Marine fleet where they serve. Interview with a sailor. How long do women serve in the Russian army?

“Conscripts”—conscripted military personnel—will no longer serve on warships and submarines of the Northern Fleet. Starting from the spring conscription campaign of this year, almost all positions in the naval personnel are filled exclusively with contract servicemen.

Conscripts will serve only in the ground forces military units. According to experts, only trained professional military personnel can cope with the operation of the complex equipment of modern destroyers, cruisers and submarines. But such a decision reduces popularity among future conscripts military service. Instead of elite units and units, they are sent to auxiliary positions.

As reported at the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, starting this year, all positions on ships and submarines are filled exclusively with military personnel serving under contract. Therefore, conscripts will be sent only to parts of the Northern Fleet coastal forces: motorized rifle brigades and marine brigades. Also, conscripted military personnel will join the ground staff of aviation squadrons and regiments, as well as air defense divisions.

Former deputy commander-in-chief of the Navy, Admiral Igor Kasatonov, said that the transition to manning ship crews with contract soldiers began under the previous Minister of Defense. Under Sergei Shoigu, this figure reached 100%.

“A contract service sergeant major is a completely different level of motivation and training for a serviceman,” said the admiral. - IN Lately the number and duration of combat missions of ships to sea increased. The fleet has received completely new, high-tech equipment, which must be serviced by professionals. Therefore, it is logical that we need people who serve not just for one year, but for at least 5-7 years. The Navy today has created not only a system for attracting contract soldiers, but also an incentive system so that they fulfill their duties as part of the crews of ships and submarines for as long as possible. I'm talking about salary allowances, the opportunity to receive free higher education and your own apartment.

In the Navy Soviet Union The service life on board was three years. But in the Russian Navy it was reduced to two years. Now conscripts serve only twelve months.

But the problem is not only the need to staff ships and submarines with specialists. With the increase in the number of long-distance cruises, the Navy command also faced serious organizational problems.

“The ship is leaving for the shores of Syria, and on it are conscripts,” Valentina Melnikova, secretary of the Union of Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers, explained to Izvestia. — The sailor has reached the end of his service life. He is not paid travel allowances like contract soldiers. After all, it is believed that he is serving on Russian territory.

Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense Alexander Kanshin noted that for many conscripts the lack of the opportunity to serve “urgent duty” on a ship or submarine will be an unpleasant surprise.

“They want, they have desire, they have romance. But no vocational training, noted Alexander Kanshin. “Currently, conscripts are trained for six months. And the remaining six months they wait for transfer to the reserve. And there are specialties for which it is not easy to complete practical training in a year.

Let us recall that already in the fall of last year, the fleet’s admission and technical commission, which is responsible for selecting military personnel for service in the naval personnel and in the Far North, practically did not assign “conscripts” to ships and submarines of the Northern Fleet.

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How long do conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Marine Fleet 2020, how to get into the Navy, salary on a contract, when do sailors retire?

Since Soviet times, serving in the Navy has been considered prestigious, but at the same time very difficult. After all, then the sailors served for 3 whole years. In 1996, this type of service was equated to regular service and conscripts bore their burden like all 24 months or 2 years.

But already in 2007, military reform began, which affected all troops, including the Navy. TSo now they serve in the naval fleet, as elsewhere, for exactly 1 year.

However, many conscripts do not know this and are still afraid of being drafted into the Marine Fleet. And this is in vain. Not only because now the period of stay on the ship is not so long, but also because the conditions there are much better than in the barracks.

For example, soldiers are on enhanced nutrition and have a gentle daily routine. In addition, it is in the Navy that you can get good specialty, work with accommodation, and then early retirement, which is very decent. But for this you need to serve in the Marine Fleet on a contract. But not all conscripts are accepted into these troops. The young person needs to have:

  • The second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • Fitness category A3 and higher;
  • Height is no higher than 180 centimeters.

For service on boats, cruisers, minesweepers and auxiliary vessels, strict requirements can be turned a blind eye. But they choose to become submariners according to a strict selection process. However, with a strong desire, some distribution points and military registration and enlistment offices somehow come to an agreement.

How to get a contract in the Navy, salary

Both conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Baltic or Black Sea Fleet. There is a much greater chance of getting into the first one, since its numbers are higher. There are rumors that soon the Navy will hire only on a contract basis, but this is not certain yet, it’s worth waiting for the end military reform. Now, in order to get a contract in the Morflot, you need to have everything that is needed for military service, and also:

  • Average vocational education related to shipping;
  • A related specialty that has an analogue in military accounting professions.

