Complex for the discipline development. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of a software and methodological complex for the discipline of the professional cycle. Sequence restoration tasks


About the educational and methodological complex of the discipline

Application area

1.1. This Regulation regulates the composition, structure, requirements for the content and design of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines of each educational program of higher education of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the LPR “Lugansk State University named after Taras Shevchenko”. In addition, the Regulations describe the processes of approval and storage of educational and methodological complexes of the discipline.

1.2. The main users of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline are the teaching staff and students studying the disciplines of the department.

1.3. The requirements of these Regulations are mandatory for all teaching staff of the university, regardless of the discipline taught.

General provisions

2.1. The regulation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline establishes uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of all disciplines included in the curricula, and implemented at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the LPR “Lugansk State University named after Taras Shevchenko” for all forms of education.

2.2. Level of educational and methodological support academic discipline provided for by these Regulations is one of the conditions allowing to achieve the required quality of training in professional educational programs.

Goals and objectives of developing the educational and methodological complex of the discipline

When developing an educational and methodological complex for any discipline, the following tasks must be solved:

The focus of training on the implementation of various approaches in education;

Ensuring compliance of the results of mastering the academic discipline with educational standards and the requests of employers;

Security high level systematization of the theoretical and practical level of mastering the discipline;

Proper planning and organization independent work and control of students' knowledge.

The educational and methodological complex of the discipline is intended for:

Systematization of the content and organization of the study of an academic discipline, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and production;

Methodological improvements educational process;

Improving the quality of students’ knowledge;

Assisting teachers in improving their teaching skills.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used in this provision:

Basic educational program of higher education(OOP VO) preparation in the direction - a set of normative documents describing the totality (integrity, systematicity) of educational disciplines of various statuses (disciplines of the humanities, socio-economic cycle, disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycle and professional cycle, the basic and variable disciplines included in them parts and disciplines of choice, disciplines physical culture, optional disciplines and practices), their educational and methodological support, including the curriculum, work programs of academic disciplines and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as practical and scientific programs research work, calendar educational schedule and teaching materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology; main types of educational and pedagogical activity subjects of the educational process, satisfying the target, content, time and other characteristics of the educational standard and aimed at its implementation in the specific conditions of the educational institution. The higher education institution independently develops and approves the basic educational program for each area it implements.

Work program of the discipline(RPD) is a normative document that determines the scope, content, procedure for studying and teaching an academic discipline, as well as forms of monitoring the results of its mastery (exam, test, etc.).

Credit unit(credit unit, ECTS credit) – a measure of the labor intensity of the educational program and its components. The credit unit is a unified unit of measurement of labor intensity study load student, including all types of his educational activities provided for by the curriculum (including classroom and independent work, practice). The credit unit is equal to 36 hours.

Educational and methodological complex of the discipline(UMKD) is a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools that determine the goals, content and methods of implementing the learning process, educating students within the framework of this discipline.

Competence– ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a certain area.

Competence– a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Module– a part of the educational program that has a certain logical completeness in relation to the established goals and results of training and education, forming one or more competencies.

Learning outcomes(RO) – what the student is expected to know, understand and (or) be able to demonstrate upon completion of training (formed competencies).

Educational materials(UMM) a set of educational and methodological materials by type of activity: lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, seminars, coursework (projects), etc.

Appraisal Funds(FOS) is a set of methodological and control-measuring materials intended for assessing competencies at different stages of training.

The structure of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline

5.1. UMKD consists of three main sections: work program for the academic discipline; methodological instructions for the student, including materials revealing the requirements and conditions for passing tests and exams; methodological recommendations for the teacher.

5.2. The educational and methodological complex of the discipline includes:

5.2.1. Title page;

5.2.3. Annotation to the educational and methodological complex;

5.2.4. Work program of the academic discipline;

5.2.5. Guidelines for students: Assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification and self-control based on the results of mastering the discipline; Questions for tests and exams. Lecture notes (detailed lecture plans); Sets of presentations for lectures; Sets of didactic materials for conducting classes; Sets of exam papers.

Title page is the first page of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline and contains the following basic details:

The name of the institution;

Name of the institute/faculty;

Name of the department;

Information about the approval of the UMKD;

Name of the academic discipline (according to the curriculum);

Direction of training (specialty);

Name of the master's program (for master's programs implemented according to profiles);

Specialization (for specialties implemented by specialization);

Qualification (degree) of the graduate (bachelor, master, specialist);

Form of training;

Composition of the discipline (total number of hours and credit units, number of lectures, practical/laboratory classes, independent work of students, certification forms);

City and year of development.

The title page is drawn up in accordance with Appendix A.

Reverse side of title page contains information about the compiler (compilers) of the educational and methodological complex, information about the consideration and approval of the teaching materials. The back of the title page is drawn up in accordance with Appendix B.

annotation to UMKD is drawn up according to the sample (Appendix B).

Work program of the academic discipline is drawn up in accordance with the Regulations on the work program of the academic discipline, adopted by the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the LPR “Leningrad State University named after Taras Shevchenko”.

Guidelines for students represent a set of recommendations and explanations that allow the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that part of the course is studied by students independently. The content of methodological recommendations, as a rule, should include: advice on planning and organizing the time required to study the discipline; suggestions for studying individual topics of the course; recommendations on the use of educational and methodological complex materials; recommendations for working with literature; advice on preparing for the exam (test); explanations about working with the test system of the course.

Guidelines on performing laboratory tests, practical work and seminar classes include the topic of the classes with a detailed plan of work or issues that will be dealt with. The topics of practical classes correspond to the topics of the theoretical part and complement it. Materials for laboratory classes include tasks and exercises, various kinds of assignments with recommendations for their implementation. Presentation of the content of cases involves the presentation of recommendations both for the analysis of the situations under consideration and for their modeling - in relation to the subject area of ​​the discipline being studied. Assignments may contain a graphical representation of the material (graphs, diagrams, tables, etc.), as well as audio and video materials, slides, etc. Material for practical classes is presented for each topic of the theoretical part. It is necessary to have methodological recommendations for the implementation of practical and laboratory work.

· lesson plan indicating the sequence of issues and topics to be considered, the amount of classroom hours allocated for mastering the material on each topic;

· theoretical principles and instructions for performing practical/laboratory work;

· methods of independent work of students;

· procedure for preparing a report on practical/laboratory work;

· Control questions;

· attachments to the work (tables, data necessary to complete the work).

This section also presents didactic material used in practical classes. Didactic materials represent a fairly wide range of various teaching materials and tools that allow you to optimize the process of interaction with students.

· instructions for writing abstracts, reports and messages;

· algorithms for preparing creative tasks and projects;

· advice on note-taking, reviewing articles and other primary sources.

It is desirable that the number of tasks be greater than the number of students, this will allow you to vary the tasks and provide each student with an individual task.

Assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification and self-control based on the results of mastering the discipline.

Assessment tools are presented in the form of a fund of assessment tools for the intermediate certification of students. The fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline includes: standard test tasks or other materials necessary for assessing the knowledge, abilities, skills and (or) operational experience that characterize stages of developing competencies in the process of mastering an educational program; methodological materials defining procedures for assessing knowledge, abilities, skills and (or) operational experience that characterize the stages of developing competencies.

The UMKD provides examples of assessment tools in the form of examples of calculation and graphic work, complex assignments, topics of test work, test questions for each topic of the curriculum and throughout the course; sample tests for ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline.

For intermediate certification, a complete list of questions is provided to prepare for the test or exam.

Evaluation criteria. For each learning outcome in the discipline, indicators and criteria for assessing the development of competencies at various stages of their formation, scales and assessment procedures are determined. The assessment criteria describe the distribution of assessment (weight) as a percentage. different types the student’s educational activity in general throughout the semester (for disciplines that are taught over several semesters - throughout each semester).

