Diffusion: definition and examples in the natural world. Abstract: Topic: “Diffusion in living and inanimate nature Diffusion biology

Municipal educational institution Zaozernaya secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 16

Topic: “Diffusion in living and inanimate nature.”


student of class 8A Zyabrev Kirill.

Physics teacher: Zavyalova G.M.

Biology teacher: Zyabreva V.F.

Tomsk – 2008

I. Introduction. ………………………………………………………… 3

II. Diffusion in living and inanimate nature.

1. History of the discovery of the phenomenon. ……………………………………. 4

2. Diffusion, its types. ………………………………………….. 6

3. What does the rate of diffusion depend on? ……………………….. 7

4. Diffusion in inanimate nature. ……………………………... 8

5. Diffusion in living nature. ………………………………… 9

6. Use of diffusion phenomena. …………………………. 16

7. Design of individual diffusion phenomena. …………… 17

III. Conclusion. …………………………………………………... 20

IV. Used Books. ……………………………………. . 21

I. Introduction.

There are so many amazing and interesting things happening around us. Distant stars are shining in the night sky, a candle is burning in the window, the wind carries the aroma of blooming bird cherry, an aging grandmother follows you with her gaze…. I want to know a lot, try to explain it myself. After all, many natural phenomena are associated with the processes of diffusion, which we talked about recently at school. But they said so little!

Goals of work :

1. Expand and deepen knowledge about diffusion.

2. Model individual diffusion processes.

3. Create additional material in computer version for use in physics and biology lessons.


1. Find the necessary material in the literature, the Internet, study and analyze it.

2. Find out where diffusion phenomena occur in living and inanimate nature (physics and biology), what significance they have, and where they are used by humans.

3. Describe and design the most interesting experiments on this phenomenon.

4. Create animated models of some diffusion processes.

Methods: analysis and synthesis of literature, design, modeling.

My work consists of three parts; the main part consists of 7 chapters. I studied and processed materials from 13 literary sources, including educational, reference, scientific literature and Internet sites, and also prepared a presentation made in the Power Point editor.

II. Diffusion in living and inanimate nature.

II .1. The history of the discovery of the phenomenon of diffusion.

When observing a suspension of flower pollen in water under a microscope, Robert Brown observed a chaotic movement of particles arising “neither from the movement of the liquid nor from its evaporation.” Suspended particles 1 µm in size or less, visible only under a microscope, performed disordered independent movements, describing complex zigzag trajectories. Brownian motion does not weaken over time and does not depend on the chemical properties of the medium; its intensity increases with increasing temperature of the medium and with a decrease in its viscosity and particle size. Even qualitatively explain the reasons Brownian motion succeeded only 50 years later, when the cause of Brownian motion began to be associated with impacts of liquid molecules on the surface of a particle suspended in it.

The first quantitative theory of Brownian motion was given by A. Einstein and M. Smoluchowski in 1905-06. based on molecular kinetic theory. It was shown that random walks of Brownian particles are associated with their participation in thermal motion along with the molecules of the medium in which they are suspended. Particles have on average the same kinetic energy, but due to their greater mass they have a lower speed. The theory of Brownian motion explains the random movements of a particle by the action of random forces from molecules and friction forces. According to this theory, the molecules of a liquid or gas are in constant thermal motion, and the impulses of different molecules are not the same in magnitude and direction. If the surface of a particle placed in such a medium is small, as is the case for a Brownian particle, then the impacts experienced by the particle from the molecules surrounding it will not be exactly compensated. Therefore, as a result of “bombardment” by molecules, a Brownian particle comes into random motion, changing the magnitude and direction of its speed approximately 1014 times per second. From this theory it followed that by measuring the displacement of a particle over a certain time and knowing its radius and the viscosity of the liquid, Avogadro’s number can be calculated.

The conclusions of the theory of Brownian motion were confirmed by measurements by J. Perrin and T. Svedberg in 1906. Based on these relationships, Boltzmann's constant and Avogadro's constant were experimentally determined. (Avogadro's constant denoted by NA, the number of molecules or atoms in 1 mole of a substance, NA=6.022.1023 mol-1; name in honor of A. Avogadro.

Boltzmann's constant, physical constant k, equal to the ratio of the universal gas constant R to Avogadro's number N A: k = R / N A = 1.3807.10-23 J/K. Named after L. Boltzmann.)

When observing Brownian motion, the position of the particle is recorded at regular intervals. The shorter the time intervals, the more broken the trajectory of the particle will look.

The laws of Brownian motion serve as a clear confirmation of the fundamental principles of molecular kinetic theory. It was finally established that the thermal form of motion of matter is due to the chaotic movement of atoms or molecules that make up macroscopic bodies.

The theory of Brownian motion played an important role in substantiating statistical mechanics, based on it kinetic theory coagulation (mixing) of aqueous solutions. In addition, she also has practical significance in metrology, since Brownian motion is considered as the main factor limiting the accuracy of measuring instruments. For example, the limit of accuracy of the readings of a mirror galvanometer is determined by the vibration of the mirror, like a Brownian particle bombarded by air molecules. The laws of Brownian motion determine the random movement of electrons, which causes noise in electrical circuits. Dielectric losses in dielectrics are explained by random movements of the dipole molecules that make up the dielectric. Random movements of ions in electrolyte solutions increase their electrical resistance.

Trajectories of Brownian particles (Perrin experiment scheme); The dots mark the positions of particles at equal time intervals.

Thus, DIFFUSION, OR BROWNIAN MOTION – This random movement of tiny particles suspended in a liquid or gas, occurring under the influence of impacts from environmental molecules; open

R. Brown in 1827

II. 2. Diffusion, its types.

A distinction is made between diffusion and self-diffusion.

Diffusion is the spontaneous penetration of molecules of one substance into the spaces between the molecules of another substance. In this case, the particles are mixed. Diffusion is observed for gases, liquids and solids. For example, a drop of ink is mixed in a glass of water. Or the smell of cologne spreads throughout the room.

Diffusion, like self-diffusion, exists as long as there is a density gradient of the substance. If the density of any one and the same substance is not the same in different parts volume, then the phenomenon of self-diffusion is observed. Self-diffusion called the process of density equalization(or concentration proportional to it) the same substance. Diffusion and self-diffusion occur due to the thermal movement of molecules, which, in nonequilibrium states, creates flows of matter.

Mass flux density is the mass of a substance ( dm), diffusing per unit time through a unit area ( dS pl), perpendicular to the axis x :


The phenomenon of diffusion obeys Fick's law


where is the modulus of the density gradient, which determines the rate of change in density in the direction of the axis X ;

D- diffusion coefficient, which is calculated from molecular kinetic theory using the formula


where is the average speed of thermal movement of molecules;

Average free path of molecules.

The minus sign indicates that mass transfer occurs in the direction of decreasing density.

Equation (1.2) is called the diffusion equation or Fick's law.

II. 3. Diffusion rate.

When a particle moves in a substance, it constantly collides with its molecules. This is one of the reasons why, under normal conditions, diffusion is slower than normal movement. What does the rate of diffusion depend on?

Firstly, on the average distance between particle collisions, i.e. free path length. The longer this length, the faster the particle penetrates the substance.

Secondly, pressure affects speed. The denser the packing of particles in a substance, the more difficult it is for an alien particle to penetrate such a packing.

Thirdly, it has a major role on the diffusion rate molecular mass substances. The larger the target, the more likely it is to hit, and after a collision the speed always slows down.

And fourthly, temperature. As the temperature rises, the vibrations of the particles increase, and the speed of the molecules increases. However, the speed of diffusion is a thousand times slower than the speed of free movement.

All types of diffusion obey the same laws and are described by the diffusion coefficient D, which is a scalar quantity and is determined from Fick’s first law.

For one-dimensional diffusion ,

where J is the flux density of atoms or defects of the substance,
D - diffusion coefficient,
N is the concentration of atoms or defects of a substance.

Diffusion is a process at the molecular level and is determined by the random nature of the movement of individual molecules. The rate of diffusion is therefore proportional to the average speed of the molecules. In the case of gases, the average speed of small molecules is greater, namely, it is inversely proportional square root from the mass of the molecule and increases with increasing temperature. Diffusion processes in solids at high temperatures are often found practical use. For example, certain types of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) use thorium metal diffused through tungsten metal at 2000 ºC.

