"Methodological support of an educational organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" methodological development on the topic. Intra-school model of scientific and methodological support for teachers as a condition for the development of teacher potential One of the technologies of methodological


ZDNMR MAOU "Secondary School No. 8"


One of the key directions of the National educational initiative “Our new school"is the development of teacher potential. This is, first of all, due to the new paradigm of education, focused on developing practical skills in students, the ability to apply knowledge, implement their own projects, i.e. the formation of UUD. The relevance of the problem of the formation of universal educational activities due to new requirements for the education system, which are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2009. The methodological basis of the standard is the Program for the Formation of Universal Educational Actions, which implements a systemic and activity-based approach to learning, and their formation is a priority.

Since any transformations occurring in modern school, are directly dependent on the level of professional and pedagogical competence, their personal qualities, as well as on the level of development of motivational - value orientation to the profession of “teacher”, then the question arises about the need to develop the professional competence of the teacher, his skill, the development of professional value orientations and qualities, a creative style of thinking, the development of modern pedagogical technologies, self-development and full self-realization in the chosen profession.

One of the main forms of advanced training for teachers in the postgraduate period is methodological work. It includes all content and organizational forms of providing methodological assistance to teachers. We consider methodological work as part of the system continuing education teachers.

The situation associated with the changes occurring in last years in education, problem-oriented results of the analysis of methodological work led to the need to change approaches to the implementation of methodological work in school, to place emphasis on the development of a system of motivation for teaching staff, on the formation of a corporate and professional culture of the teaching community, on a differentiated approach in working with teachers. Solving these problems requires the school administration to transition from an administrative to a managerial leadership system, which attracts, first of all, its personal orientation. The slogan “Personnel decides everything” is especially relevant today. The higher the level of development of a teacher in terms of the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for pedagogical activity, the more effective and efficient the activity will be educational institution.

The old system must give way to a new system of scientific and methodological work, which should become a means of developing a new style of pedagogical thinking and teacher activity at school. Therefore, work should be aimed at creating an in-school model of methodological support for teachers, which is capable of ensuring professional growth and the development of active creativity.

Based on this, we developed the program “Intra-school model of scientific and methodological support as a condition for the development of teacher potential.”

Target program: creation and testing of an in-school model of teaching and methodological support for teachers, ensuring the development of pedagogical potential, their readiness to implement the ideas of the activity-competence approach in their practice.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. Develop and test an in-school model of scientific and methodological support for teachers.

2. Create conditions that provide scientific and methodological support for teachers, taking into account the teaching experience, age, qualifications of the teacher, his attitude to professional activity (based on a differentiated approach).

3. Determine the diagnostic system, criteria and indicators for assessing the level of personal and professional readiness in accordance with the new goals and objectives of school education.

4. Make the transition from a managerial to a managerial leadership system.

Scientific and theoretical justification of the in-school model of scientific and methodological support

In management theory, the term “development” means the entire volume of activities, processes, and procedures that, firstly, help staff master the necessary competencies to effectively perform the tasks facing the organization, and secondly, contribute to the fullest and most comprehensive disclosure of everyone’s potential. “Development” and “employee training” are considered identical concepts.

Based on the provisions of personnel management, we can highlight the socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical conditions for effective teacher training:

1. First of all, you need motivation. Every teacher must clearly understand the goals, i.e., how teaching will affect his work, student learning outcomes, and also affect future personal well-being.

2. The school administration must create a climate conducive to learning, and this implies the active participation of teachers in the learning process; the desire to learn new things, to analyze one’s achievements and mistakes; management support; desire to answer questions. Organizations with such an encouraging and supportive climate are called “learning” organizations.

3. The learning process should be divided into successive stages with the consolidation of practical skills acquired in each of them. This is especially important when the subject matter is quite complex.

4. Positive feedback is necessary: ​​praise, approval, encouragement of teachers, etc.

To create an in-school model for the development of teacher potential, knowledge of the basics of andragogy is necessary.

Andragogy– the science of adult learning.

Adult learning technology is an integral part of andragogy. Its components are: content, sources, means, forms and methods of teaching. But the main thing here is the activity of the student and the teacher. The leading role belongs to the student himself. An adult learner – a teacher – is an active element, one of the equal subjects of the learning process.

On the basis of the basic principles of andragogy, it is proposed to build activities for the development of teacher potential, the main characteristics of which are considered to be the active, leading role of the student (teacher) in the construction and implementation of the training program, on the one hand, and his joint work with the teacher, on the other hand.

Based on domestic and foreign experience in organizing advanced training, based on the existing conditions in a general education institution, the following basic principles should become the foundation of an in-school model for the development of teacher potential:

1. Priority of independent learning

2. The principle of joint activities

3. Principle of individualization

4. The principle of focusing on problematic issues of practice


Trainings, etc.

In the proposed model, preference is given to active forms.

2. Creation of organizational (work of resource offices or information centers) and methodological (consulting) conditions for the participation of school teachers in various events: courses, conferences, district methodological associations, round tables, seminars, workshops, etc.

3. Providing methodological support (tutoring) for teachers conducting their research activities, pedagogical experiments.

4. Information support for the participation of teachers in various pedagogical events (conferences, master classes, professional skills competitions) to present and generalize their experience.

5. Psychological and pedagogical support.

Psychological and methodological assistance related to the implementation of personal oriented technologies training in educational process(both in the sphere of interaction and in relationships with children).

Preventive focus related to teachers’ acquisition of emotional self-regulation skills, development of the ability to maintain and activate compensatory, protective and regulatory mechanisms in order to preserve emotional health and professional longevity.

From the school’s experience in introducing an in-school model of scientific and methodological support for teachers

The school's teaching staff has been working on this problem for the first year. During this time, it was possible to achieve certain positive results. We believe that the effectiveness of methodological work depends on many factors and, above all, on:

Priority areas of school education;

Priority areas of the educational institution;

Accounting for individual professional characteristics each teacher in its planning and organization;

Relying on the individuality and creativity of teachers, their professional interests and abilities;

The established advanced pedagogical experience of the educational institution;

Planning methodological work begins with analyzing the needs of teachers and identifying existing problems. For this purpose, questionnaires, interviews with teachers, and self-examination of the educational institution are carried out on all main processes: managerial, educational, educational, scientific and methodological, psychological and pedagogical.

For the successful implementation of methodological work, a control and analytical examination is carried out throughout the entire period in the following areas:

w the state and effectiveness of methodological work;

It is indicated what will be developed by the teacher to ensure EP and innovative activities: original curricula for educational courses, calendar-thematic and lesson planning, lesson notes, collections of exercises, didactic materials, test texts, test assignments

3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

The topic on which the teacher intends to generalize his experience is indicated. Actions to systematize the accumulated material, analyze experience, prepare final generalized materials - writing recommendations, articles, preparing messages.

4. Participation in the system of methodological work

It is indicated in which methodological activities of the school the teacher expects to participate. What is his role

Development of a program, project, master class, etc.

5. Training in advanced training courses outside of school

The topics of the courses that the teacher expects to be completed are indicated.

Coursework, essay

The bodies within which the teacher works and his functional responsibilities are indicated.

Action plan, work reporting

7. Teacher self-diagnosis

Diagnostics, self-diagnosis, comprehension of the results of teaching activities and personal growth

Teacher’s personal diary, “portfolio” of teaching achievements

8. Evaluation of results professional growth

Tracking the results of personal growth (diagnostic studies, monitoring)

Types of activities of teachers in the conditions of scientific and methodological support

Scientific and methodological support for innovative and experimental work is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the program “Technology for managing innovative processes in school”.