Methodological recommendations for teachers include lecture notes (detailed lecture plans); sets of presentations for lectures; sets of didactic materials for classes and sets of exam papers.

Lecture notes (at the author's choice: complete notes divided by topic; brief supporting notes; a detailed lecture plan, including problematic issues; lecture abstracts). This section of UMKD provides educational theoretical material, selected and structured in accordance with the work program. The name and content of sections and topics must correspond to their names and content in the work program of the discipline. The training material must sufficiently cover the content of individual topics and the course as a whole. After presenting the educational material on each topic, a list of literature on this topic and questions for self-test are given.

Structurally, each lecture should consist of the following sections:

1. Lecture topic.

2. Goals, objectives.

3. Lecture plan.

4. Text material of the lecture (educational information (including diagrams, graphs, drawings, hyperlinks, etc.); conclusions on the topic).

5. Test questions for self-preparation of students.

In addition to the mandatory submission form educational information(text), it is advisable to supplement this component of teaching materials with educational materials in other forms, such as audio, video, slide presentations, multimedia inserts, etc.

In this section of the educational curriculum, it is advisable to include methodological materials and recommendations for teachers, representing means, teaching methods, methods of educational activities, the use of which is most effective for mastering certain sections and topics of the work program.

At the request of the author, the UMCD may contain Additional materials, which are, for example, an electronic library that provides the study of a discipline. Educational and methodological materials included in the UMKD can be presented in the form of a list of published author's educational and methodological developments in a given discipline: a list of textbooks and teaching aids (including electronic ones); a list of methodological recommendations for laboratory, practical and seminar classes; list of educational computer programs.

Related information.

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Ministry of Education and Science of North Ossetia-Alania

GBOU SPO "Vladikavkaz College of Electronics"

Methodical office



Developed by the methodological office.

I approve

Deputy Director of Academic Affairs

I.L. Slanova

"_________" _____________ 2014

Discussed at the meeting

VKE Methodological Council

"____" __________ 2014

Protocol No. _____________

Explanatory note

These methodological recommendations from the position of the activity approach show the component composition and content of the educational and methodological complex of the educational discipline of the secondary vocational education system, set out the requirements for its development and the issues of organizing work to create such a teaching and learning complex.

regulations have been developedabout the educational and methodological complex of the discipline.

Methodological recommendations take into account the accumulated Lately pedagogical science, research material on the problem of integrated educational and methodological support of the educational process and generalization of experience in its practical solution in secondary educational institutions.

In order to improve the quality of training of specialists


about the educational and methodological complex of the discipline

1. General Provisions

1.1 This provision has been developed in accordance with:

Model regulations on secondary educational institutions vocational education(secondary specialized educational institution), approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 18, 2008 No. 543.

Charter of GBOU SPO "Vladikavkaz College of Electronics" (hereinafter referred to as the college).

State educational standard for secondary vocational education in terms of state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in specialties.

Sample and working educational program documentation for specialties of secondary vocational education implemented at the college.

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (regulations, guidelines and recommendations) on the organization of full-time and full-time education for students correspondence forms training in secondary vocational education institutions.

1.2 Educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter referred to as EMC) of disciplines are created to ensure high-quality implementation of the State educational standard of secondary vocational education separately for each discipline and are the main part of the teaching and methodological work of the teacher.

1.3 Educational and training complexes represent a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, training and control tools necessary and sufficient for the high-quality organization of basic and additional educational programs, independent extracurricular work of students in accordance with the curriculum.

1.3 Planning of work to create a comprehensive educational and methodological support for disciplines is carried out for the academic year in terms of the teacher’s work.

1.4 Control over the creation of teaching materials of disciplines is carried out by the college methodologist, chairmen of cycle commissions, and deputy director for sustainable development.

2. Main tasks

2.1 Systematization of the content of academic disciplines taking into account the achievements of science, technology, and production.

2.2 Improving methodological support for worker disciplines curriculum. Equipment educational process educational, methodological, reference and other materials.

2.3 Providing methodological assistance to students in mastering educational material.

2.4 Ensuring planning and organization of independent work and control of students’ knowledge.

3. Structure of teaching materials

3.1 The educational and methodological complex covers all normative and didactic aspects of training. The structure of the educational complex includes:

- Regulations: extract from the State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education - requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in the discipline (for general education disciplines - extract from the standard of secondary general education and the basic curriculum); departmental standardizing documents; sample curriculum for the discipline; work curriculum; calendar-thematic plan.

- Educational and methodological support of the discipline: lecture notes, guidelines for performing practical and laboratory classes; assignments and guidelines for organizing students’ independent work; topics of coursework, dissertations and guidelines for their implementation; list of questions for preparing for exams and (or) tests; list of literature for self-study of students.

- Means of education: didactic materials for assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, organization of independent work of students; instructional and technological maps; teaching aids; electronic learning tools, etc.

- Controls: tasks for current, intermediate, final control of knowledge, abilities, skills; tasks for self-monitoring of students’ knowledge; evaluation criteria.

3.2 When compiling the teaching materials of one topic or section of an academic discipline, all of the above points are used in relation to this topic or section.

4. The procedure for developing teaching materials

4.1 The educational complex is developed by a teacher, a team of teachers of a subject-cycle commission, ensuring the study of the discipline in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and the working curriculum for training students in specialties.

4.2 The teacher (team of teachers) provides high-quality training of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the State educational standard in the specialty, educational and methodological and technical support relevant discipline.

4.3 Educational, methodological and educational materials of teaching materials should reflect the current level of development of science, provide for a logical sequence of presentation of educational material, the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in its application in practice.

4.4 Development of the educational complex includes the following stages:

Development of a working curriculum for the discipline;

Development of lecture notes, educational, educational and methodological recommendations;

Preparation of documentation for teaching materials;

Approbation of teaching materials in the educational process;

Correction of teaching materials.

4.5 Working curricula are developed and approved before students begin mastering the discipline.

4.6 Educational and educational materials for lecture courses, practical classes, coursework are developed in accordance with the approved program for the discipline.

4.7 The deadline for the development of teaching materials for the relevant discipline is established by the subject-cyclic commission, recorded in the minutes of the PCC meeting, the preparation of teaching materials elements is included in the individual plan of educational and methodological work of the teacher and the work plan of the subject-cycling commission.

5. Organization of control of the content and quality of teaching materials development

5.1 Control of the content and quality of teaching materials is assigned to the subject-cycle commission by the College Methodological Council.

At the stage of updating educational materials, the chairman of the teaching and learning center periodically monitors their compliance with the requirements of state educational standards and the current level of development pedagogical science, technical and technological achievements in the field of labor activity

5.2 The methodological Council of the college carries out:

Control of the content and quality of preparation of training programs in the disciplines included in the student training plans;

Control of the content and quality of preparation of teaching materials documentation;

Monitoring the provision of all disciplines of the specialty curriculum with educational and methodological complexes .

For this purpose: - the agenda of meetings of the Methodological Council includes issues to discuss teaching materials in disciplines that have been tested in the educational process;

Based on the results of the discussion, a decision is made on the content and quality of teaching teaching materials in the disciplines included in the curricula for training students in specialties, and recommendations are given for improving the developed teaching materials.

I. Composition of the educational and methodological complex of the academic discipline

To create a perfect educational and methodological complex of an academic discipline, knowledge of its component composition is important in many respects. The objectively established composition of the educational complex makes it possible to understand its structural structure, more fully identify and systematize its content and formulate requirements for its creation.

First of all, let us define that the composition of the educational complex is understood as all those structural components of which it is composed as a whole, necessary and sufficient for the design and high-quality implementation of the educational process in scientific disciplines.

