Innovative teaching methods at school (modern forms of teaching). Innovations in work with personnel Innovation activities should be aimed at





The effectiveness of an organization's activities largely depends on how it is adapted to the external environment, how flexible and mobile its structures are, and how capable it is of innovation.

The need for innovation, the ability to innovate acts as an imperative requirement of our time, is common. As M. Crozier, a leading French specialist in the sociology of organizations, notes, “in modern competitive struggle, first of all, the struggle is not for the possession of resources, material values, but for the ability to innovate.”

At present, the need for transformation is recognized by most industrial organizations. Some have already made the necessary changes, although the task of adapting to the rapidly changing economic and political situation remains urgent for them.

Mechanisms of adaptation to the changed external environment, various transformations and innovations are considered in a special branch of knowledge - innovation. Innovation is the science of purposeful changes, innovations in an organization. The subject of our consideration in this paper is innovation in organizations, that is, targeted changes in the functioning of enterprises as a system that introduce relatively stable elements into them that significantly transform the functions and nature of their management. Thus, unlike various spontaneous, spontaneously arising changes, innovation considers the mechanism of initiated and controlled changes occurring on the basis of rational-volitional action.

The innovation strategy has been recognized as one of the main means of achieving the goals of the organization in the face of a high level of uncertainty in the expected results, investment risks of projects. In this paper, we will consider all types of innovative strategies, as well as highlight their features in the context of Russia's transitional economy.

innovation strategy organization uncertainty

. Theoretical part

1.1 Concept of innovation, innovation activity and innovation process

It is generally accepted that the concept innovation” is the Russian variant English word innovation. The literal translation from English means “innovation” or in our understanding of the word “innovation”. Innovation means new order, new custom, new method, invention, new phenomenon. Russian phrase " innovation"literally" introduction of a new” means the process of using the innovation.

Thus, from the moment of acceptance for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes an innovation (innovation). The process of introducing an innovation to the market is commonly referred to as the commercialization process. The period of time between the appearance of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called the innovation lag.

In everyday practice, as a rule, the concept of innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation is identified, which is quite understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods only receive public recognition when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and already in a new capacity they act as innovations (innovations).

Under innovation in a broad sense, the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature is understood. The period of time from the birth of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is commonly called the innovation life cycle. Taking into account the sequence of work, the life cycle of innovation is considered as innovation process. The stages of the innovation process are shown in Fig. one.

It is well known that the transition from one quality to another requires the expenditure of resources (energy, time, finance, etc.). The process of converting innovation (innovation) into innovation (innovation) also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investment and time. In market conditions, as a system of economic relations for the purchase and sale of goods, within which demand, supply and price are formed, the main components of innovation are innovations, investments and innovations. Innovations form the market of innovations (innovations), investments the market of capital (investments), innovations (innovations) the market of pure competition of innovations.

Classification of innovations (innovations)

The classification provides for the grouping of typological concepts both in general by innovations and by subgroups of their basic features. At the same time, each typological concept is deepened by innovations with typological concepts from the corresponding subgroups. For example, scientific and technical innovations are specified by the degree of novelty (absolute, relative, conditional, partial) or innovative potential (radical, combined, modified). The same principle is used in the evaluation of technological, economic, organizational, and managerial innovations.

The possibility of a multifactorial assessment of innovations according to the classifier will make it possible to make informed management decisions on the feasibility of investing in the continuation of innovative activities. If it turns out that the level of any innovation is not progressive enough, then investments can be subdivided into local stages of the innovation process, or they may even be considered inappropriate.

Classification of innovation processes

Typological concepts based on the basic features of innovation processes reveal their main characteristics. The goals of innovation processes, the duration of their implementation, and the cost significantly affect the decisions related to the organization of these processes. In itself, innovation activity can be organized both using project-program methods, and on a competitive basis (at the interorganizational level).

The design-program method is used at the stage of the innovation process for the technological development of large-scale production of new products. It is associated with large investments, the presence of commercial risk at the intraorganizational level. In addition to technological innovations, many organizational and economic innovations are used here. Justification of the expediency of investment in innovation processes will be greatly assisted by the classification of basic and other signs of expected innovations.

Classification of innovations (innovations).

The basic features of the classification of innovations are supplemented by typological concepts about their fundamental essence, distinctive property (simple product, complex innovative product, product modification, technological process, service). Each of the innovations can be developed in the process of innovation at the state, industry, company and other levels of the hierarchy of social production and relations. Consequently, the variety of innovations (as well as innovation processes) is accompanied by various types and forms of their development and distribution. The sphere of development and dissemination of innovations is revealed by such typological concepts as industrial, scientific and pedagogical, financial and legal.

1.1.1 Innovation activities

Innovations form the market of innovations (innovations), investments are the market of capital (investments), innovations (innovations) - the market of pure competition of innovations form the sphere of innovation activity (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Scheme of innovation activity

Market of innovations (innovations). The main product of the market is the scientific and scientific and technical result of the product intellectual activity, which is subject to copyright and similar rights, issued in accordance with applicable international, federal, corporate and other laws and regulations.

In world practice, it is customary to distinguish between scientific (research), scientific and technical activities, as well as experimental (experimental design) developments. Scientific (research) activities are aimed at obtaining, disseminating and applying new knowledge.

The innovation market is formed by scientific organizations, universities, temporary research teams, associations of scientists, research divisions of commercial organizations, independent laboratories and departments, domestic and foreign innovators (Fig. 2).

Market of pure competition of innovations. A market of pure competition is a set of sellers and buyers who make transactions with a similar product in a situation where no buyer or seller has any great influence to the current price level. The use of the concept of "pure" competition allows us to avoid considering issues of price, non-price, unfair and other types of competition and struggle between the subjects of industrial relations for the most profitable areas of capital investment, sales markets, sources of resources and the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities.

1.1.2 Main areas of innovation activity

Innovative activity includes not only the innovative process of the evolutionary transformation of scientific knowledge into new types of products, technologies and services, but also marketing research the market for goods, their consumer properties, the competitive environment, as well as a set of technological, managerial, and organizational and economic measures, which together lead to innovation, a new approach to information, consulting, social and other types of services.

Innovative activity has an alternative character. It can be carried out not only at any stage of the innovation process, but also outside it in the process of acquired patents, licenses, disclosure of know-how, useful ideas. In addition, the scope of innovation includes the modification of products that are in demand in the commodity market by improving designs and applying new technological processes in order to improve operational parameters, reduce manufacturing costs, and generate additional profit.

Innovative activity in the field of technological preparation of production is aimed at updating equipment, instruments and tooling, mastering new ways to improve product quality, organizing and planning production processes. Mechanical processing of objects of labor consistently on the basis of innovation gives way to continuous physical and chemical processes. Planar technology is being developed - a high-performance method for the batch production of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits for logic and memory devices.

Technological areas of innovation provide an increase in the performance of new products, reduce labor and material costs. At the same time, each of the technological R&D costs is an order of magnitude higher in comparison with the cost of R&D and ensures the success of the commercialization of manufactured and sold products.

. Strategies

2.1 Concept and types of innovation strategies

Innovation strategy- one of the means of achieving the goals of the organization (corporation, firm), which differs from other means in its novelty, primarily for this organization and, possibly, for the industry, market, consumers.

Strategies in general and innovative ones in particular are aimed at developing and using the potential of the organization and are considered as a reaction to a change in the external environment. Therefore, the diversity of innovative strategies is determined by the composition of the components of the internal environment of the enterprise. Innovative strategies can be: innovative activities of an organization aimed at obtaining new products, technologies and services, applying new methods in research and development, production, marketing and management; transition to new organizational structures; application of new types of resources and new approaches to the use of traditional resources. Thus, regarding the internal environment, innovation strategies are divided into several large groups: grocery(portfolio, entrepreneurial or business strategies aimed at the creation and implementation of new products, technologies and services); functional(scientific and technical, production, marketing, service); resource(financial, labor, informational and logistical); organizational and managerial(technologies, structures, methods, control systems). These are special innovation strategies.

The theory and practice of strategic and project management has developed a number of universal strategies that have become widely known. Such strategies are usually called basic or reference. They are aimed at developing the competitive advantages of the company, which is why they are also called development strategies or growth strategies of the company.

Basic development strategies are most often divided into the following groups:

· intensive development strategies;

· integration development strategies;

diversification strategies;

reduction strategies.

Each of these groups has directly innovative strategies. Other strategies have some innovative aspect. Basic strategies reflect generally accepted directions for the development of the firm's competitive advantages. They are used as standard catalogs in the selection of alternative strategies.

2.1.1 Features of innovation strategies

Innovative strategies create particularly difficult conditions for project, firm and corporate management. These conditions include:

· Increasing the level of uncertainty of the results. The rather complex strategic management is supplemented by difficulties associated with a sharp increase in the level of uncertainty of results in terms of time, costs, quality and efficiency, which makes it necessary to develop such a specific function as innovation risk management;

· increase of investment risks of projects. Investment risks increase due to the novelty of the tasks being solved, i.e. adding an innovative component. To the complexities of project management are added difficulties caused by the structure of the portfolio of innovative projects, which is dominated by medium-term and especially long-term projects. More difficult work is required to attract investments, as more risky investors have to be found. A more flexible alignment of innovation and investment processes is also required. In other words, a qualitatively new object of management appears in front of the management system of this organization - an innovation-investment project;

· strengthening the flow of changes in the organization in connection with innovative restructuring. The implementation of any innovative strategy is associated with the inevitability of restructuring the enterprise or, as they say, its restructuring, since a change in the state of at least one element leads to a change in the state of all other elements. These streams of strategic change should be combined with stable ongoing production processes. The flows of innovative strategic changes must also be carried out taking into account the various life cycles of products, technologies, demand for goods, and organizations. There are problems of managing the flows of innovative strategic changes, i.e. application of the principles of logistics;

Increased contradictions in the leadership of the organization. The choice and implementation of innovative strategies inevitably causes a conflict of interests and approaches to management among various management groups and individual leaders of the organization. It is required to ensure a combination of interests and coordination of decisions of strategic, scientific, technical, financial and production management, as well as marketing decisions.

2.1.2 The innovative aspect of basic growth strategies

Each growth strategy in the process of its implementation forms one or another stream of strategic changes in both the internal and external environment of the company. Many of these changes are new and unexpected to the firm and its contact audience; strategies are innovative.

With an intensive growth strategy, the organization gradually builds up its potential through better use of its internal forces and better use of the opportunities provided by the external environment.

Three strategies for intensive growth are known. In the first of them, aimed at a deeper penetration into this market with this product, the innovative component is insignificant. The second strategy aimed at developing the market is to find a new market for this product and gain a foothold in it. It contains mainly marketing innovation. The third strategy, which consists in product development, is to modernize or create a new product for its sale in a given market. Here we are dealing with product innovation.

Intensive growth strategies are well described by I. Ansoff's matrix "new/old goods and technologies - new/old market". The considered situations cover all four squares of the matrix:

1. with well-known products and markets, only local innovations are observed;

2. "old goods and technologies - a new market" (innovative marketing strategy);

3. "new goods and technologies - the old market" (innovative product and technology strategy);

4. The quadrant with the situation “new products and technologies - new market” refers to conglomerate diversification strategies when we are dealing with a complex innovative project: design, technology, marketing, organizational and managerial.

Integration growth strategies is a strategy of integration with suppliers and supply structures (vertical downward integration); integration strategy with industrial consumers and sales structures (vertical integration upwards); integration strategy with industry developing and manufacturing organizations (horizontal integration). All three integration growth strategies are related to organizational innovation.

The group of diversification strategies includes the strategy of design diversification (it is also called "centered" because technology, industry and market do not change). It is aimed at finding and using prisoners in an existing case (business) additional features for the production of innovative products. At the same time, the existing production remains at the center of the matter, and the new one arises based on the opportunities that are contained in the developed market, the technology used (the technology must be “fruitful”), relying on other strengths of the enterprise. This is a strategy for intra-industry and intra-market product innovation, using the synergy effect.

Another diversification strategy is conglomerative (“pure” or total) diversification. The firm is developing activities that are not related to its traditional profile, either technologically or commercially. The product portfolio is radically updated. There is a situation “new products - new market”: both product and marketing innovations are available; the risk and complexity of management are doubled.

Reduction strategies are to identify and reduce inappropriate costs that may entail innovative activities: the use of new efficient materials, technologies, management methods, organizational structures.

The variety of competitive strategies and organizational forms of economic entities creates a variety of strategic positions and options for choosing innovative competitive strategies. In order to navigate in this space of decisions and correspond to the new market structure, it is necessary to adequately assess your position in it.

It is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​how in-house research, production, technological, human and organizational resources correspond to current market needs and what can be done to achieve such compliance in the foreseeable future, and at minimal cost. Therefore, the first task of the analyst is to identify the organization and the type of its strategic competitive behavior in order to use a rich arsenal of methodological developments and practical experience in the decision-making process.

2.1.3 Classification of types of competitive behavior

In solving the problem, the theoretical developments of economists are called upon to play a significant role, laying the scientific and methodological foundations for designing competitive industrial structures. This is based on the so-called biological approach to the classification of competitive behavior, proposed by the Russian scientist L.G. Ramensky, and used by experts to classify companies and their respective competitive strategies. According to this approach, strategic behavior can be divided into four types:

1. violet, characteristic of large companies engaged in mass production, entering the mass market with their own or purchased new products, outstripping competitors due to serial production and economies of scale. In Russia, these include large complexes of the defense and civil industries;

2. Patient, which consists in adapting to narrow segments of a wide market (niches) through the specialized release of new or upgraded products with unique characteristics;

3. explerent, meaning entering the market with a new (radically innovative) product and capturing a part of the market;

4. commutative, consisting in adapting to the conditions of demand of the local market, filling in niches that, for one reason or another, are not occupied by “violents” and “patients”, mastering new types of services after the appearance of new products and new technologies, imitation of new products and promoting them to the most wide range of consumers.

