Script for a concert dedicated to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Scenario of the program for the Day of the Internationalist Warrior “There can be no oblivion. Clip from Afghans of Alekseevsky district

Rally scenario
On the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan.
The Afghan war is terrible
“February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of the Russians who performed
official duty outside the Fatherland"
On February 15, 1989, the conditional line of the State
border of the USSR, passing along the bridge across the Amu Darya,
our last soldier crossed -
Lieutenant General B.V. Gromov. The withdrawal from
Afghanistan limited contingent Soviet troops.
Let's remember this joyful and sad day - let's bow
the fallen and embrace the living!
2 slide video
Slide 3 (The melody from the song “Cranes” sounds)
Against the background of music
The boys were leaving
From Afghanistan
Through the passes
And Salang...
The boys were leaving
Early in the morning,
And in the mosque
The mullah spoke.
And there was a prayer
Like salvation
What guys
Allah will protect...
Don't forget February and Sunday,
Joy and smiles
On the lips.

4 slide The nine-year-old is over, no one and no one
undeclared, heroic and tragic war. But in
She still has a long life to live in human memory, because her story
written in the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers, obelisks and
tin stars and the frontal wind rushing into
our lives, songs.
Events go further and further into history
Afghan war. Soldiers and officers with dignity and
honorably fulfilled their international duty in
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
I'm glad to hear
that's forever over
the bloodshed of our brothers, fathers and sons. But it hurts
think about how many children remain disabled. And also
it’s more painful to peer at photographs of warriors who
died. How many obelisks are worth in Afghanistan alone?
earth. How many feats were accomplished by our guys
on the soil of Afghanistan...
5 slide Thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty three
the funeral came to different cities and sat down former USSR With
December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989.
6 slide
Listen to these scary numbers. How many
mothers' hearts were broken by this immeasurable

Hello, mom, I'm writing a letter again.
Hello, mom, everything is fine as before.
The mother is unable to tear herself away from the grave mound,
The son is in the ground, and in the palm of his hand is a piece of paper from this letter.
He is alive in him, he laughs and so wants to live long.
Hello mom, hello eternity!

7,8,9 slides
Among the dead are our fellow countrymen, guys who studied at
school number 1. This is Ivanov Valery, Kalinin Sergey and Andreev
Andrey, who died in the Chechen war in 2001.
Ivanov Valera. He was born into the family of an officer and his dream was to become
The military lived in it since childhood. Upon completion of the 1st city
school became a cadet at the Leningrad Higher
Artillery Military School.
I didn’t go to Afghanistan by order, I just decided to try it out
myself. Valery served for a little more than two months
Afghan soil. October 7, 1988 cover group,
commanded by Lieutenant Ivanov, was subjected to
attack and shelling by rebels in the area
settlement Tazhkurgan. Shot from a grenade launcher
BRDM2, in which the lieutenant was located, was shot down. Before
approach of the reserve group, mortally wounded, he
continued to lead the defense. Ivanov Valery
Viktorovich died on the battlefield.
Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.
From a letter from battalion commander Yuri Kolenyuk:
“Hello, dear parents of Valerik! Writes it to you
friend - Yuri. I’m writing these lines, and my throat is constricting from
bitterness. God, how unfair all this is! I've been through it too

Afghanistan...How many lives it took... And Valerka, he
should have lived. People like him should live..."
(Lights a candle).
Kalinin Sergey. He was born and raised in Bologoye.
He was interested in technology and loved playing hockey.
In 1978 he graduated from eight classes of school No. 1 and
entered technical school No. 7. Studied to be a mechanic
studied at night school. After completing his studies he worked
in the carriage depot.
Sergei had a dream - to learn to be a driver. But in
military registration and enlistment office, where he came with a request to send him to
driver courses, he was refused because he was not yet 18 years old.
They suggested coming in the fall. And in the fall he joined the army. By
upon completion of sergeant training, Sergei was sent to
Afghanistan, where his short life ended
Andreev Andrey. Andrey was born and raised in the city
Bologoe. In 1995 he graduated from school No. 1 and entered
vocational school No. 14, specialty
general-purpose tractor driver, mechanic
repairer. After graduating from college, he worked at Armaturny
factory in the mechanical assembly shop, then was a driver
Andrey was fond of technology, he called his loader
"swallow" and repaired it in his spare time
time. At the plant Andrey was appreciated for his conscientious work and
For his mother, Andrei was “the light in the window”; with him she had no
there were no problems. He was affectionate and caring
son, assistant in business, fair and reliable in

Andrey died while performing a combat mission in Chechnya
republic. That their son was in Chechnya, at home
They only found out when he died...
(Lights a candle).
They were not destined to return to their native threshold... But
memory of our boys who did not return from those wars,
the memory of those who passed away in peacetime will
10 slide
A minute of silence...Comrades, stand up
And in memory - imagine the fallen heroes.
The sound of their names is forever in our hearts.
A minute of silence, a minute of silence...
Slide 11 (The song “Forgive Soldiers” plays)

MOBU "Kumakskaya Secondary School"

Oral journal “Bells of Memory – Afghanistan”

Scenario extracurricular activity for grades 7-11,

dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

The event was developed by:

teacher foreign language

Zulyarova Zh.B.

2015-2016 academic year

"Bells of Memory - Afghanistan"

Relevance of the event: educating patriots and highly moral citizens is one of the main tasks modern school; educating schoolchildren using specific examples and facts is one of the methods of extracurricular educational work that invariably gives positive results; it is important to show future soldiers that defending the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen.


Contribute to the formation of patriotism as a personality trait of a future citizen through memorable events military history Russia


- cultivate a sense of duty, responsibility, self-sacrifice

Formation of readiness among schoolchildren for armed defense of the Motherland;

Forming a sense of responsibility for the future of one’s country;

- development of students' horizons.

Form of the event : oral journal

Equipment: phonograms of songsabout Afghanistan, screen, projector.

Progress of the event.

Who is to blame for the fact that there is still no answer,
Why was that strange war...


The bell rings.

Student 1: Guys! Today we have gathered to remember those people whom we call real men, from whom today’s boys can take an example. Pay attention to the name of our oral journal, which we will meet today.Previously, the bells located in the belfries of churches not only announced holidays, called people to prayer, they announced joy and sorrow, they gathered people in the square. Our oral journal is called “Bells of Memory - Afghanistan” because we must not forget about those who will be discussed today. Today we will turn over the pages of the oral journal and will talk about those guys who went through the heat of the Afghan war, which was once cynically called an “armed conflict.”

Student 2:

February, 15 - the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan is a tribute to the memory of everyone involved in the heroic and tragic Afghan war. These nine years of fierce battles in a foreign land brought a lot of grief, misfortune and suffering to our people. But even there, in distant Afghanistan, soviet soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, perseverance and nobility.
We do not have the right to forget the war in Afghanistan. The lives of thousands of sons, whose mothers did not live to see them, were cut short. Those who fought there, those who faced death face to face will not forget this war.

Poem "Afghanista". Reads by 8th grade students. Utalieva Indira.

Afghanistan! You are all in me:

Exploding grenades, fragments of lead,

You are shrouded in a glow, all on fire,

There is no end to suffering and pain.

Afghanistan! You are our pain and grief,

The cry of mothers comes here,

A sea of ​​burning tears has already been cried,

Perhaps there will be enough of them for all the years.

And again I rise to the attack,

And again the bullets raise dust.

Afghan! Why ahead of schedule?

You reveal a harsh reality to everyone.

History can't be turned back

We paid in full for Russia,

But memory brings us back again

To Afghanistan - where we served

Page 1 "Chronicle of War"

1 student:

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is a state in the southwestern part of Central Asia.

In March 1978, an insurgency broke out in Afghanistan. A group of officers came to power led by Taraki, the leader of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, who sought to build socialism in the country. This policy did not meet with support from the population. In response to the repression, Afghans took up arms. The resistance to the communists was led by Islamists. The partisans, who were called fighters for the faith, mujahideen or dushmans, were helped by the United States and Pakistan. The Afghan authorities turned to the USSR with a request to provide military assistance in suppressing this resistance by sending Soviet troops into Afghanistan.On September 14, 1989, a member of the Afghan government, Amin, attempted to assassinate Taraki. Taraki was relieved of his post and sent to prison. The American-minded Amin became the head of the state. After Amin seized power, NATO decided to deploy American missile systems in Europe and use Afghanistan as a military springboard against the USSR.