The real educational process takes place in dynamics and in modern didactics and is understood as the interaction of activities of both teachers and students, aimed at achieving educational goals, objectives of training, education and development, and the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

To resolve the issue of the composition of teaching materials, it is necessary to use an activity approach, which allows, from the standpoint of the teacher’s activities, to objectively identify and establish all the constituent components of teaching materials. This approach involves conducting a structural and functional analysis of the teacher’s activities within the classroom. There are three stages in the work on creating an educational and methodological complex: preparatory, main, final.

Functional purpose preparatory stage The teacher’s activity consists in designing the content and goals of the educational process, its results and the technology for achieving them in the upcoming training session. On preparatory stage activities, the teacher consistently solves the following professional-standard tasks:

Determines the content of education for a given training session;

Comprehends and specifies the learning, education and development goals that need to be achieved in this training session; structures the content of education, identifies in it the main didactic units of educational information to be mastered;

Draws up a lesson plan;

Prepares the necessary material and technical equipment for the educational process.

To solve these problems, the teacher needs normative and educational-methodological documentation (GOST standards, curriculum, calendar and thematic plan, lesson plan).

Such documentation is one of the main components of the educational complex.

The second stage of activity should be considered as basic.

Its functional purpose is to implement the content of education, the goals of training, education and development of students, the formation of their knowledge, skills and abilities. At this stage of activity, the teacher’s tasks are to communicate educational information to students, organize their educational and cognitive activities and ensure that they master the basic didactic units of educational information at the required levels.

To solve these problems, training tools are needed.

One of the fundamental conditions for the effectiveness of teaching activities is monitoring its implementation in order to establish compliance of the achieved results with the given criteria and making the necessary decisions. To provide teachers and students with timely and objective control information.

Based on the above structural and functional analysis of the teacher’s activities, we can characterize the composition of the teaching and learning complex of the academic discipline as follows.

The educational system as a whole consists of three components. The structure of the teaching and learning complex includes: normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching aids and control means.

1. Regulatory and educational documentation. The content of this component of the educational complex is composed of a set of normative and educational documents that regulate the educational process of training a specialist in a particular field in the relevant academic discipline. These include:

State requirements the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialty are set to the required minimum content and level of training of graduates in the relevant disciplines; are introduced by such concepts as “have an idea”, “know”, “be able”, “have skills”, and are determined by a mandatory set of didactic units.

The list of office and (or) laboratory equipment is a document that includes a recommended set of modern equipment and technical technical support to ensure the high-quality implementation of the educational process in the academic discipline.

A working curriculum is an educational and methodological document in which, in accordance with GOST, the content of training, the sequence and the most appropriate ways for students to master it are determined.

A lesson plan (lesson flow chart) is an educational and methodological document developed by a teacher for each lesson to ensure the effective implementation of the educational content, learning objectives, education and development of students, the formation of their practical knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Training aids.

These include:

Educational and methodological literature:

Educational literature:

List of textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, catalogs, albums; lecture texts;

Samples of production documentation (technical, regulatory, etc.) depending on the profile of the specialties for which specialists are trained at the college;

Methodological literature:

Private methods of studying disciplines. They determine the place of the corresponding academic discipline in common system disciplines of the curriculum, its main educational tasks and role in the training of specialists in a particular specialty, reveal modern methods, means and the most rational forms of organizing training sessions in this discipline;

Methodological recommendations cover current general methodological issues and issues of specific methods of teaching an academic discipline, suggest the order, sequence and technology of teachers’ work in preparation for training sessions. Methodological developments set out in detail the issues of studying individual, usually the most difficult to study, curriculum topics, scenarios for conducting various types training sessions using modern technologies training;

Methodological and (or) instructional and practical instructions are often developed based on laboratory and practical work and practices, the implementation of which requires the observance of certain precautions.

Educational visual aids:

List of visual aids (posters, diagrams, drawings, photographs, drawings, graphs, tables, diagrams);

List of natural aids (devices, mechanisms, tools, parts, materials, minerals, herbariums, models, layouts, sections, dummies);

Handout didactic material - educational task cards, logical structures, didactic materials for performing independent, laboratory and practical work and course projects, assignments for designing products and technological processes that develop students' creative thinking in the design, technological and economic fields;

List of technical training aids (audiovisual technical aids, programmed training aids, simulators, computer training aids).

3. Controls.

The system of control means should be designed to provide objective control over the progress of students’ assimilation of educational material at four levels regulated by the State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education. Control means are created taking into account the forms of verification they are intended for (oral, written, practical). The creation of control means is also determined by the types of control in the verification of which these means will be used. Currently, the following types of control are used in academic disciplines:





Control tools on paper - control questions, tests, tests, crosswords, test assignments and coursework, exam papers, etc.

Of particular value are questions of a productive nature, including explanations, justifications and solutions to practical problems. It is valuable when questions are developed not for one individual lesson, but immediately for all forms of training sessions within educational topic, section and are calculated for different levels of mastering educational material, consistent activation of students’ thinking.

Pedagogical tests are divided into:

First level tests (selective): tests of recognition, discrimination, correlation;

Second level tests: scaffold tests, constructive tests, process tests;

Third level tests: task tests, process tests.

Speaking about technical means of control, it is necessary to especially emphasize the need to develop and use for each academic discipline an integral computer control program, covering the entire “didactic route” of studying the discipline from the first lesson to the exam inclusive.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that in order to radically improve the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, the content of the teaching and learning complex of an academic discipline must be purposefully improved in all three of its components, including regulatory and educational documentation, teaching aids and means of control.

Structural element "Passport of discipline" drawn up in accordance with the STPO educational standard of the academic discipline.

Educational and methodological map of the discipline, at the discretion of the developer of the standard, are drawn up in accordance with the forms given in the STPO educational standard of the academic discipline.

Educational and methodological complex of the discipline

1. Purpose and scope

The educational and methodological complex of the discipline (hereinafter - UMKD) is a set of educational and methodological materials for the discipline (subject, course, module), designed to ensure the organizational and content integrity of the system, methods and means of teaching for the most complete implementation of the tasks provided for by the state educational standards of higher education. vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education) and the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education).

The teaching and learning complexes of disciplines are the main means of solving the problem of equipping the educational process with educational, methodological, reference and other materials that make it possible to improve the quality of training of specialists, as well as the task of introducing advanced teaching methods into the educational process.

The development of teaching materials components should be carried out on the basis of the following didactic principles:

ü compliance with the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education (or the work program for the university component);

ü clear structuring (modularity) of educational material;

ü sequence of presentation of educational material;

ü completeness and accessibility of information;

ü determination of competencies that the student must achieve;

ü compliance of the volume of educational materials with the volume of hours (credit units) allocated for studying the discipline;

ü comprehensiveness (theoretical, practical materials, intermediate and final certification);

ü mobility (updating the components of the educational complex every 1–1.5 years);

ü modernity and compliance scientific achievements in the relevant field;

Training by providing the student with the necessary developed training materials;

Methodological support for organizing all types of classes and practices;

Additional information support (educational and reference materials).

2. Regulatory documents

The UMCD is compiled on the basis of:

Workshop (laboratory workshop) in the discipline, if this type of activity is provided for in the curriculum;

Glossary and other elements.

Reader (electronic library of the discipline);

Additionally, the teaching and learning complex may include:

Collection of student works (projects, abstracts, etc.);

Frequently asked questions and answers;

5.2 Work curriculum

Working curriculum - a normative document that defines the content, scope, and sequence of studying and teaching any academic discipline (its section, part). The main part of the program is devoted to revealing the content of the discipline, taking into account the pedagogical and methodological requirements for it.

