Where is Sao Paulo? Brief information about Sao Paulo. Favorite sport

Flag of Sao Paulo

Coat of arms of Sao Paulo

A country Brazil
State Sao Paulo
Mayor Gilberto Kassab
Square 1523 km²
Population 13,651,000 people (2011)
National composition population of Portuguese, Spanish origin, mulattoes, Africans
Agglomeration 21,300,000 people
Density 8960 people/km²
Telephone code +55 11
Coordinates Coordinates: 23°30′00″ S w. 46°37′00″ W. long / 23.5° S w. 46.616667° W d. (G) (O) (I)23°30′00″ S w. 46°37′00″ W. long / 23.5° S w. 46.616667° W d. (G) (O) (I)
Official site link (port.)
Timezone UTC-3, summer UTC-2
Confessional composition Catholics
LUM height 800 m
Postcode 01000-000
First mention 25 January 1554

Sao Paulo (port. So Paulo) is a city in the southeast of Brazil, the capital of the state of the same name. Located in the valley of the Tiete River, 70 km from the Atlantic coast.

The city's area is 1523 km, and its population is 13.6 million people (according to IBGE 2011), making it the most populous city in Southern Hemisphere(with suburbs - about 21.2 million).

The architectural image of the city is created by a mixture of different eras and styles. Sao Paulo has preserved many ancient buildings, museums and churches. At the same time, Sao Paulo is one of the most modern cities, the main part of it is built up with skyscrapers made of glass and metal (such as Avenida Paulista), including the tallest skyscraper in Brazil - Miranti do Valli. Such a juxtaposition of styles does not look contrived and alien - on the contrary, ancient church can look harmonious against the background of the most modern building.



As throughout Brazil, the language spoken by the majority of the population is Portuguese. Due to the significant influx of immigrants from Italy, however, the city's Portuguese language was significantly influenced Italian language, especially its Neapolitan and Venetian dialects. Italian dialects mixed in the city with the provincial Caipira dialect; First of all, the city's dialect was formed in Mootzi, an area settled at the beginning of the 20th century by settlers from Naples and surrounding areas.

Other languages ​​spoken in the city, primarily among immigrants, are Japanese, common in the Liberdad district, home to the largest Japanese diaspora in the world. Although most Brazilians of Japanese descent speak exclusively Portuguese, some still retain the traditions and language of their ancestors. Also, a certain proportion of immigrants from China and Korea speak the corresponding languages, although this proportion is small.

English and spanish languages taught in schools as main foreign languages, however, very few city residents achieve fluency in them.

Ethnic diversity and population size

São Paulo has the greatest ethnic diversity of residents of any city in Brazil. After the slave trade was banned in Brazil in 1850, landowners in the state began replacing African labor on the coffee plantations with immigrants. This practice was started by Senator Nicolau Vergueiro, who brought in Germans, Swiss and Portuguese from Europe to work on his plantations.

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is located in the valley of the Tiete River, 70 km from the coast.
São Paulo occupies part of a plateau in the region of the Serra do Mar ("seaside mountains"), which, in turn, is part of the even larger Brazilian Highlands.
Unlike the Pacific coast South America this Atlantic region is tectonically very stable and no seismic activity can be traced here. The topography of the city itself is predominantly hilly. In the north, where the Serra da Cantareira mountains pass, is the highest point of the city, Mount Pico do Jaragua.
Main river the city of Tiete with the Pinheiros tributary, thoroughly polluted by industrial wastewater, but subject to periodic cleaning. There are no ships operating on the river within the city limits, although navigation is very active downstream.
There are no natural lakes in the city; there are two reservoirs, Guarapiranga and Billings, which are reservoirs drinking water.
Geographical position The city is interesting because the Tropic of Capricorn, located at 23°26°16" south of the equator, passes through Sao Paulo. The Tropic of Capricorn marks the boundary between tropical and temperate natural area South America. Due to the mild climate and high rainfall, tropical and subtropical vegetation is very abundant. Eucalyptus trees are especially useful for the city: fast-growing trees drain lowlands and eliminate the threat of waterlogging after heavy rains.
In the Southern Hemisphere, winter falls during our summer months and summer during our winter months. In winter there is practically no frost, in summer it often rains, and the temperature rarely rises above 30°C. Recently, in August, despite the fact that it is a winter month here, the temperature sometimes reaches 28°C. This phenomenon is called veranico (Portuguese for “little summer”).
Sao Paulo's weather is extremely unstable and local residents They say that here four seasons can change in one day. In the morning a cool wind blows from the ocean, during the day it is dry and hot, and in the evening the cold air returns.

