Types of competency-oriented pedagogical technologies include: Competency-oriented training based on innovative technologies. Questions for self-control

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh-Korean College Gwangseong

Course work

on the topic: “Competency-oriented training based on innovative technologies»


Student gr. 11MPO EM

Forofontov P.Yu.


teacher Snegireva E.E.

Ust-Kamenogorsk 2014


1.1 Types of competencies

1.2 Competency-based approach in vocational education


The English word “competence” means qualification, ability, suitability and competence. The level of competence is considered as a system of knowledge as opposed to the concept of professional level, understood as the degree of formed skills and abilities.

In this course work, we wanted to give full meaning to the concepts of competence and competency, explain the differences between them and point out the importance correct use techniques of competency-oriented learning based on innovative technologies in teaching methods.

Competence - what abilities the subject is aimed at developing.

Competence is the level of qualification of the teacher.

The main competitive advantage of a highly developed country is associated with the possibility of developing its human potential, which is largely determined by the state of the education system and its quality. The quality of modern professional education is understood as a measure of compliance of the educational result with the needs of the state, society and the individual. A significant constraint on Kazakhstan’s economic growth is the shortage of labor resources, which is already acutely noticeable in the production sector. Therefore, the competitiveness of enterprises and the development of the country’s economy as a whole depend on the structure and quality of personnel training carried out by the vocational education system. Recently, the functioning and quality of education have caused serious criticism from the main “customers” - the state, society, and employers. Especially actual problem in the short and medium term, it becomes necessary to ensure the quality of graduates of primary and secondary (pre-university) vocational education due to their real shortage in the labor market. competence training professional innovative

Over the past 40 years, the economy of Kazakhstan has operated in the context of a growing working-age population. This favorable period has ended and it will decline sharply over the next decades. According to research results, about 500 thousand people will leave the working population in the coming 20 years. The declining number of young people entering working age in 2006-2025 will only compensate for half of the decline in the labor force. A favorable migration situation will make it possible to compensate for another 7-8% of departures. However, this is not enough to fully restore the labor potential: in 2025, its number will be 1/5 less than today.

The modern labor market, characterized by high innovative dynamics, places new demands on workers and specialists. Surveys of employers indicate new trends in the development of personnel needs in the regions: the formation of an order for the quality of vocational education not only and not so much in the format of the “knowledge” of graduates, but in terms of methods of activity; the emergence of additional, previously not updated requirements for employees related to the components of readiness for professional activity common to all professions and specialties, such as the ability to “team” work, cooperation, to establish social connections, to continuous self-education, the ability to solve various problems, work with information, etc. Thus, we are talking about the special educational results of the vocational education system - about professional competencies.

Within the competency-based approach, there are two basic concepts: “competence” and “competence”.

An analysis of works on the problem of the competency-based approach allows us to conclude that at present there is no unambiguous understanding of the concepts of “competence” and “competence,” just as there is no single, universally accepted classification of competencies.

Andrey Viktorovich Khutorskoy - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, distinguishing between these concepts, offers the following definitions.

Competence is a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods) specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Competence is the possession or possession by a person of appropriate competence. Including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity.

That is, competence is a characteristic given to a person as a result of assessing the effectiveness/effectiveness of his actions aimed at resolving a certain range of tasks/problems that are significant for a given community.

There are several types of competencies: general, subject, supra-subject, professional, supra-professional, etc.

Every person should have general (key) competencies; the term itself indicates that they are the “key”, the basis for other, more specific and subject-oriented ones. It is assumed that core competencies are of a supra-professional and supra-subject nature and are necessary in any field of activity; they are used in Everyday life when carrying out activities in the field of education, in the workplace or while receiving vocational training. In the European project “Identification and selection of key competencies”, key competencies are defined as important “in many areas of life and serve as the key to success in life and the effective functioning of society.”

An object course work: System of technological and vocational education.

Subject of course work: Competence-oriented training using innovative technologies.

Objectives of the course work.

1. Explore the concepts of competency and competency in vocational training. Show the relevance of using competency-oriented training based on innovative technologies.

2. Create methodological development lesson plan: “Diagrams. Construction of diagrams of longitudinal tensile forces"

Chapter I. Characteristics of competency-oriented training using innovative technologies

1.1 Types of competencies

The specific content of the concept of “competence” is associated with the analysis of the demands of employers and the social expectations of society. Thus, five key competencies have been identified that “young people must be equipped with”:

General competencies (basic, universal, key)

political and social

ability to accept responsibility, participate in group decisions, resolve conflicts nonviolently

related to living in a multicultural society

respect for others and the ability to live with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions

related to mastery of oral and written communication

important for work and social life, as people who do not own them risk social exclusion. In this same context of communication, mastery of more than one language is becoming increasingly important.

associated with the increasing informatization of society

Knowledge of information technologies, understanding of their application, strengths and weaknesses. Ability to make critical judgment regarding information disseminated by the media

ability to learn throughout life

as the basis for lifelong learning in the context of both personal professional and social life

Modern pedagogy contains a large number of different approaches: systemic, traditional, comprehensive, personality-oriented, etc. The competency-based approach in vocational education is the least developed of all the above approaches.

The competency-based approach in vocational education dates back to the early eighties of the twentieth century. At first, not the term “competency-based approach in vocational education” was used, but the concept of competence. Competence was understood as any mastered skill or knowledge of a subject. Over time, this concept has expanded, and a competency-based approach to vocational education has entered pedagogy.

1.2 "Competency-based approach" in vocational education

If we consider a person’s education in the context of his socialization in society, and not only in the context of assimilation of the amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity, then competencies become the leading content of education, its main results, demanded outside the educational institution. Moreover, competencies can be understood more broadly, namely as the mastery of certain forms of thinking and activity. Then the meaning of a person’s education is to master any cultural tradition as a system of previously developed means that allows him to interact with the outside world, develop his abilities, realize himself as “I” and be successful in a given society. The competency-based approach in education, as opposed to the concept of “mastering knowledge”, but in fact the sum of information (information), involves students mastering various kinds of skills that allow them to act effectively in the future in situations of professional, personal and social life. Moreover, special importance is attached to skills that allow one to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to develop the appropriate means in advance. They need to be found during the solution process similar situations and achieve the required results.

Thus, the competency-based approach strengthens the applied, practical nature of all education (including subject teaching).

The normative transition to competency-based education in Kazakhstan was enshrined in 2001 in the Concept of Modernization of Kazakhstan Education and Priority Directions of Development educational system RK. The Republican Target Program for the Development of Education includes among the main directions the bringing of the content of education, teaching technologies and methods for assessing the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of modern society. One of the mechanisms for successfully solving the set tasks is the introduction of educational programs in the vocational education system, built on the basis of a module-competency approach.

New education standards also require competency-based oriented approach, which means project-based teaching methods, testing of various forms of work, which are based on independence and responsibility for the learning outcomes of the students themselves.

