World navies comparison. Marine fleet. Navy of the Russian Federation. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Warships and their ancestors resting on the seabed are powerful symbols of past, present and future conflicts. We invite you to get acquainted with the largest navies of states that today feel the need for superiority in power on the water.

15. Royal Netherlands Navy: 116,308 tons

The most powerful fleet of the 17th century belonged to Holland. Today its fleet carries out peacekeeping missions on behalf of NATO and can be proud of 23 ships. Anti-aircraft frigates of the De Zeven Provinciën class, worth $800 million, and transport ships of the Karel Doorman class, worth $400 million, are part of the Dutch fleet.

14. Indonesian Navy: 142,094 tons

Unlike the Dutch fleet, the Indonesian Navy consists of 150 ships as of 2009. Today it is the largest fleet in Southeast Asia. The modern “Chang Bogo” class torpedo submarines, boats and corvettes are in service. In addition, Indonesia is proud of its frigates.

13. Turkish Navy: 148,448 tons

The Turkish Navy is proud of its glorious history, which began during the period of existence Ottoman Empire. The last time he showed himself was during the War of Independence in 1920. At that time, the fleet served battlecruisers and destroyers, which have now long been decommissioned. Frigates, patrol boats and minesweepers form the backbone of Turkey's modern fleet. In addition, Türkiye has 14 submarines.

12. Spanish Navy: 148,607 tons

The fleet that brought Columbus to the shores of America and completed trip around the world, today has 42 ships, including transport ships, landing ships, anti-submarine ships. Modern amphibious assault ships, such as the Juan Carlos I, named after the King of Spain, cost $600 billion and are considered the heaviest and most powerful ships in the world.

11. Republic of China Navy (Taiwan): 168,662 tons

Created in 1924, the Taiwanese navy was intended primarily to counter the Chinese invasion. Therefore, they are armed with Tian Dan class frigates with modern anti-submarine, anti-aircraft torpedo systems and radars. There are 50 ships in total.

10. Brazilian Navy: 172,190 tons

The most powerful fleet South America took an active part in the Paraguayan War in the 19th century, submarines patrolled the oceans during two world wars, and the fleet also took part in Operation Lobster in 1962. The picture shows the frigate “Bosisio”, which opens fire on unmanned ship during exercises with the US Navy. But compared to the flagship and aircraft carrier NAe Sao Paulo, which displaces 32,800 tons, the frigate looks sleek.

9. Italian Navy: 184,744 tons

Reformed after the Second World War, the Italian Navy today has 63 warships as of August of this year, including the flagship aircraft carrier “Cavour” (550) with a displacement of 27,000 tons, torpedo frigates of the “Bergamini” and “Maestrale” class, modern anti-aircraft destroyers "Horizon" class, which are also in service with France.

8. Republic of Korea Navy: 195,910 tons

Like its northern neighbor, Korea claims 1/3 of all disputed islands in the South China Sea. Today, the Korean Navy has 80 ships, including Son Wonil-class submarines and 20 new Incheon-class frigates costing $230 million and built by Hyundai.

7. French Navy: 321 85 tons

The photo shows Rubis Amethyste class submarines in the roadstead. France can be proud of its submarine cruiser strategic purpose class “Triomphant”, flagship aircraft carrier “R91 Charles de Gaulle” with a displacement of 37,000 tons, a number of modern frigates, destroyers, amphibians and other vessels.

6. Royal Navy: 345,400 tons

No state in the world has such a centuries-famous fleet as Great Britain. Since World War II, it has been considered one of the most powerful in the world. During Cold War Anti-submarine ships appeared in the fleet's service to counter the Soviet Union. Today, the fleet is equipped with vessels of various types and classes, including the Albion-class amphibious vehicle, the Vanguard-class submarine cruiser, and the Type 45 class destroyers, costing $1.7 billion per unit.

5. Indian Navy: 381,375 tons

The Indian and Indonesian fleets have one common feature– ships with small displacement. The Indian Navy operates Kyiv-class aircraft carriers with a displacement of 45,400 tons. Submarine fleet India is still underdeveloped, although arsenal upgrades have been made in recent decades.

