How to make a project on the topic of ecology. Project work “City ecology. Specifics of educational processes

Ecological project

Children age 6 years

Number of children – 10

Compiled by:

Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

Teacher 1 to k.

Lobva village


Ecological project «

Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


1. Relevance of the project

2.Goals and objectives

3.Implementation stages

4.Expected results

5. Application


Project type:

By content: child and nature conservation

Project participants: children - teachers - parents

By number of participants: collective




1.Relevance of the problem

Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem”, we have developedproject “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

2. Project goal:

Project objectives:

3. Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

2. Drawing up a long-term plan for the project“We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”on the formation of environmental education;

Stage 2 - organizational

5. 6.

educational reading;

publication of an environmental newspaper;

Stage 4 – final

4. Expected results


Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

Appendix 2.

« We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage



Excursions along the streets of the village. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activities"Making New Paper"

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Parents, children, parents

Teacher, children

Teacher, children, parents

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children


Teacher, children


« New life unnecessary things"

Teacher, children, parents


Teacher, children


Teacher, children, parents

Appendix 3.




Balloon experience


Subject: « »


9. Games.

1. "What did I see?"

2. "Tell me about the subject"

3. “What’s extra?”

4. "Guess the material"

5. "Good bad"

6. "Find Friends"

7 . "Vice versa"

8. "What from what"

Equipment. Ball.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Novolyalinsky urban district “Kindergarten No. 15 “Beryozka”

Ecological project

Topic: “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

Children age 6 years

Number of children – 10

Compiled by:

Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

Teacher 1 to k.

Lobva village


Environmental project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


1. Relevance of the project

2.Goals and objectives

3.Implementation stages

4.Expected results

5. Application


Project type: information and research

Project participants:children - teachers - parents

By number of participants: collective

By duration of the project: short

Problem: nature conservation, an attempt to solve the “garbage problem”

Hypothesis: If household waste is sorted into groups, then each of them can be recycled for reuse without harm to environment. Or maybe garbage can be given a “second life”?

1.Relevance of the problem

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and environmental positions of the individual are formed.

The ecological and social situation of today confronts preschool education specialists with the task of finding universal means environmental education in modern conditions. One of such means, in our opinion, may be an environmental project, one of the few technologies that takes the teacher beyond the walls of the kindergarten into the world around us and social reality.

Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem,” we developed the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

2. Project goal:

to develop children's knowledge about various different types nature protection activities. (In the process of deepening and expanding children’s knowledge about household waste and their properties, to form an environmental culture and respect for nature)

Project objectives:

Give children an idea of ​​the types of household waste and their properties.

To give children an idea of ​​the dangers of household waste in human life and living organisms.

To clarify children’s ideas about the main sources of land, water, air pollution, its consequences, and measures to prevent pollution.

Find ways to use recycled waste material resources.

Develop an environmental culture.

The motto of the “Young Nature Defenders” team:

“The village is our home, don’t litter in it!”

3. Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

Objective of the stage: analysis of the situation; determination of its main goals: the formation of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

1. Collection of literary sources, studying the experience of other educational institutions, drawing up a theoretical concept;

2. Drawing up a long-term activity plan for the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!” on the formation of environmental education;

3. Systematization and design didactic materials in accordance with the project plan;

Stage 2 - organizational

The task of the stage: creating an ecological environment in the group, involving parents in the upcoming creative work in an innovative mode;

1. Conduct a block of environmentally oriented children’s activities to study the properties and qualities of materials: glass, plastic, metal, paper, rubber.

2. Introduce children to the problem of environmental pollution from household waste;

3. Develop skills in environmentally literate behavior of the younger generation. 4.Create a presentation: “The Complaint Book of Nature”; 5. Develop a consultation and newspaper for parents “Touch nature with your heart”; 6. Preparing parents for work;

Stage 3 – practical activities

Objectives of the stage: the formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning of the foundations of environmental education through the following forms of activity:

parent survey (Appendix 1)

observations and ecological excursions along the streets of the village, near the kindergarten;

presentation, slide show;

educational reading;

children's activity “New life for unnecessary things”

laboratory (experiments and experiments);

publication of an environmental newspaper;

theme day “Magical ecology of the soul”;

Ecological, mobile, didactic games; holding the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things”

Stage 4 – final

Objectives of the stage: generalization of experience and determination of the result of the practical activities of teachers - round table “Our results”.

4. Expected results

Direct participation of parents and children in organizing various environmental events

Increasing the level of knowledge among parents and children about the ecology of their hometown, region, and nature conservation

Landscaping and decoration of a kindergarten site using “household waste”

Creation of wall newspapers, leaflets and photo albums during the project

Creation of the “Native Nature” card index

Involving parents to participate as much as possible in the environmental education of children

Awareness by children and adults of the importance of nature conservation, environmentally appropriate behavior in the environment, and not littering it.


Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. What waste accumulates the most in your family per week?

2. Do you sort waste for recycling?

3. How do you dispose of waste (incineration, trash cans, etc.)

4. Do you use scrap materials for crafts with kids and designs for your yard?

5. Do you know why household waste is dangerous?

6. Do you talk to children about the dangers of household waste?

7. How do you deal with waste from various nature walks?

8. Do you use environmental literature in your family?

9. Do you involve your children in cleaning the area around your home?

10. Do you teach your children to pick up trash after themselves?

11. What information would you like to know about household waste?

12. Are you satisfied with the organization of household waste disposal in our village?

Your suggestions for waste disposal in our village.

Appendix 2.

Long-term project implementation plan« We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbageExcursions along the streets of the village. 1. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activity “Making new paper” 2. Conversation "Help nature." Familiarize children with the properties of plastic.Teacher, children 3. Green patrol "Clean area of ​​the kindergarten." Familiarize children with the properties of metal objects.Teacher, children 4. Screening of the presentation “Nature’s Complaint Book”. Introducing children to the properties of rubber.Teacher, children 5. Thematic day “Magical Ecology of the Soul”. Eenvironmental campaign “My Clean Yard”. Photo newspaper “This shouldn’t happen!”Parents, children, parents 6. Introducing children to the properties of glass. Didactic games.Teacher, children 7. Experimental activity “Sorting out the garbage”, “Garbage in the ground”, “How the wind carries garbage”.Teacher, children, parents 8. GCD “Garbage – is it good or bad?”Teacher, children 9. Publication of an environmental newspaper for parents “Touch Nature with Your Heart”Teacher, children 10 NOD “It’s better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!” Making environmental signs by children.Teacher, children 11. Rules of behavior in nature. Release of the poster “Take care of nature!”Teacher, children 12. "New life for unnecessary things"- work in a creative workshop, making crafts from waste materialsTeacher, children, parents 13. Nature excursion to the Shkolnik springTeacher, children 14. Opening of the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things.” Ecological quiz “Nature around us” based on the knowledge gained from children and parents.Teacher, children, parents

Appendix 3.