If in a mixture of gases one molecule is four times heavier than another, then such a molecule moves twice as slow as its movement in a pure gas. Accordingly, its diffusion rate is also lower. This difference in the rate of diffusion of light and heavy molecules is used to separate substances with different molecular weights. An example is the separation of isotopes. If a gas containing two isotopes is passed through a porous membrane, the lighter isotopes pass through the membrane faster than the heavier ones. For better separation, the process is carried out in several stages. This process was widely used to separate uranium isotopes (separation of 235U, which fissile under neutron irradiation, from the bulk 238U). Since this separation method requires a lot of energy, other, more economical separation methods have been developed. For example, the use of thermal diffusion in a gas environment is widely developed. A gas containing a mixture of isotopes is placed in a chamber in which a spatial temperature difference (gradient) is maintained. In this case, heavy isotopes are concentrated in the cold region over time.

Conclusion. Diffuse changes are affected by:

· molecular weight of the substance (the higher the molecular weight, the lower the speed);

· the average distance between particle collisions (the longer the path length, the greater the speed);

· pressure (the larger the particle packing, the more difficult it is to break through),

· temperature (as temperature increases, speed increases).

II.4. Diffusion in inanimate nature.

Did you know that our whole life is built on a strange paradox of nature? Everyone knows that the air we breathe consists of gases of different densities: nitrogen N2, oxygen O2, carbon dioxide CO 2 and a small amount of other impurities. And these gases must be arranged in layers, according to the force of gravity: the heaviest, CO 2, is at the very surface of the earth, above it is O 2, and even higher is N 2. But this doesn't happen. We are surrounded by a homogeneous mixture of gases. Why doesn't the flame go out? After all, the oxygen surrounding it quickly burns out? Here, as in the first case, the alignment mechanism operates. Diffusion prevents imbalance in nature!

Why is the sea salty? We know these are rivers breaking through the thickness rocks, minerals and wash salts into the sea. How does salt and water mix? This can be explained with a simple experiment:

DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE: Pour an aqueous solution of copper sulfate into a glass vessel. Carefully pour clean water over the solution. We observe the boundary between liquids.

Question: What will happen to these liquids over time, and what will we observe?

Over time, the boundary between the contacting liquids will begin to blur. A vessel with liquids can be placed in a closet and day after day you can observe how spontaneous mixing of liquids occurs. Eventually, a homogeneous pale blue liquid, almost colorless in the light, forms in the vessel.

Copper sulfate particles are heavier than water, but due to diffusion they slowly rise upward. The reason is the structure of the liquid. Liquid particles are packed into compact groups - pseudonuclei. They are separated from each other by voids - holes. Nuclei are not stable; their particles do not remain in equilibrium for long. As soon as energy is imparted to the particle, the particle breaks away from the nucleus and falls into the void. From there it easily jumps to another core, etc.

Molecules of a foreign substance begin their journey through the liquid from holes. On the way, they collide with nuclei, knock out particles from them, and take their place. Moving from one free place to another, they slowly mix with liquid particles. We already know that the diffusion rate is low. Therefore, under normal conditions, this experiment lasted 18 days, with heating - 2-3 minutes.

Conclusion: In the flame of the Sun, the life and death of distant luminous stars, in the air we breathe, changes in weather, in almost all physical phenomena we see the manifestation of almighty diffusion!

II.5. Diffusion in living nature.

Diffusion processes have now been well studied, their physical and chemical laws have been established, and they are quite applicable to the movement of molecules in a living organism. Diffusion in living organisms is inextricably linked with the plasma membrane of the cell. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how it is structured and how the features of its structure are related to the transport of substances in the cell.

The plasma membrane (plasmalemma, cell membrane), a surface, peripheral structure surrounding the protoplasm of plant and animal cells, serves not only as a mechanical barrier, but, most importantly, limits the free two-way flow of low- and high-molecular substances into and out of the cell. Moreover, the plasmalemma acts as a structure that “recognizes” various chemical substances and regulating the selective transport of these substances into the cell

The outer surface of the plasma membrane is covered with a loose fibrous layer of substance 3-4 nm thick - the glycocalyx. It consists of branching chains of complex carbohydrates, membrane integral proteins, between which cell-secreted compounds of proteins with sugars and proteins with fats can be located. Some cellular enzymes involved in the extracellular breakdown of substances (extracellular digestion, for example, in the intestinal epithelium) are also found here.

Since the interior of the lipid layer is hydrophobic, it represents a virtually impenetrable barrier to most polar molecules. Due to the presence of this barrier, leakage of cell contents is prevented, but because of this, the cell was forced to create special mechanisms to transport water-soluble substances across the membrane.

The plasma membrane, like other lipoprotein cell membranes, is semi-permeable. Water and gases dissolved in it have the maximum penetrating ability. Ion transport can occur along a concentration gradient, i.e. passively, without energy consumption. In this case, some membrane transport proteins form molecular complexes, channels through which ions pass through the membrane by simple diffusion. In other cases, special membrane transport proteins selectively bind to one or another ion and transport it across the membrane. This type of transport is called active transport and is carried out using protein ion pumps. For example, spending 1 ATP molecule, the K-Na pump system pumps out 3 Na ions from the cell in one cycle and pumps 2 K ions against the concentration gradient. In combination with active ion transport, various sugars, nucleotides and amino acids penetrate the plasmalemma. Macromolecules, such as proteins, do not pass through the membrane. They, as well as larger particles of the substance, are transported into the cell through endocytosis. During endocytosis, a certain area of ​​the plasmalemma captures, envelops extracellular material, and encloses it in a membrane vacuole. This vacuole - an endosome - merges in the cytoplasm with the primary lysosome and digestion of the captured material occurs. Endocytosis is formally divided into phagocytosis (uptake of large particles by the cell) and pinocytosis (uptake of solutions). The plasma membrane also takes part in the removal of substances from the cell using exocytosis, a process reverse to endocytosis.

The diffusion of ions in aqueous solutions is especially important for living organisms. The role of diffusion in respiration, photosynthesis, and transpiration of plants is no less important; in the transfer of air oxygen through the walls of the alveoli of the lungs and its entry into the blood of humans and animals. Diffusion of molecular ions through membranes is carried out using electric potential inside the cell. Possessing selective permeability, membranes play the role of customs when moving goods across the border: some substances are allowed through, others are retained, and others are generally “expelled” from the cell. The role of membranes in cell life is very important. A dying cell loses control over the ability to regulate the concentration of substances through the membrane. The first sign of a dying cell is the beginning of changes in the permeability and malfunction of its outer membrane.

In addition to conventional transport - the kinetic process of transfer of particles of a substance under the influence of gradients of electrical or chemical potential, temperature or pressure - in cellular processes Active transport also takes place - the movement of molecules and ions against the concentration gradient of substances. This diffusion mechanism is called osmosis. (Osmosis was first observed by A. Nolle in 1748, but research into this phenomenon began a century later.) This process is carried out due to different osmotic pressure in aqueous solution on opposite sides of a biological membrane Water often passes freely through a membrane by osmosis, but the membrane may be impermeable to substances dissolved in the water. It is curious that water flows against the diffusion of this substance, but obeying the general law of concentration gradient (in this case, water).

Therefore, water tends from a more dilute solution, where its concentration is higher, to a more concentrated solution substances in which the concentration of water is lower. Not being able to directly absorb and pump out water, the cell does this through osmosis, changing the concentration of dissolved substances in it. Osmosis equalizes the concentration of the solution on both sides of the membrane. The tense state of the cell membrane, which is called turgor pressure, depends on the osmotic pressure of solutions of substances on both sides of the cell membrane and the elasticity of the cell membrane, which is called turgor pressure (turgor - from the Latin turgere - to be swollen, filled). Typically, the elasticity of animal cell membranes (excluding some coelenterates) is low; they lack high turgor pressure and retain integrity only in isotonic solutions or those that differ little from isotonic ones (the difference between internal and external pressure is less than 0.5-1.0 am). In living plant cells, the internal pressure is always greater than the external pressure, however, rupture of the cell membrane does not occur in them due to the presence of a cellulose cell wall. The difference between internal and external pressures in plants (for example, in halophyte plants - salt-loving mushrooms) reaches 50-100 am. But even so, the safety margin of the plant cell is 60-70%. In most plants, the relative elongation of the cell membrane due to turgor does not exceed 5-10%, and turgor pressure lies in the range of 5-10 am. Thanks to turgor, plant tissues have elasticity and structural strength. (Experiments No. 3, No. 4 confirm this). All processes of autolysis (self-destruction), withering and aging are accompanied by a drop in turgor pressure.

