Mission of the municipal administration. Problems of eliminating landfills and solid waste on the streets of the Ust-Ordynsky village. Vyaznikovsky district, Vladimir region

General provisions

1. The Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) is a government body formed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the President), directly subordinate and accountable to him.

2. The administration and its employees in their activities are guided by the Constitution, laws, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, these regulations, as well as other regulatory legal acts.

3. The administration is a legal entity in the organizational and legal form of a state institution, has seals and stamps with its name on state language, standard forms, as well as bank accounts, including foreign currency ones, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. The structure and staffing of the Administration are determined by the President.

5. Full name of the Administration: " Government agency"Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

6. Legal address of the Administration: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Yesil district, Akorda residence.

7. The activities of the Administration are financed from the republican budget.

8. The mission of the Administration is high-quality and timely information-analytical, legal, protocol-organizational, documentation and other support for the activities of the President.

9. The main tasks of the Administration are:

1) ensuring the implementation of the powers of the President:

in area foreign policy;

in the field of socio-economic and other areas of domestic policy;

in the field of defense capability and state security;

in the field of legal policy, law and order;

in the field of personnel policy;

in relation to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Parliament);

in relation to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Government) and central executive bodies;

in relation to the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

in relation to courts and judges;

in relation to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

in relation to local representative and executive bodies, akims of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital and in the field of regional politics;

in a relationship government agencies, directly subordinate and accountable to him;

2) ensuring the activities of the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary of State), the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the Supreme Judicial Council and consultative and advisory bodies under the President;

3) other tasks established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) determined by the President.


Mission statement is the most important stage strategic management of the municipality. The article substantiates the need to choose a mission and analyzes the main differences between the mission and the vision and brand. An analysis of the main distinguishing features of the district’s mission from the organization’s mission is carried out, and their main similarities are also considered. Basic mission classifications are studied municipality depending on the selected criterion. We consider successful formulations of existing missions of organizations or territories that effectively use distinctive features, such as: historical facts, fiction and mythology, spatial associations, modern trends. The main points that should be avoided when formulating a mission are given so that it does not become a negative factor in the socio-economic development of the area. The article also provides an analysis of the concept of mission and substantiates the need for its creation for the municipality.

features of the formation of the mission of a municipal entity.

strategic management

municipal mission

mission of the organization

1. Current issues development of municipalities / under general. ed. prof. K. N. Bartsitsa, prof. V.V. Bakusheva. – M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2008. – 300 p.

2. Ansoff I. Strategic planning. – M.: Economics, 2004. – 489 p.

3. Wikipedia ttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CC%E8%F1%F1%E8%FF_%EE%F0%E3%E0%ED%E8%E7%E0%F6%E8%E8

4. Gnevko M.V. Innovative development of municipal formation. – St. Petersburg: IEU, 2008.

5. Gruzdev A. Regional development strategy: goals, advantages, development technology // Society and Economics. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 115-120.

6. Zotov V.B., Makasheva Z.M. Municipal management: Textbook for universities. – M.: UNITY - DANA, 2007.


One of the actively developing methods of managing and improving state and public regulation of socio-economic processes in the territories is proven methods and techniques of commercial management, transferred to the practice of municipal management. Most a shining example This is the strategic management of the municipality, and the most important element of the strategic plan is the mission statement.

What is the organization's mission and why is it needed?

The concept of “organizational mission”, a derivative of which is the concept of “mission of a municipal entity” that interests us, has firmly entered the modern management lexicon in recent decades thanks to the development of strategic management and scientific ideas about organizations as complex systems, largely due to the activity of the human factor.

Mission is one of the most controversial concepts in modern management. Some consultants say that a mission is something without which any organization cannot become successful. Others, such as Jack Trout and Steve Ryvkin, write bluntly: “Organizational missions are nothing more than unnecessary confusion, and the hype about corporate missions and visions is much like the crowd's admiration for the naked king's new dress. Most organizations' mission statements have little impact on their business." Still others suggest using the concept of a business idea instead of a mission for the needs of strategic analysis and planning. Still others claim that there are no serious reasons to look for a mission for the existence of small commercial organizations and it is also difficult to define a mission for organizations whose activities are strictly regulated from above. However, in the case of corporations and large business organizations, the problem of defining a mission becomes one of the most difficult problems.

