The Dogon have their own calendar according to. Sensational knowledge of the Dogon (9 photos). Dancing on stilts

The knowledge of the African Dogon about the Sirius star system at one time amazed scientists. Many researchers consider them direct evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our planet. If you believe the ancient legends of the Dogon, it was from the Sirius system that their distant ancestors arrived.

The whole world learned about this tribe

The African Dogon tribe, living in the southeast of Mali, firmly believes in its extraterrestrial origin, considering its distant ancestors as aliens from the star Sirius from the constellation Canis Major. The total number of Dogons reaches approximately 800 thousand people (as of 2007). These are mainly Muslims; in a number of areas the Dogon retain traditional beliefs, about 10% of them are Christians (Catholics and Protestants). The Dogon live in the area around the scarp of the Bandiagara highlands, the adjacent plateau and Seno plain, and in several border villages of Burkina Faso.

Most likely, only ethnographic scientists would know about this tribe, but back in the middle of the 20th century, the Dogon became famous throughout the world for their unusual knowledge of astronomy, and since then they have received a lot of attention from both scientists and journalists. It all started when in 1931 a group of French researchers led by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen began studying the customs, rituals and legends of this tribe.

The cosmogonic myths of the Dogon show that they divide celestial bodies into stars (“tolo”), planets (“tolo gonoze”) and satellites (“tolo tonaze”). Unlike some modern scientists who believe in the exceptionalism of humanity, the Dogon speak of numerous worlds inhabited by various living creatures, where, in their opinion, life began with plants. They are convinced that “on other lands there are horned, tailed, winged, crawling people.”

The Dogon also have their own “theory” of the formation of the Universe: “At the beginning of time, the almighty Amma, the supreme deity, was in a huge rotating egg, in the center of which a tiny grain was born. When it grew and burst, the Universe appeared.” Doesn't this remind you of the "big bang" theory, which scientists are still arguing about? But the “Milky Way,” according to their ideas, represents a “spiral star world,” and there are “infinitely many such spiral worlds in the Universe.” It is worth noting that the spiral shape of our galaxy was proven only in 1950!

Particularly mysterious was the Dogon knowledge about the distant Sirius system, which could only be obtained with the help of powerful telescopes, and even then not all of them. For the first time, Griol and Dieterlen told the world about the amazing astronomical knowledge of the Dogon in their article. It was published in 1951 and was called the Sudanese Sirius System. Then Marcel Griaule wrote the book “The Pale Fox,” followed by a number of publications and books by other authors, for example, Robert Temple’s book “The Mystery of Sirius.” The culture and mysterious astronomical knowledge of the Dogon became known not only to scientists, but also to the general public.

They know more about Sirius than astronomers

The greatest interest, both among scientists and among supporters of paleocontact (visits to our planet in the distant past by aliens from outer space), was aroused by the Dogon knowledge about Sirius. According to the Dogon cosmogonic myths, Sirius is a triple star; its system consists of the main star Sigi Tolo and the stars Po Tolo and Emme Ya Tolo. Moreover, the Potolo star, despite its small size, has enormous weight and density. The Dogon say: “It is the smallest and heaviest of all stars and consists of a metal called “sagolu”, which is more brilliant than iron, and so heavy that all earthly creatures, united, could not lift even a particle...”

The Dogon also know that Sirius B orbits the main star Sigi Tolo (Sirius A) in 50 Earth years (according to scientists - 49.9 years). Moreover, when Sirius B approaches Sirius A in an elongated orbit, the Dogon say, it begins to shine brighter. At one time, astronomer A.V. Arkhipov decided to check this statement of the Dogon. Having compared data on the brightness of Sirius A over a long period (the scientist came to the conclusion that the brightness of the star actually fluctuates and the periodicity of this phenomenon is 50 years; as we already know, this is the period of revolution of Sirius B around Sirius A. Incredibly, it turned out , that the closer its satellite is to Sirius A, the brighter the star shines.The Dogons turned out to be completely right!

It is worth noting that Sirius B was discovered in 1862, and scientists learned about its very high density only before the start of the First World War. But Emme ya tolo (supposed Sirius C), the second satellite of Sirius A, has not yet been discovered, although, judging by the deviations in the movement of the main star, scientists assume its existence. However, it has not yet been found. True, in 1995, astronomers Duvent and Benest announced that they had observed Sirius C, but its existence has not yet been officially recognized. At the same time, the Dogon know that two planets (Ara tolo and Yu tolo) orbit around this still hypothetical satellite for science. Fantastic, and nothing more!

The mystery of the origin of the Dogon

The Dogons still live their own special life and do not pay much attention to the trends of modern civilization. Even their calendar is different; a week consists of only five days, and every fifth day is a market day, one might say, a holiday. On this day, everyone takes out their best clothes, men allow themselves to drink beer, women discuss family and economic problems with their friends, joyful children try local delicacies and run around the adults.

Every year in April, the Dogon people celebrate Des Masques for a whole 5-day week. The main purpose of this holiday is to remind the Dogon people about the Sigi holiday, because it is celebrated only once every 50 years. Let us remember that the period of revolution of Sirius B around Sirius A is equal to fifty years. Des Masques is celebrated in the same way as Sigi. It looks like a kind of carnival, although during this colorful event the entire history of the origin of the Dogon is demonstrated in images. The main attribute of the holiday is all kinds of special masks. They are made of wood, decorated with fancy ornaments and special high head figures. There are 80 different sacred masks used in the festival. They are kept in special shrines guarded by Olubaru priests.

The Dogon call themselves the Children of the Pale Fox; in their opinion, this was the name of their stellar progenitor. The Pale Fox, or Yurugu, is the main character of a number of myths. There is a Dogon drawing that depicts how “A Fox descends in an ark from the star Po.”

Judging by the Dogon myths, after the Fox the ark of Nommo descended to Earth; this creature was half-man, half-snake with flexible, jointless limbs and a forked tongue. The ancestors of people arrived on Earth on the ark of Nommo.

Griaule's notes note that Nommo's ark consisted of two parts and was divided into 60 compartments. The scientist writes:

“In these compartments Nommo placed all the animals and plants that were to reproduce on Earth. And besides, in the ark there were “four pairs of twins, that is, eight Ancestors.” They looked like amphibians - half-humans - half-snakes with flexible limbs without joints, red eyes and a forked tongue.

Then the ark of Nommo began to descend to Earth on a “copper chain.” However, the landing was not very successful, since “the ark slipped in the mud” and the hole it made on the surface of the Earth filled with water, thanks to which Lake Debb was formed, which is still on the earth today Dogon.

The foot of Nommo, who stepped on Earth when he left the ark, left a trace of a copper sandal. After him, the creatures who were in the ark left only the first two compartments out of 60. After which, the same “copper chain” lifted the ark back into the heavens. Why the crew did not empty all the compartments is unknown. And what was in them, too. It is only obvious that Nommo flew from Sirius with the aim of populating the Earth, and specifically in Africa.”

It is curious that in the legends of numerous African people Yoruba tells that when creating the world, the god Olorun dropped a chain from the sky, and it was along it that Oduduwa, the ancestor of the Yoruba people, who founded the city of Ife, descended to earth. As you can see, the chain from the sky appears in the myths of both the Dogon and Yoruba people. Just a coincidence or not? By the way, the Bambara, another people living in Mali, also believe that life was brought to Earth from Sirius. Or maybe the ancestors of all Africans came from Sirius?

When will Sirius C be opened?!

Of course, many tried to explain the unique astronomical knowledge of the Dogon without involving aliens who arrived from distant Sirius. According to the most ridiculous version, all information about the incredible knowledge of this tribe was a hoax by Marcel Griaule. However, this scientist had an impeccable reputation, was guided only by a descriptive principle, and it is unlikely that he had such broad knowledge of the Sirius system.