When considering diffusion in living nature, one cannot fail to mention absorption. Absorption - intake process various substances from the environment through cell membranes into cells, and through them into the internal environment of the body. In plants, this is the process of absorption of water with substances dissolved in it by roots and leaves through osmosis and diffusion; in invertebrates - from the environment or cavity fluid. In primitive organisms, absorption occurs through pinocytosis and phagocytosis. In vertebrates, absorption can occur both from the cavity organs - lungs, uterus, Bladder, and from the surface of the skin, from the wound surface, etc. Volatile gases and vapors are absorbed by the skin.

The greatest physiological significance is absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs mainly in the small intestine. For efficient transfer of substances, the large surface area of ​​the intestine and the constantly high blood flow in the mucous membrane are of particular importance, due to which a high concentration gradient of absorbed compounds is maintained. In humans, mesenteric blood flow during meals is about 400 ml/min, and at the height of digestion - up to 750 ml/min, with the main share (up to 80%) being blood flow in the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Due to the presence of structures that increase the surface of the mucous membrane - circular folds, villi, microvilli, the total area of ​​the absorption surface of the human intestine reaches 200 m2.

Water and salt solutions can diffuse on both sides of the intestinal wall, in both the small and large intestines. Their absorption occurs mainly in the upper parts of the small intestine. The transport of Na+ ions in the small intestine is of great importance, due to which electrical and osmotic gradients are mainly created. Absorption of Na+ ions occurs through both active and passive mechanisms.

If the cell did not have systems for regulating osmotic pressure, then the concentration of solutes inside it would be greater than their external concentrations. Then the concentration of water in the cell would be less than its concentration outside. As a result, there would be a constant flow of water into the cell and its rupture. Fortunately, animal cells and bacteria control the osmotic pressure in their cells by actively pumping out inorganic ions such as Na. Therefore, their total concentration inside the cell is lower than outside. For example, amphibians spend a significant part of their time in water, and the salt content in their blood and lymph is higher than in fresh water. Amphibian organisms continuously absorb water through their skin. Therefore, they produce a lot of urine. A frog, for example, if its cloaca is bandaged, swells like a balloon. And, conversely, if an amphibian gets into salty sea water, it becomes dehydrated and dies very quickly. Therefore, the seas and oceans are an insurmountable obstacle for amphibians. Plant cells have rigid walls that protect them from swelling. Many protozoa avoid bursting from the water entering the cell with the help of special mechanisms that regularly throw out the incoming water.

Thus, the cell is an open thermodynamic system, exchanging matter and energy with the environment, but maintaining a certain constancy of the internal environment. These two properties of a self-regulating system - openness and constancy - are fulfilled simultaneously, and metabolism (metabolism) is responsible for the constancy of the cell. Metabolism is the regulator that contributes to the preservation of the system; it ensures an appropriate response to environmental influences. That's why a necessary condition metabolism is the irritability of a living system at all levels, which at the same time acts as a factor in the systematicity and integrity of the system.

Membranes can change their permeability under the influence of chemical and physical factors, including as a result of depolarization of the membrane when an electrical impulse passes through the neuronal system and influences it.

A neuron is a piece of nerve fiber. If a stimulus acts at one end of it, an electrical impulse occurs. Its value is about 0.01 V for human muscle cells, and it propagates at a speed of about 4 m/s. When the impulse reaches a synapse - a connection between neurons, which can be considered as a kind of relay that transmits a signal from one neuron to another, the electrical impulse is converted into a chemical impulse through the release of neurotransmitters - specific intermediary substances. When molecules of such an intermediary enter the gap between neurons, the neurotransmitter reaches the end of the gap by diffusion and excites the next neuron.

However, a neuron reacts only if there are special molecules on its surface - receptors that can only bind a given transmitter and not react to another. This occurs not only on the membrane, but also in any organ, such as a muscle, causing it to contract. Signals-impulses through synapses can inhibit or enhance the transmission of others, and therefore neurons perform logical functions (“and”, “or”), which to a certain extent served as the basis for N. Wiener to believe that computational processes in the brain of a living organism and in computers follow essentially the same pattern. Then the information approach allows us to describe inanimate and living nature in a unified way.

The very process of the signal influencing the membrane consists of changing its high electrical resistance, since the potential difference on it is also of the order of 0.01 V. A decrease in resistance leads to an increase in the electric current pulse and the excitation is transmitted further in the form of a nerve impulse, thereby changing the possibility of passing through membrane of certain ions. Thus, information in the body can be transmitted in combination by chemical and physical mechanisms, and this ensures the reliability and diversity of channels for its transmission and processing in a living system.

With the processes of cellular respiration, when cells are formed in the mitochondria ATP molecules, providing it with the necessary energy, are closely related to the processes of normal respiration of a living organism, which requires oxygen O2 obtained as a result of photosynthesis. The mechanisms of these processes are also based on the laws of diffusion. Essentially, these are the material and energy components that are necessary for a living organism. Photosynthesis is the process of storing solar energy by forming new bonds in the molecules of synthesized substances. The starting materials for photosynthesis are water H 2 O and carbon dioxide CO 2. From these simple inorganic compounds, more complex, energy-rich nutrients are formed. Molecular oxygen O2 is formed as a by-product, but very important for us. An example is a reaction that occurs due to the absorption of light quanta and the presence of the chlorophyll pigment contained in chloroplasts.

The result is one molecule of sugar C 6 H 12 O 6 and six molecules of oxygen O 2. The process proceeds in stages, first at the stage of photolysis, hydrogen and oxygen are formed by splitting water, and then hydrogen, combining with carbon dioxide, forms a carbohydrate - sugar C 6 H 12 O 6. Essentially, photosynthesis is the conversion of radiant energy from the Sun into energy chemical bonds emerging organic matter. Thus, photosynthesis, which produces oxygen O 2 in the light, is the biological process that provides living organisms with free energy. The process of normal respiration as a metabolic process in the body associated with the consumption of oxygen is the reverse of the process of photosynthesis. Both of these processes can follow the following chain:

Solar energy (photosynthesis)

nutrients + (respiration)

Energy of chemical bonds.

The end products of respiration serve as starting materials for photosynthesis. Thus, the processes of photosynthesis and respiration participate in the cycle of substances on Earth. Part of the solar radiation is absorbed by plants and some organisms, which, as we already know, are autotrophs, i.e. self-feeding (food for them is sunlight). As a result of the process of photosynthesis, autotrophs bind atmospheric carbon dioxide and water, forming up to 150 billion tons of organic substances, assimilating up to 300 billion tons of CO 2, and releasing about 200 billion tons of free oxygen O 2 annually.

Received organic matter are consumed as food by humans and herbivores, which, in turn, feed on other heterotrophs. Plant and animal remains are then decomposed into simple inorganic substances, which can again participate in the form of CO 2 and H 2 O in photosynthesis. Part of the resulting energy, including that stored in the form of fossil energy fuel, is used for consumption by living organisms, while part is uselessly dissipated into the environment. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis, due to the ability to provide it with the necessary energy and oxygen, is at a certain stage of the development of the Earth's biosphere a catalyst for the evolution of living things.

Diffusion processes underlie metabolism in the cell, which means that with their help these processes are carried out at the organ level. This is how absorption processes take place in the root hairs of plants, the intestines of animals and humans; gas exchange in plant stomata, lungs and tissues of humans and animals, excretory processes.

Biologists have been studying the structure and study of cells for more than 150 years, starting with Schleiden, Schwann, Purime and Virchow, who in 1855 established the mechanism of cell growth by dividing them. It was found that each organism develops from a single cell, which begins to divide and as a result of this, many cells are formed that are noticeably different from each other. But since the development of the organism initially began from the division of the first cell, then at one of the stages of our life cycle we retain similarities with a very distant single-celled ancestor, and one might jokingly say that we are more likely to have descended from an amoeba than from a monkey.

Organs are formed from cells, and the cell system acquires qualities that its constituent elements do not have, i.e. individual cells. These differences are due to the set of proteins synthesized by a given cell. There are muscle cells, nerve cells, blood cells (erythrocytes), epithelial cells and others, depending on their functionality. Cell differentiation occurs gradually during the development of the organism. In the process of cell division, their life and death, continuous replacement of cells occurs throughout the life of the organism.

