Parents' attendance at the parent-teacher meeting is a sample. Minutes of the parent meeting: rules for drawing up and sample document. Template) Minutes of parent meeting


parent meetings

1a class

from 09/30/2016

Present: 16 people

Absent: 3

first grade students

Meeting objectives:

  1. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.

Meeting plan

Reminders for parents.

  1. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.

Progress of the meeting

  1. introduction teachers.

  1. Teacher's self-presentation.
  1. Advice for parents.

Dear parents!

Prepare shoes and clothes.

Relax in the fresh air;

Go to bed on time.

(Annex 1)

  • Remember:
  1. Popova Anna Alexandrovna
  2. Danilova Marina Sergeevna

Sports and recreation,

Spiritual and moral,

General cultural

Scientific and educational.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Don't ask your child to read quickly.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.


Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualness: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

Second meeting

from 10.20.2016

Present: 18 people

Absent: 1

Topic: Problem of adaptation

Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Student portfolio.

Issues for discussion:

Progress of the meeting

Discussion of the issue.

  • Don't fight without a reason.
  • Try to be careful.
  • Say more often:

Social readiness

III.Student portfolio.

By third


Secretary: _____________ Danilova M. S..

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualism: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

third meeting

from.. 2017

Present: 16 people



Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

Issues for discussion:

Questions for discussion:

Progress of the meeting

  1. Teacher's opening speech.
    some statistics:

  2. Discussion on issues:

  1. Recommendations for parents:

  2. What programs does he prefer?

Note to parents:

Secretary: _____________ N.A.

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

fourth meeting

from. . 2017

Present: 17 people

Absent: 2


Meeting objectives:

(opinion exchange)

Health disorder

Questionnaire for parents.


Secretary: _____________ .

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Roshchinskaya average comprehensive school № 17


parent meetings

1a class

Classroom teacher: Shreiner Svetlana Mikhailovna

Protocol parent meeting№1

from 09/30/2016

Present: 16 people

Absent: 3

Topic: Meeting the parents
first grade students

The first meeting is held in order to get to know the parents, prepare the family for the need to communicate with the school and teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family’s fear of school.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Help families prepare for their child's first grade education. Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.
  2. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.
  1. Elections of the parent committee.

Meeting plan

  1. Introduction of the teacher who will work with the class.

Mini-lecture “Laws of education in the family. What should they be like? Preparing a family for teaching a child in first grade. Reminders for parents.- “Parting words” - “ The necessary conditions successful upbringing and schooling." Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

  1. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.

Progress of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will take place.

  1. Teacher's opening speech.

Dear fathers and mothers, who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September!

Memo for parents “Parting words”

The best minds of humanity have sought and are seeking the answer to the question “What is the meaning of life?” Many people believe that there is no meaning in it at all, since a person is born and dies. Sad thoughts...

And today we together came to the conclusion that the most important thing on Earth is family and love. Love for a child, for a husband, for a mother, for a brother. Everything else, no matter how beautiful and important it is - clothes, furniture, travel, money, cars, success in business - is only attached to the main thing - a family in which love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy reign. And when everyone in your house loves each other, they inevitably turn around in order to try to make the others just as loving and happy. Yes, it all starts with the family, at home - GOOD and EVIL. So let there be more in the world happy families, that means GOOD!

With love, your first teacher.

  1. Teacher's self-presentation.

Teacher conducts self-introduction

  1. A story about yourself, about your choice of teaching profession.
  2. A story about plans for the future in working with a new class.

III. Filling out a questionnaire about family composition.

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents.
  2. Age of parents, birthday of family children.
  3. Advice for parents.

At the end of the meeting, each family receives an order that contains the laws for raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

“Necessary conditions for successful upbringing and learning at school”

Dear parents!

  1. Please organize a student’s corner and keep it in order.
  2. Before you start homework turn off the radio, TV. Do not disturb children with unnecessary comments or loud conversations.
  3. Don't sit with your child during lessons, but check them daily. Learn to complete tasks quickly, clearly, without distractions.
  4. Teach your child to thoroughly prepare for tomorrow:

Collect school supplies;

Prepare shoes and clothes.

  1. Organize your daily routine rationally:

Prepare lessons at the set time, in a ventilated room;

Relax in the fresh air;

Go to bed on time.

Watch TV (computer) for no more than 1 hour.

  1. Treat your children's affairs attentively and kindly, but at the same time, be demanding of the results of their activities.
  2. From the very beginning of the teaching, instill faith and optimism in children: “Failures are temporary. What didn’t work out today will work out tomorrow.”


Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

On the second question listened to: Shreiner S.M., teacher primary classes, announced that classes will be taught according to second generation standards. Introduced parents to the goals and objectives of the new standard, their relevance in the conditions modern education (Annex 1) , with basic information regarding the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualism: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.
  1. Elections of the parent committee.

Composition of the parent committee of grade 1a:

  1. Popova Anna Alexandrovna
  2. Danilova Marina Sergeevna
  1. Continue familiarizing parents with the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements stipulated by the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the educational process.
  2. Use the following areas in students’ extracurricular activities:

Sports and recreation,

Spiritual and moral,

General cultural

Scientific and educational.

  1. advice given at the parent meeting should be used in Everyday life.

Secretary: _____________ Danilova M. S..

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualness: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualness: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

Second meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 2

from 10.20.2016

Present: 18 people

Absent: 1

Topic: Problem of adaptation
first graders at school. Reminders for parents and children on safe behavior

Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Introduce the parent team to possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of education.
  1. Reminders on safe behavior of students
  2. Student portfolio.
  3. Celebrating First-Grade Day.

Issues for discussion:

Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

The system of relationships between children in the classroom. Social readiness of first-graders.

Progress of the meeting

  1. Discussion of the child's first school term.

Parents share their impressions with each other and the teacher: in what mood the child goes to school and comes home, what adaptation problems there are.

Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

  1. Physiological conditions for a child’s adaptation to school.

Discussion of the issue.

Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with child health problems. Changing the child's daily routine. The need to alternate games with the child’s educational activities. Monitoring parents for the correct posture while doing homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organization proper nutrition child. Parents care about hardening the child, maximum development of physical activity (creating a sports corner in the house). Fostering in children independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school.

When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first-grader:

Creation of a favorable psychological climate towards the child on the part of all family members;

The role of a child’s self-esteem in adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has in school);

Forming interest in school and the school day;

Mandatory acquaintance with the guys in the class and the opportunity to communicate with them after school;

Inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);

Elimination of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;

Taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to schooling;

Giving the child independence in educational work and organization of control over his educational activities;

Encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;

Development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.

Relationships between classmates.

The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveitchik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules that can help parents prepare their child to communicate with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to their child and, with their help, prepare the child for adult life.

  • Don’t take someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.
  • They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.
  • Don't fight without a reason.
  • If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.
  • Play honestly, don't let your comrades down.
  • Don't tease anyone, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  • Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  • Don't snitch or slander anyone.
  • Try to be careful.
  • Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.
  • Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in a visible place in their child’s room or work area. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child’s attention to which rules he manages to follow, which ones he cannot, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules together with your child.

Social readiness- the need to communicate with peers and the ability to submit one’s behavior to the laws of children’s groups, the ability to assume the role of a student, the ability to listen and follow the teacher’s instructions; the ability to overcome difficulties and treat mistakes as a definite result.

Parents should focus their efforts on familiarizing their child with school requirements in more detail, and most importantly, with himself, his strengths and weaknesses

The source of a first-grader’s bitter feelings can be not only a bad grade, but also conflicts with fellow students.

As for relationships with other students, here the child enters into equal cooperative relationships based on friendship, sympathy and common school interests.

For good school adaptation, a child must have different communication techniques: accept the role of student and comrade, excellent student and poor student, listen to praise and endure punishment, express and accept aggressiveness.

Based on behavior in the classroom, you can reproduce the child’s family situation, because It is in the family that the child acquires communication patterns and the ability to resolve difficult situations.

What is “social maturity”? It simultaneously includes several indicators of personal readiness for school:

  1. Ability and desire to communicate with peers.
  2. Ability to build adequate relationships with adults, taking into account the communication situation
  3. Motivational readiness for schooling, desire to study at school.

III.Student portfolio.

By third listened to the question: S.M. Shreiner, a primary school teacher, who familiarized parents with the Regulations on extracurricular activities and the main form of recording students’ extracurricular achievements is a portfolio.

The main goals of compiling a portfolio are:

Collection, systematization and recording of the results of the student’s development, his efforts, achievements in various fields, demonstration of the entire range of his abilities, interests, inclinations, knowledge and skills.

Development of independence and objectivity in assessing the activities of students, increasing their competitiveness;

Parents were presented with the main sections of the portfolio and the rules for filling them out. A class portfolio was presented, reflecting the students’ activities and their achievements.

  1. Celebrating First-Grade Day.

At the end of the 1st quarter, First-Grade Day is held in 1a grade.

Form of conduct lesson-game, during which children will present songs, memorized poems, and what they have learned in two months.

The parent committee was instructed to organize a tea party with parents and children for First-Grader Day.

Solution:- take note and use in everyday life the information received during the parent-teacher conference.

Take note and fulfill all responsibilities that concern parents; train students to perform duties

Monitor students' compliance with the daily routine.

Secretary: _____________ Danilova M. S..

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualism: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

third meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 3

from.. 2017

Present: 16 people


Subject:TV in the life of a family and a first-grader

Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Together with parents, determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child’s life.
  2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The role of television in a child's life.
  2. The influence of television programs on the formation of a child’s character and cognitive sphere.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items?
  2. What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality?
  3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Consider possible options.