1. Thematic games and observations.

Observation. For several days, point out to your children that we throw out trash every day. Where does he go? Do children throw anything out of apartment buildings? What do their parents do with the garbage? How do you deal with waste in kindergarten? Is it possible to see trash in the vicinity of the kindergarten? Where does it come from? Are there trash cans and trash cans near the garden?

While walking along an ecological trail or excursion, check if there is any garbage there. In what places is it most abundant and why? Draw the children's attention to how beautiful uncluttered areas are and how unpleasant it is to visit places where people have not cleaned up after themselves.

2. Familiarization with the properties of paper.

Goal: to experimentally establish the properties and quality of paper. Introduce children to types of paper.

Consideration of different types of paper and its purpose (cardboard, tracing paper, corrugated, writing, wrapping, newspaper, for drawing);

Study of the properties and qualities of paper (thin, thick, smooth, rough, opaque, translucent (tracing paper); wrinkles, tears, gets wet, bends, burns);

D/i “Getting into character” (I am paper – a child’s description of the type of paper and its purpose).Experience. "Making new paper."

1. Children tear the paper into small pieces and put it in a bowl of water.Cover the basin with oilcloth. Let the paper soak.

2. On the second day, beat the paper pulp with a mixer, add white or colored paint, a little wallpaper glue and strain the resulting mixture through a metal mesh with small cells.

3. The water will drain and spread the remaining paper mass evenly on a cloth napkin. Cover it with another napkin and place something heavy on top.

4. After two or three days the paper will dry. Iron it with an iron and we will draw on it.

3. “Introduction to the properties of plastics”

Target: Introduce children to plastics. Teach children to draw conclusions.

D/i “How are these objects similar” (all objects are made of plastic);

Examination of objects of different shapes, colors, sizes made of plastic (conclusion - plastic is light, different objects can be cast from it);

Experimental and practical activity: plastic is light, does not sink in water, bends. Not transparent, smooth and rough, thin and thick, has thermal conductivity - in the cold it cools, in the heat it heats up and melts;

D/i “Tell about the object” (description of a plastic object).

4. “Introduction to the properties of metal objects”

Target: Introduce objects made of different metals and the properties of metal objects of different types of metals (ferrous metal, aluminum, copper, non-ferrous metal - foil).

Examination of metal objects;

An adult's story about different types of metal;

Experimental and practical activities:

metal - durable, heavy, shiny, smooth, sinks (regardless of size), attracted by a magnet;

5. “Introduction to the properties of rubber”

Target: Introduce the properties of rubber.

D/i “What is the object made of” (classification by material);

Inspection of objects made of rubber (elastic, smooth, cold, cut, thin and thick (tires);

Balloon experience

Does not allow air and water to pass through, does not sink in water, and is pierced.

D/i “Find rubber toys.”

6. “Introduction to the properties of glass”

Target: introduce children to the properties of glass:

transparent, smooth, cold, fragile, ringing, thick, thin, waterproof.

Experimentally and practically study the properties of glass:

Introduce the history of glass creation.

Consider glass products;

Find glass objects in the group;

Experimentally study the properties of glass.

Tactile examinations (cold, smooth, rough, thin, thick, ridged).

Experimental activity (waterproof, glass makes sound, fragile.)

Children's discussion on the topic: “What can be made from waste glass products”

7. Conducting a long experiment: “Garbage in the ground.”

Bury objects made of glass, plastic, rubber, paper, metal, as well as food waste (potato peelings, orange peelings), leaves and small branches into the ground. Mark the burial site.

After a certain period of time, check the condition of the materials. Note the result of exposure to sun, rain, soil.

Record your observations with your children. At the end of the experiment, draw a conclusion about what material and waste has decomposed in the soil and what people need to do with solid waste to protect the environment.

8. Direct educational activities

Subject: " It's better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!»

Target: To develop skills in environmental education of children.

The teacher's story about the rules of behavior in nature. Familiarization with environmental protection signs (you cannot throw garbage into the river, in the forest; pollute the soil; throw garbage in undesignated places). Summarize the experiment and observations of food waste.

Making environmental signs by children. In the future, if possible, place them near a river, pond, kindergarten (on an excursion);

Establishing a rule: sort group waste (two trash bins: one to collect scrap toys, the other to collect paper scraps that need to be disposed of in compost pits).

9. Games.

1. “What did I see?”

Purpose: to train children in recognizing objects made from different materials; develop memory, attention, observation.

Move. The teacher offers to play a game and asks the question: “What metal (fabric, plastic, glass) did you see on the way to kindergarten?” The one who names the most items wins.

2."Tell me about the subject"

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the materials from which objects are made.

Equipment: a cube with images of types of materials on the sides.

Move. Each child throws a cube and catches it; what material falls out, he talks about it. The remaining players control the correct determination of the properties and quality of the material.

3. “What’s extra?”

Goal: to teach to identify common features of objects; consolidate knowledge about types of materials; develop mindfulness.

Equipment: cards with images of four objects, three of which are made from one material, and one from another.

Move. The teacher distributes several cards. Children take turns identifying the extra object, the material of which does not correspond to the material of the other three, and explaining why.

Complication. After the child has identified the extra object, ask the question: “What will happen if the vase is made of fabric?” and so on.

4."Guess the material"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials and their names.

Move. Dunno comes to visit, he forgot the name of the materials, but only knows their properties. He asks for help. For example, this material is easily wrinkled, torn, and soaked in water. What is it called?

5. “Good and bad”

Goal: to activate the ability to determine the properties and quality of materials, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the characteristics of the material and its purpose.

Move. The teacher names the material, the children identify its positive and negative features.

6. "Find Friends"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects from a given material.

Move. The teacher names the object, and the children draw objects made from the same material.

7. "Vice versa"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials, expand the child’s vocabulary.

Move. Children stand in a circle. The teacher names the material and one property or quality. The child responds by naming another material and its opposite property (plastic is opaque, glass is transparent).

8. “What from what”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the materials from which objects are made.

Equipment. Ball.

Move. Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands in a circle, throws the ball to the child and says: “glass,” the child catches the ball and answers, “glass.”

Environmental project “Atmosphere - fresh air»

slide 1
Teacher-methodologist Tkachenko T.V.
- Environmental education;
- Involving students in environmental activities;
- Formation of an active personality.

- Familiarize yourself with the sources of air pollution;
- Study the impact of pollutants on human health;
- Consider methods of combating air pollution;
- Make a feasible contribution to the fight for cleanliness atmospheric air.

