Submit documents to several universities. What documents are needed to enter the university? How to find out the average Unified State Exam score for a university

All information about the acceptance of documents at the university, passing scores, benefits and advantages is of interest to any applicant.

Usually, before the start of a new academic year, a commission under the Ministry of Education changes or adjusts the rules for admission to universities.

According to the new rules, graduates can submit documents to educational institution already in the first week after receiving a certificate of completed secondary education. You can apply to 5 different universities, for 3 specialties in each.

Documents can be submitted electronically or sent to the educational institution. Or, directly, come to the university and submit the necessary documents.

Important. Each educational institution has its own requirements for admission, where an additional interview or exam may be included; you need to remember this and find out in advance.

In 2018, there are no plans to reduce the number of budget places, but in the areas of law and economics, places will still be reduced. This will happen due to the overcrowding of the market with a large number of specialists graduating specifically in these areas.

Priority will be given to full-time education rather than part-time education; it was revealed that with full-time education, students develop more knowledge and skills, so there will be more benefits for admission to full-time education.

To enter the most prestigious educational institutions in the country, you need a high Unified State Examination score, namely more than 80 in each subject. In addition, universities conduct their own certification of applicants, these are educational institutions such as MGIMO, Moscow State University, Baumanka. Less famous universities have lower requirements for Unified State Examination scores, but this does not mean that these universities produce bad specialists, so there is nothing wrong with studying at an ordinary university.

In 2018, funding for many will be reduced educational institutions, which will significantly affect their work, will be reduced Teaching Staff, many will close educational programs. The quality of educational services may change significantly. Therefore, when choosing a university, you should carefully consider how its financing occurs; usually this information is provided on the official website of the educational institution.

So, how many universities can you apply to at once? In 2018, you can apply to 5 different educational institutions, for 3 specialties in each. It is better to enroll in full-time studies; choose areas of law and economics with caution. Carefully study the funding of the university, additional conditions for admission, and also do not be afraid to enroll in more modest institutions than, for example, Moscow State University. The main thing is to prepare well for passing the exams, then there will be no problems with admission.

I have a certificate in foreign language, can I not take the exam in this subject?

Yes, we can re-credit a number of certificates, not only in English, but also in German and French. A list of certificate compatibility and benefits provided for them will be available later.

I have a diploma in translation, can I count this as a foreign language exam?

Is it possible to take a language other than English as a foreign language?

Only for some programs. In addition, most programs can be credited with a language certificate in German or French. A list of certificate compliance and the benefits provided for them will be posted later.

I have diplomas and certificates for various achievements. Can they influence admission?

Only if the entrance examination for your program includes a portfolio competition and its criteria allow you to count points for such achievements. The composition of the entrance examinations (including portfolio criteria for those programs where there is a portfolio competition) has already been published, you can familiarize yourself with them.

What admission benefits are given to the winners and prize-winners of the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates (as well as the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiad “I am a Professional”)?

I have a diploma as a winner or prize-winner of the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates (or the All-Russian Olympiad for Students “I am a Professional”), but not this year, but one of the past. Will this provide any benefits?

Yes. The 2019 admissions campaign accepts not only the results of this year, but also those of 2018.

Can I pass entrance tests remotely?

Only if you need to participate only in the portfolio competition (for example: there are benefits of 100 points for all other tests; the second test is in a foreign language and it is confirmed by a certificate; the entrance tests include only the portfolio competition and nothing else)

What should I do if I cannot pass the entrance examination on the appointed day? Is there a spare day?

There is a reserve day. But keep in mind that you can take it on a reserve day only if the reason for missing the exam is valid. A valid reason is considered to be, for example, documented illness or a business trip. But, for example, taking an exam at another university (or even at another HSE campus) good reason cannot be considered.

Unless the portfolio criteria states otherwise, it only means that you will not receive points for that particular criterion.

Going to university is one of the the most important stages in the life of every person. At this moment, the future student chooses for himself not just a profession, but life path which he will have to walk.

