Three-fingered mummies. Mummies of three-toed aliens were discovered in the Nazca Desert. Mummies with half-meter heads

The Nazca Dead Plateau is a repository of secrets and mysteries left by its ancient inhabitants long before the birth of Christ. On the ground there are giant drawings in the middle of the desert, directed somewhere into space. And no one can still unravel their origin. A Peruvian farmer, wandering through these ancient temples, quite by accident discovered something so ugly and mysterious that it horrified the entire local population and made them remember their ancient gods.

Leningrad professor Konstantin Korotkov was one of the first to touch the strange find. He visited Peru and brought fabric samples to Russia. The first thing that catches your eye is the long fingers and long toes. And the strangest thing is that someone made a mummy out of this creature.

Konstantin Korotkov, doctor technical sciences, professor at the National research university in St. Petersburg: “It was a mummy sitting in a pose. This pose is typical for ancient burials. That is, this is exactly how they mummified their dead.”

But what did ancient civilizations have to do with this creature? The professor carefully examined the head. Compared to the body, it looks disproportionately large.

Maria Mednikova, anthropologist, leading researcher at the Department of Theory and Methodology of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “Many ancient peoples had a tradition of stretching skulls artificially, when a pressure bandage was put on an infant’s head.”

Such ancient customs changed the shape of the skull, but did not enlarge it. Scientists are perplexed. Near the place where the three-fingered mummy was found, a drawing was discovered on a stone that so closely resembled this creature. What could it be doing here and could it be connected with the mysterious geoglyphs in the desert?

Konstantin Korotkov: “It was shown that the age of these tissues is about 17001800 years. This opens a new page in history."

The first x-rays of this creature show the incredible.

Natalia Zaloznaya, radiologist, computed tomography specialist International Institute biological systems: “These hands are larger than human hands.”

The St. Petersburg Medical Institute named after Berezin was one of the first to study the images. Radiologist Natalya Zaloznaya has never encountered anything like this in her practice. Samples taken from the remains were sent for genetic analysis. Scientists have their first clue.

Natalia Zaloznaya: “The first results have already shown that this is human DNA. And this is a woman. This is a sensation."

Since the DNA is human, scientists named the mummy Mary. But it is not clear why Masha has such a strange bone structure? Is this a terrible mutation or something else? In the same area where Masha was found, a new sensation was discovered, more precisely, an entire colony of three-fingered mummies. Scientists call the smallest one Victoria (in honor of another victory). Unlike Masha, Vika has preserved her skin, which, when examined in detail, resembles scales.

Analyzes of these creatures also show that they are all incredibly ancient, like Masha, and their genome also contains signs of the human species. But suddenly another similarity emerges, ready to turn this whole story into dust.

Is this really someone's cruel joke on the entire scientific community? Why are these creatures so different from us, but have similar DNA? How 2 thousand years ago they could identify the complex Chemical substance to mummify these creatures? Each new answer gave rise to more and more questions.

To solve the mystery, you need to remember who found it in the first place. Allegedly, this was done by a Peruvian farmer whom no one had ever seen, and the sensation itself was given to the world by the Mexican journalist Jaime Moissan, to whom the farmer seemed to entrust his find.

Jaime Moissan, Mexican journalist: “I think it will be a real challenge for science and the scientists who have to explain all this.”

Any scientist would envy such luck. True, scientists have long known that incredible journalistic successes await Jaime literally at every turn. Once, sitting in ambush in the bushes, he even managed to film the arrival of aliens on Earth. True, Moissan was then accused of a hoax. So photographs of Peruvian mummies make archaeologists doubt their authenticity.

Maria Mednikova: “The hand is made up of a collection of human bones. Two phalanges actually belong to the corresponding bones on the human hand, the third is taken from the leg. The bones are clumsily turned upside down, and the base of the hand is made of the ulna, and upside down.”

