Type 8 failure item at school. Work program for faults. Let's weigh the finished cakes


Document status

The curriculum for social and everyday orientation corresponds to the Federal component of the standard of education in special (correctional) secondary schools VIII type, the curriculum of the KGS(K)OU "Zmeinogorsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type", designed for six days working week and developed on the basis of the Basic curriculum of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type (appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2002 No. 29/2065-p), the Charter of the KGS(K)OU “Zmeinogorsk special (correctional) secondary school- boarding school of the VIII type", taking into account the requirements established by SanPiNi.
When conducting SBO classes, classes are divided into subgroups according to the class list, through one student.

The program is based on special (corrective) educational institutions VIII type (VLADOS publishing house, 2000, edited by V.V. Voronkova). It details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the overall strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means academic subject in accordance with the objectives of studying the subject, which are defined by the standard. Working programm on social and everyday orientation is a comprehensive document that includes the following sections: an explanatory note, the content of the topics of the training course, thematic lesson planning, requirements for the level of training of students for each section of the program, educational and methodological support. The program is built taking into account the principles of consistency, science, and accessibility.

General characteristics of the subject

The development of socio-economic relations in modern Russia requires a new quality of education. This is the readiness of school graduates for successful integration into society, the ability to realize themselves in life. This problem is relevant for VIII schools type, and it is especially acute for the teacher of social and everyday orientation, who in his lessons solves the problem of the comprehensive development of the younger generation and prepares his students for direct inclusion in life, in work activity in modern economic conditions.

Much attention in SBO classes is given to the aesthetic education of students, the development of their imagination and artistic taste. To cultivate these qualities, the program includes a “Knitting” section. Which is a means of expanding professional horizons, developing creativity and interest in work, contributes to an exciting way to fill leisure time, creates conditions for the manifestation of independence, develops artistic taste, cultivates patience and teaches accuracy, and gives students the opportunity to apply acquired skills in the field of home work. The effectiveness of classes in this section is ensured only under the condition of close communication between the teacher and parents and educators.

This section is designed for students in grades 6-9. To highlight hours on the topic “Knitting”, hours from other topics were taken.

6th grade

  • Culture of behavior – 1 hour.
  • Housing – 3 hours.
  • Transport – 2 hours.
  • Health care- 1 hour.

7th grade

  • Clothes and shoes – 2 hours.
  • Transport – 2 hours.
  • Family – 1 hour.
  • Housing – 2 hours.

8th grade

  • Clothes - 2 hours.
  • Family – 1 hour.
  • Housing – 1 hour.
  • Trade – 1 hour.
  • Communications – 2 hours.
  • Medical assistance – 1 hour.
  • Institutions and organizations – 1 hour.

9th grade

  • Personal hygiene – 1 hour.
  • Clothes and shoes – 2 hours.
  • Family relationships – 2 hours.
  • Culture of behavior – 1 hour.
  • Housing – 1 hour.
  • Medical assistance – 1 hour.

When learning to knit, children master the technical skills of working with a crochet hook, familiar words and phrases are consolidated in them, dialogical speech is formed as a means of communication, and the logical thinking, memory, knowledge of colors and geometric shapes is consolidated. The educational objective of the SBO course is to prepare students for independent life, the formation of solid knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the educational process and scientific and technological progress, rules of ethics and standards of behavior in modern society. During the lessons, the teacher helps students navigate modern world, applies various methods and techniques for the successful adaptation of students and their successful implementation after graduation.

To socialize this category of students, a certain level of development of the communicative function of speech, skills and abilities is necessary. It is known that children with developmental disabilities experience great difficulties in adapting to the world around them, in mastering generally accepted norms of behavior due to their inferiority cognitive activity caused by total mental underdevelopment or dementia. The reasons for the difficulties are related to the characteristics of their intellectual development. Many come to school with a negative attitude towards educational activities, have formal motives for learning, and are characterized by intellectual passivity and lack of initiative. The relatively smaller opportunities for communication with the outside world of schoolchildren living in a boarding school also play a role. Unlike normally developing peers, whose social development occurs largely involuntarily and spontaneously, mentally retarded children are not able to independently identify and master patterns of solving social and everyday problems. In the context of the formation of the personality of a mentally retarded child, socialization is possible only under the condition of targeted training and education that ensures their preparation for independent life. Family participation in preparing these children for independent life is, as a rule, negligible. In families, housekeeping is often so poorly run that it is difficult to learn anything under such conditions. L. S. Vygotsky noted: “The social education of a mentally retarded child is the only viable scientific way of his upbringing”*1.

The SBO program is compiled taking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of the development of students, the level of their knowledge and skills; based on the principle of increasing complexity and increasing the volume of information. Consistent study of topics provides an opportunity to systematically form and improve in children the skills they need for self-care, housekeeping, and orientation in the world around them.

In SBE lessons, student differentiation is taken into account.

Group I. Students in this group are able to reproduce educational material quite fully, answering questions, and in simple cases, reproduce it independently. Technical and technological knowledge has been acquired quite fully. Planning new job within the program requirements are carried out successfully. Control techniques have been developed, performance is high, and work techniques within the scope of the program requirements of this class have been successfully mastered.

Group II. Students in this group reproduce educational material mostly correctly, but make minor errors. They can independently use knowledge of theoretical and practical activities only in the simplest cases. They have difficulty planning their work activities independently and often resort to the help of a teacher. Control techniques are not sufficiently developed; there are deficiencies in mastering professional techniques, but only in connection with motor defects of students; performance is average.

III group. Students in this group reproduce educational material separately, most often in parts, and cannot identify the main thing in the content. Some technical and technological knowledge is acquired at the level of specific ideas. Incapable of independent work planning. Control techniques have not been developed; professional motor skills are performed with errors; the pace of work is low.

In SBO classes, students are practically introduced to enterprises, organizations and institutions that they will have to contact on various issues when starting an independent life. Great importance have classes aimed at developing the skills to use the services of consumer services, trade, communications, transport, and medical services. In addition, these classes should contribute to the assimilation of moral and ethical standards of behavior, the development of communication skills with people, the development of children’s artistic taste, etc.

Purpose this program is the development social competence in children with special needs educational needs and preparing them for independent living.

