Christopher Ivanyan - from the Great Patriotic War to the Artsakh National Liberation War. Dear reputation. How much does Russia's honor cost the budget? Military exploits during the Second World War

Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan(December 20, 1920, Tbilisi - August 30, 1999, St. Petersburg) - lieutenant general, Soviet and Armenian military leader. Hero of the NKR (2000, posthumously).


In 1940 he graduated from the Tbilisi Artillery School. During the Great Patriotic War, he took part in battles in Crimea, Transcarpathia, and Czechoslovakia. He was wounded several times and was awarded orders and medals. In 1949 he graduated from the Military Academy. Frunze, then higher artillery courses in Leningrad. Subsequently he served as chief of division artillery, commander of an artillery brigade, chief of artillery and missile forces army and military district.

With the beginning of the military phase of the Karabakh conflict, he came from St. Petersburg to Nagorno-Karabakh. From 1992 to 1998, he was an adviser to the chairman of the NKR Self-Defense Committee and first deputy commander of the NKR Defense Army. Made a significant contribution to the formation of army structures and services of the NKR JSC, especially artillery, the creation of training military units, centers, shooting ranges and training grounds. He led a number of military operations to suppress enemy firing points, in particular, in the territories adjacent to Stepanakert and the Martuni region of the NKR. For the courage and courage shown in battles, he was awarded the Order of the Battle Cross, first degree.

The military sports college under the NKR Ministry of Defense in Stepanakert was named after Christopher Ivanyan, and in 2000 the village of Khojaly was renamed Ivanyan. A documentary film was made about his life.

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  • 1940 - graduated from the Tbilisi Artillery School
  • 1949 - Moscow military academy named after Frunze
  • 1962 - higher courses at the Artillery Academy of the Leningrad Military District

1938-1978 - served in the USSR Armed Forces

  • 1941-1945 - participated in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1941-1942 - Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Artillery Regiment of the USSR Armed Forces
  • 1942-1943 - commander of the 195th mortar regiment
  • 1943-1944 - chief of artillery of the 318th Rifle Division, 128th Guards Rifle Division of the Ukrainian Front (with battles reached Czechoslovakia)
  • 1949-1952 - head of the combat training department of the artillery corps
  • 1952-1955 - commander of the 280th Guards Anti-Tank Fighter Regiment of the USSR Group of Forces stationed in the German Democratic Republic
  • 1956-1958 - commander of the Separate Guards Anti-Tank Fighter Brigade
  • 1958-1961 - manager military department Odessa State University
  • 1962-1968 - brigade commander of the 52nd Infantry Brigade of the Odessa Military District
  • 1968-1973 - Chief of Missile Forces and Artillery of the 14th Army of the Odessa Military District
  • 1973-1978 - Deputy Chief of Missile Forces and Artillery of the Transcaucasian Military District

In July 1992 he came to the fighting Artsakh and in September was appointed advisor to the chairman of the NKR Self-Defense Committee.

He was the first deputy commander of the NKR JSC, deputy minister of defense, chairman of the Inspection Commission under the NKR President.

Military exploits during the Second World War

He was presented with his first Order of Lenin at the very beginning of the war, when he was 20 years old. He distinguished himself for the exploits performed during the defensive battles for Moldova and Ukraine. Then, having the rank of lieutenant and commanding a battery, Kh. Ivanyan skillfully organized the withdrawal of his unit from the border itself, and particularly distinguished himself during the battles near Zatishye station and in the vicinity of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev.

Kh. Ivanyan will receive his second Order of Lenin in the battles for Crimea (as well as the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree) during the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation and the further liberation of Crimea. In the battles for the liberation of Crimea, he distinguished himself, first commanding an artillery regiment, and then the artillery of a division.

Extract from the Award List:

“Comrade Ivanyan, commanding a mortar battery in the Dubossary area on July 26, 1941, was on the front line of our infantry and fired strong artillery fire at the enemy crossing. The crossing was completely destroyed, and up to three companies of enemy infantry were destroyed, two loaded motor boats infantry and weapons. The enemy's machine-gun company fired at our infantry, Comrade Ivanyan destroyed this company and the enemy's mortar battery with a volley of mortar battery. When part of the enemy infantry broke through and attacked the OP, Comrade Ivanyan, with one entry of the 71st Infantry Regiment, repelled three times enemy attacks, without stopping artillery fire on the crossing and enemy motor boats. On August 2, 1941, in the area of ​​Zatishye station, Ivanyan, together with the infantry, repelled enemy attacks on the OP and scattered up to a company of the enemy moving to Gederimovo. On the same day, Comrade Ivanyan’s mortar battery destroyed two vehicles, a mortar battery, a platoon of anti-tank guns, a machine gun company, and by evening up to seven enemy firing points. The enemy infantry moving to the position was scattered by the fire of the mortar battery of Comrade. Ivanyan. In the area of ​​Nikolaev on August 17, 1941, comrade. Ivanyan fired and destroyed one machine-gun company, up to a platoon of infantry and knocked out one tank. Presented for the government award of the Order of Lenin."
Commander of the 30th Infantry Division, Major General Goncharov. Military commissar of the division, corps commissar Dibrova. 08/26/1941.