Requirements for learning outcomes (including the types of professional activities mastered, competencies, practical experience, skills and knowledge) are mandatory. The following general competencies are defined:

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession;

Organize your own activities;

Analyze the work situation, take responsibility for the results of your work;

Use information and communication technologies, search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks;

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

For each profession, professional competencies corresponding to the main types of professional activity are also defined.

What is the reason for such interest in competencies and giving them a central place in modern education?

This is primarily due to systemic changes that have occurred in the sphere of labor and management. The development of information technology has led not only to a tenfold increase in the volume of information consumed, but also to its rapid aging and constant updating, which leads to fundamental changes not only in economic activity, but also in everyday life. The list of professions is updated by more than 50% every seven years, and to be successful, a person not only has to change jobs, but also retrain on average 3-5 times in his life. In such circumstances, the productivity of professional activity does not depend on the possession of any once and for all given information, but on the ability to navigate information flows, on initiative, the ability to cope with problems, to search for and use missing knowledge or other resources. Accordingly, the requirements for employees have undergone major changes. It’s not enough to be a specialist, you also need to be a good employee. The place of a performer who effectively copes with his responsibilities has been taken by the image of an initiative worker who knows how to take responsibility and make decisions in uncertain situations, who can work in a group overall result, learn independently, filling the lack of professional knowledge necessary to solve a specific problem.

Competency-based education involves fundamental changes in the organization educational process, in its management, in the activities of teachers, in the ways of assessing the educational results of students in comparison with the educational process based on the concept of “knowledge acquisition”.

The position of the teacher also changes fundamentally. Together with the textbook, it ceases to be a carrier of “objective knowledge” that it is trying to convey to the student. Its main task is to motivate students to show initiative and independence. He must organize independent activities of students, in which everyone could realize their abilities and interests. In fact, it creates conditions, a developmental environment in which it becomes possible for each student to develop certain competencies at the level of development of his intellectual and other abilities.

The introduction of a results-oriented education model requires improvement of both management systems, methodological work, and approaches to lesson design, its content, development and implementation of competency-oriented tasks. In this case, an important role is given to control and measurement materials, which involve tracking the results not only of the knowledge level, but also of the competency level, since in accordance with the changed requirements for intermediate certification test can no longer be a form of intermediate certification of disciplines, therefore competency-oriented tasks must have a practical orientation, social and personal significance, and correspond to the level of education. The solution is effective competency-oriented tasks (KOZ) or situational tasks. KOZ allow you to imagine how the acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in practical activities, in a new situation.

During the period of transition to new pedagogical value guidelines, the lesson remains a key form of organizing the educational process. Unlike a traditional lesson, a lesson that met the educational requirements of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a modern lesson is, first of all, competency-oriented.

The development of competencies in the classroom is facilitated by the use of modern pedagogical technologies. There are quite a lot of technologies that ensure the formation of competencies in the classroom: technology critical thinking, discussion technology, case technology (situational seminar, solution of situational problems.

This method is a description of a specific situation requiring practical resolution), any types project activities, first of all, research and practice-oriented projects. Practical work of a search and research nature, having a life (everyday, professional, social) context, tasks with a time limit, including mini-projects implemented within the framework of the lesson, collective and individual mental activity, ICT, etc.

Socio-economic transformations and the formation of free market relations based on a variety of forms of ownership, the emergence of competition in the labor market require changes in the field of professional training of specialists.

In the new concept for the development of education in Russia, the emphasis is transferred from a narrowly professional approach to the training of specialists to the multilateral development of the individual, the mastery and implementation of key functions by students, social roles, competencies in the context of the new approach. Hence the role increases even more educational practice(industrial training). It should be as close as possible to the conditions of modern production. Successful professional activities of graduates educational institution is caused by the transition from the process of obtaining general theoretical vocational education to the formation of a set of professional skills that are in demand in labor activity in a free market.

Accordingly, educational and industrial internship programs should focus on the continuous improvement of such characteristics as qualifications and level of training, which are components of professional competence, which is ensured by the acquisition of professional work experience in the process of stage-by-stage completion of all types of educational internships.

The main requirement employers place on graduates is work experience. During industrial training at the lyceum, students should have the opportunity to gain this experience and, thereby, develop professional competence. In order for students to clearly understand the essence and social significance of their chosen profession, it is necessary that the acquired theoretical knowledge for the formation of professional competence is supported by practical skills. But sometimes a very low level of organization of practices and weak connections with real production are insufficient to acquire real work experience. Therefore, organizing industrial training that is as close as possible to production conditions is our top priority.

One of the acute problems of competency-based education is the problem of the textbook. With the exception of a few, very few, new textbooks, no textbook is specifically focused on implementing a competency-based approach. Therefore, constructing a lesson from a textbook, based on texts, questions and assignments contained in it, in the context of a competency-based approach turns out to be completely unsuitable. When preparing for a lesson, a fundamentally different selection of content, including questions and assignments, is most often required. The textbook, of course, can be used, but only as one of the auxiliary educational or reference aids. It is more consistent with the competency-based approach to use two or three textbooks from different authors simultaneously for the same course. This allows students to compare and analyze different author's approaches to presenting the same topic.

Classroom activities alone are not enough for a competency-based approach. In the context of implementing a competency-based approach, students’ extracurricular activities bear no less educational burden. If possible, it should be organized as a group activity, during which the personal experience while minimizing individual and frontal conversations class teacher with students, reports and messages on thematic classroom hours, passive visits to cultural sites and institutions and similar frontal-individual and “incompetent” forms of work.

Thus, educational institutions should help students master the technologies of life, create conditions for the formation of the abilities of self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-presentation and self-control, and reveal the potential of self-realization, self-actualization and self-regulation.

Our task is to create conditions for successful self-realization of graduates. After all, in the near future they will have to realize themselves without our help.

A competency-based approach to training specialists allows one to develop such abilities and skills as:

· competitiveness;

· be able to use knowledge in a related specialty;

· be able to organize your work on a scientific basis;

· be able to use modern information technologies.

The competence approach, of course, requires improvement educational technologies. But precisely in modern conditions it is one of the guarantees of the quality of education.

To summarize, we can say that the competency-based approach is systemic, interdisciplinary, it has both personal and activity aspects. Based on the competency-based approach to organizing the educational process, key competencies are formed in students, which are an integral part of his activities as a future specialist and one of the main indicators of his professionalism, as well as a necessary condition improving the quality of vocational education.

1.3 Innovative educational technologies in the formation of professional competencies

Today, the principle of variability has been proclaimed in Kazakhstani education, which gives teaching staff the opportunity to educational institutions select and design the pedagogical process according to any model, including author’s ones. The progress of education is also going in this direction: the development of various options for its content, the use of the capabilities of modern didactics in increasing the efficiency of educational structures; scientific development and practical justification of new ideas and technologies. At the same time, it is important to organize a kind of dialogue between different pedagogical systems and teaching technologies, testing in practice new forms - additional and alternative to the state education system, the use of integral pedagogical systems of the past in modern conditions.

The concept of “innovation” refers not simply to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but to such changes that are significant in nature and are accompanied by changes in the way of activity and style of thinking. The category of novelty refers not only (and not so much!) to time, but to the qualitative features of changes. In this work, models that transform the nature of learning in relation to such essential and instrumentally significant properties as goal orientation, the nature of interaction between the teacher and students, and their positions in the course of learning are considered as innovative.