Course objectives:

  • formation in pupils of a correctional boarding school of knowledge and skills that contribute to social adaptation;
  • the formation of mechanisms of stress-resistant behavior as the basis for the mental health of schoolchildren and the condition for their socio-psychological adaptation;
  • development of the communicative function of speech as an indispensable condition for the social adaptation of children with mental retardation;
  • mastering theoretical information, as well as acquiring everyday skills;
  • development of skills necessary for adolescents with special educational needs to carry out their life activities independently;
  • increasing the level of cognitive activity and expanding the volume of existing knowledge and ideas about the world around us.
  • Nurturing positive personality traits

The SBO course is studied from grades 5 to 9. This allows the teacher, observing the principles of systematicity and consistency in teaching when communicating new material, to use the students’ experience as a basis for expanding their knowledge, improving their existing skills and abilities, and developing new ones. The main forms and methods of teaching are practical work, excursions, role-playing games, conversations; Visual teaching aids, demonstration of educational films, filmstrips, etc. are widely used. Social and everyday orientation has its logical continuation in the system of extracurricular activities. The teacher consolidates the knowledge and skills acquired in SBO classes in the process of practical work, and forms strong skills on their basis. Only comprehensive joint activities of the teacher and educator will achieve the desired results.

SBO classes are conducted in a special room, in which there are designated places for students and for equipment that ensures the full implementation of all types practical work provided by the program. When organizing the office, sanitary and hygienic standards and safety regulations are taken into account.

Mastering the program involves a combination of classroom lessons based on interactive forms of mastering educational content, as well as the use of examples and situations from the experience of heroes of literary works familiar to children, teachers and educators, and independent work focused on incorporating what has been learned theoretical material into real practice to solve specific problems in everyday life.

Mastery of the program is recorded during the implementation process. role-playing games, excursions, general lessons, practical work.

Classroom forms of organizing classes:

Lecture-conversation, which involves direct contact between the teacher and students. Using this type of lecture will allow you to attract students’ attention to the most important issues of the topic, determine the content and pace of presentation educational material taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children, and will also allow us to determine the degree to which they have mastered the previous material;
lecture with analysis of specific situations, which involves discussion of specific life situations during the lecture;

Practical lessons: enable students to use theoretical knowledge in practical activities. Active participation in practical work leads to systematization and deepening of knowledge, to the development of skills and abilities.

Educational role-playing games– a synthetic form of organizing joint activities of the teacher and students. It is a multicomponent model containing several types of activities that are fundamentally important for the development of a mentally retarded child: problem-searching, thinking, communicative, imitation-role (social modeling).

The form of final certification of students is the final test. The assessment system at the end of the study of each topic includes testing, oral surveys, creative and test work.

Mandatory learning outcomes are presented in the Requirements for the level of training and set a system of final learning outcomes that all students graduating from a special (correctional) school of the VIII type must achieve and the achievement of which is a prerequisite for the student’s positive certification for the course of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. These requirements are structured into three components: “know/understand”, “be able”, “use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.” The first two components are presented separately for each content section.

Place of the subject in the federal basic curriculum

According to the federal basic plan of the Russian Federation for special (correctional) general education institutions of the VIII type, 68 hours are allocated for the study of social and everyday orientation, at the rate of 2 hours per week for each class.

Expected results

As a result of the implementation of the program, children should develop theoretical knowledge, work skills and abilities sufficient for self-care, adaptation in modern society, orientation in society and everyday life, in independent job search and employment.

During nine years of schooling, students with intellectual disabilities must master the following minimum vital skills in the field of household work:

in the field of catering:

– distinguish between food products of different groups: vegetables, fruits, dairy, flour, meat, fish products. Cereals, confectionery;
– determine ways of eating (raw, boiled, fried) different food products;
– distinguish between good quality (fit for consumption) and spoiled (unfit for consumption) products;
– place food products in appropriate storage areas;
– process food before eating: wash (fruits, vegetables, berries), peel, boil, etc.;
– prepare simple dishes (drinks, sandwiches, simple first, second, third courses);
– correctly use tableware, teaware, kitchen utensils, cutlery (tablespoon and teaspoon, fork and knife), kitchen utensils and tools, some household kitchen appliances (meat grinder, mixer, etc.);
– set the table for breakfast (dinner, lunch);
– clear the table after eating; wash the dishes; clean the kitchen area;
– observe the rules of food intake, culture of behavior and communication at the table;

in the field of body care:

– perform morning and evening toilet (wash hands, face, ears, neck, legs, brush teeth);
– wash the body;
– wash and comb hair;
– clean and trim fingernails and toenails;
– use hygiene items and products, store them correctly;
– use deodorant;
- evaluate your appearance(cleanliness of face, hands, hair, condition of nails, neatness of clothes, shoes), make changes if necessary.

in the field of clothing and footwear care:

use different types of fasteners (buttons, snaps, hooks, zippers, Velcro);
fold and hang clothes; place clothes in a closet, in an apartment (house);
clean clothes with a brush;
wash clothes by hand and in a washing machine;
iron clothes;
carry out minor repairs to clothing (sew on buttons, thread an elastic band into a belt with a piece of clothing, sew up clothing along a torn seam);
lace up shoes, tie the lace with a knot and a bow;
clean shoes;
dry wet shoes;

in the field of home care:

– restore order in the room;
- to make the bed;
– remove dust from furniture, mirrors, etc.;
– sweep and wash the floor;
– use a mechanical brush to clean carpets; shake out rugs;
– use a vacuum cleaner;
– clean the apartment (daily, weekly, seasonal);
– care for indoor plants (water, remove dry leaves, remove dust from leaves, loosen the soil) and flower pots;

Starting from the fifth grade, students get acquainted with enterprises and institutions public service sector. During the learning process, children develop the following vital skills:

– navigate the services provided by various enterprises and institutions: trade (store, market, kiosk). Household services (hairdresser, photo studio, tailoring studio, repair shops, laundry, dry cleaning, canteen). Communications (mail, telegraph), medical care (hospital, clinic, ambulance service, pharmacy). Culture (library, cinema, museum);
- distinguish between these enterprises and institutions by symbols, shop windows, signboards, names, etc.
– navigate the location of the nearest enterprises and public service institutions in the area of ​​residence;
– make purchases in department stores, specialized stores, markets, and kiosks.
– navigate in sizes, try on and buy clothes and shoes;
– contact consumer services, medical care, and behave correctly when using their services;
– behave correctly in cultural institutions;
– use the telephone; call emergency services: fire, police, ambulance;
– navigate public transport services (city, suburban, intercity transport), travel in public transport;
– use money, make payments.

An important feature of working with children with intellectual disabilities is the need special education ways of spending leisure time. Topics related to cultural institutions (library, cinema) and recreational places (park) are devoted to this task. Children develop:
– ideas about ways to organize leisure time (visiting a park, cinema, library, etc.);
– the ability to behave correctly in recreational areas and cultural institutions.

Starting from grade 6, students gradually preparing for family life.