Progress of the meeting

  1. Teacher's opening speech.
    - Is TV in a child’s life good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Should we turn off the TV if we think that the program will be uninteresting to the child? These and other questions today require answers.
    some statistics:
    Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily.
    · A child's daily TV viewing time averages more than two hours.
    · 50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception.
    · 25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row.
    · 38% of children aged 6 to 12 years old, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with family.
    But you might think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted on the following questions:
  2. How many times a week do you watch TV?
  3. Do you watch TV alone or with your family?
  4. Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer certain programs?
  5. If you found yourself on a desert island, what items would you order from a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?
  6. Discussion of the results of the analysis of children's answers to the proposed questions.
  7. Discussion on issues:
  8. What to do and is it necessary to do something? Perhaps you should simply ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?
  9. What does TV give a child? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problem is discussed and opinions are exchanged.
Opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
- relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
- find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy;
- understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
- learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
- develop imagination, fantasy, emotional sphere.
Teacher's comment, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children’s drawings “I’m watching TV.”

  1. Recommendations for parents:
    1) Together with the children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week.
    2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
    3) Listen to children’s opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children’s programs.
    4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
    5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by children.
  2. Homework for parents: determine for yourself the answers to the questions:
  3. How much time does your child spend watching TV?
  4. Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?
  5. What programs does he prefer?
  6. What program would you like to take part in?
  7. How can we prevent children from hearing from their parents: “Are you doing your homework again in the evening?”, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents:
It must be remembered that the influence of television on the psyche of children differs sharply from its similar influence on adults. For example, first-graders, according to research results, cannot clearly determine where the truth is and where the lie is. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do children begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Secretary: _____________ N.A.

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

fourth meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 4

from. . 2017

Present: 17 people

Absent: 2

Subject:Emotions positive and negative

Meeting objectives:

Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Discuss preliminary results of student performance.

Dear moms and dads! Today we have a parent meeting, which we are holding in the form of a family council. The family council meets when the matter is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to advice on the problem identified in the topic of the meeting, please get acquainted with the children's answers to the question, what am I?

(I am kind, handsome, smart.... Etc.)

What are your opinions about the motives for the child’s choice of adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities?

(opinion exchange)

Our conversation today is about human emotions. Let us turn our attention to those emotions that stimulate (promote) the development of neuroses and destroy the health of children. These are emotions of destruction - anger, malice, aggression and emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment.

IN modern world emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to children than emotions of joy and goodness.

Anger, malice, aggression are emotions of destruction.

Pain, fear, resentment are emotions of suffering.

What can the presence of these emotions lead to?

Health disorder

Problems with school performance and memory.

Violation of relationships, primarily in the family, at school, conflicts with friends - if they are possible in such situations.

What is the cause of the emotions of destruction and suffering?

According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when he is loved, understood, recognized, respected, accepted.

Negative - when needs are not met. We don’t pay enough attention to our child, we blame him for not being successful, we compare him with other children.

How to create positive emotions? Where to begin?

Write down expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in the family. And expressions are recommended and desirable.

Questionnaire for parents.

Do you encourage your child to show positive emotions? How do you do it?

Does your child show negative emotions? Why do you think they arise?


How do you develop positive emotions in your child? Give examples.

Secretary: _____________ .

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Roshchinskaya secondary school No. 17


parent meetings

1a class

Class teacher: Shreiner Svetlana Mikhailovna

Minutes of parent meeting No. 1

from 09/30/2016

Present: 16 people

Absent: 3

Topic: Meeting the parents
first grade students

The first meeting is held in order to get to know the parents, prepare the family for the need to communicate with the school and teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family’s fear of school.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Help families prepare for their child's first grade education. Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.
  2. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.
  1. Elections of the parent committee.

Meeting plan

  1. Introduction of the teacher who will work with the class.

Mini-lecture “Laws of education in the family. What should they be like? Preparing a family for teaching a child in first grade. Reminders for parents.- “Parting words” - “Necessary conditions for successful upbringing and learning at school.” Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

  1. Federal State Educational Standard: concept, programs.

Progress of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will take place.

  1. Teacher's opening speech.

Dear fathers and mothers, who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September!

Memo for parents “Parting words”

The best minds of humanity have sought and are seeking the answer to the question “What is the meaning of life?” Many people believe that there is no meaning in it at all, since a person is born and dies. Sad thoughts...

And today we together came to the conclusion that the most important thing on Earth is family and love. Love for a child, for a husband, for a mother, for a brother. Everything else, no matter how beautiful and important it is - clothes, furniture, travel, money, cars, success in business - is only attached to the main thing - a family in which love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy reign. And when everyone in your house loves each other, they inevitably turn around in order to try to make the others just as loving and happy. Yes, it all starts with the family, at home - GOOD and EVIL. So let there be more happy families in the world, that means GOOD!

With love, your first teacher.

  1. Teacher's self-presentation.

Teacher conducts self-introduction

  1. A story about yourself, about your choice of teaching profession.
  2. A story about plans for the future in working with a new class.

III. Filling out a questionnaire about family composition.

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents.
  2. Age of parents, birthday of family children.
  3. Advice for parents.

At the end of the meeting, each family receives an order that contains the laws for raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

“Necessary conditions for successful upbringing and learning at school”

Dear parents!

  1. Please organize a student’s corner and keep it in order.
  2. Before starting homework, turn off the radio and TV. Do not disturb children with unnecessary comments or loud conversations.
  3. Don't sit with your child during lessons, but check them daily. Learn to complete tasks quickly, clearly, without distractions.
  4. Teach your child to thoroughly prepare for tomorrow:

Collect school supplies;

Prepare shoes and clothes.

  1. Organize your daily routine rationally:

Prepare lessons at the set time, in a ventilated room;

Relax in the fresh air;

Go to bed on time.

Watch TV (computer) for no more than 1 hour.

  1. Treat your children's affairs attentively and kindly, but at the same time, be demanding of the results of their activities.
  2. From the very beginning of the teaching, instill faith and optimism in children: “Failures are temporary. What didn’t work out today will work out tomorrow.”


Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

On the second question we heard: Shreiner S.M., a primary school teacher, reported that classes would be taught according to second-generation standards. Introduced parents to the goals and objectives of the new standard, their relevance in the conditions of modern education (Annex 1) , with basic information regarding the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualism: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.
  1. Elections of the parent committee.

Composition of the parent committee of grade 1a:

  1. Popova Anna Alexandrovna
  2. Danilova Marina Sergeevna
  1. Continue familiarizing parents with the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements stipulated by the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the educational process.
  2. Use the following areas in students’ extracurricular activities:

Sports and recreation,

Spiritual and moral,

General cultural

Scientific and educational.

  1. Use the advice given at the parent meeting in everyday life.

Secretary: _____________ Danilova M. S..

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualness: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.


Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualness: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

Second meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 2

from 10.20.2016

Present: 18 people

Absent: 1

Topic: Problem of adaptation
first graders at school. Reminders for parents and children on safe behavior

Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Introduce the parent team to possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of education.
  1. Reminders on safe behavior of students
  2. Student portfolio.
  3. Celebrating First-Grade Day.

Issues for discussion:

Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

The system of relationships between children in the classroom. Social readiness of first-graders.

Progress of the meeting

  1. Discussion of the child's first school term.

Parents share their impressions with each other and the teacher: in what mood the child goes to school and comes home, what adaptation problems there are.

Familiarization with the provisions on grade-free education in 1st grade.

  1. Physiological conditions for a child’s adaptation to school.

Discussion of the issue.

Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with child health problems. Changing the child's daily routine. The need to alternate games with the child’s educational activities. Monitoring parents for the correct posture while doing homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organizing proper nutrition for the child. Parents care about hardening the child, maximum development of physical activity (creating a sports corner in the house). Fostering in children independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school.

When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first-grader:

Creation of a favorable psychological climate towards the child on the part of all family members;

The role of a child’s self-esteem in adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has in school);

Forming interest in school and the school day;

Mandatory acquaintance with the guys in the class and the opportunity to communicate with them after school;

Inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);

Elimination of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;

Taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to school education;

Providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;

Encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;

Development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.

Relationships between classmates.

The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveitchik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules that can help parents prepare their child to communicate with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to their child and, with their help, prepare the child for adult life.

  • Don’t take someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.
  • They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.
  • Don't fight without a reason.
  • If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.
  • Play honestly, don't let your comrades down.
  • Don't tease anyone, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  • Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  • Don't snitch or slander anyone.
  • Try to be careful.
  • Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.
  • Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in a visible place in their child’s room or work area. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child’s attention to which rules he manages to follow, which ones he cannot, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules together with your child.

Social readiness- the need to communicate with peers and the ability to submit one’s behavior to the laws of children’s groups, the ability to assume the role of a student, the ability to listen and follow the teacher’s instructions; the ability to overcome difficulties and treat mistakes as a definite result.

Parents should focus their efforts on familiarizing their child with school requirements in more detail, and most importantly, with himself, his strengths and weaknesses

The source of a first-grader’s bitter feelings can be not only a bad grade, but also conflicts with fellow students.

As for relationships with other students, here the child enters into equal cooperative relationships based on friendship, sympathy and common school interests.

For good school adaptation, a child must have different communication techniques: accept the role of student and comrade, excellent student and poor student, listen to praise and endure punishment, express and accept aggressiveness.

Based on behavior in the classroom, you can reproduce the child’s family situation, because It is in the family that the child acquires communication patterns and the ability to resolve difficult situations.

What is “social maturity”? It simultaneously includes several indicators of personal readiness for school:

  1. Ability and desire to communicate with peers.
  2. Ability to build adequate relationships with adults, taking into account the communication situation
  3. Motivational readiness for schooling, desire to study at school.

III.Student portfolio.

By third listened to the question: S.M. Shreiner, a primary school teacher, who familiarized parents with the Regulations on extracurricular activities and the main form of recording students’ extracurricular achievements - a portfolio.

The main goals of compiling a portfolio are:

Collection, systematization and recording of the results of the student’s development, his efforts, achievements in various fields, demonstration of the entire range of his abilities, interests, inclinations, knowledge and skills.

Development of independence and objectivity in assessing the activities of students, increasing their competitiveness;

Parents were presented with the main sections of the portfolio and the rules for filling them out. A class portfolio was presented, reflecting the students’ activities and their achievements.

