The Russian officer who caused fire in Syria has been awarded the title of hero. Russian heroes of the Syrian war Heroes of the Fatherland Syria

Russian soldiers are not pumped-up, weapon-laden movie characters, but simple people who live among us. Palmyra is taken. The battles for the ancient city continued for almost a week. The pessimists who argued that long months of siege would be needed were put to shame. The operation was carried out brilliantly. And almost like jewelry - so that those values ​​that survived the rule of the obscurantists from the Islamic State would not be damaged. Of course, it will take a lot of time to clear the city of mines, and even more to restore what was destroyed and looted by militants. But the main thing is behind us. Today, units of the SAA are being transferred to the west and north of the country. Again, contrary to those who said that after Palmyra, the Syrians need to run headlong to liberate Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa. The Syrian army does everything clearly and competently under the leadership of our advisers. He was in a hurry and made people laugh. Now we have to complete what we started in the provinces of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and, of course, Damascus. And the capture of Palmyra is still a black mark for the militants. It is characteristic that such a spectacular and effective operation was not expected not only by our home-grown critics, but also by Western ones. For them, who were just glad that the Russians had left Syria, it became a cold shower. They were not prepared for such a rapid development of events, being completely confident that Assad’s army would get bogged down near Palmyra. This explains the deathly silence of the West. Although, it would seem that international terrorism represented by the Islamic State has suffered the most serious defeat since the beginning of the war. It’s not for nothing that some of our politicians have already called the Palmyra operation Battle of Stalingrad or the Kursk Bulge for Syria - this is exaggerated, of course, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. We should rejoice at this, especially after the terrorist attacks in Brussels and Paris, against the backdrop of a worsening migration crisis. But - silence.

As if they were not happy that Palmyra was liberated. But aren’t they glad if less than a year ago, when the city was captured by militants, they shouted the loudest about the fact that unique values ​​were being destroyed, etc.? And now we’re not happy. Maybe it’s because the city was liberated without them. Not only without their help, but without asking permission at all? Why haven't the leaders of the US and UK said a word on the topic? Not exactly joy - not a word at all? Why did the UN Security Council block Russia's statement on Palmyra? Maybe they really value their own geopolitical interests more than their declared ones, i.e. fight against terrorism, as Maria Zakharova said? Only one former US ambassador to Russia publicly expressed his position, although only as a private citizen. Well, also the mayor of London, who, however, did not forget to throw mud at President Assad, but as “compensation” for his words, he offered Damascus to send British archaeologists to the liberated city. Oh yes, State Department spokesman John Kirby also spoke out, who, however, also, albeit in a veiled manner, emphasized that Assad must leave and all that: “The USA, of course, welcomes the liberation of Palmyra from IS militants, but considers it premature to discuss how this fact can affect inter-Syrian negotiations in Geneva." However, the Western press turned out to be more verbose and spoke out unequivocally. The British The Independent noted the “deathly silence” of Western leaders and suggested that they would react the same way when the Syrian army recaptures Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa from terrorists. The American Los Angeles Times writes plainly that the fight against ISIS could not be presented as a joint American-European project, which is why Western leaders are silent. Like, this is, of course, a victory, but not for those who need it, a victory... photo: Twitter At the same time, even the Washington Post emphasizes whose victory this is and congratulates the Syrian leader on it: “The Syrian army, apparently, has gained the upper hand in the destructive civil war, which has turned into a dangerous proxy conflict. This is a victory for Russia too. Russian military intervention has dealt heavy losses to militant groups and strengthened Assad's position." "This battle is Once again showed how much Russian intervention has changed Assad's position. A strategically important military victory gives weight to the assertion that the government of Bashar al-Assad plays a key role in the fight against the Islamic State," admits The New York Times. That's it. Their press writes everything as it is. And the politicians are silent, as if they had taken too much water in their mouths. And there is nothing to say. They didn’t lift a finger to liberate Palmyra. This is not their victory. All they can do now is send archaeologists. No, I don’t argue: archaeologists are needed - they now have work in Palmyra for many years. But It’s somehow strange that Europe is being blown up, and they are archaeologists, while we are soldiers who sacrifice their lives, including so that the residents of Brussels and Paris can live as they are used to, without fear of the prospect of being blown up in the metro or airport. The Western press did not ignore the feat of our special forces soldier Alexander Prokhorenko, who for several days, being behind enemy lines, was engaged in reconnaissance of strategic terrorist targets, transmitting their coordinates to the attacking troops, and when surrounded, he called fire on himself, he died and destroyed the militants who surrounded him. True, for some reason the Western press dubbed Alexander “Russian Rambo.”

