Methods of subject teaching in obzh. Theory and methodology of teaching life skills. Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports

Purpose of the program– formation and improvement of the listener’s professional competencies in the field of theoretical, practical and methodological foundations of conducting a modern lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Objectives of the program implementation:

    familiarizing students with the theoretical foundations regulating the activities of the life safety teacher-organizer;

    familiarizing listeners with modern techniques teaching life safety in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    improving the knowledge and skills of students in the field pedagogical activity;

    formation of professional competencies and readiness among students to carry out professional activities.

Additional professional retraining program for teachers-organizers of life safety (hereinafter referred to as DPP PP) “Theory and methodology of teaching life safety in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” is intended for advanced training (professional retraining) of teaching staff educational organizations. It allows you to organize the educational process in accordance with modern requirements for the organization of education, including inclusive (persons with disabilities) and develop the professional competence of teaching staff in the field of using innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

The program is designed for 306 hours and consists of 4 modules.

The implementation of the program content includes classroom training, internships, as well as independent work of students using remote technologies (including those based on the Moodle electronic resource).

The criteria for mastering the content of the program are: test results in Moodle (exams and tests) and completion of the final qualifying work.

Form of study: full-time with elements of distance technologies.

Scope of program development: total hours - 306. Of these, lectures using multimedia technologies (electronic resource Moodle) - 114 hours. Practical and seminar classes (seminars) – 97 hours. Control independent work listener -77 hours.

Final certification form: defense of final qualifying work.

Name of sections (modules) and topics

Total credits units/hours

Types of educational work, hours

Forms of educational work

Lectures, hours

Seminar. and practical hours

Myself. Job


Module 1 "Pedagogy"






Pedagogy as a science of the whole pedagogical process

Didactics as a theory of learning

Theoretical basis personality education

in the holistic pedagogical process


Preparation for the test


Module 2 “Psychological support for standardization of education”







Fundamentals of professional and personal self-development of a teacher
Psychological and pedagogical problems of training and education of the individual in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
Psychological and pedagogical support for teacher activities

Preparation for the test


Module 3 “Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching life safety”







Features of the content and organization of the learning and education process in modern stage

Federal State Educational Standard. Structure and content of the school life safety course

Educational and methodological complex of the life safety course.

Information and communication technologies in teaching life safety


Exam preparation


Module 4 "Special disciplines"








Fundamentals of integrated security. Protecting the population from external and internal threats

The future of human security

civil defense

Dangerous and emergency situations and rules of safe behavior

Basics military service

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

Fundamentals of medical knowledge


Exam preparation


Preparation for final certification (FQR)



Total credits/hours

Conventional abbreviations:

  • D – remote checking of assignments in the MOODLE distance learning system
  • DT – testing in the MOODLE distance learning system
  • О – face-to-face examination (test, exam, examination)
  • CSR - independent work assignments are checked during the course of the program modules in full-time form.






Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of Stavropol state university

Theory and methodology of life safety training: Tutorial. – Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 2006. – 174 p.

The textbook contains a thematic plan, lectures that discuss the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching the school discipline basics of life safety, questions and assignments for independent work, and literature.

Intended for university students, specialty 033300.00 – Life Safety with an additional specialty “Physical Education” studying the discipline “Theory and Methods of Teaching Life Safety”.

Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.A. Marenchuk,

doc. ped. sciences, professor V.V. Filankovsky,

Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. Makarova


Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor N.Yu. Shumakova

© Stavropol State University Publishing House, 2006


The theory and methodology of teaching life safety is one of the basic disciplines for training students, future specialists in the field of life safety. Basic purpose This discipline is the training of specialists with the pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to successfully fulfill the duties of a life safety teacher in organizing and conducting classes with students.

Main tasks the study of the discipline is: the study of forms, means and methods of teaching students in the discipline of life safety and ways to improve them; research work when performing coursework and qualifying work on the topic of life safety; preparation for teaching practice of students in life safety and its implementation.

OPD. F.04 Theory and methodology of teaching life safety and the subject (in accordance with the additional specialty). Scientific, organizational and pedagogical foundations for teaching life safety to students. The structure of the school course on the basics of life safety. Interdisciplinary connections. Educational and material resources of the life safety classroom. Life safety lesson technical training aids. Methodology for planning and conducting classes to ensure safety and behavior of students in Everyday life, at school, during public events. Methodology for organizing and conducting classes to prepare students for actions in local emergency situations. Methodology for conducting classes in civil defense. Advanced teaching experience. Working with parents on issues of children's behavior at home. Methods of promoting life safety. Methodology for organizing training camps on the basis of military units. Methodology for holding “Children's Day”.


Themes Lectures Pract. TFR Total hours
1. Subject and objectives of the discipline “Theory and methods of teaching life safety”
2. Methodological foundations of the educational process
3. Place of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in education and its status
4. Introduction to the subject
5. Structure and content of the school course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”
6. Organization of the learning process
7. Educational and material base of educational institutions on “Fundamentals of Life Safety”
8. Monitoring the results of educational and cognitive activities of students during life safety classes
2nd year 4th semester – test
9. Forms and methods of life safety training
10. Methodology for preparing life safety teachers to conduct classes
11. General education system in the process of life safety training
3rd year 5th semester – test
12. Methodology for teaching the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in primary school
13. Methodology for teaching the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in grades 5-9
14. Methodology for teaching the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in grades 10-11
15. Organization and execution course work
16. Teaching practice
3rd year 6th semester – exam
17. Best pedagogical experience in life safety teaching
18. Creative lesson on life safety
19. Distance learning in life safety lessons
4th year 7th semester – test
20. Methodology for organizing and conducting 5-day training camps on the basis of military units
21. Methodology for holding “Children’s Day”
22. Methodology for conducting the “Safety School” competition
23. Preparation and completion of the thesis
4th year 8th semester – exam

Lecture 1. Subject and objectives of the discipline “Theory and methods of teaching life safety”


1. Subject, goals and objectives of the discipline “Theory and methods of teaching life safety.”

2. Specifics of activity and responsibilities of a life safety teacher.

Subject, goals and objectives of the discipline “Theory and methods of teaching life safety”

Methodology– pedagogical science, therefore it is built according to goals and objectives general education and education, is based on pedagogical provisions common to all school subjects in relation to the uniqueness of studying material on life safety.

