The most interesting facts about the countries of the world. Presentation, photo, video. The most unusual responsibilities of children around the world To children about different countries of the world

Galina Nikolaevna Toropkina
Presentation "Countries of the World"

Children presentation is one of the most effective ways to help your child learn new information. She helps to effectively and in an accessible form to conduct a lesson in kindergarten.

Our students love to travel. Together with their parents, they travel to the memorable places of our homeland, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit foreign country... This presentation will allow you to make an exciting journey to foreign countries: England, France, USA, India. She will introduce children to the main attractions, customs, national clothes of these countries.


Arouse interest in the life of other peoples countries;

Introduce elementary concepts of countries;

Foster respect for peoples of different countries, their customs, features.

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In some countries of the world, almost everything is allowed to a child, but in others, children have very responsibilities that should be performed strictly. The material will tell you about the most unusual responsibilities of young children of different cultures.

1. China: the strictest daily routine

The main thing in raising children in China, starting from 3 years old, is humility and obedience. From kindergarten, every child must strictly follow everything said by an adult (often - by any adult). Children’s days are scheduled by the clock by their parents, and this schedule, as a rule, does not change over the years. Household responsibilities are assigned by the parents when the child turns 4-5 years old. Visiting several sections in addition to school is strictly required. Chinese parents choose toys for their children and their leisure activities, they rarely praise and severely punish for trying to argue.

2. Thailand: older children raise younger children instead of parents

In Thailand, older children look after younger children, and children of different ages are constantly together - whether it be playing games or doing simple work. Children may be offered activities such as peeling vegetables or sorting fruits. Moreover, older children become a kind of moderators, and younger children become trainees. Therefore, Thai children become independent early on. Children are given the freedom to regulate their behavior within the community of children of different ages - from 3 to 16.

Interesting fact. Thais never run to the first call or cry of a child. The parent casts a glance at the crying or calling child, assesses the situation, and if he finds it not threatening health, continues to ignore the call / cry, so that the child learns to solve his own problems.

3. England: the duty to contain emotions

In England, from the age of 2-3, the child is obliged to attend teachers of good manners and the art of restraining emotions. These can be special courses in kindergarten. As a child grows older, some democratic parents may offer him self-education in the art of good manners: video tutorials on the Internet, books on etiquette. The child is obliged to learn behavior at the table, behavior in society. Love for the child by English parents is expressed often and constantly, but with restraint. This is also due to the fact that the first child, as a rule, among modern Englishmen appears at the age of 35-40 years.

4. France: self-guided shopping

Early adulthood and independence are characteristic of children in France. By law, children can be at home alone, go to school and shop on their own. At an early age (1-2 years), children are sent to kindergarten, and they themselves go to work. From a very young age, a child is constantly asked to help his parents with something: add cream to coffee, bring a plate of bread, turn off the lights, etc.

Svetlana Gladushchenko
Summary of the lesson "Such different peoples of the world"

Today we will meet with you peoples of the world... We will talk about peoples in the past tense, because in our time the life of many people, especially in cities, is little different from different nations... Of course, there are national differences, but they are less than many years ago.

We will begin our acquaintance with Japan. The traditional Japanese dwelling is called a minka. It was made of wood and paper, and the roof was covered with straw or tiles. The main roof in it rests on supports made of wooden beams. All Japanese people wore a national dress called kimono. It was made from one whole piece of fabric and fixed at the waist with a special obi belt. And they put wooden shoes on their feet - geta. The Japanese love to eat fresh, raw food. The basis of Japanese cuisine is rice, seafood (shrimp, fish, hot spices are also used. The Japanese take food not with forks and spoons, but with special chopsticks. One of the main holidays in Japan is Hinamatsuri (Puppet Festival)... On this day, girls, dressed in beautiful kimonos, lower boats with paper dolls down the river. These dolls should carry away all troubles and misfortunes. Blooming sakura is one of the symbols of Japan.