If you want to go to a certain unit, you should contact its commander directly and ask if they need people; if the answer is positive, then you will need to ask for written confirmation that the person is ready to be taken there.

It along with other documents, namely:

  • Passport;
  • 4 photographs 3x4;
  • Certificates from doctors;
  • A diploma of the required education;
  • Certificate of good conduct;
  • must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence.

Regarding the contract service period, it ranges from 24 to 36 months for new recruits. If we are talking about an officer or midshipman, then the contract is concluded for 60 months, which is equal to 5 years. You can re-enlist in the Navy for any period of time, but not less than one year and until retirement age.

The salary in the Navy is not high, ranging from 18 to 30 thousand rubles per month, but if you consider that a military man does not have the opportunity or need to spend it, at the end of the contract he may find a very decent amount in his account.

Pension in Morflot

Being a retired military sailor in our country is very profitable. Firstly, because one year of service is counted as 1.5 years of service. That is, in order to retire, a man needs to work not 35 years, but 25. In other words, already at the age of 45 you can retire and receive a good salary. Approximately the pension for long service in the Navy ranges from 14 to 27 thousand rubles. In addition, from January 1, 2020 it should increase by 3-4%. In addition, in Russia all military personnel have many benefits:

  • Providing housing or receiving an amount sufficient to rent it;
  • Non-competitive admission to universities, free preparation in courses before admission;
  • Free treatment and rehabilitation measures in hospitals;
  • Free travel on public transport;
  • If a military man dies while on duty, the family is paid 3 million rubles.
  • When leaving the army due to a military injury, a contract soldier receives up to 2 million rubles.

The average size of an officer's naval pension is usually 50-80 thousand rubles.

“The army teaches that initiative is punishable”: a soldier about serving in the Navy

A story from a recent conscript about serving in the navy.

On Tuesday, November 15, Russia celebrates Conscript Day. On this occasion, the 360 ​​TV channel asked a recent conscript and native of the Ramensky district about his service. The young man told what you should take with you to the military registration and enlistment office, what the army teaches and how you can get from the Moscow region to the Northern navy. For obvious reasons, the name and surname of the interlocutor are not indicated.

How I ended up in the army

I joined the army at the age of 22: I had to get a job, but without a military ID (military ID - note “360”) they didn’t take me where I wanted. And I decided that it was enough to run away from the army and went myself. Moreover, at the local military registration and enlistment office they tearfully promised me that I would serve close to home and would be able to go home on leave.

They took us to the distribution center (distribution center - approx. “360”) - I don’t really remember where it was - and there they asked where I wanted, to the Airborne Forces or the Navy. Since I am afraid of heights and the Airborne Forces are not for me, I chose the marine fleet. Based on health and all other parameters, I passed there. In the end they told me - Severomorsk (the city is located on the Kola Peninsula, 25 km northeast of Murmansk - note “360”). At first I tried to find such a city in the Moscow region, remembering the promises of military commissars about service close to home, but, of course, no settlement There is no such name near the capital. Which, in general, is logical. After two days on the train, it became obvious that I was definitely not going to go home for the weekend.

What to take with you to service

I only took a razor with me, a disposable one at that, because they told me that everything was taken away there first. And I took a cheap phone so that it wouldn’t hurt if it was stolen or taken away. Well, documents, toothpaste, a brush and underpants with socks, just in case. And I didn’t take anything else. For those who brought a lot of things with them, everything was sorted out at the “distribution” (distributor - approx. “360”).


We didn’t have “training” as such. Although this is strange: when you are sent to serve on a ship, you have to undergo some kind of training for the first six months. We had a young fighter course for a month - it was more like physical training. But in fact, we joined the process of subordination, there was a “fit,” we constantly ran and marched. Then there’s the service itself. Like on a podium, we all stood together in front of the ship commanders, and we were chosen, “bought,” in general. I got on the large landing ship "George the Victorious", which at that time was in the dock. There we began to “plow” from the very first days.

Where does the service begin?

It was when they changed us from green soldier uniforms to sailors, into naval uniforms, that I ended up at the dock. There we initially repaired the ship, for about two weeks. Then we had our first trip to sea - we went to Severomorsk, where there was a brigade of landing ships. At first there were test exits to see how everything was repaired.

