Character traits that prevent you from being a leader. Helping others succeed. Basic Skills for a Successful Leader

Human behavior and leadership skills personalities determine the leader. Such a person is able to organize the activities of the team: make decisions on behalf of the entire group, organize work, set an example. He proved that his choice for management was expedient and justified. He does not give in to solving problems that may seem insurmountable. Leadership and personality are interrelated concepts.

The leader organizes the activities of employees

The main character traits of a leader

The main character traits of a leader include:

  • control over behavior and emotions;
  • positive vision;
  • resistance to stress;
  • readiness for change;
  • confidence in success;
  • clarity in expressing thoughts;
  • readiness to overcome difficulties;
  • ability to manage time wisely;
  • ability to persuade;
  • ability to conduct constructive dialogue.

A leader is a strong personality who is able not only to solve problems and overcome difficulties, but also to foresee them in the future.

Formal and informal leadership

Leadership can be formal or informal.

The formal leader is the official head of the team. In rare cases, he evokes the sympathy of employees, at most - respect. Informal is a leader who is unofficially recognized for the most part groups. They like him more. But his decision-making is also controlled by his manager.

An unofficial leader often appears in a team under an authoritarian management style. With this style, the official leader is perceived as a tyrant, and the socio-psychological process in the team is perceived as unfavorable and in need of a strong leader. In liberal or democratic management styles, an informal leader appears extremely rarely. No one is afraid of the leader, and no help is needed to defend their interests.

The decisions of the informal leader are controlled by the official leader

Leadership Qualities

A business leader must be persistent, decisive and able to give orders, make decisions, control and direct the activities of the team. A leader at work must be able to:

  • determine the tasks of the group he leads;
  • communicate them constructively to employees;
  • convince of the need for a set goal;
  • motivate maximum employees to quickly complete tasks;
  • maintain authority in the team;
  • remain calm regardless of the situation;
  • respond quickly to any change in situation;
  • think broadly and positively;
  • achieve your goals despite obstacles;
  • listen to the opinions of others;
  • build the right questions;
  • to take risks;
  • make long-term plans and achieve results;
  • dump ballast.

The problem with leadership and management is that the manager is not always endowed with the qualities of a leader. In addition to qualities, a manager must be able to behave like a leader.

Demonstration of qualities

The qualities of a leader are demonstrated by words, intonation, way of conducting a conversation, facial expressions and gestures, confidence and firmness of opinion.

  1. A confident person maintains good posture.
  2. Doesn't take his eyes off the other person's eyes.
  3. Smiles only in appropriate situations.
  4. Treats the interlocutor with respect.
  5. Dress appropriately for the position held.

Main types

The desire for leadership is the desire to take a worthy place in society. And it is common to all people. According to the style of decision-making in a team and methods of approach to resolving problems, types of leadership are determined: authoritarian, liberal or democratic.

Authoritarian leader

Authoritarian leadership provides the leader with the ability to make decisions autonomously, and also implies the subordination of all team members to management. The implementation of decisions made is monitored. The manager has the right to criticize and, without giving reasons, take measures to punish subordinates, which causes mass discontent in the team.

  • high probability of making wrong decisions;
  • lack of initiative and passivity of employees;
  • team dissatisfaction;
  • difficult moral situation.

This style is advisable only in critical situations: an accident or a threat to life. The authoritarian style is capable of suppressing mass discontent.

Liberal leader

The liberal view is characterized by a lack of control and clarity in requirements. There is the possibility of unpredictable penalties.

Such a personality tends to regress and is characterized by a lack of incentive to work and employee dissatisfaction with management and overall work. The climate in the team is unfavorable. Negative influence people against each other is expressed by hidden conflicts.

Democratic leader

In a democratic form, a person involves the team in discussing the most important tasks and goals and making decisions. The group is given a certain level of freedom to discuss and stimulate work activity.