City `s history

Like many other settlements in Brazil, the settlement of São Paulo Campos de Piratinga was founded by monks of the Jesuit order. In 1554, they established a mission here and began to convert the local Tupi-Guarani Indian tribes, who worshiped the spirits of their ancestors, to Catholicism.
More convenient place there was no way to develop this region: at the foot of the Serra do Mar mountain range, on the Tiete River, from where it is a stone's throw to the bay and port of Santos and the roads to the west, to a huge fertile plateau.
In the XVII-XVIII centuries. the village grew, its population was replenished by adventurers who called themselves bandeirants - hunters for slaves, gold and everything that could make them rich. Despite their dubious reputation, the bandeirants contributed to the expansion of the territory of Brazil and the discovery of deposits of gold and precious stones. The starting point of their campaigns was São Paulo. For their contribution to the development of São Paulo, several monuments were dedicated to the Bandeirants, and the largest of them is the Monument as Bandeiras, one of the main city attractions.
Sao Paulo, which grew rich from the export of coffee, received the status of a city in 1711. After the abolition of slavery in 1888, Europeans began to be attracted to work on the plantations and crowds of immigrants from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany and other countries began to arrive in Sao Paulo. More than 100 ethnic groups call the city home. The city even has an Immigrant Memorial Museum, which contains materials on the history and immigrant heritage of São Paulo.
One should always distinguish between paulistanos - city dwellers and pauli-stas - residents of the entire state.
Sao Paulo is located in the southeastern part of the Brazilian city of the same name, approximately equidistant from Curitiba, the capital of the neighboring state of Parana and, former capital Brazil and the country's second largest city after Sao Paulo.
The official motto of the city was the Latin phrase Non ducor, duco, which can be translated as “not followed, but leading.” These words very accurately reflect the position and importance of São Paulo as the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, the most populated city in the Western Hemisphere, the main economic and cultural center Brazil.
In the 20th century Coffee prices were brought down by the global economic crisis, but by this time trade and industries that had nothing to do with coffee had successfully developed in the city.
Today's São Paulo is focused on services, finance and education. Experiencing economic and social problems, Sao Paulo remains the largest business center Latin America.
The city of São Paulo is the core of the huge agglomeration Grande São Paulo, or Greater São Paulo. Greater São Paulo, consisting of 39 municipalities, ranks seventh in the world. If we consider the “general statistical area”, which is an agglomeration with 29 million inhabitants, then Sao Paulo is the second largest city in the world after Tokyo.
São Paulo has the most developed economy among the cities of Brazil and MERCOSUR, especially in the field of trade and finance: the city has 1,500 banks and their branches, the São Paulo Exchange is the main financial and commodity exchange in Brazil, it is the largest exchange in Latin America and the third largest in terms of volume trading in the world. Industry has faded into the background, giving way to the service sector, mainly in the entertainment industry.
The structure and architecture of the city also changed greatly depending on the circumstances, but the modern face of the city was formed in the middle of the 20th century. The rich city was able to afford the services of the world famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. Before building the future new capital, the city of Brasilia, in the early 1950s, Oscar Niemeyer built the Montreal business center, the Eiffel and Copan residential buildings, as well as the international exhibition complex in Sao Paulo. buildings of the main park of Sao Paulo - Ibirapuera.
The city loves to build expensive and unusual houses, bringing Sao Paulo world fame: such as the Museum of Art, one of the most famous and visited museums in Latin America and in the world, and local residents also go to their museum very actively, which distinguishes them from residents of many other cultural capitals.
Today Sao Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. The language of interethnic communication remains Portuguese, which is significantly influenced by Italian. In addition to literary Portuguese, the local Caipira dialect is in circulation among the poorly educated population. English and Spanish are compulsory in schools.

general information

Location: South America, southeast of the Federal Republic of Brazil.
State capital of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Administrative division: 31 urban districts (subprefectures).