The modern environmental crisis can be characterized by numerous quantitative indicators. It is known that over the last century the population has more than quadrupled and exceeded 7 billion people. But compared to population growth, human consumption natural resources is growing at an even more rapid pace: in 2005, the consumption of materials increased 10 times compared to 1900, and energy consumption 15 times. Such high rates of use of natural resources have led to the fact that humans exploit more than 55% of land and about 13% of river waters, and the rate of deforestation reaches 18 million hectares per year. As a result of territory development, mining, desertification, and soil salinization, humanity annually loses more than 50 thousand square meters. km of land suitable for agricultural use, which further increases the problem of providing food for a growing population. Examples negative influence economic activity human impact on the environment goes on and on.
Overcoming the environmental crisis is associated primarily with the spiritual improvement of society, with the transition to new principles of relationships between man and nature, to new system human values ​​and intelligently limiting human needs to a reasonable level. Society is interested in developing an ecological worldview among all its members, which is based on the awareness of the need to preserve the optimal natural environment for life, that is, the biosphere.
The possibility of human survival depends on how it restores the natural environment across most of the planet. The most important task of humanity is not only to reduce environmental pollution, but also to preserve the natural biota of the planet, both on land and within the World Ocean, to preserve and recreate biological diversity. In the third millennium, the new philosophy of human life should be the understanding that he is part of a single human family, a planetary brotherhood, with a high ecological culture, which is based on knowledge and observance of the laws of development of the biosphere. We must realize that civilization arose in the biosphere, is part of it and cannot exist in isolation. Ecological culture involves understanding the laws of development and stability of the biosphere, knowledge of the laws and principles of biotic regulation of the environment, maintaining the stability of the natural environment by natural biological groups of the biosphere.
This philosophy provides for the need to solve such global problems as preserving the survivors and restoring numerous deformed ecosystems to the level of natural productivity, rationalizing consumption, greening production, and stabilizing the population. The main factor that should help in solving the noted problems should be a conscious person with developed environmental thinking.
In order to preserve the biosphere for future generations, an ecological person must correct the age-old mistake of communicating with nature, which was based on a consumer attitude and the desire to conquer it. To implement an ecological approach to the development of relationships between society and nature, it is necessary to prepare specially trained and environmentally educated professionals in various spheres of human activity, creating a holistic system of environmental education aimed at organizing the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ecology. This is especially true for Ukraine with its threatening state of the environment.

One of important tasks Education is the cultivation of environmental awareness among students, preparing them to solve real-life problems, developing a sense of responsibility, social activity, independence, as well as acquiring deep, comprehensive knowledge. To prepare environmentally competent specialists and to cultivate active citizenship among young people, studying theory is not enough. An important part of study and education is to involve students in solving those problems that are relevant to our city.
For example, this could be participation in an environmental project. Participation in itself is development. The goal of development is to be free and able to make choices and decisions, to be a competent, responsible person, to be able to self-determinate and self-realize, and to make informed conclusions about the state of the environment. The awareness that big things begin with small actions (a planted tree) contributes not only to specific actions, but also to the acquisition of positive experience of social participation.
Attracting students to active work should be the first step for them to realize that even a small social group of conscious citizens can make a real contribution to solving important world problems, change the state of our planet for the better, starting from their small homeland, their hometown.
Taking as a basis the need to implement the above statements, I decided to start working on the environmental project “Clean Air in the Atmosphere”, adding to the study of theoretical material the practical activities of students aimed at in-depth study of the problems of the atmosphere and the feasible struggle for its preservation. This is how the environmental project appeared. First, second and third year students of the specialty “Applied Ecology” and second year students of the specialty “Mineral Processing” were involved in its implementation.


Project goals:
- formation of a personality that is capable of consciously, creatively, and actively influencing the world around them;
- instilling in students initiative, independence, and self-confidence;
- assistance in the formation of an active life position;
- implementation of educational work in the field of ecology;
- involving students in practical activities to solve environmental problems of local importance.

Project objectives:
Familiarize students with:
- with sources and types of air pollution, including in Krivoy Rog;
- negative phenomena and processes that occur in the atmosphere due to its pollution;
- the impact of pollutants on the environment and human health;
- measures to protect air from pollution;
- Law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air.

Teach students:
- independently study the material with the help of textbooks, additional literature, media, electronic manuals and video materials;
- explore environmental problems and determine your attitude towards them;
- work creatively, individually and in a group;
- plan your activities;
- implement your action plan in practice;
- contact with representatives of various organizations, the media, citizens;
- present the results of your own activities and evaluate them.

Implementation methods

The environmental project is based on the methodology of pedagogical cooperation and interactive teaching methods:
- search work; - research work;
- observation; - individual and group cooperation;
- brainstorm; - work with statistical materials;
- analysis of situations; - pyramid (circle) of ideas or decision tree;
- take a position; - formulation of a problem situation;
- support diagrams; - elements of training, testing;
- express questionnaire; - independent work;
- use of original songs and poetry (suggestive learning);
- use of information technology;

Organization of activities
First, second, third year students of the specialty “Applied Ecology” and second year students of the specialty “Mineral Processing” are taking part in the implementation of the project. As part of the environmental project, experience is gained educational activities in the field of ecology. Students collaborate in pairs, groups, and complete individual assignments.
The duration of the project is from October to May inclusive. It covers the territory of the Ingulets microdistrict, Shirokoe town, village. Green. Both the actual preparation of students and their potential capabilities and individual abilities were taken into account.

Adult help
This form of student activity requires qualified and constant assistance from a teacher who acts as a supervisor and advisor. Parents, representatives of the city’s environmental service, and sanitation station employees are also involved in the project, who take part in the project as consultants and experts.

The teacher helps in :
- planning activities;
- choosing the best ways to solve the problem;
- forecasting performance results;
- acquiring experience in business communication;
- comparison of the results obtained with the planned ones;
- searching for sources of information;
- objective assessment of activities.

Other adults help with:
- collecting materials;
- processing of statistical data;
- analysis of information.

Expected results of the project:
- growth of environmental consciousness;
- active citizenship;

Knowledge of atmospheric problems that arose under the influence of anthropogenic factors, including in our city;
- knowledge of measures to combat air pollution;
- knowledge of the Air Protection Law;
- planting seedlings of Crimean pine and oak in Shirokovsky forestry;
- awareness of the need for environmental choice;
- understanding the value and uniqueness of the natural environment, attitude towards nature as a living being;
- the ability to find the right solutions to improve the environmental situation;
- ability to compare opportunities and interests;
- skills of effective communication, participation in society;
- skills in mastering the methodology of conducting business meetings;
- dissemination of environmental knowledge among city residents;
- growth of independence, initiative, development of creative thinking;
- development of creative abilities.

In the process of working on the project, students develop skills and practical abilities, namely:
- creative thinking (ability to evaluate different sources information from a critical angle, distinguish true information, overcome stereotypes and prejudices, find innovative ways to solve problems);
- cooperation skills (the ability to cooperate with other participants in the process of overall completion of tasks and finding ways out of problem situations);
- long-term vision, development of imagination (the ability to imagine a more favorable state of the environment in the future and the desire to improve it);
- tolerance (skills for balanced problem solving);
- social activity (effective cooperation with city residents); - communication skills (mastering the culture of communication, language ethics, enriching vocabulary);
- understanding that one big business consists of many small ones, and each person can influence global processes.

Project motivation:
- the possibility of creative self-realization;
- awareness of one’s own need for activities aimed at protecting and preserving nature;
- a sense of responsibility for one’s civic position;
- the possibility of improving the environmental situation, the beauty of nature;
- awareness of the importance of nature protection and conservation;
- understanding the connection between human health and environmental factors;
- obtaining satisfaction from successfully achieving a goal.