To optimize the control process, special measures are provided to manage the implementation of the program: forms for presenting intermediate and final results and reporting on them at meetings of the Ministry of Education, the NMS, an interview on the implementation of the teacher’s professional and personal growth program.

An important structural component of scientific and methodological support is its multi-level nature, which can be represented as a model:

w individual scientific, methodological and experimental work of teachers, which is carried out through the provision of methodological assistance in the development of:

Individual OER programs;

In choosing an individual methodological topic;

In creating a “portfolio” of teacher achievements;

In advanced training on an individual topic;

When visiting and analyzing lessons;

When preparing open lessons;

Assistance to teachers taking part in professional competitions.

w microgroup work of teachers includes:

Providing methodological assistance in the development and implementation of OER programs (permanent creative groups of long-term projects);

Development of educational projects;

Conducting integrated lessons;

Providing methodological assistance in preparing for teacher councils;

w Research activities within the framework of the work of the Ministry of Defense are related to:

Development of quality programs in educational areas;

Work on the methodological theme of methodological unification:

w collective scientific and methodological work includes:

Information support for teachers;

Participation in pedagogical councils;

Scientific and practical conferences;

Work on a single methodological topic;

Conducting monitoring studies.

Stimulating professional growth and raising the teacher’s creative spirit is facilitated by collective work on a single methodological topic, which becomes a tool for managing professional teaching activities and the basis for professional growth. Work on a single methodological topic is carried out in stages, at each stage certain tasks are solved, and various organizational forms are used. Work on a single methodological topic unites the creative efforts of teachers, has a positive effect on increasing the level of professional competence of teachers, including the level of methodological competence and general pedagogical culture teachers. In that academic year The teaching staff of the school worked on the topic: “Improving the quality of education based on the formation of universal educational activities.” The purpose of the activity within the framework of this problem - creating conditions conducive to the development of universal learning activities that determine the individual’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The work was organized in several stages:

Stage I. Organizational work. 2008//2010 G.

Study of second generation standards;

Selection of topics for the work of the Moscow Region, departments, methodological services;

Determining the composition of creative and problem groups, creative workshops;

Determining the topics of teachers' councils, theoretical seminars and psychological and pedagogical workshops;

Development of individual self-education topics;

Review – presentation of literature on a methodological topic, topics of self-education;

Drawing up a control schedule.

Stage II. Providing assistance to teachers in the implementation of new generation standards. 2009/2010 G.

Practical training for teachers on the use of second generation standards

Testing new forms of assessing students' educational results;

Introduction of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of UUD;

New forms of advanced training (organizational and activity games, creative workshops, advanced modeling of lessons, presentation of PPO, etc.)

Implementation of the control schedule.

Stage III. Collection and processing of received information 2011/2012. G.

· Active implementation of the results of pedagogical research, the use of advanced pedagogical experience of colleagues, work experience of creative and problem groups.

Forms of work:

1. Creative reports

2. Project protection

3. Open lessons

4. Self-generalization of experience

5. Innovative work

Stage IV. Final. 2012/2013

· Analysis of the work of the teaching staff on a scientific and methodological topic (pedagogical council, school educational forum, NMS, department meeting, MO).

· organization of thematic exhibitions

· assessment of the level of professional skills of school teachers

· collection and structuring of materials from work experience

· determination of prospects for further development.

Work on a single methodological topic contributed to the activation of teachers’ creative spirit and their professional growth.

Scientific and methodological support for teachers in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out through the implementation of the program “Comprehensive Support educational process in the context of the school’s transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.”

To provide methodological support for teachers during the school’s transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, the school’s methodological service has set itself the following tasks:

Organization of theoretical, psychological and pedagogical training of teachers;

Providing methodological support for participants in the testing of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of school teachers.

At the organizational stage, creative groups were created in elementary and high schools, which developed and tested the Program for the formation of UUD. Solving the problem of providing assistance to teachers to competently read and understand the large volume of new documentation, standard recommendations, changes in teacher work planning, the methodological office organized the study of basic documents on the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

In order to increase the methodological competence of teachers, a system of advanced training has been built at all levels: self-education - school level - municipal level - regional.

Scientific and methodological support for teachers who are in certification mode was carried out through the implementation of the program “ Training program for certification of teaching staff"

Target: Creating an effective promotion mechanism professional qualities teaching staff.


To promote the development of the needs of the teacher’s personality to improve teaching qualifications. Provide maximum opportunities for creative self-expression of the teacher’s personality.

Stages of development of professional qualities of a teacher:

Stage I: preparatory:

    explanatory work about the purposes of certification, the principles of activity of the certification commission, self-diagnosis of the effectiveness of professional activities, on the basis of which the teacher draws up an application; advisory assistance to the administration: the teacher must realize his achievements, innovations, correlate them with qualification requirements, requirements for compliance with the position held;

Stage II: studying the requirements of written qualification tests (Rules for conducting certification in the Trans-Baikal Territory), familiarization with the average statistical data on the results of the work of teachers in the Trans-Baikal Territory:

    lesson (session) outline development, solution pedagogical situations, familiarization with tests on ICT competencies, self-assessment of activities by teachers; expert assessment of the practical activities of teaching staff.

Annual work schedule of the deputy director,

organizing preparation for certification of teaching staff




1.Creation of an information base for preparing teachers for certification.

2. Drawing up orders for approval of schedules for teachers to undergo certification for compliance with the position held.


Instructional and methodological meeting for teachers certified for compliance with the position held and who have submitted applications for the first and highest qualification categories:

    rights and obligations of the person being certified; rights and obligations of members of the certification commission; requirements for those being certified for suitability for the position held; requirements for those certified for the first and highest qualification categories.


1.Attending lessons of certified teachers, studying documentation in order to provide methodological assistance.

2. Expertise of professional competence.

3. Examination of practical activities (documented results).

4. Interview with teachers about their level of readiness for certification.


1.Analysis of certification work.

2.Preparing a schedule for certification for the new year.

3. Drawing up an application for advanced training courses for the next academic year, taking into account the needs of teachers to undergo certification in the future.

Teachers' work plan for five years

Previous year– assignment of a qualification category

1 – 3 years:

Improving the level of qualifications in courses. Self-education.

Self-education work takes place in three stages:

    Selection of a topic, its theoretical study, study of existing work experience. The choice of topic is determined by analysis based on diagnostics, as well as taking into account a single methodological topic. Using the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice; Teacher creativity leading to positive results: open lessons, master classes. Methodological work within creative groups, methodological associations.

4th year– preparation for certification.

Algorithm of teacher activities in the year preceding the submission of the application:

Study of the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of pedagogical state and municipal educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the rules for certification of teaching staff in the Trans-Baikal Territory.” Understanding what has been achieved over the period since the previous certification. Determining a claim for a qualification category Structuring the accumulated materials. Selecting a certification form. Formulating the topic of a creative report at school in front of the team. Writing an application.

5th year:

Registration of produced materials in accordance with the requirements for the declared category. Preparation of video footage of the performance: exhibitions, video clips of lessons. Working on the content of the speech. Conducting open lessons and events with the invitation of the school administration and colleagues.

Scientific and methodological support for young teachers was carried out through the implementation program "School of a Young Teacher".