The working curriculum is developed on the basis of an exemplary (standard) curriculum (if available) or a specialty (direction) curriculum.

The work program includes the following sections:

5.2.1. Explanatory note, which contains:

ü goals and objectives of studying the discipline;

ü the place of discipline in the educational process;

ü Competencies of a bachelor's program graduate, formed as a result of mastering this higher education program.

ü requirements for the student’s level of preparation for mastering the discipline (indicate a list of disciplines, the mastery of which is necessary for studying this discipline);

5.2.2. Labor intensity of the discipline(indicate the number of hours or the number of credits (credit units) allocated for studying the discipline in accordance with the curriculum in the field (specialty).

5.2.3. Thematic plan for studying the discipline

ü For each lecture, each practical lesson and each laboratory work, the number, topic, list of issues covered, volume in hours and links to recommended literature are provided. It is recommended to present the correlation between discipline modules (sections, topics) and the competencies formed in them in the form of a Discipline Competency Map

ü For a course project (course work), the purpose and topic of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), and links to recommended literature are indicated. If there are classroom classes on course design, the topics of the classes are given;

ü For independent work of students, the topics of essays, abstracts, calculation tasks are given, other tasks that students must complete independently during extracurricular time are listed, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to the literature.

Table 1. Thematic plan for studying the discipline

Weeks of the semester

Kinds academic work and independent work

Total hours on topic

Total hours in interactive forms

Total points

Laboratory exercises

Independent work

Table 2. Types and forms of assessment tools during the period of current control

oral survey

written works

Total points


answer at the seminar

Test/laboratory work

Independent work

Problem solving

Table 3. Planning students' independent work

Modules and themes

Week of the semester

Hours volume

Number of points



5.2.4. Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary connections with subsequent disciplines provided

Table 4. Interdisciplinary connections

Name of the provided

(subsequent) disciplines

Numbers of discipline topics required to study the provided (subsequent) disciplines

Table 5. Competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline


Offered by the university

Suggested by employers

The section reveals the content of the discipline by topic in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the area (specialty); determines the list of didactic units, the total amount of knowledge received by the student.

Indicate the topics of seminar classes with a list of questions to be discussed by students.

5.2.7. Laboratory topics

Indicate the topics of laboratory work, the name of the experiments, objects of study, as well as the necessary tools for carrying them out.

5.2.8. Educational and methodological support for independent work of students, assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline (module)

1. CDS is carried out with the aim of developing general cultural and professional competencies, understood as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a certain field, including:

· developing skills in searching and using normative, legal, reference and special literature, as well as other sources of information;

· high-quality development and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge, its deepening and expansion for application at the level of interdisciplinary connections;

· developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice (in professional activity) and consolidation of practical skills of students;

· development of students’ cognitive abilities, formation of independent thinking;

· improving speech abilities;

· development of student activity, creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization;

· formation of abilities for self-development (self-knowledge, self-determination, self-education, self-improvement, self-realization, self-regulation);

· development of research skills;

· development of interpersonal skills.

2. Types of independent work:

ü execution independent tasks at seminars, practical, laboratory classes;

ü preparing for classroom lessons and completing assignments of various types and levels of difficulty; preparation for problem lectures, discussion questions, colloquia, round tables, role-playing games, etc.:

ü study of individual topics (issues) of academic disciplines in accordance with educational and thematic plans, drawing up notes;

ü compilation chronological tables, logical and structural diagrams, etc.;

ü carrying out individual tasks (preparation of reports, communications, abstracts, essays, presentations, bibliographies, resumes, glossaries, etc.);

ü problem solving; performing independent work and tests, doing homework, preparing answers to questions for self-control, drawing up reports for laboratory work, independent work with instruments, passing terms and concepts, etc.;

ü implementation of design tasks (development of projects, models, programs, layouts, etc.);

ü carrying out research work;

ü completion of coursework (projects);

ü individual consultations;

ü individual interviews;

ü preparation for all types of control tests, including ongoing monitoring of academic performance (during the semester), intermediate certification (at the end of the semester), and the Federal Internet exam;

ü preparation for the final state certification, including preparation for state exams, performing graduation qualifying work(master's thesis);

ü preparation for participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences and seminars;

ü preparation for participation in electives and special seminars;

ü completing internships and completing the tasks provided for by them, drawing up reports on the results of internships.

3. Control block (projects, cases, abstracts, essays, didactic materials for self-control, current control of knowledge and intermediate certification (collections of tasks, tests, tests for self-control, etc.).

5.2.9. Educational technology

In the educational process they are used active and interactive forms conducting classes: reports with presentations, analysis of presentations together with students, defense of original projects, solving situational problems, analysis of specific situations on topics, meetings with experts in the field of ecology.

Computer simulation: in a computer environment, with the help of available software, one or another professional (technical, economic or other) situation, problem or task, model is simulated. On this basis, technical or management decisions are made. This requires independent search and elaboration of information on individual issues of the theoretical course, consultations with the teacher, interaction with fellow students, the creation of creative groups with the distribution of functions, etc.

Interactive video lectures with synchronous slides (IVSS) are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching due to the high coefficient of transmission of the pedagogical influence exerted on students by the teacher.

Interactive learning is based on students' direct interaction with their own experiences and the experiences of their friends, since most interactive exercises appeal to the learner's own experiences.

Active forms of learning: where students are the “subject” of learning, perform creative tasks, and enter into dialogue with the teacher. The main methods are creative tasks, questions from student to teacher, and from teacher to student.

Passive forms of learning: where students act as the “object” of learning, who must learn and reproduce the material that is transmitted to them by the teacher - the source of knowledge. The main methods are lecture, reading, questioning.

5.2.10. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline

ü Basic literature

ü Additional literature

If necessary, this section can be supplemented with reference books and dictionaries, regulatory documents, periodical industry and socio-political magazines, scientific literature; links to databases, websites, help systems and network resources.

5.2.11. Software and Internet resources

5.2.12. Technical means and logistics ensuring discipline (module)

A list of teaching, monitoring, computer programs, multimedia lectures, video lectures, filmstrips, film and television films, and slides is indicated. Recommended illustrative materials: posters, albums, tablets, layouts, work samples. A list of technical teaching aids is given, specialized audiences and classes, basic mechanisms and instruments, installations, stands, etc. are indicated.

6. Guidelines for seminars or laboratory classes

6.1.Methodological instructions for seminar classes are designed to provide individual assistance to students in studying the basic concepts, ideas, theories and provisions of the discipline, contribute to the development of their skills, abilities and professional competencies and are one of the ways to test students’ knowledge.

a) an explanatory note justifying the importance and necessity of this type of educational activity, defining the goal and objective of developing in students both a scientific worldview and practical skills during seminar classes;

b) topics of seminar classes with a list of issues to be discussed and the amount of classroom hours on each topic;

c) brief theoretical materials on each topic, allowing the student to become familiar with the essence of the issues discussed in the seminar lesson;

d) a list of literature necessary for the student’s work in preparation for each seminar.

6.2.Guidelines for performing laboratory work contribute to the effectiveness of students’ independent work, assimilation and consolidation of what they have learned theoretical material and the formation of practical skills.

Guidelines for performing laboratory work include:

a) an explanatory note defining the goals and objectives;

b) topics of laboratory work in accordance with the theme and logic of presentation of the lecture course;

c) the sequence of student actions when performing each laboratory work;

d) the procedure for preparing a report on the work done;

e) a list of basic and additional literature indicating certain pages necessary for the student to study in preparation for each laboratory work.

7. Guide to studying the complex (methodological instructions, breakdown into modules, point-rating system, calendar plan for studying the discipline).