The author of the designations for types of firms associated with competitive behavior with the animal world (“foxes”, “mice”, “lions”, etc.) is the Swiss expert H. Friesewinkel. Classifications L.G. Ramensky and H. Friesewinkel are well combined with each other (Table 1).

The procedure for identifying an organization, assigning it to one or another type of strategic competitive innovative behavior is as follows:

1) a characteristic of the analyzed organization, its products, industry, market is compiled;

2) according to the established characteristics, this organization is described using a morphological identification matrix according to the type of strategic competitive innovative behavior (Table 1);

3) an analysis of the morphological description is carried out and, using Table 2, a correspondence is established with one or several types of strategic competitive innovative behavior.

2.2 Types of innovation strategies

2.2.1 Mass production strategies

Large firms engaged in mass production have great resource power, and, naturally, they are characterized by forceful competitive and innovative behavior in the market, which is commonly called violet.

These firms are large in size, have a large number of employees, many branches and subsidiaries, completeness of the assortment, and the ability to mass production. They are distinguished by high expenditures on R&D, production, marketing and sales networks. This requires serious investment. Their constant problem is capacity utilization.

Violent products are of high quality associated with high level standardization, unification and manufacturability, low prices inherent in mass production. Many violets are transnational companies, creating an oligopolistic market.

The spheres of activity of the violets are not limited in any way. They can be found in all industries: mechanical engineering, electronics, pharmaceuticals, services, etc. Their types can be clearly distinguished only by stages evolutionary development violets and dependence on development dynamics:

1. "proud lion" - a type of violets, which are characterized by the most dynamic pace of development. This group can be divided into subgroups: No. of leaders, "vice-leaders" and others;

2. "mighty elephant" - a type with less dynamic development, expanded diversification of compensation for the loss of a leader position in the industry;

3. “Clumsy hippopotamus” - a type of violets that have lost their development dynamics, are overly carried away by wide diversification and dissipated their forces.

The role of violets in the economy and the innovation process

Large organizations are constantly criticized for their conservatism, bureaucratization, wastefulness, uncontrollability. However, for all their shortcomings, they are the core of any modern developed economy. Of the total number of US firms, Western Europe Japan, they make up no more than 1-2%, but they also create from 1/3 to ½ of the GNP and produce more than half of all industrial output.

Along with the weaknesses, the violet tapes undoubtedly have many advantages.

The area of ​​scientific and technical activity of violet tapes, as well as state companies, is predictable, current, program-targeted scientific and technical progress(risky breakthroughs into the unknown - the chance of explorers). Violents are mainly involved in planned research and applied research (sometimes fundamental, especially in the pharmaceutical industry), in the creation of new models and the modernization (improvement) of previously produced equipment. These are innovative product strategies.

For large firms, continuous cost reduction is vital. The innovative solution to this problem lies in the transition to new resource-saving technologies that they create themselves or, more often, adopt from developers and early innovators.

The violets do not refuse to join the production of new products at the stage of maturation of their mass market.

Evolutionary path of development

New large firms most often appear in new industries or sub-sectors, and internationally in new, dynamically developing countries. Creating a violet requires large-scale investments. It was in this way that many large organizations appeared in a number of industries a century ago, violets were formed in industrial countries (for example, in Japan, South Korea), they appeared in the latest industries (computer, biotechnology). To be successful in the market, a large corporation must make interconnected investments in three areas:

creation of large-scale production;

Creation of a nationwide and then international sales and marketing network;

Creation of an effective administrative apparatus.

Violents acquire the features of "proud lions" - firms with a clear production profile and low diversification (does not penetrate into related industries and podotasli). However, in the release of "their" mass product, "lions" are technological leaders. Features of their position in the market: technical and organizational advantages in an important and promising market segment. For example, the Philips concern dominated the production of lamps, Toyota - compact cars, Khrunichev-Lockheed JV - launch vehicles for heavy commercial satellites.

The strength of the "lions" is the concentration on a narrow, but massive and promising range of goods; high expenditures on R&D and the creation of the most powerful research structures, which, as the core of the organization, do not disappear under any circumstances.

The “Proud Lion” launches a mechanism of self-accelerating growth that is extremely beneficial for him. It starts with a massive market invasion with a new quality product at affordable prices. This happened, for example, with Microsoft's Windows program, which is the most common operating system for personal computers. Soon the first millions of users appeared.

Further, for the already known operating system, it became profitable to write specific applications, which was immediately taken up by thousands of programming firms. This has become an additional reason for consumers to purchase the Windows program, through which they have access to a host of other programs that are compatible with it.

Sales increased, user numbers increased, cost per copy decreased, price decreased, rekindling the interest of software firms, and so on. With each round of self-accelerating growth, the “lion” firm is getting further and further away from its competitors. Dynamic "lions" are most aggressive in competition in the upper echelon of the "pyramid" of corporations.

The growth potential of the market segment in which the "lion" is developing dynamically, sooner or later dries up. The active evolution of the violet ends, and it moves into the position of a “powerful elephant”, when the violet firm loses its dynamism, but instead acquires increased stability. In this state, it can exist for a number of decades. Stability is provided mainly by three factors: large size; diversification; the presence of a wide international network of branches.

The "mighty elephant" in the conditions of a stable existence is characterized by the effective tactics of the "dexterous second". It is impossible to be the first in the release of new products all the time with fierce competition. The risk of a pioneer is great, but large-scale production cannot take risks.

Often "elephants" avoid the role of the first when a new product appears on the market, but they are nearby, in the background. Entry corporations begin to act only when the success of the novelty is noticeable. They set off the innovator company and come to the fore. The essence of the smart second tactic is that a firm does not have to be the first to get the most benefit from an innovation. Discovery, invention are mainly of scientific and technical importance. It becomes commercially profitable only with mass replication and application in various fields, i.e. with deep diffusion. It is here that the advantages of the violet - the "elephant" - appear. Thanks to its widely diversified and mass production, it is the “elephant” that benefits the most from the application of the novelty in a wide variety of areas.

To implement this approach, Violent - "Elephant" creates in itself special structural units of strategic intelligence that monitors the promotion and commercialization of other people's inventions, which ensures the rapid creation of analogues that, if possible, surpass the original. The overall goal of the follow-the-leader method is to reduce the risk of innovation and reduce R&D costs by replacing free search with imitation, proven samples.

The situation of the "lion" - the whole business is developing rapidly. The situation of the "elephant" - only some areas of activity are developing successfully, while others are lagging behind. Over time, the dynamism of the "elephant" falls. His creative ability is declining. The "mighty elephant" turns into a "sluggish hippopotamus". While maintaining a gigantic turnover, the corporation gradually loses the ability to achieve a commensurate profit, and even becomes unprofitable. Causes:

· strategic mistakes associated with too wide diversification and the corresponding dispersal of forces;

· the general decline of the industry, the mortification of capital, the lack of prospects for production.

In a number of cases, the situation can still be corrected by a disinvestment strategy, i.e. getting rid of unprofitable production and reducing costs in retained organizations.

2.2.2 Strategies for product differentiation and market segmentation

Firms-patients ("cunning foxes") can be of different sizes: small, medium and even occasionally large. A patent strategy is a strategy for differentiating products and occupying a niche, a narrow market segment. In the patient (niche) strategy, two components of the substrategy are clearly traced: a bet on product differentiation; the need to focus maximum efforts on a narrow market segment.

Product differentiation is a step towards the consumer who does not need mass standard products. It also allows the patient to open his own business for the production of differentiated products. In this case, the patient uses differences in the quality of goods, services and advertising.

In specialized production, the margin of competitiveness of the goods arises mainly due to the high consumer value of the goods. The patient has to accurately determine and provide it.

First of all, you need to find or create your own niche. This is a difficult task, since not every narrow market segment is suitable for this. Ways: participation in the modification of serial products; execution of specific orders, etc. A niche should be distinguished by stable isolation. The role of the stabilizer of the achieved product differentiation can be played by: unique technological experience; special distribution network; historical prestige of the brand.

The firm accumulates experience and concentrates resources in a chosen narrow area, all the while isolating the niche more and cutting off competitors. Turnover is growing rapidly. The popularity of the product is growing. An ever wider range of potential consumers will learn about a new product with special advantages. The firm becomes highly profitable while remaining small in size.

At the stage of the onset of maturity, the patient has its own problems. The value of a patient, a technology, a specialized distribution network exists as long as there is a specific market need. The patient has invested heavily in a narrow niche and only benefits as long as the niche exists. He became her hostage. Changing the production profile is almost impossible. Research and production flexibility is lost. For example, quartz watches have killed many manufacturers of mechanical watches; the computer, combined with the printer, reduced the demand for typewriters many times over; in the production of devices, the main node became electronic, not mechanical, and production moved from mechanical factories, even those with ultra-high-precision equipment, to electronic firms. Everywhere there is one reason - the previous design and technological knowledge has depreciated.

Market success turns most specialized companies into acquisition targets. A typical patient workforce of 200 to 500 is the critical size of a firm's vulnerability to violent capture. For the latter, such a seizure may be the only way to gain access to patents, know-how, a specialized distribution network, while an attempt to directly invade the market controlled by the patient, for a large firm, can lead to irreparable losses.

A large firm, absorbing a patient, acquires an organization that is optimally adapted to meet the needs of a certain range of consumers. It cannot be radically restructured - the ability to self-learn, accumulate experience will be lost. The former independent patient is managed as a subsidiary company with a high degree of autonomy and, as it were, continues its independent existence. For example, the English manufacturer of expensive sports cars Jaguar was absorbed by the British Leyland concern, then regained independence, then became part of Ford, but retained the traditions of the famous brand.

The development of patients who have avoided absorption can occur in two directions:

· stagnation or moderate growth along with the occupied niche, This path is typical for most patients, when their size reaches the boundaries of the market niche, Their activity is determined by the strategy of narrow specialization. Qualitatively, the firm does not change, but goes into a stationary state. If the volume of the market segment it occupies stagnates, then it stops its growth. If the niche grows, then the patient may increase slightly in size;

· change of strategy and transformation into a large violet.

2.2.3 Strategies for innovative research and development organizations

Explerent firms are mostly small organizations. Them the main role in the economy - innovative, consisting in the creation of radical, "breakthrough" innovations: new products and new technologies in all industries National economy. As creators of radical innovations, explerent firms, or the so-called "cunning foxes", are distinguished by their purposefulness, devotion to the idea, high professional level of employees and leaders, and high R&D expenses.

In Russia, the defense complex is the nursery of the explerent firms. Even 10 years after the start of the conversion, defense enterprises are simply stuffed with various technological developments that can revolutionize many industries. This is convincingly evidenced by the numerous awards received by Russians at international scientific and technical fairs, the "brain drain" abroad.

The evolutionary path of development of executors

An explorer firm in its development is first created or exists as a pioneer company, which is no different from many other small and medium-sized firms except for the obsession with an idea. However, it is persistently searching for fundamentally new technical solutions. All funds, for the most part attracted, are spent on R&D. Initially, nothing is brought to the market. Note that the innovative business is not pure science or invention, although all this is important. The activity of the company is subordinated to the main task - the preparation of a competitive new product. And this preparatory, essentially pre-market, stage has a hidden character.

At the first stage, pioneering firms that undertake the difficult and risky business of introducing or commercializing a discovery and invention are poor and weak and need support. In recent decades, when technology centers and parks, venture capital, the situation has changed for the better. Support for firms-explerents has assumed an organized character. The innovation risk inherent in the financing of explerents is mitigated in a variety of ways.

For most explorers, the search for a new product ends in failure. Those who successfully implemented the idea enter the second stage of development - a period of rapid growth.

What is the reason for the rapid growth of explorers at the stage of introducing a new product to the market? It's all about the consumer value of the new product. Innovations solve old, previously unsolvable consumer problems or open up new opportunities for them. At the same time, the consumer value of the new product turns out to be very high, since it is formed by comparison with the amount of costs for old products that would have to be incurred in order to achieve the same result as the new product provides. This is common property so-called breakthrough innovations. Therefore, the relatively high price of a new product is usually well below the value in use. The novelty acquires a very high competitiveness.

The manufacturer has the opportunity to quickly increase sales volumes and make high profits (a similar analysis of the reasons for the success of new products on the market was first done by K. Marx).

The pioneering companies, after the obvious market success, are gaining more and more followers. The market for a new product is growing. Leading corporations are finally paying attention to new opportunities. So, the stage of mass production has come. Naturally, the pioneering company is forced out of the market by the “elephant” violets hardened in the competitive struggle.

Only a very few ekplerents stand up to direct competition from the giants. Resource depletion yet long time affects the state of the firm and makes it unstable. Having lost the leadership, the explorers turn into secondary producers of mass products and occupy the position of vice-leader in the market, which is also dangerous.

The explerent firm does not regard the loss of independence as a tragedy. The founding fathers of a firm in a "friendly" takeover usually remain department heads and are generously compensated for their shares. The main gain is the emergence of access to the resources of a large firm, without which reliable success is often impossible.

Today, unlike a hundred years ago, few explerent companies pass all the tests of competition and become large specialized firms or new leaders. With an ever narrower circle of radically renewing industries, there is little chance for explerents to survive. In order to successfully operate on the market, after a new product has become a mass product, the explorer must be reborn, i.e. change strategy. It must either form a clear specialization (patient strategy), or make large-scale investments in production, management and distribution network (violet strategy).

2.2.4 Small business strategies

Small business is important not only for its large number, but also for its ability to solve the functional problems put forward by the economy:

Serve local needs

Perform production functions at the level of details and improve the efficiency of large-scale production;

filling the infrastructure of production processes;

to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of the citizens of the country;

· to increase employment of the population, especially in non-industrial settlements.