Such a leader is the most effective. High probability of making the right decisions, good performance indicators, favorable psychological environment. This type of leadership is an indicator of the professionalism of a manager and a good leader.

Leadership and Guidance

Leadership and management are often confused. But these are not synonymous words. In order to understand what leadership and management are, it is necessary to consider their differences.

Key Differences between Leadership and Management



unofficial relationships official relations
psychological basis social basis
can be a leader may not be a leader
sets and achieves goals independently sets goals and ways to achieve them through the efforts of subordinates
leadership is based on trust, leads followers subordination of the team is mandatory, rewards and punishments are applied

Main similarities:

  • a leader and a manager can be both at the same time;
  • are representatives of government;
  • may have an impact on the environment.

We can conclude that leadership is the influence on one's followers without the use of coercion and punishment. The authority of a leader depends on his personal qualities and ability to protect the interests of the group.

Management exerts influence through the exercise of formal authority. The position confers leadership authority, but not leadership qualities.

Signs of a leader

It is quite easy to identify such a person in a group; his main characteristics are:

  • high activity and initiative in solving team problems;
  • ability to influence team members;
  • high awareness;
  • the personal qualities of a leader are inherent;
  • the ability to see a situation outside the framework of recognized norms.

Leader functions

A leader must not only be able to persuade and be active, but also perform certain functions. The functions of the leader are as follows:

  • organize the life of the team in all areas of activity;
  • set rules and ensure that the group adheres to them;
  • officially represent the group in your person;
  • be responsible for the results of the team’s activities;
  • coordinate relationships within the group.


In order to be a leader, you must have not only certain personal qualities of a leader, but also constantly work on yourself, and reasonably believe that you are right. Self-confidence helps you overcome difficulties and not give in to problems. Develop leadership qualities such as calmness, logic, and the ability to look from the outside. Developing strong leadership skills will certainly help you earn respect and recognition among your employees, family and friends.

Different cultural and historical eras, a set of political, economic, social conditions and living standards of society imply the presence of leaders with various qualities nature, sufficient to solve pressing problems in the activities of a group, class, or organization. The demand for such people in our time is especially great, and, therefore, the supply is growing. From this follows the development of a struggle for the place of leader, which can only be occupied and retained by those who possess certain leadership qualities.

2. Passion. When a person is completely absorbed in an idea or work, everything else seems to not exist around him. Passion for what you do is an important character quality, because you can truly achieve success only by doing what you love.

3. Competence. The ability not only to verbally demonstrate your knowledge in a specific area, but also to confirm it with actions, and most importantly, with results, is worth a lot.

4. Long-term vision. People willingly follow only those who have not a momentary idea, but a global vision, a long-term plan for the implementation of their plans.

In turn, the English publicist Cyril Northcote Parkinson identifies the following elements of leadership that anyone can develop:

  • Imagination. A leader must have a clear idea of ​​what will happen as a result of his activities and what will happen at the end of the path he has taken.
  • Knowledge. The stock of knowledge necessary to travel the road that the imagination draws.
  • Talent. Every person is endowed with talent, you just need to realize what it is. Martin Roger, laureate Nobel Prize according to literature, he believed: “Talent without effort is like fireworks: it blinds for a moment, and then there is nothing left.”
  • Determination. This is the quality that motivates a person to action, makes him work every day in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Rigidity. Sometimes it is necessary to organize everything and make others work as the leader sees fit.
  • Attraction. One of the main qualities of a leader’s character is the ability to be a magnet for people, attract them to oneself, and lead followers.

Leadership Development

Creating a leadership development program on your own is not an easy task, but it is quite possible. When setting such a goal, you must be as determined as possible to achieve your goals and clearly focus on practical steps. Determination and perseverance are important qualities of a leader.

The first thing you need to clearly understand is that it is impossible to become a leader in a day, a week, or a month. Based on this, you should set specific goals for yourself: from short-term (what you need to work on first) to long-term (how you see your life in a couple of years).