In these conditions, the master needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, trends, not waste time discovering what is already known, but use the entire arsenal of pedagogical experience. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies

Alternativeity: the difference between any of the main components of the educational process (goals, content, methods, means, etc.) from the traditional ones accepted in a mass school.

Conceptuality of the educational process: consciousness and use of philosophical, psychological, socio-pedagogical or other scientific foundations in the author’s model.

Systematicity and complexity of the educational process.

Social and pedagogical expediency: compliance of the goals of the educational institution with the social order.

Currently, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in vocational education. This depends, first of all, on the traditions of the institution. However, the following most characteristic innovative technologies can be identified:

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in subject teaching The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with computer science, which leads to the informatization of students’ consciousness and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society(in his professional aspect). It is essential to understand the emerging trend in the process of informatization of an educational institution: from the development of students initial information about computer science to the use of computer software in the study of special disciplines, and then to the saturation of the structure and content of education with elements of computer science, the implementation of a radical restructuring of the entire educational process based on the use of information technology. As a result, in methodological system New information technologies are appearing, and graduates of colleges and higher educational institutions are prepared to master new information technologies in their future careers. This direction is being implemented through the inclusion of new subjects in the curriculum aimed at studying computer science and ICT. The experience of using ICT in colleges has shown that:

a) open college information environment, including various forms distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially using the project method;

b) informatization of education is attractive for students in that the psychological stress of communication is relieved by moving from the subjective “master-student” relationship to the most objective “student-computer-master” relationship, the efficiency of student work increases, and the share of creative works, and in the future, a purposeful choice of prestigious work will be realized;

c) informatization of teaching is attractive for the master in that it allows him to increase the productivity of his work and improves the general information culture of the teacher.

2. Personality-oriented technologies place the student’s personality at the center of the entire professional educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials. The student’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving any abstract goal (which is the case in authoritarian and didactocentric technologies). Such technologies are also called anthropocentric. Thus, personality-oriented technologies are characterized by anthropocentricity, humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation and have the goal of versatile, free and creative development student. Within the framework of person-oriented technologies independent directions Humane-personal technologies, technologies of cooperation and technologies of free education are distinguished.

Technologies of free education place emphasis on providing the student with freedom of choice and independence in a greater or lesser area of ​​his life. When making a choice, the student realizes the position of the subject in the best way, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence.

Collaboration technologies implement democracy, equality, partnership in subject-subject relations between teacher and student. The teacher and students jointly develop goals, content, and give assessments, being in a state of cooperation and co-creation.

3. Information and analytical support of the educational process and management of the quality of student education.

The use of such innovative technology as information and analytical methods for managing the quality of education allows us to objectively, impartially trace the development over time of each student individually, group, parallel, college as a whole. With some modification, it can become an indispensable tool in preparing class-general control, studying the state of teaching of any subject of the curriculum, studying the work system of an individual teacher.

4. Monitoring of intellectual development.

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning for each student using testing and plotting graphs of progress dynamics.

5. Educational technologies as the leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student.

It is an integral factor in modern learning conditions. It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personal development: participation in cultural events national traditions, theater, training centers, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process. Both already known and proven techniques and new ones can be implemented here. This includes independent work with the help of an educational book, games, design and defense of projects, learning with the help of audiovisual technical means, the “consultant” system, group, differentiated teaching methods - the “small group” system, etc. Usually, various combinations of these techniques are used in practice.

7. A module is a functional unit that includes subject content and technology for its acquisition. The training module has a design consisting of three structural parts: introductory, technical and final.

In the introductory part, the master: - introduces students to the general structure and content of the educational module; - defines goals and objectives cognitive activity students in this educational and technical module; - briefly for 15-20 minutes. presents educational material on the entire topic of this module, relying on supporting diagrams, stands, etc.).

In the technical part, the master: - identifies the main content educational material to work it out in the dialogical part; - selects active forms of learning that ensure dialogical communication between students; - prepares three-level tasks varying degrees complexity and standard answers to them;

Prints out handouts for each student. In the final part, the master carries out control: - mandatory - testing - at the choice of the teacher (depending on the specifics of the subject, topic or section) - test, test, test, practical task, laboratory work.

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The article provides examples of competency-oriented innovative educational technologies for organizations academic work with students, with whom teachers can not only get acquainted, but also creatively use them when conducting training sessions.





N.V. Kuvardina teacher of special disciplines

GBPOU SPO "Penzensky" multidisciplinary college»

Department of Public Utilities and Land Management

Use in pedagogical practice educational technologies have become an integral part of the educational process. An important issue in this context is the ability of the teacher to effectively use existing innovative technologies and create them independently.

A competent teacher must “... in order to implement a competency-based approach, provide for the use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, analysis of specific situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions) in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional competencies of students" (Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and New Generation NGOs).

For brief description competency-oriented technologies, the most effective technologies for the formation of general and professional competencies of students were selected:

  1. - design and research activities;
  2. - "brainstorm";
  3. - development of critical thinking;
  4. - case stages;
  5. - game training;
  6. - problem-based learning;
  7. - contextual learning;
  8. - integrative learning;
  9. - vitogenic training;
  10. - ICT;
  11. - programmed training;
  12. - development of an individual style for solving IT problems.
  1. Technology of design and research activities;

This technology includes a set of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence, focused on the creative self-realization of the student’s developing personality, the development of his intellectual, physical capabilities, strong-willed qualities and creative abilities in the process of creating new goods and services under the supervision of a teacher, possessing subjective or objective novelty, and having practical significance


To teach students to think independently, to find and solve problems, drawing on knowledge from different fields, to develop the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of different solution options, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. This contributes to the active acquisition of knowledge and skills, the formation of creative abilities and competencies, i.e. application of knowledge and skills in practical activities


  1. problem analysis (definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (use of “brainstorming” and “round table” methods during joint research);
  2. goal setting (proposing hypotheses for their solution; discussing research methods (statistical, experimental, observations);
  3. choice of means to achieve it(discussion of ways to formalize the final results (presentations, defense, creative reports, screenings);
  4. search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis(collection, systematization and analysis of the obtained data);
  5. assessment of the results and conclusions obtained(summarizing, drawing up results, their presentation);
  6. conclusions putting forward new research problems (in the most various forms, reflection)

Forms of work: individual; steam room; group, collective

  1. Brainstorming technology;

MS technology is based on the psychological and pedagogical laws of collective activity. MS increases creative activity students on the basis of creating a favorable, trusting atmosphere by removing psychological, pedagogical, etc. MS is a form of free discussion that helps to release creative energy and, by including students in interactive communication and involving them in an active search for solutions to the problem


Liberating thoughts and optimizing conditions for creativity based on reducing a person’s criticality regarding their capabilities. The purpose of this technology is to ensure the process of generating ideas by students, followed by their critical analysis and discussion


