What is an individual style of teaching activity? Individual style of teaching activity. Classification of styles of teaching activity depending on its nature

General concept about style pedagogical activity

Features of pedagogical activity can be described using a certain style of performance.

The general understanding of the term “style” includes the presence of a certain constant system of methods and techniques used in carrying out activities. This system is characterized by stability, which manifests itself in a variety of conditions under which activities are carried out. The style of activity is determined individually psychological characteristics person (type of temperament, character traits, level of development of professional abilities).


The style of activity in the pedagogical sense is a stable system of methods, determined by typological characteristics, that develops in a person striving for the best implementation of this activity... an individually unique system of psychological means that a person consciously or spontaneously resorts to in order to best balance his typologically determined individuality with objective external conditions of activity.

The presented strict definition of activity style emphasizes the role of individual originality in the combination of techniques and methods when performing activities.

The structural components of an individual activity style are:

  • individual psychological characteristics of the subject of this activity, including individual typological, personal and behavioral;
  • psychological characteristics of the activity itself;
  • characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc.).

The main areas of manifestation of the individual style of pedagogical activity are determined:

  • temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);
  • the nature of the reaction to certain pedagogical situations, as well as to various actions and behaviors of students;
  • choice of teaching methods;
  • choice of educational means;
  • style of pedagogical communication;
  • the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

Classification of styles of teaching activity depending on its nature

The style of teaching activity can be classified on several grounds. Let us present a classification of activity styles according to the nature of the activity.

The basis for this classification may be:

  • content characteristics;
  • the degree of representation of the indicative and control-evaluative stages in work;
  • dynamic characteristics;
  • effectiveness.
  • In accordance with these grounds, we present in the table the individual styles of a teacher’s pedagogical activity.

    Table. Individual styles of teacher's pedagogical activity

    To fully understand the differences between the styles presented in the table from each other, each style is given its own characteristics below.

    Characteristics of a teacher’s individual styles of pedagogical activity

    Emotional-improvisational individual style: orientation to the learning process. The teacher builds an introduction to the new material in a logical and interesting way, sometimes he gets carried away, which leads to a loss of feedback from the students, the teacher does not interrupt and does not clarify whether the presentation of the new material is clear. When conducting a survey, strong students are often contacted; the survey is carried out at a fast pace, so weak students are not surveyed; the teacher often does not have the patience to wait for the end of the students’ independent reasoning. This style is characterized by not entirely adequate planning of the educational process; The most interesting material is selected for study by the teacher, and important but uninteresting material is left for the students to independently develop. With this style of teaching activity, the stages of consolidation are not sufficiently represented educational material, as well as monitoring students’ knowledge.

    Advantages: high efficiency, use of a variety of teaching methods.

    Disadvantages: predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity.

    Emotionally methodical individual style: orientation in equal parts to the process and result of learning. Planning educational process adequately, characterized by step-by-step development of all educational material for both strong and weak students. Teachers with this style of pedagogical activity are distinguished by high efficiency, frequent changes in types of work in the lesson, and the use of collective discussions. During the survey, maximum coverage of students occurs and individual assignments are given. The activity constantly includes consolidation of material and monitoring of learning results.

    Advantages: it interests students in the peculiarities of the subject; a variety of methods are used when practicing the material.

    Disadvantages: predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity, although reflexivity is higher than in the previous style.

    Reasoning-improvisational individual style: The teacher equally focuses on the process and result of learning, and adequately plans the educational process. Uses a small number of teaching methods, they are of the same type, the pace of work is average or low, and collective discussions are not practiced. When questioning, he gives all students the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail, he speaks little himself, and influences students indirectly (leading questions, demands to clarify what was said). When explaining new material, the teacher identifies the main issues, presents them logically, emphasizing the basic structure and cause-and-effect relationships. Constantly reinforces, repeats and monitors the learning outcome.

    Disadvantages: the predominance of reflexivity over intuitiveness, which allows you to analyze the result of your work, but limits the possibilities of spontaneous behavior in the lesson.

    Reasoning-methodical individual style: focused on learning outcomes, adequately plans the educational process. He is conservative in the selection of means and methods of pedagogical activity, uses a small standard set of teaching methods, puts the reproduction of the studied material in the first place, and practically does not use individual creative tasks and collective reasoning. The survey is conducted using large quantity students, special attention is paid to weak students. Consistently uses reinforcement, repetition, and monitoring of learning outcomes.

    Dignity: high degree reflexivity, the most complete analysis of one’s own activities.

    Disadvantages: limitation of spontaneous behavior in the lesson.

    So, four types of individual styles of teacher’s pedagogical activity were listed, the characteristics of which reflect the difference in the style of management, communication, behavior and cognitive style of the teacher.

    The concept of “style” can include the presence of a certain constant system of techniques used in the implementation professional activity. A characteristic factor for such a system is stability, which is manifested in all aspects of activity. The style of activity is also determined by the individual psychological characteristics of a person and his personal qualities.

    Definition 1

    Style of teaching activity– this is a system of methods, determined by typological characteristics, formed in a person striving for high-quality performance of activities. The system is individual in nature, expressed in the use of mechanisms specific to a given individual, to which conscious or spontaneous appeal occurs.

    The definition deliberately emphasizes the individuality of the combined techniques and methods of performing activities. However, there is a set of components from which the above individual style is formed:

    • Individual psychological, typological, personal, behavioral characteristics of the subject of activity.
    • Psychological characteristics of activity as such.
    • Features of students, including gender, age, level of intellectual preparation.

    The manifestation of a teacher’s individual style of activity is most often determined by several areas:

    • A feature of temperament.
    • The nature of the response to certain situations, actions, actions.
    • The choice of educational methods.
    • Stylistics of professional communication.
    • The use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

    Typology of teaching styles

    The division of teacher activity styles can occur on several grounds. The basic criteria for classification according to the nature of the activity can be:

    • Content characteristics.
    • The level of representation of the indicative and control-evaluative stages in work.
    • Dynamic characteristics.
    • Productivity.

