Excursion as a means of developing environmental literacy in junior schoolchildren. Creative interpretation of literary excursion orientation in the work of a teacher

The means and forms of aesthetic education are very diverse - from science and mathematics subjects at school to “shoe laces.” Literally everything, the entire reality around us, educates aesthetically. Excursions are also important sources of children’s aesthetic experience.

Excursions, when properly prepared and conducted, broaden your horizons junior schoolchildren, teach them to see, compare, generalize, which forms the basis for the development of creative imagination and abilities. In the process of targeted observations and excursions, the teacher draws children’s attention not only to the essential features of a particular phenomenon, but also to the beauty of coordinated work that transforms nature, to the nobility of relationships between people, built on mutual assistance, camaraderie and care for each other.

An excursion is a methodically thought-out display of places of interest, historical and cultural monuments, which is based on an analysis of the objects in front of the sightseers, as well as a skillful story about the events associated with them. However, it would be wrong to reduce the essence of the concept of “excursion” to this alone.

Let's consider several formulations of the term "excursion" that have been published in various publications over the past 70 years. The first of them looks like this: “An excursion is a walk whose task is to study a specific topic on specific material accessible to contemplation” (M.P. Antsiferov, 1923) / Describing the place of excursion activities in extracurricular work with children, excursionist L. Barkhash believed that an excursion is a visual method of obtaining certain knowledge, education through visits to certain objects (museum, factory, collective farm, etc.) on a pre-developed topic with a special leader (tour guide) /

Let us also cite one of the most recently published definitions: “An excursion is a special form of educational and extracurricular academic work, in which the joint activities of the teacher-guide and schoolchildren-excursionists led by him are carried out in the process of studying phenomena of reality observed in natural conditions (factory, collective farm, historical and cultural monuments, memorial sites, nature, etc.) or in specially created collection repositories ( museum, exhibition)". These are the opinions of excursionists.

Let us consider the interpretations of the term “excursion” given in various dictionaries and encyclopedias. The earliest (1882) interpretation of this term is given by V. Dahl: “An excursion is a walk, going out to look for something, to collect herbs, etc.” In the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, the term is defined as follows: “An excursion is a collective visit to a locality, industrial enterprises, state farms, museums, etc., mainly for scientific or educational purposes.”

A detailed explanation of the term “excursion” is given by the Great Soviet Encyclopedia “one of the types of mass cultural, educational, propaganda and educational work aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge of the younger generation...”.

IN Explanatory dictionary Russian language (under the leadership of L.N. Ushakov, 1940) the word “excursion” is explained as “a collective trip or walk for scientific, educational or entertainment purposes.”

The Small Soviet Encyclopedia says that “an excursion is a collective trip or trip to places of interest for scientific, general educational or cultural and educational purposes.”

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: “An excursion is a visit to objects of interest (cultural monuments, museums, enterprises, localities, etc.), a form and method of acquiring knowledge. As a rule, it is carried out collectively under the guidance of a specialist. -tour guide." Other interpretations of a later time are not original and do not add anything to the previously made characteristics.

Some discrepancies can be found in the given definitions of excursions. They are not accidental and do not provide grounds for conclusions about the existence of opposing points of view on the excursion. Each formulation relates to the functioning of the excursion in a certain period of time. Hence the differences in the formulation of goals, objectives and forms of excursions characteristic of a particular time. Over the years, problems become more complex. New goals are set for excursions, and the forms of their implementation change. At the same time, the features of the excursion and its differences from other forms of cultural and educational work become more clearly evident. And at the same time, one cannot ignore the attempts of individual scientists to limit the excursion to a narrower framework.

In some dictionaries, for example in the Brief Pedagogical Dictionary and teaching aids, an excursion is considered as one of the forms of visual learning and educational work. At the same time, the importance of only one of the sides is emphasized, namely, that excursions transfer the learning process to an environment of observing objects (objects) located in environment or exhibited in a museum.

The excursion, being the work of specific authors, is built taking into account the requirements for a literary work and has its own plot, to which all excursion material is subordinated.

An excursion as a form of direct communication involves the interrelation and interaction of subjects (tour guide and tourists) based on their joint activities. Being a specific form of communication, an excursion gives children the opportunity to receive a significant amount of information and develops ways of thinking. Communicating with other participants in the event, the child, through imitation and borrowing, empathy and identification, learns human emotions, feelings, and forms of behavior. In the process of communication, we achieve necessary organization and the unity of actions of individuals included in the group, their emotional mutual understanding is realized, a community of feelings, moods, thoughts, and views is formed.