4. Japanese Navy: 405,800 tons

With around 100 vessels, Japan's navy ranks as the second largest in terms of destroyers, including the 10,000-ton Atago-class and the 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier. According to the requirement put forward to Japan, as an ally of Germany, immediately after World War II, the state has the right only to anti-submarine submarines and minesweepers.

3. People's Republic of China Navy: 896,445 tons

China decided to surpass everyone, if not in quality, then in quantity. Of the 377 ships, which is the largest fleet in the world, most were built during the existence of the USSR. The Chinese navy prides itself on its domestically manufactured ships, including aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. In addition, last year China built 15 corvettes, small, fast combat vessels.

2. Russian Navy: 927,120 tons

Although the official beginning of the Russian Navy is considered to be 1991, the state inherited a powerful fleet Soviet Union. The most modern Russian destroyer of the Sovremenny class is 20 years old, and the oldest representative is 50 years old. The Russian submarine fleet is represented by the Delta III boats, 1970s, and the Borei nuclear-powered icebreaker. In addition, 20 diesel-electric Kilo class boats are in service and many are still being built to replace outdated models. The government has planned to update the fleet's arsenal.

1. US Navy: 3,378,758 tons

If you look at the catalogs of the US Navy, you will be amazed by the class and power of warships. The fleet has 270 vessels in service, the oldest being manufactured in 1970. The state is not deprived of financial resources and, naturally, modernization of the armed forces is one of the primary goals. Although in terms of numbers, the United States lags behind North Korea.

The French Navy has the second largest and most combat-ready aircraft carrier in Europe, the Charles de Gaulle. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons, up to 40 aircraft can be mounted on board, and the ship is equipped with a nuclear power plant. Triumphant-class nuclear submarines have great strike capabilities; the fleet has four such submarines in total.

Triumphants carry M4S ballistic missiles with a firing range of 6,000 km. In the near future, they will be replaced by M51 missiles with a firing range of more than 10,000 km. In addition, there are six Ryubi-class multipurpose nuclear submarines. In total, according to open sources, the French fleet has 98 warships and auxiliary vessels.

5. UK

Great Britain once bore the proud title of “Mistress of the Seas”; the fleet of this country was the largest and most powerful in the world. Now Her Majesty's Navy is just a pale shadow of its former power.

HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo:

Today the Royal Navy does not have a single aircraft carrier. Two, the Queen Elizabeth class, are under construction and should enter the fleet in 2016 and 2018. The most interesting thing is that the British did not have enough funds for such important ships as aircraft carriers, so the designers had to abandon side armor and armored bulkheads. Today, according to open source data, the British Navy has 77 ships.

The most formidable units of the fleet are considered to be four Vanguard-class SSBNs armed with Trident-2 D5 ballistic missiles, each of which could be equipped with fourteen warheads of 100 kT each. Wanting to save money, the British military bought only 58 of these missiles, which was enough for only three boats - 16 each. Theoretically, each Vanguard can carry up to 64 missiles, but this is uneconomical.

In addition to them, Daring-class destroyers, Trafalgar-class submarines and the newest Estute-class represent an impressive force.

4. China

The Chinese fleet is one of the largest, with 495 ships of various classes. The largest ship is the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" with a displacement of 59,500 tons (the former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag", which was sold to China by Ukraine at the price of scrap metal).

The fleet also includes strategic missile carriers - Project 094 Jin nuclear submarines. The submarines are capable of carrying 12 Julan-2 (JL-2) ballistic missiles with a range of 8-12 thousand km.

There are also many “fresh” ships, for example, destroyers of type 051C, type “Lanzhou”, type “Modern” and frigates of “Jiankai” type.

3. Japan

In the Japanese Navy, all capital ships are classified as destroyers, so true destroyers include aircraft carriers (two Hyuga-class ships and two Shirane-class ships), cruisers and frigates. For example, two Atago-class destroyers boast a cruising displacement of 10 thousand tons.

But these are not the largest ships - this year the fleet will include a 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier, and another will be produced in 2017. In addition to helicopters, F-35B fighters can be based at Izumo.

The Japanese submarine fleet, despite the absence of nuclear submarines, is considered the strongest in the world. It has five Soryu-class submarines, eleven Oyashio-class submarines and one Harushio-class submarine.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has approximately 124 ships. Experts note that the Japanese fleet has a balanced composition of ships and is a combat system thought out to the smallest detail.

