Spiritual self-development of the individual: culture and religion. Introduction of a dissertation on pedagogy on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality”

Clearly generating entropy, it serves as a source of self-destruction, turning from a force opposing chaos into a force feeding it. From here it becomes clear how important it is that the contradictions in the development of the style of pedagogical activity are experienced by the teacher fruitfully.

Since the individual style of activity is a relatively stable phenomenon, it is difficult to predict in advance which of the possible directions the system will “choose” at this point, along which will go the way its further development - all this depends on random factors. Therefore, pedagogical assistance to a teacher who is in a disequilibrium state is very important. But it should be noted that external pedagogical assistance will be effective only in the presence of formed internal conditions, i.e., depending on how much the teacher has independently moved forward in the process of understanding the need for change individual style pedagogical activities.

Since we characterize the individual style of pedagogical activity as a constant self-regulating system in which information coming from outside is processed in a self-organizing process, it is the active role of internal conditions, which are increasingly formed and developed, that determines the range of external influences. From this statement

It follows that in order to effectively influence the development of a teacher’s individual style, it is necessary to disrupt its static stability and, through bifurcation, transfer it to a dynamically non-equilibrium, but amenable to influence, state of self-regulated development.

The most difficult moment is the process of creating disturbances to develop an individual style of activity in the right direction. The teacher’s self-orientation towards maximizing the potential of the internal environment and continuous self-renewal are impossible without the teacher’s creative approach to self-regulation of the style-system.

Thus, within the framework of the synergetic approach, the individual style of a teacher’s activity is an open, self-regulating integral system that ensures its development through the active use of both internal resources and opportunities determined by environmental conditions. This approach is not a denial of any of those currently existing in philosophical and psychological-pedagogical science, but it allows us to solve in a new way the problems associated with the development of individual style professional activity teacher, with the transition of his functioning under the influence of “control levers” (G. Haken) to a higher level associated with a more complex organization.


I.A. Sharshov

Analysis of the problem under study requires a theoretical and methodological integral understanding of the concept of “professional and creative self-development of the individual” in accordance with the personally oriented orientation of education. To do this, we are building a strict generic conceptual chain “self-development” -> “creative self-development of the individual” -> “professional and creative self-development of the individual.”

Self-development, in our opinion, is the highest level of self-motion, at which not chaotic, but directed, conscious changes occur, leading to a qualitative transformation of the elements of the system and their functions, accompanied by an increase in the number of degrees of freedom of the system and the emergence and complication of new dynamic connections and relationships with the environment . Dialectics of interaction between internal

them and external factors determined by the level of independence of the system, or more precisely, the level of its self-organization. The more self-organized the system, the less significant the influence of external factors. The ability to self-organize directly proportionally determines the degree of freedom of the system, the level of its autonomy and stability.

The process of self-development is endless, while the process of self-organization, in relation to the individual, without further clarification, will have a limit determined by the absence of special qualities of a rational system - mechanisms of self-knowledge. Highlighting self-knowledge as the first relatively independent functional block of self-development, it is necessary to note its inextricable functional connection with self-organization. Self-organization, building on the mechanisms of self-generation

knowledge is exclusively conscious in nature: the internal goal is formed by the individual himself; self-regulation is carried out between various components of the personality as a system; an attitude towards external goals and influences is being developed. Representatives of the synergetic approach (N.N. Moiseev, I. Prigozhin, G. Haken, etc.) argue that it is the possibility of conscious choice from various options that underlies self-development, contributing to the emergence of more advanced forms of self-organization.

Effective personal development requires consideration of not only the means by which an individual obtains information about himself (self-knowledge), planning, ensuring and controlling his behavior (self-organization), but also the mechanisms and essence of the individual’s goal-setting and means of achieving results. A special aspect of the study is professional self-realization as the goal, condition and result of targeted professional and creative self-development of the individual during the process of studying at a university. The process of self-realization involves setting goals, developing plans, projects and ideas, as well as mastering ways to implement them.

Full self-realization of an individual necessarily presupposes a preliminary stage at which the individual’s pedagogical activity is carried out, directed toward himself, with the goal of not just revealing existing abilities, but also acquiring and developing new ones for the individual’s conscious improvement of his essential and potential strengths in order to “complete” himself to ideal image (“self-education”) as a holistic personality capable of creative self-realization. To do this, we highlight a relatively independent block of self-development mechanisms preceding self-realization - self-education, which includes the processes of self-learning and self-education.

Thus, personal self-development is a conscious process of personal development with the goal of effective self-realization based on internally significant aspirations and external influences. We have combined various mechanisms of the self-development process into four functional block stages: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization. In the holistic structure of functional blocks of personal self-development, we consider creativity and intelligence as methods.

The need for an intellectual component is caused by the real state of affairs in the educational process at a university: the educational and professional activities of students are based mainly on intellectual activity, suggesting a high degree of mental development of the individual. In conditions of self-development, those students who have more advanced intelligence have the best chances.

Of particular interest in this regard is creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon. Self-development is also possible at the reproductive level, in the absence creative direction activities. If in a philosophical sense self-development implies certain changes in personality, the emergence of something new (a sign of creativity), then in pedagogical terms simple changes cannot be considered a manifestation creative activity. Thus, we consider creativity as the most important way of effective self-development, which determines its creative essence.

All of the above allows us to affirm the existence of the integral concept of “creative self-development of the individual” (TSL). It is a certain structural and procedural characteristic of a personality, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of the processes of “self”, and as a level and special quality of a personality (as the ability for creative self-development).

Such an interpretation allows us to introduce the concept of the space of creative self-development of the individual, located in the multidimensional space of personal qualities, values ​​and abilities. For clarity, let’s enlarge the basis of space: let’s take self-development, creativity and intelligence as basic vectors. In fact, these concepts themselves are multidimensional formations, that is, some subspaces of lower dimension in the same TSL space.

Self-development (Q

Rice. 1. Space for creative self-development of the individual

Creative self-development of the individual is

an integrative creative process of conscious personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. The TSL process, as a form of existence of a personality at a certain stage of its formation, affects all internal spheres of a person and finds its expression in all personal manifestations: in activity, activity, communication, etc.,

which, in turn, contributes to the formation of further motivation for creative self-development. When analyzing the features of this process for students, we mean its professional orientation.

Then the professional and creative self-development of a student (PTSD) of a student is the creative self-development of his personality in educational process university, providing further creative self-realization in professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intelligence as ways to intensify this process.

Professional competence is formed on the basis of general personal development (education) and for further cultural development and the formation of his individual style of activity. Structurally, PTSL is a subspace of the TSL space, and its model can be built in the same three-dimensional coordinate system, taking into account the professional orientation of each axis. A point in the PTSL space reflects the state of professional creative self-development of the individual at a given moment, determined by the degree of expression of the qualities-coordinates. To build a visual model of the PTSL process, we identify the key stages of all three basic processes in the PTSL space (self-development, intelligence and creativity), the spatial intersections of which will give an idea of ​​their integral interaction.

Considering self-development as a structural and procedural characteristic of a person, we can draw a parallel between the functional blocks of self-development that we have identified and the stages of implementation of self-development as a process. As such block-stages in the formation of the ability for self-development, let us take self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization, which have a professional orientation. For creativity and intelligence, we also offer several relatively independent block-stages, each of which reveals a certain facet of the concepts of “creativity” and “intelligence” and gives an idea of ​​the dynamics of the corresponding professional growth. For the axes of creativity and intelligence in the PTSL space, we implement the principle of mutual complementarity of the corresponding qualities at the stages of the same name, synchronizing them with the stages along the “self-development” axis.

The first stages of intelligence and creativity will be called mutually complementary personal and professional characteristics: rational-mathematical thinking (including spatial thinking) and creative imagination, respectively. Just as self-knowledge is

the foundation of self-development, and these abilities are the basis for the formation of the intellectual and creative personality of a specialist.

In factor models of intelligence, as well as in intelligence tests, mathematical and (sometimes as a separate) spatial factors are necessarily present, and in many theories they are decisive. But in reality, during the process of studying at universities, these abilities are developed only in special faculties, depriving students of humanities faculties of the mathematical component as a powerful means of self-development of professionally significant qualities.

The stage of rational-mathematical thinking implies the development of not only arithmetic abilities, but also spatial imagination, which has a direct connection with creative imagination. We understand the latter as the ability of an individual to create new images, structures, ideas, connections through the combination or recombination of previously known elements. Thus, creative imagination is based on operating with visual mental models, but at the same time it has features of indirect, generalized cognition and abstract ideas that unite it with thinking. It is important that figurative imagination is integrated with rational-mathematical imagination for the purpose of their full mutual development. This interaction mobilizes intuition and observation, a critical attitude towards what is being studied, the ability to generalize, logic, accuracy, the ability to model, the ability to generate ideas, analyze and defend one’s opinion, systematize knowledge, etc.

As the second stages of intelligence and creativity, we note memory (semantic and figurative, respectively). Both intellectual and creative aspects are hidden in mnemonic activity. G.K. Sereda characterizes memory as a continuous, never-ending process of “self-organization” of a person’s individual experience. That is, professional memory organizes and reconstructs acquired knowledge.

Semantic memory, which is inherent to a greater extent in an intellectual person, is distinguished on the basis of the relationship between memory and thinking and consists in the fact that information is subjected to active mental processing, logical analysis and synthesis, establishing relationships, generalization, etc. Semantic memory refers to deliberate thought processes : the subject consciously sets a goal, a task for memorization, providing volitional regulation of memory processes. Figurative memory is determined by the connection of memory with perception and imagination and is usually divided into separate types, depending on the type of analyzer: visual, auditory, gustatory, tactile and olfactory.

new memory. In our opinion, a more successful characteristic of memory is not the source of information, but the object of memory. If semantic memory deals with concepts and words, then figurative memory, of course, operates with images. At the same time, figurative memory is often involuntary in nature, causing the emergence of unexpected associations; it is characterized by emotionality, which is an additional powerful factor in memorization. For effective professional and creative self-development, it is necessary to use all types of memory together, complementing them.