First stage. Preparatory

Studying environmental problems and choosing a problem for the project
The purpose of this stage is identification by students of the problem for the implementation of the project and its main issues.
Through discussion, students identified the problem that is most relevant for our city, interesting and accessible for implementation - air pollution and measures aimed at combating it. The project was called “Clean Air for the Atmosphere”.
slide 2

The teacher helps students:
- understand the relevance of the selected problem;
- introduces students to the essence of design technology, explains the nature of the work, its purpose;
- motivates students to further activities through the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary in life (to do a good job, to be a conscious citizen, to conduct educational and practical work aimed at improving the environmental situation).

The high-quality implementation of the project largely depends on the previous training and competence of students, that is, the presence of certain knowledge and skills, as well as their desire to work actively.
In order to prepare students for future activities, it is advisable to determine the range of questions for collecting information:
- negative processes in the atmosphere of the planet, their causes and manifestations;
- sources of air pollution in our city;
- main air pollutants and their impact on the environment and human health;
- measures to combat air pollution, including in our city;
- possible activities aimed at making one’s own contribution to solving problems.

Second phase. Studying the problem

The goal of the work at this stage is collection of information that characterizes the problem in many ways and proves its relevance.

To do this you need:
- identify possible sources of information;
- determine the territory of the project;
- choose methods of research and information search;
- share responsibilities regarding the collection and processing of information;
- divide into research groups;
- familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting information;
- become familiar with the technology of conducting surveys and questionnaires. slide 3

- sources of information should be diverse (libraries, editorial offices of the newspapers “Pulse of the Region”, “Krasny Miner”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik”, the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental service of PRJSC “INGOC”, the sanitary station, the Internet, etc.);
- critical analysis and comparison of information from different sources;

Third stage. Information analysis. Selection of areas of activity

The purpose of the stage is determine a way to solve a problem, choose forms and methods of work, plan activities.

A list of things that need to be done during the project is compiled.
These cases were:
1. Writing and distributing leaflets and appeals to city residents:
- an explanation of the harmfulness of burning garbage and fallen leaves for the state of the atmosphere;
- drawing attention to the problem of cutting down coniferous trees for the New Year holidays;
- promotion of smoking cessation;
- a call to make efforts to green the city;
- appeal to drivers to adjust car engines in accordance with environmental requirements.
2. Exhibition of artificial Christmas trees.
3. Writing letters of environmental content to the editorial office of the newspapers “Pulse of the Region”, “Krasny Gornyak”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik” and the college newspaper “Gornyachok” for the purpose of their publication.
4. Social survey of the population in order to identify the level of their environmental literacy;
5. Counting the number of students who smoke, determining the extent of the harm they cause to the atmosphere and health, communicating information to college students (wall newspaper "Molniya").
6. Establishing contact with representatives of the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental department of PJSC “INGOC”, and the station’s health department in order to obtain information and invite them to participate in the project.
7. Search for people interested in improving the environmental situation and inviting them to participate in the project.
8. Establishing contact with Shirokovsky forestry and offering assistance during forest planting (in spring).
9. Taking part in landscaping the city and college (in spring).
10. Familiarization with the law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air.
11. Publishing a wall newspaper on the topic of the project for the purpose of using it during ecology week.
12. Creation of a wall newspaper “Ecological Leisure” on the topic of the project.
13. Study, analysis and preparation of theoretical material for conducting open classes and conferences.
14. Creating presentations.
15. Conducting an open lesson “Problems of the atmosphere and ways to solve them.”
16. Conducting a conference on the topic “Problems of the atmosphere of Krivbass”.
17. Speeches to students of schools 114, 127 and college students based on project materials in order to increase their environmental awareness.

Fourth stage. Our actions. Solution

Purpose of the stage: the stage involves the implementation of the chosen course of action
method of organizing relevant events:

slide 4
- writing and distributing postcards and messages to city residents on the topic of the project;
- writing letters to the editors of the newspapers “Puls of the Region”, “Krasny Gornyak”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik”, the college newspaper “Gornyachok”;
- surveying residents of Ingulets in order to identify the level of environmental literacy of the population, analysis of questionnaires;
- counting the number of students who smoke, determining the extent of the harm they cause to the atmosphere and their own health, communicating information to college students;
- establishing contact with representatives of the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental department of PJSC "INGOC", the station's sanatorium, in order to obtain information and invite them to
participation in a conference dedicated to the issue of the ecological state of the city;
- familiarization with the law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air;
- creation of a wall newspaper “Ecological Leisure” on the topic of the project;
- creating presentations and an electronic version of the newspaper for the purpose of posting them on the Internet on the college website.

Students distributed appeals and environmental leaflets to city residents, posted leaflets, and conducted surveys.

Fifth stage. Project presentation

Purpose of the stage: - processing and registration of project results:
- presentation of the results of the work performed during summing up;
- use of collected materials during the conference.

At this stage, the research is presented to a wide audience, except for those activities that should be carried out later (work in forestry, speeches to schoolchildren and students).
a) an open lesson “Atmospheric problems and their solutions” is held.

During an open lesson, students:
- speak, introducing the audience to the results of the study of the problem ( theoretical material);
- conduct training and testing;
- show presentations, create wall and electronic versions of the newspaper;
- perform original songs and poems written on the topic of the project;
- collect a folder with materials for the work performed;
- material from the newspaper “Ecological Leisure” is used to reserve time.

B) a regional conference is held on the topic “Environmental problems of our city”, in which students are invited to participate educational institutions I and II levels of accreditation of the Southern region, employees of the Krivoy Rog regional environmental inspection and the environmental department of the Ingulets mining and processing plant. At the conference, students make a report on the state of atmospheric air in our city and talk about activities aimed at combating air pollution.

Sixth stage. Practical

Participation in planting new forest areas in the Shirokovsky forestry and landscaping the territory of the college and city

Purpose of the stage: take direct personal part in greening the city and renewing the forest area.

This stage of the project was carried out in the spring by agreement with representatives of the Shirokovsky forestry and the landscaping workshop of PJSC "INGOC".

Seventh stage. Summarizing

slide 10
Project performance assessment

Purpose of the stage:
- research of public opinion on the relevance and feasibility of the project;
- evaluation of results, taking into account initial goals;
- generalization of the experience gained, identification of positive achievements and shortcomings;
- discussion, during which students had to evaluate the project activity as a whole and each person’s personal contribution to the common cause;
- reflection: impression of participation in the project.

Achievements Information
- planting seedlings in the Shirokovsky forestry; slide 11
- carrying out the campaigns “Save the Christmas tree”, “Don’t burn the leaves”, “Appeal to drivers”, “Environmental habits”; slides 5, 6, 7
- landscaping of the college grounds;
- conference on the ecological state of our city;
- establishing connections with employees of the Krivoy Rog State Environmental Inspectorate and the environmental department of PJSC “INGOC”;
- familiarization with the law “On the protection of atmospheric air”;
- publication of wall newspapers with environmental content;
- creation of presentations;
- writing poems and anthem for environmentalists;
- survey of the inhabitants of Ingulets; slides 8, 9
- propaganda healthy image life.