Perhaps the main version is that the Dogons gained astronomical knowledge from one of the missionaries who came to “educate” this tribe in the 20s. So, a certain missionary, noticing that Sirius runs like a “red thread” in Dogon mythology, decided to tell them the latest scientific data about this star in order to establish contact with them. At that time, a lot was written about Sirius B as the smallest and heaviest star. This is how incredible astronomical data for them ended up in Dogon myths.

However, critics of this version reacted with irony to the possibility that a certain missionary could give “lectures” on astronomy to the Dogon. And why then did he tell them only about four satellites of Jupiter, although at that time nine were already known? But the spiral shape of our galaxy was still unknown at that time! How did the Dogon know about it? In general, the version about the amateur missionary astronomy does not look very convincing.

Criticizing the version of the extraterrestrial origin of knowledge, German astronomer Dieter Hermann says ironically: “... Interstellar travelers, flying past Jupiter, could not even count to five.” This he points to the fact that Jupiter had already discovered 16 satellites, and the Dogon knew about only four. However, the same scientist calls this whole situation with the phenomenon of Dogon knowledge a “hopeless case.” It is not yet possible to unambiguously prove any of the versions. Now, if Sirius C can be discovered, this will be irrefutable evidence that the Dogon received their knowledge from aliens.

We want to touch on the topic of a possible connection between the Dogon tribe and the Ossetian “Dag”. Â Dagons also call themselves Great Dane. This is a traditional replacement of the Ironic “m” with the Digor “n”. Â The transition of the sound “a” to the sound “o” is completely natural. But we will not operate only with etymology. There are more significant parallels here in mythology and cosmogony. We will see below that the Dogon only had knowledge of astronomy. But practically there were fractions of the knowledge of Tsarziat. So, read the links:Â

Almost all sacred books are filled with stories about those who came from heaven and, mixing blood with people, reproduced the offspring of demigods, and in return gave our ancestors knowledge.

Thousands of years later, every now and then we come across Their traces, and not in the offices of scientists, but in the most virgin corners of our planet.

True confirmation of this is the Dogon tribe living in the heart African continent. The Dogon believe in their cosmic past and believe that their ancestors came to earth from the star Sirius from the constellation Canis Major! Â

The Dogons (self-named Dogom, Dogon, etc., singular Dogone; Fula Habe, singular Kado, lit. “pagans”) are a people in the southeast of Mali (south of the Mopti region).

The name of the tribe was invented by travelers, it comes from English word Dog Star - “Dog Star”. They themselves call themselves the Children of the Pale Fox - that is the name of their distant star father.
They live (compactly or mixed with the Fulani people) in a remote area around the escarpment of the Bandiagara highlands, on the adjacent plateau and Seno plain, as well as in several border villages of Burkina Faso.
They speak Dogon languages. Many are also in varying degrees speak the Fula language, which serves as a lingua franca for some groups of the Dogon, where mutual understanding between them is difficult or impossible, and the Bamana. French, state language Mali, only a few own.
The total number is about 800 thousand people (2007 estimate). Mostly Muslims, in a number of areas traditional beliefs are preserved, about 10Â% are Christians (Catholics and Protestants). The Dogon elevate themselves to the ruling groups of Ancient Mali. According to ethnogenetic legends, their ancestors, pressed by the Fulbe, came in the 10th-12th centuries from the upper reaches of the Niger - from the country of Manden, displacing the local population (Telem or Kurumba) and partially assimilating their culture and, obviously, adopting their languages. What remains of the bodies are cave sanctuaries and burial complexes in the rocky spurs of eastern and southern Bandiagara (the inventory includes ceramics, arrowheads and spearheads, bronze and iron bracelets, wooden sculptures, fragments of fabric, weaving, etc.). Tradition does not report direct contacts between the Dogon and the body. The connection with the Mandin peoples is confirmed by the social ties of clan groups, the proximity of art, dances, rituals, etc.
For centuries, they maintained their distinctive culture, despite European influence and the close proximity of Timbuktu, the ancient center of Islamization of Sudan, which was greatly facilitated by natural conditions - inaccessible terrain with narrow passages and steep cliffs, which turned Dogon villages into impregnable fortresses. The Dogon villages are located in terraces on the slopes of the hills at the foot of rocky screes, on which rise the conical buildings of their legendary predecessors, the tellem.

According to legends, the history of the Dogon dates back to the time of the great cosmic tragedy that took place on the outskirts of our Galaxy... Two planets revolved around the third star from the Sirius system. On the first of them, Ara-Tolo, lived the snake people Nommo. On another planet, Yu-Tolo, the intelligent birds of Balako found their shelter. The inhabitants of Yu-Tolo reached the highest level of civilization; with the help of their knowledge, Balako were able to predict the impending disaster. It came from a nearby star in the Sirius B system, which was expected to explode in the next decade. The explosion threatened complete destruction for both civilizations, and they began to look for other planets suitable for the life of their physical bodies.
For this purpose, the aliens equipped several interstellar expeditions. According to the Dogon, they moved in astral bodies and could, using genetic matrix codes, set suitable planets with a program for creating an experimental batch of biological bodies of a particular type. How their experiments on other planets turned out is unknown. As for the Earth, there was success. Research on the possible adaptation of their bodies to earthly conditions was more than successful - the Bandiagara plateau was chosen for these purposes.
Some time after the launch of the genetic program, strange creatures began to appear on the fertile African soil - amphibians. Nommo began to develop local lakes, and the bird people of Balako began to build nest-dwellings on the inaccessible ledges of the plateau. But then the aliens came to the conclusion that the Earth was not entirely suitable for their biological forms.
The report on the research was sent to their homeland, the aliens began to wait for an answer to which planets they needed to finally move to. It was at this time that the main alien problem happened.
The deadline for the next fifty-year cycle approached - the orbits of the three stars of the Sirius system came closer and Sirius B exploded, turning into a White Dwarf. As a result of the explosion, all biological creatures of this star system were completely destroyed. The only survivors were the star scouts stuck on Earth.
In memory of their lost homeland, every fifty years they hold the sacred holiday of Sigi - Day of Remembrance of the Dead.