Communication between people on excursions should be classified as a spiritual-informational type of communication, a combination of two forms of relationships between subjects and objects, as well as personal and group relationships. Knowledge of the basics of psychology and pedagogy helps the teacher to properly organize the excursion process. In practice, communication is the communicative phase in the activity of a teacher. Properly organized communication between the guide and tourists is the basis of such a pedagogical process as an excursion. The communicative component is an important part of a teacher’s professional skills. The effectiveness of an excursion is determined not only by the teacher’s extensive knowledge on the topic, the ability to use the methodology of presenting this knowledge to the audience, but also by the ability to communicate with children of primary school age, methodologists and other employees of the excursion institution or museum. An important role in communicating with children is played by such qualities as courtesy and the ability to conduct a normal dialogue.

The path of development of the excursion follows the line of changing its essence. Initially, the excursion was a walk with practical objectives, such as searching for medicinal herbs. Then she was faced with scientific tasks, such as identifying exhibits for the local history museum. The search for new forms of self-education has put forward a general educational goal for the excursions. The desire to improve educational work and make it more effective turned the excursion into one of the types of cultural and educational work.

Currently, the excursion acts as something complete, holistic, having its own specific functions and characteristics, a unique individual methodology. It has been significantly enriched in content, forms of conduct and methods of presenting material and is characterized as an integral part of ideological, educational and cultural work.

In the last decade, aesthetic education has been viewed as a process aimed at developing children’s abilities for active creative activity. The essence is defined as a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and students to form an emotionally responsive and creatively active personality, capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty in art, nature, the surrounding life, people’s behavior and striving for feasible aesthetic-objective activity.

The essence of aesthetic education of students is to improve the aesthetic culture of the individual. "Task modern education and education, according to E.V. Petushkova, - to form genuine subjects of the culture of the world with high creative potential in whatever field of activity the students realize themselves.”

Jr school age- this is a special age for aesthetic education, where main role The teacher plays a role in the student's life. Taking advantage of this, skillful teachers are able not only to lay a solid foundation for an aesthetically developed personality, but also, through aesthetic education, to lay down a person’s true worldview, because it is at this age that the child’s attitude to the world is formed and the essential aesthetic qualities of the future personality are developed.

Aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren involves the formation of initial aesthetic ideas and concepts on the basis of sensory acquisition of images, as well as as a result of repeated experiences in the process of aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena of reality and works of art. On this basis, children develop elementary aesthetic knowledge, emotions and feelings; needs, interests and inclinations; aesthetic taste and ability for creative activity, aesthetic education.

L.A. Zhibareva

Head department of aesthetic education,

methodologist of Municipal Educational Institution DO DC “Voskhozhdeniye”

Excursion as a means of developing environmental culture

An analysis of software for developing the ecological culture of schoolchildren showed that the most frequently recommended means by the authors for developing children's powers of observation and teaching them to systematically observe natural objects and phenomena is an excursion (from the Latin excursio - trip). In accordance with modern ideas, “an excursion is a collective inspection of a museum, landmark, exhibition, natural object, etc. along a specific route under the guidance of a guide for cognitive, educational, scientific and educational purposes, as well as to satisfy aesthetic needs when using free time.”

In the educational programs we reviewed, the excursion is presented as one of the main pedagogical means of developing an environmental culture in the system of school and additional education.

There are different classifications of excursions. Practical significance and the need to classify excursions is to divide them into groups and highlight in them the features that determine the specifics of preparing and conducting various excursion activities.

Depending on the goals, excursions are divided into educational, industrial, local history, environmental, cultural, etc.

In methodological and pedagogical literature according to excursion studies, three main types of excursions are mentioned, differing from each other in content and organization: local history excursions in the local region and long-distance (expeditions); museum; complex.

This classification is based on the location and conditions for studying the excursion objects. All of the listed types of excursions are reflected in the content of educational programs for the formation of environmental culture in schoolchildren, but most often the authors of the programs suggest using local history and museum excursions.

Local history excursions are one of the means of implementing the local history principle in environmental education, a way for children to study their region, its nature, history, economy and culture. In this case, an optimal balance is achieved between the expansion of knowledge and its specification on regional material.

There are several types of local history excursions: environmental, ecological-biological, topographical, historical, historical-biographical, military-historical, industrial, archaeological, literary, art, etc.