This program is aimed at solving the problem of more successful adaptation of beginning teachers.

Target programs: providing assistance to young professionals in professional and personal adaptation.

Tasks programs:

· create conditions for the development of an individual style of pedagogical creative activity;

· provide assistance in the study and creative implementation of the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices into the educational process;

· create conditions conducive to the formation of continuous self-education.

Stages of guiding the professional development of a young teacher

Stage I: introductory

    familiarization with the school, its traditions, educational opportunities of the school; providing the teacher with a full workload; attaching a mentor to a young teacher; planning methodological work aimed at improving psychological, pedagogical and methodological culture (work in the Moscow Region, self-education); providing assistance in planning educational activities.

Stage II: stimulating the activities of a young teacher:

    creating conditions for pedagogical community of different generations; monitoring the teaching activities of a young teacher; moral stimulation.

Stage III: summarizing:

    fixing the level of teacher training, the effectiveness of the teaching staff in providing professional support to the young teacher; determining the prospects for further development of the professional skills of a young teacher.

Mentoring is organized for young specialists in the methodological association. School mentoring is one of the forms of individual training for young professionals. Mentors are selected from among the most experienced teachers. In addition to mentoring, the school operates a school for young teachers, classes are held once or twice a quarter, and during breaks between classes, young teachers engage in self-education. Every year in April the school holds a week of young teachers “My Pedagogical Achievements”. Young specialists conduct open lessons and extracurricular activities, speak at meetings of the Moscow Region with reports on self-education. When conducting such events, mentors provide methodological assistance and pedagogical support.

Scientific and methodological support for teachers summarizing advanced pedagogical experience is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the program “Theory and Methods of Generalizing Advanced Pedagogical Experience.” In order to provide advisory and methodological assistance to teachers summarizing their teaching experience, the OPPO department has published a collection of methodological recommendations for summarizing teaching experience. Accompanying teachers consists of familiarizing them with the methodology for summarizing experience, providing assistance in identifying the teacher’s private methodological system, determining the stages of the teacher’s work to summarize the teacher’s pedagogical experience, offering an approximate list of materials from the teacher’s work experience, conducting diagnostic studies to identify the level of teachers’ proficiency in research skills, level of teacher readiness in experimental research activities, diagnostic programs “personal and pedagogical self-regulation of teachers”, etc.

Purposeful work to provide methodological assistance to teachers summarizing their teaching experience has made it possible to summarize the experience of 11 teachers over the past 3 years.

We attach great importance to moral and material incentives for teachers.

In connection with the introduction of a new remuneration system, a “Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the payroll for teachers and class teachers of municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 8” has been developed. This provision was developed in order to strengthen the material interest of school teachers in improving the quality of the educational process, development creative activity and initiative in completing assigned tasks. The main criteria influencing the amount of incentive payments to a teacher are criteria reflecting the teacher’s work results. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of professional activities are developed in 3 main blocks:

    teacher activities aimed at ensuring the quality of student learning. scientific-methodological and innovation activity. activities of the teacher as a class teacher.

At the end of the school year, the personal rating of teachers is determined. Using the methodology for determining personal rating allows you to:

    increase personal responsibility and interest of the teacher; introduce competition into the educational process; increase discipline in daily activities; obtain more objective data about the successes and shortcomings in the work of the teaching staff.

Due to the fact that scientific and methodological work at school is built on a problem-diagnostic basis, collective and individual planning, systematic approach In managing methodological work, monitoring and continuously analyzing results, stimulating and creating conditions for the growth of professional competence of teachers, we have managed to achieve certain positive results over the past 3 years:

    72% of teachers have qualification categories; 98% of teachers completed long-term or problematic professional development courses; 100% of teachers are involved in methodological work and are engaged in self-education.

The activity of teachers has increased, their desire for creativity has increased, and the number of teachers participating in innovation processes has increased. The school’s teachers take part in competitions at various levels and achieve good results:

    The school is the winner of the competition of educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs and received a grant from the President;
    In the “Teacher of the Year 2010” competition, the English teacher took second place at the municipal level; In the regional competition of educational initiatives, 4 creative groups were awarded the status of “District Creative Laboratory”, and members of the creative groups were given the status of “Teacher-Researcher”; 6 teachers of the school are winners of the competition “The Best Teachers of Russia within the framework of PNPE”, the head of the library became the winner of the regional competition of author’s programs for teachers of additional education; 2nd place in the competition “In-school systems for ensuring the quality of education”; In the city review-competition “The Best Model of Methodological Work at an Educational Institution,” the school’s methodological service was awarded the victory in the “Knowledge” category. Experience. Professionalism".
    Since 2008, the school has been a regional platform for the design and implementation of quality management systems." In 2010, a primary school teacher received a grant from the Head of Administration of the municipal district "city of Krasnokamensk and Krasnokamensky district." 13 articles summarizing experience were published in the journal “Practice of Administrative Work”, in magazines for managers of the educational institution “Education Quality Management”, in collections of materials at the district and regional level.

In turn, the increase in the level of professional skills contributes to the advancement of students in all areas of educational and social activity, this is the essence of organizing scientific and methodological support for EP.


Individual development trajectory

professional competence of mastering

activity-based teaching method for trainee teachers

Task: gain experience in implementing knowledge: theoretical and methodological features of the technology of the activity method and didactic principles of the system in practical activities, relying on ready-made developments (scenarios) of lessons from master teachers

Result of activity: experience in implementing knowledge - methodological features technologies and systems of didactic principles of the activity method - and, as a result, increasing methodological skills, acquiring the status of a “practicing” teacher.


Actions to follow

Coordination and approval of the “Individual” program plan

Participation in the design, preparation and conduct of business or

problem game, discussion or round table: “Goals and values”

ness modern education", "The quality of modern education

goal and ways to achieve it: a new stage in the development of Russian

schools" (RF Law "On Education" 2004, state stan-

darts. Educational program of the school).

Preparing a speech at the pedagogical council in the form of a business

howl or problem game, discussion or round table.

Active participation in the pedagogical council.

Participation in the discussion of an open or video lesson, in the design

research and preparation of the workshop.

Selection of material for the design of a methodological stand about di-

tactical system "School 2000...", activities of the CSDP "School

Participation in the workshop “Methods of formation

development of new knowledge”, or

“Implementation of the principle of activity in the construction of educational

of the new lesson space.”


Actions to follow

Attending open lessons of master teachers at secondary school No. and

participation in the exchange of opinions about the lesson.

Studying the lesson notes of master teachers in order to identify

knowledge of features in the construction of lessons.

Writing a lesson summary for a meeting of the methodological association

opinions of primary school and mathematics teachers “Studying con-

pects of lessons from teachers who have completed a basic level of training."

Self-preparation for analyzing a video lesson or an open summary

lesson followed by a presentation and answers to questions from colleagues. Commenting on the lesson notes, answering questions from colleagues

with participation in the workshop “Studying lesson notes”

kov teachers who have completed the basic level of training.”

Proposals for the development of plan programs “Individual

development trajectory of professional competence of mastering

activity-based method of teaching a “trainee” teacher for a new

groups of teachers who have completed basic level courses.

Demonstration open lesson or conducting video analysis -

lesson followed by discussion and answers to questions

Analysis together with the deputy director of the promotion organization

professional competence in the post-course period. Message

reporting on the results of mastering DSDM at the methodological association.