A family is a macrosocial unit of a community based on marital union and kinship ties (husband, wife, parents, children and other relatives), on joint management of a common household and mutual moral responsibility. As part of social and everyday orientation, students form ideas about the most important aspects of family life (psychological, economic, economic, etc.) and socially significant skills:
– state your last name, first name, patronymic, age, address;
– name your family members: father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents;
– determine your own social role in the family (son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, brother, sister);
– navigate the distribution of responsibilities in everyday life between family members;
– plan the family budget: determine the amount of family income per month, plan expenses;
– name the rules for caring for small children in the family;
– invite and receive guests;
- congratulate on the holiday;
– name ways to organize family leisure time, be able to organize your own leisure time.

– name the main documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
– name the documents provided upon admission to a vocational school, when applying for a job;
– draw up documents (application, questionnaire);
– navigate situations: concluding an employment contract, moving from one job to another, calculating seniority, applying for sick leave.

Thematic planning

5th grade

1. Introduction – 1 hour.
2. Personal hygiene – 3 hours.
3. Clothes and shoes – 6 hours.
4. Meals – 12 hours.
5. Housing – 2 hours.
6. Culture behavior – 4 hours.
7. Trade – 2 hours.
8. Transport – 3 hours.

Practical work.

Performing morning toilet: washing hands, face, neck, ears, brushing teeth, combing hair. Performing evening toilet: cleaning the ears. Filling out postal addresses on postcards, preparing sandwiches, salad, boiling eggs, brewing tea, setting the table for tea, cleaning and washing kitchen utensils and dishes. Making traffic signs found on the way to home or school; cleaning and drying everyday clothes and shoes.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

Students should know:

  • The sequence of performing morning and evening toilets, the frequency and rules of brushing teeth, ears, washing hair, rules for protecting vision when reading and watching television.
  • Types of clothing and footwear, rules for caring for clothing and footwear.
  • Types of sandwiches, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the food preparation process, rules for setting the table for breakfast, rules for brewing tea, rules for using a knife, stove, electric kettle.
  • Requirements for posture when walking, sitting and standing, rules of behavior when meeting and parting, forms of making a request, question, rules of behavior at the table.
  • Types of residential premises in the city and the countryside and their differences, postal address of your home and boarding school.
  • The most rational route to get to the boarding school, travel options to the school various types transport, the amount of time spent on the road, transfers, walking routes, rules for traveling by bicycle.
  • The main types of stores, their purpose, types of departments in grocery stores and rules for purchasing goods in them, the cost of products used to prepare breakfast.

Students should be able to:

  • Do your morning toilet, do your evening toilet in a certain sequence, comb your hair and choose a hairstyle.
  • Select clothes, hats, shoes for the season, dry wet clothes and clean clothes, prepare clothes and shoes for seasonal storage.
  • Cut food for sandwiches with a knife, boil eggs, fry scrambled eggs and omelets, cut boiled vegetables into cubes and strips, set the table according to a specific menu, use printed instructions for various household chemicals.
  • Monitor your posture, gait and gestures, behave correctly when meeting and parting with peers (boys and girls), adults (acquaintances and strangers) in different situations, behave tactfully at the table while eating (use cutlery, napkins, eat food carefully).
  • Write addresses on postcards.
  • Follow the rules of behavior in public transport. Rules for boarding, buying a ticket, behavior in the cabin and when going out. Follow traffic rules.
  • Choose products for preparing breakfast taking into account a specific menu, pay for the purchase, follow the rules of behavior in the store.

6th grade

1. Personal hygiene – 4 hours
2. Clothes – 8 hours
3. Family – 2 hours
4. Culture of behavior - 5 hours
5. Meals – 14 hours
6. Housing – 7 hours
7. Knitting – 7 hours
8. Transport – 4 hours
9. Communications – 8 hours
10. Trading – 6 hours
11 Medical assistance – 4 hours

Practical work

Hand washing, nail cutting, hand skin care. Cooking pasta, potatoes, preparing ready-made dishes. Writing addresses and indexes on envelopes, composing telegrams, filling out telegraph b Lankov. Dry and wet cleaning of premises, using and caring for a vacuum cleaner. Sewing buttons, loops, hooks, hangers on clothes, washing and ironing items made of cotton and silk fabrics; knitting products. Knitting items with single crochet stitches in the round.
Basic requirements for knowledge and skills.

Students should know:

  • Rules for hardening the body, rules for wiping, rules for maintaining personal hygiene during exercise, hiking, rules for caring for your feet.
  • Rules of conduct in entertainment and cultural and educational institutions, rules of conduct and precautions when attending public events.
  • Methods of primary and thermal processing of pasta, cereals, milk and dairy products, vegetables, sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules when working with cutting tools, boiling water, rules for using electrical appliances, determining the quality and shelf life of products, rules for storing products in the refrigerator and without it, different dinner menus.
  • Basic means of communication; types of postal items, cost of postal services when sending letters, types of telegraph services.
  • Types of medical care, functions of primary medical specialists.
  • Family composition, names, patronymics of parents and close relatives, place of work and position of parents, rules of behavior in the family.
  • Hygienic requirements for living quarters, rules for organizing a student’s workplace, rules and sequences for cleaning the premises, sanitary and hygienic requirements, purpose of indoor plants, care and the permissible number of them in the apartment.
  • Rules for washing products, sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules when working with electric heating devices and household chemicals.
  • Basic means of transport, types of intercity transport, fares for all types of transport, procedures for purchasing tickets and coupons.
  • The main types of food stores, their departments, types of specialized stores, types and prices of various goods, the procedure for purchasing goods.
  • Words denoting concepts specified in the program. The name of objects and materials used in the work and actions with them..

Students should be able to:

  • Wash your hands, cut your fingernails and care for the skin of your hands, select cosmetics for the care of the skin of your hands, select cosmetics for the care of your feet.
  • Behave culturally in a theatre, museum, reading room, and behave correctly and safely when attending public events.
  • Boil pasta, cook porridge in water and milk, boil potatoes and prepare mashed potatoes, prepare casseroles from vegetables and cottage cheese, prepare ready-made dishes, set the table.
  • Find the index of telecommunications enterprises in a directory, write down addresses with an index on envelopes, compose various texts of telegrams, fill out telegraph forms.
  • Make an appointment with a doctor, call a doctor at home, purchase medicine at a pharmacy.
  • Carry out dry and wet cleaning of the room, clean carpets, bookshelves, radiators, care for the floor depending on the coating, using household chemicals, care for indoor plants.
  • Sew on buttons, hooks, buttons, sew up clothes. Hem dresses, trousers, sleeves. Select detergents for washing, wash and iron products.
  • Choose the most rational routes when moving around the city, navigate the transport schedule, determine directions and zones, use a ticket machine when purchasing tickets for commuter trains.
  • Select products for dinner taking into account the menu, contact the seller, cashier.
  • Make knitting patterns. Be able to plan the sequence and timing of work.