The purpose of these excursions is to explore a certain region (memorable places and monuments, natural objects) in a certain direction indicated above. An excursion into nature combines the features educational activities and hiking, being an effective pedagogical means of education and upbringing.

During production excursions with an environmental focus, schoolchildren become acquainted not only with the history of the creation of industrial or agricultural enterprises and their main technological processes, but also with the level of wear and tear of equipment, with the economic and environmental significance of the enterprise, with its environmental infrastructure and environmental services.

Excursions can also be organized at museums. It should be noted that in recent decades museums created at educational institutions have been actively developing. At the same time, during excursions, clear preference is given to interactive forms.

In recent decades, a new approach to museum and excursion activities has emerged. With the formation of the communicative model of the museum, the excursion began to be considered as a specific type of communication.

Excursion objects can be not only natural, historical or cultural monuments, museum exhibitions, but also a forest, park, street, vacant lot, or industrial enterprise nearby the school. If the excursion has an environmental focus, significant objects include dumps of industrial enterprises, contaminated wastewater, and landfills of household and industrial waste.

The excursion can be based on the demonstration and exploration of one or several objects. This is directly dependent on the subject, topic, composition and age of students, route and duration in time.

ON THE. Scarecrow introduced complex (integrative) excursions into the classification, during which, according to the author, students develop an idea of ​​nature as a single whole. Schoolchildren receive comprehensive environmental ideas: about the impact of human activity on the biosphere, rational use natural resources, about environmental protection.

A number of authors (S.D. Deryabo, T.A. Kulikova, S.N. Nikolaeva, V.A. Yasvin) separately highlight environmental excursions, considering them as a form of environmental education, which is a group visit to natural complexes or cultural institutions in educational purposes.

There are other approaches to classifying excursions. V.A. Sichinava classifies excursions according to content, composition of participants, location, and method of conduct. K.P. Yagodovsky divides all excursions into two groups: sightseeing (multifaceted) and thematic.

The scientific literature indicates several characteristic signs of an excursion. The main feature is priority visual perception, which is accompanied by the necessary verbal commentary and movement along a given route, in order to examine excursion objects from different sides, from different angles, with different distances. The next characteristic feature of the excursion is the collectivity of the examination, as a result of which a special psychological atmosphere is created in a group united by a common interest, associated with jointly experienced emotions and the possibility of exchanging opinions about what was seen and heard. The excursion is built taking into account psychological characteristics communication with a group that is a collective communication partner. These features help the guide manage the visual, verbal and motor activity of the tourists. The excursion should be targeted and conducted on the basis of a differentiated approach to the group (schoolchildren, tourists, specialists, colleagues).

THEM. Grevs and N.P. Antsiferov called the main features of the excursion content, emotional mood and “traveling”.

V.A. During the excursion, Gerd highlighted elements of social education: the creation of social emotions that determine mutual behavior; formation of organizational skills; developing skills of collective work with natural materials.

IN general view An educational excursion can be characterized as a pedagogical tool used outside the school classroom for educational purposes when moving in space from one object to another in their natural environment or artificially created by man.

The excursions included in the program material can be divided into three groups: introductory, current and generalizing. Introductory tours precede the study new topic or program section. Current excursions allow for a broader study of material that is difficult for younger students to perceive without demonstrating images of nature. Generalizing excursions summarize the entire topic studied, the section of the program, and help consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired by students.

As observations have shown, teachers currently widely practice excursions that are not included in curricula and plans. They are carried out as part of extracurricular and extracurricular activities and have a variety of educational goals and objectives.

Excursions have enormous educational opportunities and allow children to expand and deepen the knowledge acquired at school. During excursions, you can achieve a level of clarity and consistency that is difficult to achieve in regular classes.

In the process of implementation large quantity The educational programs we have considered assume the widespread use of excursions as a means of developing the environmental culture of schoolchildren. Environmental education uses excursions involving educational material from various educational fields.

The leading role here belongs to environmentally oriented excursions. The specificity of the ecological excursion, its main content, is the students’ consideration of living matter in all its manifestations, levels, functions and connections. According to V.I. Vernadsky, “living matter is a collection of living organisms that exist or existed in a certain period of time, which are a powerful geological factor.”

First methodological developments excursions for schoolchildren appeared in the works of biological education methodologists (N.M. Verzilin, V.M. Korsunskaya, A.N. Myagkova), their content was based mainly on the study by schoolchildren of environment-forming factors - the environment and living conditions of plants and animals.