Ethnic composition: whites - 60.6%, mestizo and mulatto - 30.5%, African Americans - 6.5%, Asians - 2.2%, Indians - 0.2% (2010)

Religions: Catholicism - 73.11%, Protestantism - 15.94%, outside religion - 8.97%, Kardecism (spiritism) - 2.75%, Buddhism - 0.65%, Umbanda and Candomblé - 0.46%, Judaism - 0.36% (2000).
Language: Portuguese.

Currency unit: Brazilian real

Largest rivers: Tiete with the Pinheiros tributary.
Major airports: international airports Sao Paulo-Guarulhos and Congonhas-Sao Paulo.


Area: 1523 km 2 (agglomeration - 7943.8 km 2).

Population: 11,316,149 people (2011) (agglomeration - 19,223,897 people, 2007).

Population density: 7430.2 people/km 2 (agglomeration - 2420 people/km 2)

Altitude (plateau): 760 m.

Highest point: Mount Pico do Jaragua (1135 m).


The gross regional product of the city of São Paulo is about 12% of Brazil's GDP and comparable to Portugal's. Sao Paulo is a major air, rail and road transport hub.
Industry: metallurgical, chemical, electronic, light (clothing), food.
Services: tourism, trade, investment banking, insurance, international fairs.

Climate and weather

Humid subtropical.

Average January temperature:+19ºС.

Average temperature in July:+14ºС.

Average annual precipitation: 1320 mm.
Relative humidity: 75%.


    Ibirapuera Park: Grand Marquis (Museum of Contemporary Art), Villa de Osos Bacalau (Museum of Wonders), Monumento as Bandeiras, Ibirapuera Auditorium, Obelisk of São Paulo.

    Museums: Museum of Art, Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, Zoological Museum of the University of São Paulo, Portuguese Heritage Museum. Museum of the Portuguese Language, Museum of Impiraña, Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo.

    Mountain and park Pico do Jaragua.

    Palace-Museum Bandey Rants.

    Immigrant Memorial.

    City market.

    Parks: Maria Luisa and Oscar Americano Foundation Park, Luz Garden.

    Bairo Luz - old district of Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo is the largest city in South America. It is considered one of the most populous populated areas in the West. Different peoples from all over the world live here: Africans, Japanese, Indians, Arabs.

Statistics show that the current population of Sao Paulo is about 10 million people. The city is famous for the presence of various rivers and mountains. The Tiete River stretches across the whole of Sao Paulo. Previously, it was a source of water for the local population. Over time, the quality of the water deteriorated greatly and became unfit for drinking. Local authorities are conducting a lot of programs to clean up the river.

The climate here is humid subtropical. The winter months fall during our summer, and summer period falls during the Russian winter. Summer in Sao Paulo begins in December and ends in February, with an average temperature of +30°C. Winter is warm up to +20°C and frosts are very rare.

Sao Paulo is built up with buildings and skyscrapers made of glass and metal; many architectural structures, centuries-old churches, historical museums and other famous places of the city have been preserved here.

Means of transportation in the city

The main transport in Sao Paulo is represented by buses, trolleybuses, taxis, electric trains, metro and private minibuses. Most of Citizens prefer buses and trolleybuses; of course, they have to constantly stand in traffic jams and exhausting crushes, but residents save their money significantly. By ordering a taxi, you can get to any point in the city much faster and in comfortable conditions, but the prices for such transportation services are very high.