A lot depends on the applicant’s decision: future professional achievements, area of ​​employment, opportunities personal growth, and, of course, the level of remuneration. Therefore, it is so important not to make a mistake in solving such a fateful task.

As a rule, long before last call» school graduates and their parents are beginning to study and analyze new trends related to passing unified exam and admission to higher education. The reason for this is the constant reformist spirit of education officials, who every year try to optimize the system with “effective” innovations.

In most cases, such innovations include: a change in the scoring scale, new requirements for registration documents, a reduction (increase) in the state order quota and the establishment of restrictions on the number of universities to which you can apply.

Thus, it is quite difficult for an unprepared person to understand all the intricacies of the admission procedure and it is better to know in advance your rights and responsibilities in this field.

What can applicants expect in 2018?

Traditionally, before the start of each academic year, a special commission under the Ministry of Education makes some changes to the basic rules for admission to higher education institutions. This is done in order to simplify bureaucratic red tape for applicants and effectively redistribute students between universities.

According to the new admission rules, all future students who have completed secondary school, can begin the application process from the first week of their graduation. Each applicant has the right to write an application for inclusion in the list of students at 5 different universities.

You can send copies of documents to all selected universities via the Internet at e-mail or through special feedback forms on their official websites. As a rule, almost all educational institutions have their own specific admission system, which may include an additional exam, interview, or simply a consultation, which you definitely need to pay attention to.

What will happen to the government order?

At a recent briefing on innovations in the process of admission of applicants, representatives of the relevant ministry made a statement that pleased most graduates. According to the state order program, the number of budget places will be maintained during the academic period.

In order to provide financial support to students, the central budget has already allocated an amount for 575 thousand places in residency, master's, postgraduate and bachelor's programs. The bulk of the funding is planned to be spent on training specialists from natural sciences, health care, pedagogy, mathematics and physics.

A reduction in government orders is expected in the areas of law and economics, whose representatives the labor market is literally overcrowded with.

Another feature of the budget distribution in 2018 will be the high priority of inpatient education. According to official statistics, students who have received a full-time diploma have knowledge that is an order of magnitude higher than their part-time counterparts.

What score is required for admission?

As we have long been accustomed to, the best universities in our country require the highest grades to enroll a former school student. The doors of such prestigious educational institutions open to applicants who score at least 80 points on the Unified State Exam.

In addition, as the practice of recent years has shown, such universities as, for example, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University or Baumanka, in addition to the requirement high results of the Unified State Exam, they also conduct their own individual testing to better determine the applicant’s level of knowledge.

But don't be afraid of additional obstacles. There is a chance to get into your “dream” university, and it is especially great for those who have a decent knowledge base.

Higher educational institutions with a lower status are satisfied with lower Unified State Exam scores, and there you can also avoid taking additional exams or pass a simple interview instead. For many applicants, they are a kind of insurance in case more prestigious university You will not be able to qualify for the competition.

Negative trends in the education system in 2018

The economic crisis advancing on all “fronts” could not but affect the education system in our country. Even though the government is trying with all its might to maintain the existing number of budget places, negative trends are making themselves felt.

Now it has become much more difficult to become part of the state order for a profession than it was a few years ago, especially for those who chose correspondence courses.

But not only applicants felt all the “delights”. In 2018, there may be a significant reduction in funding for universities themselves, which will invariably lead to mass layoffs and the closure of many costly educational programs.

Thus, universities will lose a significant part of the human resources that have been formed over the years, and, consequently, the system of knowledge delivery may be shaken.

Farewell to the walls of the school is not just the last bell, beautiful costumes and the last line and school ball, but also the beginning of an important stage in the life of every graduate. The doors to adulthood open before him, but in order to feel confident and reliable in it, he first needs to obtain a higher education, achieving a diploma.

Last year schooling is the period when eleventh graders and their parents begin to study innovations related to the regulations that determine the rules for submitting documents to universities and academies. You need to understand what exams you need to take for your chosen specialties, look at the availability of benefits and bonus points at the selected universities. There is no need to rely on information from previous years in this matter.