2. Russia

The Russian fleet has 280 ships. The most formidable - heavy cruisers Project 1144 "Orlan" with a displacement of 25,860 tons, there are only three of them, but the firepower of these ships is simply amazing. It is not for nothing that NATO classifies these cruisers as battle cruisers.

Three other cruisers, Project 1164 Atlant, with a displacement of 11,380 tons, are not inferior to them in armament. But the largest is the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" with a displacement of 61,390 tons. This ship is not only well protected by air defense systems, but also armored. Rolled steel is used as armor, and the anti-torpedo three-layer protection with a width of 4.5 m can withstand a hit of 400 kg of TNT charge.

However, the fleet itself is being actively modernized: it is planned that by 2020 the Navy Russian Federation will receive about 54 modern surface combat ships, 16 multipurpose submarines and 8 strategic missile submarines of the Borei project.

1. USA

The US Navy has the largest fleet in the world, with 275 ships, including 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers; no other country has such an impressive force. It is on the navy that the military power of the United States is mainly based.

Soon, the Nimitz should be complemented by even more advanced ships - aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons.

The US submarine fleet is no less impressive: 14 Ohio-class nuclear submarines, each carrying 24 Trident 2 ballistic missiles. Three advanced submarines of the Sea Wolf type, the price of which was prohibitive for the United States, so it was decided to abandon the construction of a large series. Instead, cheaper Virginia-class submarines are being built, while there are only 10 of them in the fleet so far.

In addition, 41 Los Angeles-class submarines remain in the Navy. The US Navy has gigantic military power, which today hardly anyone can challenge.

Many believe that in the future the military will use vehicles that are not limited to use in the elements alone. These will be a kind of amphibians, capable of moving on land, air and water. Others, in turn, believe that military operations will completely move into virtual space. After all, does it make sense to discuss the navy in the age of drones? It is unlikely that humanity will ever see a full-scale military conflict on the high seas again.

Warships, especially their predecessors that now lie fast asleep on the ocean floor, are impressive symbols of humanity's past, present and future military conflicts. As an example, a few weeks ago China sent three of its vessels to patrol the territory adjacent to a small Japanese island, whose ownership is already for a long time disputed by China. At the same time, in April last year, China unexpectedly captured the Japanese cargo Ship as compensation for Japan's outstanding debt since 1936. As you can see, today the navy has more of a symbolic image military force, rather than actually possessing it. However, one cannot say, for example, that 45 destroyers are not capable of anything. One way or another, today the possession of a large navy gives countries power and increases their authority in the eyes of other states. China and Japan, whose military conflicts have been going on for millennia, know this firsthand.

Below you will find out the approximate tonnage and number of ships owned by the most large countries peace.

15. Royal Netherlands Navy: 116,308 tons

Once the most powerful navy of its time, it single-handedly made 17th century history. Today, he is assigned the role of a peacekeeper in the NATO bloc, however, the presence among the 23 ships of such monsters as the frigates De Zeven Provinciën, worth $800 million each, as well as support ships Karel Doorman, worth $400 million each, makes this peaceful the flotilla is quite threatening.

14. Indonesian Navy: 142,094 tons

The Indonesian fleet is much larger than the Dutch one. As of 2009, it has 150 units and is one of the largest in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia's military units include various modern Chang Bogo-class submarines, corvettes and frigates. Like the Netherlands, Indonesia has quite a number of defensive frigates of impressive tonnage.

13. Turkish Navy: 148,448 tons

The origins of the Turkish Navy go back far to the Ottoman Empire, however, the official date of the organization of the Turkish national navy is considered to be 1920, when the War of Independence ended. Initially, the Turkish flotilla consisted mostly of classic cruisers and destroyers, which were subsequently decommissioned. Turkey currently boasts frigates, patrol boats and mine-resistant tankers, as well as fourteen military submarines, making Turkey a leading global power in undersea control.

12. Spanish fleet: 148,607 tons

A powerful maritime power, which once gave us the voyages of Christopher Columbus and other discoverers, currently owns only 42 ships, mainly of a transport and defensive nature. But among its small fleet, Spain also hides several modern attack ships Juan Carlos I, named after the former king of Spain. These ships are valued at $600 billion and are among the heaviest and most powerful ships of our time.