The third stage of intelligence will be the verbal abilities noted by all researchers, which closely correlate with the general culture of the individual and academic performance. By verbal abilities we include semantic understanding, the ability to make verbal analogies, the ability to define and explain concepts, verbal fluency, adequate vocabulary (professional literacy), etc.

For creativity, as the third stage, we will highlight a dual method of self-expression and self-education in relation to verbal abilities - acting. When preparing a specialist, it is useful to use the basic techniques of the K.S. system in education. Stanislavsky, improving the art of impersonation, speech improvisation, facial expressions, gestures, etc. Moreover, unlike an actor, in the creative arsenal of a self-developing personality there should be more roles, her behavior should be more flexible and inventive. Acting techniques of creative transformation enrich the possibilities of self-knowledge of the individual and the means of professional communication.

Finally, the fourth stages of intelligence and creativity will be called logic and intuition, respectively. Just as self-realization is both a stage and an intermediate goal of self-development, upon achievement of which a new round of the endless process of self-development begins, so logical and intuitive abilities act directly as qualities inherent in an intellectual and creative personality at certain stages of PTSL, as well as the goals of this process, which consist in

the ability of an individual to decide in practice professional problems and tasks.

Logic, being the highest manifestation of intellectual thinking, acts, at the same time, as a starting point for intellectual development for more high level professional self-improvement. Similarly, intuition is interpreted as the root cause of the creative act hidden in the depths of the unconscious (A. Bergson, N.O. Lossky, Z. Freud, etc.), that is, it necessarily accompanies all previous stages of creativity, and as a specific mechanism of the creative process, not reducible to discursive thinking. Professional intuition is considered the highest manifestation of competence, being a specific creative mechanism for going beyond the boundaries of established professional stereotypes.

Let's build a PTSL model by depicting the correspondence of the stages of three coordinate components in PTSL space.

Rice. 2. Model of professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD)

The spatial model of PTSL is dynamic, since the process of professional and creative self-development in it can be schematically represented as the movement of an individual from point O, which corresponds to the minimum expression of basic qualities and abilities (or from the actual state of PTSL in which the individual is currently located), to the top cube corresponding to the achievement of the fourth stages in all directions. The implementation of this movement is individual for each student.

^ "Self-salience

НІ ~ Self-education



And yoke mile I---L oopoe

Verbal abilities

Meaning about share

Regional-mathematical thinking

analysis and evaluation of the developed strategy and the program implemented on this basis, correlating it with the put forward goals and objectives.

The smallest module that performs the function of a fractal is a chain of actions included in the structure of subject pedagogical activity: analysis - goal setting - planning - execution - control - evaluation. It determines the structure of each seminar (practical) lesson and is considered as a unit of the educational process. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the essential point of the systematic organization of the educational process. At any stage (formation of internal motivation educational activities, organization educational material, based on its own logic and history, the inclusion of elements of control of the material being studied, assessment and self-assessment of the results achieved) it is necessary to distinguish three main components of the history or logic of the subject: the development of the object, the history of its knowledge and the logic of presentation.

The proposed model of educational technology for the formation of the pedagogical activity of a future teacher, in our opinion, allows us to better reflect the requirements of the new standard and ensure the formation of pedagogical competencies effectively and in a certain system.


1. Slastenin, V. A. Personally oriented technologies professionally- teacher education[Text] / V. A. Slastenin // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 49-74.

2. Slastenin, V. A. Teacher professionalism as a phenomenon pedagogical culture[Text] / V. A. Slastenin // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. -2007. - No. 2. - P. 76-89.

3. Bunin, S. V. Personally oriented learning in the process vocational training specialist [Text] / S. V. Bunin, V. A. Belovolov, E. V. Ilyenko // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 117-130.


The professional component of the process of professional and creative self-development has a triune meaning: it characterizes the goal of the process - the desire for creative self-realization in the profession, to some extent, the means and methods of realizing professionally significant qualities and abilities in the process of professional and creative self-development, and

also the environment for the implementation of the process - the specifics of creative self-development in professional (for teachers) and educational and professional (for students) activities at a university.

When analyzing the features of this process for university teachers and students, we mean its professional orientation. Then the professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD) of a university teacher/student is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational environment of the university, ensuring dialectical creative self-realization in professional/educational and professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intelligence as ways to intensify this process.

Acmeology today is developing primarily as a science of professionalism, concentrating various points of view on this concept and developing its own comprehensive understanding of this category, thereby it can serve as the foundation for studying the characteristics of professional and creative self-development of subjects of education at a university as an integral continuous process.

In our understanding, creative personal self-development (TSD) is an integrative creative process of conscious and purposeful personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. TSL is a certain structural and procedural characteristic of a personality, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of “self” processes, and as a level and special quality of a personality (as the ability for creative self-development).

Thus, the professional and creative self-development of subjects of the educational process at a university is the unity of the processes of professional and creative self-development of the teacher and student, carried out in constructive interaction.

The subject is a conscious and responsible strategist of professional and creative self-development, necessarily implying not only responsibility for his own activity, but also coordination with the activity of other people, that is, integration of his professional path with the professional experience of others occurs, enrichment with the vision of another subject, comprehension of the possibilities for the development of his "I" in interaction.

A holistic vision of the problem of formation and self-development of a professional from an acmeological perspective helps to clarify the essence of the process of professional and creative self-development of subjects of the educational process of a university. “Self-development is at the core professional development, as a dynamic and continuous process of self-design of personality." At first glance, the acmeological approach is relevant in our research.

only for the process of PTSL of university teachers as mature individuals

and, accordingly, is of little use to the PTSL process of students who have not reached a certain age limit. Meanwhile, “equally, acmeology of education studies a person both at the stages pre-university training, choice future profession, and during the course of studying at a university from subject to subject, from course to course...” At the same time, the emphasis shifts from age characteristics to the level of personal achievements; the peak of maturity - ACME - is considered as a multidimensional characteristic of the state of an adult, covering a certain period of his progressive development associated with great professional, personal and social achievements.

If we focus not on the result, but on the process of achieving ACME, then the process of professional and creative self-development of students at a university as a prerequisite for achieving ACME in future independent professional activities also comes into the field of view of acmeology (in close collaboration with pedagogy and psychology). A. A. Bodalev notes that the state of maturity does not appear in a person unexpectedly and immediately: it depends on the person’s entire previous life how he will approach the stage of maturity, what will constitute the core of his personality and what abilities, as well as what stock of knowledge, skills and abilities will characterize him as a subject of activity when he becomes an adult. At the same time, if in the process of a person’s professional development sensitive periods that are especially favorable for the formation of the corresponding personal, professional and subjective-activity characteristics were not actively involved, then with the onset of maturity the peak of his achievements will be lower than it could be. Namely, during the period vocational training At the university, the process of students' PTSL is most intensive.

The attitude of acmeology to the process of self-development itself and its mechanisms is direct: “In a narrower sense, the subject of acmeology is the search for patterns of self-development and self-improvement of a mature personality, self-realization in various spheres of self-education, self-correction and self-organization.” On the other hand, the significance of acmeology for our research lies in its “purely personal orientation”, manifested in the determination of not only general, but also individual acmeological conditions and factors (when constructing acmeograms, implementing acme technologies). This feature of acmeology corresponds well to the interaction of synergetic and polylateral approaches, which makes it possible to study both the integrity of the process and its unique creative manifestations, which is very important at the individual level when constructing bifurcation subjective-optimal trajectories of professional and creative self-development of a particular individual.

The relevance of the problem of professional development of personality gives rise to a large number of psychological, pedagogical and acmeological research in this area. There is no generally accepted classification of analytical studies of professionalization, but according to their topics they can be divided into the following three main groups:

1. Study of psychological and pedagogical problems of pre-professional training and vocational guidance.

2. Research of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of vocational training, including issues of the content of vocational training and education.

3. Study of psychological and pedagogical problems that arise at the stage of independent professional activity.

The first group, despite the fact that it is not the subject of our study, is not accidentally mentioned, since many contradictions and patterns of the PTSL process in a university are determined by the characteristics of pre-professional training and career guidance: professional interests, motives for choosing a profession, special importance play an important role have the dynamics of professional self-determination, professional suitability of the individual as compliance with the requirements of the profession (P. P. Blonsky, V. A. Bodrov, V. I. Vinogradov, E. A. Klimov, V. V. Kozlov, L. M. Mitina, A K. Osnitsky, K. K. Platonov, A. A. Smirnov, I. S. Yakimanskaya, A. Roe, D. E. Super, J. L. Holland, etc.). The analysis of the literature allows us to generalize some psychological mechanisms of career guidance to the problem of professionalization in general.

Firstly, situations of professional choice (bifurcation points in the terminology of the synergetic approach) arise at any stage of the professional path and cannot be associated only with the period of option in adolescence.

Secondly, the situation of professional choice is a motivator of specific activity of the individual, causing the formation of a subject of professional self-determination, and subsequently - a subject of professional activity. T.V. Kudryavtsev and V.Yu. Shegurova emphasize that “professional self-determination, first of all, is a stable positive attitude towards oneself as a subject of professional activity.”

Thirdly, the processes of career guidance and professional self-determination can be analyzed both at the level of compliance of the qualities, abilities and needs of the individual with the content of professional activity, and at the level of a person’s satisfaction with the profession, which leads us to the dialectical goal of the PTSL process - creative self-realization in the profession.

Thus, the professional path strategy is largely determined by the stage of choosing a profession and preparing for it. Conscious and independent choice contributes to the professional development strategy,

while random, unconscious choice in most cases determines the strategy of adaptation to professional requirements.