7th grade

1. Personal hygiene – 2 hours
2. Clothes and shoes – 10 hours
3. Behavioral culture – 4 hours
4. Meals – 13 hours
5. Transport – 4 hours
6. Family – 2 hours
7. Knitting – 7 hours
8. Housing – 6 hours
9. Trading – 5 hours
10. Communications – 7 hours

12. Family budget – 3 hours

Practical work:

Learning quiet and active games. Repair of torn places in clothes, darning, ironing. Cleaning rooms, cleaning upholstered furniture, washing windows. Making simple crafts used as gifts and souvenirs. Preparing appetizers, first, second and third courses, setting the table for dinner. Exercises in applying bandages to a wound, damaged limb, brewing herbal infusion. Repairing torn areas of clothing, darning, ironing, washing cotton products by hand and using a washing machine. Filling out forms for parcels, packing parcels. Crochet products.

Students should know:

  • Rules for maintaining personal hygiene for a teenager, rules for changing clothes, underwear and bed linen, sanitary and hygienic rules for using a toothbrush, comb, washcloth, shower, bath, toilet.
  • Some quiet and active games.
  • The sequence of regular and seasonal cleaning of living quarters, methods and frequency of window care, types of detergents, methods of insulating windows, rules for caring for furniture, rules for maintaining home hygiene if there are animals in the house, rules for keeping pets and birds.
  • Rules of behavior when meeting and parting, rules of conduct when visiting, rules for giving and receiving gifts.
  • Methods of processing vegetable, meat, fish products, the sequence of cooking, rules for using household electrical appliances and the possibility of using them, sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules when preparing food, rules for using cutlery.
  • The composition of a home first aid kit, rules for the use and prescription of medical products included in the home first aid kit, local medicinal plants, rules for treating wounds and applying a bandage, measures to prevent complications, rules for providing first aid for bruises, sprains and dislocations.
  • Functions of railway transport, types of passenger cars, approximate cost of a ticket depending on the type of car and distance, types of information services, types of storage rooms, terms and cost of luggage storage.
  • Features of washing colored and white laundry. Rules for using detergents, device and rules for using a washing machine. Sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules for repairing clothes, washing by hand and using a washing machine, the sequence and features of ironing linen and clothes. The purpose and types of clothing dry cleaning enterprises and the types of services provided, the rules for preparing things for cleaning.
  • The assortment of some departments of department stores, the cost of individual goods, purchasing some goods in a department store, calculating the cost of purchases, behaving correctly in the store.
  • List of items sent by parcel post, maximum weight and cost of items sent, types and methods of packing parcels.
  • Components of the family budget and their size. The main items of expenditure in the family, the amount of rent, tariffs, the procedure and frequency of payment for electricity, gas, telephone, etc.
  • Names of column types. Names of the materials used in classes and those products that you knit yourself.

Students should be able to:

  • Dress babies for a walk, explain to younger children the rules of the game and play quiet and active games with them, help first-graders when cleaning up toys.
  • Clean living quarters, clean furniture, wash mirrors and glass, insulate windows.
  • Choose appropriate clothes for a visit, behave culturally when visiting, choose gifts, make simple souvenirs, give and receive gifts.
  • Prepare lunch, prepare third courses, arrange ready-made dishes, set the table for dinner.
  • Use a thermometer, prepare decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants, treat wounds and apply bandages, apply temporary splints.
  • Find your bearings in the schedule, purchase tickets at the railway ticket office, apply for information at help desk station, central information desk by telephone.
  • Repair torn areas of clothing, darn, wash linen by hand and using a washing machine, iron linen and clothes.
  • Purchase some goods in a department store, calculate the cost of purchases, and behave correctly in the store.
  • Fill out forms for sending parcels, make an inventory of the items being sent, pack the parcels.
  • Calculate the family budget; calculate expenses by planning expenses for a month, half a month, a week, a day.
  • It is easy and free to knit all types of stitches, start and end a row correctly, knit a square with smooth edges.

8th grade

1. Personal hygiene – 2 hours
2. Clothes – 4 hours
3. Culture of behavior - 3 hours
4. Family – 5 hours
5. Meals – 14 hours
6. Housing – 3 hours
7. Transport – 4 hours
8. Trading – 3 hours
9. Knitting – 9 hours
10. Communications – 2 hours
11. Medical assistance – 5 hours
12. Institutions and organizations – 1 hour
13. Home Economics – 12 hours

Practical work:

Exercises in wiping the skin of the face with lotion, cream; exercises in dressing, bathing, swaddling a doll, washing children's dishes and toys. Baking cookies, pancakes, canning vegetables, berries; washing and ironing of woolen and synthetic fabrics. Exercises in calculating the cost of purchases, reading electricity meter readings. Calculating the cost of consumed electricity, filling out receipts; washing tiled walls, cleaning sinks; exercises in providing first aid for burns, frostbite, helping a drowning person. Crochet products.

Students should know:

  • Rules for washing and drying products made of wool and synthetic fabrics, ironing products.
  • Rules for the frequency of feeding a baby from a pacifier and spoon, bathing a baby, dressing and swaddling an infant.
  • Methods and sequence of preparing dough products, canning vegetables.
  • Rules of conduct for boys and girls when meeting in in public places, home, appearance.
  • Skin types and facial skin care rules.
  • Assortment of goods in various specialties. stores, the cost of industrial and food products.
  • Rules for using public telephones and home telephones, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Rules and frequency of cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, detergents.
  • Basic bus routes, water transport routes.
  • Rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents, types of helminthic diseases and preventive measures.
  • The main items of expenditure in the family: the amount of rent, tariffs, the procedure and frequency of payment for electricity, gas, telephone, etc.
  • The name of the material used in class, words denoting concepts indicated in the program, and use them in speech.

Students should be able to:

  • Choose cosmetics depending on your skin condition and time of year.
  • Bath, dress, swaddle the doll, feed, keep the child's bed and toys in order.
  • Prepare products from different types dough, salt vegetables, decorate products.
  • Behave culturally and politely when meeting people, in public places, at home, choose your hairstyle and clothes, taking into account your age.
  • Wash and dry items made of wool and synthetic fabrics, ironing blouses and dresses.
  • Choose a purchase taking into account various conditions, calculate the cost of purchases.
  • Explain the reason for the emergency call and speak politely on the phone.
  • Wash tiled walls and sinks, using printed instructions for detergents.
  • Use the timetable, buy a ticket, determine the fare.
  • Provide first aid for burns, frostbite, and assistance to a drowning person.
  • Calculate expenses, take meter readings and calculate the cost of consumed electricity, gas, water, etc.; plan and calculate expenses for cultural and current needs, large purchases.
  • Find your bearings in knitting patterns and knit according to them with a little help from the teacher, select the right material for work.
  • Starch, pin on fabric and decorate napkins.