  1. Formulating the problem as a whole and its aspects
  2. Identification of goals for solving a problem based on an analysis of its various aspects.
  3. Selecting sources of information on the problem
  4. Selection of preferred (first necessary) sources from the information array.
  5. Generating all kinds of ideas ("keys" to the problem) based on freedom of imagination, not accompanied or interrupted by critical thinking.
  6. Selecting ideas that are most likely to lead to a solution based on logical thinking and comparative analysis.
  7. Based on critical thinking, all possible ways to test the selected ideas are updated.
  8. The most rigorous and consistent verification methods are selected.
  9. Finding all possible areas of application of the ideas obtained
  10. Choosing a final solution to the problem
  11. Expertise

Forms of work:

The MS is led by a specially trained person (moderator). Its task is to stimulate the process of putting forward ideas and maintain its continuity. It instills confidence in students to overcome the problem. If suggestions run out, the presenter fills the pause by expressing his own ideas. At the same time, he should not put strong pressure on the participants. MS is a group discussion conducted by a moderator according to a pre-developed scenario. The optimal number of participants is 8-12 students, the duration of brainstorming is 1.5-2 hours. To conduct effective brainstorming, it is recommended that it be divided into two independent stages: generation and analysis.

  1. - Technology for the development of critical thinking;

Educational technology aimed at developing students' thinking style, the main features of which are criticality, openness, flexibility, reflexivity, through reading and writing.

Critical thinking - open reflective evaluative thinking

Target: Development of the student’s intellectual abilities, allowing them to study independently; the formation of a categorical thinking apparatus, characterized by:

Students’ awareness of the ambiguity of positions and points of view,

Overcoming egocentric thinking,

Reflection on the alternativeness of decisions made,

Ability to adequately interpret received information


  1. evocation (call, awakening),
  2. implementation (comprehension of new information),
  3. reflection

Forms of work: Technology can be used to organize individual, group, and collective educational work for students

  1. - Case stage technology (situational analysis)

These are interactive technologies

The main sources of case content are public life(plot, problem, factual base); education (goals, objectives, methods of teaching and education); science (methodology)

A method of analyzing a situation, which involves understanding a real situation, the description of which reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain set of knowledge that must be learned when solving this problem


Forms interest and positive motivation of students, ensures their emotional involvement in the educational process and effectively contributes to their professionalization


  1. Introduction: problem statement; name of the institution; names and positions of the main characters.
  2. Problem: short description(from the positions of different participants in the events).
  3. Materials for solution (scientific, methodological, statistical, regulatory, legal, literary)

Forms of work: individual, subgroup (5-6 people, a moderator is selected who, after time, reports on the results of the group’s work)

  1. - Game learning technology;

The technology is focused on the use of knowledge in a new situation, in which the material acquired by students goes through a kind of practice, introducing variety and interest into the learning process. In the life of students, the game performs such important functions as: entertainment, communication, self-realization, diagnostic, correctional, therapeutic, socialization.

Pedagogical games are groups of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process, which is a means of psychologically preparing students for future life situations. An essential feature pedagogical game is a clearly stated learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. In foreign pedagogy, the understanding of the game includes “any competition or competition between players, whose actions are limited by certain conditions, rules) and are aimed at achieving a certain goal (winning, victory, prize)”


  • mastering new and consolidating old material, developing general educational skills, developing creative abilities;
  • formation of cognitive motives and interests;
  • conveying a holistic idea of ​​objects and phenomena, taking into account emotional and personal perception;
  • training in collective thinking and practical work, formation of skills and abilities of social interaction and communication, skills of individual and joint decision-making;
  • fostering a responsible attitude to business, respect for social values ​​and attitudes of the team and society as a whole;
  • training in modeling methods, including mathematical and social design


  1. Preparing game props.
  2. Preparation of participants who have expressed their desire and readiness to play.
  3. Familiarization of participants with the rules of the game.
  4. Organization of the game chronotope (game space) and time frame of the game.
  5. Implementation of the game's plot.
  6. Summing up the game as a result of game actions achieved by the players in accordance with the accepted rules

Forms of work: The forms of work depend on the type of game. During the game, you can use group and individual work, joint discussion, conduct testing and surveys, and create role-playing situations.

  1. - Technology of problem-based and activity-based learning

Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.

Intensive study and implementation of elements of activity technologies is underway, which includes:

  • analysis of production situations;
  • solving situational production problems;
  • business games;
  • "immersion" in professional activity(in different versions);
  • modeling of professional activity in the educational process;
  • contextual learning;
  1. - Contextual learning technology

The basis of contextual learningconstitutes a theory of activity, according to which the assimilation of social and professional experience is carried out as a result active work. The means of work is the context - a system of conditions. The situation includes external conditions, the subject of learning, and people with whom the object of learning is in contact.

Contextual learning technology consists of basic and intermediate forms.

Basic forms:

Educational activities with a leading role of lectures and seminars(transfer and assimilation of information);

Quasi-professional activities embodied in games,electives, special courses;

Educational and professional - research work of students, practical training, internship, diploma and course design.

Intermediate forms are any forms - traditional and new, that meet the specific goals and specific content of training.

  1. - Integrative learning technology

This is a developing system of continuous learning.

One of these ways is the development of an integrative educational system “School - Secondary Professional Education - University

The system-forming factor of the integrative educational system "School - Secondary Professional Education - University" is its integrity based on the integration of state educational programs, cross-cutting curricula level-step training, which should be implemented based on the integration of the goals and objectives of secondary and vocational education.

  1. - Technology of vitogenic training;

Vitagenic training (“vita” - from Latin life) – training based on actualization life experience personality, its intellectual and psychological potential for educational purposes.

The main idea of ​​vitagenic teaching is to form a collaborative relationship between teacher and student. From these positions, a teacher is not so much an informant as an accomplice, an inspirer who knows how not only to lead, but also has the ability to sympathize and empathize with successes and failures. The meaning of vitality education is the formation of a social image of a person, a unique personality, i.e. individuality. Vitagen education uses the individual's resources hidden in the subconscious. Reliance on the subconscious in vital education is, first of all, the creativity and imagination of the student in a variety of manifestations, intuition, i.e. the ability to perceive the world and make decisions based on “gut feeling”, without the participation of consciousness, at the level of instantaneous comprehension. Intuition, like fantasies, reflects vital experience, the actualization of which is an excellent tool for organizing the educational process

  1. ICT technology

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information placed on them

Didactic tasks solved with the help of ICT:

  • Improving the organization of teaching, increasing the individualization of learning;
  • Increasing the productivity of students’ self-training;
  • Individualization of the work of the teacher himself;
  • Accelerating replication and access to the achievements of teaching practice;
  • Strengthening motivation to learn;
  • Activation of the learning process, the possibility of involving students in research activities;
  • Ensuring flexibility in the learning process.
  1. Programmed learning technology

Programmed learning is a relatively independent and individual acquisition of knowledge and skills according to a training program using computer teaching aids. IN traditional education the student usually reads the full text of the textbook and reproduces it, while his work on reproduction is almost in no way controlled or regulated. The main idea of ​​programmed learning is learning management, learning activities student using a training program.