 The situation was out of control, it was necessary to do something and somehow adapt to earthly conditions in anticipation of the call of relatives who may have managed to take root on other planets. Fortunately for the aliens, at that time the African tribe of Tellems migrated to the plateau. With the help of occult knowledge, the aliens freed people from their souls, and they themselves moved into them, becoming pseudo-humans...
Almost the entire Tellem tribe acquired new inner content, part of the tribe was reincarnated, others became slaves. The aliens “folded” their previous bodies back into eggs (they have this form of reproduction on Sirius) and placed them in a secret cave Sanctuary.
Over time, people's bodies aged, and the aliens needed to be reincarnated. For this purpose, they began to marry the surviving tellems: their children are now called Dogon, who are still waiting for the call of a distant homeland and guard the gene pool of the real biological bodies of the children of Sirius. Not all, of course, the inhabitants of the Dogon tribe are so enlightened; secret knowledge is kept only by the priests of the tribe - the Olubaru. You can become such a priest only from birth; future Olubarus are selected by bird people from the Dogon as children and teach them the Sigi-So language, ancestral rites, holidays and that unusual knowledge of astronomy that so surprises the entire earthly scientific world.
The Olubaru priest is obliged to carefully follow all traditions and end his existence at the age of seventy. Upon reaching the specified age, the olubaru goes to a secret settlement, where he is sacrificed to the spirit of Yurugu. He is summoned at the hour of the Twilight Zone by beating ritual drums. All participants in the sacrifice are plunged into a deep trance, which is probably why they no longer care whether they are alive or already dead. In addition to human sacrifices, crocodiles are also sacrificed to Yurugu.
The main purpose of life of the Olubaru is to store eggs - their space brothers.
The Dogon calendar is very different from the well-known and generally accepted calendars of the world. For example, a week does not consist of seven days, as we are used to, but of five. The fifth day is market day - in Africa this is already a holiday. Everyone walks around dressed up - with all the regalia and attributes. Men drink beer on this day, discussing universal problems, women do the same, only without beer.
The Dogon celebrate Des Masques every year. This holiday comes in April and is celebrated for exactly one Dogon week - five days. Its main goal is to refresh the memory of the Dogon Sigi holiday, celebrated once every fifty years, so that it is not forgotten. It is for this reason that the same thing happens on Des Masques as on Sigi.
The whole action of Des Masques is like a costume performance telling the story of the origin of the Dogon. The main attribute is special masks made of wood, decorated with fancy patterns. The masks are crowned with special figures - headpieces, reaching a height of up to five meters. The most important of them is two meters high, it personifies the mythical bird Balako with wings and paws outstretched in the form of a swastika!
Sacred masks are kept in shrines, away from prying eyes, and are guarded by olubaru priests. Depending on what holiday, the Dogon animate this or that mask, for special occasions making a new one.
The Dogon use eighty different masks in their ceremonies. Moreover, they all great variety forms and plots retain the features of the same style. Each ritual involves a specific set of masks. Some of the Dogon masks have been preserved only in museums. On the other hand, the emergence of new types has been noted, preserving the main features of the local style. Almost all masks emphasize the vertical axis, and most of them have two compositional centers: one of them is the mask, that is, the part of the mask that covers the face, the other is the pommel, which is an independent plastic structure. The Dogon style is characterized by rectilinear “cubist” volumes, sharply cut forms, rectangular joints, and clear, halftone-free boundaries of light and shadow.
Anthropomorphic, as a rule, Dogon masks are always supplemented with the features of various animals (monkey, antelope, hare, hyena, etc.). The most common and one of the most revered masks is the kanaga. The flat face with holes for the eyes is divided in half by a thin vertical partition of the nose, resting on the forehead overhanging in the form of a triangular cornice. The pommel has the shape of a Lorraine cross with bent ends of the crossbars.
Various variations of this form, reminiscent of a schematic representation of a human figure in the so-called frog pose, are found everywhere in primitive and traditional art: in rock art of Australia, Eastern Spain, Scandinavia, Transcaucasia, in the art of Canadian Indians, etc.
The symbolic meaning of this shape crowning the kanaga mask has been interpreted in different ways. M. Griaule considers it a symbol of balance between earth and sky, a symbol of cosmic order; others see it as a sacred bird with outstretched wings, a figure of the supreme deity in the act of creation; according to Kjersmeyer, this is a symbol of a crocodile, on whose back, according to legend, the Dogon swam across the Niger during their exodus from the “Country of the Mande.”
The shirige mask, or, as it is also called, “multi-tiered house,” differs from the kanaga mainly in its pommel. The front part of this mask (like many others) is general outline repeats the laconic anthropomorphic scheme of the kanaga. The top of the sirige is an openwork board or flat pole three to five meters high, symbolizing the ginna - the home of the Ogon, the religious leader and ruler of the Dogon. Carvings covering the pole in the form of repeating geometric shapes reflects the cosmogonic ideas of the Dogon. The front part of zoomorphic masks, as a rule, retains the same plastic structure: a flat rectangle divided into two parts by a narrow vertical partition. The mask can be topped with straight or curved horns (valu - antelope mask), long ears (dyomo - hare mask) or have a monolithic streamlined shape ("black monkey" - baboon mask).
Pommels in the form of a human figure (for example, the Yashigine mask) ( Yasigin (or Yasigi) is a mythical woman, the paired female hypostasis of Yurugu, who stole the secret of masks and therefore was initiated into Ava. According to legend, from this time on, a certain category of women has the right to perform in ritual dances under the mask of Yasigine) or monkey figures are usually less geometric and sometimes almost naturalistic. Moreover, in these cases, the front part is completely deprived of pictorial elements, turning into a plane on which the vertical is designated only as a partition between the rectangular eye openings.
The mother of all masks is considered to be the imina na mask - the “great mask”, which combines the features of both types: the anthropomorphic nature of the front part, the geometric ornament of the pommel (reaching ten meters in height) and a more realistic interpretation of the snake’s head with an open mouth crowning the pommel. This mask can only be seen at the Shigi ceremony.

Each mask has a special costume and decorations that hide the dancer from head to toe. Most of The suit consists of plant fibers. Masks depicting people, for example Fulani women, are also made from the same fibers ( The Fulbe were previously considered enemies of the Dogon, and their nyama had to be neutralized in the same way as the nyama of killed animals). An indispensable accessory of this mask is a woman’s breast made from two halves of a baobab fruit. In general, Dogon masks are made of soft wood and therefore are preserved only relatively a short time. This circumstance (the disappearance of samples) may contribute to the accelerated evolution of masks - their style and form - in comparison with round sculpture ( J. Delange sees the reason for the accelerated evolution in the fact that the manufacturers of masks here are most often their wearers - members of the Ava, and not blacksmiths, who are hereditary artisans and, according to an established tradition, along with their main business, are usually engaged in the manufacture of sculpture).
In the 16th century, the Dogon were part of the early state formation of Songhai, in the 16th-19th centuries (to varying degrees of involvement for different groups) - in Masina. Contacts between the Dogon and the Islamized Fulani, which began at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, led to the latter's capture of Bandiagara by the mid-19th century.

 “Having taken refuge in mountain villages,” writes ethnographer B. Sharevskaya, “the Dogons retained many archaic customs and beliefs until very recently. This also characterizes their mythology.”
Beginning in 1931, a group of French scientists led by Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen studied the life and worldview of the Dogon. The result of this enormous work was the book “The Pale Fox” (named after one of the most popular characters in Dogon folklore).
In “The Pale Fox,” French scientists presented and commented verbatim on Dogon myths about the creation of the Universe and the history of the human race. And not just myths, but esoteric myths, known until recently only to a few. The second star of the Sirius system (see description) - Sirius B - was discovered in 1862, its extraordinary high density was determined shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, which made it possible to classify the star as a “white dwarf”. Spiral nebulae were sketched by Ross in the mid-19th century. Hubble proved in 1924 that they are made of stars. The rotation of our Galaxy was proven in 1927, and its spiral shape was proven in 1950.    Â
What is this listing for? It turns out that in the archaic mythology of the Dogon all this has long been known! It is known to the people, whose entire science is limited to the manufacture of ritual masks.

 Modern science states that the Universe was formed as a result of the initial big bang, to which all its matter, compressed to incredible density, occupied an infinitesimal volume, and categories such as space and time were absent.
Since the Big Bang (about 13 billion years ago), there has been a continuous expansion of the Universe, the so-called recession of galaxies.
And here is how the formation of the Universe took place according to the ancient Dogon legends: “At the beginning of all things there was Amma - God, who did not rest on anything. Amma was a ball, an egg, and the egg was closed. Apart from him, nothing existed."
IN modern language The Dogon word “amma” means something motionless, highly compressed and very dense. And further: “The world inside Amma was still without time and without space. Time and space have merged into one.” But the moment came when “Amma opened his eyes. At the same time, his thought emerged from the spiral, which, circling in his womb, indicated the future growth of the world.”
According to legend, the modern “world is infinite, but it can be measured.” This formulation is very close to that given by Einstein in his theory of relativity.
Not even having their own written language, the Dogon in their cosmogonic myths divide celestial bodies into planets, stars and satellites. The stars are called "tolo", the planets are called "tolo gonoze" (stars that move), and the satellites are called "tolo tonaze" (stars that go in circles).

 The Dogons consider Sirius to be a triple star, consisting of the main star “sigi tolo” and the “po tolo” and “emme ya tolo” stars. The period of their revolution around the main star is amazingly accurately indicated - 50 Earth years (modern data: 49.9 years). Moreover, their ancient myths contain information that the “tolo” star is small in size with enormous weight and density.
“It is the smallest and heaviest of all stars and consists of a metal called “sagolu”, which is more brilliant than iron and so heavy that all earthly creatures united could not lift even a particle...” Elsewhere the myth clarifies: “ a particle of sagolu “the size of a grain of millet weighs as much as 480 donkey packs weigh” (i.e. about 35 tons).
Using the methods of modern science, it has been established that Sirius is indeed a double star, and its second component is the white dwarf Sirius B, the density of which can reach 50 tons per cubic centimeter...