The subject of the study is the methodology of teaching life safety– is the theory and practice of organizing training, education and development of students in a given subject.

Subject of life safety teaching methodology– school discipline, its content and structure, representing a special pedagogical design, as well as the process of students mastering the content of education in the field of life safety with the interrelated activities of the teacher and the student.

The methodology considers the content academic subject, methods and forms of training and education.

The field of life safety training methods includes:

Objectives of teaching the subject (why teach?);

Content Definition educational material(what to study?);

Forms of organization of the learning process (How to study?);

Methods of organizing the learning process (How to teach?);

Teaching aids (What to teach with?);

Definition of the education system (How to educate?).

The combination of these problems constitutes the specificity of the scientific content of the discipline of teaching methods of life skills.

Objectives of the BJ training methodology:

1. Fundamental (theoretical):

Study of the processes of students mastering the basics of life safety;

Studying the patterns of the learning process;

Definition of teaching principles and methods.

2. Applied (practical):

Creation of training programs;

Creation of textbooks;

Creation teaching aids;

Lesson development;

What is being researched in BJ training methods today (areas):

1. Scientific foundations (history of science and its theory).

2. Study of the content of training. Availability and effectiveness of programs, textbooks, manuals for students (educational and methodological complexes).

3. Research of new teaching methods (paths, methods of comprehending objective reality, interrelated actions of teacher and student).

4. Research of individual teaching techniques.

5. Study of the educational possibilities of the life safety course and ways of implementing education.

6. Study of knowledge acquisition processes.

7. Study of difficulties and errors encountered in teaching.

8. Research methodological foundations teaching methods, its principles and patterns.

9. Evaluation and research of foreign experience.


Theory and methodology of teaching life safety

    The main goal of this science is to identify patterns of safe development, study, classify and systematize complex events, processes, phenomena in the field of ensuring safe living conditions for humans and society, and develop appropriate measures to prevent, localize and eliminate them.

    The main objectives of the BJJ discipline include:

1. Study and effective application in practice of legislative and regulatory acts regulating safe living conditions and the responsibilities of officials in terms of their implementation.

2. Study of the managerial functions of the manager and the system of his work to ensure safe living conditions both in conditions of a possible emergency and in everyday activities.

4. Protection of a person in everyday life, as well as in extreme situations.

5. Mastering techniques and methods of providing first aid medical care to the victims.

6. Giving professional orientation and increasing the level of training in the basics of ensuring safe living conditions.

    Based on their origin, there are 6 groups of hazards: natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, environmental, social, biological.

    Based on the nature of the impact on humans, hazards can be divided into 5 groups: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological.

    Based on the time of manifestation of negative consequences, dangers are divided into impulsive and cumulative.

    According to their localization, hazards can be associated with the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, or space.

    According to the consequences caused: fatigue, illness, injuries, accidents, fires, deaths, etc.

    According to the damage caused: social, technical, environmental, economic.

    Areas of danger: household, sports, road transport, industrial, military.

Civil defense.

1. Among the protective measures of civil defense carried out in advance, a particularly important place is occupied by the organization of warning civil defense authorities, formations and the population about the threat of an enemy attack and the use of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) weapons and other modern means of attack. Warning is of particular importance in the event of a sudden enemy attack, when the real time to warn the population will be extremely limited and amount to minutes.

These signals and orders are communicated to the civil defense headquarters of the facilities centrally. The timing of their completion is of paramount importance. Reducing the notification period is achieved by the extraordinary use of all types of communications, television and radio broadcasting, and the use of special equipment and means for delivering sound and light signals.

In order to timely warn the population of cities and rural settlements about the emergence of an immediate danger of the enemy using nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) or other weapons and the need to apply protective measures, the following civil defense warning signals are established: “Air raid warning” “Air alert clear”; "Radiation Hazard"; "Chemical Alert"

2. On November 2, 2000, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Civil Defense”, a Government resolution was approved Russian Federation“On approval of the regulations on the organization of training of the population in the field of civil defense”

The main objectives of training the population in the field of civil defense are:

Studying methods of protection against dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, the procedure for acting on warning signals;

Improving skills in organizing and conducting civil harrowing events;

Developing skills and abilities to carry out emergency rescue and other emergency work;

Mastery by the personnel of civil civil defense organizations (GODO) of techniques and methods of action to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions.

3. Civil defense of the 21st century will be significantly different from modern one.

Firstly, its status must change: losing its former strategic importance and a purely military-defense essence, civil defense acquires a greater social orientation; basic target setting It becomes not so much participation in achieving military strategic success, but rather the preservation of human life and their habitat. Because of this, Civil Defense will apparently gradually move away from the military organization and become independent.

Secondly, the time is coming to gradually abandon the military elements in its organization, including the services of military personnel. This, in particular, is consistent with one of the directions military reform Russia. But this must be done with great caution, because... Civil Defense units and formations are its most organized and combat-ready core.