The manual for studying the complex includes such components as methodological instructions for studying the discipline, a breakdown of educational material into modules, a score-rating layout, and a calendar plan for studying the discipline.

7.1. Guidelines for studying the discipline

The guidelines should provide recommendations for studying sections of the discipline and performing tests and laboratory work, according to self-study theoretical material, completing practical work, tests, assignments and problems, abstracts and term papers, instructions on rational technology for mastering educational material at a given level, on rational alternation and use of the entire complex of educational materials, basic and additional literature (if necessary - examples decisions and design typical tasks, examples of common mistakes).

The author of the teaching materials is developing in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for using rating system for assessing student performance" a scoring layout for the discipline as a whole and for each reporting element.

7.3. Calendar plan for studying the discipline

The calendar plan is designed to plan and organize a student's time to study a course. The plan is drawn up for one semester. For multi-semester disciplines, a plan is drawn up for each semester. The plan indicates the name of the module, the recommended duration of studying the module (in weeks), the type of reporting on the results of studying the module and the timing of control activities, as well as the maximum score for each control event. Each module must end with tests for self-control; the plan reflects the number of test questions. The plan is accompanied by a technological map of the discipline, in which for each module the sections necessary for its study of both this discipline and other disciplines of the student’s curriculum are indicated. In addition to the plan, a schedule for passing control activities is drawn up, which indicates the recommended deadlines for submitting various types of reporting for the course and the number of points for a certain type of work.

8. Control block (projects, cases, abstracts, essays, didactic materials for self-control, current control of knowledge and intermediate certification (collections of assignments, tests, tests for self-control, etc.).

Test tasks

Test tasks are educational and methodological materials for self-preparation, ongoing and final control, which are intended to develop skills and abilities practical application theoretical knowledge (with examples of completing tasks and analysis of the most common errors). The implementation of test tasks varies depending on the subject area (can be presented step by step solutions typical tasks and exercises with explanations and links to the relevant sections of the theoretical material of the discipline). The following are used as test tasks:

ü "Cases". Tasks in the form of cases require the listener to independently find a solution to any real or simulated task or problem based on an analytical interpretation of the proposed set of facts and a description of the current situation;

ü Exercises. This type assignments require quantitative calculations, specific tasks, etc. Can be developed on the basis of both real and hypothetical data;

ü Tests. This component of the educational complex implements the functions of a control block for checking the progress and results of theoretical and practical mastery of educational material in basic disciplines.

The control block includes self-tests, as well as final and intermediate tests. The test system should be presented in the form of a set of test questions, statements and tasks. Test questions, statements and assignments are combined into blocks for a specific section (topic) of the academic discipline. The number and quality of tests for each section (topic) should reflect the program content of the discipline and provide complete and in-depth control of the student’s assimilation of the educational material. When compiling tests, you should be guided by the amount of educational material included in the exam (test) questions. The material from which the test bank is formed must be covered in the textbook. Before you start compiling a bank of test tasks, you need to create a codifier. Creating a codifier is creating an exam plan, so first a codifier is compiled and only then, based on it, test tasks are created from which the test is compiled.

Procedure for creating a codifier:

ü the content of the test is built - a list of chapters for which it is necessary to check the knowledge and skills of students;

ü for each section (chapter) a set of didactic units is compiled, the knowledge of which must be tested as a result of testing;

ü determined in accordance with the significance and volume of didactic units of a chapter or section, how many questions from each test topic should be selected;

ü a table is compiled describing the test tasks and their correspondence to the textbook. A list of test tasks, divided into topics, is generated, indicating how many tasks from each topic must be selected for the exam (test).

The form of the codifier is given in Appendix B.

A didactic unit (content tested by a test) means certain knowledge that is tested by a given task. The list of test tasks should follow the codifier table (Appendix B).

Bank of technical specifications for a computer exam ( test work) must contain at least 20 tasks for each section of the discipline, divided into topics, indicating how many questions from each topic must be given to the student during testing. The number of questions from each topic should be proportional to the volume of this section of the academic discipline.

It is recommended to submit 20–30 test tasks that do not require calculations for the exam. The number of problems that require certain calculations to obtain the correct answer must be at least 6 and is calculated by the teacher, based on the fact that the time spent on solving does not exceed the time of passing the exam (2 hours).

Test tasks may contain tables, pictures and formulas. The question text should not be too long; the entire question should fit on the screen. The wording of the question should not contain information unnecessary for answering it, including unnecessary data. The question must contain all the data necessary to calculate the correct answer (or an indication of where to get it). The test must be formatted according to the rules given in Appendix D. The types of test questions are given in Appendix E.


Educational and methodological support for the seminar includes:

ü topic of the seminar;

ü annotation;

ü questions and assignments;

ü theoretical material, list of additional literature.

ü purpose of the seminar;

ü requirements for the student’s basic knowledge in other disciplines necessary to participate in the seminar;

ü requirements for mastering theoretical material in the discipline for effective student participation in the discussion;

ü practical skills of the student in the discipline necessary for effective participation in the seminar;

ü tasks of effective communication “student - teacher”, “student - student”;

ü knowledge and skills acquired by the student as a result of mastering the topic of the seminar;

ü the possibility of in-depth study by the student of the material on the topic of the seminar during the discussion;

ü the ability to control the knowledge acquired by the student during discussions on the topic of the seminar.

Criteria for choosing a seminar topic:

ü relevance;

ü significance (how important the topic is for in-depth study of the discipline);

ü priority (how much 4~ (how important is it to study this topic in comparison with others);

ü high degree disclosure (the ability to consider issues on a topic in different directions);

ü high degree of student interest;

ü a variety of different issues on the topic that urgently require solutions through discussions;

ü dynamism (how quickly new information on a given topic accumulates, changes, and appears, which contributes to its discussion);

ü Availability of freely accessible sources of information.

The developer must prepare the theoretical material necessary to conduct the seminar. It could be lecture material, proposed as a basic framework of knowledge on the topic of the seminar. Additional material on the topic of the seminar may also be offered, the essence of which is submitted for discussion. Students can offer their information for discussion within the seminar topic. Various sources of information can be used as theoretical material. Requirements for theoretical material:

ü accessibility;

ü reliability;

ü visibility.

Since students must take part in at least one seminar as part of the course, this component is mandatory as part of the educational complex.

Practical and laboratory tasks

Guidelines for performing practical and laboratory work - this is an educational and methodological manual that includes a brief summary of the necessary theoretical provisions (possibly in the form of links to sections of theoretical material, formulas, tables, etc.).

Guidelines must include an example detailed solution and recommendations for solving all typical problems proposed in tests and laboratory works and exams.

Solutions should provide not only a sequence of actions, but also an explanation of why such a sequence is used (not only how to solve, but also why exactly).

The structure of the teaching aid for performing practical and laboratory work should include the following elements and sections.

Title page . The title page indicates the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the full name of the university, the name of the academic discipline, the name of the laboratory or practical work, and the year of publication. Also, the title page must contain the block I APPROVED (certified by the head of the department) and the block DEVELOPER(S) indicating the names and initials of the authors of the manual. Information about the reviewers is provided on the back of the title page. bibliographic description manuals, abstract, copyright sign.

annotation - according to subsection 5.4.

Goal of the work - the goals and objectives set for students when performing this work are indicated.

Theoretical part - the topic of laboratory or practical work is revealed, examples are given.

ü advice on preparing for a seminar, writing an essay, term paper;

ü reporting forms on the results of independent work on the course, content, features of preparation and conduct of intermediate certification on the course;

ü explanations on working with the test system of the course, on completing homework, etc.;

ü a list of approximate test questions and assignments for SRS, indicating the numbers of sections and topics of the curriculum to which they relate, deadlines for completion, as well as the amount of SRS in academic hours (for each test question or task).