Currently, environmental excursions have gone beyond the scope of biological education, are comprehensive and complex in nature, and are included in the content of most basic educational courses and additional educational programs aimed at developing the ecological culture of schoolchildren.

From our point of view, local history excursions also have great potential in shaping the ecological culture of schoolchildren. This is consistent with the concept of “Ecology of Culture” by academician D.S. Likhachev, pointing out the close relationship between the study of the natural and cultural environment of the native land, asserting: “The preservation of the cultural environment is a task no less significant than the preservation of the surrounding nature. If nature is necessary for a person for his biological life, then the cultural environment is just as necessary for his spiritual, moral life, for his “spiritual settledness,” for his attachment to his native places, for his moral self-discipline and sociality.”

The problem of modern and traditional in education has been actively discussed in the scientific literature during various periods of social development. Soviet ideology had an ambiguous and wary attitude towards the spiritual heritage of the past. An analysis of modern educational programs has shown that recently the formation of an ecological culture among schoolchildren through the means of folk pedagogy, and above all, on the basis of folk traditions, has become increasingly widespread.

Traditions (from Latin traditio - transmission) are elements of social and cultural heritage transmitted from generation to generation and persisting in certain societies and social groups During a long time. . Traditions are certain social institutions, norms of behavior, values, ideas, customs, rituals, etc. Certain traditions operate in any society and in all areas public life. Gradually, a system of folk traditions emerged that ensured the continuity of spiritual and moral norms and ideas passed on from one generation to another.

The life of Russian people has long been connected with the cycle of phenomena in nature, with the change of seasons. On this basis, the folk calendar and the accompanying rituals, customs, and festivals arose. In Rus', the time of rural holidays depended on the onset of the summer or winter solstice, on such phenomena as the freezing or opening of rivers, the departure or arrival of birds.

Calendar holidays are an important part of folk culture; they embody the close ties between man and nature. Folk holidays mark the most important transitional milestones from one state of nature to another. Since calendar holidays developed in the process of people’s work, they are based on rich experience associated with the development of nature and the environment.

Getting acquainted with holidays, rituals, folk art during school year, schoolchildren will learn a lot about the history of their people, their way of life, customs and beliefs from the folk calendar.

Introducing schoolchildren to folk traditions is an effective means of forming an environmental culture, is the basis for the formation of environmental ideas, gives children the opportunity to feel involved in the history of their people, helps to enrich and diversify children's creativity.

Being one of the forms of knowledge of the surrounding world, traditionally an educational excursion is a synthesis of several basic elements: a display of pre-selected objects of perception in a natural or social environment and a story about them, as well as independent work of children.

If there is only a demonstration, the excursion becomes a mechanical contemplation of objects, and if there is no demonstration, it turns into a lecture or conversation. The ratio of show and tell during an excursion may vary depending on the educational objectives, the age of the students, the theme and characteristics of the objects.

It should be noted that such traditional forms of presenting educational material during an excursion, such as showing and telling, require students to passively perceive the educational material and often the same passive reproduction of the material covered - retelling, answering questions.

From our point of view, the excursion should not be limited to the basic elements listed above, it should be considered much more broadly. As practice shows, conducting excursions is monotonous, using only showing, telling and independent work, is inappropriate for younger schoolchildren, since at this age there is a great need for children to permanent shift impressions.

The methods of conducting an excursion differ from the methods of teaching in the classroom, as they provide priority to visual perception and active dialogue between excursion participants. In cases where the excursion is built and conducted mainly on the principles applied in the system of university and school education, the excursionist loses interest, and the guide forgets that an excursion is also an interesting form of leisure.

For our research, it is important to see the excursion as a comprehensive pedagogical tool. Complexity in this context lies in diversity possible combinations forms and methods of work during the excursion (in various combinations, in accordance with the expected results and the choice of the teacher, the interests of the children).

We propose to use a fairly wide range of methods to develop the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren during an excursion, including perceptual (transmission and perception of information through the senses), verbal, illustrative and demonstrative, practical, logical, gnostic, research methods, etc.

In general, these methods are characterized by scientific character, including rationality, objectivity, reproducibility of results, and work according to an algorithm. The same is true of traditional school teaching methods. However, as practice shows, scientificity is often replaced by “scientificism” (that is, external seriousness not accompanied by understanding). Excessive dryness of presentation leads to the fact that children begin to get bored and lose motivation to study.