Coordination with the deputy director and approval of the program plan

“Individual trajectory of development of professional com-

competences for mastering the activity-based method of teaching teachers -

"technologist" (subject to completion of technological courses

level) or correction of the “Individual” plan program

development trajectory of professional competence of mastering

activity-based teaching method for trainee teachers.

Natalia Yakimova
Methodological support for teachers in the organization educational activities at preschool educational institution

annotation: The article discusses the issue of increasing the level pedagogical competence from the perspective of developing a personal and professional position. It is this position that guides teacher to understand modern realities, motives and ways of interacting with a child. The range of issues related to the content of personnel work with teachers in preschool settings. Model described methodological support for organizing educational activities, implemented in accordance with the basic educational second generation standards, based on MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 66" Cheboksary. Problems in the implementation of this approach are noted.

Keywords: competence, content activities, motivation, design, methodological system , model organizations.

Every person has the potential to move towards

natural positive direction.

To each teacher inherent sense of self

values, virtues and ability to guide

your life and move towards self-actualization,

personal and professional growth.

V. E. Pakhalyan.

One of the most important areas activities, in conditions of modernization in the system education is the development of human resources. Priority of this direction of development education is also recorded in the Development Strategy of the Russian education until 2020, GEF preschool education.

The social order for the training of new generation specialists is formulated in the report of the State Council of the Russian Federation “On educational Russian policy at the present stage": "A developing society needs modern educated“, moral, enterprising people who can independently make decisions, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, are ready for intercultural interaction, and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its socio-economic prosperity.” In modern conditions, the contradiction between the required and actual level of culture pedagogical activity, necessary for the implementation of these directions is deepened.

Modern processes of preschool modernization education highlight not the teacher’s formal affiliation with the profession, but the personal position he occupies, which ensures his attitude towards pedagogical work. It is this position that guides teacher to understand modern realities, motives and ways of interacting with a child (E. V. Bondarevskaya, L. I. Bozhovich, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina). Only the maturity of the teacher’s personal and professional position ensures the replacement of traditional teaching values ​​with the values ​​of preschooler’s personality development and, consequently, improving his quality education. The legitimacy of the existence of a new concept "competence" in relation to the general sphere education and theoretical ideas of the competency-based approach are substantiated in the works of V.A. Bolotov, O.E. Lebedeva, V.V. Serikova, A.B. Khutorskogo.

Pedagogical competence is an assessment category characterizing teacher as a subject of educational activities in the education system presupposes the presence of professional (objectively necessary) psychological and pedagogical knowledge; professional (objectively necessary) pedagogical skills; professional psychological positions and attitudes teacher required of him by his profession.

Concept of competence teacher is understood by us as a value-semantic attitude towards goals and results pedagogical activity, expressed in the conscious performance of professional functions. And this is especially valuable, considering that such a position as a teacher is not innate quality, it is formed under the influence of all educational environment , including in the process of additional professional education aimed at changing inner world, which determines the awareness of the kindergarten teacher’s actions.

At the moment there is a problem of forming teacher with competence, creativity, readiness to use and create innovations, and the ability to conduct experimental work. We believe that systematic work, organized with teachers to improve professional competence, will help bring them to a higher level.

Feature methodological activities at the present stage, in our opinion, is to satisfy current professional needs teacher and ensuring conditions for inclusion teacher in creative search . Methodical activity, implemented at all levels in accordance with modern requirements, will allow everyone to successfully transition teacher for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. It should be noted that the concept of methodological work.

Methodical work is systematic, purposeful, collective and individual, theoretical and practical activities of teachers to improve your skills. Key condition for improving quality education is a high level of professional competence teaching staff. The system for assessing professional competence in the modern world is the certification of management and teaching staff. Advanced training is a process that involves maintaining the acquired qualifications, as well as bringing it in connection with a changing situation, bringing it to a level that corresponds activities of the institution. Systematic and comprehensive training is ensured by the structure of its organizations, which is reflected in the corresponding work plan for the kindergarten.

However, in the modern system of advanced training, the possibilities of theory and practice in determining the content and principles of forming the professional position of a teacher are not sufficiently used.

The decisive factor in a child’s development today is personality teacher. What is now coming to the fore are the personal and professional qualities and competencies of a teacher that allow him to successfully implement pedagogical activity aimed at creating the necessary conditions for each pupil to receive preschool education. Professional competence is the unity of personal and professional qualities teacher, and increasing the professional competence of a teacher is one of the psychological pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of the child in preschool education.

From the position of Mayer A. A. model of professional competence teacher must contain knowledge about the structure of the process education and about yourself as a subject of professional activities.

According to Mayer, achieving the final result - a certain level of development of professional competence - is possible only with the formation of its main components in such a way sequences: the center of the structural-functional model of prof. competence is motivational readiness teacher. The second is theoretical readiness. The third component is technological readiness. The fourth component is performance readiness.

Based on this model, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for psychological pedagogical and personnel conditions for the implementation of CE programs, NIRO specialists A. A. Chemeneva, E. V. Verbovskaya, V. R. Popova offer a structure of professional pedagogical competence of the teacher(competency model) highlighting individual competencies in accordance with the leading types of professional work teacher, which includes methodological, communication, technological, activity, creative, playful and reflective competence. The names indicate the content of each competency. Decoding the competencies that need to be developed in teachers in order to improve the quality of GCD and its effectiveness.


The teacher is able to identify the goals and objectives of his own pedagogical activity; structures and builds the learning process taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children; carries out pedagogical diagnostics and, based on it, designs an individual development trajectory for the student; clearly defines development goals methodological products, knows the structure and content of its various forms and types (program, long-term plan, calendar planning, lesson notes, entertainment script, etc.); prescribes the necessary methodological support, describes the didactic support for the implementation of the content education;

Activity competence in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Focuses on the specifics of preschool education and features organizations working with young children and preschool age; owns technologies and principles of effective pedagogical activity, based on mutual understanding and mutual respect of subjects educational activities; capable of planning and planning at a high professional level organize activities: subject, cognitive-research, productive and others; masterfully uses methods and means of analyzing psychological pedagogical monitoring, allowing you to assess the child’s development in accordance with a specific situation and make timely adjustments educational process; organizes educational process based on direct communication with each child, taking into account his special educational needs.

Communicative competence in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Creates a favorable environment and comfortable climate for each child, organizes situations of interaction of a child with adults and peers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics; has a democratic style of interaction between subjects educational process; knows how to provide emotional support; has skills of argumentation and behavior of an active listener, feedback; capable of linguistic flexibility, speaks clearly and accessible to others; creates situations of verbal and nonverbal interaction of children with each other and with adults in different forms activities.

Reflective competence in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard BEFORE: with his behavior, controls his emotions; realizes the level of his own activities, your abilities; sees the causes of professional problems, is capable of introspection, self-knowledge, self-development, a creative approach in professional activities; analyzes, evaluates and adjusts its pedagogical activity in a situation of changing conditions educational process; relates his experience pedagogical activity with the current legislative and regulatory legal framework of the subsidiary.

To plan methodological work to improve the professionalism and quality of work of educators, it is necessary to analyze the staffing of preschool educational institutions. The analysis showed that 60% have a higher education - special education, 28% teachers have less than 5 years of experience, up to 20 years - 48%, more than 20 years - also 24%, having first and highest qualifications. categories for 54% teachers.