AT modern development economy, solvent demand does not automatically give rise to supply. Production is selective, since it is economically justified with a sufficient level of profitability and certain conditions are met. Many potential consumers remain dissatisfied. Small firms, satisfying local and narrow-group or even individual demand, thereby bind the economy throughout the space. They take on everything that does not arouse the interest of the violets, patients and explerents. Their role is unifying, binding. Therefore, they were called "commutators".

The role of "gray mice" in the innovation process is twofold: they contribute, on the one hand, to the diffusion of innovation, and on the other, to their runitization. The innovation process is thus expanded and accelerated.

Small firms actively contribute to the promotion of new products and technologies, creating new services on their basis en masse. This speeds up the diffusion of innovations.

Communicators are also actively involved in the process of routinization of innovations due to the propensity to imitate activities and through the organization of new services based on new technologies.


Starting a small business is not difficult. In accordance with the interests and capabilities of the founders, the direction of activity is chosen: the scope and type of service, the subject of sub-delivery, the object of imitation. Having appeared, the commutators immediately join the competition.


Traditional type commutators, having decided on the service sector, use their competitive advantages, find their own style and value orientations to gain a foothold in the market. Usually this is the execution of individual orders at affordable prices, with high quality and on time. At the same time, traditional-type commutators remain small in size. However, for some firms, the size is gradually increasing, which leads to the loss of their flexibility and stability, rising costs and loss of control. These are overgrown mice. This requires a change of strategy, most likely to a patient one.

Reducing the depth of processing is the production policy of large companies: they concentrate their activities only on the most important technological operations. All other operations are entrusted to sub-suppliers - small commutators.

Around the world, imitation is one of the most common areas of activity for small legal businesses. Hence the appearance of generics and clones (copies of programs). Clone makers - manufacturers of legal copies of products of well-known firms - are one of the most common types of switching firms. There are several reasons. In a number of industries (for example, in furniture and clothing), patent law is not able to really protect designs from copying. In other industries (e.g. pharmaceuticals, electronics) the term of patent protection is much shorter life cycle goods. This makes it possible to quite legally copy the best developments of well-known companies, thereby participating in the process of their distribution (diffusion).

The small commuter-imitator gains significant competitive advantages over the firm that brought the product to the market, since it is cheaper to imitate than to create a new one yourself. The costs are small. Therefore, there is no need to produce a huge number of standard products in order to distribute the costs of R & D, etc. among them. (modernization of our weapons sold to France, the Czech Republic, Ukraine). Small imitative production is more efficient than large production, providing a quality that roughly matches the quality of the corresponding original goods of well-known companies. Commutators set significantly lower prices (in Western practice - 1.5-2 times, in Russian conditions - even lower).

Decline and liquidation.

A fall in demand for the services and goods of commutators automatically leads to their liquidation, but not bankruptcy. They endure these difficulties quite easily and are reborn again in a new market segment.

2.3 Specifics of Russian innovation strategies

Power strategy of mass and standard production

Domestic violets are the final producers of complex systemic, high-tech products with large-scale and stable sales markets. The most important shortcomings of our violets and competition with Western firms are a narrow production focus and an excessive number of single-industry enterprises.

Violent organizations have two areas of competition: the production of traditional products and an innovative strategy - the production of new products (Table 3). Violents must target mass markets, where standardized products are supplied. Great importance to ensure competitive advantages, it has a reduction in costs due to economies of scale due to economies of scale and through the formation of consumer demand preferences through advertising campaigns. Finally, a violet firm needs to have a solid reputation in financial and banking circles that allows it to pursue an aggressive investment policy.

Table 3. Typology of Competitive Defense Strategies of Violent Defense Companies

Product diversification strategy and market segments (niches)

The area of ​​concentration of patient companies in the Russian defense complex is numerous enterprises that produce ready-made units and components for military systems or auxiliary control devices in the field of computer science, communications, navigation, etc.

The production specificity of these industries predetermines the wide opportunities for niche specialization of manufacturers. Of the three factors of product differentiation (quality, service, advertising), Russian patients excel only in the first. It is the possession of unique technological innovations with skillful commercialization that allows defense companies to occupy significant competitive positions in the global market.

Small Firm Strategy

The switching strategy is initially inadequate to the research, production and marketing potential of defense companies, because they are designed to work on the national and global markets. It is difficult for them to adapt to the local needs of a small market. Defense companies are not the most ready to quickly change activities, as they are weighed down by large production assets, solid underlying technologies, a highly specialized workforce, and so on. However, large-scale conversion transformations at many enterprises of the defense complex and the transformation of markets under the influence of modern scientific and technological progress open up prospects for survival for the former defense industry precisely on the path to satisfying local demand. For example, the “wire” telephony market is turning into a global telecommunications market. At the same time, certain segments of this global market, for example, the local radio market, can be successfully mastered by conversion enterprises.

A form of commutative market strategy occurs when defense firms tailor imported technology to specific local or industry needs. Here, the local market is a regional or industry segment of the global market for high-tech products and services.

Combination of strategies

Russian innovative organizations have to be more active in the market, using the whole set of strategies. In terms of their main subject, they are mostly patients, as they occupy a highly specialized niche and are not able to massively replicate their new products due to limited demand. In terms of their numerous unique developments, they are experts, as they are able to bring their new products only to the stage of experimental and small-scale production. Due to the fact that in order to survive it is necessary to satisfy local regional or municipal needs, as well as the provision of various kinds of services, defense organizations are pursuing a strategy of commuters.


In this paper, we considered the following types of innovation strategies:

Violet strategy

This type of strategy is typical for large companies and enterprises that are technological leaders in the field of mass and large-scale production. They account for up to half of the total GNI and the volume of output. Large firms and companies conduct R&D, master high technology and produce high quality products at affordable prices. At the same time, a significant part of large manufacturers of products do not always take risks and prefer to remain on the sidelines, focusing on reducing production costs through the use of resource-saving technologies and the modernization of products.

Patent strategy

Many industrial organizations specialize in production in order to differentiate products in the interests of the consumer and occupy their niche in a narrow market segment. Specialized production is organized in conditions of high consumer value of the goods, supported by good service and advertising.

· Explicit strategy

Risky breakthroughs into previously unknown or little-known areas of knowledge, in accordance with the classification of competitive behavior, are carried out by executing firms, mostly small-sized organizations. Their main role in the economy is innovation in the creation of fundamentally new products and science-intensive technologies in all sectors of social production. At present, the chances of survival for the Explerents are very low. They must either move to a patient strategy or a violet one, clearly defining their mission.

Commutative strategy

Typical for small and small organizations. Competitive advantages of small forms of innovative activity of such organizations are:

1. high management efficiency and transparency of production and economic activities;

2. good adaptability of small firms and organizations due to unique and atypical entrepreneurial motives;

3. low production costs and costs for research and development, management, warehouse and advertising work;

4. ease of leaving the market in connection with the transition to a new business;

5. support from the state and/or local authorities.

Thus, the economy will be able to take its rightful place in the world economy only when a circle of powerful competitive global companies is formed in the country, which are able to compete on equal terms with leading foreign firms.

At the same time, attention should be paid mainly to the organizations of the defense complex, where there are modern science-intensive technologies, which in some cases have no analogues in foreign practice. By the beginning of 1997, the state was in charge of the defense complex, covering more than 2,000 organizations. Of these, more than 400 were fully state-owned, about 500 with a controlling stake and 500 with a “golden” share from the state. There are also approximately 800 organizations dominated by non-state ownership. The multitude of defense organizations and the variety of their functions in the process of creating final products predetermine the potential set of strategies for competitive behavior when integrating into the global market. Innovative transformations and the choice of organizational forms of innovative activity also depend on this.

It should be noted that the share of innovation-active organizations in Russian industry in 2001 was 9.2%, which is a low figure compared to 40% in the United States. Such a low figure can be explained by the low investment attractiveness of Russian enterprises for commercial banks and investment companies. Unfortunately, in the coming years the situation is unlikely to change for the better until effective government programs for the development of industry in Russia are developed and the investment risk of innovative projects is reduced.


1. Course of economic theory, A.V. Sidorovich, textbook - Moscow: DIS publishing house, 1997.

2. Fundamentals of management, A.A. Radugin, textbook - Moscow: Center publishing house, 1998.

3. Innovation management, S.D. Ilyenkov, educational and practical guide, - Moscow: MESI, 1999.

4. Innovation management, V.N. Gunin, V.P. Barancheev, - Moscow: INFRA-M publishing house, 2000

5. "Economics and Life" No. 41, No. 43, 2002

6. "PL: computers" October, 2002

Job title:"Innovative activity of the teacher".
Clarifying title:"Innovative activity of a teacher of additional education as a resource for improving pedagogical skills."
Kotlyarova Olga Yuryevna, teacher of additional education, MAOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity" MO "Leninogorsky municipal area» Republic of Tatarstan
Description of work: This article highlights the need for innovative activities in the work of a teacher, since the teacher must constantly develop, look for new ways to solve the set goals. Examples of innovative technologies, methods and forms that can and should be used in the classroom are given. The article will be useful to all teachers and in particular teachers of additional education.
“There are invisible strings in the soul of every child.
If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautifully.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

There are many changes in society today, and the modern student needs to keep pace with these changes. The traditional educator (a monopolist in the transfer of necessary knowledge) leaves the stage. He is replaced by a teacher-researcher, educator, consultant, project manager, a teacher with an innovative style of thinking, capable of creative and professional activity to self-determination and self-development. Such a teacher has a positive effect on the quality of education and upbringing in educational institution, creates conditions for the spiritual development of children, carries out personal - oriented approach to them.
Innovation- (from the Latin "innovation" - innovation¸ change, update). Synonymous with innovation is the concept "innovation".
Innovation- this is the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.
Pedagogical innovation- innovation in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of training and education, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness.
The value of innovative activity of the teacher.
The professional activity of a teacher is incomplete if it is built only as a reproduction of once learned methods of work. Such activity is inferior not only because it does not use the objectively existing opportunities to achieve higher educational results, but also because it does not contribute to the development of the personality of the teacher himself. Without creativity, there is no teacher-master.
The inclusion of a teacher in innovative activities affects the increase in the level of his professional competence, activates his desire to acquire new knowledge, to improve certification, to self-expression, self-realization in solving pedagogical problems, to develop creative potential, and as a result, stimulate the interest of attending classes by students. What is important in the system of additional education.
Types of pedagogical innovations:
Intra-subject innovations, that is, innovations implemented within the subject, which is due to the specifics of its implementation. An example is the development of author's methodological technologies.
General methodological innovations: these include the introduction of teaching practice non-traditional pedagogical technologies, universal in nature, since their use is possible in any subject area. For example, the development of creative tasks for students, project activities, etc.
Administrative innovations: these are decisions made by leaders of various levels, which, ultimately, contribute to the effective functioning of all subjects of educational activity.
Ideological innovations: these innovations are caused by the renewal of consciousness, the trends of the times, they are the fundamental basis of all other innovations, since without realizing the need and importance of priority updates, it is impossible to proceed directly to renewal.
Manufacturability is becoming today main characteristic activities of a teacher of additional education and means a transition to a higher level of organization of the educational process.
Updating the content of the pedagogical process in the institution of additional education for children is possible through the use of modern pedagogical technologies aimed at the versatile development of the child, taking into account his creative abilities.
Pedagogical technology- a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods and educational tools that are systematically used in educational process. This is one of the ways to influence the processes of development, education and upbringing of the child.
Consider some innovative technologies, methods and forms.
Personally oriented technologies. This includes technologies of differentiation and individualization. Children are not so much the object of pedagogical influence as the subject of their own activity. Therefore, a differentiated approach to learning should be carried out at the individual level.
Integrated lessons. Integrated classes are classes in which the material of several subjects is combined around one topic. Features of an integrated lesson - clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, a large informative capacity of the material takes place in the form of an entertaining, exciting game.
Research session and practical work. Their goal is to get educational information from primary sources. Students learn to work with historical documents, textbooks, periodicals.
Information Technology. These include computer programs, the Internet. The computer is used to illustrate the material: images of products of arts and crafts, presentations on the topics of the program, master classes with a phased implementation of products of arts and crafts. Also, a computer and the Internet help to participate in remote competitions, conferences
interactive approaches. The difference between interactive exercises and tasks from the usual ones is that they are aimed at learning new things. For example: creative tasks, work in small groups, learning games, use of public resources (excursions, inviting a specialist), studying and consolidating new material (working with visual aids, “student as a teacher”, “everyone teaches everyone”), discussion of complex and discussion questions and problems, problem solving ("decision tree", "brainstorming").
Teaching through learning- a method of teaching in which students, with the help of a teacher, prepare and conduct a lesson.
Technology paired learning - one of the types of pedagogical technologies in which one student teaches another student. Communication between two students takes place in the form of a dialogue.
Small group work- one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in the work, practice the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication.
This technology refers Singapore education system. Lessons according to the Singaporean methodology are as follows: students sit face to face, work is done in a team of 4 people, changing the location of groups more than once per lesson, independent search for information. Each member of the team during the lesson contributes to the work. Many people can no longer just sit back in the back, not paying attention to both the teacher and what is happening in the classroom. Each student takes part in the lesson, expressing his opinion or assumption on any issue.
The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational space. Personal development in the education system is ensured primarily through the formation of universal educational activities. (UUD).
Universal learning activities(UUD)- the ability to learn, that is, the ability of a person to self-development and self-improvement through the assimilation of new social experience.
UUD create an opportunity for independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, i.e. the ability to learn.
The use of different types of pedagogical technologies makes it possible to develop children's cognitive skills, their creative thinking, the ability to navigate in the information space, as well as to see, formulate and solve problems.
The child independently acquires a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities, learns to use the acquired knowledge to solve new cognitive and practical problems, works in a group, team.

The modern school is looking for various ways to implement its functions, one of which is innovation. Innovation - innovation, innovation, change, innovative activity. These and other related terms require clarification.