Despite the fact that the concept of “organizational mission” is debatable, it has been proven in practice that it has brought a lot of benefits to organizations that have correctly formulated their mission and adhered to its direction.

If an organization does not have a mission, its leadership must understand the negative consequences of its absence:

  1. Inconsistency: in the event that there is no single direction of development in the organization, a situation often arises when various projects and programs turn out to be uncoordinated and come into conflict with each other.
  2. Difficulties in planning: if it is not known in which direction the organization should develop, then it is difficult to make any plans, since there is no benchmark to which to strive.
  3. Formation of a negative image(inside and outside). If no one can explain to clients, partners and employees why an organization operates in the market, this undermines its authority. As a result, this can lead to a gradual cooling of relationships with partners and clients. Employees, not understanding why they work, begin to experience dissatisfaction and a desire to change jobs.

Mission identification

Most often, a mission is confused with a district's vision or brand.

Mission and Vision

The fundamental difference between a mission and a vision is that a mission reveals a course of action, shows how certain goals or visions are achieved. Vision, in turn, is a picture of the future, how ideal the state of affairs seems to be that the company is striving for.

Mission and brand

The concepts of mission and brand are quite similar, but not identical to each other. The mission refers, rather, to the philosophical and cultural level of discussion about the prospects for the development of the area, and the brand - to the socio-economic and political. Therefore, mission and brand should complement, but not replace each other.

Differences between the mission of the organization and the mission of the municipality

Although the missions of the organization and the municipality have much in common, they also have many significant differences.

An organization's mission is the overall purpose that expresses the reason for its existence. It usually details the status of the organization, declares the principles of its work, statements and actual intentions of management, and defines the most important characteristics organizations.

The mission of a municipality is a clear designation of the common goal of development of government and business in the direction of improving the quality of life of the population of the area and increasing the efficiency of communications with the external environment. The mission formulates fundamental ideas about the meaning of the life of the local community.

Below are the main differences between the formation of the mission of an organization and a municipal entity.

Components of mission formation

Mission of the organization

Mission of the municipality

Prerequisites for the formation

  • shortcomings in the organization of enterprise management
  • negative consequences of being carried away by short-term, isolated projects
  • features of the organization
  • managers' preferences
  • shortcomings in the organization of municipal management
  • miscalculations made in choosing development directions
  • negative consequences from the implementation of short-term projects
  • uncertainty in resource allocation
  • social tension
  • economic decline

Main stages of formation

  • creation of a mission development team
  • analysis of external and internal factors, opportunities and threats
  • mission statement
  • communicating the mission to all employees of the organization and to all stakeholders of the organization
  • management's awareness of the need to develop a mission
  • conducting sociological surveys
  • creation of a commission to develop a mission
  • attracting external consultants and specialists
  • analysis of internal and external factors, characteristics of the territory, opportunities and threats
  • mission statement
  • Agreeing on the mission statement with all stakeholders
  • communicating the mission to the population and all stakeholders

Who shapes

  • management of the organization
  • district administration
  • representatives of the business community
  • population (using sociological surveys)
  • invited consultants and specialists

Formation goals

  • focusing employees on a common goal
  • creating or changing the climate and culture of the organization
  • introduction of a system of formal planning in the organization
  • ensuring the transformation of the organization's goals into a working structure
  • consolidation of the organization’s image in the representation of subjects of the external environment
  • leadership, control and motivation of the socio-economic development of the region as a whole and at the same time as an integral part of the regional and Russian economy
  • introduction of a formal planning system
  • rallying and activating the population around common goals
  • maintaining social stability
  • implementation of the PR function, communication of competitive and territorial advantages
  • formation of a certain direction of development
  • establishing a framework or standard for resource allocation
  • reduction in subsidies to the region

Whose interests should be taken into account?

  • employees
  • shareholders
  • clients
  • partners
  • society
  • regional and federal authorities
  • local people and community
  • business community
  • external partners

What to pay attention to when developing

  • history of the organization, distinctive features
  • main product (service)
  • main market for sales
  • technological production system
  • core competencies organizations
  • statements and intentions of management
  • unique features of the territory
  • history, traditions, culture, way of life
  • environment, economic-geographical position
  • features of the territory's economy
  • sociodemographic characteristics of the population
  • resource potential of the territory
  • direction of the development vector

Thus, we can conclude that when forming the mission of an organization, the main attention is paid to the economic component, and the social component, if there is one, fades into the background, and the basis for forming the mission of a municipality is to improve the quality of life of its population. It should also be noted that the formation of a district mission should not be carried out in isolation from common vector development of the region and the country as a whole.