    Based on the above components, it is possible to identify the individual styles of a teacher’s pedagogical activity.

    Individual styles of teaching activities of a teacher

    The styles presented in the table have certain differences, so it is worth delving into the detailed characteristics of each of them.

    Features of individual styles of teaching activity


    Definition 2

    Emotionally improvisational individual style of activity– this is an orientation towards the learning process.

    The teacher builds familiarization with new material in a logical and interesting way. Sometimes, the passion is so strong that the element of feedback is lost. The teacher expresses the idea without clarification or interruption, which often leads to poor understanding of the information by students. During the questioning process, the teacher often turns to the students who have the strongest understanding of the subject for an answer, conducts the questioning at a fast pace and does not show patience in the case of lengthy, independent reasoning of the student.

    The style is characterized by a low level of adequate perception educational process and its planning. The teacher prefers the material that is more interesting, in his opinion, leaving the least interesting for self-study. If this style is used, the stages of consolidating the material and monitoring students’ knowledge are not fully presented.

    • Advantages: efficiency, use of a variety of educational methods.
    • Disadvantages: predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity.

    Emotionally methodical

    Definition 3

    Emotionally methodical individual style characterized by a focus on the learning process and achieving results equally.

    If this style is used, the educational process is planned adequately; it is characterized by a step-by-step study of educational material, both for strong and weaker students. Teachers who adhere to this style of activity are distinguished by a high level of efficiency, frequent changes in types of work in the lesson, and the use of collective discussion. When conducting a survey, attention is paid to the maximum number of students, regardless of their level of preparedness.

    • Advantages: the use of various methods of mastering the material, involving students in the features of the subject.
    • Disadvantages: the predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity, although to a lesser extent.


    Definition 4

    Reasoning-improvisational individual style teachers are focused on learning outcomes.

    The teacher adequately analyzes and plans the educational process. In the selection of means and methods of pedagogical activity, conservatism prevails, reproduction of the studied material is given first place, a minimal set of teaching techniques is used, individual creative knowledge and collective reasoning are practically not used in the process of mastering the material. When conducting a survey, as many students as possible are involved, with an emphasis on the lagging group. Consolidation, repetition and monitoring of learning outcomes are extremely often used.

    • Advantages: high level reflexivity, the ability to fully analyze one’s own activities.
    • Disadvantages: limitation of spontaneous behavior in lessons.
    Definition 5

    Thus, based on the above material, it can be determined that individual pedagogical activity is a collection personal qualities and techniques used in the work process, characterizing the style of transferring information from teacher to student.

    The explanation for each style reflects the personal qualities of the teacher, the ability to present new material, ability to analyze, communicate and manage.

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    Psychological support for a teacher’s individual style of activity

    The professional fate of each psychologist develops differently. In some schools, a psychologist works on the development prospects educational institution: deals with the examination of innovative educational programs, finds out how new and relevant they are for practice, how this will contribute to the intellectual and personal development of students; develops recommendations for improving a teacher’s style of activity in a new educational environment. In other schools, a psychologist implements a standard set of his professional duties: psychodiagnostics, counseling, psychoprophylaxis, etc. Taking into account the specifics of the school, it can be noted that not every psychologist is an independent specialist, but in any case, he should not teach the teacher, but respect him - this is the most important task in the work of a psychologist. His specific task is to understand the subject of his activity and a professional approach to working with it.

    The subject of the psychologist's activity is the subjective in man. Psychotechnology is the use of the subjective in man. The educational process is the formation of oneself as “I”. It is advisable to communicate and work with the teacher in such a way that he intensifies his desire to optimize the child’s social environment and activate the educational functions of the social environment. For this we need a fusion of professional and personal in the work of a teacher, i.e. individual style of teaching activity. What is its psychological nature?

    The study of style was initiated by the work of A. Adler, who introduced the concept of “lifestyle”, in the original version “life plan”, or “guiding image”. Lifestyle is the most characteristic feature dynamic theory of personality. This concept, essentially ideographic, presents an individual's unique way of adapting to life, especially in terms of the goals set by the individual himself and how to achieve them. According to Adler, lifestyle includes a unique combination of traits, behaviors and habits that, taken together, determine a unique picture of an individual's existence.

    The individual style of activity is determined by the uniqueness of the actions used by the individual to achieve the goal. Therefore, the style of activity cannot be wrong. Only a specific action can be wrong.

    The prerequisites for developing an individual style of activity are: 1) the presence of a zone of uncertainty in activity that arises as a result of the fact that the same final goal can be achieved through different actions; 2) the desire of the subject to choose such an individual system of actions, thanks to which the greatest success of activity is achieved for him.

    An individual style of activity is characterized by an individually unique system of psychological means to which a person consciously or spontaneously resorts in order to best balance his (typologically determined) individuality with the surrounding objective external conditions. This definition emphasizes the dual dependence of style on individuality and environment.

    An individual style is chosen not only because it is more successful than others, but also because it brings greater emotional satisfaction and creates a state of comfort. Performing any activity leaves freedom, allowing one to express one’s individuality in setting intermediate goals, choosing the means necessary to achieve them and realizing the main goal.

    The style of pedagogical activity arises where the teacher has freedom of self-expression. A teacher, seeing the variety of ways to carry out professional activities, can limit himself to just one, which will constitute his style of activity. The zone of uncertainty is subjective and is located where one teacher sees many pedagogical solutions, while another sees only one. The tendency to have a high frequency of influences and fussiness in work is often associated with disorientation in the object of influence or with the inability to apply knowledge of the psychology of individual people to the development of an individual system of influences.