The purpose of the concept is to strive to increase the efficiency of managing the learning process based on the cybernetic approach. At its core, programmed learning involves the student working according to a certain program, in the process of which he acquires knowledge. The role of the teacher comes down to monitoring the psychological state of the student and the effectiveness of his gradual mastery of educational material, and, if necessary, regulating program actions.In accordance with this, various schemes and programmed learning algorithms have been developed - linear, branched, mixed and others, which can be implemented using computers, programmed textbooks, teaching materials, etc.

  1. Technology for developing an individual style of solving IT problems

This is a methodology for the development of an individual style of activity, a methodology of an activity approach, implemented through solving practice-oriented problems.

  • Orientation of the learning process towards students acquiring experience in solving problems of real practical IT activities.
  • Organization of training aimed at mastering methods for solving IT problems, methods of using computer tools to solve them, developing an individual style for solving IT problems
  • Organization of information technology training in integrative communication with others academic disciplines and real life
  • Assessing the success of information technology training in an integrative connection with a general analysis of the student’s educational activities and an analysis of his personal development in the information technology field

Target: Organization of information technology training focused on the formation and development of IT competence (the ability to solve IT problems)


1. Motivational stage -is aimed at students’ awareness of the personal significance of the acquired knowledge and skills, it involves focusing students’ attention on priority areas of educational work aimed at developing their ability to solve this IT problem

2. Mastering practical ways to solve a problem -mastering general methods of solving an IT problem, developing the ability to reproduce in practice the main method (methods) of solving it.

3. Reflections on practical ways to solve a problem -generalization of the main approaches to solving an IT problem; correlation of the method proposed by the student for solving an IT problem with general methods for solving it

4. Presentation of problem solving skills -students gain experience in solving IT problems in variable situations. Acquiring the ability to make innovations in the choice of tools necessary to solve a problem, in techniques for effectively working with computer tools, and the formation of an individual style technological activities solving IT problems

5. Implementation of knowledge and skills -students acquire the ability to solve a problem in a variety of ways, introduce individual innovations in methods of solving it, solve a problem in non-standard situations, develop an individual style for solving an IT problem

Forms of work:

at the first stage -One of the forms of organizing work at this stage may be students’ self-assessment of their ability to solve an IT problem. Self-assessment sheets record the main aspects of solving a specific IT problem. The survey questions are formulated in such a way that the student can understand what exactly he should learn to do when studying the topic

at the second stage - Clarification of a significant problem, the description of which is presented in the terms of the IT task;

Analysis of an effective option for IT activities in the described case, based on the requirements of the task (methods, operations, computer tools used, etc.)

Selection and justification of the optimal option for professional IT activities

at the third stage -Generalization, systematization of methods for solving a specific IT problem; reflection on the structure of activities that leads to the solution of a given IT problem

at the fourth stage -Finding out the essence of the IT problem and setting the goal of its solution; selection of appropriate means of IT activities, taking into account the real conditions indicated in the text of the task (available technical and technological resources, characteristics of students, etc.)

at the fifth stage - Finding out the essence of the IT problem and setting an individual goal for its resolution; development of an individual action plan to solve the problem; selection of appropriate means of IT activities, taking into account the real conditions indicated in the text of the task (available technical and technological resources, characteristics of students, etc.)


  1. Andreichenko Z.M. - Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work, Regional Multidisciplinary College, Stavropol, article “Application of competency-oriented technologies in the process of implementing the new generation Federal State Educational Standards”, 2013
  2. Gogoleva I.I., Koval N.M., Letskikh L.A., Pastukhova I.P. Using the case method in the educational process and methodological work of the secondary school. – M., 2001
  3. Innovative approaches to the activities of teachers in the system of professional education // general editor V.N. Gurova. - Stavropol, Litera, 2008
  4. Kapustin N.P. Pedagogical technologies of adaptive school. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999
  5. E.A. Markovskaya, I.V. Mushtavinskaya, I.B. Mylova and others; under scientific Ed. I.B. Soapy. Innovative technologies of the St. Petersburg modern school: conceptual analysis: Toolkit/ – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg APPO, 2010. – 36 p. – (St. Petersburg experience of general education) - ISBN 978-5-7434-0388-2
  6. Training seminars: methodological support for competency-based training / author. T.V. Hurtova. - Volgograd, Teacher, 2008
  7. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. – M.: Public Education, 1998.
  8. Stepanov S.V. Conditions for transferring methodological work to the level of methodological service // Contemporary issues education: experience and prospects: Mater. region. scientific-practical conf. – Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 2001
  9. Stepanov S.V. Methodological service: modeling experience // Modern educational technologies. – Tver: TSU, 2003
  10. Theory and practice of educational technology. – M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2004
  11. Khutorskoy A.V. Methods of student-centered training // How to teach everyone differently. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2005


The article provides examples of competency-oriented innovative educational technologies for organizing educational work with students, which teachers can not only become familiar with, but also creatively apply when conducting training sessions.

In modern medical and pharmaceutical education, trends have recently emerged that allow us to talk about the transition of this system to a new qualitative state. Higher medical school is a new high-tech system of educational equipment, new learning programs, electronic learning tools, new conditions for the implementation of federal government educational standards.

A higher pharmaceutical school should provide graduates with a system of integrated theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities, help them master high pharmaceutical technologies, and develop the ability to social adaptation specialist The implementation of these tasks contributes to the targeted training of the pharmacist, based on a strong motivational attitude, deep specialization, and actualization of the intellectual and personal capabilities of students.

Teachers of a higher pharmaceutical school are a special category of teachers who have specific functions, conditions and methods of work, qualifications and personal characteristics. In his work, the teacher is guided by the fact that today pharmaceutical universities are preparing pharmacists to work in conditions of changes in the healthcare financing system, improving its structure and tasks. Accordingly, the responsibility of pharmaceutical university teachers for the results of their work increases.

Currently, the search for ways to improve the effectiveness of vocational education is associated with a competency-based approach.

The relevance of the competency-based approach is highlighted in materials on the modernization of education and is considered as one of the important provisions for updating the content of education. This is due to the fact that professional activity is characterized by increasing complexity and dynamics, while the main task of competency-based training is the formation of a specialist capable of solving professional problems in new situations.

The competency-based approach is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not considered the amount of information learned, but a person’s ability to act in various problem situations, in other words, the competency-based approach is an approach in which the results are recognized as significant outside the education system.

The specificity of competency-based training is that it is not ready-made knowledge that someone proposed for assimilation that is acquired, but the learner himself formulates the concepts necessary to solve the problem. With this approach, educational activities, periodically acquiring a research or practical-transformative character, themselves become the subject of assimilation.

The nature of competence is such that it, being a product of training, does not directly follow from it, but is rather a consequence of the individual’s self-development, which is not so much technological as personal growth, a consequence of self-organization and generalization of activity and personal experience.

Competence is a way of existing knowledge, skills, education, promoting personal self-realization, the student finding his place in the world, as a result of which education becomes highly motivated and, in a true sense, personality-oriented, ensuring maximum demand for personal potential, recognition of the individual by others and awareness of his own importance.