The second group of psychological and pedagogical studies of professional development is directly applicable to the study of the characteristics of professional and creative self-development of university students. Traditional areas of research in the field of vocational training are the study of mechanisms for the formation of relevant skills, professionally important qualities (PVK), professional knowledge and skills, professional motives, determination of objective and subjective criteria for training (S. N. Arkhangelsky, S. Ya. Batyshev, V. A Bodrov, V. N. Druzhinin, V. D. Shadrikov, G. Salvendy, W. D. Seymour, etc.).

Promising in terms of studying the integrative mechanisms of vocational training is the concept of systemogenesis of professional activity by V.D. Shadrikov, which overcomes the limitations of the analytical approach and outlines prospects for studying the process of vocational training from the standpoint of the formation of holistic professional activity. The leading concept of the concept is psychological system activity, which is described at the operational (professional knowledge and skills) and motivational levels, as well as at the level of professionally important personality traits. This concept can serve as a kind of connecting link between studies of professional development in the process of vocational training and directly at the stage of independent professional activity, ensuring continuity between the stages of professionalization, which, unfortunately, is poorly taken into account in specific studies.

Professional development of an individual during the period of independent professional activity, of course, does not stop, but takes on other forms and becomes not a goal, but a means of social regulation of the effectiveness of professional activity. This is the main feature of the PTSL process for teachers, in contrast to the accompanying PTSL process for students. At this stage, the following key issues can be identified, which are the subject of targeted scientific research: problems of professional adaptation (A. A. Kiriltseva, T. V. Kudryavtsev, E. S. Kuzmin, V. K. Marten, etc.), issues of professional certification and examination (A. A. Krylov, E. S. Kuzmin,

A.K. Markova, L.I. Melnikov, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), professional development and retraining, mechanisms for stimulating and enriching professional activities (V.I. Kovalev, N.V. Kuzmina, L.M. Mitina, A. L. Rean, V. D. Shadrikov, J. R. Harcman, F. Hezzberg, D. M. McGregor, G. R. Oldham, V. Vroom, etc.), issues of acmeology in terms of studying the specifics of higher professional achievements (A. A. Derkach,

V. G. Zazykin, N. V. Kuzmina, A. K. Markova, V. S. Merlin, A. S. Ognev,

A.P. Sitnikov and others).

The lack of a unified conceptual apparatus for describing the process of professionalization both at the stage of vocational training and at the stage of independent professional activity significantly complicates taking into account the specifics of the professional orientation of the process of professional creative self-development of subjects of the educational process at a university. It is necessary to synchronize concepts for both stages, but, while highlighting the general, do not forget about the specifics of the processes.

In the most general view in relation to the goals of our research, we consider professional adaptation as a process of familiarization, adaptation of a young specialist to professional activities, working conditions, a new team and achieving optimal a short time normal labor productivity (V.K. Marten). It is noteworthy that the term “adaptation” in psychological and pedagogical literature is often used in meanings close to the concepts of “adaptation”, “self-development”, “self-learning”, etc. Primary and secondary adaptation are distinguished (T.V. Kudryavtsev, A. T. Rostunov). Primary adaptation is associated with the beginning of vocational training in the chosen profession (that is, in our case, it is applicable to the process of PTSL of students), and secondary adaptation is associated with the beginning of independent professional activity (relevant for young university teachers). In both cases professional adaptation- not a passive act of submission to professional requirements, but active inclusion in professional activities. Some researchers (T.V. Kudryavtsev, K.K. Platonov, A.V. Sukharev, etc.) consider adaptation as a stage and even a criterion of professional self-determination of an individual. This connects the adaptation process with the dynamics of the specialist’s self-esteem as a professional, that is, it directly affects the PTSL process.

However, in addition to self-assessment, external (including expert) assessment or professional certification is important. In the literature, certification is most often associated with an assessment of the personality and activities of a specialist who has been working independently for some time. In reality, the need for assessment also arises at earlier stages of professional development, for example, during vocational training. Therefore, we will consider professional certification along with self-assessment more broadly - as necessary means of monitoring the PTSL process at its various stages.

In studies of problems of advanced training, the mechanisms of restructuring the psychological and pedagogical system of professional activity are studied, and in studies of retraining - the mechanisms of formation new system activities. PTSL subjects may encounter both mechanisms in the process of constructing and implementing individual bifurcation trajectories of professional and creative self-development, in particular, their actualization can occur with a sharp change in the direction of self-development, for example, from a traditional intellectual direction to a creative one. Besides this creative

the component of the PTSL process actualizes issues of labor enrichment when the established structure of professional (educational and professional) activities changes in accordance with the needs and capabilities of a person.

Thus, from the most general point of view, based on the acmeological approach, professionalism is considered as “a complex integrative socio-psychological concept that reflects the level and nature of a person’s mastery of a profession... Professionalism is the highest degree of perfection in a certain type of activity, the highest level of skill , getting things done in superlatives". In this interpretation, the acmeological component is obvious, but there is a clear bias towards the activity aspect of the problem, essentially identifying professionalism with professional skill. Although high professionalism is impossible without the development of special abilities, knowledge and skills in a person, which in their content and form correspond to the requirements of a specific activity, but the most important condition achieving professionalism is necessarily the “powerful development” of a person’s general abilities and the transformation of universal human values ​​into his own values.

Bilateral approach as special case The multilateral approach allows us to distinguish two interconnected subsystems in defining the essence of professionalism: professionalism of activity and professionalism of the individual. Professionalism of activity - a more traditional characteristic - focuses on the high professional qualifications and competence of a specialist, a variety of effective professional skills and abilities, algorithms and methods for solving professional problems (including creative ones), which together makes it possible to carry out activities with high and stable productivity. The professionalism of an individual reflects a high level of professionally important and personal-business qualities, creativity, characterizes motivational sphere And value orientations subject of labor, focus on progressive development/self-development.

Both subsystems are qualitative characteristics of the subject of labor and are in dialectical unity: the rapid development of one of the subsystems of professionalism will necessarily stimulate the development of the other. This interaction has very important practical significance for the implementation of the technology of professional and creative self-development. For example, intensive development professional skills and abilities will be hampered if the corresponding level lags behind psychological qualities personality, and vice versa: the development of professionally important personal qualities will allow you to master new skills and increase the effectiveness of existing ones; the system of value relations, which sets the hierarchical structure of the dominant motives of the individual, encourages the individual to assert himself in professional activities, and vice versa

The level of professional competence is reflected in an individual’s self-esteem, communication characteristics, social behavior skills, etc.

So, in the acmeological understanding, professionalism is a property of a developing personality in which the personal and activity aspects of the phenomenon are integrated. According to the results of research from the laboratory of psychology of professional development under the leadership of L. M. Mitina, the fundamental condition for the development of the integral characteristics of a professional’s personality is his awareness of the need to change, transform his inner world and search for new opportunities for self-realization in professional work. It must be added that such professional self-awareness is not enough; further launch of self-development mechanisms is needed - self-organization (including self-regulation) and self-education, if these mechanisms have not yet been formed.

Another basic acmeological category that makes it possible to further explore the PTSL process is personal and professional development. This concept has been studied in labor psychology and professional science, as a rule, from two positions: 1) as professional and qualification development, mainly associated with training and self-education; 2) as professional and official development, manifested in personnel movements and professional careers.

The acmeological understanding of personal and professional development focuses on achieving the highest standards in professional development. “Personal and professional development is a process of personal development (in a broad sense), focused on a high level of professionalism and professional achievements, carried out through training and self-development in the process of professional activity and professional interactions.” In the dichotomy of the categories “development - self-development” this definition clearly focused on external development; the process of self-development is one of the components - a way to achieve a high acmeological level. We characterized the errors of such a relationship between the concepts of “development” and “self-development” earlier, but here the similar characteristics of the processes of personal-professional development and professional-creative self-development at the general level, in terms of progressive changes in the structure of the individual, are significant for us. In our opinion, the following characteristics can serve as such:

Increasing the objectivity of self-assessment, including the degree of readiness for professional actions;

Updating the motives for professional achievements (one of the starting conditions for personal self-development, according to N.V. Kuzmina) implies two levels: the development of the individual’s subjectivity and the adequacy of achievement motivation to personal capabilities;

Expanding the range of interests (particularly significant changes - in the case of connecting dual, “opposite” areas of interest), changing the system of needs;

Increasing need for professional self-realization;

Increasing psychological readiness for activities, including in non-standard situations (which is especially important for university teachers);

Development of internal protection rules determined by the specifics of the activity;

Increasing personal creativity;

Development of acmeological invariants of professionalism.

These characteristics are important for constructing models of students’ PTSL

and teachers, as well as for the implementation of appropriate technology for professional and creative self-development. I would especially like to focus on the last two characteristics.

The emphasis on individual creativity is not accidental: the process of professional and creative self-development necessarily implies a creative component, while for personal and professional development, from the point of view of acmeology, this “component” is desirable, but is not designated as mandatory. To fill this gap, N. F. Vishnyakova, based on the interdependence of acmeology, creativity psychology and educational psychology, proposes a new direction, which she conventionally designates as creative acmeology. Such interaction of sciences makes it possible to explore various aspects of professional and creative self-development in the process of analysis, to introduce and verify them in acmeological science, emphasizing its creative status. In this case, the subject scientific knowledge will be the features and trends of the process and result of the creative maturity of the individual, objective and subjective factors of achieving creative peaks and professional excellence in the process of its self-development: “Psychological creative reality, initially being systemic education, is implemented in the scientific and applied field of professional acmeology... The productive result is realized both in the learning process and in the structure of professional activity, that is, with the self-actualization of the individual in professional life.”