"Russian 'Rambo' wipes out ISIS terrorists by drawing fire while surrounded by jihadists," reads a headline in Britain's Mirror. "A brave Russian special forces soldier, on a single mission, like Rambo, destroying ISIS militants, died heroically, causing an airstrike on himself. The fearless military man corrected the airstrikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces on ISIS positions near ancient city Palmyra in Syria when it was surrounded by terrorists. He was not ready to die without a fight and directed the direction of the airstrike to the place of his deployment, after which he died at the epicenter of the explosion." I don’t know, of course, as for anyone, but I personally have a 25-year-old boy in uniform with lieutenant shoulder straps from photographs that are in in recent days almost all newspapers have reprinted it, does not in any way evoke associations with a movie hero from an American action movie. photo: social networks Maybe they just don’t have real heroes who are capable of the same thing as Alexander Prokhorenko? So they invent Rambo, Commando and other "universal soldiers" to show the public that their peace is reliably protected - it is guarded by tough guys in war paint, pumped up, hung with grenades and machine gun belts, a machine gun in each hand, and a machine gun and grenade launcher on their shoulders. In reality, it turns out that that heroes are people like Alexander Prokhorenko, who, whether in uniform or without it, does not stand out from the crowd, whom you meet on the street and would never think that a “Russian Rambo” is coming. Pay attention to how they describe the death of Alexander, with what pathos: “a fearless military man”, “a brave Russian special forces soldier”, “he was not ready to die without a fight”... And compare how our military department reports: “When performing a special task An officer was killed while directing Russian aircraft strikes against ISIS terrorist targets. Russian forces special operations. The officer carried out a combat mission in the Palmyra area for a week, identifying the most important ISIS targets and providing precise coordinates for strikes by Russian aircraft. The serviceman died heroically, causing fire on himself, after he was discovered by terrorists and surrounded." No pathos, no strain. Dry, clear. As it should be in the army. Probably for them there, in the West, it’s strange how this is possible - to sacrifice oneself in battle? Probably, they had never heard of Alexander Matrosov, and they didn’t have their own Alexander Matrosovs or Alexander Prokhorenkos. Only Rambo. And even then in the movies. But this is normal for any officer - to carry out orders and , without hesitation, to sacrifice himself for the sake of its fulfillment. photo: social networks Of course, we can say that Alexander understood: he still wouldn’t leave alive, and being captured by ISIS is not the best way to end his earthly existence. So, some people have a conscience about Matrosov to tell a blasphemous joke about “damned ice." These people do not know the words “oath” and “duty of an officer.” They can only say “WOW!”, looking at how others risk their lives. For them, by the way. Themselves - then they can't. But it’s generally wrong to talk about such things in an emotional way. The man did his job, did what he had to do. That's all. And he certainly didn’t think about whether he would receive a medal posthumously, whether a street would be named after him, and even more so, what the Mirror would write about him: whether he would be compared to the action hero that Alexander Prokhorenko probably watched with admiration as a child. and all the boys of that time. Surely he also wanted to be like him then - sewing up his own hand without anesthesia and standing alone against an entire army. But in life it’s not like in the movies. Alexander Prokhorenko dreamed of becoming a military man, and his dream came true. It’s hard even for me to imagine what it’s like to go to carry out an order in a foreign country, where an incomprehensible crisis has been going on for six years now. Civil War, in which the Syrians, like medieval savages, mercilessly destroy each other, having probably already forgotten why it all actually began. What does it feel like to understand that you could die in a foreign country, while your pregnant wife is waiting for you at home? That you won't be there. That let them name a street after you, let them even erect a monument, and the whole city will bring flowers to it. BUT YOU WILL NOT BE, and you won’t see it anymore. photo: social networks And this is even more difficult for Western journalists to imagine. Like some of our compatriots who have made criticism of their country a profession and for whom any death Russian citizen, especially the military in Syria, is undoubtedly a holiday, because you can once again throw mud at the authorities, which send people to an incomprehensible and unnecessary war, while somewhere else there are villages to which gas has not been supplied, while corruption is flourishing in the country against the backdrop of an economic crisis, which, according to the opposition, is, in fact, caused by the actions of our country in the international arena, in particular in Ukraine and Syria. In fact, this “washing of dirty linen” looks very disgusting in front of the world community, when our “oppositionists” and “human rights activists” (I don’t know whether on instructions from sponsors or from their own stupidity and bad manners) begin to scrupulously count the number of Russian military deaths in Ukraine or Syria, rejoicing at every new “two hundredth” - they say, look at what you are fighting for, where you send your sons, where your taxes go. Like, look, the authorities are lying to you that our military is not there, but they are. They even came up with a special word to refer to our soldiers in Syria - “ichtamnets”. And how they gloat about the killed special forces soldier, focusing on his family, who was left without a breadwinner, his pregnant wife, etc. Like, this is what you wanted? But “Palmyra is yours!” I think it’s stupid to explain to these people about geopolitical interests - they don’t even know the word. It is stupid to explain to them what we are fighting for in the Middle East. It is stupid to rub their noses in the recent bombing of a convoy in Dagestan, for which ISIS terrorists claimed responsibility. They have a standard answer to this - the North Caucasus must be separated. Of course, let's do it. We will separate the North Caucasus and the Volga region, give the Kuril Islands to the Japanese, and the rest to the Chinese Far East and Siberia at the same time, for the Germans - Kaliningrad. Let's repent before the Kyiv junta and give up Crimea. Let’s repent before IS, promise not to bomb them anymore, and generally recognize their “state” and open an IS embassy in Moscow. And, of course, everything will be fine with us: the West will lift sanctions, the ruble will rise following the price of oil. And we will again live as in the “fat noughties”, and everyone will be happy. And, of course, our soldiers will not die for the “separatists from Donbass” and for the “maniac” Assad. I think it’s just as stupid to explain that people inevitably die in war, whether they’re Rambo three times or Terminators. That six “two hundredths” are oh-oh-very low losses, in comparison with at least the losses of the Americans, despite the fact that our operation in six months brought more results in the fight against international terrorism than theirs did in a year and a half. Why explain anything at all to people who are either on the State Department’s payroll or are so cynical that they have no concept of military duty, as well as the concept of respect and love for the Motherland? They won't understand. Well, it is not necessary. Fortunately, they are still a minority, and no one takes them seriously. Fortunately, we still have people like Alexander Prokhorenko in our country. We just know his name. And how many are there whose names we do not know and, due to military secrecy, will never know? And how many are there who still have to take this path? No, not Rambo. Rambo is the only one. And Sash Prokhorenko - a lot. We just don’t see them on the screen every day... Dmitry Rodionov

