One of the heroes of the War of 1812. The history of Russia from Rurik to Putin! To love your Motherland means to know it! Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

The war with Napoleon became a national war for Russia - the army helped stop the army of the “little general” simple people. The confrontation with the French gave birth to many heroes, whose names are still known today.

Petr Ivanovich Bagration

This Russian commander of Georgian origin was the author of one of the defense plans against Napoleonic troops. However, the emperor did not accept him, which almost became the reason for the defeat of the Russian army. She was saved from this by the same Bagration and Barclay de Tolly, who united the two fronts into one.

Rice. 1. Bagration.

Pyotr Ivanovich supported Kutuzov’s plan for a general battle on the Borodino field and was mortally wounded in this battle. The commander was taken to his estate, where he died.

Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly

This Russian commander was Scottish by origin. He also took the initiative to repel the French attack, even before it began open war. On his initiative, many fortresses were built, but the emperor did not accept the most important one - on distributing instructions to the military commander in case of an attack.

When Napoleon invaded Russia, de Tolly commanded the Western army and, uniting with Bagration, did not allow the French to completely defeat the army. However, he was soon removed from the post of commander - he was replaced by Kutuzov.

After the Battle of Borodino, he received the Order of St. George, and after the death of Kutuzov, he completed his work of defeating the French army - it was under his command that the Russian army entered Paris. Emperor Alexander rewarded him with a princely title.

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Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

In 1812, when the Patriotic War began, he was in tense relations with the emperor, who decided not to trust him with overall command. Instead, Kutuzov was appointed responsible for the people's militia in St. Petersburg, for which he became famous, because it was the actions of the partisans that significantly undermined not only the strength, but also the morale of the French.

It was he who made the decision to give the enemy a battle on the Borodino field and then another, much more difficult one - to leave Moscow. It caused a lot of criticism, but ultimately broke Napoleon and caused unrest in his army. He died in 1813, before the complete defeat of Napoleonic army, but even then it was clear that this would not have long to wait. Kutuzov was buried in St. Petersburg.

Rice. 2. Kutuzov.

There were other heroes Patriotic War 1812, known not only for their exploits, but also distinguished themselves in other ways.

Denis Davydov

It was he who proposed to Bagration the idea of ​​​​forming partisan detachments and took upon himself the implementation of this initiative. On September 1, 1812, their first raid took place, and on November 4 they captured several French generals. For his exploits he received the Order of St. George, and after retiring he began writing poetry.

Nadezhda Andreevna Durova

The only female soldier in the Russian army, by the time the war began she had already served for six years, since 1806. Durova met 1812 with the rank of second lieutenant of the Uhlan regiment and participated in many iconic battles of the Patriotic War, including Borodino, where she was wounded but survived. In September 1812, she became an orderly at Kutuzov's headquarters. In 1816, she retired and wrote memoirs about her service, especially the events of the War of 1812.

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State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarova

Faculty of Economics and Finance

Department national history, political science and history

Abstract on the topic:" Heroes of the War of 1812"

St. Petersburg 2014.


1. Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov

2. Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly

3. Bagration Petr Ivanovich

4. Denis Vasilievich Davydov

5. Nadezhda Andreevna Durova

6. Yakov Petrovich Kulnev

7. Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich




The Patriotic War of 1812 is a memorable, great event in the history of our country. In its course, courage, valor, boldness and love for the fatherland were clearly demonstrated.

In 1811, Napoleon informed his ambassador in Warsaw, Abbé de Pradt, that: “In five years I will be the ruler of the whole world. There is only Russia left - I will crush it...”

Napoleon's invasion was a great misfortune for Russia. Many cities were reduced to dust and ashes.

It was no coincidence that Kutuzov M.I., who combined the remarkable features of the Russian spirit, found himself at the center of events. Nominated by the people, society, that year he essentially became a national leader.

But the expulsion of the French from Russia did not mean that the fight against Napoleon was over. He still kept almost all of Europe under his control and conceived dominant plans. Russia, to ensure its security, continued military operations and led the movement for the liberation of European peoples from French rule. The victory in the Patriotic War was also of no small importance, marking the beginning of the liberation of the peoples of Central and Western Europe.

In the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian people, through joint efforts with other peoples of Russia, defended their statehood and independence. This was one of the significant upsurges of patriotic feelings of all segments of the country's population: peasants, soldiers, and townspeople. The fight against Napoleonic aggression caused an increase in national self-awareness and gave impetus to the development of Russian culture.

1. Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov

Family and clan

Mikhail Kutuzov was born on September 16 (September 5, old style) 1745, in St. Petersburg. The noble family of Golenishchev-Kutuzov traces its origins to the warrior of Alexander Nevsky, Gabriel Oleksich, who defeated the Swedish commander Birger Jarl in the Battle of Neva in 1240. Gabriel's great-great-grandson Fyodor Alexandrovich retained the nickname of his father Alexander Proksha "Kutuz" (pillow) and became the ancestor of the Kutuzovs. The grandson of Alexander Proksha (“Kutuza”) and nephew of Fyodor Aleksandrovich Kutuzov, Vasily Ananyevich, had the nickname “Golenishche” for his height, and the Golenishchev-Kutuzovs came from him.

Mikhail's mother, Anna Larionovna Bedrinskaya, born in 1728, the daughter of an Opochetsky, Pskov and Gidovsky landowner, a retired captain of the Narva garrison regiment, died when her son was still very young. He was raised by his grandmother and then by his father.

Kutuzov's father, Illarion Matveevich (1717-1784), military engineer, lieutenant general and senator. Illarion Matveevich Kutuzov began military service under Peter the Great and served for at least thirty years in the engineering forces. Because of his intelligence and abilities, he was called a “reasonable book.” Under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, he drew up a project for the construction of the Catherine Canal (Griboyedov Canal) to eliminate the deadly consequences of floods of the Neva River. The construction of this canal was carried out under Empress Catherine the Great, and I.M. Kutuzov was presented with a gold snuff box sprinkled with diamonds. He was personally known to Catherine already at the beginning of her reign.

On February 3, 1765 he received the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree. Then he took part in the Turkish war of 1768-1774, under the command of Count Rumyantsev and was considered “very knowledgeable, not only in military affairs, but also in civil affairs.” Kutuzov's war French

At the beginning of 1744, Larion Matveevich was sent to Stockholm.

This time the baron was supposed to take the post of Russian Resident Minister under the Swedish royal court, that is, to become an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. The new ambassador and his adjutant went to Stockholm not by ship, but by a detour through Koenigsberg, Berlin, Hamburg and Copenhagen. The journey took almost a year, and during this time Larion Matveevich learned and saw a lot. During his stay in Stockholm, Larion Matveevich received a letter in which his wife Anna Illarionovna Golenishcheva-Kutuzova reported that they had a son named Mikhail. Returning home, Larion Matveevich was greeted by joyful household members and, seeing his first-born, Mishenka, for the first time, he took him in his arms

Personal lifeM.I.Kutuzova

Kutuzov got married in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Golenishchevo, Samoluksky volost, Loknyansky district, Pskov region.

Mikhail Illarionovich's wife, Ekaterina Ilyinichna (1754--1824), daughter of Lieutenant General Ilya Alexandrovich Bibikov and sister of A.I. Bibikov, a major statesman and military figure (marshal of the Legislative Commission, commander-in-chief in the fight against the Polish Confederates and in the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion, friend of A. Suvorov).

On April 27, 1778, Kutuzov married Ekaterina Ilyinichna Bibikova. They have happy marriage six children were born. The son, Nikolai, died of smallpox in infancy and was buried in Elisavetgrad (now Kirovograd) on the territory of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

· Praskovya (1777-1844) - wife of Matvey Fedorovich Tolstoy (1772-1815);

· Anna (1782-1846) - wife of Nikolai Zakharovich Khitrovo (1779-1827);

· Elizabeth (1783-1839) - in her first marriage, the wife of Fyodor Ivanovich Tizenhausen (1782-1805); in the second - Nikolai Fedorovich Khitrovo (1771-1819);

· Catherine (1787-1826) - wife of Prince Nikolai Danilovich Kudashev (1786-1813); in the second - Ilya Stepanovich Sarochinsky (1788/89-1854);

· Daria (1788-1854) - wife of Fyodor Petrovich Opochinin (1779-1852).

Elizabeth's first husband died fighting under the leadership of Kutuzov; Catherine's first husband also died in battle. Since the field marshal had no offspring in the male line, the surname Golenishchev-Kutuzov was transferred to his grandson, Major General P.M., in 1859. Tolstoy, son of Praskovya.

Kutuzov also became related to the imperial house: his great-granddaughter Daria Konstantinovna Opochinina (1844-1870) became the wife of Evgeniy Maximilianovich of Leuchtenberg.

Kutuzov's father showed big influence for the education and upbringing of my son.

Since childhood, Kutuzov was a capable boy, combining curiosity, resourcefulness and playfulness with thoughtfulness and a kind heart. Already at such at a young age At the age of twelve he entered the artillery and engineering school. There he attended lectures by M.V. Lomonosov and mastered the knowledge of four foreign languages, to which two more were added over time. He graduated from school in 1759 among the best, and was retained as a teacher at the school.