It is worth noting that it was a polar day there, and before the army I led an active lifestyle mainly at night. And it was quite stressful for two months without seeing the night at all. Because they were in the barracks. But on a ship it’s more comfortable - inside the ship, of course, it’s dark. Then we were sent to Baltiysk for the Zapad-2013 exercises with the Belarusians. Our task was to land BMPs (infantry fighting vehicles - approx. “360”) from the water, so that they would parachute, reach the ground, and there they would already have their own strategic tasks. We worked on everything for a very long time. And then we were sent to other places - for example, to Novorossiysk. On the way there we stopped in Portugal for a couple of days. This was the first time in the history of Russian landing ships that a Portuguese port received us. There we stocked up on water and fuel.

Responsibilities of sailors

In fact, when I went to the ship, I did not understand at all what could be done there. I thought: the sea, everything on deck, the sun, everything is festive, great. But nothing like that: when a ship is at sea, everyone has their own responsibilities. For example, I had the position of a miner. The landing corral performs several functions. The first is the transportation of infantry fighting vehicles or tanks during combat, the second is the dropping of mines into the water to locally control the approaches to the shore. But since we didn’t carry out any military operations, I didn’t even have any material. And so I did everything. They signed me up as a clerk there, since I am good with a computer.

At sea itself, alarms were constantly being worked out. We practiced the task of sinking a ship and causing fire. The alarm sounds (usually this was during a break in the shift), everyone takes their combat positions and everyone performs a specific function. Every sailor has all this written down in his “Combat Number” book.

Life on the ship and food

The ship has its own diet, everything is prescribed according to GOST. But it often happened that something ran out: just when we were going to Baltiysk, we practically ran out of provisions and we ate buckwheat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And, unlike ground forces, sailors eat four times a day. There is also evening tea, roughly speaking. When we went to sea, we baked our own bread. This is logical: bread will not last more than three days. There was even a watch position - a baker who baked bread all night for the entire staff of 140 people.

Relationships within the team

Everything is simple here. We, like everywhere else, have a so-called vertical of power. That is, the brigade commander receives an order from the Supreme Commander - he ordered all ship commanders. They convey the order to their officers, the officers - to the midshipmen, the midshipmen - to the contract soldiers, and the contract soldiers - to us. And we have no one to blame this on, because we are unfortunate conscripts. In principle, there was no hazing as such - that we came, that someone else came six months earlier. We are conscripts, and it’s not that they wipe their feet on us, but we no longer have anyone to delegate any task to. This forced us to unite and act together.

The army is a school of life. Or not?

This is a double-edged sword. If I had not served all this time, but worked, then, of course, I would have won more in terms of finances and everything else. But in the army there is no mom and dad, no relatives, there you rely on yourself and learn to live in a team. The army, at a minimum, taught me that initiative is punishable. That's all. The only thing that was slightly annoying was that, in principle, there was nothing to do on a large scale in the army. Due to this, the principle works there: it is not the result that is important, it is the process that is important. We need to kill time. Sometimes it reached the point of absurdity, when we painted the ship’s hull one color, then another. These are tasks that are not rational and illogical.

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Every young man who has reached conscription age and even earlier is interested in how many are currently serving in Russian army. This question and will be discussed in this article.

In 2020

Relatively recently, the period of service in the Russian army under compulsory conscription was a long 24 months. Since 2007, conscripts began to serve for 18 months, and since 2008, their service period has been 12 months. This systematic reduction has been planned for a long time; experts attribute it to three determining reasons:

  • Thirdly, it was necessary to solve, at least partially, the problem of hazing among military personnel, to establish discipline and order;
  • Secondly, to provide the conscript with the opportunity to quickly return to family, work and other life plans in civilian life;
  • First, and this is the most important thing, to carry out the next stage of the transition to a contract army.

Thus, in 2020, Russian guys will be called up to serve in the army for 12 months.

Marine fleet - how long does the elite serve?

Serving in the navy has been an honor at all times - both in the USSR and today. Marine military uniform always attracted the attention of others, and everyday life The sailor's life is full of surprises and surprises. Living conditions on a ship compare favorably with living conditions in barracks. How many years do Russian sailors serve now, since their service life has always been different from that of the ground or air forces?

Interesting! The Russian Navy is staffed by conscripts and contract soldiers. There are rumors that the fleet will soon consist solely of mercenaries. Well, for now, only contract soldiers serve on submarines!