9th grade

1. Personal hygiene – 2 hours
2. Clothes and shoes – 4 hours
3. Family – 4 hours
4. Culture of behavior - 3 hours
5. Meals – 13 hours
6. Housing – 3 hours
7. Transport – 2 hours
8. Communications – 6 hours
9. Trade – 4 hours
10. Medical assistance – 3 hours
11. Consumer service enterprises – 1 hour
12. Knitting – 8 hours
13. Family budget – 4 hours
14 Employment – ​​11 hours

Practical work:

Exercises in calculating the costs of meeting cultural needs. Calculations for rational housekeeping. Determining clothing and shoe sizes, trying on clothing and shoes. Removing stains. Rules for serving a festive table, preparing vegetarian borscht, safety rules when using household electrical appliances. Caring for the patient: change clothes, wash, read the doctor’s instructions in the prescription, the package insert for medications; drawing up business papers: statements, autobiographies, requests for materials and tools; exercises in rational arrangement of furniture, selection of interior details; filling out money transfer forms for parcels. Excursions to Sberbank, Housing Office (DEZ) to get acquainted with the types of activities of these institutions. Excursion to employment agencies and departments. Drawing up business papers: application, autobiography, filling out a questionnaire, applications for materials, receipts, memos. Independent knitting of products.

Students should know:

  • ABOUT harmful effects alcohol and drugs and smoking on the human body.
  • Requirements for a culture of behavior, norms of morality and ethics in modern society, rules for receiving guests.
  • The procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage, the distribution of household responsibilities between family members.
  • Clothing and fashion style, warranty periods for wear, rules for returning purchases, sanitary and hygienic requirements and rules according to T.B. when working with stain removers.
  • Methods of preparing national dishes, rules for serving the festive table.
  • Market departments, prices for individual goods, price differences at fairs, markets, and stores.
  • Measures to prevent infectious diseases, conditions for release from work (due to illness and caring for the sick).
  • Employment agencies and departments.
  • Types of documents required for employment, rules for transferring to another job.
  • List of basic business papers and requirements for their writing.
  • Rules for arranging furniture in the apartment. Requirements for the selection of curtains. Lamps and other interior details.
  • Types of household services provided, professions of enterprise employees.
  • Modern views communications, money transfers and their costs.
  • Words denoting concepts specified in the program.
  • Names of materials required for work.

Students should be able to:

  • Greet guests, behave politely when receiving guests, observe moral and ethical norms in the family and society.
  • Analyze various family situations and give them the correct assessment.
  • Select clothes and shoes in accordance with individual characteristics and sizes, remove stains in various ways and means.
  • Set the festive table, prepare separate dishes for toddlers, create a menu for the festive table.
  • Choose purchases in accordance with your needs and capabilities, politely contact the seller, and calculate the cost of the purchase.
  • Dress, wash, feed the patient, measure the temperature, put mustard plasters on.
  • Fill out a questionnaire, write an application for employment, a transfer from one job to another, an autobiography, contact the personnel departments to get a job.
  • Make requests for materials, tools, write a receipt, a memo.
  • Fill out postal and telegraphic transfer forms, pack the parcel.
  • Perform error-free fillet knitting according to patterns.

Be able to plan the sequence and timing of work, find and correct mistakes made in knitting.

Calendar and thematic planning (Annex 1 )

Management of the educational process cannot be carried out successfully if it does not involve monitoring the level of knowledge acquisition and the formation of practical skills in social and everyday orientation lessons. Control methods are determined by the requirements for its universality and expediency. The teacher must check:

  • did the student understand new material whether he understood exactly what actions and in what sequence he should carry out when solving the problem posed within the content of the material;
  • can the student consistently and purposefully achieve the goal;
  • Is the student able to carry out the mastered actions in a reduced form?

Thus, control over the assimilation of material on the topic should consist of three parts:

  • final control of content mastery (knowledge control);
  • Monitoring the level of skills development (skills control);
  • final control of closed activities (control of skills).

Criteria for assessing student achievement

The criteria and standards for assessing students' educational activities are based on objectivity and a unified approach. With a 5-point system, the following general didactic criteria are established for everyone.
Based on the goals and age characteristics of the students, it is necessary to take into account:

  • correctness and awareness of the presentation of the material, completeness disclosure of concepts, correctness of practical work;
  • independence of response;
  • the ability to transfer acquired knowledge into practice;
  • the degree of formation of intellectual, general educational, and specific skills.

Score “5” when 100% of tasks are completed – the answer is complete, correct, reflecting the main material of the course; the content of the concepts is correctly revealed, the answer is independent, based on previously acquired knowledge.

Mark “4” when completing from 60 to 90% of tasks - the answer is complete, correct, but the sequence of presentation is broken, the conclusion is not drawn accurately, the sequence is restored for additional questions.

Mark “3” if 40 to 60% of the tasks are completed correctly - the answer is not complete, but correct, the sequence of presentation of the material is broken, it is difficult to answer additional questions, he makes mistakes when using textbooks when answering.

Mark “2” – the answer is incorrect, the main content is not disclosed, answers to the teacher’s auxiliary questions are not given, inability to work with educational material.

Setting a quarter mark is set as the arithmetic mean of marks based on the results of thematic control, taking into account the prevailing or highest lesson score.

Annual mark is set as the arithmetic average of marks for quarters, taking into account the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students at the end of the year.

List of educational and methodological support:

TV, DVD player, educational CDs, demonstration materials.
Handouts: (task cards, theoretical material, diagnostic techniques). Basic notes, book collection, periodicals, work program, “School Psychologist” magazines.