Military service

Two years after graduating from school, on January 1, 1761, he received the first officer rank (ensign) and, at his personal request, was sent as a company commander to the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment A.V. Suvorov. A year later, under the patronage of Empress Catherine, who knew I.M. well. Kutuzov, Peter III appointed Mikhail as aide-de-camp to the Governor-General of Revel, Prince of Holstein-Berg. In August 1762 M.I. Kutuzov was promoted to captain. In 1764, when visiting Revel, the Empress invited him to distinguish himself on the field of honor in Poland, where in battles against Prince Radziwill the future commander received baptism of fire. Then he again served in Reval, participated in the drafting of a new legislative code, working on the justice subcommittee, and fought with the Polish Confederates. Since 1770, Kutuzov has been fighting the Turks as part of the army of P.A. Rumyantseva. In 1772, the commander learned that Mikhail was imitating him at officer parties, got angry and transferred the merry fellow to the Crimean Army V.M. Dolgorukova. After this incident, the young officer became secretive and distrustful.

In July 1774, after the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kayiardzhi peace, Devlet Giray landed with a Turkish assault force in Alushta, but the Turks were not allowed to go deep into Crimea. On July 23, 1774, in a battle near the village of Shumas north of Alushta, a Russian detachment of three thousand defeated the main forces of the Turkish landing force. On July 24, during the pursuit of the Turks, Kutuzov, who commanded the grenadier battalion of the Moscow Legion, was seriously wounded by a bullet that pierced the left temple and exited the right eye, which was “squinted,” but vision was preserved. After recovery, he again serves in Crimea under the command of L.V. Suvorov, at whose request he was promoted to colonel on June 28, 1777. For participation in the suppression of uprisings Crimean Tatars in 1782 he was appointed to brigadier, and in 1784 to major general. Since 1787, the general has been participating in the second Russian-Turkish war as part of the Yekaterinoslav army of Prince G.A. Potemkin. In the summer of 1788, with his corps, he took part in the siege of Ochakov, where on August 18, 1788, he was seriously wounded in the head for the second time. This time the bullet passed almost through the old channel. In 1790, he distinguished himself during the assault on Izmail; the 6th column, personally led by him, attacked the walls three times, finally broke into the fortress and defeated the garrison. Then he was appointed commandant of the captured fortress. In 1792, Kutuzov again fought with the Poles, and the following year, for his dedicated service, he received an estate in the Volyn province with 2,667 peasant souls and the position of governor-general of Kazan and Vyatka.

Catherine II highly appreciated the general's diplomatic abilities, appointing him ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in Constantinople. The newly-minted diplomat successfully coped with his difficult responsibilities, strengthening Russia's influence in Turkey and actively countering the intrigues of the emissaries of the French revolutionary government at the Sultan's court. Returning to Russia in the fall of 1794, he became close to the Empress’s favorite, Count P.A. Zubov, and at the beginning of 1795 he was appointed commander of the troops and fleet on the Swedish border. Kutuzov became an experienced courtier; he was favored by both Catherine II and Paul I.

Kutuzov in 1797 was again sent to fight French diplomacy, but now as an extraordinary and plenipotentiary minister (ambassador) at the Prussian court. In December, he was appointed inspector of troops in Finland and chief of the Ryazan Musketeer Regiment, which from April 2, 1798 began to be called the Musketeer General of the Infantry Golenishchev-Kutuzov Regiment (this title was awarded to Kutuzov on January 4 of the same year). In 1799, he was appointed commander of the Russian troops in Holland, but due to the breakdown of Russia’s alliance with Austria and England, he returned to St. Petersburg, where on October 4 he was appointed holder of the Grand Cross of John of Jerusalem (Maltese Cross), and on December 19 he was appointed Lithuanian general. governor. On September 8, 1800, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the highest honor of the Russian Empire. At the end of the reign of Paul I, Kutuzov temporarily acted as governor of St. Petersburg, replacing the absent Count Palen.

Alexander I approved him in this position on June 17, 1801, but fired him a year later. Then Kutuzov lived on his estate Goroshki, Volyn province, doing housework. The commander, who was aggressive towards him, became needed only in March 1805 during the war with France. Thanks to his command, it was still possible to save the Russian army, which found itself alone in the face of superior enemy forces after the defeat of the Austrians near Ulm, but after the union of the allied forces, he was actually removed from leadership by Alexander I and therefore did not consider himself guilty for the defeat of the Russian-Austrian troops at Austerlitz.

In October 1806 Kutuzov was appointed Kyiv military governor, and in 1807. went to war with Turkey as assistant commander-in-chief of the Danube Army. Due to the intrigues of his superior, Field Marshal A.A. Prozorovsky, Kutuzov was obliged in 1809 to again assume the post of Lithuanian military governor. But it was difficult to do without a competent commander and diplomat, and in 1811 Kutuzov became commander-in-chief of the Danube Army. In June, he finally defeated the Turks at the Rushchuk fortress, repeating the success in early October and encircling the Turkish army.

On October 29 he was granted the title of count. Kutuzov consolidated his military successes with the help of diplomacy, concluding on May 28, 1812, a much-needed peace treaty for Russia on the eve of the war with Napoleon.

Patriotic War of 1812

The Patriotic War of 1812 met Kutuzov in St. Petersburg with nothing to do. When, while the Russian armies in the west were led by Barclay de Tolly and Bagration, Kutuzov was elected head of the St. Petersburg and then Moscow militias. Only after the surrender of Smolensk to the French, Alexander I was forced to meet the demands of the public and troops and appoint Mikhail Illarionovich commander-in-chief over the two armies, which by that time had united.

Enthusiastically greeted by the population along the way, Kutuzov arrived to the troops on August 17. Not agreeing with the proposal to immediately give the French a general battle, he led the army back for several days and on the 22nd stopped at the village of Borodino, where preparations for the battle began. On the morning of dawn on August 26, the Russian army met with Napoleon's army. Having lined up his troops in a deep battle formation, Kutuzov, with a sharp maneuver of forces and means, stopped all attempts by Napoleon to achieve a decisive advantage, and he himself successfully counterattacked. At the cost of huge losses, the French managed to push back the Russians on the left flank and in the center, but recognizing the futility of further actions. By evening, Napoleon withdrew his troops to their original positions. The Russian army lost 44 thousand people in this battle, the French - about 40. Kutuzov not only destroyed Napoleon’s dream of winning the war in one battle, but also preserved an impeccable combat-ready, morally strong army.

Carrying out a strategically advantageous plan for waging war, Kutuzov gave Moscow to the enemy on September 2, but already at that time the replenishment of the Russian army with reserves began, and partisan warfare began behind enemy lines. Having secretly maneuvered to the village of Tarutino, Kutuzov blocked the French’s path to the south, where they could provide themselves with food and fodder. Realizing that a critical situation had befallen them, Napoleon sent an adjutant to Kutuzov with a proposal to peace talks, but he replied that the war was just beginning.

Having left Moscow on October 7, Napoleon made his way to Maloyaroslavets, where Kutuzov blocked his road and, after a bloody battle, ordered the French to retreat along the devastated land they had destroyed. Smolensk road. Having launched a counteroffensive, the Russian army launched attacks on the retreating French troops near Vyazma, Lyakhovo, and Krasny. Kutuzov’s caring attitude towards his soldiers is characteristic: seeing the gradual exhaustion of the French army, he said: “Now I won’t give ten Frenchmen for one Russian.” Hunger and the oncoming Russian cold increased the decline in the spirit of the French army, and after the Berezina its retreat turned into flight. Napoleon lost more than 500 thousand people in Russia killed, wounded prisoners, almost all the artillery and cavalry.

On December 21, Kutuzov, in an order to the army, congratulated the troops on expelling the enemy from Russia. For his skillful command of the Russian army in 1812, he was awarded the rank of Field Marshal and the title of Prince of Smolensk. He also received the Order of St. George, 1st degree, as a reward, becoming the first full holder of the Russian Military Order.

Kutuzov met Alexander 1’s decision to move the army further west without much enthusiasm: he was haunted by future human losses and the possible strengthening of France’s European rivals. With the arrival of the Tsar to the troops, he slowly withdrew from the main affairs of the command, his health weakened, and on April 16 in the city of Bunzlau (Poland) he died at the age of 67 years.

2 . Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclayde- Tolly

Family and clan

Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly was born on December 13, 1761, on the Pamushis estate in Livonia province.

Johann Stefan moved to Livonia in 1664 and settled in Riga. It was he who became the founder of the Russian Barilaev line. Johann Stefan Barclay de Tolly married Anna Sophia von Derenthal, the daughter of a Riga lawyer, who bore him three sons. Johann Stefan turned out to be not only the founder of the Russian line of his surname, but also the first of his kind Barilaev Russian subject, since, together with all members of the Riga magistrate, he took the oath of allegiance to his new homeland - Russia. Two of Johann Stefan's sons became officers in the Swedish army. The eldest, Wilhelm, followed his father and in 1730 was elected a member of the Riga city magistrate. One of Wilhelm's sons, Weingold-Gotthard, was born in Riga in 1726. He served in the Russian imperial army and retired as a lieutenant. The poor officer, who received only the rank of eleventh class for military service, had neither peasants nor land and was forced to become a small tenant. In 1760, he began to live in Lithuania, on the small remote manor of Pamushis. Here, on December 13, 1761, his third son was born, who was named Mikhail. Thus, Mikhail Barclay de Tolly was a fourth generation Russian citizen and the son of an officer in the Russian army.

Since the boy’s father’s name was Weingold Gotthard and his second name translated into Russian meant “given by God,” later Mikhail Barclay de Tolly began to be called Mikhail Bogdanovich.

Study and beginning of military service

At a very early age of three, Barclay was sent to St. Petersburg to his uncle, brigadier of the Russian army von Vermeulen, who gave him his first elementary general and military education. At the age of 14, Barclay was assigned to serve in the Pskov Carabinieri Regiment and after 2 years of hard study and excellent service he became an officer. Since 1788, Barclay de Tolly fought in the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, and showed himself heroically in the army of G. Potemkin during the assault and capture of Ochakov. In 1790 he went to Finland, where he fought against the Swedes as part of the Russian army. When the Russian-Swedish war ended, he led a battalion of the grenadier regiment in St. Petersburg.