10.2. Guidelines for studying the theoretical material of the course should be compiled differentiated for each topic of the course and may include the following elements:

ü topic title;

ü goals and objectives of studying the topic;

ü main questions of the topic;

ü characteristics of the basic concepts and definitions necessary for the student to master this topic;

ü brief conclusions that orient the student to a certain set of information, main ideas, key provisions, a system of evidence that needs to be learned;

ü control questions (tests) intended for self-testing of knowledge. Questions (tests) should be aimed at testing understanding of the conceptual apparatus of the academic discipline; reproduction of factual material; disclosure of cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships; generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic.

10.3. Guidelines for completing tests (including abstracts, reports, etc.), coursework, and final qualifying papers (including bachelor's and master's theses).

Guidelines for independently performing various written works are compiled taking into account the type of educational activity of the student.

10.3.1. Abstract (report) This is a student’s independent research work, which contributes to the formation of research skills and teaches critical thinking. Guidelines for a student’s work on an abstract (report) contain the stages of work on this type of publication, which include:

ü selection of a topic proposed by the teacher, or the formation of a topic by the student himself, relevant in its meaning and original, interesting in content;

ü selection and study of the main sources necessary when writing abstracts (reports);

ü compiling a list of references;

ü processing and systematization of information;

Course work(course project) is an independent research or scientific-practical work devoted to the study of a strictly defined issue (topic). It can be a course work (course project) in a discipline or specialization. This is a qualitatively different level of work than an essay, report or test. . It (he) aims to consolidate, deepen, generalize the knowledge acquired by the student in theoretical courses, and apply this knowledge to a comprehensive solution to a specific problem. In addition, in the process of preparing coursework (project), skills in working with literature, including reference literature, are instilled; consolidation of skills in performing practical tasks and preparing the necessary documentation.

Final qualifying work is distinguished by a more thorough theoretical study of a complex problem and the search for optimal ways to solve it. Being the final stage of a student’s education at a university, the final qualifying work shows the level of general theoretical and vocational training student.

In terms of content, there must be an organic connection between the coursework and final qualifying work. The final qualifying thesis can become a logical continuation of the course work, implementing its ideas and conclusions at a higher theoretical and practical level. Course work can be used as a chapter or section of a final qualifying work.

Guidelines for coursework and final qualifying work may contain:

ü general guidelines on the specifics of writing work on a topic, discipline, specialty (direction);

ü the rule for choosing an assignment option and a topic for a course (final qualifying) work;

ü work schedule;

ü approximate time standards for completing work;

ü stages of student activity to complete the work;

ü standard structure and requirements for the content of its sections;

ü an indication of the correctness of the work;

ü procedure for protecting work, evaluation criteria;

The appendix provides samples of the title page of the work, reviews and other supporting material.

b) introduction, in which the essence of the problem under study is formulated, the choice of topic is justified, the purpose and objectives of the work are indicated, its significance and relevance are determined, and a description of the literature used is given;

c) main Part. Each section of the work, demonstrably revealing a separate problem or one of its aspects, is logically a continuation of the previous one; the main part may contain tables, graphs, diagrams;

d) conclusion. The results are summed up, a general conclusion is given on the topic of the work, recommendations are offered;

e) list of references;

e) application.

11. Workshop (laboratory workshop) in the discipline, if this type of activity is provided for in the curriculum.

The workshop is designed to develop skills in applying theoretical knowledge, contains a list of topics for seminars, laboratory, practical work and assignments in the discipline, examples of completing assignments with an analysis of the most common errors.

The content of the workshop reflects the main aspects of the training course, repeats theoretical and practical questions for detailed consideration and consolidation. The workshop should consist of tasks, include additional guidelines for their implementation or materials that explain the most complex issues. Step-by-step solutions to typical problems and exercises should also be presented, with explanations and links to the relevant sections of the theoretical course.

The structure of the workshop should reflect the sequence of presentation of the material adopted in curriculum. All topics should include a list of required regulations and a list of additional literature.

Implementation of the workshop may vary depending on the subject area. For example, for natural science disciplines, a workshop can be presented in the form of a problem book or a laboratory workshop. For economic disciplines- in the form of business games, etc.

12. Glossary and other elements.

Glossary- reference materials that reveal the content of basic terms, definitions, phrases, abbreviations, etc., the knowledge and use of which is necessary in the process of studying the discipline. Contains a list of words and phrases arranged in a certain order (usually alphabetically), which provides information about their meanings, use, and origin.

13. Reader (electronic library of the discipline).

An anthology is an educational publication containing systematically selected literary, artistic, official, scientific and other works or excerpts from them that form the object of study of the academic discipline. The reader facilitates the assimilation and consolidation of the material covered, complements and expands the knowledge of students. An anthology is also called a collection of short articles or excerpts from works. In the case of electronic teaching materials, a reader is understood as mandatory and additional materials for studying on each topic of the discipline in electronic form.

The reader includes the following materials for mandatory or additional study:

ü full options or the most important excerpts from the texts of works considered classic in this field of knowledge and reflecting the fundamental principles of the science being studied;

ü textbooks, books, brochures;

ü lectures, demonstrations, presentations, slides;

ü audio, video materials;

ü legislative and regulatory acts;

ü other.

14. Elements of scientific research when studying the discipline

Elements of scientific research of the discipline indicate methods and forms of involving students in independent creative activity(reviewing scientific and periodical literature on the most complex and relevant topics of the discipline, participation in scientific research, competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, conferences and other areas of development creativity students)

15. Literature

1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001).

2. Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” dated January 1, 2001.

3. Order of Rosobrnadzor “On approval of performance indicators and criteria for state accreditation of higher education institutions” educational institutions».

4. Letter Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science dated 01.01.2001 No. in/ak “On the indicator of state accreditation “Methodological work””.

5. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. in/13 “On the procedure for forming the main educational programs of a higher educational institution on the basis of state educational standards.”

6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On the use of distance educational technologies.”

7. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On the review of educational publications used in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education.”

8. The procedure for receiving reviews of educational publications, used in the educational process educational institutions primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education, approved on April 24, 2007 by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

9. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the examination of textbooks.”

10. Letter from the Department public policy in education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 03-614 “On the procedure for conducting examination of textbooks.”

11. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the minimum standards for the provision of higher educational institutions with an educational base in terms of library and information resources.”

12. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. in/15 “On the activation of independent work of students of higher educational institutions.”

13. GOST 7.60-2003 “Publications. Basic types, terms and definitions."

14. GOST R 7.03-2006 “Publications. Essential elements. Terms and Definitions".

15. GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Basic types and output information."

16. Collection of normative documents on the organization of educational and methodological work at Tyumen State University / [etc.]. - Tyumen: Tyumen Publishing House state university, 2006. - 156 pp.

17. Vinogradova abstract, report, final qualifying work: Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions: 3rd edition, revised / , . - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005. - 96 p.

18. How to write term papers and dissertations. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005, - 188 p.

19. Business final games. - M.: “Higher Education in Russia”, 2001, No. 2 p. 119-125.

20. The principle of alternativeness in learning. - M.: “ Higher education in Russia”, 2001, No. 1. – p. 103-106.

21. , Tyagunova computer testing. Programming and didactic test. Part II – 2nd ed. reworked - M.: MGUP, 2005. – 84 p. IV

22. , Tyagunova computer testing. Form of the test situation and test formation. Part 4. - M.: MGUP, 2005. – 83 p.