The concept of innovation means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. Applied to pedagogical process innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

At the beginning of the XX century. a new field of knowledge has been formed - the science of innovation - innovation. The development of pedagogical innovation in our country is associated with a mass social and pedagogical movement, with the emergence of a contradiction between the existing need for the rapid development of the school and the inability of teachers to implement it. That is why innovation is considered as a field of knowledge necessary to effectively solve the problems of school development, depending on the needs of practice.

Pedagogical innovation reveals the general foundations of the theory of pedagogical innovation processes, and the innovation process, in turn, is a process of purposeful change, during which new stable elements (innovations) are introduced into the environment, causing the transition of the educational system of the school to a new qualitative state.

The content of the innovation process is innovation, that is, the activity of creating, using and disseminating innovations. Innovative activity involves the inclusion of teachers in the process of creating, mastering and using pedagogical innovations in the practice of teaching and education, creating a certain innovative environment at school. The need for innovative activity in modern conditions of the development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of circumstances.

Firstly, the ongoing socio-economic transformations have necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, methodology and technology for organizing the educational process in educational institutions of various types. The innovative orientation of the activities of teachers and educators, which includes the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, acts as a means of updating the educational policy.

Secondly, the strengthening of the humanization of the content of education, the continuous change in the volume and composition of academic disciplines, the introduction of new academic subjects require a constant search for new organizational forms and teaching technologies. In this situation, the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching environment increases significantly.

Thirdly, there is a change in the attitude of teachers to the very fact of mastering and applying pedagogical innovations. If earlier innovative activity was reduced mainly to the use of innovations recommended from above, now it is acquiring an increasingly selective research character. That is why an important area in the work of school leaders and education authorities is the analysis and evaluation of pedagogical innovations introduced by teachers, the creation of conditions for their successful development and application.

Fourth, the entry of general educational institutions into market relations, the creation of new types educational institutions, including non-state ones, create a real situation for their development and improvement in order to achieve competitiveness.

The development of the school, progress in certain areas of its work can only be carried out as an innovative process: the replacement of outdated and inefficient means with new ones for given conditions and more effective ones, the use of new ideas and technologies.

At the same time, the essence of innovation activity is also to solve two major problems of pedagogy - the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of introducing the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science into practice. Their objective relationship lies in the fact that the process of studying, generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience has as its ultimate goal the introduction of a new, advanced into mass practice. Thus, the result of innovative activity should be the use of innovations of a theoretical and practical nature in a holistic pedagogical process. The role of the teacher in this activity is that he can act as an author, developer, researcher, user and propagandist of new pedagogical technologies, theories, concepts.

The formation of an innovative orientation involves the use of certain criteria to judge the effectiveness of an innovation. Taking into account the existing experience of research in pedagogy, we can define the following set criteria for pedagogical innovations: novelty, optimality, high performance, the possibility of creative application of innovation in mass experience.

The main criterion for innovation is novelty, which is equally relevant to the assessment of both scientific pedagogical research and advanced pedagogical experience. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to determine what is the essence of the proposed new What is the level of novelty. For one it may be really new, for another it may not. In this regard, it is necessary to approach the inclusion of teachers in innovative activities, taking into account voluntariness, personal characteristics, and individual psychological characteristics.

The introduction of optimality into the system of criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations means the expenditure of effort and resources of teachers and students to achieve results. Different teachers can achieve equally high results with different intensity of their own work and the work of students. The introduction of pedagogical innovation into the educational process and the achievement of high results at the lowest physical, mental and time costs testify to its optimality.

Efficiency as a criterion of innovation means a certain stability of positive results in the activities of teachers. Manufacturability in measurement, observability and fixability of results, unambiguity in understanding and presentation make this criterion necessary in assessing the significance of new techniques, methods of training and education.

Possibility of creative application innovation in mass experience is considered by us as a criterion for evaluating pedagogical innovations. In fact, if a valuable pedagogical idea or technology remains within a narrow, limited application, due to the peculiarities and complexity of the technical support or the specifics of the teacher's activity, then in this case we can hardly speak of a pedagogical innovation.

Possibility application of innovations in mass pedagogical experience at the initial stage, it is confirmed in the activities of individual teachers and educators, but after their approbation and objective evaluation, they can be recommended for mass implementation.

In general, considering the innovation process at school, we can distinguish three stages of its deployment: creation of a new one, its development and evaluation, implementation. But since novelty, as the main component of the innovation process, is always of a specific historical nature, it can appear before “its time”, then it can become the norm and become obsolete. AT pedagogical science There are several levels of novelty:

Absolute novelty (lack of analogues and prototypes in this area);

Relative novelty (making some changes to existing practice);

Pseudo-newness (appearance of novelty).

There are also various bases for classifying innovations:

By definition of the sphere in which innovation activity is carried out:

Technologies, methods, means of organizing the pedagogical process;

Forms of organization of training and education;

Management system (activities of the administration, teachers, students);

Educational ecology.

According to the way of emergence and flow of innovations:

Systematic, planned;


In terms of depth and breadth of innovation:

Massive, global, radical, significant transformations;

Partial, minor modifications of the known and accepted, associated with improvement, rationalization, modification.

By nature of origin:



In terms of scale:

Private (local and single, unrelated);

Modular (or complex, interconnected);

Systemic (covering all spheres of life of an educational institution).

If innovation is a complex activity for the creation, development, use and dissemination of innovations, then sources of innovation processes in the practice of an educational institution can be:

Intuition of a creative leader, teacher;

Pedagogical experience born in this school;

Experience born in other schools;

Directives and normative documents;

Opinion of the consumer of educational services;

The needs of the teaching staff to work in a new way;

The needs of the region, the country in changing the situation in education;

Achievements, developments of the whole complex of human sciences, etc.

At the same time, the main directions for the development of innovations leading to the development of education at school are:

Changes in the organization of the educational process;

Changes in the technologies of education and upbringing;

Changes in the management of educational institutions.

Knowledge of the criteria for pedagogical innovations, classifications, sources and directions for their use create the basis for the teacher to display diverse opportunities in pedagogical creativity, in mastering professional and pedagogical culture from simple reproduction, introducing into his own pedagogical activity knowledge, technologies, concepts already known to the pedagogical community on an individual basis. logical level to their heuristic, creative development and implementation.

The innovative orientation of teachers' activities also includes such a component as the introduction of the results of psychological and pedagogical research into practical pedagogical activity. The results of scientific research on pedagogy and psychology for school workers often remain unknown due to the lack of timely information. In the special works of V. E. Gmurman, V. V. Kraevsky, P. I. Kartashov, M. N. Skatkin and others, it is shown that the implementation of the results of pedagogical research involves special familiarization of practitioners with the data obtained, the rationale for the expediency of their implementation, development on this basis of the need to apply scientific results in practice. This is possible under the condition of specially organized training in the methods and techniques for implementing scientific recommendations with prompt methodological, advisory assistance from specialists.

The process of communicating the ideas, implementation methods, products and/or results of an innovation experience to target audience is called dissemination. Dissemination can exist and be carried out in two main forms - as a permanent activity or as a special project. In the latter case, all general guidelines for project development and project management apply to dissemination planning and management.

Innovation in education involves the creation of new models of pedagogical activity that raise the teacher's activity to a fundamentally new qualitative level and contribute to improving the results of teaching and educating schoolchildren. Based on this, we can assume that it is precisely such experience that introduces targeted changes into the educational environment that is subject to dissemination. Dissemination makes it possible to extend this practice to a wider mass, adapting, reducing and sometimes developing various elements of innovative development or the system as a whole. This allows you to transfer innovations and innovation itself to a wide range of teachers, which ensures the development of the education system.

In pedagogical science and practice, innovative pedagogical experience is defined as the highest degree of manifestation of advanced pedagogical experience, characterized by a systemic restructuring by the teacher of his activity based on a fundamentally new idea or sets of ideas (discoveries), resulting in a significant and sustainable increase in the efficiency of the pedagogical process. Together with innovative experience, the concept of innovative pedagogical experience is often used. This is an experience that reflects the creation of a fundamentally new idea or technology that has no analogues in pedagogical practice.

The modern school has accumulated rich pedagogical experience, which should be implemented in specific pedagogical activities, but often remains unclaimed, because most teachers and leaders do not have a need to study and apply it, lack the skills and abilities in its selection and analysis. In real practice, teachers often do not think about the need and expediency of analyzing their own teaching experience, as well as the experience of their colleagues.

Pedagogical experience can be massive and advanced. Advanced pedagogical experience is historically limited, because at each new stage, with the expansion of the material, methodological, personnel and other possibilities of the school, new requirements for pedagogical activity arise. At the same time, advanced experience also carries some enduring elements that replenish the treasury of pedagogical science and practice. The position of the teacher plays an important role in the creation and transfer of best practices, therefore, when analyzing and disseminating the leading provisions of specific experience, it is important to take into account the influence of the subjective factor, predict options for its assessment and transmission to teaching staff. In pedagogical experience, as nowhere else, objectively valuable and individual are intertwined, but not everything deeply individual in pedagogical activity can become the property of mass practice. What remains is that which constitutes the realm of the unique and inimitable in the person who creates the new experience. Advanced pedagogical experience, being formed on the basis of mass experience, represents the level of mastering objective pedagogical patterns.

Varieties of advanced pedagogical experience are innovative and research pedagogical experience as a kind of ascent from empirical to theoretical analysis and generalization. Samples of the unique innovative and research pedagogical experience of such teachers and scientists of Russia as I. P. Volkov, T. I. Goncharova, I. P. Ivanov, E. N. Ilyin, V. A. Karakovsky, S. N. Lysenkova, M. P. Shchetinin, E. A. Yamburg, and others have already become the property of teachers throughout the country.

The main thing in pedagogical experience is the idea. In this regard, the question arises of the dissemination and promotion of new pedagogical ideas and technologies. The need to address this issue is due to a number of reasons:

He does not always consider it necessary to implement his ideas, because this requires additional time, etc.

A wider set of factors that make up the essence of an innovative school is found in the definition adopted in the early 1990s. Association of innovative schools and centers. This is the realization of a different model of organizing children's life than in mass practice, different from the traditional content of education; other content of the work of teachers, aimed at developing the creative personality traits of the teacher and his personal responsibility for the results of his work.

As follows from the above definitions, the main components of an innovative school are:

Successfully implemented pedagogical experiment;

The difference between life and mass school;

Formulation of a different philosophy of the school;

The role and importance of the director's activities;

The creative nature of the activities of teachers;

More favorable conditions for learning and development of students;

- "replicability" of results.

In the process of dissemination and promotion of advanced pedagogical experience, it is necessary to carry out pedagogical monitoring - a systematic selection of new ideas, technologies, concepts that can really be widely disseminated.

When disseminating, it is important to convey the essence of the pedagogical process, the novelty of experience, the conditions for using its main structures in practice.

Summarizing the practice of disseminating innovative pedagogical experience, we can outline the following main stages that make up this complex process:

Familiarizing teachers with advanced pedagogical experience, explaining the advantages of recommended methods and techniques compared to traditional ones;

- "demonstration in action" of the methods and techniques of work to be used;

Practical training of teachers in the use of recommended methods and techniques (core schools, courses, seminars, workshops);

Free exchange of innovations, pedagogical discoveries in the mode of network communication of creative teachers.

The inclusion of practicing teachers in such work requires preliminary preparation, which is expressed in learning the technology of generalizing pedagogical experience, and then serious scientific and methodological support, which is the business of advanced training institutions and methodological services.

In accordance with the activities of the Association of Innovative Schools and Centers in Russia at the end of the 20th century, the movement of author's schools was rapidly gaining momentum, as schools in which innovative processes became the basis of innovative experience in education.

Author's schools began to appear already at the first stages of the design of the school as a social educational institution. Suffice it to name the Academy of Plato and the Lyceum of Aristotle. The category of "author's school" includes the Alcuin Academy and the "House of Joy" by Vitorino da Feltre, the "Institution for the Poor" in Neuhof and the Burgdorf Institute of I. G. Pestolozzi, the Yasnaya Polyana school of L. N. Tolstoy and the gymnasium of K. I. May. Even in conditions of reaction, in conditions that seemed fundamentally unsuitable for the flourishing of humanism and democracy, there were educational institutions created on the basis of author's programs.

The term "author's school" came into use in the late 1980s. By the mid-1990s, the concepts of "innovative" and "experimental" were used more frequently. M. M. Potashnik defines innovative schools as “educational institutions created on the basis of systemic innovations: for the purposes, content of education, technologies, organization of the educational process based on a new management system” (Potashnik M. M. Management of the professional growth of a teacher in modern School, Moscow, 2009, p. 10).

As for the experimental schools, here the emphasis is shifted to the role and significance of the experiment, and in terms of the level of novelty, these schools conditionally occupy the second row after the innovative ones. And in contemporary literature one can meet, along with the term "experimental school", the concept of "experimental platform", although there are no significant differences in their meaning.

The concept of "author's school" is associated with the desire for one's own uniqueness, the desire to have a name. In the pedagogical literature, this desire is reflected in the identification of the main components that characterize the author's school:

The search nature of the activity, the implementation of the experiment;

Synthesis of the worldview concept and innovative technologies;

The creative nature of life;

Inclusion of teachers, students and their parents in the process of implementing the author's concept;

Sustainability and stability of results.

An author's school is a school with a specific, unique culture, created by a specific teacher or his follower on the basis of a clearly formulated author's concept, the subjects of which are teachers, students and their parents, which ensures its effective long-term functioning and stable positive results.

p.1.3.4. Organization of project activities of students

Education in the traditional educational paradigm is presented as the presentation of the truth by an omniscient teacher. And the knowledge and discovery of these truths requires the introduction of elements of research activity of students into pedagogical technologies. In the real educational process, pedagogical design is considered as the creation of pedagogical conditions under which students:

Independently acquire new knowledge from different sources;

Learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

Acquire communication skills by working in groups;

They develop research skills (the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize, etc.) and systemic thinking.