In big cities and small towns of Russia there are monuments to fallen internationalist soldiers. Having accepted a heroic death on foreign soil, they returned home and forever became a symbol of fidelity to military duty. The children and grandchildren of the first internationalist warriors grew up. Many people put on military uniform, proving that the continuity of generations is not an empty phrase. Some today in Syria are defending the world and the country from international terrorists who have sentenced all humanity to death. Thirteen soldiers and officers returned from a Syrian mission ahead of schedule, having fallen in a battle with ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation). But they did not fall unknown and abandoned - the Motherland remembers them and mourns.

Here is a sad list of fallen heroes killed in Syria:

19 year old contract soldierVadim Kostenko, died October 24, 2015;
- 27 year old gunnerFedor Zhuravlev, died November 19, 2015;
- 45-year-old bomber commanderOleg Peshkovand a 29-year-old MarineAlexander Pozynich , died November 24, 2015;
- 42 year old military instructor
Ivan Cheremisin, died February 1, 2016;
- 25 year old gunner
Alexander Prokhorenko, died March 17, 2016;
- 38-year-old helicopter commander
Andrey Okladnikovand helicopter navigatorVictor Pankovdied April 12, 2016;
- 31-year-old signalman
Anton Erygin, died May 7, 2016;
- 35-year-old artilleryman
Mikhail Shirokopoyas, died June 7, 2016;
- 28 year old Marine
Andrey Timoshenkov, died June 16, 2016;

The freshest wound is military pilot instructors Ryafagat Khabibullin And Evgeniy Dolgin. They died on July 8. The crew commander, Colonel Khabibullin, turned 51, and his partner, Lieutenant Zhenya Dolgin, only managed to celebrate his 24th birthday.

Photo: Vladimir ANOSOV / RG

Both graduated from the Syzran helicopter program, in different years, of course. But both understood the combat mission correctly. They were flying over in an MI-25 helicopter when they asked for help from the ground. The terrorists went on the offensive and broke through the defenses of government troops. The crew did not waste time thinking. The Defense Department about this reported in dry language, essentially:

The son of the crew commander, Ruslan Khabibullin, followed in his father’s footsteps, also a military man. And he says just as briefly:

“My father died as a hero, having done everything he could. He taught us to go only forward and always remain human. I ask young people to once again look at their father’s example and try to be like him.”

Dozens of young pilots, who were trained as “pilots from God,” carry out this order with dignity.

“One day he took his little son into the cockpit of a helicopter. Since then, Evgeniy simply fell in love with a rotorcraft and firmly decided: I will fly!”

The guy didn't have time for one thing— to celebrate the first wedding anniversary with my Katyusha, they just got married in August.When the operation in Syria began, Katya asked him:“Zhen, aren’t you afraid?”, and he answered: “Why be afraid? This is my profession, this is what I studied.”