    The next step in the development of the stylistic approach was the introduction of V.S. Merlin's concept of individual communication style. Communication style was seen as special case style of activity. As noted by A.S. Makarenko, the teacher must be able to express his feelings and thoughts most accurately, impressively, and commandingly; he must be especially demanding of his appearance, manners of behavior, intonation of speech, and must find the most appropriate tone in each of his addresses to the child.

    Thus, one of the tasks of psychological support is to help him, in the process of cooperation with the teacher, find or develop his own style of teaching activity that best suits his individual characteristics. The ability to develop a style indicates the teacher’s ability to demonstrate his/her strengths. positive traits for the purposes of professional activities.

    The relationship between the typical and the individual in the activities of a teacher

    The word "style" translated from Greek language means a writing instrument, i.e. an instrument of mental activity. Style occupies a connecting position between individuality and environment. On the one hand, style is created by a person, and on the other hand, it acts as a way of any activity (non-targeted behavior and purposeful activity) that transforms the environment. This circumstance gives rise to a certain duality of the stylistic phenomenon and a dual conditionality of its formation and existence. The researcher has the opportunity to approach the phenomenon of style, either by studying the individuality of the person who gave birth to the style, or by analyzing the features of the activity during which this style arose.

    Typical is what can be brought up by society and in society itself, and individual is what is formed by this person, which is due to his upbringing, individual development. Typical in the activities of a teacher is something characteristic of a certain group of professionals who are united, for example, by joint creative activity, passion for a new pedagogical idea, etc. Typical are those traits that are acquired by a teacher in communication and joint activities, which are characteristic of the professional and social environment in which a person moves. Individuality is the traits that a person himself develops - perseverance, composure, etc.

    IN domestic psychology We have accumulated a wealth of experience in studying individual operating styles. Individual style is usually understood as a stable system of methods or methods of activity. Depending on typological properties nervous system polar, individually sustainable methods of activity can develop that allow people to achieve equally high results. At the same time, any individual style of activity can be formed only if the subject has a positive attitude towards it. Individual style acts simultaneously both as a certain way of expressing a person’s attitude towards the activity he actually carries out, and as a condition for the subsequent formation of an active and creative attitude towards it in the subject.

    We can also talk about individual style in relation to communication, which is a special, relatively independent type of activity. The teacher’s style of communication with students plays an important role in his activities. different stages their age development. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, based on available research, five most common student leadership styles are identified, namely: autocratic (autocratic); authoritarian (powerful); democratic (reliance on the team and stimulation of student independence); ignoring (practical removal from management of students’ activities, formal fulfillment of one’s duties); inconsistent (situational nature of the system of relationships with students).

    The individual style of teaching activity is a system of skills, methods, techniques, and ways of solving problems in the process of work that is characteristic of a given teacher. The complex of individual characteristics of a teacher can only partially satisfy professional requirements. Therefore, the teacher, consciously or spontaneously mobilizing his professional quality, at that time it compensates or somehow overcomes those qualities that hinder the achievement of success. As a result, an individual style of activity is created - a unique version of the typical methods of work for a given teacher in typical conditions.

    Thus, in situations with increased demands on the pace and rhythm of activity, a teacher with a mobile type of nervous system successfully solves problems by using his quickness, ability to easily speed up actions and move from one state to another. Under the same objective conditions, a teacher of an inert type uses completely different means. He can save himself from the need to quickly respond to signals due to forethought and increased attention to preventive measures. In the process of teaching, he develops a tendency to be systematic and thorough in his work. He develops professional preparations in advance that strengthen his weak points, so even in a situation of time pressure he maintains balance and confidence.

    An effective individual style of pedagogical activity is a style with the help of which the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in achieving the ultimate educational and educational goals. A certain algorithm of these combinations in the organization and regulation of teachers’ business behavior characterizes one or another individual style.

    Functions of individual style of teaching activity

    In the methodology of style, the following functions are distinguished: 1) style is a manifestation of integrity and individuality; 2) style is associated with a certain orientation and value system of the individual; 3) style performs a compensatory function, helping the individual to most effectively adapt to the requirements of the environment.

    The main thing in pedagogical communication is to create a situation of success for the student. The teacher’s main attention should be directed to constructive (so that the student can rely on the teacher’s attitude towards himself), positive (with his positive attitude the teacher teaches the student to think in terms of success) pedagogical assessment, which turns into the student’s internal assessment of his efforts and the results obtained. If a student develops a positive self-esteem of his learning abilities, then he will develop an interest in learning. To implement this direction in working with students, it is extremely necessary to have an individual approach to the child, the basis of which is the individual style of his own pedagogical activity formed by the teacher.

    In order to educate a person, it is necessary to know and understand it. It is important that this study does not, as usual, constitute a wave, a stream of events, education “in general”, when individual personality in fact, it is lost and emerges only when troubles occur. Students prefer teachers who use discipline less frequently, whose behavior is flexible, appropriate for the age and individuality of the student, and consistent with the structure of the lesson.

    The relationship between a teacher and students is one of the most important ways of educational influence on the developing personality of a student. However, teachers do not always have good relationships with students. This largely depends on the style of leadership or on the style of communication with them, on the individual style of teaching.

    In order to implement the conditions of pedagogical activity in its means, the teacher must have a flexible individual style. An important component of flexibility is cognitive style as stable individual psychological ways of receiving and processing information. He is characterized by the “sharp” eye and intelligence of a teacher. Cognitive style includes: a) seeing what is veiled in the activity being performed, including latent signs of a specific situation; b) vision for the future (notice what is not in demand today, but may be useful tomorrow, the day after tomorrow); c) vision of the future (identifying the sprouts of the new, positive, i.e., what you can rely on in your pedagogical decisions). The positive or negative consequences of a teacher’s professionalization are determined by his personal characteristics as a subject of pedagogical activity, the specificity of the object, the versatility and content of pedagogical activity.