  1. Celebrating First-Grade Day.

At the end of the 1st quarter, First-Grade Day is held in 1a grade.

The form of the lesson is a game, during which children will present songs, memorized poems, and what they have learned in two months.

The parent committee was instructed to organize a tea party with parents and children for First-Grader Day.

Solution:- take note and use in everyday life the information received during the parent-teacher conference.

Take note and fulfill all responsibilities that concern parents; train students to perform duties

Monitor students' compliance with the daily routine.

Secretary: _____________ Danilova M. S..

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

Memo for parents “How to help your child learn to read”

  • Teach your child to believe in himself, inspire him that he is capable and, if he wants, he can achieve anything, although it may take a lot of time.
  • Find out the reason why the child is not succeeding and try to eliminate it.
  • Don't show your child that you are disappointed.
  • Use a bookmark when reading, but keep it not under the line, but on the line, gradually opening one syllable at a time.
  • Don't ask your child to read quickly. Remember: each person has his own speed in everything.
  • Follow the principle of gradualism: from letter to syllable, from syllable to word.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to tell your child to read a word or pronounce the word for him.
  • Instill in your child a love of reading! Read aloud to your child. Read together . Serve as a role model for your child when it comes to books!
  • Remember: reading is the most important step towards getting an education.

third meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 3

from.. 2017

Present: 16 people


Subject:TV in the life of a family and a first-grader

Form: round table.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Together with parents, determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child’s life.
  2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The role of television in a child's life.
  2. The influence of television programs on the formation of a child’s character and cognitive sphere.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items?
  2. What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality?
  3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Consider possible options.

Progress of the meeting

  1. Teacher's opening speech.
    - Is TV in a child’s life good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Should we turn off the TV if we think that the program will be uninteresting to the child? These and other questions today require answers.
    some statistics:
    Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily.
    · A child's daily TV viewing time averages more than two hours.
    · 50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception.
    · 25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row.
    · 38% of children aged 6 to 12 years old, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with family.
    But you might think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted on the following questions:
  2. How many times a week do you watch TV?
  3. Do you watch TV alone or with your family?
  4. Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer certain programs?
  5. If you found yourself on a desert island, what items would you order from a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?
  6. Discussion of the results of the analysis of children's answers to the proposed questions.
  7. Discussion on issues:
  8. What to do and is it necessary to do something? Perhaps you should simply ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?
  9. What does TV give a child? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problem is discussed and opinions are exchanged.
Opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
- relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
- find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy;
- understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
- learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
- develop imagination, fantasy, emotional sphere.
Teacher's comment, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children’s drawings “I’m watching TV.”

  1. Recommendations for parents:
    1) Together with the children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week.
    2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
    3) Listen to children’s opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children’s programs.
    4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
    5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by children.
  2. Homework for parents: determine for yourself the answers to the questions:
  3. How much time does your child spend watching TV?
  4. Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?
  5. What programs does he prefer?
  6. What program would you like to take part in?
  7. How can we prevent children from hearing from their parents: “Are you doing your homework again in the evening?”, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents:
It must be remembered that the influence of television on the psyche of children differs sharply from its similar influence on adults. For example, first-graders, according to research results, cannot clearly determine where the truth is and where the lie is. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do children begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Secretary: _____________ N.A.

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

fourth meeting

Minutes of parent meeting No. 4

from. . 2017

Present: 17 people

Absent: 2

Subject:Emotions positive and negative

Meeting objectives:

Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Discuss preliminary results of student performance.

Dear moms and dads! Today we have a parent meeting, which we are holding in the form of a family council. The family council meets when the matter is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to advice on the problem identified in the topic of the meeting, please get acquainted with the children's answers to the question, what am I?

(I am kind, handsome, smart.... Etc.)

What are your opinions about the child's motives for choosing adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities?

(opinion exchange)

Our conversation today is about human emotions. Let us turn our attention to those emotions that stimulate (promote) the development of neuroses and destroy the health of children. These are emotions of destruction - anger, malice, aggression and emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment.

In the modern world, the emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to children than the emotions of joy and goodness.

Anger, malice, aggression are emotions of destruction.

Pain, fear, resentment are emotions of suffering.

What can the presence of these emotions lead to?

Health disorder

Problems with school performance and memory.

Violation of relationships, primarily in the family, at school, conflicts with friends - if they are possible in such situations.

What is the cause of the emotions of destruction and suffering?

According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when he is loved, understood, recognized, respected, and accepted.

Negative - when needs are not met. We don’t pay enough attention to our child, we blame him for not being successful, we compare him with other children.

How to create positive emotions? Where to begin?

Write down expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in the family. And expressions are recommended and desirable.

Questionnaire for parents.

Do you encourage your child to show positive emotions? How do you do it?

Does your child show negative emotions? Why do you think they arise?


How do you develop positive emotions in your child? Give examples.

Secretary: _____________ .

Teacher: _______________ Shreiner S.M.

State educational institution

"Nursery-garden No. 1 in Dyatlovo"


parent meeting

05.09. 2018 №1

Present: parents of 16 people (list attached)

educators: full name

Invitees: Full name - head, deputy head for main activities, teacher-psychologist, nurse at the Dyatlovskaya Central District Hospital, inspector of the Dyatlovsky Regional Emergency Situations Department (as necessary)

TOPIC: “The journey to the land of knowledge continues!”


1. Features of the intellectual development of middle and older children before school age

(performance teacher-psychologist I.O.F).

2. How to raise a healthy child?

(information from nurse I.O.F.).

3. Report on the work of the parent committee for the reporting period and elections of the parent committee.

(information from the chairman of the parent committee I.O.F.)

4. About miscellaneous things.


FULL NAME. teacher-psychologist who introduced parents to age-related characteristics cognitive development children, drew attention to the need to develop their intellectual activity. Drew attention to the peculiarities of teaching left-handed children; introduced the schedule for individual consultations at the request of parents.


FULL NAME. teacher of the group, who introduced parents to the requirements for the level of training of pupils set out in educational standards preschool education, approved and put into effect by the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2012 No. 145, and the development indicators for secondary preschool children set out in curriculum preschool education. (National Institute of Education, 2012). She invited parents to participate in the game “Lucky Chance”, aimed at familiarizing themselves with the indicators of personal and cognitive development of pupils, and also offered reminders.

Full name, teacher of the group, who invited parents to familiarize themselves with the tasks of the educational and methodological complex “My First Lessons”, the manuals “Get Smarter”. She focused attention on the importance of systematically attending kindergarten and completing the tasks of the complex at home by the child in a period of long absence from a preschool educational institution due to illness.


To parents:

1.1. Take into account information about the characteristics of the intellectual development of preschool children.

1.2. In order to enhance the cognitive development of children, organize at home research activities in a pre-selected direction, focusing on the theme of the week and the age characteristics of the children. Present research papers at a group competition research work for preschool children.

Deadline: until 10.12. 2015


Full name, nurse, who dwelled in more detail on the peculiarities of the functioning of the sanatorium group, on the rules of a balanced diet, the peculiarities of the group’s work schedule, and hardening activities. She recommended hardening activities and suggested a weekend menu at home according to the children’s diagnoses (individual instructions).


Full name, head, who focused attention on the organization of access control in the preschool institution, on compliance with the rules for the safe stay of children at home.

Full name, inspector of the Dyatlovsky Regional Emergency Situations Department, who spoke about the republican action to prevent fires and deaths from them in the housing stock “For Safety Together.” He drew the attention of those present to the need to comply with fire safety rules. He gave statistics on fire accidents in the region. He named the main causes of the fire: careless handling of fire, smoking in bed, children's pranks, faulty stove heating. Suggested to parents documentary"Blueberry Tears" Gave parents advice on how to conduct conversations with children about safety in a confidential manner.

To parents:

2.1. Take note of the information.

Duration: permanent.

2.3. In order to prevent viral and colds, it is recommended to use garlic therapy.

Duration: October - January

2.4. Teach children the rules of safe behavior by example works of art at home (do not leave children without adult supervision).

Duration: permanent


FULL NAME. parent, who made a report on the work done by the parent committee in the 2014/2015 school year.


Full name who nominated parents for the parent committee.


Elect a parent committee consisting of: Full name.


Full name, teacher, who focused on the following issues:

Timely payment for children's meals kindergarten;

On timely informing the group teacher about the child’s upcoming absence and the reason for it.


To parents:

Record daily information about the child’s upcoming absence from kindergarten in the visit log, which is located in the group’s locker room.

Duration: permanent

Secretary: I.O.F.

Purpose of the parent meeting:

1. Coordination and unification of the efforts of the institution and the family in creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

2. Promotion pedagogical culture parents.

3. Involving parents of students in cooperation.

Stages of preparing and holding a parent meeting.

Preparatory stage

The parent meeting must be thoroughly prepared.

1. Two weeks before the meeting, place an announcement (invitation) in the locker room (institution’s website in the “Group Page” section) indicating the topic, date and time of its holding.

2. Conduct a survey in advance (as necessary, based on the topic of the meeting).

3. Conduct a social survey (as necessary, based on the topic of the meeting).

4.Prepare booklets and memos for parents summary meetings (optional).

5. Create visual products that reveal the topic of the upcoming meeting: focus on the activities of children in an educational institution, you can prepare them at home (by prior agreement with parents), (photo newspapers, family newspapers, book exhibitions) necessary equipment, materials.

5.Think through everything organizational issues: from furniture arrangement to possible questions from parents.

6. Invite parents (as necessary) to prepare a speech on a given topic.

7. To give the event greater significance, organize the presence at the meeting of the administration, specialists, representatives of the Dyatlovskaya Central District Hospital, Regional Emergency Situations, Central Hygiene and Epidemiology, etc.

8. The topic for the meeting was taken at the request of parents, on the problem of the group, institution.

Parents and guests cannot be seated in highchairs. Communication should take place on the same level.

Main stage

1.Establish emotional contact
with parents, demonstrate the administration’s interested attitude to the problems of raising and educating children.