Exercise 2.1. The classic “Who am I?” exercise. Write down 10 answers to this question on a sheet of paper. Each answer must begin with the pronoun “I” and be specific. For example, this could be the entry “I am a student.”

After recording your answers, study them carefully. The goal at this stage is to identify what is preventing you from becoming a leader. If among the answers there are options like “I’m a bad friend” or “I’m a quiet person,” think about how you can correct the shortcomings and start working in this direction.

Exercise 2.2 A leader is distinguished by a clear understanding of the goals of his activities. Write down on a piece of paper entitled “My Goal” everything you would like to achieve as a result of developing yourself as a leader. These may be personal qualities that you think are missing or a desire to occupy a certain position at work. Be critical and don’t think too long; there will still be time to draw up a detailed plan.

As a result, you will receive material for initial analysis and establish what you should work on first. You will understand how you can become better, develop the missing qualities in yourself and begin to work daily on developing a leader in yourself.

Exercise 2.3. Celebrate your successes. Make it a habit at the end of each day to take a few minutes to write down on a piece of paper at least 3 things that worked best for you that day. You need to do this even if you had a really bad day.

This exercise will teach you to see the positive and celebrate it, and not highlight the negative, as most people do. Positive thinking is an important element of a leader's character. By focusing on the successful aspects of your work, you will also gain additional motivation.

Be a proactive person. Changing your life and changing yourself is in your power. In other words, the responsibility for what happens to you is entirely in your hands. Not happy with what you have now? Take action and change it.

Stepping out of your comfort zone. Do something you've never done before but have dreamed of. Learn to dance or draw, take up rock climbing - do something you never dared to do before. Don't wait for the right opportunity or for someone who will agree to join you. This will teach you to look at things more broadly, embody your ideas and be independent in your choice.

Constant personal growth. Improve yourself all the time. Be interested latest developments and innovation in your field of work and related areas, deepen your competence. Develop creativity and creativity. This will teach you lively thinking and non-standard actions.

Become a leader in life. It is not enough to be a leader only in the office. Be active in non-work relationships with other people, family, friends with whom you play football or tennis. Challenge yourself to be a leader in all areas of your life.

Self-confidence. It is faith in one’s own strengths, and not arrogance and arrogance, that is distinctive feature character of the leader.

Ability to communicate with people. Successful communication skills are of great importance for a leader. We will talk about them in one of the following lessons.

By keeping all of the above in mind and constantly cultivating the character traits of a leader, you will be able to develop them and achieve positive results.

Developing leadership qualities contributes to the development of a person’s strong inner core. The term “leadership” is found in various sciences that study man and society. For any group consisting of more than two people, this problem is relevant. Some of its members begin to behave more actively, people begin to listen to him, his opinion is put above others. In the process of forming a team, group members are conditionally divided into two camps: leaders and followers.

The study of this phenomenon has continued for many years. A huge number of scientific works are devoted to the concept of “leadership”.

Why is this so important? Defining the concept and criteria of leadership helps to improve the methodology of effective management, which is important in modern society.

The debate about whether leaders are made or born continues to this day. Some psychologists adhere to the first version, others are inclined to the theory of the presence of inclinations by nature. But both of them agree that with due persistence and desire, any person can do it, which will lead him to success in his career and personal life.

  • Such a person is distinguished from the crowd by his special charisma.
  • Energy and determination are always characteristic of a leader.
  • These people are not afraid to take responsibility and initiative.
  • Control over own emotions allow you to remain calm and cool in any situation, to look for the optimal way out of the current circumstances.
  • The ability to “ignite” those around you, captivate them with ideas, and make them your comrades-in-arms.

Leader and manager: differences and similarities

The success of any business depends on who manages it. The first person of any company is its leader, who is responsible for the results and is responsible for everything that happens. At the same time, the director or boss is not always a leader.