Much, of course, will be clarified by a more detailed analysis and deciphering of the genome, which should be completed at the end of February at St. Petersburg State University. Apparently, then it will become known who this unknown ancestor of man is, a creature from other worlds or the figment of the imagination of a cunning Mexican hoaxer who simply glued together a mummy from the real remains of ancient people and animals?

There is only one thing you can be 100% sure of: already 2 thousand years ago, representatives of the mysterious ancient civilization, who left mysterious messages that can only be seen from space, just like modern people, I really wanted to believe that they were not alone in this Universe.

By chance, Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at St. Petersburg National Research University, ended up in the group of documentary filmmakers. information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University). The professor was lecturing in the USA at that time and the head of the Gaia film studio, who was assigned to film in Peru, turned out to be his friend and offered to join the trip.

In addition to three long inhuman fingers and toes, the mummy had an elongated skull without ears from birth. Instead of ears there are just holes. Samples of fabrics also went to Mr. Korotkov, the rest were taken by foreign specialists.

The humanoid has an elongated skull, but not artificially extended, but of natural origin. Photo:

The age was determined in the USA by radiocarbon dating - about 1800 years.

Upon arrival in Russia, the professor began vigorous activity in order to study the samples. To do this, we had to connect several laboratories in St. Petersburg. DNA analysis was carried out in one, X-rays and tomograms were studied in another, chemical analysis in the third.

So, the results:
— genetic analysis: the DNA belongs to a female person. Then the name appeared - Maria, and what else;
— chemical analysis: elemental composition tissue corresponds to human, which is understandable.

But the skin contains an increased content of cadmium chloride, a substance obtained artificially and having bactericidal properties. That is, those who rubbed Maria with an antiseptic were well versed in chemistry and medicine. In addition, the mummy was sprinkled with white powder in abundance - the entire cave was also sprinkled with this powder, very finely ground diatomite. In nature, diatomite is a mineral, the calcified remains of blue-green algae, so grinding requires advanced technology.

The appearance of the mummy is clearly different from that of a human, especially the fingers, which you immediately notice. According to Korotkov (source)
“-Maria also clicked her toes,….They have preserved nail plates, which are located not horizontally, like ours, but vertically, resembling the claws of an animal. They probably made sounds when they walked.”

Maria was not left alone. The black archaeologist, Mr. Maussan, brought another mummy, claiming that he had found it in the same cave.

Both Vavita (left) and Maria had three fingers. Clearly they were creatures of the same species. Photo:

The second mummy is a copy of the first, only much smaller. According to scientists, this is a girl who died at the age of 9-10 months. She was named Vavita. She did not die herself, she was killed - pierced through with a spear or knife.

It will be possible to determine who is in front of us only after the complete decoding of the genome of the mummies. Then it will be possible to determine which species Maria and Vavita belong to: homo sapiens, Neanderthal or Denisovan. Or maybe they don’t belong to anyone. Maybe they are aliens?

On the rocks of Peru you can find images of three-toed creatures. Photo:

In an interview on February 9 of this year, Professor Korotkov said that four new mummies were recently found in the same cave. " They were allegedly found in the same cave as Maria and Vavita. But for some reason different results came from the American laboratories in which radiocarbon analyzes were carried out. According to one, these mummies are about 6500 years old, another gave about 4000 years. It turns out that they are at least twice as old as their neighbors.”

The mummies belong to creatures 70 cm tall and resemble “little green men”.
“- Small mummies have two arms, two legs, heads, eyes, mouths... Skeletons are visible on tomograms. Body tissues are biological, chemical composition- human. And human mummies have 23 pairs of chromosomes. All four are males - carriers of the male Y chromosome. One word - people. But they are not people. The anatomical structure is completely different.”- K. Korotkov continues to tell.

The bones of the limbs are not paired, like ours, but single; the joints bend only in one plane. Three fingers and toes, elongated skulls. There is no nasal cavity, weakly defined brow ridges, the lower jaws are motionless - they could not chew, only suck.