In 2011–12 academic year Russian universities switched to the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES HPE) of the third generation. Their development was carried out in accordance with a set of measures to implement priority areas for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation and an action plan to implement the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education. The new standard was developed in the ideology of the competency-based approach. An important feature of the new standards is taking into account the principles and provisions of the Bologna Conference, which should simplify the integration of our education system with the pan-European one, allowing graduates to easily adapt to the labor market of any country that has signed the Bologna Declaration. In this regard, the problem of improving the methodological support of the educational process and, as one of its components, the development and implementation of new educational programs, the creation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines (EMCD) is becoming increasingly relevant. UMKD is intended to improve the efficiency and quality of training of future specialists by systematizing the content and organizing the study of an academic discipline, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and production; improving methodological support of the educational process; effective planning and organizing independent educational work and monitoring students’ knowledge, providing students with methodological assistance in mastering educational material; assisting teachers in improving their teaching skills. In this regard, the question arises about a rational approach to the formation of the structure of UMCD. The article provides an analysis of possible approaches to the formation of the structure of educational and methodological complexes of academic disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards. The purpose of the work is to substantiate a rational approach to the formation of an electronic version of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline using minimal skills in the field of computer technology. The author's version of creating the structure of an electronic educational and methodological complex in the form of a simple hierarchical database is proposed.

training and metodology complex

methodological documentation

1. On the procedure for forming the main educational programs of a higher educational institution on the basis of state educational standards. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2000 No. 14-52-357in/13 [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date accessed 02/12/2014)

2. On new criteria for the indicator of state accreditation of higher educational institutions. Letter of Rosobrnadzor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2006 No. 02-55-77in/ak URL: (date accessed February 10, 2014)

3. Savina A.G., Blok A.V. Algorithm for forming the content of work programs of academic disciplines // Innovative and information technologies in analysis, economics and finance: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Barcelona, ​​May 18-25, 2013) - Orel, 2013. – pp. 109–111.

4. Mendubaeva Z.A. The structure of the educational and methodological complex // Current problems of pedagogy: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Chita, December 2011). – Chita: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2011. - pp. 216-219.

5. Balakireva E.V., Vlasova E.Z. Electronic educational and methodological complex as a means of ensuring the quality of training of specialists // Man and Education. – 2012. – No. 4(33). – P. 75–80.

According to the current concept of education, an integral part of the Basic Educational Program of Higher Professional Education (EOP HPE) is the Educational and Methodological Complexes of Disciplines (UMCD), which are developed at the departments, undergo coordination and approval procedures provided for by the internal University Regulations, and ensure the teaching of academic disciplines in in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES).

Currently, there is no generally accepted definition of the concept of teaching and learning, and as a working definition we will use the following definition: “The educational and methodological complex of the discipline is a system of normative and educational documentation, teaching aids and progress monitoring, necessary and sufficient for the quality organization of basic and additional educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)."

An analysis of materials presented on the websites of universities in the public domain showed that the implementation of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the structure and content of educational teaching is carried out taking into account the specifics of the educational process and established traditions in a particular university. For this purpose, at each university, the Academic Council adopts the “Regulations on UMCD”, which detail the recommended structure and content of the document, the procedure for its development, approval and amendments. Departments, on the basis of the adopted Regulations, form educational and methodological complexes of disciplines within their competence, adding, if necessary, separate additional elements, reflecting the specifics of these disciplines.

We will not discuss such issues as the role and place of UMKD in the educational process, its content and didactic principles for the formation of individual components - these issues are discussed with the necessary detail in the “Regulations on UMKD”, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The purpose of this work is to consider possible approaches to choosing the structure of teaching materials and methods of its practical implementation, to evaluate these approaches from the point of view of the functionality of using teaching materials in the educational process. The work also proposes one of possible options formation of the structure of the UMKD as a local electronic database (EDD).

Analysis of approaches to the formation of the structure of UMCD.

Despite the apparent diversity in details, there are two main approaches to implementing the UMCD structure.

1. UMKD as a single document of 20-30 pages of text in a standard format, containing coverage of all positions provided for by the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for this document, and including in its text links to educational, methodological and regulatory documents that ensure the implementation of the requirements specified in UMKD, during the educational process. All these additional documents are considered as annexes to the UMCD.

2. UMKD as a complex of normative, methodological and educational materials used in the educational process in this academic discipline. In this case, UMKD includes a variety of materials that are heterogeneous in their functional purpose (textbooks, lecture texts, workshops, assignments for students’ independent work, tests for current, midterm and intermediate progress monitoring, rating plans for academic disciplines, etc.), the volume of which may reach hundreds and even thousands of pages of text. Here it is appropriate to talk about UMKD as a kind of database (DB) containing normative, methodological and educational materials used by the department in the educational process in this academic discipline. At present, there is no single point of view on the structure of educational educational documents (document or database), and each university chooses the version of educational educational documents that is more consistent with the characteristics of the educational process and the traditions of the university.

The next problem that arises when creating UMCD is the following: in what form should it be saved and used - in electronic form, on paper, or in both forms at the same time. There is also no common point of view here, and usually the decision is made based on the personal preferences of the university management. As a rule, for the purpose of reinsurance, departments are instructed to prepare and save UMKD in both forms. Each form of presentation of UMCD (electronic or paper) has its own advantages and disadvantages, discussed below.

Materials presented in electronic form have the following advantages:

  • compactness (they do not require bulky folders and office furniture for storage);
  • mobility (saving files on flash cards allows you to always have the necessary documentation “at hand,” work with it and, if necessary, transfer it to others);
  • ease of editing (in content electronic documents changes can be made without significant expenditure of resources);
  • ease of searching for documents (by forming the UMKD in the form of a text document with hyperlinks or in the form of an electronic database, we ensure ease of searching for individual materials and access to their content).

The disadvantages of the electronic form for submitting documentation include the following:

  • the need to have appropriate computer equipment (with the current level of computerization, this drawback seems insignificant);
  • less visual perception of the document (the perception of text information from paper remains for many users more familiar and comfortable than reading it from a monitor);
  • the presence of problems with the approval of electronic forms of documents (in our opinion, this is not so much a problem of the educational process as of bureaucratic procedures). Everyday practice shows that numerous approvals and approvals have virtually no effect on the functionality of the created intra-university regulatory, methodological and educational materials, but require additional effort and time and create the illusion of serious and active document creation. By the way, in Soviet universities (1970-1990) the amount of normative, methodological and reporting documentation was at least an order of magnitude smaller, which did not prevent universities from implementing one of the highest quality education systems in the world.

As for the advantages and disadvantages in relation to materials on paper, they are opposite to the corresponding characteristics of the electronic form of documents outlined above, and their detailed discussion seems unnecessary. If the UMCD is considered as a single document of a relatively small volume (20-30 pages of text), then its presence on paper is justified. Thus, the majority of UMCDs developed in accordance with the requirements of GOS-2 had just this format as the main one.

If the UMCD is considered as a set of heterogeneous documents (from the texts of basic lectures to sets of tests and semester rating plans for disciplines) with a volume of hundreds of pages of text, then printing these materials for the purpose of their subsequent placement in folders on shelves to confirm that the department has developed and has an educational and methodological complex for a specific discipline, which currently seems irrational. Considering that departments carry out the educational process in dozens of disciplines and areas of training, this comes down to a senseless waste of resources (paper, powder for laser printers, time and effort of performers) and the generation of “information trash” that will lie motionless on the shelves and through 1- 2 years will be thrown out because a significant part of it will be obsolete. In accordance with the current principles of office work, making any changes to paper documentation requires the implementation of special procedures (replacing pages in a document with recording this in a change sheet, etc.). Paradoxical as it may seem, text copies of materials from these folders are usually not used in any way in the educational process (even their temporary withdrawal for the purpose of practical use by a teacher or student is not provided for); the only purpose of these folders with hundreds of pages of text is to show auditors what the department has developed and has in its fund the corresponding UMKD. If the organizational and methodological support of the educational process in the discipline at the department continues to develop (improve), then UMKD will be a very dynamic information object in time, the content of which will constantly change: some (outdated) materials will be replaced by other, more modern ones as new ones are developed and tested and effective. In this regard, the electronic form of UMCD has undeniable advantages, allowing you to save and compare their different versions. In addition, transmitting fragments of educational teaching materials in electronic form to teachers and students for their use in the educational process is a much more technologically advanced and efficient procedure than duplicating and distributing materials on paper.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, introduced on September 1, 2011, the requirements for the content of educational educational documents have changed significantly, which can only be implemented in the form of a complex of heterogeneous documents, the “core” of which becomes working programm discipline (RPD) is a kind of analogue of UMKD as a single document within the framework of the requirements of GOS-2. Taking into account modern requirements for the content, structure and functional characteristics of UMCD, the only rational and effective form to use seems to be its electronic version (EUMKD) in the form of some local database.