Tourists can use the metro and trains. It is very convenient to travel in them, at minimal cost and without large crowds of people. Rich residents, actors, TV presenters and many stars fly around the city in helicopters. Special areas are equipped for this type of transport.

Sao Paulo is a huge metropolis, where there are many beautiful and unique places that all tourists should definitely visit.

This architectural structure stands near the municipality of Bara Funda, in the state of Sao Paulo. The architectural complex fully reflects the history, culture and life of Latin America. The library, located in the memorial building, stores books, magazines, documents, and chronicles that can be consulted by anyone. Visitors will have the opportunity to browse the art gallery, which includes collections of artwork from South America.

Location: Av. Auro Soares de Moura Andrade (664).

It is impossible not to visit such a famous place as the Zoological Museum, which is located on Bar Paulista Street. Exhibitions of plants and animals are held on a vast area of 700 thousand square meters.

For guests, museum staff organize themed events dedicated to unique species of birds, amphibians, fish, and animals from the tropics and subtropics. You can also scroll through scientific works, brochures that are kept in the museum's library.

Location: Av. Nazaré - 481.

Butantan Nature Reserve

Translated from Indian, “Butantan” means “powerful wind”. The main inhabitants of the reserve are snakes brought from all over the world. Most of them come from the Amazon. Local scientists study poisonous reptiles and produce medicinal and cosmetic products based on poison. You can also look at other inhabitants of the reserve: scorpions, fish, turtles, spiders, lizards.

“Butantan” is a wonderful vacation spot for the whole family: rich green nature, cozy benches, flower lawns, and a children’s playground. Many families come here to play baseball, rollerblade and bike, and have a small picnic in the fresh air.

Those with a sweet tooth should definitely get into this interesting place. Here they will describe in detail the technology for growing cocoa beans and show you a colonial house-museum in which chocolate, cakes, pastries, cookies, and coffee are made. In addition, you can look at the exotic animals living on the plantation. At the end of the excursion, perhaps the most enjoyable part of it will come - the tasting. All those present can try the sweet products.

Location: Estr. dos Romeiros.

This legendary museum has become an independent landmark in Brazil. This is where memories are kept for future generations. The Paulista Museum contains several thousand artifacts: iconographic objects; furniture and household items; national things; reporting related to the historical past.

The museum is currently closed for reconstruction, which will continue for several years, but visitors can take a walk in the huge green park, made in a palace style.

Location: Parque da Independência - Ipiranga.

There is a small one in Sao Paulo locality, located near the town of Brotas. Many travelers come here to admire the nature of tropical plants, the beauty of clear reservoirs and touch the unusual magical sand.

You need to get some sand from the bottom of the reservoir and rub it in both hands to make it sound. About it mysterious phenomenon There are many legends. For example, locals are sure that magical powers live in this very place.

The most visited water park among children and adults in Sao Paulo. It includes more than 50 attractions, including low slides for the little ones, and a surfing area. The swimming pools at Termas Laranjais are rich in nitrogen and fluoride. On the territory of the water park there are sports grounds, a football field, a recreation area, cafes and snack bars.

This well-known attraction is located at the Municipal Stadium of Paulo Marado and has been in operation since 2008. There is a considerable assortment of posters, photographs, and papers directly related to teams and players from different years. The museum created a special gallery in honor of the best Brazilian players. From here there is a stunning view of the stadium. Guests can also feel like real football players. You can play a virtual ball on an electronic field.

Location: Praça Charles Miller.

The abundance of varied food on the market stalls is simply overwhelming. You can try exotic fruits brought from different parts of the world. Also enjoy seafood and dried meat. Huge selection of imported cheeses and sausages. The most popular fish is cod. There are whole rows of different spices on display.

The cathedral is located in the central part of the city. Millions of vacationers visit it every day. Entrance to it is absolutely free. Cathedral is one of the largest temples in Sao Paulo. Guests of the city can explore the famous building on their own or book a tour.