    In general, this means the ability to build a perspective strategy, during the pursuit of which one thing clings to another, as a result, time begins to work towards achieving the intended result. Then the teacher “manages to catch the system by the tail”: a scenario is created that predetermines the student’s behavior: reflexive management consists of creating external pedagogical conditions, which become internal conditions that regulate the activity (behavioral, activity) of the student.

    The conditions of pedagogical activity turn into means of its optimal implementation when they: 1) contain pedagogical “filling” (in essence they contribute to the achievement of a pedagogical effect); 2) create favorable incentives (external and internal) to actualize the creative potential of the student’s personality; 3) become a support for achieving pedagogical goals (this requires the inclusion of constructive thinking, it is this that helps to find what you can rely on in your activities at this stage of its implementation); 4) latent, hidden conditions of a specific situation become objective, “working” and really influence the successful implementation of teaching activities if the teacher knows how to see around, if he has developed “lateral” creative thinking. Consequently, a psychologist can help a teacher learn to recognize such conditions, especially latent ones, and take them into account in specific pedagogical activities.

    Good teachers should not be anonymous, faceless, but should have their own manners and personal attitude to teaching and education. If a teacher was unable to develop an individual style in his professional activities, then he will not be able to take an author’s position in the educational process and space.

    Influence pedagogical situation on the manifestations of the teacher’s personal qualities

    Approaches to analyzing the situation can be conditionally divided into two groups. According to the first approach, the situation is a set of external conditions that do not include the person himself and do not depend on him. In relation to the teacher, this means that the pedagogical situation exists, as it were, independently of him and he only encounters it in his work. According to the second approach, the situation includes both external circumstances and the person himself, who influences the situation with his presence. Then it turns out that every pedagogical situation is in one way or another determined by the teacher himself (his previous influences on the students) and the students (their reactions).

    Examples of different manifestations of personal properties depending on changes in the social situation indicate that each individual does not maintain uniformity of behavior in different situations. Rather, we can say that we all use different masks for different occasions: each person has “many personalities.” No matter how many general laws of human response to a particular situation exist, this cannot lead to an adequate understanding of personality due to the uniqueness of the individual. An alternative to the general law was the use of ideographic methods that reflect the distinct structure of a personality as its individual style.

    An individual behavior style is something that cannot be described by a traditional enumeration general characteristics. It is preserved with all the variety of forms of expression. Voice, demeanor, handwriting, even works of art bear the imprint of uniqueness. In order for uniqueness to take place, a system of specially constructed situations of success is needed. Situations of failure arise spontaneously in the context of pedagogical activity.

    A situation of success stimulates a student much more effectively than a situation of failure. Teachers know that appropriate praise and the ability to timely notice and encourage the slightest success, even the most modest, stimulates the child’s activity. Moreover, such a technique (this also includes the technique called “advanced praise” by A.S. Makarenko) not only does not exclude demandingness, but even presupposes it. To do this, before making demands, it is necessary to educate the one to whom they are addressed, to psychologically prepare them for their fulfillment. The ability to find strengths in the personality of each student that can and should be relied upon should become an indispensable professional responsibility of every teacher.

    The situational style of interaction between teacher and student is characterized by three varieties: situational (situational), operational, and value-based. The situational variety is manifested in the fact that the student is perceived by the teacher as a means of solving a pedagogical problem. “Do what I do” style. The operational type of style is characterized by the principle “do it the same way as I do”, i.e. teaches the child to structure his activities taking into account the conditions of action. Value-based is the style of relationships in general view- can be expressed like this: “man is the measure of everything,” i.e. actions are justified not only from the position of their objective structure, but also from the position of interdependence in terms of human activity.

    Analysis of the situation consists of studying the contradiction, identifying the conditions and causes that made the situation problematic; studying the situation in its reality (the reasons for its occurrence, its main components and functions). The situation analysis should include an analysis of trends in real and future changes. Types of situation analysis can be diverse: systemic - elementary (fragmentary); initial - final. Scheme pedagogical analysis must be flexible and adequate to the content of the situation. Thus, the analysis of the pedagogical situation is a step-by-step consideration of the path connecting the pedagogical idea with its implementation in the specific conditions of the pedagogical process.

    A significant role in the implementation of the idea is played by the “law of the situation”: a decrease in subjective difficulty while reducing objective complexity. It is the subjective conditions that determine the content of the situation being solved by a person. The favorability of a situation is expressed by a degree that shows how a given situation allows a teacher to influence the pedagogical process.

    A certain type of situation determines a specific style of behavior. For example, the behavior of an eleventh grader during a regular lesson and at a holiday “ Last call" In order to better understand the influence of the pedagogical situation on the manifestations of a teacher’s personal qualities, we can consider the psychological phenomena described by Thorndike and Lado. According to Thorndike's Law of Effect, the strength of the connection between a situation and a response increases when the process of establishing a connection between them is accompanied or replaced by a state of satisfaction. A reaction that ends with pleasant consequences is reinforced, but if it has unpleasant consequences, they try to drown it out or avoid it (“Lado’s Law of Effectiveness”). Identification of the laws of the situation in order to prevent unfavorable outcomes is associated with the recognition of situations that are potential sources of minor correction of undesirable behavior, especially in those situations where the teacher may become a “victim” of manipulation by students.

    The influence of the teacher’s personality on the pedagogical situation

    Most vivid examples manifestations of individual styles of pedagogical activity can be observed in innovative teachers who do not follow traditional paths, but strive to realize the whole set pedagogical functions. They make maximum use of those functions of their professional activity and the features of the pedagogical situation that allow them to most effectively exert their personal influence on the educational process.

    V.F. Shatalov, distinguished by a clear, mathematically precise direction of thinking, created a fairly rigid structure for organizing the educational process, based on a schematic presentation and designation of the material (a system of reference signals).

    A democratic, trust-based approach to students allows S.D. Shevchenko effectively use student self-government in teaching and reveal the creative potential of schoolchildren.