Thirdly, civil defense in the 21st century will become an increasingly important structure for society not only in wartime, but also in peacetime. The active participation of its forces and resources in eliminating any emergency situations will become necessary, like, say, oxygen for humans.

Fourthly, it should become less costly for the state than before. In the 21st century, it is necessary to change the principles of protecting the population. For example, protective structures should not be created through their special construction in peacetime, as was previously the case, but accumulated through the development of the underground space of cities, adapting basements and other buried structures for these purposes.

Ensuring OS safety

    Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” establishes special requirements:

to fire safety of educational institutions,

the location of their buildings,

surrounding area,

materials used in the construction of educational institutions,

fire fighting equipment.

    « Special attention we must address the issue of comprehensive student safety, anti-terrorism and fire prevention measures. Compliance with sanitary standards, safety on roads and transport” (V.V. Putin) The main requirements of the Interdepartmental Commission are:

Implementation of a special program agreed upon with the Federal executive authority regarding fire safety measures, location of buildings... surrounding area

Materials used in the construction of the OS

Checking the improvement of standards for the volume of knowledge and skills in the field of fire safety of educational institutions managers, specialists, and teachers.

Ensuring the maintenance of readiness of management bodies, forces and means to act in the event of a threat and occurrence of an emergency. Monitoring the implementation of measures to reduce emergency risks, organizing training of specialists in the field of emergency situations and safety

Control over the complex of works on implementation of the Program,

Inspection of the technical condition of buildings, certification of normative legal and methodological documentation.

3 . According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 51, clause 1.7) “An educational institution creates conditions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the health of students and pupils. Responsibility for creation necessary conditions for study, work and rest of students, pupils of an educational institution are borne by officials of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of this educational institution.”

Occupational safety and health in educational institutions must be organized in such a way as to eliminate or reduce in advance the risk of possible adverse incidents in the educational process. Therefore, the measures taken to comply with the requirements of the rules and instructions must be precautionary and preventive in nature. Compliance with safety requirements by employees and managers of educational institutions is a mandatory condition for organizing safe and healthy working conditions for workers, as well as when conducting classes with students in classes, educational workshops, classrooms of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, biology, gyms and in the process of other educational activities .

The principles, goals and objectives of ensuring safety in an OS determine the main idea of ​​the safety concept and are the criteria for choosing one or another solution, a variant of a separate element of the safety system. Humanity. Legality. Democratic. – basic principles for successfully ensuring safety in the OS.

4. Approaches to ensuring security in educational institutions are based on the principles established in the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ “On Security”: respect and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms; legality; systematic and comprehensive application of political, organizational, socio-economic, informational, legal and other security measures by federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, and local self-government bodies; priority of preventive measures to ensure safety; interaction between federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, others government agencies with public associations, international organizations and citizens in order to ensure security. An important element of ensuring security is the licensing system for educational institutions.

5. Tightening the access control elements at the entrance and entry into the territory of the facility, installing alarm systems, audio and video recording; daily walk around the territory of the OS and inspection of places where valuable or dangerous substances are concentrated for the timely identification of explosive devices or suspicious persons and objects; periodic commission inspection of warehouse premises; more thorough selection and screening of personnel, individual work with individual students; organizing and conducting, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical training on actions in emergencies; When concluding contracts for the rental of warehouse premises, it is mandatory to include clauses giving the OS administration the right, if necessary, to inspect the leased premises at its own discretion. It is useful to study the premises, components, assemblies installed (built) in or near the building and along its entire perimeter, to find out who is serving (occupied) and who is responsible for their operation and maintenance. You should find out the telephone numbers of tenants and owners of premises and equipment, as well as the telephone numbers of higher-level organizations. study places of possible explosive devices, storage of explosive substances or creation of explosive air or granular mixtures;


1. Make sure there is a pulse in the carotid artery and the reaction of the pupils to light. Turn the victim onto his stomach. Clean the mouth (with a handkerchief or napkin) If there is bleeding:

Apply a tourniquet to stop it. Apply sterile dressings to the wounds. If there is a fracture, apply splints.

2 . Remove the drowned person from the water, turn him face down and lower his head below the pelvis. Clear your mouth of contents and mucus. Press sharply on the root of the tongue. When gag and cough reflexes appear, ensure complete removal of water from the respiratory tract and stomach. After this he will start in intensive care. When signs of life appear, turn face down and remove water from the lungs and stomach. In case of pulmonary edema, sit up, apply tourniquets to the thighs, and apply heat to the feet. Inhale oxygen through alcohol vapor.

3 . A) Place him on his knees with his stomach down. Pat your back with your palm for 20 seconds

B) Stand behind the victim, clasp your hands and clasp them under the ribs. Forcefully hit the stomach area with folded hands.

National security

Fundamentals of National Security

1. According to the views officially accepted in the Russian Federation, security is understood as the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats. The main objects of security include: the individual, society and the state. All these security objects are organically interconnected, and the main connecting link between them is the individual. The protection of her life and health, rights and freedoms, dignity and property is of paramount importance compared to other types of security.

The personal safety of citizens of the Russian Federation consists in the real provision of constitutional rights and freedoms; improving the quality and standard of living; physical, spiritual and intellectual development. National security refers to the security of the multinational people of the Russian Federation as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the country, i.e. the protection of the people from various threats.

2. The security of society includes the protection of its material and spiritual values, law and order, the strengthening of democracy; achieving and maintaining public harmony based on the principle of social justice; increasing the creative role of population activity, and in relation to today's Russia - its national and cultural revival.