2. Communication should be informal and friendly. Parents at the meeting are active participants and partners in discussing the problem.

3. Dialogue, not a monologue between the teacher and parents, is encouraged. Parents are direct participants; they discuss, argue, and prove.

4. Teachers of the group must treat parents with respect, take into account the authority of the family and the experience of family education.

5. Feedback is a must.

The final stage

1. Discussion of the results of the meeting with parents, agreement on measures to overcome difficulties and implement plans for the child’s development. Reflection.

2. Decision making on every issue.

focusing on:

Priority tasks facing the preschool education system in the Republic of Belarus (see Instructional and methodological letter for the beginning of the 20_/20_ academic year);

Annual tasks facing the educational institution for the current academic year;

The specifics of the group (sanatorium, mixed-age group, group of integrated training and education, etc.);

Age characteristics group pupils.

Ten rules for holding parent meetings.

1. The meeting should be memorable.

2. The meeting should be thought-provoking.

3. The meeting should put parents in a positive, constructive mood.

4. The information block must be well prepared.

5. In the presence of other parents, children should be praised, noting their achievements; criticism of the child should only be expressed in a private conversation with the parent.

6. There should be enough time for each parent.

7. The meeting is not a lecture or a class; involve parents in the dialogue.

8. Respect your time and the time of your parents - the meeting should not last more than 1 hour 20 minutes (20 minutes - convey new information, 15-20 minutes - listen to questions and answer them, 20 minutes - individual questions). Individual conversations with parents may take slightly longer. If parents need time for organizational issues, take this into account and provide an opportunity to discuss them.

9. Each meeting should contain a short report about the most interesting activities of the group and the achievements of the children. Announce future events and invite parents to cooperate.

10.Be creative - hold each meeting in a new way.

What should you not do at a meeting?

Condemn absent parents for not attending meetings.

Compare the progress of individual children by mentioning their last names.

Give negative feedback to the entire group.

Use an edifying tone to communicate with parents.

Sample decisions from parent meetings:

1. elect a parent committee with the following composition...;.......

2. organize the “Clean Yard” campaign (replacing sand in sandboxes) with the mandatory participation of legal representatives (fathers, mothers, etc.);

3. take into account the information about the basics of safe life (rules for children’s behavior on the street in winter);

4. purchase (for parents) outer autumn-winter clothing and shoes with reflective elements for their children;

4. make a proposal to the administration of the educational institution to consider the time and place of the presentation of the best family experience of the family. Full name. on this topic "….";

9. in order to ensure continuity in matters of preparation (readiness) for learning at the first stage of general secondary education, organize a meeting of parents of children of senior preschool age with the administration, specialists and primary school teachers of general secondary education institutions on the topic “.”;

10. together with parents: an improvised stage for the dramatization of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”: make decorations for the houses of the three little pigs ( indicate specific actions and reflect this work in terms of the educational process in the section “Interaction with the family”).

10.2. make theatrical costumes for children and adults wolves.

Responsible: parent committee:

Example words for a solution (what to do?)

1. Organize….


3. Choose...


6. Implement…

7. Attract...

8. Enable

Protocol No. 2

parent meeting of 6th grade students

BOU "Kalinin general education boarding school for students with disabilities disabilities Health" Ministry of Education of Chuvashia

Present: 12 people (9 parents, class teacher, teachers)

Issues for discussion:

1. Study results for the 1st quarter of 6th grade. 2.Statement of use in educational process electronic journal systems. 3. Practical work: "How to use electronic diary parents of students."

1 .On the first issue, S.K. Zakharova spoke. - teacher.

Number of students at the beginning of the quarter:12 Human,

Of them:7 boys,5 girls.

Number of students at the end of the quarter:12 Human.

Achieved "5" --- 0 people.

For “4” and “5” - 7 people.

Verkhovtsev Vladislav

Grigorieva Tamara

Lisichkin Dmitry

Andreeva Maria

Vasilyeva Elena

Makarov Dima

Petrov Semyon

With one "3"

Ivanov Dmitry (mathematics)

With two "3"s

Gordeev Ruslan (writing, reading); Alekseev Andrey (mathematics, fine arts)

There are no underachievers

% quality of academic performance – 58%

Number of missed lessons:


Of these, for good reason:94

Without good reason:89

Without good reasons Ruslan Gordeev missed.

Compared to the last school year, our children have improved academically. They are not only diligent in their studies, but also accept Active participation in extracurricular activities. In the first academic quarter, our children participated in many extracurricular activities, where they took prizes. Our class received certificates for participation in the drawing competition “We draw the street”, “Favorite plot of a film, cartoon”, “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”. Our class took 1st place in the school mini-football championship (among grades 5-7); 3rd place in the school championship in Russian lapta (among grades 5-7). 6th grade students were awarded a certificate for active participation in the competition of crafts made from natural materials, and a certificate for participation in the autumn bouquet competition. Zhenya Ivanova was awarded a diploma for 1st place in track and field cross-country “ Golden autumn"(among grades 5-6).

We look forward to further cooperation with you, parents and guardians, in raising our children.

Solution: On the first question: take note; approve the tasks facing students; Set up children for good studies and friendly relationships. Completion dates: October-December 2016. Responsible: parents, class teacher - Grishina S.A., teachers - Mikhailov A.M., Zakharova S.K.

FOR – unanimously



2. S.A. Grishina spoke on the second issue.

“Regulations on the use of an electronic journal system in the educational process.”

The regulation on maintaining electronic diaries (electronic journal) was developed in accordance with the Law “On Education in Russian Federation”, Federal Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, Consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided in electronic form, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009, Federal state standards primary general education, basic general education, complete (secondary) general education, approved by orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373, dated December 17, 2010 No. 373, dated May 17, 2012 No. 413, the School Charter.

Parents (legal representatives) and students:
- have access only to their own data and use an electronic journal (diary) to view them and conduct correspondence;
- review academic progress, information about homework, lesson topics, teacher recommendations in the electronic diary;
- correspond with users of the electronic journal on the topics of the educational process;
- control the accuracy and timeliness of grading and recording class attendance;
- contact the school administration if erroneous data is identified in the electronic journal;
- receive consultations, individual assignments, Additional materials etc. remotely.

User rights and responsibilities

- Users have the right to access the electronic journal daily and around the clock.
- All users have the right to timely consultations on issues of working with electronic magazine from the person responsible for information and communication support of the electronic journal in the gymnasium, from the service department of the ACS “Electronic School”.
- The school administration, in case of failure to comply with this Regulation, reserves the right to administrative and financial punishment within the framework of the Laws of the Russian Federation.

- All users are responsible for the safety of their access details.
- The developer organization is responsible for the protection of personal data, the technical functioning of the electronic journal (diary) and related systems, as well as data backup and restoration to an up-to-date state.
- All users of the electronic journal (diary) are responsible for allowing students to work with the electronic journal using personal details.
Practical work: “How to use an electronic diary for parents of students.”

Solution: Take into account. Learn to use an electronic magazine and use these skills and knowledge in raising a child.

FOR – unanimously



Protocol No. 1




    meet the students' parents;

    encourage families to communicate with schools and teachers;

    create a certain optimistic mood for educational activities and remove the family’s fear of the school and the teacher.


    Message on the topic “Features of development of children 6-7 years of age.”

    Round table "Is it time or not to go to school?" What a future first-grader should know.

    List of documents for a child entering school. UMK set.

    About school uniform.


On the first issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion:

features of development of children 6 - 7 years of age;

Is it time or not to go to school? What a future first-grader should know.

Parents were offered a message regarding the meeting issue. The class teacher spoke about the physical and mental development of children of this age, examined the basic physiological and psychological characteristics children entering school.

On the second issue, a small round table was held. First, parents were offered a questionnaire that included the following sections:

    personality traits of the child;

    performance during classes;

    state and nature of memory;

    features of thinking;

    speech development;

    Deviations in health status.

Then the parents outlined their assumptions and opinions, the teacher gave several examples from his practice and the practice of other teachers.

On the third issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who introduced parents to a package of documents for future first-graders, a list of documents for subsidized meals, and a list of workbooks.

On the fourth issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who informed parents about the need for each student to have a school uniform.


2. Each family should draw up and implement a work plan to further prepare the child for school.

3. Buy everything necessary for a first grader: uniform, workbooks, school supplies.

4. Think about the candidacy of the chairman and member of the parent committee for the next parent meeting.

Protocol No. 2

Parent meeting in 1st "B" class of Municipal Educational Institution No. 34 from




    show parents the need to observe hygiene rules and follow the schoolchild’s daily routine;

    convince parents of the need to form a habit of following a daily routine in their child and how this affects the child’s performance;

    conduct parent training on “How to help your child prepare homework”, distribute guidelines on teaching children correct reading;

    bring the results of diagnostic work to the attention of parents.


    Seminar-workshop "Regime is serious."

    Guidelines for parents on teaching children to read correctly. Tips: do's and don'ts.

    Results of diagnostic work. Monitoring studies.


On the first issue, class teacher K.R. Murzina spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion: “The regime is serious.”

When listing factors that have a significant impact on a child’s performance, we are talking about internal factors associated with the child himself, but external factors that also affect the level and dynamics of performance are no less important. The main one is the organization of the schoolchild’s daily routine. At the same time, an irrationally organized regime leads to a sharp decrease in performance, fatigue and overwork.

What is a rationally organized daily routine?

    This is a precisely regulated time and duration for preparing homework and creative activity child.

    Adequate outdoor recreation.

    Regular and nutritious meals.

    Sufficient sleep duration, with strictly set times for getting up and going to bed.

On the second question, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who gave guidelines"How to help your child with homework." Memo to parents.

On the third issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who offered methodological recommendations for teaching children to read correctly. Tips: do's and don'ts.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory. The round table took place.

2. Parents are responsible for their child’s compliance with the school charter; parents themselves undertake to fulfill all their parental responsibilities and know their rights.