Not a single molecule in our body remains unchanged for more than a few weeks or months. During this time, molecules are synthesized, fulfill their role in the life of the cell, are destroyed and replaced by other, more or less identical molecules. The most amazing thing is that living organisms as a whole are much more constant than the molecules that make them up, and the structure of the cells and the entire body consisting of these cells remains unchanged in this non-stop cycle, despite the replacement of individual components.

Moreover, this is not a replacement of individual parts of the car, but, as S. Rose figuratively compares, the body with a brick building, “from which a crazy mason continuously takes out one brick after another night and day and inserts new ones in their place. At the same time, the external appearance of the building remains the same, but the material is constantly replaced.” We are born with some neurons and cells, and die with others. An example is the consciousness, understanding and perception of a child and an old person. All cells contain complete genetic information for the construction of all proteins of a given organism. Storage and transmission of hereditary information is carried out using the cell nucleus.

Conclusion: The role of plasma membrane permeability in cell life cannot be exaggerated. Most of the processes associated with providing the cell with energy, obtaining products and ridding it of decay products are based on the laws of diffusion through this semi-permeable living barrier.

Osmosis- in essence, the simple diffusion of water from places with a higher concentration of water to places with a lower concentration of water.

Passive transport– this is the transfer of substances from places with a high electrochemical potential to places with a lower value. The transfer of small water-soluble molecules is carried out using special transport proteins. These are special transmembrane proteins, each of which is responsible for the transport of specific molecules or groups of related molecules.

It is often necessary to ensure the transport of molecules across a membrane against their electrochemical gradient. This process is called active transport and is carried out by carrier proteins, whose activity requires energy. If you connect a carrier protein with an energy source, you can get a mechanism that ensures the active transport of substances across the membrane.

II.6. Application of diffusion.

Man has been using diffusion phenomena since ancient times. This process involves cooking and heating the home. We encounter diffusion during heat treatment of metals (welding, soldering, cutting, coating, etc.); applying a thin layer of metals to the surface of metal products to increase the chemical resistance, strength, hardness of parts and devices, or for protective and decorative purposes (galvanizing, chrome plating, nickel plating).

The natural flammable gas we use at home for cooking has neither color nor odor. Therefore, it would be difficult to immediately notice a gas leak. And when there is a leak, the gas spreads throughout the room due to diffusion. Meanwhile, at a certain ratio of gas to air in a closed room, a mixture is formed that can explode, for example, from a lit match. The gas can also cause poisoning.

To make the flow of gas into a room noticeable, at distribution stations the flammable gas is pre-mixed with special substances that have a strong unpleasant odor that is easily perceived by humans even at very low concentrations. This precaution allows you to quickly notice the accumulation of gas in the room if a leak occurs.

In modern industry, vacuum forming is used, a method for manufacturing products from sheet thermoplastics. A product of the required configuration is obtained due to the pressure difference resulting from the vacuum in the mold cavity over which the sheet is fixed. It is used, for example, in the production of containers, refrigerator parts, and instrument housings. Due to diffusion in this way, it is possible to weld something that is impossible to weld on its own (metal with glass, glass and ceramics, metals and ceramics, and much more).

Due to the diffusion of various isotopes of uranium through porous membranes, fuel for nuclear reactors. Sometimes nuclear fuel is called nuclear fuel.

Absorption (resorption) of substances when introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, into muscles or when applied to the mucous membranes of the eye, nose, or skin of the ear canal occurs mainly due to diffusion. This is the basis for the use of many medicinal substances, and absorption in the muscles occurs faster than in the skin.

Popular wisdom says: “mow your hair while there is dew.” Tell me, what does diffusion and morning mowing have to do with it? The explanation is very simple. During morning dew, grasses have increased turgor pressure, stomata are open, and the stems are elastic, which makes them easier to mow (grass mowed with closed stomata dries worse).

In horticulture, when budding and grafting plants, callus is formed on sections due to diffusion (from the Latin Callus - callus) - wound tissue in the form of an influx in places of damage and promotes their healing, ensures the fusion of the scion with the rootstock.

Callus is used to obtain isolated tissue culture (explantation). This is a method of long-term preservation and cultivation in special nutrient media of cells, tissues, small organs or their parts isolated from the human body, animals and plants. Based on methods of growing a culture of microorganisms that provide asepsis, nutrition, gas exchange and removal of metabolic products of cultivated objects. One of the advantages of the tissue culture method is the ability to observe the vital activity of cells using a microscope. To do this, plant tissue is grown on nutrient media containing auxins and cytokinins. Callus usually consists of poorly differentiated homogeneous cells educational fabric, but when growing conditions change, primarily the content of phytohormones in the nutrient medium, the formation of phloem, xylem and other tissues, as well as the development of various organs and the whole plant, is possible.

II.7. Design of individual experiments.

Using scientific literature, I tried to repeat the experiments that were most interesting to me. I depicted the diffusion mechanism and the results of these experiments in the presentation in the form of animation models.

EXPERIENCE 1. Take two test tubes: one half filled with water, the other half filled with sand. Pour the water into a test tube with sand. The volume of a mixture of water and sand in a test tube is less than the sum of the volumes of water and sand.

EXPERIENCE 2. Fill a long glass tube halfway with water, and then pour colored alcohol on top. General level Mark liquids in the tube with a rubber ring. After mixing water and alcohol, the volume of the mixture decreases.

(Experiments 1 and 2 prove that there are gaps between the particles of matter; during diffusion, they are filled with particles of the alien substance.)

EXPERIENCE 3. We bring a cotton wool moistened with ammonia into contact with a cotton wool moistened with the indicator phenolphthalein. We observe the coloring of the fleeces in a crimson color.

Now a cotton wool moistened with ammonia is placed on the bottom of a glass vessel, and one moistened with phenolphthalein. Attach it to the lid and cover the glass vessel with this lid. After some time, the cotton wool soaked in phenolphthalein begins to color.

As a result of interaction with ammonia, phenolphthalein turns crimson, which is what we observed when the cotton wool came into contact. But why then in the second case, cotton wool soaked in phenolphthalein. It is also painted, because now the fleeces are not brought into contact? Answer: continuous chaotic movement of particles of substances.

EXPERIENCE 4. Place a narrow strip of filter paper soaked in a mixture of starch paste and phenolphthalein indicator solution along the wall inside a tall cylindrical vessel. Place iodine crystals at the bottom of the vessel. Close the vessel tightly with a lid from which cotton wool soaked in ammonia solution is suspended.

Due to the interaction of iodine with starch, a blue-violet color rises up the strip of paper. At the same time, a crimson color spreads downwards - evidence of the movement of ammonia molecules. After a few minutes, the boundaries of the colored areas of the paper will meet, and then the blue and crimson colors mix, that is, diffusion occurs.[10]

EXPERIENCE 5.(spend it together) Take a watch with a second hand, a tape measure, a bottle of eau de toilette and stand in different corners of the room. One notes the time and opens the bottle. Another notes the time when he smells the eau de toilette. By measuring the distance between the experimenters, we find the diffusion rate. For accuracy, the experiment is repeated 3–4 times, and the average speed value is found. If the distance between experimenters is 5 meters, then the smell is felt after 12 minutes. That is, the diffusion speed in this case is 2.4 m/min.


Advance speed convex plasmolysis V plant cells when they are treated with a hypertanic solution, it depends on the viscosity of the cytoplasm; the lower the viscosity of the cytoplasm, the sooner concave plasmolysis turns into convex. The viscosity of the cytoplasm depends on the degree of dispersion of colloidal particles and their hydration, on the water content in the cell, on the age of the cells and other factors.

Progress. Make a thin section of the epidermis from an aloe leaf, or tear off the epidermis from the soft scales of an onion. The prepared sections are tinted in a watch glass for 10 minutes in a neutral red solution at a concentration of 1:5000. Then the sections of the object are placed on a glass slide in a drop of low concentration sucrose and covered with one coverslip. Under a microscope, the state of plasmolysis is noted. First, concave plasmolysis is observed in the cells. Subsequently, this shape is either preserved or, with varying speed, transforms into a convex shape. It is important to note the time of transition from concave to convex plasmolysis. The period of time during which concave plasmolysis transforms into convex plasmolysis is an indicator of the degree of protoplasm viscosity. The longer the transition time to convex plasmolysis, the greater the plasma viscosity. Plasmolysis in onion cells begins faster than in aloe skin. This means that the cytoplasm of aloe cells is more viscous.