By Decree of the Military Council of the Southern Front No. 05/N of November 5, 1941, the commander of the 4th battery of the 59th light artillery regiment of the 30th rifle division, Lieutenant I.Kh. Ivanyan was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Having shown his extraordinary qualities, proving himself to be an experienced and courageous commander, Captain Kh. Ivanyan in August 1942 was appointed commander of a separate anti-tank fighter division of the 76th Marine Brigade, which was operating at that time in the Krasnodar direction. By the time he was nominated for the next Order of the Red Star, being already captain Kh. Ivanyan commanded a separate anti-tank fighter division of the 76th Marine Rifle Brigade, he already had 11 (!) wounds.

Extract from the Award List:

“Comrade Ivanyan has been participating in battles with the brigade since August 1942. During this time, Comrade Ivanyan proved himself to be a brave, strong-willed and courageous commander. Commanding a combined mortar and artillery division near Krasnodar, he skillfully led his units, reflected and restrained superior forces enemy. Being wounded in this battle, Comrade Ivanyan refused to go to the medical unit and continued to lead the battle all the time. At the Pyatigorsk pass, Comrade Ivanyan managed to organize decisive resistance to the enemy and stopped his further advance. While fighting in this sector, he personally adjusted the fire of two guns and neighbor's artillery, as a result he suppressed two enemy batteries with artillery fire. In the area of ​​Fanagoriyskoye and the town of Fonar, Comrade Ivanyan commanded the artillery on foot and constantly adjusted the artillery fire. Having been wounded again in this battle, he continued to lead the battle of his units. For previously having feats, awarded the Order of Lenin. For courage, skillful leadership of the battle, for causing damage to the enemy in equipment and manpower, comrade. Ivanyan deserves a government award."
The chief of artillery of the 76th MSB, Major Sventsitsky. 10/31/1942.

By order to the troops of the 56th Army of the Black Sea Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front No. 032/n dated December 14, 1942, Captain Ivanyan was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Soon, he was appointed commander of the 195th Red Banner Mountain Mortar Regiment of the 18th Black Sea Army. Interacting with neighboring units, Kh. Ivanyan’s regiment distinguished itself during the battles for liberation North Caucasus and Kuban. His regiment particularly distinguished itself in the battles for the cities of Krasnodar and Novorossiysk. Artillery Commander of the 18th Army, Artillery Lieutenant General G.S. Caryophylli testified that

. Then, Ivanyan was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and his 195th Red Banner Mountain Mortar Regiment received the honorary name “Novorossiysk”.

Extract from the Award List: “The mountain-pack mortar regiment, commanded by Comrade Ivanyan, has been located directly in firing positions for the entire time of its existence and receives the most Active participation in battles. Comrade Ivanyan especially distinguished himself in the battles for the city of Novorossiysk during the period from September 10 to 16, 1943. Commanding a regiment, he showed exceptional courage in these battles. The fire of his regiment played a significant role at the time of our landing on the shore occupied by the enemy, as a result of which the paratroopers in the area of ​​his regiment landed on the shore with minor losses, ensured the successful advance of our units and the capture of the city of Novorossiysk. During the period offensive operations and on the capture of the city of Novorossiysk, fire for now, commanded by Comrade. Ivanyan destroyed a large number of bunkers, enemy soldiers and officers. Comrade Ivanyan was located directly at the OP of his batteries and in the infantry combat formations. He fulfilled all requests from infantry commanders in a timely manner. Ensured the completion of all tasks assigned by the Commander of the Army Artillery. For his courage and boldness in capturing the city of Novorossiysk, he is worthy of the government award of the Order of the Red Banner." Artillery commander of the 18th Army, Lieutenant General of Artillery Caryophylli. September 17, 1943.

By order to the troops of the 18th Army No. 079/n dated September 18, 1943, Captain Ivanyan was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Before the battles to capture the bridgehead on the Kerch Peninsula, Christophor Ivanyan was already battle-hardened, having gone from battery commander to commander of an artillery regiment, to which he was appointed when he was only 21 years old. Three orders were already shining on his chest: Lenin, the Red Banner and the Red Star. The Crimean epic will add the second Order of Lenin and the Order of Suvorov 3rd degree.

Extract from the Award List:

“Comrade Ivanyan, during the period of preparation and breakthrough of the enemy’s defense in the region of Kerch, he skillfully and correctly organized the interaction of artillery with infantry, as a result of which the enemy suffered heavy losses from artillery and mortar fire, and the skillfully placed battle formation of the division’s artillery suffered minor losses . Personally, often visiting artillery battle formations, directing it, he made every effort to use it most effectively. During battle, he is able to organize flexible control of artillery, as a result of which the infantry always feels powerful fire. During the Sevastopol operation, he skillfully organized the interaction of precise control of all artillery divisions and reinforcements ensured a breakthrough of the enemy’s defenses and further development success. Being in the most critical directions during the offensive period (Gornaya - 179.0, 80.0), the skillful organization of fire ensured the repulsion of the enemy’s fierce counterattacks and further advance. The division's artillery under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan inflicted enormous damage on the enemy in manpower and equipment, destroying and suppressing 5 artillery and 8 mortar batteries in the Sevastopol operation. 3 tanks, one Ferdinand self-propelled gun, 2 guns of different calibers, 33 machine guns, 7 anti-tank guns were destroyed and damaged, up to 900 scattered and destroyed German soldiers and officers. Up to 4 km destroyed. enemy trenches, 28 bunkers, 16 dugouts, up to 40 meters of wire fence. For the good organization of interaction and flexible control of the division's artillery, as a result of which the division defeated the enemy and completed its task of defeating the Germans in the Kerch and Sevastopol region. For perseverance and determination in battle, Comrade. Ivanyan is worthy of the government award of the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree."
Commander of the 318th Novorossiysk Rifle Division, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Gladkov. 18.5. 1944.

