Young scientists and students were awarded the wound. Winners of the wound competition for young scientists and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia Medal of wounds for young scientists

In accordance with the Regulations on medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for higher education students educational institutions Russia, approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated December 24, 2002 No. 376, as well as Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated January 23, 2007 No. 10 and decisions of the RAS expert commissions on assessment scientific projects and scientific works of young scientists and students of higher educational institutions, the Presidium of the RAS DECIDES:

1. Award RAS medals with prizes in the amount of 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles each for young scientists of Russia based on the results of the 2015 competition:

1.1. in the field of mathematics - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Dmitry Sergeevich Malyshev (National research university"Higher School of Economics") for the series of works "Critical hereditary classes of graphs";

1.2. in area general physics and astronomy - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ivan Viktorovich Lisenkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Sadovnikov (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V.A. Kotelnikov RAS) for the work “Spin-wave dynamics in magnonic-crystalline and irregular ferromagnetic micro- and nanostructures" and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Pavel Sergeevich Alekseev (A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology RAS) for a series of works "Magnetotransport and spin-dependent transport in nanostructures with high mobility";

1.3. in the field of nuclear physics - to candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Pavel Aleksandrovich Klimov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the research work “Orbital detectors of extremely high energy cosmic rays: TUS, KLPVE, JEM-EUSO”;

1.4. in the field of physical and technical problems of energy - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Dmitry Olegovich Glushkov (National Research Tomsk Poly Technical University) for a series of scientific works "Basic elements of the theory of ignition of solid fuels, polymer materials and dispersed condensed substances during local heating" and to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nadezhda Viktorovna Glebova (A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology RAS) for a series of works " Development of scientific and technological principles of energy-efficient electrochemical energy conversion systems";

1.5. in the field of problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes - Mikhail Igorevich Gomoyunov (N.N. Krasovsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the work "Constructive methods for solving linearly convex guarantee optimization problems" and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Manuilovich Ivan Sergeevich (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for a series of works “Mathematical modeling of fast-flowing gas-dynamic processes associated with the propagation of shock waves of various natures”;

1.6. in the field of informatics, computer technology and automation - candidate technical sciences Zuev Alexander Valerievich, Gubankov Anton Sergeevich, Konoplin Alexander Yurievich (Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the series of works “Development of new intelligent information and control systems for high-quality and highly reliable control of various mechatronic objects designed for automatically performing complex technological operations under conditions of uncertainty " and Balaka Ekaterina Stanislavovna, candidate of technical sciences Telpukhov Dmitry Vladimirovich (Institute of Design Problems in Microelectronics RAS) for the research work "Development of microelectronic devices for digital signal processing using the mathematical apparatus of the residual class system";

1.7. in the field of general and technical chemistry - Candidate of Chemical Sciences Andrey Valerievich Chistyakov (Order of the Red Banner of Labor, A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS) for the work “Development of the scientific foundations of heterogeneous catalytic processes for the production of hydrocarbon fuel components and important petrochemical products from biomass " and Candidate of Chemical Sciences Sergei Vladimirovich Kudashev (Volgograd State Technical University) for the series of works "Physico-chemical principles for the development of formulations and technology of fluorine-containing composite materials with an improved set of properties based on heterochain polymers";

1.8. in the field of physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials - Candidate of Technical Sciences Elena Olegovna Nasakina, Konstantin Vladimirovich Sergienko and Alexander Sergeevich Baikin (A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS) for the work “Development of a biocompatible composite material based on nanostructured NiTi for medical devices ";

1.9. in the field of physical and chemical biology - candidate biological sciences Velichko Artem Konstantinovich and Petrova Nadezhda Vasilyevna (Institute of Gene Biology RAS) for the series of works “Studying the mechanisms of the complex response of human cells to heat stress” and Candidate of Chemical Sciences Osterman Ilya Andreevich (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the series of works “Ribosome - a target for the search for new antibiotics";

1.10. in the field of general biology - candidate of biological sciences Nizhnikov Anton Aleksandrovich (St. Petersburg State University) for a series of works “Search and characterization of new prions and amyloids, as well as the development of methods for their identification” and to candidate of biological sciences Erst Andrey Sergeevich (National Research Tomsk State University) for a series of works “Phylogeny and diversification of the family Ranunculaceae (reticular evolution and adaptive radiation )";

1.11. in the field of physiology - Bogdanova Evdokia Olegova (First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov) for the work “Honorable expression of the αKLOTHO protein, fibroblast growth factor 23 and parathyroid hormone in experimental modeling of the early stages of chronic kidney damage”;