The USSR had very good leaders. But not all of them were able to rebuild and become leaders in modern conditions. Effective management depends on whether the person can combine both roles. What are the differences between a manager and a leader?


The leader does not strive to achieve any goals. For him, tasks are usually set by someone higher up, so there is no personal interest. As a result, the manager has a passive position in relation to the result of work and low efficiency of employees.

The manager controls employees, and punishments for misconduct are much more common than rewards for success. Shortcomings in work are brought up for discussion, in contrast to achievements, which are practically not noted.

A leader demands respect for himself.


The leader clearly sees the ultimate goal and plans the stages to achieve it. He strives to captivate his subordinates, to interest them in the result, in the activity.

The leader motivates and inspires the group. Errors are worked on together, and the team looks for ways to solve them. Rewards take precedence over punishments.

The leader treats employees as colleagues and welcomes initiative from subordinates.


In order to effectively manage a company and build a career, it is not enough to be a good leader. Modern reality is such that a boss must have the makings of a leader; this is the only way to talk about achieving any results and developing the organization.

List of personal qualities of a leader

There are several main qualities that a leader needs:

  1. Responsibility.
  2. Adequate self-esteem.
  3. Emotional intellect.
  4. High concentration.
  5. Empathy.
  6. Perseverance and patience.
  7. Charm and charisma.
  8. Self-development planning.

Developing leadership qualities requires constant work on yourself. Planning at this stage is great importance. To do this, you should follow several important recommendations:

  • Not everyone can set the right goal. The end result seems weak and very blurry to many. This is one of the main obstacles to success. The clearer the goal is, the greater the chances of achieving it.
  • Don't miss the opportunity! The ability to recognize and use them is the hallmark of any leader. Passively waiting for the right opportunity is not for those who truly strive for success.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks! We should not forget about such a concept in psychology as the “comfort zone”. In it a person feels familiar and comfortable, he feels good in everything. But often it is the “comfort zone” that is an obstacle to development, since you can easily get “stuck” in it. There is no need to be afraid of new situations, unexpected turns and events. Without them, personal growth and development of leadership qualities is impossible.
  • You must always be open to learning. Do not think that after receiving a diploma higher education, you no longer have to open textbooks. You should never neglect the theoretical part of any question. The fact that knowledge lies in power was said long ago by one of the classics.
  • Observe others and learn from their positive experiences. From childhood, before a person’s eyes there are people more successful and successful than him in business. You should not envy them, since adopting their experience and professional qualities will bring much more benefit.

Each of us is a leader in a certain area: at work, among friends, in the family. For many, being a leader means controlling others. Those who hold this viewpoint one day discover that the more they try to control others, the less influence they have over them. Paradox!
For some, leadership is directly related to power, but they forget that you can be a leader even if you occupy a completely ordinary position. When a man sees that something needs to be done, his ordinary position will not deter him from taking the initiative; he will simply take responsibility and do what he has to do. True leadership has nothing to do with superiority over others, high position or prestige. It is associated with the disclosure and realization of the potential of the people around us. Leadership is not the power of one, but the fruit of the joint work of many people.

Unfortunately, today many men do not want to be leaders because of their own apathy and laziness. They would be more than happy to live their lives quietly and simply, while others are responsible for them. However, society needs leaders. If you have to be a leader, will you be up to the challenge?

Every man who has five qualities, which we will tell you about in our column today, can be a leader.

1. Ability to make decisions

A good leader can think through every task from start to finish. The decision must be made during the calm before the storm, and the coming stress, fear and chaos will confirm your decision. In any situation, there is an opportunity to retreat, a kind of emergency exit, a chance to escape responsibility and choose safety and tranquility. But isn’t victory, a worthy way out of a difficult situation, the best reward? A true leader makes a decision and, having made it once, does not doubt the correctness of his choice. He knows what is right and does not suffer in the grip of indecision, but accepts the challenge with equanimity. A good leader does not panic, does not yell, and does not try to hide his helplessness by feigning frantic activity. Next to such a leader, everyone feels at ease. highest degree confidently, he is like a strong anchor in a storm.