The results of acmeological studies indicate that the development of professionalism among specialists of various professions follows similar patterns. The search for such stable patterns, properties, qualities and characteristics should be carried out based on the principle of invariance, the essence of which is to determine invariants - stable, relatively unchangeable parameters in the progressive self-development of the individual and his professionalism, which are to a certain extent independent in nature. The development of professionalism and, accordingly, the launch of the process of professional and creative self-development must begin primarily with them. From a practical point of view

they will help identify general patterns and necessary conditions PTSL, ensuring stable efficiency and reliability of the activities performed, almost regardless of its content and specificity. It is this feature that makes acmeological invariants relevant for the PTSL process of students: it is very important to build a model of this process and identify the conditions for its effective implementation for students of any faculty and any specialty. Taking into account the specifics of the future profession should be implemented at the technological level.

In various professional groups (according to the typology of E. A. Klimov), regardless of the type of professional activity, common acmeological invariants were identified: features of psychological self-regulation (in particular, high performance, stress resistance, the ability to mobilize one’s resources, etc.); stimulating creative activity (creativity is manifested not only in high creative potential, but also in special skills to solve professional problems in a non-standard, but effective way); a certain level of development of basic psychological skills and personal and professional qualities (developed anticipation, manifested in the ability to accurately predict situations arising in professional activities, the ability to make decisions, high and adequate motivation for achievements, etc.). Only one who has developed almost all general acmeological invariants, which have the greatest “weight” in the totality of factors ensuring high productivity, becomes a real professional. Consequently, the very process of professional and creative self-development to the level of professionalism must be carried out comprehensively and multidimensionally.

In the process of professional and creative self-development of subjects of education at a university, the following stable connection is clearly expressed: on the one hand, personality traits have a significant impact on the process and results of professional activity, on the other hand, the development of personality itself occurs under the influence of the specifics of professional activity and the characteristics of the educational environment. Therefore, we need to highlight the corresponding specific invariants: social-perceptual competence, communication skills, empathy, etc., which are the basis for the development of professionalism in specific types of professional activity (in our case: “person - person” and “person - team”). At the same time, when determining the hierarchy and “weight” of specific qualities in the context of a specific professional activity, it is necessary to establish which of them are indispensable for a professional in this Field, and which can be replaced and compensated for by other qualities without harming the activity.

The main methods of such analysis in practice (taking into account the specifics of the PTSL process of subjects of the educational process at a university) are expert assessments and factor analysis of the qualities and skills that ensure

highly productive activities compared to medium and low productive ones. The formation of acmeological invariants of professionalism among the subjects of the PTSL process as reserve capabilities of a compensatory type (primarily intellectual-creative, activity-based and emotional-volitional) in the future will allow much faster development of a system of specialized skills, abilities, professionally important qualities and abilities.

So, the acmeological analysis of professionalization in the context of professional and creative self-development of the individual characterizes the professional orientation of the PTSL process, helping to clarify the essence of the PTSL process, allowing not only to build adequate models of professional and creative self-development of students and teachers, but also to identify the corresponding patterns, principles and conditions of existence and effective process implementation.


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7. Markova, A. K. Psychology of professionalism. [Text]/ A.K. Markova - M., 1996.

8. Povarenkov, Yu. P. Psychological content of a person’s professional development. [Text] / Yu. P. Povarenkov - M., 2002.

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10. Shadrikov, V. D. Problems of systemogenesis of professional activity. [Text] / V. D. Shadrikov - M., 1982.

11. Sharshov, I. A. Multilateral approach to the problem of professional creative self-development [Text] / I. A. Sharshov // Artistic and aesthetic training of the future teacher in the system of continuous pedagogical education. -Lipetsk, 2004.

12. Sharshov, I. A. Professional and creative self-development of the individual: essence and technology. [Text] / I. A. Sharshov - M.; Tambov, 2003.

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V. I. Matis


Formation of a multicultural personality in modern world is updated by the need to prepare modern young people for an ever-changing world and strengthening integration processes in the world community. So far, this problem is just beginning to be solved and cannot but attract the attention of researchers and education practitioners in various parts of the world. Their theoretical ideas about the main directions of the formation of a multicultural personality and some fragments of multicultural education are presented in the works of many authors.

In order for disparate structural and content elements to be combined into an integral functioning system, it is necessary to study existing experience, determine missing links, correlate their significance, note the integrative abilities and place of each element in the system, and then create a unified educational space based on an innovative education system. This means that in modern conditions a new understanding of goals and objectives is needed Russian school and education system, based not on the traditional, conservative idea of ​​national culture, but taking into account modern processes and current trends in society. Model development new school engaged in by both academic teachers and education practitioners.

In this regard, one should remember the basic paradigms in education. The abundance of formulations of the concept, “paradigm” in modern dictionaries, reveals either a misunderstanding of this category or an unwillingness to take it into account in some publications. As working definitions, we use two definitions that better reflect the essence of the problem under consideration.

Reading time 9 minutes

In the process of satisfying animal needs and running after illusory aspirations, many of us often forget about spiritual development, not realizing how important this stage is during the formation of a person as an individual. Do not forget that creative self-development is the implementation of various creative tools of our mind, experience, and skills.

What is creative self-development?

Before moving on to the main stages of development of this area, as well as all sorts of methods that will help stimulate progress, you must first understand what creative self-development is? How to distinguish it from other components of the human personality?

Initially, creativity is a symbiosis of material and spiritual, the result of which is something new, previously unseen, unique - not in direction, but in essence. Creative self-development is a person’s ability, at various levels, to engage in self-expression, embodying their aspirations, dreams and desires in art. By being creative, a person acquires skills such as self-confidence, self-confidence, ambition, stability, as well as the ability to look at life from a completely different angle.

However, one should not consider such a phenomenon as monotonous - creative self-development is a necessary resource for achieving career heights, since it is no secret that people who think differently and are not afraid of new things and experiments are much more valued - all this can be achieved if actively develop and also fill your inner world new knowledge.

Creative people are very meticulous, which also speaks in their favor - it means that the work they start will be brought to its logical conclusion, and the quality will be at a high level. But, like every rule, there are always exceptions.

Stages of creative development

Based on the study of famous psychologists, as well as sociologists, it was possible to identify seven main stages of creative growth:

  1. Selective direction with enhanced motivation. At this stage, the personality independently, through study, or intuitively determines the direction creative activity- the area where she can reveal herself best, discarding her own uncertainty and fear of the new. Creative self-development at this level is absent as such: there is not yet the necessary number of skills and aspirations that would bring the desired result;
  2. Early creative self-determination. It is at this stage that the so-called “self-development program” begins to operate - a choice has already been made in favor of one or another type of self-expression, but at the same time certain internal problems remain - uncertainty, doubts - during this period it is very important to set priorities for yourself with a motivation program, returning to which at any time, you can revive your desire for action;
  3. Gaining professionalism. The name speaks for itself. Distinctive feature this period - complete and perfect mastery of professional techniques, nuances, and means of achieving results in the chosen activity. Skills are honed to perfection - this moment is a catharsis in creative development, because few people want to go back, having done so much work on themselves, realizing in the end that everything was in vain;
  4. First results and achievements. Creative self-development begins to bear its first fruits - the colossal volumes of work done are already visible, and the desire arises in the person himself to share it with others. It is during such “outbursts” that one can trace the development of self-confidence, in one’s abilities - there is no longer any fear of defeat, criticism, and if it is still present, it is very weak, which can be easily nipped in the bud;
  5. Create your own style. It is not for nothing that it is an indisputable axiom that creativity, as a way of self-development, helps to reveal previously unknown facets of human nature that begin to come to life. For example, certain character traits: hot-tempered people can bring in their creativity those truly explosive notes that will set them apart from the rest. Inventing new techniques, characters - all this is just a small fraction of what each of us can create;
  6. Zenith of talent. Having surpassed all expected results, the person begins to strive for new heights - at this stage, creative self-development becomes a necessity - the thought of stopping work on oneself, on one’s self-expression becomes absurd. A person enters into the passion of the hunt - to do his work better, more perfectly, mainly in such a way as to delight everyone, and first of all himself;
  7. Absolute genius. The self-development program at this level is coming to a logical conclusion: the necessary skills and abilities have already been acquired. All desired results have been achieved. The main task of this phase is not to lose new skills, on the contrary, to maintain them at the proper level, honing them to perfection and complete automation; development and implementation of new, own projects - in a word, everything that will help you further develop your internal potential.

Looking at such a “career” ladder, one can clearly trace the growth curve of the internal, as well as creative development personality. Going through all the stages, a person learns not to give in to problems and failures; on the contrary, this is only an additional incentive to conquer the peak, to achieve that absolute, which is complete perfection in all respects.

Code of Laws of Creative Personality

Creative self-development, just like any other, has a number of immutable rules that help you reach the desired heights, and adherence to which will help you not go astray:

  1. Law of holistic development. Defines creative self-development as a daily process - discover something new for yourself every day - study various books, visit exhibitions - make the main credo of the day: “Learn something new.”
  2. Law of cooperation. In this case, the name is consonant with what is being promoted - do not go through your path alone, find a person who will walk next to you along such a necessary, but still thorny path. He will be your support, as well as your support, in those moments when fatigue and uncertainty arise - it will be easier for you to overcome the “equator” if you have a reliable friend nearby.
  3. Healthy competition is a must. Any creative development will not be possible if a person does not have a competitor. But it is necessary to realize that competition should not go beyond normal human relations– respect the successes of others, without trying to paint the joy of victory in dark tones. On the contrary, take her as an example to follow in order to later surpass this result.
  4. Complete freedom of expression. Remember, you are learning techniques in order to create something new, never seen before! Do not try to copy the work of others: no matter how perfectly you recreate the “Madonna in the Grotto”, you will never be able to achieve the ideological value of the original, as well as high praise. Take her idea, but try to implement it differently - the result should bear the imprint of your individuality.
  5. Law of Rest. Any self-development program says that rest is a key part of any growth. Constantly working, without logical breaks, will simply lead you to chronic fatigue, perhaps even depression: there will no longer be that joy from the process itself, and there will also be no excitement for moving forward. The result is running in place, without any prospects..