    Research approach B.I. Degtyarev’s approach to students is focused on the constant study of their personality. They show possible ways to teach students rational study skills and develop their self-knowledge.

    The focus on the formation of humane relationships between teachers and students formed the basis pedagogical system F.G. Deak, which was successfully implemented through the principle of role-playing participation of schoolchildren in the organization of the educational process. One can also call Sh.A. distinguished by his creative originality. Amonashvili, G.G. Kravtsov, E.P. Ilyina, S.N. Lysenkov, I.P. Volkova and others.

    The cumulative effect of pedagogical influence with such a coincidence of personal parameters with the corresponding functions of activity is so strong that it allows us to neglect any shortcomings in the behavior of a given individual and not to focus on other functions of activity, the significance of which in the shadow of the activity being carried out is sharply reduced. IN Everyday life This phenomenon is usually called the “horse” of a teacher; it is precisely this phenomenon that forms the core of his professional personality.

    Features of the individual style of teaching activity

    In the course of developing appropriate work skills, the teacher’s personality moves through the levels of professional skill, a specific system of ways of performing activities develops - an individual style of pedagogical activity is formed.

    The individual style of a teacher as a system of his activities, its functions and hierarchical structure can be characterized as follows:

    Content characteristics: 1) the teacher’s primary orientation: a) on the learning process, b) on the learning process and results, c) on learning outcomes; 2) adequacy - inadequacy of planning the educational process; 3) efficiency - conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity; 4) reflexivity - intuitiveness.

    Dynamic characteristics: 1) flexibility - traditionality; 2) impulsiveness - caution; 3) sustainability - instability in relation to a changing situation; 4) stable emotional-positive attitude towards students - unstable emotional attitude; 5) presence of personal anxiety - absence of personal anxiety; 6) in an unfavorable situation, the focus of reflection on oneself - focus on circumstances - focus on others.

    Effective characteristics: 1) homogeneity - heterogeneity of the level of knowledge of students; 2) stability - instability of students' learning skills; 3) high - medium - low level of interest in the subject being studied. Based on what was noted earlier, it is important to emphasize the integrated style of teaching activity. Thus, individualized thinking is based on the personal characteristics of the professional skills of the subject of pedagogical work.

    Types of teacher activity styles

    • 1. Emotionally improvisational. Focusing primarily on the learning process, the teacher is not sufficiently adequate in relation to the final results; for the lesson he selects the most interesting material, less interesting (although important) he often leaves for independent work students, focusing mainly on strong students. The teacher’s activities are highly operational: the types of work often change during the lesson, and collective discussions are practiced. However, the rich arsenal of teaching methods used is combined with low methodicality, consolidation and repetition of educational material, and control of student knowledge are not sufficiently represented. The teacher's activities are characterized by intuitiveness, increased sensitivity depending on the situation in the lesson, personal anxiety, flexibility and impulsiveness. Such a teacher is sensitive and insightful towards students.
    • 2. Emotional and methodological. Focusing on both the result and the process, he works through all the educational material step by step, without missing out on consolidating, repeating and monitoring students’ knowledge. The teacher’s activities are highly operational, but intuitiveness prevails over reflexivity. The teacher strives to activate students not with external entertainment, but with the features of the subject itself. The teacher is hypersensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, personally anxious, but sensitive and insightful towards students.
    • 3. Reasoning-improvisation. A teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the learning process and results, adequate planning, efficiency, and a combination of intuitiveness and reflexivity. The teacher is less inventive in varying teaching methods, he does not always adhere to a high pace of the lesson, and does not always use collective discussions. But the teacher himself speaks less, especially during the survey, preferring to influence students indirectly, giving respondents the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail. Teachers of this style are less sensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, they lack a demonstration of narcissism, and are characterized by caution and traditionalism.
    • 4. Reasoning-methodical. Focusing primarily on learning outcomes and adequately planning the educational process, the teacher shows conservatism

    in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity. High methodologicalness is combined with a small, standard set of teaching methods, preference for students' reproductive activity, and rare collective discussions. A teacher of this style is distinguished by reflexivity, low sensitivity to changes in situations in the lesson, and caution in his actions.

    The problem of compensation and individual operating style

    The problem of compensation in most cases is considered as a search for patterns of replacement of one missing or insufficiently developed professionally important quality with others, and the problem of individual style of activity is considered as the discovery of patterns of manifestation individual qualities(abilities) in methods of activity. Considering the problem of compensation from the standpoint psychological system activities, V.D. Shadrikov notes that individual professionally important qualities do not compensate for each other, but interacting with each other, they form an individually unique system, manifested in an individual way of activity. Compensation is not the replacement of some qualities with others, but the replacement of one method of activity with another.

    Congruent communication is communication in which all messages, verbal and non-verbal, correspond to a specific meaning conveyed. Incongruent is one in which words and behavior convey different, conflicting messages. It is important to notice the incongruent behavior of both the interlocutor and your own and be able to respond effectively to it. Self-management in communication is a necessary measure to prevent incongruent communication and includes the following skills: identify your problems in relationships with people; make forecasts of the dynamics of these contradictions; set goals, the achievement of which will ensure a solution to the problem; choose adequate means and be able to implement them in communication practice; develop new, situation-appropriate criteria for assessing the success of interaction with people; control the implementation of plans; if necessary, create a moral situation and make appropriate corrections.

    The moral situation is included in the moral decision procedure in a situation that does not provide sufficient information for making a decision and at the same time requires maximum speed in preferring any option of action. By accumulating a person’s moral experience in a unique way, intuition, as it were, “replaces” the missing opportunity to weigh the pros and cons in relation to each of the options for action.

    Psychological mechanisms of individual communication style

    Under the mechanisms of pedagogical communication style individual-typical features of socio-psychological interaction between teacher and students are understood. The style of communication expresses: a) the characteristics of the teacher’s communicative capabilities; b) the achieved level of relationship between the teacher and students; c) the creative individuality of the teacher; d) characteristics of the student body (V.A. Kan-Kalik, 1979, p. 66). The psychological and pedagogical literature describes various styles of professional pedagogical communication. Their abundance emphasizes the relevance of the teacher’s awareness and acquisition of his own individual style of communication with students.