Active processing of material by a child leaves a mark on his memory for a long time, awakens interest and forms a conscious and emotional attitude towards the subject. Therefore, in the practice of conducting excursions, we combine traditional scientific methods of studying natural objects with various interactive and game teaching methods.

Many techniques for stimulating interest during an excursion are playful in nature. Different age groups will have a different balance of serious and playful elements when using them . Younger schoolchildren “play seriously,” and are able to perceive methodical, quiet work as necessary preparation for the game.

An excursion into nature may include the use of such forms of presentation as processing and identifying material collected in nature, route descriptions and records, small research works, and from forms of control of acquired knowledge - Mind games, theoretical and practical tests, field conferences.

The choice of forms and methods of work during the excursion is determined by the results that we expect to receive in the end.

Thus, in order to develop environmental knowledge during an excursion, we recommend targeted observations in nature, studying the characteristics of natural objects, a detailed study of museum exhibits, a conversation, a lecture, and illustrations.

In order to develop environmental awareness, we offer excursions based on the dates of the “folk calendar”, adhering to the calendar cycle, thereby continuing the continuity of traditions.

A variety of creative tasks during the excursion, such as collective composing of an environmental fairy tale, poem, essay, making artistic photographs and drawings, activate attention and creative imagination, provide opportunities for expressing one’s own emotional and valuable attitude to what is seen and heard, also creating the preconditions for the formation of an environmental consciousness of schoolchildren.

As practice shows, displaying collections of products made from environmentally friendly materials leaves vivid emotional impressions. These can be modern fashionable products made from natural fabrics, items made from various types of wood, veneer, straw, etc.

An excursion as a pedagogical tool has ample opportunities for organizing students’ environmental activities. As part of the excursion, you can plan to conduct a variety of master classes on working with natural materials, and events to improve the territory.

During the excursions, the method of educational projects can be used, which allows you to build educational process based on the interests of students, giving the student the opportunity to demonstrate independence in planning, organizing and monitoring their educational and cognitive activities, the result of which is the creation of a product.

Due to the fact that the project problem is personally important for students, this teaching method helps to establish a living connection between academic knowledge and real life, promotes the socialization of students, develops communication skills, teamwork, and tolerance.

Also, during the excursion you can effectively use research methods. Research work during the excursion contributes to the emergence of a keen cognitive interest in schoolchildren, involves the use of existing experience, knowledge that children received in school lessons, as well as in the process of life spontaneously. Children learn to carry out the simplest scientific work, systematize, analyze, compare facts and observations. This activity helps to establish the truth of their knowledge, draw conclusions, and teaches them to keep documentation: observation diaries, diaries of a young researcher. IN research work Parents can also be actively involved, which contributes to the implementation of the principle of cooperation between children and adults.

An excursion can be not only part of the educational process during the implementation educational program, it can become an event within the framework of various educational and socially significant projects of a district, city, regional scale (ecological marathon, ecological trail, interactive museum, etc.) Students primary classes are also able to successfully take part in them as much as possible.

The visual basis of the excursion is the excursion objects. The consciousness and worldview of children is formed partly on the basis of the sensory perception of these objects, which was strongly emphasized by L.N. Tolstoy, who actively conducted excursions and walks with schoolchildren. Issues of selecting objects, their significance for revealing the topic and achieving the educational objectives of the excursion require special attention teacher

Each excursion requires careful preliminary preparation, which is carried out sequentially in certain stages. In our opinion, it is advisable to begin preparing for the excursion by defining the topic, goals and educational objectives. Ultimately, the entire content of the excursion, the entire volume of knowledge, skills and abilities that students should receive, will be subordinated to the goals and objectives.

The correct definition of the topic of the excursion is the basis for developing the main content of the show and story, and has a direct impact on the methodology. The theme of the excursion is reflected in its name, therefore it is important for the teacher that the name of the excursion is formulated clearly and expressively. With the right choice of relevant topics and competent methodological support for excursions, students have the opportunity to see a single whole in nature, where all the individual parts are interconnected.

The next stage of preparing an excursion for a teacher can be the selection of excursion objects, which are classified according to content, functional purpose, scientific and cultural-educational significance, and degree of preservation. The number of objects selected for display and research must be wide enough, otherwise the excursion may become truncated and incomplete. At the same time, it is important not to overload children with an excessive abundance of excursion objects.