Compliance with these fundamental dogmas will allow any person to follow his own path, avoiding all kinds of failures, as well as other negative impact factors. Of course, everyone can modify them a little, adjust them to suit themselves, adding something new. The main thing is to leave their essence, the core on which they are based.

Types of creative people

Being able to categorize yourself is a great help in determining the direction that will help you maximize your inner potential. To be assigned to one group or another, you do not need to pass various tests or surveys - everything is based on your skills and talents. Thus, creative development, or rather its direction, will be chosen correctly.

The classification of types includes four blocks, each of which has two or three sub-items:

Opportunities for developing theoretical and practical abilities

Determining how a person knows how to apply his knowledge - by constructing new theories or using them in real life:

Practitioner– people of this type are excellent at bringing to life what is written on paper, while they are absolutely unable to come up with something new while sitting at a desk, having only a computer at their disposal. They need the action itself, the result that can be seen, heard or touched.

Theorist- the complete opposite of the first variety. All those scientific treatises and theories that are so easy to construct are doomed to collapse the moment they are implemented in real life. A striking example– armchair scientists who sometimes create brilliant things, but when they see them not on paper, they may simply not recognize their creation;

For the development of logic and imagination

Each of us has certain inclinations - some like to think about the everyday, others tend to fly into the world of dreams:

Eurist- they will cope best with a task where it is necessary to go beyond what is permitted, to expand the boundaries of consciousness - for such people, creative development is just a way of self-expression, a necessary tool that will make life easier;

Logician– such people spend more time thinking about the method of expression: they need to think through every detail to the smallest detail, think through its interaction with others, and how it will be perceived;

Teamwork ability

A person’s ability to work and create in society, his interaction with them at work:

Initiator- often they are the ones who present a new, completely “fresh” idea - its concept, main aspects, even partially small details, but at the same time, they absolutely do not know how to bring it to life, even frankly speaking, they will not be able to bring it to real life ;

Organizer– can establish the entire necessary executive and creative process, which will be monitored throughout the entire time - from beginning to end, but also, like the initiator, will not be able to participate in the “direct” creation for a number of reasons;

Executor– an ordinary hardworking unit, whose leading function is to complete the assigned tasks. But this does not mean that if you fall into this category, you doom yourself to being caught in the tail. Not at all, this experience will help you achieve those goals that people who fall under the characteristics of an initiator and organizer cannot achieve;

Interests of directions

That direct method through which creative development will be carried out is what allows self-expression to take place:

Artist– spatial, also visual perception. Simply put, seeing a certain picture in his head, a person strives to fix it with the help of a material - stone, canvas with paints, clay - this is the most common type of people, since it does not require a special mindset, and the most important tools can be learned independently;

Journalist– creating creations with the help of linguistic tools – writing books, articles – all desires, aspirations gain strength on paper, hidden complexes disappear, because at this moment a person’s imagination plays a key role, it is not constrained by the boundaries of norms or responsibilities;

Musician– conveying one’s thoughts using the power of music – creating a melody that is a reflection of a person’s inner state, his worldview. In this case, creativity as a way of self-development helps a person get rid of the oppressive burden of hidden emotions, and perhaps convey them to certain listeners;

Engineer– creating new projects that, at first glance, are completely unrelated to creativity. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong - the invention of new designs and mechanisms is also the embodiment of beauty, just using different methods. Engineers, just like the previous types, are creative people who create something that remains in the history of the world for centuries, delighting the views of people.

Based on this classification method, you can easily analyze not only yourself, but also other people in your environment. Perhaps you will be the one who will help others understand themselves by suggesting a possible direction for internal development. Possible because, as with any rule, there are always exceptions.

Parting words

After reading this article, few of you will immediately begin to actively search for your creative potential, and also strive to reveal it. Not at all, many people, having read it, will forget about it completely, but there will also be those who still decide to change their lives in a better direction. If the thought of the need to start following the path of self-development has stuck in your head, then this work was not in vain. After all, those who read this article and realized that it is necessary to change are already at the initial stage personal growth. They are at the stage of creative self-development.

Firstly, don't be afraid to experiment. For example, don’t settle on one direction option. Combine music and poetry, engineering with fine art, because sometimes such symbioses lead to truly delightful, even unforgettable results.

Secondly - don't be afraid to make mistakes. After all, you are not a soulless machine that runs smoothly, with results that are close to perfection. Not at all. So, let your failures be a way to become better. They will help you avoid mistakes in the future and will be an additional way of motivation for you, which will make it easier for you to travel along the road of creative self-development.

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation13.00.08
  • Number of pages 212



1.1. Philosophical and psychological-pedagogical analysis of the main categories of creative self-development of the individual.12

1.2. The essence and content of professional and creative self-development of the individual.36

1.3. The main pedagogical contradictions in the professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality.56


2.1. Justification and implementation of the model of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality.75

2.2. Technology of teaching professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality.105

2.3. Assessing the effectiveness of implementing technology for teaching professional and creative self-development of a future specialist at a university.136

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Professional and creative self-development of subjects of the educational process at the university 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sharshov, Igor Alekseevich

  • Creative self-development of university students through amateur theatrical art 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kozodaev, Pavel Igorevich

  • Pedagogical conditions for designing the “I-concept of creative self-development” of students: Based on the material of teaching pedagogical disciplines 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Golovanova, Inna Igorevna

  • Formation of creative independence of students as the basis for their professional development: Using the example of training commodity experts in the university system 2004, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tsopanova, Elena Izmailovna

  • Independent work as a means of professional and creative self-development of students 2011, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Nazarova, Irina Vladimirovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality”

The relevance of research. The development of modern pedagogy is characterized by increased attention to the inner potential of a person, the creation of an educational environment that promotes the creative self-development of the individual. Existing in the system higher education The urgent need for training intelligent, proactive specialists with developed creative thinking is accompanied by growing dissatisfaction with the educational process, which does not pay due attention to the independent activity of students in the development of professionally significant qualities and abilities. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of a student’s future professional activity depends not only on the professional knowledge and skills acquired at the university, but also on the level of formation of the ability for further professional and creative self-development.

Innovativeness of psychological and pedagogical research (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.A. Verbitsky, P.Ya. Galperin, T.M. Davy-denko, V.V. Davydov, V. P. Zinchenko, I. F. Isaev, V. M. Clarin, I. B. Kotova, V. V. Kraevsky, N. V. Kuzmina, A. I. Mishchenko, A. V. Mudrik, A. Ya. Nain, N.D.Nikandrov, L.S.Podymova, E.G.Silyaeva, G.K.Selevko, V.V.Serikov, V.A.Slastenin, E.N.Shiyanov, N. E. Shchurkova, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), their focus on professional self-determination and self-development, the formation of a reflexive culture of creative thinking, conscious interaction of subjects of education in joint educational and professional activities, intensive development of mechanisms of personal and professional-creative self-development are logical a consequence of the expansion and formation of new values ​​of education. This determines the relevance of studying the essence and mechanism of professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality, identifying and analyzing pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective implementation of this process.

Analysis of the problem under study requires a theoretical and methodological understanding of the concept of “professional and creative self-development of the individual” in accordance with the personality-oriented orientation of education. Basic to the development of the problem under study are works on general laws pedagogical process in higher education, personality models of a future specialist, appropriate technologies of training and education (L.I. Antsyferova, S.I. Arkhangelsky, N.E. Astafieva, E.P. Belozertsev,

A.A.Verbitsky, V.I.Zagvyazinsky, I.F.Isaev, V.A.Kan-Kalik, E.A.Klimov,

V.N. Kosyrev, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, A.N. Leontyev, N.E. Mazhar, L.N. Makarova, V.G. Maksimov, A.K. Markova, N. N. Nechaev, A. G. Pashkov, G. K. Selevko, V. A. Slastenin, N. F. Talyzina, O. K. Tikhomirov, A. I. Uman,

V.D. Shadrikov and others). The concept of “personality” is being rethought in the light of the humanistic approach (B.G. Ananyev, A.G. Asmolov, L.I. Bozhovich, F.E. Vasilyuk,

S.I. Gessen, A.I. Eremkin, D.A. Leontiev, V.M. Menshikov, V.S. Merlin, N.A. Podymov, G.M. Potanin, V.I. Slobodchikov, S. D. Smirnov and others); the concept of “personal self-development” becomes basic for characterizing the goals, content and means of education (V.I. Andreev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, B.Z. Vulfov, O.S. Gazman, N.G. Grigorieva, V.D. Ivanov, V.N. Kolesnikov, N.B. Krylova, L.N. Kulikova, A.K. Markova, B.M. Masterov, N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. Petrovsky, V.V. Serikov , V.A. Slastenin, S.D. Smirnov, T.A. Stefanovskaya, P.I. Tretyakov, E.N. Shiyanov, G.A. Tsukerman, etc.); The concept of “creativity” is being updated more than ever, in particular, as a way of effective self-development and professional and personal self-realization (V.I. Andreev, V.S. Bibler, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, A.V. Brushlinsky, G.Ya. Bush, N.F. Vishnyakova, I.F. Isaev, I.P. Kaloshina, L.N. Kulikova, I.Ya. Lerner, L.S. Podymova, Ya.A. Ponomarev, P.V. Simonov, M.I. Sitnikova, E.V. Tonkov, N.Sh. Chinkina, A.F. Esaulov, etc.). Foreign researchers also address the problems of self-actualization and self-development (R. Burns, S. Buhler, A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers, E. Sutich, etc.).

Self-development of potential capabilities and internal resources of the individual, intensification of students’ creativity, their full self-realization in educational, professional and future professional activities determine the need to study the functional components and means of professional and creative self-development of the individual. The process of transformation and improvement of the modern pedagogical system involves the search for new ideas, technologies, forms and methods of organizing the educational process at a university for the purpose of professional and creative self-development of the individual based on his internal motives, value system and professional goals. An important point of personality-oriented education is the creation and implementation of special models and programs that provide a real opportunity to build and implement individual trajectories of professional and creative self-development, stimulating the student’s activity in mastering the methods and means of implementing this process, necessary for the disclosure of individuality, spirituality, creativity, promoting professional development and self-realization.