11. Republic of China Navy (Taiwan): 168,662 tons

Founded in 1924, the Republic of China Navy exists solely to deter a potential invasion by the People's Republic of China. It consists primarily of massive Tian Dan class defensive frigates equipped with the latest intrusion detection capabilities. Total number Taiwan ships number 50 units.

10. Brazilian Navy: 172,190 tons

In this photo you can see the Brazilian Navy frigate Bosisio (F 48) opening fire on an unmanned aerial vehicle launched during US testing of military drones. But even this giant will look like a toddler next to the NAe São Paulo's flagship aircraft carrier, weighing 32,800 tons. By the way, the most powerful fleet of South America even managed to take part in military operations during the Paraguayan War in the 19th century, during the First and Second World Wars, as well as Operation Big Lobster in 1962.

9. Italian Navy: 184.744 tons

Partially disbanded after defeat in World War II, the Italian Navy today consists of 63 warships. Among them you can find the flagship aircraft carrier Cavour (550), weighing 27,000 tons, missile frigates of the Maestrale and Bergamini classes, as well as several submarines. Among the achievements of the Italian Navy is the sinking of the Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent Istvan during the First World War.

8. Republic of Korea Navy: 195,910 tons

Along with its northern neighbor, the Republic of Korea competes with its neighbors for the territory of a number of islands in the East China Sea. It currently has 80 active military vessels, many of which are due to be decommissioned soon. The Republic of Korea's military assets also include Son Wonil-class submarines and twenty Hyundai-built Incheon-class defense frigates, each costing $230 million.

7. French Navy: 321,855 tons

In the photo you can see the Rubis Amethyste class submarines belonging to the French Navy. The French Navy has a long history of triumphs at sea, as well as participation in key naval battles during World War II. Today, you can see here the 14,335-ton Triomphant-class nuclear submarine, the flagship R91 Charles de Gaulle-class aircraft carrier, with a displacement of 37,000 tons, as well as a number of modern frigates, destroyers, landing ships and even a few ancient schooners.

6. British Royal Navy: 345,400 tons

No world power owes its status to the navy more than the United Kingdom. Until the outbreak of World War II, the Royal Navy remained the most powerful in modern history. During the Cold War, it regained its former glory by conducting a number of successful submarine missions against the Soviet Union. Today it is one of the most versatile fleets in the world. There are Albion-class amphibious transporters, Vanguard-class ballistic submarines, and the latest guided missile destroyers, costing $1.7 billion per unit.

5. Indian Navy: 381,375 tons

The Indian fleet is similar in composition to the Indonesian fleet, where small-tonnage ships predominate: although slightly larger than the British fleet in tonnage, it has three times as many combat units. Mostly lightweight ships are found here, however, a special pride of the Indian fleet can be a modified Russian aircraft carrier with a displacement of 45,400 tons. Despite its surface successes, the Indian Navy has faced significant challenges in guarding its undersea borders. According to analysts, updating the submarine fleet could take a decade.

4. Japanese Navy: 405,800 tons

The Japanese Navy has about 100 ships in service and has the second largest number of destroyers in the world. Japan has two 10,000-ton guided-missile destroyers, as well as one 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier. At the current date, the Japanese naval forces are considered peacekeeping forces and specialize in anti-submarine and air defense.

3. People's Liberation Army Navy: 896,445 tons

Surprisingly, China's naval forces not only have a huge number of combat units, but also their superior quality. In total, China's squadron numbers 377 vessels, most of which was only recently put into operation. Among them, an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 59,500 tons stands out, as well as 15 corvettes, destroyers and submarines.

2. Russian Navy: 927,120 tons

And although the Russian Navy was officially founded in 1991, most of its constituent ships previously belonged to the USSR. The newest of the destroyers of the Russian Navy is about 20 years old, and the oldest is almost 50. At the same time, the submarines are more modernized and equipped with the latest military developments. Despite the impressive number of ships, most of them are expected to be decommissioned in the near future.

1. US Navy: 3,378,758 tons

Looking at the US Navy catalog, you will most likely be amazed that at least one ship was launched every year, continuously, from 1970 until the present day. The US Navy currently numbers 270 units. Thus, it is not surprising that most US spending went to military needs. At the moment, America has an impressive lead over its closest competitors, and its position is unlikely to change in the next few years.