On December 12, 1979, the Soviet government, led by L.I. Brezhnev, decided to introduce a limited contingent of our troops with the goal of overthrowing Amin and transferring power to the Republicans led by Babrak Karmal.

2nd student:

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00, the entry of a limited contingent of Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan began, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar, and then to Kabul.

On the night of December 27, 1979, special groups of the USSR KGB “Zenith” and “Thunder”, formed during the operation in Afghanistan from Alpha employees, together with special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate, stormed Amin’s presidential palace on the outskirts of Kabul. The entire operation “Storm - 333” lasted no more than 20 minutes; in addition to the palace, 17 more objects in Kabul were captured. During this operation, Amin was killed, and Karmal became the head of the state. The next morning, Soviet troops began to arrive in Kabul. By introducing the Army into Afghanistan, the Soviet leaders hoped to quickly “restore order” - and took the wrong step... but then our troops on foreign soil defended the interests of their people. This was called fulfilling an international duty. This is how the Afghan war began...It lasted from December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989, that is

2,238 days.

3rd student:

The Soviet troops sent to Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent were mostly young people who had been involved in the war almost from school.

Our troops performed the following tasks: guarded roads, power plants, ensured the functioning of airfields; contributed to the strengthening of government bodies; carried columns with loads; together with Afghan units, they conducted military operations against detachments of dushmans; fought against caravans delivering weapons and ammunition from Pakistan and Iran.In just the years of staying inIn Afghanistan, Soviet troops participated in 416 large-scaleoperations.

1 student

At mountain outposts, in the air and on the ground, in Herat and Kandahar, Kunduz and Jalalabad, our compatriots fulfilled their military duty. They were ambushed and burned alive in armored personnel carriers, swallowed the dust of roads under the crossfire of machine guns, they were the ones who, risking their own lives, pulled the wounded out of the battlefield, they were the ones who, left alone with the enemies, covered the retreat of their comrades. ...

2 student

Almost immediately after the introduction of Soviet troops, attempts were made to solve the “Afghan problem” politically.On April 14, 1988, the foreign ministers of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Soviet Union and the United States signed five documents in Geneva on a political settlement of the situation around Afghanistan. According to the Geneva Agreements, which came into force a month later, Soviet troops were supposed to leave the territory of Afghanistan after 9 months.

The first withdrawal of our troops took place in June-July 1980. In 1983, several more units were returned to the territory of the Soviet Union. The large-scale withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was carried out in three stages. The first one was October 1986. The second - May 15, 1988. The third - February 15, 1989.

3rd student:

By February 15, 1989, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completely completed, which was monitored by UN observers.

600 thousand Soviet troops passed through Afghanistan

15053 - died or died from wounds;

49985 - wounded and maimed;

330 - prisoners and missing;

6669 – disabled peoplewars

Page 2 “Our fellow countrymen are participants in the Afghan war”

Zhanara Bisenbaevna

Let's turn the page of history,

The blizzard of those hot days will subside.

Who was in Afghanistan,

let him be proud

If you haven't been there, don't regret it.

Among the Soviet soldiers fulfilling their military duty far from their homeland were our fellow countrymen - residents of our village and residents of the Sol-Iletsk region, who served in various military units of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

These are: Rotnov Sergey Fedorovich and Petrenko Valery Viktorovich.

Sergei Fedorovich began his service in the Soviet Army in 1965.

After serving for 2.5 years, he remained for extended service. Then there was almost 10 years of service in Germany. From 1965 to 1975. Later, as a replacement, he was sent to the Central Asian Military District in the Semipalatinsk region, Zharminsky district of the village. Geogievka, where, according to Sergei Fedorovich, there were only 3 five-story buildings, and in one of these houses he and his family were given an apartment. Reported to serve in Afghanistan. Passed the medical examination and was fit. In July 1981, he was sent to the city of Alma-Ata, where they were collected and sent to a collection point. Tashkent to be sent to Afghanistan. In July 1981, they boarded a plane and flew to Kabul to a transit point. There they were already sent to units for further service. From Kabul S.F. flew to Kunda, where he ended up in an infantry regiment, where he served for 2 years. After completing his service in Afghanistan, he was sent to the Central Asian District. His further service took place in Aktyubinsk. Then his life as a “civilian” began. Sergei Fedorovich has 4 children.

Today Sergei Fedorovich is our guest.

Interview with an Afghan :

Sergei Fedorovich, how did your service begin, how did you get into a clear army rhythm, what do you remember about Afghanistan?

Why did you connect your life with military service?

Soldier's service consists not only of difficulties and problems. No. I think there were a lot of joys and bright moments. Do you remember similar episodes today?

What could you wish for today's young men?

Thank you Sergey Fedorovich for your memories. Today we want to express our deep gratitude to you for your service, for your courage and devotion to the Motherland. May God grant you good health and peaceful skies above your head.

Petrenko Valery Viktorovich passed military service in Afghanistan. Awarded a medal for military merit. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Afghanistan dated May 15, 1988. awarded a medal to an internationalist warrior by the grateful Afghan people. He is a combat veteran.

5 residents of our district did not return from the Afghan war.


Akhmetgaliev Aidar Kamilievich - native of Pokrovka, guard sergeant squad leader parachute company

Abyzov Karasai Kurmashevich originally from the village of Divnopolye, junior sergeant

Mukashev Urangalei Rakhimovich born in Sol-Iletsk, died while marching while passing a tunnel on the Salang pass

Alexandrov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich -resident of the village of Izobilnoye, soldier of the ninth company of the parachute regiment, guard junior sergeant

Chukhrov Alexander Nikolaevich – native Sol-Ilechanian, senior sergeant

I dream about you at night, Afghan,

Even though twenty-seven long years have passed...

I'm not a kid for a long time,

Only your trace has not faded away.

A trace of sweat that eats the eyes,

Bullet marks when shooting

A trace when a tear runs down your cheek,

A trace that people call Destiny.

Anger passed towards his enemies,

The pain of old wounds has dulled...

I didn’t have time to pay off my debts,

I only remember you, Afghan.

Page 3 “Songs scorched by Afghanistan”

1 student .

Every war gives birth to its songs. In war you cannot do without song. She supported the soldiers and strengthened their spirit. Afghan songs are the pain of loss, this is the hope of staying alive and returning home, this is the memory of those who remained forever on the land of Afghanistan.

2 student .

A special place was occupied by the vocal and instrumental groups of the Limited Contingent “Blue Berets” and “Cascade”. Their songshundreds of times copied from cassette to cassette, sounded in clubs, on mountain passes, in soldiers' tents. They were an echo and symbol of war. They went on raids with them on their lips, remembered their fallen comrades, and returned home to the Soviet Union.

3 student .

Let's watch the video and listen to the song of the Blue Berets group "Memory" (Afghan Break)

Page 4 "Memory"

1 student.

15 On February 1989, General Gromov, the commander of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, reported that the withdrawal of Soviet troops from this country was completed and .... there was not a single Soviet soldier left on the long-suffering soil of Afghanistan. Our people have been waiting for this day for nine years. And so February 15, 1989 became a symbolic day,Memorial Day .

(reads a poem by Dmitry Nigai)

Never subject to revaluation
Neither the courage nor the devotion of the soldiers,
who passed through Herat,
Through spooky dungeons,

Through night raids and battles
Through Salanga there are serpentine ribbons,
Men who have matured beyond their years,
Hiding their wounds.
Through the bloody Panjshir and Kabul,
Jalalabad and long silence,
Without tarnishing either conscience or rank,
Without cursing time and fate.

They remained faithful until the end
One oath, military duty...
Perhaps they don't live long,
That their young hearts are scarred and scarred

1 student.

The war ruined the lives of many young people. Despite everything, they honestly fulfilled their civic duty and remained faithful to the oath to the end.

Having met on our native land, we

Lost in the cycle of memories,

Let's remember the guys who didn't return

A single moment of silence.

3 student

A minute of silence is declared in memory of the victims warriors .

This concludes our oral journal “Memory Bells-Afghanistan” dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. I would like to conclude our meeting with the following words:

How many years have passed since then -
Let us not forget the wounds of war.
The memory is eternal, low bow to you -
For victory, faith, love.