By order of the commander of the troops of the Separate Primorsky Army of the Guard, Lieutenant General K. Melnik No. 0375 dated June 10, 1944, Lieutenant Colonel I.Kh. Ivanyan was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree.


  • Major General of Artillery (1968)
  • Lieutenant General of the Armenian Army (1993)


  • Order of Lenin (1941, 1943)
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Order of Suvorov III degree
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order of the "Combat Cross" 1st class of the NKR
  • "Hero of Artsakh" (2000, posthumously)



  • Named after him:
    • one of the villages of the Askeran region of Nagorno-Karabakh
    • Stepanakert Military School
    • military sports college under the NKR Ministry of Defense in Stepanakert
  • A documentary film was made about his life.
  • The publication “A Line in History and on the Map” was sent by K.K. Avakyan.


  • - 1000 - Ե.,Հեղինակային հրատարակություն, 2009 թ.,էջ 141: ISBN 978-9939-53-105-2
  • Meruzhanyan A. Marshals, generals and admirals of Armenian origin in St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: "Wind Rose", 2014, p. 127 ISBN 978-5-906634-11-5
  • Meruzhanyan A. Marshals, generals and admirals of Armenian origin in St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: “Wind Rose”, 2013, p. 115

The Information Center of the newspaper of Armenians of Russia “Yerkramas” received a letter with a proposal to publish an article about the famous Armenian commander, hero of Artsakh Christopher Ivanyan. We are pleased to publish both the letter and the material itself, expressing our sincere gratitude to the author.

Hello, dear editors. On behalf of the Council “Club of the 128th Division”, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Gomenyuk addresses you. The Council of the Club of the 128th Guards Turkestan Twice Red Banner Mechanized Division (formerly 83rd Turkestan State Duma) was preparing a book for publication for the 90th anniversary of the division, which was celebrated in 2012. Unfortunately, due to technical and financial reasons the book was not published. Therefore, the Division Veterans Council decided to publish the collected material in the periodical press. We are sending you material about the glorious son of Armenia, Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan... The Council “Club of the 128th Division” was created in 2007 by military personnel discharged from the division in 1990-2005. One of the club's main goals is to preserve the history of the famous division.

Sincerely, Guard Reserve Lieutenant Colonel V. Gomenyuk.

Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan

Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan was born on December 20, 1920 in Tbilisi. Entered the Tbilisi Artillery School in 1938. In connection with the Soviet-Finnish war, early graduation was carried out at the school. But he did not have to take part in this war, and on February 3, 1940, Ivanyan was sent to serve as a platoon commander in the city of Balta in the 59th light artillery regiment of the 30th Irkutsk Rifle Division. First steps independent work were not easy, but after six months the platoon became the best. In April 1941, a new appointment followed - battery commander. I had to command the battery only for two months of peacetime. The Great Patriotic War began. The war that changed everything dramatically. From the first days of the war, Christopher Ivanovich found himself on the Southern Front as part of his regiment.

He fired his first salvos at the enemy in June 1941 as a battery commander.

Here is what the divisional newspaper of that time wrote: “The mortar unit of Lieutenant Christopher Ivanyan was located not far from the coast, with the task of detaining the enemy at the crossing. Christopher Ivanyan himself was at an observation post near the shore. Of average height, dark-skinned Ivanyan watched the crossing with tension. He could clearly see the feverish haste with which the Germans were building the pontoon bridge. There were still 3-4 meters left to our shore, but a lot of enemy infantry were crowded on the pontoon bridge. The command followed: Fire across the crossing. The pontoon bridge was torn to pieces. The Germans fell into the river. Mines continuously fell on the heads of the fascists. The Germans’ attempts to cross the river for two days failed, despite the fact that large artillery forces were deployed from the enemy side.”

As Christopher Ivanyan himself recalled, the battery achieved particularly significant success in battles at the end of July in the Dubossary area and in mid-August in the area of ​​Zatishye station and the city of Nikolaev. They destroyed a lot of enemy infantry, equipment and artillery. The commander's fearlessness inspired the soldiers. Even the wounds repeatedly received during the battles did not force Christopher Ivanovich to leave his subordinates. The acting division commander, corps commissar Dobrov, signed the award proposal for Lieutenant Kh.I. Ivanyan. - Order of Lenin.

Petr Fedotovich Plyachenko talks about the award itself in his memoirs “The Order is Given”:

On the evening of November 7, 1941 in the city of Shakhty, in the club of the mining technical school, the commander of the 9th Army, Major General F. M. Kharitonov and member of the Military Council, Brigade Commissar K. V. Krainyukov, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, presented orders and medals to the most distinguished battles with enemy tanks. One after another, soldiers and commanders approached the presidium table. Many people's eyes became wet with excitement and joy.

The Order of Lenin is awarded to the commander of the artillery battery, Lieutenant Ivanyan Suren Avetisovich! - the army commander said loudly.

A slender commander with black hair and a dark face walked onto the stage. The general attached a high award to his tunic. Applause thundered in the hall. The commander and a member of the Military Council warmly congratulated the lieutenant.

I serve the Soviet Union! - Ivanyan rapped loudly.