The security of a state lies in the protection of its constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity; establishing political, economic and social stability; unconditional execution of laws; resolute opposition to destructive forces, corruption, bureaucracy, attempts to usurp power for selfish interests. The security system is formed by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens taking part in ensuring security in accordance with the law, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security. The main functions of the security system are: identifying and forecasting internal and external threats to the vital interests of security facilities, implementing a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize them; creation and maintenance of security forces and means; management of security forces and means in everyday conditions and in emergency situations; implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities in regions affected by the emergency; participation in security activities outside the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties and agreements concluded or recognized by the Russian Federation.

    The main threats in the international sphere are caused by the following factors: the desire of individual states, especially the United States and its allies, and interstate associations to downgrade the role of existing mechanisms for ensuring international security, primarily the UN and the OSCE; the danger of weakening Russia's political, economic and military influence in the world; strengthening military-political blocs and alliances, primarily the expansion of NATO to the east; the appearance and possibility of the appearance of foreign military bases and large military contingents in close proximity to the Russian borders (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, the Baltic countries, etc.); proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; weakening of integration processes in the Commonwealth of Independent States; the emergence and escalation of conflicts near the state border of the Russian Federation and the external borders of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Afghanistan, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and etc.); claims to the territory of the Russian Federation (Baltic countries, Finland, Japan, etc.). Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the international sphere are manifested in attempts by other states to counteract the strengthening of Russia as one of the centers of influence in a multipolar world, prevent the implementation of national interests and weaken its position in Europe, the Middle East, the Transcaucasus, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region .

    The main ways to solve these problems are: concentration of financial and material resources in priority areas of development of science and technology, providing support to leading scientific schools, accelerated formation of scientific and technical reserves and a national technological base, attraction of private capital, including through the creation of funds and the use of grants, implementation of development programs for territories with high scientific and technical potential, creation, with state support, of infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of research results developments with simultaneous protection of intellectual property within the country and abroad, development of a publicly accessible network of scientific, technical and commercial information.

Another equally important area is ensuring the security of the Russian state in social sphere taking into account the following threats: deep stratification of society into a narrow circle of rich people and a predominant mass of low-income citizens, an increase in the proportion of the population living below the poverty line, rising unemployment; health systems crisis and social protection population; increased consumption of alcohol and drugs; a sharp decline in the birth rate and life expectancy in the country; deformation of the demographic and social composition of society; undermining labor resources as the basis for production development; weakening of the fundamental unit of society - the family; decrease in the spiritual, moral and creative potential of the population.

Fundamentals of state defense and military service

1. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense, which is intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, for the armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”

The Federal Law “On Defense” was adopted in 1996. It defines the fundamentals of organizing the defense of the Russian Federation, the powers of government bodies of the Russian Federation, the functions of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and their officials, the rights and obligations of Russian citizens in the field of defense, as well as liability for violation of defense legislation is determined.

For defense purposes, military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation and military transport duty of federal executive authorities and organizations are established, regardless of the form of ownership and owners of vehicles. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created for defense. Other troops are also involved in the defense (border troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, railway troops, civil defense troops).

2. 1) improvement of the military-industrial complex based on the creation and development of large scientific and production structures; 2) improving the system of interstate cooperation in the field of development, production and repair of weapons and military equipment; 3) ensuring the technological independence of the Russian Federation in the production of strategic and other types of weapons, military and special equipment in accordance with state program weapons; 4) improving the system of guaranteed material and raw material support for the production and operation of weapons, military and special equipment at all stages of the life cycle, including domestic components and components; 5) formation of a set of priority technologies that ensure the development and creation of promising systems and models of weapons, military and special equipment; 6) maintaining state control over strategically significant organizations of the military-industrial complex;27 7) intensifying innovation and investment activities, allowing for a qualitative update of the scientific, technical, production and technological base; 8) creation, maintenance and implementation of military and civilian basic and critical technologies that ensure the creation, production and repair of currently in service and advanced weapons, military and special equipment, as well as technological breakthroughs or the creation of advanced scientific and technological groundwork for the development of fundamentally new types of weapons, military and special equipment with previously unattainable capabilities; 9) improving the system of program-target planning for the development of the defense-industrial complex in order to increase the efficiency of equipping the Armed Forces and other troops with weapons, military and special equipment, ensuring the mobilization readiness of the defense-industrial complex; 10) development and production of promising systems and types of weapons, military and special equipment, improving the quality and competitiveness of military products; 11) improving the mechanism for placing orders for the supply of products, performance of work and provision of services for federal needs; 12) implementation of measures of economic incentives for executors of state defense orders provided for by federal legislation; 13) improving the activities of organizations of the military-industrial complex by introducing organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure their effective functioning and development; 14) improving the personnel structure and increasing the intellectual potential of the military-industrial complex, ensuring social security for workers in the military-industrial complex.

3. Recruitment of the Armed Forces is carried out through the conscription of citizens for military service on an extraterritorial basis and through the voluntary entry of citizens into military service.

The law establishes that activities in the Armed Forces are not permitted political parties, as well as others public associations pursuing political goals, any political propaganda and campaigning, including election campaigning, is prohibited. Supervision of the legality and investigation of cases of crimes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Defense expenditures are financed from the federal budget.

Teacher physical culture and life safetyIsakova Inna Yurievna

Lyceum No. 83 – Central Educational Center of the Volga region of Kazan

graduate work

1.2 Methodology for teaching life safety

The methodology of teaching any school subject is a pedagogical science about the system of teaching and upbringing processes, knowledge of which allows the teacher to manage educational process. Prokopyev I.I., Mikanovich N.V. Pedagogy. Minsk. 2002. P. 9.

Accordingly, the methodology of teaching life safety is the science of a set of forms, methods and techniques for teaching students safe behavior in the world around them.

The method of teaching a subject is determined by its specifics, objectives and functions.