(Navy) today is one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Its main purpose is the armed defense of the country's interests and the conduct of military operations in the sea and ocean.

Historically, the territory of the Russian state is in contact with several seas and oceans. This inevitably forced in the past and forces today to pay close attention to the development of the state fleet, whose tasks include creating conditions for the safety of navigation in the coastal seas and oceans, the interaction of Russian fleets with maritime formations and ships of foreign states within the framework of joint operations and military exercises are in the interests of our country beyond its maritime borders.

Flagship of the Russian Navy

The Navy of the Russian Federation is currently undergoing a stage of intensive rearmament to increase its power, efficiency, secrecy in delivering weapons to destroy potential enemy targets, and to curb the aggressive aspirations of NATO countries led by the United States in the vast oceans and seas.

Navy Day

This year's celebration Navy Day will take place for the 80th time.

On July 24, 1939, for the first time, at the insistence Soviet admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, sailors of the Soviet Union celebrated their professional holiday, established by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the country.

The fleet attracted young forces into its ranks; the holiday promoted the historical maritime traditions of the state; aroused interest in service on warships and new submarines; in coastal defense and naval aviation units.

In modern times, Navy Day is celebrated on the final Sunday of July. Almost the entire country loves sailors, is proud of them, and celebrates their worthy contribution to ensuring the security of our borders. On this summer holiday, officers and sailors are given titles, awards are presented and incentives are announced for success in mastering difficult maritime specialties.

Structure and composition of the Navy

The standard modern structure of our fleet includes:

  • formations of surface ships;
  • underwater connections of ships;
  • aviation units on shore and carrier-based aviation;
  • Marine Corps units;
  • coastal defense complexes;
  • special units;
  • rear units and bases;
  • hydrographic service.

The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla:

  • Northern Fleet
  • Baltic Fleet
  • Pacific Fleet
  • Black Sea Fleet
  • Caspian flotilla

The command of the country's Navy is carried out in several strategic directions:

  • west - as part of the Western Military District of the Baltic Fleet (headquarters in Kaliningrad);
  • north - Northern Fleet (Severomorsk);
  • south - as part of the Southern Military District by the Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol) and the Caspian Flotilla (Astrakhan);
  • East - part of the Eastern Military District Pacific Fleet(Vladivostok).
  • Part Navy includes ships and vessels, parts special purpose, units and units of the rear.

A little history: Founder Russian fleet became none other than Peter I. Having become interested in ships, he created a small semblance of a shipyard. It was called the "Amusement Fleet".

Soon Peter I planned the construction of a navy. Subsequently, development continued in the White Sea. He had the idea that with the help of the fleet it would be easier to capture new territories, which he actually did very well in the future. But at some time, during the blockade of Azov, the fleet of Peter I was defeated. And only in 1695 new and better ships and vessels were built. It was these events that became the foundation for building a regular Navy.

The Navy uses:

  • For transportation and protection of amphibious assault forces
  • To lay mines and destroy enemy mines
  • To ensure free exit, deployment and arrival of submarine forces
  • To protect communications (maritime)

Navy submarine forces used for sudden and powerful strikes against reconnaissance and naval targets. The basis of the submarine force is nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Naval aviation The Navy is used for:

  • Repelling air attacks
  • Instructions for ships to destroy enemy submarines
  • To inflict significant damage to enemy coastal targets
  • Conducting a naval battle with enemy ships

Coastal troops The Navy uses:

  • for the defense of coastal facilities, ports (ensuring coastal protection)
  • for conducting combat operations using air, air-sea and sea landings

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy

Since 2016, the Russian Navy has been commanded by Admiral Korolev Vladimir Ivanovich.

For a long time he served on submarines of the Northern Fleet, went through many command levels and studied at the academy, commanded the Northern Fleet and took an active part in the development of the Arctic region by army formations. The only submarine admiral in the history of the Russian Navy.

Navy training

The Naval Training Center in St. Petersburg is located on several territories in the cities of Lomonosov and Kronstadt, as well as on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg - military unit 56529-2

Barracks accommodation, a common dining room and bathhouse, educational buildings, a parade ground and sports facilities make up the strict infrastructure of the training center.