How to learn to make decisions
Don't wait for a crisis situation to force you to act. Think about your goals and develop a plan for how you will respond to a crisis situation, what you are going to do in case of each specific difficulty. Don't wait until the problem grows to enormous proportions and you panic and begin to lose ground. Practice on some everyday tasks and you will see: no panic, no hesitation - you will just remember your plan and follow it.

2. Willingness to take risks

He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne. High achievements come only to those who are willing to take risks. A leader who chooses only the beaten path will never achieve success. The prospect of living without risk is, of course, attractive; this safe haven of security and comfort has often lured many into the trap of apathy and routine. A weak person will always hesitate to take a risk: he is attracted by what he can get as a result, but at the same time paralyzed by the fear of defeat. Remember that you can also learn a lesson from failure: without ever failing, a person will not know the limits of his capabilities, his potential, his abilities. Anyone who never has enough courage does not notice that he is taking the biggest risk possible: he risks stopping his development, becoming lazy in his soul and not noticing anything around him that would be worth his efforts.

How to learn to take risks
Fear of risky ventures is common. You can't take big risks if you haven't taken small risks. So find one for yourself in Everyday life the ability to take risks for minor reasons. It could be as simple as a conversation with a stranger. Think about what scares you: for example, having to speak in public - and do it. If you overcome yourself every day, you will develop the ability to overcome your own fear and understand that it is still worth taking risks. Eventually you will learn to take risks and big things, when your position as a leader requires it.

3. Willingness to share rewards with subordinates

A good leader, highly confident in own strength, humbly admits that no success is his own, no matter how big his role was. He is deeply grateful to all those whose efforts he achieved high result. A leader understands human nature: all people want recognition, they want to be appreciated. When an organization or just a group of people achieves success, a true leader shows his gratitude to his subordinates. When people see a leader being humble and sharing success with them, they are even more willing to follow him.

How to learn to share success with subordinates
Sharing success is easy. Often, a public thank you or a simple “Thank you” card is enough for a person to understand that he is appreciated. When you thank or praise someone, try to be as specific as possible. This way the person will understand that you are well aware of what exactly he is doing; will feel that they are interested in him.

4. Willingness to take the blame

This is exactly the parameter by which you can distinguish a good leader from a bad one. A true leader is ready for two opposing scenarios at the same time. He is ready to share success with his subordinates and at the same time knows how to behave if things end in failure. If a leader starts looking for someone to blame for a general failure and abdicates all responsibility for it, people will lose trust in him. A true leader takes responsibility for all the consequences of decisions made, including bad ones. Even if the failure is the subordinate's fault, a true leader will think that he did something wrong. He may have given unclear instructions or placed the person in the wrong position. Once the leader has taken responsibility, he begins to take steps to correct the situation.

How to learn to take blame
When you take responsibility for failure, you must be sincere. Admitting your own failure should grow from your confidence that it is you who are primarily responsible for the matter. If you admitted guilt just for show, it will be like a boy, not like a man. Don't pretend to be a martyr or seek approval for taking responsibility. In addition, there is no need to publicly flaunt this responsibility and then in an informal setting tell your subordinates that you took the blame on yourself to save their skins. It will look fake and undermine your credibility.

5. A true leader has strong nerves that help him survive storms and disappointments and start every day with a clean slate, without focusing on his successes and without being depressed by defeats.

Even the strongest leaders in history have had moments of stunning success and brutal defeat. A true leader focuses on what he can change and what he can influence, and the past is not one of those things. If you fail, you will learn from it and then immediately stop worrying - and failure will benefit you. Constantly tormenting over what has already passed will not help you. Moreover, the people who follow you will lose faith in you.