Next, let's go to India. The Indians lived in mud-brick huts with a roof covered with thatched or barrel-shaped dwellings of stone, wood, bamboo without windows. The Indian woman's costume is called a sari and consists of a very long piece of cloth that is wrapped around the body. All Indian women wear jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces) and love bright colors in clothes. Indian men wear a white long or short loincloth-dhoti, some also wear a shirt. A long piece of cloth is tied on the head - a turban, it protects from the heat, because it is moistened with water. Indian cuisine is great variety of spices... Hindus eat a lot of grains, vegetables and fruits, many of them do not eat meat at all. India has interesting holidays "Monkey Feast"... In one of the regions of India, a round table is laid every year with all sorts of goodies for the monkeys in honor of God Rama and his monkey army. "Festival of colors"... New Delhi celebrates the arrival of spring by pouring rainbow-colored water on each other. And also India is the birthplace of yogis. After long special training, these people can do what others cannot - walk on broken glass, lie on a board with nails driven in without any harm to the body, and incredible postures and even sleep upside down.

Now we will visit Africa and learn how they lived, and even now local tribes live. In southern Africa, villagers build a rondavel dwelling of stone with a conical cane roof. And in the hottest regions of Africa, locals rest in clay and straw huts. African clothes differ in different tribes... For example, women in East Africa wear a kanga, a piece of fabric with a variegated pattern wrapped around the body. And often the inhabitants of Africa, due to the intense heat, are limited to one loincloth. The usual food of the Africans is porridge made from corn, barley, millet; hunting meat, fruits, bananas, papaya. One of the important traditions of African tribes is ritual dances. There are warrior dances, fertility dances, etc. every November in Mambasa (Kenya) a musical carnival is held, where representatives of all tribes of Kenya come, they walk in a motley procession through the city, play their musical instruments, then ride on national dhow boats and ride on donkeys begins.

Then we will go to America. Indians have been living there for a long time. Their dwelling wigwam or chibi is a hut made of long and thin wooden sticks, which are covered with bison skins on top. Indian men wore a loincloth made of leather or fabric, sometimes leather trousers, and a cape decorated with patterns on top. Women in Indian tribes wore leggings and long tunics or dresses, and decorated them with beaded embroidery, fringes and patterns. Both men and women wore leather loafers on their feet. The most popular hairstyle among the Indians was braiding. The main men of the tribe wore a headdress made of eagle feathers. American Indians ate bison meat, cereals (rice, corn, vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini)... For example, their typical sukkotash dish consists of beans, tomatoes, and corn. About tomatoes, potatoes, all kinds of peppers, cocoa beans (of which chocolate is made) people of all the world learned thanks to the Indians. Each tribe of Indians chose their own totem (one of the species of animals or a natural phenomenon) and believed that it was protecting the tribe from harm. Indians different tribes gather every year all together for the Pau-Wow festival. They dress in traditional clothes, play games, dances and competitions.

Now let's head to the very north of America, where the Eskimos live. Snow lies in their homeland for most of the year, so the Eskimos have learned to build their own dwelling from snow. The snow house is called an igloo. It consists of snow blocks in the form of half a ball and is lined with animal skins from the inside. The entrance to the igloo is below floor level. To keep warm, a bowl of fat is lit inside the snow house. Traditional clothing of the Eskimos - kukhlyanka. This fur coat with a hood is sewn from animal skins in two layers. They wore fur pants and high boots on their feet (fur boots)... The woman's hair was braided in two braids, and the men shaved. The main part of the Eskimos' food is raw, frozen, jerky meat of northern animals and inhabitants of the seas (seal, walrus, deer, whale) and fish. They also eat the roots, stems and leaves of northern plants, algae and berries. Every year in late spring, the Eskimos celebrate Atygak (holiday of the beginning of spring hunting or launching canoes)... Baidara is a boat on which the Eskimos hunt in the sea. All the men in the settlement put on the baydara, then put on white clothes, paint their faces with graphite lines for good luck in the hunt and sacrifice pieces of meat to the spirits, throwing them into the sea and into the air. When members of the Eskimo family greet each other, they press their nose and upper lip against the face of a relative (because only their face is open).