Project method is a pedagogical technology not on the integration of factual knowledge, and for their application and acquisition of new. Under project method understand the totality of techniques, actions of students in their specific sequence to achieve the task - solving a specific problem that is significant for students and designed in the form of a certain final product. The main purpose of this method is to provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. The teacher within the framework of the project is assigned the role of a developer, coordinator, expert, consultant.

Project method allows you to create some personal qualities, which develop only in project activities, such qualities include:

The ability to work in a team, take responsibility for the choice, decision, share responsibility, analyze the results of activities.

The role of students in learning is also changing: they act as active participants in the process, and not passive extras.

Students develop their own analytical view of the information, they are free to choose methods and activities to achieve the goal.

At the stage of introspection, students analyze the logic chosen by the designers, the objective and subjective causes of failures, understanding of mistakes - all this creates motivation for repeated activities, forms a personal interest in new knowledge, and allows you to form an adequate assessment and self-esteem.

In accordance with this, pedagogical design allows the formation of certain personal qualities and the position of students in the educational process, which develop only in activity and cannot be learned verbally. These skills include:

Work in a team, take responsibility for the choice, decision, share responsibility, analyze the results of activities;

Accept a new role in learning, namely to act as active participants in the process, and not passive extras;

Develop their own analytical view of the information and be ready for their own assessment of various educational phenomena, without an evaluation scheme set from above: “this is true, and this is false” (at the same time, students are free to choose methods and types of activities to achieve the goal);

At the stage of introspection, determine the logic chosen by the designers, objective and subjective reasons for successes and failures in the organized activity, i.e. give an objective assessment of the results of the training and form an adequate self-assessment of the quality of one's activity in the process of mastering knowledge and ways to acquire it.

The initial theoretical positions of the project method, developed by J. Dewey and W. H. Kilpatrick, can be summarized in the following provisions:

The educational process is built not in the logic of the subject, but in the logic of activity that has personal meaning for the student, which increases his motivation in learning.

The solution of a specific problem of the surrounding reality is placed at the center of the process of creating an educational project.

The teacher is only a guiding link in the activity, the process of creating an educational project is focused on the independent activity of schoolchildren.

The student becomes the subject of the educational process, he sets goals and selects information, determines its need, based on the idea of ​​his project.

An integrated approach to the development of educational projects contributes to the development of general educational, communication and research skills.

The individual pace of work on the educational project ensures that each student reaches his own level of development.

Deep, conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured through their universal use in different situations.

The activity of the teacher in the implementation of pedagogical design is organized in three main areas: the formation of a bank of tasks, the creation of conditions for the development and implementation of educational projects by schoolchildren and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for this. At the same time, pedagogical design puts forward a number of requirements for the teacher organizing project activities. The teacher must:

1) determine the main and additional goals and stages of work, allowing to form skills and develop the student's initiative;

2) constantly replenish their knowledge on the subject of projects, act as a "playing coach" in the work on the project;

3) provide a basis for the implementation of the project (demonstration, reference and visual teaching aids, equipment, special tools, materials, etc.);

4) create a positive emotional background during the implementation of the project (design, music, etc.);

5) carry out mainly consulting activities, and not joint implementation;

6) suggest guidelines for finding a solution to the problem.

The most difficult thing for the teacher during the design process is the role of an independent consultant. It is difficult to resist prompts, especially if the teacher sees that students are doing something wrong. But it is important during the consultations only to answer the questions that students have. It is possible to hold a seminar-consultation for a collective and generalized consideration of the problem that a significant number of schoolchildren have.

Students in the implementation of the project have their own specific difficulties, overcoming them is one of the leading pedagogical goals of the project method. The design is based on the assignment of new information, but this process is carried out in the area of ​​uncertainty, and it needs to be organized, modeled, because it is difficult for students:

Outline leading and current (intermediate) goals and objectives;

Look for ways to solve them, choosing the best one if there is an alternative;

Make and justify choices

Anticipate the consequences of the choice;

Act independently (without prompting);

Compare received with required;

Objectively evaluate the process (the activity itself) and the design result.

During the implementation of projects, the role of the teacher changes qualitatively. It is different at different stages of interaction between teacher and students. But there is something in common that unambiguously characterizes the content of such an interaction. This is that at all stages the teacher acts as a consultant and assistant, and the emphasis of training is not on the content of the teaching, but on the process of applying existing knowledge.

In accordance with this, we can assume that pedagogical design is the highest level of pedagogical activity, at which a fundamentally new content and organization of the educational process is created. From a technological point of view, pedagogical design is a system whose main components are a high general culture, a humanistic orientation, professional knowledge and skills, creativity and pedagogical abilities, and technological competence.

The use of the project method implies the following requirements:

The presence of a problem (task) that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution.

The practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors affecting this state, trends that can be traced in the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, an almanac with reports from the scene; an action plan for forest protection in different areas, a joint composition of several students, a script for a school play, etc.).

Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

Determination of the ultimate goals of joint (individual) projects.

Determining the basic knowledge from various areas required to work on the project.

Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).

Use of research methods:

Definition of the problem, the research tasks arising from it;

Putting forward a hypothesis for their solution, discussing research methods;

registration of final results;

analysis of the received data;

Summing up, correction, conclusions (use of the brainstorming method, round table, statistical methods, creative reports, views, etc. in the course of a joint study).

The last requirement is especially important, because, without being fluent enough in research, problematic, search methods, the ability to keep statistics, process data, without knowing certain methods of various types of creative activity, it is difficult to talk about the possibility of successful organization of students' project activities. It's like a precondition successful work project method.

The most difficult moment when introducing research projects into the educational process is the organization of this activity, and especially the preparatory stage. When planning for the academic year, the teacher will have to highlight the leading topic (section) or several topics (sections) that will be “submitted for design”. It is desirable to differentiate topics according to the degree of complexity, but this is not at all necessary. The student should be able to choose the topic of the project, the organizational form of its implementation (individual or group), the degree of complexity of the design activity.

The clarity of the organization of design is determined by the clarity and specificity of setting the goal, highlighting the planned results, and stating the initial data. It is very effective to use small methodological recommendations or instructions, which indicate the necessary and additional literature for self-education, the teacher's requirements for the quality of the project, forms and methods for quantitative and qualitative assessment of results. It is sometimes possible to isolate a design algorithm or other phased division of activities.

The choice of project topics in different situations may be different. In some cases, this topic can be formulated by specialists of educational authorities within the framework of approved programs; in others - to be nominated by teachers, taking into account the educational situation in their subject, natural professional interests, interests and abilities of students; thirdly, the topics of projects can be proposed by the students themselves, who, naturally, are guided by their own interests, not only purely cognitive, but also creative, applied. In other words, the Project can represent a real-life problem situation, chosen by the students themselves or with the help of a teacher.

In pedagogical practice, the topics of projects are determined by their practical significance, as well as the availability of implementation. And as noted above, the problem posed should be attractive in terms of formulation and stimulate an increase in motivation for project activities.

Using the project method in teaching, students comprehend the entire technology of solving problems: from posing a problem to presenting a result. Work on the project includes 4 main stages: work planning, analytical stage, generalization stage, stage of presentation of the results obtained (protection of the project).

Let us illustrate in more detail the main stages of work on the project, indicating the tasks performed at each stage, and the activities of students and teachers in the following table.





1. Preparation

Topic definition, goals. Selecting a group of students

Gather information. Discuss the task

Motivates students. Explains the goals of the project

2. Planning

Problem analysis. Identification of sources of information. Statement of tasks and selection of criteria for evaluating results. Distribution of roles in the team

Form tasks. Refine information. Choose, justify their criteria for success

Helps in analysis and synthesis

3. Acceptance

Collection and clarification of information. Discussion of alternatives. Choosing the best option. Refinement of action plans

Work with information. They synthesize and analyze ideas. Perform research

Watching. Advises. Offers additional sources of information

4. Execution

Project work. Registration

Perform research and work on a project. Draw up a project


5. Evaluation


Analysis of the project implementation, the results achieved (successes and failures) and the reasons for this. Analysis of the achievement of the set goal

Participate in collective project self-reflection and self-assessment

Directs the analysis process. Advice on how to prepare for defense

6. Protection

Preparation of reports, speeches, presentations. Explanation of the obtained results. Collective protection of the project. Grade

Protect the project. Participate in the collective evaluation of results

Evaluates student performance

The fundamental difference between project-based learning and classical methods is that at different stages, students mostly act independently, the teacher acts as a consultant.

At the stage of planning work on the project, students and the teacher jointly develop criteria for evaluating the project. During the defense, a comprehensive assessment of the work is carried out by the student who completed this project, the students of the class and the teacher. At the same time, both the project itself and its protection are evaluated. Based on the results, a rating is determined. Here is one of options project evaluation.

Evaluation of the activity of the project participant(s)

Last name, first name _______________________________

Project Evaluation Criteria

Relevance of the topic and proposed solutions, reality, practical orientation and significance of the work;

Volume and completeness of developments, independence, completeness;

Level of creativity, originality of the topic, proposed solutions;

Argumentation of the proposed solutions, conclusions;

The quality of design, compliance with standard requirements.

Project protection evaluation criteria:

1) the quality of the report: composition, completeness of the presentation of the work, reasoning, persuasiveness;

2) the volume and depth of knowledge on the topic (or subject), erudition, interdisciplinary connections;

3) culture of speech, manner of presentation, use of visual aids, holding the attention of the audience;

4) answers to questions: completeness and argumentation, persuasiveness, tolerance.

Project activity as a type of organization of educational activities is the best way to achieve educational goals, as it is aimed at solving practical problems, motivates students to acquire new knowledge, thereby contributing to the implementation of the idea of ​​meta-subject learning.

Project typology(according to E. S. Polat)

Typological feature: dominant activity in the project.

Research projects.

Such projects require a well-thought-out structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, appropriate methods, including experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results.

These projects are completely subordinate to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research. This type of projects involves the argumentation of the relevance of the topic taken for research; formulation of the research problem, its subject and object; designation of research tasks in the sequence of accepted logic; determination of research methods, sources of information; choice of research methodology; putting forward hypotheses for solving the identified problem; development of ways to solve it, including experimental ones; discussion of the obtained results, conclusions; registration of research results; designation of new problems for further development of the study.

Creative projects.

These projects always require a creative approach, and in this sense, any project can be called creative. When determining the type of project, the dominant aspect is highlighted. Creative projects suggest appropriate presentation of the results. Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of the participants, it is only outlined and further developed, obeying the genre of the final result, due to this genre and the logic of joint activities adopted by the group, and the interests of the project participants. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the planned results and the form of their presentation (a joint newspaper, essay, video film, dramatization, sports game, holiday, expedition, etc.). However, the presentation of the results of the project requires a well-thought-out structure in the form of a video film script, dramatization, holiday program, essay plan, article, reportage, etc., design and headings of a newspaper, almanac, album, etc.

Role, game projects.

In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the work is completed. Participants assume certain roles, determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters that imitate social or business relations, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of these projects are either outlined at the beginning of their implementation, or appear only at the very end. The degree of creativity here is very high, but role-playing is still the dominant type of activity.

Familiarization-indicative (information) projects.

This type of projects was originally aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon; it is supposed to familiarize the participants of the project with this information, its analysis and generalization of facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, just like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic correction in the course of work.

Practice-oriented (applied) projects.

These projects are distinguished by a clearly defined result of the activities of its participants from the very beginning. Moreover, this result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves (a document created on the basis of the results of the study - on ecology, biology, geography, agrochemistry, historical, literary and other nature, program of action, recommendations aimed at eliminating identified inconsistencies in nature, society, draft law, reference material, dictionary, for example, everyday school vocabulary, reasoned explanation of some physical, chemical phenomenon, school winter garden project, etc.).

Such a project requires a carefully thought-out structure, even a scenario for all the activities of its participants with a definition of the functions of each of them, clear conclusions, i.e., registration of the result of the project activity, and everyone's participation in the design of the final product. Here, a good organization of coordination work is especially important in terms of stage-by-stage discussions, adjustment of joint and individual efforts, in organizing the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways to implement them in practice, as well as a systematic external evaluation of the project.

Typological feature: subject-content area of ​​education.


Such projects are carried out within the framework of one subject (with the most difficult sections selected) or (for example, in the course of physics, biology, history, etc.) during a series of lessons. Work on monoprojects sometimes involves the use of knowledge from other areas to solve a particular problem. But the problem itself lies in the mainstream of physical or historical knowledge, etc. Such a project also requires careful structuring by lessons with a clear designation not only of the goals and objectives of the project, but also of the knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire as a result. The logic of work at each lesson in groups is planned in advance (the roles in the groups are distributed by the students themselves), the form of presentation that the project participants choose on their own. Often, work on such projects has its continuation in the form of individual or group projects outside of school hours (for example, within the framework of a scientific society of students).

Interdisciplinary projects.

Interdisciplinary projects are carried out outside school hours. These are either small projects that affect two or three subjects, or rather voluminous, long-term, school-wide, planning to solve one or another rather complex problem that is significant for all project participants (for example, such projects as: “Single Speech Space”, “Culture of Communication ”, “The problem of human dignity in Russian society of the XIX-XX centuries”, etc.). Such projects require highly qualified coordination on the part of specialists, well-coordinated work of many creative teams with well-defined research tasks, well-developed forms of intermediate and final presentations.

Literary and creative projects.

These are the most common types of joint projects. Children of different age groups, different countries of the world, different social strata, different cultural development, and finally, different religious orientations unite in the desire to create, write together some story, story, video script, newspaper article, almanac, poetry, etc.

Natural science projects.

Projects are most often research projects that have a clearly defined research task (for example, the state of forests in a given area and measures for their protection; the best washing powder; roads in winter, etc.).

Ecological projects.

They require the involvement of research, search methods, integrated knowledge from different fields. They can be practice-oriented at the same time (acid rain; flora and fauna of our forests; monuments of history and architecture in industrial cities; homeless pets in the city, etc.).