1.12. in the field of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences - Nadezhda Valerievna Chertkova (Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for a series of articles “High-temperature spectroscopy and experimental methods for studying the structure and forms of dissolution of volatile components in model magmatic melts at high pressures”;

1.13. in the field of oceanology, atmospheric physics and geography - to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Evgenievich Kozlov (Russian State Hydrometeorological University) for the series of works "Satellite radar diagnostics of nonlinear internal waves in the Arctic seas of Russia" and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Elena Viktorovna Berezina, Candidate of Physics -mathematical sciences Vasilyeva Anastasia Vasilievna (Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after A.M. Obukhov RAS) for a series of works “Study of the gas composition of the atmosphere over the territory of Russia according to complex ground-based monitoring data, remote sensing and numerical modeling";

1.14. in the field of history - Candidate of Historical Sciences Natalya Andreevna Belova (Order of Friendship of Peoples, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS) for the monograph " Everyday life teachers" and candidate of historical sciences Alexandra Viktorovna Kalyakina (Russian Academy National economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation) for the monograph “Under the protection of Russian generosity. Prisoners of war of the First World War in the Saratov Volga region (1914-1922)”;

1.15. in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology and law - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Maria Aleksandrovna Sekatskaya (St. Petersburg State University) for a series of works on free will in the history of philosophy and in modern analytical philosophy and candidate legal sciences Zenin Sergei Sergeevich (Moscow State law university them. O.E. Kutafina) for the series of scientific works “Public hearings in the system of democracy: theory and practice of constitutional and legal regulation”;

1.16. in the field of economics - Zafar Kobildzhonovich Zoidov, Valeria Evgenievna Loginova (Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences), candidate economic sciences Ksenia Igorevna Shevchenko (Kuban State University) for the scientific work “Ways of forming an integrated market infrastructure and regulating production and trade turnover within the EAEU” and Candidate of Economic Sciences Olga Valerievna Demina, Candidate of Economic Sciences Natalya Gennadievna Zakharchenko (Institute of Economic Research, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for a series of works "Exploring cross-sector interactions and trajectories economic development Far East";

1.17. in the field of world economy and international relations - candidate of political sciences Kostyaev Sergei Sergeevich (Institute of Scientific Information on social sciences RAS) for a series of articles “Lobbying in the world economy and international relations”;
1.18. in the field of literature and language - candidate philological sciences Egor Vladimirovich Sartakov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the monograph “Conservative Ideology in Gogol’s Journalism and Russian Journalism of the 1840s”;

1.19. in the field of development or creation of devices, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance:
1.19.1. Candidate of Technical Sciences Evgeniy Olegovich Karpukhin (Center information technologies in design of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the work “Increasing the efficiency of information interaction by controlling the delivery of network packets on the recipient side” and to candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Yana Veniaminovna Kuznetsova (A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology RAS) for the series of works “Development of local electronic - probe methods for studying semiconductor nanostructures based on III-N compounds";
1.19.2. Bayramova Sevda Afganovna, Losik Denis Vladimirovich, Strelnikov Artem Grigorievich (Novosibirsk Scientific- Research institute circulatory pathology named after. Academician E.N. Meshalkin) for the series of articles “New methods for preventing the progression of atrial fibrillation in patients with cardiovascular diseases”*.

2. Award RAS medals with prizes in the amount of 25,000 (twenty-five thousand) rubles each for students of higher educational institutions based on the results of the 2015 competition:

2.1. in the field of mathematics - 5th year student of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov to Matveev Sergei Aleksandrovich for the work " Quick Methods solutions of aggregation and fragmentation equations of the type of Smoluchowski equations" and 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Anna Aleksandrovna Taranenko for the work "Application and properties of permanents of multidimensional matrices";

2.2. in the field of general physics and astronomy - to a 2nd year master's student at the Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics of the Siberian Federal University, Maxim Vladimirovich Pyatnov, for a series of articles "Spectral and polarization properties of photonic crystals based on cholesteric liquid crystals and nanocomposites with resonant dispersion" and a 2nd year master's student Faculty of Physics Novosibirsk National Research State University Alexander Pavlovich Sosedkin for the work “Study of plasma wake acceleration with proton drivers in a computational experiment”;

2.3. in the field of nuclear physics - 2nd year student of the Master's Institute of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Yurina for the work "Energy release of muon groups in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD" and 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Physics of the Novosibirsk National Research State University Evgeniy Anatolyevich Kozyrev for the work " Studying the processes of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons with the KMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 collider";