Location: Praça da Sé - Sé.

It cannot be confused with other objects in the city, since it has the extraordinary appearance of a flying saucer. It is open daily, seven days a week. In the planetarium you can see exhibitions related to space.

Location: Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, Portão (10).

Several years ago, the beach received the Blue Flag title for the ideal cleanliness of the water, safe swimming and highly developed infrastructure. On the territory of Tombo you can have a delicious snack and order a variety of drinks. You can also learn to surf here. The beach is equipped for disabled people.

Full orchestras are located in a luxurious room. On Wednesdays they give concerts where dance and musical ensembles and many celebrities perform. Every Tuesday and Thursday they conduct free excursions for students, schoolchildren and city guests. The inside of the architectural building is decorated with bronze and marble stones.

Location: Praça Ramos de Azevedo.

Flower and strawberry park

This is a bright, picturesque square where extremely rare species of plants and flowers are grown, as well as many different strawberries. The park hosts exhibitions, music shows, performances, and performances. Those interested can try and take home dishes made from strawberries.

This eating place is very popular among the residents of Sao Paulo. Many tourists love to visit this establishment because of the varied menu, delicious food, cozy atmosphere, and friendly staff. The restaurant serves excellent fish dishes, excellent pasta, and lamb chops. And children can enjoy unusual desserts. The hall is decorated in a modern style. Paintings, photographs and portraits hang on the walls famous people Sao Paulo.

Location: Rua Oscar Freire (439).

Rules of conduct for tourists

  1. You cannot carry valuables, large money, or jewelry with you.
  2. Use ATMs at bank branches.
  3. Avoid traveling during rush hour to avoid theft.
  4. Do not respond to compliments from Brazilians.
  5. A girl or woman should not walk around the city at night.

Sao Paulo is the financial heart of Brazil, a major industrial center of Latin America, bright, colorful, original. The most cosmopolitan city in the world. Only here can you see such a mixture of religions, cultures, peoples and traditions. The city is located in the southeastern part of the country, in the picturesque valley of the Tiete River, not far from the shores of the Atlantic. Sao Paulo is a modern, dynamic metropolis, full of glass skyscrapers, office buildings, factories, shopping centers, and old residential areas. Tourists are attracted by its original architecture - a variety of stylistic solutions, each of which reveals a certain period of time, its own era. Today Sao Paulo is a major tourist, educational, cultural, transport and historical center of Brazil. Millions of tourists from all over the world come every year to admire its beauty and recharge itself with the city’s inexhaustible energy.

A little history

The history of Sao Paulo dates back to 1554, when a group of Jesuit missionaries decided to found a city here. Led by Manuelo da Nobrega, they built a temple on the banks of the Tiete, pursuing the sole goal of converting the indigenous population to Catholicism. Over time, small settlements began to huddle around the temple. Soon, the port city of Santos grew at the foot of the Serra do Mar mountain ranges. The 17th century marked the beginning of the Gold Rush; bandeirants and gold miners from all over the world rushed to Brazil. In the 18th century, several deposits of precious stones and metals were discovered in the vicinity of Santos. It received the official title of the city and its present name in 1711. The 19th century is the beginning of the prosperity of the economic, industrial and commercial life of the city. From the numerous coffee plantations of São Paulo, coffee was exported to different countries peace. In the 20th century, the world experienced a great economic crisis, and coffee sales declined sharply. To avoid bankruptcy, many entrepreneurs tried to redirect their financial investments to other areas of industry. This led to a huge influx of immigrants - Italians, Arabs and Japanese. Currently, Sao Paulo is a major business, industrial, economic and financial center of Latin America. Its territory is concentrated a large number of international banks and companies.

Sights of Sao Paulo

Municipal market

One of the most visited attractions in Sao Paulo is the vibrant and colorful city market, built in 1930. This is a huge glass pavilion, decorated with original decorative stained glass windows. Having crossed its threshold, visitors are caught up in a stream of people. Here you can buy whatever your heart desires - exotic fruits and vegetables, aromatic pastries, delicious cheeses and sausages, a variety of dairy and meat products, fish, herbal medicines and much more. There is an incredible atmosphere inside the pavilion - cheerful noise and bustle.