In 2018, you can choose 5 universities (or 15 specialties) for admission.

Every year, education officials supplement, reform and make changes to regulations and procedures, clarifying the deadlines, opportunities and rules for enrollment in educational institutions. An important point is how many universities and specialties one graduate can “storm”, because the choice of educational direction affects the opportunity to receive and insure oneself in case of not too high. Let's figure out what rules will apply to applicants in 2018.

Rules for admission to Russian universities

It is worth recalling that in 2018 Russian Ministry Education has subjected the rules regarding admission to universities to the following changes:

  • for persons who apply for bachelor's or specialist's degrees, amendments have been made regarding priority beneficiaries. Now applicants who are children of employees have been added to this category national guard Russia, as well as those who are among the employees and military personnel of this unit;
  • universities must now inform potential applicants regarding the current admissions campaign earlier than last year. If back in 2016, the management of higher educational institutions published admissions news until November 16 of the current academic year, then in 2018 a new rule will apply, according to which all information for applicants must be available no later than October 1. It is expected that this reserve of time will provide an opportunity to better study the requirements put forward by universities and prepare for their implementation;
  • new rules come into force for children from Crimea. For several years, they had the right to apply to mainland universities within a special quota. In 2016-2017, they could also apply without the Unified State Exam, or rather, make a choice in favor of all-Russian testing or the admission rules of a specific university. Many schoolchildren tried to avoid the Unified State Exam—for several years, only 38-45% of all Crimean eleventh-graders decided to take the difficult test. From 2018, most likely, Crimeans will be subject to a presidential decree, according to which they are required to take the Unified State Exam.

How many universities can I apply to?

The rules for submitting documents to universities and specialties have not changed: graduates of 11th grade have the right to provide certificates to five institutions of the system higher education. At the same time, in the selected universities you can check the boxes next to three specialties or areas of training. As a result, the applicant will have the opportunity to get into budget place one of 15 specialties, which is not so little for realizing your chance of success.

The points received for the Unified State Exam will show whether it is worth aiming at a prestigious university

The main thing is to track the ratings of previous years and realistically assess your chances based on the points given in the Unified State Examination certificates. Another important point: documents can be sent to any of the existing forms of training. If you are not sure that you can take a budget place in a hospital, it may be worth playing it safe and presenting certificates for absentee or evening faculty. In this case, the competition will be much lower, and the scores of applicants will be lower. The university will accept documents in two stages:

  • 1st – selection takes place for 80% of the places financed from the state budget;
  • 2nd – this is where the remaining budget places are filled and the documents of applicants are moved to the vacant places. This happens due to the fact that students with a high rating submit originals for one specialty in the first wave, freeing up places for the 14 remaining positions in university rankings. So if you're in 21st place out of 20 budget positions available, it's worth waiting. There is a good chance that you will be included in the second wave of enrollment.

Benefits when submitting documents

It should be noted that some categories of graduates continue to enjoy benefits:

  • winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads in subjects from school curriculum receive +10 points to the applicant's rating. However, it is worth remembering that the winner’s diploma can only be submitted to one educational institution, and documents must be submitted to four more universities in accordance with general rules, so you should choose your priority university responsibly. By the way, the results of the Olympiads are valid for 4 years, so you can take advantage of the achievements that were obtained in the 8th-9th grade;
  • Possession of a gold TRP badge and documented volunteering can also bring benefits in the form of a maximum 10 points, Golden medal or excellent. The weight of these achievements in point terms is determined by the leadership of universities. You should not neglect the opportunity to receive additional points, so carefully read the admission rules to become familiar with the rector's policy on this issue.

Features of submitting documents to military universities

It is quite natural that among Russian eleventh-graders there are children who do not consider civil specialties, but want to become career military personnel. Their choice is institutes and academies of the relevant profile, which differ from ordinary universities not only in the characteristics of their studies, the list of specialties and disciplines, but also in the terms of enrollment. Here we need to focus on two points.