The competency-based approach to education involves students mastering skills that allow them to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to develop the appropriate means in advance. They need to be found in the process of resolving such situations and achieving the required results. The main value becomes the development of skills by students that would allow them to determine their goals, make decisions and act in typical and non-standard situations. In addition, the competency-based approach involves the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in students as the final result of education.

The most important feature of a competency-based approach is the student’s ability to self-learn in the future, and this is impossible without acquiring in-depth knowledge and independent work. Knowledge is completely subordinate to skills; the student must, if necessary, be able to quickly and accurately use sources of information to resolve certain problems. Competence is a person’s readiness to mobilize knowledge, skills and external resources for effective activity in a specific life situation.

Key competencies are those that are universal and applicable in various life situations. This is kind of the key to success. Main core competencies:

– Information competence – readiness to work with information.

– Communicative competence – readiness to communicate with other people, is formed on the basis of information competence.

– Cooperative competence – readiness to cooperate with other people, is formed on the basis of the previous two.

– Problem competence – readiness to solve problems, is formed on the basis of the three previous ones.

A competency-based approach to education confronts teachers with the need to develop and implement new pedagogical technologies, methods, and partial programs in their work that meet the needs of modern education.

There are two foundations of a competency-based approach to training:

1) Modern educational technologies: business games, role-playing games, case method, etc.

2) Competency-oriented tasks that require the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice when solving real problems.

Competency-oriented education technology presupposes the presence of a problem-based approach to teaching and education, which is based on the creation of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them. Also very productive in teaching students is the use of individual and group projects that involve active independent work students, which is important in the event of a reduction in classroom hours.

Competency-oriented tasks in the preparation of students at the Faculty of Pharmacy can be used both in consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge, and in its systematization, control, quality monitoring, rating system for assessing knowledge, etc.

The use of competency-oriented tasks makes it possible to implement a competency-based approach in the training of pharmacists, promotes better assimilation of knowledge, development of thinking, increasing the level of development of professional abilities, and acquiring skills that allow successful adaptation in professional activities.

There are three levels of complexity of competency-oriented tasks:

1) Playback level. Includes reproducing methods, reading and interpreting data from tables, charts, graphs, maps, and performing simple calculations.

2) Level of establishing connections. Includes establishing connections and integrating material from different sections of the discipline, performing multi-step calculations, composing expressions, and organizing data.

3) Level of reasoning. Includes solving non-standard problems, formulating generalizations and conclusions, and the ability to justify them.

Testing, modular and rating system assessments of the quality of knowledge, educational portfolios, projects.

Test technologies are objective and effective for checking the quality of students' training at different stages of training. The test control system activates students’ work throughout the semester and ensures a more solid assimilation of the material. Systematic test control ensures effective assimilation of educational material, forms the student’s self-control and self-esteem, which are elements of a worldview. Also, step-by-step diagnostics of knowledge throughout the course allows the teacher to timely adjust teaching methods, depending on the gaps in students’ knowledge.

Thus, when applying competency-based tasks in the training of pharmacists, the main attention should be paid to mastering the skills that determine the graduate’s readiness for productive activity, independence, flexibility and ambiguity in solving professional problems, and developing students’ abilities to use the acquired knowledge in various situations.

To determine the main ways to successfully organize competency-based training in a medical and pharmaceutical university, it is necessary, first of all, to identify and disclose the principles of such work.

The following principles of competency-oriented training of future pharmacists at a medical and pharmaceutical university have been identified. The principle of the developmental nature of training, which assumes a focus on the comprehensive development of the student’s personality and individuality, as well as the orientation of the future pharmacist on the self-development of general cultural and professional competencies.

The principle of student activity and reducing the share of pedagogical management of student activities. The educational process must be structured in such a way that the emphasis shifts from the teaching activity of the teacher, who plans, asks questions, sets tasks and evaluates (teaches in a broad sense) to educational activities, based on the initiative and creativity of the students themselves, i.e. students must become active participants in both the implementation and evaluation of the learning process. It is in such a situation that the spirit of continuous learning will reign, the understanding that ignorance of something is a natural state of a person, which is a source of constant personal and professional development.

Following the principle of activity in the educational process presupposes:

− taking into account individual interests and needs of students;

− presence of an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation in the classroom;

− providing the student with the opportunity to independently choose, for example, a research topic;

− use active methods training: cross-blitz survey, disputes, discussions, mutual training and mutual consultation.

The scientific principle requires that the content vocational training introduced students to objective scientific facts, theories, laws, would reflect current state pharmacognosy as a science.

The principle of connecting education with practice provides that the learning process at a university provides the opportunity to implement the acquired knowledge in professional pharmaceutical activities.

The rules for implementing this principle include the following:

− decision large quantity methodological tasks in the process of studying the discipline;

− the use of methods focused on the practical application of professional knowledge and skills.

An important component of competency-based training for future pharmacists are changes in the procedure for current, intermediate and final certification of students. Assessment of the quality of student training should be carried out in two directions: assessment of the level of mastery of the discipline (cognitive component); assessment of students' competencies (activity component).

The levels of development of students’ professional competencies can be characterized as follows:

1) High level. The student owns a system of professional knowledge, considers the proposed issues from various positions, confirms theoretical principles with his own examples; knows how to update professional knowledge and find the right solution based on the conditions of a specific situation.

2) Average level. The student presents theoretical positions on these issues in a reasoned, sufficiently complete manner, and offers his own solutions to various problems.

3) Low level. The student outlines the main theoretical principles on the proposed issues; demonstrates the ability to solve a given problem.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the competency-based approach requires the improvement of educational technologies, but in modern conditions it is one of the guarantees of the quality of education.

The competency-based approach is systemic, interdisciplinary, it has both personal and activity aspects. Based on a competency-based approach to organizing the educational process, students develop key competencies, which are an integral part of their activities as a future specialist and one of the main indicators of their professionalism, as well as a necessary condition for improving the quality of professional education.

During the period of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards into the system of primary vocational education, the priority is the practical orientation of the content of education related to the organization of educational, industrial practice students, the active introduction of professionally oriented technologies of training and education, strengthening interdisciplinary connections and the ability of the individual to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge in the mind. In these conditions, a competency-oriented environment takes on special importance, without which it becomes impossible to form general and professional competencies that underlie a graduate’s successful professional activity. The main goal of all educational, research and creative associations, interest clubs is to form the worldview of a future specialist and the ability to use professional skills in practical activities, in life’s atypical situations.


1. Averchenko, L.K. Imitation business game as a method for developing professional competencies / L.K. Averchenko, I.V. Doronina, L.I. Ivanova // Higher education Today. – M.: Logos, 2013. – P. 35-39.

2. Ibragimov, G.I. Innovative teaching technologies in the context of implementing a competency-based approach / G.I. Ibragimov // Innovations in education. – M: Eidos, 2011. – No. 4. P. 5-14.

3. Minko, E.V. Quality management of educational processes: / E.V. Minko, L.V. Kartasheva and others // Textbook, ed. E.V. Minko, M.A. Nikolaeva. – M.: Norma: SIC INFRA-M, 2013. – 400 p.