When choosing objects for educational excursions, it is necessary to be guided by certain criteria, such as compliance of the excursion content with the program, accessibility for students to understand, environmental Safety the objects themselves.

After determining the range of excursion objects, we consider it advisable to carefully study them, including familiarization with scientific sources and reference material, and examination of objects at their location. It is necessary to determine the main objects for observation, carefully consider the excursion route, select places for independent work schoolchildren.

Certain requirements are imposed on the excursion route: safety during the excursion, ensuring the integrity and logical sequence of presentation of the material, the presence of a visual basis. When compiling timekeeping, it is necessary to take into account the time spent traveling from the educational institution to the immediate place of the excursion, the time for performing independent work, and reserve time for possible unforeseen situations.

The excursion requires serious preliminary preparation not only of the teacher, but also of the schoolchildren. The teacher informs the children in advance about the topic of the upcoming excursion, focusing their attention on the educational material directly related to it. The route and time of the excursion are agreed upon, and safety instructions are provided. Students can, if necessary, be divided into groups, each of which receives specific tasks.

Before conducting an excursion, it is advisable to equip schoolchildren with special equipment, which can be intended for the teacher, for a group of students or for individual use. In this case, some of the equipment can be issued by the teacher, another part can be brought by the students themselves (for example, cameras, etc.).

Museum excursions require special consideration. In order to form an ecological culture, both excursions in national, regional, and city museums of various subjects, as well as excursions in museums specially created by teaching staff at educational institutions, which do not lose their relevance at the present time, are widely used. A variety of activities can be used as part of museum excursions.

The training of tour guides is important. To prepare an excursion, it is necessary to carefully study the topic, the main attention should be paid to studying the exposition, leading texts and exhibits. Before the excursion, the future guide must write a text or abstract of his excursion and submit it for verification to the organizers of the museum work. Mutual listening to excursions and discussing them is useful.

Practice shows that when creating a museum, multi-level distribution of information is necessary. This allows you to create a comfortable and information-rich space in a relatively small area. At the same time, the information levels of the excursion itself are determined by the type of excursion, the characteristics of the audience, and the methods of presenting and discussing excursion material.

Experience has shown that the comprehensive and creative use of various forms and methods in the practice of conducting excursions makes it possible to contribute to the enrichment of environmental education methods and, as a result, the formation of an environmental culture among schoolchildren.


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Sections: History and social studies

Modern education faces important tasks of developing significant sociocultural competencies in students. Currently, approaches to the educational process have changed fundamentally. The competency-based approach has become a priority, which involves, among other things, the formation of the ability and readiness of students to analyze events of the past and present, identify cause-and-effect relationships, consider alternative options for the course of the historical process, based on the study historical sources draw your own conclusions and conclusions.

The task of modern education is to establish a patriotic worldview in the minds of every student, to make the educational process significant for students, of direct, vital interest, and to create a desire to conduct independent research work. Competence includes the ability to study, analyze, draw conclusions, etc.

It is important to teach how to trace the connection between the history of the entire country and its local characteristics, to identify the mutual influence of events and processes occurring throughout the entire state and taking place in the territory of a particular region. In the course of mastering historical and local history material, a civic position, a sense of responsibility and involvement in the destinies of one’s country, region, and city are formed. The implementation of the discipline “History and Culture of the Sochi Region” at the Sochi College of Multicultural Education, which trains specialists in pedagogical and service specialties, serves to achieve these goals and objectives.

In addition to classroom training, training program The discipline includes a voluminous excursion block, including the following excursions:

  • The past of our city (Appendix 1).
  • For historical places of the Lazarevsky district (Appendix 2).
  • Early Christian temple in the village. Loo.
  • Matsesta is the heart of the resort.
  • Excursion to the dolmen-monolith in the Volkonsky Gorge.
  • Excursion to the Kudepsta (“Circassian”) cult stone.
  • Yew-boxwood grove.

Excursions are predominantly combined (bus-walking) or walking. The duration ranges from two to eight hours. Each excursion includes an introduction to historical, cultural and natural sites with mandatory access to them for direct inspection and study.

The purpose and objectives of the excursion are determined by the content of the educational material on which it is conducted, for example: dolmen culture of the Caucasus, the spread of Christianity on the Black Sea coast, the Black Sea coastline, the emergence of the Sochi resort, Sochi during the Great Patriotic War.