2.4. in the field of physical and technical problems of energy - 6th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Ravil Anatolyevich Usmanov for the work “Study of a vacuum arc with diffuse cathode binding as a plasma source for plasma separation of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste” and student 6th year student of the Physics Faculty of Novosibirsk National Research State University Fedor Valerievich Ronshin for the series of works “Two-phase flows in short rectangular horizontal microchannels”;

2.5. in the field of problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes - 2nd year master's students of the Energy Institute of the National Research Alexander Dmitrievich Bragin, Ivan Andreevich Rozaev for the scientific work "Research of a fault-tolerant electric drive alternating current"and 6th year student of the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Oborin for the work "Theory and methodology for calculating flat springs under large deformations";

2.6. in the field of computer science, computer technology and automation - 2nd year master's student of the National Research Faculty of Radiophysics Ksenia Vladimirovna Zavyalova for the scientific work "Three-dimensional radiotomography based on field amplitude measurement" and 5th year students of the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Dmitry Pavlovich Starikov and Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Rybakov for the research work "Acoustic chamber for diagnostics of main pumps";

2.7. in the field of general and technical chemistry - not awarded;

2.8. in the field of physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials - 1st year master's student of the Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Alexander Vladimirovich Baklanov for the work "Profiling an atomically smooth surface solids and the formation of ordered arrays of nano-sized objects using tribological methods";

2.9. in the field of physical and chemical biology - 4th year student of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Aleshin Vasily Alekseevich for the work “Molecular mechanisms of non-coenzyme action of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the brain”;

2.10. in the field of general biology - 4th year student of the Institute natural sciences and technologies of the Northern (Arctic) federal university them. M.V. Lomonosov Vitaly Mikhailovich Spitsyn for the research work “Unstudied aspects of biological diversity: distribution, biology and phylogeography of the rarest species of invertebrate animals”;

2.11. in the field of physiology - no award;

2.12. in the field of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences - 2nd year master's student of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Vladimir Alekseevich Lekhov for his final master’s thesis “Filtration and migration properties of low-permeability sediments of the injection site of the Siberian Chemical Plant” and 1st year master’s student of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the Novosibirsk National Research State University Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kasatkina for the work “Seismic structure changes beneath Redoubt” Volcano during the 2009 eruption inferred from local earthquake tomography";

2.13. in the field of oceanology, atmospheric physics and geography - 2nd year master's student of the Institute of Earth Sciences of St. Petersburg State University Vladimirova Diana Olegova for her master's thesis "Spatio-temporal variability of glacioclimatic characteristics in the Indian-oceanic sector of East Antarctica";

2.14. in the field of history - 4th year student of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Mikhailovna Berzon for graduation qualifying work"Central administration in the Seleucid state";

2.15. in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology and law - 5th year student of the Law Institute of the North Caucasus Federal University Alina Anatolyevna Likhota for the scientific work "Property rights to land and other natural objects in the customary law of Buddhist peoples" and 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the National Research Tomsk State University to Angelina Valerievna Gukova for her master’s thesis “Cynicism as a type of reflective-critical worldview”;

2.16. in the field of economics - a 1st year master's student of the faculty of "Public, municipal government and economics of the national economy" of the Oryol branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Olga Olegova Komarevtseva for the research work "Formation of a methodology for assessing financial and investment potential as effective tool economic management municipality" and 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Novosibirsk National Research State University Daria Evgenievna Kareva for the work "Scenario forecasting of the Russian economy based on the expert-statistical Bayesian approach";

2.17. in the field of world economy and international relations - 5th year student of the Faculty of International economic relations Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Aliyeva Irina Zalevel for her final qualifying work “Risks and threats of economic neo-colonization in the context of the development of integration groups (using the example of WAEMU and CAEMU)”;

2.18. in the field of literature and language - do not award;

2.19. in the field of development or creation of instruments, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance - to a 6th year student at the Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Anton Yuryevich Karseev for a series of works on the creation of a small-sized NMR spectrometer for express control of liquid and viscous media and 4th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State Regional University Alexander Dmitrievich Kurilov for the work “Research of the complex physical properties materials for electro-optical and optoelectronic devices".

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the RAS Commission for Work with Youth.

About the event

Dear Colleagues!

The Russian Academy of Sciences has announced a 2016 competition for medals with prizes for young scientists and university students in Russia.

For consideration are put forward scientific works(cycles of work), materials on the development or creation of instruments for scientific research, the creation of methods and technologies that contribute to the development of scientific knowledge.