 According to Dogon myths, when the star “po tolo” (Sirius B), which according to the priests has an elongated orbit, approaches the star “sigi tolo” (Sirius A), it begins to shine brighter.
Several years ago, astronomer A.V. Arkhipov, in order to verify this statement, compared data from measurements of the brightness of this star over a century and a half. The scientist came to the conclusion that the brightness of Sirius really fluctuates, and with a periodicity of 50 years, i.e. with the period of revolution of Sirius B around Sirius A...
Moreover, when comparing these fluctuations with changes in the distance between these stars, the Dogon were completely right - the closer its satellite is to the main star, the brighter it is!
Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman sources indicate that Sirius, the bright blue-white star in the constellation Canis Major, looked different in ancient times than it does today. So, in Babylon he bore the name Shukkudu - “hot copper”, Ptolemy in his “Almagest” (II century AD) places Sirius on the list of red stars, the Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca about two thousand years ago noted: “The redness of the Dog Star (i.e. Sirius) is deeper, Mars is softer, Jupiter does not have it at all ... "

 However, already in the 10th century AD, the Persian astronomer Al-Sufi described Sirius as white and blue, as we see it today. Modern scientists recognize the possibility of changes that occurred with Sirius over a period of 700-800 years, which is negligible on a cosmic scale...
Astronomer D. Martynov, having examined the possible mechanisms of such changes, came to the conclusion that Sirius B exploded as a semi-supernova in one of the first centuries of our era. According to the scientist, until the moment of the explosion, Sirius B was a “red giant,” which determined the color of the entire Sirius system. After the explosion, it turned into a “white dwarf” - an extremely dense star the size of Earth...
Dogon myths about deep space largely correspond to modern scientific views. So, for example, the Dogon know that our Galaxy, visible from Earth as the “Milky Way,” is a “spiral star world” and believe that there are “infinitely many such “spiral star worlds” in the Universe, and it itself, although and “infinite, but measurable.”
According to the Dogon, the Universe is inhabited by various living creatures, and plants were the first to appear in it. For example, the seeds of pumpkin and sorrel “before reaching Earth, lay on the edge of the Milky Way” and “sprouted in all the worlds of the Universe.”
The Dogon are also convinced that “on other lands there are horned, tailed, winged, crawling people...”
Strictly speaking, Dogon myths tell the story of not one, but several “space travels”, the first of which were made by someone named Ogo, who on his third “star voyage” ends up on Earth, where he turns into a “pale fox” - Yurugu.
Ancient myths and drawings of the Dogon also describe the cosmic “ark of Nommo”, in which the ancestors of the Dogon descended from “Sigi Talo” along with everything necessary for life on Earth. The “Ark of Nommo” is depicted by the “Olubaru” priests in the form of a “tazu” basket, reminiscent of a truncated cone, the upper plane is a cat The top is a square, and the bottom is a circle. On the sides of the cone there are stairs on which people, animals, plants, etc. were held during their descent to Earth.

 As it descended, the ark rotated, and this movement was supported through... a nozzle. “The hole of the nozzle is a large path of the breath of the ancestors,” the myth says, “who descended from a height. It was their breath that helped to rotate, to move and fall..."
"Nommo's Ark" landed after eight years of "swinging" in the sky, "raising a cloud of dust with an air whirlwind." Nommo was the first to leave the ark, and then all the other creatures.
The Dogon priests name Lake Debo in Western Sudan as a landing site, which fills with water during floods on the Niger River. On one of the islands of this lake there is a stone image of the “Ark of Nommo” flying among the stars.
Of particular interest are the hidden cosmogonic myths of the Dogon... “In the beginning there was Amma, a god in the form of a round egg, who rested on nothing... Apart from this there was nothing...”
The main element of the world among the Dogon is the particle “po”, which has the shape of a small millet grain. Amma had the same form. This grain “spun and emitted particles of matter in the action of sound and light, while remaining invisible and inaudible.” In grain “by” Amma built the entire Universe, but in order to “let the world out” he began to rotate around its axis... The Dogon say: “Turning and dancing, Amma created all the spiral star worlds of the Universe.”

 Eric Guerrier notes that the image of “Amma’s spinning spiral vortex” can be safely applied both to an atom with an electron cloud rotating around the nucleus, and to each spiral galaxy...
Strange as it may seem, the more you become acquainted with the translation of Dogon myths into the language of modern physics, the sooner you become a supporter of E. Guerrier’s hypothesis that the Dogon have long worshiped energy!..
Here it is appropriate to cite the most intimate secret of the Dogon myths - “Po, twisted around himself, keeps the word until the moment when Amma orders the release of this word in order to transmit it to all creations. Po can turn into terrible power wind, but we can’t talk about it..."
E. Guerrier believes that in this part the myth directly points to the possibility of the transition of matter into energy, calculated using the formula e = ms 2, discovered by A. Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century.

This point of view is supported by myths describing the “space odysseys of the Dogon”. They tell of the journey from Sirius to Earth of a creature named Ogo, and later of the “ark of Nommo”, with which the first people arrived. There is a curious evidence from the myths that in these space travels the Dogon starships moved, driven by the wind contained in the grains, “by”...
Also of interest is the opinion of the “Olubaru” priests that the intelligent inhabitants of “Yalu Ulo” - i.e. “spiral star world” The galaxies, although they interfere in the life of humanity on planet Earth, are, however, to a much lesser extent than the inhabitants of the constellations Orion and the Pleiades. (...???)

Dogon rituals are tied to the 50-year period of Sirius B's orbit around Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky.
It is impossible to detect the satellite of Sirius, determine its color, calculate its orbital period and density without having astronomical instruments. Even the satellites of Jupiter, which the Dogon know about, cannot be seen with the eye. There is only one way out - borrowing from another culture.
The Dogon could have obtained information about the structure of the Universe from the ancient Egyptian priests, especially since the tribe moved to West Africa only 5-6 centuries ago. But the ancient Egyptians could not have known anything about the explosion of Sirius B in the 2nd century AD - their civilization perished much earlier. And among the Dogon, this explosion is one of the central points of mythology. The idea of ​​the existence of super-dense matter, “white dwarfs” in the Universe, generally refers to the most modern ideas.
Medieval Arab culture? The Canadian Ovenden hypothesized contact with a Muslim university in Timbuktu, where the knowledge of the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks was stored. But this is a false trail - ancient scientists did not have such deep knowledge of astronomy.
Finally, we cannot rule out a prank on the part of Marcel Griaule. But, firstly, this scientist has an impeccable reputation. And secondly, he was guided by the principle of “describe and only describe.” Astronomers paid attention to his work many years later, which would be unbearable for any joker.