1 student

Guys, our oral journal has turned to the last page. But we don't say goodbye. There are still many interesting pages in our magazine that will tell us about various events of our Motherland.

Thank you for your attention! Goodbye, see you again!

Materials used:

1. Newspaper "Olekma" dated February 15, 2013

2. School encyclopedia. "Recent History" XX century M.Olma-Press Education. 2003.p.35-37, 389, 483

3. ru.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Blue Berets (group)

Scenario of the festive event,

dedicated to the Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

"Living Memory"

(Against the backdrop of instrumental music)

I'm overgrown with memories

As the wasteland is overgrown with forest,

And the birds of memory sing in the morning,

And the wind-memory hums at night,

Memory trees babble all day long.

But in my memory such power is hidden,

What returns images and multiplies...

It makes noise without stopping, memory is rain,

And memory-snow flies and cannot fall.

I am overgrown with memory...

Ved.1: Time has its own memory - history. And therefore the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including
brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, pushed back
civilizations that destroyed the great values ​​created by man.

Ved.2:February 15, 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. It was on this day that the war, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War, ended.

Song "We're leaving."

Ved. 1. Our meeting takes place on the eve of Internationalist Day, and we called it “Living Memory”. Living memory, because those who fought, fulfilling their international duty in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Transnistria, Chechnya... other hot spots are alive.

Ved.2. Alive, because the memory of the dead is sacredly preserved by their comrades in arms, their families and loved ones.

And this memory will live as long as we remember it.

It just so happened that the Russian soldier defended not only his homeland, but also helped fraternal peoples. And this was called “fulfilling an international duty.” And then, back in 1979, the Russians went to help build happy life deep into Asia.

We walked springily and together,
Two hundred legs in a single step,
And the glory of Russian weapons
It rang in my nerves and ears.

A moment thinner than a hair,
It's like a sparkling glow,
But maybe a quick moment
Remain glorious forever...
One moment and in the darkness
The dawn rises over the gray ashes,
And you become an example for millions on Earth.

Song “Cuckoo” (Grigoriev)

Ved.1. The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years, 1 month and 18 days. It was at that time that we learned how dangerous the profession of a helicopter pilot is, that the word “spirit” can mean not only something sublime, but also an unwashed, bearded creature with a Kalashnikov at the ready.

Military jargon has been enriched with new terms: “green stuff”, “spinner”, “cargo - three hundred”, “cargo - two hundred”

Ved. 2. Over 15 thousand of our soldiers died on foreign soil, 6 thousand subsequently died from wounds and illnesses, 311 people went missing. These were the greatest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War. Time moves us away from those events. However, the memory of the war still resonates with pain in people’s hearts.

Afghanistan! You are all in me:

Exploding grenades, fragments of lead,

You are shrouded in a glow, all on fire,

There is no end to suffering and pain.

Afghanistan! You are our pain and grief,

The cry of mothers comes here,

A sea of ​​burning tears has already been cried,

Perhaps there will be enough of them for all the years.

And again I rise to the attack,

And again the bullets raise dust.

Afghan! Why ahead of schedule?

You reveal a harsh reality to everyone.

History cannot be turned back,

We paid in full for Russia,

But memory brings us back again

To Afghanistan - to where you served.


We recognize those who served in Afghanistan and other hot spots not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes... We recognize them by their calm, firm faces. These are people you can always rely on. Everyone would like to have such friends. Someone has very correctly noted that human life is measured not by its duration, but by what fills it.

Ved.2. Among our fellow countrymen there are those who traveled the roads of Afghanistan and Chechnya. I bow to you for your courage and heroism.

Time has chosen you
Spun in an Afghan snowstorm,
Your friends called you at a terrible hour,
You put on a special uniform.
And in the fire of mountain difficult roads
They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,
Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,
How minutes are compressed into years.

These qualities are not for show.
The Motherland has countless heroes.
Time has chosen you!
Through the pages of times
They walked to the victory marches.
Many famous Russian names
Inscribed on granite eternity.
And when it was hard at times,
Strength melted away in the roar of battle,
We were thrown into pillboxes more than once
The unyielding audacity of the heroes.
Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -
These qualities are not for show.
The Motherland has countless heroes.
Time has chosen you.

Song “serve Russia” (grades 7-8)

Ved 1. Let the memory be stronger than granite,

And the blood won’t stop beating in my heart,

As long as Rus' exists, it keeps in my soul

Those killed in the war in Afghanistan.

contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, reported that the exit

Soviet troops from this country are finished and .... on the long-suffering

There is not a single Soviet soldier left on the soil of Afghanistan.

How many Russian boy soldiers
From now on they lie in silent eternity.
And they look from photographs of little ones
With surprisingly lively eyes.
Oh, how many mothers are there in Russia?
They shed bitter tears.
Their pain cannot be overcome, it cannot be warmed up
Under mourning black scarves.
Again the wedges of burnt souls float
The sky is mixed with clouds.
Snow will fall over sweet home
Or they will fall with warm rains.
Tears flow down the gold of names,
According to the dates that ended life at its zenith.
Sad and quiet bell ringing
As if whispering: “Boys, forgive me...”

Song “Come back soon” (Adults)

Hello mother,

I'm writing you a letter

You know mom,

I'm fine.

The sun is shining, everything is fine,

Fog is coming down from the mountains.

You know, mom, it's not scary here,

It's just Afghanistan here.

I saw you all in a dream,

Like a sister

moved to 4th grade.

Would you mom come to us more often?

I would invite Olga to visit

You tell her that I will return,

So that she would wait for me.

the postman brought a letter.

grief hit the window

Mother can't tear herself away

From the burial mound.

Son in the ground, and in the palm of your hand,

Lines from this letter.

grief hit the window

the postman brought a letter

He is alive and laughing in him,

and I want to live like that.

Hello mother,

hello eternity,

You have no right to forget us.

Ved.1. A funeral funeral struck the mothers' windows like a black, ominous wing. How many tears were cried, how much grief fell on the woman in an instant! But no mother can come to terms with the death of her son. She waits and hopes all her life: what if a miracle happens and a son, her little blood, appears on the doorstep.

Remember us, Russia, in the February cold,
Before you sit down to the festive table.
Remember those who did not break their oath to you,
Who took care of you forever and left for eternity.
Remember us, covered with ashes and dust,
Machine guns embedded in the rocky firmament.
Write us down in history as a sad reality
And mark your mother’s heart with a scar.
Remember us, Russia, both the evil and the tired,
Stupefied from the heat, without sleep, without water.
Measuring life from rest to rest,
From star to star, from trouble to trouble.
Remember us and those proud with the victorious attack,
Not one step removed from the peaks taken.
Not a tribune speech, not a newspaper line -
Write it down on the great tablets of love.
Remember us, Russia, in a certain sadness,
Unraveling your golden braid.
We bequeathed to those who remained to remember and live,
To live as we lived - for you!

Song “Light the Candles” (Skvortsova K.)

Foreign Asian country.

The authorities did not know, setting the task “head-on”,

That this war will last nine years

And a month... twenty days... and a day to boot.

...The snow will melt more than once in the spring,

But only in the heart - no, no - it will surge,

That he is going through that war again!

And again the sweat and blood freeze on my lips...

Eternity is embraced by ringing silence,

Heavy, tense silence.
Descendants bow their heads low
In a harsh silence silently above you.
Over a quiet field
Above the lake blue,
Over the trembling of birch branches
Mother Russia bowed in eternal sorrow
Over the memory of the fallen sons.

(Slides with photos)

Arnautov Sergey Fedorovich (1963-1981) - private, transported cargo by car for National economy Afghanistan. On the way near Kabul, the convoy was fired upon, as a result of which Sergei was wounded and died from it.
-Prisekin Viktor Alekseevich (1962-1982) – junior sergeant, on July 8, 1982, near the village of Khadzhari, the squad encountered superior enemy forces. A battle ensued, during which Victor showed himself to be an proactive commander. He was seriously wounded and died from his wounds. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.
-Igor Ivanovich Gorkaev (1964-1985) – corporal, participated in 10 combat operations. During one of the mortar attacks, the car with ammunition in which Corporal Gorkaev was located exploded. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.
-Mukhortov Alexander Yurievich (1968-1988) – private. The column in which Alexander participated was fired from grenade launchers. A direct hit by a grenade on the car caused a rupture of the caterpillar track and the car began to slide into the river flowing nearby. The banks collapsed and the car, along with Alexander, quickly went under water.