The lieutenant wanted to sit down, but the brigade commissar asked him to tell how his battery knocked out seven tanks in one battle. The hall fell silent. Everyone was waiting tensely for the story. But Ivanyan said only a few meager words:

Comrades! I don’t know how to talk a lot and beautifully, but my comrades know how to shoot accurately! This order is the merit of the entire battery.

Then I will speak for Lieutenant Ivanyan,” the brigade commissar rose from the table. - This happened in the Bolshekrepinsky district. A group of fascist tanks, firing, moved towards the artillery positions. They were silent, letting the enemy as close as possible. But then several guns hit at once with direct fire, and the enemy vehicles immediately burst into flames. Ivanyan's battery fought to the death, not letting a single tank pass.

In April 1942, Ivanyan was appointed to the post of commander of the headquarters battery of the Artillery Commander of the 56th Army of the Southern Front. The 56th Army, which held back the attacks of the troops of Hitler's Field Marshal Kleist, after the bloody battles near Rostov, was weakened, but continued to carry out its combat missions as part of the front. Under the threat of encirclement, our troops were forced to retreat across the Kuban River. The Germans captured Maykop and Krasnodar. All this difficult time, Khristofor Ivanovich commanded the headquarters battery. More than once we had to repel the advancing Nazis who threatened the encirclement of the headquarters. For courage and heroism shown in battles, Khristofor Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

I had to serve Ivanyan Kh.I. and as assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In mid-1942, the proactive combat officer was appointed commander of the Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Division of the 76th Naval Brigade of the Black Sea Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front. For three months, his division repelled attacks by Nazi infantry and tanks on the approaches to Novorossiysk. Although on September 10, after fierce street fighting, Novorossiysk was abandoned by our troops, the Nazi command was forced to stop the offensive in the direction of Tuapse. The five-month defense thwarted the plans of the fascist German command to immediately seize Transcaucasia, the Grozny and Baku oil regions.

In October 1942, at the 231st kilometer of the Sukhumi highway opposite the village of Vishnevka, Lazarevsky district Krasnodar region The formation of the 195th mountain-pack mortar regiment of the Reserve of the High Command began. Ivanyan Kh.I was appointed commander of the regiment.

And again, battle after battle, his commanding ability to lead troops is demonstrated everywhere. The 195th Regiment takes part in the battles for Krasnodar, Novorossiysk and Taman.

The order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief states:

... Troops of the North Caucasus Front in interaction with ships and units Black Sea Fleet as a result of a bold operation with a strike from land and a landing from the sea after five days of fierce fighting - today, September 16, they stormed the important Black Sea port of the city of Novorossiysk.

... In the battles for Novorossiysk they especially distinguished themselves:

195th mountain-pack mortar regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan.

...To commemorate the victory, those who distinguished themselves in the battles for the liberation of the city of Novorossiysk will be given the name “Novorossiysk” and henceforth called: 195th Novorossiysk Mountain Pack Mortar Regiment. This was a great merit of all the soldiers of the regiment, but first of all of its commander.

On the night of November 1, 1943, the 318th Mountain Rifle Division crossed the Kerch Strait and captured a bridgehead in the area of ​​the village of Eltigen, now Geroevskoye, within the city of Kerch. For 36 days the division heroically repelled the attacks of the Nazis. The landing was commanded by the commander of the 318th Mountain Rifle Division, Colonel Vasily Fedorovich Gladkov. .

The 195th Novorossiysk mountain-pack mortar regiment was also assigned to the landing force. This is how Vasily Fedorovich Gladkov himself recalls it in his book “Landing on Eltigen”:

... Ivan Khristoforovich Ivanyan, the commander of the Guards mortar regiment attached to the airborne division, experienced a great misfortune; his regiment was left without material. Some of the mortars were lost in the storm during the crossing, and what was able to be transported was disabled in the battles. We entrusted the lieutenant colonel with the leadership of the anti-tank defense of the bridgehead. He did a lot for the landing force and fought fearlessly in battle.

... On November 18, 1943, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR highly appreciated the feat of the 318th Novorossiysk Division on the Crimean bridgehead! On the night of November 18, the headquarters radio adopted the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the personnel of the landing on Eltigen. Thirty-four soldiers and officers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Thousands of our comrades in arms have been awarded orders and medals. The night passed without sleep. It was the first night in Tierra del Fuego when all the division headquarters officers gathered at the command post. Our headquarters was a friendly, well-working team of specialists in their field. His work on the bridgehead also received recognition - the entire personnel of the department was awarded orders, including Colonel M.V. Kopylov, Colonel V.N. Ivakin, Lieutenant Colonel B.F. Modin and Lieutenant Colonel Kh.I. Ivanyan - Order of Lenin.

Speaking about the round-the-clock battles that the division waged, Colonel Gladkov also recalls the battle on December 4. Communication with one of the regiments was lost. I sent Major Grigoryan to them. The regiment's command post was already at the forefront. An anti-tank gun stood near it - the only surviving gun. Lieutenant Colonel Blbulyan himself fired at the advancing infantry from a machine gun. Next to him was X.I. Ivanyan, our unofficial commander of the anti-tank defense of Tierra del Fuego.

Grigoryan ran up to them at a time when three tanks were approaching the checkpoint. The regiment commander excitedly shouted to Ivanyan:

Let's fire!

The lieutenant colonel answered soothingly:

We have three shells. And three tanks. Wait. We'll hit for sure.

He stood up to the gun and froze, pointing at the lead vehicle. Sixty meters left. A shot rang out. The first tank began to smoke. The second shot - the track of the second car was broken. The third tank sharply reversed.