Based on the data obtained, the following were set: tasks:

1) Contribute to the formation of a motivational-value and emotional-evaluative attitude teachers for teaching activities.

2) Study the level of development of the competency model teachers when viewing and analyzing various forms of work with students, including educational activities.

3) Create conditions for improving the professional competence of educators, using the most effective forms methodological work.

4) Provide assistance in mastering communicative competence


1. High level motivation teachers to develop your professionalism.

2. Formed communicative competence as a basis pedagogical activity.

3. Quality improvement organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions, in particular, conducting GCD.

Solving the assigned tasks should lead to achieving a common goal methodological support: improve theoretical level professional competence and increase the practical level of professional competence preschool teachers, aimed at the development of both teachers and pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Methodical criteria: skill pick up and formulate specific tasks of the educational activity in accordance with the program requirements and capabilities of children (age and individual, content of the lesson as a whole, selection and use of demonstration and handouts.

Activity competence is manifested in the following criteria: use of health-saving technologies, different types and forms organizing children's activities, the presence of components of a developmental lesson is the selection methods and techniques aimed at motivating children to organization collaborative process activities and independent activities of children.

Communicative competence is manifested in the following criteria: speech teacher, approach to children, communicative interaction of children.

Reflective competence is manifested in the following criteria: children's activities and organization discussion of the results children's activities.

We assume that educational activities in the context of the transition of preschool educational institutions to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, it should be focused on the development of the following pedagogical skills, A exactly:

Research: the ability to evaluate an educational event from the perspective of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (parental meeting, mass event, seminar, etc.); study the individual psychological characteristics of the child’s personality; conduct an analysis of educational effectiveness - educational process, methodological work, etc.. at the end of the year or in a specific area; the ability to conduct self-analysis of work from the perspective of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Design: ability to develop a scenario for conducting an educational event, etc. in accordance with existing problems, age characteristics, modern requirements in the field of education in the conditions of transition and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; develop a plan, program activities for a specific period of time in accordance with the goals and objectives of the upbringing and development of children;

Organizational: ability to apply in pedagogical modern practice educational technology; modern approaches to educational educational activities; ability to include children in different kinds activities, corresponding to them psychological characteristics and needs;

Communication: ability to build and manage communicative interaction;

Constructive: ability to select optimal forms, methods and methods of educational work; abide by the principles (activity approach) implementation educational process.

Despite the achievements in theory and practice in the field of solving the problem of forming professionalism teacher, we have to admit that the development problem pedagogical and organizational- managerial conditions for the formation and improvement of professional competence require special attention. Especially in the field of developing mechanisms for implementing and managing the model educational activities in the pedagogical process.

By model we mean a system of interconnected components, including the development (objectively necessary) professional pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical position, management of professional competencies teachers. The work of preschool educational institutions in the development mode forces us to rethink and build a new management system, involving teachers to develop, application and implementation of management decisions. Requires active restructuring of previously established work experience in the direction of changing the main content activities and the approaches used, building a new interaction model.

Unfortunately, not all teachers ready for the changes taking place. Practice shows that in a number of cases, while formally declaring the transition to new standards, the teacher retains the same content educational process, mechanically applying technologies of new content, which causes even greater emotional rejection of innovations by some teachers. Row teachers, it turned out to be difficult to motivate yourself to accept and participate in the implementation of the changes taking place. Has a big role in this educational psychologist, priorities in activities, which has undergone significant changes.

Open reviews play an important role in the professional development system teachers and in the educational process in general.

A review competition is a way to test professional knowledge, skills, abilities, pedagogical erudition, the ability to evaluate results by comparing your abilities with others.

To improve the qualifications of personnel, information conditions were created to ensure increased efficiency of the management process, the formation information culture for all participants educational process; organization exchange of professional experience activities through the creation of creative reports, photo and video reports, publications from work experience; placement of materials on the website of preschool educational institutions, educational methodological complex OOP DO.

So way, the effectiveness of the formation of a professional position in the process of advanced training is ensured by a set of created conditions. These include psychological pedagogical conditions:

1. Formation of motivation pedagogical activity, updating and enriching the teacher’s experience (presentation of one’s activities, internship, mentoring, advanced training courses, open screenings);

2. Organization interaction between a psychologist and a kindergarten teacher (ensuring reflection activities) ;

3. Organization of methodological support- program creation self-education as an important factor in the development of each teacher(school for young teacher, information and communication technologies, mastery educational technologies(seminars, trainings, coaching and consulting together with specialists of the Chuvash Republican pedagogical university them. I. Ya. Yakovleva (ChSPU);

4. Organization integrated accompanying a child;

5. Availability of an incentive system for educators;

6. Development and release of information, methodological manuals.

Used Books:

1. Belaya, K. Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. M.? 2007

2. Vershinina N. B, Sukhanova T. I. Modern approaches to planning educational work in children's garden: reference- teaching materials. Volgograd. 2008

3. Vinogradova N. A., Miklyaeva N. V. Quality management educational process in preschool educational institutions. M., 2006

4. Volobueva, L. M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. M., 2003

5. Report of the State Council of the Russian Federation “On educational Russian politics at the present stage" 2012.

6. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V. Diagnostics and development of professional skills preschool teachers. Toolkit. M., 2008

7. Miklyaeva, N.V. Innovations in kindergarten. M., 2008

8. Slastenin V., Isaev I. Professional competence teacher. Tutorial. M., 2012

Svetlana Lutkova
Methodological support for the activities of teachers in Dyussh

Sport is actually a competitive activity, special preparation for it, as well as interpersonal relationships and norms inherent in it. At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of government programs in combination with the standards of the unified sports classification. An important place in the field of physical culture and sports and in the modern education system of our country is occupied by sports schools, which are institutions additional education sports orientation.

The sports school is one of the most dynamic and developing educational systems: today it is the most open and free from the standard approach (its content is constantly updated, methods and forms of working with children, a creative author’s position is possible teacher.

The educational system must form and develop personal qualities and values, teach the ability to think, live in the new conditions of a market economy, teach tolerant thinking and communication.

Personnel potential is expected to play a key role in the conditions of modernization in the education system.

The main path that significantly affects leveling up pedagogical skills of teachers, is a clear organization methodological work.

The main factor in the implementation of such activities is systematic methodological support.

Methodological support for teachers’ activities is relevant, since modernization of the education system requires the creation and development of various areas for improving professional competence teachers.

Methodological support for the teacher- the most important way of organizing methodological activities in an educational organization, allowing to maximally satisfy the needs teachers in receiving timely methodological assistance in solving educational problems in the context of modernization of education.

Therefore, strengthening the continuous nature of training and professional development is of particular importance. teacher. During professional development, one’s own understanding occurs. pedagogical experience and developing your own pedagogical position.

Solving the problems facing a sports school depends, on the one hand, on an adequate understanding and description of the functioning system, and on the other hand, on the implementation of modern techniques, scientific pedagogical technologies and achievements into the training process aimed at the final result. It presupposes not only a special motivational and goal orientation teaching staff, but also a new approach to scientific methodical And information support, organization of work, analysis, planning, control and regulation of all activities.

This development reveals the mechanisms methodological support training process, ensuring the transition from a functioning to a developing regime.

Methodological support for teacher activities we will consider it as a holistic, systematically organized activity, during which conditions for professional growth are created teacher, development of his professional pedagogical competence, i.e. as a management technology for organizing cooperation between subjects.