Cathedral of Sao Paulo

The symbol of the city, its calling card is the Cathedral. This is a beautiful, majestic structure built in the Gothic style. The height of the building is approximately 111 meters. Entering the temple, tourists find themselves in a spacious, bright hall with unrealistically high vaulted ceilings, columns created in the Byzantine style, walls decorated with ancient frescoes and gilding. In the center of the hall is a carved altar, next to a huge organ consisting of 120 registers, 12,000 pipes, 5 keyboards and 329 stops. An atmosphere of spiritual peace reigns in the cathedral.

Monastery of Saint Benedict

The Monastery of St. Benedict is a neo-Gothic building, made in warm colors and decorated with pointed towers, graceful arches and expensive stucco. Each room of the monastery is a grandiose work of art. The walls are decorated with decorative patterns, luxurious carvings and gold. The pride of the monastery is its beautiful stained glass windows. A lot of religious events are held within its walls every day.

Liberdade District

The Japanese district of Liberdade impresses with its extraordinary architecture. The largest Japanese diaspora lives on its territory. Walking around Liberdade, you can see numerous sushi bars and restaurants, souvenir shops. The streets are decorated with red Japanese lanterns. The Japanese Immigration Museum is also located here.

House Copan

The Copan House is an unsurpassed masterpiece by architect Oscar Niemeyer. Its amazing wavy facade and unusually narrow canopies have turned this building into a true symbol of São Paulo. The upper floors of the house are private property. The lower floor is open to visitors. Here you can see luxury apartments for the rich and small apartments for workers. Thus, the creator of the house of Copan tried to unite the two opposing classes.

Ibirapuera Park

Ibirapuera Park is a wonderful place for walks, a “green oasis” lost in the middle of a noisy metropolis. Visitors will find here excellent cycling and walking paths, shady alleys, children's playgrounds, and fragrant greenhouses. Also within the park there is a library with a huge collection of books, newspapers and magazines. There is a beautiful Japanese garden nearby. There is a small planetarium nearby. In the center of the park there is a large concert venue. Citizens come here to go boating, have a picnic in one of the meadows, play tennis or just relax in the cool of the trees from the noise and bustle.

Sao Paulo Zoo

The Sao Paulo Zoo is the largest in Brazil. Thousands of different animals found shelter within its walls. There is a picturesque lake on the territory of the zoo. On the shore there is an old farm designed for growing animal feed. You can take a most interesting walk through the safari park and watch the zoo residents in their usual conditions.

The Cidade da Criana entertainment complex attracts children with its many fun attractions. Within its boundaries there is a wonderful planetarium, several playgrounds, an excellent natural park, and a small theater.

Ipiranga Museum

The Ipiranga Museum is one of the city's historical museums. Its exhibition includes antique furniture, clothing, works of art, and exhibits belonging to different eras. The pride of the museum is the work of Pedro America “Independence or Death”. In one of the exhibition halls of the museum, a huge model of the city is presented to tourists. There is an amazing natural park around. In the center is the Independence Memorial. From a museum tour you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of Sao Paulo and its development.

Reminder for tourists

Sao Paulo is a large transport center of the country. On its territory there are three large bus stations - Tiete, Bara Funda and Jabaquara. Tiete serves dozens of domestic and international flights daily. Bara Funda maintains contact with the western part of the state, Jabaquara with its southern part. Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport serves dozens of external flights. From Congonhas Airport, a huge number of flights depart daily to all corners of the country. The internal message is represented by numerous bus routes, trolleybus and tram lines, as well as helicopters and taxis.