List of used literature

1. V.V. Voronkova“Programs of special (correctional) general education institutions of the VIII type.” Moscow, VLADO – 2000.
2. Bgazhnokova I.M. Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren. M., 1987.
3. Baker B., Brightman A. Teaching children everyday skills: The path to independence / Translated, and ed. A. Bitova. Obninsk, 1999.
4. Vygotsky L.S. Problems of defectology. M., 1995.
5. Vygotsky L.S. Problems of mental retardation. M., 1983.
6. Tin A.A. Methods of pedagogical technology. 4th ed. M., 2002.
7. State standard general education persons with disabilities health (project). M., 1999.
8. Dementyeva N.F., Shatanova E.Yu. Characteristics of training for mentally retarded people in psychoneurological boarding homes // Defectology. M., 1987. No. 3.
9. Dementieva N.F. The role of the family in the upbringing and education of children with special needs. M., 1996.
10. Dulnev G.M. Educational work in a auxiliary school. M., 1967.
11. Zabramnaya S.D. Methodological instructions for the psychological and pedagogical study of imbecile children. M., 1979.
12. Zankov L.V. Questions of psychology of auxiliary school students. M., 1954.
13. Ivanov E.S., Isaev D.N. What is mental retardation: A guide for parents. St. Petersburg, 2000.
14. Correctional educational program for children with severe intellectual disabilities. St. Petersburg, 1996.
15. Kristen W. Supportive communication / Transl. with him. // Education and development of children and adolescents with profound mental and multiple disabilities. Pskov, 1999.
16. Luria A.R. Mentally retarded child. M., 1960.
17. Maller A.R. A child with disabilities: A book for parents. M., 1996.
18. Maller A.R. Social and labor adaptation of severely mentally retarded children. M., 1990.
19. Maller A.R. Social education and training of children with developmental disabilities. M., 2000.
20. Maller A.R., Tsikoto G.V. Education, upbringing and labor training of children with profound intellectual disabilities. M., 1998.
21. Maller A.R., Tsikoto G.V. Basic principles of correctional and educational work with severely mentally retarded children // Defectology. M., 1984. No. 1
22. Mnukhin S.S., Isaev D.N. On the processes of adaptation in oligophrenia//Rehabilitation therapy and social and labor adaptation. L., 1965.
23. T.A. Devyatkova, L.L. Kochetova Social and everyday orientation in special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type.

1. Agranovich-Ponomareva E.S., Aladova N.I. Our apartment: constructive techniques for arranging a comfortable and beautiful home. M.; Minsk, 2002.
2. Astafiev V.I., Cherdantseva A.F. Housekeeping tips. Minsk, 2001.
3. Borisova M. My first cookbook. SPb., 2002. Your apartment from A to Z: Encyclopedia of household management. M.; Minsk, 2000.
4. Vinogradova I., Kokorev R., Kolosova M. and others. Fundamentals of consumer knowledge: Textbook for senior classes of educational institutions / Ed. P. Kryuchkova. M., 2001.
5. Deryugina M. P. Child: Education and care. M.; Minsk, 2001.
6. Ermakova V.I. Basics of cooking: Textbook for grades 8-11. M., 2000.
7.Zaitsev G. Aibolit lessons: A manual for children 5-8 years old. St. Petersburg, 1997.
8. Zaitsev G. Lessons from Moidodyr: A manual for children 5-8 years old. St. Petersburg, 1996.
9. Zamytskova O.I. Office management: A textbook for colleges. Rostov-on-Don, 2001.
10. Ishuk V.V., Nagibina M.I. Home holidays. Yaroslavl, 2000.
11. Kiyatkina O. I. Etiquette and table setting. M.; Minsk, 2002.
12. Korobkovsky G.V., Smirnov G.L. Household Economics. L., 1991.
13. Kurochkina I.N. Etiquette for children and adults: Tutorial. M., 2001.
14. Maslov A.G., Markov V.V., Latchuk V.N. and others. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook for 6th grade. M., 2001.
15. Simonenko V.D., Shelepina O.I. Family economics: Textbook for grades 7-8. M., 2002.
16. Snegireva A. Between us, girls: Encyclopedia for girls. M., 2000.
17. Starikova E.V., Korchagina G.A. Culinary work and textile processing: Didactic material on labor training: Grade 5: Book for teachers. M., 1996.
18. Toporkov I.K. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook for grades 5-6. M., 2002.
19. Usachev A.A., Berezin A.I. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook for 2nd grade. M., 2000.
20. Forshtat M.L. Learn to be a pedestrian: A textbook on traffic rules for 5th grade. M., 1998.
21. Chumakov B.N. Valeology: Course of lectures. M., 2002.
22. Yankelevich E.I. Posture is beautiful, gait is easy. M., 2001.

For the project I received a diploma from the all-Russian competition "Pedagogical Excellence" of the 3rd degree!

"Tell me and I'll forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Get me involved and I'll learn."

At the end of the project, students: 1. learned the meaning of new words (hypothesis, economics, cost, calories);

2. We were able to complete the work in an organized manner;

3.Learned how to use PowerPoint;

4. Received positive emotions from the work done;

5. The project brought the team together;

6. We have learned from our own experience that it is more economical to bake a cake yourself than to buy it ready-made in a store.

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“Training project. SBO lesson"

Educational project


Completed by 8th grade students

MBOU secondary school No. 11

P. New Urgal

Class teacher: Kozlova E.A.

Objective of the project

Make holiday treats cost-effective


A homemade cake is cheaper than a store-bought cake.

Our tasks

  • Find a cake recipe
  • Make a list of necessary products and purchase them
  • Bake the cakes and decorate with buttercream
  • Weigh the finished cake
  • Determine the cost of products using direct costing method
  • Compare the weight and cost of homemade and store-bought cakes
  • Invite friends to tea party

Juliet sponge cake recipe

For the test: 6 eggs, 1 b. condensed milk,

1 cup sugar, 3 cups flour, 2 b. sour cream, soda.

For syrup : juice of 1 lemon, 1 glass of sugar, 3 glasses of boiled water.

For cream: 1 pack of cream (35%), 0.5 cups of sugar.

For decoration: ½ chocolate bar

Comparative table of weights and measures of products for sponge cake « Juliet »

Let's weigh the finished cakes


Weight, g

In glass

Wheat flour

In a tablespoon

In a teaspoon

Condensed milk with sugar

Sour cream 15%

Cream 35%

Chocolate bar

Products purchased from the store in the amount of

449.6 rubles

Total money spent on cake recipe

Determine the cost of production

Comparative table of weights and measures of products


Weight, g

In glass

Wheat flour

In a tablespoon

In a teaspoon

Condensed milk with sugar

Sour cream 15%

Cream 35%

Chocolate bar




condensed milk

1/2 pcs. from 45 rub.

1/2 p. from 135 rub.

Price of our cake:

313.5 rub.

Comparing the weight and cost of homemade and store-bought cakes

Homemade sponge cake “Juliet”

Weight – 1,120 kg

Price - 313.5 rub.

Sponge cake in the store:

Weight -0.800kg

Price - 375 rub.


We have proven that our cake is cheaper than a cake from the store!

Chinese proverb

Tell me and I'll forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Involve and I will learn.