Class teacher of the first grade K. R. Murzina

Protocol No. 3

Parent meeting in 1st "B" class of Municipal Educational Institution No. 34 from



Subject. Influence healthy image life for the development and education of a first-grader.

Target: definition of the concept of “healthy lifestyle” and its impact on the development and upbringing of a child; offer recommendations for organizing a healthy lifestyle.


    identify the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle;

    create a positive image of a physically and mentally healthy person.


    The influence of a healthy lifestyle on the development and education of a first-grader .

    Pedagogical comprehensive education.

    Miscellaneous. Class life.


Healthy lifestyle: concept, structural components. The importance of teaching a healthy lifestyle to first-graders. Causes of child health problems at school: stressful pedagogical tactics, inconsistency of technologies and teaching methods with the functional age capabilities of children, intensification educational process, irrational organization of the educational process and independent work student. Psychological and pedagogical recommendations to parents of first-graders on maintaining the health of their children. The daily routine is the basis for preserving and strengthening the health of a first-grader.

On the second question, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who gave methodological instructions: how to work with diagrams, how to carry out sound analysis words, how to learn to read open and closed syllables.

On the third issue, the class teacher K.R. Murzina spoke, who told parents about the life of the class: how children work in class, how they behave at recess and in the cafeteria, what interesting things happen in their speech and behavior.


    Consider the tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher of the first grade K. R. Murzina

Protocol No. 4

Parent meeting in 1st "B" class of Municipal Educational Institution No. 34 from



Subject. Teaching is the main activity of a primary school student. How parents can help their child study.

Target: identification of students' problems in learning; give recommendations on how to help your child study.


    Lecture on the theme of the meeting.

    Everything about preparing and holding the holiday" New Year"(costumes, gifts, competitions). About safety rules with firecrackers, surprises, firecrackers and others New Year's entertainment.

    About the dates of the New Year holidays and the school schedule for the winter holidays.

    About the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.


On the first issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

K.D. Ushinsky also said that it is at the initial stage of education that parents should take maximum care of their child. Their task is to teach correctly, to learn. Therefore, I bring this question: “How to help a child study well” to a parent meeting. The efforts of family and school in solving this problem must be united. Help for children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions:

    organization of the daily routine;

    control over homework completion;

    teaching children to be independent.

New social position: the child becomes a student, i.e. participant educational activities, which requires a lot of effort, will, and intellect. A general strategy for parental behavior to help children learn more successfully. The influence of parents on the child's learning motivation. Why is it especially important to ensure student success at the initial stage of education? Practical recommendations for helping a child study and prepare homework. Tips for parents to maintain cognitive interest at home.

On the second issue, the class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who told the parents everything about the preparation and holding of the New Year holiday (costumes, gifts, competitions). About safety rules with firecrackers, surprises, firecrackers and other New Year's entertainment.

On the third issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who told parents about the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.


    Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory. The lecture took place.

    Hold a New Year celebration on December 29 at 10 a.m. Provide children with costumes and gifts. Monitor the mood of the children, as well as discipline and order.

    Winter holidays will take place from December 30 to January 10. Report to classes on January 11th. The school's opening hours during the holidays have been communicated to parents.

    Provide safe behavior children on the street and roads, ponds and ice. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

    Consider the tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher of the first grade K. R. Murzina

Protocol No. 5

Parent meeting in 1st "B" class of Municipal Educational Institution No. 34 from



Subject. Play and work in the life of a junior schoolchild. Organization of family reading.

Target: determine the place and meaning of play and work in the life of a primary school student


    determine the role of family reading in the education of primary schoolchildren;


    Seminar - workshop on the topic of the meeting.

    About nutrition and vitaminization in spring. About the incidence of ARVI and influenza.


On the first issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

The importance of play in the life of a primary school student. Opportunities for gaming activities. Changing the nature of children's games at primary school age. The emergence and spread of games - competitions and construction games that contribute to the development of business and individual qualities. Developmental significance of children's sports games. Play as an ideal form of joint life between a child and an adult. The game is primary and productive way awakening creative potentials; an imaginary situation created for the child to realize his role in life. Teaching a child to work. Developmental types of work activity. Organization of child labor at school and at home. Labor as initiative, independent and creative work. the need for child labor and ways to stimulate it.

Books in the family and the spiritual development of the child. Family library. Techniques and methods for introducing a child to reading. Development of imagination and creative thinking in children during discussion of what they read. How can you create an enriched environment at home that promotes a love of books, reading, and the development of a child’s literacy: written language, adults reading newspapers, books for their own purposes; family read-aloud; the opportunity to get acquainted with the meaning of words and expressions from various kinds of inscriptions, instructions, rules of children's games, construction sets; the ability to access dictionaries and reference books; oral speech, adult speech samples; free communication in the subject - role playing games, in conversations with peers, etc.

On the second question about nutrition and vitamin supplementation of children in the spring, class teacher K.R. Murzina spoke, recalling that vitamins are very important in the life of the body, and deficiency or absence cause serious health problems. The body of children and teenagers is especially sensitive to vitamin deficiencies.

And here the issue was raised that, according to Rospotrebnadzor, as a result of a decrease in immunity, an increase in the incidence of ARVI and influenza is predicted. Follow preventive measures against influenza.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory. The workshop took place. Parents received recommendations, advice, and a memo “Organizing Family Reading.”

3. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher of the first grade K. R. Murzina

Protocol No. 6

Parent meeting in 1st "B" class of Municipal Educational Institution No. 34 from



Subject. Education of moral habits and culture of behavior of primary schoolchildren.

Target: offer parents practical recommendations for instilling moral habits and a culture of behavior in children.


    Lecture on the theme of the meeting.

    Discussion of the teacher's speech.

    About school and regional competitions, olympiads.

    About the dates of spring break and the school schedule for the period of spring break.

    About the safe behavior of children on the street, roads and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.

    Pedagogical comprehensive education.


On the first issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

Teacher's speech: lecture.

The age of 7 - 8 years is a favorable period for mastering moral standards. Psychological readiness of a junior schoolchild to understand the meaning of norms and rules and to implement them. The transition from moral realism to moral relativism - to an understanding of the relativity of existing norms. Peculiarities of moral judgments of children - realists and relativists. Moral habits and ways to educate them. The culture of child behavior and ways of raising it. Positive example of parents. How to help children master the norms, rules, and prohibitions that adults set. Training of child-parent relations by G. Kolpakova.

On the second issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who invited parents to discuss the speech: discussion on situations; questions; experience exchange; handing over a memo.

On the third issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who brought school and district competitions and Olympiads to the attention of parents and aimed at ensuring that as many children as possible take part in them.

On the fifth issue, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who told parents about the safe behavior of children on the street, roads, and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.

On the sixth question, class teacher Murzina K.R. spoke, who told parents about academic performance, about completing the program, and outlined a work plan (individually) for each parent with their child on certain gaps in the knowledge of the program.


    Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory. The lecture took place.

    Parents should help their children take part in regional and school competitions and Olympiads.

    Spring break will take place from March 19 to March 27. Report to classes on March 28th. The school's opening hours during the holidays have been communicated to parents.

    Ensure safe behavior of children on the street, roads and water bodies. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

    The tasks of the parent meeting are considered resolved

Class teacher of the first grade K. R. Murzina

Protocol No. 8



Subject. Engagement and enthusiasm of children of primary school age.

Target: to acquaint the parent team with the age characteristics of first-graders and contribute to the formation of an idea about the possibility of the existence of passion and fascination in this age period.

Tasks: give to parents lexical meaning the words “fascination” and “passion”; individually inform parents about the passion and enthusiasm of their children, which the teacher has identified in them.


1. Discussion of the topic: “The passion and enthusiasm of children of primary school age.”

2. About the upcoming holidays: "Victory Day", " Last call", "Goodbye, first grade" and competitions "Holy Easter", "Dedicated to the Soldier."


Primary school age, as a period of active acquaintance with the world around us and active knowledge of one’s abilities and capabilities, is a favorable period for the development of a child’s creativity. Infatuation as an inevitability of age. The world of interests and hobbies of a junior schoolchild. Cognition of the world by a junior schoolchild in activity and through activity. Activity as imitation of adults (parents). The dependence of the variety of hobbies on the environment and conditions in which the child lives. Rules of behavior for parents: do not limit the child’s desire to imitate, copy the behavior of others and loved ones; creating conditions for imitation that correspond to the child’s capabilities.

On the second question, “About the upcoming holidays: “Victory Day”, “Last Bell”, “Goodbye, first grade” and the competitions “Holy Easter”, “Dedicated to the Soldier”, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the programs holidays, the conditions of competitions and told how to prepare children for performances.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

2. Make parents responsible for knowing poems, songs, and skits by heart for the upcoming holidays.

Protocol No. 9

Parent meeting in the 1st grade of the Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from





7. Miscellaneous.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

Teacher's speech.

Your child’s first year of study at our school has ended. What was he like? What problems have you encountered? What made you happy about your interactions with the school and what made you sad? What problem in teaching and raising a child did you encounter at school? You will tell us about this in your questionnaires.