To enter a military university, it is not enough to pass the Unified State Exam – physical training is also important
  • Unlike civilian higher educational institutions, for admission to which it is enough to provide Unified State Examination certificates with high scores, admission to a military university requires an additional examination in physical training, passing psychological testing and obtaining a certificate from the medical board. The commission must certify that the graduate’s health will allow him to study at a military university;
  • Military universities do not require submitting documents to five institutions and three specialties in each. In this case, you can select only one educational institution and send certificates, an application and related documents to it.

Taking into account the second rule, it is important to insure yourself in case you do not succeed in becoming a military servant this year. You probably don't want to lose a whole year. The graduate has the right to apply to four more civilian universities. Choose universities that have military department to then work in military structures and law enforcement agencies on a contract basis.

Another opportunity is provided

Moreover, the law does not prohibit filing applications for various shapes training: full-time, evening or correspondence. Schoolchildren who have certificates of winners of university or All-Russian Olympiads, receive benefits upon admission. However, in order to use them, the applicant will have to choose only one university and for one direction (3rd paragraph of Article 71 of the Federal Law on Education). Otherwise, the benefit loses its validity, and enrollment is carried out on a general basis according to Unified State Exam results. Restrictions also apply to those wishing to enroll in a military university. Applicants can choose only one educational institution and send certificates, applications and other documents to it. How to submit documents to several universities Documents can be brought to the admissions committee of the institute yourself, or sent to the email or postal address of the educational institution.

How many universities can you apply to in 2018?

According to the new admission rules, all future students who have completed secondary school can begin the application process from the first week of their graduation.

Each applicant has the right to write an application for inclusion in the list of students at 5 different universities.

You can send copies of documents to all selected universities via the Internet by email or through special feedback forms on their official websites.

As a rule, almost all educational institutions have their own specific admission system, which may include an additional exam, interview, or simply a consultation, which you definitely need to pay attention to.

What will happen to the government order? At a recent briefing on innovations in the process of admission of applicants, representatives of the relevant ministry made a statement that pleased most of the graduates.

How many universities can you apply to in 2018?

In order to increase a student’s chance of admission, you can simultaneously submit documents to five universities.

In 2018, the rules for student enrollment will not change.


Which form of study to choose Currently, a graduate can apply for admission to no more than five higher education applications for three faculties.

Thus, it is realistic to try to enroll in one of the 15 places in the budget department.

Therefore, the future student must independently choose where to study and what specialty he wishes to obtain. Moreover, it is allowed to submit documents for different shapes training.


You can try your hand at enrolling in full-time, evening or correspondence courses.

In addition, the applicant has the opportunity to apply only for full-time education or to something else. There is also a wide range of options here.

How many universities can you apply to in 2018?

As a result, bachelor's degrees will receive 315 thousand budget places (including correspondence), specialty - 74 thousand places (with correspondence), master's degree - 207 thousand places.
15 thousand budget places will be given to graduate students, 12 thousand to residents.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov/Irina Ivoilova Applicant calendar June 20 - no later than this date, universities will begin accepting documents July 26 - application acceptance ends July 27 - enrollment begins July 29 - enrollment order August 3 - second enrollment order August 8 - enrollment in free places and paid departments.

Which year's Unified State Exam results can be brought to universities? 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Who will be allowed to take university entrance exams? - disabled people - foreign citizens - those who studied in Russian schools abroad and did not have the opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam Direct speech Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University: - We went to receive 10 thousand people.

How many universities can I apply to?

In order to enter a civilian university, it is enough to pass the Unified State Exam well.

To become a career military man, this is not enough. Here the choice is much more modest. You can only apply to one military-related institute or university. In addition, you will have to pass physical fitness exams, a medical commission and psychological testing.
However, in order not to miss a whole year, if for some reason you were unable to get into one of the military universities, you can apply to a civilian university where there is a military department. Fortunately, modern civilian universities train specialists who are also in demand in law enforcement agencies.