The objectives of the life safety course are:

Formation in students of a conscious and responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others;

Formation of knowledge and skills to recognize and assess dangerous and harmful environmental factors;

Formation of the ability to determine ways to protect against dangers, as well as eliminate negative consequences, and provide self- and mutual assistance in the event of dangers.

Like others academic disciplines, Life Safety Inspectorate is involved in a number of functions:

Educational, the essence of which is to equip students with a system of knowledge, skills, abilities;

Educational, consisting in the formation of a worldview, an active social position;

Developmental, boiling down to the development of creative thinking;

Psychological, designed to prepare students for successful activities in the modern world.

Based on the objectives of the life safety course and its content, the methodology for teaching life safety should answer the following questions: why study the dangers of the surrounding world and how to protect against them? What to teach? How to teach? What methods and methods should be used to achieve educational and educational goals?

The methodology explores and develops the goals of teaching life safety, determines the content of educational material on life safety and the structure of the subject, determines the forms, methods, means of teaching, educating and developing schoolchildren. In addition, the methodology for teaching life safety clarifies the place and significance of life safety as an educational subject in common system training and education, and also develops educational equipment, methodological recommendations, instructions, methods of teaching individual sections of the life safety course.

In the structure of the BJ training methodology, general and special parts can be distinguished. The general methodology considers the issues of teaching all sections of life safety, namely the unity of content and teaching methods, the relationship between forms academic work, continuity of courses and the role of interdisciplinary connections, integrity and development of all elements of training.

Special (private) methods consider teaching issues specific to each section, related to the peculiarities of the content of educational material and the age of students. Pedagogy / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. M. 2004. P. 56. They present methods for preparing and conducting lessons, excursions, extracurricular activities, and extracurricular activities.

The methodology of teaching life safety is closely related to other sciences.

In addition, the life safety teaching methodology is related to life safety. Life safety is an interdisciplinary field of scientific knowledge, covering the theory and practice of protecting humans from environmental hazards in all areas of activity. Bayborodova L.V., Indyukov Yu.V. Methods of teaching life safety. M. 2004. P. 31.

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Sabirzhanov Ravil Abdulkhakovich, teacher-organizer of life safety and life safety of the Kyshtym Radio-Mechanical College, Kyshtym

Methodology for preparing and conducting life safety lessons

A good lesson is a live lesson

The sustainable development of society and the state depends on resolving the main problem - ensuring the safety of citizens from both external and internal threats, when the protection of life and preservation of the health of every citizen and, of course, the normal development of the younger generation are guaranteed. Therefore, the appearance of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” was caused by an objective necessity. "Know to survive!" - such a motto can rightfully be premised on the subject of life safety, the purpose of which is to contribute to the education of an individual capable of fully meeting any dangers and difficulties that are inevitable in life. real life.

In the process of mastering the life safety course at school and life safety on average educational institution Students should have developed:

    necessary knowledge;

    behavioral skills and abilities;

    psychological readiness to act in an emergency.

And this, in turn, presupposes a good awareness of all the dangers that await a person literally at every step, theoretical and practical training in protecting against them, nurturing moral and psychological stability and the formation of an attitude to constructively solve emerging problems, while wisely combining personal interests with the interests of society. This is exactly what needs to be achieved when teaching a life safety lesson. Each teacher wants his lessons to be good. Do they always turn out that way?

It seems so simple: the teacher enters the class, and all the students, so different from each other, work with the greatest interest and tension, do not notice how time flies, and finish the lesson enriched with knowledge, thoughts, feelings, abilities and skills. But desire alone is not enough to conduct such lessons. They are the fruit of great thought and research, pedagogical art and skill.

The success of a lesson depends primarily on the teacher and his preparation for the lesson. Back to top school year Preparation should go in two directions:

    studying the conditions in which you will have to teach (availability of an office, its equipment);

    personal training teachers to teach a one-year course (familiarity with best practices, literature).

Preparation begins with analysis curriculum, on the basis of which the teacher draws up calendar and thematic plan. All course material must pass through the creative consciousness of the teacher. This plan defines the topic of each lesson, equipment, methods, etc.

Calendar-thematic plan

This is a mandatory document for the teacher; it increases the effectiveness of training sessions, since the content of the lessons is revealed in a logical order and their interrelation is provided for.

In preparation for each lesson, the teacher draws up lesson plan. Here we are working on a small piece of material that will be studied in this lesson. We are thinking about how to present the material on the topic of the lesson, without repeating the textbook, to bring it to the consciousness of every student - , xia, to form in students the skills and abilities to act in different situations. That's the art!

When drawing up a lesson plan, the teacher determines first of all the purpose of the lesson, since if conducted aimlessly, it turns into a waste of time, tires students, accustoms them to inactivity, and instills a bad moral trait - laziness.

The teacher thinks through lesson structure. However, we must remember that a life safety lesson, compared to a classic lesson, differs in that it may lack some elements - for example, assessment and control, homework- and that at the end of the lesson it is almost impossible to summarize at a level that meets the requirements of pedagogy.

The structure of a life safety lesson depends on the content of the educational material. Each lesson has its own

structure is flexible, unique, non-standard. The main structural components are: goal and action, methods of teaching and skills formation, time for completing educational tasks.

Goal and action as structural components of the lesson are the main, leading, necessary in the educational process, performing the function of regulation.

psychophysiological state of students in experimental conditions.

The purpose of the lesson Life safety should always be connected with the desire and desire of students to perform educational (medical, psychological, fire-related) actions quickly and efficiently. The teacher must encourage students to act, guide and regulate their work. It is in life safety lessons that the possibility of teaching children specific actions with the help of didactic time is revealed (this is a certain time during which an action is carried out). For example, provide medical assistance on time, call the security service on time, remove objects from fire in time, etc.