Classifications of municipal missions

Since the concept of “mission” came from the strategic management of an organization, the classifications of missions were borrowed from there, and when forming the mission of a municipal entity, they can be used in their original form.

According to the extent of information

Based on the extent of information, missions are divided into short and extended versions. The short version of the mission is 1-2 short sentences - a brand slogan, aimed primarily at creating an image in society.

The second - extended version of the mission is most often formulated for internal use and should detail all the necessary aspects of the mission, including:

  • purpose of operation,
  • area of ​​activity,
  • philosophy,
  • methods for achieving goals,
  • methods of interaction with society (social policy).

Depending on the situation, you can choose any option, but more often the second is suitable for a municipality.

According to the degree of information reliability

According to the degree of reliability of information, missions are divided into two types.

The first is a calling, a special, unique purpose in a huge and complex world municipalities, related to the main functions performed and target groups.

The second is a declaration developed by the municipality and, as a rule, distributed within and outside it, describing ideas about vocation, purpose, etc., i.e. about the mission in the first form.

The optimal situation seems to be when a municipal entity formulates a mission based on a real, in-depth analysis of its stakeholders, values, opportunities and limitations, key abilities and advantages, without demagoguery and unjustified self-promotion.

By the nature of the information

Based on the nature of the information, missions are divided into three types.

Mission-destination is a narrow but specific understanding and designation of a type of activity, an idea of ​​the meaning of existence.

Mission orientation is a broad, detailed idea of ​​the system of values ​​that management adheres to, which at least general outline allows you to judge behavior in relation to all stakeholders.

Mission-policy - concentration of main goals and a clearer idea of ​​​​development directions for the near future and for the future.

Features of the formation of the mission of a municipal entity

The mission must be characterized by:

Realism- compliance with the resource, managerial, territorial and socio-economic capabilities of the municipality.

Specificity- based on the unique features of the area.

Effectiveness- focus on performing certain actions, showing activity, motivating all subjects of strategic planning.

Transparency - the mission must be understandable both to entities living in the region and to external partners. A district has a mission not when it is formulated, but when it is understood and shared by the population and external partners.

When forming a mission, it is necessary to consider that:

  • the mission of the territory is an information message that ensures effective communication with both internal entities and external partners;
  • the mission answers the questions “Why?”, “For what?”, it carries information about the purpose, the meaning of the existence of the municipality, about what the territory gives to the external environment and the internal environment (the population);
  • the mission of the municipality answers the question “For whom?”, it informs about whose needs are met in the process of its practical implementation;
  • the mission performs a certain advertising and PR function, indicating the territorial and competitive advantages of a given municipality;
  • the mission gives the development process a certain direction, since development, change for the better without movement is impossible;
  • the district's mission has an expressed social orientation and connection with the direction of development of the region and the country as a whole.

In order for a mission to satisfy the above properties, the idea for its formulation can be gleaned from familiarization with successful formulations of existing missions of organizations or territories that successfully use distinctive features.

Historical facts, associated with the name and functions in the past.
Tula has strong associations with samovars, gingerbread and weapons. The mission of the city of Balakhna was connected with the events of overcoming the Troubles of 1612 and the name of Prince Pozharsky. Nizhny Novgorod tried to restore its former glory as the fair center of Russia.

FictionAndmythology. The attractiveness of a territory for tourists can be influenced not only by real historical facts, but also by fiction.
In Russia, certain cities have been “registered” as their own fairy tale characters: Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug Vologda region, Snegurochka - Kostroma, Kashcheya Bessmertny - Staritsky district of the Tver region.

Spatial associations. This category includes the derivation of the meaning of the strategic development of a city from its spatial location. Thus, the city of Torzhok, located on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, used the crossroads archetype when developing its strategy. Also, the sources of the mission can be such images as “the gateway to Europe”, “the center of Siberia”, “the pearl of the Volga”, etc.

Modern tendencies. The trend of globalization makes it possible to form the identity of a world city, which the city of Nakhodka tried to take advantage of. Expansion trend international contacts operated by St. Petersburg and Krasnodar.