4. Ivanov, D.A. Competency-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools / D.A. Ivanov, K.G. Mitrofanov, O.V. Sokolova // Educational and methodological manual. – M.: APKiPPRO, 2007. – 101 p.

Table 1

Traditional training


The teacher should present the basic ideas and concepts embedded in the content of the subject and reflected in the topic being studied.

The teacher should set a general (strategic) task for students and describe the type and characteristics of the desired result for the future. The teacher provides an information module or indicates starting points searching for information. The value of COO - a student and a teacher can actually interact as equal and equally interesting subjects to each other, because competence is not determined by knowledge and age, but by the number of successful tests

Vital ideas and concepts are learned through direct presentation by the teacher or in spite of him, since they are not directly discussed in the content of education; quasi-problems are studied instead life problems(in accordance with the topic recorded in the program)

Students isolate information that is significant for solving a problem; the problem itself is clarified as they become familiar with the information, as happens when solving life problems, i.e. there is no pre-prepared task or problem, with an approximate set of ready-made solutions

Management disciplines are taught as a holistic and complete set of authoritative and consistent information that is not subject to doubt

Management disciplines are taught as a system of laboratory and test tasks. Problems of the history of science are taught in a broad humanitarian context as blocks of research and quasi-research tasks

Educational and professional knowledge is based on clearly logical basis, optimal for presentation and assimilation

Educational and professional cognition is based on a problem-solving scheme

primary goal laboratory work- formation of practical manipulative skills, as well as the ability to follow instructions aimed at achieving planned results

Lab materials encourage students to come up with alternative ideas to those they study in class. This allows you to compare, contrast and independently select results based on your data during educational work.

End of table. 1

Traditional training



The study of material during laboratory work and practical exercises follows precisely established instructions and is determined by a methodology aimed at illustrating the concepts and concepts being studied. This is a simulation study

Students encounter new phenomena, concepts, and ideas in laboratory experiments and practical exercises before they are studied in class. At the same time, everyone develops their own measure of independence

Practical classes must be planned by the teacher so that correct answers and results are achieved only by those students who strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations for the tasks performed.

In practical classes, students are given the opportunity to independently plan, try, attempt, propose their research, determine its aspects, and anticipate possible results

To truly understand the content being studied, the student should master a body of factual information related to this content with built-in ready-made conclusions and assessments

Students question accepted notions, ideas, rules, and include in their search alternative interpretations, which they independently formulate, justify and express in a clear form. The work proceeds as a comparison of different points of view and attraction of the necessary facts

With the introduction of COO, the question arises: how should the system of assessing educational (and not only educational, but also scientific, quasi-professional) achievements change?

Today, the answer can only contain hypotheses that need scientific confirmation and are waiting for their researchers. Namely: the competence™ approach will allow us to evaluate the real, rejected and in demand, and not the abstract product produced by the student. That is, the system for assessing the level of student achievements must undergo changes first of all. The ability to solve problems that life and the chosen professional activity poses must be assessed. To do this, the educational process must be transformed in such a way that “real action spaces”, a kind of “initiative educational production”, appear in it. The products produced (including intellectual ones) are made not only for the teacher, but in order to construct and receive evaluation in the internal (university) and external (public) market.

Educational competence- this is a set of interrelated semantic orientations, knowledge and experience of a student’s activities, necessary to carry out personally and socially significant productive activities in relation to objects of reality.

Today, there is no single classification of competencies, just as there is no single point of view on how many and what competencies a person should develop. There are different approaches to identifying the basis for the classification of competencies. Thus, A.V. Khutorskoy proposes a three-level hierarchy of competencies:

I. Key - relate to the general (meta-subject) content of education.

II. General subject (basic) - relate to a specific circle educational subjects And educational areas.

III. Subject (special) - specific in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a specific description and the possibility of formation within the framework of academic subjects.

Key educational competencies are constructed at the level of educational areas and academic subjects for each level of education.

Key and general educational competencies are always manifested in the context of a subject or subject area (or subject competence) and are found in personally significant activities. You cannot develop undemonstrated competence.

Subject-specific competencies are associated with the ability to use knowledge, skills, and abilities developed within a specific subject to solve problems.

Professional competencies. In domestic pedagogical science There are prerequisites for the development of a competency-based approach in vocational education that meet modern realities. In didactics high school have experience reviewing results educational activities as some integral characteristics of personality, which is in good agreement with the ideas of the competence approach.

From the standpoint of the competency-based approach, the result of professional education is competence, which is defined as the readiness to perform professional functions in accordance with the standards and norms accepted in society.

The concept of “professional competence” of a teacher includes the following components:

  • personal-humane orientation, the ability to systematically perceive pedagogical reality and systematically act in it,
  • free orientation in the subject area, mastery of modern pedagogical technologies.

The professional competence of a teacher is understood as an integral characteristic that determines the ability to solve professional problems and typical professional tasks that arise in real professional situations. pedagogical activity, using knowledge, professional and life experiences, values ​​and inclinations. “Ability” in this case is understood not as “predisposition”, but as “skill”. “Capable”, i.e. "can do it." Abilities are individual psychological characteristics-properties-qualities of a person, which are a condition for the successful performance of a certain type of activity.

Professional competence is determined by the level of professional education itself, the experience and individual abilities of a person, his motivated desire for continuous self-education and self-improvement, a creative and responsible attitude to business.

The competency-based approach is manifested in the understanding of professional competence as a set of key, basic and special competencies.

The identification of key, basic and special competencies in professional competence is quite arbitrary; they are interrelated and can manifest themselves simultaneously.

Key, basic and special competencies are manifested in the process of solving vital professional tasks of various levels of complexity, using a certain educational space.

Basic competencies should reflect a modern understanding of the main tasks of professional activity, and key ones should permeate the algorithm for solving them.

Special competencies implement basic and key ones in relation to the specifics of professional activity.

The essential characteristics of a competency-oriented approach in higher professional education are:

  • strengthening the personal orientation of education: it is necessary to ensure the student’s activity in the educational process, and for this, to increase the possibilities of choice and to form generalized ability to choose;
  • developmental orientation and construction of age-appropriate education;
  • orientation towards personal self-development, which is based on the postulates:
    • 1) awareness of the self-worth of each individual, its uniqueness,
    • 2) the inexhaustibility of development opportunities for each individual, including his creative self-development,
    • 3) priority inner freedom- freedom for creative self-development in relation to external freedom.

To build professional education focused on a competency-based approach, the teacher must understand his professional activities in a new way. It is necessary to change the position of the teacher to the position " pedagogical support» student. The ability to coordinate pedagogical interests with the interests of the future professional is a necessary professional skill for a teacher.

Focusing on goals, we can outline the following educational strategies focused on developing competencies:

I. Practice-oriented modular training.

I. Learning through cases (a package of situations for decision making).

III. Social interaction in learning.

These strategies evaluate each student and their acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies through expert assessment and self-assessment.