I wonder if it’s possible to learn a feat “professionally”? If there was such a special course, Sasha Prokhorenko would definitely get an “excellent” for it.

What was the senior lieutenant, surrounded by terrorists and causing fire on himself, thinking about, who was he remembering at the last minute of his life? Maybe the old Cossack motto that his father taught him: “Soul to God, heart to woman, duty to the Fatherland, honor to no one.”

Or his native village of Gorodki in the Orenburg region, which as a child he avoided far and wide with his bare feet. Or his wife Katya, with whom they were so similar that they were even considered brother and sister. Or maybe his younger brother Vanya, who, following Alexander’s example, entered the Smolensk Military Academy of Air Defense and is a second-year student. He must have managed to get his mother and father... But he probably didn’t count how many terrorist bastards he would take with him. Why spend the remaining time on them? All I knew was that there were a lot of them.

“For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, award the title of Hero Russian Federation senior lieutenant Alexander Alexandrovich Prokhorenko (posthumously).” The Motherland appreciated the latest feat of an officer of the Russian special operations forces.

Superior enemy forces

“The offensive was carried out with the support of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and was preceded by powerful fire preparation. During the day, the militants managed to penetrate the defenses of government troops to a depth of 12 kilometers, at the front up to 20 kilometers,” the Ministry of Defense reports, clarifying that the clashes took place in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Russian military personnel accomplished a feat in Syria

According to the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General Sergei Rudsky, the terrorist offensive was initiated by American intelligence services in order to stop the successfully developing advance of government troops east of Deir ez-Zor, to the garrison of which the Syrian army broke through in early September.

For several hours, Russian police, together with a detachment of the Muali tribe, which had previously joined the truce, repelled attacks from superior enemy forces. The emergency was reported to the commander of the Russian group of troops in the SAR, Colonel General Sergei Surovikin.

The military commander decided to form a military police platoon to clear the blockade. It included units of the Special Operations Forces (SSO), military police, staffed by people from North Caucasus, and Syrian special forces. The group was headed by the deputy head of the Russian center for reconciliation of warring parties, Hero of Russia, Major General Viktor Shulyak.

Fire support for the military personnel was provided by two Su-25 attack aircraft, which struck enemy personnel and armored vehicles from extremely low altitudes. As a result of the attack by Russian troops, the encirclement ring was broken. It was not possible to recapture the territory occupied by the terrorists, however, a platoon of military police and the rest of the military personnel reached the area where government troops were located without losses.

During the relief operation, three special forces soldiers were injured (the severity was not specified). All participants in the battle were nominated for state awards. The onslaught of Jabhat al-Nusra was stopped. “During the day, aviation strikes and artillery fire damaged 187 targets, destroyed about 850 terrorists, 11 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 46 pickup trucks, 5 mortars, 20 trucks, 38 weapons depots,” Rudskoy reported.

The successful work of the airborne forces and artillery crews allowed the 5th Syrian Airborne Assault Corps to launch a counteroffensive and almost completely restore the lost position.

Difficult choice

The information provided by the Ministry of Defense provides great food for the analysis of the characteristics of the Russian military presence in Syria. According to the current agreements, four battalions of Russian military police monitor compliance with the truce in four de-escalation zones, performing mainly security functions. From open data it follows that the red berets are armed with weapon, grenade launchers and a number of armored vehicles (in particular, “Typhoon” and “Tiger”).

In the absence of heavy weapons, it is extremely difficult to repel massive attacks by militants. Nevertheless, the police were able to hold out without casualties. This indicates either the high combat readiness of the Russians and the skillful organization of defense, or that the militants’ attack on the platoon’s location was not accompanied by the support of tanks and artillery pieces.

The strike group that carried out the operation to relieve the blockade consisted of SOF officers, colleagues who were surrounded by police officers, Syrian special forces and the crew of two Su-25s (although at low altitudes it was much more logical to use helicopters).

The composition of the relief group may indicate that the Russian command is faced with a difficult choice. There probably wasn’t much strength to save the red berets, and that’s why it was necessary to pull together such motley formations. In particular, according to a similar scenario, an operation was organized to rescue the crew of a Su-24M front-line bomber shot down by Turkey on November 24, 2015. Then the Russian military was supported by Hezbollah special forces.

The fact that the military police platoon was surrounded means at least weak intelligence in the de-escalation zone. The Ministry of Defense nods to the American intelligence services, but the bottom line is that we get a miscalculation or Syrian army, or our military intelligence (if, of course, it operated in the Hama area).

Jabhat al-Nusra's offensive was "large-scale," meaning its preparations could be traced. Placing responsibility on the American intelligence services (probably referring to the CIA, which oversees several gangs in the Syrian Arab Republic) is more reminiscent of an attempt to justify the mistake of government forces or Russian intelligence.