Some organic substances penetrate quite quickly into the vacuole. In cells, when they are kept in solutions of such substances, plasmolysis is relatively quickly lost and deplasmolysis occurs.

Deplasmolysis is the restoration of turgor in cells(i.e. the opposite phenomenon to plasmolysis).

Progress. Sections of the upper epidermis of colored onion scales (concave side) are placed in a drop of I M solution of plant fertilizer urea or glycerol directly on a glass slide and covered with a coverslip. After 15-30 minutes, objects are examined under a microscope. Plasmolyzed cells are clearly visible. Leave the sections in a drop of solution for another 30-40 minutes. Then they look again under a microscope and observe deplasmolysis - restoration of turgor.

Conclusion : Plants cannot clearly control the amount of chemicals entering and exiting cells.

III. Conclusion.

The laws of diffusion govern the processes of physical and chemical movements of elements in the earth’s interior and in the Universe, as well as the vital processes of cells and tissues of living organisms. Diffusion plays an important role in various fields of science and technology, in processes occurring in living and inanimate nature. Diffusion influences the course of many chemical reactions, as well as many physicochemical processes and phenomena: membrane, evaporation, condensation, crystallization, dissolution, swelling, combustion, catalytic, chromatographic, luminescent, electrical and optical in semiconductors, neutron moderation in nuclear reactors etc. Diffusion great importance has in the formation of a double electrical layer at phase boundaries, diffusionophoresis and electrophoresis, in photographic processes for quickly obtaining an image, etc. Diffusion serves as the basis for many common technical operations: sintering of powders, chemical-thermal treatment of metals, metallization and welding of materials, tanning of leather and fur , dyeing fibers, moving gases using diffusion pumps. The role of diffusion has increased significantly due to the need to create materials with predetermined properties for developing fields of technology (nuclear energy, astronautics, radiation and plasma-chemical processes, etc.). Knowledge of the laws governing diffusion makes it possible to prevent unwanted changes in products that occur under the influence of high loads and temperatures, radiation and much, much more...

What would the world be like without diffusion? Stop it thermal movement particles - and everything around will become dead!

In my work, I summarized the material collected on the topic of the abstract and prepared a presentation made in the Power Point editor for its defense. This presentation, in my opinion, can diversify the lesson material on this topic. Some of the experiments described in the literature were repeated and slightly modified by me. The most interesting examples of diffusion are presented on the presentation slides in animated models.

IV. Used Books:

1. Antonov V.F., Chernysh A.M., Pasechnik V.I., et al. Biophysics.

M., Arktos-Vika-press, 1996

2. Afanasyev Yu.I., Yurina N.A., Kotovsky E.F. and others. Histology.

M. Medicine, 1999.

3. Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J. et al. Molecular biology of the cell.

In 3 volumes. Volume 1. M., Mir, 1994.

4. Great encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius 2006

5. Varikash V.M. and others. Physics in living nature. Minsk, 1984.

6. Demyankov E.N. Problems in biology. M. Vlados, 2004.

7. Nikolaev N.I. Diffusion in membranes. M. Chemistry, 1980, p. 76

8. Peryshkin A.V. Physics. 7. M. Bustard, 2004.

9. Physical encyclopedic dictionary, M., 1983, p. 174-175, 652, 754

10. Shablovsky V. Entertaining physics. St. Petersburg, “trigon” 1997, p.416

11.xttp//bio. fizten/ru./

12.xttp//markiv. narod.ru./

13. “http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B8%D1%84%D1%84%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F” Categories: Phenomena at the atomic level | Thermodynamic phenomena| Transfer phenomena | Diffusion

The article shows the role of diffuse processes in wounds sutured in the traditional way and the method proposed by the authors. The improvement of diffuse processes in wounds during treatment with the hardware method is theoretically justified.

The problem of healing wounds of various etiologies is one of the main areas of medicine that has not lost its importance to this day. Treatment of this pathology in the shortest possible time without purulent complications is possible only if medical institutions are sufficiently supplied with modern effective wound-healing drugs.

During the wound process, the local and general reaction of the body is directly dependent on the severity and characteristics of damage to tissues and organs. Local and general reactive processes during regeneration processes are in a direct and inverse relationship, being interdependent and mutually influencing. The basis of wound treatment is the ability to control the course of the wound process. This problem is invariably in the field of view of scientists and practicing surgeons.

A large number of The methods used to treat wounds belong to the pharmacological group. At the same time, a large number of technical devices for the treatment of wounds were proposed. However, the most common method of suturing wounds is a circular vertical suture.

The human skin, consisting of collagen proteins, is an ideal natural membrane that performs numerous metabolic and protective functions. These processes are mainly due to diffusion. Diffusion (from Latin diffusio - spreading, spreading), mutual penetration of contacting substances into each other due to the movement of particles of the substance.

Diffusion is a process at the molecular level and is determined by the random nature of the movement of individual molecules. The rate of diffusion is therefore proportional to the average speed of the molecules. Diffusion occurs in the direction of a decrease in the concentration of a substance and leads to a uniform distribution of the substance throughout the entire volume it occupies (to equalize the chemical potential of the substance).

The role of diffuse processes in the pathogenesis and treatment of wound healing is very great. For example, in skin transplantology, the thickness of the flaps plays a huge role in the healing of burn wounds, as it has a positive effect on the diffusion processes between the graft and the wound surface.

However, the significance of diffuse processes in a wound has practically not been studied. The edges of the wound are conductive systems in which diffuse processes should take place under normal conditions. This process is shown schematically in Figure 1.

On schematic drawing it is clear that the surgical wound (1), sutured with traditional circular vertical sutures according to the classification of A.N. Golikov, has certain disadvantages. The surgical suture (2), which is a means of bringing the edges of the wound closer together, carries out complete ischemia (5) of the tissue, which leads to the formation of “silent areas” for the passage of diffusion processes, which leads to deformation (4) of the diffusion vector (3). As a result, the traditionally used surgical suture leads to the artificial formation of tissue areas that are not involved in regeneration processes. Moreover, in unfavorable cases, these “tissue defects” are sources of formation of foci of the infectious process. Because, as a result, the tissue, deprived of access to nutrients, oxygen, etc., becomes necrotic, which ends in the formation of a scar. Otherwise, necrotic masses of tissue are favorable nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.

A document of protection was obtained for the hardware method National Institute intellectual property of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 13864 dated August 15, 2007. The main principle of the proposed method is the tight closure of the edges of the wounds to each other using physical and mechanical techniques. A nylon line of sufficient length is placed along the edge of the wound, creating a “ligature arc”, which is fixed at the ends to the ends of the apparatus of the author’s design.

The author's apparatus, when assembled, has the shape of a frame, in the form of a quadrangular parallelogram, the sides of which are made up of rods, and the ends are movable bars located and fixed to the rods with two nuts at both ends of the pins; holes of the same diameter are drilled on the movable bars for the rods and fixation of the threads ligatures (Fig. 2).

regeneration processes. The effectiveness of the hardware method has been proven experimentally and clinically.

Thus, a theoretical justification for the effectiveness of the proposed hardware method in comparison with traditional methods of wound suturing has been proposed. This is due to an increase in pressure on the wound area, (due to the design features of the device) leading to a local increase in the diffusion rate.


  1. Golikov A.N. Healing of a granulating wound closed with sutures. – Moscow: 1951. – 160 p.
  2. Waldorf H., Fewres J. Wound healing // Adv. Derm. – 1995. No. 10. – P. 77–96.
  3. Abaturova E.K., Baimatov V.N., Batyrshina G.I. The influence of biostimulants on the wound process // Morphology. – 2002. – T. 121, No. 2–3. – P.6.
  4. Kochnev O.S., Izmailov G.S. Methods of suturing wounds. – Kazan: 1992. – 160 p.
  5. Kiselev S.I. The importance of donor skin resources in the choice of rational surgical tactics in patients with deep burns: Abstract of thesis. ...candidate of medical sciences. Ryazan, 1971. 17 p.

Zharalardy emdeu biology syndagy diffusion

Tuyin Makalada adettegi addispen zhane makala avtorlarymen usynylyp otyrgan apparatus adistin zharalard emdeudeg diffusion processor turaly itylgyn. Zharalard diffusion protsessterdin apparatusa adistin zhaksargany theory zhuzinde daleldip korsetildi.