Now let's go to Europe. There are many peoples with their own traditions and way of life. For example, the national Greek men's costume is called fustanella and consists of a white skirt with pleats (there should be exactly 400 of them, a white shirt with wide sleeves, a vest and a belt. The Greeks wore shoes with large pumpons on their feet. Greek women wore a multi-layered dress made from a dress, a vest, an apron, decorated with embroidery and coins.A traditional dwelling in one of the regions of Spain is called palyaso.It was round in shape, made of stone, and the roof on thatched frame and wood.

One of the best cuisines the world Italian cuisine is recognized. Italians love to eat pasta dough products (pasta, ravioli (like our dumplings, lasagne and pizza. Also in Italy they eat a lot of vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, cheese, olives. In Germany, parents give their children, who go to school for the first time), with sweets, toys and gifts, but they can only be opened at home after returning from school. In Scotland, thousands of people gather for the fire festival every year, dressing in traditional costumes, playing traditional music and parading with lighted torches.

Let's end our acquaintance in the peoples of the world the Russian people... Russians lived in wooden log huts (hewn tree trunks)... The costume of the Russian girl consisted of a shirt and a long sundress to the floor, a kokoshnik was put on the head, and bast shoes on the legs. The Russian young man wore a long shirt-shirt, trousers (pants, they put sandals on their feet, and a jacket (cap)... Most often, Russians ate cabbage soup, porridge, pies with different fillings, vegetables (cabbage, turnips, peas, berries, mushrooms, drank kvass. Holidays in Russia were associated with religion - Christmas, Shrovetide, Easter. For example, pancakes were prepared for Shrovetide and the whole village burned a scarecrow of winter, rejoicing in the imminent arrival of spring. Hospitality was always one of the main Russian traditions: the guest was greeted with bread and salt, and then treated to everything that was in the house.

Today we visited we visited different countries of the world and learned a lot about their peoples... We realized that between people different nations there are big differences in customs, holidays, and everyday life... But they also have a lot in common, because all people live on the same planet and have the same origin. Every people unique and has its own value.

From this article you will find out which of the countries is the most prosperous, the most "cat-loving", the most secured with the Internet, as well as many other facts from the category of extremes and records.

1. The hottest place in the world

The highest air temperature on the planet in history, + 56.6 ° C, was recorded in Death Valley National Park on July 10, 1913.

2. The coldest place in the world

At the top of the Polar Plateau in Antarctica, temperatures can drop to a minimum of - 92.7 ° C, noted in August 2010.

3. Most populous city

Shanghai holds the title of the most populous city in the world with its 24,150,000 permanent residents.

4. The city with the smallest population

Home to only 842 citizens, the Vatican City State is also recognized as the smallest city and smallest state in the world.

5. The wealthiest and wealthiest city

This tower could very well have been made of real gold, as Tokyo can afford it: the city's GDP is 1.520 billion (New York, which occupies the second position in this rating, has only 310 billion dollars in GDP).

6. Poorest city

The poorest country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is home to arguably the world's most disadvantaged city, Kinshasa. The state's GDP is only $ 55 billion, and residents of the capital live on less than $ 1 a day.

7. Highest point in the world

The peak of Mount Everest, towering 8,839 meters, is the highest place in nature that you can touch with your hand on our planet.

‎8. The deepest point in the world

The maximum depth known to modern mankind is noted at 10,668 meters below sea level at the point of the Mariana Trench called the Challenger Abyss. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

9. Most photographed place

Now, thanks to detailed photographic maps, ubiquitous video surveillance and cameras installed on almost any device, we can see most of the landscapes on Earth with the utmost meticulousness. What place is the leader in terms of the number of available images? This is the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

10. The wettest place on the planet

The Indian village of Mausinram receives up to 11,900 mm of precipitation annually. The "wet" record of this place was 25 400 mm of rain, which fell in 1985.

11. The driest place on the planet

The South American Atacama Desert is without a doubt the driest place on Earth. Its sands, stretching for 965 km, receive an average of 101 mm of precipitation per thousand years (just so, you are not mistaken!). In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

12. The sunniest place on the planet

In Yuma, Arizona, the sun averages at least 11 hours a day. In 90% of local forecasts, the weather is clear, which means an average of 4015 hours of natural light per year.