During the Russian-Prussian-French War of 1806-1807, acting as part of L. Bennigsen's corps, Barclay de Tolly distinguished himself in the battle of Pułtusk, where he commanded a vanguard detachment of five regiments. Barclay confirmed his military talent during the ice campaign through the Gulf of Bothnia to the Swedish company in 1809, for which he was promoted to lieutenant general and was soon appointed commander-in-chief of the Finnish army and Finnish governor general.

In January 1810 M.B. Barclay de Tolly took the post of Minister of War, energetically taking up reforming the army and preparing for war with France.

Patriotic War of 1812

With the outbreak of the Patriotic War on March 19, 1812, Barclay led the 1st Western Army. He was an opponent of the operational plan of the Prussian General K. Fuhl, according to which the forces considered to be the main ones were divided into two parts, and the battle was planned to be held in a military camp near the city of Drissa. After retreating and joining with the 2nd Western Army P.I. Bagration Barclay skillfully led the actions of Russian troops in the bloody battle near Smolensk. Despite the objections of Bagration and other generals, he gave the order to retreat, thereby turning the military and the broad masses of the civilian population against himself. What they forgave Kutuzov, they did not forgive Barclay de Tolly. With the appointment of Kutuzov as commander-in-chief, the commander of the 1st Western Army also came under his subordination. Mikhail Illarionovich ordered to leave the position at Tsarev-Zaimishche. Before receiving permission to leave the active army, citing serious health conditions, at a meeting in Fili, he advocated leaving Moscow without a fight.

After treatment in Kaluga, on February 4, 1813, he took command of the 3rd Army. The general took the Thorn fortress, and then distinguished himself in the battle of Bautzen. On May 19, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the united Russian-Prussian army.

On August 18, 1813, troops under his command defeated the enemy at Kulm, and in the Battle of Leipzig, commanding the center of the allied forces, with his skillful skill he again managed to achieve victory, for which he was elevated to the dignity of count. For the capture of Paris in 1814 M.B. Barclay de Tolly was promoted to field marshal general. The vicissitudes of fate undermined the field marshal's health. In the spring of 1818, Barclay went to Germany for treatment on the waters. His path lay through East Prussia. Here Barclay became seriously ill and died on May 13, 1818. This happened near the city of Insterburg, on the poor manor of Stilitzen.

3. Bagration Petr Ivanovich

Family and clan

Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich was born in 1765 in the city of Kizlyar (Tver region) in the family of a retired colonel from an old family of Georgian princes.

Personal life

One of the main events of Bagration was connected with Gatchina.

Here in early September 1800 he got married.

Bagration, during balls and masquerades, in a whirlwind of social entertainment, was noticed by the young St. Petersburg beauty Countess Ekaterina Pavlovna Skavronskaya. At eighteen years old, she shone with beauty at balls and was surrounded by a large mass of fans. The beauty's attention to the famous General Bagration, shown in the summer of 1800, was not caused by serious feelings. Bagration was thirty-five years old at that time, he was not handsome, but he could attract attention. The military glory he won in tough battles created a romantic aura for him. Pyotr Ivanovich successfully distinguished himself from the courtiers: he was straightforward, honest, easy to use and shy in female society.

Study and beginning of military service

Bagration P.I. received knowledge at the Kizlyar school for chief and non-commissioned officer children.

He served in military service from 1782 to 1792. in the Caucasian Musketeer Regiment, and then in the Kiev Horse-Jager and Sofia Carabineer Regiments in the ranks from sergeant to lieutenant colonel. From 1783-1786 took part in military operations against the highlanders in the North Caucasus, and in 1788 on December 6 (17), he distinguished himself during the capture of Ochakov. In 1798 - colonel, commander of the 6th Jaeger Regiment, in 1799 - major general. In Suvorov's Italian and Swiss campaigns of 1799, Bagration commanded the vanguard.

Under the leadership of Bagration, troops played a significant role in the battles on the Adda river on April 16 (27), Trebbia on June 6-8 (17-19) and at Novi on August 4 (15), they successfully and bravely fought at St. Gotthard on 13-14 ( September 24-25, Chortova, Mosta.

During the War of the Third Coalition against Napoleon in 1805, he served in the army of M.I. Kutuzov, sent to help the Austrians. On November 4 (16), 1805, having at his disposal a small number of soldiers of only seven thousand, he covered the retreat of the Russian army to Moravia at Shengraben and repelled the attacks of Murat's fifty-thousand-strong corps. In the battle of Austerlitz on November 20 (December 2), 1805 he led the right wing, which steadfastly repelled the onslaught of the French; tried to capture the Pratsen Heights, but was repulsed by Murat and Lannes. After the battle, he successfully covered the retreat of the main forces of M.I. Kutuzova.

Played an important role in the war of the Fourth Coalition with Napoleon. January 26 (February 7), 1807, during the withdrawal of the Russian army L.L. Bennigsen to Preussisch-Eylau thwarted the French task of cutting off its routes of communication with Russia. In the battles of Preussisch-Eylau on January 27 (February 8), Heilsberg on May 29 (June 10) and Friedland on June 2 (14), 1807, he showed himself brilliantly.

Bagration - participant in the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. He led the Åland expedition of 1809. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812. from July 1809 to March 1810 he commanded the Moldavian Army, and from August 1811 he headed the Podolian Army.

Patriotic War of 1812

During the outbreak of the Patriotic War of 1812, in the conditions of the general retreat of Russian troops, M.B. made every effort to unite with the First Army. Barclay de Tolly. From March 1812 he commanded the 2nd Western Army. In the first period of the war, with a skillful maneuver from Volkovysk to Smolensk, he led his army out of the attack of the prevailing enemy forces to join the 1st Western Army, causing large losses to the French troops in the rearguard battles at Mir, Romanov and Saltanovka. In the Battle of Borodino in 1812, he commanded the left wing of the Russian army, which bore the main blow of the French, and courageously defended the Semyonov flushes. September 12 (24) Bagration P.I. was seriously wounded. He died in the village of Sima, Vladimir province, on the estate of his friend Prince B.A. Golitsyn, where he was buried.

4. Denis Vasilievich Davydov

Family and clan

Davydov Denis Vasilievich was born on July 16 (27), 1784 in the family of foreman Vasily Denisovich Davydov (1747-1808), who served under the command of A.V. Suvorov, in Moscow. A descendant from an ancient noble family, tracing its history back to the first Kazan king Ulu-Magomed and Tsarevich Minchak Kasaevich, who swore allegiance Ivan III, inherited from his ancestors a passion for horses, a love for dashing cavalry battles, surprise attacks and long raids on horseback at his own peril and risk. Denis’s mother was the daughter of General-in-Chief Evdokim Alekseevich Shcherbinin.

Study and military activities

Little Denis began to be introduced to military affairs from early years. Despite his small stature, on September 28, 1801 D.V. Davydov still managed to enroll as an estandard cadet in the Guards Cavalry Regiment. On September 9, 1802 he was promoted to cornet, and on November 2, 1803 to lieutenant. As part of the Guards Hussar Regiment, he took part in the campaign of 1807, where he received a baptism of fire and was almost captured by the French. Davydov was appointed adjutant to the commander of the vanguard P.I. Bagration. During the Swedish War of 1808-1809. he was with the detachment of his friend Ya.P. Kulneva, and then took part in an ice campaign to the Åland Islands. In the Turkish campaigns of 1809-1810. Denis Vasilyevich again accompanies Kulnev, participating in the siege of the fortresses of Silistria, Shumla and Rushchuk. On April 8, 1812, Davydov was promoted to lieutenant colonel and sent to the Akhtyrsky Hussar Regiment. Soon the most striking episode of his military biography campaign of 1812

Patriotic War of 1812

On August 21, 1812, in sight of the village of Borodino, where he grew up, his parents’ house was already being hastily dismantled. Five days before the great battle, Denis Vasilyevich proposed to Bagration the idea of ​​his own partisan detachment. Bagration's order to create a partisan detachment was one of his last before the Battle of Borodino. On the first night, Davydov's detachment of 50 hussars and 80 Cossacks was ambushed by peasants.

Because the peasants had little understanding of military uniforms, which were similar among the Russians and the French. In one of the forays, Davydov with the hussars and Cossacks captured 370 French, while repelling 200 Russian prisoners. His squad grew quickly. Quick successes of D.V. Davydov convinced Kutuzov of the advisability of guerrilla warfare, and he was not slow to give it wider development and constantly sent reinforcements. Participant in foreign campaigns of 1813-14, commanded a cavalry regiment and brigade. He was close with the future Decembrists M.F. Orlov, F.N. Glinka, A.A. Bestuzhev and others. After the war, his restless character forced him to frequently change places of service, and on November 14, 1823, to resign.

Denis Vasilyevich Davydov died on April 22, 1839 in the village of Verkhnyaya Maza, Syzran district, Simbirsk province. He was 55 years old. The reason is so early death- stroke.

5. Nadezhda Andreevna Durova

She was born on September 17, 1783 in Kyiv from the marriage of the hussar captain Durov with the daughter of the Little Russian landowner Alexandrovich, who married him against the wishes of her parents.

The Durovs had to lead a nomadic regimental life. The mother, who wanted to have a son, disliked her daughter, and her entire upbringing was entrusted to the hussar Astakhov. In such an atmosphere, the child grew up to the age of 5 and adopted the habits of a nimble boy.