Language (linguistic) projects.

They are very popular because they relate to the problem of learning foreign languages, which is especially important in international projects and therefore arouses great interest among their participants.

cultural projects.

Associated with the history and traditions of different countries. Without cultural knowledge, it is very difficult to work in joint international projects, because it is necessary to have a good understanding of the peculiarities of the national and cultural traditions of partners, their folklore.

Sports projects.

They unite children who are fond of any kind of sport. Often in the course of such projects, they discuss the upcoming competitions of their favorite teams (foreign or their own); training methods; share their impressions of some new sports games; discuss the results of major international competitions, etc.).

geographical projects.

Can be exploration, adventure, etc.

historical projects.

They allow their participants to explore a wide variety of historical problems, predict the development of events (political and social), analyze some historical events, facts.

Music projects.

Bring together partners who are interested in music. Perhaps these will be analytical or creative projects, in which the guys can even compose some kind of musical work together, etc.

Typological feature: nature of project coordination:

-direct(hard, flexible);

-hidden(implicit, simulating a project participant).

Typological feature: number of project participants:

-personal(between two partners located in different schools, regions, countries);

-paired(between pairs of participants);

- group(between groups of participants).

Typological feature: duration of the project:

- short-term(to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem), which can be developed in several lessons in the program of one subject or as interdisciplinary;

- medium duration(from a week to a month);

- long-term(from a month to several months) (Polat E. S. New pedagogical and information technologies: textbook for students of pedagogical universities and systems for advanced training of pedagogical personnel. M., 2003).

The following stages can be distinguished in the work on the project:

Finding or formulating a problem to be solved. The main task of the teacher at this stage is to bring the problem to awareness, create motivation for solving it and obtaining a specific result - the product of educational design.

Organization of creative teams to work on the project. Creative groups of a different nature are created depending on the type of project (creative workshops, creative laboratories, etc.).

Project work planning. At this stage, the following are determined:

Possible sources of information;

Ways of collecting and analyzing information;

Ways of presenting results (report, specific product, etc.);

Product evaluation criteria;

Responsibilities of members of the creative team.

Information analysis. A joint discussion of the received source materials, development of the project is carried out.

Design and presentation of the project (written report, publication of practical recommendations, video, etc.).

Analysis and evaluation of the results of work on the project:

Analysis and evaluation of the quality of the project by other students, experts, teacher.

Thus, in the course of design, the role of students in learning also changes: they, due to the emerging educational situation, act as active participants in the process. Working in working groups helps them learn how to work in a team. At the same time, the formation of such constructive critical thinking takes place, which is difficult to teach in the usual lesson form of education. Students develop their own view of the information, and the evaluation form is no longer valid: “this is right, and this is wrong”. Schoolchildren are free to choose methods and types of activities to achieve their goals, no one tells them how and what to do.

Even an unsuccessful project also has a great positive pedagogical value. At the stage of self-analysis, and then protection, the teacher and students analyze in the most detailed way the logic chosen by the designers, the reasons for failures, the consequences of activities, etc. Understanding mistakes creates motivation for repeated activities, forms a personal interest in new knowledge, because it is unsuccessful the selected information created a situation of "failure". Such reflection allows one to form an adequate assessment of the surrounding world and oneself in this world.

At the last stages of design, both the student and the teacher analyze and evaluate the results of the activity, which are often identified only with the completed project. In fact, there are at least two outcomes when using the project method. The first (hidden) is the pedagogical effect of including schoolchildren in the "acquisition of knowledge" and their logical application: the formation of personal qualities, motivation, reflection and self-esteem, the ability to make choices and comprehend both the consequences of this choice and the results of one's own activity. It is this productive component that often remains outside the scope of the teacher's attention, and only the project itself is presented for evaluation. Therefore, it is necessary during the design to write down brief summaries based on the results of observations of students, this will allow you to be more objective at the defense itself.

The second component of the evaluation of the result is the project itself. Moreover, it is not the amount of mastered information that is evaluated (what is studied), but its application in activities (how it is applied) to achieve the goal. Thus, the usual five-point system is not very suitable for evaluating projects. The most appropriate is the use of a rating score.

clause 1.3.5. Modern methods for diagnosing the achievements of students and pupils in the educational process

In the pedagogical literature, the educational achievements of a student are understood as progress in his education (mastery of one or another competence), a positive result, expressed in the ability to successfully operate in any area, effectively perform certain tasks and successfully solve emerging problems. This takes into account:

Academic progress;

Creative success (meaning additional education and achievements at school and beyond);

Mastering the fund of communicative skills acquired during the educational process (personal acquisitions);

Formation of motives of educational activity;

Personal value system.

At the same time, in pedagogical science and practice, the question of assessing not only the educational achievements of a student, but also the achievements of his personal plan is often raised. There are two main approaches to the problem of student achievement. The first, traditional one, interprets the achievements of students as an increase in the volume of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the level of assimilation of which is assessed using a point assessment. In this case, the focus of the teacher's attention is mainly on learning activities, and the diagnostics of achievements is a fixation of the level of students' learning, which is understood here in a narrowly didactic sense and characterizes the level of mastering knowledge and methods of learning activities.

The second approach to the problem of students' achievements in the educational process proceeds from the recognition of the need to take into account the dynamics of students' personal development. Indicators of students' achievements in this case are personal acquisitions among schoolchildren, their individual advancement in the educational process, the formation of personal formations.

When considering the relationship between the concepts of "personal achievements" and "educational achievements", it can be noted that personal achievements are understood as:

a) the degree of progress of the individual in relation to its previous manifestations in educational activities;

b) personal advancement of the student on the ladder of achievements in the process of mastering knowledge, skills, development of mental processes and personal qualities.

At the same time, personal achievements should ensure the viability of the individual in the outside world and manifest themselves in the following qualities:

Possession of the minimum necessary or maximum possible (depending on educational opportunities) amount of knowledge that ensures adaptation to the environment and successful implementation of personal goals;

Formed intellectual skills that allow the student to independently and responsibly make decisions in situations of educational, personal, social, civic choice; willingness to learn and use the most effective intellectual strategies;

Possession of the main methods of activity necessary for positive communication, continuing education or work, exercising one's rights and fulfilling civil, family, professional duties;

Socially necessary for the foreseeable future level of general, including informational, technological and valeological culture;

Intellectual, emotional, moral involvement in the best manifestations of human, all-Russian and national culture;

Personal qualities that allow you to act productively to achieve your goals in relation to the rights, needs and goals of the people around you, society, the state;

Life resources (physical, psycho-physiological, spiritual, intellectual, etc.) that ensure the viability of a person through readiness for self-development, the ability to act in spite of adverse circumstances, to change them using socially acceptable ways of behavior.

In the practice of pedagogical activity, similar concepts are often used: “assessment”, “control”, “check”, “accounting” and others related to them. Often they are mixed, interchanged, used either in the same or in a different meaning. The general generic concept is "control", meaning the identification, measurement and evaluation of knowledge, skills of trainees. Identifying and measuring is called verification. Therefore, verification is an integral component of control, the main didactic function of which is to provide feedback between the teacher and students, to provide the teacher with objective information about the degree of mastering the educational material, and to timely identify shortcomings and gaps in knowledge. The check aims to determine not only the level and quality of the student's learning, but also the volume of the latter's educational work. In addition to verification, control contains evaluation (as a process) and evaluation (as a result), most often - in its formalized form - marks.

In the social sciences, evaluation is viewed as establishing the degree of expression of a certain quality. In pedagogy, evaluation involves some kind of conclusion about the value or degree of compliance of the subject of evaluation with certain criteria. There are two types of assessment: assessment, the purpose of which is to monitor the progress of learning and check in order to evaluate the results of educational activities or educational achievements of schoolchildren, and assessment, where not only the achievement is evaluated, but also the path of learning traveled by the student, which, in addition to the products themselves, is actually learning outcomes, and how he worked to achieve these results, what is his assessment of what he succeeded and what failed. Such an assessment, built on the basis of achievements, should help students not only understand the level of their abilities, but also determine the possibilities for their further development, give self-confidence, and increase the ability to overcome difficulties. Such an assessment acts as a tool to encourage students to solve new types of problems, helps to develop the abilities of schoolchildren, stimulate their cognitive interest and creative approach to solving non-standard school and life problems.

The assessment includes the qualification of the degree of development of a certain property in the assessed person, as well as a quantitative and qualitative assessment of his actions or performance results. Such are, for example, school grades. They characterize in points the absolute and relative successes of the student: absolute in the sense that the mark itself indicates the quality of the knowledge or behavior of the student, and relative because, using marks, you can compare them with different children.

Often in the pedagogical literature the concepts of "assessment" and "mark" are identified. However, the distinction between these concepts is extremely important for a deeper understanding of the psychological, pedagogical, didactic and educational aspects of the evaluation activities of teachers.

First of all, evaluation is a process, activity (or action) of evaluation carried out by a person. All our tentative and in general any activity in general depends on the assessment. The accuracy and completeness of the assessment determine the rationality of moving towards the goal.

Evaluation functions, as is known, are not limited only to the statement of the level of learning. Evaluation is one of the effective means at the disposal of the teacher, stimulating learning, positive motivation, and influencing the personality. It is under the influence of objective assessment that schoolchildren develop an adequate self-esteem, a critical attitude towards their successes. Therefore, the significance of assessment, the diversity of its functions require the search for such indicators that would reflect all aspects of the educational activities of schoolchildren and ensure their identification. From this point of view, the current system of assessing knowledge and skills requires revision in order to increase its diagnostic significance and objectivity.

A mark (score) is the result of the evaluation process, activity or action of evaluation, their conditionally formal reflection. Identification of evaluation and grade from a psychological point of view will be tantamount to identifying the process of solving a problem with its result. Based on the assessment, a mark may appear as its formal-logical result. But, in addition, the mark is a pedagogical stimulus that combines the properties of encouragement and punishment: a good mark is an encouragement, and a bad mark is a punishment.

The main goal of evaluating the educational achievements of students is to detect their success, to indicate ways to improve, deepen knowledge and skills in order to create conditions for the subsequent inclusion of students in active creative activity. This goal is primarily related to determining the quality of assimilation of educational material by students - the level of mastering the educational competencies provided for by the educational program.

The concretization of the main goal is connected with teaching schoolchildren the methods of mutual control and self-control, the formation of the need for self-control and mutual control. Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the learning process is of paramount educational and educational importance. First of all, testing knowledge, skills and abilities allows you to identify the level of progress, i.e. the degree of assimilation of educational material, the completeness, depth, consciousness and strength of knowledge at different stages of learning, and thus ensures the accumulation of information necessary for targeted activities for eliminating the discrepancy between the given and true level of knowledge, to manage the learning process. Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students increases their academic discipline, encourages them to intensify their mental activity to assimilate the material, and contributes to the development of a conscious attitude towards regular work.

Assessing educational achievements, the teacher contributes to the development of a mechanism for the development of cognitive activity of students. In this case, evaluation performs the following functions:

Developing (develops students' skills for self-control, analysis and correct assessment of the results of their activities);

Orienting (affects the mental work of schoolchildren, their awareness of the work process and understanding of their own knowledge);

Motivational (affects the emotional-volitional sphere of students through their experience of success or failure);

Educational (accustoms schoolchildren to systematic work, discipline, responsibility, forms positive moral qualities of the individual and motives for learning), correctional (gives students the opportunity to understand their mistakes, reflect and correct);

Informational (involves planning and forecasting the learning outcomes of schoolchildren, makes it possible to analyze the causes of failures).

Recently, in the Russian school, there has been a reorientation of the assessment of the result of education from the concepts of “preparedness”, “education”, “general culture”, “education” to the concepts of “competence”, “competence” of students (O. V. Akulova, I. A. Winter, V. V. Serikov, A. P. Tryapitsyna, A. V. Khutorskoy, V. D. Shadrikov and others). Accordingly, the competence approach in education is fixed. The actual results of educational activities are the ability of students to act independently in a situation of uncertainty when solving problems that are relevant to them (key competencies), the ability to solve typical tasks and the ability to act according to a known algorithm.

Thus, the content of the assessment of educational and personal achievements of schoolchildren includes questions related to:

Expansion of the range of problems for which the graduates of the school are prepared;

Preparation for solving problems in various fields of activity (labor, socio-political, cultural and leisure, educational, family and household, etc.);

Preparation for solving various types of problems (communicative, informational, organizational, etc.);

Increasing the complexity of the problems that school graduates are prepared to solve, including those due to the novelty of problems;

Expanding the choice of effective ways to solve problems.

This approach, which determines the current level of education, means achieving a new quality of education, which is the aim of the program of its modernization.

The main types and forms of assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren:

Five-point marking system in the modern school. The quantitative expression of the assessment is the mark. The objectivity and accuracy of marks given by students in assessing the results of their educational activities is ensured by the establishment of appropriate criteria for individual subjects of the curriculum, which are called "approximate assessment standards". They indicate what requirements a student's oral or written response must meet in order to attest him with the appropriate score.

The five-point system of marks, which has been used in schools for a long time, plays a certain positive role as a kind of standard, which, if used correctly, makes it possible to objectively reflect the results of students' educational and cognitive activity. At the same time, in the process of control, serious negative aspects also appear, when teachers, due to an incorrect attitude (for various reasons) to the requirements for ensuring the objectivity of marks, allow violations.

The negative side of the practice of control lies primarily in the fact that schools are sometimes allowed to fetishize marks, which become the main, and in some cases even the only indicator of the quality of schoolchildren's teaching and teacher's work. The matter is often further complicated by the fact that the marks state only the level of knowledge of students, based on the work of their memory and reproductive activity, do not reflect the comprehensive development, the presence and depth of worldview concepts and beliefs, independence and activity, creative abilities, collectivistic and other positive qualities of the emerging in the process of teaching personality, skills of mental activity, practical skills and self-education skills.