After some time, Grigoryan reported to me:

Ivanyan will shout: “Aha! They were scared! The regiment commander rushed to him and let's hug him. Hugs, kisses!..

Blbulyan said to Major Grigoryan: “Tell the division commander: we repulsed the fifth attack. We'll hold out here." And there were hundreds of such battles during the 36 days of the landing.

In one of these battles, the division's artillery chief, Colonel Nikiforov, was killed. The division commander decided:

...I entrust the command of the artillery to Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan. For us, it was our life's work to establish accurate and organized fire from army heavy artillery. Ivanyan coped with the task. He was an energetic, educated guards officer. In Tierra del Fuego they called him the thunder of tanks! During the assault on Mithridates, the lieutenant colonel was the first to burst into the dugout of one of the artillery outposts and shouted “Hands up!” to the Germans who were there. My orderly Baibubinov came to his aid, and together they cleared the observation post, destroying up to 25 fascists.

At that time, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan was only 23 years old. Then the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol and the entire Crimea began. For these battles he was awarded a military commander's award - the Order of Suvorov, third degree.

And on September 17, 1944, a new appointment followed to the 128th Guards Turkestan Mountain Rifle Division to the position of deputy division commander for artillery - division artillery commander. And immediately after his appointment, Ivanyan, together with the division, entered the battles in the foothills of the Carpathians. In exclusively difficult conditions had to fight hard battles with the fascist invaders. The presence of heights with steep slopes, deep ravines and dense forest complicated the offensive. The artillerymen, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan, had to carry guns and mortars in the mountains on their hands and in packs. Only the high courage of our fighters made it possible to break the enemy’s resistance and drive them out of their strongholds.

Commander of the First Guards Army A.A. Grechko especially noted in his book “Through the Carpathians” the skillful actions of the 128th division and the 3rd mountain rifle corps in the Carpathians. Units of the division fought off 15-16 enemy counterattacks per day.

He wrote: ... Formations of the 3rd Mountain Rifle Corps, which included the 128th Guards Division, crossed the Carpathians and were the first to enter the territory of Czechoslovakia. From September 19 to 25, 12 settlements and one railway station. They destroyed over 30 tanks, 60 guns and mortars, and captured 3 ammunition and equipment warehouses. The Nazis lost up to 6,000 soldiers and officers killed and wounded, more than 400 were taken prisoner.

The division walked along difficult, bloody roads, liberating the cities and villages of Czechoslovakia from the German invaders. Veterans especially remember the battles in the areas of settlements in Slovakia - Kalenov and Borov. Several times they were abandoned by Soviet troops and retaken. Behind in simple words“left and taken” - courage and heroism, shed blood and the cut short lives of hundreds of soldiers and officers of the division.

On the eve of the 27th anniversary of the October Revolution, for the successes achieved in the battles for the Carpathians, the 323rd and 327th Guards Regiments were awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree. And the 331st Guards Regiment was awarded the honorary name “Carpathian”.

In the mountain theater of combat operations, the combat experience of Lieutenant Colonel Kh. Ivanyan, acquired in the battles for the Caucasus and Crimea, was clearly demonstrated. He boldly resorted to using the full power of the division's artillery on the main directions of the division's advance and always obtained the necessary victorious result.

Here is an excerpt from the front-line certification given by the commander of the 128th Guards Division, Mikhail Ilyich Koldubov, on December 29, 1944: “In the battles for the Carpathians, the artillery, led by Comrade. Ivanyan, completed its task successfully. A lot of enemy equipment and manpower were destroyed.”

Bold and decisive actions of Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan Kh.I. were noted during this period not only by the leadership of our country, but also by the government of Czechoslovakia. For his great contribution to the liberation of the peoples of Czechoslovakia from fascism, he was awarded the Czechoslovak Military Cross and two medals. One of them was the medal “For successes during the fighting at the Duklja Pass.”

Fighting heavily, the division captured the cities of Bachkov, Dargov, Klenov, Presov, Sporiš and Zywiec. After this, the division concentrated towards the city of Bielsko, where it fought until April 6, 1945. On April 20, the division was reassigned to the commander of the 38th Army and, right from the march, took part in breaking through the encirclement of two regiments of the neighboring division. After the destruction of the enemy, an offensive followed on Vitkovice, a suburb of Moravian Ostrava. As a result of fierce fighting, Moravian Ostrava, Germany's penultimate economic base, was completely liberated.

On May 2, the Victory Banner flew over the defeated Reichstag. And the division continued its offensive and captured the cities of Bogumin, Frištát, and Cieszyn. On May 3, the division was withdrawn from the battle, but the rest was not long; already on May 5, the order came to advance and reach the city of Olomouc. Despite the fierce resistance of the enemy, on May 8 the city of Olomouc was liberated, and Moscow fired a fireworks display in honor of the liberation of Olomouc.

But, despite the fact that on May 9 the Act on unconditional surrender Germany, the troops of the German General Schroeder refused to lay down their arms and continued to resist. The division, together with other formations, pursued the enemy to the suburbs of Prague.

On May 11, 1945, the division successfully and victoriously ended the Great Patriotic War against the Nazi invaders. All this way from the first days of the war, along with everything Soviet people Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan also overcame.

The division, having completed a liberation mission to liberate the peoples of Europe from fascism, having completed a 1000-kilometer march on July 24, 1945, returned to the place of its new permanent deployment in Transcarpathia in Ukraine.