Awarded the Order of the Red Star.
-Kurdyuk Sergey Nikolaevich (1961-1984) – lieutenant. On April 30, 1984, at about 12 o’clock, a large gang of spirits attacked a peaceful village. The unit commanded by Sergei hastened to help. During the battle, Sergei showed an example of courage and bravery, forcing the enemy to retreat; suddenly an enemy bullet ended his life.

Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

A minute of silence...
Comrades, stand up!
And imagine in memory of the fallen Heroes.
Forever in our heart
Immortal names their sound.
A minute of silence, a minute of silence...


Ved.1 Today we look at your faces with pride.

You managed to go through the fire of battles and the smoke of conflagrations with dignity and honor...

You know the value of male friendship, forged in fire, you know how to mourn losses, you are honest before your conscience and holy memory.

You managed to pass -
Everything that the war has measured out to you,
And it’s not in vain that you put on today
Your military orders.

The floor is given to representatives of the “Combat Brotherhood”

Song "Order"
-Slowly the story flips through,

The chronicle syllable becomes heavier.

Everything gets old, the Motherland doesn’t get old,

Old age doesn't let you in.

We have passed centuries with Russia

From the plow to the star wing.

And look - the sky is still blue,

And over the Volga the same shadow of an eagle.

And a lot more will be done,

Kohl is called to the future journey.

But the feelings of the Motherland are brighter and purer.

People will never find it.

A person is born with this feeling,

Lives with him and dies with him.

Everything will pass, but the Motherland will remain,

If we do, then we will keep the feeling.

Song “Corner of Russia”

1989 became a symbolic day, a day of remembrance.

Having met on our native land, we

Lost in the cycle of memories,

Let's remember the guys who didn't return

A single moment of silence.

Ved.2: Operating in the harsh and unusual natural and climatic conditions of Afghanistan, far from the Motherland, Soviet military personnel and law enforcement officers withstood military trials with honor, defending the geopolitical and economic interests of the Fatherland, protecting our country and all of humanity from religious fanatics for decades, the spread of subversive ideology and criminal practices of Wahhabism, the infiltration of drugs, the US military presence in the Western Asia region and the immediate vicinity of our state borders.

Soviet-Afghan military cooperation has deep historical roots. During the 1919 war against British colonial rule, Afghanistan relied on the moral and political support of the young Soviet Republic, which expressed its readiness to provide its people with all kinds of assistance, including military assistance. Military cooperation between the USSR and Afghanistan continued in the following decades. The Soviet Union provided assistance to the Afghans in organizing air defense, creating radio engineering, armored and other types of ground and special forces. A special place in Soviet-Afghan relations is occupied by the 70s and 80s, during which several coups d'état took place in Afghanistan and a large-scale Civil War, a contingent of Soviet troops was introduced into Afghan territory.

Armed protests against events central authorities have been noted since June 1978. As a result, between April 1978. and December 1979 The internal political situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated sharply. The opposition, skillfully taking advantage of the mistakes of the new government, launched active propaganda work to attract the country's population, including soldiers of the Afghan army, into its ranks.

During the summer of 1979, anti-government protests spread most rural areas of the country and escalated into civil war. The situation was also complicated by the active interference of foreign states and organizations in the internal affairs of the country. In the context of the aggravation of the Afghan crisis, the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee decided on December 12, 1979 to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan “in order to provide international assistance to the friendly Afghan people, as well as to create favorable conditions for prohibiting possible anti-Afghan actions by neighboring states.” After stabilization of the political situation in the neighboring state, the Soviet military contingent was supposed to return to their homeland. The growing crisis in Afghanistan also occurred against the backdrop of rivalry between the USSR and the USA within the framework of “ cold war».

The basis of the grouping of Soviet troops was concentrated in the eastern and northeastern provinces. The OKSV and Afghan government forces were opposed by large forces of the armed Afghan opposition, representing the interests of seven pro-Pakistan and eight pro-Iranian parties. The opposition, as a rule, avoided direct clashes with government and Soviet troops and used mainly shelling of garrisons, guards, attacks on small Afghan garrisons, ambushes on roads, practiced the large-scale use of anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines, sabotage and terrorist actions, etc. From the first days of its stay on Afghan territory, OKSV was assigned to perform a wide range of tasks:

Providing assistance in strengthening local authorities;

Protection of national economic and military facilities, main highways and ensuring the passage of convoys with cargo through them in the interests of OKSV, the armed forces, ministries and departments of Afghanistan.

Conducting military operations together with Afghan troops to defeat detachments and groups of armed opposition;

Covering the state border of Afghanistan with Pakistan and Iran from the penetration of caravans and mujahideen detachments into the DRA;

Providing assistance to the DRA armed forces in training headquarters, troops, etc.

2 student.

Anyone can smell the smell of war here,

And the smoke of cigarettes is like a foggy curtain,

I've been living in Afghanistan for a long time with you

The whole place smelled of dust, and sweat, and blood.

And our module is a complete mess -

We've all been waiting for the plane for a long time,

Every eccentric is already at home here in soul,

But in general the whole company dreams,

After all, happiness awaits us ahead,

How joyful it is to meet dear ones,

And that’s why, brother, don’t sit,

Hurry up and pack your things.

And then the plane appeared in the distance,

And their faces were filled with happiness,

How long have we been waiting for you, dear?

To return to your loved ones

Darling, wait for me

Now I'm already approaching,

And the body trembles joyfully

On our own plane.

Ved.1: Birds fly below,

The clouds are floating below.

The world is beautiful, soldier,

Yes, your work is not easy.

You'll make it to the end

You will save the light above the world -

You look like your father

You look like your grandfather...

Ved.2: The exploits in Afghanistan are akin to the exploits of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War

war. How could it be otherwise - one army, continuity

generations, and most importantly - military friendship, where the lives of comrades are more valuable

Song “Cranes” (slide – fighting)

Ved.2: Time has chosen us,

Spun in an Afghan snowstorm...

Our friends called us at a terrible hour -

We put on a special uniform

Ved.1: Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes,

Time has chosen us.

Ved.1: Towards an immortal feat,

To the highest of inspirations,

Not like getting to the top

They go from step to step,

They fly towards immortality,

Like flaming birds, -

Giving myself completely,

And not by particles.

Ved.1: Courage is not fashion,

Fast, fleeting,

Courage is the essence of a man,

Durable, long, eternal,

Ved.2: Today's boys continue the relay of Courage. And Chechnya, how

Afghanistan, once upon a time, has become a long-suffering land. Here are ours

soldiers, offering a hand of friendship and saving the fate of humanity, sometimes

gave their very young lives for the sake of peace on earth.

Ved.1: Afghan and Chechen wars will remind of themselves for a long time, until

mothers and fathers who lost their sons are alive. She will live in the memory of children,

who grew up without fathers. Many of them did not know the warmth of their fathers at all.

hands, while others will keep fragile childhood memories of

Student: Sorry

We were only twenty.

We were not promised life.

Son, no need to cry,

We defended the truth.

Our plans did not come true.

The war burned through the hearts

Dushman's bestial howl

Burst into the fighter's dream.

Helicopters burned down

There is a steel blade in the blood.

We exploded on takeoff.

Don't cry, be patient, son!

The sun burned us.

A mirage beckoned with my hand.

And death was clutching in its hands.

Graves are the whole landscape.

I wanted to win so much!

I know the word DEBT!

But the coffins wear berets.

And the guitar's cry stopped.

My grave is in the sand.

The blade has dropped

Yes, death looks sad.

Don't cry, be patient son!

The medals are not worn.

The country looks away.

The berets were shot through.

There is a silent reproach in the eyes.

He left and didn’t look back.

Not life. One jerk.

Sorry for not coming back!

Sorry. Don't cry, son!

Ved.1: Sounds over the native land:

“Equal to the hero!..”

And the ranks freeze

Red Banner system.

The high distance has opened up,

And glory touched my chest,

And the whole country turned around:

“Looking up to the hero.”