Methodological support assumes continuous (pre-planned) activity aimed at preventing difficulties or mastering new things. Based on the definition of organizational methodological support, the subject of education is given greater independence in terms of making decisions about the need to provide him with assistance. Besides, "creating conditions" speaks of the freedom of choice by the subject of education of one way or another to solve a problem.

Program methodological support is considered through the consistent implementation of the following steps:

Diagnosis of the essence of the problem;

Information search methods for solving it;

Discussing options for solving the problem and choosing the most appropriate way to solve it;

Renderings primary care at the stage of implementing the solution plan.

In progress activities were held Events:

A multi-level model has been developed methodological support of pedagogical activities of youth sports schools, based on specific conditions, educational requests and needs of trainers and teachers;

Mechanisms for integrating their pedagogical findings through the work of master classes within the framework of workshops;

The monitoring system is functioning pedagogical process;

Work is underway to update additional educational programs,

creation of work programs and methodological recommendations;

Provides advisory and practical assistance in the design and development of programs and other educational documentation;

A mechanism for monitoring the effectiveness of competitive athletes' activities.

As ways and means of organizing activities can be used: modern technologies training, including information and communication, distance learning, dialogue, etc. for methodologists is important that these methods contain a reflexive basis as a necessary element and indicator of the quality of interaction in the system of continuous professional development.

In addition, to the forms methodological support for teachers include:

Organization methodological support(consulting, tutoring, assistance in the work of creative groups, school-wide seminars, pedagogical advice). This direction is mainly in the nature of information transfer, but the forms here can be very diverse. They can be divided into active (discussions, trainings, etc.) and passive (speech at a teachers’ meeting, conference; survey (other survey forms); familiarization with printed information (books, teaching aids) etc.);

Creation of organizational and methodological(consulting) conditions for participation teachers in different events: courses, conferences, methodological associations, round tables, seminars, workshops, etc.;

Rendering methodological support(tutoring) For teachers;

Information support for participation teachers in various pedagogical events(conferences, master classes, professional skills competitions) by presenting and summarizing your experience.

Successfully included in educational training process: open classes, pedagogical(coaching) adviсe, parent meetings, master classes, pedagogical readings.

Regularly, for propaganda purposes healthy image life, sports events are held.

Underway methodical working with coaching and teaching staff on design "Trainer's Portfolio". Such work, in essence, represents a panorama of excellence and allows pedagogical the team better get to know their colleagues, receive a positive, friendly assessment of their activities. This requires a full theoretical and methodological training, encourages trainers and teachers to reflect on their activities and motivation to master new levels of skill and professionalism, which set a higher bar and create incentives for further growth.

Methodological support of course, this is a very serious and responsible job, during which difficulties and problems may arise. But its final result will bring joy and satisfaction to all participants in the educational process.

Any change implies a transition from one state to another. Different in quality, different in level, different in the degree of compliance with the external system of requirements and our value system.

If change is not managed, it will happen regardless of whether we want it or not. It’s just not a fact that they will be exactly the way we want them. Control is intended precisely to transfer the system to the state we desire. To work in conditions that suit us. To do what we like. To get satisfaction from your work.

Methodological support is a set of measures aimed at supporting teachers with different levels of qualifications. This is the definition that was previously used in the scientific literature. Over time, the educational process and everything have become significantly more complicated. Today modernization is taking place everywhere educational activities, various educational technologies are being introduced. Participants in the process have new opportunities and completely new needs. All this leads to a significant complication of the content of methodological support for teachers’ activities.

Historical reference

Concepts such as “methodological service” and “methodological work” began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century. However, some information about the origins of these forms of activity can be found in sources of the 19th century. For example, the Regulations on Gymnasiums of 1828 recommend the formation of teacher councils to discuss teaching methods and content.

In the second half of the 20th century, so-called congresses of teachers began to be convened. Exhibitions were prepared for them didactic material, pedagogical works performed by students and teachers. At such congresses, participants read out reports on their successes and shared problems with colleagues. In addition, lessons attended by educational trustees were analyzed. All this suggests that already in those years the key components of methodological activity began to be determined. At the same time, subject sections began to appear - prototypes of the associations of teaching staff that exist today.

Since the end of the 20th century. The term “methodological support” began to be used in the literature.

Origins of the system

A significant event in the history of the formation of the foundations of educational and methodological support was the All-Russian Congress, dedicated to issues of public education and held from January 5 to 16, 1914. At it, the need to form a service of teacher-instructors was first announced. They had to receive theoretical and practical training and be elected by teachers' organizations. The responsibilities of such teacher-instructors included traveling to different schools, demonstrating the latest teaching methods and techniques to teachers, reading reports, and checking the results achieved by educational institutions.

In the 1920s Soviet authority announced a course to eliminate illiteracy. A stream of non-specialists poured into schools, and methodological support for teachers acquired particular relevance. The management of such activities was entrusted to specialized “bureaus”. Subsequently, they were converted into methodological classrooms, some of which became teacher training institutes.

Creation of an organizational base

In the 1930s in the first editions of the Regulations on pedagogical (methodological) offices, the responsibilities of methodological workers were reflected. They included the following:

  1. Attending lessons and analyzing the activities of teachers.
  2. Advisory assistance to teachers.
  3. Planning, organizing and conducting meetings of methodological groups and associations.
  4. Review of scientific literature.
  5. Generalization, dissemination of teaching experience.

By the 1960s, forms of methodological work had been formed, which later became traditional. During the same period, the first serious scientific studies related to them began to appear. So, for example, in his dissertation V. T. Rogozhkin identified 3 key organizational forms:

  1. Teachers' council.
  2. Union method.
  3. Self-education.

A new round in the development of the system

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, a change in the scientific paradigm occurred. Today, methodological support is the key to understanding the preservation and strengthening of pedagogical traditions, stimulating innovative search, and improving pedagogical skills. Teaching activity in the context of modernization of the educational system is very multifaceted. It is closely related to the conduct of the Unified State Exam, the introduction of specialized training, and the improvement of not only the structure, but also the content of education. One of the key areas of system modernization is the implementation psychological methods V pedagogical process.

Tasks and goals

As the publications show, the main goal of the methodological support system is to improve the professional level of the teaching staff. The problem of insufficient qualifications teaching staff remains relevant today.

One of the most important tasks of methodological support is the implementation of new programs aimed at reforming the educational system.

Component composition of the system

The following aspects are highlighted in the structure of methodological support of the educational process:

  1. Diagnostic and analytical.
  2. Value-semantic.
  3. Methodical.
  4. Prognostic.

The methodological block, in turn, includes the following modules:

  1. Information and methodological.
  2. Organizational and methodological.
  3. Experimental implementation (practical).

It involves providing the teacher with the necessary information about modern educational technologies, providing advisory assistance etc.

Stages of implementation of methodological programs

The introduction of scientific and methodological developments should be carried out in stages. Only in this case can one expect a positive effect from the work. The main stages of implementation of methodological support programs are:

  1. Diagnosis of the problem.
  2. Search for solutions. For this purpose, information sources are used, including the Internet.
  3. Discussion of the found options, selection of the most suitable solution.
  4. Providing assistance in implementing the chosen option.

Forms of work

Software and methodological support is provided through:

  1. Consulting, assistance to creative groups, tutoring, teacher councils, seminars. This direction involves primarily the transfer of information. In this case, the forms can be any. They can be conditionally divided into passive (speeches at the teachers' meeting, surveys, familiarization with printed publications, etc.) and active (discussions, trainings, etc.).
  2. Formation of organizational and methodological conditions for attracting teachers to various events. We are talking, in particular, about courses, conferences, round tables, workshops, master classes, etc.