Read also: How a girl or guy can enter police school You can do it differently.

Serve in the army, and then try your hand again.

Military universities have their own admission conditions.

How many universities can I apply to?

This year, applicants are provided with ample opportunities. In addition to the fact that documents can be “scattered” across five universities, at each university you can also try yourself in three specialties. In total, an applicant can write 15 (!!) applications: five universities, each with three faculties. **

In fact, this is an excellent opportunity, practically eliminating the fact of not entering the institute, if, of course, you have at least some knowledge.

In addition, do not forget that there are also correspondence and evening forms of education. If you still fail, you can try to study from them.

How many universities can you apply to?

Some specialized educational institutions (military, medical) may require additional health certificates. In any case, before submitting documents, you must obtain detailed information either on the official website of the university or directly from members of the admissions committee. It is more convenient if you make several copies of all the listed documents at once.

There is no point in notarizing them. Members of the admissions committee have the right to check the copy with the original on the spot and certify everything themselves.

Since 2012, you can submit documents not only in person, but also by mail, as well as electronically.

When submitting documents to several universities, applicants often hope that the admissions committee will not check the number of documents they have submitted to other educational institutions.

There is no point in relying on this. The commissions will not only check, but also have all the means to do this.

How many universities can you enroll in at the same time?

According to the rules adopted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, school graduates have the opportunity to submit Unified State Exam certificates simultaneously to several different educational institutions.

However, many applicants are not familiar with this procedure and do not know how many universities they can apply to in order to increase their chances of enrolling in a budget place in their chosen specialty.

Is it possible to apply to two universities? The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the rules for admission to universities.

Graduates can apply for admission immediately after receiving a school certificate in parallel to five educational institutions, for three specialties in each.

The restrictions are set to streamline the application process and simplify the calculation of passing scores.

It turns out that the student actually has a chance of enrolling in one of the fifteen budget places.

How many faculties of one university can you apply to?

If you are an Olympiad winner, please note that you can submit a certificate of victory to only one institution of higher education; you can enter other universities as part of a general competition on an equal basis with other applicants.

Detailed information and news about Olympiads that provide advantages when entering a university can be found in our section.

The collected documents must be submitted directly to the admissions committees of the selected universities.

You can submit documents in person, through the post office or online (if this is provided for by the admission rules of the university where you are applying).

Address and contacts admissions committee search on the official websites of universities in the section Applying Commission/Applicants/Applicants.

How many universities can you apply to in 2018 in Russia?

In the current academic year From time to time, the issue of reducing the number of universities and specialties where an applicant can apply was raised.

So far, the decision has been made only about beneficiaries - Olympic winners, gold medal winners, and others. Now applicants in this category can take advantage of preferential rights to enrollment in only one educational institution and in one specialty.

If the winner of the Olympics, for example, wants to apply to several more universities, then he will enroll there on a general basis, that is, he will lose his advantage.

Officials explain this decision due to the great confusion that arose last year in the admission process.

However, “ordinary” applicants should not relax either.

Reception day

Children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years will have benefits upon admission.

There is no competition for children who do not have parents, and for applicants who took part in hostilities. Many parents assume that graduates cadet corps there is priority in universities of this profile.

However, the same conditions apply to them as to ordinary school graduates.

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How many universities can you apply to?

Entering university is one of the most important stages in the life of every person. At this moment, the future student chooses for himself not just a profession, but the life path that he will have to follow. A lot depends on the applicant’s decision: future professional achievements, area of ​​employment, opportunities for personal growth, and, of course, the level of remuneration. Therefore, it is so important not to make a mistake in solving such a fateful task. As a rule, long before the “last bell”, school graduates and their parents begin to study and analyze new trends related to passing the unified exam and entering a higher educational institution. The reason for this is the constant reformist spirit of education officials, who every year try to optimize the system with “effective” innovations.