The criteria for a successful excursion are its educational value and focus on the formation of historical and local history competencies.

  1. The main topic and subtopics are revealed.
  2. Any excursion has an educational goal - the formation of patriotism, love for the “small Motherland,” and tolerance.

During the preparation and actual conduct of excursions, special techniques are used - preliminary tasks, research, ritual.

When studying a relevant topic during classroom lessons, students receive a preliminary task: to collect theoretical material on a particular excursion object. For example, get acquainted with the history of studying the dolmen-monolith on the river. Godlik, the history of the emergence of a particular settlement where the excursion will be made (Lazarevskoye, Loo, Nor-Luys), the architectural features of the object (an early Christian temple in Loo, a Byzantine fortification on the territory of a yew-boxwood grove, the Winter Theater, a sea terminal, etc. ). When completing the preliminary task, students use various sources of information - scientific publications, archival materials, eyewitness accounts, media publications, Internet resources. The method of comparative analysis of materials obtained from various sources is used.

Immediately before the start of the excursion, students are given research tasks: take measurements; determine the orientation of the object (or its fragments) to the cardinal points, take photographs.

Ritual practices include a minute of silence at the burial site; laying flowers at monuments. The use of this technique has direct educational significance.

The final part of any excursion includes processing the collected material, preparing a report in one form or another, holding a final lesson or conference at which the results will be heard.

Electronic presentations have been prepared for each of the excursions. On their basis, if it is impossible for one reason or another to organize a real excursion, a correspondence excursion is conducted. Presentations are used both by the teacher of the discipline “History and Culture of the Sochi Region” and by the students themselves during pedagogical practices in Sochi schools during local history lessons and classroom hours.

It became a practice not only for students to create electronic presentations based on photographic materials collected during excursions, but also for their mandatory defense at meetings of the Student Scientific Society and student conferences. The use of such forms of work makes it possible to introduce historical and local history material to a wide audience - schoolchildren and students of all college specialties, and increases their motivation to study regional history.

During the preparation and conduct of excursions, conditions are created for the formation of experience among students independent decision cognitive, communicative, organizational, historical, moral, legal and other problems that make up the content of education.

The use of excursions as a form of education allows us to develop not only historical and local history, but also broader information competencies:

  1. Query various databases.
  2. Survey your surroundings.
  3. Consult experts.
  4. Work with documents, classify them.
  5. Think critically about the information received.

Thus, the excursion is a means of developing historical and local history competencies and makes a significant contribution to the formation of personal and professional competencies of the future specialist.

Thanks to well-organized excursions, a child with disabilities health (HHI) perceives reality through the functions of analyzers. The main advantage of excursions is visibility, which actively attracts the attention of children, developing mental processes and enriching speech.



State budget special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities - special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 115

g.o. Samara

The report was prepared and heard

at the regional scientific-practical

Conferences December 13, 2013

Buyankina Valentina Yurievna

Samara, 2013

Excursion as a means of developing basic life competencies of primary schoolchildren with disabilities

Thanks to well-organized excursions, a child with disabilities learns reality through the functions of analyzers. The main advantage of excursions is visibility, which actively attracts the attention of children, developing mental processes and enriching speech.

An excursion is one of the types of activities to familiarize students with the world around them. During an excursion, a child with an intellectual disability can observe and understand natural phenomena, seasonal changes in a natural setting, see and analyze how people transform nature in accordance with the requirements of life and how nature serves them, as well as people’s work.

What is the advantage of excursions over other types of activities to familiarize children with the world around them? According to I.P. Pavlov, the more analyzers are involved in perception, the more accurate, richer, brighter and more meaningful the representation is.

It is important for students to have the opportunity to look at objects, touch, feel, smell, feel their heaviness, and so on. On excursions, children develop their powers of observation. They learn to peer into an object and notice characteristic features. This causes deep experiences and indelible impressions in students, and contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings. On this basis, a materialistic understanding of the world is formed.

Features of excursions with children

In order for nature excursions to have a corrective focus and an effective nature, it is important to conduct them according to certain system. I organize for the same objects in different times year, in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature.

For example, in the spring season I conduct three excursions to the park with gradually increasing complexity of tasks. The purpose of these excursions is to acquaint children with spring changes (buds swell, burst, green sticky leaves appear, smell delicious, etc.) and understand the reason for what is happening in nature, and also enrich their vocabulary. I conduct agricultural excursions to get acquainted with certain types labor, professions (landscaper, florist), tools (tools). I conduct excursions to the museum and around the city in order to get acquainted with the sights of the city and get acquainted with its history.