The transition to peaceful life was marked by the granting of leaves to officers and soldiers who had not seen their relatives throughout the war. Lieutenant Colonel Ivanyan also received such leave. Christopher Ivanovich went to visit his father in North Ossetia in the city of Vladikavkaz. There Christopher met his only one, with whom he would live his entire life - Lydia Iosifovna. They played a wedding, and took the young student with him to Uzhgorod, where the division headquarters was then located. Lidia Iosifovna remembers with a smile the first day of her arrival in Uzhgorod, when the generals, corps commander Vedenin A.Ya., came to their home. and the division commander M.I. Koldubov, as they said, to see “who could seduce our Ivanyan in such a short time?”

The stay of the young family in Uzhgorod was short-lived, because in the spring of 1946, Khristofor Ivanovich began preparing to take exams at the Academy. M.V. Frunze.

With this, as they say, the story could end. But one cannot help but recall another date from the life of Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan.

1992 Military pensioner Ivanyan lived in Leningrad. A wonderful wife, two daughters, grandchildren. What else is needed for a happy old age? But a conflict began between Armenia and Azerbaijan around the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, and Christopher Ivanovich boldly defines his future fate. In 1992, the 72-year-old major general went to Krasnodar to discuss with his comrades, the Armenians, the idea of ​​going to Artsakh and helping his people. However, they refused to discuss such an idea, and Christopher Ivanovich went to Yerevan alone, where he met with the RA Defense Ministry Vazgen Sargsyan. From there they immediately flew to Artsakh, where Ivanyan got acquainted with the situation. The minister offered 72-year-old Ivanyan a position in the Armenian Ministry of Defense - however, Ivanyan was decisive: he remains in Artsakh.

An extremely strict and demanding man, he was amazed by the skill of the fidayeen volunteers in military affairs. However, much had to be changed in order to create a professional army. Rigidity, exactingness, enormous knowledge and experience of the Great Patriotic War helped Ivanyan create the most professional army in the region - the Artsakh Defense Army.

1992-1993- Advisor to the Chairman of the NKR Self-Defense Forces Committee.

1993-1994- First Deputy Commander of the NKR Defense Army. Lieutenant General of the Artsakh Defense Army. "Combat Cross" of the NKR, 1st degree.

1995-1996- Commander of the newly created mountain artillery division.

1997- due to health reasons, he leaves for St. Petersburg, where he undergoes an intensive course of treatment.

Opening of the monument to General Ivanyan Kh.I. near the military sports lyceum in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Thanks to Ivanyan’s efforts, brilliant operations were carried out and large territories were liberated. He personally controlled the progress of army construction, severely punishing those who did not carry out his instructions, up to a 10-day arrest in the Shusha fortress. On his order, a huge amount of enemy equipment was removed from the battlefield, which was repaired and used by the Artsakh Defense Army. Ivanyan's experience in Patriotic War 1941-1945 helped to apply military tricks, thanks to which the number of casualties on the battlefield was reduced. Ivanyan personally took part in combat operations (he was seriously injured when his car was blown up by a mine). Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General of the Army of the Republic of Armenia.

General Ivanyan made a great contribution to the training of soldiers and officers of the Artsakh Army. He created a training regiment of the NKR JSC, an artillery The educational center, through which thousands of soldiers and officers passed, developed a dictionary of Russian-Armenian artillery terms, initiated the creation of military libraries, an artillery propeller range and a tank directorate were built under his leadership, he took part in the organization of the Artsakh military school.

After the Karabakh war, Lieutenant General Ivanyan commanded one of the divisions of the Armenian army for some time, being the oldest officer in the army and having retired at the age of 80. He held the positions of commander of the training regiment of the NKR JSC, division commander, and first deputy minister of defense of the NKR.

In 2000, it was named after him locality and a military sports lyceum in Nagorno-Karabakh. A monument to General Ivanyan Kh.I. was erected near the lyceum building.

September 1, 2000 For exceptional services in organizing the defense of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, demonstrated courage and personal courage, he was posthumously awarded the highest title of the NKR “Hero of Artsakh”, becoming a holder of the Order of the Golden Eagle.

The author is wrong. Among the military personnel awarded the Order of Lenin in 1941 there was never the commander of the artillery battery, Lieutenant Ivanyan Suren Avetisovich, but the commander of the artillery battery of the 59th light artillery regiment of the 30th Irkutsk Rifle Division, Ivanyan Christopher Ivanovich. Units of the 30th Division in November 1941 were located 60 kilometers from the city of Shakhty.

Order of the Red Star No. 164583– 04/24/1942 – Order under 56A No. 3032/n.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 17, 1943, for exemplary command of the division and the personal courage and heroism shown, Colonel Vasily Fedorovich Gladkov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 2180). Since 1957, Major General V.F. Gladkov is in reserve. Lived in Moscow. Died on August 18, 1981.

Order of Lenin No. 13901 Decree of the PVS of the USSR dated November 18, 1943.

Order of Suvorov 3rd class. No. 8963 – 06/10/1944. UPA Order No. 0345/n.

Since December 1943, Andrei Antonovich Grechko has been the commander of the 1st Guards Army, which participated in the Zhitomir-Berdichev, Proskurovo-Chernivtsi, Lviv-Sandomierz, West Carpathian, Moravian-Ostrava and Prague operations. In 1955 he was awarded a higher education degree military rank"Marshal of the Soviet Union."