There remains one more possibility. Not even a possibility, but a direct explanation arising from Dogon mythology. According to their legends, people received all their knowledge from God, who descended from the third star Sirius. He appeared in an ark, this ark was spinning. And the rotation was maintained by “breathing” through the nozzle. Upon landing, the ark raised a cloud of dust. There is also a drawing connecting the Sirius system and our Sun in one direct line. But modern science knows nothing about the existence of a third star in the Sirius system. Although Sirius C has supporters among astronomers.    Â
The famous American physicist Carl Sagan said that evidence of visits to our planet by aliens from outer space can be either indisputable “artifacts” or the existence in myths of “clear messages about astronomical realities that primitive people could not know about themselves.”
The hypothesis that the archaic but astronomically advanced Dogon mythology is evidence of a paleo-visit by aliens was formulated by the American scientist Robert Temple in 1975. Since then, controversy has continued around this hypothesis. Of all the plots related to aliens, the lack of professionalism of which is visible a mile away, the Dogon mythology cannot be ignored. But we can’t count on an imminent end to the dispute.
"White dwarf", spiral star systems and Milky Way, the rotation of Sirius B around its axis - these facts cannot be seen with the most powerful telescope, they are the result of understanding what astronomers observe and assume high level culture. It turns out that there is no escape from the paleovisit hypothesis? The inhabitants of the planet from the Sirius system arrived on Earth, told earthlings about their home, and along the way conveyed general information about the Universe. This idyll fully satisfies Sagan's criterion. Â Â Â Â Â
But how I don’t want to believe in aliens! And opponents managed to find a weak spot in this version. The astronomical knowledge of the Dogon still seems insufficiently advanced for potential aliens. The aliens who made their way through the Universe could not consider Sirius B to be the smallest and heaviest star, for they would certainly have known, as we know today, about the existence of much smaller and heavier stars.
And why, one wonders, did space teachers report only 4 satellites of Jupiter, since there are already 16 of them, and this is not the final number?
However, no one guaranteed that aliens could count to more than five... “Unless interstellar travelers, flying past Jupiter, could not even count to five,” astronomer Dieter Hermann sneers about this.
So, Dogon astronomy is closer to the level of yesterday’s terrestrial astronomy, albeit quite developed. Isn't this where the solution lies? This is how the hypothesis about the anonymous “missionary” arose.
In the 1920s, missionaries from the Catholic brotherhood “White Fathers” appeared in this tribe. And some well-read clergyman might have noticed that Aboriginal mythology gives great importance Sirius. To establish contacts with the tribe, the missionary decided to enrich the Dogon ideas about the divine luminary.
In the West, it was in the 1920s that Sirius became the topic of numerous publications. By that time, the monstrous density of its satellite had been established, and science concluded the existence of a new type of star - “white dwarfs”.
"The smallest and heaviest star" - this characteristic of Sirius B corresponds to the state of astronomical knowledge in the 1920s. The missionary conscientiously retold to the Dogon everything that he had read about Sirius V. The priests included invaluable information in mythology, and French ethnographers perceived borrowed astronomical knowledge as an organic part of it.    Â
Sounds convincing. But why did the educated missionary tell the inquisitive Dogons only about 4 satellites of Jupiter, because then they had already counted 9 satellites?
And it’s also surprising: Dogon astronomy is characterized by a distinct chronological multi-layered nature. The first layer: ideas characteristic of archaic culture, when a person knows only about planets visible to the naked eye - here neither missionaries nor aliens are needed. The second layer - knowledge, for example, about the satellites of Jupiter - corresponds to the astronomical ideas of the Galileo era. Finally, knowledge about the Sirius system or the spiral structure of the Galaxy corresponds to the level of science of the first half of the 20th century.
Perhaps the Dogon, possessed like no other people by astronomical mania, interrogated everyone who visited them? Is there a stretch here?
Ethnographers do not see “white threads” in Dogon legends and a hasty adaptation of new borrowings to old myths. Each astronomical fact among the Dogon is tied to certain rituals, which can be traced through relics at least until the 12th century! German scientist Dieter Hermann calls the situation with Dogon knowledge about space a “hopeless case”: it is impossible to unequivocally refute or confirm any version, but for a respectable scientist it is still more decent to stick to the version about the missionary.
Another nationality lives in Mali - the Bambara. They call the stars of the Sirius system the stars of knowledge, and Sirius itself the primary star, because, like the Dogon, they believe that life came from Sirius.
New astronomical discoveries could resolve the dispute. Now, if only a third star had been discovered near Sirius. Or if traces of a diffuse nebula were found near Sirius, left after the explosion of Sirius B, in which the Dogon so sincerely believe...

Information sources:
1. Deniken E. Heavenly teachers
2. Wikipedia website
3. Leskov S. Dogon tribe
4. Kratochvil V. “Ship Nommo” from the constellation Canis Major

In 1931, the famous French ethnographer Professor Marcel Griaule, traveling through West Africa, visited one of the Sudanese tribes living in a bend of the Niger River in the territory of the Republic of Mali.

It was the Dogon - part ancient people, in terms of the level of civilization, it would seem, did not stand out among its neighbors in any way.

However, the professor was interested in the unusual legends and myths that were passed down orally from generation to generation among these farmers who did not know writing. They talked, neither more nor less, about the origin and structure of the Universe, as well as about the long-standing connections of this people with the cosmos.

Since then, Professor Griol and his colleagues regularly went on expeditions to the Dogon, scientists lived for a long time among hospitable Africans, and they gradually gained confidence in the friendly and inquisitive white people and gradually initiated them into their deepest secrets.

The most “initiated” were Griol himself and his main assistant, Professor Germaine Deterlin, who, after Griol’s death in 1956, continued their common work. Griaule and Deterlen presented the truly sensational results of their research in a number of publications, the first of which was published in 1950.

Modern science says that the Universe was formed as a result of the initial Big Bang, before which all its matter, compressed to an incredible density, occupied an infinitesimal volume, and such categories as space and time were absent. Since the Big Bang (about 13 billion years ago), there has been a continuous expansion of the Universe, the so-called recession of galaxies. But here is how the formation of the Universe took place according to ancient Dogon legends:

“In the beginning of all things was Amma - God, who rested on nothing. Amma was a ball, an egg, and the egg was closed. Apart from him, nothing existed." In the modern Dogon language, the word "amma" means something that is motionless, highly compressed and very dense. And further: “The world inside Amma was still without time and without space. Time and space have merged into one.”

But the moment came when “Amma opened his eyes. At the same time, his thought emerged from the spiral, which, circling in his womb, indicated the future growth of the world.” According to legend, the modern “world is infinite, but it can be measured.” This formulation is very close to that given by Einstein in his theory of relativity.

Our Galaxy - the Milky Way - is the “border of space” among the Dogon. “The boundary of a place designates one section of the stellar world, of which our Earth is a part, and this entire world revolves in a spiral. Amma created an infinite number of star worlds in the shape of a spiral." (Most galaxies known to modern science have a spiral shape).

It is characteristic that, unlike all other religious myths, the Earth, according to Dogon beliefs, is not the center of the universe, and earthlings are not the only living beings in the Universe. “Spiral star worlds are inhabited worlds. Amma, who gave the world movement and shape, simultaneously created all living beings along with all things... both on our planet and on other Earths..."

Incredibly, in Dogon legends there are not only such concepts as “stars,” but also “planets” and even “satellites of the planets.” “Fixed stars are stars that do not orbit other stars. Planets and satellites of planets are stars that rotate, describing circles around other stars.”

And how could people, who were, in theory, in a semi-primitive state, know that “the Sun rotates around its axis as if under the influence of a spiral spring... and the Earth rotates around itself and at the same time runs around space in a great Circle?”

From the planets solar system The Dogon pay attention mainly to those visible to the naked eye - Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. It turns out that they know that Venus has a satellite. Modern science does not know this yet. Initiating French scientists into esoteric knowledge, the Dogons illustrated their narratives with symbols and diagrams, sometimes quite complex, but always very visual. They depicted Jupiter as a large circle on which there are four small circles - the planet’s satellites. Today we know 16 satellites of Jupiter, four of them, discovered in 1610 by Galileo, are the largest and brightest. The Dogon depicted Saturn as two concentric circles, explaining that the outer circle was a ring (or rings).

However, the central place in the mythology of this mysterious people belongs to Sirius, the brightest star in our sky. According to the Dogon concepts, Sirius is a star system that “had a major influence on the development of life on Earth and is the basis of the foundations of the universe.” This star system consists of Sirius itself, a second star (Sirius B) and a third star (Sirius C).

The Dogon say that all three “additional” celestial bodies are so close to the main luminary that they cannot always be seen. To date, astronomers have discovered only the second of these stars. The existence of Sirius C is still a subject of debate among astronomers.