Methodological support for the child (as a full participant in the educational process) can be carried out using modern teaching technologies, including distance learning, through dialogue, games, focus groups, etc.

Recently, a form called “Skype escort” has become popular. It involves remote step-by-step individual training. This form of methodological support of the educational process is not limited to the number of sessions. Each subsequent meeting begins with a check homework. If it is not completed or performed incorrectly, then the session is not carried out.

Key terms

The effectiveness of methodological support in both preschool educational institutions and educational institutions is ensured through:

  • inclusion of the teacher in events related not only to his professional, but also spiritual development;
  • studying the personality of the teacher in its various aspects, creating situations aimed at developing his potential;
  • improving psychological and material mechanisms for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing motivation for professional growth.

The role of methodological support in the modern educational system

Today, increased demands are placed on school and university graduates. Only highly qualified teachers can raise a person who can quickly adapt to constantly changing living conditions and successfully self-realize. This means that teachers must have not only psychological, pedagogical, didactic, subject skills and knowledge, but also sufficient potential, the key components of which are internal beliefs, values, and attitudes.

It is the development of all these qualities, knowledge, and skills that methodological work in an educational institution is aimed at. The key condition for its effectiveness is the active participation of the teacher himself in the process of self-development and self-realization.

Scientific and methodological support ensures the socialization and adaptation of the teacher. Thus, by taking an active part in the process, the teacher receives a certain status and secures it for himself. Moreover, he gets the opportunity to solve the problem associated with professional self-preservation, overcoming the gap between what has been achieved and the new requirements for the educational process. Methodological support helps the teacher get rid of outdated views and helps increase his sensitivity to changes occurring in society. As a result, the teacher becomes more competitive.

The main thing in methodological support is the provision of effective, real assistance. It is a set of practical activities based on scientific achievements, advanced pedagogical experience. Methodological support is aimed at comprehensively improving the professional skills and competence of the teacher, realizing the creative potential of each teacher individually and the entire staff of the educational institution. Ultimately, this will lead to an increase in the level of good manners, education and cultural development of students.

Requirements for a modern teacher

Modernization of the domestic pedagogical system, updating of all elements of the educational process. Currently, a teacher must be able to solve complex problems creatively, comprehensively, and at a high professional level, in particular:

  1. Conduct diagnostics of the level of development of children, formulate real problems and set achievable goals for their work and the activities of students.
  2. Choose educational means and methods of teaching that meet modern living conditions and the requirements of society, taking into account the cognitive abilities and social characteristics of students.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the results of your work and the activities of your children.
  4. Develop and implement various educational programs, use known and offer their own innovative ideas, methodological techniques, technologies.
  5. Provide cognitive activity students.

All these requirements determine the role of the modern teacher not as an ordinary “subject specialist,” but as a researcher, psychologist, and technologist. In this regard, methodological work acquires special importance and contributes to the development of pedagogical skills.


Due to the fact that methodological activities can have a significant impact on the quality of education and training, on the final performance indicators of an educational institution, it can be considered as one of the most important factors in managing the pedagogical system. Accompaniment and support are mainly related to overcoming specific difficulties that arise for subjects of the educational process. Methodological activity involves pre-planned continuous work aimed at preventing problems when mastering new educational technologies. At the same time, the subject of the educational process independently determines whether he needs support or not.

“Methodological support for preschool teachers as a necessary condition for improving the quality of education.”

In annual terms for the 2016 - 2017 academic year, adoptedat the pedagogical council of the MDOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten № 1

"Dream" Rtishchevo Saratov region" from " August 30, 2016, p protocol No. 1 section prescribedVI. Methodical work,

Which included:

  • Open viewings of teaching activities, mutual visits;
  • Training seminars, workshops;
  • Consultations;
  • Mentoring;
  • Work of the methodological office;
  • Self-education.
  • Certification schedule;
  • Professional retraining and advanced training courses.



By level of professional education

Today, the Center continues to work to form a cohesive, efficient team of teachers.

8 teachers have a high potential for personal development, striving for self-development and developing interaction with surrounding colleagues.

12 teachers are more inclined to perform a performing role in teaching activities and in establishing relationships in the team; they do not show creative initiative.

6 teachers with great creative potential, but have difficulties in establishing contacts with colleagues (lack of self-confidence, low level of responsibility for fulfilling professional duties). This is due to the constantly changing composition of the teaching staff. During the first half of the year, the staff changed by 30%, which is due to the young contingent of teaching staff. However, positive dynamics are observed and confirmed by formal indicators, where there is a steady increase in the number of teachers with higher education. professional education. 14 people were sent for retraining and training.


Comparative diagram of the educational level of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions for 3 years

There is an increase in the number of teachers with a qualification category.


Table “Qualification of teachers”


Comparative diagram of the level of qualifications of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions for the last 3 years

SLIDE 17 Table 4 Awards and titles for 5 teachers



SLIDE 19 Comparative chart of work experience

Pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions for 3 years


Age characteristics of the teaching staff (in percentage and quantity) ratios).


SLIDE 22 Analysis of teachers’ competences is presented in Table 8


SLIDE 24 Questioning and/or testing:




In the practice of the Center's methodological serviceA system of individual support for teachers is used.

Choosing the optimal option for methodological work involves a comprehensive study of the personality and activities of a preschool teacher. The support system is based on the distribution of teachers into groups, taking into account the length of teaching experience, as well as a differentiated approach to the teacher in accordance with the results of pedagogical monitoring.

SLIDE 27-28 Problem analysis of teachers’ professionalism based on the results of diagnostic activities


Filling out pedagogical passports allows us to conditionally divide the teaching staff into 4 conditional groups:


Effective forms of working with teaching staff



Teaching hour, consultations,

Electronic page and electronic mechanism for collecting information via email.

The most effective and popular among teachers are the following forms of work:

Master Class

Pedagogical workshop

creative laboratory.

Slides 32-35 “Solving annual tasks in various forms»


Photos of seminars-practitioners, essays, copies of certificates of CPC, copies of diplomas and letters for winning professional competitions, open views, master classes, screenshot of the e-mail page, consultations.

The next priority activity of the methodological service is the adaptation of young specialists who do not have professional experience.

SLIDE 37-38 Mentoring

Mentors have plans for working with young specialists and carry out individual work to provide practical, theoretical, methodological and psychological-pedagogical assistance to teachers.

Gradually, with the support of a mentor, the young teacher begins to introduce existing theoretical knowledge and skills into practice of working with children and their parents. A mentor helps to master the art of communication, find an approach to any parent, and through him learn as much as possible about the child, and generally establish a trusting relationship with children, and subsequently win the love of children and the respect of their parents. Mentors and young specialists, when mutually attending classes and routine moments, fill out a notebook of mutual visits.


SLIDE 40 Stages of professional development of a young specialist

Stage I – internship (first year of work). A college or university graduate realizes his capabilities as a teacher and begins to understand his importance for children, their parents, and the entire preschool educational institution team. Applies in practice the knowledge and skills acquired at the educational institution. Awareness of insufficient knowledge of the content of working with children forces him to engage in self-education.