If the situation of the military police platoon, for various reasons, turned out to be truly deplorable, then the incident in the Hama area can, without exaggeration, be called a feat of Russian military personnel, and the rescue operation is unique due to the lack of necessary military equipment. Military police officers and MTR personnel covered themselves with unfading military glory.

For courage and heroism

The display of extraordinary courage and professionalism has always been distinctive feature our army. The operation in Syria was no exception. In the first half of May, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the title of Hero of Russia to four Russian SOF officers who, as part of a group of 16 people, repelled attacks by 300 Jabhat al-Nusra militants for two days. The encirclement became possible due to the chaotic retreat of the Syrian army.

On May 24, in the presence of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, Putin personally awarded the special forces. This is not the first time that awards have been given to Russian military personnel who fight both in the sky and on the ground, although about ground operations Russian army there is extremely scant information

Thus, in March, in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, 21 participants in the operation in Syria received state awards: four servicemen received the title of Hero of Russia, 17 people received the Order of St. George, Courage, “For Merit to the Fatherland,” and “For Military Merit.” It is possible that the Russians awarded by the head of state, like their colleagues from the MTR, became victims of the unprofessionalism of the Syrian army.

The history of exploits is not always made public. The Russian state is not often the first to report on the heroism and dedication of our military personnel who died in battle with terrorists. This was the case with the message about the death of special forces soldier Alexander Prokhorenko, who caused fire on himself during the liberation of Palmyra on March 17, 2016. The lieutenant's feat was first reported by Western media, and only then did it find a response in Russia.

Few people know the feat of the 35-year-old chief of intelligence at the headquarters of a howitzer self-propelled artillery division, Captain Marat Akhmetshin. The funeral and posthumous awards took place in secrecy on June 6 and August 31, 2016. A native of Kazan died near Palmyra; his family received notification of his death on June 3, 2016.

On June 23, 2016, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued awarding Akhmetshin the title of Hero of Russia “for courage and heroism in performing special tasks.” The circumstances of the feat are classified, but the general picture of the battle in January 2017 was described by the father of the deceased captain. From his words it follows that Akhmetshin and other servicemen confronted 200 militants.

“When help arrived and the attack was repulsed, he was found still alive. He, all wounded, held a grenade without a pin in his hand, and the earth around him was burning. Apparently, he wanted to blow himself up if ISIS approached. Our people took the grenade and threw it to the side so that it exploded. Only then did the son lose consciousness and fall face first into the fire,” said the father of the Russian hero.

Presumably, at the end of December 2016 or the beginning of January 2017, by a closed decree of the President of the Russian Federation, MTR officers who eliminated the organizers of the shelling of a Russian field hospital in Aleppo were awarded. On December 5, 2016, medics - sergeants Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova - became victims of militant shells. In total, the Syrian campaign took the lives of 34 Russians.

MURMANSK, September 30 - RIA Novosti. The war in Syria seems very far away - on TV screens and newspaper pages it looks not so bloody and almost not scary at all. But the shells of this war, although they explode far from Russian borders, echo in our homes with the echo of grief and loss.

"If Russia had not intervened." The VKS have been conducting operations in Syria for a year now.Russia managed to carry out a number of operational military tasks in Syria, inflict significant damage on the terrorists’ infrastructure, and create a good foundation for the Syrian army to launch a counteroffensive in a number of key areas.

And yet, the year that has passed since Russia decided to take part in the military operation in Syria has brought us not only losses. It became a lesson in courage for all Russians and inscribed in the history of our country the names of new heroes, of whom we will not only mourn, but of whom we can and will be proud. Loyalty to word and deed, honor and courage, understanding of duty and responsibility - these qualities were characteristic not only of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Today, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren give their lives performing military duty and fighting terrorism. Now they are becoming an example for new generations - an example of fidelity this word, the chosen path, the oath given and military duty.

Oleg Peshkov's last business trip

A native of the village of Koshikha, Altai Territory, Oleg Peshkov was at the controls of the same SU-24 aircraft that was shot down by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 over Syrian territory and crashed in Syria 4 kilometers from the border with Turkey. Pilot Peshkov was shot from the ground by militants during an ejection in territory controlled by Syrian Turkmens. Doctors managed to save his navigator Konstantin Murakhtin. Marine Alexander Pozynich took part in the operation to rescue the crew, but he also ended up on the list of dead. The pilot was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

The Peshkov family learned from the news that a Russian Su-24M bomber was shot down in Syria. Oleg Peshkov was remembered in different parts of the country - by relatives and colleagues, friends and those whom fate brought together at least once with the pilot. “He loved the sky very much, his profession, the Russian man... The concept of “officer’s honor” was not for him empty sound“,” recalls Peshkov’s colleague Sergei Vetrov. There were never military men in Oleg Peshkov’s family - his father worked on the May 1 collective farm as a mechanic, and his mother was an accountant in the district social services department. But, according to his younger brother, Pavel, Oleg dreamed of being a military man since childhood pilot and devoted his entire life to this profession.