In the practice of monitoring the activities of students, facts of overestimation and underestimation of grades given in the lessons are allowed. Overestimation of grades is a consequence of the manifestation of liberalism of teachers in assessing knowledge, skills and abilities, leads to a decrease in the level of student preparation, underestimation of grades causes a loss of student interest in learning and faith in their own strengths and capabilities. In the practice of school work, the so-called GPA performance, which is obtained regardless of what and when marks were given during the period under review, and without taking into account the dynamics of the student's teaching and his development. However, the score obtained in this way is used to characterize the personality of the student, to compare and evaluate the results of the educational activities of students, teachers and schools.

Especially difficult in the practice of applying the five-point system is the problem of deuce. This problem lies in the fact that the received deuce usually psychologically injures the student, causes negative emotions in him. Moralization and notations, with which teachers often accompany the setting of twos, only worsen the situation, because they lead to the formation of a certain semantic barrier in the student, as a result of which the teacher's actions do not reach the goal, and the student comes to the consciousness of his inferiority, an unfair attitude towards him.

The psychological impact of a deuce continues even when it is corrected by subsequent marks, because it remains in the class journal, in the student's diary, is included in the average academic score, etc. The problem of the deuce is that teachers in some cases use it as a means of combating violations of the "Rules for Students", with indiscipline and insufficient diligence of schoolchildren. A deuce is unreasonably put up for the student’s lack of a diary, notebook, sports uniform, for the very fact of not doing homework, etc.

The great danger is sometimes observed inertia of grades, i.e. setting them according to the established tradition, according to which the answer of an excellent student cannot be assessed with a bad score in any case, and a poorly performing student cannot “suddenly” get an excellent or good mark, even if he objectively deserves an answer.

Violations of pedagogical requirements for grading lead in some cases to the fact that students strive to get fives and fours not for the sake of acquiring knowledge, mastering skills and abilities, forming personality traits, but in order to maintain and strengthen their prestige at school, in the family. Other students who, for various reasons, cannot achieve the desired grades, lose faith in their abilities and do not react in any way even to negative grades.

The complexity of applying the five-point system is also due to the fact that the established norms of assessments are average and indicative. All the richness of shades of students' answers cannot be put into the rigid framework of five points. Many teachers, especially beginners, find it difficult to set marks in accordance with established standards, resorting to expanding the five-point system by introducing additional designations for marks in points (pluses and minuses, dots and letters, etc.). Considering, in principle, known adjustments to the official score given, we note that any designations are unacceptable in class magazines. The teacher can record them only in his personal notes.

Leading teachers, developing and implementing measures to eliminate formalism in the assessment of students' educational work, seek to assess the educational competencies of students. To do this, not every student’s answer is scored in the lessons, but it is practiced to put a mark for all types of learning activities in a given lesson or for the student’s answers in several lessons, taking into account his participation in the discussion of the answers of his comrades. When deriving the final marks, more importance is attached to the marks received for answering complex material, in final and control-summary lessons, for performing creative tasks, for class written work, and ignorance of one section of the program is not compensated even by good knowledge of another.

Essay. As a fairly effective and activating educational process method of accounting for the educational achievements of schoolchildren, more high order(analysis, synthesis, creative application of knowledge and evaluation) uses the essay, which as a method is becoming more widespread in the modern school. Essay translated from French means "attempt", "trial", "essay". This is a piece of reasoning of a small volume with a free composition, expressing individual impressions, considerations on a specific issue, problem and obviously does not claim to be complete and exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

The essay involves the author's expression of his point of view, personal subjective assessment of the subject of discussion, gives the opportunity for non-standard (creative), original coverage of the material; often it is talking out loud, expressing emotions and imagery. Unlike other methods of accounting for the educational achievements of schoolchildren, the purpose of the essay is to diagnose the productive, creative component of the cognitive activity of students, which involves the analysis of information, its interpretation, the construction of reasoning, the comparison of facts, approaches and alternatives, the formulation of conclusions, the personal assessment of the author, etc. .

The use of essays in the classroom contributes to a clearer and more competent formulation of thoughts, helps to arrange thoughts in a strict logical sequence, implies fluency in the language of subject terms and concepts, reveals the depth and breadth of the educational material, teaches you to use examples, quotes, necessary arguments on the relevant topic. Analyzing foreign and domestic experience in applying the essay, we can talk about four forms of using this method:

essay - independent creative work on the topic proposed by the teacher (performed as homework);

essay - control (or independent) work on the studied educational material;

essay - a free essay to consolidate and work out new material;

essay - a free essay with the aim of summing up the lesson and fixing the thoughts and conclusions formulated in the lesson on the topic (most often the task is to write what students learned from new topic, and ask one question to which they never got an answer).

The criteria for evaluating an essay can be the following: the presence of a competent, detailed answer to the question; possession of subject concepts and terms; the logic of constructing an essay composition; giving arguments, examples, quotations, using graphic and statistical illustrative material; the ability to think independently, analyze information, draw conclusions and generalizations; clearly and vividly express their point of view, their personal attitude to the problem.

Testing. One of the most important types of assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren in a modern school is testing. This is primarily due to the tasks of preparing students for successful passing the exam, as well as similar forms of summarizing the learning outcomes of students at various levels of secondary education (primary, basic). At the same time, testing as a form of assessing the quality of the acquired educational competencies of schoolchildren, when used correctly, has a high reliability of measurement results, transparency of the process of conducting and evaluation, and sufficient awareness of the depth of the learned educational material.

Testing is one of the most technologically advanced forms of automated control with controlled quality parameters. In secondary schools, diagnostic tests of school performance are widely used, using the form of an alternative choice of the correct answer from several plausible ones, writing a very short answer (filling in the gaps), adding letters, numbers, words, parts of formulas, etc. With the help of these simple tasks, it is possible to accumulate significant statistical material, subject it to mathematical processing, obtain objective conclusions within the limits of the tasks that are set before the test check. Tests are printed in the form of collections, attached to textbooks, distributed on computer diskettes.

In teaching practice test tasks are used in four forms:

    tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers;

    compliance tasks;

    tasks to establish the correct sequence;

    tasks of an open form, i.e. without specifying answers.

Instructions for test tasks determine the list of actions of the student when passing the test. It should be adequate to the form and content of the task (“indicate the correct answer (answers)”, “match”, “determine the correct sequence”, “enter the correct answer”).

Testing can be used at different stages of the lesson: conducting introductory testing - obtaining information about the initial level of knowledge of students; current testing - to fill gaps and correct skills and knowledge; final test - systematizes, summarizes the educational material, checks the formed knowledge and skills.

When compiling a test, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

Definition of testing goals:

    assessment of knowledge of specific facts, terms, concepts;

    checking the ability to give definitions, concepts, determine their content and volume;

    checking knowledge of formulas, laws, theories, principles, methods, the ability to apply them;

    the ability to find similarities and differences;

    the ability to present material on graphs, diagrams, tables.

Determination of the type of testing- input (installation), intermediate, thematic, milestone, final.

Choosing the form of a test task, which depends on the goals of testing and content.

The main element of test tasks is the instruction, the text of the task and the key (located by the teacher).

The instruction determines the nature of the individual activity of students: it must be clear, understandable for implementation.

When formulating a test task, as a rule, adhere to the following methodological advice:

    the main text of the task contains no more than 8-10 words;

    each test should express one idea, one thought;

    assignments should be short, clear, easy to read, judgments should be affirmative, not interrogative;

    the wording of tasks should not contain ambiguity, and even more so traps;

    avoid words such as "sometimes", "often", "usually" in correct statements and the words "always", "sometimes", "impossible" in incorrect ones;

    Arrange tests in ascending order of difficulty.

    formulate each task and answer in such a way that only those who have mastered the material well can give the correct answer;

    formulate tasks so that answers can be obtained by reasoning, and among the wrong answers, first of all, include those that were the result of typical mistakes made by students;

    correct answers must be in random order;

    answers to one question should not depend on answers to other questions;

    answers should not contain hints, be ridiculous.

A well-designed test includes a variety of test tasks in form, content, degree of complexity and quantity, and fully covers the material of the topic under test. At the same time, test tasks should be multi-level in terms of complexity:

Level A - tasks designed to master the basic concepts, to simply display the material, at the level of recognition and reproduction.

Level B - tasks that require reflection, cover little material, reveal the ability to apply knowledge in standard situations.

Level B - tasks that require creative execution of acquired knowledge and allow you to identify skills, apply knowledge in non-standard situations.

The time to complete each task is determined depending on the complexity.

In pedagogical practice, so-called learning tests and success tests are often used. Learning tests can be applied at all stages of the educational process. With their help, preliminary, current, thematic and final control of knowledge, skills, accounting for academic performance, academic achievements are effectively provided. These tests are increasingly penetrating into mass practice. Nowadays, a short-term survey of all students in each lesson using tests is used by almost all teachers.

The advantage of such a check is that the whole class is busy and productive at the same time, and in a few minutes you can get a cross-section of the learning of all students. This forces them to prepare for each lesson, to work systematically, which solves the problem of efficiency and the necessary strength of knowledge. When checking, first of all, gaps in knowledge are determined, which is very important for productive self-learning. Individual and differentiated work with students to prevent academic failure is also based on ongoing testing.

Naturally, not all the necessary characteristics of assimilation can be obtained by means of testing. For example, indicators such as the ability to concretize one's answer with examples, knowledge of facts, the ability to coherently, logically and convincingly express one's thoughts, some other characteristics of knowledge, skills, and abilities cannot be diagnosed by testing. This means that testing must necessarily be combined with other (traditional) forms and methods of recording the educational achievements of schoolchildren. Correctly act those teachers who, using written tests, enable students to verbally justify their answers. In the framework of the classical theory of tests, the level of knowledge of the subjects is assessed using their individual scores, converted into certain derived indicators. This allows you to determine the relative position of each subject in the normative sample.

Recently, the so-called success tests, which include several dozen tasks, have become widespread. This allows you to more fully cover all the main sections of the course. Assignments are usually made in writing. It uses two types of tasks:

a) requiring students to independently compose an answer (tasks with a constructive type of answer);

b) tasks with a selective type of answer (the student chooses from among the presented answers, which he considers correct).

Testing is a significant step towards the development of a methodology for monitoring the assimilation of educational material by students. The introduction of testing allows for a smooth transition from subjective and largely intuitive assessments to objective, justified methods for assessing learning outcomes. However, like any other pedagogical innovation, this step should be carried out on a strictly scientific basis, relying on the results of pedagogical experiments and scientific research. Testing should not replace the traditional methods of pedagogical control, but should only supplement them to some extent.

Rating. The English word rating has several meanings. One of them is evaluation in general, when each object is assigned a serial number (rank). The introduction of a rating system in the framework of accounting for the educational achievements of schoolchildren makes it possible to ensure:

objectivity in assessing the knowledge and skills of students;

stimulation of systematic independent work, including those that go beyond the mandatory minimum;

increasing responsibility for educational work;

implementation of democratization and humanization of the educational process;

reducing the role of chance;

increasing competitiveness in studies, replacing the averaging of the categories of excellent students, good students, three students with an assessment of the real place;

exclusion of the possibility of patronage of not very capable and not very diligent students;

individualization of learning.

Rating as an organizational and pedagogical technology for monitoring the quality of the educational process and, accordingly, the method of ranking students in accordance with individually scored points has significant advantages over the traditional five-point assessment scale, since it provides the opportunity to:

carry out preliminary, current and final control;

be a means of learning and feedback;

develop a procedure for evaluating the results of individual control links and ensure its reliability;

exercise control that satisfies the requirements of content and constructive validity (conformity of form and purpose);

to develop in students the skills of self-assessment of the results of their activities and to form the skills and abilities of self-control in their studies.

When using the rating as a means of accounting for the educational achievements of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to solve a number of fundamental issues. Is the transition to a rating system completely necessary or will it be used in parallel with the generally accepted rating system? Will actions that are not directly related to the learning process be taken into account? If so, what is their share in the final score (final mark)? At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the more actions will be taken into account (various forms and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity), the better for the objectivity of the mark. It is she who can arouse students' interest in the subject and arouse the desire to learn.

In pedagogical practice, there are the following types of rating:

divide the educational material into structural-logical independent modules (logical blocks);

determine standard scores for all tasks (or rules for scoring);

establish the minimum number of points for each type of educational activity that the student must score;

draw up for students a set of rules and regulations on the basis of which assessment will be carried out (rating regulations);

on the basis of software tools, organize the recording of students' progress and the calculation of their ratings;

at the end of a certain period of time, set an overall mark, which is the sum of the rating marks for individual modules.

The student's rating depends on the number of points scored both when passing the modules of certain blocks (during the current and intermediate control), and during the final control (upon completion of the study of the blocks).

The rating scale for assessing the quality of educational achievements of schoolchildren is often normalized by 100 points for one of the types of rating used (this is the maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing all compulsory tasks). At the same time, they proceed from generally accepted standards that allow for the transition from a rating system to a regular one.

"Excellent" - above 81 points.

"Good" - from 70 to 80 points.

"Satisfactory" - from 51 to 69 points.

"Unsatisfactory" - less than 50 points.

Thus, rating system taking into account the educational achievements of schoolchildren can be considered as one of the possible methods, as a result of which the level of preparation of each student at each stage of the educational process is determined, the objective dynamics of mastering knowledge not only during the school year, but throughout the entire period of study, the significance of the marks obtained is differentiated a schoolchild for performing various types of work (independent work, current, final control, training, homework, creative and other work).

Portfolio. The term “portfolio” came to pedagogy from politics and business: everyone is familiar with the concepts of ministerial portfolio, portfolio of investments, etc. Portfolio (in the broad sense of the word) is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the individual achievements of a student in a certain period of his education. It belongs to the category of “authentic” (i.e., true, closest to real assessment) individualized assessments and is focused on the process of not only assessment, but also self-assessment. The main meaning is "to show everything that you are capable of."