ANTHEM OF THE ECOLOGIST words and music Tkachenko T.V.
For our vulnerable planet,

Our planet is alone in space,
We still don’t know the second one,
And the blue of the sky and the depth of the sea,
Beautiful - we all understand that.
The expanse of forests and the rustle of steppe grasses,
And bird aerobatics are incredibly difficult,
We love them, only every year
Less and less – isn’t that alarming?
Beautiful mountains, rivers and fields,
The planet lovingly created them,
But the Earth is mortally wounded,
Stop, it’s not enough for you!
The sunset melts over Fukushima,
And the polar ice is silently melting,
The bell of Chernobyl rings the alarm,
Look closely - nature is dying!

Chorus: The ecologist is responsible for the whole world,
For our vulnerable planet,
And the alarmed ether hears a cry:
- Oh, humanity, where are you, where are you, where are you?
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Presentation on the topic: Environmental project “Clean air for the atmosphere”

  1. Justification of the relevance of the project

The socio-political and economic problems of modern society have led the school to revise a number of pedagogical positions, to rethink some aspects of the scientific, theoretical and practical system of education: without abandoning previous achievements in this area, we are forced to make changes to the educational process. In the Concept of General Environmental Education, modern general environmental education is considered as a humanities and natural science education aimed at developing in students the foundations of environmental education - environmental thinking and experience of environmentally oriented reflective-evaluative and project actions, activity-based means of entering the world of environmental culture and social values, self-determination in them, assessing their capabilities to participate in solving environmental problems, fulfilling their legal and moral responsibilities in the field of environmental protection, human health, and wasteful consumption of natural resources.

The strategic direction of general environmental education is the socialization of students, orientation in the system of moral categories of environmental ethics, familiarization with the cognitive culture of the environmental information society, in which information becomes a new environmental factor, development of the ecosystem cognitive model, education of environmental responsibility, formation of readiness to act and live in a fast changing conditions, accumulation of personal experience in applying acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations in order to ensure environmental safety, health, environmental quality and environmental quality of life.

In accordance with the Concept of School Development, the central place in the educational system is occupied by the formation of an ecological culture among students.

The school has accumulated a certain system of education. Positive experience has been accumulated in environmental education of students, joint activities of school teachers and parents, and a school-based system of additional education has been developed. There is a need to bring cumulative, positive experience into a coherent system that will make the education process continuous, and therefore more effective.
Providing personal and professional freedom to the teacher, the Project for Environmental Education of Schoolchildren outlines the main directions and forms of activity for the formation of a personality with an ecological culture and ecological thinking. The project is designed to unite all educational structures of the school that ensure the development of children, providing methodological support its implementation, as well as continuity in the education of students.

  1. The problem that the project aims to solve

The current complex environmental situation in the world and the increasing scale of anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment have brought humanity to the brink of survival. The ecological crisis is caused not only by the achievements of scientific and technological progress, but also by the crisis of personal morality associated with the loss of spiritual value guidelines in relation to nature. In this regard, the field of education is undergoing fundamental changes, the system-forming factor of renewal in which is environmental education, aimed at the formation of an environmental culture - the most important quality of the personality of a modern person.

In the new Federal State General Education Standard general education It is emphasized that the mechanism of transition to a new model of environmental education is a systemic activity education paradigm, providing for the targeted development of different spheres of the student’s personality through his mastery of universal educational activities(cognitive, communicative, regulatory and personal), as a means of implementing general developmental and general cultural directions of environmental education.

Knowledge creates a solid ideological basis in the development of an individual’s culture, but it acquires personal significance only in the process of activity, in the course of their practical application. Only in activity are experiences born that translate knowledge into environmental beliefs, the presence of which creates responsibility in relation to nature, human health and the socio-natural environment in general.

Thus, we can define an effective mechanism for developing key competencies for schoolchildren: environmental education –> formation of key competencies –> environmental culture.

3 .Analysis of the initial situation

Transition from the position of an outside observer to the position of a direct participant in all natural processes.

This is a set of activities that includes:

introducing ecology into the school curriculum;

conducting integrated lessons on different subjects;

development of individual environmental subtopics in different courses;

carrying out extracurricular activities;

socially significant and research projects;

participation in municipal, regional and all-Russian environmental competitions on ecology.

  1. Goal setting

Objective of the project : f Forming among schoolchildren a holistic ecological worldview and ethical values ​​in relation to nature through the greening of the educational process, instilling a caring attitude towards nature, towards the people around them, towards their own health and the formation of the field of competence of each child, allowing them to be successful, to help the self-determination of each child.

Project objectives:

  • Fill the educational space with environmental events and activities.
  • Provide children with models of real options for self-realization - places of ecological lifestyle.
  • To convey to children the importance of high-quality performance of any work and the importance of competence in the matter for which he is responsible, as a fundamental principle of caring for nature, resources, and people.
  • To provide an opportunity to feel the joy of participating in socially significant (environmental) activities (the joy of giving, not consuming)
  • To form and develop communication skills in children, the ability to work in a team to achieve specific goals, broaden the horizons of rural children, and increase their social activity.

Main directions of the project :

  1. Activities of the school site
  2. Ecodesant (river bank cleanup, cleanup work)
  3. Educational activities
  4. Educational activities

5 Activities of the school ecological society

6 Ecology of health

The main idea of ​​the project :

An ecological worldview is a caring, thoughtful and responsible attitude towards the world around us, towards people and their health. This is awareness and purity of thoughts. Man’s awareness of himself as a part of nature, part of society, awareness of his responsibility to them for his life activity determines the harmonious interaction of everyone with everything that exists around.

All this helps the child:

  1. be in a giving mood (I am happy to give to the world...)
  2. feel confident in your ability to create (I can...)
  3. self-determinate, i.e. determine for himself his place in life, the business that he likes. (I know why I'm here...)

The school’s active work in the field of ecology creates an educational space for the child that:

  • from the very beginning, it gives the child the opportunity to participate in meaningful projects (activities) with specific tasks and clear results that are understandable to the child.
  • is an example of a living environment (in this case we are talking about the school space that we create and the venues for school events that we choose) that is well made and thoughtful, contributing to the formation of an ecological worldview, the child’s interest, and his cognitive activity. It lays down the standard of quality and purity of anything on a subconscious level.
  • allows the child to interact with a wide range of adults and peers from diverse backgrounds social groups who understand the importance of caring for nature, people, and physical health.

The draft Federal State General Education Standard of the new (second) generation of general education (FSES) introduces a clear distinction between two fragments of a single fundamental core of the content of education - subject and meta-subject (activity). Subject content can be implemented through the greening of the content of school education.

Greening the educational process – transition from the position of an outside observer to the position of a direct participant in all natural processes.