Thus, the problem arises of identifying and analyzing the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality.

Solving this problem is the goal of our research.

The object of the study is professional and creative self-development of the individual in the higher education system.

The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality in educational activities.

In accordance with the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. Explore current state problems in pedagogical science and practice.

2. Reveal the essence, content and mechanism of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality.

3. Develop a dynamic model of professional and creative self-development of the individual and a method of visually schematic construction of individual trajectories for the implementation of the corresponding process at a university.

4. To identify and experimentally substantiate a system of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality in the educational process of a university.

5. Based on the results of the study, develop and test a personally-oriented technology for teaching students the skills of professional and creative self-development.

As a research hypothesis, it was suggested that the process of professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality will be effective when implementing the following set of pedagogical conditions:

Creating an attitude of students towards professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities;

Providing technological and innovative training for students to implement the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual;

Increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students;

Organization of complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanities and natural sciences to expand the set of means and methods of professional and creative self-development;

Creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at a university.

Methodological basis research constitutes the conceptual provisions of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theories about the individual as a multifunctional self-developing system, a subject of the creative process and the highest value of society; about the essence of self-development as a mechanism for implementing humanistic principles of education; ideas of creativity as a way of self-development; ideas of culturological, axiological, systemic, personal-activity, individual-creative, contextual, synergetic approaches to the problem of professional and creative self-development of the individual in their integral and complementary combination; provisions of personality-oriented education, aimed at creating conditions for the full creative manifestation and self-development of personal functions of subjects of the educational process and their full professional and creative self-realization.

Research methods. The solution to the set tasks was ensured by a set of complementary research methods, including: methods theoretical analysis philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, diagnostic (questioning, interviewing, conversation, testing, self-assessment, expert assessment, rating, ranking, generalization of independent characteristics, projective techniques); observational (direct, indirect and long-term pedagogical observation); praximetric (analysis of activity products); experimental (stating and formative experiments); mathematical and pedagogical modeling; classical methods of statistical data processing, as well as the method of correlation galaxies and the method of transition to closer correlations.

The experimental base for the research was Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, Pedagogical College named after. K.D. Ushinsky, regional Academy of Childhood, schools Tambov region. The study covered 712 TSU students, 187 high school students, 57 university teachers, methodologists, and school teachers.

The organization of the study was carried out in several stages.

The first stage (1995-1996) - study and analysis of domestic and foreign philosophical, sociological and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; understanding the methodological and theoretical foundations of the study; development and conduct of ascertaining experiment; establishing the initial level of students’ ability for professional and creative self-development; search for a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of formation of the corresponding ability.

The second stage (1996-1998) - development of the content and methodology of the formative experiment; selection of experimental and control groups; studying the features of the formation of students’ readiness and ability to implement the process of professional and creative self-development; experimental work to develop technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development with subsequent diagnostics and comprehension of the results obtained; verification of the identified pedagogical conditions for professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality at a university.

The third stage (1998-2000) - analysis, processing, generalization and systematization of the results of experimental work; formulation of conclusions and methodological recommendations on the issue; registration of research results in the form of a dissertation.

The most significant results obtained by the applicant, their scientific novelty and theoretical value: the essence, content and mechanism of the process of professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality at a university are revealed; a spatial dynamic model of professional and creative self-development of the individual has been developed and substantiated; a method for visually schematic construction of individual trajectories of professional and creative self-development is proposed; pedagogical conditions were identified and experimentally substantiated to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of this process at the university; A personality-oriented technology has been developed for teaching students professional and creative self-development.

Practical significance of the study: its materials can be used in the development of special courses, programs, electives and alternative technologies for training a future specialist. The proposed exercises and assignments can be used as the basis for diagnosing the level of professional and creative self-development of a student. Based on the research materials, a special course “Professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality” has been developed, which can be used in higher educational institutions of any direction in the process of preparing students for professional activities; An educational and methodological manual for teachers and students with specific methods and exercises for professional and creative self-development has been published.

The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by the validity of the initial methodological positions, the use of a complex set of methods that correspond to the purpose and objectives of the study, the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the representativeness of the sample size, the use of mathematical processing methods and the statistical significance of experimental data, the consistency and continuity of results at various stages of the study.

Main provisions submitted for defense:

The concept of “creative self-development of the individual” is generic for the concept of “professional and creative self-development of the individual.” Creative personal self-development (TSL) is an integrative creative process of conscious personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. When analyzing the features of this process for students, its professional orientation is implied. Professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD) of a student is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of a university, ensuring further creative self-realization in professional activities.

The dynamic model of PTSL is built in the space of professional and creative self-development of the individual, the basic vectors of which are self-development, creativity and intelligence. In the three-dimensional model of PTSL, the stages of each of the directions are identified, characterizing qualitative changes in personality.

A set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the possibility and effectiveness of students’ PTSL: creating students’ attitude towards professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities; ensuring technological and innovative training of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual; increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students; organizing the complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanities and natural sciences to expand the set of means and methods of professional and creative self-development; creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at the university. The technology of professional and creative self-development is based on the implementation of each student’s individual trajectory of PTSL, possessing the necessary degree of generality and universality. The technology includes relatively independent blocks, each of which has its own goals and objectives associated with the stages of the PTSL process.

Approbation and implementation of the research results were carried out at International (Orenburg, 1998; Tula, 1998; Belgorod, 1998; St. Petersburg, 1999; Novosibirsk, 1999; Smolensk, 1999; Moscow, 1999), All-Russian (Orsk, 1996, 1999; Barnaul, 1998; Smolensk, 1998; Orel, 1998; Belgorod, 1998 , 1999; Tyumen, 1998; Samara, 1998; Ufa, 1999), regional and interuniversity (Tambov, 1995, February 1998; May 1998; February 1999; September 1999, Balashov, 1996) scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences. In addition, discussions took place on the pages of scientific and methodological journals (Education in the Region, issue 2, 1998; issues 3 and 4, 1999), educational and methodological manuals (Tambov, 1997; 1999 .), collections scientific works and monographs (Moscow, April 1998; November 1998; Lipetsk, 1998, 1999; Tambov, 1998; Belgorod 1999). The results of the study were discussed at meetings of the departments of pedagogy at Belgorod and Tambov state universities. Research materials are used in the educational process of Tambov state university, Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, Pedagogical College named after. K.D. Ushinsky of Tambov, regional Academy of Childhood, schools of the Tambov region; A special course and scientific and methodological recommendations on teaching professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality at a university were introduced into practice.

The structure of the dissertation was determined by the logic of the research and the assigned tasks. It includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”, Sharshov, Igor Alekseevich

Experimental work to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the PTSL process in the student’s educational activities was carried out within the framework of the ascertaining and formative stages.

The justification and implementation of the dynamic model of PTSL made it possible to identify the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual: trivial-adaptive (0), reflective-semantic (I), organizational-cognitive (II), active-creative (III) and the stage of dialectical self-realization (IV) ; propose a method for visually schematically constructing individual trajectories of students’ PTSL; develop a special personality typology in the context of PTSD (8 groups); identify criteria, indicators and levels of PTSL formation: very low, low, medium, high.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the PTSL process was carried out according to identified criteria (independence in professional / educational-professional/ activities, professionally-oriented thinking, creative attitude towards professional / educational-professional/ activities).

As part of the ascertaining experiment, using the method of correlation galaxies, data were obtained confirming the theoretical grounds for considering professional and creative self-development as an integrative creative process that ensures further creative self-realization in professional activities; The features of the spontaneous implementation of this process at the university were studied, and the internal (personal and creative) pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of PTSL at the university were identified.

In a formative experiment within the framework of the technology of teaching students professional and creative self-development, personal and creative pedagogical conditions were experimentally tested, the effectiveness of the implementation of this process at the university was assessed and the reliability of the data obtained was statistically confirmed. Significant changes in the indicators of PTSL formation, a qualitatively better distribution by PTSL levels in the experimental groups compared to the control groups confirm the fact of increasing the effectiveness of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality in educational activities when implementing the following pedagogical conditions:

Creating an attitude of students towards professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities;

Providing technological and innovative training for students to implement the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual;

Increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students;

Organization of complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanities and natural sciences to expand the set of means and methods of professional and creative self-development;

Creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at a university.


The study of the fundamental categories of professional and creative self-development of the individual has shown that science has not yet determined a unified approach to the problem under study. Introducing the concepts “creative self-development of the individual” and “professional and creative self-development of the individual” into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy and filling them with pedagogical content required both analytical and integral comprehension of these concepts. Based on the results of the theoretical and experimental work, the following conclusions can be drawn. An analytical study of the generic concept “creative self-development of the individual” was carried out, a comparison of existing philosophical and psychological-pedagogical interpretations of the terms “personality”, “creativity”, “self-development” was carried out, and our own point of view was developed. When considering an individual in the dissertation, the emphasis is on its uniqueness, own way development and formation, which is the priority value of the educational process. For a detailed study of creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon, a taxonomy of various approaches to this concept has been built, based on the fundamental differences in the author’s positions, taking into account the close relationship between creativity and self-development noted by many scientists. The study considers creativity as the most important way of effective self-development, which determines its creative essence.

The concept of “self-development” is not disclosed in either philosophical or psychological-pedagogical dictionaries, which creates uncertainty in its understanding and complicates the introduction of independent activity of students into the educational process. The work highlights three approaches to explaining the essence of self-development: through universal concept“development” (broad approach); through philosophical identification with self-motion (ispecial); using a description of individual “self-” skills and abilities of the individual (discrete) - and also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The author's understanding of the essence of self-development is proposed, the main characteristics, functional components, and the degree of influence of internal and external factors are determined. A family chain has been built: self-development -> creative self-development of the individual (TCJ1) -> professional and creative self-development of the individual (PTSD).