The training program for sailors and specialists for coastal defense is the same and is designed for a period of up to 4 months. The young fighter course, physical, combat, special and rescue training are the main areas of training.

Upon completion, the cadets are examined and left for naval units.

As part of the joint training center of the Navy in Severodvinsk, it trains fleet specialists in military unit 56529-3. The main area of ​​training is ship propulsion systems. The training period for sailors is 5 months. (first month general military, drill and physical training, taking the oath). Sailor specialties: electrician, diesel engine operator, turbine operator.

Accommodation in the barracks, common dining room and bathhouse, classrooms and workshops. At the end of the training there are exams and assignment to ships of all Russian fleets.

In Vladivostok he provides intensive training in many maritime specialties The educational center(military unit 56529-4), which celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2018.

The cadets are trained by experienced teachers in 40 specialties, most of which are in demand on naval submarines. The annual turnover of trainees is up to 2 thousand people. In addition to general military training, cadets are taught to survive in various extreme conditions that arise in closed compartments of warships.

Accommodation and conditions do not differ from the previously described centers, but the training base is specialized and equipped with modern technology and simulators.

Flag of the Navy

Other name - St. Andrew's flag Historically, it appeared by decree of Peter I in 1699 on the ships of the young Russian fleet under construction. It existed in the navy until 1918. It was reintroduced on the country's ships in 1992. According to legend, the cross on the flag belonged to St. Andrew the First-Called, who visited Rus' and is considered its naval patron.

Navy ships

According to their purpose, Navy ships perform various tasks:

  • heavy nuclear cruisers provide cover for naval groups, convoys and coastal troops from air strikes and cruise missiles, countering enemy naval forces and landing forces;
  • destroyers support landing forces, suppressing targets on the shore, on the water and in the air; participate in patrolling;
  • anti-submarine ships search for and destroy enemy submarines, carry out anti-submarine and air defense naval forces;
  • corvettes provide combat protection for convoys and fleet forces in roadsteads;
  • minesweepers install and sweep minefields and participate in the defense of coastal areas from landing forces;
  • landing ships deliver military equipment and landing on the shore;
  • strategic submarines carry out attacks on enemy territory using ballistic missiles;
  • multi-purpose submarines cover strategic submarines, conduct reconnaissance of launch areas, counter enemy submarines and surface forces, and strike with cruise missiles at various targets;
  • specialized submarines participate in sabotage and reconnaissance operations, design tests and scientific research.

A quick look at the table of Navy ships presented shows big variety projects and types, which during operation leads to significant costs for repairs and modernization due to poor unification of components, assemblies and weapons.

Another difficulty is the training of ship specialists to support the diverse ships in the fleet, many of which were built in Soviet years and are currently outdated and in need of modernization or decommissioning.

Navy uniform

The daily uniform of Navy sailors on ships includes:

  • a blue shirt with a sailor collar;
  • blue trousers with belt;
  • vest;
  • boots (low boots);
  • cap (cap).

Sailors of coastal units wear general army uniforms.

The daily uniform of midshipmen and naval officers includes:

  • cream-colored shirt;
  • tie (black);
  • trousers (black) with a waist belt;
  • jacket (black);
  • cap in the color of outerwear;
  • muffler (white) and gloves (black);
  • boots.

It is allowed to wear a cap, hat, sweater, raincoat, coat or jacket.

Women in the navy wear:

  • cream blouses;
  • black ties;
  • skirts (black) with a waist belt;
  • caps;
  • shoes (boots);
  • nude tights;
  • jackets;
  • in winter - berets or hats with earflaps,
  • sweaters,
  • coat,
  • boots,
  • muffler and gloves.

Navy dirk

Daggers are worn by midshipmen and naval officers on a belt belt when participating in ceremonial events. The history of the naval dirk begins in the 16th century, when it was used for its intended purpose as a melee weapon in close combat.

Nowadays, it is awarded to officers upon graduation from college along with a diploma and receipt of their first rank. Symbolizes the historical connection with generations of legendary Russian sailors who won many victories in battles at sea.

Navy parade in St. Petersburg

A colorful parade in honor of Russian Navy Day took place on July 29, 2018 in St. Petersburg.