Mikhail Ilyich Koldubov, Guard Major General, commander of the 128th Guards Turkestan Red Banner Mountain Rifle Division from 09/25/1943 to 03/11/1948.

Order of the Red Banner No. 85601 - 07/05/1945. Etc. 18A No. 072

Czechoslovak War Cross 1939-1945 (Československý válečný kříž 1939-1945), a military award of the Czechoslovak Republic, established to reward military personnel who took part in the battles of World War II. The cross has one degree and is awarded once. On December 20, 1940, the government of Czechoslovakia in exile, based in London, adopted decision No. 4/1941 on the establishment of the Military Cross, similar to the Military Cross of 1918, in order to reward citizens and military personnel participating in the liberation of the territory of Czechoslovakia from the Nazi invaders. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia, the decree establishing the cross was approved on January 26, 1946, and subsequently supplemented by decree No. 30/1949 of January 18, 1949, after which it was included in the award system of Czechoslovakia until 1992.

When writing this article, we used materials from Internet resources, documents and photographs kindly provided by Ivanyan Kh.I’s wife, Lidia Iosifovna Ivanyan, and data from her personal archive.

Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan (December 20, 1920, Tbilisi - August 30, 1999, St. Petersburg) - lieutenant general, Soviet, Armenian and Artsakh military leader, one of the architects and founders of the NKR Defense Army. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), twice recipient of the Order of Lenin, recipient of the Order of the Red Star.

With the beginning of the military phase of the Karabakh conflict, he came from Leningrad to Nagorno-Karabakh. In the period from 1992 to 1997, he was an adviser to the chairman of the NKR Self-Defense Committee, then he was appointed 1st deputy commander of the NKR JSC, then commander of the formation and then - first deputy minister of defense of the NKR. For the courage and courage shown in battles, he was awarded the Order of the Battle Cross, 1st degree.

Christopher Ivanovich Ivanyan was born in 1920, on December 20 in Tbilisi. After graduating from the Tbilisi Artillery School in 1938, he served as a platoon commander in the North Caucasus Military District. During the Second World War, as part of Soviet troops took an active part in the battles, reaching Czechoslovakia. Twice Order Bearer of the Order of Lenin, Order Bearer of the Red Star. He graduated from World War II in Prague as a 25-year-old colonel, chief of artillery of the 128th Infantry Division. Then there were a variety of military positions and places of service, the rank of major general.
1941 August-1942 April - commander of the 59th light artillery regiment. He was the first to take the blow of German aggression.
1942 - Captain.
06/28/1941 - Commander of the 76th Marine Brigade of the 36th Army.
In 1943-1944. - 195th mountain mortar regiment.
In 1944 - July 1944 - artillery commander of the 318th mountain rifle division. Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree.
In 1944-1945. Chief of Artillery of the 128th Infantry Division. "Czechslovak Cross".
In 1946-1949. studied at the Frunze Military Academy, 1949-1952. served as chief of staff of the corps. In 1952-1955. continued his service in Germany, leading an artillery regiment.
In 1955-1956. studied at the Moscow Academy General Staff. In 1956-1958 was the commander of a separate brigade in Germany.
In 1958 returned to Soviet Union. He held various army positions in the cities of the former Union. He was dismissed in 1978 “due to age” from the post of commander of the missile and artillery troops of the Trans-Baikal Military District. In fact, Ivanyan was fired for refusing to sign a document testifying to the important role of L.I. Brezhnev in the operation to liberate Kerch in 1944, for which Ivanyan himself deservedly received the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree. And they collected signatures of veteran generals of the Great Patriotic War on the eve of awarding Brezhnev the Order of Victory in the same 1978, which was awarded to only a few people, including Joseph Stalin and Georgy Zhukov.

By the beginning of the Karabakh war, military pensioner Ivanyan lived in Leningrad. IN Once again Having watched with disbelief a television news broadcast that talked about the situation in Karabakh, Khristofor Ivanovich boldly determines his future fate.
In 1992, the 72-year-old major general went to Krasnodar to discuss with his comrades, the Armenians, the idea of ​​going to Artsakh and helping his people. However, they refused to discuss such an idea, and Christopher Ivanovich went to Yerevan alone, where he met with the RA Defense Ministry Vazgen Sargsyan. From there they immediately went to Artsakh, where Ivanyan got acquainted with the situation. The minister offered 70-year-old Ivanyan a position in the Armenian Ministry of Defense - however, Ivanyan was decisive: he remains in Artsakh. An extremely strict and demanding man, he was amazed by the skill of the fidayeen volunteers in military affairs. However, much had to be changed in order to create a professional army. Rigidity, exactingness, enormous knowledge and experience of the Great Patriotic War helped Ivanyan create the most professional army in the region - the Artsakh Defense Army.

1992-1993 - Advisor to the Chairman of the NKR Self-Defense Forces Committee.
1993-1994 - First Deputy Commander of the NKR Defense Army. Lieutenant General of the Artsakh Defense Army. "Combat Cross" of the NKR, 1st degree.
1995-1996 - Commander of the newly created mountain artillery brigade.
1997 January-June - Deputy Minister of Defense of the NKR.
Since 1997, due to health reasons, he leaves for St. Petersburg, where he undergoes an intensive course of treatment.
On August 30, 1999, Khristofor Ivanovich died. Thanks to Ivanyan’s efforts, brilliant operations were carried out and large territories were liberated. He personally controlled the progress of army construction, severely punishing those who did not carry out his instructions, up to a 10-day arrest in Shusha prison. On his order, a huge amount of enemy equipment was removed from the battlefield, which was repaired and used by the Artsakh Defense Army.