  1. Expected results of the project:
  • Educational:
    • emotional and value-based attitude to the ecological environment of the school and village;
    • increasing students' cognitive interest in the general laws of nature and human existence, the desire to acquire a universal education and extensive practical-oriented environmental knowledge;
    • revitalization cognitive activity students;
    • involving students in practical activities;
    • formation in every child creative activity individuals with developed self-awareness;
    • involving children in socially significant activities, projects, and research.
  • Pedagogical:
    • the use of new technologies in the educational process that contribute to the formation of systemic knowledge, environmental thinking, and solving problematic environmental issues;
    • increasing the scientific level of environmental education, merging training and education into a single process, career guidance and labor education;
    • the interaction of project participants serves to form a humanization of the educational process;

To achieve the set goal and result, the following are set: tasks:

  • education of ecological culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren;
  • intensification of practical activities of environmentally oriented schoolchildren;
  • organizing systematic contacts of students with the natural environment, primarily through spring and autumn environmental workshops in science subjects in primary and secondary schools;
  • developing in schoolchildren an idea of ​​an active and healthy lifestyle;
  • promoting the moral, aesthetic and labor education of schoolchildren.
  • strengthen the role of additional environmental education, research activities of students in the environment;
  • involvement of all groups of students in project activities aimed at solving environmental problems of local society

For implementation, scientific, methodological and organizational and managerial support providing and assuming the following directions:

  • changing plans for educational work in the direction of strengthening the environmental component (pedagogical councils, production meetings, methodological associations etc.);
  • introduction of the fundamentals of environmental education;
  • improvement and testing of new pedagogical methods and environmental programs;
  • organize a course of lectures for students, teachers and parents on environmental ethics and global problems environment;
  • carry out the selection and preparation of gifted schoolchildren to participate in olympiads and competitions;
  • develop programs for extracurricular and extracurricular activities for students (ecological trails, excursions, school olympiads, role-playing games, environmental and local history work).
  1. Project structure and content

The structure of the program is determined by the mechanism for including separate sections on ecology in school subjects, as well as conducting integrated lessons.

System of environmental education and training at school

Educational process Educational work Additional education
ü Scientific level of information

ü Systematicity of the information presented

ü Integration of subject knowledge

ü Greening of theoretical educational material

ü Practical work, project activities students

Ø Thematic weeks

Ø Conferences, competitions, holidays, exhibitions of handicrafts, photo quizzes

Ø Educational work with students and parents

Ø Practical work on the school and village grounds: cleanup days, planting of seedlings.

v Excursions

v Research activities

v Research and educational activities

The implementation of subject and meta-subject environmental content can be carried out through the development of a model of environmental education, built on the basis of the continuity of increasingly complex model environmental situations of the region, taking into account the leading activities and mental characteristics of every age.

Continuity of the content of environmental education

Level of study Tasks Key Concepts Leading activity
Primary School Formation of experience of emotional and value empathy in problematic environmental situations, operating with moral categories, motivation to act in the interests of human health and life safety. Environmental safety rules.

Ecological culture. The connection between human health and the health of nature. Precaution. Careful (economical) attitude towards any natural resources.

Caring for the environment.

Working with the necessary information

“learning environmental thinking.”

Basic school The formation of an ecosystem cognitive model, reflective-evaluative skills, and an ecological style of thinking. Sustainable development. Environmental Safety. Resource saving. Wasteful consumption. Precaution. Social partnership. Self-knowledge and self-regulation

“learning to manage myself or my ecological culture.”

high school Choosing a profession Environmental law.

Human right to favorable environment and responsibilities for its preservation.

Approaches to greening education:

— Natural science- learning through knowledge in the subjects: natural history, geography, biology,

— Naturalistic- study of nature in nature; At its core is the desire to overcome the separation from nature, to provide not only knowledge, but also to deepen understanding of nature.

— Ethical— promotes norms of behavior that cause the least damage to nature (saving water, recycling resources).

— Ethnic— the desire to use the experience of ethnic groups, which are characterized by conflict-free coexistence with nature.

— Humanistic— solving environmental problems is impossible without world peace and respect for human rights.

Classes on the basics of environmental knowledge, implementing systemic-activity and cultural-historical approaches, should be built taking into account the basic principles:

  • interdisciplinarity environmental knowledge, which is based on an integrated approach to the development of man, society, and nature.
  • Pedocentric principle which involves selecting the most relevant knowledge for students of different types of educational institutions, necessary for the individual personal development of each student, providing each student with the opportunity to satisfy their cognitive interests.
  • Culturological principle aimed at education of values ​​in accordance with the norms and characteristics of national culture, taking into account the traditions of one’s region.
  • Local history principle associated with studying the cultural and historical heritage of the small Motherland.

The lesson plan on the basics of environmental knowledge must contain specification of the objectives, values, content, planned results, as well as forms of education and socialization of students, taking into account the conditions of the educational institution for the formation of an integral educational environment and an integral space of ideological orientation of environmental education and education in the interests of sustainable development, integrated in classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Types of school activities

on environmental education and training

Lesson activities Extracurricular activities Extracurricular and extracurricular activities
1.Basic items curriculum(BUP).

2.Items of the variable part of the PUP

(part of the plan formed by educational participants

nal process).

Environmentally-oriented courses and others, built according to the type of modules, and are selected by teachers in various combinations

Environmental workshops for students of different grades through a combination of laboratory and environmental learning activities. Most often, their content is focused on studying and assessing the ecological state of their area (school environmental monitoring)

Environmental research and design activities

Ethnic calendar (class hours, holidays “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks”, “Earth Day”, “World Water Day”, “World Environment Day”, etc.)

Meetings with representatives of environmental structures. Landscaping of the classroom and school grounds

Associations of interests

School environmental and environmental associations,

clubs: “Young ecologist” “Ecology in philology”, School Ecological Theater

School-wide events

Competitions of drawings and posters “Protect the forest from fire”, “Let’s protect rivers and lakes”, “Protect pine and spruce trees before the New Year”, etc. Holidays “Bird Day”, “Harvest”, “Earth Day”, “Forest Festival” and others

Exhibitions of creative works

Extracurricular activities

Environmental and educational actions and movements, landings

Landscape design and maintenance

Practical participation in environmental activities, in promoting the ideas of a healthy and safe lifestyle and sustainable development

Excursions, walks, hiking and travel around the native land, participation in environmental activities (at school and on the school site, environmental events, planting plants, creating flower beds, cleaning accessible areas from garbage, feeding birds, etc.)

When developing lessons on the basics of environmental knowledge, you should become familiar with:

— By Presidential Decrees Russian Federation“On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and ensuring sustainable development” (1996), “On the concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development” (1996);

— Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002);

— Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (10.01.2002);

— National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (2009);

— Concept of general environmental education for sustainable development (2010);

Planning of work to green the educational process is carried out annually; during the academic year, plans are adjusted and changed as necessary.