13. The city most expensive to live in

Singapore in 2014 removed Tokyo from the "most expensive city" pedestal. Cars in the high-cost champion city can cost 4-6 times more than the same brands in the US or UK markets.

14. The cheapest city to live

According to the 2014 Worldwide Cost of Living Index, the Indian city of Mumbai is the cheapest place to live. To make the scale clearer, imagine an ordinary loaf of bread: in Singapore it will cost $ 3.36, and in Mumbai it will only cost 91 cents.

15. Most food consuming country

Perhaps the fact that the average US citizen consumes about 3,770 calories per day may in some way explain their reputation as the world's largest gluttons.

16. The oldest city in the world

The definition of the oldest city in the world is a topic that generates a lot of controversy, since historians do not agree on whether it is important to consider the habitability of ancient settlements over the centuries. So far, Damascus in Syria, which has existed for more than 11 thousand years, has been recognized as the main "long-liver" as a compromise solution.

17. The youngest state

The people of South Sudan received official recognition of their independent state in 2011, making this country the youngest at the moment. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

18. Most visited city

After several years of competition with Bangkok, London has established itself as a hub for international tourism. More than 18 million tourists enrich the British treasury by about $ 19 billion annually.

19. Most popular country

According to a BBC poll, Germany came out on top in terms of the number of positive comments about it from people around the world (59% of positive comments).

20. Most unpopular country

21. The most dangerous city in the world

In San Pedro Sula, Honduras, an average of more than three murders occur per day. The high level of crime on the streets of this city is due to the fact that it has the status of the largest center for the circulation of drugs and weapons.

22. The most "caffeinated" country

Swedish coffee lovers consume an average of 388 mg of caffeine per person per day (equivalent to nearly five cans of energy drink).

23. The most "cycling" city in the world

The city of Groningen in the Netherlands has the highest percentage of cyclists in the world. More than half of the population prefers two-wheeled transport as the optimal means of transportation: the townspeople use bicycles to get to work, and they use them to go outdoors.

24. Most energy efficient city

All energy and heat for the citizens of Reykjavik comes from geothermal plants and renewable hydropower, making Iceland's capital the most sustainable and energy efficient city in the world. In an effort to make the region completely independent from fossil fuels by 2050, the Reykjavik authorities have introduced buses that only require water to refuel.

25. The most "cat-loving" country

The number of cats living as pets in US homes currently stands at 76.43 million, making the United States the undisputed leader in keeping man's whiskered friends.

26. The most "dog-loving" country

Just like cats, dogs are immensely popular as companions for US residents. 61.1 million dogs are American pets today.

27. Most Sexually Satisfied Country

The people of Switzerland are probably the most progressive and free people in terms of their sex life. Against the backdrop of a calm attitude towards pornography and prostitution, as well as sex education from an early age, more than a fifth of all Swiss assess their intimate life as “excellent”. It is worth noting that Switzerland also has one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates in the world.

28. Least sexually satisfied country

Japan is the country with the least satisfied population in terms of sex, as only 15% of its citizens reported having a fulfilling sex life. In addition, over 45% of Japanese women report feeling low interest in sexual intercourse.

29. The most emotional country

A study of representatives from 150 countries showed that Filipinos' answers to simple questions are the most emotional among all other citizens of the world.

30. The most unemotional country

The same survey found Singaporeans express the least experience in their daily lives. Only 3 out of 10 Singaporeans report noticeable emotional reactions to various everyday situations.

31. Country with the longest life expectancy

According to the World Health Organization for 2013, the life expectancy of the average citizen of Monaco is 87.2 years. Men usually live in this country up to 85.3 years, women up to 89.

32. Country with the shortest life expectancy

The reverse side of the coin can be observed in Sierra Leone, where the average population lives no more than 47-48 years. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

33. The most stressed country

Looking at homicide statistics, GDP per capita, income inequality, corruption and unemployment, it becomes clear enough that Nigeria is the most troubled and stressed state in the world.

34. The most prosperous country

According to the same indicators, Norway is recognized as the most calm and prosperous country.

35. Country with the highest average IQ

It is assumed that the country with the highest IQ is Hong Kong, whose residents score an average of 107 points on intelligence tests.