Various mechanisms of self-development are combined into four functional blocks-stages - self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization - with justification for their sequence and integral-functional interaction. Personal self-development is defined as a conscious process of personal development with the goal of effective self-realization based on internally significant aspirations and external influences.

“Creative self-development of the individual” is not obtained by a simple addition of its constituent concepts, but is a qualitatively new phenomenon as a result of integral interaction and internal interpenetration of the original concepts. Creative self-development of the individual is an integrative creative process of conscious personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. The process of creative self-development affects all internal spheres of a person and finds its expression in all personal manifestations.

When analyzing the features of this process for students, its professional orientation is implied. Then the student’s professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD) is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of the university, ensuring further creative self-realization in professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intellectual and pedagogical activity aimed at oneself as ways to intensify this process.

The study draws attention to the fundamental substantive and semantic discrepancy between the terms “creative self-development of the individual” and “self-development of the creative abilities of the individual.” For the effective use of creativity as a way of self-development, a certain level of development of the creative qualities and abilities of the individual is necessary, therefore the process of self-development (and development) of creative abilities is a necessary link and an integral part of the TCJI process.

Creative self-development of the individual is considered as a certain structural and procedural characteristic of the individual, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of the “self” processes, and as a level and special quality of the individual (as the ability for creative self-development). This allows us to introduce the concept of the space of creative self-development of the individual, located in the multidimensional space of personal qualities, values ​​and abilities. Self-development, creativity and intelligence are taken as the basic vectors of the TCJI space. The space is permeated and provided personal factors(for example, motivation for a given process) that do not satisfy the principle of independence, and therefore are not independent coordinates.

Structurally, PTSL is a subspace of the TSL space, and its model can be built in the same coordinate system, taking into account the professional orientation of each axis. In the dynamic model of professional and creative self-development of the individual, four key stages of each direction are identified and justified, characterizing qualitative changes in the individual: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education, self-realization - along the “self-development” axis; rational-mathematical thinking, semantic memory, verbal abilities, logic - along the “intelligence” axis; creative imagination, figurative memory, acting, intuition - along the “creativity” axis. When identifying stages, the principle of mutual complementarity and synchronization of corresponding qualities at stages of the same name is implemented.

The features of the student’s PTSL process from an age perspective are analyzed, external and internal contradictions associated with the student’s personality and the conditions of his professional and creative self-development are systematized. The work identifies three groups of relevant contradictions: socio-pedagogical, reflecting inconsistencies between social processes in society and the functioning of the pedagogical system, which is part of the social subsystem; organizational and pedagogical, arising in the educational system itself, in the process of organizing the educational and professional activities of students (within this group, an important subgroup of contradictions is identified, which is determined by the discrepancies between the professional skills, abilities and values ​​of teachers necessary to ensure the process of PTSL of students and the actual degree of preparedness of teachers ; these contradictions are designated as professional and pedagogical); personal and creative contradictions within the student’s personality as a subject of the educational process at the university, reflecting the reasons for the formation and course of the student’s PTSL process. The identified groups of contradictions complement each other and generally perform the function driving forces the student’s PTSL process, determining its main pedagogical patterns and factors.

Based on the logical analysis of the identified contradictions and the study of special research in this area, the external pedagogical conditions for the process of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality are formulated (social-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical), the study and verification of the effectiveness of which due to objective circumstances is impossible within the framework of this study. The identified professional and pedagogical conditions, which are more related to the teacher’s personality and the degree of its influence on the student’s PTSL process, update the further direction of the research. The dynamic model of PTSL and its implementation is substantiated: - using the stages of basic processes, the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual are identified and described: trivial-adaptive (0), reflective-semantic (I), organizational-cognitive (II), active-creative ( III) and the stage of dialectical self-realization (IV); a criterion for transition from stage to stage is formulated: achievement of the corresponding (at least) stages of each of the coordinate components; the infinity and cyclical nature of the PTSL process are shown;

A method is proposed for visually and schematically constructing individual (subjectively optimal) trajectories of professional and creative self-development of students, focusing on the motives, personal abilities and goals of the future professional activity of each student as the main guidelines educational activities at the university. Thus, the dynamic model of PTSL allows us to substantiate the possibility and provides specific ways to implement an individual and differentiated approach at a university when implementing the student’s PTSL process;

Based on the characteristics of the degree of expression of basic abilities (creativity, intelligence and self-development), a typology of personality in the context of PTSL has been developed, consisting of 8 qualitative various groups;

The criteria /independence in professional (educational and professional) activities, professionally oriented thinking, creative attitude towards professional (educational and professional) activities/ and indicators of PTSL are identified, on the basis of which, using the developed typology of personality, the levels of formation of PTSL of students are identified: very low , low, medium, high.

Within the framework of the ascertaining experiment, using the method of correlation galaxies and the method of transition to closer correlation connections, the integrity of professional and creative self-development was proven; The features and disadvantages of the spontaneous implementation of this process in a university have been studied. Based on the study of the scientific and theoretical foundations and practical justification of the concept of “professional and creative self-development of the individual,” the dissertation identified and experimentally tested the personal and creative pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student’s personality at the university, ensuring its existence and effective functioning: creating a student attitude on professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities; ensuring technological and innovative training of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual; increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students; organizing the complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanities and natural sciences to expand the set of means and methods of professional and creative self-development; creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at the university.

A technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development is proposed, based on the implementation of each student’s individual trajectory of PTSL, but having the necessary degree of generality and universality when used by other teachers and in other circumstances (subject to the selected pedagogical conditions). Priority is given to the goals of professional and creative self-realization of students, then to forms and methods of teaching that allow both organizing the fruitful activities of students and teaching them the methods and means of PTSL. The technology includes six relatively independent blocks, which are closely related to the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development, therefore the proposed sequence of their passage is recommended. At the same time, each block has variable content, which allows you to change the sequence of studying topics within the block, taking into account the individual trajectories and characteristics of students, their motivation, objective conditions, in particular, the profile of the faculty.

An assessment was made of the effectiveness of the implementation of the technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development: changes in the control and experimental groups by PTSL levels were studied; an analysis of the specific qualities and abilities that influenced these changes was carried out; their reliability has been statistically confirmed. For a more detailed study of the features of the interrelations of PTSL elements at each level, the method of correlation galaxies and the method of transition to closer correlation connections were used: the integrity of the PTSL concept was confirmed - the system-forming element is professional self-realization and some elements specific to each level; the most stable connections between the elements of PTSL are highlighted. As a result, we can draw the following conclusion: when moving to a higher level of formation of professional and creative self-development of the individual, the integrity increases of this quality and vice versa: the interaction of all components of PTSL, subject to the selected personal and creative pedagogical conditions, helps to increase the level of its formation and ensures the effectiveness of this process.

All of the above allows us to assert that the research problem has been sufficiently solved in the dissertation: the pedagogical conditions for the professional and creative self-development of a student’s personality have been identified, scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested. The results of theoretical analysis and experimental work generally confirmed the hypothesis we put forward.

We see further scientific research on this problem in the study of professional and creative self-development of the personality of a university teacher, the characteristics and conditions for the effectiveness of this process. This will allow us to generalize the results of the study on the problem of professional and creative self-development of subjects of the educational process of the university.

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Clearly generating entropy, it serves as a source of self-destruction, turning from a force opposing chaos into a force feeding it. From here it becomes clear how important it is that the contradictions in the development of the style of pedagogical activity are experienced by the teacher fruitfully.

Since the individual style of activity is a relatively stable phenomenon, it is difficult to predict in advance which of the possible directions the system will “choose” at this point, which path its further development will take - all this depends on random factors. Therefore, pedagogical assistance to a teacher who is in a disequilibrium state is very important. But it should be noted that external pedagogical assistance will be effective only in the presence of formed internal conditions, i.e., depending on how much the teacher has independently moved forward in the process of understanding the need to change the individual style of pedagogical activity.

Since we characterize the individual style of pedagogical activity as a constant self-regulating system in which information coming from outside is processed in a self-organizing process, it is the active role of internal conditions, which are increasingly formed and developed, that determines the range of external influences. From this statement

It follows that in order to effectively influence the development of a teacher’s individual style, it is necessary to disrupt its static stability and, through bifurcation, transfer it to a dynamically non-equilibrium, but amenable to influence, state of self-regulated development.

The most difficult moment is the process of creating disturbances to develop an individual style of activity in the right direction. The teacher’s self-orientation towards maximizing the potential of the internal environment and continuous self-renewal are impossible without the teacher’s creative approach to self-regulation of the style-system.

Thus, within the framework of the synergetic approach, the individual style of a teacher’s activity is an open, self-regulating integral system that ensures its development through the active use of both internal resources and opportunities determined by environmental conditions. This approach is not a denial of any of those currently existing in philosophical and psychological-pedagogical science, but allows a new solution to problems associated with the development of the individual style of professional activity of a teacher, with the transition of his functioning under the influence of “control levers” (G. Haken) to more high level associated with a more complex organization.


I.A. Sharshov

Analysis of the problem under study requires a theoretical and methodological integral understanding of the concept of “professional and creative self-development of the individual” in accordance with the personally oriented orientation of education. To do this, we are building a strict generic conceptual chain “self-development” -> “creative self-development of the individual” -> “professional and creative self-development of the individual.”

Self-development, in our opinion, is the highest level of self-motion, at which not chaotic, but directed, conscious changes occur, leading to a qualitative transformation of the elements of the system and their functions, accompanied by an increase in the number of degrees of freedom of the system and the emergence and complication of new dynamic connections and relationships with the environment . Dialectics of interaction between internal

them and external factors is determined by the level of independence of the system, or more precisely, the level of its self-organization. The more self-organized the system, the less significant the influence of external factors. The ability to self-organize directly proportionally determines the degree of freedom of the system, the level of its autonomy and stability.