Of course, today everyone is concerned about the success of the educational activities of your children. For diagnostic work, tests, monitoring studies, tests and work in the classroom - each student has reached his or her own level. I depicted the level of general academic skills of first-graders in achievement sheets. Get to know them, if you have questions, ask, I will answer. The results of teaching are related to many factors: the location of the school, the number of students in the class, the individuality of the child, discipline in the lesson and many others. But the main thing is that success directly depends on the cognitive processes that form the ability to intellectual activity junior schoolchildren(level of intelligence). Attention how cognitive process is an obligatory component in the structure of any psychological process. If attention develops well, then its properties such as concentration, stability, distribution, switching - and most importantly - an increase in the volume of information develop accordingly, and the habit of being attentive arises, even if unfavorable conditions arise. The ability to concentrate helps a child to work in class and perform monotonous and routine work for a long time without being distracted by other things. The ability to switch attention helps to switch to different kinds activities planned by the teacher during the lesson. One of the main problems primary school is the insufficient development of voluntary attention processes in schoolchildren. Families also pay insufficient attention to this. But voluntary attention is a habit, the education of which begins in the family. The child does not know how to do the same thing for a long time, does not know how to play with toys, does not have interests and hobbies - all this can lead to unformed voluntary attention and subsequently to problems in educational activities. As I said, achievement sheets show how children cope with increasing the amount of information they have learned (example with vocabulary words). Many students require the teacher to work with them one-on-one. Working at home with their mother and grandmother, they were accustomed to this type of work. Unfortunately, in a classroom setting, the opportunities for working with such children are minimal; they quickly lose interest in studying, unable to concentrate and work actively, so they begin to lag behind, and from the middle of the year it becomes more and more difficult for them to study. Compared to other peers (first graders), they have an extremely insufficient supply of knowledge, information and skills. Their horizons are narrow, their speech is poor, and their motor skills are poorly developed. As a result, the child does not master reading, writing, and counting skills. Understanding the nature and depth of a particular disorder is possible only with a comprehensive examination of the child by doctors: a psychoneurologist, a defectologist, a psychologist and a speech therapist. Such children learn the program only with an individual approach. Special attention left-handed children deserve.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

6. To the Chairman of the parent committee of the class Naumova M.S. raise money to renovate the classroom.

7. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting resolved

First class homeroom teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the parent committee M.S. Naumova

Protocol No. 1



Subject: " What parents need to know if their child has entered 3rd grade."

Target: to familiarize parents with the developmental characteristics of nine-year-old children; bring to the consciousness of parents “what does a third grader need?”


Talk about the myths and reality of nine-year-old children;

Give some psychological and pedagogical advice on raising a nine-year-old child;

Encourage families to communicate with the school and teachers;

Create a certain optimistic mood for educational activities and remove the family’s fear of the school and the teacher.


1. Analysis of educational work for the last academic year. Report of the class parent committee on the expenditure of material funds collected for the renovation of the class for the new school year.

2. Features of the mental development of a third grade student. Complicating relationships with peers, teachers, parents.

3. Study load, schedule, school and activity hours.

4. About school uniform.

5. List of documents for subsidized meals.

6. Topics for parent meetings for the new school year.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

The class teacher introduced parents to an analysis of educational work over the past year. The survey showed that 86% of parents are satisfied with the educational process in the classroom, since conditions have been created for comfortable learning of children at school, revealing their Creative skills. The chairman of the parent committee of the class, Elena Nabiulovna Gazizova, also spoke here, who informed all present parents about the expenditure of material funds collected for the renovation of the classroom and spoke about the difficulties that arose in the process of repair work.

On the second issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the characteristics of the mental development of a third-grade student, about the complication of relationships with peers, teachers, and parents.

Features of the mental development of third grade students: an increase in the volume of material studied, the speed of switching attention; stability and concentration; verbal development - logical thinking, the ability to solve problems in three levels: practical, figurative and verbal-logical (verbal); the ability to control oneself both externally - with one’s open behavior, and internally - with one’s mental processes and feelings. Complicating relationships with peers, teachers, parents.

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to study load, lesson schedule and school operating hours. The teacher told about each child, what they are doing well and what they are not doing well. Each family received suggestions - advice on the further upbringing of children. Each parent received a printout that indicated: the schedule of lessons, bells; school operating hours by trimester; work of circles.

On the fourth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who informed parents about the need for each student to have a school uniform. Is a school uniform required? Arguments for school uniforms.

The school uniform equalizes all children and the social and financial status of their parents. The same school uniform will help smooth out social inequality among children, since children will go to school for knowledge, and not to show off new jeans, skirts, blouses, etc. Therefore, students from low-income families will feel more comfortable.

School uniforms help you save money, since one set of clothes is still cheaper than several new fashion items. To the question “Do you need a school uniform?” you can answer “Yes”, because the school uniform still disciplines both the child and himself educational institution. Many studies confirm that school uniforms help children take school more seriously.

School uniforms help unite children, instill in them a spirit of solidarity and belonging to a certain group. In Great Britain, for example, wearing a school uniform is very prestigious. In addition, a school uniform helps to get rid of bare bellies, torn jeans, transparent tops and, in general, the overly provocative appearance of students.

There is no definite answer, because to the question “Is a school uniform necessary?” There are enough answers both for and against. But one thing can be said with confidence: if a school uniform is introduced, then it should be of high quality, inexpensive, with some variety of models and practical.

On the fifth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who informed the parents of the list of documents for subsidized meals.

On the sixth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who informed parents about the topic of parent-teacher meetings for the new school year.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

2. Each family should draw up and implement a work plan for the further upbringing of the child. Parents undertake to supervise appearance children.

3. Collect the necessary packages of documents before September 15. Purchase everything necessary for a third grader: uniforms, workbooks, school supplies.

4. Based on the voting results, the same parents were recognized as the chairman of the parent committee and a member of the parent committee: Gazizova E.N. and Karabasova A.A.

Protocol No. 2

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Subject: "

Target: to offer the parent team ways to form self-awareness and self-image in children of primary school age.


To develop in parents the ability to nurture a child’s personality;

Tell and show parents with examples what significant changes occur in a primary school student in the area of ​​self-awareness;

Give some psychological and pedagogical advice on forming the self-awareness of a nine-year-old child.


1. Round table on the topic of the meeting " Self-awareness and self-image of a junior schoolchild."

2. The child’s self-awareness and the image of “I” - his attitude towards the world and people.

3. “Wave of Health” campaign. Miscellaneous.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

The most significant changes occur among younger schoolchildren in the area of ​​self-awareness. According to a famous scientist in the field of age and educational psychology, V.S. Mukhina, self-awareness is a special psychological structure of the individual, which consists of various factors, namely: name, physical essence, need for socialization, past, present, rights and responsibilities, as well as gender self-identification.

At primary school age, mainly the following factors appear:

1. Need for socialization.

The fact is that a child, entering school, thereby enters into a situation of activity that is assessed by others. He needs to meet all the standards and requirements that the school sets for him. For the first time in his life, the child has the opportunity to compare his own activities with the performance of others like him, his peers, through the accepted knowledge assessment system.

During this period, the child has an increased need for evaluation from others, and, in particular, from teachers. The most important thing is that self-awareness and self-esteem begin to actively develop, due to the emergence of specific evaluative factors. In this case, the child begins to draw parallels related to independent assessment of his capabilities, guided by official positions.

Pledge high self-esteem- this is the frequent receipt of successful results in the learning process, which are reinforced by systematic praise from adults - teachers and parents.

For a child, it is a very important point that allows him to be successful in any specific areas. In this case, he gains confidence in his own worth, strengths and capabilities.

Failure to succeed in any area, which lasts for a long time, leads to a decrease in the child’s self-esteem.

The loss of a child’s need for social approval and recognition can lead to the emergence of affective defense mechanisms.

Smallest decrease school performance can cause a child to feel inferior, which contributes to the formation of a negative life scenario.

2. Features of rights and obligations.

Many responsibilities at school involve a targeted impact on educational processes, as well as a healthy distribution of the need for play and movement. At the same time, responsibilities that relate to establishing contacts with others are less susceptible to awareness. In this regard, the child means by responsibilities those traits that he shows in the school community, and by rights - with friends in the yard. As a result of this separation, the child may develop a negative attitude towards school and, in parallel with this, withdrawn behavior during street walks with peers in the yard.

On the second issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the child’s ability to be responsible, about the psychological criteria of moral development. Analysis of emerging pedagogical situations.

Control system.

We are talking about the influence of the child control system and the parenting style chosen by the parents on the child’s self-concept. Control over a child’s behavior can be exercised either through granting autonomy to the child or through strict control. In addition, control itself can be exercised in two ways: either by maintaining fear of punishment, or by inducing feelings of guilt or shame. Finally, control can be absolutely consistent, or random and unpredictable. From the point of view of developing self-awareness, it is important to be aware of how the control system used by parents is transformed into a system of self-control over behavior in the child himself.

For example, strict discipline turns into self-discipline, and control through fear turns into self-control by constantly looking at the opinions of others and avoiding negative opinions about oneself. The predictable or unpredictable nature of parental control can be transformed into such a personal quality as internality-externality of behavior.

System of complementary relations.

We are talking about the nature of the relationship between parents and child, which may involve:

a) equality of communication;

b) functional inequality, i.e. inequality determined by the situation, the status of those communicating, etc.;

c) a system of transactions - actions of a subject aimed at another in order to evoke in him the state and behavior desired by the subject (transactions according to E. Berne).

Obviously, most often the relationship between parents involves functional inequality, but with age they can change to equal.

6) Involving the child in real relationships in the family.

We are talking about the role of the family in shaping the child’s self-awareness. First of all, we should characterize the so-called family identity, i.e. a set of ideas, plans, mutual responsibilities, intentions, etc. that create the family “WE”. It is this, this family “WE” that is included in the content of the individual “I” of the child. In addition, the child’s self-awareness will be determined by the psychological structure of the family, i.e. that invisible network of demands made by family members on each other. In this regard, families differ in:

Families with rigid, impassable boundaries between its members. Parents most often know nothing about the child’s life, and only some dramatic event can activate intra-family communication. This structure is a barrier to the formation of a family identity in a child. The child is, as it were, excluded from the family;

Families with diffuse, confused boundaries (pseudo-mutual families). They encourage the expression of only warm, loving, supportive feelings, and hostility, anger, irritation and others negative feelings are hidden and suppressed in every possible way. Such an undifferentiated family structure creates difficulties for the child in self-determination, in the formation of his “I”, and in the development of independence.

The presented characteristics of different families are two opposite poles, and in the center between them is a normally functioning family.

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents how the “Wave of Health” campaign took place and touched upon various issues of a collective and individual nature from the school life of children.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

2. Parents should involve their child in real relationships in the family.

3. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Protocol No. 3

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Subject: "

Target: inform parents about the prevention system bad habits at primary school age;

formulate educational approaches.