Ved.2: The floor is given to Gennady Vasilievich Mileev

Ved.1: I remember the coldness of the armor at dawn,

Hot fights in damp gorges,

I will remember the children, the Afghan children.

Children come first. Combat comes second.

Ved.1: Let's turn the page of history,

The blizzard of those hot days will subside.

Let those who were in Afghanistan be proud,

If you haven't been there, don't regret it.

Ved.2: Time has its own memory - history. And therefore, the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, and destroyed the great values ​​​​created by man. The Afghan war was precisely such a tragedy for our people.

At this solemn event, dedicated to the Day the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan is completed.

Scenarios of events for patriotic education of schoolchildren

Target: formation of patriotic qualities in adolescents.

Tasks: nurturing love for the Motherland, responsibility, involvement, respect for warrior-defenders, our fellow countrymen.

Annotation: This event is designed for students in grades 9–11 with the invitation of veterans of the Afghan and Chechen wars, on the eve of February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

Literary and musical composition,

dedicated to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.


Yesterday the boys had their graduation party

The table was bursting with all sorts of sweets

And that night their friends told their fortunes.

And they foretold a thousand ways.

But everyone got it long road to a foreign unknown country.

And God found no other fate,

What is this - through a terrible war!


And they had to drink it to the brim,

And, having deceived father and mother in the letter,

Like, not for a fight - we’re flying out “on business”

In a brutal battle, you get used to death.

They were carried away by "Black Tulips"

Not to heaven - to God at the age of nineteen...

Dushmans fought there for the land of their ancestors,

What are we for? Nobody will give an answer.


And then the boys returned. Turned grey.

The heart has military orders.

And scars - like marks - on the body.

And in souls - the war does not end.


And in dreams - he will rise from the grave again

The one who died before your eyes

And there is no strength in the whole world,

To break this vicious circle!

Ved.2: Time has its own memory - history. And that's why the world never forgets

The tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including

Brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, pushed back

Civilizations that destroyed the great values ​​created by man.

(Map of Afghanistan on screen)

Ved.1: South Asia, where Afghanistan is located, is separated from the rest of Asia by a chain of massive mountain ranges. The second highest mountain range in the world, the arid Hindu Kush, stretches across Afghanistan. It goes through Central Afghanistan.

Area of ​​Afghanistan: 649,507 sq. km.

Population 25,825,000 people.

Capital: Kabul.

Currency: 1 Afghani.

Official language: Afghan, Persian, Pashto.

Other languages: Uzbek, Turkish.

Main religions: Islam 99%, Hinduism, Judaism.

The events associated with the Afghan war and the fraternal assistance that our country, its army and law enforcement agencies provided to the people and government of Afghanistan in carrying out democratic reforms are going further into history.

On December 25, 1979 at 15:00 Moscow time, units of the 40th Army crossed the border of Afghanistan. Two days later, special forces from Alpha and Vympel stormed the presidential palace and eliminated Amin. On the 28th, the 108th division entered Kabul.

Then we were opposed not only by armed gangs supported by the most reactionary Muslim circles and imperialist powers. In fact, it was in those years that the USSR first encountered radical, well-prepared and armed Islamic terrorism, whose gloomy policies and brutal methods of implementation are now notorious throughout the world and are marked by the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians.

Thus began a long, almost ten-year war in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan! You are all in me:

Exploding grenades, fragments of lead,

You are shrouded in a glow, all on fire,

There is no end to suffering and pain.

Afghanistan! You are our pain and grief,

The cry of mothers comes here,

A sea of ​​burning tears has already been cried,

Perhaps there will be enough of them for all the years.

And again I rise to the attack,

And again the bullets raise dust.

Afghan! Why ahead of schedule?

You reveal a harsh reality to everyone.


Afghanistan... For ten years the best of the best went there in the hope of establishing peace in this ancient land, were forced to fight, showed examples of courage and heroism and died.

Ved.1: Courage is not fashion,

Fast, fleeting,

Courage is the essence of a man,

Durable, long lasting, eternal

In total, more than half a million people went through the Afghan war. There is no doubt that for each of them, participation in the war left an unhealed pain for many years.

Ved.1: Birds fly below,

The clouds are floating below.

The world is beautiful, soldier,

Yes, your work is not easy.

You'll make it to the end

You will save the light above the world -

You look like your father

You look like your grandfather...

Ved.2: The exploits in Afghanistan are akin to the exploits of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War

Wars. How could it be otherwise - one army, continuity of generations, and most importantly - military friendship, where the lives of comrades are more valuable than their own.

Song “Cranes” (slide – fighting)

Ved.2: Time has chosen us,

Spun in an Afghan snowstorm...

Our friends called us at a terrible hour -

We put on a special uniform

Ved.1: Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes,

Time has chosen us.


April 14, 1988 The foreign ministers of Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Soviet Union and the United States signed five documents in Geneva on a political settlement of the situation around Afghanistan. According to the Geneva Accords, which came into force a month later, Soviet troops were supposed to leave Afghanistan within nine months. The large-scale troop withdrawal was carried out in three stages. The first - October 1986. Second - May 15, 1988, Third - February 15, 1989.


The mountains will melt into the blue horizon,

Border Hairatan will disappear.

We'll throw the machine guns behind our backs,

We returned. The Rubicon has been passed.

And there will be the joy of a long-awaited meeting,

And there will be tears of our mothers.

And for the rest of my life the road will become the main one,

The one that passed from my memory.


On February 15, 1989, General Gromov, the commander of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, reported that the withdrawal of Soviet troops from this country was completed and .... there was not a single Soviet soldier left on the long-suffering soil of Afghanistan.

Our people have been waiting for this day for nine years. And so February 15, 1989 became a symbolic day, a day of remembrance.

The last column left Mazar;

And silence settled like dust over the hill.

Everyone has one order: to reach Hairatan,

Oh, I wish I wouldn’t burn another cartridge.

And if there is a fight, it’s not our fault.

As soon as we reach Hairatan without losses,

Where the war will end just beyond the bridge.

The cruel canon can no longer be changed,

Here we had a chance to taste the bitterness to the fullest.

The last dream is to reach Hairatan,

Where the war will end just beyond the bridge.

And we will remember everyone who was with us by name,

And the hour will come when we will put on our orders.

How I want to get to Hairatan as soon as possible,

Where the war will end just beyond the bridge.

Not everyone was lucky enough to make it through the war alive - home from Afghanistan. Soldiers' letters were sent home. They came back from the war, burned, smelling of sweat, blood and gunpowder. Envelopes inconspicuous in the mail row. But there were no stories about the war in them. It was not allowed to write or talk about it. It seems like there is nothing. And loving sons, of course, felt sorry for their parents. Therefore, the letters described the usual service, like everyone else, and asked not to worry about them, not to worry. How similar they are to each other - these soldiers' letters from the Afghan war, although they were written by essentially different people...


I miss my native country,

According to its sunrises and sunsets.

On Afghan scorched earth

The soldiers sleep restlessly.

They spend their energy without skimping,

They know hunger and fatigue,

They don’t save their days in reserve,

who will tell them how much time they have left...

So you, cuckoo, wait a minute

should I give someone else's share,

The soldier has eternity ahead,

Don't confuse it with old age...


“Black Tulips” flew home to the Union with zinc coffins; the soldiers returned, but already dead, having fulfilled their military duty to the end. The war spared neither the strong nor the weak. And if they say that someone died by accident, then this is not so - there are no accidents in war.

Friends' names will not be forgotten.

And where war rumbles in the gorges,

All soldiers' souls roam at night.

In total, during the Afghan war, 200,153 people were awarded orders and medals of the USSR, of which 10,955 people. awarded posthumously. 71 “Afghans” received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union,

25 of them were awarded this title posthumously.

Ved.1: Towards an immortal feat,

To the highest of inspirations,

Not like getting to the top

They go from step to step,

They fly towards immortality,

Like flaming birds, -

Giving myself completely,

And not by particles.

(A minute of silence. The metronome sounds)

The fogs over the river are like smoke,

Bloody sunsets over the mountains.

I'll forever remain young

And I will live by the short word “memory”

Throughout the entire period, this brutal war was an unhealing wound for us, which is still bleeding. Until now, many are looking for an answer to the question, why and who needed it? The debate never stops for a day: there is participation in wars and armed conflicts good or evil for the soldiers and their country?