Materials are accepted from young scientists or students, as well as their teams (no more than 3 people). Works can be completed either independently by each applicant or in collaboration with senior colleagues, if the creative contribution to these works by young scientists or students is significant.

The RAS annually awards for the best scientific works:

19 medals with prizes of 50 thousand each for young scientists of Russia

19 medals with bonuses of 25 thousand each for students of higher educational institutions of Russia.

Main directions of the competition:

  • mathematics;
  • general physics and astronomy;
  • nuclear physics;
  • physical and technical problems of energy;
  • problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes;
  • Informatics, Computer Engineering and automation;
  • general and technical chemistry;
  • physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials;
  • physical and chemical biology;
  • general biology;
  • physiology;
  • geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences;
  • oceanology, atmospheric physics, geography;
  • story; philosophy, sociology, psychology and law;
  • economy;
  • world economy and international relations;
  • literature and language;
  • development or creation of instruments, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance.


The Presidium of the RAS considered the issue “On awarding RAS medals with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia based on the results of the 2017 competition” (representation of the RAS Commission on Work with Youth).

In accordance with the Regulations on medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia, approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated December 24, 2002 No. 376, as well as Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated January 23, 2007 No. 10 and decisions of expert commissions of the Russian Academy of Sciences for evaluating scientific projects of young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific works of young scientists and students of higher educational institutions, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences decides:

1. Award RAS medals with prizes in the amount of 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles each for young scientists of Russia based on the results of the 2017 competition:

1.1. in the field of mathematics - to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Efimov Alexander Ivanovich (V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the series of works “Derived categories and cyclic homologies” and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Trofimov Sergei Pavlovich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shirobokov Maxim Gennadievich (Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh RAS) for a series of scientific papers “Development of mathematical methods for design and high-precision modeling of promising missions of small spacecraft”;

1.2. in the field of general physics and astronomy - to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Konkov Anatoly Sergeevich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shevelev Mikhail Viktorovich (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) for a series of scientific papers "Study of the properties of polarization radiation of relativistic electrons from macroscopic structures" and Candidate of Physics mathematical sciences Sergei Aleksandrovich Balashev (A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology RAS) for the series of works “Spectroscopy of the early Universe: absorption systems in the spectra of quasars”;

1.3. in the field of nuclear physics - Egor Aleksandrovich Zadebe (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI") for a series of works "Coordinate-track detector on drift cameras for recording a near-horizontal flux of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray muons";

1.4. in the field of physical and technical problems of energy - Candidate of Technical Sciences Mikhail Sergeevich Vlaskin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kislenko Sergey Aleksandrovich (Joint Institute of High Temperatures RAS) for the work "Atomistic modeling of electrode processes in advanced electrochemical devices and the development power plants based on them" and candidate of technical sciences Alexandra Eduardovna Fedoseeva, Roman Vladimirovich Mishnev, Evgeniy Sergeevich Tkachev (Belgorod State National Research University) for the scientific work "Development of improved high-chromium martensitic steels with improved properties for thermal energy";

1.5. in the field of problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes - Candidate of Technical Sciences Gaisin Almaz Fivzatovich (Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI) for a series of research works on the topic "High-frequency (HF) capacitive discharge and constant discharge current with flowing liquid electrodes in the processing of products" and candidate of technical sciences Teraud Valentin Viktorovich (Research Institute of Mechanics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the "Cycle of experimental and theoretical work on high-temperature creep and long-term strength of metals";

1.6. in the field of informatics, computer technology and automation - to candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Alexander Igorevich Panov (Federal Research Center"Informatics and Control" RAS) for the work "Study of the mechanisms of formation and functioning of the iconic picture of the human world" and Alexander Igorevich Lopato (Institute of Design Automation RAS) for the work "New computing technologies for mathematical modeling of flows with detonation waves";

1.7. in the field of general and technical chemistry - candidate of chemical sciences Nikolai Nikolaevich Efimov, Andrey Vyacheslavovich Gavrikov (Institute of General and Not organic chemistry them. N.S. Kurnakov RAS) for a series of works "Directed synthesis of new complexes of rare earth elements - molecular magnets and effective precursors of oxide functional materials"and Candidate of Chemical Sciences Kashin Alexey Sergeevich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Galkin Konstantin Igorevich, Eremin Dmitry Borisovich (N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS) for the series of works "Study of mechanisms chemical reactions a complex of physical and chemical methods";