Celebrate victories with your employees and move on. If a leader is fixated on past achievements, this indicates that he is not setting new goals for himself. As we are taught, it is often the arrogance of leaders that causes their decline.

How to stop focusing on the past
Read biographies of great people. As you learn more about the lives of great leaders, you will realize that even they experienced moments of profound failure. You will understand that just one failure does not mean that you are incapable of leading. And the example of famous rulers will show you that a good leader can achieve a lot.

In this publication I want to look at the main leadership skills: what qualities a person must have to become a leader. In order to be a leader in some business, in principle, it is not necessary to be a leader, at the same time, leaders have a much greater chance of achieving the desired goal faster. Therefore, it is still advisable to develop the qualities of a leader in yourself - this will definitely not be superfluous, but will only help you in any area of ​​life, business, work.

Why are some people leaders in any team all their lives, starting from school, others become leaders later, at some point in their lives, and others play supporting roles all their lives? The reason for this is leadership qualities. The first have them innately, the second develop them in themselves, and the third don’t even think about it, they are satisfied with who they are. What are leadership qualities and what do they include - this is discussed further in today’s article.

What are leadership qualities?

Leader Qualities is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and abilities from different spheres of life that allow a person to gather other people around him, lead them, create his own team and effectively manage it. It is impossible to unambiguously name any specific quality that immediately makes a person a leader; leadership qualities are precisely a combination large quantity different personal, psychological and organizational aspects coexisting simultaneously.

At the same time, it is also not worth expanding the qualities of a leader too much, because, in fact, almost any quality of a person can in one way or another be subsumed under the leadership quality. Therefore, I decided to highlight the main qualities of a leader, which are worth focusing on if you strive to become a leader. IN in brief they are presented in the following diagram:

As you can see, all a person’s leadership qualities can be divided into 3 areas, each of which contains its own list of qualities:

1. Personal (personal) qualities of a leader.

2. Managerial and organizational qualities of a leader.

3. Psychological and social qualities leader.

Now let's look at all these areas and the leadership qualities that relate to them, in order and in more detail.

Personal (personal) qualities of a leader.

This includes those qualities that can be attributed directly to a person’s personality. They characterize, first of all, the leader himself, and not his relationships with the team and other people. Let's consider the qualities of a leader that are included in this group.

1. Self confidence. A leader is always confident in himself and in his actions; he knows that he is doing the right thing. – one of the most important leadership qualities, without which it will not be easy to become a leader. But this faith should by no means be “blind.” A leader must have adequate self-esteem, strong willpower, and well-developed intuition. He must clearly and clearly understand what he is going for and why, that is, he must be able to set goals for himself. It is almost impossible to convince a true modern leader and lead him astray from his intended path: he will move towards his goal, no matter what.

2. Active life position. The next most important personal quality of a leader is activity. A leader is always in the center of events, communicates a lot, is one of the first to learn important news, and therefore reacts to them before others, which means he is always one step ahead. This ultimately leads him to success.

3. Willingness to take risks. The personal qualities of a leader also include willingness to take risks. To achieve a goal, a leader is forced to take risks and takes risks quite often, because any movement forward is always associated with risk. But, of course, this risk is not thoughtless, but adequate and well calculated. Even if a risky step leads to negative consequences, the leader never stops - he analyzes his mistakes and moves on.

4. Initiative. Another personal quality of a leader is initiative. In any team, the initiative always belongs to the leader; he shows even more initiative in decisions concerning his personal life. A leader is not afraid to leave his comfort zone and make some changes: he does not wait for them to overtake him, he is the first to take the initiative and go towards changes.

5. Motivation. When talking about a person’s leadership qualities, one cannot fail to mention motivation. A leader is always driven by something, he knows why he is doing something, what he is going for, what he will get from it. A leader knows how to competently motivate not only himself, but also the team in which he works.

6. Honesty, integrity. The personal qualities of a leader must necessarily include the most basic: honesty and integrity. If a leader is caught in a lie or dishonesty, even if it is insignificant, he will very quickly lose trust and cease to be a leader. This cannot be allowed, so a leader must always be honest.