Let history judge us all

And let everyone give an assessment.

Let no one forget about the fallen,

And at least someone will tell about us.

Afghanistan is 500 thousand of our soldiers who went through the thick of battle, 49,985 of whom were injured, 6,669 were left disabled, 13,836 soldiers died in battle, 312 soldiers went missing, 18 were interned in other countries of the world. This is the result of providing “fraternal international assistance” to the neighboring country in human terms. Losses in equipment, according to official data, amounted to 147 tanks, 1,314 armored vehicles, 433 artillery systems, 118 aircraft and 333 helicopters.

They say time heals. But this pain is unlikely to subside. War is always war. Under her black veil there will certainly be someone's home, someone's family.

We must not become complacent; we must do everything to ensure that such wars do not happen again.

Let's turn the page of history,

The blizzard of those hot days will subside.

Let those who were in Afghanistan be proud,

If you haven't been there, don't regret it.

Ved.2: Time has its own memory - history. And therefore, the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, and destroyed the great values ​​​​created by man. The Afghan war was precisely such a tragedy for our people.

This concludes the solemn event dedicated to the Day of the Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Afghanistan.

Ustinsky branch

MBOU Ustinskaya Secondary School

Class hour

Literary and musical composition

“You are in my memory and heart, Afghanistan”

Developed by: obzh teacher

Stupina N.N.

Students from grades 7, 8, 9 took part in preparing the event under the guidance of the teacher. The children learned to work independently with a book, select the main points, interview participants in events and their relatives, and acquired the ability to choose the main thing from a huge amount of factual material.

Target: contribute to the formation of patriotism, cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland and military service.


Instill an interest in history native village,

Introduce the heroic deeds of fellow villagers,

To promote respect for people who have been in “hot spots.”


Media projector, laptop, screen (for demonstrating presentations, photographs),

Audio recordings.

Form: prepared messages and song numbers for children, connecting words from presenters and teachers. During the recitation of poems, music sounds and a multimedia presentation is shown on the screen.

(The song “Sineva” plays loudly)


Leading: (I): Many years have passed since that terrible war in Afghanistan. There is still no single point of view among politicians and historians about the significance of that war, about the role of Russian soldiers and troops. Nevertheless, regardless of different views and disputes, people died. Many people. There are those who lived in the Morshansky district and never returned. There are also those who fought there and live and work next to us. This is the head of our school, A.M. Tebyakin, N.V. Shkunov This meeting is dedicated to them.

2 slide

“Taking into account the military-political situation in the Middle East, the latest appeal from the Afghan government was considered positively. A decision was made to send in some Soviet contingents troops, into the territory Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in order to provide international assistance to the friendly Afghan people, as well as create favorable conditions for prohibiting possible anti-Afghan actions on the part of neighboring states..."

Minister of Defense of the USSR

Marshal of the Soviet Union D.F. Ustinov

Boss General Staff

Marshal of the Soviet Union N.V. Ogarkov

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00 Moscow time, an airborne division, military transport aircraft, engineering units crossed the state border, and motorized rifle divisions of the Red Banner Military District were on high alert.

3 slide (The song plays: the beginning is only “Cuckoo”) - quietly

Presenter 1: Because of the high Hindu Kush, almost no information was received, only the airy “black tulips”, as the helicopters delivering the coffins were called, reminded that there was a real war going on there and our guys’ service was not easy...

Reader: I often dream about my home -

The forest is dreaming about something, about its own,

Gray cuckoo across the river,

How long do I have left to live, he thinks.

You pressed affectionately against the flower,

The stalk of wild rosemary is crushed,

And the distant “ku-ku” sounds

Measuring the lives of my date.

I dream of an edge of flowers,

The quiet edge is covered in rowan trees,

Eighty, ninety, one hundred...

Why are you so generous, cuckoo?

I miss my native country,

According to its sunrises and sunsets.

On Afghan scorched earth

Russian soldiers sleep anxiously.

They spend their energy without skimping,

They know hunger and fatigue,

They don’t hoard their days in reserve.

Who will tell them: how many of them are left?

So you, cuckoo, wait a minute

Should I give someone else's share?

The soldier has eternity ahead,

Don't confuse it with old age.

(V. Kochetkov, Y. Kirsanov “Cuckoo”)

Teacher: Our holiday dedicated to the day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is considered open.

(Russian anthem plays)

(Song sounds: quietly Beginning “Time has chosen us”) -

Presenter 2: Then, until December 1979, everything was as always. Our boys studied, worked, went to discos, fell in love. And suddenly... This terrible, monstrous, alien war... The Afghan war.

Reader: Time has chosen us

Spun in an Afghan snowstorm,

Friends called us at a terrible hour,

We put on a special uniform.

And in the fire of mountain difficult roads

They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,

Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,

How minutes are compressed into years.

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us!

Through the pages of times

They walked to the victory marches.

Many glorious Russian names

Inscribed on granite eternity.

And when it was hard at times,

Strength melted away in the roar of battle,

We were thrown into pillboxes more than once

The unyielding audacity of the heroes.

Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us.

Song loudly “Time has chosen us”

4 slide

(Sounds “Moonlight Sonata”)

Presenter 1: This war lasted 9 years 1 month and 19 days. More than half a million soldiers passed through Afghanistan.

Presenter 2: War - what a terrible word. How much misfortune and tears she brings again and again. Another war that did not spare the souls of young guys.

Presenter 1: Afghanistan is a country in southwest Asia. Afghanistan's diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia installed in 1919.

Presenter 2: On April 27, 1978, a revolution took place in Afghanistan, which led to a fratricidal war. Party activists appeared in the country and banned morning prayers; the faithful did not listen, and then the activists began to desecrate holy places. And all this in a country in which the Afghan clergy had a very strong position among the masses. His influence is still enormous. It is no coincidence that it was the large clergy that became the core of the future armed opposition. As a sign of protest, the men went to the mountains, plundering, but the further they went, the more bloody trails stretched out. This is how the civil war in Afghanistan was unleashed. Our country responded to the request of the Afghan government - a limited number of Soviet troops were sent to this country, exhausted by bloodshed.

Reader: And how can I not remember

The faces of my dead friends

Yes, it's scary to die,

When is it necessary to return?

And you left, the order was given

You are faithful to duty and oath

And all of Afghanistan

Frozen in your last step

Look guys, look girls!

Face memory put in a row

These are guys who will be twenty forever

These are the ones who glorified the landing.

Presenter 1: The presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan and their combat activities are conventionally divided into four stages:

5.6 slide

Presenter 2: December 1979 – February 1980. The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, their placement in garrisons, the organization of protection of deployment points and various objects.

7, 8 slide

Presenter 1: March 1980 – April 1985. Conducting active combat operations, including large-scale ones, together with Afghan formations and units. Work to reorganize and strengthen the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Slide 9

Presenter 2: May 1985 – December 1986. The transition from active combat operations primarily to supporting the actions of Afghan troops with Soviet aviation, artillery and engineer units. The use of motorized rifle, airborne and tank units, mainly as a reserve and to increase the morale and combat stability of the Afghan troops. Special forces units fought to suppress the delivery of weapons and ammunition from abroad. Assistance continued in the development of the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The withdrawal of 6 Soviet regiments to their homeland took place.

10 slide

Presenter 1: January 1987 - February 1989. Participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan leadership's policy of national reconciliation. Continued support for the combat activities of Afghan troops. Preparing Soviet troops for the return to their homeland and implementing their complete withdrawal.

11, slide

(“The Moonlight Sonata continues ")- quiet

Teacher: The 20th century is often called turbulent and cruel, and this is how it became for our history. The war, one way or another, touched every generation - some fought with weapons in their hands, some saw off loved ones to the war, some mourned the dead.

We have been counting down the peaceful spring since May 9, 1945. Sixty-seventh peaceful spring... Is it a lot or a little? A lot, if you remember how short the period was between the First World War and the beginning of the Second.

Reader: A star is burning over the city of Kabul.

My farewell star is shining.

How I wanted the Motherland to sigh,

When I fell on the snow while attacking...

And I lie there and watch it cool down

There is a blue star above the minaret.

Someone is remembered or forgotten

And they will never know us...