The pilot’s memory was immortalized in Yekaterinburg - he studied in this city. Now his bas-relief is installed here. Another bust is located in the military unit of the Belogorsky district of the Amur region, where the hero of Russia served for seven years. The author of the sketch admitted that the work was responsible - it was necessary to convey not only facial features, but also character. “From a young age, he was capable of action. In all the photographs he has a clear look, he is so firmly on his feet, confident,” notes the author of the sketch, Nikolai Nevedomsky.

The local history museum in Barnaul decided to dedicate part of the exhibition to the heroically deceased fellow countryman. For this, the Peshkov family gave the museum workers a flight tablet, photographs and other personal belongings of Oleg Anatolyevich. In the capital of the Altai Territory, a memorial plaque dedicated to the heroes of Russia, natives of Altai, who died in the line of military duty in local conflicts, was solemnly unveiled.

Pilots Oleg Peshkov (posthumously) and Konstantin Murakhtin were also solemnly awarded orders and medals of the Syrian Arab Republic.

A memorial plaque also appeared in the village of Kosikha near Barnaul, where Peshkov was born and raised. The school in the Lipetsk region, where the hero’s children study today, and where he himself spoke on courage lessons more than once, was named after the pilot. Students of the Altai boarding school with initial flight training will receive a scholarship named after Peshkov.

IN Suvorov School In Yekaterinburg, the name of Oleg Peshkov, a 1987 graduate, is planned to be forever included in the list of personnel. This means that here he will have a separate bed, on it - a Suvorov cap and a sign describing the feat. And at every evening roll call the name of Oleg Peshkov will be heard.

The deceased was 45 years old.

Senior Lieutenant Prokhorenko: I call fire on myself

Report of the death of a 25-year-old Russian officer special forces senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko arrived in March of this year. He died while directing airstrikes against terrorists near Palmyra. Prokhorenko drew fire on himself when he was discovered and surrounded by militants. For his courage and heroism, Prokhorenko was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

At the school of the hero Prokhorenko, who died in Syria, his feat is constantly rememberedFor all Russians, the name of a native of the Orenburg region, Alexander Prokhorenko, is the name of a Russian special forces officer who died heroically in Syria while performing a combat mission.

Not only his fellow countrymen remember and are proud of the hero and his feat. The school where he studied in his native village is named after Alexander Prokhorenko. There is a bust of the fallen officer in front of the school building, and a memorial plaque on the wall. "Your school is not named after book hero, and the person who grew up with you, you knew him and can rightfully be proud of him. Be worthy of his memory,” he told the students at solemn ceremony actor Sergei Bezrukov.

The school director, Sergei Danshov, admitted that the village residents are proud that the school is named after Prokhorenko. “We live without him, but with the memory of him... we talk about him... literally in every lesson, about what his feat means for us Orenburg residents, the residents of Russia in general,” Danshov told RIA Novosti.

One of the streets in Orenburg is also named in honor of Alexander Prokhorenko. A memorial plaque in honor of the hero was installed on the barracks building where he lived.

They decided to perpetuate the memory of the deceased officer in Chechnya - at the beginning of September, a street located in the Leninsky district of Grozny was renamed in his honor.

But the main memory of the deceased will remain in the family of Prokhorenko himself - 4 months after his death, the widow Alexandra gave birth to a daughter, Violetta.

Gratitude from France

The highest state award - the star of the Hero of Russia - became the main, but not the only one for the Prokhorenko family. The hero received an unexpected and symbolic gift from France. Several French families, as a sign of gratitude and support, decided to give the relatives of the deceased pilot awards that were kept in their families as heirlooms. Micheline and Jean-Claude Maget gave the officer's parents, Alexander and Natalya Prokhorenko, as well as his brother Ivan, the Order of the Legion of Honor and the Military Cross with a Palm Branch, which were kept in their family.

At the school where Anton Erygin, who died in Syria, studied, they remember him as reliableVoronezh resident Anton Yerygin died in May from severe wounds received as a result of gunfire by militants while escorting cars from the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the Syrian province of Homs.

Jean-Claude Maget said that he learned about the feat of the Russian serviceman, who caused fire on himself, from the Internet; this was not reported in the French media. “This man died a hero, and we are very proud of him. We want to present you with our family awards. Of course, this, one might say, does not have much official significance, it is a personal gesture,” the Frenchman said during the awards ceremony.