To acquaint parents with the problems of physiological maturation of children and its influence on the child’s behavioral reactions;

Outline ways to influence the child’s personal qualities;

To develop in parents the ability to create a moral atmosphere in the home, closeness and trust of household members to each other;

Tell and show parents with examples what age-related characteristics can provoke the risk of early initiation into alcohol and smoking;


1. Lecture on the topic of the meeting " Bad habits - prevention at an early age."

Tips: “How to quit smoking.”

Memo for parents.

3. School meals.

4. Everything about preparing and holding the New Year holiday (costumes, gifts, competitions). About safety rules with firecrackers, surprises, firecrackers and other New Year's entertainment.

5. About the timing of the New Year holidays and the school work schedule for the winter holidays.

6. About the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

Acquaintance with the results of a survey of students in this class.

Discussion of the survey results. Parents expressed their opinion.

Teacher's speech: lecture. Today, the age of initiation into intoxicating substances is constantly decreasing. There are children who have already tasted wine at the festive table at the age of 6-7 or secretly smoked in the hallway with friends. The earlier a child is introduced to intoxicating substances, the higher the risk that at a more “mature” age he will develop an addiction to alcohol and smoking.

Age-related characteristics that can provoke the risk of early initiation into alcohol and smoking.

The situation at school can largely influence the formation of a certain attitude towards alcohol and smoking. A child who has not found himself at school, who feels like an outcast, tries to find ways to compensate for his position as a lagging behind.

Biological, psychological, social factors that increase the risk of smoking and exposure to alcohol.

Features of family education. The moral atmosphere in the house, emotional closeness and trust of household members to each other are of great importance.

Thus, family prevention turns out to be closely related to other aspects of education and ultimately comes down to the formation of a child’s culture of life - the need and ability for self-realization, the ability to harmoniously build their relationships with the outside world. These qualities can become reliable internal barriers for a child, preventing many troubles, including “friendship” with intoxicating substances.

Parents were offered: measures to avoid passive smoking; food for thought; cheat sheet for parents; memo for parents; advice: “How to quit smoking.”

On the second issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who invited parents to discuss the speech: discussion on situations; questions; experience exchange; handing over a memo.

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, reminding her about documents for subsidized meals and raising the issue of breakfast (milk porridge).

On the fourth issue, the class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told the parents everything about the preparation and holding of the New Year holiday (costumes, gifts, competitions). About safety rules with firecrackers, surprises, firecrackers and other New Year's entertainment.

On the fifth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the timing of the New Year holidays and the school’s work schedule for the winter holidays.

On the sixth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

The lecture took place.

2. Introduce school breakfast at 10 o'clock.

3. Hold a New Year celebration on December 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Provide children with costumes and gifts. Monitor the mood of the children, as well as discipline and order.

The school's opening hours during the holidays have been communicated to parents. All clubs start working at 10 o'clock.

5. Ensure safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

6. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting resolved

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Protocol No. 4

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Subject: "

Target: Purpose: to determine the role of peers and friends in the development of the personality of a child of primary school age; offer recommendations to parents on organizing relationships with their child’s friends.


Give some psychological and pedagogical advice on the prevention of bad habits in primary school age.


1. Lecture on the topic of the meeting " The Secret World of Our Children, or The Child and the Street."

2. About nutrition and vitaminization in the spring. About the incidence of ARVI and influenza.

3. About the dates of the holidays and the school work schedule for the winter holidays (second period of the trimester).

4. About the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.

5. Miscellaneous.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

The meaning of friends and friendship in the life of a child of primary school age. Age-related characteristics of the perception of friendship by a child of primary school age. The child’s position in the group and his sense of self. Popular and unpopular children in the team. Reasons for a child’s popularity and unpopularity among peers. Comfort and discomfort of the child. Positive and negative effects of the company's influence on a child of primary school age. Loneliness of a child. Child's problems in choosing friends. Parental behavior strategy: tact, correctness, desire to understand and help.

Socially inept children become even more uncomfortable when the group ignores or rejects them; popularity among peers is also influenced by academic success and athletic achievements. Typically, popular children have above average abilities and do well in school. Weak students are often the subject of ridicule or are simply ignored. Athletic performance is especially important at summer camps or playgrounds, for example, where groups develop into competitive sports teams.

Peer acceptance of a child can be influenced by feedback

received from the teacher. In one study, a group of first-time and

second graders were shown a video about a “problem” child (in fact

he was played by an actor) who was rejected by his peers. Positive reviews

teachers' comments about this child after watching the film forced

students to change their negative perception of the hero, Thus,

accepting “problem” children, but not necessarily their “problem” behavior,

the teacher can influence their position in the peer group.

Popularity in a group is harmed by both excessive aggressiveness and

excessive shyness. Nobody likes bullies, so

They try to avoid an overly aggressive child. This leads to the manifestation

another cyclical model, as this child may become more aggressive

due to frustration or an attempt to forcefully achieve something that he cannot

achieve with convictions. Conversely, a shy, anxious child risks

become a chronic victim, subject to attacks not only by recognized

bullies, but also ordinary children. It is timid and shy children who experience

have the greatest difficulties in communication and suffer most from non-recognition with

peer side. Such children tend to feel more

lonely and more concerned about their relationships with other children than

aggressive children rejected by peers.

A child's position in a group affects his sense of self. Creek and Ladd

assessed feelings of loneliness, social anxiety and social isolation, and

also determined the factors that caused the corresponding social

results as reported by third and fifth grade students. These

Researchers have found that the nature of children's sense of self and who they

blaming oneself or others for one's poor social performance depends on

their experiences with peers. Rejected children reported more

strong feelings of loneliness and were more likely to explain their failures in

relationships with peers for external reasons than children accepted by the group


Unpopular children often have some characteristics that distinguish them from

classmates; it may be excessive fatness, the “wrong” skin color, or

even an unusual name. These features may reduce compliance

child to group standards, and such a condition, as we already know, is

extremely important during middle childhood.


The desire to meet peer group standards can be

normal, natural and even desirable form of behavior. Daily

children have to adapt to the demands of their peer group,

as well as to the expectations of adults. But sometimes children are too eager

conform to group norms, even when group requirements cannot

nor for those around you.

Which children are most susceptible to group pressure? Highly conformal

children seem to have a number of characteristic features. They are suffering

"inferiority complex" and have insufficient "ego strength". They're like

tend to be more dependent or anxious than other children and are sensitive to

opinions and hints of others. Children with these personality traits tend to

Constantly monitor your behavior and speech. They are especially concerned about

how they look in the eyes of others, and often compare themselves with

peers. Constantly monitoring what they do and what they say

others, and then adaptation to the standards thus determined

groups - just typical for children with high level self-control.

Peer pressure can be both positive and

negative effect. For example, research has shown that group influence

peers can help improve educational motivation. When studying group formation among 4th and 5th grade students, researchers found that these groups typically consisted of students with similar motivation to learn. Thus, because members of the same group tend to identify with each other, a peer group may

promote the development of common values ​​related to learning and

academic achievements.

In fact, children are more likely to submit to peer pressure when

it wears positive character, and not when it entails

antisocial activities such as drinking alcohol, smoking or

theft. When peer pressure requires you to commit

antisocial behavior, boys submit to such pressure more often than girls. Children left unsupervised after school are also more susceptible to antisocial influence from peers than children under adult supervision.

Conformity is especially great importance at the end of middle childhood,

when children leave the permanent care of the family. Children on the threshold of adolescence

have a strong need to belong to a community and

to feel accepted into it on equal terms with others. This

need coexists with equally strong needs for autonomy or

in mastering the surrounding world. Children try to exercise what control they can over their social and physical environment, to understand the rules and boundaries established there, and to find a place for themselves within those boundaries. Apparently, this is why they pay so much attention to creating all kinds of rules and mastering rituals.

At several stages of human development such coexistence

needs for autonomy and acceptance by others are especially important.

This stage is the age of 1.5 years, when the child is just beginning to

find out what he can do on his own. At the end of middle childhood these

two opposing needs again become of paramount importance.

However, the balance between them that children of this age achieve

differs from their level of balance in infancy. Now the group

peers are often satisfied by both the need for acceptance and the need for

autonomy. Peer groups sometimes breed conformity that

manifests itself in the form of prejudice against those who are different in some way from

them. IN last section In this chapter we will look at how they develop

prejudice in middle childhood, with particular attention to the development of racial


In the course of research on this topic, it was proven that the influence of peers on psychological development middle-aged children are very large.

When interacting with peers, the child learns new aspects of life,

the first attempts at self-realization appear, social adaptation

child. The child begins to interact, learn to negotiate,

cooperate on mutually beneficial terms, rivalry appears,

which has a positive effect on development. A child without friends is at risk

be socially unadapted, which may have a negative impact on

later life child.

Peer groups play a major role in mental development.

There are certain rules that all children who are required to follow

are included in this group. It is important for a child at this stage of development to be

supported by the group, this will help the child adapt to

social environment. But the group can also have a negative impact on the psyche

child, since in many groups there are children with aggressive

character, if the child’s aggression is not suppressed in the group, then he can

become even more aggressive. If a child is shy and his shyness

no one suppresses, then such a child may have many

complexes that will interfere with his life. On the part of the group it may be

pressure is applied – both positive and negative. Since children in

At this age it is very easy to submit to peer pressure -

On the second question about nutrition and vitamin supplementation of children in the spring, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who recalled that vitamins are very important in the life of the body, and the deficiency or absence causes serious health problems. The body of children and teenagers is especially sensitive to vitamin deficiencies. And here the issue was raised that, according to Rospotrebnadzor, as a result of a decrease in immunity, an increase in the incidence of ARVI and influenza is predicted. Follow preventive measures against influenza.

The third question was addressed by class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova, who told parents about the school’s work schedule during the holidays.

On the fourth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice during the winter holidays. About children being outside in the evening.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

The lecture took place.

2. Include foods rich in vitamins in your diet.

3. Winter holidays will take place from February 18 to February 24. Report to classes on February 25th. The school's opening hours during the holidays have been communicated to parents. All clubs start working at 10 o'clock.