The December star is burning, alien,

And under the star the snow smokes with blood.

And I say goodbye with my last tear,

Everything I’m parting with forever for the first time.

(V. Verstakov “The Star Is Burning”)

Presenter 2: These nine years and fifty-one days of fierce battles in a foreign land brought a lot of grief, misfortune and suffering to our people. But even there, in distant Afghanistan, Soviet soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, perseverance, nobility. In the incredibly difficult conditions of combat life, far from home, hourly exposed to danger, and sometimes mortal, they remained faithful to the military oath, military and human duty.

(The song sounds: was it in vain)

Teacher: People who were there and saw this hell live and work next to us. Today they are present at our holiday. This is A.M. Tebyakin and N.V. Shkunov.

12 slide

Teacher: Alexey Mikhailovich Tebyakin, born March 3, 1966 in the village. The mouth of the Morshansky district. After finishing school, I entered textile technical school. After graduating in May 1985, he was drafted into the Soviet Army. Served in the border troops. From December 1985 to April 1987, he performed international duty in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. He was a machine gunner. He graduated from service in April 1987. Entered pedagogical institute to the sports department. Since October 1987, he became a teacher of basic military training and physical education at the Ustinsk secondary school.

In 1991, he was appointed director of the school and currently works in this position.

Slide 13
Presenter1: Nikolai Vasilievich Shkunov Born December 1, 1954. Lived in Kazakhstan in the city of Alma-Ata. In 1972 he graduated from school and worked in construction. In 1973 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. He served in Transbaikalia as a tank commander and then as a company sergeant major. In 1975, having completed his military service, he entered the State Pedagogical Technical University No. 48 to study. He worked in his specialty. Since Nikolai Vasilyevich was liable for military service in 1979, on December 29 he was called up to serve in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, as a mortar gunner. After serving for 3.5 months, he returned home and began working at the school as a master of industrial training. In 1993 he moved to Russia. Got a job at a school.

Presenter 1: Those who served as soldiers in Afghanistan know more about life and the world than their peers. They know the real value of life. They also know a terrible pain that they were not supposed to know in their youth - the pain of losing friends. The floor is given to Alexey Mikhailovich Tebyakin.


Reader: Poems written about mountains

The number is so big that you can't count it

But only these mountains are grief

Although there is something in grief.

There is such silence around,

That you can hear the distant barking of a jackal,

We have another night without sleep,

And we are waiting for a short break

We are taking a leap into the mountains,

The stomach is empty, the flask is empty,

And sand creaks on your teeth,

It's like I'm eating something with a crunch.

The sand creaks, the path is not visible,

And every step is not an easy step.

And suddenly it becomes offensive,

That the enemy is slipping away again.

There is such silence around,

That a whisper can be heard three meters away,

Yes, this fucking war

We were scorched by a sultry wind.

I don't believe this silence

To the mountains I silently shout:

“You are extinguishing something in me,

Like a burnt out candle"

But clenching his teeth and the machine gun,

I wiped my face from sweat,

I whisper to myself that the way back

Free only for scoundrels.

And I go into the silence of hell,

Since the Motherland needs it,

I need!

(N. Kirzhenko “Poems written about mountains!”)

Presenter 1: In total, during the period from December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989, 620 thousand military personnel served in the troops located on the territory of the DRA, of which 525.2 thousand people were in formations and units of the Soviet Army, in border and other units of the KGB of the USSR - 90 thousand people, in separate formations of internal troops and police of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs - 5 thousand people. In addition, during this period there were 21 thousand people in civilian personnel positions in the Soviet troops.

Presenter 2: The total human losses of the Soviet Armed Forces amounted to 15 thousand 51 people.

Presenter 1: During the entire period of the war in Afghanistan, 417 military personnel went missing and were captured, of whom 130 were released during the war and in the post-war period and returned to their homeland.

Slide 14 (The song sounds: To the nurses) - quietly

Reader: The sister bent over the soldier in alarm,

He is silent, not even a groan for a day.

He arrived at the medical battalion from battle yesterday

All wounded, arms torn off.

Tears tremble on her eyelashes,

They'll fall off in a hot cascade.

The silent soldier suddenly moved his lips,

He whispered to her: “Sister, don’t.

I can stand everything, just don’t need tears,

Don't cry, or your hands won't grow.

I'll give you a million Red roses

For your compassion and torment.

I'll give you a million red roses,

But not like the artist to the princess.

I'll collect them in a bouquet, let them reach the stars,

Let a new song be born."

The nurse secretly wiped away her tears

And she pressed her lips to the bandages:

“Get well soon, dear, and then there will be roses

An eternal song will remain with us

Continuation of the song for nurses loudly

(The song plays: “Light the candles”) - quietly

Slide 15

Teacher: A funeral funeral struck the mothers' windows like a black, ominous wing. How many tears were shed, how much grief befell the woman in an instant! But no mother can come to terms with the death of her son. She waits and hopes all her life: what if a miracle happens and a son, her little blood, appears on the doorstep. Failed brides are waiting for their loved ones.

Reader: Slanting rains became frequent in the mornings.

And summer will be ashamed of its warmth.

There is a scar on a cheerful record played,

And it seemed that the song just kept going on and on.

But from a running start the rain rushes into my face

And crazy lights come out through the puddles.

And I know that you won't come until the morning,

That beyond that line it is impossible to be with us.

There are alien spaces there, scorching mountains all around.

Because of each ridge there is a deadly flash.

And your platoon is still either crawling or running...

But the whole truth comes to us by hearsay.

Only your mother turned gray overnight.

And on the radio they prophesy a peaceful atom to her.

Oh, what a pity that it was not a daughter who was born

In that hopeful sixties!

I'm afraid to touch your guitar.

And your friends come to me the old fashioned way.

I still smoke and still laugh

And then I wander alone around Ordynka.

Cars run away, sliding through puddles,

It is not possible to stop them with a traffic light.

I can't reach you by telegraph,

And your number is universal

Only a long beep will respond...

Light the candles - loud

16 slide

Presenter 1: On February 15, 1989, the last armored personnel carrier with our soldiers crossed the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya, along the fairway of which the border with Afghanistan runs. This huge column was closed by the commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. I put all my pain into this courageous man in these lines:

17, 18 slide

Reader: Our pain and fears are a shadow

Merged with your worries,

Finally the last day has come

Finally we waited for him.

Who stood up, who fell under fire,

You can’t ask fate what - to whom,

For nine years you lived this day,

For nine years they fought to reach him.

How to measure the pain of hot wounds?

Ease the grief of mothers?

Afghanistan will burn your heart

And in the arms of your Motherland.

(B. Gromov)

Nina Vasilievna: About the book

19, 20 slide

Song introduction “Cranes” - quietly

Teacher: February 15, 1989, for many, was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers and serving people ended. A difficult, sad outcome. Many mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, and did not hear “I’m back, mom...”

(Song 4 lines CRANES) - loud

This song was performed by Mark Bernes, paying tribute to those who did not return from the bloody fields. And these are not only participants of the Great Patriotic War, but also those who fulfilled their international duty for 10 years in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

21 slides

Presenter 1: The raw wound is Afghanistan. For those who have lost loved ones, for those whose youth was scorched by war and the hot Afghan sun. The war is long over, but the pain of loss is a living pain, it will last for the rest of your life. The death of a loved one, sometimes the only person, is such a terrible shock, such a blow from which not everyone is destined to recover. And with the death of nineteen-year-olds, more than one Slavic surname was interrupted...

These are the guys who fought in Afghanistan and did not return alive.

22 slide

Reader: Rozvyazev Yuri Aleksandrovich was born on April 13, 1949 in the village of Kryukovo, Morshansky district. After graduating from school, he entered the Perm Military Technical School. Serve in the Western Group of Forces in Germany, Kaliningrad

Since January 1980, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Aleksandrovich Rozvyazev participated in providing combat missions for helicopter squadrons in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Hard months of waiting dragged on. And only letters from home pleased the heart and warmed the soul. From distant Afghanistan, he responded in kind.