Distinctive features

Organizing an excursion is much more difficult than organizing a group lesson. It will be successful only with careful preparation. In my case, this is done together with primary school teachers.

When planning an excursion, we accurately determine the topic and purpose of the excursion, specify the objectives, and outline the objects of the excursion. It is important to choose a road to a place that would not be tiring and would not distract children with intellectual disabilities from their intended goal. When determining the location of the excursion, we take into account physical abilities children, as well as the season, road features, weather conditions. Having visited the route site in advance, we agreed with people who would talk for 3-5 minutes about their work and the products of their labor. After this, the sequence of observations, the content and volume of the knowledge that children should receive about this range of phenomena were outlined; established where they could independently conduct observations and relax.

Preliminary acquaintance with the place of the future excursion makes it possible not only to clarify and specify the plan, but also to come up with methods for carrying it out. To make the excursion interesting, poems, riddles, and proverbs were selected in advance. A few days before the excursion, a short conversation was held with the students in order to arouse their interest in the upcoming lesson, revive ideas and impressions that could be useful during the excursion, and communicate its purpose. It is important for children to know where they are going, why, and what needs to be collected. For example, the excursion “Autumn - Live nature" To gain knowledge, I conducted excursions to our park, Botanical Garden, Strukovsky Garden. Having brought the children to the place of the excursion, in a short conversation she clarified the purpose of the lesson and tasks. Then she gave them the opportunity to look around. After which they began to observe the intended objects and natural phenomena. For example, I asked questions:

  1. What trees grow in the park?
  2. How can you recognize birch, poplar, apple, and lilac trees in the fall? Etc.

Gave the children tasks:

  1. Raise the branch named by the teacher and explain how you recognized it. Confirm correct answers.
  2. Place two branches side by side (birch and poplar) and answer the questions: how did you know that these were birch and poplar branches? What does the surface of the bark feel like?
  3. Suggest carefully bending the branches to find out whether they are flexible or fragile. And so on.

During the observation process, I used works of children's fiction, poems, and riddles. By using didactic games(“Recognize by the smell”, “Guess by the description”, “Branch, branch, where is your branch?”, “One, two, three - run to the ash (linden) tree!”) consolidated knowledge about characteristic features items.

Conducted a number of agricultural excursions to the youth station: to the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouses, poultry house and others. These excursions clearly showed and made it clear to children with intellectual disabilities how humans influence nature, how they grow plants and animals. Here the children got acquainted with basic labor operations, and performed some of them themselves.

Pedagogical work after excursions

The knowledge gained on excursions was expanded and consolidated in classes and games. 1-2 days after the excursion I conducted classes. Here the children and I made crafts from natural materials, read fiction, listened to children's stories about where they were and what they saw, and drew their impressions. In conclusion, I conducted a generalizing conversation. When planning the conversation, I formulated questions in such a way as to restore and activate the knowledge gained during the excursion in the children’s memory, to emphasize the most important educational points, and to help them independently establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. For example:

  1. Why are there no buds on the trees in the summer, but there are buds in the fall?
  2. What colors does autumn use?
  3. What would happen to the trees in winter if they didn’t shed their leaves in the fall?

She also conducted excursions on the “Professionalization” project. We went with the children to the fire station. Here we got acquainted with the tools of the fireman's profession. They told us very interestingly about the work of firefighters. The excursion made a great impression on the guys. They happily shared their impressions of their journey and named what tools they used to put out fires and provide assistance. And firmly remembered 01. The special significance of this work is that it provides the opportunity for extensive practice of free verbal communication children and strengthening speech skills in Everyday life and activities of students, forms the communicative and information competencies of students with disabilities.

The result of monitoring educational work showed that students’ horizons, vocabulary and ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships increased. 8 students out of 12 showed positive dynamics, i.e. 66.4% of the group's pupils. The duration of classes has increased, the children have become less exhausted, the attention of all students has become more stable, and their memory has improved. The difficult children Dima S. and Namik F. showed positive dynamics. If Dima previously did not understand the instructions for the lesson, now he studies for 35-40 minutes. Namik had a pronounced attempt at speech activity. He can independently form phrases and conduct a dialogue. He has developed a need for verbal communication.

As a result, children develop mental processes: the ability to observe, generalize, and compare.