1.8. in the field of physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials - Candidate of Technical Sciences Yaroslav Aleksandrovich Erisov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Igor Nikolaevich Bobrovsky (Samarsky science Center RAS), Candidate of Technical Sciences Anna Fedorovna Grechnikova (Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev) for the work “Development and development of technologies for the creation and processing of structural materials with a multi-level structure” and Olga Maksimovna Gaitko (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after N.S. Kurnakov RAS), Elena Sergeevna Kuznetsova (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for a series of works “New magnets based on complex bismuth and rare earth oxides with 2D and 3D trigonal sublattices containing transition elements”;

1.9. in the field of physical and chemical biology - to Candidate of Biological Sciences Vitaly Valerievich Kadnikov (Fundamental Foundations of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the work "Metagenomic analysis of microbial communities of extreme ecosystems" and Candidate of Biological Sciences Victoria Olegova Shipunova (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov RAS) for the work “Comprehensive study of multifunctional supramolecular complexes that controllably influence eukaryotic cells with the aim of creating effective agents for theranostics”;

1.10. in the field of general biology - to Candidate of Biological Sciences Nadezhda Petrovna Karaseva, Candidate of Biological Sciences Nadezhda Nikolaevna Rimskaya-Korsakova (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the series of works “Evolutionary morphology of intestinal symbiotrophic annelids Siboglinidae” and Candidate of Biological Sciences Polina Yuryevna Volkova, Churyukin Roman Sergeevich, Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Kazakova (All-Russian Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology) for the series of works “Analysis of the mechanisms of formation of stress reactions of plants under the influence of ionizing radiation in small doses";

1.11. in the field of physiology - Doctor of Biological Sciences Abramochkin Denis Valerievich (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for a series of articles “Non-quantum secretion of acetylcholine in the heart and mechanisms of cholinergic regulation of the myocardium of vertebrates” and Candidate of Biological Sciences Polina Dmitrievna Kotova (RAS), Candidate of Biological Sciences Tyurin-Kuzmin Petr Alekseevich (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the series of works “Receptor and signaling systems of human mesenchymal stem cells”;

1.12. in the field of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences - to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Dmitry Aleksandrovich Presnov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ruslan Aleksandrovich Zhostkov (O.Yu. "lithosphere - hydrosphere - ice cover - atmosphere" and candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Elena Sergeevna Zhitova (St. Petersburg State University) for the series of works "Crystal chemistry of a number of rare minerals with layered and chain structures in a wide temperature range";

1.13. in the field of oceanology, atmospheric physics and geography - to Candidate of Chemical Sciences Dina Marina Ivanovna (V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry RAS) for the series of works "Role organic matter humus nature in the formation of equilibrium forms of metals in natural waters"and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Konoshonkin (National Research) for the scientific work "Light scattering on atmospheric ice crystals in application to laser sensing problems";

1.14. in the field of history - Candidate of Historical Sciences Evgenia Aleksandrovna Prusskaya (Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the monograph “The French Expedition to Egypt 1798-1801: Mutual Perception of Two Civilizations” and Artemy Aleksandrovich Plekhanov (N.N. Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS) for the research work “Instrumentalization of history in the politics of nation-building in the history of post-Soviet Ukraine”;

1.15. in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology and law - Vasily Anatolyevich Mironov (National Research Tomsk State University) for the scientific work “The uncertainty of the scientific status of geological knowledge and its solution in the light of narrative and hermeneutic approaches” and candidate of legal sciences Mikhail Borisovich Kolotkov (St. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University) for the monograph “Terrorism and the State: Technology of Conflict”;

1.16. in the field of economics - Vladimir Ivanovich Abramov, Natalya Aleksandrovna Samsonova (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Alena Sergeevna Lysogor (Finisterra LLC) for the scientific work "Agent-based modeling of the development processes of industrial clusters in Russia in relation to foreign economic transport and energy corridors" ;

1.17. in the field of world economy and international relations - Candidate of Economic Sciences Anastasia Alekseevna Nevskaya (National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations named after E.M. Primakov RAS) for the monograph “Corporate Relations of Russia and the European Union” and Candidate of Economic Sciences Yana Valerievna Demina ( Institute of Economic Research, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the series of works “Prospects and effects of economic integration in the countries of East Asia”;

1.18. in the field of literature and language - candidate of philological sciences Piperski Alexander Chedovich (National Research University Higher School of Economics) for the book “Constructing languages: from Esperanto to Dothraki”;

1.19. in the field of development or creation of devices, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance:

1.19.1. candidate of technical sciences Tataraidze Alexander Bidzinovich (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (national research university) for the work "Development of technology for determining the structure of human sleep by cardiorespiratory parameters" and candidate of chemical sciences Yulia Alekseevna Zahodyaeva (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after N.S. Kurnakov RAS) for a series of works "Smart" extraction systems in chemical-technological processes for extracting and separating components of liquid mixtures. Theory and practice";

1.19.2. to the candidate medical sciences Olga Petrovna Aparina (National Medical Research Center for Cardiology) for the scientific work “Development of an original method for quantitative and topographic assessment of myocardial structure in patients with cardiac arrhythmias based on the use of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with delayed contrast enhancement”*.