The period of service in Afghanistan, or rather the government assignment, has come to an end. We just had to wait for a replacement. But for some reason she wasn’t there. Perhaps his heart foresaw a tragedy, saying goodbye to his family after the vacation, instead of the usual goodbye, he said a prophetic “farewell”

Song: “Daughter and Dad” - beginning quietly

Yuri passed away on November 28, 1981, after completing a difficult combat mission... he fell ill and died. He was only 32 years old. He was awarded medals “for 10 years of impeccable service” and “For military merit.”

Song: “Daughter with Dad” - loud continuation


Reader: Pyotr Ivanovich Lelyaev, born January 3, 1963. In the village of Marusino, Morshansky district. After graduating from school, he worked for some time at the Polimermash plant in the city of Tambov.

He was drafted into the army on May 3, 1981. Started serving in Lithuania. Just four days later I wrote my first letter to my homeland. In October 1981 he served in the Republic of Afghanistan. Participated in 20 combat operations. On December 16, 1982, while carrying out combat missions in the area of ​​the village of Mamaheil, Nangarhar province, being wounded himself, he carried three wounded from the battlefield. During the evacuation of the fourth, he was mortally wounded. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star. Pyotr Lelyaev did not live to see his 20th birthday 18 days. Peter was buried at the Kochetovsky cemetery. Relatives and relatives, friends and acquaintances meet at his grave. The brave paratrooper, junior sergeant Pyotr Ivanovich Lelyaev, who loved life so much, looks at them from the marble monument.

24 slide

Reader: Kuznetsov Nikolai Anatolyevich, born on June 29, 1962 in the village of Pervaya Piterka, Morshansky district. After finishing 8th grade I entered Leningradskoe Suvorov School. Then he entered the Leningrad Higher Combined Arms Command School of S.M. Kirov. He graduated in 1983 with honors. Graduate of the Leningrad Higher Combined Arms School

Nikolai Anatolyevich Kuznetsov was awarded the first officer rank - lieutenant and he was sent to the airborne division in the city of Pskov, to the position of group commander special purpose. More than once he wrote reports about being sent to Afghanistan. At first they were simply not signed. But persistence did its job. Finally his request was granted. Since January 1985, Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov has been part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, in the ranks of the 334th separate special forces detachment.

On April 21, 1985, while covering the retreat of soldiers and sergeants, he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him with a grenade. At the cost of his life he saved a platoon of scouts. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was buried in the cemetery of his native village. They say. What good people they leave young, he was only 23. Heroes pass away from life, but do not fade from memory.

On February 15, 2009, a bust of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Anatolyevich Kuznetsov was installed in front of the building of the Morshansky Military Commissariat.

25 slide

Reader: Rudometov Viktor Petrovich, born on July 10, 1964 in the village of Aleksandrovka, Morshansky district. After graduating from the Veselovskaya school, he entered the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School. He graduated from it in 1985. The service took place in Pskov. After short training in Pskov, from October 1985, Lieutenant Viktor Rudometov was part of the 334th separate special forces detachment. The young officer knew very well what was happening in Afghanistan then. Moreover, he ended up in exactly the unit where his fellow countryman Nikolai Kuznetsov, Hero of the Soviet Union, served - in Asadabad. This place had a bad reputation. Dushmans constantly carried out sabotage and shelling here. In a word, work Soviet special forces enough. On battle path Victor experienced ambushes and shelling and the loss of friends. But they didn’t suspect this at home.

End of December 1986. The reconnaissance detachment of the 334th separate special forces detachment has just returned from the notorious fortified area of ​​Karera, where on December 18, during a combat operation, it lost several people killed and wounded. And now, having rested a little, come to his senses and put his weapons and equipment in order, in anticipation of the meeting in 1987, the first company receives the order to prepare for a combat exit.

On the night of December 27, 1986, the reconnaissance detachment moved along the mountain slope to the designated location. They completed the assigned task, and when they returned to the unit’s location, they ran into mines laid by the “spirits.” Rudometov’s group took the first blow. Commander Viktor Rudometov fell, struck by shrapnel.

Victor was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Red Banner (posthumously).

He lived only 22 years. Victor was buried on January 5, 1987. In his native land in Aleksandrovka, next to his father’s grave.

26 slide

READER: Alexey Vladimirovich Yadov, born on May 26, 1968 in the village of Vesyoloye, Morshansky district, in ordinary peasant family. After graduation High school, the young man was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. He began his service in Ashgabat. He was an excellent student in combat and political training. In November 1986, Alexey wrote a report about his deployment to Afghanistan. They didn’t know about this at home, but soon the secret became clear.

In November 1986, Alexey Yadov arrived in Afghanistan. He repeatedly participated in combat operations as commander of a motorized rifle squad. In one of the battles he was wounded. Alexey didn’t write anything home about his injury; he didn’t want to upset his parents.

If only the family knew what damned place their son ended up in. On April 18, 1987, Alexey Yadov died in another battle while repelling an attack by dushmans on an outpost in the province of Kunar.

Enable “Memory” - quiet

His death was reported home on April 26. The cargo “200” arrived in Vesyoloye in 2 days. Alexey was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Red Banner (posthumously).

The song plays: “Memory” - loudly

Teacher: These are people who fought and died while the peaceful sun was shining for everyone else. But as long as their relatives, friends and acquaintances remember them, they are alive.

A minute of silence is declared in memory of the soldiers who died during the fighting in Afghanistan.

Slide 27

Presenter 2: Faithful to the oath, convinced that they were defending the interests of the Motherland and providing friendly assistance to the neighboring people, they were only fulfilling their military duty. And our sacred duty is to preserve the memory of them as faithful sons of the Fatherland.

(Sounds quietly: “Moonlight Sonata”)

28 slide

Reader: Just one moment

And I would be alive.

Just one moment, -

But he is no longer mine.- Slide 29

A machine gun called out to someone with a shot,

But this cry was sent at random.

I wish I could delay just one moment,

I looked back and answered the call

Getting up, I would be alive,

Even if he got up, he was already dead.

Just one moment - 30 slide

Decides who to be and with whom,

Just one moment of doubt - 31 slides

I stepped towards lifeless immortality,

But someone remained to live, - 32 slide

So my death was not in vain... - Slide 33

(I. Medvedev “Only one moment”)

Reader: The fogs over the river are like smoke,

Bloody sunsets over the mountains.

I'll forever remain young

And I will live by the short word “memory.” – Slide 34

I will live in roadside daisies,

In the foliage of birch trees, in a babbling brook.

In the cautious silence of the obelisks,

In the pearls of dewdrops on the leaves.

And in the sky, rushing like a bright line,

Beyond the distant field, in the darkness of the night

A blue star fell into the grass

And it lit up like a golden star.

Eternity is embraced by ringing silence,

Heavy, tense silence.

Descendants bow their heads low

In a stern silence over me.

And the birches are bending over me

In solemn and mournful silence.

Blue stars are shining in the sky

Over each of those living on earth.

(L. Molchanov “Mists over the river”)

Presenter 1: The battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war is also a thing of history. She still has a long life to live in human memory, because her story was written with the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers. It will live in the souls of those who participated in it. The generation scorched by its fire, like no one else, learned the military and moral lessons of that heroic and tragic Afghan war, undeclared by anyone.

Presenter 2: The voices of the dead and living participants in the Afghan war will continue to disturb us all for a long time. This war will always live in poems and military songs, recalling the unnecessaryness of the war, its tragedy and the courage of the Soviet soldier.

Teacher: Time is a fair judge, a skillful healer. The longer an event leaves us, the more balanced and objective its assessments should be.

35 slide

These guys are not to blame for ending up in Afghanistan. A soldier of war does not choose and does not start. But he always pays with the most precious thing he has - with his life for the mistakes of others. Whatever is said about the Limited Contingent today, those who fought there, in foreign mountains, understood one thing: they were fighting for their country, defending the southern border of the USSR. They carry out the orders of their homeland.

34 years have passed since Soviet troops arrived in Afghanistan, and 25 years have already passed since the withdrawal of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops from the territory of the southern country that was once our neighbor. By human standards, it is not years that separate us, but an era. It was a different country, a different situation in the world. Many people still say: Afghanistan hurts in my soul.” Because the unhealed mental wound, the memory of lost relatives and friends, also makes itself felt with “needles”. And finally, there is also awareness from restless and bitter questions, the essence of which is one: why did this happen?

36 slide

Slide 37

Song: Afghanistan

Song: "Sunny Circle"