Ivanyan's experience in the Patriotic War of 1941-1945. helped to apply military tricks, thanks to which the number of casualties on the battlefield was reduced. Ivanyan personally took part in combat operations (he was seriously injured when his car hit a mine), created an artillery training center through which thousands of soldiers and officers went. After the Karabakh war, Lieutenant General Ivanyan commanded one of the brigades of the Armenian army for some time, being the oldest officer in the army and having retired at the age of 80. He held the positions of commander of the training regiment of the NKR JSC, division commander, and first deputy minister of defense of the NKR. In 2000, a settlement and a military sports lyceum in Nagorno-Karabakh were named after him. September 1, 2000 For exceptional services in organizing the defense of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, demonstrated courage and personal bravery, he was posthumously awarded the highest title of the NKR “Hero of Artsakh”, becoming a holder of the Order of the Golden Eagle.

1992 օրն ւրգում երեկոն իջավ անամպ ու խաղաղ... Սակայն՝ ոչ բոլորի համար եւ ոչ բոլո րի հոգում... cords News թողարկմանը։ cordial The Հեռուստածրագրի ազդականչից պրկվում էր մարմինը, լարվում էր ծերունու ուշադրությունը։ Հրաղորդավարի խոսքը թարմ էր, իսկ տեսակադրերը ծամծմված ու արդեն որերո րդ անգամ կրկնվող։ cordial ունը, ոչ թե նրա համար, որ ձեռնտու չէր, այլ զուրկ էր հավաստիության տարր երից։ իրականում տեղի էր ունենում Լեռ նային Ղարաբաղում եւ նրա շուրջ։ cordial որbedding ւմ ու Բաքվում տեղի ունեցած ջարդերը, չէր խոսվում հայաթափված Գետաշենի Եւ Հադրութի շրջանի գյուղերի մասին, անտեսվում էր շրջափակման մեջ հայտ նված երկրամասի ծանր կացությունը, Ստեփանակերտն անընդհատ ներկայացվու մ էր «Խանքենդի › ցվում ապատեղեկատվությունների հարահոս մի շղթա… թե քրկեշտ անձնավորության, անչափ դժվար էր հ ????????????????????? ոշելու պետական ​​քաղաքականության հետ։ Ներքին անհանգստությունը վերաճեց անբացատրելի պահանջիbed թանալ դեպքերի իսկությանը... 1992-ի հունիսի սկզբին Կրասնոդարում նա հանդիպ եց համագնդեցին։ cordial cords cordial ու տեղրգացման ընթացքին։ Զրbedding ակուսանքի տեղիք տվեց, ոմանք անգամ մտածեցին, որ ծերունին հասակի հետ կետ պւնի ծ Երեւան մեկնեց մենմենակ...

ք. Ստեփանակերտ Վալերի ԿԱՐԱՊԵՏՅԱՆ, գնդապետ

cordial. Ամենեւին: Քրիստափոր Իվանովիչն աշխատում էր համարյա շուրջօրյա եւ նու յնն էլ պահանջում էր իր ենթականերից: Ամենքը չէ, որ կարողանում էին դիմա օրը գտագործել առավելագույն արդյունավետությամբ: Նա միշտ շտապում էր: Նա մ ոտավորապես այսպես էր ասում.« Ես միայն հիմա հասկացա, թե ով է իմ ժողովուրդը, թե ինչպիսի ժողովրդի ներկա յացուցիչն եմ ես հանդիսանում, իսկ ինքս իմ ամբողջ կյանքի ընթացքում այդ ժողովրդի համար ոչինչ չեմ արել եւ հիմա պետք է անեմ այն, ինչ կարողանու մ եմ անել»: Քրիստափոր Իվանյանը սիրում էր ղարաբաղցիներին: Նա զարմանում էր մեր ժողովրդի այնպիսի հատկանիշներով, ինչպիսիք են համբե The information երbedding ակ, երբ մենք լավ ու արժանավայել կյանքով կապրենք: Նա 72 տարեկանում՝ ուշիմ երեխայի ջան ասիրությամբ սովորում էր հայերեն այբուբենը եւ հպարտանում, որ ինքը հայ Yes cordial իրել Հայրենիքը , cordial տեսնում ենք այն հեռատես քաղաքականության արդյունքները, որ Քրիստափոր 1992 The եւ փաստորեն ղեկավարում հրետանին: Նրանց թվում են ՊԲ հրետանու պետը, զորամասերի հրամանատարներ, դիվիզիոնների հրամանատարն եր, ակադեմիական դասընթացների մի շարք ունկնդիրներ: Գեներալ Իվանյանի News ն պատրաստություն են անցնում մեր զինվորներն ու սպաները, Եւ դժվար է պատ կերացնել, թե ինչ մակարդակի վրա կլիներ մեր բանակի մարտական ​​պատ-րաստակ անությունն ու մարտունակությունը, News information փ ե ինչպես պետք է ծառայել հարազատ ժողովրդին ու Հայրենիքին: Որպես գենե ?????? թրծված մարդ, ես անսահման ուրախ եմ եւ հպարտ, որ այսօր գեներալ Իվանյան ի հուշարձանի մոտ Հայրենիքին հավատարմորեն ծառայելու երդում են տալիս Note:

(Սենոր Հասրաթյան, "Գեներալ Իվանյան")