40 modern ships and boats represented the country's 4 fleets and the Caspian flotilla (artillery-class boats with historical flags of the defenders of the country's borders during the Great Patriotic War).

After the salvo of the Peter and Paul Fortress, a boat with Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. receiving the parade. Putin, Minister of Defense General of the Army S.K. Shoigu and Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral V.I. Korolev, walked along the line of ships. The personnel were congratulated on the holiday, V.V. Putin made a speech.

The ships on the Neva demonstrated the coherence of following in the wake formation, festive ranks of sailors on the decks. Ocean-going warships (missile cruiser and nuclear-powered missile submarine) and the latest frigates and submarines were demonstrated in the waters of Kronstadt. 38 aircraft and helicopters of the fleet aviation flew in the sky in various formations:

  • Il-38N search aircraft;
  • Su-30SM fighters;
  • Su-33 multirole fighters;
  • Ka-27M anti-ship search helicopters;
  • anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142.

Along squares and embankments northern capital officers, midshipmen and sailors of the fleet marched in a solemn march (in total, about 4 thousand military personnel took part in the parade).
Exhibitions of weapons of coastal defense units enjoyed continued success for children and holiday guests.

Concept for the development of the Russian Navy in modern world The Russian Federation has a defensive orientation to the strategic concept of the development of the Armed Forces. Without planning attacks on neighboring countries, Russia is making proportionate efforts to maintain its defense capabilities at a sufficient level.

The main potential enemy, the United States, adheres to the concept of dominance in the vast seas and oceans. The emphasis is on large naval formations consisting of aircraft carriers and accompanying ships, submarines nuclear boats, which are capable of delivering preventive nuclear strikes on enemy territory with ballistic and cruise missiles, suppressing air defense systems and coastal defense units, and capturing port facilities and bases.

To effectively counter such formations, our country has created the latest types of weapons capable of hitting aircraft carriers and strategic submarines (cruise missiles "Zircon", "Caliber", "Onyx", high-speed deep-sea torpedoes), enemy coastal infrastructure (autonomous complex "Poseidon") .

Planned modernization of ships and their re-equipment are being carried out. Modern underwater missile strategic cruisers with the latest ballistic missiles, which are capable of undetectedly entering launch areas and delivering retaliatory strikes on strategic targets on enemy territory, are being actively built. Much attention is paid to the project of creating specialized complexes and robotic systems at the bottom that will act in the event of critical situations, being in “sleep” mode in peacetime.

The Navy's aviation is replenished with unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes, modern helicopters (Ka-62) and aircraft (MiG-29K for ships and Su-30SM for coastal aviation).

IN last years The military infrastructure is being developed in the northern regions of our country: military camps in the Arctic are being built, equipped with the latest detection and destruction technology, exercises are being conducted for the marines and ship crews in the harsh conditions of the Far North, and the icebreaker fleet is being modernized.

Additional research is being carried out in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, which is being used more and more intensively by both our country and other countries. They are actively developing mineral deposits on the ocean shelf. Ensuring the protection of our northern borders and economic facilities is one of the tasks of the Russian Northern Fleet.

With the reunification of the Crimean peninsula, the defense task has become more complicated Black Sea Fleet countries. The turbulent situation on the borders with Ukraine and in the Black Sea, the provocative actions of NATO ships force sailors to maintain high combat effectiveness and quickly master the latest equipment and weapons of ships and coastal units.

Naval aviation demonstrates skill and forces potential provocateurs on the water to abandon their nefarious plans. Plans are being comprehensively developed to create two groups led by aircraft-carrying ships in the north and east, which will be able to withstand similar formations of a potential enemy and carry out the strategic tasks of the command.

A separate area of ​​training in the fleet is improving the skills and methods of conducting diving and sabotage work of special units of saboteurs. They currently have at their disposal submarines specially converted to deliver mini-submarines, special equipment, weapons and ammunition, and advanced training and education methods. Taking part in specialized exercises of sabotage units, our soldiers invariably take first place there.

To summarize, it is necessary to emphasize that in Russia, for development Navy Commensurate efforts are being made to re-equip the fleet and units covering the coastal and coastal zones with modern systems and weapons capable of ensuring the defense of the Motherland’s maritime borders.

Service in Navy was, is and will be difficult and honorable at all times.