36. Country with the lowest average IQ

According to the Global Intelligence Survey among various peoples, the inhabitants of Equatorial Guinea were at the very bottom of the rankings in terms of IQ, with only 59 points as an average.

37. The world's most equipped city with the Internet

The capital of South Korea, Seoul, is the champion in Internet accessibility for the population. The city is covered by a network of 10 thousand free Wi-Fi points supported from the state budget.


There are only 252 countries on our planet, some of them are only partially recognized, some belong to the overseas territories of France or Great Britain. No matter how trite it may sound, each of them has its own characteristics and many interesting things that distinguish it from others. We have collected the most interesting facts about different countries worlds that will surprise you.

The country that will disappear before everyone else

Given the constantly updated information about global warming, the first country to disappear from the face of the Earth is the Maldives. There are almost 1200 coral islets here, and the average height above sea level is barely more than two meters. No, of course, they have a record holder who can hardly be called a mountain. This is Villingili hill. This point boasts a height of 5 meters and 10 centimeters. If suddenly global warming leads to changes in the ocean, then the Maldives will be completely hidden by water. According to the estimates of some scientists, this paradise on the planet is no more than a century left, so not visiting the Maldives is a crime.

The fattest country on earth

Most overweight people live in the Republic of Nauru. 95% of local residents are obese, and some of the most common causes of death are cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And fast food is to blame for everything: it was with its import that the Nauruans began to "grow in breadth."

But there are some more curious facts about this country: it is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside of Europe and the only republic in the world that does not have an official capital.

The country where sand is made from oil and coral

Guam is not really a country, it is part of the United States and has the status of an unincorporated organized territory without the right to participate in national elections.

There is no sand in the country, or rather there is no natural sand. But the locals began to make it out of ... oil and corals! During the construction of the road, the country uses a mix of coral earth and black gold. Why would they import sand?

The oldest sovereign state

Egypt is the first country to receive sovereignty. This happened in 3100 BC as a result of the formation of the first dynasty. By the way, the very concept of a sovereign state is many times younger: it was formed around the 19th century.

The country with the most lakes

The real lake land is Canada. More than 60 percent of all lakes on the planet are located on its territory. Moreover, the density of water bodies here is surprising: about 3,000 lakes are located on 9 percent of Canada's territory.

A country where you won't meet a neighbor

In Mongolia, the population density is minimal: there are 2 people per 1 square kilometer. This is a real record holder for density on the planet. And compare this with one of the most populated areas of Hong Kong - Mong Kok - there are 340 thousand people per 1 square kilometer.

A country without rivers

There is not a single river in Saudi Arabia, and fresh water in the country is obtained from underground reservoirs and desalination plants.

Youngest population

The country with the youngest population is Nigeria. In the state, almost half of the people are under 15 years old, or 49 percent of the total population.

The most multinational state on the planet

In India, according to some scholars, there are more than 2 thousand nationalities. According to the constitution, the country has 21 official languages, they are spoken most of population, and some of them simply have classical status (for example, Sanskrit). But this is not the main record ... Generally speaking, 447 languages \u200b\u200bor more are used here, as well as 2 thousand dialects.

A country completely covered in jungle

Small state South America Suriname is almost completely covered by jungle - 91 percent of the territory is forest. The lion's share of the population lives near the capital along the coast, and only 5 percent of local residents (mostly indigenous) live inland.

A country where agriculture is practically not developed

In fact, there are many countries on the planet whose economies do not depend at all on agriculture... But the largest of them is Singapore.

A country where they don't know the official language

In Papua New Guinea, one of the official languages \u200b\u200bis English. However, only 1 percent of the population speaks it. But in general, the state can boast of linguistic diversity (maybe, though not in the same way as India): the locals speak 820 languages. By the way, there are also other official languages: Top Pixin and Hiri Motu. Most New Guineans know them.

Largest number of prisoners

The United States has the most people behind bars. The United States is the undisputed leader here: there are 2.2 million prisoners here, which is 25 percent of all prisoners on the planet.

In second place is China (1.6 million), followed by Brazil (659 thousand) and Russia (623 thousand).