Abstract The article shows the role of diffuse processes in wounds sutured in the traditional way and the method proposed by the authors. The diffuse processes in wounds have been justified theoretically.

Esirkepov M.M., Nurmashev B.K., Mukanova U.A.

South Kazakhstan State medical Academy, Shymkent

Absolutely all people have heard about such a concept as diffusion. This was one of the topics in physics lessons in the 7th grade. Despite the fact that this phenomenon surrounds us absolutely everywhere, few people know about it. What does it mean anyway? What is it physical meaning , and how can you make life easier with its help? Today we will talk about this.

In contact with

Diffusion in Physics: Definition

This is the process of penetration of molecules of one substance between molecules of another substance. In simple terms, this process can be called mixing. During this mixing occurs the mutual penetration of molecules of a substance between each other. For example, when making coffee, instant coffee molecules penetrate water molecules and vice versa.

The speed of this physical process depends on the following factors:

  1. Temperature.
  2. Aggregate state of a substance.
  3. External influence.

The higher the temperature of a substance, the faster the molecules move. Hence, mixing process occurs faster at high temperatures.

Aggregate state of matter - most important factor. In every state of aggregation molecules move at a certain speed.

Diffusion can occur in the following states of aggregation:

  1. Liquid.
  2. Solid.

Most likely, the reader will now have the following questions:

  1. What are the causes of diffusion?
  2. Where does it happen faster?
  3. How is it used in real life?

The answers to them can be found below.


Absolutely everything in this world has its own reason. AND diffusion is no exception. Physicists understand perfectly well the reasons for its occurrence. How to bring them to ordinary person?

Surely everyone has heard that molecules are in constant movement. Moreover, this movement is disordered and chaotic, and its speed is very high. Thanks to this movement and constant collision of molecules, their mutual penetration occurs.

Is there any evidence of this movement? Certainly! Remember how quickly you began to smell perfume or deodorant? And the smell of the food your mother is preparing in the kitchen? Remember how quickly preparing tea or coffee. All this could not have happened if not for the movement of molecules. We conclude that the main reason for diffusion is the constant movement of molecules.

Now only one question remains - what caused this movement? It is driven by the desire for balance. That is, in a substance there are areas with high and low concentrations of these particles. And thanks to this desire, they constantly move from an area of ​​high concentration to a low concentration. They are constantly collide with each other, and mutual penetration occurs.

Diffusion in gases

The process of mixing particles in gases is the fastest. It can occur both between homogeneous gases and between gases with different concentrations.

Vivid examples from life:

  1. You smell the air freshener through diffusion.
  2. You smell the food being cooked. Note that you begin to feel it immediately, but the smell of the freshener after a few seconds. This is explained by the fact that at high temperatures the speed of movement of molecules is greater.
  3. The tears you get when chopping onions. The onion molecules mix with air molecules, and your eyes react to this.

How does diffusion occur in liquids?

Diffusion in liquids is slower. It can last from a few minutes to several hours.

Most vivid examples from life:

  1. Making tea or coffee.
  2. Mixing water and potassium permanganate.
  3. Preparing a solution of salt or soda.

In these cases, diffusion occurs very quickly (up to 10 minutes). However, if an external influence is applied to the process, for example, stirring these solutions with a spoon, then the process will go much faster and will take no more than one minute.

Diffusion when mixing thicker liquids will take much longer. For example, mixing two liquid metals can take several hours. Of course, you can do this in a few minutes, but in this case it will work low quality alloy.

For example, diffusion when mixing mayonnaise and sour cream will take a very long time. However, if you resort to the help of external influence, then this process will not take even a minute.

Diffusion in solids: examples

In solids, the mutual penetration of particles occurs very slowly. This process may take several years. Its duration depends on the composition of the substance and the structure of its crystal lattice.

Experiments proving that diffusion in solids exists.

  1. Adhesion of two plates of different metals. If you keep these two plates close to each other and under pressure, within five years there will be a layer between them 1 millimeter wide. This small layer will contain molecules of both metals. These two plates will be fused together.
  2. A very thin layer of gold is applied to a thin lead cylinder. After which this structure is placed in an oven for 10 days. The air temperature in the oven is 200 degrees Celsius. After this cylinder was cut into thin discs, it was very clearly visible that the lead had penetrated into the gold and vice versa.

Examples of diffusion in the environment

As you already understood, the harder the medium, the lower the rate of mixing of molecules. Now let's talk about where in real life you can get practical benefits from this physical phenomenon.

The process of diffusion occurs in our lives constantly. Even when we lie on the bed, a very thin layer of our skin remains on the surface of the sheet. It also absorbs sweat. It is because of this that the bed becomes dirty and needs to be changed.

So, the manifestation of this process in everyday life can be as follows:

  1. When you spread butter on bread, it gets absorbed into it.
  2. When pickling cucumbers, the salt first diffuses with the water, after which the salt water begins to diffuse with the cucumbers. As a result, we get a delicious snack. Banks need to be rolled up. This is necessary to ensure that the water does not evaporate. More precisely, water molecules should not diffuse with air molecules.
  3. When washing dishes, molecules of water and detergent penetrate into the molecules of the remaining pieces of food. This helps them come off the plate and make it cleaner.

Manifestation of diffusion in nature:

  1. The process of fertilization occurs precisely due to this physical phenomenon. The molecules of the egg and sperm diffuse, after which the embryo appears.
  2. Soil fertilization. Thanks to the use of certain chemicals or compost, the soil becomes more fertile. Why is this happening? The idea is that fertilizer molecules diffuse with soil molecules. After which the process of diffusion occurs between the molecules of the soil and the plant root. Thanks to this, the season will be more productive.
  3. Mixing industrial waste with air greatly pollutes it. Because of this, the air within a kilometer radius becomes very dirty. Its molecules diffuse with molecules clean air from neighboring areas. This is how the environmental situation in the city is deteriorating.

Manifestation of this process in industry:

  1. Siliconization is the process of diffusion saturation with silicon. It is carried out in a gas atmosphere. The layer of the part saturated with silicon does not have very high hardness, but has high corrosion resistance and increased wear resistance in sea water, nitric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids.
  2. Diffusion in metals plays an important role in the manufacture of alloys. To obtain a high-quality alloy, it is necessary to produce alloys at high temperatures and with external influences. This will significantly speed up the diffusion process.

These processes occur in various industries:

  1. Electronic.
  2. Semiconductor.
  3. Mechanical engineering.

As you understand, the process of diffusion can have both positive and negative effects on our lives. You need to be able to manage your life and maximize the benefits of this physical phenomenon, as well as minimize the harm.

Now you know the essence of such a physical phenomenon as diffusion. It consists in the mutual penetration of particles due to their movement. And in life absolutely everything moves. If you are a student, then after reading our article you will definitely receive a grade of 5. Good luck to you!

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


Relevance of the work. Diffusion is a fundamental phenomenon of nature. It underlies the transformations of matter and energy. Its manifestations take place at all levels of organization of natural systems on our planet, starting from the level elementary particles, atoms and molecules, and ending with the geosphere. It is widely used in technology, in Everyday life.

The essence of diffusion is the movement of particles of a medium, leading to the transfer of substances and equalization of concentrations or the establishment of an equilibrium distribution of particles of a given type in the medium. The diffusion of molecules and atoms is due to their thermal motion.

Diffusion is also a fundamental process that underlies the functioning of living systems at any level of organization, from the level of elementary particles (electron diffusion) to the biosphere level (the circulation of substances in the biosphere).

It plays a huge role in nature, in human life and in technology. Diffusion processes can have both positive and negative effects on the life of humans and animals. An example of a positive impact is maintaining a uniform composition atmospheric air near the Earth's surface. Diffusion plays an important role in various fields of science and technology, in processes occurring in living and inanimate nature. It influences the course of chemical reactions.

With the participation of diffusion or when this process is disrupted and changed, negative phenomena in nature and human life can occur, such as extensive pollution of the environment with products technical progress person.

Goal of the work: Investigate the features of diffusion in gases, liquids and solids and find out the use of diffusion by humans and the manifestation of diffusion in nature, consider the influence of diffusion processes on the ecological balance in nature and the influence of humans on diffusion processes.