As a result of our work

1.We learned the meaning of new words (hypothesis,

economics, cost, calories);

2. We were able to complete the work in an organized manner;

3.Learned how to use the program


4. Received positive emotions from

work done;

5. The project has brought our team together.

Resources used

  • Bebneva Yu. V. “Golden baking recipes” – M. : LLC TD "Publishing House World of Books", 2009.
  • Ozhegov S.I. “Dictionary of the Russian Language” - M.: Publishing House “Peace and Education” LLC, 2007.
  • http://offiicer.blogspot.ru/2013/02/power-point-2007.html

The curriculum is developed on the basis of the basic plan for the general education of mentally retarded children. It is an integral part of the draft state standard in the field of general education of persons with disabilities. The draft state standard for general education of persons with disabilities is a document that defines the main directions and content of education, upbringing and development of children of this category, as well as the optimal conditions necessary for their upbringing, training and correction of existing developmental deficiencies. The basic plan includes, in addition to educational subjects, remedial classes, which include SBO lessons. They are allocated 1 hour of teaching time per week in grade 5 and 2 hours in grades 6–9, which is provided by the curriculum.

The SBE curriculum is built on a concentric principle, which makes it possible to correct the mental activity of schoolchildren. Feature curriculum in terms of social and everyday orientation is the originality of the content of the material being studied, as well as its distribution, which allows you to constantly return to the completed sections. This contributes to a more solid and conscious understanding of the subject being studied. The distribution of material in the program ensures a gradual transition from easy to more complex. Thus, the level of learning increases, and mastery of material from previous years is constantly used and consolidated, turning into lasting skills and abilities. Each section of the program has its continuation from grades 5 to 9, with the exception of the sections “Home Economics” and “Career Guidance and Employment,” which are studied in grades 8–9. For example, if in the 5th grade on the topic “Clothes and shoes” by the end of the year students should know only the types of clothes and shoes, their purpose and care for them, then in the 7th grade the knowledge and skills are significantly expanded: features of washing clothes and linen, rules for using a washing machine and detergents, the purpose of the laundry and its use. In 9th grade, this topic involves mastering the skills to determine the size of clothes and shoes, style, warranty periods for socks, methods of updating clothes, etc.

SBO classes are conducted in a special room, in which there are designated places for students and for equipment that ensures the full implementation of all types of practical work provided for by the program. When organizing the office, sanitary and hygienic standards and safety regulations are taken into account.

GOU LO "Siverskaya special (correctional) boarding school"

Project topic:
"Economic ABC"
Project implementation timeline:
2011/2012 academic year.

Project group:
Volkova N.V. - mathematic teacher;
Khilchenko E.Yu. - teacher of social and everyday orientation.

Explanatory note.

The theme of the project “Economic ABC” was not chosen by chance. In our unstable socio-economic situation in the country, it is difficult to navigate even for adults, not to mention children with disabilities.
Having analyzed the results of a study of the level of basic economic knowledge and the ability to solve practical life problems among students in grades 5-10 in 2011, low indicators were revealed for the majority of economic tasks. In 8th grade, the average percentage of correct answers was 36.8%.
The relevance of economic education and schoolchildren in
our days are determined by the need to adapt to dynamically changing socio-economic conditions of life.
Many works by defectologists note that graduates of correctional schools of type 8 schools turn out to be socially helpless in adult life (A.I. Raku, N.V. Ryabova, A.N. Nigaev, N.P. Pavlova, etc.). In reality, they face tougher economic conditions than graduates high school, due to weak competitiveness in the labor market, low wages and other circumstances. Many authors (Z.A. Litova, T.S. Teryukova, S.L. Cherner) consider economic education as “a kind of means social protection", as a kind of compensatory mechanism that increases the chances of survival in conditions of market competition. Economic training is an important factor in increasing the vitality and resilience of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in modern society.
Project goal: Improving the quality of education by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded students.

formation of socio-economic competencies
formation of interest in economic knowledge and understanding of the need for economic literacy in the conditions modern life;
consolidation and practical use knowledge and skills in mathematics and social orientation.
Project type: research.
Object of study: economic education and training of modern schoolchildren.
Subject of study: pedagogical conditions economic education and training of schoolchildren in a special (correctional) school of type 8.
Hypothesis. The quality of education will increase by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded 8th grade students if:
socio-economic competencies will be formed;
organize complex integrated events dedicated to the study of the fundamentals of economics, which will be long-lasting;
economic materials will be used in both mathematics and social orientation lessons, in different forms educational process using traditional and modern methods and means of the pedagogical process;
the results of the growth of socio-economic development of schoolchildren will be monitored;
the attitude of schoolchildren to economic knowledge in general will increase.
Justification of the project “Economic ABC”.
Since in Siverskaya special correctional school VIII type there is no such specialized subject as economics, and economic material is “scattered” in educational process in various subjects, accordingly, students lack not only systemic knowledge, but often even basic ideas about economic knowledge.
One of the ways to solve the problem is to implement a pedagogical project in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC”.
An interdisciplinary project is a complex event that combines various forms of classroom and extracurricular work. It allows you to concentrate efforts aimed at forming and consolidating knowledge of an economic nature, personal development, and to implement an integrated approach to studying the fundamentals of economics.
Forms of educational process implemented in the project:
1. Interdisciplinary week in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC” for students in grades 5-10 included:
quiz “Economic ABC”
competition for making an origami wallet,
mini-project “Making a school banknote”, intellectual game “Travel to the Country of Economics”, economic game “Shop”,
fragments of mathematics lessons in grades 10 on the topic “Family Budget”;
2. Educational project for students in grades 7-8 “Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes":
Collecting information about Maslenitsa, recipes and methods for preparing pancakes;

Excursions to the store;
Cooking pancakes;
Treating students in grades 7-8 with pancakes.
3. An integrated lesson in mathematics and SBE in the 8th grade on the topic “Family Budget”, conducted in the form of an economic game “Family”.
Academic disciplines related to the topic of the project: mathematics, social and everyday orientation.
Project implementation (plan)
Interdisciplinary week in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC”

Monday 01/30/12
Wednesday 02/01/12
Competition “Making an origami wallet”:
Master Class


Office No. 43

Office No. 43

5-10 grades


Mini-project “Making a school banknote – “Siverychanka””.
Exhibition “Monetary Units of the World”;
Exhibition of school banknotes and summing up the results of the mini-project

Office No. 43

Office No. 43

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

Quiz "Economic ABC".

5-10 grades

Fragment of a mathematics lesson on the topic “Family Budget”

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

15 hours
Game-trip to the country ECONOMY

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

Economic game "SHOP"

Office No. 11

5-10 grades

Educational project “Maslenitsa. Making pancakes."