Questions for self-control

  • 1. Formulate the main goal of training a competency-based specialist. Classify educational competencies.
  • 2. Describe the levels of professional competence of the teacher.
  • 3. What are the origins of the idea of ​​the competency-based approach?
  • 4. How do you think the concepts of “competence” and “competence” differ?

Tasks for independent work

  • 1. Find the pros and cons of the development of a person-centered education paradigm and the introduction of a competency-based approach into the system of higher professional education at the Higher Business School. Justify each of theses.
  • 2. During the semester, the student did not study well, missed classes, received deuces for colloquiums. But he got a “5” on the exam. How to evaluate this student's achievements?

Irina Cheredanova
Competency-oriented technologies for professional development of teachers


technologies for professional development of teachers.

Modern realities and requirements imposed by the state on the quality of educational work in kindergarten, it is assumed that teacher must have the necessary pedagogical technologies.

To form professional competence of teachers Preschool educational institutions use the following most effective types of educational technologies:

1. Health-saving technologies.

The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and healthy image life.

Health-saving educational technologies include all aspects of impact teacher on the child’s health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.


1. Mastery of a set of simple forms and methods of behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

2. Increase in health reserves.

Forms of organization:

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Gymnastics for the eyes

3. Respiratory

4. Articulatory

5. Musical and breathing training

6. Dynamic pauses

7. Relaxation

8. Art therapy, fairy tale therapy

9. Movement therapy, music therapy

10. Color therapy, sound therapy, sand therapy.

Khabarova T.V. « Educational technologies in preschool education"– M., 2004.

2. Technologies project activities.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual

Target: Development and enriching social and personal experience by including children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.


1. Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the involvement of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction

2. creation of a unified educational space,

The project allows you to integrate information from different fields of knowledge to solve one problem and apply it in practice. Forms organizations:

1. Work in groups, pairs

2. Conversations, discussions

3. Socially active techniques: interaction method, experimentation method, comparison method, observation

Evdokimova E. S. « Technology design at preschool educational institution". -: Sphere shopping center, 2006

L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilova “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”-M.: ARKTI, 2005

Novikov, A. M. “Educational project: methodology of educational activities" - M.: Egves, 2004.

3. Technologies research activities.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual

The purpose of research activities in kindergarten is to form in preschoolers the basic key competencies


To form in preschoolers the basic key competencies, ability for research type of thinking.

Forms of organization:

Heuristic conversations;

Raising and resolving problematic issues;


Modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);

- recording results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities;

- "immersion" into the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;

Use of artistic words;

Didactic games, educational and creative games developing situations;

Work assignments, actions.

Kulikovskaya, I. E. "Children's experimentation". Senior preschool age, tutorial, – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.

4. Information and communication technologies.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual


1. Become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing computer programs;

2. Form the basics information culture his personality, enhance.

3. Build ownership skills computer, use of information and communication technologies in everyday work, the ability to use the capabilities of the Internet.

Informatization of society poses teachers- preschoolers tasks:

To keep up with the times,

Become a guide for your child to the world of new technologies,

A mentor in choosing computer programs,

To form the basis of the information culture of his personality,

Promote professional level of teachers and competence of parents.

Forms of organization:

Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, and offices (scanning, internet, printer, presentation).

Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of others teachers from Russia and abroad.

Preparation of group documentation and reports.

Create presentations in Power Point to increase efficiency educational activities with children and pedagogical competence from parents during parent-teacher meetings.

Komarova T. S., Komarova I. I., Tulikov A. V., “Information and communication technologies in preschool education" - M. Ed. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011

5. Personality-oriented technologies.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual

Target: ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool institution, conflict-free and safe conditions for it development, realization of existing natural potentials.

Creating conditions for personality-oriented interactions with children in development space, allowing the child to show his own activity and realize himself most fully.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies independent directions stand out:

Humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence and psychological and therapeutic focus on providing assistance to a child with poor health during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

technology cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in relations teacher with child, partnership in a system of relationships "Adult - Child".


1. Humanistic orientation of the content of preschool education activities

2. Providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions child's personality development, realization of her natural potentials, individual approach to students.

Teacher and children create conditions development environment, produce manuals, toys, and gifts for the holidays. Jointly define a variety of creative activity (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment) .

Forms of organization:

1. Games, sports activities, recreational activities

2. Exercises, observations, experimental activities

3. Gymnastics, massage, training, role-playing games, sketches

Khabarova, T.V. « Educational technologies in preschool education"– M., 2004.

6. Technologies portfolio.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual


1. Consider the results achieved teacher in various activities

2. Is an alternative form of assessment professionalism and performance teacher

Forms of organization:

Attestation (reflects achievements teacher, preschool educational institution for the inter-certification period);

Cumulative (contain information about the results of activities teacher, preschool);

Thematic (reflect the experience of the activity teacher, a team on a specific topic).

Belaya K. Yu. -M.: UC Perspective, 2011.

7. Social gaming technologies.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual

It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:

Games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;

Groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

Groups of games during which preschoolers develops the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;

Groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

Compiling game technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.


1. Development of interaction"child-child", "child-parent", "child-adult" to ensure mental well-being.

2. Correction of impulsive, aggressive, demonstrative, protest behavior

3. Formation of skills and abilities of friendly communicative interaction

4. Problem solving "social" hardening

5. Development full-fledged skills interpersonal communication allowing the child to understand himself.

Forms of organization:

1. Collective activities, work in small groups on GCD, trainings on negotiation skills

2. Games with rules, competition games, dramatization games, role-playing games

3. Fairy tale therapy

4. Method of creating problem situations with elements of self-esteem

5. Trainings, self-presentations

Belaya K. Yu. “Portfolio of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions”-M.: UC Perspective, 2011.

8. Case- technologies.

Purpose, objectives Application Methodological manual

"Case - technology» - it's interactive technology for short-term training based on real or fictitious situations, aimed mainly at developing new qualities and skills.

The immediate goal of the method is through the joint efforts of a group of students to analyze the situation (case that arises in a particular state of affairs) and develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and the selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.


Getting to know a real or simulated problem and presenting your view on its solution;

Have big influence for sensory, mental and speech child development;

Forms children's communication skills.

This technology unites this complex reality and learning task. Provides intellectual and moral development.

Training in collective thinking and practical work, developing the skills of social interaction and communication, individual and joint decision-making skills.

Forms of organization:

When case- technologies Specific answers are not given; you need to find them yourself. This allows you, based on your own experience, to formulate conclusions, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, and offer your own view of the problem. In the case, the problem is presented in an implicit, hidden form, and, as a rule, it does not have a clear solution.

In some cases, it is necessary to find not only solutions, but also to formulate the problem, since its formulation is not presented explicitly.

This is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problem-situations (cases).

Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A., Bogoslavets L. G. “Interactive methods in the organization pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions" - WITH - Pb: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2008.

Thus: Technological approach, that is, new educational technologies guarantee the achievements of preschoolers and subsequently guarantee their successful learning at school.

Every teacher - creator of technology, even if it deals with borrowing. Creation technologies impossible without creativity.