  1. Project Participants .

Program participants are:

  • Students of grades 1-4 who study ecology as part of the subject " The world", "Russian language", "Literary reading". Students primary school are members of the children's public organization"Brigantine", the main activity of which is the environmental direction. The work of the children's organization is led by a teacher organizer.
  • 5th grade students study ecology as part of the elective course “Young Researcher”.
  • Students in grades 5-11 study ecology as part of the subjects “Social Studies”, “Geography”, “Biology”, and Computer Science.
  • Students in grades 5-9 should be involved in environmentally oriented circle activities.
  • Students in grades 10-11 are involved in environmentally oriented production activities.
  • Parents of students are introduced to environmental culture at parent meetings, through the school press center, as part of joint environmental campaigns with parents.
  • School subject teachers who receive the necessary information about the problems of environmental education and upbringing improve their environmental culture through seminars, teacher councils, and methodological meetings.

Expected final results of the Project:

  • Improving the general environmental culture of students, teachers and parents
  • Improving the environmental situation around the school and in the neighborhood.
  • Transformation of the school into a regional center for environmental education and training.

Project performance assessment

Project performance indicators can include:

  • Quantity and quality of children's creative, design and research work
  • Participation of schoolchildren in environmental Olympiads and competitions
  • Dynamics of schoolchildren’s participation in environmental Olympiads and competitions
  • Practical involvement of children in environmental activities of the school

Performance assessment

  • Monitoring (incoming, annual and final throughout the year)
  • Rating system
  • Self-esteem and reflection (feedback from children, reflections)
  • Various forms of assessment (subject-specific test tasks)

The project “Purity of Nature Begins with Me” was developed on the basis of the Environmental Education Program in Private Educational Institutions of JSC Russian Railways. As a result of environmental work on this Project, the Program was drawn up: “The purity of nature begins with me” and the work of the school environmental association “Rodnik” was organized with students in grades 5–11.

Relevance of the project.

Man is an element of an ecological system called the biosphere. It receives all vital resources - air, food, water and a significant part of energy and construction resources - from the biosphere. People dump waste – household and industrial – into the ecological system. For a long time This type of human activity did not disturb the balance of the biosphere. However, in the last two centuries, expanding industrial activity, humanity has actively invaded the living world of the Earth.

Humans impact the biosphere locally - in hundreds of millions of places, pollutants are released into rivers and air, fertile soil is removed, forests are cut down, and the habitats of plants and animals are destroyed. However, the biosphere is one system, covered by the cycles of substances, and millions of local impacts that at first glance are not dangerous, such as, for example, the use of freon sprays, chemical detergents, burning waste in production and everyday life, merging and reinforcing each other, cause global changes in all components of the biosphere . Rivers flow into the seas and oceans and introduce pollution released by industry and agriculture along the entire path of watercourses. Deforestation and soil degradation lead to climate change, loss of soil fertility and destruction natural ecosystems all over the planet. Pollution released into the air at one point immediately spreads over thousands of kilometers.

We know how quickly atmospheric transfers occur personal experience. In our region in Bratsk, there are enterprises “Bratsk Timber Processing Complex” - BLPC, “Bratsk Aluminum Plant” - BRAZ, which periodically emit waste into the atmosphere. Emissions, within an hour, easily covering tens of kilometers of treeless territories, descend in a toxic haze into the “bowl” of our small town Vikhorevka. For a day, or even more, in calm weather, depriving residents of breathing freely.

The situation is aggravated by the barbaric attitude of residents towards the nature of their area: in pursuit of a better life and saving money, people violate the laws of the Russian Federation and city regulations. It is scary that the younger generation becomes a witness and sometimes an accomplice to these actions. Illegal deforestation in adjacent forest areas, spontaneous landfills in forest, country and even urban areas near organized waste sites. The burning of solid waste (solid household waste) in barrels, littered streets, recreation areas on rivers and the Bratsk reservoir indicate the indifference and low culture of environmental education of some residents.

The deteriorating environmental situation is causing great concern and anxiety for all of humanity and for us in particular. Greater role in improving environmental situation An educational institution can play a role, whose students can actively participate in environmental activities, studying the state of the environment, and organizing environmental monitoring. Increasing the environmental awareness and literacy of residents and the entire population is one of the ways out of the current environmental crisis.
School environmental education and training has the potential for targeted, coordinated and systematic transfer of knowledge.

Teaching children to understand and love nature means raising them to be moral people, for whom labor and production activities will be associated with responsibility for its environmental consequences. The formation of environmental consciousness and a caring attitude towards all living things is one of the most pressing tasks of modern education, and our project proposes to solve it by involving children and adolescents in practical environmental activities.

The project is aimed at the child understanding himself as a particle of the surrounding world, awareness of civic responsibility for his actions, understanding the value of human life as the greatest gift of nature. The project is focused on making a person want to make their home, plot, yard, street, city clean, well-groomed and, if possible, environmentally friendly, so that the person is convinced that he and his family deserve a clean, beautiful and healthy life.

Thus the project « The purity of nature begins with me » relevant for our time and our city.

IN Lately arises problem: how to make environmental work, including research work, more interesting and attractive for a modern teenager. Therefore, the use of modern equipment and computer technologies in this direction becomes relevant.

Today in schools there is no teaching of a separate subject - ecology; the knowledge system is formed in the lessons of biology, chemistry, physics and geography and in extracurricular activities. The lack of modern training equipment for environmental field workshops does not allow for on-site monitoring. Our association “Rodnik” does not have a color photocopier, a digital camera, a video camera, or a comprehensive environmental laboratory for field work. All this creates difficulties in field work on ecology.

It is important to develop not only knowledge, but also practical environmental skills in the modern generation. Recently, the profession of “ecologist” has become increasingly popular and necessary in modern society.

Objective of the project: Environmental education and the formation of an environmental culture of behavior of students based on labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, teachers and city residents.

Project objectives:

  • To form an active civic position among the younger generation.
  • Promote moral, environmental, aesthetic and labor education.
  • Study of the environmental situation in the world in the country and our city.
  • Coordination of children's practical activities to study and assess the state of the environment using the example of our city and nearby surroundings.
  • Fostering a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment.
  • Development of initiative and creativity in students through the organization of socially significant activities.
  • To disseminate environmental knowledge not only among boarding school students, but also among the local population, using different kinds activities and forms of work.
  • Growing seedlings and landscaping school grounds.
  • Identify gifted children prone to research work and provide them with opportunities to realize their abilities.

Project participants:

  • Students, parents, teaching staff and school administration;
  • Employees of the school and JSC Russian Railways;
  • Employees of the House of Culture
  • Employees of the Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Employees of the Ecological and Biological Center of Bratsk
  • Employees of the Vikhorevka water intake;
  • Employees of wastewater treatment plants in Vikhorevka and Bratsk
  • Forestry workers of the city and region;
  • Employees of the Bratsk Timber Processing Complex BLPK, Bratsk Aluminum Plant - BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK
  • Fisherman's House staff;
  • Residents of the city of Vikhorevka and Bratsk district.

Project implementation mechanism.