2. Award RAS medals with prizes in the amount of 2,5000 (twenty-five thousand) rubles each for students of higher educational institutions based on the results of the 2017 competition:

2.1. in the field of mathematics - no award;

2.2. in the field of general physics and astronomy - 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Physics of the Southern Federal University Roshal Daria Sergeevna for the work “Symmetry and topological methods for studying orders in two-dimensional non-planar nanoobjects and modeling their self-assembly”;

2.3. in the field of nuclear physics - not to award;

2.4. in the field of physical and technical problems of energy - 6th year student of the Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Maxim Aleksandrovich Orekhov for his research work "New effect: acceleration of the diffusion of ions in liquid" and 6th year student of the Faculty of Physics Kirichenko Dmitry Pavlovich for the series of works “Levitation and self-organization of microdroplets of liquid over a dry heated surface and their interaction with the steam-air flow near the contact line”;

2.5. in the field of problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes - 1st year master's student of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Dmitry Alekseevich Tretyakov for a series of works "Study of the acoustoelasticity of structural materials under large plastic deformations, microcracking and destruction" and 2nd year student Master's degree at the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after. I.I. Vorovich of the Southern Federal University to Viktor Olegovich Yurov for the work “Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Waveguides”;

2.6. in the field of informatics, computer technology and automation - 1st year master's student of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science of Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov to Ksenia Vladimirovna Lagutina for her diploma scientific work “Development of a method for identifying keywords for information system electronic tourism Open Karelia and 5th year student of the Faculty of Security of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Anna Sergeevna Kokurina for a series of scientific works " Efficient Algorithms steganographic embedding of information into digital images";

2.7. in the field of general and technical chemistry - not awarded;

2.8. in the field of physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials - 2nd year master's students of the Faculty of Materials Sciences, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Belich Nikolai Andreevich, Grishko Alexey Yurievich, Petrov Andrey Andreevich for the series of works “Synthesis and research of new photoactive nanomaterials for use in photocatalysis, light-emitting and photovoltaic devices”;

2.9. in the field of physical and chemical biology - 6th year student of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Artyukhov Artem Viktorovich for the work “Systems-biological study of the regulation of 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase complexes in animal metabolic networks”;

2.10. in the field of general biology - 1st year master's student of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after. D.I. Ivanovsky Southern Federal University Chigrai Ivan Aleksandrovich for a series of works devoted to the revision of darkling beetles of the genus Blaps of the Palaearctic;

2.11. in the field of physiology - 4th year student of the Faculty of Medical Biology "Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov Ivan Vasilievich Smirnov for the work "Application of genetically encoded sensors in neurophysiology";

2.12. in the field of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences - 4th year student of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the Novosibirsk National Research State University Denis Sergeevich Ponomarev for his qualifying work "Mineralogical and geochemical research and classification characteristics of the Maslyanino iron meteorite";

2.13. in the field of oceanology, atmospheric physics and geography - 6th year student of the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Pavel Aleksandrovich Perezhogin for the series of works “Study of the influence of numerical schemes and subgrid parameterizations on the statistical characteristics of simulated two-dimensional turbulence”;

2.14. in the field of history - 2nd year master's student of Tyumen State University, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Vycherov, for his research work “Daily life of schoolchildren in a rear city during the Second World War”;

2.15. in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology and law - 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Bondarenko Yakov Aleksandrovich for his master’s thesis “The correlation between analytical and holistic mechanisms of perception of facial expression (using the multidimensional scaling method)” and 4th year student of the Law Institute of the National Research Tomsk State University Kozyreva Daria Aleksandrovna for the scientific work “Legal Nihilism”;

2.16. in the field of economics - a 4th year student at the Faculty of International Business of Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky Magasheva Iman Said-Magomedovna for her final qualifying work “International experience in the implementation and development of innovation and investment projects in the field of alternative energy sources (using the example of solar and wind energy)”;