Stage II - developing (2-3 years of work). There is a process of developing professional skills, accumulating experience, searching best methods influence on a group of children in the process of educational educational work, your own style of work is developed, and interest in the experience of colleagues appears.

Stage III - formation (4-5th year of work). A system begins to take shape in the teacher’s activities.

Stage IV - improvement(more than 5 years of work), self-development, mastering new pedagogical technologies.

SLIDE 41 Interactive forms and methods at work

with young specialists



Composition of the creative team:


Meetings of the creative group are held on the first Monday of the month, at which, in accordance with the plan, regulations on the organization and conduct of shows and competitions in the Center are developed.


SLIDE 43 Work of the methodological room

Expansion and modernization of methodological equipment


Replenishment of the media library fund


Accumulation and systematization of materials created by teaching staff


Development of materials (electronic version) on the subject of pedagogical councils


Posting materials from teachers and specialists on the website


Publishing and publication of conference materials


Replenishment of the fund of methodological, scientific-practical, periodical, information literature


SLIDE 44 Self-education.

All teachers work according to individual professional development plans. When drawing up individual plans and choosing a methodological topic, teachers submit an “Explanatory Note” in May, in which they indicate the relevance of the choice of this topic (after an analysis of pedagogical diagnostics, I highlight the problem, define the goal and set tasks, justify the use of funds) and develop a plan, defining methods implementation.

Self-education work plan

SLIDE 45 Methodological topics on self-education of teaching staff


SLIDE 47 Schedule for certification of teachers workers and

SLIDE 48 Schedule for certification of teaching staff


SLIDE 50 Professional retraining and advanced training courses.

In the period from 2015 to 2016, 23 people completed advanced training and retraining courses, which is 85% of total number teachers, including the use of distance educational technologies and training in the form of webinars.

Professional retraining courses

Advanced training courses according to Federal State Educational Standards


In the period from April to October 2015, advanced training courses under the additional professional program “Active approach to the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education” were completed by 23 out of 26 people, which is85% (specialists and newly arrived employees did not complete the courses)


During the academic year, 2 teachers of the speech therapy group completed advanced training courses


Clarity in the organization of professional activities.

A variety of methods and techniques for working with children.

Dynamics of pedagogical support individual development child for a year.

Emotionally favorable microclimate in the group.

Information security for each area of ​​work.

Popular among students, parents, and colleagues.

The breadth of coverage of problems solved through social connections with government and public structures.

Pedagogical expediency of methodological support.

Availability of publications, generalization and presentation of experience at the municipal, regional, federal and international level.

Improving the pedagogical skills of teachers by involving them in participation in competitive projects.


Information on the participation of teachers of the Central Children's Educational Institution MDOU - kindergarten No. 1 "Dream" in Rtishchevo, Saratov region, in competitions at various levels


Municipal competitions:“Best Pedagogical Website”, “Fair of Pedagogical Ideas”, “Triumph of Mastery”,

Regional competitions“Leaders of preschool education” “Saratov today”

All-Russian competitions:“Talents of Russia”, “Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the preschool education system”, “My master class”.

International competitions"Best master class"


Teachers actively:

Represent work experience atregional educational institutions “Kaleidoscope of pedagogical ideas”,topic “Organization of joint project activities of adults and children within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”;

Take part inAll-Russian seminars “Self-education of a teacher - the basis of a teacher’s professional competence”, “The creative activity of a teacher as a necessary condition for the creative development of children”, V about the All-Russian distance autumn festival of educators"Creativity of teachers"on the portal “Odarennost.RU” www.ya-odarennost.ru

in the all-Russian webinars “Implementation of a system-activity approach in the learning process”, “Self-education as a necessary condition for increasing the professional competence of a teacher”, in the all-Russian distance competition for teachers “Vernissage of Fine Arts”.

In order to increase competence in the use of ICT technologies, we are studying educational materials posted on the portal"Open Education".

Participation in municipal and all-Russian professional competitions is a desire not only to share one’s own experience, but also to perceive other people’s experience, professional ambition, and competitiveness. The very fact of participation in any professional competition, regardless of the result achieved (victory or participation), definitely testifies in favor of the applicant, as it characterizes his desire to constantly improve professional competence and opportunities for professional growth.

The results of the self-education work were the use of positive pedagogical experience in organizing educational activities of the preschool institution.

In the 2015-2016 academic year and in the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year, work was organized to improve pedagogical skills, active methods training, the experience of teachers was used.

Before methodological The Child Development Center service has the following tasks:

1. Creation of an educational environment allowing the creative potential of every child, teacher, and entire teaching staff to be realized.

2. Teachers’ orientation towards self-education, self-development, self-improvement.

Since the beginning of the school year, 17 teachers and specialists have taken part in municipal meetings methodological associations and seminars. A seminar “Generation NEXT” was held at the MDOU in October.

Professional development of a preschool teacher -This is a long process, the purpose of which is to develop a person as a master of his craft, a true professional.


A model for organizing methodological support, which was created at the Center on the basis of diagnostic and prognostic activities. When creating a monitoring system aimed at tracking the level of professional competence of preschool teachers and improving the quality of education, you can actively involve preschool teachers in participating in competitive projects. Only by studying the personal and professional qualities of a teacher and through creating each teacher’s own style of teaching can one achieve high quality education in a preschool educational institution.

Model of methodological support in preschool educational institutions


Properly organized methodological support for teachers contributes to the development of the professional competence of a particular teacher in the field of preschool education content, the development of his erudition, as well as the personality traits and qualities necessary for a teacher - practice.

A modern teacher must be competitive and be able to position himself in a preschool environment.

In organizing methodological support:

Conditions are being created for the dissemination and implementation of practical experience in

activities of other educational organizations;

A mechanism for reflecting, storing and analyzing the results of pedagogical monitoring of the implementation of educational educational programs is being created.


In the education quality management system (new approaches and technologies, novelty in the system of interaction with partners):

A mechanism has emerged for obtaining results and correcting the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

Teachers have the opportunity to independently and competently assess the quality of education in preschool educational institutions and the implementation of educational tasks in groups, in relation to each child;

There is an opportunity to expand the prospects for the development of educational institutions, define new goals, and expand the space of educational areas.

In organizing professional activities and professional development of a teacher:

the professional competence of preschool teachers has increased;

The teacher’s interest in monitoring and in the positive dynamics of the effectiveness of mastering the program has increased, the methods of monitoring and correcting the individual development of the child have changed;

Cohesion in the work of the teaching staff, informal acceptance and achievement of common goals, and implementation of common tasks have increased.

The objectives set for the current academic year have been fully implemented and contributed to the achievement of key results.

Sufficient level of regulatory support for monitoring activities.

A sufficient level of methodological activity is activity to create methodological products.

A sufficient level of influence of innovation for the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard, including Professional Development teachers.


In the new academic year it is planned:

* continue to organize mentoring, providing psychological, pedagogical and methodological assistance to young specialists;

* encourage teachers to improve their skills;

* intensify work with parents, inviting them to consultations and open events;

* guide teaching staff in need of advanced training in various areas of child development and mastery of developmental education technologies (speech therapists, music directors, teacher-psychologist, physical education instructor).


The result corresponds to the following parameters:

1) conscious readiness of preschool teachers to implement new educational standards;
2) the subjective position of the teacher regarding the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education,
3) increasing the professional competence of teachers;
4) activation of pedagogical reflection of one’s own professional activities;
5) self-realization of a teacher in professional activities.