Having identified the goal, the teacher thinks through lesson content. Its training material should reflect the fact that the organization of people's activities in emergencies very much depends on the time they have in extreme situations. Teaching students the basics of life safety is associated with their acquisition of skills and abilities to act within strict time frames. No school subject teaches this.

The life safety lesson, being non-standard, atypical, non-traditional, should contribute to the psychological education of the individual. This subject sets practical goals and carries out practical actions to develop the child’s personal qualities (so that he can show determination, determination, self-organization, and responsibility for his actions).

Pedagogical conditions lessons should be such that the student can really learn to feel the measure and norm of his actions and desires. Learning situation The lesson should be designed in such a way that it allows you to clearly show signs of developing emergency situations.

Students are faced with new sensations that they must learn to live with, feelings that they must learn to regulate and use as the basis for moral actions aimed at the benefit of society, the family, and the team.

In a life safety lesson, students must learn to choose the most appropriate actions for each situation: physical, psychological, physiological. The conditions of the life safety lesson allow the student to make and implement conscious volitional decisions, learn to organize the activities of a group and an individual in emergency situations in order to prevent panic, chaos and unpredictable actions of individuals.

The specificity of the subject of life safety is that here the teacher has a unique opportunity to solve two problems simultaneously: to work on the given topic and to create an atmosphere of healthy, competitive

constructive communication in the office Lack of mutual understanding and full communication is a serious problem for any team, and especially for teenagers and young adults. Inclusion in the educational process of psychological and pedagogical active methods allows you to successfully solve communication problems between students, as well as between the audience and the teacher. The goals of developing students’ full communication skills are:

    formation of a humanistic orientation of the individual;

    introduction to public culture;

    development of creative individuality of students.

The following experience seems useful in this regard: to begin the educational process with the development general rules relationships in the team during the lesson. To do this, the teacher invites students to break into groups of 5 people and draw up 3-5 rules, which may relate to mutual politeness, sincerity, brevity, confidentiality, goodwill, activity, etc. Each rule is then discussed, amended, and accepted or rejected by a majority vote. The adopted rules acquire the status of “laws”, are written down on a board (or Whatman paper) and solemnly posted in a place visible to everyone. Compliance with them in every lesson is mandatory. I use this method when conducting training.

Sometimes I use a lesson motto, which I post on the board and start the lesson with.

Active learning methods in teaching life safety include such a lesson stage as warm-up During it, an optimal emotional state is achieved, a psychological “attitude” is created to overcome difficulties in communication, and reduce conflict among group members. Psycho-gymnastic exercises with specific content of the lesson topic are used. Almost all of these exercises help improve students’ performance and involve them in group work, i.e. I use a method - a collective way of teaching. I will give examples of such exercises.

"Instant Photo" The purpose of the game-exercise: to activate attentive listening, the mood for collective cooperation. Several teams are organized. In this case, the following requirements must be observed. First, it is unacceptable to form teams according to the principle: “I want to play in a team whose members I like, and not in any other.” Against. The composition of the team should be random and change with each new game. This promotes better recognition and rapprochement between students and the audience. . To divide into groups, you can ask participants to pay for “cloves, chamomile, cornflower,” etc., depending on the number of groups.

The second requirement is that the number of team members should not exceed 10 people, except in cases where only two or one team is needed for the game.

Team members sit as close to each other as possible (three per desk is possible). The teacher reads a prepared text corresponding to the topic of the lesson. The volume of text is from 15 sentences (for middle groups) and more (for older groups). After listening to the text, the team must write down what they heard as accurately as possible. A speaker is selected from each team. This choice must be random. For example, based on the principle: who in the team has the smallest pet at home, who has a birthday soon, who loves cabbage pies, etc. The speakers take turns reading out the resulting texts. We compare which team reproduced the text more accurately. We reveal the winner.

"Telegraph". The purpose of the exercise game is to increase relaxed behavior and relieve muscle tension.

Participants are divided into two teams. The teams stand facing each other. To do this, you can use the space between the rows in the auditorium.

The teacher (or presenter) speaks into the ear of each player on one of the teams some noun on the topic of the lesson (you can use writing words on separate pieces of paper). The player depicts this word with facial expressions and gestures. Then the teams change roles.

Collective story. Purpose of the exercise game: activation process memorization, creativity, development of coordinated interaction skills.

Team members sit close to each other. Each team writes a group story about the topic of the lesson. A representative of the first team says the first phrase, for example: “The rain was lashing, a strong wind was blowing.” The second player, sitting next to him, continues: “The rain was lashing, a strong wind was blowing, the power line was damaged.” The next player repeats the previous one and says his phrase. This makes for an intriguing story. After the first command, the second command leads the story.

It is very important that exercises designed for communication training are used for warming up. Their stock can be replenished from training literature, however, in order to exclude “poor quality products” from entering the lesson, which, unfortunately, is available on book shelves, it is necessary to consult with a staff psychologist.

Basic requirements for psychological exercises and games: the presence in them of techniques and situations that are offensive to participants and have a negative impact is unacceptable. psychological impact, suppressive, causing mutual aggression.

In my practice, I use psychological exercises before a training lesson, for example, or I conduct an entire game lesson on the topic “The Concept of Health.”

After the warm-up is carried out main part of the lesson. It can be built both in a traditional lesson form, and in the form of answering questions (conversation) or in the mode of active teaching methods. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher must think through methods for conducting the main part of it.