Structure of the EUMKD as a database

The most commonly used formats of electronic databases (EDB) when using computer technologies in the field of document flow are relational EDB and hierarchical EDB. The choice of the electronic database format is determined by the goals, objectives and basic requirements for the specified structures.

The purpose of the EUMKD as a database is a systematic presentation of the totality of normative, methodological, educational and control-measuring materials intended for use in the educational process in a specific educational discipline for a given area of ​​training for bachelors and masters.

The task of the EUMKD is to provide full and convenient access for teachers and students (within their competencies) to the materials they use in the educational process.

The requirements for the EUMKD as a database (DB) can be formulated as follows.

1. Compactness and simplicity of structure: the format should be as simple and compact as possible while ensuring the level of functionality required from it; it is advisable to exclude any additional elements included in the database shell to implement secondary service functions.

2. Functionality of use: the database must ensure the performance of basic functions - storage, systematization, search (within the reasonable time and effort of the user) and transmission to users of the documents they request.

3. Service functionality: the structure of the database shell should ensure the convenience of updating the content of the EUMKD (replacing one version of documents with others) and the ability to edit individual documents included in it without making any significant changes to the database shell.

4. Functionality of software and hardware implementation: the use of EUMCD should be as accessible as possible to the user in terms of hardware and software. It is advisable to focus on the most common software products (for example, the Word MS Office text editor), which all modern personal computer users have the skills to work with with varying degrees of professionalism.

5. Identity of structure and content: from the point of view of existing requirements for document flow, the structure and main elements of the content of the EUMKD for various disciplines, departments and areas of training must be the same within the university and comply with the Regulations approved by the management of the university. At the same time, excessive regulation should be avoided - the identity of the structure and main elements of content should be combined with a certain flexibility in the formation of the content of the EUMKD (departments and compilers should be able to include separate additional materials (manuals, topics and forms of SRS, etc.), if this has been tested and their further use is considered appropriate by the department.

6. Adaptability of the database shell to the content of the electronic computer database: currently on the Internet you can find dozens of proposals (paid and free) for using databases for various purposes - from systematizing pictures and music files to very functional generation programs electronic libraries and factual databases.

In our opinion, the use of this kind of programs as a shell for electronic digital computers seems irrational for the following reasons:

  • as a rule, these programs include functions that are “superfluous” for the tasks we are discussing and at the same time do not fully meet the requirements for the EUMKD;
  • true adaptation of the database structure to the goals and objectives of the educational process can be ensured only if the database shell is formed, consistent with the content and structure of the educational educational process, approved by the university.

The choice of the database format for forming the EUMCD shell is determined by the structure of the data included in it, as well as the purposes and forms of their use. So, to systematize data consisting of large quantity documents of the same type, the most suitable format is relational databases, which are implemented in the Access MS Office software product.

Our analysis showed that the materials included in the EUMCD are documents that are heterogeneous in volume and content in quantities not exceeding several tens (up to hundreds) of units. In addition, the procedure for searching documents in the EUMKD is performed sporadically and is not one of the main and frequently performed operations. For this kind of data arrays, hierarchical databases are more suitable, providing sufficient clarity of the database structure and a reasonable expenditure of time and effort for the user to search for the required document. There are also quite a lot of options for forming the structure of the EUMKD using various software tools and technologies, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

We will consider the option of forming the structure of the EUMKD using the modular principle of constructing a database and using the most popular text editor in the Russian Federation, Word MS Office, since the same software product is used to create the text documents themselves. The proposed database has a hierarchical structure, including several levels (Figure).

The structure of the EUMKD includes four documents general in the root folder: title page of the EUMKD (file titul.doc), abstract of the academic discipline, glossary for the discipline ( short dictionary terms in the amount of 20-35 units), the work program of the discipline (file RPFGOS_(name of the discipline). doc), and three modules of the first level (M1, M2, M3), containing documents of a certain functional focus and the corresponding competencies of various users (teachers or students ).

Each module of the first level includes three modules of the second level (M11, M12, M13, etc.), which systematize the documentation according to its functional purpose, facilitate navigation through the database and search for the required documents. To facilitate navigation through the database, each first-level module has an index page (index.doc), from which you can quickly access the folder with the required documents using hyperlinks.

Module M1 contains materials intended for teachers and includes three second level modules:

M1.1 - methodological materials to help the teacher in organizing the educational process;

M1.2 - regulatory documentation regulating the educational process in the discipline (Regulations on the point-rating system for assessing academic performance, semester schedules of the educational process, thematic plans for classroom lessons, rating plans for the academic discipline, etc.);

M1.3 - texts of basic lectures on the discipline.

Module M2 contains materials intended for students (trainees), and also consists of three modules:

M2.1 - sets of individual tasks used in organizing students’ independent work (SWS);

M2.2 - a fund of methodological developments (guidelines, workshops, etc.) intended for direct use by students in classroom and extracurricular settings;

M2.3 - a fund of handouts for the discipline, which is issued to students in electronic form or on paper for subsequent replication and use in classroom lessons and during independent work.

Module M3 contains sets of control and measuring materials (CMM) in the form of tests or variants of written tasks and keys to them. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the KIM fund consists of three modules:

M3.1 - KIM fund for ongoing monitoring of progress;

M3.2 - KIM fund for midterm monitoring of academic performance;

M3.3 - KIM fund for intermediate control.

The structure of the EUMKD shown in the figure is basic for all departments, disciplines and areas of training. If necessary, additional second-level modules with documentation on organizing internships and performing qualifying work (for graduating departments) can be included in the structure of the database. The specific content of the EUMKD is formed through text (*.doc or *.pdf) or other electronic documents placed by developers in the nine second-level modules mentioned above. If necessary, taking into account the content of these modules, the corresponding index files are adjusted using the Word MS Office text editor.

The main disadvantage of the considered database is the lack of tools for automated information retrieval, however, this function in relation to the EUMKD is used quite rarely - the main function of the EUMKD is to store documentation of heterogeneous content in a systematic form, ensuring the implementation of the educational process in the academic discipline in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. This shortcoming is largely compensated by the use of a hierarchical database structure (figure), which corresponds to the content of the educational educational document, approved by the university management.

Structure of the EUMKD

Testing of the option for forming the structure of the EUMKD considered in this work indicates its functionality: ease of formation and ease of use, minimum software requirements (a Word MS Office text editor is sufficient) and the absence of special requirements for the level of computer literacy of the user.


Chekulina T.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Advertising, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orlovsky" state institute Economics and Trade", Orel;

Voronkova I.E., Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Professor Russian Academy natural sciences, member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (London), head of the department of history, philosophy, advertising and public relations, Oryol State Institute of Economics and Trade, Orel.

The work was received by the editor on March 26, 2014.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"