In 1789 A.V. Durov leaves military service and receives the position of chief in the city of Sarapul. October 25, 1801 he marries his daughter to the head of the Sarapul Lower Omsk Court V.S. Chernova. In 1803, Nadezhda gave birth to a son, Ivan, but soon left the family.

On September 17, 1806, having changed into a man's dress, Nadezhda joined the Cossack regiment. On March 9, 1807, in Grodno, under the name of nobleman Alexander Vasilyevich Sokolov, Nadezhda Durova enlisted as a private in the Cavalry-Polish Uhlan Regiment, reducing her age by 6 years and without mentioning marriage and the birth of a child. She fought bravely on the battlefields of Gugstadt, Heilsberg, and Friedland.

Soon the parents managed to find their missing daughter. With a special courier she was sent to St. Petersburg, where on December 31, 1807 she was awarded the highest meeting with Alexander I. The Emperor personally presented the order, gave the go-ahead to remain in the army and ordered, under the name of Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov, to transfer her to the aristocratic Mariupol Hussar Regiment. Only in the capital, having received a letter from Grodno, Durova learned about her mother’s death. Three years later, she transferred to the Lithuanian Uhlan Regiment, either because of a romantic story about a colonel’s daughter who fell in love with her, or for an everyday reason: the dear life of hussar officers. In the Battle of Borodino, Second Lieutenant Alexandrov received a contusion in the leg. After leaving Moscow, Nadezhda Andreevna already serves as M.I.’s adjutant. Kutuzova. Soon the consequences of the shell shock affected, and until May 1813 she was on vacation in Sarapul. In the battles for the liberation of Germany, Durova distinguished herself during the sieges of Hamburg and the Modlin fortress. At her father's request, in 1816 she retired with the rank of captain and settled in Sarapul. On March 21, 1866, she died, bequeathing to call herself Alexandrov during the funeral service, which, of course, was not the case.

6. Yakov Petrovich Kulnev

Legendary hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Ya.P. Kulnev was born on the night of July 24-25 (05.08) 1763 in the small Belarusian village of Sivoshino, located on the road to Polotsk Lyutsin (now the Latvian city of Ludza), where the family of officer Pyotr Vasilyevich Kulnev went on official business.

Poor nobleman P.V. Kulnev began serving as a corporal in 1746, took part in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763, during the Polish campaign of 1769 he was seriously wounded and retired, and after 1775 until his death in 1795 he served as mayor in Lucin . He married a German Catholic during the Seven Years' War, Louise Grebippitz. They had seven children.

In 1770, Yakov and his younger brother Ivan entered the Land Noble Corps. In 1785 they were released with the rank of lieutenants and were accepted into the Chernigov infantry regiment, from where Y.P. In the same year, Kulnev transferred to the St. Petersburg Dragoon Regiment. In his first military campaign (in 1789 against the Turks), he distinguished himself during the siege of Bendery and was noticed by Prince G.A. Potemkin. But, however, the praises of the great commander A.V. were of much no less importance for the young officer. Suvorov during the Polish campaign of 1794, when, during the storming of Prague, the outskirts of the Polish capital Warsaw - Kulnev was one of the first to penetrate enemy fortifications, for which he was promoted to the rank of major.

Ya.P. Kulnev fought bravely during the French campaigns in 1805 and 1807. On May 24, 1807, the lieutenant colonel of the Grodno Hussar Regiment took part in the Battle of Gutstadts, the next day his regiment made a successful attack on two enemy columns, on May 29 it fought at Heilsberg, on June 2 - near Frindland. In the last battle, his regiment was surrounded, but thanks to the courage and courage, resourcefulness of the officer, the hussars broke through the encirclement.

The war with Sweden began in 1808. In the spring, Kulnev’s detachment acted very unsuccessfully and was forced to retreat before the prevailing enemy forces, suffering significant losses. In August, Kulnev led the vanguard of the army of General P.V. Kamensky. On the night of August 21, after the Battle of Kuorgan, Kulnev noticed the secret retreat of the Swedish troops and immediately moved to pursue the enemy. Thanks to his determination and courage, the enemy was completely defeated. On December 12, Yakov Petrovich was promoted to major general. During an ice campaign in the spring of 1809, his detachment reached the Swedish coast near Cape Grisselgama, just 100 versts from Stockholm. For his courage and determination, Kulnev was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree.

In February 1810, he became the head of the vanguard of the Commander-in-Chief of the Moldavian Army P.V. Kamensky in the war against the Turks. On August 26, the enemy was defeated in the battle of Batin.

However, after a skirmish with the commander-in-chief, he left the active army and in January 1811 was appointed chief of the Grodno Hussar Regiment, located in the Vitebsk province.

Kulnev wanted to get married and received consent, but the bride, whose last name is unknown, demanded that he resign. However, the courageous general did not want to leave service in such a difficult time for the Fatherland.

The first victories of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812 are associated with the name of Kulnev. Leading the vanguard of P. X. Wittgenstein’s corps, which covered St. Petersburg, he inflicted several defeats on the French, captured up to 1 thousand prisoners, including General Saint-Genis (Genier) , the first general captured by Russian troops in 1812. Covering the retreat of the main forces, Kulnev held back the corps of Marshal Udiio, which was many times larger than his.

7. Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich

Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich, famous Russian general and hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Mikhail was born on October 1 (12), 1771 in a family of emigrants from Herzegovina, Andrei Stepanovich, and the daughter of a Ukrainian landowner, Maria Andreevna Miloradovich. At the young age of nine, on November 16, 1780, he enlisted in the army and was soon transferred to the Izmailovsky Guards Regiment with the rank of lieutenant.

Education M.A. Miloradovich received it abroad, where in 1778 he was sent along with his tutor I. JI. Danilevsky, the father of the famous military writer A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky.

He studied for 4 years at the University of Königsberg under the guidance of the philosopher I. Kant, then for 2 years in Göttingen. Subsequently, Miloradovich lived in France for 3 years.

The Russian-Swedish war that began in 1788 found the young second lieutenant as part of the Izmailovsky battalion, where he took part in hostilities on the territory of modern Finland. On January 1, 1790, he was appointed lieutenant, and on January 1, 1796, captain.

Emperor Paul I, who was the chief and colonel of the Izmailovsky regiment, favored Miloradovich, who already in 1798 was promoted to major general and appointed chief of the musketeer regiment. Military unit in 1799 he went to Italy, where he was met by A.V. Suvorov joyfully, like the son of his comrade-in-arms. Miloradovich did not let the commander down; for the courage and courage shown in the battle of the village of Lecco (April 14), he was awarded the Order of St. Anne I and degree.

On April 29, two horses were wounded under him at the Battle of Basagnano. With a banner in his hands, he led the attack.

M.A. distinguished himself Miloradovich in the battle of Novi and the assault on St. Gotthard.

A.V. Suvorov appointed him army general on duty. M. D. Miloradovich, during the Italian and Swiss campaigns, became friends with Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich.

In 1805, a separate brigade of Mikhail Andreevich covered the retreat of M.I.’s army. Kutuzova. Miloradovich's 4th column, in the Battle of Austerlitz, advanced in the center of the Russian troops, and was in the rearguard for three days, repelling endless attacks by the French.

From 1806 he took part in the Russian-Turkish war, and in 1809 he was appointed general of the infantry. At the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Miloradovich was engaged in the formation of army reserves, with which he arrived on August 18 at the disposal of M.I. Kutuzova. At the Battle of Borodino, he commands two corps on the right flank, and then moves to the center, where he repels countless French attacks. Soon he had to replace the wounded P.I. Bagration as commander of the 2nd Army.

During the retreat to Moscow, he commanded the rearguard, constantly engaging in battles with the enemy, which is why he was unable to participate in the famous council in Fili. Marshal Murat promised Miloradovich to suspend the movement of his troops so that the Russians could freely leave the capital without starting a battle on its streets. The troops retreated to Tarutino with fighting.

M.A. Miloradovich led the vanguard during the counter-offensive of the Russian army, which consisted of two cavalry and three infantry corps. The troops approached Maloyaroslavets with a forced march and saved D.S.’s corps from defeat. Dokhturova.

On October 22, the troops defeated the French near Vyazma. In early November, with a skillful flank maneuver, they bypassed Napoleon's army near the village of Krasny, which ensured the victory of the main forces.

On August 18, in the battle of Kulm, he led the troops, replacing the wounded A.I. Osterman, and on October 6 near Leipzig he led the Russian and Prussian guards.

Miloradovich was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

August 19, 1818 St. Petersburg military governor general. After the death of Alexander 1 M.A. Miloradovich began to actively support the candidacy of Konstantin Pavlovich as a candidate for Russian throne. His actions, especially the oath to Constantine, objectively played into the hands of the conspirators, and the attempt on December 14, 1825, during a speech on

Senate Square to persuade the soldiers to return to the barracks ended with a pistol shot by P.G. Kakhovsky. The mortally wounded general died at 3 am on December 15 (27) and was buried in St. Petersburg on December 24.


The Patriotic War of 1812 was a difficult period for Russia. But neither retreat nor bloody battles broke the spirit of the Russian army. The heroic Patriotic War of 1812 brought about many similar fates. Those who went over to the side of the enemy, in difficult times for the country, of course, were treated with contempt by the Russian people, but no manifestos could prevent this. Those who surrendered to the enemy were not punished in any way, which once again speaks of the strength and greatness of the soul of the Russian people. They defeated the enemy who encroached on our Motherland.

The people who rose up to fight for the freedom of their homeland were the main heroes of the war of the twelfth year.


1. Efremova L.V., I.Ya. Kraivanova, O.P. Andreeva, T.D. Shuvalova, O.N. Papkov: Borodino Panorama, Moscow Worker Publishing House, 1985.

2. Zhukov E.M. Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. (Volumes used: 10, 4, 2), State scientific publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1962.

3. Levchenko Vladimir: Heroes of 1812. Collection. Young Guard, 1987.

4. Opalinskap M.A., S.N. Sinegubov, A.V. Shevtsov: History of the Russian State. Biography. XIX century, first half. Moscow, Publishing House "Book Chamber", 1997.

5. URL:

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Municipal budget educational institution

G. Astrakhan "Average comprehensive school No. 27"

Research project

Kutlambetova Kamilla

Nasanbaeva Elvira

Abakumova Ksenia

Head: Olga Menalieva



Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Main part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Nadezhda Andreevna Durova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Vasilisa Kozhina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eleven

    Praskovya the Lacemaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova. . . . . . . . . .14

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


The history of Russia is rich in significant events. The Patriotic War of 1812 was a war between Russia and the army of Napoleon Bonaparte that invaded its territory. The war ended with the complete destruction of Napoleonic army. Main role The Russian people played a role in the victory over the invaders, who stood up to defend the Fatherland with their breasts.

In this regard, my teacher and I decided to find out whether our peers knew about it. To do this, we used one of the methods of collecting information - questionnaires. A total of 69 fourth and third graders took part in the survey.

The survey revealed the following results:

    Do you know anything about the War of 1812?

Out of 69 students, only 27 answered this question positively.

Then we asked these guys to answer the following question:

    From what sources do you know this information?


    mass media


Three guys learned about this from literature (11.1%). 10 people - from the media (37%), and the remaining 14 people - from their parents (51.8)

The next question was addressed to all students. He was like this:

    Name the Russian commanders who took part in the War of 1812?

They know (17 people – 24.6%), don’t know (42 people – 75.4%)

Of the 17 people, only 12 wrote the correct last names.

The answers to the proposed questions turned out to be disastrous. But we, the younger generation, must know about the heroic past of our Motherland. After all, without the past there is no present and future.

The first thing we decided to do after the survey was to help our teachers conduct a classroom lesson...

From this class hour we learned that this victory was over a worthy opponent, over the strongest army in the world, led by the generally recognized military genius of all times and peoples, NapoleonBonaparte Emperor of the French. Napoleon was born in 1769. Since childhood, he was considered a strong-willed and strong-willed person, as well as a very developed and capable person. Military career His career began quite early: at the age of 27, he was appointed to the post of commander-in-chief of the Italian army. Before Bonaparte became emperor, he carried out a coup in the country and became consul at the age of 30. While in this position, he also served the people a lot: he established merchant shipping, social relations between France and the allied countries, with whom he successfully established economic relations. France became stronger, people began to look to the future with confidence.

The defeat of Napoleonic troops in the war of 1812 against Russia marked the beginning of the collapse of the empire of Napoleon I. Soon the entry of anti-French coalition troops into Paris in 1814 forced Napoleon I to abdicate the throne. However, later (in March 1815) he again took the French throne. After the defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon abdicated the throne for the second time (June 22, 1815) and last years spent his life as a prisoner on St. HelenaEnglish.

And from the speeches of our classmates, we learned about the great strategists - commanders of the War of 1812. Such as Mikhail Illarionovich - Kutuzov (Golenishchev), Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay - de - Tolly.

At the end of the class hour, the teacher suggested that we read books about the War of 1812.

While re-reading the literature about the War of 1812, I came across Irina Strelkova’s book “For the Glory of the Fatherland.” Leafing through the pages of this book, we were more and more surprised. Our surprise was due to the fact that war, in our minds, has always been considered a man’s affair, but here from the pages of the book the sweet, feminine, still childish face of Nadezhda Durova looked at us. We wondered why this very young girl picked up a weapon? Which other woman, like Nadezhda Durova, stood up to defend her Motherland?

In this regard, we chose our topic research work- “Women are heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.”

Object of study : women who took Active participation in the War of 1812.
Subject of study : RThe role of women in the War of 1812, their contribution to the victory of the Russian people over Napoleon’s army.

The study is based onhypothesis: Is it only through the unity of the entire people against the enemy that victory comes?

Goal of the work: nFind information about the legendary women participants in those distant events of 1812, and tell your friends and classmates about them.

To achieve this goal, the following are set:tasks:

1) analyze the studied literature on the topic;

2) find out the names of women who participated in the war;

3) provide information on this topic in the form of a presentation.

We believe that the topic of our research is relevant. Indeed, along with the heroes, the commanders of the armies, whose names were now known to us, there were others legendary heroes- women,which played an important role in Russian history.

Main part

« Women make history, although history only remembers the names of men..."wroteHeinrich Heine.

The poet sincerely admired the courage and dedication of women who were able to act collectedly and independently in a critical situation. Indeed, Russian women are able to protect not only the well-being of their family unit, but also their homeland. There are many examples of this in Russian history.

Nadezhda Andreevna Durova

Nadezhda's childhood years were not carefree. The mother really wanted a son, but on September 17, 1783, a girl was born and she disliked her daughter. The father entrusted the upbringing of his daughter to the servants. So the retired hussar Astakhov became a nanny for little Nadya; he could not captivate the girl with anything, but only with the romance of military service. From early childhood, Nadenka fell in love with the beauty and freedom of military service, got used to horses, looked after them with pleasure, and felt weapons.

At the age of 12, Nadya’s father gave her a horse. Nadya fell in love with him so much that she was ready to spend every minute with him. Alcides, as the horse was named, obeyed the girl in everything. Her father began taking her on long horseback rides. « I will become, father, your real son. I will become a warrior and prove that a woman’s fate can be different...” - she once promised her father.

In 1806, on her birthday, Nadezhda finally decided to change her destiny. She cut her hair, took an old Cossack dress that had been prepared in advance, took her father’s saber from the wall and at night, with her Alcides, fled from her home. Once in the Cossack regiment, she called herself the son of a nobleman, Alexander Sokolov, who was not allowed to go to war. Under the name of Alexander Sokolov, in 1807 she joined the Konnopol Ulan Regiment and went with it on a campaign to Prussia.

Alexander Sokolov, despite his youth, showed excellent success on the battlefield, entered the battle first and emerged from all sorts of military alterations unharmed.

The father, concerned about the fate of his daughter, submits a petition to the highest name of the emperor with a request to find his daughter and return her home.

Emperor AlexanderIHe himself was surprised by this act and ordered a courier to be sent to Prussia to deliver this Alexander Sokolov, without revealing his name to anyone. Ulan was taken to St. Petersburg. In his track record The emperor was surprised to read about the excellent fighting qualities of the young officer. Talking with this young lancer,

Alexander initially thought of returning Nadezhda to her home, but surprised by her such ardent desire, the emperor changed his mind.

Russian Emperor AlexanderIpersonally awarded Nadezhda Durova the Cross of St. George for saving the life of an officer on the battlefield. He ordered to be called after him Alexandrov.

Soon the thunder of the Patriotic War of 1812 struck, French troops under the command of Napoleon invaded Russia. Retreating in battle, the Russian army moved towards Moscow. The regiment in which Nadezhda served was one of the best cavalry regiments that covered the retreating army. Cornet Alexandrov takes part in the battles of Mir, Romanov, Dashkovka, and in the cavalry attack near Smolensk.

On August 26, 1812, the village of Borodino (110 km from Moscow). Here the decisive battle took place between the French army of Napoleon I and the Russian army under the command of M. I. Kutuzov. The battle was brutal and bloody.

During the Battle of Borodino, Alexandrov was on the front line, rushing into the thick of the battle. In one of the battles, a bullet grazed his shoulder, and shell fragments hit his leg. The pain was unbearable, but Durova remained in the saddle until the end of the battle.

Kutuzov noticed the efficient lieutenant; he had heard a lot about the exploits of the uhlan and knew that a brave woman was hiding under this name, but did not show that he knew this secret. And Nadezhda began a new service in the role of Kutuzov’s orderly. Several times a day she hurried to her commanders under enemy fire. Kutuzov couldn’t be happier with such an orderly.

The wounds of the Battle of Borodino constantly worried Nadezhda and prevented her from serving. Durova takes a leave of absence for treatment and spends it in home. After the end of her vacation, Nadezhda and her regiment participate in foreign campaigns of the Russian army.

In 1816, Nadezhda Andreevna Durova retired with honors and awards.

Durova spent the rest of her life in a small house in the city of Elabuga, surrounded by her beloved animals. Nadezhda Durova died in 1866 at the age of 83. She was buried in a man's dress with military honors.

Vasilisa Kozhina

A common misfortune brings people together. The entire population of Russia rallied in the fight against the enemy. The Russian people rose up voluntarily when the enemy appeared, and peasants everywhere led guerrilla warfare, fought with amazing courage. The organizers of the partisan movement were both officers of the Russian army and ordinary people, and ordinary Russian women did not stand aside. One of those who was not indifferent to the troubles of the people was Vasilisa Kozhina.

After the death of the headman of the village of Sychevka, Porechensky district, Dmitry Kozhin, fellow villagers unanimously chose his wife Vasilisa.

Vasilisa was an inventive and cunning woman. When the French appeared in the village, she invited them into the house, fed them, and gave them something to drink. But as soon as the unexpected guests went to bed, she burned down the house along with them.

Vasilisa organized a detachment of partisans from teenagers and women. They armed themselves with pitchforks, scythes, and axes, destroyed and captured Napoleonic soldiers and officers during their retreat from Russia.

For her heroism, Vasilisa was awarded a cash prize and awarded the medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War.”There were rumors that His Serene Highness Prince Kutuzov himself met with her.

History has immortalized the name of a simple Russian woman, the great daughter of Russia.One of the Moscow streets, located in the western part of Moscow, is named in honor of Vasilisa Kozhina.

Praskovya the Lacemaker

Spontaneously created peasant detachments provided very significant assistance to the active army. These detachments consisted mainly of peasants who were not familiar with military affairs; they were accustomed to using scythes, pitchforks and axes.

We found information about another heroine of the Patriotic War - Praskovya the lacemaker, it’s a pity we were never able to find out the name of this woman.

In the small village of Sokolovo, Dukhovshchinsky district, Smolensk province, there lived a twenty-year-old beauty Praskovya.

A French detachment came to this village and took away everything they liked from the residents. Two Frenchmen came into Praskovya’s house, the girl was not at a loss, grabbed an ax and hacked them both to death. Then she gathered the villagers and went with them into the forest. “It was a terrible army: 20 strong, young guys, armed with axes, scythes and pitchforks, and at their head the beautiful Praskovya.”

At first they guarded the French along the road and attacked them when they saw no more than ten to twelve people, but soon their scythes and axes were replaced by guns and sabers.

Praskovya herself showed an example of courage, and they, becoming bolder day by day, began to attack armed detachments, and once recaptured a convoy from the French.

The rumor about Praskovya and her assistants spread throughout the district, and guys from neighboring villages began to come to her. She accepted the choice, and soon she formed a detachment of 60 selected young men, with whom Praskovya reached almost Smolensk.

The French general, who was installed as governor of Smolensk, thought with amazement and fear about Praskovye. A large sum was placed on the head of Praskovya, who with her detachment had recaptured a fair share of French equipment and provisions.

But they could not catch Praskovya, although a large reward was placed on her head. For courage and bravery, Praskovya was awarded a medal"In memory of the Patriotic War." Further fate this amazing woman is unknown. But in the memory of descendants, “Praskovya the lacemaker” forever remained as a symbol of the Russian woman.

Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova

One of the best daughters of Russia, Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova, proved her devotion to her Fatherland. She was a faithful companion of the worthy defender of the Fatherland, General A. A. Tuchkov.

Margarita is the eldest daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Petrovich Naryshkin from his marriage to Princess Varvara Alekseevna Volkonskaya. She received her name in honor of her maternal grandmother, Margarita Rodionovna Volkonskaya. Besides her, the family had five more daughters and two sons.

From a very early age, Margarita was distinguished by a passionate, nervous and receptive character, loved reading and music and was gifted with a wonderful voice. She was tall and very slender, but her facial features were irregular, and her only beauty consisted in the striking whiteness of her skin and the lively expression of her green eyes.

At the age of 16, Margarita Naryshkina married Pavel Mikhailovich Lasunsky. The marriage was short-lived: two years later Margarita divorced her husband, a reveler and gambler. The reputation of young Lasunsky was already so well known that a divorce was obtained easily.

Margarita Mikhailovna met Alexander Tuchkov during her first unhappy marriage. The young people fell in love with each other. Having learned about the divorce, he did not hesitate to get married, but the Naryshkins were so frightened by the failure of their daughter’s first marriage that they refused. They did not give consent to her second marriage for a long time. The wedding took place only in 1806 and for 25-year-old Margarita Mikhailovna there came short years of complete happiness in marriage.

She was proud of the beauty of her husband, who was compared in society to Apollo, his courage and valor. Margarita Mikhailovna accompanied her husband on the Swedish campaign and shared with him all the difficulties of military life, accompanying him more than once on horseback in the uniform of an orderly, hiding her braid under her cap, since wives were forbidden to be with the army on a campaign. In her person, a sister of mercy appeared for the first time in the Russian army. She created feeding points for the starving population in battle-torn areas. In the Finnish campaign, she lived in a tent in the bitter cold, she had to make her way with the troops among snow drifts, cross rivers waist-deep in icy water.

In 1812, Margarita Mikhailovna could not follow her husband. At this time, their young son needed her more. It was decided that she would accompany her husband to Smolensk and go to her parents in Moscow. The Naryshkins left Moscow for their Kostroma estate; Margarita Mikhailovna wished to stay in the provincial town of Kineshma, where on September 1, 1812 she learned from her brother Kirill Mikhailovich about the death of her husband, killed in the Battle of Borodino.

Kirill Mikhailovich Naryshkin was Barclay de Tolly's adjutant; he was going to the army and stopped by his sister to report the death of her husband. For several years, Margarita Mikhailovna could not see her brother, so as not to remember their meeting in Kineshma; she felt sick every time he appeared.

Margarita went to the battlefield to look for her husband’s body: from a letter from General Konovnitsyn, she knew that Tuchkov died in the area of ​​the Semyonovsky redoubt. Searches among the tens of thousands of fallen did not yield anything: the body of Alexander Tuchkov was never found. She was forced to return home.

The horrors she suffered had such an impact on her health that for some time her family feared for her sanity. Having recovered a little, she decided to build a temple at the site of her husband’s death at her own expense. Margarita Mikhailovna sold her diamonds and, with the assistance of Empress Maria Feodorovna, bought three acres of land, where in 1818 she began to build the Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands. While overseeing the construction of the church, Tuchkova lived with her son Nikolai and his French governess in a small lodge.

Initially, Tuchkova intended to build only a small chapel, but “Alexander I granted her 10 thousand rubles, with these funds a stone church-temple was built and consecrated in 1820.” , pilgrims from all over Russia flocked here. Margarita herself lived for a long time on the Borodino field, in a small, specially built house.

Tuchkova decided to devote her life to the memory of her husband and raising her only son, Coco, as she affectionately called him. Nikolai Tuchkov was enrolled in the Corps of Pages, but due to poor health he lived with his mother. He grew up not knowing noisy and frisky games; everyone loved him for his gentleness and kindness. Margarita Mikhailovna could not be happier with her son, but she was worried about his poor health; doctors assured him that he would get stronger over the years, that his growth was exhausting him. In 1826 Nikolai Tuchkov caught a cold and was treated best doctors, was invited to the consultation famous doctor Mudrov, who confirmed that there is no danger, he will definitely recover. The calmed Margarita Mikhailovna saw off the doctors, and a few hours later her 15-year-old boy unexpectedly died. He was buried in the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

The exile of brother Mikhail, a Decembrist, to Siberia, the death of his father in 1825 and his son finally defeated Tuchkova. Now nothing kept her in the world anymore. She moved forever to her lodge on the Borodino field. She wrote to a friend about her life at this time: “The day is like a day: matins, mass, then tea, a little reading, lunch, vespers, insignificant needlework, and after a short prayer - night, that’s all life. It's boring to live, scary to die. The Lord’s mercy, His love - that’s my hope, and that’s where I’ll end!”

In her broken life, Tuchkova sought solace in helping the unfortunate and poor: she helped the surrounding population, treated the sick and attracted those who wanted to share her work for the benefit of their neighbors. She devotes herself to the main task of her entire subsequent life - the establishment of a new nunnery.

In 1838 Tuchkova takes minor monastic vows under the name of nun Melania. The Spaso-Borodinsky community, by the Highest Order, became the Spaso-Borodinsky hostel monastery of the 2nd class in 1839. During the grand opening of the Borodino monument in 1839, Emperor Nicholas I visited the monastery and Tuchkova’s cell. She, who endured so much suffering, made a strong impression on the sovereign. He granted her the forgiveness of her brother Mikhail, and in 1840 he summoned her to St. Petersburg to be the successor of the heir's wife, Maria Alexandrovna, with whom she corresponded until her death.

The nun Melania was tonsured into the mantle and took the name Mary on June 28, 1840. The next day, Maria became the abbess of the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. The elevation to abbess was carried out according to the rite of ordination to deaconesses. The name Maria was chosen “in memory of an incident that happened to her on the day of her second wedding: a holy fool ran towards the newlywed, shouting: “Maria, Maria, take the staff!” Under her kamilavka and monastic mantle, Tuchkova remained a completely secular woman and, during her rare appearances in society and at court, she captivated everyone with her brilliant speech and grace of techniques.

Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova died on April 29, 1852 and was buried in the Spassky Church of the monastery, next to her husband and son.Conclusion

In the process of researching this topic, we came to the conclusion that Russian women, representatives of the fair sex, never remained aloof from those significant events that worried Russian society, Russian state. Despite the difference in social classes, in the heart of every Russian woman lived hatred for the invaders, love for the Motherland and faith in victory over the enemy.

February 5, 1813 Emperor AlexanderIestablished the medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War of 1812” to reward participants in combat operations. They were received not only by men, but also by women who fought the enemy on an equal basis with men and by those women who worked in hospitals and looked after wounded soldiers.

We learned that on August 1, 2012, the Central Bank Russian Federation issued a series of commemorative coins dedicated to the anniversary of the victory in the Russian-French War. The coins depict famous and distinguished participants in the Patriotic War of 1812. There are 16 coins in the series, each worth 2 rubles: two of which feature girls (Nadezhda Durova, Vasilisa Kozhina).

The material we collected can be used in lessons, classroom hours. While researching this topic, we realized how interesting it is to know about the heroic past of our Motherland. After all, without the past there is no present and future.


1. Alekseev S.P. Battle of Borodino: Stories. – M.: Bustard, 1998

2. Antonov V.S. Reading book on the history of the USSRXIXcentury - M.: Education, 1989

3. Ishimova I. History of Russia for children. – M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2001

4. Nadezhdina N.A. No wonder all of Russia remembers. – M.: Malysh, 1986

5.Strelkova I.I. For the glory of the Fatherland. – M.: Malysh, 1990

6. Srebnitsky A. Dashing Age cavalryman - maidens. Sports life in Russia. 1997. No. 5.

7. Pokrovskaya N. Lacemaker Praskovya. Moscow truth. 10.10.2011

8. How did the fate of the cavalry girl Nadezhda Durova turn out? [Electronic resource] // URL: (date of access: 12/21/2012)

12.A. E. Zarin Praskovya the lacemaker. [Electronic resource] // URL: (date of access: 01/17/2013)

Alexander Khristoforovich was born on June 23, 1783 in the family of a nobleman. He was educated at the Jesuit school of Abbot Nocol. In 1798, Benckendorff began military service with the rank of non-commissioned officer in the Semenovsky regiment. Already in December 1798 he became an aide-de-camp with the rank of ensign. In 1803-1804, he took part in military operations in the Caucasus under the leadership of Tsitsianov. For distinction in the battles for Ganja, as well as in the battles with the Lezgins, he was awarded the fourth degree and the fourth degree.

left in many feats of the most different people. Among the year there are simple peasant partisans, soldiers, officers, and even Russian clergy. Now we will talk about the Russian priest Vasily Vasilkovsky.

Our hero was born in 1778. In 1804 he graduated from theological seminary, became a priest and was sent to serve in the Elias Church in the city of Sumy. The priest's life was not easy. His wife died, the priest was left alone with his young son. In the summer of 1810, Vasilkovsky was appointed regimental shepherd of the 19th Jaeger Regiment. The head of the regiment, Colonel Zagorsky, could not get enough of the new priest and noted his excellent education. Vasilkovsky was strong in physics, mathematics, history, geography, and knew several foreign languages. In general, he was a talented and versatile person.

K, Stepan Balabin already had considerable combat experience:from 1778, that is, from the year of his entry into service, and to 1785fought with the “non-peaceful” highlanders beyond the Kuban. Participated in the militaryexpeditions, in protecting the state border, which passed alonglines of Russian fortifications in the North Caucasus. Was well knownwith a camp life.

Stepan Fedorovich took part in and for military distinctions received the rank of centurion. He distinguished himself in the battle on the Kinburn Spit, in which Suvorov's troops almost completely destroyed the Janissary landing. He bravely and bravely took the fight, participating in hand-to-hand combat.

Stepan Fedorovich took part in the battles for the Bendery fortress in the GZD year, one of the strongest strongholds of the Ottoman Porte in the Northern Black Sea region. Then Don Cossack received a saber wound in the shoulder, but remained in the regimental ranks.

In 1790, he marched in a Cossack assault column already with the rank of centurion. Then he received a bullet wound in the leg. The reward for the glorious Izmail cause for Russian weapons for the Cossack officer was the Golden Cross “For Izmail”, which was given to those who distinguished themselves by order of St. George's ribbon. In the same year, Stepan Fedorovich received the rank of army lieutenant.

Mikhail Arsenyev's baptism of fire occurred in the wars against Napoleonic France. For his valor, his regiment received standards of a special type “For Distinction” with a ribbon and the inscription “For the capture of the enemy’s banner at Austerlitz.” Then the cavalry guards distinguished themselves in attacks on the fields of Gutstadt and Friedland. The chief of the regiment was Tsarevich (heir to the throne) Konstantin Pavlovich.

In August 1807, Mikhail Arsenyev was promoted to colonel of the guard. His service went well, and in March 1812 he was appointed commander of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, with which he joined. A regiment containing four squadrons; 39 officers, 742 lower ranks, was part of the 1st Cuirassier Division of the 5th Infantry Corps.

The Life Guards Horse Regiment became one of the heroes of Borodin's day, being among those troops who courageously defended the center of the Russian position. When Emperor Napoleon finally decided to break the resistance of the enemy army at any cost, he ordered the entire mass of his cavalry to break through the center of its location. French and Saxon warriors began to deliver “ramming” attacks.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky - famous,.

Nikolai Raevsky was born on September 14, 1771, in Moscow. Nikolai was a sickly boy.

Raevsky was raised by his mother's parents; he spent a lot of time in their house. Here he received his education and knew French perfectly.

Nikolai Raevsky began serving in the Russian army in 1786, at the age of 14, in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment.

A year later, in 1787, the war with Turkey began. Raevsky is sent to the theater of operations as a volunteer. Nikolai was assigned to the active Russian army, to the Cossack detachment, under the command of Orlov.

During this time, Raevsky proved himself to be a brave and courageous warrior, and participated in many difficult battles of that military campaign.

In 1792, he was awarded the rank of colonel in the Russian army. For his participation in the Russian-Polish War of 1792, Raevsky received a fourth degree and a fourth degree award.

Matvey Ivanovich Platov is a famous Russian military commander, a participant in many campaigns, one of the heroes.

He was born in 1751, in the village of Starocherkasskaya, in the family of a military foreman. Matvey Ivanovich received the usual elementary education, and at the age of 13 he entered military service.

At the age of 19 he went to the first war in his life with Turkey. In battles with the Turks, he showed bravery and courage, for which he was promoted to captain of the Russian army, and became the commander of the Cossack hundred.

The war continued - new battles, new exploits, new successes. Platov became a military foreman and commanded a regiment. But he was still very young, he was just over 20 years old.

In 1774, Matvey Ivanovich gained fame in the Russian army. His soldiers were surrounded by the Crimean Khan, accompanied by transport convoys.

Platov set up a camp, erected fortifications, and managed to repel several dashing enemy attacks. Soon reinforcements arrived. After this event he was awarded a gold medal.

Ivan Ivanovich Dibich is famous, one of the heroes.

Unfortunately, few people know the name of Dibich today, although in the biography of this wonderful person There is one very remarkable fact.

Ivan Dibich is a full holder of the Order of St. George, and there are only four of them in Russian history - Paskevich and Dibich.

Ivan Ivanovich Dibich was the son of a Prussian army officer who transferred to Russian service. Diebitsch was born in the spring of 1785 in Silesia, and grew up there.

Ivan Ivanovich received his education in Berlin cadet corps. During his studies, Dibich showed himself to be an extraordinary person.

In 1801, Dibich's father achieved serious success in his service in the Russian army and became a lieutenant general. At the same time, the father assigned his son to the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment, with the rank of ensign.

Soon a series of wars broke out with Napoleonic France. Ivan Dibich received his first combat experience on the battlefields of Austerlitz.

It was lost, but the courage and perseverance of Russian soldiers and officers in this battle could only be envied.

There are many examples in Russian history when women, on an equal footing with men, defended Russia from enemy hordes with weapons in their hands.

We will talk about a simple Russian woman - Nadezhda Andreevna Durova, who dedicated her life to serving the Motherland.

The name of Nadezhda Durova is also reflected in art. In the film “The Hussar Ballad” there is a heroine Shura Azarova, who initially went to fight the French. The image of Shura was copied from Durova.

Nadezhda Andreevna was born in 1783 in Kyiv. Her father, Andrei Durov, was an officer in the Russian army.

Mother Anastasia Alexandrovna was the daughter of a Ukrainian landowner. When she was 16, she fell madly in love with Andrei and, without her parents' permission, married the officer. Ivan Paskevich is an indicative figure in Russian history. He was able to do with his sweat and blood glorious journey from an unknown warrior to one of the most authoritative and significant people in the Russian Empire.

Ivan Fedorovich was born in 1782, into a family of humble Belarusian and Ukrainian nobles who lived in Poltava. Ivan had four younger brothers, who, like him, later became famous and respected people.

The brothers should be grateful to their grandfather, who in 1793 took his grandchildren to the capital of the Russian Empire. Two brothers Stepan and Ivan were enrolled in the Corps of Pages.

Ivan Fedorovich becomes the emperor's personal page. Soon, having the rank of lieutenant in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, he was promoted to adjutant wing.

The first military campaign in which Paskevich participated was the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812. He was an adjutant to the changing commanders-in-chief of the Russian army.

He was the son of a court councilor who lived in the Tver province. Born in 1780. And he always had an example to follow.

The future hero received his military skills in the Artillery and Engineering Gentile Cadet Corps, and four of his brothers also trained there.

After graduation, Alexander Nikitich served in the horse artillery and participated in the wars with France and Turkey. In them he showed himself as a brave warrior of the Russian Earth.

He received his first baptism of fire in 1807 in battles with the armies of Napoleon. For his courage shown in the battle of Heilsberg, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir. In the same battle he receives a bullet wound.

War is an extremely terrible thing, even the word itself evokes the most terrible associations.

Patriotic War of 1812

The War of 1812 took place between Russia and France due to violations of the Tilsit Peace Treaty signed by both parties. And although it lasted only a short time, almost every battle was extremely bloody and ruinous for both sides. The initial balance of forces was as follows: six hundred thousand soldiers from France and two hundred and forty thousand from Russia. The outcome of the war was obvious from the very beginning. But those who believed that Russian empire will lose, they were deeply mistaken. On December 25, 1812, Emperor Alexander the First signed an appeal to his subjects, which announced the victorious end of the war.

Heroes of the past

The heroes of the War of 1812 look at us from the pages of history textbooks. No matter who you look at, there are all majestic portraits, but what’s behind them? Behind the pompous poses and magnificent uniforms? To boldly go into battle against the enemies of the Fatherland is a real feat. In the war against Napoleonic troops in 1812, many worthy and wonderful young heroes fought and died. Their names are honored to this day. Portraits of the heroes of the War of 1812 are the faces of those who spared nothing for the common good. Taking responsibility for commanding troops, as well as for successes or, conversely, defeats on the battlefield and ultimately winning the war is the highest feat. This article talks about the most famous participants of the year, their deeds and achievements.

So, who are they - the heroes of the War of 1812? Photos of portraits famous personalities, presented below, will help fill the gaps in knowledge of native history.

M. I. Kutuzov (1745-1813)

When the heroes of the War of 1812 are mentioned, the first one that comes to mind, of course, is Kutuzov. The most famous student of Suvorov, a talented commander, strategist and tactician. Golenishchev-Kutuzov was born ( real name) in a family of tribal nobles, whose roots were traced back to the Novgorod princes. Mikhail's father was a military engineer, and it was he who largely influenced future choice profession son. From a young age, Mikhail Illarionovich was in good health, inquisitive in mind and courteous in his manners. But the main thing is still his undeniable talent in military affairs, which his teachers noted in him. He received an education, of course, with a military bias. He graduated from the artillery and engineering school with honors. For a long time he even taught at his alma mater.

However, about his contribution to the victory: Count, Kutuzov was already at an advanced age at the time of the war. He was elected commander first of the St. Petersburg and then of the Moscow militia. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​giving up Moscow, thereby performing a gambit, like in chess. Many generals who participated in this war were practically raised by Kutuzov, and his word in Fili was decisive. The war was won largely thanks to his cunning and skill in military tactics. For this act, he was granted the rank of Field Marshal on behalf of the Tsar, and also became the Prince of Smolensk. He didn’t live long after the victory, only a year. But the fact that Russia did not submit in this war is entirely the merit of M.I. Kutuzov. List enumeration " Folk heroes War of 1812” it is most appropriate to start with this person.

D. P. Neverovsky (1771 - 1813)

A nobleman, but not from the most famous family, Neverovsky began to serve as a private in the Semenovsky regiment. By the beginning of the war of 1812, he was already Pavlovsky’s chief. He was sent to defend Smolensk, where he met the enemy. Murat himself, who led the French near Smolensk, wrote in his memoirs that he had never seen such dedication. These lines were dedicated specifically to D.P. Neverovsky. Having waited for help, Dmitry Petrovich made the transition to Smolensk, which made him famous. Then he took part in the Battle of Borodino, but was shell-shocked.

In 1812 he received the rank of lieutenant general. Even after being wounded, he did not stop fighting; his division suffered the heaviest losses in the war. Only this is not from unreasonable command, but rather from dedication and dedication in the most difficult positions. Like a true hero, Neverovsky died from his wounds in Halle. Later he was reburied like many heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

M.B. Barclay de Tolly (1761 - 1818)

During World War II, this name was long associated with cowardice, treason and retreat. And very undeservedly.

This hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 came from an ancient Scottish family, but at an early age his parents sent the boy to study in Russia, where his uncle lived and served. It was he who in many ways helped the young man get Mikhail Bogdanovich independently rose to the rank of officer at the age of sixteen. By the beginning of the war with Napoleon, he was appointed commander of the first Western Army.

This commander was an interesting person. Completely unpretentious, he could sleep in the open air and dine with ordinary soldiers, and was very easy to handle. But due to his character and, perhaps, origin, he behaved coldly towards everyone. In addition, he was very careful in military affairs, which explains his numerous retreat maneuvers. But this was necessary: ​​he did not want to waste human lives thoughtlessly and, as he himself noted, he did not have the right to do so.

He held the position of Minister of War, and all the “bumps” from military failures fell on him. Bagration will write in his memoirs that during the Battle of Borodino, Mikhail Bogdanovich seemed to be trying to die.

Nevertheless, the idea to retreat from Moscow will come from him, and Kutuzov will support it. And, be that as it may, Barclay de Tolly will be right. He personally participated in many battles, showing by his example to soldiers how to fight for their country. Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly was a real son of Russia. It is not without reason that the gallery of heroes of the War of 1812 was replenished with this name.

I. F. Paskevich (1782-1856)

The son of very wealthy landowners living near Poltava. Everyone predicted a different career for him, but from childhood he saw himself only as a military leader, and that’s how it all happened. Having proven himself in the best way in the wars with Persia and Turkey, he was ready for the war with France. Kutuzov himself once introduced him to the Tsar as his most talented young general.

He participated in Bagration’s army, wherever he fought, he did it conscientiously, sparing neither himself nor the enemy. He distinguished himself near Smolensk and in the Battle of Borodino. He was subsequently awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, second degree. It was Saint Vladimir who were mostly awarded to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

P. I. Bagration (1765-1812)

This hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 came from an ancient royal Georgian family; in his youth he served in a musketeer regiment. And he even took part in the battles of the Russian-Turkish war. He studied the art of war from Suvorov himself, and was extremely loved by the commander for his valor and diligence.

During the war with the French, he led the Second Western Army. He also attended a retreat near Smolensk. At the same time, he was extremely against retreating without a fight. He also took part in Borodino. Moreover, this battle became fatal for Pyotr Ivanovich. He was seriously wounded, and before that he fought heroically and twice with the soldiers drove the enemy back from their positions. The wound was extremely serious; he was transported to a friend’s estate, where he quickly died. Twenty-seven years later, his ashes will be returned to the Borodino field to be buried with honors in that land for which he spared nothing.

A. P. Ermolov (1777-1861)

This general was known to literally everyone at that time; all of Russia followed his successes, and they were proud of him. Very brave, strong-willed, talented. He participated in not one, but three wars with Napoleonic troops. Kutuzov himself valued this man very much.

He was the organizer of the defense near Smolensk, personally reported to the tsar about all the details of the battles, he was very burdened by the retreat, but understood its necessity. He even tried to reconcile two opposing generals: Barclay de Tolly and Bagration. But in vain: they will quarrel to death.

Most clearly during this war he showed himself in the battle of Maloyaroslavtsev. He left Napoleon no choice but to retreat along the already devastated Smolensk route.

And although relations with the command, due to his ardent character, went wrong at the end of the war, no one dared to diminish the importance of his actions and courage in battles. General Ermolov took his rightful place in the list listing the generals - heroes of the War of 1812.

D. S. Dokhturov (1756-1816)

Another hero of the War of 1812. The future general was born into a family where military traditions were highly revered. All of his male relatives were military men, so he did not have to choose his life’s work. And in fact, in this field only luck accompanied him. The Great Empress Catherine the First herself presented him with a sword for his achievements during the Russian-Swedish war with a pompous inscription: “For courage.”

He fought at Austerlitz, where, again, he showed only courage and courage: he broke through the encirclement with his army. Personal courage did not save him from wounds during the War of 1805, but his wounds did not stop this man and did not prevent him from joining the ranks of the Russian army during the War of 1812.

Near Smolensk, he fell very seriously ill with a cold, but this did not distract him from his direct duties. Dmitry Sergeevich treated each of his soldiers with great care and sympathy, and knew how to restore order in the ranks of his subordinates. This is exactly what he demonstrated near Smolensk.

The surrender of Moscow was extremely difficult for him, because the general was a patriot. And he did not want to give even a handful of land to the enemy. But he endured this loss steadfastly, continuing to try for the sake of his Motherland. He showed himself to be a real hero near Maloyaroslavets, fighting alongside the troops of General Ermolov. After one of the battles, Kutuzov greeted Dokhturov with the words: “Let me hug you, hero!”

N. N. Raevsky (1771 - 1813)

A nobleman, a hereditary military man, talented from the cavalry. This man’s career began and developed so rapidly that in the middle of his life he was ready to retire, but was unable to. The threat from France was too great for talented generals to sit at home.

It was the troops of Nikolai Nikolayevich who had the honor of holding the enemy army until other units united. He fought at Saltanovka, his units were driven back, but time was still gained. He fought near Smolensk and Borodino. In the last battle, it was his flank that received the main blow, which he and his soldiers steadfastly held back.

Later he would operate very successfully under Tarutin and Maloyaroslavets. For which he will receive the Order of St. George, third degree. Unfortunately, he will soon fall very seriously ill, so much so that he will finally have to give up military work.

P. A. Tuchkov (1769 - 1858)

Not much is known about him. He came from a military dynasty and served under his father for a long time. Since 1800 he served with the rank of major general.

He fought zealously near the small village of Valutina Gora, then personally took command near the Strogan River. He boldly went into battle against the army of the French Marshal Ney, but was wounded and captured. He was introduced to Napoleon as a Russian general, and the emperor, admiring the courage of this man, ordered the sword to be returned to him. Unfortunately, he met the end of the war, victorious for Russia, in captivity, but received freedom in 1814 and continued to work for the good of the Fatherland.

A. A. Skalon (1767 - 1812)

A hero of the War of 1812, he was from an old French family, but his ancestors had long since moved to Russia, and he did not know any other Fatherland. For a long time he served in the Preobrazhensky and then in the Semenovsky regiment.

Scalon began military operations against France only in 1812, when there was an extreme shortage of generals, and until now the emperor, knowing about his roots, removed Anton Antonovich from interfering in the war with France. Participated in and this day was the last for the major general. He was killed, Scalon's body fell to the enemy, but was buried with honors at the behest of Napoleon himself.

Real heroes

Of course, these are not all heroes of the War of 1812. The list of glorious and worthy people could be continued indefinitely. And much more can be told about their exploits. The main thing is that they all spared neither their strength, nor their health, and many even their lives for the sake of the main task - to win the war. It is so amazing to understand that once upon a time the real heroes were not on the pages of books, but actually performed feats just so that the Fatherland would prosper. And it is not surprising that monuments to the heroes of the War of 1812 have been erected throughout the country. Such people must be honored and remembered; they must live for centuries. Honor and glory to them!