The population of Sao Paulo is more than 12 million people, making this metropolis one of the most populated cities in the world. Sao Paulo is not only the industrial and financial center of Brazil, but also the country's largest transport hub. Most of the representative offices of national and international companies, stock exchanges and banks are concentrated here. The dynamic city is constantly growing, and the pulse of its rhythm is felt everywhere. The city of business, fashion, culture, tourism offers its guests inexhaustible opportunities for doing business and spending leisure time.

This multifaceted, pulsating city in the best traditions of multiculturalism occupies a special niche among all cities in Brazil. A chaotic mixture of all kinds of languages ​​and accents, religious beliefs and cuisines distinguishes a city that never stands still. Sao Paulo amazes with its urbanization and chaos, and its human anthill can lead to a state of stupor. The inhabitants of Sao Paulo, or as they are also called Paulistas, are distinguished by an unimaginable mixture of races and nationalities. Europeans, Africans, Indians, Japanese, Arabs make up the demographic face of the city.

Today it is difficult to imagine that until the mid-19th century, Sao Paulo was an unremarkable small city founded in the 16th century by Jesuit priests. But with the rise of coffee production, he began to grow and expand, which led to new opportunities in all areas of his life. In addition, the flow of immigrants to this city never dried up. Labor came here from all continents. Today, the city has the largest settlements of Italians, Japanese, Lebanese and other peoples, which, of course, affected its architectural and gastronomic appearance.

Based: 1554
Square: 1523 km 2
Population: 12,106,920 people (2017)
Currency: brazilian real
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Official website: http://capital.sp.gov.br

Current time in Sao Paulo:
(UTC -3)

Without a doubt, the city faces problems typical of megacities such as pollution environment, traffic jams, overcrowding, crime, but every year the quality of life of its inhabitants is constantly improving. Evidence of this is the construction of an underground railway system, the introduction into daily life advanced technologies and the reconstruction of other city services.

How to get to Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo is the largest transit point in South America; many airlines flying to Europe make connections in Sao Paulo. The city has three airports. Two of them are international, São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport and Congonhas-São Paulo International Airport, serving both international and domestic flights. In addition, in the northern part of the city there is a small airport, Campo di Marti, which is mainly used for private planes and helicopters.

Domestically, Sao Paulo also enjoys a privileged position and is connected by direct flights to almost all major cities Brazil.

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Transfers in Sao Paulo

Show transfers from Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo/Congonhas Airport Sao Paulo from 3267 p.
Sao Paulo from 4117 p.
Sao Bernardo do Campo Sao Paulo from 4835 p.
Campinas Sao Paulo from 7515 p.
Sao Jose dos Campos Sao Paulo from 8168 p.
Sao Paulo Viracopos Sao Paulo from 8168 p.
Santos Sao Paulo from 8168 p.
Santos Port Sao Paulo from 10259 p.
Paraty Sao Paulo from 20257 p.
Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo from 32672 p.
Angra dos Reis Sao Paulo from 33521 p.
Sao Paulo Sao Paulo/Congonhas Airport from 3267 p.
Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Airport "Guarulhos/Cumbica" from 4117 p.
Sao Paulo Sao Bernardo do Campo from 4835 p.
Sao Paulo Campinas from 7515 p.
Sao Paulo Sao Jose dos Campos from 8168 p.
Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Viracopos from 8168 p.
Sao Paulo Santos from 8168 p.
Sao Paulo Santos Port from 10259 p.
Sao Paulo Paraty from 20257 p.
Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro from 32672 p.
Sao Paulo Angra dos Reis from 33521 p.

We cooperate with kiwitaxi and do not charge any commissions - the rental price is absolutely the same as on the website.

Weather in Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo lies in a subequatorial climate zone and boasts pleasant weather throughout the year. The dry season occurs during the winter months, while the wet season occurs during the rest of the year. The weather here is quite comfortable all year round, temperatures usually do not exceed plus 30 degrees. During the dry season, the weather is warm and moderate during the day and quite cool at night.