The Dogon say about Sirius B that “this star revolves around Sirius, making one revolution every 50 years. When Sirius B approaches Sirius, it begins to shine very brightly, and when it moves away from it, it itself begins to twinkle, so that it seems to the observer that Sirius B has turned into several stars.” By the way, this periodicity of the Sirius glow has been confirmed by astronomers.

Sirius B is not visible to the naked eye, but mid-19th V. no one except the amazing Dogon tribe even knew about its existence. “Sirius B,” the Dogon report, “is the heaviest of the celestial bodies. It is so dense that if all the people were brought together, they would not be able to lift even a small piece of it.” Indeed, Sirius B was the first “white dwarf” discovered in the Universe - burned out and shrunk to an incredible density of 50 tons per cubic centimeter!

Dogon myths associate the appearance of the first people on Earth with Sirius. One of them says that people were transported to Earth spaceships- “heavenly arks from the planet whose sun was the star Sirius B before its explosion”; Descending, the ark “described a double spiral, reflecting with its movement the course of life in that vortex that revived its very first particle.” It is known that the form double helix has a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule - the carrier of our genetic code!

Dogon legends tell of two stages of space travel. The first involves the arrival of a creature called Ogo on Earth. The second - with the landing on Earth of the ark, on board of which were Nommo and the first people. The identity of Ogo himself is said to be vague. It appears that this is a Satan-type figure - a fallen archangel who rebelled against Amma and took possession of some of his secret knowledge. Wow allegedly visited space three times, and he made his space forays in small arks. There is an interesting mention that the source of energy for his space arks was “po” particles - the fundamental basis of the cosmic universe.

Another character, Nommo, appears as an archangel carrying out Amma’s orders. Its main task is to create life on Earth and populate the planet with people. The myth describes in detail the preparation of such an important mission. On board the ship was everything necessary to create life on Earth, as well as people - four pairs of twins, or eight Progenitors. The ship flew to Earth through a special temporary “window” in the sky that Amma created.

After landing, Nommo first descended to Earth, followed by all the others who arrived. When the ark was empty, Amma pulled the copper chain on which the ship hung into the sky and closed the heavenly window. This meant the cessation of all communications between the crew of the ark and the civilization that sent it. For the people who became the first earthlings, there was no turning back. It was necessary to settle down new planet, cultivate life on it, “be fruitful and multiply.”

In the underground sanctuary of the Dogons there is a preserved Mummy similar to the one that was discovered under the third Sevastopol Pyramid of Crimea in February 2002. The Dogon Mummy contains “living” samples of Radiant 12-strand DNA. The Mummy's Brain is the brain of the reptoid ancestors of humanity.

Radiant DNA consists of 12 Mega Facets, which, in turn, are differentiated in hierarchical descending order into Sub-helices, micro-helices, etc. In total, humans have 144,000 DNA strands. Each spiral (thread) corresponds to the hierarchical order of the Universe: the Galaxy, constellations, stars, planets, asteroids and comets, moons, etc. Each DNA spiral corresponds to one of the constellations of the Zodiac and the Precessional Circle, one of the 12 planets of the solar system, 12 groups of the Earth's pyramids, and in general everything that is associated with the dodecahedral (dodecahedral) scheme.

The opening of latent DNA helices occurs on an individual basis. There is a concept of optical or stellar code of DNA. Each spiral and sub-spiral of a particular person is programmed to open under certain conditions - the Key of Respiralization.

Unlocking codes are certain celestial drawings - configurational combinations of celestial bodies. When they match the programmed code, a match occurs and the DNA helix opens - blooms like a flower. The third spiral blossoms from the second, the fourth from the third, etc. Each of the two active helices contains 6 latent helices. Thus, the structure of real human DNA reflects the universal principle of the Duality of the Universe.

In the near future, a ritual of decapsulation will be performed, during which the Mummy will be “unsealed”, and the information and energy contained in It will be transmuted and (program of opening and activation of 12-spiral DNA (respiralization), latent cerebral-cluster neuron compartments of the brain, external chakras person (from 8 to 12-13), etc.) – integrated into the Unified Energy and Information Field of the Earth. The process is similar to publishing a book or a Web site: first it is created, then published and promoted.

The Dogon also have complete knowledge of the structural model of the current 2-stranded human DNA, which mirrors the mutual trajectories of Sirius A and B.

This is not a complete list of secrets kept by the Dogon. Humanity has a unique opportunity to learn and master the secrets of the Dogon ethnic group, not after they are gone, as was the case with other landings.

It must be said that today no one studies the Dogon. What is known about them was obtained during expeditions in the 1960s and 1970s. Who knows how many discoveries astronomers and ethnographers could make if they worked with the Dogon today, at the beginning of the third millennium, using computers!

At all times, there have been a few mysterious ethnic groups on Earth, whose heritage has attracted the attention of all mankind. These are the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans and the Dogon, little known to most of us.

These peoples are united by many things - and, in particular, by the phenomenon of their sudden appearance and equally sudden and rapid disappearance from the Earth. Especially striking examples are the Mayan people and the African Dogon tribe that has survived to this day.

Regarding the latter, scientists are currently unanimous on only one thing: no one can say exactly where the Dogon came from. Some researchers suggest that the Dogon tribe simply appeared out of nowhere; other anthropologists consider them to be a branch of Egyptian civilization, based on the similarity of some myths.

Many of us ask the eternal questions: “Who are we? From whom did they come? Where did you come from? Where are we going?" And what more humanity learns about himself and the world around him, the more difficult it becomes to answer this question. We can say that life was good for primitive people, who in response confidently pointed their finger at the sky - they say, we came from the stars.

But if you think that there are no such “optimists” left, then you are deeply mistaken. There is a small Dogon tribe on Earth, or, as scientists say, a mini-ethnic group. The tribe numbers only about 200 thousand people, and it lives in the jungle, where even at the height of the day the dense foliage barely allows sunlight to pass through.

The Dogon inhabit a small area in the bend of the Niger River (Republic of Mali, Africa). They “own” the Bandiagara plateau at the foot of Mount Gomburi, and they live in caves and primitive huts. The isolation of the tribe from the rest of the world for many centuries allowed the peace-loving Dogon to preserve their identity.

It is also remarkable that after they were accidentally “discovered” in 1931 by two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, not only ethnographers, but also astronomers showed interest in the tribe. Griaule lived here for ten years, studied everyday life, wrote down legends, and even by decision of the council of elders was allowed to be initiated into the secret rank of priest.

What shocked the scientist so much? Mud huts, dancing on stilts, fields sown with millet, ritual mass burials in caves - the most primitive culture. Even when, after the end of World War II, he published a series of articles about the Dogon in African studies magazines, they did not become a sensation. You never know what legends exist among primitive peoples.

But one day, Griaule’s articles quite by accident fell into the hands of the English astronomer McGree - and the attitude towards the Dogon changed radically. Still, what can information about the second star of the Sirius system - Sirius B - tell an archaeologist or ethnographer? Well, if you rummage through special reference books, you can find out that it was opened... only in 1862. Before the outbreak of World War I, it was determined that it had an unusually high density and the star was classified as a “white dwarf”.

And if you delve deeper into scientific reading, you will know that spiral nebulae were sketched by Ross in the middle of the 19th century... Hubble proved in 1924 that they consist of stars. The rotation of our Galaxy was proven in 1927, and its spiral shape was proven in 1950... Very informative. After all, few people still know about this, but for some reason the Dogon are well aware, and this is not a hoax.

Historians and archaeologists unanimously claim that all the facts indicate that the tribe settled on the Bandiagara plateau, which is now also called Dogon Country, in the very early XIII century. There is a cave here, going far into the depths of the mountain, in which there are wall paintings created more than 700 years ago.

The entrance to the cave is guarded by a revered saint. He does nothing else, but only protects the entrance. The whole tribe takes care of this person, feeds him, but no one has the right to touch him or come close to the entrance, even while passing food. When he dies, another saint takes his place. So what secrets is he guarding?