Collecting information about Maslenitsa, recipes and methods for preparing pancakes

7-8 grades

Class hours on the theme “Maslenitsa”;

Office No. 11 Office No. 43
7-8 grades

Excursions to the store.

7-8 grades

Calculation of the quantity and cost of products for preparing pancakes.
Office No. 43
7-8 grades

Cooking pancakes;

Office No. 11
7-8 grades

Class hour “Like Shrovetide”
Office No. 11
7-8 grades

Integrated lesson in mathematics and SBE

Lesson topic: “Family budget”
Office No. 43
8th grade

Project materials.
Descriptions of making origami wallets;
Materials for the exhibition “Monetary units different countries »;
Materials for the design of the stand and the “Economic ABC” quiz;
Abstract intellectual game“Journey to the Country of ECONOMY”;
Presentation for the game “Journey to the Country of ECONOMY”;
Materials for the economic game “Shop”;
Presentation on the topic “Family budget”;
Presentation "Maslenitsa";
A selection of pancake recipes;
Calculations of the quantity and cost of products for preparing pancakes;
Summary of an integrated lesson in 8th grade on the topic “Family Budget”;
Development of a lesson on the interactive whiteboard IP BOARD.

Project results:
. The first survey asked to evaluate the activities of the interdisciplinary week separately. Students were asked to rate according to the following criteria:
“+” - I liked it very much,
“-” - I didn’t like it at all,
“0” - I don’t know.
Questionnaire No. 1

Evaluate the activities of the “Economic ABC” project.
“+” - I liked it very much,
“-” - I didn’t like it at all,
“0” - I don’t know.


Competition "Making an origami wallet"

Mini-project “Making a school banknote – “Siverchanki”

Quiz "Economic ABC"

Intellectual game “Travel to the country of ECONOMY”

Economic game "Shop"

Educational project Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes"
(for students in grades 7-8)

The survey showed which forms of activities students liked/disliked most
. Results of survey No. 1 (by class)
“+” - I really liked it.








“-” - I didn’t like it at all.









“0” - I don’t know.









The survey results clearly show that students liked the game “Journey to the Country of ECONOMY” more (93.1%0), the educational project “Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes” (91.2%), the game “Shop” (87.7%). From this we can conclude that the effective use by teachers of intellectual and business games that contribute to increasing interest in economic knowledge. The use of educational projects that form in students independence, the ability to solve practical problems in real conditions, socio-economic competence, increases interest in economics, creates positive attitude to learning, to cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge.
Despite the fact that students did not highly appreciate the competition of origami wallets, the mini-project “Making a school banknote” of the event, practice has shown that thanks to these events, all students of the school were included in the available activities. And by answering the quiz questions, students were able to learn a lot about economics and apply their economic knowledge. Such activities develop the emotional-volitional sphere and voluntary attention of students, which has a positive effect on improving the quality of knowledge and motivation to learn, and therefore the role of this type of activity should not be underestimated.
Undoubtedly, the use of information, gaming technologies and educational projects during implementation interdisciplinary project“Economic ABC” contributed to increasing interest in the basics of economics and activating students.

Questionnaire No. 2 (for 8th grade students).
Survey on the topic “Home Economics”.

Choose the correct statement.
The family budget is
Accounting for income and expenses of all family members for a certain period;
Monetary or material resources available to the family during a certain period of time;
Spending, consumption of something over a certain period of time.

Select items of mandatory expenses
Travel payment;
Payment of utility services;
Shoe and clothing repair;
Purchase of personal items;
Buying a phone;
Payment for housing.

Write what ways you know to save your family budget.

You bought:
Bread - 23r.50k.
Sausage – 185 rub. 64 k.
How much does the purchase cost?
(Choose the correct answer)

265 rub. 59 k.

You have a 500 ruble bill. The book costs 185 rub. 50k. How much change will you receive after purchasing the book?
(Choose the correct answer)

Questionnaire No. 3 (for 8th grade students) on the topic “family economics.”
Calculate the income and expenses of a family of 5 people for May 2012.
Will the family be able to buy a bicycle for 6,000 rubles this month?

Father's salary is 18,000 rubles.
Mother's salary is 15,000 rubles.
Grandmother's pension – 9000 rub.
Brother's scholarship - 1000 rubles.
Rent and utility costs - 4000 rubles.
Food expenses - 21000 rub.
Fare – 2500 rub.
Buying clothes -2500 rub.
Expenses for cultural leisure - 4000 rub.


This month the family buys a bike for 6,000 rubles. buy. (can, can't)

2. Calculate the purchase price.
Sausages - 190 rub. 80 k.
Butter - 67 rub. 50 k.
How much change will you get from 500 rubles?
Paid for the purchase:
Received change:..

Results of survey No. 2, No. 3

Poll #2
Poll #3





13 8th grade students took part in the survey. The average percentage of tasks completed correctly is 77.5%.
The table shows that approximately half of 8th grade students find it difficult to solve some economic problems. For the majority of students who completed tasks incorrectly, the reason for failure was a low level of computational abilities (2nd option in mathematics for 10 students) and the inability to apply the acquired knowledge in different life situations. Compared to the beginning of the school year, the average level of correctly completed economic tasks increased by 40.7%. The quality of knowledge in 8th grade increased by 5.2%.
The result of the work on pedagogical project The “Economic ABC” for students was:
social maturation, they have become more collected, reasonable, independent, and confident in their abilities;
acquisition of basic skills of behavior in market conditions.
developing interest in the problems of the country’s economy and family, which should become a means of social protection and adaptation to market conditions;
mastering the basics of knowledge about modern economics. The average level of correct answers of 8th grade students to tasks on family economics increased over the school year by 40.5%;
The quality of knowledge in mathematics increased in 2011/2012 academic year by 1.3% (from 83.3% to 84.6%).

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
through the joint efforts of mathematics teachers and SBE at school, a relationship has been achieved between the teaching of these disciplines and the basics of economics;
the interest of schoolchildren in the economy as a whole has increased;
material on the basics of economics has been accumulated;
a holistic system of work on the formation of socio-economic competencies was developed.
To improve the quality of education by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded children,” work on economic education and training of students in type 8 correctional schools should be continued:
Ways to solve the tasks:
formation of socio-economic competencies, students’ ability to independent decision problems in various spheres of life, possession of social competencies and the ability to solve practical problems;
expansion of innovation activities through the use of information and gaming technologies, project activities;
economic education of students through the implementation of interdisciplinary programs, projects in a number of subjects, through various shapes extracurricular activities;