbering 50 thousand people.

Stalin wanted to remove the party from power altogether, leaving only two matters in the party’s care: agitation and propaganda and participation in the selection of personnel.

Stalin said his famous phrase “personnel decide everything” in 1935 at a reception in honor of graduates of military academies: “We talk too much about the merits of leaders, about the merits of leaders. They are credited with everything, almost all of our achievements. This is, of course, false and incorrect. It's not just the leaders. ... To set technology in motion and use it to its fullest, we need people who have mastered the technology, we need personnel capable of mastering and using this technology according to all the rules of art... That is why the old slogan<техника решает все>... must now be replaced by a new slogan, the slogan that<кадры решают все>».

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It so happened that today our society in its attitude towards To I.V. Stalin- split in two.
Some people demonize this historical figure and they hate her fiercely, while others, on the contrary, deify Stalin’s personality and almost pray to him.
There are many reasons for this strange division of the nation!..
But the main one, in my opinion, is the huge deficit OBJECTIVE And IMPARTIAL historical information about the life and work of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and the entire party environment of that era (the first half of the twentieth century). Moreover, the shortage of this OBJECTIVE INFORMATION we observe against the backdrop of an emotionally charged propaganda both from Stalin’s opponents and from his defenders...

- Stalin, he is a murderer of his own people, a bloody tyrant and murderer! - Some are screaming, spitting saliva.
- Stalin, this is the best ruler of Russia throughout its existence! - their opponents object foaming at the mouth. - Stalin is the savior of the Russian people!..

The hatred of the former is understandable - indeed, there were massive repressions and purges (which did not affect very many families in Russia).
But let's ask some clarifying questions:

- Is Stalin alone to blame for these repressions?
- By what year did Stalin have real power over the country?
- What is the real number of those repressed and killed and what is their social composition?..

The list of questions can be continued for a very long time!

The deification of their idol by the second is also understandable - they accepted the country with a plow, surrendered with atomic bomb; not noticed in acquisitiveness, after death only an overcoat and boots remained; Moreover, if Trotsky, rather than Stalin, had ultimately won, there would have been hundreds of times more repressed and exterminated people, and Russia would not have existed on the world map as a country for a long time...


It seems to me that the truth here, as always, lies somewhere...
Personally, I see many advantages from Stalin’s activities, but there are also a lot of disadvantages. However, there are more advantages - and tangible ones!
I am an opponent of hasty conclusions (especially those based not on facts, but on propaganda and emotions) and I believe that the personality of Stalin and his role in history must be carefully studied and cleared of the huge number of mythological layers that have been piled up since Khrushchev and beyond. the entire subsequent period.

Anyway, I DEFINITELY AGAINST - both the deification of Stalin and his demonization!

At the moment, I am inclined to the point of view that Stalin brought much more benefits for the country as a whole than he made mistakes.
It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the politics itself, the situation itself was such that it was either rigidity and force, dictatorship, or the destruction of the country.
If “Dima Medvedev” had been in Stalin’s place, the country would have been instantly torn to shreds! (A dead people, in the end, it would be many times more).
But portraying Stalin as “pink and fluffy” is also not worth it, I think (there are a lot of indisputable facts about his toughness and even cruelty).
In a word - quite adequate political figure of its time!
And of course, - in no way a demon, not a murderer, not a bloodsucker, as liberals and the West are trying to portray...

By the way, I really liked the book for its objectivity. Nikolai Starikov "Stalin. Let's remember together" .

And also a six-part film Vladimir Chernyshev "Stalin is with us" :

Part - I. Series 1-2.

Part - II. Episodes 3-4.

Part - III. Episodes 5-6.

This (film) is already for real OBJECTIVE and IMPARTIAL a look at Stalin, it seems to me. Neither plus nor minus, everything is objective, reasonable and without emotions/propaganda. I strongly recommend viewing to everyone who is interested in historical truth, and not those ingrained in their consciousness from childhood. STAMPS...