In addition, the Mage family gave the parents of the deceased officer commemorative medals from the city of Flamersant, which read: “To the parents of a soldier of the armed forces who died a hero,” as well as another Order of the Legion of Honor from another French citizen, Daniel Couture.

Another family, Flock, also donated relics kept in the family to the family of a Russian officer. “I give my father’s awards - this is the Order of the Legion of Honor, and other orders and medals - to the family of the hero Alexander Prokhorenko. When I learned about his feat, I immediately thought about my father - he also fought, was also very young, but he was lucky "to stay alive. I'm doing this in order to honor the memory of a hero who accomplished a feat in the fight against terrorism that was not even national, but world-class," said Jean-Paul Flock.

He admitted that his decision to transfer the orders was also influenced by the thought that “the Russians paid a very high price in the fight against Nazism.” Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked the French for the unexpected and touching gesture and called them “the best ambassadors of the French people.”

Erygin and Zhuravlev: died while performing combat missions

Anton Yerygin this spring, together with other colleagues, came under gunfire from militants while escorting vehicles from the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the Syrian province of Homs. Anton was quickly taken to the hospital, where Russian military doctors fought for his life for two days, but were unable to save him. He was buried with military honors on May 12 at the cemetery in the village of Chertovitsy near Voronezh. For the courage and courage shown during the performance of a combat mission, Anton Erygin was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

Captain Fedor Zhuravlev: school leader and girls' favorite became an officerRussian officer Fedor Zhuravlev died on November 9, 2015 while carrying out a combat mission to coordinate airstrikes by long-range strategic aviation of the Aerospace Forces against terrorist formations in Syria.

Residents of the village where Anton was born came up with a proposal to perpetuate the memory of their heroic countryman, and the authorities have already decided to name one of the streets in Chertovitsy in honor of Anton Yerygin.

In addition, the city commission for cultural heritage decided to install a memorial plaque in the foyer of Lyceum No. 8 in Voronezh, where Erygin studied. The hero's name will also appear on the list at the monument to the fallen Voronezh internationalist soldiers.

Russian officer Fedor Zhuravlev died on November 9, 2015 while performing a combat mission to coordinate airstrikes by long-range strategic aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces against terrorist formations in Syria. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated December 8, 2015, Captain Zhuravlev was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, posthumously. The officer, who died in the line of military duty at the age of 27, was buried in the Bryansk region on November 25 last year.

© Photo: provided by the press service of the government of the Bryansk region

© Photo: provided by the press service of the government of the Bryansk region

Memorial plaque in honor dead hero has already been opened on the school building where he studied in the village of Paltso, Bryansk region, and the school itself now bears his name.

Dolgin and Khabibullin: the last attack of ace pilots

Another memorial plaque appeared on the wall of a school in the village of Sokolovy in memory of its student Evgeniy Dolgin. Pilots Evgeny Dolgin and Ryafagat Khabibullin died in Syria on July 8, repelling a terrorist attack near Palmyra.

As the Ministry of Defense later said, on that day a large detachment of Islamic State militants attacked the positions of Syrian troops east of Palmyra. Having broken through the defenses, the terrorists were able to capture the dominant heights. “At this time, Khabibullin and Dolgin were flying over a Syrian Mi-25 helicopter. The crew commander, Khabibullin, decided to attack the terrorists. The terrorists’ attack was thwarted by the competent actions of the Russian crew,” this is how the feat of the Russian pilots is described in a few words.

Son of Colonel Khabibullin: “My father taught me to never give up”The eldest son of the colonel, Ruslan Khabibullin, told RIA Novosti about what the Russian military pilot-instructor Ryafagat Khabibullin was like, about his love for the sky, which was passed on to his children.

In the village of Vyazovy Gai, Ulyanovsk region, his native, ace pilot Ryafagat Khabibullin, is remembered as a kind and modest man who did not like to talk about his exploits and the military operations in which he participated. But today, not only his fellow countrymen and colleagues know about his feat and are proud of him.

Events in memory of the heroically deceased pilot, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the start of the Russian Aerospace Forces operation in Syria, will be held throughout the Ulyanovsk region. And on October 3, the opening of a memorial bas-relief in the village of Vyazovy Gai is planned.

A memorial sign with the name of Ryafagat Khabibullin was previously installed in the regional center - the village of Staraya Kulatka, next to the monument to soldiers who died in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

In the local historical and local history museum named after. HA. Ablyazov organized an exhibition dedicated to the ace pilot. Among its exhibits are Khabibullin’s personal belongings, which were donated by his widow for the exhibition.