    • 1. The most fruitful style of communication is communication based on passion for joint creative activity.
    • 2. The style of pedagogical communication based on a friendly disposition is also quite productive.
    • 3. A fairly common style is distance communication, which is readily used by both experienced teachers and beginners.
    • 4. Distance communication in its “pure form” is, to a certain extent, a transitional stage to such a negative form as elimination communication.
    • 5. An equally negative role in working with students is played by flirting communication, which is also associated with the inability to organize productive pedagogical communication.

    Research allows us to roughly identify four groups class teachers in terms of the intensity of their communication with students. The first group includes those teachers who limit their communication with students to the narrow framework of business issues (about studies, discipline) and do not strive for closer communication with their students (talks about life, happiness, work, etc.). The second group can include class teachers who clearly strive for close communication with high school students, but do not have this. This happens by various reasons: for some - due to lack of time, for others - due to the students’ reluctance to communicate in confidence, since these teachers either take on the position of a mentor, or do not know how to keep the secret entrusted to them, or do not arouse the sympathy of the students. The third group consists of teachers who treat high school students with respect, enjoy their trust and sympathy, but for various reasons their communication with students is not regular. However, in cases where a student has difficulties, he goes to these teachers, and communication takes place at the most frank and confidential level. The fourth group are those teachers who constantly communicate with students, and communication goes beyond the daily mentoring duties of the teacher and is distinguished by a high degree of trust and intensity.

    The formation of an effective individual style of activity of a teacher is influenced by various subjective and objective factors, as well as psychological mechanisms, knowledge of which is a prerequisite for the manifestation and approval of high pedagogical culture teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity. An effective style is one when the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating and activating students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in the process of achieving final educational goals. A certain algorithm of these combinations in the self-organization and self-regulation of teachers’ professional behavior characterizes one or another individual style of teaching activity, which was mentioned above.

    Techniques for resisting manipulation

    Pedagogical activity is full of situations in which manipulation on the part of participants in the educational process is manifested. How should a teacher behave if he encounters a “manipulator” person?

    First of all, free yourself from the idea of ​​“should” (according to A. Ellis): allow yourself to be yourself and inform your interlocutor about this: “I’m afraid you overestimate my selflessness, alas, I’m not ready to do this work for free.” In this way, the teacher can become an actualizer.

    The actualizer perceives life as a process of growth, and perceives certain defeats or failures philosophically, calmly, as temporary difficulties, by analyzing which one can learn valuable lessons. He may make mistakes, but he is able to correct his mistakes, is ready to help when needed, and is capable of collaborative creative work.

    It is necessary to recognize the tactics of a “manipulator” person; openly raise a question about it; question the desirability and legality of such tactics, i.e. discuss them. If the “manipulator” hides behind expressions like: “Yes, this, of course, is very interesting,” while he does not feel any, even slight, interest, then you need to use a technique that allows you to put the “manipulator” in an awkward position, saying, for example: “ I do not trust you".

    It is important to determine the intentions, goals and means of the “manipulator”. Perhaps the “manipulator” wants to shift his responsibility to the teacher. It is advisable to find out which hook he wants to catch his prey with. Very often our virtues do us a disservice. For example, when a teacher is told that he is a kind person, so he can agree and fulfill the request.

    It is useful to have a strong position, to try to be an internally guided person, that is, a self-sufficient person capable of independently solving his own problems. An internally directed personality is a personality with a mental compass built into childhood (it is installed and launched by parents or people close to the child). Such a compass is constantly undergoing changes under the influence of various authorities.

    Against manipulation, each person independently develops countermeasures for himself, taking into account his individuality. You can critically examine the techniques suggested below and design your own.

    Ask your opponent to state the same thing, but in a positive way.

    “Show me, explain to me why this is fair.”

    Let some hostile remarks fall on deaf ears.

    Finding ways to resist manipulation is communicative creativity, i.e. searching and finding new tasks and ways for the teacher to interact with students. This requires the following communication skills:

    1) the ability to quickly and correctly navigate communication conditions; 2) the ability to correctly plan your speech, correctly choose the content of the act of communication; 3) finding adequate means to convey this content; 4) ability to provide feedback. If the links of communication are broken, it will be more difficult to achieve the expected results. It will be ineffective.

    Structuring a situation means being able to change the situation in accordance with your needs and goals. In pedagogy, this is the teacher’s active intervention in the current situation, its transformation in accordance with the set pedagogical goals.

    Pedagogical management involves turning the object of education - the student - into a subject of self-education. To this end, the teacher constantly includes the students themselves in the process of solving pedagogical problems, and the teacher’s position can be “hidden”, and the actions can be indirect, going through the team. Methods and conditions of communication are also important here; in order to get a positive result, conditions that promote communication are necessary. They are as follows: 1) a person must be aware of how he can be interesting to people, what he does for them; 2) never approach a person thinking that there is more bad than good in him; 3) communication and relationships between people must be active, must manifest themselves not only in words, in a contemplative attitude towards reality, but in real activity; 4) it is necessary that a person be able to correctly reveal the subtext of the behavior of another, i.e. what this other wanted to say by his behavior.

    The functions of situational analysis in the context of manipulation are the disclosure of the pedagogical meaning of the situation; determining the possibilities for developing and using the pedagogical meaning of the situation for educational purposes (upbringing and training). Consequently, situational analysis forms the basis for a psychologically competent analysis of the actions of participants in pedagogical interaction.