What should not be in the mission of a municipal entity

There are examples where an unsuccessfully formulated mission of a municipality has become a negative factor in its socio-economic development. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the points that must be avoided when forming it.

  • the mission is aimed at the future and should not depend on the current state of the area;
  • the mission should not contain specific instructions as to what, how and in what time frame should be done. It sets the main directions of development and attitude to the processes and phenomena occurring in the municipality;
  • the mission must be formulated in such a way that it excludes the possibility of ambiguous interpretation, and is absolutely clear to all entities interacting with the area, especially residents of the area;
  • When defining a mission, two points should be avoided: both excessive specification and excessive vagueness;


Mission development is starting point any improvement of the management system, since the definition of the mission is necessary in order to identify what the main task of the activity is.

There can be no ready-made recipes in approaches to creating a mission. Moreover, as experience shows, defining and formulating a mission is a long and difficult process, closely related to accumulated experience and the establishment of traditions, that is, with what is called way of life and culture.


Mazelis L. S., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Director of the IIBS Institute, Vladivostok State University economy and service", Vladivostok.

Solodukhin K.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Head of the Strategic Planning Laboratory, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok.

Bibliographic link

Pleshkova T.Yu. FEATURES OF FORMING THE MISSION OF A MUNICIPAL FORMATION // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2013. – No. 5.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=10223 (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The main goal of municipal government is the reason for the emergence and activities of municipal government bodies. It determines the position of the municipality in the system of local self-government and provides direction and guidelines for determining subsequent goals and objectives at various levels of all municipal structures.

The main goal of any socio-economic system and municipal government, in particular, is determined primarily by the needs of the population. If this system mainly acts as a system designed to most fully satisfy any needs of the population, then its main goal should be to ensure the appropriate level and quality of service to the population. Identifying needs and meeting them is part of the responsibilities structural divisions local government bodies.

Consequently, it can be argued that the main goal of municipal government is to improve the level and quality of life of the population of the municipality.

The standard of living of the population is understood as the level of consumption of material goods (provision of industrial goods, food, housing, etc.), which is determined by the income of the population.

To assess the standard of living, indicators such as consumption of basic products per capita, provision of these products per family, indicators of the consumption structure (for example, the share of biologically valuable products in the structure of food consumed) are used.

To get a real picture of living standards, you need to have a starting point. This is the “consumer basket”, which includes a set of goods and services that ensure a certain level of consumption. In this regard, a “minimum level of consumption” and a “rational level of consumption” are distinguished. The first is understood as such a consumer set, the reduction of which puts the consumer beyond the provision of normal conditions of his existence. This is where the so-called “poverty line” passes. However, one should not confuse the “minimum level of consumption” with the “physiological level of consumption”, below which a person cannot physically exist.

The share of the population below the poverty line is one of the most important indicators characterizing the standard of living in a given territory. Using this indicator, you can compare any territory with each other.

The “rational level of consumption” reflects the amount and structure of consumption that is most favorable for a person. The dynamics of approach to such consumption are essential for assessing the standard of living.

The indicator of the quality of life of the population is much more difficult to assess. We are talking about indicators that are difficult to quantify, such as working conditions and safety, the state of the living environment, the availability and possibilities of using free time, cultural level, physical development, physical and property security of citizens. This requires integral sociological assessments that have qualitative rather than quantitative certainty.

Social measures of the state somewhat mitigate the income inequality that arises at the level of primary market distribution. In economic theory, there are two approaches to social programs states: “social” and “market”. The first determines that society must guarantee every citizen an income that does not allow him to fall below the “poverty line.” At the same time, assistance is provided only to those who need it, and must be within the power of the state budget, otherwise it will turn into an inflationary factor and worsen the situation of the poor. The second approach is based on the fact that the state’s task is not to guarantee income, but to create conditions for its increase for each member of society. The first approach is based on the principle of social justice, the second - economic rationality. A combination of both principles is possible.

The Lorenz curve is used to measure inequality and income distribution. The horizontal line shows percentage groups of the population, and the vertical line

– percentage of income received by these groups (Fig. 2.3.4).