One of the methods of pedagogical work, which is becoming increasingly widespread during the teaching of life safety courses - method of analyzing typical situations, representing a potential or real danger. Their selection is determined by the real threats to health, life and material well-being that the modern man. These are threats of a criminal nature; the risk of injury due to non-compliance with traffic rules or domestic injuries; dangers associated with the use of household appliances and electrical appliances; situations arising from natural disasters, man-made accidents, catastrophes. The object of psychological and pedagogical analysis can also be any actions and forms of behavior that may have undesirable consequences for a person.

The general principles of organizing and conducting this form of work are as follows:

    The work can be carried out with an audience, which most often happens, but its greatest effectiveness is achieved with a group size of 10-15 people.

    A set of situations to be analyzed can be proposed by the teacher or compiled during a discussion in the classroom, based on the students’ own experience and the relevance of a particular situation for them. The teacher’s tasks in this case are to work out the most typical situations, of general interest to most students, and formulate given to students description of the case in the form of a typical, generalized situation. At the beginning of such work, the teacher must have a set of situations: both as an example and in order to work through situations from different areas that pose a potential danger.

    Work with the selected situation can take place at several levels of psychological analysis and pedagogical elaboration.

First level- a brief verbal analysis of a typical situation with a proposal to students -

Try to remember similar incidents from your life, or those that they witnessed.

The teacher’s task when analyzing the proposed cases is to draw students’ attention to those details, characteristics of the behavior and emotions of the participants that are significant for reducing the risk of undesirable consequences.

Second level - analysis of possible options for a typical or proposed real situation - according to the principle: “What if...” For example, the situation of a fire that occurred due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring in a city apartment is analyzed. Continuing the analysis, the teacher asks: “What would have to be done if all this happened at the dacha, in a village house? “Or: “What would you have to do if there was an old grandmother in the house besides you, who finds it difficult to get out of bed?” The teacher can prepare a selection of such situation options in advance.

Third level- involves working through situations in the process role playing game. In agreement with the students, the teacher instructs them to play the roles of participants in the situation being analyzed. Here it is also possible to play out several variants of the situation, including variants of “wrong” and “correct” behavior. If it is possible to film training scenes on a video camera and there is someone who owns video equipment, then such game training can be carried out in the form of video training. To organize this form of game (situation analysis, level 3), the teacher must undergo special training, psychological and pedagogical training. In our college, such trainings are conducted by a psychologist.

Fourth level- work with specific situations, which is carried out outside the classroom, in conditions close to real ones: on the street, in the forest, in the park, etc. For such practical classes, as for classes at the third level, it is advisable to divide the audience into two subgroups.

In students’ notebooks for each typical situation the following should be written:

    description of a typical situation;

    algorithm of correct behavior with recording of particularly significant moments;

    typical mistakes and incorrect actions;

    additional conditions that will not affect behavior in such a situation;

    a description of your own experience similar to the situation being analyzed (if any). The latter can be given as homework.

I named the most interesting methods for conducting a life safety lesson. But with older students (and we have such), I also conduct the following forms of training sessions:

    integrated lesson;

    conferences (about smoking);

    seminars and abstracts;

    trainings (drug addiction prevention);

    KVN (“Healthy lifestyle and its components”; “Movement is life”; “Staying in a forced environment”).

When preparing for lessons, I think in advance about the form of their implementation (calendar and thematic plan) in order to prepare students for them in advance (I give assignments at least two weeks, and sometimes a month in advance, I schedule consultation days, help select literature, etc. ). I myself use various literature when preparing for lessons. Methodological complexes (MK) help me in my work. There is a passport in the office.

I’m thinking about the use of funds visibility, since they are very important for increasing the effectiveness of training in the life safety course. To this end:

    The entire life safety office has been decorated (it has permanent and removable stands).

    I use posters for:

A) providing first aid;

b) emergency situations and civil defense;

V) handmade on different themes.

    Screen books (they not only contribute to the implementation of the principle of clarity, but also form practical skills in the design of material, develop creative thinking, which is especially important for a future teacher.

    Didactic games.

And finally, to implement the principle of clarity in life safety lessons, I use television and video equipment. We have a video library. We watch videos both to study and to consolidate the material covered and increase interest in it.

The teacher needs to carefully familiarize himself with the content of the film in advance, carefully think through and formulate all the tasks and questions contained in it, organize the appropriate work with the textbook and other teaching aids, prepare for the conversation and determine the nature of the students’ further independent work.

In the process of a teacher’s work with video recording material, three stages can be distinguished.

    Preparatory(before students watch the video). It includes an introduction to the topic, can be used as an epigraph, and is intended for:

    arousing cognitive interest in the topic;

    determining ways to independently practice the educational material included in the program, i.e. The teacher directs the students' attention to what is new in this video and reminds them of facts that they already know.

    Video viewing stage. It is determined by the content and structure of the video recording, the system of questions embedded in it on the “Fundamentals of Life Safety”. Is used for test assignments, analytical work, as a source of educational information or for problem-based study of material. The teacher should be in the position of the students, empathizing with them the events taking place on the television screen. Monitoring the students' reactions can allow him to find a new direction for their future learning activities as they watch the video material.

To better assimilate the material, it is advisable for the teacher to draw up a transmission plan using the following options:

    Before showing the video material, give instructions on perception. For example, after viewing the fragment, answer the questions:

    the main stages of the creation of the Civil Defense of the Russian Federation (purpose, main tasks);

    measures to protect the population from the consequences of emergencies in peacetime and war (warning, protection from damaging factors);

    characteristics of the main responsibilities of the population in the field of civil and emergency situations.

Or, before viewing, offer to fill out the diagram. For example, based on the film “Diseases of the City”.

What pollutes environment

Impact on humans

Precautionary measures


Then we discuss the correctness of filling it out.