The essence of diffusion

Demonstrates diffusion in gases by spraying deodorant in the corner of the classroom. The spread of odor is explained by the movement of molecules. This movement is continuous and disorderly. Colliding with the molecules of gases that make up the air, the deodorant molecules change the direction of their movement many times and, moving randomly, scatter throughout the room.

The process of penetration of particles (molecules, atoms, ions) of one substance between particles of another substance due to chaotic movement is called diffusion(from Latin diffusio - distribution, spreading, dispersion). Thus, diffusion is the result of the chaotic movement of all particles of a substance, of any mechanical action.

The movements of particles during diffusion are completely random, all directions of displacement are equally probable,

Since particles move in gases, liquids, and solids, diffusion is possible in these substances. Diffusion is the transfer of matter caused by the spontaneous equalization of a non-uniform concentration of atoms or molecules different types. If portions of various gases are introduced into a vessel, then after some time all gases are evenly mixed: the number of molecules of each type per unit volume of the vessel will become constant, the concentration will level out. Diffusion is explained as follows. First, the interface between the two media is clearly visible between the two bodies (Fig. 1a). Then, due to their movement, individual particles of substances located near the boundary exchange places.

The boundary between substances blurs (Fig. 1b). Having penetrated between the particles of another substance, the particles of the first begin to exchange places with the particles of the second, located in ever deeper layers. The interface between substances becomes even more blurred. Due to the continuous and random movement of particles, this process ultimately leads to the solution in the vessel becoming homogeneous (Fig. 1c).

Fig.1. Explanation of the phenomenon of diffusion.

Diffusion in nature

With the help of diffusion, various gaseous substances spread in the air: for example, the smoke of a fire spreads over long distances.

The result of this phenomenon may be equalization of the temperature in the room during ventilation. In the same way, air pollution occurs with harmful industrial products and vehicle exhaust gases. The natural flammable gas we use at home is colorless and odorless. If there is a leak, it is impossible to notice it, so at distribution stations the gas is mixed with a special substance that has a sharp, unpleasant odor that is easily perceived by humans.

Thanks to the phenomenon of diffusion, the lower layer of the atmosphere - the troposphere - consists of a mixture of gases: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor. In the absence of diffusion, stratification would occur under the influence of gravity: below there would be a layer of heavy carbon dioxide, above it - oxygen, above - nitrogen and inert gases.

We also observe this phenomenon in the sky. Dispersing clouds are also an example of diffusion, and as F. Tyutchev accurately said about this: “Clouds are melting in the sky...”

Diffusion occurs more slowly in liquids than in gases, but this process can be accelerated by heating. For example, to quickly pickle cucumbers, they are poured with hot brine. We know that sugar will dissolve more slowly in iced tea than in hot tea.

In the summer, watching the ants, I always wondered how they, in this huge world for them, would find out the way home. It turns out that this mystery is also revealed by the phenomenon of diffusion. Ants mark their path with droplets of odorous liquid

Thanks to diffusion, insects find their food. Butterflies, fluttering between plants, always find their way to a beautiful flower. Bees, having discovered a sweet object, storm it with their swarm.

And the plant grows and blooms for them, too, thanks to diffusion. After all, we say that the plant breathes and exhales air, drinks water, and receives various microadditives from the soil.

Carnivores also find their victims through diffusion. Sharks can smell blood from several kilometers away, just like piranha fish.

The ecology of the environment is deteriorating due to the release of chemicals and other harmful substances into the atmosphere, water, and all this spreads and pollutes vast areas. But trees release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide through diffusion.

Mixing is based on the principle of diffusion fresh water with salt water at the confluence of rivers and seas. Diffusion of solutions of various salts in the soil contributes to normal plant nutrition.

In all the examples given, we observe the mutual penetration of molecules of substances, i.e. diffusion. Many physiological processes in the human and animal body are based on this process: such as respiration, absorption, etc. In general, diffusion is of great importance in nature, but this phenomenon is also harmful in relation to environmental pollution.

2.1 Diffusion in flora

K.A. Timiryazev said: “Whether we talk about the nutrition of the root due to the substances found in the soil, whether we talk about the aerial nutrition of the leaves due to the atmosphere or the nutrition of one organ at the expense of another, neighboring one - everywhere we will resort to the same reasons for explanation : diffusion".

Indeed, in the plant world the role of diffusion is very important. For example, the great development of the leaf crown of trees is explained by the fact that diffusion exchange through the surface of the leaves performs not only the function of respiration, but partially also nutrition. Currently, foliar feeding of fruit trees by spraying their crowns is widely practiced.

Diffuse processes play a major role in supplying natural reservoirs and aquariums with oxygen. Oxygen reaches deeper layers of water in stagnant waters due to diffusion through their free surface. Therefore, any restrictions on the free surface of the water are undesirable. For example, leaves or duckweed covering the surface of the water can completely stop the access of oxygen to the water and lead to the death of its inhabitants. For the same reason, vessels with a narrow neck are unsuitable for use as an aquarium.

In the process of metabolism, when complex nutrients or their elements are broken down into simpler ones, the energy necessary for the life of the body is released.

2.2 The role of diffusion in plant nutrition.

The main role in diffusion processes in living organisms is played by cell membranes, which have selective permeability. The passage of substances through the membrane depends on:

Molecular sizes;

Electric charge;

On the presence and number of water molecules;

From the solubility of these particles in fats;

From the structure of the membrane.

There are two forms of diffusion: a) dialysis- is the diffusion of molecules of a dissolved substance; b) osmosis is the diffusion of solvent through a semi-permeable membrane. Soil solutions contain mineral salts and organic compounds. Water from the soil enters the plant by osmosis through the semi-permeable membranes of the root hairs. The concentration of water in the soil is higher than inside the root hairs, so diffusion occurs from an area of ​​higher concentration to an area of ​​lower concentration. Then the water concentration in these cells becomes higher than in the overlying ones - root pressure arises, causing an upward flow of sap through the roots and stem, and the loss of water by the leaves ensures further water absorption.

Minerals enter the plant: a) by diffusion; b) sometimes by active transport against a concentration gradient, accompanied by energy consumption. There are also turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by the contents of the cell on cell wall. It is almost always lower than the osmotic pressure of the sap cell, because outside there is not pure water, but a saline solution. Turgor pressure value:

Preservation of the shape of the plant organism;

Ensuring growth in young plant cells;

Preserving the elasticity of plants (demonstration of cactus and aloe plants);

Shape formation in the absence of reinforcing fabric (demonstration of a tomato);

Application of diffusion in medicine.

More than 30 years ago, the German doctor William Kolf used an “artificial kidney” device. Since then it has been used: for emergency chronic care for acute intoxication; to prepare patients with chronic renal failure for kidney transplantation; for long-term (10-15 years) life support for patients with chronic kidney disease.

The use of an artificial kidney device is becoming more of a therapeutic procedure; the device is used both in the clinic and at home. With the help of the device, the recipient was prepared for the world's first successful kidney transplantation, performed in 1965 by academician B.V. Petrovsky.

The device is a hemodialyzer in which the blood comes into contact with a saline solution through a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the difference in osmotic pressure, ions and molecules of metabolic products (urea, uric acid), as well as various toxic substances that must be removed from the body, pass through the membrane from the blood into the saline solution. The device is a system of flat channels separated by thin cellophane membranes, through which blood and dialysate - a saline solution enriched gas mixture CO 2 + O 2 The device is connected to circulatory system the patient using catheters inserted into the vena cava (blood entry into the dialysate) and ulnar (exit) vein. Dialysis lasts 4-6 hours. This achieves blood purification from nitrogenous wastes in case of insufficient kidney function, i.e. the chemical composition of the blood is regulated.

Biology teacher: The following message will help you understand and understand the forms of diffusion, osmosis and dialysis.

Application of diffusion in technology and in everyday life

Diffusion has wide applications in industry and everyday life. Diffusion welding of metals is based on the phenomenon of diffusion. The diffusion welding method, without the use of solders, electrodes and fluxes, connects metals, non-metals, metals and non-metals, and plastics. The parts are placed in a closed welding chamber with strong vacuum, compressed and heated to 800 degrees. In this case, intense mutual diffusion of atoms occurs in the surface layers of contacting materials. Diffusion welding is used mainly in the electronics and semiconductor industries, and precision engineering.

A diffusion apparatus is used to extract soluble substances from crushed solid material. Such devices are widespread mainly in beet sugar production, where they are used to obtain sugar juice from beet chips heated together with water.