2.17. in the field of world economy and international relations - 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of History of the National Research Tomsk State University Veronika Viktorovna Bezgacheva for the series of works "Regional policy for the resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the territory of Russia in 1990-2000 (on the example of the subjects of the Siberian federal district)" and 5th year student of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University, Daria Andreevna Shuyskaya, for her final qualifying work "Russian-American relations in the discourse of the Russian and American press 2009-2016";

2.18. in the field of literature and language - 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Bondarenko Tatyana Igorevna for her master’s thesis “Repetitives in constructions with dative arguments”;

2.19. in the field of development or creation of devices, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance:

2.19.1. 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Radiophysics of the National Research Tomsk State University, Alexander Vladimirovich Gorst, for the scientific work "Development of a metamaterial for the radio range";

2.19.2. 1st year master's student of the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Nina Aleksandrovna Yudkina for the work "Visualization of the distribution of emission nanocenters of large-area field cathodes" and 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine of Perm State medical university them. Academician E.A. Wagner Balandin Anatoly Aleksandrovich for the scientific work “A method for determining the biological age of an unidentified corpse from a fragment of the cerebellum, aimed at establishing the identity of a deceased person”*.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the RAS Commission for Work with Youth.


Tomsk State University (, 01/29/2018
BezFormat.Ru Tomsk (, 01/29/2018
Official website of the Tomsk region (, 01/29/2018
  • Academician Valentin Parmon proposed creating 10 world-class scientific and educational centers in Siberia

    The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) has prepared a proposal to create ten of the 15 world-class scientific and educational centers (RECs) in Siberian cities, which Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to be formed by 2024.

  • Academician Valentin Parmon on the creation of the “Silicon Taiga”

    ​The head of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Valentin Parmon, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin promised him to create in ten years in Siberia an analogue of the Californian Silicon Valley - the “Silicon Taiga”. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived on a working visit to the Kurchatov Institute on April 10.

  • Laureates of the 2016 State Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology have been announced

    ​​The laureates of the 2016 State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology have been announced. A decree on this was published on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation. The state prize will be awarded to oil workers, doctors and astrophysicists.

  • On May 30, in the historical building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a ceremony was held to award the winners of the 2016 Competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists and students of higher educational institutions of Russia. The famous Israeli scientist and Nobel laureate Dan Shekhtman, who was awarded the diploma of a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences today, shared with the competition laureates and members of the presidium the secrets of a successful scientific career and told how a modern scientist can receive a Nobel Prize.

    On the last Tuesday of May, not only its current members, but also guests gathered in the hall of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences - young scientists and students who became winners of the 2016 Competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists and students of higher educational institutions of Russia. Acting President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Kozlov invited all young researchers today to feel like real members of the Academy and take seats in the conference hall next to the members of the presidium, the country's leading scientists.

    The ceremony began with the presentation of a diploma of a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences to a famous scientist in the field of physical chemistry, member of the Israeli Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry, professor of the Israel Institute of Technology Dan Shekhtman. Professor Shechtman worked at the US Air Force Research Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He was able to experimentally detect quasicrystals. Most of Professor Shekhtman's colleagues, both in the USA and in Western Europe, for many years did not share his confidence in the existence of quasicrystals, and only in the mid-70s of the last century scientific discovery Dan Shekhtman received recognition - then scientists in France and India managed to repeat his experiment, as a result of which it was proven that quasicrystals really exist.

    In 2011, Professor Shechtman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of quasicrystals. The message of the Nobel commission especially emphasized that Dan Shechtman's discovery revolutionized the understanding of scientists around the world about the nature of matter. Today Dan Shekhtman is known not only as an outstanding scientist and Nobel Prize laureate, but also as a popularizer of science, an activist for the modernization of the education system in society, and the organizer of a technological entrepreneurship course at the Technion, which was attended by more than ten thousand people. The list of achievements of Professor Shekhtman can now be supplemented by joining the Russian Academy of Sciences as its foreign member.

    In the presence of members of the presidium and young scientists and students, Valery Kozlov solemnly presented a diploma to Professor Shekhtman. Thanking the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences and everyone present, Dan Shekhtman shared the secrets of how to receive the Nobel Prize and become an outstanding world scientist.

    “In order to receive the Nobel Prize, first of all, you need to be recommended by someone. This person must read your article or some materials and understand that this is real science. Your articles must also be published on international websites and, most importantly, in English!”

    Every self-respecting scientist, according to Professor Shekhtman, should know the language of world science well - English language. Only then will the scientist be correctly understood and appreciated by his foreign colleagues. He also noted that to achieve success, you must always remain a leader in your field and truly love science. Each person present in this hall today is already a successful scientist - and in no case should he stop there, but only move forward.