    The teacher shows the video material and then gives an explanation (topic “First Aid”).

    The teacher alternates showing individual videos and their fragments with an explanation of their content in relation to the topic being studied (for example, “Drug Addiction”):

A) fragment “Requiem for a drug addict” (drug addiction is a disease);

b) fragment “Confession of a former drug addict” (what changes happen to a person), then a conversation about the cause of drug addiction;

V) fragment “Drugs” (where drugs are used in a person’s life), then a conversation;

G) Before watching the fragment, I direct students’ attention to the topic of the emergence of physiological and psychological dependence. Then the teacher or students summarize the facts they have learned.

    The third stage of work is the most difficult - after watching the video

pussy(I already touched on it a little, talking about the second stage).

In some cases, when the material is very large or unfamiliar to students, it makes sense to re-watch the entire program or its individual fragments.

This can be done either immediately after the first viewing, or with some delay necessary for processing the information received in the transmission. The pedagogical effect of watching a video clip of a television program is achieved only if it corresponds to the characteristics of the educational material being studied and allows it to be conveyed more convincingly and deeply than textbooks or a teacher can do (for example, the program “Serving Russia,” which talks in detail about various aspects military service).

The teacher invites students to take part in a conversation about the content of the TV show, express their opinions about what they saw, highlight the main line, supplement, and deepen the material. For example, on the program “Mysteries of the Human Body” you can consider the following topics:

A)“The Miracle of a New Life” (for girls);

b)"Blooming" (puberty);

V)"On the threshold of maturity."

Written assignments are also possible for students in the form of questions and answers to tests, descriptions of individual episodes, drawings, comparisons of what they saw in the program with textbook material, etc. Such lessons teach you to observe, analyze, generalize knowledge, connect what you see with life experience (for example, a video recording about Chechen war). Videos compared to

other means of teaching, contain more opportunities for instilling patriotism and managing the course of the educational process.

We purchase educational films from various organizations and record them ourselves from television programs. Currently, in the film library of our life safety office there are more than 35 videotapes with various recordings.

We consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lessons outside of school hours. To do this we use:

    quiz games;

    Defenders of the Fatherland Day;

    KVN, for example, “Wow, I can’t live without life safety”, “ Healthy image life", "Movement is life";

    review-competition of wall newspapers (“Children and War”, “Our Health”);

    conference “Smoking or health - choose for yourself” (speeches, skits, poems, songs), “ Memorable dates Russia", "Field of Russian Glory";

    competition of emblems, posters;

    Children's Day (as a result of studying the material);

    monthly campaign “Smoking or Health”;

    Discussion “Drug addiction. There is no right to exist";

    civil defense month (training for the entire team, setting up stands in the office, training evacuation);

    theme evenings (“Fate is knocking on the door” - about drug addiction and its consequences).

So, each life safety lesson, as you noticed, consists of three parts: introductory, main, final. Although structurally it is not always similar to a traditional lesson.

The main methods of life safety training are:

    verbal(the lively, imaginative, emotional and bright word of the teacher is simply necessary and indispensable for studying life safety) - conversation, story, questions;

    visual(i.e., the practical implementation of the didactic principle of visibility in teaching, since living contemplation - visual, auditory, tactile and other sensations and perceptions - is the initial beginning of all knowledge);

    practical(allowing students to include various types of activities of schoolchildren in the process of assimilation of knowledge - observation, exercises, training, analysis of specific situations).

And the main thing on which the preparation of a good life safety lesson depends is a teacher with great knowledge, pedagogical professionalism, psychological abilities, and excellent human qualities; the teacher is a selfless, patriotic, courageous person who strives to master innovative methods conducting classes, instilling in students an optimistic, active attitude towards life.

In the process of mastering the program, students have to deal with descriptions and examples of predominantly negative situations: crimes, disasters, accidents, emergencies natural character. For an impressionable child, especially in the lower grades, this can have an undesirable effect on the psyche. And the teacher’s task is to “balance” all the negatives being studied with a general positive attitude, not to allow children to form a “catastrophic perception of the world.”

Training for the mind

puzzle on the subject of life safety

Find answers to our questions:

(The first word is a sample hint).

    Painful condition due to gas poisoning.

    The degree of warmth of the human body as an indicator of illness or health.

    A statistical term that refers to the totality of injuries in a population over a specified period of time.

    Tongues of fire over a burning object.

    A bandage or other material that is tied around the sore spot.

    Lack of a correct idea about something, misleading.

    A device for extinguishing a fire at its very beginning.

    A piece of cloth or rubber tube tightly twisted into a rope shape is used for first aid.

    A device for carrying sick or injured people.

    Sudden loss of consciousness.

    A tumor due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

    Surgical removal of the diseased limb.

    Therapeutic pad for a sore spot.

    A small particle of a hot or burning substance.

    A life-threatening condition of the body caused by injury.

    Necrosis, death of part of an organ or tissue of a living organism.

    Elimination of pain sensitivity.

    A thin wooden stick with a head of flammable substance used to produce fire.

    Rhythmic vibration of the walls of blood vessels caused by blood flow.

    Burning, destruction of something by fire.

Answers (in brackets are the coordinates of the first letter of the word):

  1. Temperature (9-4).

    Injuries (5-9).

    Flame (4-4).

    Bandage (4-1).

    Disorientation (3-6).

    Fire extinguisher (4-2).

  2. Stretchers (6-10).

    Fainting (7-1).

  3. Amputation (6-7).

    Compress (9-11).

    Spark (11-7).

  4. Necrosis (10-6).

    Pain relief (11-5).

    Match (9-12).

    Pulse (8-11).