Indeed, until 1996, sailors served for 3 years, while soldiers on land served for 2. The new reform made all troops equal; they began to serve everywhere for only 2 years. The latest changes in 2007-2008 regarding the service life of military personnel reduced it to 12 months.

Thus, today all conscripts in all troops serve exactly 1 year.

Cancellation of conscription

The fact that the Russian army in the near future, like many armies foreign countries, will consist entirely of mercenaries, seems a vague prospect. And although the President of the country has repeatedly spoken out in favor of abolition, the peculiarities of geography and economics Russian Federation They will not allow this to be done with a one-time volitional decision.

However, discussions regarding the abolition of the universal conscription are heated. Opponents of contract service consider their arguments to be the most compelling; supporters of an army staffed by trained professionals present their arguments, no less convincing.

In 1925, a law was passed regulating the length of service in the Soviet army. They served on land for 2 years, in the navy and aviation for 3 years. On September 1, 1939, the country's leadership adopted a law on universal conscription, according to which the period of service in all troops was increased by a year.

A very big number! By the end of 1945, the size of the Soviet army was a record 11 million people. After the war, there were already about 3 million soldiers in the armed forces of the USSR. Today the Russian army numbers about 1 million people. The Russian army ranks second in the world in terms of numbers. Guess once who has 1st place and 2 million 200 thousand soldiers? China, of course!

The new law on military service for citizens of the USSR did not bring any changes - to land and air force conscripted for 3 years, to the navy for 4.

A new stage in the development of army service falls in 1967. The new law on universal military service reduced the term to 2 years in the ground forces, to 3 years in the navy.

This law was in effect for a very long time, almost 35 years. Adopted in 1993 new law“On conscription and military service”, which is still in force. According to it, the service life was reduced to 1.5 years on land and to 2 years in the navy. This standard was in effect until 1995.

How did the Chechen military campaign affect your service life?

The armed conflict in the Chechen Republic, which began in 1994, had its impact on universal conscription into the army. During one spring campaign, it was planned to send almost 225 thousand recruits, but the military registration and enlistment offices fulfilled this figure by only 40%. There were a lot of draft dodgers. The direct consequence of this failure was that the service life increased by six months, from 1.5 to 2 years.

In 1996, in full swing of the election campaign, Boris Yeltsin issued a statement in which he promised to completely abolish conscription service by the year 2000. The purpose of such a promise was quite understandable - to attract as many young people as possible to the polls. Many politicians considered this statement populist. And so it happened. In 1998, he revoked his decree.

Other countries - different customs

Many foreign countries, including European, African and Asian, have long switched to an army staffed by mercenaries. Among them are Albania, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Ethiopia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and, of course, the USA. There are only about a hundred such countries. Contract soldiers serve in such professional armies from 2 to 6 years with a possible contract extension.

Our closest neighbors

Belarus and Kazakhstan have not abandoned conscription service, and are unlikely to do so in the near future. The economies of our neighbors are not so optimistic that they can bear the burden of a 100% professional army consisting of contract soldiers.

In these countries, the length of military service in the army depends on the level of education of the potential recruit. Men without higher education serve for 1.5 years, with higher education– only 1 year.

Israel is a delicate matter!

The Israeli army, with its deep traditions, is still based on emergency conscription. Moreover, the obligation to serve applies to both men and women who have reached the age of 18. Men serve for 3 years, women for 2 years.

Married, pregnant women and women with children have the right not to serve. In addition, a religious girl, with a set strict rules your way of life may also not serve.

It is worth noting that the Israelis themselves consider the duty of military service to be honorable and call it “sacred.” There are not many draft dodgers in Israel, but they still exist. Last year, 2017, they were counted as many as 700 people. Basically, these were representatives of religious groups.

Despite such a small number of those who did not want to give 3 years of their lives to the state, the country’s military leadership is taking decisive action to minimize cases of evasion, and at the same time to popularize military service. A serviceman's allowance increased almost 8 times - from 300 shekels to 2.5 thousand, and the statute of limitations for evading service was made indefinite. So, even 20 years after the illegal deferment, the man will bear criminal liability.

How long do women serve in the Russian army?

As you know, universal compulsory conscription in Russia does not apply to women. However, this does not mean that the road to the army is closed for women. Girls can also serve in the Russian army, but only under a contract. Their age must range from 20 to 40 years and they must pass appropriate physical endurance tests as well as mental toughness tests.

Not a little, not a lot! Today, about 60 thousand female soldiers serve in the Russian army. They participate in all exercises and perform all the duties of a soldier on an equal basis with men. But! The law does not allow the use of women for guard duty!