The “face” of the 70-centimeter humanoid is the spitting image of an alien. Photo:

In the preliminary report, Konstantin Korotkov noted other oddities: “ ...there are no intervertebral discs. The vertebrae are fused into a single spinal column. But there are intervertebral foramina. The sternum is missing. The large collarbones are connected to each other. Rib cage in the upper part, keel-shaped, represented by a few ribs, shaped like a semicircle...«

It seems that Maria and Vavita are descendants of these “little men”. According to Korotkov
“- Almost all of the predecessors died as a result of some kind of cataclysm such as a flood or comet impact, .... A small number of survivors met the ancestors of people - wild tribes, and began to teach them crafts and agriculture. They began to interbreed. And they themselves were three-fingered. This genetic trait could manifest itself in subsequent generations."

Or maybe quite the opposite? They interbred only with themselves, and so they became extinct.

A story that could plunge the scientific world, if not into shock, then at least into the deepest thoughts, began last summer. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), was then in the USA.

I gave lectures and talked with my old acquaintance - the head of the Gaia film studio, which produces documentary popular science films. As a rule, about something mysterious. He offered to join the expedition that was going to Peru in the Nazca region.

The scientists in the group from the USA, France, Mexico and Peru proper had to get acquainted with the mummified remains discovered in one of the caves located in the mountains adjacent to the plateau. Documentary filmmakers had to capture all this.

Konstantin Georgievich enthusiastically accepted the invitation. Since I had been to Peru before, I studied local ancient cultures and artifacts. I have been interested in it for a long time. Including the strange mummies that were found here. And the mummy for which the expedition was equipped was, according to rumors, not just strange - out of the ordinary.

The humanoid has an elongated skull, but not artificially extended, but of natural origin.

The rumors turned out to be true, says Konstantin Korotkov. - Something supernatural immediately caught our eye - something for which a reasonable explanation has not yet been found. Namely, the hands and feet of the mummy. They had three fingers. Three long fingers of inhuman proportions. What is surprising is a skull with an elongated occipital part. There doesn't seem to be anything completely unexpected about it. Approximately the same skulls are found all over the world.

Although there are more of them in Peru than in any other place. Representatives of ancient cultures for some reason disfigured their heads - they pulled them back. Metamorphosis began at an early age - the heads were either bandaged or placed in special wooden blocks. For what? Maybe they imitated someone - in terms of the shape of the head. Or they believed that the elongated skull contained more brains than a normal one, and hoped for the acquisition of some additional abilities.

Who knows, maybe they actually appeared, since the procedure was so widespread. Nobody checked now. It seems, however, that not all of the discovered skulls were artificially deformed. After the savage procedure of “squeezing out the brains”, the suture that connects the bones of the skull was preserved - sagittal in scientific terms. All people have it. And on some elongated turtles this seam is not present.

Which leads one to think: maybe they - these skulls - themselves had unusual shape, which those deprived of it tried to copy.

So: there is no sagittal suture on the elongated skull of the mummy. There are no ears either - only small holes in the head in approximately the same places where normal people the ears are located. In a word, due to the existing external differences, it is difficult to call the creature a human being. A humanoid mummy - this is the definition given to it by Professor Korotkov.


Back in Peru - in the city of Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, the mummies were x-rayed and computed tomography was performed. Thanks to which both the skeleton and the remains were discovered internal organs. Quite human in appearance.

We took tissue samples, says Konstantin Korotkov, some were brought to Russia, some were taken by foreign colleagues. Radiocarbon dating was carried out in the USA. It showed that the mummies were approximately 1800 years old.

In Russia, the laboratory for prenatal diagnosis of hereditary and congenital human diseases of the St. Petersburg Federal Medical Genetics Center and the Department of Genetics of the St. Petersburg state university. Here they took up DNA analysis. X-rays and tomograms were studied at the St. Petersburg State medical university and at the Berezin Medical and Biological Center.