Portfolio is a working file folder containing a variety of information that documents the experience gained and the achievements of students. Complementing the traditional control and evaluation tools, the portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in a variety of activities - educational, creative, social, communicative, etc., and is an essential element of a practice-oriented approach to education. The ultimate goal of the educational portfolio is to testify to the progress of learning in terms of results, in terms of efforts made, in terms of materialized products of educational and cognitive activity, and the main point is to show everything that you are capable of. The pedagogical philosophy of the portfolio assumes: a shift in emphasis from what the student does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do on a given topic, section, subject; integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments; shifting the pedagogical emphasis from assessment to self-assessment. An important goal of a portfolio is to present a report on the process of a teenager's education, to see a picture of significant educational results as a whole, to track his individual progress in a broad educational context, to demonstrate his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills.

Evaluation of certain achievements (results) included in the portfolio, as well as the entire portfolio as a whole or for a certain period of its formation, can be both qualitative and quantitative. The portfolio is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps to solve important pedagogical tasks: to maintain high educational motivation of schoolchildren; to encourage their activity and independence, to expand opportunities for learning and self-learning; develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluative) activities of students; to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own learning activities.

The composition of the portfolio depends on the specific learning objectives, which are evidence of the efforts, achievements and progress in the student's mastery of specific subjects, sections, topics. It is advisable to date each element of the portfolio so that the dynamics of the student's progress can be traced, and when making the final version, three elements must be present: the purpose of collecting the portfolio, its purpose and a brief description; the content of the portfolio with a listing of its main elements; prospects for further use, i.e. a look into the future.

In pedagogical practice, the portfolio consists of three sections: "portfolio of documents", "portfolio of works", "portfolio of reviews".

"Document Portfolio"- a portfolio of certified (documented) individual educational achievements, which implies the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative assessment of its materials. A portfolio of this type gives an idea of ​​the results, but does not reveal the process of the individual development of the student, the diversity of his creative activity, learning style, interests, etc. In the "portfolio of documents" the student presents certificates officially recognized at the international, federal, regional, municipal, school levels of competitions, competitions, olympiads, etc., documents on participation in grants, on the completion of musical or art schools, test certificates, etc.

AT "portfolio of work" the student submits, firstly, a "statement" or "record book" on the passage of elective courses by him as part of pre-profile training. Secondly, he can present the works themselves, projects, studies that he completed while studying at elective courses or while studying at institutions of additional education, other institutions, or performed independently without receiving a supporting document for this. Thirdly, certificates of training, competitions, competitions, etc., that do not have “official recognition” at the level of the federation, region, municipality, can be presented. These can be corporate competitions, etc. Fourthly, students can submit their own products, such as models, crafts, paintings, poems, musical works of their own composition, photographs, computer programs, etc.

"Review Portfolio" includes characteristics of the student's attitude to various types activities presented by teachers, parents, possibly classmates, employees of the additional education system, etc., as well as a written analysis of the student himself of his specific activity and its results. "Portfolio of reviews" can be presented in the form of texts of conclusions, reviews, testimonials, summaries, essays, letters of recommendation, etc.

The main advantage of this form is that it makes it possible to include the mechanisms of student self-assessment, which increases the degree of awareness of the processes associated with learning and choosing a profile direction.

The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has become the most valuable resource. Many organizations, wanting to emphasize their weight and scope, do not talk about the size of their production capacity, production or sales volume, financial potential, etc., but about the number of employees in the organization. A good organization seeks to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the most complete return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its activities. In such a situation, attention should be paid rational use all types of resources at the disposal of the company. The key to the success of the organization is its staff with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. The constant development of personnel, the search for new approaches to its management are necessary attributes of the successful functioning of the organization.

Thus, the purpose of my work is to study innovations in work with personnel.

Innovation is an innovation, an innovation that has become the subject of development and implementation. What are innovations in human resources at the moment? First of all, it is an innovative approach to the staff as such. The staff is no longer seen as a gray mass, each employee is seen as an individual. This approach is required by the market.

The main secret of proper personnel management lies in a certain independence. Especially for understanding this, psychologists introduce the term "reflection". In other words, you need not only to do the work, but also to create a report to yourself about its implementation. In order for the conscience to be clear before the authorities, you need to be honest with yourself. It is this type of management that brings the greatest results, because it appeals to human motives within everyone. By the way, reflection in writing is useful, since any oral task does not bring the expected results. There is a risk that the employee will simply ignore it. But a written report about what has been done, what could have been done, and about what needs special encouragement (bonuses, bonuses) makes it necessary to carry out extra self-control. Such management methods are used in many progressive companies.

In order to improve the work of personnel, it is necessary to combine several frontier sciences. Psychology, sociology, medicine, philosophy will be useful. In order to make the overall effort more fruitful, it is advisable to resort to such a type of introspection as proactive cognitive modeling. The essence of this method lies in the fact that each employee himself made a model of his behavior based on the potentially greatest value for the company. If, in his opinion, he needs to change his type of activity, let him indicate this. If he is capable of more, let him say so.

The vision of each employee as an individual gives impetus to such areas in the work of HR managers as the development of an effective personnel appraisal system, the creation of an employee motivation system, the management of an employee’s business career, etc. But the most important thing is to create a special innovative atmosphere in the company.

The level of the innovation climate is assessed similarly to the innovation potential, which characterizes the ability of an enterprise to achieve the set innovation goals with the available financial, personnel, scientific, technical, organizational, managerial, information, methodological and marketing resources. The values ​​of the innovation climate of the enterprise will be in the range from 1 to 3:

3 - the state of this parameter of the external environment has a positive effect on innovation, which allows you to fully use the existing innovation potential. This state is seen as an opportunity for the enterprise;

2 - the state of this parameter is unreliable - there is no threat yet, but monitoring of its dynamics is required;

1 - the state of this component of the external environment negatively affects the innovation potential. This state is defined as a threat to the organization.

Thus, determining the level of innovative development of an enterprise, based on an assessment of the innovative climate and the potential of the organization, is the basis for developing a further innovative strategy.

There is also a very important feature. All modern organizations share the same common feature: the need to restructure the personnel management system, depending on the requirements of the market.

At the enterprises of the Soviet economy, there was no personnel management service, but there was only a personnel department. This division was mainly engaged in maintaining personnel records. Insufficient attention was paid to personnel policy issues. There was practically no concept of personnel development, advancement, career building. In spite of this, protectionism flourished.

Of course, one cannot say that now personnel management in the organization has reached an ideal state, but in general, the approach to this type of management has changed markedly.

In my opinion, the following directions for introducing innovations in personnel work can be identified:

1. Personnel development, business career management.

Today, most organizations have taken on the main functions of training their employees. Many have established permanent staff training centers or established strong and long-term relationships with various training organizations.

Staff training is seen as a continuous process that has a direct impact on the achievement of organizational goals. The learning cycle begins with the definition of needs, which consists in identifying the discrepancy between the required level of qualification of employees and their actual competence.

Based on the needs, the training budget for employees is formed. In addition, it is necessary to form criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the training provided. Since the cost of training an organization is considered as an investment in the qualifications of employees, the organization expects a return from them in the form of increasing the efficiency of their activities. They apply both an integral assessment of training and an assessment of the effectiveness of each program separately.

The development and implementation of training programs can be carried out both by the organization itself and by specialized companies.

2. Formation of corporate culture.

Human interaction is a mechanism for the transmission of culture in an organization. Culture is a set of basic hypotheses and values. To create and strengthen corporate culture, management can and should work in the following areas:

Creation of a value system;

Development of a strategy for the behavior of managers;

Personnel Management;


How effectively does the manager tie together the values ​​that guide the different systems of management?

Conflict Management;

Formation of subcultures.

Some departments may choose to live up to their traditions and values, and this is perfectly acceptable, as long as it does not completely reject the corporate culture as such.

The formation of corporate culture is a complex and multifaceted process. A weak corporate culture can not only reduce the innovative spirit of employees, but also lead to a serious drop in the company's profit growth rate. A strong corporate culture can do two things: it can also become a major obstacle to all the changes that are trying to infiltrate the company, which will lead to the company turning into a rather closed system. On the other hand, a strong corporate culture can become the main weapon in the fight against competitors.

3. The use of computer technology in personnel management.

Recently, various software products have become increasingly popular, which enable companies to keep records of personnel in all its many aspects. This is very convenient, as it facilitates all types of calculations (turnover, salaries, etc.), in addition, it greatly facilitates the exchange of reporting data between the management personnel of companies.

The person is the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. However, from the standpoint of management, it is impossible to talk about a person in general, since all people are different. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their duties; people have different needs, their motives for activities can differ significantly. Finally, people differently perceive the reality of the people around them and themselves in this environment. All this suggests that the management of a person in an organization is extremely complex, but at the same time an extremely responsible and important matter for the fate of the organization.

The manager needs to know how to solve problems, how to skillfully and appropriately use the appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management. And if skillfulness implies the practical mastery of the relevant skills, then relevance is understood as the adequacy of the method used in the situation in the organization.

The development and commercial implementation of new technical ideas, the introduction of innovations require a high creative spirit, initiative and dedication of each employee and the entire team as a whole.

The priority of product quality issues and ensuring its competitiveness have increased the importance of a creative approach to work and high professionalism in management. This encourages us to look for new forms of management, develop the potential abilities of personnel, improve their qualification level, and provide high motivation for the labor process. Human resource management is one of the most important activities of many organizations and is considered the main criterion for their economic success, in importance even ahead of the technical process. You can have an advanced modern technology, but not the qualifications of the staff will ruin it.

Thus, a key component of the business is the management and stimulation of staff.


1. Morozov Yu.P., Gavrilov A.I., Gorodnov A.G. Innovation management. – M.: UNITI, 2003.

2. Fundamentals of social management./ Ed. V.N. Ivanova. - M., 2001.

3. Medynsky VG Innovative management. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007

4. Barancheev V.P. The study of the company's innovative activity as its competitive strength // Management today. - 2006. - No.

5. Ovchinnikova T. A new paradigm of personnel management in a transitional economy.//Personnel management. - 2001.

Innovation Manager- a reality converter, a new generation profession modern Russia. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

In modern Russia, innovation activity is given Special attention. The condition for the successful prosperity of any company and the economy as a whole is the development of an innovative component. For this, in addition to qualified technical specialists in production or science, competent management personnel with innovative thinking are needed. Therefore, many Russian universities have included a separate specialization and even entire faculties of innovation and technology business in the curriculum. The profession of innovation manager has a great future.

Features of the profession

The profession of an innovation manager implies a phased solution of diverse tasks:

  • marketing research of the market in order to identify the needs of the population in new products, services, materials, high technologies;
  • preliminary calculation of the volume of needs for an innovative product;
  • search (or creation) and analysis of innovative ideas that meet the needs of the population;
  • development of a project to implement the idea, marketing policy and business plan;
  • search for a suitable enterprise capable of implementing this innovation;
  • joint work with a specific enterprise on the development of technology and equipment for the production of products;
  • search for suppliers of the necessary equipment and raw materials, conclusion of contracts.

Separately, it should be noted the work with risks. Any innovative project may turn out to be unprofitable or unsuccessful. The innovation manager must keep this in mind and protect the project from risks by compiling a list of events and conditions under which it is better to curtail the project.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Serious innovative projects, as a rule, are launched in large and advanced companies. Working in them is in itself a big plus in terms of professional growth, opportunities for creativity, decent pay and, ultimately, a prestigious status.
  • In the process of working with innovative projects, you can become a high-class expert who confidently predicts the prospects of projects.


  • Any innovation involves the risk of failure.
  • Insecure employment and low demand due to the fact that there are not many companies in Russia that constantly implement innovative projects. In addition, in a crisis, reducing the costs of any company begins with the reduction of innovative projects.
  • Constant intensive work on the creation of a new and extraordinary product entails fatigue and the so-called "professional burnout". It is not easy to be always on top, generate brilliant ideas and surprise with bright novelties.

Important qualities

Successful innovation managers have the ability to research scientist, traditional manager and qualified economist.

Important personal qualities:

  • high professionalism in the field of activity where the innovative project is being implemented;
  • broad outlook;
  • creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness;
  • constant striving for the development of new knowledge;
  • the ability to convince and defend one's point of view;
  • leadership and organizational skills;
  • the ability to rally a team around an idea and inspire a brilliant result.

Required professional skills:

  • experience in conducting scientific developments, modeling and process control;
  • knowledge of intellectual property rights and how to protect them;
  • possession of the basics of financial analysis and accounting.

Training for an Innovation Manager

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The main education of an innovation manager is his main specialty in the industry where he leads innovation projects. The second additional education in the field of innovation project management can be obtained at the following educational institutions:

Higher Education Innovation Managers

Place of work

Depending on the type of activity, an innovation manager can work in a variety of areas: from scientific developments in the field of high technologies to the production of ordinary consumer goods with new properties.

Places of work for innovation managers:

  • Academy of Sciences;
  • Universities providing professional training for innovative managers;
  • research institutes implementing their own scientific developments;
  • scientific societies;
  • corporations with development and research departments in their structure;
  • design bureaus;
  • venture funds;
  • business angel associations;
  • business incubators, technology parks;
  • consulting firms accompanying innovation processes.


Salary as of 01.01.2020

Russia 26000—120000 ₽

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

A career as an innovation manager can start from two different positions: professional and amateur. Professionals include managers who have received special education - managerial, economic or financial. Hobbyists are professionals from scientific fields who promote their own innovative project or graduates of technical universities who specialize in promoting the scientific developments of their colleagues.

A manager with many years of experience, who has implemented several successful innovative projects, is highly valued in the labor market. Career advancement is possible in the following positions: quality director, development director, direction director, executive director.

Relatively recently, professional standards for the profession of an innovation manager were developed in Russia, which are enshrined in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 34 “On Approval of the Professional Standard for the Profession “Manager of Innovation Activities in Scientific, Technical and Industrial Spheres”.