7. Subsequence. Another important personal quality of a leader is consistency in his actions. He doesn’t just go towards his goal, but always has a planned plan of sequential actions and is guided by this plan. His actions are always thoughtful and consistent, which helps him achieve success.

8. Responsibility. And, of course, the personal qualities of a leader will be incomplete if responsibility is not added to them. A leader must be able to take responsibility for decisions made, in no case should you shift it to others. If a leader is seen trying to evade responsibility, he will quickly lose his reputation and cease to be a leader. Leadership always presupposes full responsibility, there is no other way.

Managerial and organizational qualities of a leader.

The next group of leadership qualities includes everything that characterizes a leader’s ability to assemble his team and lead people - after all, it is by these criteria that we most often say that a person is a leader. Let's consider the qualities of a leader as a manager and organizer.

1. The ability to lead people. Available from the leader personal qualities give him the opportunity to act as an authority who is listened to, trusted, and followed by other non-leaders. Leaders attract other people with their opinions, their ideas, their actions, their ideals, their ability to persuade. They are able to convey their ideas to the masses and always have their adherents and followers. Leaders create their teams that help them achieve their goals.

2. Organizational abilities. A leader is able not only to create a team, but also to organize its actions, inspire, motivate, etc., that is, organize the work of the team. A leader in a team is able to take on and successfully cope with it. Leadership qualities are always the qualities of a leader.

3. Vision of perspective. The qualities of a leader are different from the qualities ordinary person the fact that he always clearly understands the prospects for the development of the business he is involved in, and is able to convey this perspective to his team. He is able to highlight the most important from many little things, focus on it, and delegate more minor details to other team members.

4. Flexibility, maneuverability. A leader must be flexible and maneuverable in his affairs, he must be able to quickly navigate the situation and... But at the same time, maneuverability should not lead him away from moving towards his goal, it should simply give him the opportunity to choose the most safe way and “go around sharp corners.”

5. Diplomatic skills. The most important leadership qualities of a leader are the ability to be a diplomat. Moreover, both in communication with the external environment and within one’s team. A leader is always a diplomat who knows how to competently negotiate and diplomatically defend his position.

6. Willingness to support. The qualities of a leader as a creator and member of a team include the ability and willingness to provide support to like-minded people and followers. People will always support just such a leader who cares not only about his own interests, but about them too. Without this quality, a leader can quickly lose his authority.

Psychological and social qualities of a leader.

And finally, the last group of leadership qualities, which consists in the leader’s ability to build relationships within the team, within his team, in the social function that he takes on. Let's consider these qualities of a leader.

1. Communication skills. A leader must be able to communicate. And not just communicate, but find mutual language with people of different views, different ages, different social groups, different gender, different character, etc. This is a very important quality of a leader, which helps him build and maintain his team.

2. Justice. The most important social role a leader's responsibility is to be fair and provide fair decisions to his team members. People need to know that they can always turn to a leader for advice and help, and get it. A leader for a team is a fair judge who objectively and impartially resolves all controversial situations.

3. Upholding the interests of the team. A modern leader-manager must care not only about his own interests, but also about the interests of his team, and be able to defend them before some external authorities, in the presence of external danger or threat.

4. Creating conditions for self-realization of followers. And finally, the social qualities of a leader should include providing opportunities for self-realization to his followers, his team, and perhaps even “growing” new leaders from its members. This is a very important leadership quality that will always be valued and respected by his followers and successors.

These are the qualities of a modern, good leader. Develop these qualities in yourself - and you, too, will join those who are able to lead. In other publications on I will look in more detail at how to develop leadership skills, so join the number of our regular readers and stay tuned.

Do not forget that leaders are not necessarily born (although this is possible), leaders are made, and this is quite real, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. Thank you for your attention and see you again!