Chemical analysis was carried out at the Center for Analytical Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University.
“It’s nice that my colleagues were willing to cooperate,” the professor emphasizes. Genetic analysis showed: the mummy's DNA is human, and her gender is female. As soon as this became known, the creature received the name Maria. From the chemical analysis it followed: the elemental composition of the tissues of Mary’s body corresponds to human. But there is still a strange thing: an increased content of cadmium chloride in the skin.

This substance has strong bactericidal properties. Not found in nature. It can be obtained exclusively artificially. According to scientists, the mummy was rubbed with this same cadmium chloride. It turns out that those who buried Mary almost 2 thousand years ago were both chemically and medically savvy. At least they knew about the disinfecting properties of the substance and knew how to obtain it.

The mummy was all sprinkled with some kind of white powder and looked like a plaster sculpture. Scientists have found out that the powder is diatomite (the calcified remains of blue-green algae). But very finely ground. In nature, diatomite occurs in the form of a mineral. To grind it into powder, you need a very advanced technology. For example, modern ball mills. And they ground a huge amount of diatomite. According to the person who found the mummy, the entire cave was strewn with them.

From the tomograms it followed that Maria was 168 centimeters tall - slightly taller than the average women of that time and that area. The body proportions are the most ordinary. So, the mummy is still human?

Creatures with claws

The mummy is completely impressive. But her inhuman fingers just give me a shock. Some kind of fantasy. But at one time she was drawn to someone. When I was alive. “Maria also clicked her toes,” assures Konstantin Korotkov.

They have preserved nail plates, which are located not horizontally, like ours, but vertically, resembling the claws of an animal. They probably made sounds as they walked.

No doubt, I say, the strangest thing about the mummy is its fingers. Thanks to them, it arouses keen interest. Since the fingers clearly differ from human ones in length, shape, and especially in number - there are three of them on the hands and feet, and not five, as in most mammals.

What if someone carefully added this very difference? That is, he put someone else’s fingers on Maria. Or not fingers at all, but some dummies specially made from biological tissues. “This assumption, naturally, was born first,” the professor does not hide.

So I took tissue samples from the mummy's body and from her fingers. In Russia we held comparative analysis. Both in age and in chemical composition the tissues turned out to be identical. Therefore, Maria’s fingers are her own. Eliminates counterfeit and anatomical structure limbs. X-rays show that the phalanges of the fingers serve as extensions of the bones that are located inside the hands and feet.

Both Vavita (left) and Maria had three fingers. Clearly they were creatures of the same species.

By the way, continues Konstantin Korotkov, it happens that people’s fingers grow together. Out of five it seems like three. But the anatomically the palms do not change - they remain five-fingered. Mary also has three-fingered palms.

Have you ever come across mummies like Maria before? - I’m interested.

To do the same thing - with three fingers?

Three-fingered hands and feet were found separately,” the professor answers, “and recently another whole mummy was found.” It was brought by the same black archaeologist. She assures that she was in the same cave with Maria.

Do you know what kind of cave this is? Where is she?

The exact location is not given out - they say, next to the Nazca Plateau. They only say that the cave is double. The entrance to the part in which the mummies lay was located in the depths of the first and was covered with a stone slab.

Victims of ritual murders

The new mummy is also female, also humanoid, also sitting curled up in a fetal position, but it is much smaller in size than Mary.

Scientists have determined that this is a girl who died at the age of approximately 9 - 10 months. She was given the name Vavita. Vavita was killed. They pierced me through with something sharp - either a spear or a knife. By the way, there is a mutilation on Maria’s body - even stranger. Her reproductive organs were removed. Having learned such terrible details from the professor, I present to him the hypothesis that quickly came to my mind. Vavita is Maria's daughter.

Both of them are not exactly people, but some creatures that cause fear in people. Or they look like these creatures - just with those same three fingers. So they were killed. Out of fear. And the reproductive organs were removed for ritual purposes. To stop the appearance of three-toed ones. The Indians were quite capable of such atrocities. Hearts, for example, they cut out easily.