The cave contains amazing drawings and grains of valuable information. For example, a drawing connecting one direct system Sirius and our Sun. In general, it would not be unusual if the image indicated only the most bright star in the sky - Sirius A.

But it should be taken into account that the Dogon tribe lives in that region of Africa where the star Sirius disappears for a long time behind the horizon and is out of sight for several months. Bright ruby ​​red, it appears on the morning of July 23rd just above the horizon, almost due east, and rises about sixty seconds before the Sun.

So Sirius can only be seen for one moment, and then he disappears again. This is called the solar rising of Sirius. This is a rare moment when Sirius, the Sun and the Earth find themselves in a straight line in space. But this was also known to the ancient Egyptians, who specially made through holes in the thickness of the pyramids so that the bloody rising star would illuminate the altar.

But not only that, the Dogon told scientists that next to the blue giant Sirius A there are two more stars that cannot be seen in every telescope. Thus, they clearly indicated the location of the Po Tolo white dwarf - Sirius B - which, as mentioned above, was confirmed only in 1862. The Dogon have very specific information about this star.

They say it's very, very old and very small, made of what they call "the heaviest matter in the universe": 1.5 million tons per cubic inch. And they say that this small star makes a complete revolution around Sirius in “about 50 years” (the error, according to astronomers, is 0.1 year).

But how did an ancient primitive tribe obtain such accurate information about a star, the measurement of whose parameters became possible only in the 20th century?

Another proof of the phenomenal knowledge and memory of the Dogon tribe is a small drawing on the wall of the cave, which scientists for a long time did not know what to attribute to... until computers calculated the orbits of Sirius A and Sirius B.

As it turned out, this is an accurate model of the movement of one star around another in a certain period of time - from 1912 to 1990. Naturally, the Dogon themselves could not calculate this.

All Dogon rituals are tied to the 50-year cycle of Sirius B’s revolution around Sirius A. It is impossible to detect this satellite, determine its color, calculate its orbital period and density without astronomical instruments.

Even the satellites of Jupiter, which the Dogon know about, cannot be seen with the eye. There is only one way out - borrowing from another culture.

Perhaps the tribe could have obtained information about the structure of the Universe from the ancient Egyptian priests. But the ancient Egyptians could not have known anything about the explosion of Sirius B in the 2nd century AD - their civilization perished much earlier. And among the Dogon, this explosion is one of the central points of mythology. The idea of ​​the existence of super-dense matter, “white dwarfs” in the Universe, generally refers to the most modern ideas.

But that's not all. The presence of a third small star, Sirius C, in this star system - Emme Ya, which the Dogon kept repeating - scientists established only in 1970. The tribe also knew about all the other planets in our solar system, including Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, as well as information about 226 other star systems, including spiral star systems that were discovered by astronomers later.

They knew exactly what these planets looked like when approaching them from space, which also became known to scientists only recently. And naturally, they knew that the Earth rotates around its axis and around the Sun, and completes a full revolution in 365 days, and in their calendar they divided this cycle into 12 months. They knew about the Moon, that it was waterless and dead.

The Dogon also knew about red and white blood cells, and they had all the information about human physiology that we have only recently received.

So how did the Dogon know about all these stars and their features? When the elders of the tribe are asked who provided their ancestors with such amazing information, they answer that it was Nommo, who at one time arrived on the “ark” just from... the Sirius system.

And all this is captured in cave drawings. But it is known for sure that they were not made by the Dogon. They came here only three centuries ago, but the drawings are 700 years old. But it turns out that where the tribe lived before, there is a cave like this, from which you can see individual stars in the Sirius system. In addition, there is some “material evidence” in this cave.

However, despite the persistent entreaties of scientists, the aborigines have not yet discovered its location. Either there are some super-powerful astronomical instruments there, created by the Sirian civilization, or the “gods” left something there for storage in anticipation of their next visit. One can only guess about this.

According to a version of the genealogical myth, the Dogon once lived in a certain Country of Mande and are the descendants of the legendary Lebe, who, in turn, descended from the first ancestors of the Nommo. He gave birth to two sons. From the eldest of them came the Dogon tribe, and the youngest son became the founder of the Aru tribe.

When Lebe died, the Dogon lowered his corpse into the ground, but before leaving the Mande Country they decided to take the remains with them. But when they opened the grave, they discovered that Lebe had resurrected - there was a living snake there. The Dogons, taking with them some earth from the grave, went underground, led by a snake, and ended up in Mali.

Having become interested in the Dogon, scientists found out that, in addition to Sirius, they have knowledge in the field of molecular biology, nuclear physics and other sciences, but, naturally, they cannot use any of this. The Dogon seem to be a huge storehouse of knowledge, although it is not known; for what purposes is it intended?

And one day the sorcerer drew for scientists right on the sand a map of the starry sky, in which the star Sirius occupied a central place. What kind of memory do you need to have so that, taking someone else’s star as a starting point, you won’t mess anything up!

Yes, the volume of information stored by the Dogons can amaze not only the average person, but also scientists. For example, they know the planets Jupiter and Saturn, each of which is designated by a specific symbol. For Jupiter, this is a circle, next to which there are four smaller circles (the four largest satellites), and for Saturn, two concentric circles (they know about the existence of a ring around Saturn). The tribe’s legends are not limited to knowledge of the two largest planets in the solar system. They also contain the most modern information and concepts about the structure of the universe.

Here are some fragments of Dogon legends, recorded in their words: “The earth rotates around itself and, in addition, passes through a large world circle, like a top that, rotating, goes in a circle... The sun rotates around its axis, as if driven by a spiral spring." And this is said by primitive people who not only could not observe the movement of the Sun, but had never even seen a spiral spring.

Also, Dogon legends say: “At the beginning of all things stood Amma, who did not rely on anything... Amma’s egg-ball was closed... When Amma broke the egg of the world and came out of it, a rotating vortex arose... As a result of this “yala” appeared (loosely translated from the Dogon language, this means the transition from the abstract to the concrete) from a spiral that rotated inside the egg and meant the future expansion of the world.”

Quite confusing. But you must agree, based on our knowledge of the structure of the Universe, this is similar to the primary Big Bang and the expansion of the Universe lasting billions of years.

How do the “information carriers” themselves explain the emergence of such knowledge in them? In response to questions from scientists, the priests showed another series of drawings that depict a flying saucer. This image is very similar to the shape we are already familiar with - a plate descending from the sky and landing on three supports.

The next picture is of the creatures inside the ship. Next, it is depicted how they make a large hole in the ground, fill it with water, get out of the ship into the water and approach the water's edge. True, they don’t look like any “little green men”.

The elders of the tribe talk about creatures resembling dolphins, that when they landed, they made a large depression in the ground, filled it with water and began to swim. Coming ashore, they spoke to the Dogon and told them that they had flown from the heavenly land of Po Tolo (Sirius B) and passed on all their knowledge.

The messengers of heaven were unusually tall and “fish by nature”: they breathed in water and therefore constantly wore transparent helmets filled with liquid. The Dogon called the newcomers “nommo,” which in the native language means “drink water.” And the people of the tribe called the day of their appearance “the day of the fish,” and the gods themselves were considered amphibious creatures.

It turns out that similar descriptions can be found among the Uros Indians living near Lake Titicaca (Peru). Legends tell of the same dolphin-like creatures that came from the stars and very quickly established close relationships with the people who lived here before the Incas. It was this connection with the “people of the sky” that, according to legend, led to the founding of the Inca Empire.

Moreover, in the Mediterranean alone, as many as twelve cultures tell a similar story. But the astronomically “advanced” mythology of the Dogon is the most striking evidence of the paleo-visit of aliens. The Dogon claimed that according to their calculations, Nommo should have returned in 2003.

Perhaps the natives lost count, or the “amphibians” never flew in or out, but at one time lived on the ground, and the “plates” served them like helicopters. You can imagine a lot of such “or” and even draw a parallel with our dolphins, but all this is still unproven.