Neutron diffusion plays a significant role in the operation of nuclear reactors, that is, the propagation of neutrons in matter, accompanied by multiple changes in the direction and speed of their movement as a result of collisions with atomic nuclei. The diffusion of neutrons in a medium is similar to the diffusion of atoms and molecules in gases and obeys the same laws.

As a result of carrier diffusion in semiconductors, electricity, The movement of charge carriers in semiconductors is due to the heterogeneity of their concentration. To create, for example, a semiconductor diode, indium is fused into one of the surfaces of germanium. Due to the diffusion of indium atoms deep into the germanium single crystal, a p-n junction is formed in it, through which a significant current can flow with minimal resistance.

The process of metallization is based on the phenomenon of diffusion - covering the surface of a product with a layer of metal or alloy to impart to it physical, chemical and mechanical properties that differ from the properties of the metallized material. It is used to protect products from corrosion, wear, increase contact electrical conductivity, and for decorative purposes; thus, carburization is used to increase the hardness and heat resistance of steel parts. It consists in placing steel parts in a box with graphite powder, which is installed in a thermal furnace. Due to diffusion, carbon atoms penetrate into the surface layer of parts. The penetration depth depends on the temperature and holding time of the parts in the thermal oven.

Human influence on the course of diffusion in nature.

Unfortunately, as a result of the development of human civilization, it turns out Negative influence on nature and the processes occurring in it. The diffusion process plays a big role in the pollution of rivers, seas, and oceans. For example, you can be sure that detergents poured into the sewer, for example, in Odessa, will end up off the coast of Turkey due to diffusion and existing currents. The annual discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater in the world amounts to tens of trillions of tons. An example of the negative impact of humans on diffusion processes in nature are large-scale accidents that occurred in the basins of various reservoirs. As a result of this phenomenon, oil and its products spread over the surface of the water and, as a result, diffusion processes are disrupted, for example: oxygen does not enter the water column, and fish die without oxygen.

Due to the phenomenon of diffusion, the air is polluted with waste from various factories, because of which harmful human waste penetrates into the soil, water, and then has a harmful effect on the life and functioning of animals and plants. The area of ​​land contaminated by emissions from industrial enterprises, etc., is increasing. Over 2 thousand hectares of land are occupied by industrial and household waste dumps. One of the currently difficult issues to resolve is the issue of recycling industrial waste, including toxic waste.

An urgent problem is air pollution from exhaust gases and products of the processing of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by various factories. Chimneys of enterprises emit carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur into the atmosphere. Currently, the total amount of gas emissions into the atmosphere exceeds 40 billion tons per year. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is dangerous for the living world of the Earth, disrupts the carbon cycle in nature, and leads to the formation of acid rain. The process of diffusion plays a large role in the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans. The annual discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater in the world is approximately 10 trillion tons.

Some medical studies have shown a connection between respiratory and upper respiratory tract morbidity and air quality. There is a direct relationship between the indicator of the level of respiratory diseases and the volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The listed examples of diffusion have a harmful effect on various processes occurring in nature.

Pollution of water bodies leads to the disappearance of life in them, and water used for drinking has to be purified, which is very expensive. In addition, in contaminated water there are chemical reactions with heat release. The water temperature rises, and the oxygen content in the water decreases, which is bad for aquatic organisms. Due to rising water temperatures, many rivers no longer freeze in winter. To reduce the emission of harmful gases from industrial pipes and pipes of thermal power plants, special filters are installed. Such filters are installed, for example, at a thermal power plant in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk, but their installation is very expensive. To prevent pollution of water bodies, it is necessary to ensure that garbage, food waste, manure, and various types of chemicals are not thrown near the shores.

Considering global warming, it is important to study the change in diffusion rate depending on the increase in ambient temperature.

Experimental part.

I experience. Observation of the penetration of particles of one substance between the molecules of another substance .

Target : study the diffusion of solids and draw a conclusion about the rate of diffusion.

Devices and materials : gelatin, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, Petria dish, tweezers, heating device.


The solid solution is gelatin. In order to prepare the solution, you need to immerse 1 spoon of gelatin in cold water for 2 hours so that the powder swells, then heat the mixture and dissolve the gelatin without bringing it to a boil, then pour it into a Petria dish (Fig. 3). When the gelatin cooled, a crystal of potassium permanganate was introduced into the middle with a quick movement using tweezers into one glass, and copper sulfate into the other. And now we can observe the result of diffusion.

Here we observed the penetration of particles of potassium permanganate and copper sulfate between gelatin molecules. After 24 hours, it was observed that diffusion of potassium permanganate does not occur (Fig. 4), since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent.

Thus, diffusion in solids occurs more slowly. If strong oxidizing agents enter the environment, they lead to its destruction.

II experiment. Observation of the dissolution of gouache pieces in water at a constant temperature (at t = 22°C)

We took a piece of orange gouache and a vessel with clean water at a temperature of 22 °C. They put a piece of gouache in the vessel (Fig. 1) and began to observe what was happening. After 10 minutes, the water in the vessel begins to turn the color of gouache (solid) (Fig. 2). Water is a good solvent. Under the influence of water molecules, the bonds between the molecules of the gouache solids are destroyed. 25 minutes have passed since the start of the experiment. The color of the water becomes more intense (Fig. 3). Water molecules penetrate between the gouache molecules, breaking the forces of attraction. 45 minutes have passed since the beginning of the experiment (Fig. 4). Simultaneously with the attractive forces between the molecules, repulsive forces begin to act and, as a result, the crystal lattice of the solid substance (gouache) is destroyed. The process of dissolving the gouache is over. The experiment took 2 hours 50 minutes. The water was completely painted the color of gouache.

Thus, the phenomenon of diffusion is a long process, as a result of which solids dissolve.

Sh experience.Study of the dependence of the rate of diffusion on temperature and penetration into food products.

Target : study how temperature affects the rate of diffusion.

Devices and materials : thermometers - 2 pcs., watches - 1 pc., glass - 1 pc., iodine, potatoes, magnetic stirrer.

Description of the experience and results obtained : They took a glass, placed iodine in it and closed the glass with potatoes cut in half at t = 22 °C. After 15 minutes from the start of the experiment, the diffusion process is inactive. The heating process began after 4 minutes. The diffusion process began, after 1 minute, we see the penetration of iodine into the potatoes, after 2 minutes.

From this experience we can conclude that the rate of diffusion is affected by temperature: the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of diffusion, which negatively affects food.

Thus, the air is polluted by waste from various factories, car exhaust gases penetrate into food products, and then have a harmful effect on the life and functioning of humans, animals and plants.

IV experience.Study of the dependence of the rate of diffusion of gaseous substances into water at a constant temperature

Target : study the rate of diffusion of gaseous substances into water at a constant temperature and draw a conclusion about the rate of diffusion.

Devices and materials : thermometers - 1 piece, clock - 1 piece, flask - 1 piece, water, iodine.

Description of the experience and results obtained : Water of the same mass and the same temperature (22 °C) was poured into a flask, then vegetable oil (5 ml) was poured into another flask. Vegetable oil in our experiment imitated petroleum. The flasks were closed with tape with iodine glued to it. The observation was removed after 45 minutes.

The water, covered with a film of vegetable oil, is very faintly colored, which means that it is more difficult for oxygen molecules to penetrate into the water: fish and other aquatic inhabitants experience a lack of oxygen and may even die.

Conclusion : the presence of various substances on the surface of the water disrupts diffusion processes and can lead to undesirable environmental consequences.


We see how great the importance of diffusion is in inanimate nature, and the existence of living organisms would be impossible if it were not for this phenomenon. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the negative manifestation of this phenomenon, but there are many more positive factors and therefore we are talking about the enormous importance of diffusion in nature.

Nature makes extensive use of the capabilities inherent in the process of diffusion penetration and plays a vital role in the absorption of nutrition and oxygenation of the blood. In the flame of the Sun, in the life and death of distant stars, in the air we breathe, everywhere we see the manifestation of an almighty and universal diffusion.

Thus, diffusion is of great importance in the life processes of humans, animals and plants. Thanks to diffusion, oxygen from the lungs penetrates into the human blood, and from the blood into the tissues. But, unfortunately, people, as a result of their activities, often have a negative impact on natural processes in nature.

Studying diffusion, its role in the ecological balance of nature and the factors influencing its occurrence in nature, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to attract public attention to environmental problems.


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