As long as any hypothesis has the right to exist, Konstantin Korotkov is not surprised at my fantasies.

One can even assume that Maria and Vavita are aliens.

What kind of aliens? - I object.

You said that mummies have human DNA.

So what? - the professor retorts.

We don’t know what genetic characteristics aliens have. Some of my colleagues are of the opinion that life in the Universe must develop according to the same laws. Therefore, aliens, if they are ever found, must be similar to us. This means that their DNA may be similar to human DNA.

According to Konstantin Korotkov, it will be possible to make more or less informed assumptions about who we are dealing with after experts decipher the genomes of mummies - they determine the exact sequences of nucleotides in fragments of their DNA molecules. This so-called sequencing is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. He is now occupied by the Department of Genomic Analysis of St. Petersburg State University.

Next, mathematicians will join in and compare the obtained sequences with those available in genetic data banks. Scientists now know three types of people that differ genetically: we are homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. It is hoped that sequencing will make it possible to understand which of them Maria and Vavita are closer to. Or they will turn out to be different.


And so, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov and Natalya Zaloznaya, radiologist, computed tomography specialist at the International Institute of Biological Systems, recently returned from Peru, where they became witnesses and participants in supernatural events.

As part of an international expedition, they examined mysterious mummy, discovered in a cave near the famous Nazca plateau. Video under the cut:

The body proportions of the mummy are generally human. In a straightened state, her height would be 168 centimeters. A very strange head with an elongated, elongated back skull. The nose is tiny, there are no ears. Instead, there are barely noticeable holes in the skull.

And the limbs look completely inhuman. The mummy has three very long fingers on his hands and feet.

The mummy looks like a plaster sculpture, sprinkled with some kind of white powder. But, as X-rays and computed tomography showed, this is by no means a sculpture. Inside there is a skeleton and the remains of internal organs. Through radiocarbon dating, it was established that the mummy's tissues are 2300 - 2500 years old. The powder, according to scientists, has embalming properties. The mummy is sprinkled with it for preservation.

“I have no doubt that this creature was once alive,” said Professor Korotkov. - We took tissue samples - they were preserved. The samples are now being analyzed by geneticists in a large medical center St. Petersburg.

Preliminary results indicate that the creature's gender is female. Conclusions about who it is - an unknown species of people, a mutant or a representative extraterrestrial race, can be done after deciphering the genome.

Experts do not name the place where the mummy was found, but they report that stones with drawings were found nearby. The drawings show a three-fingered creature.

Research on the mummy continues. Professor Korotkov expects to receive sensational results that may force us to look at the history of mankind differently.

There is only one thing that darkens the story: the acquaintance with the mummy was organized by the Mexican ufologist, host of the television program “The Third Millennium” Jamie Maussan, who in 2015 passed off the mummy of a two-year-old child kept in the museum as an alien.

But who knows, maybe now he has finally “obtained” a real alien? More precisely - an alien. According to rumors, Mausan bought it for a lot of money from local resident, who found the mummy.


The famous Nazca Plateau created another sensation - the mummy of an alien from Peru was discovered there in 2017. The cave paintings, coupled with this discovery, may indicate that extraterrestrial intelligence may well be an objective reality.

Mummies with half-meter heads

The find consists of two strange mummies that have a humanoid appearance. They were introduced by anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme from Peru. He allegedly discovered them in one of the caves near the city of Andahuaylilas.

Fact! Not far from this city and caves is the Nazca Plateau.

The mummy of an alien from Peru has aroused great interest among large quantity researchers. The exact location of the find was not disclosed, but access to study the mummies was open to specialists. For this purpose, scientists from different countries, including from Russia.

In appearance, the finds are very unusual with highly elongated skulls, which are almost half a meter in length. However, today there is nothing surprising about such turtles. Similar skulls have already been discovered in the most different parts globe. The most common version says that pulling out skulls was practiced approximately 9 thousand years ago in the tribes of Northern and South America, as well as in Egypt. When preparing a child for the position of priest, he early years the head was pulled in a special way. It was believed that this head shape made it possible to obtain telepathic and prophetic abilities, which the priest could not do without.