4. Ensure safe behavior of children on the street and roads, reservoirs and ice. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

5. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting resolved

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Protocol No. 5

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Topic: "Methods of family education. On encouraging and punishing children in the family."

Target: introduce parents to types of encouragement and punishment, how to praise and punish a child while remaining in a position of genuine love; reveal the role of reward and punishment in raising children; determine the optimal positions of parents on the topic of the lecture.


Determine the optimal methods for raising a child in a family;

Identify mistakes in family education and suggest ways to prevent and eliminate them.


1. Lecture on the topic of the meeting " Methods of family education. On rewarding and punishing children in the family."

2. Discussion of the teacher’s speech.

3. About school and regional competitions, olympiads.

4. About the safe behavior of children on the street, roads and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

Teacher's speech: lecture.

School, print, cinema, radio raise children, but the main the main role in the matter of educating the younger generation belongs to the family. Often, parents do not take any role in raising a child, entrusting it to the school, but the school is only an assistant to parents in this difficult matter. In the process of education, we must not only form the best moral traits in children, but also help overcome negative qualities.

Parents must know how to educate, know the methods, techniques and means of education, and be able to practically use them.

Reward and punishment are methods of education, but these are not the main methods, but auxiliary ones. (The lecture continues).

And in conclusion, I would like to quote the words of L.N. Tolstoy: “Happy is he who is happy at home.” Family happiness, family well-being is born due to the nature of human relationships, when parents and children are connected by common interests, mutual love. If a child is loved in childhood - accepted, respected, understood, treated with warmth and tenderness, he will be loved by other people and will love himself.

On the second issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who invited parents to discuss the speech: discussion on situations; questions; experience exchange; analysis of questionnaires and tests; handing over a memo.

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who brought school and district competitions and Olympiads to the attention of parents and aimed at ensuring that as many children as possible take part in them.

On the fourth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the safe behavior of children on the street, roads, and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

The lecture took place.

2. Parents should help their children take part in regional and school competitions and olympiads.

3. Ensure safe behavior of children on the street, roads and reservoirs. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

4. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting resolved

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Protocol No. 6

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Topic: "Family leisure: games, home parties and entertainment. Children's fears and ways to overcome them."

Target: introduce parents to possible forms of organizing family leisure; identify the causes of fear in children of primary school age and suggest ways to overcome them.

Tasks: give parents practical recommendations on helping their child choose friends; point out mistakes in family education.


1. Conversation on the theme of the meeting “Family leisure: games, home parties and entertainment. Children’s fears and ways to overcome them ".

2. On increasing the responsibility of parents for the behavior and presence of children on the street in the evening and at night.

3. About the upcoming "Open Day".

4. Miscellaneous.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

The concept of "family leisure". The importance of spending time together for the formation personal qualities junior school student. Games as a way to organize family leisure: board games, sports games and others. Home holidays as one of the forms of organizing home leisure and preserving home traditions. Family reading and its organization. Joint recreation between parents and children.

Objects of fear for a child of primary school age. Child's fears and parenting characteristics. Classification of possible causes of fear in children. Ways to overcome children's fear.

On the second issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who once again recalled the responsibility that parents bear for the behavior and presence of children on the street in the evening and at night without their parents. Why are parents subject to administrative punishment and fines?

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who invited parents to the “Open Doors Day” on April 27, 2013.

The fourth question was addressed by class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova, who answered parents’ questions individually.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

2. Parents will definitely monitor the behavior and stay of their children on the street in the evening and at night.

4. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Protocol No. 7

Parent meeting in the 3rd grade of Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School named after. Thalmann from



Subject. So we have become a year older.

Target: summarize the work for the year; report children's victories and failures.


1. Discussion of the topic: “So we have become a year older.”

2. About the upcoming holidays: “Last call”, “Goodbye, first grade”.

3. About school and regional competitions, olympiads.

4. About the upcoming holidays, about summer injuries, about the safe behavior of children on the street, roads and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.

5. About textbooks and workbooks for the 2013 - 2014 academic year.

6. About the upcoming renovation of the classroom.

7. Miscellaneous.


On the first issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the objectives of the meeting and proposed questions for discussion.

Teacher's speech.

Your child’s third year of study at our school has ended. What was he like? What problems have you encountered? What made you happy about your interactions with the school and what made you sad? What problem in teaching and raising a child did you encounter at school? You will tell us about this in your questionnaires.

Of course, today everyone is concerned about the success of the educational activities of your children. In diagnostic work, tests, monitoring studies, tests and work in lessons, each student has reached his or her level. I depicted the level of general academic skills of third-graders on achievement sheets. Get to know them, if you have questions, ask, I will answer. The results of teaching are related to many factors: the location of the school, the number of students in the class, the individuality of the child, discipline in the lesson and many others. But the main thing is that success directly depends on the cognitive processes that form the ability for intellectual activity of younger schoolchildren (level of intelligence). Attention as a cognitive process is an essential component in the structure of any psychological process. If attention develops well, then its properties such as concentration, stability, distribution, switching - and most importantly - an increase in the volume of information develop accordingly, and the habit of being attentive arises, even if unfavorable conditions arise. The ability to concentrate helps a child to work in class and perform monotonous and routine work for a long time without being distracted by other things. The ability to switch attention helps to switch to various types of activities proposed by the teacher in the lesson. One of the main problems of elementary school is the insufficient development of voluntary attention processes in schoolchildren. Families also pay insufficient attention to this. But voluntary attention is a habit, the education of which begins in the family. The child does not know how to do the same thing for a long time, does not know how to play with toys, does not have interests and hobbies - all this can lead to unformed voluntary attention and subsequently to problems in educational activities. As I said, achievement sheets show how children cope with increasing the amount of information they have learned (example with vocabulary words). Many students require the teacher to work with them one-on-one. Working at home with their mother and grandmother, they were accustomed to this type of work. Unfortunately, in a classroom setting, the opportunities for working with such children are minimal; they quickly lose interest in studying, unable to concentrate and work actively, so they begin to lag behind, and from the middle of the year it becomes more and more difficult for them to study. Compared to other peers (third graders), they have an extremely insufficient supply of knowledge, information and skills. Their horizons are narrow, their speech is poor, and their motor skills are poorly developed. As a result, the child does not master reading, writing, and counting skills. Understanding the nature and depth of a particular disorder is possible only with a comprehensive examination of the child by doctors: a psychoneurologist, a defectologist, a psychologist and a speech therapist. Such children learn the program only with an individual approach. Left-handed children deserve special attention.

On the second question, “About the upcoming holidays: “Last call”, “Goodbye, first grade,” class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who introduced parents to the holiday programs and told how to prepare children for performances.

On the third issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who brought school and district competitions and Olympiads to the attention of parents and aimed at ensuring that as many children as possible take part in them.

On the fourth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the upcoming holidays, warned about summer injuries, about the safe behavior of children on the street, roads, and reservoirs. About children being outside in the evening.

On the fifth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who told parents about the methodological kit for the 2013-2014 school year.

On the sixth issue, class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova spoke, who informed parents about the renovation of the classroom for the 2013-2014 school year.


1. Discussion with parents about the problem of the meeting is considered satisfactory.

2. Prepare a formal school uniform and learn the words for the speech.

3. Parents should help their children take part in regional and school competitions and olympiads in the 2013-2014 school year.

4. Parents should strengthen control over their children in the summer: ensure the safe behavior of children on the street, roads and reservoirs. Parents and their guardians are responsible for keeping children outside in the evening.

5. Parents received printouts indicating the educational instruction for the 2013-2014 school year.

6. The chairman of the parent committee of the class, Gazizova E.N., collect the amount for the repair of the class.

7. Consider the assigned tasks of the parent meeting as resolved.

Class teacher A.V. Khmelnikova

Chairman of the Parents Committee E.N. Gazizova

Sample form of parent meeting minutes

Minutes N... of the parent group meeting _____________________


From ""___________201_______.

Present: ....... person.

Absent: ......... person.

Invitees: (full name, position).

Parent meeting agenda:

1. ...

2. ...

3. …

On the first question they heard: (full name, position). She he) ……………. (must be briefly stated) main idea speaker)

Discussion this issue, expressing by those present their opinions, suggestions, comments, questions, etc.

(In the protocol, the secretary specifically indicates who (full name) and what thoughts expressed, proposed, expressed disagreement and on what issue.)

For - ... person, against - ... person (specifically the full name of the parent)

Resolved: accept unanimously (accept by majority vote, not accept).

On the second question they heard: ... (similarly for all issues on the agenda).

Meeting decision:

1_______________________________Responsible_______ (full name).

2______________________________Responsible_________ (full name).

Period of execution._________________________________________________

3___________________________Responsible_______________ (full name).

Period of execution._________________________________________________


Secretary: __________________ (signature) _______________ (transcript).

1. In the “attended” column, you must indicate the number of parents present at the meeting.

2. It is necessary to acquaint those absent at the meeting with the decision of the parent meeting through an announcement in the parent corner or individually.

3. The protocol should indicate the specific names of the parents and their questions and proposals that arise during the discussion of the issue.

4. There is a joint discussion of the agenda items.

5. The meeting should discuss and decide first

Pedagogical issues related to the education, training and development of children.

6. The results of pedagogical diagnostics are not presented for general discussion. Data about children is given to the parent (legal representative) only on an individual basis (confidentially).

7. Decisions are made on each issue separately, by

8. The wording of the decision must be clear, specific, indicating the deadlines for execution and those responsible.

9. The minutes of the parent meeting is a document included in the list of affairs of the Municipal Educational Institution, and is completed in a timely manner (within 3 days).

10. Responsibility for the timely completion and correct execution of the minutes of parent meetings lies with:

For general parent meetings - deputy. Director of VR;

For parent meetings - class teachers

11. The minutes of parent meetings must be accompanied by the texts of speeches, consultations of subject teachers and other employees of the local educational institution who spoke at the parent meeting.