The length of service for women contract employees is the same as for men.

Terms of contract service in 2020

Initially, the first contract, according to the Law, had to be at least 3 years. However, by decree of V.V. Putin, who had the goal of popularizing contract service in the army, the candidate could sign a contract for 2 or 3 years. Today, repeat contracts can be concluded for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. It is possible to conclude an open-ended contract, even if age limit contracted services have already been achieved. For officers it is 45 years.

Foreign citizens can serve in the Russian army, but only in the officer rank and for a period of 5 years.

Learn student!

Recently, cases have become more frequent when students of universities and colleges express a desire to serve under a contract. Is the possibility of such a service provided for this category of citizens? Yes, it is provided, but only for freshmen and for a period of at least 5 years. Second and subsequent year students are not accepted for contract service.

Such selection conditions are associated, first of all, with the desire to allow only those students who, upon entering educational institution, decided that studying was not what they wanted to do for the next few years.

From conscript to contract soldier? Easily!

An ordinary conscript soldier can become a contract soldier. To do this, he must serve at least 3 months of normal service. The first contract can be concluded for a period of 2 years. Until 2008, the minimum term of the first contract was 3 years, but at that time military service lasted not 1 year, but 2.

Will they serve again for 18 months?

Back in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev promised that by 2020 the ratio of conscripts to contract soldiers in the Russian army would be 15% to 85%. Today the numbers are completely different - 35% and 65%, respectively.

In addition, against the backdrop of new military operations on an international scale, in which the Russian army is directly involved, reports of an increase in conscription service life have increasingly begun to appear. You can find information about a 1.5-year and even two-year period.

Government officials always try to dispel this false information, calling such news “stuffing” a desire to excite society. And although individual representatives of the State Duma factions tried to introduce bills to increase the service life, their attempts always failed. The current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has also repeatedly spoken out against such measures.

Therefore, in the coming years, our guys will serve no more than 1 year.


The topic of military service, especially with regard to the timing of its completion by boys of urgent conscription, has always been hotly discussed in our society. Foreign military operations involving Russia, individual cases hazing fueled this interest.

We tried to answer in as much detail as possible the question of how many years military personnel of various categories are currently serving in the Russian army. We hope you now know a little more than you did before reading this article.

Military service and a further military career are becoming increasingly prestigious and attractive for young people thinking about their future. But it is considered a special honor to join the ranks navy, protecting the security of our state in the waters. For ordinary conscripts, this opportunity is becoming increasingly difficult to access, as most The employees in the Morflot today are contract soldiers.

What is the Russian Navy

The Navy (VMF) is one of the three branches of the armed forces in the Russian Federation.

The main task of the Navy is to protect the security of the country and its citizens through combat operations in sea and ocean territories.

The Russian Navy is the successor to the USSR Navy, created on the basis of the Russian Imperial Fleet.

The birth of the Russian fleet is considered to be 1696, and its history goes back more than three centuries.During all this time, opponents from different states lowered their flags in front of Russian ships 75 times.

Today, naval forces can ensure the delivery of nuclear strikes against enemy ground targets, the destruction of its fleet, ocean and sea communications.

In addition, the Russian Navy monitors the safety of Russian maritime transport and facilitates ground forces in conducting military operations and also performs other tasks.

Conscripts and contract servicemen can join the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific Fleet or Baltic Flotilla.

How to get to Morflot?

Service in the Navy is considered prestigious. Many conscripts and contract soldiers strive to join the navy. But not everyone can achieve their desire.

Conscription service

You can get into the Navy by conscription only within the framework of the general distribution carried out by the military registration and enlistment office. Conscripts are selected primarily based on physical parameters. Preference is also given to candidates:

  • graduated from the naval school;
  • having a working civil specialty, which can be useful to a sailor while serving on a ship (for example, a mechanic, a radio technician, a welder).

IMPORTANT!A conscript must declare his desire to enlist in the Navy during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

If the desire to serve in the navy is very strong, the young man can contact the personnel department of the selected military unit of the naval unit and find out whether it is planned to recruit sailors for this conscription.

If the answer is positive, the conscript may receive an invitation to serve in this unit, which will need to be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Contract service

The bulk of Russian sailors are recruited from contract soldiers. All requirements for physical and psychological health indicators for contract soldiers remain the same as for conscripts.