Population percentage

Rice. 2.3.4. Lorenz curve

Quality of life is a concept that identifies and characterizes, through comparison with the level or standard of living, the qualitative aspect of meeting the material and cultural needs of people. In modern sociology, it is customary to use it to designate those aspects of social and individual life that do not lend themselves to purely quantitative characteristics.

The mission of a municipality is the main purpose that determines the meaning of its existence. This also means:

a) a document establishing the connection and guiding common direction interests and expectations of those people who perceive the municipality from the inside and outside. The mission gives people's actions meaning and purposefulness, allowing them to better see and realize not only what they should do, but also why they carry out their actions;

b) assessment of the usefulness of a municipality by subjects of the external environment in all aspects - economic, political, social, etc. Assessment of this usefulness (mission, purpose) for the external environment means the possibility of an influx of investments, material, commodity, information, energy, intellectual, labor and others resources. The content of the mission includes an assessment of the competitive advantages of the municipality as a whole, its enterprises and companies in the markets of regional, national and other levels;

c) the main essence of the development of a municipality, which shows what human needs and how are satisfied here, contains the main

new guidelines to help allocate resources and make strategic management decisions.

The purpose of a mission statement is to clearly express a single goal. When this is successful, the mission has a serious constructive impact on the people on whom the future of the municipality depends. A mission statement can create the basis for effective communication with environment. A municipal entity that clearly understands its own purpose will be able to actively position itself in the foreign market. Knowledge of the mission gives certainty and individuality, which allows you to attract investors and promote goods and services. Another important point in using the mission statement is the assessment of the activities of business entities in terms of basic goals.

The importance of the mission for the municipality is difficult to overestimate. The urgency of this problem has increased today; in addition to competition between regions, it also exists between municipalities. The difficulties are associated with the fact that at all levels there is an unwillingness or inability to formulate the goals of activity, and therefore, at the first serious social upheaval, a country, region, or municipality loses control and its viability. Thus, at present there is an urgent need to define common ideas, ideological goals that will direct the actions of each resident in a single direction and give him a sense of belonging. Within the municipality, this role is played by the mission.

Mission of the municipality:

a) serves as an information message for various entities providing the necessary effective communication;

b) answers the questions: why and for what (the meaning of existence); c) answers the question: for whom. Indicates territorial and competitive

rental advantages over other municipalities in the region; d) implies movement in a certain direction, since development,

change in better side it is impossible without movement; e) always has a social orientation.

She must be:

- neither overly specific nor vague;


- specific (specifically to a given municipality);

- based on the specifics associated with the supply of certain goods

and services;

- aimed at uniting the entire population.

Goals of municipal government.

Effective management of any organization requires a clear definition of short-term, immediate goals and a fairly clear idea of ​​​​the direction of the organization's development in the future. Without a strictly defined goal, it is impossible to build specific management and determine performance criteria. In addition, understanding and sharing the goals of the organization among its developers helps to establish effective management, avoid actions that are incompatible with goals and successfully eliminate possible conflicts between departmental goals and overall goals.

The goal of development of the municipality – the necessary result of the

directed efforts that are expected to be achieved by a certain date in the interests of the population.

A hierarchical system of goals is a set of goals and relationships between them, in which the relationships have a downward direction, i.e. are in the nature of subordination.

A main goal is a goal that is not a child of other goals. The level occupied by the goal in the system of goals is the number of links of relationships,

separating this goal from the main one.

Achieving a goal is bringing the current state existing at the moment in accordance with the necessary result provided for by this goal.

The criterion for assessing the achieved result is a rule according to which it is determined whether the set goal has been achieved at a given moment.

The indicator for assessing the achieved result is a parameter that changes in accordance with the required result provided for by this goal.

The meaning and purpose of the activities of municipal self-government bodies is only to promote the material and spiritual development of the population of the municipality.

It is the internal state of the population and the problems that concern them that are the true and relevant source of the formation of the goals of municipal government.

The result is decision making (Fig. 2.3.5).

The main goal is the mission



Rice. 2.3.5. Municipal mission algorithm

The main types of municipal government goals form a pyramid:

- social – reflect the relationships between elements social structures communities (for example, the level and quality of life of the population of a municipality);

- cultural, related both to the preservation of cultural and spiritual values ​​that guide the community, and to the influence of the spiritual potential of the community on the implementation of social goals (for example, the level of education);

- economic, characterizing and approving the system of economic relations, which, in turn, provide the material basis for reality

ization of social and cultural goals of municipal government (for example, the size of the municipal budget);

- production, consisting of the creation and maintenance of production facilities, enterprises and organizations that provide various services to the population, which allow achieving the above goals and contribute to their implementation;

- organizational, aimed at solving organizational problems in the subject and object of municipal government and building appropriate functional and organizational structures for the implementation of the above goals (Fig. 2.3.6).