  • Gathering information on the topic of the project.
  • Search for partners for joint project implementation.
  • Development of directions for an activity plan with institutions and organizations of the city, involving them in work on environmental education.
  • Search for addresses of positive experiences on the topic of project activities.
  • Development of a project management model.
  • Preparation of methodological material for consultations and events within the project.
  • Program development.
  • Conducting research in accordance with the program.
  • General work (The project is implemented through planned activities on topics.)
  • Conducting environmental landings on the territory of a school, city and spring.
  • Conducting master classes on indoor and decorative floriculture.
  • Growing seedlings, landscaping the school grounds.
  • Preparing students to participate in the Baikal International School And All-Russian Olympiads on ecology.
  • Preparation of analytical material based on the results of the research work carried out.
  • Presentation of final results

Project implementation conditions

To implement this project, the following conditions exist:

  • School-wide educational work planBoarding school No. 25
  • The program of environmental education and upbringing of students “The purity of nature begins with me” has been developed and is being implemented;
  • A work program for the elective course was developed and implemented: “Fundamentals of Ecological Culture”, grade 10, based on the author’s program “Fundamentals of Ecological Culture” for grades 10-11 L.N. Kharchenko, Bustard 2012
  • Regulations on the “Ecological squad” dated September 15, 2014, JSC Russian Railways
  • The work of the environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research 11th grade students, winners of the IV Summer Interregional round of the conference of the All-Russian Competition for Youth Research Works named after. IN AND. Vernadsky: “By increasing the level of environmental culture, we are solving the problem of solid household waste in the city of Vikhorevka.”

Performance tracking mechanism carried out:

By comparing the activity of students throughout the year. Knowledge testing is carried out in the form of games, quizzes, competitions;

  • through observations;
  • by survey;
  • interest in search work;
  • activity in the activities of the environmental team “Spring”;
  • demand for consultations and elective courses in ecology and biology.

Principles of organizing environmental education and training:

  • The principle of environmental integrity, which forms in students an understanding of the unity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of interdisciplinary connections, revealing the unity and interconnection of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of continuity, which makes it possible to use each age period.
  • The principle of interrelation between regional and global approaches, promoting the involvement of students in practical activities.
  • The principle of direction, promoting the development of harmonious relationships with the environment.

The project is being implemented in the main areas:

  • Organization of activities of the school environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research work in the following areas:
    • Climate and people
    • Chemistry and Environment
    • Field ecology
    • Forest monitoring
    • Environment and people
    • Integrated monitoring of natural and anthropogenic systems
  • Environmental education activities:
    • Conducting environmental lessons, cool hours, events at school (exhibitions, competitions).
    • Organization and conduct of city events
    • Creation of: information boards, newspapers, booklets
    • Development and implementation of school environmental projects.
  • Ecological and practical activities:
    • Greening the school and city grounds
    • Ecological landing
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Excursions to enterprises
    • Caring for birds.
  • Organization of work to promote a healthy lifestyle
    • School tourist rally
    • Themed classroom hours.

The project is implemented through different shapes activities:

  • Conversations and observations.
  • Quiz with ecological and biological content.
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, presentations, booklets.
  • Competitions of poems, essays, stories, fairy tales on an environmental theme.
  • Exhibitions of crafts made from waste materials, feeders, gifts of autumn.
  • Thematic days: Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5), World Animal Day (October 4), World Water Day (March 22), Bird Day (April 1), etc.
  • Production of environmental leaflets, newspapers, booklets.
  • Acquaintance with video materials about the life of plants and animals.
  • Ecological tournaments, KVN, brain rings, intellectual games of ecological and biological content.
  • Visit to the ecological and hydrometeorological centers of the city. Bratsk.
  • Ecological hikes to study flora, fauna, natural features of the region, the ecological state of reservoirs, their banks, and coastal vegetation.
  • Operation "Spring"
    • Studying the environmental situation in the city and searching for ways to improve the environmental situation.
    • Excursions to enterprises in Bratsk and Vikhorevka to study the impact of human activity on nature.
    • Cooperation on issues of city improvement with the city administration.
    • Landscaping and beautification of the school and the city.

Social partners:

To implement the project and successfully implement the project of boarding school No. 25, Vikhorevka will continue to work closely with the following organizations:

  • Fraternal Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Children's Environmental Center in Bratsk;
  • With the Baikal International School in Tankhoy;
  • Administration of the Vikhorevsky urban settlement;
  • General education schools;
  • Industrial enterprises BLPK, BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK, Bratsk.
  • With housing and communal services organizations in Vikhorevka: treatment plants, water intake;
  • City radio center;
  • Media and school website;
  • Educational institutions: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bratsk" State University» (Project Factory)

Information support includes:

  • library resources,
  • Internet resources,
  • information resources of the environmental center, Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
  • excursions to enterprises
  • meetings with employees of enterprises, housing and communal services, and city residents.

Technical equipment:

  • Cabinet
  • Black and white printer - copier
  • Computer
  • TV plasma
    Internet connection.

Project implementation timeline: 2016-2017

Results of the project:

As a result of the implementation of the “Cleanliness Starts with Me” project, a comprehensive targeted program for environmental education of the younger generation was created, which will allow:

  • Preserve the environmental direction as one of the directions in the educational work of the school and increase the level of environmental culture of students, school staff and residents of our city.
  • To solve problems public policy in the field of environmental education of youth.
  • Raise the level of environmental culture.
  • Develop creative and organizational skills.
  • To increase students’ interest in studying ecology, region, city, country, through a system of creative, practical participation in planned environmental activities, promotions:
    • Improvement of a forest spring
    • Growing seedlings
    • Landscaping of school grounds, etc.
  • To develop a consciousness of personal responsibility and active citizenship in the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
  • To increase the efficiency of the Rodnik environmental team through the use of innovative forms and practical methods to solve educational problems.
  • Increase the cognitive activity of students by introducing educational process scientific research and practical activities.
  • To ensure increased motivation to study not only ecology, but also natural science subjects.
  • To form the social experience of the student, which will allow him to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard and new situations.


  • Bianki V.V. Forest newspaper. L.: Children's literature, 1983.
  • Red Book Irkutsk region. Irkutsk: “Time of Wandering”, 2010 - 453s
  • Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Ecology. 10(11) grade: Educational. for general education Educational institutions. M.: Bustard, 2001
  • Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren in grades 5-11. Moscow: “5 for knowledge”, 2007. - 204 p.
  • Scientific and methodological magazine "Class teacher". No. 3.-Moscow 2008
  • Guide to determining water quality indicators using the field method. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2004
  • Photo guide. Rare plant species of the Southern Baikal region. Ulan-Ude, 2011 -72p.
  • Ecological workshop. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2003
  • Ecological Dictionary. Litvinov N.I. Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy 2003
  • Funds of the Ecological and Hydrometeorological Center of Bratsk.
  • Internet resources containing:
    • Decrees: of the President of the Russian Federation “On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and ensuring sustainable development” (1996), “On the concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development” (1996);
    • Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002);
    • Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (10.01.2002);
    • National Security Strategies of the Russian Federation (2009);
    • Concepts of general environmental education for sustainable development (2010);
    • Educational portal( in the public domain for wide discussion.