To get into service in a specific military unit, a future contract soldier should also contact the personnel department of this Marine Fleet unit in advance and receive an invitation.

  1. appear at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of registration and write a statement of desire to serve in the troops of the Russian Federation on a contract basis;
  2. undergo a medical examination, which must confirm suitability for military service;
  3. undergo psychological professional selection candidates and receive an appropriate recommendation;
  4. provide all the documents required by the military registration and enlistment office and sign the contract.

IMPORTANT! Citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted for contract service:

  • those who have completed military service;
  • in stock;
  • have served in the armed forces for at least one year;
  • other persons in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

The age of a candidate applying for contract service for the first time must be at least 18 years old and no more than 40 years old.

How long do they serve in the Navy?

Until 1996, sailors who joined the navy served for three years.

Then the service life was reduced to two years. After the start of the military reform in 2007, conscription service time in the navy (as in other branches of the armed forces) became equal to one year.

With citizens entering the service for the first time on a commercial basis, a contract is concluded for a period of two to three years, with officers and midshipmen - for 60 months. When re-entering the service, you can choose any term (but not less than one year).

What parameters must be met to serve in the Morflot?

The Navy has always had strict requirements for candidates to join the Navy. A conscript or contract soldier must have good health and good psychological preparation. Today the requirements are as follows:

  1. height – no more than 180 cm;
  2. suitability category – A1, A2 and A3;
  3. the second group of psychological stability, confirmed by appropriate testing.

If the conscript meets all the above parameters, but his height exceeds 180 centimeters, he will not be able to get directly onto a ship or submarine, but there remains a chance to be enlisted in the Coast Guard or in the honor guard company at headquarters. Tall applicants of Slavic appearance are selected there.

Features of service in the Navy

For many young men, serving in the navy is associated with romance. However, in the future, this idea changes, since in the Navy, military personnel face not only a beautiful uniform and the endless expanses of the sea, but also more mundane daily duties.

Emergency service

A conscript cannot choose which naval unit he will be sent to.. The only exceptions can be those young men who have submitted invitations from a specific military unit to the military registration and enlistment office.

Living conditions on a ship or submarine are much harsher than on land, which employees sometimes don't see for weeks. An individual seafarer is usually assigned his own responsibilities. And when everyone is busy with their own business, the sailors have practically no reason to sort things out among themselves.

Thanks to this system of distribution of responsibilities, such phenomena as hazing and regulations practically do not occur on military ships and submarines.

While the ship is on shore, sailors live in coastal barracks and perform simple ship maintenance work. Since each ship's departure to sea requires certain costs from the state, rest periods can be quite long-term.

Contract service

The possibility of choosing vacancies for contract service in the Navy varies somewhat depending on the location of the Russian Navy units.

  • In the Northern Fleet you can go serve on a submarine or surface ships. Recruitment for coastal troops is also always open.
  • Among the vacanciesBaltic Fleet The positions of the floating crew of surface ships predominate; it also includes the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade in the city of Baltiysk.
  • Black Sea Fleet provides vacancies for sailing personnel (surface ships and submarines) and coastal troops.
  • Pacific Fleet includes brigades anti-submarine ships, landing ships, submarines, marines, anti-aircraft missile forces.
  • Caspian flotilla offers vacancies for surface ship and marine crew.

The contractor himself can choose which fleet he wants to serve in. It should be noted that in the Northern and Pacific Fleet seafarers are paid higher wages, since special coefficients are applied when calculating them. In addition, sailors serving in harsh conditions climatic conditions receive numerous benefits.

If a contract soldier wants to serve in more pleasant conditions, he should choose the Black Sea or Caspian Fleet, based in places with a warm and mild climate.

Finally, in the Baltic Fleet, military personnel will have the most developed infrastructure and good social conditions.

IMPORTANT! The highest salaries in the Navy are paid to sailors on submarines. The lowest salaries are provided for coastal units. The average salary in the navy is 20-40 thousand.

Preparation for service in the navy

The leadership of naval units today faces a rather difficult task - to prepare a good fighter in an extremely short time.

If conscript soldiers serve for only one year, then only three months are allotted for their training Therefore, this time has to be used as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Sailors spend most of their time during these three months in classrooms and at computers, and only after that they go to sea.

Service in the Navy is not available to every conscript or contract soldier who wishes to do so. In order to join the ranks of the Russian Navy, you must have good health, physical and psychological preparation. In addition, the Navy is increasingly giving preference to contract servicemen.