For most municipalities, the choice of activity goals is a complex problem that requires serious research. When choosing goals, one should take into account trends and factors of the external environment, such as the general state of the economy in the country, possible measures of government regulation of the economy, changes in social, political, demographic, environmental and other conditions that may affect the functioning of the municipality.





Side effects


By volume

General and private

According to the results

Final and intermediate

By time

Long-, medium-, short-term


Rice. 2.3.6. Goals of municipal government

Objectives of the municipality.

The goal determines the tasks of municipal government in realizing the interests of the municipality. Control task– the desired result of an activity, achieved over a planned period of time and characterized by a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators or parameters.

IN municipal government Three levels of tasks can be distinguished:

1. stabilization of control parameters of objects and maintaining them at a given level, monitoring the condition of municipal objects;

2. management of spheres of life of the municipality in order to provide the population with services;

3. optimization of the functioning of the entire municipal formation, based on a given criterion for the quality of functioning, with the issuance of relevant data on the activities of local governments to state authorities and the population.

Kameshkovsky district

The municipal formation Kameshkovsky district is located in the northern part of the Vladimir region, east of the regional center. In the west, the Kameshkovsky district borders on the Suzdal district, in the south - on the Sudogodsky district, in the east - on the Kovrovsky district, in the north - on the Savinsky district of the Ivanovo region. The administrative center of the district, the city of Kameshkovo, is located 41 km east of the regional center of Vladimir.

The district contains 6 municipalities, of which 1 urban settlement is the city of Kameshkovo and 5 rural settlements - Bryzgalovskoye (administrative center - the village named after Karl Marx), Sergeikhinskoye (administrative center - the village of Sergeikha), Vakhromeyevskoye (administrative center - the village named after Maxim Gorky ), Penkinskoye (administrative center - the village of Penkino) and Vtorovskoye (administrative center - the village of Vtorovo).

The area where the city is located was at one time (nineteenth) part of a fiefdom, the center of which was the village of Gorki, Kovrov district. The estate belonged to the landowner. Infertile land and low yields did not bring the desired income. This led to the decision to sell part of the estate. The Ivanovo-Voznesensk factory owners Derbenevs learned about this, and in 1877 they founded the “Association of Manufactories of Nikanor Derbenev – Sons.” So, at the end of the 19th century, a factory was built in the “Wasteland of Kameshki”. The enterprise was replenished with labor from the impoverished population of the nearby two dozen villages. Each year production expanded and floors were added. Spinning production was established, and weaving production expanded significantly. By 1910, the factory became a large enterprise, employing more than 4 thousand people.

The district itself, as an independent administrative-territorial unit, was formed on February 1, 1940 from part of the Vladimir and Kovrov districts, and on June 12, 1951, the village of Kameshkovo received city status.

Many famous and talented people lived and worked on Kameshkovo land. Among them: composer A.P. Borodin, rear admiral of the Russian fleet I.D. Dorofeev, writer I.A. Udalov-Mitin; scientist-economist, Honored Scientist P.A. Khromov, Honored Artist B.F. Frantsuzov. Here is a historical and architectural monument - the Gruzinsky-Shorygin estate.

The homeland of the famous Vladimir horn players is the village of Mishnevo. Monuments historical heritage are churches built in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Kameshkovsky district belongs to resource areas. The exploited peat deposits fully meet the needs Agriculture and population. Deposits of high-quality red clay could attract investors to organize the production of red bricks, tiles and other ceramic products. The area also has reserves of quartz sand, which could be used in glass production.

Transport arteries of federal significance pass through the territory of the Kameshkovsky district: Gorkovskaya Railway"Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod", Northern railway "Kovrov - Ivanovo", federal highway "Moscow - Ufa", which provide connections with other regions. There is a well-developed network of paved roads.

The climate in the area is temperate continental with warm summers, moderately cold winters and well-defined transition periods. In terms of temperature conditions and moisture availability during the growing season, the territory belongs to the first (northern part of the region) and second (southern part of the region) agroclimatic zones of the Vladimir region.