    Immediately after the speech of Professor Dan Shekhtman, members of the presidium proceeded to reward young scientists and students. According to the secretary of the presidium, Mikhail Paltsev, 802 scientific works from most regions of Russia were submitted to the 2016 Competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia. Many works were carried out by teams of young scientists or in collaboration between students and young scientists. Thus, 964 people took part in the 2016 Competition, of which 341 are students of Russian universities and 623 are young scientists.

    Expert commissions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in agreement with specialized departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission for Work with Youth, identified 67 authors as winners of the Competition - 43 young scientists and 24 students. Acting President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Kozlov personally presented diplomas and flowers to the winners in the presence of members of the presidium and journalists. Kozlov noted that receiving an award of this level is a big step towards creative path a young scientist, defining him as a promising and outstanding scientist. He even compared it to the Nobel Prize: in one of the most famous world rankings, the award for the winner of this Competition ranks immediately after the Nobel Prize in terms of its promise and significance. Thus, Kozlov confirmed the words of Dan Shekhtman who spoke before him - everyone present in the presidium hall today can confidently call themselves a successful and outstanding scientist.

    Immediately after the awards ceremony, all event participants took a traditional group photo near the historical presidium building.

    Daria Degtyareva

    Video and photographic materials of the event are available on the Scientific Russia portal.

    Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "On awarding medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia based on the results of the competition in 2016 (representation of the RAS Commission on Work with Youth)"

    Presentation of RAS awards to young scientists- video recording
  • Victor Tutelyan received the first departmental award of FANO Russia

    ​Head Federal agency scientific organizations, Mikhail Kotyukov presented Academician Viktor Tutelyan with the insignia “For Merit in the Development of Science”. The head of the FANO of Russia noted the scientist’s contribution to world science and ensuring the priority of Russian scientific organizations in research and development.

  • The diploma of a foreign member of the RAS will be awarded to the German archaeologist Hermann Parzinger

    On May 21, at a meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an official ceremony will be held to present the diploma and badge of a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the famous German archaeologist who made a fundamental contribution to the study of Eurasia, the director of the Prussian Foundation cultural heritage, Professor Hermann Parzinger.

  • Vladimir Fortov became an honorary doctor of the Polytechnic University of Valencia

    ​President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov awarded an honorary doctorate Polytechnic University Valencia (Spain), the ceremony of presenting the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the corresponding diploma and gown took place at the university on June 23.

  • Vladimir Fortov: Russia has many potential Nobel laureates

    President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov believes that domestic science can and should occupy a worthy place in the world. The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences became a laureate of the international award “Person of the Year – 2016” according to the Russian Biographical Institute in the category “Science and Education”.

  • Diamonds in a quartet: laureates of the State Prize in Science and Technology for 2015

    ​Without exaggeration, we can say that when choosing the laureates, the award council hit the mark. All four winners are the elite of not only Russian but also world science. Figuratively speaking, their portfolio is full of publications in the most prestigious scientific journals.

  • France awarded orders to Russian academicians

    ​​At the French Embassy in Moscow on October 31, two Russian scientists were solemnly presented with French state awards. The director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician V. A. Matveev, was awarded the Order of Merit.

  • The Russian Academy of Sciences announces a competition for RAS medals with prizes for young scientists of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia for the best scientific works.

    General provisions

    In order to identify and support talented young researchers, promote the professional growth of scientific youth, encourage creative activity young scientists of Russia and students of higher educational institutions of Russia in conducting scientific research The Russian Academy of Sciences annually awards 19 medals with prizes of 50,000 rubles each to young scientists of Russia and 19 medals with prizes of 25,000 rubles each to students of higher educational institutions of Russia for the best scientific work.

    Based on the results of the work of the RAS expert commissions, the RAS Presidium has the right to increase the number of medals with bonuses for both young scientists and students.

    The competition for RAS medals with prizes is held in the following main areas:

    1. Mathematics

    2. General physics and astronomy

    3. Nuclear physics

    4. Physical and technical problems of energy

    5. Problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

    6. Informatics, computer technology and automation

    7. General and technical chemistry

    8. Physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials

    9. Physico-chemical biology

    10. General biology

    11. Physiology

    12. Geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences

    13. Oceanology, atmospheric physics, geography

    14. History

    15. Philosophy, sociology, psychology and law

    16. Economics

    17. World economy and international relations

    18. Literature and language

    19. Development or creation of instruments, methods, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance.