I will solve the Unified State Exam social studies theory based on assignments. Introduction. Where to start preparing for the Unified State Examination in social studies


Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies

Truth and its criteria. The relativity of truth.

1. In the history of philosophy, there have been different views on the possibilities of obtaining reliable knowledge:

    Empiricism - all knowledge about the world is justified only by experience (F. Bacon)

    Sensualism - only with the help of sensations can one understand the world (D. Hume)

    Rationalism - reliable knowledge can only be gleaned from reason itself (R. Descartes)

    Agnosticism – “the thing in itself” is unknowable (I. Kant)

    Skepticism - it is impossible to obtain reliable knowledge about the world (M. Montaigne)

True there is a process, and not some one-time act of comprehending an object in full at once.

Truth is one, but it has objective, absolute and relative aspects, which can also be considered as relatively independent truths.

Objective truth - this is the content of knowledge that does not depend on either man or humanity.

Absolute truth - this is comprehensive, reliable knowledge about nature, man and society; knowledge that can never be refuted.

Relative truth - this is incomplete, inaccurate knowledge corresponding to a certain level of development of society, which determines the ways of obtaining this knowledge; This is knowledge that depends on certain conditions, place and time of its receipt.

The difference between absolute and relative truths (or absolute and relative in objective truth) is the degree of accuracy and completeness of the reflection of reality. Truth is always specific, it is always associated with a specific place, time and circumstances.

Not everything in our lives can be assessed from the point of view of truth or error (lie). So, we can talk about different assessments historical events, alternative interpretations of works of art, etc.

2. Truth – this is knowledge that corresponds to its subject and coincides with it. Other definitions:

    correspondence of knowledge to reality;

    what is confirmed by experience;

    some kind of agreement, convention;

    property of self-consistency of knowledge;

    usefulness of the acquired knowledge for practice.

Aspects of truth:

Objective truth - the content of knowledge that does not depend either on man or on humanity

Absolute truth

Relative truth

    comprehensive reliable knowledge about nature, man and society;

    knowledge that can never be refuted.

    incomplete, inaccurate knowledge corresponding to a certain level of development of society, which determines the ways of obtaining knowledge;

    knowledge that depends on certain conditions, place and time of its acquisition.

Truth is concrete - associated with a specific place, time, circumstances

3. Criteria of truth - something that certifies the truth and allows us to distinguish it from error.

1. compliance with the laws of logic;

2. compliance with previously discovered laws of science;

3. compliance with fundamental laws;

4. simplicity, cost-effectiveness of the formula;

5. paradoxical idea;

6. practice.

4. Practice – holistic organic system active material activity of people, aimed at transforming reality, carried out in a certain socio-cultural context.

Forms practices:

    material production (labor, transformation of nature);

    social action (revolutions, reforms, wars, etc.);

    scientific experiment.

Functions practices:

    source of knowledge (practical needs brought the existing sciences into being);

    the basis of knowledge (a person does not just observe or contemplate the world around him, but in the process of his life transforms it);

    the purpose of cognition (a person for this purpose learns the world around him, reveals the laws of its development in order to use the results of cognition in his practical activities);

    criterion of truth (until some position expressed in the form of a theory, concept, simple conclusion is tested experimentally and put into practice, it will remain just a hypothesis (assumption)).

Meanwhile, practice is both definite and indefinite, absolute and relative. Absolute in the sense that only developing practice can finally prove any theoretical or other provisions. In the same time this criterion is relative, since practice itself develops, improves and therefore cannot immediately and completely prove certain conclusions obtained in the process of cognition. Therefore, the idea of ​​complementarity is put forward in philosophy:the leading criterion of truth is practice , which includes material production, accumulated experience, experiment, is supplemented by the requirements of logical consistency and, in many cases, the practical usefulness of certain knowledge.

7 Thinking and activity.

1. Activity is a way of relating to to the outside world consisting of transformation and subordination to human goals (conscious, productive, transformative and social in nature)

2. Differences between human activity and animal activity

Human activity

Animal activity

Goal setting in activity

Expediency in behavior

Human activity

Animal activity

Adaptation to natural environment through its large-scale transformation, leading to the creation of an artificial environment for human existence. A person maintains his natural organization unchanged, while at the same time changing his lifestyle.

Adaptation to environmental conditions primarily through the restructuring of one’s own body, the mechanism of which is mutational changes fixed by the environment

Goal setting in activity

Expediency in behavior

Conscious setting of goals related to the ability to analyze the situation (reveal cause-and-effect relationships, anticipate results, think through the most appropriate ways to achieve them)

Submission to instinct, actions are initially programmed

3. Subject and object of activity

4. Structure of activity: Motive (a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity. Motives can be: needs; social attitudes; beliefs; interests; drives and emotions; ideals) – Goal (this is a conscious image the result towards which a person’s action is aimed. Activity consists of a chain of actions) – Methods – Process (Actions) – Result

5. Types of motives: needs, social. attitudes, beliefs, interests, drives and emotions (unconscious), ideals

Types of actions according to M. Weber:

    goal-oriented (Characterized by a rationally set and thoughtful goal. The individual whose behavior is focused on the goal, means and by-products of his actions acts purposefully.);

    value-rational (Characterized by a conscious determination of one’s direction and a consistently planned orientation towards it. But its meaning is not in achieving any goal, but in the fact that the individual follows his beliefs about duty, dignity, beauty, piety, etc.);

    affective (Determined by the emotional state of the individual. He acts under the influence of affect if he seeks to immediately satisfy his need for revenge, pleasure, devotion, etc.);

    traditional (Based on a long-term habit. Often this is an automatic reaction to habitual irritation in the direction of a once learned attitude)

People's activities unfold in various spheres of social life; their direction, content, and means are infinitely diverse.

6. Types of activity:

6.1 work (aimed at achieving a goal, practical usefulness, mastery, personal development, transformation)

6.2 game (the process of the game is more important than its goal; dual character games: real and conditional)

6.3 learning (learning new things)

6.4 communication (exchange of ideas, emotions)

6.4.1 two-way and one-way (communication); concept of dialogue

6.4.2 structure: subject – goal – content – ​​means – recipient

6.4.3 classifications: direct - indirect, direct - indirect

6.4.4 types of subjects of communication: real, illusory, imaginary

6.4.5 functions: socialization (formation and development interpersonal relationships as a condition for the formation of a person as an individual); cognitive, psychological, identification (an expression of a person’s involvement in a group: “I am one of my own” or “I am a stranger”); organizational

7. Types of activities:

7.1 Material (material-production and social-transformative) and spiritual (cognitive, value-oriented, prognostic)

7.2 By subject: individual – collective

7.3 By nature: reproductive – creative

7.4 According to legal norms: legal - illegal

7.5 According to moral standards: moral – immoral

7.6 In relation to social progress: progressive - reactionary

7.7 Depending on the spheres public life: economic, social, political, spiritual

7.8 According to the characteristics of the manifestation of human activity: external - internal

8. Creation – a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, never existing before (the nature of an independent activity or its component).

9. Mechanisms creative activity:





8 Needs and interests

In order to develop, a person is forced to satisfy various needs, which are called requirements.

Need - this is a person’s need for what constitutes necessary condition his existence. The motives (from the Latin movere - to set in motion, to push) of activity reveal human needs.

Types of human needs

    Biological (organic, material) - needs for food, clothing, housing, etc.

    Social - needs for communication with other people, for social activities, for public recognition, etc.

    Spiritual (ideal, cognitive) - needs for knowledge, creative activity, creation of beauty, etc.

Biological, social and spiritual needs are interconnected. In humans, biological needs in their essence, unlike animals, become social. For most people social needs dominate over the ideal: the need for knowledge often acts as a means to acquire a profession and take a worthy position in society.

There are other classifications of needs, for example, the classification developed by the American psychologist A. Maslow:

Basic needs

Primary (congenital)

Secondary (purchased)

Physiological: in reproduction, food, breathing, clothing, housing, rest, etc.

Social: in social connections, communication, affection, caring for another person and attention to oneself, participation in joint activities

Existential (Latin exsistentia - existence): in the security of one’s existence, comfort, job security, accident insurance, confidence in the future, etc.

Prestigious: in self-respect, respect from others, recognition, achieving success and high praise, career growth Spiritual: in self-actualization, self-expression, self-realization

The needs of each next level become urgent when the previous ones are satisfied.

One should remember about reasonable limitation of needs, since, firstly, not all human needs can be fully satisfied, and secondly, needs should not contradict the moral norms of society.

Reasonable needs
- these are the needs that help the development in a person of his true human qualities: the desire for truth, beauty, knowledge, the desire to bring good to people, etc.

Needs underlie the emergence of interests and inclinations.

(lat. interest - to have meaning) - a person’s purposeful attitude towards any object of his need.

People's interests are directed not so much at the objects of need, but at those social conditions that make these objects more or less accessible, especially material and spiritual goods that ensure the satisfaction of needs.

Interests are determined by the position of various social groups and individuals in society. They are to a greater or lesser extent realized by people and are the most important incentives to various types activities.

There are several classifications of interests:

according to their carrier: individual; group; the whole society.

by focus: economics; social; political; spiritual.

Interest must be distinguished frominclination . The concept of “interest” expresses focus on a specific subject. The concept of “inclination” expresses a focus on a certain activity.

Interest is not always combined with inclination (much depends on the degree of accessibility of a particular activity).

A person’s interests express the direction of his personality, which largely determines him life path, nature of activity, etc.

9 Freedom and necessity in human activity

1. Liberty - a word with multiple meanings. Extremes in the understanding of freedom:

Freedom is a recognized necessity.

Freedom (will) is the ability to do as you want.

Is a person a robot acting according to a program?

Complete arbitrariness towards others?

Fatalism - all processes in the world are subject to the rule of necessity

Voluntarism is the recognition of will as the fundamental principle of all things.

The essence of freedom – a choice associated with intellectual and emotional-volitional tension (burden of choice).

Social conditions realization of freedom of choice of a free person:

    on the one hand – social norms, on the other hand – forms of social activity;

    on the one hand - the place of a person in society, on the other hand - the level of development of society;


    Freedom is a specific way of being for a person, associated with his ability to choose a decision and perform an action in accordance with his goals, interests, ideals and assessments, based on awareness of the objective properties and relationships of things, the laws of the surrounding world.

    Responsibility is an objective, historically specific type of relationship between an individual, a team, and society from the point of view of the conscious implementation of mutual requirements placed on them.

    Types of responsibility:

    Historical, political, moral, legal, etc.;

    Individual (personal), group, collective.

    Social responsibility is a person’s tendency to behave in accordance with the interests of other people.

    Legal liability – liability before the law (disciplinary, administrative, criminal; material)

Responsibility - a socio-philosophical and sociological concept that characterizes an objective, historically specific type of relationship between an individual, a team, and society from the point of view of the conscious implementation of mutual requirements placed on them.

Responsibility, accepted by a person as the basis of his personal moral position, acts as the foundation of the internal motivation of his behavior and actions. The regulator of such behavior is conscience.

Social responsibility is expressed in a person's tendency to behave in accordance with the interests of other people.

As human freedom develops, responsibility increases. But its focus is gradually shifting from the collective (collective responsibility) to the person himself (individual, personal responsibility).

Only a free and responsible person can fully realize himself in social behavior and thereby realize your potential to the maximum extent.

10 System structure of society: elements and subsystems

1. The concept of society. Society is a complex and multi-valued concept

A. In the broad sense of the word

    It is isolated from nature, but closely with it connected part the material world, which includes: ways, interactions of people; forms of unification of people

B. In the narrow sense of the word

    A circle of people united by a common goal, interests, origin (for example, a society of numismatists, a noble assembly)

    A separate specific society, country, state, region (for example, modern Russian society, French society)

    Historical stage in the development of mankind (eg feudal society, capitalist society)

    Humanity as a whole

2. Functions of society

    Production of material goods and services

    Distribution of labor products (activities)

    Regulation and management of activities and behavior

    Human reproduction and socialization

    Spiritual production and regulation of human activity

3. Public relations - diverse forms of human interaction, as well as connections that arise between different social groups (or within them)

Society is the totality of social relations. The essence of society is in the relationships between people.

    Material relations arise and develop directly in the course of a person’s practical activity outside of his consciousness and independently of him. This:

    • Relations of production

      Ecological relations

      Relationships related to childbearing

      Spiritual (ideal) relationships are formed by first “passing through the consciousness” of people and are determined by their spiritual values. This:

      • Moral relations

        Political relations

        Legal relations

        Artistic relations

        Philosophical relations

        Religious relations

4. Society as a dynamic self-developing system.

WITHsystem – a complex of elements and connections between them.

System components

System concept

Society as a system



    Social communities

Elements can have a complex structure as subsystems (more complex than elements, but less complex than the system itself)

Main subsystems (spheres) of society:





Connections between the elements of its subsystems

Public relations (see previous paragraph)

Properties of the system


A system is more than the sum of its elements and has properties that go beyond the individual elements

Society is more than a crowd.

Operation - development

The system can be functioning (fixed) or developing

Self-developing system:






A system can be closed (conservation of energy within the system) and open (exchange of energy with the environment)

Open system

Society as a complex, self-developing system is characterized by the followingspecific features :

1.It is distinguished by greata variety of different social structures and subsystems.

2. Society is not reducible to the people who make it up; it isa system of extra- and supra-individual forms, connections and relationships, which a person creates with his own active work together with other people.

3.It is inherent in societyself-sufficiency, that is, the ability, through active joint activity, to create and reproduce the necessary conditions for one’s own existence.

4. The society is exceptionaldynamism, incompleteness and alternative development. Main actor in the choice of development options is the person.

5. Society highlightsspecial status of subjects, determining its development.

6. Society hasunpredictability, non-linear development.

11 Basic institutions of society

1. Social institution - this is a historically established, stable form of organizing the joint activities of people implementing certain functions in society, the main one of which is the satisfaction of social needs.

Goals and functions social institutions . Each social institution is characterized by the presenceactivity goals and specificfunctions, ensuring its achievement.


Key institutions

Spheres of society

Main roles

Physical Traits

Symbolic features

Other institutions in this sphere of society

Caring, raising children



Social (family and marriage relations)









Marriage, blood feud, motherhood, paternity, etc.

Getting food, clothing, shelter


Economic sphere








Money Trade

Money, exchange, economic relations, etc.

Maintaining laws, regulations and standards



Political sphere


    Subject of law

Public buildings and places



Power, state, separation of powers, parliamentarism, local government, etc.

Promoting conciliar relations and attitudes, deepening faith


Spiritual realm






Socialization of people, familiarization with basic values ​​and practices


Spiritual realm








Public opinion, media, etc.

In modern society, there are dozens of social institutions, among which the key ones can be identified: inheritance, power, property, family.

Social institutions:

organize human activity in a certain system roles and statuses, establishing patterns of behavior of people in various spheres of public life. For example, a social institution such as a school includes the roles of teacher and student, and a family includes the roles of parents and children. Certain role relationships develop between them, which are regulated by specific norms and regulations. Some of the most important norms are enshrined in law, others are supported by traditions, customs, and public opinion;

include a system of sanctions - from legal to moral and ethical;

organize, coordinate many individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character;

provide standard behavior of people in socially typical situations.

3. Types of functions of social institutions:

    Explicit – officially declared, recognized and controlled by society

    Hidden – are carried out hidden or unintentionally (can develop into shadow institutions, for example, criminal ones).

When the discrepancy between these functions is large, a double standard arises social relations, which threatens the stability of society. The situation is even more dangerous when, along with official institutions, so-called shadow institutions are formed, which take on the function of regulating the most important social relations (for example, criminal structures).

4. The importance of social institutions.
Social institutions determine society as a whole. Any social transformations are carried out through changes in social institutions.

12 The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture

1. Approaches to understanding culture as phenomena of social life:

    technological: culture as the totality of all achievements of the material and spiritual life of society;

    activity-based: culture as a creative activity in the spheres of material and spiritual life of society;

    value-based: culture as the realization of universal human values ​​in the affairs and relationships of people.

Concept of culture (from Latin cultivation, processing)

    in a broad sense: a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people that are constantly updated in all spheres of social life;

    in the narrow sense: a process of active creative activity during which spiritual values ​​are created, distributed and consumed.

3. Material and spiritual culture
(division according to human needs satisfied by values):

    material – the result of the production and development of objects and phenomena of the material world

    spiritual – a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application.

This division is conditional.

4. Functions of culture : cognitive, evaluative, regulatory (normative), informative, communicative, socialization.

5. Spiritual world of the individual – the area of ​​existence in which objective reality is present in a person himself, is an integral part of his personality: knowledge, faith, feelings, experiences, needs, abilities, aspirations and goals.

6. Spiritual life of society
- an objective, supra-individual ideal reality, a set of meaningful life values ​​present in a person and determining the content, quality and direction of social and individual existence. This is philosophy, morality, science, education, art, religion, law.

7. Elements of spiritual life society is also considered to:

Spiritual needs;
- spiritual activity and production (science, art, religion - reproduction of social consciousness);
- spiritual values ​​(ideas, theories, images, values);
- spiritual consumption (the universal nature of consumption, since spiritual goods are a common property);
- spiritual relationships (spiritual social connections of individuals);
manifestations of interpersonal spiritual communication.

Values - socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what goodness, justice, patriotism, romantic love, friendship, etc. are. Values ​​are not questioned; they serve as a standard and ideal for all people.

Forms and varieties of culture. Typology of cultures:

    national – global;

    secular - religious;

    eastern – western (Mediterranean, Latin American, etc.; Russian, French, etc.);

    traditional – industrial – post-industrial;

    rural – urban;

    ordinary – specialized;

    high (elite) – mass – popular

9. Elite, mass and folk cultures


Mass (pop culture, kitsch, “anti-fatigue art”)



Professional creators (standardization of culture)

Professional creators creating cultural canons

Anonymous lovers (myths, legends, epics, fairy tales, songs, dances)


Commercial (impossible without media)



Difficulty level


High (needs intellectual “deciphering”; ambiguous content, repeated reading)






Close interaction and complementarity

1. Screen culture - a variant of mass culture shown on screens (movies, video clips, television series and television programs, computer games, PSP, game consoles, etc.)

Clip thinking
2. Subculture – part of the general culture, a system of values ​​inherent in a large social group (youth, women’s, professional, criminal). Components: knowledge, values, style and lifestyle, social institutions as a system of norms, skills, abilities, methods of implementation, methods; social roles and statuses; needs and inclinations.
3. youth subculture – a culture of conspicuous consumption, most often developing on the basis of styles in clothing and music. Causes:

  • rising living standards;

    the development of a consumer society, creating more and more new product markets, aimed primarily at young people;

    the increasing role and importance of free time and leisure.

Youth culture also focuses more on friendship in a peer group rather than on family, conducts large-scale experiments with lifestyle, and searches for cultural grounds for its existence that are different from the culture of adults.

Counterculture – the direction of development of modern culture, opposing the spiritual atmosphere modern society(or official culture; underground as counterculture).

13 Science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural, social and human sciences

1. Science - a form of spiritual activity of people aimed at producing knowledge about nature, society and knowledge itself, with the immediate goal of comprehending the truth and discovering objective laws. Science is:

    social institution (research institutes, universities, academies of sciences, etc.)

    industry of spiritual production (R&D);

    a special system of knowledge (a holistic system of concepts, laws, theories).

2. Classifications of sciences:

    on the subject and method of cognition: natural, social and humanitarian, about cognition and thinking, technical and mathematical;

    by distance from practice: fundamental and applied.

3. Functions of science:

    cultural and ideological,



    social (social forecasting, management and development).

4. General cultural characteristics of science: rationality, criticality, individuality, communication skills.

5. Models of development of scientific knowledge:

    gradual development of science;

    development through scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts (a set of explicit and implicit (and often unconscious) prerequisites that determine scientific research and are recognized at this stage of the development of science; T. Kuhn “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, 1962);

    development through approaching the cognitive standards of natural science;

    development through the integration of scientific knowledge.

6. Scientific knowledge – a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and substantiated knowledge about nature, man and society



    development of the conceptual apparatus (categoricality);

    rationality (consistency, evidence, consistency);


    high level of generalization;

    universality (examines any phenomenon from the perspective of patterns and causes);

    the use of special methods and methods of cognitive activity.

8. Levels, forms and methods scientific knowledge





A scientific fact is a reflection of an objective fact in human consciousness;

An empirical law is an objective, essential, concrete-universal, repeating stable connection between phenomena and processes.


The problem is the conscious formulation of questions (theoretical and practical);

Hypothesis is a scientific assumption;

Theory – initial foundations, idealized object, logic and methodology, a set of laws and statements.

A concept is a certain way of understanding (interpreting) an object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a guiding idea for their systematic coverage.


(rigor and objectivity)








    Unity of the historical and logical

    Ascent from abstract to concrete



    Math modeling

9. Universal methods of scientific knowledge:

    analysis - decomposition of the whole into parts;

    synthesis – reunification of a whole from parts;

    deduction - inference general position from facts;

    deduction – logical derivation of a new position from previous ones;

    analogy – similarity of non-identical objects;

    modeling - reproducing the characteristics of one object on another object (model), specially created for their study;

    abstraction - mental distraction from a number of properties of objects and the selection of any property or relationship;

    idealization is the mental creation of some abstract objects that are fundamentally impossible to realize in experience and reality.

10. Social Sciences
- a form of spiritual activity of people aimed at producing knowledge about society.

11. Classification of social sciences:

    Sciences that provide the most general knowledge about society: philosophy, sociology

    Sciences that reveal a certain sphere of social life: economics, political science, sociology, cultural studies, ethics, aesthetics

    Sciences that permeate all spheres of public life: history, jurisprudence

12. Social and humanitarian knowledge:

Social Sciences

Study of facts, laws, dependencies of the socio-historical process

Studying the goals, motives, values ​​of a person, his personal perception

Research result

Social knowledge

Humanitarian knowledge

Analysis social processes and identifying common, regular, recurring phenomena in them

Analysis of a person’s goals, motives, values ​​and understanding of his thoughts, motives, intentions



    Referring to texts

    Impossibility of reduction to unambiguous, universally accepted definitions

Social and humanitarian knowledge are interpenetrated

13. Social cognition – the process of acquiring and developing knowledge about a person and society

1. Features of social cognition:

1.1. the subject and object of cognition coincide;

1.2. the resulting social knowledge is always connected with the interests of individual subjects of knowledge;

1.3. social knowledge is always loaded with evaluation, it is value knowledge;

1.4. complexity of the object of knowledge - society;

1.5. establishing only relative truths, the probabilistic nature of patterns;

1.6. limited use of experiment as a method of knowledge.

2. Principles of the concrete historical approach in social cognition:

2.1. consideration of social reality in development;

2.2. studying social phenomena in diverse connections;

2.3. identifying the general and special in similar phenomena of other societies and eras.

3. Social fact

3.1. objective fact - an event that took place at a certain time under certain conditions; does not depend on the researcher;

3.2. scientific fact– interpreted objective fact – knowledge about an event, which is described taking into account the specifics of the social situation in which it took place; recorded in books, manuscripts, etc. (interpretation - interpretation, explanation).

3.3. kinds social facts:

3.3.1. actions, deeds;

3.3.2. material and spiritual products of human activity;

3.3.3. verbal (verbal) actions.

3.4. Social fact assessment:

3.4.1. properties of the object being studied;

3.4.2. correlation of the studied object with a similar object or with an ideal;

3.4.3. cognitive goals of the researcher;

3.4.4. personal position of the researcher;

3.4.5. interests of the social group to which the researcher belongs.

14 Education and self-education

1. Education – one of the ways of personality development through people’s acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and abilities, development of mental, cognitive and creativity through a system of social institutions such as family, school, and the media. The goal is to introduce the individual to the achievements of human civilization, relay and preserve its cultural heritage.

2. Self-education – knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a person independently, without the help of other teaching persons.

3. Functions of education:

    economic (formation of the social and professional structure of society);

    social (implementation of socialization of the individual (social function);

    cultural (the use of previously accumulated culture for the purpose of educating an individual).

4. Network of educational institutions in Russia:

    preschool (nurseries, kindergartens);

    primary (4 grades), general secondary (9 grades) and complete secondary (11 grades) education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums);

    additional education (children's art centers, clubs, sections);

    average special education(lyceums, technical schools, schools, colleges);

    higher specialized education (higher education institutions: institutes, universities, academies);

    postgraduate education (institutes for advanced training, courses);

    training of scientific personnel (master's, residency, postgraduate, doctoral studies);

    spiritual educational establishments(seminaries, theological faculties, theological academies).

Education in modern world distinguished by a variety of ways to obtain (school, external studies, home study, distance learning, self-education courses, etc.)

5. General trends in education:

    democratization of education;

    increase in duration of education;

    continuity of education;

    humanization of education;

    humanitarization of education;

    internationalization of education;

    computerization of education.

Directions of reforms in Russian education– for the Unified State Exam they correspond to the trends given above. The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2009) defines the followingpriorities of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education:

    Ensuring availability of quality general education

    Improving the quality of school educational literature

    Increasing the level of remuneration for educators

    Modernization of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of education workers

    Improving the quality of vocational education

    Expanding public participation in education management

    Development of a network of educational institutions

    Transition to normative per capita (budget) financing of educational institutions

7. Educational paradigm
(from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - a set of meaning-forming characteristics that determine the essential features of theoretical and practical schemes pedagogical activity and interactions in education. For example, the paradigm of pedagogy of tradition, the paradigm of scientific-technocratic and humanitarian pedagogy, etc.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest USE subject. Many people choose it for this reason. But this is a misconception that takes away from serious preparation.

Changes in KIM Unified State Exam 2020 in social studies:

  • There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM.
  • The wording of tasks 28 and 29 has been detailed and adjustments have been made to their assessment system.

Where to start preparing for the Unified State Examination in social studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this purpose, for each task a theoretical material what you need to know and take into account when performing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • Human
  • cognition
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • policy
  • right

Indicate what topics the survey will be on in the assignments. Within each topic there are many smaller subtopics that you should pay attention to while studying.

For getting high results The examinee must confidently operate with basic concepts and terms. Analyze information provided in graphical form. Work with text. Reason competently within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important tip: When preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, since they have lost compliance with the updated tasks.

2. Study well the structure of assignments and their evaluation system.

The examination ticket is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Tasks 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

The assessment of Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for tasks 1, 2, 3, 10, 12.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

You can score a maximum of 65 points.
The minimum must be 43 total points.

Special attention Pay attention to Unified State Exam assignments with detailed answers in social studies.

3. Solving Unified State Exam assignments in social studies.

The more test tasks you do it, the stronger your knowledge will be. The tasks are based on

Presentation on social studies "Factors of production and factor income." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and to prepare for . Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Presentation on social studies "Citizenship of the Russian Federation". The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

The target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "The concept and types of legal liability." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "Deviant behavior and its types." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "Types of social norms." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "Types, causes and consequences of inflation." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "Social control". The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Target audience: for 11th grade

Presentation on social studies "The concept of power." The presentation can be used both in a lesson on this topic and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Theoretical and practical material is presented. The tasks correspond to the new exam format. Sources indicated.

Man is the highest stage of development of living organisms on Earth.

Origin theories:

1) Religious. Divine origin.

2) Man is an unearthly creature; aliens from outer space, having visited the Earth, left human beings on it.

3) Man appeared as a result of evolution (C. Darwin)

Man is a biosocial being:

1) Biological in humans: anatomy, physiology, has circulatory and muscular systems. Adapts to living conditions.

2) Social in a person: inextricably linked with society, capable and ready for socially useful work, possesses consciousness and intelligence.

The main differences between humans and animals:

1) Possesses thinking and articulate speech.

2) Capable of conscious, purposeful creative activity.

3) Not only adapts, but also transforms the surrounding reality.

4) Able to make tools and use them as a means of producing material goods.

5) Spiritual needs are present.

Need - This is a person’s need for what constitutes a necessary condition for his existence.

Types of needs:

1) Biological (primary, congenital):

A) physiological (food, sleep, rest)

B) Existential (security of existence)

2) Secondary (purchased)

* social (communication, social activities, public recognition)

* spiritual (in knowledge, creativity)

Capabilities - this is a set of human properties that ensure his activity.

Levels of ability development:

  • Capabilities


  • Genius

Human activity

Activity - a person’s way of relating to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the person’s goals.

Activity components: Subject (the one who carries out the activity)

Object (what the activity is aimed at)

Activity structure:

Goal - means of achieving goals - actions - result

Types of activities in which each person is involved in the development process:

A game – the goal is not the result, but the process (entertainment), occurs in a conditional situation (imaginary environment), which changes quickly, substitute objects are used, aims to satisfy the interests of the participants, and promotes personal development.

Communication – exchange of information, emotions and ideas. Promotes socialization person (the assimilation of norms accepted in society), influences the mental state, helps to carry out joint activities.

Teaching – a person’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Can be carried out in an organized manner (in educational institutions) and disorganized (like additional result), may have the character of self-education.

Work – aimed at achieving a practically useful, pre-expected result, carried out in the presence of certain knowledge, intelligence

Activities (by objects and results):

Material (creation of material wealth)

    Material and production (transformation of nature)

    Socially transformative (transformation of society)

Spiritual (creation of cultural values)


    Value-oriented (formation of a positive or negative attitude of people towards the phenomena of the surrounding world)

    Prognostic (planning or anticipating possible changes in reality)

Creation - this is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before (for example, a new goal, a new result, or new means of achieving a goal). May be a component of an activity, or independent activity(for example, the activities of scientists, inventors, writers, artists).

Cognitive activity person

Cognition – human activity. The result of which is the acquisition of new knowledge about the world around us.

Cognition has two levels:

1) Sensory cognition - carried out by the senses (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste)

2) Rational cognition - inherent only to man, carried out through thinking

Types of knowledge:

1) Scientific (reliable generalization of facts)

2) Unscientific:

* mythology * life experience * folk wisdom * parascience (pseudo-scientific knowledge)

True – correspondence of our knowledge about the subject to the subject itself

    Absolute (exhaustive reliable knowledge)

    Relative (incomplete, imprecise knowledge)

Individual. Individuality. Personality.

Individual - a single representative of the human race.

Individuality - the unique identity of a person.

Personality - a subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant features that he implements in public life.

The formation of personality is influenced by: family (upbringing), environment (communication), society, historical era, and a person’s personal desire for self-improvement.

The personality has the following traits: active life position, willpower, responsibility, realistic self-esteem (neither too low nor too high).

Personality is formed in the process of socialization. Socialization – the process of assimilating accepted norms in society and mastering social roles. Socialization can be primary (childhood) and secondary (lasts a lifetime).

Self-knowledge - a process during which each person comprehends his abilities, desires, opportunities, interests.

Self-realization – the process of the most complete identification and implementation by an individual of his capabilities to achieve his intended goals in solving personally significant problems, allowing him to fully realize the creative potential of the individual.

The spiritual world of man

The structure of the human spiritual world:

1) Cognition (based on intelligence)

2) Emotions – short-term experiences about situations and phenomena of reality (surprise, joy, anger, fear)

3) Feelings – emotional states that last longer than emotions (friendship, love, longing, patriotism)

4) Worldview - a system of general views on the world. Worldview can be: religious, everyday, scientific.

Freedom and responsibility

Liberty – the ability to act on the basis of choice, realizing responsibility for it.

Human freedom in society is limited by the freedom of other people. Freedom manifests itself in the ability to control one’s behavior. The regulator of such behavior is conscience.

In a broad sense - a part of the world isolated from nature.

In a narrow sense - a circle of people united by a common goal, interests, origin; -- historical periods of development of society.

Main spheres of public life

Activities of people and relationships between them




(ensures satisfaction of material needs)

Production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods, and related relationships

Factories, firms, exchanges, banks.


(ensures satisfaction of needs for communication, collectivity)

Relations between classes, estates, nations, professional and age groups; state activities to ensure social guarantees

Health systems, social security, public services


(satisfies the need for organization, discipline, peace, law and order)

Organization of state power, relations between civil society and the state, between the state and political parties

Parliament, government, parties, public organizations


(provides satisfaction of the need for self-realization, moral improvement, and knowledge)

Relationships arising in the process of creating spiritual values, their preservation, distribution, consumption

Schools, universities, theaters, museums, libraries, archives, churches.

Society– a complexly organized, self-developing system (the system includes individuals and social groups, there are coordinated connections between them), which is characterized by dynamism, alternativeness and incomplete development. Society is characterized by unpredictability and nonlinear development.


In a broad sense - the whole world.

In a narrow sense -the entire material world, with the exception of society.

The relationship between nature and society:


1) with the help of tools, influences nature, changing it, i.e. purposefully,

2) the development of science increases the influence of society on nature

3) the impact can be improving (creation of nature reserves, tightening environmental legislation) or worsening (depletion natural resources)

Nature: 1) creates conditions for the existence of society

2) natural conditions influence the economy and way of life of society

3) in response to human actions, nature can also “worse”

life of society (natural disasters)

Typology of societies








The main value is land, 75% of the population is employed agriculture

The main value is capital, 85% of the population is employed in industry, mass industrial production

The main value is knowledge, 66% of the population is employed in the service sector, production automation, computerization of society

Social structure

Society is divided into classes, classes are closed (difficulty of transition)

Society is divided into classes, they are open and mobile

Division of society into classes in accordance with the level of knowledge, qualifications, growth of the middle class


Monarchies prevail, human rights and freedoms are absent

Political rights and freedoms, equality before the law, election of government

Political rights and freedoms, equality before the law, election of government,

Strong civil society

Spiritual life

Traditional values ​​(family, religion) dominate, a small number of educated people

Values ​​of progress, personal success, science is developing, mass culture is spreading

High level education (and its continuation throughout life), the special role of science, the leading role of information

Society development can occur in the following ways:

1) Evolution– gradual development, reforms are the way to transform.

2) Revolution– a radical, qualitative change in all or several aspects of social life ( scientific and technological revolution leads to a transformation in the production sector, a revolution in politics leads to a change in the form of government).

Progress- a direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, movement forward to a more perfect one. (Regression - reverse movement)

Distinctive feature The development of modern society is globalization.

Globalization– a process during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states in different fields of activity (economics, culture...) increases.

Global problems humanity:

1) Caused by the activities of people around the world.

2) Create a threat to the further existence of humanity

3) Can be resolved through joint efforts

Global problems:

    Environmental (depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution)

    Uneven development of individual regions (backwardness of developing countries)

    Demographic (population growth)

    The problem of peace and disarmament, preventing a new world war

    Threat of international terrorism


A set of generally binding, formally defined rules of behavior established by the state and ensured by its coercive force

Public Law – area of ​​public affairs (constitutional, administrative, criminal, financial)

Private right– sphere of private affairs (civil, family, labor)

Legal system– internal structure of law. Includes:

1) Branches of law 2) Sub-branches of law 3) Institutes of law 4) Legal norms

Main branches of the system Russian law:

1 ) Constitutional (establishes the form of government, state-territorial structure, rights and obligations of citizens)

2 ) Administrative (regulates public relations in the field government controlled, organization and activities of executive authorities)

3 )Civil (regulates property, as well as related personal non-property relations)

4 ) Family (regulates relations between spouses, as well as between parents and children)

5 ) Labor (regulates labor relations)

6 ) Criminal (determines the criminality and punishability of acts)

Sources of law:

1) Laws and regulations ( vary in legal force, has the highest legal force Constitution)

2) Legal custom

3) Legal precedent

4) Agreement with normative content (based on the mutual expression of will of the parties)

Offenses: crimes and misdemeanors

Main types of legal liability:

1 ) Disciplinary (labor violation, academic discipline)

2 ) Civil (causing property damage)

3 ) Administrative (for administrative violations)

4 ) Criminal (for crimes)

5 ) Material (for damage caused to an enterprise, institution, organization)

The legal culture of an individual is the totality of legal knowledge, values, and legal behavior of an individual.


The method of protecting rights, freedoms and legitimate interests is judicial protection

In case of violation of rights, a person contacts the “main link” - general courts jurisdictiondistrict courts, considering the majority of court cases. Judicial power is exercised through civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.

Sentences in criminal proceedings and solutions in civil proceedings are made on behalf of Russian Federation. If a person is not satisfied with the decision of a court of general jurisdiction, he can appeal to the Supreme Court of Russia; in case of disagreement with its decision, he can appeal to the supranational court - the European Court of Human Rights, which is the final authority. The decision of this Court is binding on all member states of the Council of Europe.

Directly aimed at protecting the individual in armed conflicts of an international and internal nature INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW, War crimes against humanity in accordance with the norms international law have no statute of limitations.


Social sphere life of society covers relationships between people, groups, and associations. Society has a social structure - an internal structure.

Elements social structure societies:

I. Social groups– stable collections of people who have distinctive characteristics inherent only to them (social status, interests, value orientations).

Types of social groups:

by number:

    Small group(from 2 to 30 people). In a small group, people know each other well (personally) and are engaged in some common activity. The presence of emotionally charged interpersonal relationships, stability and consistency of composition. For example, a family, a school class, an airplane crew.

    Large group. A large group of people who occupy the same position in the structure of society and, as a result, have common interests. For example - nation, class.

by interaction:

    Formal(official). Its activities are determined through regulatory documents (school class, Zenit football team)

    Informal(unofficial). Its activities are determined by the personal interests of its participants (a poetry club, an organization of fans of the Zenit football team, a group of friends)

Family- a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are bound by a common life, moral and legal responsibility.

Family functions:

1) Reproductive (biological reproduction of the population)

2) Socialization (raising children, shaping the individual as a personality)

3) Economic - economic (material support for minors and disabled members of society, housekeeping)

4) Emotional (psychological support)

5) Spiritual and moral (personal development)

Family types:

according to the nature of the distribution of household responsibilities:

    Traditional (patriarchal) - the woman performs household duties, the man earns money and is the head of the family.

    Partnership - responsibilities are not shared, they are performed jointly or in turn, the most important issues of family life are resolved together.

by related structure:

    Nuclear, small (married couple with children)

    Extended, multi-generational (married couple with children and one of the relatives living with them)

    Part-time (one parent with a child or children)

by number of children

*Having many children * few children * childless

II. Social communities– a collection of people characterized by relative integrity and acting as independent subjects of historical and social action.

    Ethnic communities– exist in a certain territory, have a common historical experience, historical memory, language and cultural traditions. Varieties: tribe, nationality, nation

    Classes- differ in their place in the system of social production, relation to the means of production, role in the social organization of labor, methods and amounts of wealth received. For example: bourgeoisie, working class, or upper class, middle class, lower class.

    Socially-demographic communities (elderly people, teenagers)

The youth– a group of people from 16 to 25 years old, problems – it is difficult to find a place in life, to get interesting job offers due to insufficient life experience.

    Socio-territorial(city dwellers, rural population, Siberians)

    Professional(miners, teachers, doctors)

Different social groups and communities occupy different social positions.

In society since primitive times there has been inequality– uneven distribution of scarce resources (money, power, education and prestige) between different segments of the population.

Indicators of social status may be: wealth, income power, profession, education, prestige, lifestyle.

Social status- the position of a person in society, which he occupies in accordance with his age, gender, origin, profession, marital status. (A person can have many statuses; this will be called a status set. Among them there may be basic and non-basic)

    Prescribed status – does not depend on the merits of the individual (gender, nationality)

    Achieved status - acquired as a result of free choice, personal effort and is under the control of a person

Social role- the behavior expected by society of a person, associated with his position in society and typical for his social group. (One person can have many roles, collectively they are called a role set. For example: at work - an employee, at home - a husband, visiting his parents - a son, in the company of friends - a friend, on election day - a voter, etc. )

It is customary to distinguish between two main forms of social interaction:

1) Cooperation – mutual interest, interaction is beneficial for both parties, interaction is aimed at achieving joint goals. Relationships of friendship, partnership, support.

2) Rivalry – the absence of a common goal, but the presence of a similar goal regarding an indivisible object (economic, political competition). Relationships of envy, hostility, bitterness.

When incompatible views, positions and interests collide, rivalry can develop into conflict.

Conflict- a clash between two people or social groups over the possession of something that is equally highly valued by both parties.

Types of social conflicts:

1) Economic 2) International 3) Political 4) Family

Experts highlight the following solutions social conflicts:

    Negotiations (peaceful conversation between the parties to resolve the problem)

    Compromise (solving a problem through mutual concessions)

    Mediation (using a third party to resolve a problem)

    Use of force, authority, law (unilateral use by the side that considers itself stronger)

Social conflicts have both negative consequences (stress, unrest, casualties) and positive consequences (relieving social tension, stimulating social change).

A person’s behavior in society can be:

1) Corresponding norms (conformist)

2) Deviant (does not correspond to norms - deviant)

Social science. Full course preparation for the Unified State Exam. Shemakhanova I.A.

M.: 2014. - 315 p.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the mandatory minimum content of basic general and secondary (complete) general education in social studies, a codifier of content elements in social studies for the compilation of control measurement materials of a single state exam and contains all the material necessary for a student to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam. The attached CD containing social studies tests in the Unified State Exam format will allow the student to organize independent testing work own knowledge. The program automatically checks the correctness of completion of exam tasks, which allows you to control your level of readiness for the exam. (CD included with print edition only.)

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Human and society.
Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution).
Worldview, its types and forms.
Types of knowledge.
The concept of truth, its criteria.
Thinking and activity.
Needs and interests.
Freedom and necessity in human activity.
System structure of society: elements and subsystems.
Basic institutions of society.
The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture.
The science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities.
The concept of social progress.
Multivariate social development(types of societies).
Threats of the 21st century (global problems).
Economics and economic science.
Factors of production and factor income.
Economic systems.
Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand.
Fixed and variable costs.
Financial institutions. Banking system.
Main sources of business financing.
Labor market. Unemployment.
Types, causes and consequences of inflation.
Economic growth and development. The concept of GDP.
The role of the state in the economy.
The state budget.
World economy.
Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen.
Social relations.
Social stratification and mobility.
Social groups.
Youth as a social group.
Ethnic communities.
Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them.
Constitutional principles (fundamentals) of national policy in the Russian Federation.
Social conflict.
Types of social norms.
Social control.
Freedom and responsibility.
Deviant behavior and its types.
Social role.
Family and marriage.
The concept of power.
The state and its functions.
Politic system.
Typology of political regimes.
Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics.
Civil society and the state.
Political elite.
Political parties and movements.
Mass media in the political system.
Election campaign in the Russian Federation.
Political process.
Political participation.
Political leadership.
State authorities of the Russian Federation.
Federal structure of Russia.
Law in the system of social norms.
System of Russian law. Legislative process.
Concept and types of legal liability.
Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.
Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections.
Subjects of civil law.
Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity.
Property and non-property rights.
Hiring procedure. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract.
Legal regulation of relations between spouses. The procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage.
Features of administrative jurisdiction.
Right to favorable environment and ways to protect it.
International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime).
Disputes, the procedure for their consideration.
Basic rules and principles of civil procedure.
Features of the criminal process.
Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Military duty, alternative civilian service.
Rights and obligations of the taxpayer.
Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system.