Weather forecast







on "Pogoda.Tourister.Ru"

Weather in Sao Paulo by month

daytime, °C
at night, °C
precipitation, mm
27 19 240
28 19 200
27 18 140
25 17 50
23 15 40
21 13 30
21 12 20
22 13 30
22 13 50
25 15 140
25 17 120
26 18 190

Reviews by month

January 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 May 1 August 1


October 3 November 4 December 5

Sights of Sao Paulo

The pronounced business orientation of Sao Paulo in no way means that there is nothing for tourists to do here. On the contrary, the city offers its guests a wide range of tourist attractions and activities. The city is filled with theatres, concert halls, museums, restaurants, cabarets, discos, parks, stadiums, ancient and modern buildings, among which skyscrapers have a special place. Perhaps no other city in Brazil has such a concentration of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers as in Sao Paulo.

Listed below are some of the attractions in Sao Paulo. Using the links in the text, you can go to a page with detailed information about the object that interests you, where, along with the description, you will find contact information, opening hours, travel methods and entrance fees, as well as the location of the object on the map. If you are interested in the sights of Brazil in general, without dividing into cities, there is a special section for this.

The greatest concentration of skyscrapers made of glass and metal can be seen on the main street of Sao Paulo, Avenida Paulista. The two-kilometer artery is lined with luxury shops, modern office buildings, all kinds of restaurants and skyscrapers. The city’s most famous museum, the Sao Paulo Museum of Art, is also located here, with a rich collection of modern paintings. The museum building is impossible to miss; it catches the eye from everywhere, attracting attention with its bright red colonnades. The museum has one of the finest collections of Western art in Latin America, including works by such renowned artists as Degas, Renoir, Monet and Van Gogh.

The hallmark of the Sao Paulo skyline can easily be called the Banespa skyscraper (its official name is Edificio Altino Arantes), from the roof of which there is a breathtaking view of the city panorama. Built in 1947, the 36-story skyscraper, 150 meters high, was at that time considered the tallest skyscraper outside the United States. It is believed to be the Brazilian equivalent of the Empire State Building. The climb to the top floor of the building is completely free; you only need to have an ID card with you. The skyscraper is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00.

Another iconic building among the skyscrapers of Sao Paulo - El Edificio Italia is located in the so-called New City Center. This second tallest building in the city is 168 meters high and has 46 floors. A magnificent example of vertical Brazilian architecture appeared in the city in 1965 and immediately became one of the hallmarks of Sao Paulo. On the 44th floor of the building there is the Terraço Itália restaurant, which offers a magnificent panoramic view of the entire city.

The championship among all Brazilian skyscrapers belongs to the 51-story skyscraper Mirante do Vale. This is the tallest building in the entire country - its height is 170 meters, the year of birth is 1960.

Near the Republica metro station you can admire another unusual building. This is the Edificio Copan residential building, designed by the famous Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. The wavy facade and narrow canopies of this architectural masterpiece have long become one of the symbols of Sao Paulo. Access to the first floor is free for everyone, the upper floors are closed to the public, this is private property.

Having admired the city's skyscrapers, it is worth checking out its other attractions.

You can get an idea of ​​the Japanese appearance of Sao Paulo in the ethnic district of Liberdade, conveniently located near Avenida Paulista south of the historical center of the city. This is one of the most vibrant and colorful neighborhoods of Sao Paulo, created by the largest Japanese community outside of Japan. Japanese traditions are sacredly remembered and honored here; for example, the Flower Festival is held here in April, and the Star Festival in July. There is a lot to see on the streets of Liberdade - beautiful Japanese lanterns complement sushi restaurants, souvenir shops and museums. Without a doubt, this is an area worth exploring and just a nice place to walk around and experience Japanese culture in South America.

While in Sao Paulo, you can’t help but visit its Municipal Market near the São Bento metro station. Built in the 1930s, this huge market with a glass roof and stained glass windows entices passers-by with its smells and colors. Here you can buy not only exotic Brazilian fruits and vegetables, but also medicinal plants, sausages and cheese. If you want to experience the unique atmosphere of the folk spirit of Sao Paulo, this is definitely the place for you.