Local authorities are preparing documents to rename a street in the village of Vyazovy Gai in honor of the deceased pilot. It is assumed that this will be the street in front of the house where Khabibullin lived. Now it is called Komsomolskaya. A local school will also be named after the pilot. As RIA Novosti reported, the administration of the Starokulatsky district plans to resolve the issue of renaming the street and school in November of this year.

The government of the Ulyanovsk region reported that they want to award Ryafagat Khabibullin the title of honorary citizen of the region. And in memory of Khibibullin, a football tournament will be held in the village. The villagers hope that military pilots, friends and colleagues of Ryafagat will come here to honor the memory of the hero.

Private Shevchenko, who died in Aleppo, “knew how to make friends and loved football”Nikita's class teacher Valentina Denisenko says that she remembered him as a smiling boy, but with strong character, always ready to help.

Ryafagat Khabibullin was posthumously awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (with swords), two Orders of Courage, the Order of Military Merit and the Order of Courage (Ulyanovsk Region).

Evgeny Dolgin was a native Saratov region, and recently lived in the Pskov region. The deceased pilot was buried in the cemetery in his native village Sokolovy in the Saratov region. On September 3, a memorial plaque was unveiled on the walls of his home school in the village of Sokolovy. The idea of ​​installing a memorial plaque with the name of the deceased pilot on July 14 at a meeting with the acting. The regional minister - chairman of the committee of public relations and national policy, Artur Zabbarov, was proposed by Dolgin's fellow villagers, representatives of public organizations, as well as the leadership of the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which the serviceman graduated.

In addition, on August 12, a permanent exhibition dedicated to Dolgin and made up of his personal belongings and photographs, which were donated to the museum by the serviceman’s family, opened in the Saratov historical and ethnographic complex “Falcon Mountain” in Victory Park.

Shirokopoyas, Shevchenko, Shelamov. Remember everyone by name

Junior Sergeant Shirokopoyas was wounded in the first half of May in the province of Aleppo. Military doctors promptly provided medical care, he was taken to a military clinical hospital in Moscow by a special plane of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian military department said in a statement that they were fighting for Mikhail’s life. best doctors Main Military Clinical Hospital named after. N.N. Burdenko, but the wound turned out to be incompatible with life. The soldier was posthumously presented with the Order of Courage.

35-year-old Mikhail was buried in Seryshevo, Amur Region, on June 11 with military honors. The junior sergeant is survived by his wife, 13-year-old daughter, parents and sister.

In the park near the regional museum of local lore on the Alley of Memory, where in different time photographs of Amur residents appeared - Heroes Soviet Union, those who died in Chechnya and Afghanistan, at the request of the command of the 35th Army, a memorial plaque with a portrait of Shirokopoyas was installed.

The death of private Nikita Shevchenko in the Syrian province of Aleppo became known on July 22. According to the official statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Shevchenko was driving a car escorting a convoy with food and water for local residents. At the entrance to locality An improvised explosive device planted by militants went off near the car. Doctors fought for the life of the seriously wounded Shevchenko, but they could not save him.

Mikhail Shirokopoyas, who died in Syria, proved that he is worthy of the memory of his grandfatherFulfilling military duty was a family trait for Mikhail Shirokopoyas, who was mortally wounded in the Syrian province of Aleppo. He proved that he is worthy of the memory of his grandfather, who fought on the Kursk Bulge, says Oksana, the widow of the deceased.

Nikita Shevchenko was buried in her homeland - in Birobidzhan. As a local school teacher said, many people came to Nikita’s funeral - not only relatives and those who knew him personally, but also residents of the city. Nikita Shevchenko was nominated for a state award posthumously.

According to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, on August 1, in the province of Idlib, a Russian military transport helicopter Mi-8 was shot down as a result of shelling from the ground. He was returning to Khmeimim airbase after delivering humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo. On board the helicopter were three crew members and two officers from the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria. According to preliminary data, all of them died. Among the dead was a 29-year-old graduate of the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, Senior Lieutenant Oleg Shelamov, who was born in the city of Torzhok, Tver Region and graduated there high school №5.

Cases of deaths of Russian military personnel during the Aerospace Forces operation in SyriaOn September 30, 2015, at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia began carrying out airstrikes against terrorist targets in Syria. In March 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to withdraw most of the Russian Aerospace Forces group due to the successful completion of tasks.

But, probably, the most important memorable gift for Alexander’s orphaned family was made by entrepreneurs from Yalta. Having learned that Alexander wanted to someday move his family to Crimea, they helped the hero’s relatives fulfill his dream: they gave his widow and child an apartment in the village of Gurzuf.

“This is a modest contribution from Crimeans and Yalta residents in particular to reward the hero. The apartment is located in a new building under construction in Gurzuf,” explained the Yalta administration.

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