Unique features of the find

Why did people decide that this head shape allows them to have abilities that are not available to others? Perhaps someone served as an example for them to follow.

Version! Heads with this shape could have been possessed by “gods” or real beings who arrived from other planets.

However, in addition to the skull, the alien mummies from Peru had a number of features that made them unique:

  • The first one may have belonged to a premature baby, because... her height did not exceed 30 cm with an elongated skull. The crown of the skull has not yet healed, which only happens in newly born children.
  • The second is more like an adult and has a height of 168 cm. On her skull, measuring almost 50 cm, there are no places for the nose and ears, in the place of which there are only small holes. The mummy's hands and feet have only three long fingers.

In photographs taken in the caves where the mummies were discovered, drawings are visible on the walls. They depict the same three-fingered creatures with elongated skulls.

According to the researchers, the first mummy was wrapped in something resembling a placenta. This allows us to conclude that it is still a premature baby and its elongated skull is not the work of man. Renato Riquelme said that in the right eye socket of the mummy he discovered an eye substance that would allow DNA analysis.

The second mummy was sprinkled with frozen powder, which looked like plaster. X-rays and computed tomography showed that bones were hidden under a layer of powder ordinary person and there are even remains of internal organs. The approximate age of the mummy was also determined, which is 2300-2500 years.

Research results

DNA analysis showed that the mummy belongs to a woman named Maria. However, how could an alien mummy from Peru have human DNA?

Moreover, the expedition during which the find was discovered included rather dubious individuals: Jamie Maussan, Jesus Zapche Benitez and Konstantin Korotkov. All three are known in scientific world with his discoveries:

  1. In 2015, Jamie Maussan and Jesus Zapche Benitez introduced an alien creature that ended up being an ordinary human child.
  2. Konstantin Korotkov claimed that he had a camera that was capable of photographing people's souls.

Mikhail Aseev, who conducted the DNA analysis, is allegedly the head of the genetic analysis department Russian Academy Sci. At the same time, such a person does not appear on her lists.

Moreover, the mummification technique in which the “alien” was performed has significant differences from the mummification of ordinary mummies. Thus, real mummies look “leathery”, but those found look very much like a plaster sculpture. At the same time, large institutions are not given the find for study.

X-rays of the skull showed nothing unusual, except that it was probably artificially deformed and taken at an angle. This is clearly seen in the example of teeth. It seems that two rows of teeth are clearly visible - upper and lower. In fact, these are all the upper molars, just the far row is displayed above the near one.

An x-ray of the foot also raises doubts:

  • the bones are clearly visible in the places where they are usually located in humans - the talus connects to the scaphoid, where the scaphoid joins the three sphenoids;
  • to the left of the lateral cuneiform bone the cuboid is visible, while they have articular surfaces for all five metatarsals;
  • then the junction with three (instead of five) metatarsals is blurred in the image.

On the face of the mummy it is clear that the eye sockets are asymmetrical and different shapes, but no changes to the mummy can change the bones. The eyes of mummies are sunken and should not protrude, just like the mouth. Due to the fact that the cartilage of the nose always sag, the nose should look like a hook.

On the skull itself you can see something like a horizontal seam; usually such seams remain on poorly made models. The ear is roughly covered, and fingerprints are visible above the ear and cheekbone.

An X-ray of the hand showed that it was a collection of fragments and whole bones that simulated a hand. The fingers are made up of human bones and phalanges, which alternate in a chaotic manner. The real human hand has one row of metacarpal bones that form the palm, and three phalanges in each finger, as well as two in the thumb. And in the hand of the found mummy, some metacarpal bones are located in the finger after two phalanges or are lined up one after the other in twos or threes, as in the other fingers.

Fact! This excludes the mutational nature of the object, because Limbs cannot have such a structure due to any mutations.