But the fact that the Dogon tribe once stood at a higher level of development is not groundless, if only because the natives gave historians and anthropologists many interesting things. For example, tools that have not previously been found in any other isolated wild tribe on the planet, all kinds of figurines made of stone, bone and wood. It later turned out that many of these objects are at least 4000 years old!

In memory of the tall aliens, the Dogon walk on stilts

Some particularly incredulous scientists believe that missionaries who preached in Mali in the 1920s shared information with the Dogon, and the drawings, they say, although old, are just a coincidence. It's hard to argue with non-believers, but here are some facts. If the information received by the Dogon dated back to the beginning of the 20th century, then the natives would have told scientists about eight satellites of Jupiter (now 67 have already been discovered according to data from 2012), and not about four.

And the brothers in Christ could not have known at that time such details about the Sirius system or the spiral structure of the Galaxy. In addition, each astronomical fact among the Dogon is tied to certain rituals, which can be traced through relics until at least the 12th century!

German scientist Dieter Hermann calls the situation with Dogon knowledge about space a “hopeless case”: when it is impossible to clearly refute or confirm any version.

And Robert Temple, who devoted an entire book to the Dogon, concludes his research with the words: “I was able to prove that the information possessed by the natives of the Dogon tribe is of very ancient origin - it is more than 5 thousand years old and was possessed by the ancient Egyptians in the pre-dynastic period, that is, before 3200 years BC".

In 1931, the famous French ethnographer Professor Marcel Griaule, traveling through West Africa, visited one of the Sudanese tribes living in a bend of the Niger River in the territory of the Republic of Mali. These were the Dogon - part of the ancient people, in terms of the level of civilization, it would seem that they did not stand out in any way among their neighbors. However, the professor was interested in the unusual legends and myths that were passed down orally from generation to generation among these farmers who did not know writing. They talked, neither more nor less, about the origin and structure of the Universe, as well as about the long-standing connections of this people with the cosmos.

Since then, Professor Griol and his colleagues regularly went on expeditions to the Dogon, scientists lived for a long time among hospitable Africans, and they gradually gained confidence in the friendly and inquisitive white people and gradually initiated them into their deepest secrets. The most “initiated” were Griol himself and his main assistant, Professor Germaine Deterlin, who, after Griol’s death in 1956, continued their common work. Griaule and Deterlen presented the truly sensational results of their research in a number of publications, the first of which was published in 1950.

Modern science says that the Universe was formed as a result of the initial Big Bang, before which all its matter, compressed to an incredible density, occupied an infinitesimal volume, and such categories as space and time were absent. Since the moment of the Big Bang (about 13 billion years ago), there has been a continuous expansion of the Universe, the so-called recession of galaxies. But here is how the formation of the Universe took place according to the ancient Dogon legends: “In the beginning of all things there was Amma - God, who did not rest on anything. Amma was a ball, an egg, and the egg was closed. Apart from him, nothing existed." In the modern Dogon language, the word "amma" means something that is motionless, highly compressed and very dense. And further: “The world inside Amma was still without time and without space. Time and space have merged into one.” But the moment came when “Amma opened his eyes. At the same time, his thought emerged from the spiral, which, circling in his womb, indicated the future growth of the world.” According to legend, the modern “world is infinite, but it can be measured.” This formulation is very close to that given by Einstein in his theory of relativity.

Our Galaxy - the Milky Way - is the “border of space” among the Dogon. “The boundary of a place designates one section of the stellar world, of which our Earth is a part, and this entire world revolves in a spiral. Amma created an infinite number of star worlds in the shape of a spiral." (Most galaxies known to modern science have a spiral shape).

It is characteristic that, unlike all other religious myths, the Earth, according to Dogon beliefs, is not the center of the universe, and earthlings are not the only living beings in the Universe. “Spiral star worlds are inhabited worlds. Amma, who gave the world movement and shape, simultaneously with all things created all living beings... both on our planet and on other Earths...” Incredibly, in Dogon legends there are not only such concepts as “stars”, but and “planets” and even “satellites of the planets”. “Fixed stars are stars that do not orbit other stars. Planets and satellites of planets are stars that rotate, describing circles around other stars.” And how could people, who were, in theory, in a semi-primitive state, know that “the Sun rotates around its axis as if under the influence of a spiral spring... and the Earth rotates around itself and at the same time runs around space in a great Circle?”

Of the planets of the solar system, the Dogon pay attention mainly to those visible to the naked eye - Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. It turns out that they know that Venus has a satellite. Modern science does not know this yet. Initiating French scientists into esoteric knowledge, the Dogons illustrated their narratives with symbols and diagrams, sometimes quite complex, but always very visual. They depicted Jupiter as a large circle on which there are four small circles - the planet’s satellites. Today we know 16 satellites of Jupiter, four of them, discovered in 1610 by Galileo, are the largest and brightest. The Dogon depicted Saturn as two concentric circles, explaining that the outer circle was a ring (or rings).

However, the central place in the mythology of this mysterious people belongs to Sirius, the brightest star in our sky. According to the Dogon concepts, Sirius is a star system that “had a major influence on the development of life on Earth and is the basis of the foundations of the universe.” This star system consists of Sirius itself, a second star (Sirius B) and a third star (Sirius C). The Dogon say that all three “additional” celestial bodies are so close to the main luminary that they cannot always be seen. To date, astronomers have discovered only the second of these stars. The existence of Sirius C is still a subject of debate among astronomers.

The Dogon say about Sirius B that “this star revolves around Sirius, making one revolution every 50 years. When Sirius B approaches Sirius, it begins to shine very brightly, and when it moves away from it, it itself begins to twinkle, so that it seems to the observer that Sirius B has turned into several stars.” By the way, this periodicity of the Sirius glow has been confirmed by astronomers.

Sirius B is not visible to the naked eye, and until the middle of the 19th century. no one except the amazing Dogon tribe even knew about its existence. “Sirius B,” the Dogon report, “is the heaviest of the celestial bodies. It is so dense that if all the people were brought together, they would not be able to lift even a small piece of it.” Indeed, Sirius B was the first “white dwarf” discovered in the Universe - burned out and shrunk to an incredible density of 50 tons per cubic centimeter!

Dogon myths associate the appearance of the first people on Earth with Sirius. One of them says that people were transported to Earth by spaceships - “heavenly arks from the planet whose sun was the star Sirius B before its explosion”; Descending, the ark “described a double spiral, reflecting with its movement the course of life in that vortex that revived its very first particle.” It is known that the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, the carrier of our genetic code, has a double helix shape!

Dogon legends tell of two stages of space travel. The first involves the arrival of a creature called Ogo on Earth. The second - with the landing on Earth of the ark, on board of which were Nommo and the first people. The identity of Ogo himself is said to be vague. It appears that this is a Satan-type figure - a fallen archangel who rebelled against Amma and took possession of some of his secret knowledge. Wow allegedly visited space three times, and he made his space forays in small arks. There is an interesting mention that the source of energy for his space arks was “po” particles - the fundamental basis of the cosmic universe.

Another character, Nommo, appears as an archangel carrying out Amma’s orders. Its main task is to create life on Earth and populate the planet with people. The myth describes in detail the preparation of such an important mission. On board the ship was everything necessary to create life on Earth, as well as people - four pairs of twins, or eight Progenitors. The ship flew to Earth through a special temporary “window” in the sky that Amma created.

After landing, Nommo first descended to Earth, followed by all the others who arrived. When the ark was empty, Amma pulled the copper chain on which the ship hung into the sky and closed the heavenly window. This meant the cessation of all communications between the crew of the ark and the civilization that sent it. For the people who became the first earthlings, there was no turning back. It was necessary to settle the new planet, cultivate life on it, “be fruitful and multiply.”

It must be said that today no one studies the Dogon. What is known about them was obtained during expeditions in the 1960s and 1970s. Who knows how many discoveries astronomers and ethnographers could make if they worked with the Dogon today, at the beginning of the third millennium, using computers!