In the Kameshkovsky district there are 14 small rivers and the Klyazma River. There are more than 60 lakes. Water resources are a valuable natural resource, a source of livelihood for the population, industrial and agricultural production. The largest water bodies– these are the rivers: Klyazma, Nerl and Uvod.

In the Klyazma River basin there is a protected natural site - the “Davydovsky Botanical Reserve” with unique lakes: Dolgoe, Svyatets, Tinovets, Krasnoe, Vitnoe, Voikhra. The reserve is located on lands managed by: FGU "Vladimir Forestry", SEC "Bolshevik" (Vtorovsky rural settlement). It occupies an area of ​​2125 hectares. This is one of the most interesting sections of the river for science. Klyazma with a significant number of habitats of rare, relict and endangered species of plants and animals. These lakes are home to beaver and muskrat. The lakes are rich in fish: loach, rudd, crucian carp, pike, perch, silver bream, bream, tench, burbot, roach, bleak, ide. The floodplain is rich in game. The following nest here: mallard, teal, goldeneye. Some lakes are home to otters, and many are inhabited by muskrats.

In total, there are 19 specially protected natural sites in the region. Among them is the Penkinsky myrmicological reserve with an area of ​​69 hectares - a unique cluster of nests of red forest ants. The “Steep Bank of the Klyazma” and “Patakinskaya Birch Grove” reserves are united into a single reserve. It is in this area that more than 60 rare, protected, various plants. The total area of ​​land in specially protected areas is 71 hectares.

This category of land includes the following territories: recreation centers “Unity”, “S.I. Realty”, “Kambary”, Vladimir Chemical Plant. Tourist bases: OJSC "Vladalko", "Eleks", bases of hunters and fishermen's societies: Vladimirsky, Kameshkovsky. A special place in social sphere Kameshkovsky district is occupied by a military hospital in the village of Penkino.

There are no environmentally hazardous industries in the Kameshkovsky district.

In the area of ​​the village of Palashkino, a deposit of construction sands was discovered, for which detailed geological exploration was carried out. The deposit is not currently being developed.

The basis of the region's economy is industrial production. In 2010, the structure of industrial sectors expanded and, based on the results for the year, 60% of the total volume of manufacturing industries was made up of new industries: production of vehicles and equipment, production of foam floor coverings. Traditional industry: textile production was retained and accounted for 20.5% of the total volume. Mechanical engineering and metalworking industry - 2.5%, food industry - 3.8%, wood processing and production of wood products - 0.7%.

In agricultural enterprises and farms in the region, the main direction of development is dairy and beef cattle breeding, production of grains, vegetables and potatoes.

There are 629 legal entities registered in the district, of which 8 are large and medium-sized, 237 small enterprises and 872 individual entrepreneurs.
2.2. Mission of the municipal formation Kameshkovsky district.
Based general characteristics municipal formation Kameshkovsky district, which shows the target orientation of the municipal formation, the content of services and goods that it offers to the external environment, the technology of their production, and the mission is formulated. In addition, the definition of the mission includes its own self-image (external concept) and the impression that the municipality wants to make in the external environment (external image). Thus, the mission of the Kameshkovsky district municipality is formulated as follows:

"An original Russian province with favorable environment residence, developed industry, agriculture and forestry, transit territory of roads and railways.”
Chapter 1. Defining long-term goals
1.1. The basis of goal setting
Basis for determination goals of the municipality presented in the Strategy are the formulated mission of the Kameshkovsky district, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in Russian Federation"and other regulatory documents that specifically define competence of the district, including powers and jurisdiction(issues of local importance), the solution of which is mandatory for local government bodies of the region.

Issues of local importance (or tasks) that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Charter of the Kameshkovsky District, are resolved on the territory of the municipality, at the time of development of the Strategy, include more than 40 tasks. As well as a number of issues not classified as issues of local importance, the powers of local governments and work on the execution of state powers.

Under the current system of local self-government in the Russian Federation, practical goal-setting is not carried out according to the classical formula: goals and objectives, and vice versa- from tasks (issues of local importance) to a system of goals, what was implemented in the presented Strategy.