The process of self-development is endless, while the process of self-organization, in relation to the individual, without further clarification, will have a limit determined by the absence of special qualities of a rational system - mechanisms of self-knowledge. Highlighting self-knowledge as the first relatively independent functional block of self-development, it is necessary to note its inextricable functional connection with self-organization. Self-organization, building on the mechanisms of self-generation

knowledge is exclusively conscious in nature: the internal goal is formed by the individual himself; self-regulation is carried out between various components of the personality as a system; an attitude towards external goals and influences is being developed. Representatives of the synergetic approach (N.N. Moiseev, I. Prigozhin, G. Haken, etc.) argue that it is the possibility of conscious choice from various options that underlies self-development, contributing to the emergence of more advanced forms of self-organization.

Effective personal development requires consideration of not only the means by which an individual obtains information about himself (self-knowledge), planning, ensuring and controlling his behavior (self-organization), but also the mechanisms and essence of the individual’s goal-setting and means of achieving results. A special aspect of the study is professional self-realization as the goal, condition and result of targeted professional and creative self-development of the individual during the process of studying at a university. The process of self-realization involves setting goals, developing plans, projects and ideas, as well as mastering ways to implement them.

Full self-realization of an individual necessarily presupposes a preliminary stage at which the individual’s pedagogical activity is carried out, directed toward himself, with the goal of not just revealing existing abilities, but also acquiring and developing new ones for the individual’s conscious improvement of his essential and potential strengths in order to “complete” himself to ideal image (“self-education”) as a holistic personality capable of creative self-realization. To do this, we highlight a relatively independent block of self-development mechanisms preceding self-realization - self-education, which includes the processes of self-learning and self-education.

Thus, personal self-development is a conscious process of personal development with the goal of effective self-realization based on internally significant aspirations and external influences. We have combined various mechanisms of the self-development process into four functional block stages: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization. In the holistic structure of functional blocks of personal self-development, we consider creativity and intelligence as methods.

The need for an intellectual component is caused by the real state of affairs in the educational process at a university: the educational and professional activities of students are based primarily on intellectual activity, suggesting a high degree of mental development of the individual. In conditions of self-development, those students who have more advanced intelligence have the best chances.

Of particular interest in this regard is creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon. Self-development is also possible at the reproductive level, in the absence of a creative direction of activity. If in a philosophical sense self-development implies certain changes in personality, the emergence of something new (a sign of creativity), then in pedagogical terms simple changes cannot be considered a manifestation of creative activity. Thus, we consider creativity as the most important way of effective self-development, which determines its creative essence.

All of the above allows us to affirm the existence of the integral concept of “creative self-development of the individual” (TSL). It is a certain structural and procedural characteristic of a personality, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of the processes of “self”, and as a level and special quality of a personality (as the ability for creative self-development).

Such an interpretation allows us to introduce the concept of the space of creative self-development of the individual, located in the multidimensional space of personal qualities, values ​​and abilities. For clarity, let’s enlarge the basis of space: let’s take self-development, creativity and intelligence as basic vectors. In fact, these concepts themselves are multidimensional formations, that is, some subspaces of lower dimension in the same TSL space.

Self-development (Q

Rice. 1. Space for creative self-development of the individual

Creative self-development of the individual is

an integrative creative process of conscious personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. The TSL process, as a form of existence of a personality at a certain stage of its formation, affects all internal spheres of a person and finds its expression in all personal manifestations: in activity, activity, communication, etc.,

which, in turn, contributes to the formation of further motivation for creative self-development. When analyzing the features of this process for students, we mean its professional orientation.

Then the student’s professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD) is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of the university, ensuring further creative self-realization in professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intelligence as ways to intensify this process.

Professional competence is formed on the basis of general personal development (education) and for further cultural development and the formation of his individual style of activity. Structurally, PTSL is a subspace of the TSL space, and its model can be built in the same three-dimensional coordinate system, taking into account the professional orientation of each axis. A point in the PTSL space reflects the state of professional creative self-development of the individual at a given moment, determined by the degree of expression of the qualities-coordinates. To build a visual model of the PTSL process, we identify the key stages of all three basic processes in the PTSL space (self-development, intelligence and creativity), the spatial intersections of which will give an idea of ​​their integral interaction.

Considering self-development as a structural and procedural characteristic of a person, we can draw a parallel between the functional blocks of self-development that we have identified and the stages of implementation of self-development as a process. As such block-stages in the formation of the ability for self-development, let us take self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization, which have a professional orientation. For creativity and intelligence, we also offer several relatively independent block-stages, each of which reveals a certain facet of the concepts of “creativity” and “intelligence” and gives an idea of ​​the dynamics of the corresponding professional growth. For the axes of creativity and intelligence in the PTSL space, we implement the principle of mutual complementarity of the corresponding qualities at the stages of the same name, synchronizing them with the stages along the “self-development” axis.

The first stages of intelligence and creativity will be called mutually complementary personal and professional characteristics: rational-mathematical thinking (including spatial thinking) and creative imagination, respectively. Just as self-knowledge is

the foundation of self-development, and these abilities are the basis for the formation of the intellectual and creative personality of a specialist.

In factor models of intelligence, as well as in intelligence tests, mathematical and (sometimes as a separate) spatial factors are necessarily present, and in many theories they are decisive. But in reality, during the process of studying at universities, these abilities are developed only in special faculties, depriving students of humanities faculties of the mathematical component as a powerful means of self-development of professionally significant qualities.

The stage of rational-mathematical thinking implies the development of not only arithmetic abilities, but also spatial imagination, which has a direct connection with creative imagination. We understand the latter as the ability of an individual to create new images, structures, ideas, connections through the combination or recombination of previously known elements. Thus, creative imagination is based on operating with visual mental models, but at the same time it has features of indirect, generalized cognition and abstract ideas that unite it with thinking. It is important that figurative imagination is integrated with rational-mathematical imagination for the purpose of their full mutual development. This interaction mobilizes intuition and observation, a critical attitude towards what is being studied, the ability to generalize, logic, accuracy, the ability to model, the ability to generate ideas, analyze and defend one’s opinion, systematize knowledge, etc.

As the second stages of intelligence and creativity, we note memory (semantic and figurative, respectively). Both intellectual and creative aspects are hidden in mnemonic activity. G.K. Sereda characterizes memory as a continuous, never-ending process of “self-organization” of a person’s individual experience. That is, professional memory organizes and reconstructs acquired knowledge.

Semantic memory, which is inherent to a greater extent in an intellectual person, is distinguished on the basis of the relationship between memory and thinking and consists in the fact that information is subjected to active mental processing, logical analysis and synthesis, establishing relationships, generalization, etc. Semantic memory refers to deliberate thought processes : the subject consciously sets a goal, a task for memorization, providing volitional regulation of memory processes. Figurative memory is determined by the connection of memory with perception and imagination and is usually divided into separate types, depending on the type of analyzer: visual, auditory, gustatory, tactile and olfactory.

new memory. In our opinion, a more successful characteristic of memory is not the source of information, but the object of memory. If semantic memory deals with concepts and words, then figurative memory, of course, operates with images. At the same time, figurative memory is often involuntary in nature, causing the emergence of unexpected associations; it is characterized by emotionality, which is an additional powerful factor in memorization. For effective professional and creative self-development, it is necessary to use all types of memory together, complementing them.

The third stage of intelligence will be the verbal abilities noted by all researchers, which closely correlate with the general culture of the individual and academic performance. By verbal abilities we include semantic understanding, the ability to make verbal analogies, the ability to define and explain concepts, verbal fluency, adequate vocabulary (professional literacy), etc.

For creativity, as the third stage, we will highlight a dual method of self-expression and self-education in relation to verbal abilities - acting. When preparing a specialist, it is useful to use the basic techniques of the K.S. system in education. Stanislavsky, improving the art of impersonation, speech improvisation, facial expressions, gestures, etc. Moreover, unlike an actor, in the creative arsenal of a self-developing personality there should be more roles, her behavior should be more flexible and inventive. Acting techniques of creative transformation enrich the possibilities of self-knowledge of the individual and the means of professional communication.

Finally, the fourth stages of intelligence and creativity will be called logic and intuition, respectively. Just as self-realization is both a stage and an intermediate goal of self-development, upon achievement of which a new round of the endless process of self-development begins, so logical and intuitive abilities act directly as qualities inherent in an intellectual and creative personality at certain stages of PTSL, as well as the goals of this process, which consist in

the ability of an individual to practically solve professional problems and tasks.

Logic, being the highest manifestation of intellectual thinking, acts, at the same time, as a starting point for intellectual development at a higher level of professional self-improvement. Similarly, intuition is interpreted as the root cause of the creative act hidden in the depths of the unconscious (A. Bergson, N.O. Lossky, Z. Freud, etc.), that is, it necessarily accompanies all previous stages of creativity, and as a specific mechanism of the creative process, not reducible to discursive thinking. Professional intuition is considered the highest manifestation of competence, being a specific creative mechanism for going beyond the boundaries of established professional stereotypes.

Let's build a PTSL model by depicting the correspondence of the stages of three coordinate components in PTSL space.

Rice. 2. Model of professional and creative personal self-development (PTSD)

The spatial model of PTSL is dynamic, since the process of professional and creative self-development in it can be schematically represented as the movement of an individual from point O, which corresponds to the minimum expression of basic qualities and abilities (or from the actual state of PTSL in which the individual is currently located), to the top cube corresponding to the achievement of the fourth stages in all directions. The implementation of this movement is individual for each student.

^ "Self-salience

НІ ~ Self-education



And yoke mile I---L oopoe

Verbal abilities

Meaning about share

Regional-mathematical thinking