    Questions and tasks

    • 1. Is the individual style of teaching activity a stable or situational psychological phenomenon?
    • 2. Do you agree with the opinion that the individual style of activity depends on the type of temperament?
    • 3. In what situations is the individual style of teaching activity most clearly manifested?
    • 4. What are the main differences between the individual style of teaching and the individual approach to the student?
    • 5. What features in a teacher’s appearance and demeanor can be carriers of information about his individual style of teaching? Give examples.
    • 6. Is an individual style of teaching possible in the context of multimedia teaching aids?
    • 7. While observing teachers, determine the specific difficulties they have in their work and the specifics of their individual style aimed at overcoming these difficulties.
    • 8. Justify the role of the situation of success/failure in the self-development of the student’s personality in various educational systems.
    • 9. Establish how individual style has a positive and negative impact on the teaching activity performed.
    • 10. Highlight the psychological mechanisms that influence the self-development of an individual in situations of success/failure.
    • 11. Present a system of techniques for creating situations of success and overcoming situations of failure (drawing in a diagram).
    • 12. Consider the features of the teacher’s relationship with students in different life situations: in a lesson, when presenting new material, in a conversation with the class, when individually testing students’ knowledge and assessing it, when communicating during extracurricular hours while performing socially useful activities.

    Seminar plan

    “Psychology of teaching style”

    • 1. Psychological characteristics of the individual style of teaching activity.
    • 2. The influence of the style of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of educational activities.
    • 3. Features of the teacher’s perception and assessment of situations in which the style of pedagogical communication is most clearly manifested.
    • 4. The influence of pedagogical communication style on communicative culture interpersonal relationships in a group of students.

    Main literature

    • 1. Kan-Kalik V A. Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication. Grozny, 1979.
    • 2. Kashapov M. M. Psychological foundations for solving a pedagogical situation: Textbook. allowance. Yaroslavl, 1992.
    • 3. Klimov E.L. Individual style of activity. Kazan, 1969.
    • 4. Klyueva N.V. Psychological support for teaching activities (technologies for the work of psychologists with teachers). Yaroslavl, 1998.
    • 5. Markova A.K., Nikonova A.L. Psychological features of a teacher’s individual style of activity // Questions of psychology. 1987. No. 5.
    • 6. Merlin B.C. Essay on an integral study of individuality. M., 1977.
    • 7. Mitina JI.M. Psychology professional development teachers. M., 1998.
    • 8. Shadrikov DB. Activities and abilities. M., 1994.
    • 9. Shadrikova I A. The role of pedagogical assessment in the professional skills of a teacher. Textbook aid for students IV-V courses. M., 1992.

    additional literature

    • 10. Belkin AS. A situation of success. How to create it. M., 1991.
    • 11. Grimak L.P. Communicate with yourself. M., 1991.
    • 12. Klimov E.A. Individual style of activity depending on the typological properties of the nervous system. Kazan, 1969.
    • 13. Merlin B.C. Lectures on the psychology of human motives. M., 1991.
    • 14. Glasser W. Schools without losers. Per. from English Perm, 1972.
    • 15. Mitina L.M. Psychological aspects of a teacher's work. Tula, 1991.
    • 16. Orlov Yu.M. Ascent to individuality: A book for teachers. M., 1991.
    • 17. Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. Rostov n/d, 1996.
    • 18. Shchurkova N.E. and others. New technologies of the educational process.

    The model of professional activity of a psychologist can serve a certain guideline, but it is assumed that everyone will developspecialist with an individual style of activity.

    Style (lat. stilus , Greek stilos stick) originates from a peculiar manner of writing with a pointed rod made of bone, metal or wood, which was used to write on wax tablets or birch bark. Hence the analogies: a way of doing something, a different set of peculiar techniques, a manner of behaving, speaking, dressing, etc.

    Activity style - it is an interconnected set of individual characteristics, methods and nature of carrying out certain activities, usually involving interaction with people and acting as a dynamic stereotype

    The individual style of activity is determined by the specifics of the activity itself, the individual psychological and personal characteristics of its subject (I. V. Strakhov, N. D. Merlin, E. A. Klimov, etc.)

    In the structure of an individual style of activity, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov identifies two components:

    Those. an individual style of activity is determined by the natural, innate characteristics of a person and the lifelong personality traits that arose in the course of a person’s interaction with the subject and social environment. Effective individual style provides the greatest results with minimal time and effort. The main argument in favor of the individual ways of carrying out teaching activities found by the teacher will be the personal and mental development of his students. It is the development of one’s own style, taking into account, first of all, the properties of one’s own personality, as well as the specific requirements of the activity, that leads to the fact that the teacher is less stressed and tired. Since the personal properties of a teacher are a flexible structure, the individual style of activity can change.

    Pedagogical activity, like any other, is characterized by a certain style, which is ensured both by the specifics of the activity itself and by the individual psychological characteristics of its subject.

    The individual style of teaching activity is manifested:

        in temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);

        the nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations;

        choosing teaching methods;

        selection of educational means,

        style of pedagogical communication;

        responding to the actions and actions of children;

        manner of behavior;

        preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;

        the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on children

    The most complete idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity was proposed by A.K. Markova, A. Ya. Nikonova. The basis for distinguishing activity styles is the following essential characteristics: contains meaningful indicators, dynamic and effective.

      teacher's primary orientation: a) on the learning process, b) on the process and results of learning, c) on learning outcomes;

      adequacy - inadequacy of planning the educational process;

      efficiency - conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity;

      reflexivity - intuitiveness.

    Dynamic characteristics define:

      flexibility - traditionality;

      impulsiveness - caution;

      sustainability - instability in relation to a changing situation;

      a stable emotionally positive attitude towards students - an unstable emotional attitude;

      presence of personal anxiety - absence of personal anxiety;

      in an unfavorable situation, the focus of reflection on oneself - focus on circumstances - focus on others.

    Performance characteristics :

      homogeneity - heterogeneity of students' knowledge level;

      stability - instability of students' learning skills;

      high - low level of interest in the subject being studied.