1.2. Formation of a system of goals

Based on the analysis of “what” the resolution of issues of local importance is aimed at (according to Federal Law No. 131-FZ), how the social and economic policies of state and municipal bodies are implemented, the main goal of the municipality Kameshkovsky district is formulated as “ Improving the quality of life of the population based on sustainable development of the territory". This general formulation of the goal for all participants in the municipality is further decomposed into its detailed components - subgoals.

Taking into account the socio-economic situation of the Kameshkovsky district and the emerging opportunities for municipal development, based on the theory and practice of management, taking into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, based on the principle of expediency and full coverage of decisions on all issues of local importance, implementation of the main goal development of the region, divided into four strategic directions (goals):
1. Increasing incomes and ensuring employment of the population through the development of the economy of the municipality.

2. Improving the living conditions of the population through rational use budgetary and extra-budgetary resources at all levels through the provision of state and municipal services.

3. Ensuring public safety and improving the environment.

4. Modernization of the municipal management system.
The four strategic directions (goals) formulated in turn are detailed (broken down) into appropriate subgoals, clarifying the content of these strategic goals through definition (grouping) around them results solutions to local issues. A “tree of goals” is formed (Fig. 1).

The formulation of issues of local importance and powers, as tasks for managing a municipal entity, is given as amended by the Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” as of 01/01/2011

1.3. Formation of goals for strategic directions
Strategic direction 1. Increasing incomes and ensuring employment of the population through the development of the municipal economy.

Goal 1.1. Ensuring sustainable economic development.

Tasks(i.e. issues of local importance in the wording of the Federal Law):

1.1.1.Creating conditions for the development of industrial and agricultural production in settlements, expanding the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food, promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses, providing support to socially oriented non-profit organizations, charitable activities and volunteerism.

1.1.2.Creating conditions for the development of tourism.

1.1.3. Implementation of international and foreign economic relations in accordance with federal laws.

1.1.4. Issuance of permits for the installation of advertising structures on the territory of a municipal district, cancellation of such permits, issuance of orders for the dismantling of unauthorized newly installed advertising structures on the territory of a municipal district, carried out in accordance with Federal Law of March 13, 2006 N 38-FZ "On advertising."

1.1.5. Promoting the socio-economic development of settlements in the region.

Goal 1.2. Stimulating employment of the population.

Tasks: 1.2.1. Involving citizens in performing on a voluntary basis work that is socially significant for the municipality (including duty) in order to resolve issues of local importance.

The district administration carries out the executive and administrative functions of the city administration on the territory of the Zheleznodorozhny district of the Samara urban district. In accordance with the Regulations “On the territorial bodies of the Samara City District Administration”. The district administration exercises the powers of:

  • 1. Development of plans and programs for the development of the region, organization of their implementation.
  • 2. Development of estimates of income and expenses of the district, organization of their execution.
  • 3. Organization of maintenance of municipal housing stock in the district.
  • 4. Assistance in organizing the provision of subsidies to citizens entitled to receive them in accordance with housing legislation.
  • 5. Organization of control over land use and the state of improvement in the area.
  • 6. Providing conditions for development physical culture and sports.
  • 7. Creation of conditions for providing residents of the area with communication services, transport, public catering, trade, consumer services and other necessary services.
  • 8. Creation of conditions for organizing the protection of public order in the district in the prescribed manner.
  • 9. Organization of work on improvement and landscaping of the area.
  • 10. Promoting the organization and activities of territorial public self-government and other forms of citizen participation in the implementation of local self-government.
  • 11. Consideration of appeals from citizens and organizations, taking necessary measures on them within their competence.

Also, the district administration has the right to exercise other powers within its competence in accordance with current legislation.

The administration's strategic plan is inextricably linked with the strategy for the development and implementation of the main directions of social - economic policy g.o. Samara.

Mission of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district. Samara is to improve the quality and standard of living of the population living in the region.

In accordance with the mission of the Zheleznodorozhny District Administration, work plans are built on the desire to achieve 5 priority goals:

  • 1. Development assistance economic resources, promoting an increase in budget revenues.
  • 2. Promoting the preservation and development of human potential.
  • 3. Increasing the efficiency of the local government system.
  • 4. Creation comfortable environment residence of citizens.
  • 5. Promoting the development of the consumer market for goods and services.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the priority activity of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district is to improve the quality and standard of living of citizens, as well as the comprehensive development of the region.