    Based on these characteristics, each style presupposes a certain nature of interaction, the dominance of either a monological or dialogic form of communication, and a certain organization of activity.

    Each teacher in the process of his teaching activities develops individual work style -a set of tasks, means and methods of pedagogical activity and communication, as well as more specific features, such as the rhythm of work, characteristic and stable for a given teacher.

    A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonova, based on the content, dynamic and effective characteristics of pedagogical activity, identified and described four types of individual pedagogical styles.

    Table 14.2. Types of individual teaching styles

    Dynamic characteristics of individual style

    The effectiveness of teaching activities

    1) teacher’s primary orientation: on learning outcomes; pas the learning process; on the learning process and results

    1) flexibility - traditionalism

    1) level of knowledge of students

    2) impulsiveness - caution

    2) the nature of the development of schoolchildren’s interest in what they are studying subject

    3) efficiency - conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity;

    3) sustainability - instability in relation to a changing situation

    3) the development of learning skills among schoolchildren

    4) reflexivity - intuitiveness

    4) stable emotionally positive - unstable emotional attitude towards students

    5) presence - absence

    personal anxiety

    6) focus of reflection in an unfavorable situation: on oneself, on circumstances, on others

    The components of content characteristics determine the quality of a teacher, such as methodical or improvisational.

    The components of the dynamic characteristics manifest such an individual-personal trait of the teacher as prudence or emotionality.

    Emotional-improvisational style (EIS). Teachers with this leadership style are characterized by a predominant focus on the learning process. The EIS teacher constructs an explanation of new material in a logical and interesting way, but in the process of explanation he often lacks “feedback” with the students. During the survey, such a teacher turns to a large number students, mostly strong, interested in him, asks them at a fast pace, asks informal questions, but does not let them speak much, does not wait for them to formulate the answer on their own. The EIS teacher is characterized by insufficiently adequate planning of the educational process, namely: for practicing in the lesson, he selects the most interesting educational material; He leaves less interesting material, although sometimes very important, for students to work on independently. The activities of the EIS teacher are distinguished by high efficiency and the use of a large arsenal of various teaching methods. He often practices collective discussions and stimulates spontaneous statements from students. Such a teacher is characterized by intuitiveness, which is expressed in the frequent inability to analyze the characteristics and effectiveness of his activities in the lesson.

    Emotionally methodical style (EMS). A teacher with this EMS leadership style is characterized by an orientation towards the process and result of learning, adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, and a certain predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity. Focusing on both the process and the results of learning, the EMS teacher adequately plans the educational process, works out all the educational material step by step, carefully monitors the level of knowledge of all students (both strong and weak), his activities constantly include consolidation and repetition educational material, monitoring students' knowledge. The EMS teacher is distinguished by high efficiency, he changes the types of work in the lesson, and often practices collective discussions. Using an equally rich arsenal methodological techniques When practicing educational material, like the EIS teacher, the EMS teacher, unlike the latter, strives to activate children not with external entertainment, but to firmly interest them in the features of the subject itself.

    At the level of dynamic characteristics of teachers, emotional styles are distinguished by increased sensitivity, which is, on the one hand, the reason for their pronounced dependence on the situation in the lesson, their frequent presence of personal anxiety, and on the other hand, the sensitivity and insight of emotional teachers. They are characterized by flexibility and impulsiveness. Teachers of reasoning styles differ from emotional teachers by reduced sensitivity, which determines their less dependence on the situation in the lesson, lack of demonstrativeness, and narcissism. They are characterized by caution and traditionalism.

    Reasoning-improvisational style (RICE). A RIS teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the learning process and results, adequate planning of the teaching and educational process, efficiency, and a combination of intuitiveness and reflexivity. Compared to teachers of emotional styles, such a teacher shows less ingenuity in selecting and varying teaching methods, is not always able to ensure a high pace of work, and practices collective discussions less often. relative time His students have less spontaneous speech during the lesson than emotional teachers. At the same time, unlike teachers of emotional styles, the RIS teacher speaks less in class himself, especially during questioning, preferring to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, etc.), giving respondents the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail.

    Reasoning-methodical style (RMS). Focusing primarily on learning outcomes and adequately planning the educational process, the RMS teacher is conservative in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity. He combines a high methodological approach (systematic reinforcement, repetition of educational material, control of students’ knowledge) with a small standard set of teaching methods used, a preference for students’ reproductive activity, and rare collective discussions. During the questioning process, such a teacher addresses a small number of students, giving each a lot of time to answer, Special attention focusing on weak students. The RMS teacher is generally characterized by reflexivity.

    From the point of view of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, the most effective are individual styles that combine methodicalness with emotionality, and improvisation with prudence, i.e. intermediate styles. In this sense, neither methodicality nor improvisation are preferable in themselves.

    The activities of teachers of the emotional-improvisational style are characterized by the fact that their students have a strong interest in the subject being studied with insufficiently strong knowledge and insufficiently developed learning skills. Teachers with a reasoning-methodical style are characterized by a combination of their students' knowledge and developed learning skills with a frequent lack of interest in the subject being studied.

    EMS and RIS teachers achieve high learning outcomes, while at the same time developing stable learning skills in children, arousing interest in the subject being taught.

    And at the end of the chapter, instead of generalization, the commandments for the teacher, formulated by Sh. A. Amonashvili:

    "- Believe in the child.

    • - Believe in yourself.
    • - Believe in science.

    And now - the most last tip. If you suddenly see that you cannot believe in a child, humanize environment and see yourself in the child, remain a real person, leave school... Don’t be dull. Don't harm..."

    If you can't be the pine on the hilltop

    Be a tree in the valley, but just be

    The best tree near the spring;

    Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

    If you can't be a bush, be a grass

    And make the road happier;

    If you can't be a pike, just be a perch.

    But be the most beautiful perch in the lake.

    If you can't be a road, be a path...

    Douglas Malloch